I ant; lioxtititstpinD DEIMOS SWEET POTATOES. i;- - The. extreme difficulty of keeping sweee . potatoes In good condition, es pecially In the markets and storehouses of cities, exposed to constant' changes • of heat and moisture, is fully appreci • ales by housekeepers and dealers in vegetables. The wonderful prot.lue ,! tiseness °Mills esculent In the South, Si and its great value as a cheap, Haut k t Irma and favorite food of ail classes, has D "(LCD suggAted the wish that it might 4 be more available as a food product, 9 lir. C. K. Marshall, inlhe Vicksburg If /own of Sept. 4th, 1887, asked: d "Cannot sweet potatoes, which our • soil and climate are so wonderfully u adapted to produce, he cut up into lit / tie slices and so dried that they might II be an article of merchandise? Finite • and vegetables have been dried and pre pared pared tor shipment, and thus become valuable crops. If sweet potatoes can " be treated so arto preserve the ttacha e rine matter,- and become an article of 10011 even though not'as agreeable as / the undried root In its best condition,' they would pay as handsomely as any C pt. - Hine' of the southern soil." • Thls inquiry has been answered by 3 Francis H. Smith, of naltitnere, who a ha.. dried sweet potatoek successfully 1 1 in liisdrying tunnel, which is a chant ber of lath and plaster, twenty feet ; Ring and t¢ depth and breadtlif with a peculiar furnacit at one end, a I ehlothey of boards at the other, calla ,' Ho or preparing twenty-five bushels of "ailed' peaches. Mr. S. makes the tot s low4ng statement of his mode of pro ee4tire "They are pealed by a little machine, and sliced three-eights of an Inch thick -another, with, great- rapidity.— t When dried, tireyhaire lost two-thirds I of their weight, weighing twenty 3 pounds; are white, and sorflinty that the knife makes but little impression but when cooked—steecuing is the best —they resume their original appear 4 :Mee, and are in every respect equal to the undried fruit lu its hest condition." t FAILURE OF TUX PEACH CROP After an unman/ show of blownno early in the awing; on apple, pear, I peach and cherry trees, the fact seems I now sett ledln this section, that there will he an unusual deficiency of fruit.- 7 The long continuance of wet weather during the critical period of 1 4 0 aHoul acted this , season as it generally does, to obstrnot the torn/A -1 - tlon of fruit. There is an elasticity in 1 ., pollen, under a favoraldo condition of cather making n fertile blirtacim, which Is t grently interfered with by ' a 'continuous wet spell, such as we hart:just passed through. The organs, though perfect in themselves, 'cannot , act. An thlm'excems of wet. has extend. ed over a largo section of country, a corresponding deficiency of fruit will doubtless be the'result. One of our subscribers, in Chester- too 11, Jtd. , writes us, ''Our poach crop 15 almomt an entire, failure this year. 1 heard a gentleman say yesterday, that a month mince he would not have I taken $15,000 for ble,erop ; but now be o mild take $1,500 The failure will be fell very much, as it has for years been Ile means of bringing a great deal of money Into thle'county. Cecil. county likewise a sufferer, as well as the mate of Delaware,—Ho that your cities It ill not be able to enjoy peaches and cream ou the same terms as hereto ' loin."—Practicat Ihrmer. CHEAP FERTILIZES. For several years past, Itlr. L. E. Metcalf, of Franklin, Maas., has used, 21% lie recently informed us, a compost of Walt, ashes and plaster, on all his nem crops, with restilis so entirely - , atisfactory, that he feels safe in re emarnending it to others. Without .---beffig very exact in wehihlng or meter tiring the ingredients, he Intends to mix one part of salt with two palls of gray rock plaster,,and then adds about WI equal bulk of wood ashes. The mass is then thoroughly mixed, and allowed to stand a few days before If applied alone, about 300 lbs. are spread upon the laud whether cul tivated or in gram.' If other manure Is used upon the same land, the compost worked Into the manure, and both a-ed together. On land 'on. which pla-ter has no perceptible efrect when applied alone, this compost proves as I,eacticial as on land where plaster works favorably, In consequence, as he bolieves, of its combination with the ta,lies. Mr. M. prefers This home -Made compost to any of the commer cial tuanuree.—Mars. Plowman. use.—The New Ray loud Farmce devotes coushierable lace to the consideration of sawdust find its uses as a fertilizer and the man ner of treating it preparatory, to its ap plication to the laud. As preliininaryz, ,t forms a soft and excellent bedding far stock, while it absorber and retains the larger portion of The urine which would otherwise run to waste.—Bc sides, it forts a more cleanly bed for stock than Toast other kinds, and to farmers in the vicinity of sawmills, is easily attainable. Though slow in do couipositig, Its retentiveness is-imelt fi nally to impart to the land on which it is used, Increased liveliness and strength, if packed down closely and occasionally watered for some time before being applied to the laud. Properly prepared before being used, it may be placed in or used as a top dressing for meadows in the spring, though it is probably More effective when turned under. • .LACRIIERRY Wl:lE.—There - is no wine equal to blackberry wine when properly made, either in flavor or for medical purposes, and all persons who eau conveniently do so, should manu. facture enough for their own use every year, as it and invaluable In sickness as a tonic, and nothing is a better remedy for bowel diseases. Measure your berries and bruise them ; to every gallon adding one ',mart of boiling water. Let the mix ture stand twenty-four hours, stirring eccasionally; then strain "off the li quor into a cask, to every gallon adding two• pounds of sugar; cork tight, Fuld -lot stand till the following Octo !Jer, and you will have wine ready for ese, = without straining or boiling. Phis .makes a most palatable wine.— , PAINT TO ENDVRE..