Vjt tgsbure tionplitr ONE maltors, BLUE '.W T r ' , Moser! Avdr, Ffiß IGAMI4 The eitiftmEtt vrtll be Ft.iued from thi4 time Until after the PreFhlential elei lion at FIFTY CENTS, or FIVE t'OPIEIi for Two DpLEARS —in vance in all ewe. Fellow Democrat; the most effec tive w•sy to help the Democratic cause is to circulate Demweratle papers. The Comer'.Eu will do Ets full' duty fol the enlightenment orthe people, as heretofore. Ono:LATE! CI ACV LATE ! •- .. MOSEY lATTEII Though the etze . of the COMPILER has been increased to thirtyedx.col :mos, making it one of the rev . ler , ge.t papers in the StHte and tlie lar gest in this Congressional district,the sul*prlptloti price remaine on before a year In advasiee,or St.'.soif not so paid. W ith x I tV.y ihlilitinitift expense In 1,111,11 , 6ing, and : #4lltibAtaAe it ii I,i , he of, the f/114filet mutt( be k ir, it( —more prnmpt • th.ul herttotoie. Otherwise it will lee impotutible to meet enl44neett. Publishers of smaller papers at oth er places ask advance payment iu aN cs4o4. Cau . we, with a inaniiiiotli ..licit, be expected •to.get along with 1,45? Aid, In arrears are urged , to pay op whhout . delay—then lake a fresh start, With a clean account and a year rues US shall inanifest 110 lil9)o,itiOti to settle in n short time, ❑nut not he surprised if our patience should hive away. We eatinot afford ranch longer indulgence. To that noble hotly .of patrons who are never behind iii their payrnetitOt earnest thanks are again extended. They are an honor to the race, and deserve a happy hereafter. ' Molt 'lllll' IIA% E RETRENCII.I.4). The Radical. , have had• control of the goKernment for eight years, yet all 1114.. have dok towards e•itiiiillehing eeonomy iil ItiTadrumlittration wail to adopt a re.olutum at tq rhiew Ceti vent ion. reboltitiontd/leffect nigh log, but proper leginlathan Vet - wit 1 just_ a+ eotnpleto control of eoiegre;4.s they ftail or the Coll y en -11071, they have tnltra to pros a single law to reJuce Eixpimais,abnlish earrp.• thin ter lighten the burden tit taxation. Judge the Radical Tarty by its acts, and not by I iirotiNslons. No smote' were Seymour and Blair I 11./111 i Iholfeal - in ton. ! ,triet. 7 itt prevent the eotokt-t Wit of any S'outlitrst deetoral votes. , hich might be cast for them. Thi; , Itow+ what they expect. They, have'' no hope. that ()rant CY II bu huale.tly , elected, mid are preparing to4expv• irate a fraud of the moat outrageous 1 chatinger, if ueceaaary; but the people will save them all that treluble by gte. tug to the Dernoeratte. efulthtlatee ao I large a it,ajorlty that ehere can be' neither temptation. nur excuse for such rascality. 3tottE black mail ! Tlie Radical com- Mdtee ut Wa.Rhlngton have assessed Jesse Atichniuty; Ynattnlibter at Mil lersburg, $23, do hia share of their cor -ruptiim fund. Mr. Attelanuty "can't sec it la that light!" GEN. 11o:coca: Ints verluon a letter cattortang Seymour and MARKZT IIItPOUTS. 6 . 4 .1N0NV, I 1 00 7490 • 2 511 2 40 6.2'45 I'o FLowt, ..... 121(1.1 .f.'LOU x,.-... WinTE: Wil EAT, li EAT,. .• RI OA rv, BUM HA v, (.:LOVEIi-BRND t'I.A X.HERID /0014 k ENE 2W '.'s 10 00 =l==! 800 P,OO 2.05'60 - 2 4S' 1 65 1 70, FLotin, ri MAT . • RYE, ......... ••••• CORV 0A...... .... C Loy T I swrii 1 luGs, r 1 Itu Ltd ........ EF mh and h RAY, ..... (. _ 1 00•@ 1 18I` el tomb. In 3lountplenant tow iiship, a fort...add, 8 2 4 6 , °°,'gla l ,"".., ' " e 'rkt u nt o !,,:r.;., l :le u r d :::;:i '- a% n ef.;,.. ' ""'" 7al (tf, ,-. 51, Tile improVenientsconelei of •dord.le 275G0 43 00 1 LOU /101.1liti , Llurn.SprinVlou., and o. il l II 7 5 ( ~ ,' 1 ' I: 1 75- , tila:p r n,sx ) l4l i ong th orrne r kio ' w an :tiroi). ' 4: . ( 1' 8 50 o . ll' 17 (N 1 it IV 1/OaII4IIIIII, MlNillt.d and in u goo,. 23 00 0, 25 oil of cultivation. having been recently limed It Is also well Waterati, there being the sprtno. of ex,ellen I, Mlll Ile% er-faillro: cuter , once• I 4 nierttly mitstated oR tile premiNrs. - . • . r .l r i.. T ,, be pt lit u r . m a rll i l „,, i u s t • so . lt! r ij ,, i , , , T l l; i : .: r n ric a t r w e it , ll , t o ll; 1 by the public road leading from Senn a mill ! t Military Corner. u Inch a ill 1,... sold separate f le. fhts tract allfonis a clue opportunity to an) Is r.on wishing to purchase bulldiuglots, -as 'lt Is favorably situated oit the road side and Is of excekleielrqualite - , • -Pcnons doldrlgig tot-steal* tlip erOpt rty eall Con Oil lice tenant, Mr. l'harleil4terner, r. • siding t ,croon, or upon Jarl,lioc, ..sii., 'alio li‘.s a sflort drabinfi. (roast write. stale LA emoinence at I o'clock, P, M., on said clay to w.b n ets a n tt. y /ciao/or all/ buitivea bud tern* kow b MICIJAEL la:ILI:, Executor. July 31,1%4. to .d_ .PUBLIC SALE nt.' PERfifirAF. PlinPF.Wri". ' 0 ottri, Phila., =I eip l'he.day evening, at Philadelphia, Pr :tormeciy_ul WI. plaer sir. d fi.:2....srIDAS day: ' 11 wtur4 w evecOni loo‘Mf• JO/r\ 0 . 