b t fe„ 4.l4ght maim Ana ape rfrr Gl r?Ato\ The (.I .4 o)ielLilit evtil be loaned from this time Aintll after Hie Preaidential election at FIFTY eI:NTS, or FIVE COPIES for rwo DOLl:Alte;—in advance in all Jamie. Fellow DemocrMss, the most effee- tive to help the Democratic cause i 8 to elreulute Demoeratie Me". The ComPILEE will do Its full duty for the enlightenment of the people, WS heretofore. CIRCULATE CIROD. LATE ! I U=! = Fr.ovit, lty}. W HITE W H EAT, WIIEAT,. ('u AN ......... It yr, HAY, CU) F.H.SFICD••• FI,A X P0EN...........:b...*... 1 ai bo Q 10 00 00 200 10 00 .40;e, EMI IV II I:Al ..... / , 0; 1( .............. ()Al's CLAW EE-NEED,.. Ti StoTti V-s Era),.. ..... • hunil ELIA , CATTLE,V huptl HAY . 9 00 4 950 414 4 . 1-5 1-40 ® 110 I ® 1 25 (40 ® , 809 (4 9W 3 3 12 12 75 6 9 13 75 8 50 ls )7 00 12 00 011 18 0o (i(1.1), Phila., =! On the IMIt lust., in tbl place, by Rev. W. It. H. DeatrJek, Mr. JOHN P. 13Yk.RN to blbut Al) ‘1,11 , 1}: YANK, botlt Highland town mnip, thn, ,NJunty. On the 1 nit. at Art:Weeville, by Rev. D. W. NV ont, . .1101:1'k to Mks GER, both tof Butler ton inthlp. On the nit loot., et the Itefortand Paredndge. Nen t , xfont, itey. W. 1. P. 1110. le Mr. J. E. ZINN to 911. E LLIZA .A2NN BERK. HELMER, bat% of lon, county. On the eater day, by the *amt., Mr. HENRY C. OATIF.B to Mne. MAGGIE N. nANIdEltd, both of Adam. county. On the Ith last , at the Mader a restdenee, tp Hey. 11. I ;n..1111111. Mr. ISA AC H MACK" to Mim. ANN 1,1,17 A BETH. ISAVERI4ThtIt, Loth of t nty. 121133 On the rkth Innt„ nt Tr.ntt,n, Neu Jersey, Mr,,. .1 . 0 M , w tft 4,1 er, .11,,ughtat .11 1. J. 1: Ip, late of llett)shurg, IftN F:MANVEL, Infant t hert, neut. NCB Oxforti, int the , 14011 of Mr. .lohn A 10.;,e , 1 I )4.,a And II STAVES FOR SALE. IA Ni. 1 I CI 1 , 1.01.7 It 11A1tREL ‘ 20,01/l) nl'.l 1.2. n iur tittltt Il:NItY, 111 •utlmefittta CaslAtni n, Adana, At, 14, 4t• HARVESFE' PIO NIG I A ( ;lb 'rats eat Pie :11< still 1 , 1.1.1 at 1 aid, hitt NA'l 11l I /A Y, nuugl't'luuol,slitbe tiro, I%led, and Refrealinuit• run he bind on the ground. 'Tree public are reopectAnly Invited 19u• I'lc 11 ut will 1143 Colltllllll4l daring the .2% ening, tit Ith and dancing. Tire g rto. e lie lighted. J. SHF.ELY, 11. isTOVE.II, li. IlItI)U1111, W. RIPIECKER, aunalttee. Aug 11,18114. tp Gettysburg Female Institute, num next .blllOll of thin ImitHutton will 1 commence on 'FL ENDAY, the hit of .4El'- I'k:5ll3ER. For information with nvan.l to the bthool. , .111ra. 1..”(811 , .13., 1 rluelpal, or 1111 LONG %YELL, WM. R. NYSTER, X. M., AMAMI%IitB .lug 13, It,. It TURKEY QUILLS WANTED. fallen naturally Irani the %lugs; of the tar 7sr-sm. The ad% ert leer eau 111 the cliff...rein, h. ta Iliac which have !alien and those NV hi h have been,pullecl oat. WIII take twelve U. Leave then, at the alike of the Cou rt! !At; Aug 1.11,15A 4 If NOTICE 111118: Rehool Dlrectora of Cumbertund tuun -1,111.1p H 111 nivel. at tho Normal School Room, in fletlyothu . rg, nu HATURD IY, Ar t4Unl' at 10 o clock, A. , tor the par ikwe of employlog 8 Teachers to toke thargt• at the sur, era! itehuolm In amid tuwwthlp. Ily order or tho BoArtl. A. SPANGLER., Pr et lies •.I.lt, See y 14, 1,,a, Administrators' Notice. I EVT F.lST.TH.—Letteni of ad min It.iratlou on the estate of L.e I late of Franit.itu township, deeentteci, having t it granted to the undersigned, tesating in the same ton naltip, they hereby give not lee to all persons Indebted to Raid estate is , make lama/ tate pavilions, and these has I n g eliding agahlo.t the noose to pt meet them properly nit. ll• Waled Is, alelLlenleall. JAMES WILLIAM IRVIN, Administrators Aug. 11, iWn. 6 SPRING OFF AT MST! •Ti,E undersignisl, to dose out the business, isNti VF F AT MST, at his fMore, on the York Turnpike, three miles east of hAt sburg, n gnoil Mock of Cassimeres, Cassinets, Routs, :shoes, Glover, Stockings, DE -1..11N tilngliains, &rage,, klustins, lane Ladles' liandkerehleis, Hosiery, - Notions, Sc.; also Queens-ware, atone-ware, 441 am-ware, and Tilt-ware, of all kinds, Cedar Ware, Tubs. Buckets, and' a thousand oilier ell. • Likewise for sale, an excellent LOU -111,E.8A Ii.II.ELF.D GUN. NOW FOR BARGAINS! Come one, come 11, Ann ne outtal. You'll not regret O. JOHN NOltilktl.K.. Aug. 14,1:43. tt Admen etrator's Notice. irtt:olloE YOB ESTATE.—Lettors of :ad 'Ur Inlesistrabkm on theestote of tieorge Yohe, late of Hamilton towing:tip, Adams eon n ty, ceosed, having ls , on !minted to the u mienoan ed. resldlng In the same township, he hereby awed notice to those indebted to sold estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the tune to present. them pro perly authontieated for settlement. 1U.N11,1, Adultiii•trat“r. Jul}'t, Executor's Notice NiEP 11 8N EF:RI NO ER t F.,TA,T.E.