--it 18 said that ?oiling coal tar 'with slaked lime, will make shining surface on wood work, rut wails of any kind, which is as im nerishable as stone, •and therefore mai ludas for out-houses, &c. , , A DANIA, ordering a pair of pante pone of hie tailor, said that he 'wan ted ,hem very tight, ae6Nording to the !atest fashion. "If I can get theta oa," aid he, "I won't take them." SPRVO A ND SUMMER CLOTHING. GEOAGE .4RXOLD Has now openiili a large Slack of READY- MAtiE CLOTHING, mostly of Ms own Mon u facture, comaxtlos of all sizes of COATS, PA pus, VESTS, SKIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, 110 ery, R 4, &6 . ., at prices to salt 134. times. Pal, examine and pidge for yourselmie. A pril 21.18(Kf llt THOWE SEWING AfrICHIXES ! Tap, mat Perri/4:li Reliable la The highest premium—ehe Cross of the Legion of Honor, and. (bid • Medal—awarded at-the . Paris Es` p• 1887. •TEvery ktndof work ekn be done on OE For sale at Geo. Jacobs fitor Chambenburg Street, Oe t ttysburS, where they can be found op rating and glyffig fall struction. on' the Machines. air - GEO. JACOBS & 'BRO. are tho only Accents for 'tilting to., Pa. eiretilake eon t ping price ILA, de., can be had by itddreiei QM= E=l - NO TICE p TO CAPITALISTS ! Perseus dialniuita' Inveellng anti realizing nearly, NINE PERNSk:NT., are requested to IZIEECI Gettyabnyg National Bank, and obtain Circulars of the Dillon Parlthe and 6kO Cvatind-Pselfle Railroad C. psullein gmttla. Thew InveinmentA are daily growing favor sail salt% Increasing Bonds estn be had at nil tiniesat this Bank where all information concerning maid In voitinents will cheerfully be given. J. )MORY lIAIR, caanteA Dee. M, ]NUJ. tf UNION' P./10TX RAILROAD BONDS THE First National Bank of 4ttysbur4 Iti.itgenk, for the Enle of Rio FIRST MORT- O.PLIE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SIX PER CENT.. GOLD INTEREST BONDS, at par and 'Mercer. 42-Interest payable arm annaally at the -counter. • All Necessary Information given OEO. ARNOLD,Cgushier Clott-yobq rg, Nov. 29,1867. GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE: undersigned has bought out his foriiner partner, Win. Guinn, and now continues the THE LIME-BUR,NING BUSINEAB himself—at: the Gettyebutg Lime Kline, on Elie corner of the Italtrond aintlNorth Stratton Strect.'Thankful . 14 past patronage, ho trill endeavor to deserve Its continuance, by prase enting the business ae vigorously and on as large a elCale as possible—always eelllnlf good article and giving , good . measure. Mum , rs and others fluky look for the•promp filling of orders /le also contlatalt the COAL BUSINESS, - - offering the moat popular klpdo. Hrs keepers and others should give him a call. Blaelmialth Coal ¨aut ly on hand. Lime arkd Coal dolliered anywhere in, Gellyabarg. 3.ICO'D REII,.Y Glettysbufg, Nov. 1.5, 1867. U BARGAINS -_- I= NEW GFEOCEEY , . IN GETITSBOR.O. JOHN CRESS tr. 80* HAVE opened a nest GROCERY, in Get: tysbutg, on the north•wiat corner of the Public Equate, and hi/eft . Jest received a splendid assortment et .rnhukt GIi3OVERIES, . 1 nelutllns Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Synrps Teas, Spivey, Tulasxo, Sal L, Flair, HUNS, Shout Jere, is, , QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts, Finite, Stem Fancy Articles and No llowt genenaly. We will also keep oa hand FIAJI , It and FICED-tiTU I. PH. Having- purchased for CARR. we are pre par.' to sell very cheap. Give OS a fall and judge for younielveS. JOHN CHESS J. W. CHRM. Sept. 77, 1907. tf GROCERY & FLOUR STORE ) SI, MEALS .IL'BROTHER. LTAvE removed theft . Bore to the Nein• DI. nod t property, on Clutmhersburg street., where they propose to keep constantly on hand ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Row, Feed, Notipne, 4te. Also, VSGETABLES la season, fresh from the city sad comas)... They are determined to mli cheap /IA the cheapest, per `. may they on ly ask the lowest llving profits, they hope to merit mid receive a liberal slurs of public patronage. MRALS a BRO April 10,1688. -tt Tin-Ware - and Stove i s. TZE LARGEM ASIIO RTMENT OF TIN WARE IN tin_corstr. AT . G.• COOK'S, (formerly Andres iellers;) also some of THIS BEN' COOKIN9 STOWIO3IN MARKET smattewbleb aro ltia OLD DOMINION, • COMPROMISE, • PENERTLYSSIA, *NOBLE COOK, ECONOMIST, • BARLEY SHEAF, ec. Also, many other artialaa k Mita** am, whiab min beAcelis low suit NAY ether place In the county 8. Q. COOK. June 24, 12442. it 'MISTER& LANDS. r HAVE wuue valuable WSW LANDS. Iln trade tar ooa or move FARM, Uda • Tea haft aliteveubeeseed, sad 4vaed M4nWa lbehoia equyabusg, APril i e d6 U THE GETTYSBURG COMPI FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1868". CARRIAGE - MAKING BUSINESS. minndenglgned have reatimed the Oar e•maklug businehm, AT TTIEIR OLD Ebel Sired, Gettysburg, Po where they are Prepared to put np work In the most fashionable. substantial and super ior manner. A lot of new and second•hand CANDX&OFS, BUGGIES, &C.. ON - HAND, whltt i lte . y i l= of at the lozeetprieeei wily peZtelled promptly • REPAIDINO DON T. WITH DESPATCH, ,and-at cheapest rates. A Islip. lot or.new and old .I.I.OILYEESSozi band and for sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore enjoyed by them they solicit and still endeascr todletterve a large share in the future. DANNER t ZIEGLER. JillY /0, ISO& tf NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTIS, ADAMS CO., =I 'WE take Ude method of informing the pub- I' le that we have eetablished new Coach Shope at Llitlestown, where we are prepared to maantacture to order all kinds of BUG -0104, CARRIAGES, SULKIES, &c., on the eborkiit notice and moat accommodating terms. Oar bands have been procured from Baltimore, and, no we ono none but choice material, we con put up work to compete with any shop in the State. Old work re paired and taken In exchange for new. Aug. T 3, MR. tf CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. TATE & CULP aro now building u Varlet); of. COACH - WORK, of the laterst /pool, approved tdytes and constructed of tiff. fold Material, to whleb they invite, the uttention lAuYeis: Having built our wrk with areal care and of material selected with speclat reference to beauty. of style and durability, We can confidently re commend the work as unisurfamed by any, either to or out of the Mites. All we lurk le an Innpeetlon of our-work to ;fiat thoee In Lintit.of anyklnd of vehlele, ;hat Chin le thu pineo to buy thata. REPAIIIINC IN EVERY BRANCH done at short miller and,on reasonable tertns. (live 1111 a call, at our Factory, near the ear nor of Watehlfigton and Chanabersburg Wenn+. Gettysburg. P. J. 