4 .$ TEit., of Sfe4horryKtown, aged 70 On Sunday night hist, liar. HENRY HART MAN, Franklin township, m the 111.1 t 3, one ,pl' Wet a ge. At the rontdOnee of Itefiron-tn-lan, Mr. John lion mnn,ln t lax phter, Ttleaday loot, 7,Tr., Af If A ItIN ROLLION, aged 74 TeSra. On no. I3tL or Juno lamt. Mr..loll.'S Rl3t- BAI. 011, a :Ntountplew.a. township„ugoi 74 Near flunlerslown, Jaly 20111, of cholera in fAutum, WA LICK .1101k.111, on of lit:orgy T. and Mary J. ilud.on,figul 2 UlOlllalA. On I ill. 1010 fwd.. in eninberland tawindllp, AU( Ws C.ANsATT,agedl3 viln. 4 montlix mid 5 d+p'x. On 111, :LIMA 'wit:, VI(TOR lIUtfO, 'On of 11.. v. IL and Mazy (Maim, of efflindelphin. lk.gott 10 mOnth, 4ln the 17th Inst.-In tlik place, (;11ARLES, only child.l lim.v.Chnrie% and l'ritcll- 41,1, of Porryvtliv, Junlatn , aninty, Pa.. aged 3 months. - Coniumultuted. • lin the Pah of July, otter a ttneerl 'K iltncaa, Mr. LEVI I It VIN, of Buchanan Volley, aged to) ye.tra 0 months and II day, Weep no more; he to not dmd. But our father only sleepeth; And his soul lull fled to heaven. Where there sokeye that a eepoth, There Id twat bright world above, All his suns are now forgiven. Singing to his Seder's love— . We could not Wish ono back Arabi. Fouler, no more wllljote our [plainer, He no more our tolls shall know, And our Souls shall Join him at bast, ..of dwell In perfect love. .May be real la peace! E. Jayne. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. C 9LLELTORS or Ina and p loan Yuan are hereby notified to mettle off their duplicate% oo or before MONDAY, the 171,h of AUGUST Ili larder of the litwag of Comsolseimers. J. M. WAlallli, Clerk July 31, Istkl. Protheatstarr 7 Lbe solicitation of mayly hlcods I 044 1 ' myself as • LlaudLlate ( Sr immix,. hubjedto We decision of this Demo craticCu' only Cons...saki:4 If notuliiittertl rod elevted, I pleat e the melt to faithful Ily,dlmett.4*' the dulles or the ottlee. TH031169 C. TITAYELL Nevi Oxfunl,/aly 11,105.. , tai • Prothonotary. tiso sotkiced t.,y it hmerbutt frlerlds, _I °Mar =yea eu r as a ttittlete far PIVrTUONOTA -14. ohttket to Ott deetaton ot the Dealt& opt eou ‘ n*Eveuttua. Irpotalnated one elect+ .1. / nevelt to Olio:large the dotlas of the the beat of uta abtlit.y. "" J'. w. BACHMAN. /Irtantpleatitat twp.. July at, Piet te• . • Prothonotary. Nr a... .oikit..ok.n of many triende,l cries adwelf tat a candidate for Yittnilos(l - to the dot:Lulea o; the D , . 00. 0 6001Veaverotloo.. j(aselpa;ed and eleets tu V • Myself 10 a SaH/Lful discharge of e• 'Hie WHOII. JOHN A. ATWELL. . .Hdy U. 108. to JAR 13,—(1/s0 sod Moue .3nrue for putting up tom.,thins, ie., at 0001:013,—Nande how Wis 4 Sae the ally with • loWiti . iwreghill ism 6,4. SPECIAL: NOTICES Mars Veratable SheMau IlAllt RENEWER. The bark of its remedial properties is n eg ' t table nomponud. , • IT WILL REsTORE lIAIR TO ITS . • ri et: tile hair from failing out. 11. tha mealy and aukes the bale soft, Inatmus and 'liken. t laattplaindld hair drawling. IL P. II 1.1. L a- Nashua, N. If., Prnprie lora. For sate 10 all druindate. Jul!. It, Var. tret' '?Ye ielletrlaß , • Itearirtillea are old and walk entahlialiedi arid 'thorium& hate been benetitted by Oak use. They are for sale by drutraista • TIFF. PERUVIAN t4YRILP, a protected Solution of the Protozble of Iron, aupplle% the blood with lta I,lle Eletnent, Itata - , giving atresigth, vigor, and new Mir to the what , 8.71 11 4 ti- her DlVidate l , f rl n ltiNlity, ',emote WelillaateilseNete., it In i.: , 32 p.me PorniShlet onatidoluir e• Maitre on "1n,,, as a Meditql. Ith eeettlltattea and .1 revenprrir. 7.161 t 7 : rottlt, I ,ttl Is, St., Nev. York. WISTAIL'S TIALAANI NVII.TI hits 1,,,t1 ascii hArly half a celllttry for Coughs, Cobh, l'onmf ni In ion. and et .0 . 3 utree. I too of Cit.' ThrUt, 1.1.u.p.u11.1 beet. It cures (2114101 lit . 'tie.. 'ling and eleurrAng.the I flags 1.101 alla.) , lng 11110 i I,lllolllla Its,. Vans' 11114V04/ UI diryillg up t h e tough 1.11.1 leaving thar ratimel.a•hlml. W. 1.0WL1., dr. SUN, I'rourletors, NO. I'l Tremont At.,llur.h.m. Dr. .INDF:II., 191,1 NE WA:ILIt, a pore attlation of lodln.. tllt.4olNed In ,(tiler vlllllA.rt a N./lecrtt, vontatuntg grattxx lodine to viten flaia taint* of water. .odlnt. 