—Let .O tees tLxitantary uu Un, ectote I Joseph enonelinger," Conowego township, Ad agio; , dOccumed, ha% lug been granted to the undersigned residing to tn.; cause ton u ip,llo hereby gives notice to all per+ons in debted to sald extlay to make immediate payment, Hint tame having claims against Um same to present them properly auti.ent.i. -.Led for settlement, _ BEM iIEMEE! Administrator's Notice. A M F ., . WI L , ON'S &sT.S.TE —Letters of ad - m anrstt ot a Oethe ortateo I Hanlnsues W I son, Irate of the Ike ono. braettyihnrit, Aden. coutt ty, dorotsol, 111*.tnn. been grunted to the wnienit,...roxl, ?retain* an the some piste, he los thy gives notice to all persona in. dented to said °stub: to wake Lrantediste pa) ' mmt, and those hosing el/111218 usrainat. the SWIM to preuntt tbern properly autnentleated for ',Atka:tent .7 ply 31, Isat. 64* ISAAC ROBI SoN, Ads:Swat rotor A SERVANT FOR ALL Moth's Improvemeat tor Opesing. Cle. /OE mad Longa'laic u■tu. .1 1 : 6, 41 .n ut . tacheal , to any team o nt r s t: td s i k e nd b, y ot n e n r , - , any desired dinwtlon from the gate-- 04).4ml and closed from one pOlot, at any dadanee train the gate. This improvemelit la simple and cb,ap, yet weed, and atrong will not be diaarrauged by %lief sagging of the gate, nor by the frost retain the pram; may be made at a emantrytriltit'a and entity attached to u gate. The ondenti gned, baring the Right for Adams Om lay, win sell l'ownshlp and Farm Rights of this improve ment. Also, MOTH & BLUME'S AMERICAN LE VER. OATF,—* bleb a•Itl be found valuable end convenient to all who have gates to drive tbroogh--ae they remain by their team, open, clone and latch a gato, without the u.o.uuttY of getting In the wet or mud. Yor further information, &a., nddreva ISRAEL 1311.1CKEM, Menallen P. 0., Adams eo., May 1.1869. U .RICH A 8 CRCEBUB"—Tremendowk Iftkite ntect I Unprecedented rush for the rum , CIICES DB • \ SOAP. Tho vaolailgg pass or Ads goop are truly marvelous. No pennon *bo ham ever tried It Ido without It Ili endations are perfoot. alter said Itoniderlid . &Minted to contain pOiror UK, *liar's worth. thin y other solotn'thlrtincriet—thereSare the Meson& Try it. tiatlsgsegion guaran. (It need according to tilreetlons)ur Mon ey Ash any ti llieriellisturol only by JIGISOILLiga , .III.Lig., • ' tentetttrgitiao WM110 5 4 ) N 4AS York Avjairatit &et Plat: o. . , P 1713110 SALE On SATUILDAY, the 1:411 tlay of hiEPTEM nextthe wittwerf bet, AdMinlstratorof the estate of Jpeeph Spangler, deceased, will sell ist,Puhlie tYtir.tFt.the 'late twsidenee ut aid eedent.in ttougHn township, Adams eonnlA alocml one mile east of New Chester, the Itoi -I°wtt~lKEMlll2.°4Mitiv,;,VlA. ;ear old f'olt, I suelttng (44;2 Mitch low*, ttoifera,l ; dnh irthif..f*PreeP, Monts I F our. lingsettleigon, Lime Bed, Manure lksards, Cutting Ploughs and Harrows, elms el Plough and Corn Fork, Cern Shelter Itolllng Armen, Sin gle and Doithie Trek, Ft eel Trough, g sets of Breerhhesds, 1 set of ?rout Omni, Bridles, Ltotlans.Lluel4, Butt an,l Breast Chains, Halter lhatus,t, non Crielle,MoWing Or the, Kakis, Forks, Puns Hook, AgM, Maul anal Wedges Mattock, 1:00 Oak Slilogl4l4, lot of shitigle , Wood, a scrips of IN Co. Stir Net, lot of Augers and Square n-plate stoi c and Pipe, fledand Bedding, Tulde, 2 stunning Wheels anti .1 Reel, lot of Cardtai t Lad, Looking °Mises, 011 Cloth, Iron Ilk, Tubs. ,Barre ls and Meat Vessel., I Silver Welch, suds eagle. ty of other art rules, too nun s rout to 11.11t1013. sale to corm:low, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on naid ‘IST, When attendance will la. siren and lei Ir. !mule n nAmtrd. 2dp RCH , Aatin . r. Octlojeee„ 4 PUBLIC SALE. fytitiltD4Y. the "it day et. ALM CST 1n.., he undersign. , Intending to quit housekeeping, w IU sell at Public Sale, ou Ilat titnats ktrest, Cettystrarg, Ms entire atts L. of Household and Kitchen Furniture, : $ GM" SHOATS, II Iterlateads and Hedrittig, I Corner Clipboard, 1 sink, 1 "summer Rose" Cook Stove end klzturvs, I dawn Chains, 1 Rocking Chair, 1 Lounge, 1 Dining Table, I Kltataui . 41.1bie, 2 Clatats,l Stand, 1 Thirty-hour Oink, I.Ltrok ing 10 ants Carpet, yards 1)11 Cloth, 1 (1111da t amuse, though-tray, Churn, Ttn. Ilucketa, Wcasten Iron Kettla, Villa, - MUTSU, tiolcoß, Queenn-warr, Tin-ware Crockery -% ore, Iron Pots/Lod Pons, Shovel, hoes, York, Rake, It pal Saw, Skin Saddle, ..dams Counts Mn;,, with other arti too nun), runs to mention. 11 00 7 00 80 Q.; 2 20 - 1 1 5 Sale tnctiminnweat I o'clock, P. M., on aalil da), when attendance will lx< gls and terms made known by D. H. IN.LINt+EL. A., W. Fl.Exxixo, Auctioneer. Aug. lit, la PUBLIC SALE =I! REAL AND PERSON tt, F,STATE ehNlATrXtrti, 414. sth day of 44 EPTA.7S4L J IsER, 150., at t/ o'clock, A. M. the under xigued, Aticalniairator of 1103 notate of Jere tolah 11. niter, decoaried, will otter at Panic Nile, at lie logo reAkiener of said deoesoed, In Haralltonban townalop, A.ltitOM county, Pa., tthoUt 4 mina nortiment. of Fatrneld, the fol lowing valuable propert, to wit: THREE t '4l ORK licatSll4, one of theta a gaud Faintly Horse, 2 COWIi, 3 Young Cattle, 3 How, 1 good lour-110M Wag on, 1 go,al Fulling-top lawny, Wood Stone Bed, tnrrla44c, Piougna, Shape and Double Shun 41 Ploughs, Harrow, 1.1,111 Fan, Cutting Box, 2 good tottin 4, Forks, Itakm Slap, els, 11,k, a No. I Log I Sal u, 1,4 k Chain',, Rough Lock, Sincadele, Double and Sloan lr, n , 2 ql•ts Brett hb.l/1,14, I bit Front Coldtra, broth., 1,l ale, Itidntg s.oldle, stele Saddle, a net of Coop., s toles, a lot of l'arpelltOr nlOOll, • Axes, naw ks, Platten, Praw• ing Knivea, ork bench, Mu knot Ittdr. Vice, A.c.: also, a lid of grwal Oak Boards, a lot or Chestnut and Oak liana, anon! 15 cord, of Wood, p ,rt hickory , u lot ot shingles and Staves, the crop of Corn and Potaioen note l.t the ground; also, 411i1 , 84,R01,1/ AND KITCHEN T 1 Ilk, eolodsting ID part .o liedrtends and Bedding, aides, Chain, t 'iiplioard4, Caae of Draw el n, Stands, :Cohn Cook :nose and Fix toren, I eti-piata Slone , Pipe, quocina are, 'rubs, Barn Is, hexer, and a gn 14111. M) other. at tin le., too 1111111, rout to mention. LIM -Mk:11.1.411. t• % ill be ;41,n, 11111 term.: wad., kn.