i ltftosburg rti • ( 14,' 7..i= - 1; FRIDAY, JULY 31, Isos. T OIDEMOORA'ITO NATIONAL TICKET. .rnt nd a Pi teaC QM OS) a a crop 'now Ti 4 and rer, tou FOR PR ESI DE T , ‘.6" fiolt. I,loratiO SOlllolll'. xEly YoRK. CUM QM /OR FR - 1:- LPL 4it 6111. F. 131 Jr DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. Pig .Iti UI FOIL (eLNER.II.. t 141.4 Hon, Charles E. Boyle, Fayette co. br I=l3 406 Gen. Wellington H. Ent, Columbia co. .400 i it Y OEMOCEATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. - Nth rot To the Isentorrut lc Voters of Ad.un, roan) : Al ;nl,_. (mg or the Pemocrutle th lo.e, the follul, ho, retsoluthm ihk IlliVrt,l 'Mut the Dt/n.teratlc doctors Of the county „ l u “le rerito,Lk dto assen/I.lc at their usual places !LODI ley Du legate Electicaut, on Ii.ITURDAY, S ii the rah lily of It Util.:IST LA441,03 3t03 o' tacept In CletSystirig, where they Nel/1"...« t from 7 to 9 o'clovii, lu rtelect Dcle- gut..., to tneet at the CouitLtoune,lo (Jett's ,he I , llrg, nu MONDAY, the nth ,ho,) of ADOUST, Isla 4L DJ o'clock, A. AL, to nointnaieundldatott et fro L'oeul,t Oflices—appoint Cougrettidonal anu conferees, artd trottnact 'melt other Wll hu•ottex4 un m.iy 6c tiCUIUM gra w. A. uuNc.s.:st, Chairman Dem. Co. Coro „b N li. EICILuLTZ, SOO'S. 21,1e6A fl ADDIEUM OF TUE DF.MOCRATU Iri STATE COXIUU !WM. 1" Pr uoenlT7r FiTATS COMITITTCK Wh CLEAurIY.LD, Pa., July 21,1466. j pal 1 kinnerctts nJ .refinVivania or Tity llOirß FOR WOW ItAS COME s ‘ bt earnestly invite you to organize " 1 for victory. ti . 4 Attention to detz.lls, peraevering orgy, organization and do.ciptne•will 11 " Ming triumph to your principled. and per,everanre in crow ilentorrat, and thorough organization criry locality, are the true roads to 10 ,meee,.. he ;-uperficird effort, nalke and parad, arc valuelem. Thu stuke h.' a plighty ono, sad must be won by systematle hi we! k and bumlups-like energy, we Pennsylvania Is the battle-ground. the At the October election the euemy ( 01- Will make their most, determined coo col test. - You occupy the post of honor—the Lilt vanguard of the Democratic many. tat You have proven your ability to carry 'Pet the ritatie ; and individual effiirc, faith del in your principles and courage in inc then maintenance now, will enable flu to couut yuur majority tens or eet thousuth. ur The drift of the tide 6 toward you ; 11( the evnlehees of changes aru uhun -tr dant ; and it is apparent that the po lo Local revulsiou now in progrese. will 3 3 end in the utter overthrow of Radkill- en' Let us labor to deserve so propitious ." a re-ult. "I F We invoke you, then, to energetic " action, to close attention to the details grr of your organization, to the formation en , of clubs, to the conversion of voters, rui to the enthusiastic support of your lY candidates—Beymour, the statesman, a* and Blair, the gallant soldier. I Let us recognize in their names the Tb iymbols of otaanga, Alas. representa i„, lives of hatred to Radicalism ; and ex tin tending the baud of fellowship to all .1 , 1( Who will aid us in saving the Repub it lie , Conservatives and Democrats will all move forward under their banner, as a mighty phalanx, united, detertnin „.,,, ed and irresistible. on Let your warfare be aggressive. Defend nothing. The Radicals In power are responsible for the unhappy wi ; condition of our country. Charge up on theai their extravagance and their ly crimeb. Demand of them an account ~;( 1 for your treasure welded, your Union jui nut reetored, your race degraded, your business destroyed and your Govern- NU ment prostituted. fiat Jet your." rallying cries be, A nor to EWA 11 htir OF NVILITE AIEN ; EQUAL (1 „ T.t XA r/ON ; USE (THAI:NCI . FOE ALL. dir Organnse! Organize! Organize! To work! To work! To work! By order of the potpourrillc State ni! Committee. WEL WILLIAM A. WALLACE, cONfiglafe •• itr.CEIINES." fin C 4 . ongress on "Monday took a recess 46 until the '214 of 'September, to be 'l then again called together if Mr. Mar " gen chairman of the Republican cow bat ' ' grewdonal committee of the Senate, nu ' and Mr. Schenck, chairman of said 1"1143I committee of the House, shall deem it expedient, and meow/Mgt, notify the tat Republican Mentbers on or before the retep 'Pith of that month. Thai It is under Radical rule. The COI leglalatiotrof the country is left at the option 'of a, few Radical' leaden, to whom Si given the power to say when go - the tepresentottves elected as law.me ir 'kers by THE t•Eort`r. shall meetit-todeer bd. form tin , * solemn trust. ,p 4 Nearly•••all the measures calculated toberiellt^the country failed ; but, it is seine consolation that several of the most infamous fatted •also. Arttong t o , theist:teethe bill to arm the blacks of the Muth.' - • sC The eafp reMkuu for A recess, Anatole of a f ntii stt ottromenC, cheat be tramed lo the teittobt title Radicals that their -.l.leitory'ufiedra3lltedetSorettprrient can hnifiranil 'Metre:distil dbe Presidential z - ct ie e tifelp:e• I 1.1 •• ltetaAtz 1441,49kau5! •'-- - its studying geograpigt u fiktifCß l s they examine has, strange to oVi I at ,`'salt thee' on It. OLD TOAD. AT 1101 E. - - Trouble among the Rad toils K Loutruo ter County. Thaddeus Steven's "greenback' , speech has produced great commotion In the Radical hive of Lancaster couti. ty. Whilst few of the leaders seem willing to adhere to the "old corn= tanner" in the stand he has taken, many are out-spoken in uotidetnnu- , tiuu..hot only .'of his position, but of , tote% ens The favor. r boldly • repudiates turn. In a two-column ed. Rolla! it severely reviews the speech,. ! Rini concludes as follows • BM Mr. Sleven•, elected 111141 .000 tamed by the !Viand le.l/1 rimy 104 the replepelita11 1. 