1. taltultted, by all !Mtn,'al men, to be the brat luittisint [Finedy fur ticrvfnla, cent. F4141111*, Malt Rheum,' att. and thong ean teal II) to the wouderin.l nine , of thin prertabit love In *nett eamte (Intuitive lttit. J. I'. DlNKlitiltE, Proprietor, No..ta tte,) St., New look. CEI.EItIt.ITED.S.V.VE _ nm g l, soren% BurWl. menhir, Crux, W.lnal.k, Wm wax, nprati ma, l'ltappod llamalN 0W1,1.11114, kf.., It an TrotraTt. lu awl ton, ..thela tin, paha, take). out Mt Irl'lleYot, 111111 rl atutZ Mt. m.nt.e nirrylout in Novelling4 nnu Itinajmnytlonm: ULU liLitdailg WWI itud at emu t.• tar, Onl3 25 vent. q box; acut by mull fur :Li Vela, t41;;TII W. FI)WI.E proprl444 - 4rs, 2,04. 1.4 24, 141 CA. Denton., Ettladneloxwad extArrlls, Trentecf..tub the utsno,t nueeess, by lie. .1. ISAXt'S, °enlist and ifornierly of Llullant.) Nu. mil 4 11.1.11 t Nil, et, . 1'1111:Wein/tit, Testim;nlals froth the nin.f aoureaa 1,1 lbw city and ronntr} txa he, seen at fib. Attlee. • ?hie "AtoeltrAr YACctity Are MN UPI! to neeoittpany their patients; an he has no seelet.; In bls praetlee. Actlclrial a> en in4ertett wlttinue pain, No aliarseaatia4a for exantinat-bin. Alny"l, Pius. ly ' A Jew iftemetiqx few Cosislainptiois. .1..rn07k4'” vow hstllLnn•Atn pti onqut ',T end. year., with frequent trieedingsfor the !Lingo, cured yininett milk a 1na.14-1 un known to tire l•roireoolua Is hen hit'it rain ap peared bp044.414: lir 'Pukka only phyair.laa win !tit, .tist tt it In his wit, }'moon; Cr who inns tiny knowledge of its virtnist,llll4l he can rube the th;gree of health be twit , enio) tt to nettling—Tall the it, of his, ntrehelne; and nuthlnu. lull niter di %pair flint vitt in eSt I I lot of all tette. of N.elliery, t(i,tether with' it Went of tliiillth•liee iiii_lollur+,llltillretl lutlisrd the es pet Innen I. To tineo, ?differ ing milt. utas - dioesse ul Uaa. I.lknitel he prof f, a I tent,. LI! e.titll.leliti. bell s e, w ill mellente the (IN-ore. Medicine oeutl , s. ex pre..., no 101 1 n o elrettl:Zr or Nil/ on Pi:. flt)YL. , Tek!s; .1 \,(1:1 , 41,V, M„ • h A Cited 10 the Ladles.. I.IOII.IiEN 1 . 14:101.11.kt, PALL. , FOR reeling Itrcitul.trittei, @•ttaeving (Metro , Roos of the llutalhf}• whateser Cdusr,ona ithropi ntle..•cr.fal. as 4 l'rattat , F.bmies+ppmpbFty attnnled,or Bow suppon.. "log Lt3,111-10.hreli inued agntust tu lug tlttW Pitt. While Is eowiltiou Wit ttle) ••Invite mlncesrtne, - after which ilnto , nitau,, the Prop rigt.nr - Xxxllll.le4i le:tumult 61IBS. nitin ntet their minim," will .prevent . 11 ) Xultratlet to ;rice .t per Box. Six Bole, Sold by J OHN .1141,1 bruggla, Bole Agent fortZtettysburg:P.t. Ladies, by sending him fl Wwistals Abe rasa Odle, east have She Pigs sent, (confidential ly-a t Mmi, to guy part pt the clogutrY, "tree or 'postage." 310,1,1tS ty XN Niarataxe Get4e. .AN Euria Y FOR YOUNG MEN, on Physlo 141nal &Mora, Abeam .and,Diseasea, inci dent to Youth sea Early idanhoood, which ereute Impedlinenta to MAJIRLARE, with sure weans of relief. Eent in sealed letter elivelopes free of attarge. Adders, Dr. J. Eli lititailiTON, Howard Aseoclation, Philadelphia, Pe. 13;1E17. ly EEI PUBLIC SALE OF TA LIABLE REAL ENTATE. ug' haPrshfneit;tx&lltor or tht• but will I wad, tent.unefr. of Pvter , , Noel, law ht Mouhtblcioutnt trywnghtp, Adams coUnlY, tleetawd; turf!' well n.f rulN le Mole, on TR rIU4- lIA'., the '2lflt Suy of A l'(:1 , :4T ,011, on the prernhow, the Root Estate or ootd deeenent, connietlng of 113 A FARM. .talung about M Aintl-15 trf tiNt-rale Lana . . /AN TCLlSti.k`e 2,5 , the 111 rlav ArarsT kj next, yltt undersigned, 4.ll.lllllstratrie of he estalu'itt Adana now era, deawinaol. gyp .011 t Pkilak _ Melt tut eilkiotwa of &id , 14 calen• t in Strain townshi Wan,. county N , hear ew Chester, the hollow ing Penonal 1 'rola fly, viz: ONE' 110ILsE, 1 Thns•42.earo.l.l Colt, I Cow, Helfer, 2 Bulls, 2 .4 Khans, r wheep, I Two liorwe N% anon. Wagon (l e d' add Bow s, (lay Ladders, F. eal Trounh, lonure 'Mends, Pieughl., Lturrows, ns nood uo 110111 . , :silos el Plough and Coin Folk, shish, Poubh and Three-huan Tr. es, Calto{ Box, 14 rlnol-lon.•, 2 sets of tilir (roars, I set of PrUnt lean., 2, gets of Pl. 11 oars, all as goal on new, Col tart, Brid Wagon, 'tiding and Side Noddles, Munntdrni, Fork.", Kakeo, hluveler and Spade, Unita-Maul, el, ,1,0k.-wrew, Biala nod eloVerworat ("amities, theeaad !Smith*, Haller 111/41 Cow Chains, Half-bushel and Peek :Idea/urea, Axes, Wedges, a lot of Ittanna. Flax 'lrak. and Flax; a our-horse Carriage; a goal lot or Cax_puht4 r, Illitelssiutta and hlux tanker ItoWlk Wheat, Rye, ( hats„ timothy end Lioyeta. 