'FATE, • -B E. CULP March 19, 1860. tf GOOD NEWS ! HENRY OVERDEER, DALTIBORE ST., GETTYSBURG, PA., LIAS completed his new Store House and Just returnd - from the city Ith a fresh well selected Stock of floods which he respeelfully invites his frimtifun'd the put. tic generally to can and examine, 111.114ELL8 CHEAP. Ills mock consists of O,ROC . ERIES, - FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CEDAR, WILLOW AND QUEENS-WARE FLOUR, CORN Id.RAL, , FEED, 40, rscirThe cash C limn° Will evon for Fluor, Corn, ilat.ll, l'otatoe., Butter, Fjgcs, ita con, lard, Rapt, March 1040, CHEAP FOR CASH! NEWRTORE! POCERIFS,LIQLTORS, aC. The underalgnell' hue retured to tiettyeburg, and opened a new Store, on 13altImIre etreet, next Jour to the Post Older , and nearly op pante the Court House, where he offers t or sal e , CHEAP FOR .CASH, a large and choice assortment of Urtwerles,— SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAR, MOLASSRB SYRUPS, SALT, &C., with-FUR, BACON. LARD, AC. Also, Liquors,— WINES, 'BEANDIFS, GINS, WILISEIES, Rums, and everything else In the line. Also, any quantity of Notions, to suit any and everybody. Recollect this Is the place to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. Apiii m. 1887. 11r : F. KALBELF-ISCH. MACHINE SHOP AT .I>7..VW OXFORD FIIHE nudersititied calls attention to his new Machine Shop, at New Oxford, AannlB t unty. wWch he hen put up, at large e : penae, Wtth the d 'factory work. Ile will manufacture an various kinds of .AORICULTtiIiAL MACHINERY, such as THRESHINt MACHINES, spitizro- TOOTH RAKES, de.; and will keep the BUCKEYE & MOWER on hand for Sale. All descriptions of REPAIRING done :promptfy and as elicaply as possible. Be has In °atm.:lion with his Machine Shop a STEAM SAW MILL, upon which he will de all kinds of work In that line. lie, omits the public to tall and give him a tele!, met he gitureetees full sattsfuetlen. March 13, 1368, Gm CABINET-MAKING aim. IL !It'dler, [SAVING located In the town of NkW US IA FORD, Adams county, will awry "Ma the badness of Ot.bluet-nuking, In all Its branches. FURNITURE kept on hand and Made to order. He will also keep for sale a choice aaaortment of. CHAIRS. • He Inviteie the citizens of the town and surrounding country to give lilm a call, as he will sell as low as can be purchased at any other place, He will guarantee leis work to be made up In the'best Manner, and of good materials. New Oxford, Jan. 31, Igii& tf - , DR. R. HORNER, PHYSICIAN AND intrlooisr. °Mee and Djrui t ! , Store ataIEBSSUR.CI ST Mbdlwl udvice without clone =EI DRLIGS,MEDICII3MPATENT MEDIAN STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, TO!: LET ARTICLE:3, BRUSHES, DYE STUFFS, SPICER, - RAMICO F4JDA, CREAM OF TAR TAR, LAmed, WAL OIL, QC., 4C. PUTiE LIQUORS ror medicinal purpose, Dr. it. Hornet's OLIEN, a reliable remedy for chapped lands. Amish skin; &a. AU articles w•arruuted pare acid genuine. I=EZMIN „D. N'CILKARY. JOHN F. IeCHEARY "Best always Cheapest." T BE Beat and Cheapest SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLA,RB and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and wet! known stand, Baltimore at, opposite the Presbyterian Chtuch— ' McCREARYS'. Our Riding and Wagon Saddles wee the moat aubetnixtiolly built and neatest, Our Harness, (plain and siker mount ecto are complete a every respect and war. rented to be of the %cry best material and workmanahip. Our upper leather Draft Collars - cartawr BB BEAT. They are the best FIT TING mad most durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness are made to order, as cheap, as they can be made anywhere and In the meat wthetanttal manner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lakhes, Draft: Mantes, Fly-nets, and everything in the line. None bet‘er or cheaper. Our prices • have been aantrean to the lowest living stand ard. A liberal percentage (or cash, off all bills amounting to S 5 or mom We work nothing but the best stock and will warrant every article turned out to be in T e t=3 4 C et m a sit rati=te ted. inviteatteMion to oar present stock. no•Gtve us a coil and examine mut= and Otrai.rtit. D. IitoCIISAILY t SON. Jan. .111, I 8 t( HOUSE PAINTING 01110120. 4 .4. Welf.NXl4, HOURS PAINTER, South Viiahhishou et., Oattyibang, OfXR) WORK AND MODKRATE PRICREL July W. 1887. A IPIRST-CLABB PARE AT PRIVATE BALE. 4 WITHIN two miles of Oettyeburg,on the TV Karrisborg rmi, with MI neee~p Im provements, and In prime order. I will men from lee to leD Acres, to mit relmeereo— Terelltreetwaible. ifor further MO to RIBLE, • 600;A MIL it ClettidlOrS, AA FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. SUMMER UOODS. We are constantly receiving new and dears- SILKS, POPLINS, PEIICASSEI. PIQUES, SPRING CLOAKLNOEI, ALPACAS. DELAINES, CALICOES, LAWN" Ac. Alan laripi.atbiltlous to onr usual supply ot GINORAM, CLOTHE, CAMIDIERES. JEANS, with every variety of Cloodii for ][en's and Boy's wear. We have edited considerably to our assortment of which we are selling at greatly :educed prices. QUEENS-WARE HARD -WARE, ' BUILDING lIATELLIALB, we feel assured wb can make IL to the Interest of the purchaser to purchase from us. IRON AND NAILS at reduced prices. OIL a AND PAINTS al low taloa GROCERIES, of all kinds. Give a■ a call and be convinced Gettysburg. May 1, 1819. 