1:01.111- 111 , 411,1, Het oily openly endoise, the Pendleton theory of paying the National debt in greenbacks, but threatens in ease his party does not W4Jle with 111111. to go over to the enemy and assist hl the election of the Copperhead candidates, "even though a WOrllo man than tiey-/ moor headed th 4 Under these circtinuttances we are constrained to may that he not only misrepresents, but Insults, the Repub lican party of Lancaster county It thin party believe in the Pendleton theory of paying the National hoods, and _oelieve Wlll/ Mr. :7,tevens, that all other 4itte,stions are subordinate to this, the shortest and eli.te.t way for them to acoomplish the desired result la to go over to the enemy, and do the it heel to secure the election of tour and Blair. Rut they do not. \I.:ill thorn the question of Recon -truetion, and tnemures urowluir out of it, are ~Moser to all the pies ent contest, and Ni lute they call tolerate lltlUt ences on minor subjects, they can not, wit hunt a snerinee of selt respect, itently permit a Well/ nor 01 tbu patty in high olllclal pus ilium, to belittle cud tleglade 11, leading principles. '1 lie cit.thent cervices of Mr. Stev en, In the past, hit , heroic devotion to the Call , e 01 Llterty turd JtISLC e, 11.1111 lilt long and lailhtul palate ocrvices &linnet and hill not be forgotten ; hot the ptinelph , of the Republican party are superior to tiny Individual or Inch uuk, and however reluctantly' we may be forced to the condo-mit, we Ate compelled to any that it cannot maintain its self-respect except by an open, complete and total I ep.ititatiun of the position he has mouthed. in another- part of time same paper appear two oommunieutiour ou- trim sonic eubjeet,, both from prominent Itepublienne, the one n soldier nud the other u civilian. These are even more outspoken than the Inquirer editor, as the following extracte will 11110 W Charity led us to suppose, at tirst: that the story wits a huge Joke upon the 01 credulous readers, but we are no longer at, l i betty to credit the suppusith3U, I . IIC painful cOticati elan is touted upon us that our time honored leader has molted the Union guns on the eve oz u great political campaign. After such - speech -0o unneeepsary and unerilleil ter at the time—he would deserve the thanks of ' Itepubileutis by going over at once to the Beinuctito. Better an upen coy• my than a concealed loe who stabs to the dark. The Republican party has borne a great deal at the 'lauds of Stevens.- It has .snOwereil honors Lineal:) , upon him, despite his inso lence and ingratitude. \V hen he makes the lurid announcement that he atanda upon the infamous Oeuaocrats in platform 01 repudiation, the only thing left for the Republicans to do is to repudiate lilm And yet, this man expects the Re. publican party to re-elect him to Con gress next October! linnet to, on ac count of his years, his great services and admitted ability, there ban I been a melt understanding among the people of this county to Sillow him to spend the t emaiiidei of his days' at Wieliington, and the in the harm.-s. IL. recent tIILeI . :IW es have reudeleft this impos•dole. From the present time torn alit, he sails n ith the Berne entire party under the black hog of *Twit:Limn. plow can any Republi can con , htently tote for (spin in the IaPP of he. late deelarntlons? In what attitude Wilt the itepubluzu pet). stand if it send him bath to .11 minute ton 'Null Minh a speech upon his lips? By supporting Thaddeus Stevens, we' support Seymour and Blair. By sup porting' 'Thaddeus Stevens, we emu oursuive, to the infamous doctrine of repudiation. Fellow Republicans of Lancaster county, art me ready to do this thing? Are we ready to sell ottr principles and our honor at the ( s eek of Tinehleits Stevens.? Thu time has come when Thaddeus , :Stevens shnshd I's- taught that he is not the OtN !let of Lan raster county. m He no longer represent*, the sentients of the IL ..epuolstain party 111 Lb is lilS triet. We Joni our laith to the skirts of no political leader, however venera ted he may have been in the past.—, When a public servant is false to his pledge- we oast him Willie. It Is our duty 110 W 1.0 St fret it true and tried 'republican from our ranks to till the place of Thad. Stevens. He himself has forced the issue upon us. Any representative Republican of years and eXperienee can be nountiateci and , elected. Thaddeus Steven taimot be, or I much mistake the tune and tem- per of the Republican party. Thous ands of "tepid/beaus till reanuit neu tral, rattier than vote for him on the shameless phi:Jura) of repudiation of ! the pleklged faith of the nation. We have no means of Judging how far this hoitility to Mr. Stevens may go, but it is certain that the large Rad ical family of Lancaster county is to anything but a happy frame of mind. It augur' disastrously for Grant and Colfax in Pennsylvania. flow easily Radicalism cau be beat en at the West, where It real strength is, if au) here, is shown by the thoroughly frightened Cleveland, Ohio, Lcwtce, which says : 'rho Stott) of Ohio was carried, for the Republican party, last fail, tty lets than three thousaud ula)ortty. chis nye, of one t °Cc to thr Licsnocrary , wn the ReinditlersAB in c _tch twat d and townxhip of Urt 6tatc trotted wipe out that majority and !pre the State to the DelliOar(Wg. Let Olito Ltepublioaus ponder tuts. Let them cousuier that they are as yet_hy no wouua out of the wildeine:kf Only one vote In each ward and township in a' State 'which. defeated negro-solltage, eketed a Democratic Legislature and sent ex-President, that it, expecting President Nude to retirement. No greater 'stimulw; to the I/tamer:Ms could be held out in that State. Remember, Democrats of Ohio, you have only oue'vote to gain in each ward and town ii to give the elevtoral vote of your State to Sey ., mem and Blair. Giuurmati Tax 1l sets in Congress recently passed a bill pardoning three of the guard,. of file prison. These Patriotic fellows, whose bullets used to whistle along the dead line, have turned Radicals, and following the lead of Joe lirowit„ the founder of the prison, will vote for Giant.' This accounts for the sudden tenderness of Congress toward these ' . 