1.1) the ton; 13 Bags, Wagon Caser, 411(1 Blankets • 2 Set Nola, ltitlr Net am! I lop Net; 2 First -rale EUtbos; a lot of Leat`ce, trans-rut lying n !Sieves lot of Bruoins, ,00., with Mull:hold an 1 Kitchen Furniture, viz: BF,D and DEDDIXIi, Lose of Drawers, H.ll.eherl Dresser, Settee, 2 Ten-plain Stovept, Chests, Table,, Meat Vessels, Barrels, Box. s, and a varlety.9l other art lelos, teat nuanrroas to 111011{100. sale to cOnamence at 10 o'clock, A. 31., on auld day, when attendance will he given and terms matte Canaan t/1 Lernal)A 8))W ERA, liarn`x. July 31, DM& A VALUABLE FARM =I OFRIDAY . , the liith day of AUGUST next, k../ the iolbocribers, Executor of We Wit It I and testaMint of Ephraim Reno, demised, will °Rep at Public Role. on the premises, the roLiccictug Real Rebate or saki dectdeut, viz: A untrfticittx. YAMS. Mtn:Mein Hamilton township, Adams county, on the (heat 0 41 3 onorde meek,adjoinius lands Ot Henry Hoover, the Mb", Issrdortl, Solo mon Rote and Mirk! Brown : and contalnimi abonil Sf AeftbPl,, lot which 16 acres are IgaW` Wilber. me intordohneare 'COMM,. of alum.' fortable Two-etwry Roughcast p•rEl,.. L 1,30- KULISE, with „Pork " new It nt Men earth:eke hoses, I bmoke nose, Hai Pen, nod other out- TI buildluge, with twu WM. 9f water, one at the house and the mile! It the n cso on the premises • thriving oung Apple Oratmed, be yesrtr4l4rlstlr=l. ot , ttgillt;itt:mt to In a wan Mateo( ruitis /on. The fence. are iVum c litl i tk rrr 311 r : 1o U X Sale to commence at la' • P. on said day, when Mien:4mm erlil ilirfinLand Wm. Made (Mown - by AARfr HEART, : WERT, Aria* °MITA, Aucltilideer„JACO Parlors July 31, 1863. ,G OW to sap -1 Lam it " LU 41s, sad cheop, , TH - E GETTYSBITRG" COMPILER, FRIDAY CUNNING4IAM kLWAYS AHEAD 11= CHEF CLOTHING GENwx.pislor rraaavwxa , at by Store, on 111 LT i MOIL E STaYET, artraturai, PA The put,He are rrepectfully Invited to call nod examine hts large *Ail well ' , elected stock of Gohda before porelidalbg cloewlwrr CQMR ONE, COME ALL am! treat .yourtstarP. r tr9oo,..stitt, of(aptiling. Jllly Superintemleat's Notice, T WILL examine Teachers ut Ihe loalawliag naluutl times MA plates, to wit: Ntnituot, Hunterstown, Aug. Li, $ a. Ut. Refuting and Hampton, Ilumptou, Aug. 17. 2 p. Borough, F. 410 Ferlln, Aug, lA, Ba. m. - It,n, r ek Aug, Li, .113 m. Berwick towu.ltlp, 1 . 14P012 }ill/ S. 11., Aug 19, M N. In. . . t u " :::i4 N el e iZin 3 t x . i lli r rlisl;l 19 7 1.1. r H. , Au g 10, R. hi. 1111 l mago...Malahertyatown, Aug. 21, 94. in, Union, Sehll4l4 x H. H., Aug. 21, 2 p. m., Aug. 24, 914 zn. ' flaring - ay. us. H., %ug 22, 2p. in. Jiuti+r, IM IddlepHru, Aug. 21, p.a. in. ataunllan, IMnderavllle. Aug. 25, a a. m. Tyra ha, lial4ll.4rablirg, Aug.:3l,2mm. aa, m. 1.1E11111“e, ROMA n, 11.. Aug. 2,49 a. in. nullm:Lnal.Normul ha,l IL.ann, Al g... 31 a m. Fr. Plllllll, 'Morn is S 11., Aug 'ii. 11 a. In. ighland, I'llllll 1.1 s. 11 , u p liquattonhun, fieptll x a. M. 1 Alason S /1., Aug 1,2 p. rn. F. ran kin, 11 , 31.11111 UP%, 'Fa Taverua, Vug. 12. 1 1 A. In. Dlrretnra 111111 0111 , ell in the 1,11,0 are in• Heti to attend. 1 wllnt.l r,. hp." nutty .11 utu silts, L. 010 th.- Cinii(ll. retails .• to when. 'ortillenb, pub. 11.114,1 In th plt.per of s Isle Jute. A. higher ttrUide of tit:Mill...Um. 14411 thio yet, be n. rol t ,-Tatwitens will prepare I.lannuot/aex neeurtltugly. Ni. pro.a/e ..I.utolbationtt eun Le granted, and 1111 I ernlnutes a 111 he guna - ed. Thotte yltn full to attend tito rexttlur ea mai rmlnna to titeisd.trlet•Nrill I. requtrt4l to u/Aurul 0 spacial publle exatotattottott Istertsltter be mutoutpoect. S.II.EHIN, Cu Rup4. tiett MAIN, Jul!. 11 , Pkto. • . PUBLIC SALE. Tt t Y the Ist Any of f4F.PTEJIBNR ky next, theStll.,l birvelurs lintallLoo bun ton n•blp will offer at Public Nnlo, on the premise.,the FIIIIIIICII4AHOUL Ho Usk: IN FAIR/MLA with the Lot-of 6ronnd upon w.hlell It II thnds Alw~a,oo. to commence igt o'rin•k, P.M ,on said thy, when term~ will h,• 000tc I. coil it. ' MMMMISMI . . Alf WelOrk of4Jie garui‘ Attstl o /Inland of 1)1reNo1-14 met to onploy Tote& nt for toil.l tom toltip. MMMEI • A ha% ber•Ti generally einolltlted I , lntemy I reutlnont Of DE %1. 