1.: ROW & WOODS, GETTYSBURG MEI NOTIONS, LADIES' HAYS, \LADLEIT SHOES, "HI LDREN'S BROM , HATS FOR BOYS, 1618 FOR MEN, ' BATS FOR \ CRILDBEN ; • \ BALTON E BtOTTION, good ea Coates's, at 001011 am price, \ . IIOOP SKIRTk In great variety ; BALBOTtAL UNISYS:\ MEN AND BOY'S WEAR; \ at low prices. • of alrn • ALE SOLD CHEAP May 1, MC tt• HE.4D-Q USETERS CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS : AND SHOES, Rudy Kind of Gentlemen's Wear, LINER COLLARS, ==EM! COTTON STOCKINGS, POCKET BOOKS, TRAVELING HACKS, I keep Gentlemen's Wear of all kinds and will sell them at the Lowest Cash .Prices. BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, *.Give me a all before ParaiNdeg else Where. April 24, 181/3., tt ' THECL 4 NORMS. DUPHORN & HOFFMAN, NORTH-WEST CORNER, _ CENTRE SQUARE, = GETTVSB ttliGt. , EMAPR LPACCASESS C MIIS COES LINS, & O DeLCELAIII°IIB, ALIISAO 73AtAIORAL EIZIRTS, SACKINGS, • SHAWLS, COTTONAE c A \ BLACK OT 0 0 C, FA CY CABlMint \\ ay fa. • , OLOva'B, B cF VtP4 Z \S CARP esRPETS vV e uma x v i a , 3 . m v o DON'T TOJEOIT TEMP Z. 4 NN AptIMM It ble styles of InTBLINB. CARPETS. Our stock of Is oumplete. Ls nod all kinds of FAIINMTOCK BR(YXI3 - ERJ§, Sign of the Red Front. I=l DRY GOODE!. DRESS GOOPS, POR 1:231E1 PAPER CUPES, PAPER BOSOMS, GLOVER RANDICERCHIEFS UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C, &( In great variety $ t ' 6 I!! ' THE GETTYSBURG S • -LIGHT GALLERY. • rusu.a• • ... take* plessarela anhounc ato Um • theme of Gettysburg and the -.. • that removed from t 00034 on '. eat Mi dd le street, to Balti more street, and . rip opposite flute store of Fahnestock Brothe Th 9 room be now oc cupies bait been r ntly fitted up expressly for his business. The Mmtlon is an admirable one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades Of weather, and with a tams unequalled any where elm. -LIFE-LIKE PA O GRAPHS, of every Si.. and dascrip on, executed in the the CA RTE Particular ttehtion given to the CARTE DE VISIT? nd to AMBROTYPEN and 1./.1G1.1 " lo g f deceased friends. Also— • THE GETTYSBURG G 8, a new style of picture, which lies become very popular with the public, not onip for their beauty, but for cheapness and eon nience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLDAR only Also —THE PORCELAIN PICTURE, I for their beauty and durability are unsurp We are prepared to carry oirthe Milan in all its various branches, and having had - siderable expellent* we run no risk In GUAR ANTEEING PERFECT SATISFACTION. Our facilities fora full dltplai of our ekill are unequalled by any other Gallery ,in the aunty, and we would therefore invite'every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SICI LIGHT GALLERY. Call and examine our Specimens and Judge or yourselves. LEVI lell/MYEIL June 96, kat MORO PHILLIPS' IMMULEE IMPROVED Super• Phosphate of Lime. ETANDARD GUARANTEED. 702 &AUL AT icaaturAcrvara's DgftrfS, No. V North Front Street, Phtlellelphtn, AND No. St South Street, Baltimore, And by Dealer, In general throughout the Country. The SOMBRERO OIJANO of which MORO PHILLIPS' PHOSPHATE Is and always hag been tpanufactunpd of which he hoe sole control (or the ti Stater,) contains fifty per cent, more nu Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore It la more durable. The ad dition of AmmouLt gtves-lt greater 1.1111231.1 g value. Over seven years' 'experience Are proved to he Farmer that It makes a heavier grain than even stable manure. and Is not only actin e but lasting. alp-Price Cld 00 per ton, 2,000 Um. Discount to Dealers. - - - - • MONO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor amt Manufacturer March 13, Meg. gm HAY AND GRAIN TraXTED. THE undersigned would announce to the eitisene of Adama county that they sift], carry on the GRAIN AND HAY•BUS/NESS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the Gettysburg Railroad. They are prepared to pay the highest prices for GRAIN- AND HAY, They keep all kinds of GROCERIES, SALT, GUANOS, Ake.. which they will sell at the smallest profits. Give up a call and see for yourselves. PHILIP HANN dr. SONS. Dec. 28,1887. ly McCURDY & HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &C. 111 H In are a dj o ining payin, their Wars- J. house, In Quid s" , a Bueh ler's Hall, the highest, priers fur FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS, POTA TOES, &C. Rid Witte Producers to eve them a call be fore selling. They bYVe 'constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF 'GROCERIES Molasses, 'Syrups, Coffee& Sugars, &e. , with Balt, Fish, Oils, Tar, Hoops, Bacon and Lard, Tobsocos, de. Also the beat brawls of FLOUR, with FE ED .42.11 kinds. They Likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE. FERTILIZERS, Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodos' PbollAmite and A A Meilmo Guano. „ . Whilst they pay the highest market prices • all they buy, they mil at the lowest living prailts, They itak a share of public patronage, rasaved to give liatistaction in every ROBERT MeCURDY, WM. 8. HAMILTON. Gettiburg, July 1, 1867. NEW' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HAVING purchstied the extensive Ware house. C e rs. hc., of Culp & Partuduiw, the tmdersigned intend to carry on the busi ness, under the arm 6( Bisluitu A Co., at the old stand, on the earner of Washington and Dalin:el streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. We are paying the high estirrket, prices for RAY, FLOUR, - GRAIN AN ALL KINDS tip PRODUCE. FLOUR and FEED, SALT, 'and all kinds of GROCERIES, kept constantly on hand and for sale, cheaper than they con he had any where elan. PLASTER, and all kinds of FERTILIZERS, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. A REGULAR LINE OF FREIGHT CARS will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING, and accommodation trains will be run ax occasion may require. By this at. rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All busi ness of this kind entrusted to WI, will be promptly attended to. Our oars run to the Warehouse of Stevenson & Sone, 1(5 North Froward street Baltimore. Being determined to pay good pricea, sell cheap and deal fairly, lve invite everybody to give as a call. WM. M. BIGHAM, ALEXANDER COISEAN, JAMES BIOH AM. Jan. 17, IN& tf GRANGE OF FIRM. undersignoil have leased the Ware. Eux.. on the corner of Stratton street and t e Railroad, In Gettysburg, where they will carry on the Grain and Produce Business in all Its branchea. The highest prices Will always be = l / 41 11. Wheat, Rye irn, Oats, Clover and Seeds Flasseed,Smae, Hay and Straw, ed Mims, Shoulders and Sid wl everything else In the conntry produce line. Groceries, of all kinds i conatentl on hand and for sale—Coffees, Folianl, tdatre, Syrups, Mustard,) p, Salt, eltiVie. Weller, Soda, Starch, Brooma, clixta, Illaclting, Sialioll., Au. Alack COAL OIL, Fleb OIL Tar, &a. FII4II of all kinds; /Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are always able to supply a first rate article of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. . _ _ Al Ground Meter, with Guano& and other earttlitere. COAL, by the bushel, tort or car load. t==l Lines of Freight Cars to No. 