'tlends in hu man shape" that once shot down our brave fellows when they reached across the diced lieu for a drop of ,water. 'ltor for Urant and AndersOn ville Jrrsrt J. S. Btack, In a conversa tion with the'reporterfor the New York 11" , _ raid; expressed the opinion that the old 'Keystone State would give Sop moor twenty-five thousand majority. Judge 131ack Is one of the ablest poll ticlans m 'Pennsylvania, and great reliance can be placed - on his judg ment of its political status. AtEtouics:,,Atttrat 'l3p.Ororr and F. O. Pr, ,luce hat* 'PreitltietiA slid*Emtaty at d'N~tjbrtAl o. cmt Committee for tour years more. THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, TRID'AY MORNING, dULY 31, 1868. GOY. SEVUOIL'iIi P®PEL,RITY The journey of Gov. Seymour from New York city to his home In Utica, on his return from tike Nat - 401W Con vention, was MI absolute "triumphal march,' affording a contrast to the absence of enthusiasm in regard to Gen, Grant, winds is as remaikable as it 1 , , significant.. At every town on the route, thousauds of People turned Out tows htm , c.tuuou were,Pred, hells rung, bands played, ttalz.4 waved, and all the demotistrations which :indicate great personal popularity were mani fested. At Utica, the place of Ina resi dence, the gratineution of the cilium% at his nomination win silo:illy ex pressed. The whole van man IV scent ed to have mitheied at the depot, and the reception they gave him was one of the wildest and most heartfelt- enthu siasm. Party lines were for the mu. meat buried, and many of the most active Radicals were among the fore mutt in paying their regards to the great statesman whom destiny has chosen to lead the Democratic hosts on to victory. A curious feature of the day was the ringing of alt the church LO N, showing more clearly than any Ifiuteri tongue could ex press, the Acvelence felt for him of home, and thehigh repute in which he is held as a ChriAiau man and sincere patriot. I toy. Fieymour was much sallected by . the-e - spontaneous, marks of Public affection, and could only make a briutspeech of thanks, hetore retiring to the privacy of his own household. , 10:113113:1== The :New Vint correspondent of the Philadelphia Li ,&re says The inilaimiuktory tone of the speeches in Congieas With retereece to the : , ontitein uoverninente and the :southern eleetoial vote is edusing u very uncomfortable feeling in bum nem circles, nun easing as it does Alm prevailing - distrust of the ldtm•e. tireat regret •is also expreiand that Cungreas. in-tend of hiLing, u merely, did not adjourn, as usual, till Dein:tuner. To re.kssemble right on the eve of an exciting Presidential elec tion, Republic's:is as well as Demo crats apprehend, will be but to foment VIM agitations. • If the business moo of the United States desire to see a renewal of that confidence whick is absolutely eseen- Rai to their prosperity they must unite to put down the revolutionary Radicals, who aro urging their desper ate and destructive schemes iu t:on• gress. All sagacious business Inca bee and feeljthat their-interests are be ing constantly -imperilled by the fa natical schemes tit the leaders of the Republican party, and the conse quence will us a complete political revolution hi' the cities and luige tow u 4 of the country. A to/usen Atitioinisr IN FAVOR OF, GRANT.-t-The New York Herald has' t.)11 silent on the political situation for a week. It leas quit prophesying thiit Wank will be elected. Its last effort iu his behalf wan a singular one. It said : • Sey Lunar and Rottman, the Tam many candidate tut Onveruur, are Man Purnannetti in their ammo...and live upon cold water and weak tea, Hoffman, we believe, did attempt a of lager at a Delman meeting Miring the campaign of Pala, bat was compelled alter 41rinkiug it to go home to bed and .end for Ills faintly phy,lvian. (II L ON 'VILE Fit - HAND, \A MILD -SCORN TO DRINK WATER /WITHOUT mimEraistilN That certaiuly 18 4 aingulur argu ment to alvattee in 'favor of a cundi date for tho Pretid4oy, but, it line the merit of truth. Wvt commend It to the seriomi attention of all straight out teuipanince men. They ought sulker to answer it ox CO refuse to vote for Graut. Which will ttiey CUM I Mt: OUT FAROM exotic THE Fetes. I , ..tierv.—Tigere wad a Seymour. and Blair it itilicatiou Meeting at Ureeneastle, Ind., on Saturday night week. , At this meeting Seim A. Mat son wade a speech giving his hearty support to Seymour uud Blair. Hith erto he has been a leading and' influ ential Republican. On the Thursdtly following. there 'was a Seymour and Blair Rutitleation Meeting at Shelbyville, Indiana. And here one of the speayers was W. IL Lawaster, Esq. He Is a rising young lawyer .ot that city, a . gentle man and a scholar, and hitherto was the ruutp,l,tab in the Republican party in that coubty, lie was in the war, and bears honorable scars. Thtugs just now look very much as though there would be a general stam pede from the Repoltheau to the JJeruomatlc rauks.