5 71 ER , Inas nuts ersnlls e•o,hil, Unit I h el niNen lip the gt nnrul i provin r. fin 1 v. 111 take lurk nanip. .1 Inforlnnly no friend , . met the pkthile fr.! ntv,slu tort uttontlon elel Ir, gine of it now., nor My I.llllm with Conon - Hi.. Plm . onhntl. KM In Mfr . wise Intern, e Kith Inv a1ionI1o111“ tier grnrral prlvrt Montrinr. onto. on Lonilorcl nr,, I.,inle , toWn. /in. W. - lIEN 4 O - N. JIity.II.PIOA. It An OnilnaWe for the Preservation of flood order. • 1)}: It ordatnell, and It is hereby unlaine.l by JP Ole Town Onsandlof the Borough Cl t sinus, tillit,llo OW, of umonetoont. tax *MP bar, hdluon, restattrutat, or other ' , Low a here spirituous ur malt liquor,. ate coal w her fuel-m.l, *MA% to, kept open within Inter - than It rrelOck.P M. .tbd sty oer mu a ho .hall keep open, or permit to he kept 0p.., Shy such place et etuoloralent or boat • ur whit sell or furu ash uu> opt run own or wall liquors later than the hour afore sold or eu rller than 4 o'clot.k, A. M. 51.411, 4Pod coos letion thereof, turn:aural pa% doe jails for the nrbt offence and ten dollars fur any subsequent offence, and shall also pup the coidtt of proserutton, and upon failure to pay such due and colts shall be Imprlanued In the Loek-up or Jail for the space of forty-eight hour, ALEX. SPA.Pan.P . A. July 27 Piet. Proa't. ot Tou tt coUstelL Attest—J Sit ENTAIL CULP, Huey. Appro,sql— ,V. MTP:II.S, Morsel.. July It, 1608. BOUNTY ACCOUNT. F INAL STATEMENT of the Bounty Ac. count of titiNOWAOO TOW:Cr:HIP, Ad ams wont,. Pa. MICHAEL BEILY, Trowurer of Bounty Fund, 1p seenuot with NU me, from April, I SS, to June, 1001— To tunount received ma private soh aoriptions, to Pod- $3041 00 Amount receivod on privat e gob. icrip{lona, to aaoond draft 1,681 Amount received from Collectors of Bounty tux for 1804. . SABAH Amount received from °olio:tors of Bounty Tax tor lisiound j 1,761 SI •A'notunt loaned boat Hart A Ku. -1,700 00 Amount rel . . Iv ell from collictor, April 9, 1341- . 113 11 A modot raneiNed from uIJ 144 of pri vate Rutro,rliation . _ ..... 101 08 lia.lonee - enrlectod on old dopltrol, Hi 44 Aniou7t re. elved from Collo. for of , cA 121,4 4,7 Its amount or order, paid "t r. n 111.4 1 , 4i. 11 -^ 0 .00 7 r Amnunt ortteradotia put on xec9f4dpa1t,....... • 11,414 44 ,Fees - or Trsurer.. DP •• ' Note paid ea Fro.nciA . Nun, - ,....i Inn . - C 4 QO Note pattt ed.ewart watmer and 1ntereat......... 424 00 - Note 'RIM .4.braltArn and interest 2.0C , 0 00 • Note paid W. Bart. and Interest ..... 211 00 Irderpaitl44 84, Treuaurer and In.. eidental expenses ........ Ml= 2t,434 R 8 $OO 49 Wrk, the undvraignoil, Atuntory of C.onowago township, do certify that we has. tlini LINT ex amined anit ailditC4 the Bounty AcOatnit of, -.lflehaet flinty, Treasurer of Bounty FUn..l of cadet tnwto(hln, and find a buhaDO of Slaty laillara and Fifty-ntue Cents in ht.s Wide, I *trill he has paid over to the Shoot rtind for Otiftowago aichOof IllBtrlct,l and that the fefettotriz ethtent t ent 14 Correct und based on data furinitshof he Anditurs' Couownan tow - robin April ti, AMC, um 111111.11 lb 00 1001)- I , lllp hook, w hen settlement VeUR, Math' ; nt MIS. litter VOUChk•tf , , 1 ttes I t. 6 11,131 - 0,1%) . 3111110141: N.U. u. gyuN, ' - PrrEr. LISTER, Auditor. Attest—To , . BruicKn, Towitt.htp Clerk. July .1*(11 AS cluzArs"—Tr. ILit n4.ary 17xelte- Ment dented rl,ll Ir lli. .11( SOAP. The wnshlnx powers of this . .4,p nrr tray loan ',lmo. in•rson who ha , : mer Tried It will don ithout It. Its recomin. !Oat UM* me POUVI. Purity. utter llaratjettenelgt and wuliderfulEillekimp, . Woltennte.l 101 ontidn Impel* washing pellet to the dollar'. ,teetti than any other soap in the marl, t—therefor.. the mittipobt. Try It. Satlefiketton truetran• I. id I It noel according to dlrettion, or Melt e), Iterumalede Ask one csoeer fm IL. Manulacturvd onlj by IitSeCALLEZ It MALL, (C}MMSCIS SOAP \WThK.,,i No. 448 York Ay., Old York Road, Phila. Jnly Z1.1E64. emi Administrator's Notice, TT Aliellailitt LRONtal FBTATE.—Lettent of od e) ministod I on MI th e cantle of i10n..1 amen W st rum, lute of the Borough of (4,143 - I.thnrg, Atlanw E•on sty, ciectit, having horn panted to the modenngned, residing In the tame pl.ce, he hereby give* notice to all pereona tn. debtod tonal estate to make immediate par Mart, end Moe* having elainut against the mime to peened them properly authenticated for geatiestent, l!M!1 Admiaisintor'a ISGetise. J'l" Oin a t i ga n kra LTA'S .Drzerr..