'T7 North street, BA.LTEWORE, and 811 Market street, PHILADELPHIA. All goods lent to either of the above plaoes will he re, mired and forwarded pkomptly. Goods should be marked "Itenners' Car. ' H. S. BENNER & BEG. A prll 10, 10011. tf MORE NEW CLOTHING- =I STACKS OF THEM! BRINKERHOFF, corner of the Dlaniond and York West, twajuat return.' from eity with an unusually attractive assort swat of minima you SPRING 4, SUMMER wear, which he will sell at such prices ea can not tall to take thew off very rapidly. (..141 anjl i ndip= . ourselves. To look at the ex tasteful cutting, and neat aadsubstatitialsewing,and then to get Wales, piess—eallers cannot help but buy, when they merit so much to their Interest to do so. He boa Omits, Feats, Vesta, — ot all styles and snatesials ; Hata, Boots and noes; Nor ail kinds, HfitlerY, Gloves, Hai:O kumura, Nack-tles, Cravats, Linen and Pa per Collamelospenders, Brushes, Combs; 14unks, Valise., Usibrellea, Pocket Knives, Sevin, thnoklug sad Chewing Tobaccos, Piztw, de Watches, Jewelry, with a, thousand and one other articles, entirely too numer ous kid/ tail Ina newspaper advertisement. He mks Um Menge.= o( to his new Mock, confident that It wilt public please—and no one eau or will mil cheaper. Don't forget tbe moo plece—oorner of York street and the Diad, GM " MB BBINKERHOPK. April 17, ItA If (Cemetery Removals. EartlGl the Keeper, the undersigned is au thorised to removale into Ever Censeiesy, sad lemma that melt as eon temgdate the renownd of - the remains of de mand relativism or trim& will avail them selves of MY mama of the year to have it dose. Eamon& mode with promptness— Ulnae low, and no eilibetveMato p THO le N ase. , March 11, UM. ~Keeper of the Cemetery. • Bale Crying. i r w Pl d f "WA rated 1 .11.1% thated pat...macre at we wink:. It is his mn econtani endeavor to give satinctation. ahli f tederste. Restdence in West Mid dle 'Gettysburg. • P. H.— e is a licensed Attetioneet. under *Ohm Law ogthe Unitedlitinaa. litent,gt.llll. WThlsift. AMON 0 "del, isekßa*eigewit ann., at PHOTOG' i 'H ALBUMS, LADIES' CO PANIONS, ? 7 . 4., TOILETMT'S, WRITING DES PERFV.M.E.Ii s 1\ Fancy China and Bohemian Vases, TOYS, AC., sO., aCC, AT A. B. FEISTEL'S, Opposite talinesteeks' Store. Gettysburg, ]larch Y 7,1369, U LEWIS STROUSE Ham bought book his old stand * on Carlisle street, and is going into business again heavier than ever. He asks his old friends and the public to olill. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONd, SEGARS, TOBACCOS, &C., dC., In large variety, end a little cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget We oppo• site the Railroad Station. Oettysiduy, Oct. 11, 1867. tf . GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK GIiVERNMENT , BONDe, of _ all kinds iouoiri SULD. SEVEN-THIRTY BONDS conierted into FIVE-TWENTY BONDS without charge. [~ /).l l Cl] lIiII7I~Y 4 ~ ti a:11~~Y/J M>-iH.~:I t I ~ ql The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD sod SILVER. STOCKS and BONDS,=kinds bought for perugui without LNa WM -24118010N. ORDERS PROMPTLY FaEcuTED Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced 1 =ISM 3 par east. for 1 7W, 4 per rent, pr 4 mosalbo, f. per real. for irsowtha. Persons wishing lolotinstiOn karegard to U. S. Bonds, and Stocks of all kinds, sre la vited to give ua a call, sad we will give all Information cheerfully J. kiMORY HAUL Cillider Gettysburg, Oet.p, 1807. tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GETITSBORG Will alltior Interest on Special DepSalt4, as follows; 4 per sem 4 " " WAIT moven. =Ell Will also and BONDS of mission, and will at all Swiss pay thI,GIGH EST PRICS for GOLD and SILVER, \ and with Weems's% transact all Wallin!! promptly, me heretofore, pertaining to a well' regulated Bank. OWL AIINOLD, Cashier Gettysburg, Nov. S, ISC THE OLD FREIGHT LINE TO BALTIMORE MO;MM=I Freight Lime to Baltimore, twice a week. Depot—corner of Railroad and Washington streets, Gettysburg,. Cars nut tq Rubes t Ernenoal, 12l North street„Baltl• more. Freight earned web war, at the low eat rides. The patronage of his old friends and the public solicited. Goods to tie marked "Rkidle's Line.". \VAL E. BIDDLE. The new Warehouse will won be up, when the Grain and Prodneelionineee 'Ham carried on aa heretofore. Highest prime now paid for Hay. dpill 17, /SO& IS ANOTHER BAKERY, 'pi. übdergliPled has opened a Bakery et use comer of Washlugton and High streets, Gettysburg, sag Invites the pablto's' pat- FRISH BREAD, ROLLS, TWIST, CAKES, PRETZELS, £C., V.KB Da 7. By using the best of flour •ad other roati a* wad doing Ns work well.lis Lopes to Wu uttlataetlou in livery ease. Call at or send your onion to the Bakery,_ corner oi Ruhl tartan and High streets, opposite the Fe male Institute and Fovea's Granite Yard, CEIRD3T4tai fIOPTMAR Aprlll7l /818. ti LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CD., • WEIOLEBALE DEALERS IN 'FANCY GOODS NOTIONS, - now= mid yews-nip Let t o May 7. 