—Coluntbue ( O.) Stuksman. (30 3 .:ES.NORSE1 MOUE its WISCONSIN. —Colonel Robinson, the editor of the Green Jay (Wiseonsln) Advocate, and who acted a conspicuous part as a U nion soldier in the late war, thus speaks of the popularity of Governor deyrnour in the northern portion of :bat 6tate.: "Here, especially iu northern Goveinor :-,eyinout ought, and undoubtedly will, command an almwt tinaninions auppnrt. Ile has been for years, at the ruling spirit in our Fox and Wisconsin_ Rivers improvement, closely identified with our interests; and in other ways, such as inves log in land here, has shown his faith in the fortunes of this State. Personally, there are thousand, here of all parties hose acquaintance with him will lead to their enthu.iastie support, and we already hear 44 an:my in this city and vicinity, hitherto Republicans, who have declared their purpose to support him." THE POLITICAL CHANGE IN OHIO The following from the Dayton frd ger Is one of the many evidences of the political change that is now going .on that State. It says : "Charles of Tray, Ohio, one of the leading lawyers of Miami coun ty, and hitherto an active Republican, has publicly announced his intention to support SeymOur and titair. Quite a number,of other prominent Repum !leans in Miami county have re nounced their termer faith, and the Democracy there are even confident of being able to eatry the county this fall." A WARNINC, 7h RADICAL BRTTERS.• —The Harrisburg State Guard gives tip the fight and advisee its readers not to het a cent on Grant and Colfax,. It say: Betting on elections is not only_ mean, but it, Is illegal. It is gam bling, and is punishable as such. Men Vise their votes Rho bet, 'hence We advise ail regpectible•men to ab stain from thus cioisaing the law; Let Republicans work instead of het. lionest work; true, enthusiastic de votion to our cause, evinces a nobler ccullidence in the purity of our pritioi pies than all the wagers. whigh can possibly be made. A diky's_work for land Republican party will dq trim good fur, success than a ' bets. 'Let 'bar` Republican Prlerittt , ' every .wherki:uddettotand this fact and act on 4i lutportaulcs. BawaXit A:0;14)w* iaraat $43 Wesbr . 11% V PPM* ...b 9 9 61 W , 4 41 kut , Lea been successful at Brandywine.' =ME= The Radicals promise rigid economy in their platform. Their practicia of economy In the administration of the government is in startling contrast with their professions. Here is the record of Radical expenditure for the army and navy during the lame seven yearg: AYMY. NAVY. 1801 - - :111(057,7N •. , 29,889,176 ISOI2 - , - .4111,42/3,277 • 41,501,102 1N.13 - - (it.. 0,143,230 M,52.6,1iil 1,444 - - "- P 11,549,292 ' 112,213,305 166 i - - 318,•392,733 11it,;54,337 1546 - • - 114,211,351 46,Y.)7,1.53 1567 - - 1541,177,;03 39,345,022 What hope of reform In the Radical party can the people indulge in. with the expenditures increasing from year to year with frightful rapidity The account shows au increase of forty odd millions for the army alone, over the enormous expenditures of lail! There is nothing but evil to be expected from tite•Radleal party in Congress. Corruption, extravagance, fratid, pressive taxation, military despotism and anarchy have marked every step in its progress If 'there be no hope of reform from the batty, what may tre-expetleti from the candidate? Will he be able or willing -to arrest this swelling tide of corruption and ex: travagancer lie Is but au instrument in the hands of a violent, corrupt and ivvolutionary faction. if lie were ever so:willing to inaugurate reform in the government, lie has neither the necessary knowledge of public nor the administrative capacity. Be sides, he would meet wits the steady resistance of his own party is Con grew, the moment he attempted any salutary taunts. But Crenerai Grant is a determined tummy of the Istorms so greatly desired by the psopiu. lie has, in•lia-last report as becuetary oi War, recommended au lucrease of the standing army. If he should be elem. ed to the Presidency, his favorite plan of lucre:Aug themmy would be speed ily realized, and the public Mathew: would be increased vastly beyond their present weight. 1.11 the army and its general would be found must dangerous ementiee of-caul! liberty. There is butt one way of saving the country, and that is by electuig the able and experienced statesman, /do, ratio iSeymotir. , the candidate of the Democratic party, to the Presidency. —.eatriot. = Forneyln Preba says that. the public debt .statemeut to be issued on the Sine lust., Will show un increase of five or nix minimal of dollars since the last statement, Issued ou.the 31st of May. ho we go on, remarks tile Lancaster Intal4genccr—payiug such enormous tuxes as never burthened any people in the world before raising vast 11111119 of money to he squandered in the vain attempt to set up negro governments in ten iStates of the Union, and to keep in power the most corrupt set of swindlers that ever fastened like leeches upon the public treasury of any nation. Since the war ended more than a thotaand tnilhona of dot tars have been wrung from the sweat and toil of the laboring men of the nation, only to be' expended in the most extravagant and reckless man ner by the Radicals whose tool Gen. Urant has consented to become.— Month- by Month the national debt increases, and the hurthens upon the holing Millions of white inch grow How much I ,mOr will they consent to be the bond staves of suet, unfeeling taskmasters? They have the matter in - their own hands. The ballot box is still open In the Nor thern States, and white men are not yet disfranchised that negroes may rule in Yenrcllvania. In October and November the masses of this Statcc must record their verdict. If they dsfre a changu t they can have It. • Let them think berate voting. Cif le.loo PROM triE•4 LSD WAKFIING i TuN PERFORnANCrs.