—Letters ,or col on the estate cit Jontph spengkr, Iste of Heading two., Achtms CO, rtwitli nsed,,,bsylogbiwttgranu,, 1 to thAtinrkrsigned, nglnlbe Same townlit t al,Tid tiereuy plvas natio° sorms t0.i.0 to asht anon to 'mike tin 4 Troxyntent,, ikud [bath baring pew4,,,rour a con m611;4410 prevent thent pro 'peirti to 4111F4tsd Doe weitiejul " sastrzu ARM, Ittly MOW. t4t. , 4%!14 nistratdee, ' Admiiilittnitot4 Ult. ~ - , nor J .4 ).. l l.7,aiarrati.. :R.. LT nidobn Min bane', r . ok Mdeielpnlimont'imp., Adam, co. . dew ~ ;awing been granted to the under signed, reeittimg to Union township, tot berobly gives nottee to all permits Indebted to bald s r acute to make • payment, and those having did the no to pre nb...' tlorna idw9nrilall a . . V; 37,Y. * 01, dattnrningrator. ' WARE i—WARE.I—WAREI—.A. floe smart mentor Skase Mao Ware, al,a= Ware, with a tier style Coffee Pot, a gullets, all cheap, at, - GILLESPIE & OEM, real it! icar, Oman purejial- • . GILL111PIE& CO'R. UDR White Gest* Tthauldji% co to Ml' MOW SILEMIYS, lii .17vp arlai . ll, ..leirr4.4.: cOeeidy, Per. IN 1,,,,i,nce ,W , titelry wr.to of Vend i I hail --- 1 El 0...n.u. and Herl I. n et a , t....m.d00t of 11. rpm, itailendgn,.l ha, e . I. it, .1 the BRICK (loin of i'omik.. 1 . 1 , 1.,1 I,,tain. routitN, P. 1.,; 1 IVAIIEBOL 51.., lu New Oxford, whkre on itteede dir,ted, *lll Ix raree.eil to 1 . 111.110 1 ton are .:moping oil the k ' ma , as the t"urt Hume, In t..ell'u'igulit. oil:R ORALS A 1 , I) PR D Old • Cn 81' , 1N,5 % SATIt UDA Y. the all. duo .4 AU.: UST neat, , uaylng the highcd prii es tor Wheat.. luye, ot I 0 E e ,dlou M k. P. ~ the follow lug de..eri.heil ! ('urn , 11,,,1.L, Clover and Thantli,‘ , el , lo,l , tit A Beal .ate, \- k:- ' Fruits, t-tetti+, Horny Shouldere &lot 814100, AIA/T OF ottou.sp, - 1'0raw0...,d , , GROCYIIfr:4 rrf all hlnda uon , tardlv on situate In the town of Lool Itrlllo, Adams • , nd ~,,, •,, k ,, , k.„,,.. s i mp . (.011111Y, IL, frorat Int hi feet to. K..% , treet, 1 and running hark to an alle) 2'lo le. t north. 1 31 „7., 1"" u „, ". ,B T L IT: L . ,t h bo n p . '" : -1i . i. i ( 5 1 1 . ,":1:„T i k . , e ,i , „.i,„..; mr.i.iii" , lilt "'"'" r g '`' d "" the ~cat. u l lso t'u :I Oli 1 fah 011 'ger eci' - Nldgeo and ' n j * "nrt L'bbn ''" the ' f" ; "Pr " s. " l i Yl,ll4..Emillitti end t t h„ trig hr.; and with a Ittrite Two.vtory llrli I: DM El.- .. , . _... g . ~. .. a . .. w LINO 111_B AE, Wien a teint-awry Ilrlrk ..., 111 nigio ,lll,l mint ..rticl.. — .lll ' , Ma' 1 the . - Bark Bulldefigeitteichml. The hOnail. Itt, eat pnAta. ir new and trio Mogilev. p art of the lox u. I I ' Phu.-.' !""; ~I . V. u r T ,,e }.h, : / : .:u ‘r 1 ,, ::. 4, ", , ,' , ..,k . ,. e n e : , 1 : 1 1 „„ Pi ,...u ggl n g :: and In nog in :utile.] as a 1.1110 .1.1.. L. -.L. ~,,I ' ,.,i'1,'`',14, I' t 1t. ,, , .__ • , , and token 11l ezuentlon as the real 1 ..111 1L• or I .. ....^. North linear,' *tr. et, Ba/ti more, uvery . 'lii. Jan,, a A. Artu•ti °lig. 1 - wuek, tionde earned both Ivit, a on - mildly PIILLIP /I.INN. blie , Jig. ' and at low rate., • fahtr1ife....111...., Get" yaburg. Jllll If, IWO.. : Tllll pi. tr 1 . 1•Olart. of thr 1 ',W.. •I. • o itotl. Ey ce-Tett p. r cent. of the imr , %1.- . err effort moth. 10 please. on oil ...ILw lil the 'brill 1111,1 be pool in i r i ,NIF.LHORN A. BENDER. linnieshat, 1, ail...l'lllV prolorl3 i. NI no k dolt IL i !COW Oxford, May ..,.,, 1-aq. lye . . or upou Minter 11l 1.1/1111/1 1111 . 1,,t Int 111 pro- : --•'-- - - - perty a Illbe MANI lart anew . ',air I S.L'LLIA"G OFF __ VA.LUABLE I. I ROPERI'Y -" ',VW!, vi iffla ;lila e mom for more '. N .0 R,OCER IEI3 & Ligtort SI kT Pill V.VyB SAUL I -- fT.! \ - 1;•.:t.. lied. tett/rued Baia the City with TllB umkralgued 011,18 at till ate Sale 1 11 ,he.luegest, and stunt s ninn i an„nrtn,„„/ J. the lartn on }VIII; li ,Ini now rt.htia., 11l , , nu e 0,,,,,,L, I ,or 0,1. ro.l hen-, I. Leapvt o, IVO I lor tot* ....Ip, for tlit , too' ( loncltag vat., ~,i, I. 1,..1, 1,. iiit.i, in,,,,,i nisi ii,,, , Bell's Mlll 111 :111 , 11.110101,11 about 10111.• front u h e , ~, au.i, wit A tu, um.gi u ..,u, and li, .it T or Are - rolt., I lie, .o1).11)Illig 100 , 1001 Jolty {lulus the the t -\ ' , le. aie tire 10 fey lei:Moil Win. Tu. tor, Mill 011100, .11111 110111,11111. g IN • t ~,,v.,nt, , IntrT. , , , „, „ir, nii t,c ( ,,,,,, , ,, ,i _ Aultr. , , moll ~, I.— the 1 ...... 1,1 .• 1 `. 4 . , iii, ..i 1., 1.. i....,i1...iii „II kial.., i..iii ..t., ...aim ..50INISt Of a tittoslory Lilt: L... I ~.,„,,, , ~,,, ~ .1.,,,,,....,,,,, ~,, ,t,.. VLEArliEltii...kitio.:li Dwi."1.1.1: , ..., 11. I IIA /I N., 11 1' 'IS, I. Utio, 1,,,,,1 11,.er, li,nn. Ranks T alc I lot oi ~es _ 0i.,1 uta....r....i..../ nom., ,:io. I Rank Poo 1., I/tr.-lame 10.1,...e, NllO5 11/111 .-y, 1,, a i N1,,,1,,,,11.,,k,,.1 and Ili u . r i m. House, , II tliti,ng Apple Ott hard and 41111 )11 I,kii, °its ~,,,,,,,„! 