1816 IMAtisidre, Md. partasenntp heretofore existing he rmwons the undersigned In the Prodweand business was dissolved on the Graf da y January lust., by moteol eon' sent. The booking amounts and all unsettled Mhave been left in the-hoods of Rufus eths Is duty authorised to settle op the MUM MS will be Soundat the Wars. tense 1.01,111 the esenplen of Messrs. Rieman • Cobesa. All persons Interested are recants ed Install and settle. HENRY CULP A. zuoltaasw. • V -hour and Alsmisi I T is d wpoLShirts sia4 Demo': Eiwo., 2hirty Mag"4l4lo, CITENEKU.WCS. rfMlianbeert ben hurtle:rot returned from the 1. eillee with an immense supply of HARDWARE t GROCERIES, which they are Whole' at their old stand in Baltimore etned,st prier, to suit the tOnee. Our stoOk, consists In parrot" BUILDING MITERIALS, CARPENTER* TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S WOLle,_ COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET IhtAKEIPS TOOLS, 110USEE EWER'S FIXTURES, ALL Kn.:IA.IOF IRON, sc., GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS. PAISTS, &c., &c. There is no article Included In the several departments mentioned above but what can be had at this store. Every class of Mechan ics can be accommodated hero with tools and Muting", and Housekeepers um and every ar ticle la their line. Give us a Lain, as we are prepared to' Bell as low for cash as any house out of the city. Gettysburg, 31 eY ts, BiA NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORI) THE nada:Wiped has opened a Drat Moja In New Oxford, Adama county, and re tgeffullYort, the attention of the public to PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHE S, UDYS sTFFS, WINDOIN GLASS. PATENT MEDICINES, and • fail assortment of DRUOB• In n word corn Inct stock of Goals generally kept in • llrstr aae Drug Mom- Allot welsh have been purchased during the pest two weeks, and will be sold low. All the articles formerly manufactured at the old establishment In East Berlin can be had here. Understanding hl• bulginess perfectly, and selecting Itila goads lilmaelf, he Is able to warrant ble Drug* pure and as represented. The public are requested to give him a trial. D. ? New Oxford, May ft, Imo. tf Farmers, Attend to Your Interests I GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. \ E )taberriber would inform his elasto mers and others, that he is still manatee. ring various kinds of cestings and, Ma e 13 01, made to order, on short tithes, 8U &I ' THRINFIERS AND POWERS, (five different sizes of Powers,) CLOVER SEE HULLERS AND CLEANERS, CoRN SHEL ERS AND SEPARATORS, CORN FODD CUTTERSNTRAW AND ILAY CUT TERS; RN PLANTERS; PLOUGHS, such as Ca 4 l:loughs. Bundle. Ploughs, Side• hill and Co Ploughs; the WIRE SPRI ove NG, HORSE RAKE. the latest im inent; also killltthlßL\ N'kt SELF-DISCH. GINO HOUSE RAKE. He will likew manufacture MOW E AND REAPERS. METAL (ACRE S for Cider Press., IRON BAILO; Cemeteries or Porches, with everything e e in his Due, all at low rates. FOR SALE.—A One r .1 /0 , VIM. tf TO THE BUILDIN k '• 1, it II Aprillo, Mi. tf I= WHO WISH TO Li i t h forms .the TlipuEbrivruinneld:uireffiteluesv CARPENTERING BURIN SS, at his old stand, on West street, Getty& mg, and is ready at, ill times to accommodate wanting anything done In his line. He is c• pared to furnish all kinds of work for bull - Ink purposes, of the beat material, and a neatly and cheaply as It can be done at any other establishment In the county. Expe rienced hands al ways in readiness and work are rated with promptness and dinpateb. • LG .- Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by attention to business, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. CHILITZHAN. Jane IT, DM. If LET ALL THE PEOPLE CONE! .Finvey Goods .f. Confectionery Store undersigned, having bought out I. Y. Warner 's Fancy Goods and Confer ttonery Store, on Baltimore street, nearly op posite Faltnestoeks' Store, Gettysbum, invites. the public's patronage. Large and tasteful as the stock has been, no ellbrt will be spared to render It still more attractive and desira ble. He now offers Writing Desks, Plain Candy; - Work Boxes, Fancy do., Portfotios, Pickles, Satchels twirditow, Pocket Books, ,Lobsters, _ China Toys, Chou-chow, Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Cakes, Jewelry; Ferena ()rockers, . _ . Chem, Wine Biscuits, Brushes, Musroon du., Perfumery, - Fire Works, SoltPu. Pens & Pencils, Combe, Writing Papers, Fruits, Envelopee, Nuts, Tobatoo& Sews, 87ru n &e., &e,,e., TOO NC METtOUS TO . &e., EN TION i He intends to sell everything at the ngest possible prices, believing Unit"small profits" bring "quirk SAWS," and are thereby* best for buyer and seller. Come one—come nil ! A. H. YEISTEL. Marsh V, ISOR. U KISSINGER. & SHERMAN, N O. 2 WEST MARKET STRE ET, TRR, PA AONNTEI AND DEALENS IN PIANOR, CAIRN ET OltO A NS, ME ieOD 1.^0148, AND ALL KINDS OP MUSIC.I.L INSTKITMEINTg, . , respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to furnish riaXlol4 of the followthg me.uulactureor of any other make that may be preferred: Albriyht, sefkea & Schmidt, Chiekeriati Sea, Bradbury, Kaaba & Yam. {ale & Sam, 'wrath& 11-Del, stirrer s CHLGJRATED - COTTA - GE, HARMONIC AND BOUDOIR ORGAN& AND 3111LODBONS. These Instnunents stead untivalltd by anj, thing (oared In this ouuntry or In Europe, as is admitted by all frupartial judges. The most eminent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, the last to discover excellent.° In reed Tone, pronounced them vastly superior to all others SChreXeeellUZlY gulch articulation and round Tune, the essential feature In instruments of this class. We invite the severe scrutiny and criticism of alt. PATENT VOX HUMANA TREMOLO Thts late and most wonderful Invention (so acknowledged by all leading artists) will lon found only in the Estcy Instruments. In at tempting to describe the effect of this stop, we are at lass for language. Its beauties cannot be written, but must be heard to he apprecia ted. By this stop en ordinary performer caa produce en effect which requires a life time of practice for an artist upon a violin. It en tirely changes the reed Tone, giving the sym pathetic sweetness of the human voice, mak ing It so melodious and pure that It peter falls to enchant the listener. . _ • THE HARMONIC ORGAN - for Church., Public Halls sod Parlors bee a poWerful eulrltnra with Independent reeds, /barmen:do attachment and Vox Humana TremolO, and is believed to be the inost power ful reed argon made , being nearly equal to a Phan Organ el three dines the cost- All Imo roments a arranted for five years. fati - IikLAS4ILINIS supplied with instru ments and ingsilc at reasonable tering. A liberal discount allowed for Churches and Sabbath Selo.