—The Chicago platform, drawn up by th 6 very peo ple whose extraVaganee It pretends to denounce, calls Wilil amazing coolness fur •'flmareiad reform," ..nd promise. greater economy in the management of the paylle purse. But the authors of the Chleago plat-' : form have just at Wmhington Aerib-'1 erately postponed WI cast year the re duction ‘ of the regular army, thereby entallihg upon the tax-payers of thia country an admittedly Buperfluons out lay of nearly fifty millions of dollars, or more than two-thirde of Um - whole es pewit' of the Federal Government be fore the war. ""NEVrFt," Says the St. Loris Times, "in the history of St. Louis has a Presidentird campaign been triMigurit ted with such certain 'omens of victo ry as the present. From the moment that the nominatiort of_Seymour and Blair was announced, not only did mere difference of opinion as to men vanish from among Democrats, but those of heretofore opponents who had opened their eyes to the suicidal coui:e of leading Radicals, openly manifeoted their adhesion to the Dem ocratic platform, and one and all, with enthusiastic unanimity, pledged themselves anew to light for liberty." PERHAPS the most extraordinary thing recorded in the annals of the American Congress was that witnessed last Sunday evening in the Senate, when Willard Warner, a resident of Newark, Ohio, was sworn in as Sena-, tor from Alabama. Was there no other day but the holy Sabbath for this sacrilege to be perpetrated ? Hav ing set the Gonslitulion and the people ut defiance, do the Itadic ,, ls now pro pose to strike at the ordinances that were handed down from the mysteries of Mount Sinai? Yet this la the paky of nzoralily. What has , hoeotue of Vol taire and his disci ples?—Cuietniudi Erivircr. THE DrF - rattfix - ca.—Durlng the four years of President Polk's administra tion, which included the Mexican war, the expense 9 of the War Department were $90,540,789. The expenses of that same Department for the year ending thejat of Jul 1l the third year of peace, are $1:3,858,4g4, or over $38,1240,000 more during one - year of peace than they were during fouryears of Democratic rule vrfth the Mexican war on their bands: A Dis - rtzcoriarrauCoxraid.—A tor from Phlletlelphla, dated Moriday„ says: It Is ascertained positively to: day that t ii. Wiiffrirn B. 'Morass Come out for Seymour and Blair.' The argniven ts °nits dlcalfilenlii proved of bo 9buil tr heteSeer. ' Ift4 was Jenne' , " ly Colleetorbt the Port; adet , Lindoln ;aid a proridnent Radios! leader. ' din. PARTOV . 'tbt itier *litho*, 119,1ieva) ttirt.tlte,aotnipit nuin will not trp a Itri4ker,PClol#4,l,•,4e.P , ” Dot, name Grant, but Pirttitkti for 9titnt• ed he means 'Mix t' • =I LossotLltema4lDartruotienefPreperty On Friday morning last rain Yell in unprecedented qusnatics in different sections of the country, causing most destructive floods On the Le high river, in this State, dams, mills and houses, were carried away, In some cases involving loss of life. On the Schuylkill and Susquehanna riv ers mach Injury - also resulted. At BuiLituure the water rose to a point higher than ever before known —exceeding even the great flood of 117. The water from the Falls spread out as far as Holliday street, llooding time cellars and lower floors of the stores and dwellings in that parlor the city, and carrying away an inatuen-e amount of property. The water Was np to the seconu story of the Mary land Institute. North street was un der Water eight or ten feet deep. Cal vert station was flooded, and so in jured as to prevent cars Irons funning into it. seven bridges across the Fails were destroyed, Invorviug a loss of i.-auo,oon to the city. A number of per eons were drowned. At Frederick city great 'damage was also done, the water rising to a point never before reached. All the bridges were destroyed, mid several houses swept oil: The rI-4: of the water was very rapid—from eight. to ten feet In almost as many minutes. Fortunate ly, no lives were lost, though several narrow escapes were made. The saddest news, however, reaches us from Ellicott City,. or Ellicott's Mills. A reporter for the Baltimore Son, under date of July '24, W I A. M., soya Theigreat flood in the Patapsco river at Ellicott City was unprecedented, and very destructive of lives and prop erty. lkunuaunication between the Baltimore county out Howard county sides of the river has been cut oil by the raging torrent, and so many bridg• es have been destroyed that railway travel has been suspended Within the recollection of the oldest inhabi tants the rise of water has never reach ed within ten feet ot what it did to-day. - - The rain commenced fulling at about eight o'clock A. M., and clone down 1w perfect sheets, quickly swelling all the tributary rousts and overflowing the river. The ram fell 111 such vat torrents that the rise In the Patapsco was live feet in fen minutes. The rain continued incessantly until about half-past ten, but the flood began Its destruction about 91 o'clock. It is sup posed that the damage done to proper ty in this vicinity will amount to at least a million of dollars, but the most thstreesing feature of the visitation was the loss of about fifty lives. Up wards of [welly-eight houses were swept away, leaving scarce a vestige behind. As nearly as can be nscer tamed, with the flood and destruction still on every hand, the billowing loss es and eusuanies have taken place: (Mu/brill'. lower Patapsco dour mill has been entirely swept away, and with it two men, one named Wto. Stet arid tne other - r,iity der. Mr. Steel was ulterwartia seen oln.ging to a log, and it is said Was saved. than brill's upper mill has been partially destroyed. The extensive granite cotton mill of BenJ. latford, which is said to have cost $160,000, in a total ruin. In it Mr. McCauly, a night watchman, lost his life. Gray's large granite cotton fac tory has been considerably damaged. the house of Mr. Boone, the Alperin tendent of the works, and the gird ener's house tire gone, hub their fami lies were saved. The entire row of hou , es between thti turnpike bridge and the Patapsco are all swept away. Dr. T. 11. 