1.,. ..,,,,,u.,,,,..,1 ,u k 11416101 I hid. e fruit 70, prop.et, ie in (0141.1 i , 11, 11/11c hn or otialit,,lroin 1114111 KM \ VII 1•10.3 I.ollllltloll. Idle 1111111 In a tine ante .0 1 LAM.. ,„ i• or „ 1., i„1, in,,„,i, , ii,,,,,, n ii Gin or it.,, Inn, and the holtding , ill thorough I. Bur—' Whin..., —I, 1111 , 111.1 i 0. 0111.1 . I,llrlollu, 1111• 11110111114 M ing miltlelet.l., large to or- ,11.. tel h'uupe nry ran he ...opplie.l alt 1,1,10010 emolo.ole.t. till, 1....1a \b out A..ut I. Run, ,„ L .,,, 1 ,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, ~,•,, ii 1,t.( ~,,,,, 11.11 ,,,,,.... ore to plaid Mi.ei.iloa. and about 1 %. , .L'n . in i 111tabier 0, 11oott.ital a and Zinger' Illttera, elan Ttioher. I[ Ilea on the Vonowaeo. The 10,1- lA . .. i „,,,,. „(I rape wi l , e. Bon and •iiirotitilin4l imil‘e It 11 5,3 it, .ill. hie propert‘ P..,..0ti. , w1.411111g 10 AkW th , premisee. or as et teiti t. 1111, Ulli .111101 ILL 111, 0111., riber . re•isillieTh 'room DANIEL A BEND 1. :Id - fn. az - 1 sus. .2tri - -t G0(11) FARM FOR RR LE , 1.41,11RM7'.. filif I: mal. 1 , 1;4..41 Nlti soli at Pi I% at.. Yale 1. ARM lII'S] 'RED NiA rl'l' more or lov.,..lto.ited .41 I.lang Stair Bowl, the talirri Irma Oita & It not tioiilk NiletkitY, It y(111 he rot rqlit to a ttoii nn Pit Da, I' 1411. /oh 17, 1 , a., II to boy good and eht np 1 AC(111 , 4 di itnfrc, cerltflP, I neir M‘1.1 , 4',1 In Clit t mtu•ANnpito soi. 1,, It) Ontrg. lo hi. t, 13 hest itrii nt gnod,, rut 1, n. LOTUS, JAWS. TVA 1:1•:1113, till• 11101.144-t tan prod°. a, tin ci a ti lt rinitnted ' tin sell bets na eheitp 114 tat lir NOW not - her, .11 Inn nor eon/lit,. Alit pervin tal+ll- Inltt In I - (.111-41N% en it nltell,lne innlnon kin -.rine. km; I p, d. AV. waligni 'the ills 4i {no ti to 111111111lIt.: %La hilt ,ion lutiVire.Sver) Ino4 11112 114.1 411 1 . - i able (4:1?/1 - VG 1911 . : uld r.lgned, sun tinning ekonge anti are nig ,t 3 rennni) to tn an on austritgers.-1 e, Ott. r. nt inhale Mlle, toe nevi I , nll gtVrn In Operating: 11111 , Mid niVlnli.4l,,rOPn•rtY Ile Dolt on, .1t nn, %111 .111 , 1 4, 1111 111, We wnrmnt~hem thineing Ar) «rk and I.avri three% (nit- to be the Wirt In u•e,. g.inn. It J.1( . 913-; de 1110. TWO VLL t' 111101" ND, April ,1 ,1917. tf anti hot Illg thtr, on it large Intl 111.1, lied Irn1111.•, tro.ll 11- PAC IFIC , put 141 !p Wu • rry ).0151. . . ENV To WN PROPERTY = rtl,lv, IA titan III: - I.tttl tar; ui.o tt .•II .4 ett.ell•li I N:.l, r, .trt. 1.) j,ll of ch., )utinglzult tree, 1 . 1..• u...r the be.t of h nee. , 'II/in in is citritv•4e reNalutiev, and should at uu. t I IJti I . Cotirt -Prooltimation. 111.41 1.1111.1 111 thl I 0111111.4. .1111;III411113414 the lit!. Dietrwt,.tlittJtpitle.• to the I 01111 A so user and Tenolorr owl 1.1 !tern! Sall Dolfs en', for trill to all l..Ptlul and tiller olbooley. on .4 , 1 awl 1.1 it F.. It NI f10m5t.ty.1.2....p...1ut1411 , 111. Coto I 'um -110,11 ( At 1,, atnl T. I,lllle, ••• •1. rll 1/.11 11. I .v. Iv, tor ..f wt. t, 111 1.1. ...mit ..1 A 1 - ~ k I 11 r 110 i.l ..Lr otlr klik 1 .oaotlittl Ito n, ou 1 kt/ 10. go, kt 1 1 , I .4 t Coointoo . 0..1 t,t lit I qll.ll 1. 1• ,owl I. .r„) .1,12 1 U. Int ry ~ u rtul 41,..r I, l4l3f o pre, oo! 111 , ,17 , 11 , 1 Al 1;1 I. t. Io 111:1:1 l:1 1.11 I.N 141 .111 liii• el Po 0, II corooor (Old /tit, 111‘ t 011110. 11,, 111. to, tiltll ,111 I 111. I 111 111. et r tlo , lr 11.evorkl , . Er, Uluoootoo., zatl, toiler 11.ntstottlutti....... lob tilk l , trio 114, N 4 hl. II 111 tit, tr .411 , 1 s tus.l to Um( ht , 4. 11. NlPtalt l .ll. , 10 by. 51.11..., lottt 01w, tltny Nth° N 11l ttrttoorttlx. agulto.t.titrlpiritpotrrnilllsl ore or Ilion vhull be 111 flue _lull of nulil vounty of Adams, are to be thou awl Mere to µro t...cute tiptllot them :n1 %hall I.t..jtat.t P lIANN, sheriff. bliorin • 01111tre, 11eflysburg, J vrly 21, NHL JURY LIST FOR AUGUST. UR %MI WAY. ono%foreman. liuntlipton—}.ll K. , tlionlinr. • Illimllionban—Ebvneztl MN; 51 , .ulitpli•utokut—Fritycia cirucit, 1A... Will. Fruziklln-14.1u1e ben Mrualleil iehtMlOt tNoti,.V.t.l T. Wrliflit. liett.pit , urg—Jubli Culp, 01 M., James J. NI Ills, Berwick b0m.....,14481111. , Wk,11. I.lttlestu% n—Joseph Ban ker. Haul 11tun—A11.-ri. Y.Voriu. Vu n, .101.11 Weriz. M2=OSl IT=MICEMEM Domlnk. tp.—Jaanb Hell. ' I.lberty—riam uel Mertz n. I."l,lnkorr—Woottor =9 Ciettynburg-Itoin_rt Neryln, John•VOrteFort•n• uer, No holmlort. and Mtn, 113 Abrn lipou ticoit, Wm. I. Kieg. Moult I Joy-Igo-ay hightnt•r, Peter Orndorfr. Cock.,v. Ltgo- Fran , As U. 2•llrertngero.tiqigorY I k.tiolir, John K Ing. l'utnb rlawl-John 11an1111. , .n. 11. I'. Illghaln, Duval N%'. 