% II 4•11 01'.0.1.• == Sh-AL the .4.111..111M' and rot, e, 11 111 la ~ 1,1. the 10114.'111g 21,1,A1,,EN1A 1 j., ~i ~,,, 1, le, ~,, ,j , ( . 011n1Stillg .II rn A, oe, or 1.10 , 1, MO, or I, v., .,1Kai1. -10 ..,,,, a of rvioell 1111 l ILUI RA Uliti Ili .1 lairll .tutu 01 'mitt, talon. The litslam. 1, cos - er, a m Ill! ll //r1 \ los ' limber, so' It ari kitrkorv, 1,1 0 100!, um:, .A.,. Th. Inip,,,, talkllls ure I III) h‘rg,..‘,,,.Twu.„t,„,,,,,,..,,,,,1',1% dui, 14.0 111, I,r)g Darn, \I tali iliop, .5.,100k0 ou How., 1011,1,a11, lo ,t ~,o ' tAcl , l,all I , l!• al -. Thr le le a )1.131.1 r-Mfl Ins, epelne 0 ' cat, xrell, , La water near 110 floor, mud Arsetkil alit tl4 01111,e /.11 - 1/1. lli ili I> a guilt cal lily of l'lnq on the prom's. n, a l/V,..t• P , ...1, I /r -ell it'd, planted Loa , 111 , 1 , g, .Allis' ',l' , IIIN\al"l -rl,,,, I .m 1 ,,,, Sr- '1 he Nerll 10 on tell trntJy witittleil, a nubile road r 'lnn' ng throrrh. It, and il l I , ~,,,a nt1,1,1 A 41).4, 1 1 100 10 thUrehl.l. 111 . 110014. ill IN, market', err - 'karma swill be made knew n on il.ty of sale. - TM': 11 MIMS. Aug. 14,1363. at ' PUBLIC SALE I:III.7MFAXDAY, • Al 3 ousT !SG& fie Under signed-Will soil at publ le. sale, on the premtses, the foiluwlng real estate, viz: A FARM, containing about SU Acres of Land, AluuntpletuMnt township, Adams (mnit.), (former ly Major Ciallsrulth a 11l in.) adjoining lands at N. i •Ittel, J. lithrimni and others.— The tmprmements consist 01 a large lso-stmy H1024E 1 - 11/thiFot Ith a one story Stone Altehen, a large Bank Harn.,and Mint. neeemito v out build ings. These 1511,1 two thralard. ell the harm, one of which hunt riving cheer trees. The farm Is well line proporthuns of Meadow and Timber; a strew et constant run lain water .dung side all ii, and seseral springs of water near the dwelling. The farm Is °nye,: len tlv lcate , , I 4 near clam-lies, mills, storms tic. Persons telalhola n 1210P1 and alvnirable harm, still do ac' I L., IiCSI than property. At- lire !lame time and place, a SMALL FARM, adjoluing the abe\ e, oronainlng •loti Arra, The laiprovemenia are a one and is half tangy Lug Ingelllag House. a ounvoulent Barn, hrsides - -ot her I and a a ell of Water near the huuyr. 'l here is an abund ance of fruit freer. The fund a. in good gun, {Jag order Also at the same time and place, about 1., uttlutpreted }and, in the Immedi ate Vi, lolly of the /.124 named trait, btlug part of what was forruerl) Andrew Smith s mrtni Witt an the road leruhriti from blether r) atotra to lluatetattava, one mile from Gul den's Station, on tile Grill %burg Railroad.— About 10 acres 01 the tract are good Timber Lou!; the balance under growl fencing and In a phaluellte state. tieing 011 a public rood ut ugh trill tilled, It would allord a good site for building", Sr. Any prtnon wish lug tot low Weso properties before the day of nate, elm do a, by calling on either of the ottd,sighed. iii fig In the vlidu ity, who will show the same. Stir to Com mence ut 10 o'clix 0, A N., worn attendance St tit he given and tefins made known 1 14 • JOHN kirVl DAVID sTeLI Ang. 14, Md. Inv Valuable Real 'E4ate AT PUBLIC SALE, 09 StTVRD.t Y, the 12th of SEPTF.'s(liFlt next, the aubseriber will otter at Priblia.ria/e, on the prembaa, the tolloa lug valuable Real Berate, 11 . A HUGE .1NI) LOT, near sfouut Rook, Mountpleasunt township, Adams tnnwt i, The boom/ le a one and a half story• Frame Weetherboarded ; also on the lot O. Sew Munro +Stehle, good Well of A M uter, fruit trees, grapes, kc. A very II desirable home. Also, A LOT OF 5% ACRES, hi Mount !Lock, adjoining S. K. Smith's store. This lot is one of the mint %minable In the eouni,). IL has a large body of the best LENIL(TONE upon It, and would be a capital lo,itlon fur Lime Kilns )t will be offered s, kite or in lots, u.s ma) beet butt. , . litolonot desiring Information in regard to t nvs,, lots are roots Bted to apply to LOS 1 retne, 155114 in ttn• neltlibot hood. ',do to wain .arne al , Ottaidd day, wisest attonstlinet• is 111 bo givei and Lentils tootle known ,Ity Attg 14, Iv,. telt Superintendent's W ILL examine Tette/wry at thefollawlag I I bate. and plates, to m It • istrabau, Hunter/nom u , Aug. 1., 3. m. 11,aling .and Hampton, Ilululauti, Aug. 17, p. Hamilton, E.olt. rorlin, Aug. Is, S a. nl. 1.99 n imk Borough, Aug. Is, i p. in. Iterwitk Lou mmip, l'igeou 11111 S. H., Aug. 19, a a. In. Nev. Oxfunl, Aug. 19, _p. m. Nlountplea9ant, Roush Hun S. H., Aug.'" 9 a. 9 . .,10 , 9. a go, Mos herrpitnwn, Aug.