9wings' new house was forced by the water across the alley which divides It from Palmer's row, and his wile and tax children climbed to the roof of Mr. Win. H. Fountain's dwelling, there only to await destruction in a few minutes the flood carried otr-the of Mr. Fountain., who is the head mil ler at Gauabrill s hirusell, wife and daughter, the mite and six chil dren of Dr. Owings, Who had there sought protection, and four colored servants. Mr. Wm. Partridge, a me- - chanic, 60 years old, with his wile and grand-daughter, are Mat. Among others that the cruel water= have carried away with their houses are Mr_ William Patterson, wife and sun ; Aln3. Farrier and her two grand children, Fannie and Emma Duvall; Wm. Reese, a wheelt‘ right, stile, son and daughter. Dr. 0 w imis was on the opposite side of the rivet after his house had gone, was told hirlamily has in the adjoin ing one, and, standing there, saw it too driven to destruction, unable to give the least assistance. He has only two children left, who were away from home. Under date of July 1.:3 the saline re, porter gives the names of the drowued, M follows: Mrat..Dr. P. B. Owings, six, children and three servants; [Dr. Owings has two other children, who were absent from home at the time of the sad oc eurrenee;] William Patterson, wife and child ; John Reese, daughter, sis ter-di-law and her daughter; John Debrow, wife and child; Mr. Foun tain, wife and daughter; Mfr. Farrell, wife and two nieces; Misses' Mary and Fannie Duvall, servant and a lady via itor ; Wm. Partridge, wife and child; Matthias McCauley, William Snyder, Mr. Murphy, wife, child and mother in-law, and Mrs. Timmons and her two step-daughters, the Mimes John son—fortg,three altogether, The bodies of several of the unfortu nate victims have been recovered at Ilehester, Relay House and other points, as follows: Mrs. Owings, two children, and oue servant; Jir. Part. ridge and wife, Mrs. Farrell, Mies Mary Duvall, Mr. McCauley, John Reese, Mr. Murphy, Mi. and Mrs. De brow and Mr. and Mrs...Vtintain. In addition to the above the bodies of two men, one woman and a child about four years of age, supposed to he a child of Dr. Owings, have been recov ered at the Relay House. BataluunE, July :27.—Thousands.of persons are, still at work repairing damages and clearing away debris caused by the recent flood. The Bal timore and Ohio Railroad is seriously damage s ! all the way to Frederick, 1111(i the ears will not be able to run there for several have. A train wra 'sub merged near Ellicott City', and the pas sengers were obliged to escape to the hills. trains on the:Northern Cen tral are running yet tilts side of Cockeysville. ilenintuin Deford, owner of the gran ite factory, losses i. 2.30,000, the saute as cash, paid out. Mr. Qarroll, owner of the Patapsco Mills, lo*ses 5G0,000, and Ganibrill $30,000. Private subscrip tions are now being made for she , sill term. here. Four more bodies, two men and a woman and utuld, were recovered to day at I.he Long bridge. IT is one of the"sirrs of the times," that Gen. Graut, on his late trip from Washington to Cincinnati, - 1n the mai, although it was announced that be was on the road, was not noticed at any one of the statioua betweenthe two pities. Not even in the great RaididaT city to which- he was bound!, NOt even' a bouquet sent him by a lady! The.lici, is, ths.ikeaple have al ines,4unottierothat he is a e.sndidace. '4.+o us InMe PPtke4." ; . GEN. 'lllO3l AS EwtNet,J concern whole political views and Inten dolls, sines itie'S'ii%v terii eoroientlon, a- good - many Taise"iepoits bate' been circulated ',..lus4osititels,t.ticlaiea 11113 intention to support the Democratic tick e t -4 *YMTir;f4A t il i ft • Tga Atria Or 1. 4 744 '" , irrifk ail brook , lirk;"inviAtie tab three adjoining cciuntilis, *in givb tr,,A•ind fi•vtiiour ous tandnal thousand niajotiii:F ?dark the prediction 1 APPROACHING - to the Presidential election, state elec. putt Pepartment nons will be bcld In eleven States, as I follows : .4 TOWN, COUNTY AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES, In Kentucky on the 3d of August; in Tennessee on the 6th ;In Vermont Death of De. David Gilbcrt. —The on the Ist of September ; In California telegraph, on Wednesday morning, on the 3d ; in .I‘Laine on the 14th ; In announced the death of Dr. David Nebraska on the 6th, of October; In Gilbert, which occurred at his re,i- Penn , 2,lvauis, Ohio, Indiana and dence;-in Arch street, Philadelphia, lowa on the 13th, and in West Vir. at half past nine o'clock on Tuesday gi ni a on The 2517 -- Trremitu-afrer - a ler/me attat-ylrntrieted The tOiNd of November, the,da9,y of illness of disease o: the liver. The M the prishfentlal tlection, , lsz 61061411 e telllgenee eati§e,3 general sorrow In day for holding State elections In this community, where he was loug Massachusetts. New York. New Jet , known and highly esteemed. soy. "Illary kin (I, Illinois M len iizon , Wiscoi,sl U. Min ne.otu ' PARDONEI).