11 , .rnrr... • It, rwlek tt) - I,,Le Wulf. Menall.ia-N1,11.411. Silty baukal. llutler -.04v id Lltylwr, linac (~xfortlJ-Alek. .4. Immq, ;amp,: Np4.T . sl mon Mak*. Reading—J. lieury Ilyerst,T.tlQMll`, N. Dlrke Jont,. Gelrelmon. Poshklin—."l4pt , Inonb4Mnrk, IlenryMieklol. Trron.-11 , •nry .1. My...yr, Cietagi. John i Houck rly —Jens coultenity.A. Hau4 e,.1.Th.0 unnemakur P MeltWtfileioutni.—J unte. It. tilt.t. Germl,l3 1ttu1t,11.11..., Wm. Ilutterp. Ii ttnttet~tun~F:ll 4, Slyers„tbrultalex 1411.0004, -.!wend Kong , eid.x.l4l kterwseli tror.-ILaary Kotki,s, W. Hitt Inicer. linntiltuniran—Rulur MBE= Adiainistratrix's Notice; -41 Am I SOWItIR.4ItS itSTATR.—SAAAPYW rt adndasetrallun Oil the extnte of %dam KAlreasi, Isle UI iktralian tamtleluy,Adanui de. eased, having been grunted to the um'. r stgArd, re.bittne to the oats l"Vo112111 ; Ole h. r1.1)s• glvver notl 4 e pttroorth tht htetl tt, ~utte itthk•• Insuusnate pqpnent, xrid tlerm• hat ing Iteritint the 041111.. tr, Pr....lnbuilt prop. rlc auttlentleated fur Clew. ut, Sn ly 217 (:t Adnlizu,t !la, is Administrator's Notice r, rol l e'ymir.la It r. tl- Jr la in,tral 101 l on lii leii t.l 11.01[111,n .41.0ailtUUNI.T,410- ~.........1,1L“, tn. -.,14 , .- ;1 1 411,1 g ip;ta b ;:str , r4t '- 4;11 , ltrflll 4111111.1.47111 - 91,1111111111 , .'111Virlir Ilgttimi4 Ole yalritsl4l44.srnr t, n‘ MIT ho nth.; 0,1 for • 41(1. kNIt I. ut B \AR EV, Jtil I , OIR. 61. 'Atlrniftlqf nitur!' . LICENSES. " 'the rertumhp nurntor 1.121111.1 , 0 end ho presented (.4.111. ul 4,ouirter 31UN DAY , the 171.11 (la:. ui ACGI . Kr 14,8• DuhaelajOituntiel u. Lot nah.5141.10,144P1.4.nt• Samuel PlOter C Co., t:ett:,Atirg = Jelly If, 1064. Journeyman Tanner Wanted. AiII'ILNEVNL6 rk:t = sl , ,r. v. .fund 4 5 the ttntlereattlied, .tt, he, Tontlo . 3 l , rear t a +lt town. 'ro guoal orktntatt .iA.ltutlatiat 005, :neut. and weld ill Ite 50, a /I ply G. wttirem. , • • e t‘t4isfinain p hipuries rni) it tut' 1 'torei °Mee, tiettrtbn't t. Jul) 17, I , k, Urt ABATEMENT-SCHOOL TAXES. N abatement Of FIVE I'ER VENT. wlll J - 1 he allowed on all . 44_11./1 Tmtee Imethe liortmgli of Alen) •bur-t, anseewn lye We cur- rent Year, which nut) Oe paid l 1 ttirPolfortot, Wm Guinn, or • a Ute,Zie.,aurer, G. Falme tonem. on nr te.thre the elfbeT 1,.11' OF A 1. - - tiUnT Br order bi - tittoll6al4, IL WAAREN, J. F. Mcl'nmorr.remretettr. Juue Itili?L • WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS. RAVE . hand a fear ill trrrt, or NO ~ 3 .1 ne:fEllroV 4 .,teuZ l., il l l 4 4lV7T,".P. t t •& i tTl 4 4:t.' r t ti l • -abitte; ' Fell ‘,, . , 11. B. BON-I>B. T HE !na Natiptial "Runk ol,2llabitrg .7.JOIVAZINIMAIAr•tY" (4E01.1.1.n.: A liZ.k:ol.l , .C.liter. Oct. 8, IWO. • Pt .." PRIME H.A.3till, first quality, and rea.sonuble 1p an be Pad of VAI,FIFLEIRC`H.q, A6HINO - COMPOUND.—Jurkson's Dnt- W Washing Compound, by the use or lush moth labor is Rayed, and the work done In the hest manner, for sale at (iILJ,Ett. PI # .I.lo`o. A large wwkii run be done vi ith 6 «eats' worth la ken; ~;,to.lyt water. Ifirl-WARE—Tumbleum, Floaks,, I.JI ~qod 4119911161en . t, TelaiMit 10.11 etrir4 - • NEW FIRM WM. J. MARTIN, Itintorertreet, Gettr.bnig. Nfik‘ ti NEW GOODS CHEAP-CHEAPER-CLIE.A.P.V.ST I G comp w rxr,s {CAPITAL, ,000, ix x>. =ME PACIFIC• GUANO! ;ill: V tLVF: of till , (•tiano 1. now-no e 1471 T A::•.. o 1.214 f heed I.llla it iha s not no woo ho 01.1 4 01.1.1111.411011 11011111 N. 'Lla• A'oin patsy tar," Ow (.4ft:to .I , tatath, pull to,rf e xmpor, front WhN h it, raw-raw-111-in] 14 Gunn., ning Sll4 h Welt • ‘4 . • 11.•1..•,...1 11, lannight in to Inas lo•I at it praa ow 4 , , t•I that Or the 01.111LILIW 0 11111 . 1-I'llosrli 1,1011. Thq. Lo , se 1,1,0.11 111\4 oy I hiN Oorarany :Moot , ilo •otre , t casralitor of th , ,htllplad of their no the 1.1) IfILV lilt, 1 y: P. B. Bartlett," Wm. IQferry." nud “Appl. ton* TrAvy ;: . with WmWhen or:almost:mu oilier makun. t hos wont ' CIIILIP and 0001) Watib, ea lion ____t.Ewin NTRI,OtIIC, A f ltl4 old literal. Carlisle etreet. nearly oppoelte the Depot, Gettysburg, ' ifirlle et:ol4mill the Oroeery. Notion and Confectionery business, ea heretofore. • :tine BUGGIES. & CARRIAGES. REMOVAL illl . l a F...rde i rt n lfied I t :A m ara . tozi: l l ,o h , l: f i l litirri k; street Gett% hburit, where vtll oginuo to build all k Ingo of work to Ida lair, via I= Iscuoi Gki Elt 4titiN , 4111, work Iu all put up Ruud Mialtlial uud 111 brut nt meelm t rs, 01141 cuuuul to Sive HHhlrllon. u prieee ar. always reumonstble. tie FOlllllO, rders,confltiont, tlutt Mn pleuso. REPAIHINt.i prinn dlv dune, lauder ute rules. - Jutte Pols 4. ly ADAMS COUNTY - IT-- MUTUAL FIRE INS(' RAN't 1.1