-V.1,9a. tn. I. num, sa.alidt'n g 11., Aug. 21, p. m. Latitalown, -Cog. Z,' 9a. It. Oct Italy, L.Ulthrn'Sli 11., Aug. 22, Hp. m. Itntk r, MAl9:town, Aug.ll4, 1.1. M. Menalleu ilendenivilla, Aug. Li, I a. In. T 3 roue, Eleldlersburg, Aug .11, a a. in. Hun: ingtoa, retergOalfg,Aolg, A", 8 a. m Lat more, State /NAM 11.. Aug..s, 9a. m. Lumberlaud,..Normal behoul Loom. Aug. 11, . I • l t i 'ree9lo.l, A.llll. land, Church S. 11., Aug..ll, 2 p. 211. tlutaLltulaulta, Fairfield, ',pt. 1, 9 a. in. Liberty, , (111.13 'A M. 11., pi. 1, p. m. ranklin, lolir's S. gem. K. m. NoOni,joy, Two TuOrnm, gap!, 11.1.1 a. In. Due...tons and uthern Interested so the call.ne urn oonlially 1n.v14,99.1 lo attend. / WOUlti ra las tinny Cash utN hl tall to the low and de. cts.uus relatgt e to l'oaabers l'artallcataa Ilabed in dare paper of a late tint*. A Maar grade of qUalltlauttollis wlll 11,19 year be I, 0u15,51. Te.a.liars will prepare Unantals or aetordingly. No prta ate tt.ain illation:. con gia a led, and us ocriAllert , .... will be rata o 10. Ito full I. attend the r.gillar es ttni,aufilluU it their dig/ries. will 1.. e regulrad unuud .t nix vial public examination iiereui ter to be 10/I.IOUU.SeII, AARON SHE EL Co. Rapt. Gel4abUrif..,lulB .11, kali al, An Orthnance for the Preservation of Good Order. DE it ordained, and it is hereby ordained by Jj the Tow u CouoUJ of the borough of Net t) sburg, tout no place of amusement, nor any bar, saloon, restaurant, or other place Where spirituous or malt liquors are sold or for shall be kept open a ithlu wad Doe coati later thou P. IL Andatil Per son Who shall keep open, or permit to be h. pt open, any such 13,ce ol amusement or boat man, or wiatansni sell or furnish any spirtirt oils or malt liquors later than tun hour afore said or mutter Wan i o'clock. A. M. WLLL, upon conviction thereof, iorteltand pay live dollars Inc the first offence and ten donors lor say subsequent *dem*, and shall also pay the costa of proeitrullon, and upon White to pay such fine and costa shall be Imprisoned In the Lock-up or Jail for the space of fortPalstht hours A LEA. SPA tiGLEIL. 186. Pre. L of Tou u Counal. Attentr—JEUXlAll QVLP,I4eNy. Approved— l. myEus, Ilurge,p3„ July 31, Oft , . Arbablisortrix's ;Notion. • .PIOW m u : ette r •el en eowen, late of bate toiratigfirdldlons deceased, leaving been granted be the under iagned, reaktb4ll a1e44"1 "Przttbbibe hereby ere/ nonfve io swamies led La i r tu tzir v alt riida daia F s t= t31.14 trCINIZ z U mai lfat3 July 31, WS, ft rEtt- s l xTr i FAIR ADAMS comvit AGRICULTPIAL SOCIET4 EEM=I GETTrSBURG, ' „ Qa TUESDAY, WtDWEEIDAY and TRIM& DAY, September 22d, 28d and 24th, 1888. Llff OP PUBIS. Here mad Male Department. Whom, .Vans and Cbttr for /teary Drweeti• Best stallion over 4 3 ears„-_----.....- $l2 00 second Lest bust stallion betweon 304444 yours...-. 4 14 second tarot Wit stall ton between 2 and 3 years...—. .A NO beAt brood Mare, .0 00 West horn , unit bet wool land years,.... 800 beet mare v01t...N.04,0 2 and 3 years, - 300 best, r oit between 1 and 2 3 rare,.... 3 no) best l'olt mutt r 1 Scar,.. ......... 2Oa claw. 2. ITiodkLeti ST.*. hest stallion Over 4 years $l2 on aelond beat best stallion between 3 and 1 years 0 IC second best - o. _ 300 hint stall ion between 3 and 3 year 5,...... 301 best borne colt between 3 and 4 years, . 300 2 awl 4 roark-. 400 I and 2 years,. 3 Oa best brood mare over 4 yearn_ . . 500 la- r. mare between 3 and 4 years, ...... 400 4. “ It and 3 yearn,........ $Cu 4 ' land 2 years, ..... -.. 300 best colt under I you: ...... ........—........ 200 Quick Draught tiont Bost stallion over I years, seeond I mot pair Inntelied horns or ntarea,-.. tont and fastest horse or mare for light barn, 00, cnl tad lo the (°only, (Al second ben n) best faintly horse or mare for general utible„ oesond hest, . . . . bent ..oldie borne nr mara,......." .p 1 fastest malting hors. dr mare,._ ...... On fastest rocker or paver,. - lo (Al eo.A , PECIAVPIiknIttIMut 1100 fur the fast est trotting horse, Inure or gelding, in harness —ls,t tWO in three miles—open to the world. entmure fee in to be paid Upon onterinE for this premluin. Beg team hones, not lean than 4, .... Ztl 00 Lest torn ...... 800 lost stogie beat draught borne or mart..__ 4.1 best pale of mitles over 3 yefara .....-. 800 beat p.dr of mulev between 1 and 2yr3. , - 200 beat mulo 014, . . 1 00 Cattle Department. Class S. Blooded 03111 e Bent 1,611 m er 3 year. , 16,4 bull bolween.2 aral 3 yearm, . ... 600 1 and 2 yeltra, 4 00 '664. lOW uQi 0rtair410114T.......16-14..... Lent - s o !Jest 12 tomntok..t, . bew .1 la.rxe , t NWet p 111.144.. ....... 50 hest 3 'Avid1 , 1.1111p1.111X..... . 50 beet 3 tug piants, 50 best hall peek ..... . i 0 lust 3 gseclgsk ....—_. 50 Class 14. Prvits, Wines and Mier. Best and largest exiiibitiou of apples, ivy fl ly labelled, not less Limo five 14uel.twei In en. of fall apples, W Laad etterlinen winter apples, haat]. - Oft beat and largeatcollection u correctly labelled, not less than th apecimeas ree beat attaorted lantket or dlan of quchoes, 00 beat collection of plunks, ti of each kind, kl beat ruination of grape; grown In the open Mr,- 00 teal Npeennen of musk melons,_-_.50 Ir at apeelmen of el. Wien pa, ...... 60 best home made wtnea, .41.8 than 8 hinds, 100 best eureant wine. • bees kkeekbeiry wine,. _ Dent botttoti atter. line" . WX4'9 ellifts to heel, sweet he All fruits ...tblted must be grown by the competitors, and the JuV4 , l m ty wtthbold preminme if 1801, afaufil merit are 00 0 pre.ntedl, _ Butter, 0/wag, lbaney, figutis. 4e. Best=ds $2OO beat / 2 hest 5 pounds of h0ney . ...... k kg) Al! competitors for haw — prom — Thum. ra nuked to hars therf"Psnis otioird rind brought to the extdbalen sktitbefri, sad leo o to give sistemzent Wee mod& at oaring, key • Aria 14 Olerrlate' , LeilsOurrand tbus ApaiteooL - $4,110 1 1ittnirtop bertj Wagon-- ----... El 03 aitte bast douo/0 bed Irsionturnegriatd 200 beg x ( 1 1:0 1 1111 I befta. hantoireara . 