THE IGIVITTEBILTRII CONPILER Si PCHLUIEZII ZVI/AY THIDAy, BY H. J. STALILE, Tzar/.—TWO DOLLARS per annum M Winner —Two Dol./Jags sten }Wry Can Tull not gold in advance. No subscription dire oontinued, unite; at the Option of the pub lisher, anti/ all arroaragos are glad. AnvzieruisZENTS inserted at the usual rates. —Large-reduction to those who advertise by the year. Jon PRINTING, of every description—from the strotliest label or card to the Largest hind- Mil or poster—done with dispatch, In a workmanlike manner, and at the lowest living rates, Orrzez on Baltimore street, a few doors above the Court-liouse, on the opposite, aide, with "Gettysburg Compiler °aloe" on the Attoniies, Physicians, &c. NeCONAUGHY, JOILW r. Bkdr7l7l, ATTORNEYS ANI) CMiNSELLORS. ' kMeCONALICiIIY has musociated JOHN .Di. ICRALTH, Esq., th the Practice of Dr, at Ma &Mee, one door west of Buehler'. rug Store, Chambemburg street. - Special attention given to snits, collections *nu settlement of estates. All legar bust- IIeMS and claims to Pensions, Bounty, back Pay, and Itamagta against United State., at al/ tint., promptly and efficiently attend ad to. • . • Warrants located, and chat'! Farms .for sale 1111 , ,wa and oilier NV...sten:ostate... NS. A. IiURCA.Y, A TTOILNLY AT LAW, Wtll promptly attend to all rein! modneite entreated to him, including the pro,. urilig or remdonit, Bounty, Back Pay, and nil other deltas agailletthe United States and ',tote Governmenta. (An,atn North-West corner of Difunond, Get tyseurg, Penn'a. Apt II 15, I/7.' lf JOS. If. LEFSVEIt. TTORICET AT LAW 1.6121224T0WN, .01) promptly attend to collections, convey cores, writing of deeds, knows, other businaes entrusted to his ave. tither on Frederick street, et the ofnce for -trier]) of Dr. Short, and latterly that of Lint Kinzer and Nehring. :nay 22, tree. ly• WZWi ATTORNEY AT LAW. Particular attootlon paid to ectlork . 431' Penolone, Ikmnty, and back- Par. OM, thel4. K tvrheraf the Diamond. OettYAbarit, Aprll 8, ItltO. if BDWAUID IL BUEHLER, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Will faithfully and prompt ti'attend to all business entrusted to Ma - I. g: =a i r pr e ti lti n ro n utL a' Arg,t,, ° . mce street, t near Helier'. ilrug stare, and nearly oppo site Ranier , tr. Zlegler's store. liettynburg mere, I= JAVlNG , ,ineated at AfeK.NICiIiTetTOWN, li (New tiletn,) Franklin township: Ad /urns county, offers Lls professional services to .the public. He !topes, by strict attentipa to ,professional duties, to merit a sharp of pat- Collage. bitty V, i9P3. t f DR. D. X. ECKNYBODE, HAVING just returned from the University of Maryland snd flimplials of Baltimore, has biennia at HEIDLEILSBUItG, and offers IN professional I,ervleßs to the public. April 2i, 11 =I OFFICE I AND DWELkirewo.donn, from the N. E. enrner of Baltimore and High atrerte, near the eel') feriae, Church, Clettyaburg, Pa. April H, Her. Dr. Jr. J. IIireCLUAB, pITYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCIIEUR, Asuing permanently. located In New Oxford, will pntetlee his profanation in ail Its branches. His frieudn and all others denritti his pro fessional .aervlces are requested to rail and consult him at his office, lit Ilanover street. " May it, 1.167. .If =I RAVING LOCATED AT EAST BERLIN, ADAMS COUNTY, fli. - 7 - peit that by strict attention to his profess'. atonal duties he may merit a share of the publ lc patromtga, April 2, ISM. 12 • DR. R. B. RLDERDICR, . ANNOUNCES to his Mends and the public that he has returned to NEW 'SALEM resumed practice. 01lice at the Hotel. .licKulatitatown P. 0., Adams ocuuty, Pa. July 17, MS. hoe ==l H"• ‘FAILIMED the Practice of Medicine t a . :CTLEMTOWN, _sad offers tits eer y'," t o th e public. °Mee at his house, curr ner street and Foundry alley, near the Railroad. Special attention given to Skin Diseases. • Littlestown, Nov. 8, 1F47. J. LAWRENCE HiLL, IL RI • ENTIHT, Has his office one dclor west of the Pthenln eburCh to Chambersburg street, and opposite Dr. C. Hunter's omen where those wishing to have any Dental ISPerat3"i-P.r fortned are respectfully invited to call. mar sutericas Dro.• Ifornerr 4 ev. Prof. 24, Jacobs, D. Prof. 31. L. Maurer. Gettysburg,. April 14'53. NEW BAKERY. nth PORT I ZIEGLER, MECHANICAL RAKEES, Washington etveet, One alnare from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYMBURG, Pa. Con stantly on hand, the beet of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES I PRETZELS. Persons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their namea and lresidencesat the Battery. Every effort made to plosee. Give no a call. April 31), 1803, tf. ALZAWA'Z'S Boot and Shoe, Emporium, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO Doom ROUTH OF THE PfLESBYTE 'WAN CHURCH. - THE undersigned ban Run returned from the city with the beat and cheapest varies ty of Bitola, Shoes and Gaiters, for Spring and Summer, ever offered In Gettytburg. Ills Mock connate of LADIES' CS:WORMS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES RID SLIPPERS, all Myks, LA DIEN . MOROCIX) 13ALMOBAYS, IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTS' FRENCH CALF Bans, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' RIP - BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BA LMORALS.