—The Reading Gazette says that on Saturday Governor Geary pardoned Henry Alartsfield, convicted of horse-stealing, and sentenced to three years and night months impris onment in the penitentiary. When Geary was Inaugurated 'he promised not to abase the pardoilingpower, hut he has so far released more thieves, murderers and violators of law than any Governor ‘l , e ever had ; , while, in some cases, he has withheld the exer cise of that power where 4 . would have been eminently priter to have used it. Chary has lost the cooddenee of the people, and with his present term of office ands his political career in l.hla State, at least. SANFoun CostivEn, who, It will be remembered, wit, one of Stanton's tools, and_fria blcorletad-of perjury, and is now serving out his sentence in the penitentiary, has been ,succeeded in his vocation by\ a\yabel deserter, culled James Sidney Hill, by whom Forney endeavors to prove that the Hon. Horatio Seymour, whiiststiov ernor of New York, was in correspon dence with th 4 cobrederat guvern men t. I 1 is not at all surprising that the author of the Jamison letter should be "check by jowl" with one who has been a rebel, a deserter andrn perjurer: THE Radical organs declare that the ticket of Seymour and Blair le a weak one! The fact is, that within one hour after it was made, it led to more ratification meetings In its favor than the Grant and Colfax ticket has elic ited in the eight weeks it has been be fore the public! The Radical wire workers are trembling in their shoes at the strength of, the ticket, while they are declaring It to be weak! They. ,oan't hupostv upon any botty, however. IT is only ope thousand dollars a minute—that's' all. Just that little sum is required to keep the Radical Government going,, the Freedmen's Bureau in operation audofficial thieves in pocket money and flue houses. Who wouldn't he a loyal leaguer? Who wouldn't be a patriotic Radical. and who wouldn't prefer a nigger to a white man? , CHIEF JUSTICE dress.—The Wash ington correspondent of the Pittsburg Pose says "Chief Justice Chase de clared to-day, to a Western friend, that while he could not personally at cord with the resolute u on tbe recon struction acts, and believed that the present constitutions In the South ought to stand till changed by the peo ple of each State, all voting, yet he was a States Rights Dim3uvrat, and in full sympathy with the Democratic Party, 'Re ohs° ,*ery of Governor Seymour." IT is a little remarkable that the Chicago Convention should have call ed for its first set speech after the or ganization upon ex-Governor Brown, of Georgia, the only undeniable trai tor in that State. For the others there is at least the plea of secession, but this man seized, ei et annis, upon Fort Pula,kl even before his State "went out." Yet the Convention, this "loll" Convention, Invited him to open its deliberations, and by this superior compliment put itself on rec ord as preferring a renegade eieesisiou int to any of its five hundred loyalists tried in the ate. Fu.t3retvtimi of all the leading ar ticles of the Republican press ;real , the present time till next Novem ber: Copperhead rebel. traitor.. ..:thaloyal......red4uwded rebel copperhead ...,.treasuq- Judas. copperhead ..... disloyal .....,..plotter eouatoracyet. co ppor h oad ......... re bel rthel disloyal copperhead treason traitor .. rebel drnlopul . . ..... COPPERHEAD ! THE Radical Papers are publishing huge pulls of Geir. Grant's economy, but have not a word to say hr regard to his recommendation to increase the INtr,y of the immense crowd of idle army officers one-third. That would raise Grunt's salary to over thirty thou sand dollars a year. Would that he economy? We leave the tax-ridden masses to answer. " IT is reported that Gen. Sherman ht out fur (=null. The , milk, in that cocoa-nut . i- easily accounted fur. Sherman wan% Grant's place . as "General of our armies." $20,000 per annum Is not to be sneezed at, even by Gen. Sherman. BLAIR against Colfax ; a brave and dashing soldier, as well as an experi enced and upright legislator, against a chronic politician upon whose rec ord are the blotches of all the devil tries of the Radical Congress. Fulmars snarls at Grant, the Rad ical German organ at Indianapolis re finies.to .support pins, and Yates sayit the people of Illinois will repudiate the Ohicage platform by fifty thous and majority. "Let Ws have peace.!' LEUTZE, the eminent ar tist, died at Washington, On Friday evening week, of apoplexy. The pain tirrg, "Westward, above (..he great marble staircase in the interior of the southere tvilig tho+cipitol. at Washington; is froti his- pencil. tile was 48 years old. .the respective nominees of the two parties—Seymour and Grant,— could be prevailed upon to travel over the country together and give their views tipetispolitleitil toplek'iflrie Men out of ten would vate f ter iSeyinour. Ins na t dleala 'ire Id great trouble because Grant has nothing, to say, and in still greater when tie does say BOUM.. thing. THE It:aat ' ciila sai 'Abeir party is a unit. When the votes , are eounage this assertion via be substantiated. They wilt be nearer a HOE than thly themselves suppose. "Ler us have peace," tart Wank iriat his heel on the neck imede soil* Ind No hand in the pane of the North. Dr. (inert lit• 4 u nal:\ e of this county—born on" whatls known es the 'loser term, in Butler township. lie graduated at Jefferson College, Can norishurg ; eh - idled medicine with Dr. John Paxteit here, and attended lectures at the University of Peunsyd. vania. He . commenced practice at iu this State, Snit In 14.1 . 1 removed to Gettysburg, whore he soon attained rank -among . our leading physicians. About twenty years ago he wee chosen a Professor id tTie Medical Department of Pa. Col lege, at Philadelphia, in which capac ity he served altumber of years. 11„e also held the position, by appoint ment of Gov. Bigler, we believe,) of Physician to the, port of Philadelphia. Devoted to htv profession, he gave to its various branches the closest study, whioh, coupled with. sound Jud Meat, enabled him to reach it poslttoti second to none among the many emi nent pl.