200 twat g beat ladle. Nubile . ..... - . YOU beat riding hrb11,..... _ 1 00 treat ' twat KIX' beat to enli • beat dreaae4 sheLy aktba -- 1 4,0 beat cooking-100%14 ftst wood of Qua- 2 IA beat gas stove, beat ezinetata parlor above ~_ 2 00 beat dial 2 00 Lest iron • - -k I 00 OF MIE final, 17. Best 15 yen's woolen 12 00 best 13 yards rag carp, t, I watt 4et152 It Inn,. double 00% eriet,.. ..... twat pan - woolenstoc2ll,4lo. ...... nest pair hair lioae, twat pair hrwn 30 nest pair Lte.t.t pair t otton htol.liings, . • . - 50 las.) pair half hose, eottoti, ......... 50 It, st pair a trOlt 11 Nat table ‘.Ol or , . . 1 OU 30 Idirt paleb-rtork alit 1..... .. 200 sts-00,1 beat 1W third hest Lea[ silk 2 On Instbeat cue!, iei pane ... 1 00 bent pal,. woolen ..... . I (xi er.erm best 1... a 10 yards home-made horn, ... 100 is at 10 3 lards linen diaper,LOß bet.) yttrola bee 110,•n, ...... 100 beat bolo...matic .. . 100 bent pound tium, seskinictikemd ....... IM=EI Best general display of worsted work, . $2 00 best ottoman rover, ....... - IMt best sofa cushion, .. . .... . .... 1 00 bust wurkraleetba,lou ebair,..-.,-+.....J l 0 best isle worsted slippers. ...,.....,...a .... .. best 'masted lamp Taal, . ......... - ..,0 best flux er vase mut, ... .. ...." . 50 Mat ebild:**Obatede4orbild dresib,: ‘ ,...', 0/0 best etillit'm nfalttin, .. . .. 50 beet v. ttriitttl tidy, . .......... ......... 50 bent wciriatid bn airman. shawl,. .. . . 50 best wirrsted toilet en5h100,....-... ... . 50 r /P. 2 9 1 i ,„ .• I "--. ' Entbroldr - ry and raacir Work. .' ' 4 ' Best kart quilt, .... ..... ... ...... $lOO best mulumblety pa 1nuA1in.,...... ..... . 50 best eitilittdrivied skirt, .. . ...... .. 511 11t st silk slippers,..... - ~... - ... ....-, t ) t best troches flit, . ..." . .. .. hest 1,11 .• sh.LO 1,..._ .... .. 50 best. mbroblerea plllOO 5 use,.. ..... . GO best .mlbrobt, red ibtiitiker. tiler, ... tit) bent rutin - obi, td ihiltb, ripe, . 50 best itabroldur.sl entllul , IA St 81.41111. n Or 41 aS. 111/IYellt. . • . i. TX/ .4101111 best beet Isar ar.yer,s,„ .. ........- ru..0.11 I I 0 bbilt. bee t( ,rort, .t, „" -. ... ~...: -. I ; best ther veork:.'. .... befit button basket, best Oust ba,bet e ....e. ._...._._ .... .4. ....1 50 NM Best hrane•mnde bread, . ' ' ,S 1 00 bet,ll,l bi. M. •. best tire la." es baker's bre.td, .. 100 Seel II ti beet ...... 50 best pound, sponge, l'tolt, Jell), lad), Dover, gild, Si is Cr, marble, Madison, MEM niott tai cot claret - it eali each,. 100 best glnuer and t r silken, 11111.- imam, ju tail,len, rusk, biscuit, I.'lnrur 21, Best preserved stritrfirk4l, quinces, plums, ',enthral, Otte-apples' pears, aprlouts, tortutterta,,er.4 , llpph;S, Char ries, citron, Re ,each, . best currant, quince, raspberry, apple, cults lout, hucklebet r 3 and ',telt best brand, pea, hey, . . , boa c: •t 1 allattrt n,' hes, peals, writ, cherries, St., each, 11sus 22. Best apple, peaLh, pear, quince slid to .... heart pl. Lied elle.lloll.r*,l l .l.lVati,t4,ll:l to, s. I Antri, apt, pialins, wised vf. 1.-st to ca ts° pp = . . „ ti.o4, each. . sttmOd lltMt %.,let.i: - . dtkliert roses. .".A, be,t s itro-to - lothi.ill :inters, Imo, oil, n tio LA itit,mitouse plattls. by ont , p‘..rsull, Itor thttrtt.Mo Ms, , M Ili, .:11 hint lotnit 1.911,, ... .. . (petite Most boa uui u ily ample 11 1/../‘ ' et of Ili OA, r 5,.......... a.... ..1,44, .. .• • '''' Lest Ineudeou, . Lost minuet ..rgan 4 00 t Ina* 25. • Clibtoef mai Howe/tad Inrenhons, la variety of caZonet wore, 0.2 00 Lest sew log In." Ili Ile, . 2 to . best mae Laery. spy, 1111 preouuni...-...• For all . 004154•44 nodilnproVernenta of bottaeholti uttilly7.l4Svlngvitlfiablepropertles. and not Included. turder trio foregoing heads. illaeretiouary prtnkitiins, or tliplomna, 11.1.} be awarded. comm.& Jam. Best di iplay 01 hula Lon! rapt, 00 boot clOplay of Lumtontol whom, . . IUU told dloplay of inon'm elotkuugj . . . 100 bausl doipl,or . . . I W beta, do.play of mooking and LhewMlC tobacco,. best cigurd tffamlZE 1 UU • Class 27. Pstikisor, hunt ansOnp, &e. Best thsplay of drawings and paint• apLay of cal painiiugs,thawn by a native or , 1 I bi,st water color painting, ..- - /DU best ers)on or pencil drawing, . 100 best ,111tutoticaptin aniOun. • 2OS best sign and ornamental painting, . 100 beat marble work 2 00 best penmanship:. Mbecilaneuns Articles The daclety Invite, thoexhibition of any and every thing that may be useful or convenient of AgricujtOrdelcir, or Ididpedif ace of el QUIN , le* Rap scents of convenience tw de thYl? mestic ar social life, or of : all the product. of art and akin, and for all each thing. of Merit, although not enumerated in the for. going UM, premiums or diplommi Inn) be awarded. All awarded premiums uttralled for, fur thirty . days after tile etose or the Fair, shall be deem, d duriatAlto the :society. - • Preasumut 0160.11 imt he .swisn-led INboss the animal or the ankle Is deemed on werrhy. All artiele must bu inArked watt cards, whit* will be turn Wert hy eheitierinetery. doh 'glutting elms and number; And these curds must nut be norm's ed uultl atter the Award ing Eldrverleiose luxe ittuatetei