* aii-Instructtoul, given both in Vocal and Instrumental Musk, at oar rooms, and at po plin' homea, either to ludlvlduals orelanaes, on reationableterms. Dec 17, hal& tf 628 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 WM. T. ROPKINS"`OWN MAIM" the 'ICUS CaK I RTS," ARE host and PEN!' LOW Pitmen Hoop Silln the mariost, Trull Skirts, 15 springs, ; SI springs, 11-SO ; and 40 2athiP____ .1/.45. In skirts, a tapes, SU springs, M Malaga, 15 Choi s; springs, $1,11; and W springs, 51.25. Warranted to every re aped. “Our OWN Ilake"of "UNION SKIRTS," Eleven Tape Trails, from 2.) to 50 springs, 11.20 to 1150. Plain, Six Tares, 20 to 5 0 aPrloga, from 05 Cents to 112.00. /nese Skirts are better than those sold by other eatablishments as drat class goods and at much lower pries.. "Oar OWN alake"of MPION SEXISTS" are 111 every way superior to all other Hoop Skirt before therm bilC,lind only have to be ex amined or worn to convince every one of the fads Misautactured of the bee. linen-finished NeglishiSteel Springs, very superior Musa, sap the style of the meudic fastenings and man ner of seeming them surpass for durability and excellence any other Skirt in this coun try, and are lighter, more elastic, wear longer, give more aallsfection, and are rosily cheaper than elitelllf Ryer, Wm 4111411i4 fry ann. They are Wag sold exterudvely hy Merchards throughout this and the adjoining states at very moderate prices. If - you want the beat for ° }l opktna' Champion Skirt." If you d oak o Sot find them. get the merchant with Whore y ordeal to order them for you. or come or WM direct to no. Merchants will - find our different grades of filch-hi exactly what they need, and we especially invite them toad' and examine out extensive assortment, 6r send for Wholesale Pelee List. To be bad atßetall at Manufactol7, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Maswietaree may, tO whom all ordeal . should be addressed. 11.11,2tUYALTORY can SALEROOM, 85, Between lth and 7th t te. Ptitlulelplita WM. T. HOPKINS. maim NOTICE. D. C: SHEAFFER, PETERSBUAG, (Y. B.) PENIPA., Is preparod to edbr to the Pablle earthing In his line as-limy as an be had In the = Sir Purchasers will do won to call and exam Ine our stook before fury' Ins elsewhere made to order. Repairing done neatly, amp- 17, and with dispatch JIM. 24, UM. tf BARK t BARK ! 1,100 CORDS WANTED ! JOEL D. DANNER DAVID mount. TUE SUBSCRIDER WANTS BLACK OA - K BARK, fur which h. will PAY 4141 OP per mot. on deity ery, fn good order, at kW tanyard, In Get tyseunt. Wanted atm, ROCK OAK BARK, for which the highest market plop will Le ECM I=l Feb.ll, L. Ilnt WM. BOYER & SON, DCALILRA GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Slone, Wooden . and Willow Ware. luorlseil of ill Good' FIRBT-CLABB FAMILY CiRoCERY Jan. 10. tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK orm Wagon. ,DAV ID S'NERNEIt. Notice to - Holders of 7-30 Notes. Last fall, when the privilege of oonvertlug LLa COMMUNITY August 740 Notes expired, mapt Perron who nes,loettxt to convert Into 3-20 B.ndl, or sell, ,PRO I , E t the premium and the privilege of convert ing. It will be the saute with the 7-30's ius. timing In June awl July unit, If uut dlupcseal olio Woe. This Dank will either convert, or purchase, the 7-3011, allowing premium and 21=2 CARP f -contracting a "i i I DR, RASH, DOOR '' \ .R. 7 OKLIR, And any other Article In :the . ding Link c lensed workmen always In Moil 'el). it, 18111 tf Are prepared' kinds, Repairlnc on hand and manufttl bgpas, BHU:I7EII9, =I DOOR* WINDOW 8 Seasoned malarial eonstaartly on work exikuted with dispatch proaspttrmlhlsn&sd la Sept. 20, ICI. IS NEW SADDLES SHOP. ON the MIL Baltimore ♦treet, tiettyiburg. Ps.--Cmunantly on kind, or mule to or der, all kinds of - - . RIDING 8 ADDLICS WwooN iknofxs, CARIUAUE HAREEM,. - ISBAUGIIT HARNESS, RIDISO BRIDLES, as low as the lowest. .Thne 21, 1807. tt CANNON'S - MARBLE WORKS, On Baltimore st., opposite the Conrt-Hoar, Every descrlpUon of work executed In the FINEST STYLE OF THE ANT June 4, 18e6. if IN 'GREAT VARIETY, PARASOLS, Row c~ Woods' May 11,1818. tt, E. H. HINNIGH. CHAMBERSBURG STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE ICZTSTOTE HOTEL, Confection, Periodical and News ALL KINDS OF CONFECTIONS, CANDIES owurcas, meson, NU* ICE CREAM A \ ND CAKES suptaied to iiintilles "sad raurtiaa at shortest nix DAILY PArsiof OP -86IA'IYO'Ri, supplied to subsortoesoitt lowest XI-CALL AND FgLA.IIINN. iNe Feb. 21. MB. V i;a: ••a f. ;It R.* coakit r""krl.l9l. • •••''' - MVO ATOIKE.' FUitNITURE. FURNITURE 000 CORDS OF boo CORDS OF = T9J)ACCOS, &C UM usually kept In a OF 01:TTY8DURO I= C. STALLSMITH & SON, VETTYS,II ORO, PA., ERS AND CONTRACTOREI, do all kinds of Carpentering la erecting builatinlP of 1611 They keep oonstaatly are to order, ESE:=32I IMIE2 BLIND RRIDLEg, COLLARS, FLY - NETS. 401.4, MEM GETTYSBURG, PEAr2T4 FANG, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, IC., GETTYSBUIika. PA., Depot. sr, .w.. aaa, eoludanttc et bona. ?law Tat9t, .2qtr• Citolali MAALLIMM 'rt7l333s AG CO.. RING'S Twi 611 r ,Ir II irt I. / \ Vt' / _4# Ytk s . 'V \ -- ; --- t o ' 4 . (:) .A \ 11:41::VitliTotir. . 2 • -•, \ Endicato Dandruo and 0- V \ HUMORS 44 ____,,,t, \ room ram 'cal." SD ‘'Q' t,i i 11 / 4 &if 4, 4,. 1 / 4 Al r it, i4# „ 141 i , 4 _ i.. BING'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA LS WHAT IT TO A GENUINE 11. 1 / 4 112 Illf.tiTt/ItA'l'll:l , % ennui!. timy, Light, lted or Flult‘l 110 Irto the Dark, Luatnr. 6:l4ken Tome., which adorn youth or age. It will r.ltively enun ciate union% end Inindruft from whip. and where' there Is llf.•lU tlaeglumis , wiii,,„„„„ a new growth of Halr to put forth on in spots. Thousands are testifying to ti,: ulna.. I'RICE; 11.00 PER flovrrE -A. D. Duet:tier, \Vim/estate and Retail gent, Gettysburg—and tar auto at retail It) sll„,,„ 10 Drtnistirts. Feb. IS, /Y lIANH'S COMMERCIAL MANURES, Ima MARK , zif ism= BAUGH & SONS, Philadelphia, Northwestern fertilizing Co., EMI= 110Lti Priem I 8.41'011'8 R. 4 W BONN 7.110.§TE.4 212 $.lB per OW MP. • )14(70.17 . 8 CHICA (70.130111 C FSR TILIEISII. per 2,600 Me. BA CO MS CHICAGO BLOOD - MALSWIIIe. VW per 2 OW Doe, The above Slanarea are furnished la both lay. and dung., whfrheverruanouera prefer. rk• Bdts ore unVornt Oa Weight 100 /bells The attention of learmere le especially di rected to the Met that the a tureen of I tie Row Material of which the above Manures are composed, are ao wellmutler control that we can Curate, them of strictly uniform outdo, and oundltlori,,and that they 011111\ln a larger perorate's° of 1111 l monis than ally Wiwi clasn of taanutactured 1t11.1111,114 in the muthei. 