their retutarut bone. Thu Executive c.alliatee ww, take every pwisiblepreeweltion Ittrtlitt MOW 111x-01 an articles on exit iM t 1011, altax their art, ul and arrangtawalt. OW the ttg.y 1444 wit he re sponsible form*" loss or damage that may oc cur. They dealre exhibitors to ON e per,ottal atteatiqn tioir amma*4tr ttritclast, and at the rime of the Fair attend to their removal Sc, alwaal or article shall he taken our of the Falk Ground* without the luive - et the PrcaldenL rAtabitors are expected to obey the Mar phabi firrlymplly in yrrodneillt their trtodr, when matrut ted to do no; and any pernun proving refl....tory x lli la ruled ontllni. Cunt peting. No a/ aim.Ll or arta le will be alms knell a place en the grounds until the Ulltrkrs are made, an the regulation-, of the Society rssiuire, rsonn rent rug refresh mi ilt booth 4 Will not be permitted to sell intextratlng Menlo, _ . . Any person found intoxicated upon the Fair riround , , or tuning In a disorderly titUnner, shall he inuaethately fleeted from the 6routi A prompt. :WA ,overt, eXaljkly.V. TVLD bf•111:1t1C. of au) trauflulent. flue of.VITIL44IoLT Tlcke La. Ai* person attempting to interfere o tilt the judgcri, In their adjuditationg,will he prom pt ,turied from comp , Should out doubt aril° ax to the regularity of the entry or a.tiy-OLiria dinpottant mutter which the committco ler I incompetuit to de cide, limy may ‘ it Ghee report the name to the l'reiddent. .- 11* 100 / 00 le*s of Admisaton. tihrnit9 T 14.44 adnotteisig maw; unmarried dougthlt rs, anti 11111. r sons, or one gentleman And lad), during LIN I,lr, . : . . 41 00 Foounan, single 0.4.111113.111011, Y e r ) Children Ander Sea rwiropf One Irian ard horst., sthett 50 Moe 111. Vegetables mangold horse, One-horde buggy- or pleasure vehicle, gentl.ol4 , Said 414rildAlle.KAIWASiPao 73 Each additional person in thee,.. :t5 Two horse buggy or pleasure vehicle-, gentlemen and lady, idedleadmialion, 1 00 Each additional person In them, 2o Pleasure tickets, adulating inan end horse eleithrg the , Fair, la addition be' family ticket., ...... Pleamtig Mcgate, Immft• bt PliMitutv 4,, , hleie;riftlennin and lady, during the 1. alr, in addition tofa/11 Igllcke `...—..... . . . 50 Pleasure tickets iskiirlitting two-harm, buggy or pligniure vehicle, gentleman and ady daring the Fair, in 'adagio% to , goireily ticker Applicant.. tor pliamure ticketnir uir i ti4 to ti;/133- )0 tia)!; ha tilt , ed Pleawire Lialvdon tickse. req ird to lic i tly.] to the right hand side of the L o r ne head, to avoid detention - reit the gate. Pleimure vehicles ',Wetly required to keep-up on the ground. imagined kgeggby the hoard of Managers, and enter the Ring only at the times designated by the Marshal. (Meer % SAN ti EL HERBST IreaAdent. ililtEßo3oll„Vice President, J. S. Wrack:Kew, E. 0. F*III4IO.I,XX, Rec. Sec'y., IL J. STAIILE, Cor.bec'y., D. W 0.4.1, Trea.arcr. Mgnagers—Wg. H. Wll/0444, • L7.renA PEN , Notl JONAS 14,44'.*NA.A./LN, H. 1144A14.144.4..444. - Chia( lla i rrii4p#2s PITAY,UoLaIcu. Aug. 14, Toils somit3 ItterATlt=tintersteetamee ti tar; am nitlaSis of John. late of Mountpskitt toirrittilii, Atlanta enutitY, de ceased. having been granted to the under signed, maidlft In the tittle RA& matllp, she hereby Lives cystic, to all pumps /tumbled to Said estate to make linineallate payment, and those having , talinSa4p~liitst the mune to pre sent them properi , v -naschentletited for settle ment. CddliatitlLlA.N A POHL, Aug. 7 ISM Bt. ilsecutrix. J.TME folliiirtrigrappltenthinittoiek+ Restau roots, have OMMite* tti ,mp ellies, with the regamlte number of signere, and wilt be presented at the Wert" 04 Quarter Seti.oll4, on MONDAY, the Ina ring at AUG usT, 11Vut. Noel, Rending township. lisminel Fishes lit Ca, 04 1 0,41barthof• illanntel Levirrenee, A. Mou W ntpleassnt twp. . All Wei: Jhly 24, INS. Ot Claim IN., ir.rat ft Work. 132=C! LU !-! ,111)0 . . :Ifustin / untents Claw. 26. Hata, Iluots,Shoet, Cloilung, ,te Mule,. and Idedulaltonn: Exeirtitrix'w Ndtitxt. LICENSES i k-lii 4 l3AtAildtilt-1-SvG, '''Atrit,ATWr. Vir,::' 146'81 RAP,* MACHINES ! THE 4AllyitriliFßQUlV AND 4 3 14 RFANE ELIAB HO 117:, JR, SigrlNG: MACHINES, on hand and sold at JA.00114 & lIP.O'S. FiTORF., CWAYBIRRSIMEGI arasse, OVITTRAVIIa enters will be prat l) attended to. Ma. eldueri delivered toirirparts oi the couuty. C✓-Th6 jpotellesleahntlainxi oval n•t parties who toe - W. Prairie a 134:1WE in connection with their ntitoldned 011 tteemutrt Of the pilptl holly of the lioire Zurikluot. Theron , none GENVISY. MUle' 411.ep I Wrll nniied&lito each uteentno ictriedninirn having the ilitenere of EITAM TRAM, Tr., on it, ..te. UEO. JAC'OIN & BRO., only - Agents: (or Adams conn!,y,.Pn Ang:7,144. U " CUNNINGHAM ALWAYS ABRAD I e NT BELLING CHEAP CLO•THJNG 49 FURNISULNG.OOODS, • - • at hia HAorc , on HASTI /LOAM Irrasiir..amTrmanw, PA. The s pabllc are respectfully invited W Gall sad examine Ida large tied well Relented stock ei Goode ticfo're pu chanlog olsewbere. cola) OXI comil afiZ and treat yourself to a good snit of C10t11.134. July 31, ISSK tr BARK ! BARK! 1,100 CORDS WANTED ! =I 600 CORDS OF IsLAOK OAK BARK, ihr which ho will pay $6 04 per cord, on daffy cry,- la seed er F4.3f111" ;,3L4 Clf I .It , " E EX] I♦ AND isrm NSICALLY Til 1 , 14 r ailpfun oonabiY:ra en OW , by a poi • jkle beu.w4fat 141,114,1:4. , a urnuitit . M.,111,1/1, *ll.h full particulars and FLurpl,a of work to on this M lane, "al to had on It pi,l,tatom at the °Mee of the Agtxkl.nt A. It. Irelsterli Confec llourry and 1 Arlety Htoro,Daltiniore bL, Gettysburg, Va. D. W. ItOIII.SON, Agent is .alt 4lat.hinec watrannal one year, and lna tr ne Liam, glVelt gratnit oully to all pure tut acre. May 29, 18M. tf Ard'A'SH CW EEK PLANING MILL rltl i gitt i . El :l l 47rgeitfotVr.; front (Jett) Ntlrg, at watch e a it" 111 manilla/a ' - taro rOplaCklllllNol.o4 Vrta WINDOW RA Fill AND FRAMES =MMEMtn=ra Chair nod Wash Maras, ti h avorythlng ,sow made ut, such 6p wry. and needed to the building line. .The best of lumber a ill slirats hr area, all thoroughly dried, a *lto having been put op or the purl..., ()Mkt? , 414.41e1ted, and promptly ultutidnd to. MI a Aglow pi fit Mwelltolia.l every ef fort made to tideddinuslate cusiorner's .1011$ U. PF'OUTZ. May 15, itliM. ly LUMBER YARD .RE.II - OYED rnndent:par.! box remove,!remove,!bin Lumber I:i Ye l trd to the nortlvenai corner of Mina ton street and the Railroad, hot Arty yaris from his old location, VI here he be glad to have all In Irani of Lumbar to Bald. at,, stock Is larger Inn, ever before, awl corugartt addition* are bolog uouie to It. Ile tuts WHITE. PINE. PLANK INCH AND HALF /NCH HOAIhLtI. FLuOILING, 14cAliT• 14Nfil.,PALINtiti. all Of wbleb will be gold at the lowent Ilv- Ing ?Mem. (Nal and Judge tor 3 ourselAvu. 31y Ltnnner In good and esnuot fall to give raltl4- faction. 1&1 1111-16:4D.3. 46,1.14g1 64 6f ILI it FINE SIL 1 , 4 for.ctle - A•ry ctrl op. l,.•ticrburg, May 4, L 4. if REMOVAL! FTVIEOraI of SOPER Jice.VISTNEY 114 V removed to North Baltimore istreet,near the Dintomni, Nutt Aldo, to the room tomb rly occupied by David Kltanilller. Weqinve on hood a choice aosortment of CLOCKS,, WATCHES, (Gold and Silver,) JETV E R IF, of all kinds and Int.( .dyksi. Silver rind Plat ed Ware; also fine Gold, Is li,er and Keel P E, U T••A C L E 8, of toe best manufacture. Alno, VLolins, Clui• tars, Avoordeout Fifes, die., Violin and Guitar Strings, ket All /olds of Iteprol4sso OW line door at a. rea rogettiepr,ret w etseloAtrr,uner warranted. Tuutilt fuf for post fat ore, we solicit a clan (Wollner of the some =I =1 Piauisylvar,l4 Elastic Sponge Co., 1111 T STREET; Ilfm.tuarnT4. ELASTIC SPONGE, A BrEATITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR )I* ALL UPHOLSTER Y PURPOSES CHEAPER THAN StRATIVRIRR OR RAM AND PAR BOITERIOR. The Lightext, f3ofteat and moat FAauUC Yftd Durable miner's! known, for " IiATTRE,EniER, I ILLOW 4 fart, OARII.TAGE ANB CHAIR CISHIONS. It IN entirely 4nitetithtetible, perferUy chin aroi free from duet. IT DOR'3 NOT PACIC AT ALL! Is olwayil Dna Rini Inab aJ b . perfectly bealthy, Red for the bleit. - 18 tlll4l.oplal.i. , If soiledln any way. can be renoTaleu quicker Sod esalerthun any other Mattyesa Speeitil att cotton Oven to FLifiNITORNO - C.UURCRVR,RItI.I.B, &C. Railroad Inert are especially turned lo ex -amine.R Me flaahrou flponge. , • AIT3FACTIOR OVARANTI.,T.D. The Trade toppliod. June 211, DM. NOTICE eecounl.rof .10:m C. Clinhy, Committee of danth Diller. o Lunette, at exhibited by Cyrus Diller end Imam (lobby, Al/mints linters of John Gabby, deceased, !las been Abed in Stack:mart of Cinnamon Pima of Adams cranny es•loillbe confirmed by said Cann on the 17th d 0 of Auge next, 11111i.11 eaube be einswis to We contrurt. tc crzsi I,l.lf.D,ProtrY• Daly 3, I , CNS. it. I AWL-61as* aad Wong Jars, ih3r rutting a 0 tarsakOri, fruats„kc.; at carszeriz 4 co*: MEE! NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever. REBERT 4.ICLLIOTT, Opposite Ms Ona+kossot,Gtaysitterp, AVa: feA owned a now •id large ea sortinvat of SPRING & SUMMER GODS Or ALL .KIND. 9, CLOT I IS, eASBI KIVES, T WIMPS, • NI CiIN(III.IMS, LA W Net,, PR) NTH. • mustaNs,,tc„ to which the* In4lto at teution—bvints deter tnitival Dort 11,4 OW tox t•st malt prlewt. twit 10, IttL^t, II U B E 11 ' S DRUG STORE, Forneks t 1 Stand—Baltimore Street, OETTYSBURCi, PA ftIAVINCI purchased this nltl and populsr StAwl, and lull 111 W •ettlitt.l) nett and slt stctelc, oiler tt Nli wt..t.trrittt.nt, con.tkrflift• bit t t G-LANL , FAMII.I rl , lC'r 11E1 , 1( 1N.1.s- HENT: PUIVIAQVuIts ANI , 11'1.NEs Fon mum I'UILI.OI4/ hI 5P1C1:..4 AND I'l. t‘ "DI NO"I:XIItAtTH. Dlis AND DI E KTE VI .M DI Es, I.Xt 1.1.,lult"DlIls, AND 111 r: eIiFAPF.I4I. Aso ni,sT 1 N4ll. Ni.kut: rt. . AI I, LW .'n I, L. LE( .\ NT VEII • t..t) ANL) rvii4,r A RTICLES COLGATI.'S, AND truimt supEui“u M1.A . 01, lIAID. Mg , kk`i—Ti(' Vil Illtrt.llE4 f... 5 t,,..5 , 1, on*, l i roick; ' Y 4 ilou.sE rowDERKL-nIE utoiT AN CI,11:.11•F.- - ;T; A i r .o, roUTZ's, BE %, • :33.,1.H•111)15u lAA, 14ToN11131t.- K pit 'Alcr , VoitEttrs...c. • , sTATioNEity or A 1.1. I.: INCA. C 10.0114, .TOBAO4IO AND ItEST PHYSICI4.N.I" . PRESCRirriONS AN I)6AM UP:CIIIPTA l'A rtitrrux (OM rorsron). PIIYHICIANA AND 001TNTICY' MN-Wil s ANThSUPPLIED Al' RELIC(' t D RATIt.I.L. li ectivlitell fWlttl UJII AT MM A P or Unl r , Mill': 'Night belt tt the clone. April 'I, P.OO, If NEV fIARI)WARE STORE, / EA' 7e110:1 , The ti n.l( • Rigned hAs o op. mod atl r‘ ton. e !Junin mt. ',Poo in Littleston tt, Adman ..atnt3 , Pn., awl having pU rt hunt i I their num I , .arttern M Eteturyro, are pre pond to sell ow& lu their llnp nt Lite 4111 r. I; , T C 1 1 ,41 privet , . Their atioortittent IN largo RN Nell slat UinV, aud clubroom Whey., am oblY enumerate part in all Ira, T4LiSallein tie 101- lOW I Ug IRON, Ildlifit Matta&Li; NAIL:, turi.kta.r PAINTS, ;Wrier.' 