11AUtill a RUHR, 20 Routh Delaware Avenue, LA DE1.1.1 I . NOIITiIWESTE/IN Pit UZI MI Cor. Lake & Lasalle mt. &TM UGH'S MMEM('IA L.. MA of Es flay Ix: twoented [nen Oveltens any of lip , rnaelpul towns In the Unittd tllut.n ol xoninion of Canada. • Juno IV, 1808. WI 2,500,000 Customers in Fonr Years. PATRONIZE THE BEST! !laving the largest capital, Incat ext. - n. 1.441 bayera and extenatve trade of any 1,1111 . 1.111 It, the Dollar rkdo bualneaa, we GUARMITEF: MATISFAtTION a every Irudrinee, and abeam beat se:4,lkm (Goode er offered at = No Darr COINVIM lam any Now a Peer. r our Agents are anaing. Our num., "Prompt lllld Reliable." Male and fernalangetals wanted to city and ouuutry. E 1.4111 EM Are particularly requettleik to try our pop ular g Inn at Melo gd . Ulna all kinds of DRY Aft Lt I•'A\t , • GOODS, 1tt1.. , 11 PAN% .1. I t:SO., (lITTONCLOTII,I'Atcr( 1t.`4,1411,VER WATCIII,I4, Lc. tittatatillobtAl A µd. ill pen fountain laud a cheek tlizotrinista an article to In, told for n tin; 20 twr 62: 40 lot 51; (11t for SU; lila i0 , ,..1,1),..3.1,1ty uwll t'ree pr... nta In getti.t ittp, worth 4l per It no nu., than Mate 'tarred Air coo, other pair. rad amot ding toalze of eta,, s. tut at a trial elul, or It not 1/0 tot full 111 send tor a vireo lar. N. 11.—Our Fait, 1511011iti NOP be ehowed w lilt New York dollar Jeri dry 14111.1. or isams Companies, - fln It hillg or the sort. \ LAsTmAN July 3,1.4. q, 6.. Ilan...Nur at., lionton; March, 1t41.W: Sow ready, the/0180'441w ieurk, containirts,olo3ki. large octavo payee, taaaut as taw sheep. Prim, $lO. THE LAW REGISTER ; OnIIPRISINCI ALL T/TX LAWYERS IN THE UNITED NT. TE>i THN STAT.& 44,kiCUitll;,• eenteththe the Kate and County Officers, the organtrotion, Jur hullet fun, and Term. of the I warts for every stale and Territory : THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY FUR THE UNITED EITATEN containing the Officer, of the Federul Government, the Dutit of theseverni Deport men is, sketches o: nil the Members of Conuress, the (Mimi, cud Terms of the Frdemt Courts: THE COLLECTOR'S ASSISTANT; giving the - • WI for Collecting Debts, Engemling Deeds, Verifying eislins,and TaklngTeettroo ny, with Forms ior every State: WI I MUCH crrtiElt uszFut. INFolt- - NATION; Whole constituting an official and ,g BUS IsiEtIES JOUItNAL. 1 . 'REP RD FIRM OFFICIAL RETCREM UY WIN LIVINGSTON, Of the New 'sick Bar, Secretary of the Mar ,- chant ' Union Law Company. EW YORK: . Pablialted by t Merebentg Raton law Co„ No, PIS B way, Thlld Floor, (In the American li zet ange National Bank- The Book will be seu prep id, to may add row in the United Mat , - uu receipt of Ten Dull. ara; or it Mill be . . ed by Expflast, with bill, to be paid , delivery. June 19, lan. 1111 Gettysburg :: • oad, EI:ANGIE OF ,CONNEVTIO. - .S.—On and af ter Monday, May 11th, • , Passenger ns will leave and arrives Gettysburg, and Make counoctions,asfollo • : • FIRST PASFIENGERTR.IIN w leave Get tmbririt rLat 14.19 Atl i:, 7ll l llpas , th y t t i i 1 1 % fur I d " ol i t, , North and. West, ar;rvlng at Ham. , r Junc tion without change of care, at 10.15 A. 1., emi. fleeting with - the Fast Line South n the Northern Central Railway, awl aril vl, , ! \ , at Baltimore at 12.30 wow, A coma iliac with Malt Train fr lia) om Baltimore north, ar riving in Harrishorgat 1.00 P. 11. Arrlvlng4 Gettysburg 12.8) P. M., with pluilklipP/8 it Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washing ton. BFAX/ND PASSIiNG ER TRAIN alll Ie e \ Gettysburg at 12.15, P. M., arri, lug nt Ilatoo or , Junction at 2.40, and temOveting With null) \ train South. Arri; c ut Ihiltimore ut 5.:1 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg ut 4:21i I'. M., Wail pm.. sangria from Phitudelphlu, Bartisburg and the North nod Went, and also with lutssen germ from Baltimore and Waelduglon by. 4 fast line north, which lea, es Baltimore ut 12.10 noon. Paasengera eau leave Baltimore to the Mail Trainat 8.34/A.M., and arrive lu liettyshur at 12.30 P. M. Or leave Baltimore In the fast at 12.19 noon, and arrive In ca. ttvaburg nt 4.20 - P. M. But one change of cam either way; at Hanover Junction. 1411..11i.DY, ?reel, May 72, 1887. Hanover Branch Railroad, jAN and anew IdONDAV, Dee, Oth, Dor, pas. V senger trains on the Hanover Branch liallnsW 1 , 1 , 1111e:ice as follows: _ . . FIItriTTHAIN will leave Ilanover at PA) A. M. with passengers for York [Walt's, and the North andlest. - This trio it arrives at the Junction at 0.10 A. M., eon neethhs with • the Past Line Siouth, on the 'Northern Central Hallway, which arrls v., at 011101.11 at itt.So P.M., and also with the Mcli Train North, which urn% ca at liarrhlbarn at 1/.56 P. M. - . Sip•Tble train returns to Hsu. er at 11.ki P, Y. and arrives at Gettysburg 12. a) P. SECOND TRAIN tenets Hanover at t!._4.14; and arrives at the - Juliet*. at 3.10 -per, connecting with the Mall Train South, whitn arrives at Baltimore at 6.20 P. M. Paaungrre by this train for York lay .er at the Junction until 6.11 P. 3d. . . air . Trda Train retort. to Hanover of 4.4. t P. with paraengens for I.la.nover, Getty %burg and lattlestown. Paimingera leaving Baltimore for Hanover, Gettrab_om Llttlettown will (ago either the Mall Train at 8.30 A. M. or thePaat Lino at 11.10 P. M. JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. • Pennsylvania Central Railroad. E°UTILE track #cote running lot amen Phil adelphia and Pittsburg. Trains leaving lpahnog make the following eenneetiona with MU Trunk line : GellTsbars leave at 8.15 a. 11 , 1. and 12.45 p. m. HatoVer June. arrive 10.55 2.181 leave 10.58 a &Et " Etarrts . burg arrive 12.55 tt. wt. 11.45 " leave 4.10 145 a. on. Philadelphia arrive 9.40 7.18 Harrisburg leave 1.15 IEI6 " Pittsburg arrive LE a. m,.., gal :1 At Philadelphia clOo' ionilecktoils are male with the train for New York, Batton: sued ad Bodeen Cities. At Pittsburg oonneetloallaini Sur an Waidiatta pots* - made in titri Mier rdsdeti 1 1 1epatWilpt . 151411ruhat da-Porfurther Jaroreaation , EDWARD H. lEala i lfll, Hen. Rawl, Altootia_, HEW' W. Owintrail, Gen„PaielAirk, land, 1918. tf EAT WANTE2. *Awe. ="1111 .: alugiumpia., 11513E2