13v{oplyoi,, _ OILS, Shoemakers' rinalnirg, 01..-1143, SrYTITES, Coach S Car Mittklals., FORKS, RU Sole Lcittlier, SPA TWA; Momortor, I,IIOVEIS, COuru am, Se. HUES, de. NS He n full 110(4 , ontos k, Imught, et the Note nrlvnntrigeous ratef, we Invite the public— toga and con ntr3s—to ea II awl ton-enltexte aro ,s,oft,lent of pleasing, hollt tut t•ilinAlls and prices, N ‘ k c nu u 4,h-tunnel e. Cud all almut to Lund, nre Aneelitlly brutst to ante. The) - , n Ito lo tier w ith us t.p.,11 n 1 nor other Moro In the aunty. • Ll&tleetown, May VD, Isom. 4>, DR. JAMES (WESS, DRUGGIST, STOUR IN BItp.I74IBUILDINCI, BALTIMORE ST., LITTLESTOWN. LiANINO spertial ;,4isa. MIMI %TORE and tilted It up hs the beet style, 1 otter my stock, of pure and fresh /./hUlli to the eltlaens of - LlttlesuSurn and- vtelnity at the lowest market rates, emoilsting lu part of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINEI4, PURE LIQUORS FOR MI: wen; A L I'❑RPO SrA, PATENT MEDICTSES = Pure Nplene,, Dyes and Prig SUMIs, PuriUlu, ery, Toilet Soltltw and ralleY rte It w, A full aneortrnuttor Ilrusheß, htaLl, 4 itcr, of all klude, Cluare, l'ohneco anti 1,11.111. iterbfoore's Elect to-Magnetic Sonp will Moth. w hod o sFter, col! warm. w r i y ,. .at beautifully' white wlitoiitimiiieg blurb This is the hest ittieitp in 000. Try it. It Is warrantt d not bb Injure the Mande or rubric. J4M C3l . i. ,T,lpbelitown, Max 1.5, Ma t TH.I4 LATEST ESTYLES OF SPRING 4 RUMMER Hata, Gaps, Boots andOirocrar Just receivesby ROBERT C. COBEAN, oAant6erabury ii, .Mrvi square, OETFYSBURO, PA" „ O hluh ils rind also nuituilatluri an{! repairs HARNVSB ALL promptly au4 on reasonatile*tno. NtlOkk Ratterg, Wlnpo, Trunka, Volfeelt • Cigars, ands great variety of Nualionn. Env*: me a mil. Nay I,IBM. tf DIAMOND SE C3-.A.R STARE. a 45'.1( 0 )•4z 11 a istulOroligned hzul removed hit Begar E=l NORTll•EAterigiAtirititVE DIAMOND, GETTYSSUKO, wheraLejoblo. n exotlouunee of the pobilo's patlOnlig? lovellun la one of the 12E3 , :ENTIiAL CUNVENIENT, and his at/tek. of &gam among the moat oholoo and eahatnotnt, He w3H - hdeiFlVhatia t ittl had Alia*, and wru emettteilgoi Ae..opiero petigtrangit osd the cooing/. He lath eel Ytlategoweat Hr. ing view, sad ttt. v tioltaillq sail ripllsiL Remember the Waal, in the Riemond, be tween Brinkerhoff's Store and McClellan's Mil WASIIINOTON EIEILBOWER. April 3. 156§. tf NOTICE-Di , 041.4019113, C OLLECTORS of I€ 4, and Prevlcrris 7mts are hereby notified to settle off their du . plliates on or before MONDAY, the Mt bf A 001741.. By order of the Beard of ohatntolestonats. J. H. WALTER, Clerk. 4 July 31, I%S. Dr. J. L. DA All R, L R; IWA.A: .%,),ID . 131. 1 1Upit..4 `-11/ 1 1...L .E: SQ . . , 'I): 4-,1Z., . •:,..4-. an ride, Atig.,":. - ' 1" - ~ - MEE ME THE, OREAN Collowago Phosphate; PREPAiRLD LY C. W. 2/45W80.4; !ATTLEhtTuWN, PA MUTT ColiOvrage rhoshltate la destlnett - , to t i ]Martat the hest] at Artlitrksit renlllsers. t. hoe alsently petosetti MHO rhat.itni tavAJA. ghl4, end Ample rvitifirettstat till ttlg I, moray, U math he flitlatelbcd to the petal, The proprtetors wilt apace so - ale aus or pain. to hulks It n reliable ASS oriktrth urtlele. it 111 superior to Peravlald hatalso, lornu.o It is hiunH 1. VOING IN ITN "I' and MICA!. Tt) IT ON THE, (Tut . . It the. not ot enstlanulete,ffie fual„ lilt•st 01 the fertilisers In the tholTet (Mena Irnte the land after gathering the neatest, In a monis eotalltlon theft before mane It. blit It remount shoollttibfaillettierin 11W Roil, and one& that after year to alma ltst.li s - er any that Is put In the land. The t'otionese I'llesphote etltalh, s largo per, op 1 'lgo Of ANINNIIIIO lIINi PIINSI , , .t, a Meltare ot•enlinl • letnents tal , ll, Foist. They cILLer uutrl lliertly ura the plant or prepare Ina, altallea In I he s,d I I• 1 do leo, The Nuns Of th e llouotratto I'nlxbhutr Ix Pitt It VW l , „,`lllopletely thvr.,llllll - ,1111,111 ed without the use of any ,rd idle agent., tn., or the vent advantage. of the rano wago l'husyleits Is that It VIII disbud. 0 the gaud theiastl 010 sot Ia• Ilea fr• o aLs.arbet/ by the laces Ina plant, whit 11 la • sort Imola Mot Ineredlent In gls lug n.tallegg Hill snelittlll IN Ili° stalk MO grain It ell/ 411 , 0 P. 44 .•W Utta i. 0 111 0 ,41 4.1 crops that ore haven thy lIY Not It a or x 111, 1 ,1, and Will areatly %athletic the elpetliow •if the prole and ICOIII . I It OgIIDIM at rust Agent•lee are hence ushattltsliett Ihnluoloair the country where% er forth - Isere aro aultt•-• We ore nit pfnllll to Waco It In tldr the Isto 111 lite 00111 ktry. It I all 1 lo• farmers and planters tool.. , nitwit! that' -they will try the tll, V 0110.1111" / . INIMNIININ lhls VIII. ['rive Fitly .Ikalare pvl lOU • as l la, conon.eiro I'Urep/isne being l•roprl at Ili s ••1 • no.. 1111.1 hI 1 1+. , 4 hi, ,lllllllltV rat fnalsna It onllol Wont 1011.11 la tun drip, I , MIN.. ;alas . net N Nil 11,0 Stlll .1d tatmt ',Wm' 11, 1 5 nrttl.n•,( : Jos. 1.., lN,y, u -J. M. MINI)).G]I. Diamond Confectionery and Ica Cream SaioOn. 1 3 4 LITMOW" • ' ,, aeut. t!'"