*lsielans of Philadelphia. , His deatii"bas, created a void not easi ly filled. His stricken family have the sympathies of this entire colninu nay, in which his worth will not sm a he forgotten. Peace to his agues. —The tell/441Y of Dr. Gilbert will arrive here' by tta4rairt this evening, to beinterred itninediatef.y in Ever tircen Cemetery. , !Tetley heavy raiu storm occurred in t hi, region 0., Friday morn : lug lrat Ii eauctieueed shortly niter tribinfOt, and oontltrued until .about it o'clock In the forenoon, the water th times cowing hownin torrents. The btreante, roee to a eonsigeruble height, in a tea , instances carrying off fences, but not doing general haul age. A valuable mare belonging to Mr Elise Hartman, Frank'un - township was killed by lightning in a field da ring the The chimney of Mr. Lewis Hope's residence, on the Charnbersburg turn pike, WaS struck and kn.:Asked off by lightning, but the house nod its in mates fortunately escaped. New Dioceses.—Two new Catholic Dioceses have been formed in-Penn sylvaida, one' including the counties of Clinton, Centre, Mifflin, Franklin, Cumberland, Adams, York, Dauphin, Northumberland, Columbia, Lebanon, Lancaster, Montour, Union, Snyder, Juniata, Perry and Fulton, and fs named the See of Harrisburg ; the other includes the counties of Arad ford, Luzerae, Lycoming, Monroe, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Wayne and Wyoming, and is »tned the See of Scranton. Right Rev. J. F. Siberia:. hat), D. D., bus been appointed Bishop of this diocese, and Right Rev. W. M. O'Hara, D. D., for that of Scranton. They were consecrated, with imposing ceremonies, in the Cathedral in Philn de/phia, on Sunday, the ifrth instant. Perurayheinfa College.-- The cute logue of Pennsylvania College for 1467 -68 has been planed upon our table. From it we learn that the whole num ber of graduates has been 405; average number per year 12; deceased .514. Students for the present year: Seniors 13, Juniors 21, Sophomores 32, Fresh men 35—rntiergraduatett 101; Prima rians 43, Junior Preparatorlans 57 Preparatortans 04. Total 185. The College Library contains 6,000 vol umes, the Phrenakosmian 5,353, the Phllumathsean 4,650, the Linuseau 100, the German Society 250—total 16,333. 'kite nextAtinual Commencement will occur on the seoond Thursday iu Au gust. The Fall terra will begin on the .4th of September. Serious Accident.-11r. Joseph Wlble, of thbi place, was seriously injured on Wednesday. Whilst on the second tier ofjoiats in his warehouse in course of erection on the Itailromi, a hoard on which he stepped tilted, precipitating him to the cellar, the fall rendei iug him (Ora time insensible. Dr. Charles Iltor- ner was called in, who, on examina tion, found Mr. WOle seriously hurt about the head, affecting the Mato, and two of Ili., ribs fractured. Om eiderable apprelienaion in regard to Me recovery was at first entertained, but he wee better yesterday morning. Serum Li_vi Law rence, of Mountpleasant township, met with a painful accident on Wed netitlity. Whilst backing ills :wagon out of the barn, the hub of a front wheel struck one of the doors, which caused a sudden movement of the wagon-topguelii the other direction, and striking Mr. Lawrence in the face, broke his Jaw and otherwise Mimed him. Painfee Accident.—We learn that a gentleman living iu Silver Spring township, near Hoover's mill, named Alfred Shall, had his left leg eat entirely off immediately above the an d/e, by a reaper. The accident occur red In turning the machine. Mr. Shalt called to the boy, a son of Mr. Hoover's, who WAS driving, to turn the reaper, and, not being heard, he attempted to attract the boy's atten tion by going to the front of the ma chine, when 'it made a sudden turn, &toiling him in the naives, and Revering his leg, .nstantly, as above. He is under the care of a skillful sur geon, and as comfortable as the na ture of his injuries will perinit.—lff chaniesbury Democrat. Aceident.—We learn that on Thurq day, the 113th inst., a son of T. R. Group, of Tyrone township, had his right AeFproken, midway between the thighlnid !i.eetio 'while the father end several of the family were engaged In unloading a load of grain, the lad and several other boys were amusing themselves by turning *um mersetkfrom one of The erowties into the mow, when the accident occurred. Dr. Marsden ortnehumediately sent for, irho gentle hroksn Balloon Arcension.=Gettysburg to to have a Balloon Ascension! Mr. John A. Light, the distinguished ,Ero twat, of Lebanon, waa here ou Wed nesday, ant completed arrangements to make an aseeneton from the Fair Ground, in this place, ou Thursday, the a:Kb of August next: An immense attridatioc nay-be expeoLed' -Onstvatoo.—llt the list of eandbilitesi bit-be_notuloated by the Dem:Franc County Convention, publiehedtp-otto D_Wet, Attorney iv.r jriver oatittimt- Cottnly Gborention.—The Monet& or this county will bold their Convention tett Monday, the , 17th of Augupt, to *mine° eenuntitieket. What's the ME Not to be Sotd.—Tlie property or Fanny Wagoner, advertised by Sheriff Huhn, is hot [(the sold, the claim for Which it was bitted Upon liavlpg been satisfied. Owneirsoforre .bekving.—The corner- Atone of a uew ne(pruled Church will tbe kid at Vturriltietburg to-morrow, [Thu 14rvleesivrill begin, D o ' o / 001, 1 Tr. J. W. Nevrt)-04 oc pee led tb;he piesent und to as4t , t on the oceeilr;?A. Ila protTihod.—NVerkmt , tt are now engaged on tho "filobe Inn," In this Act", rni,ftlis it another etoiti, and other% tan itnprottinit It. The change NN up r kloubt, tio,very,inarli3O, , nuil and t 3 little to the tiiititioritrteo 04 ... Y0rk street. untleNtand tat sever al of our lorwaniltigJell suffered some, Imos by the- great fioud In Balti more Met week. They bud buy, elo verseed, &0., In store fur eale on North street. Thu high water ettle/ing the warehouse., ilainagett the artlde." seri ou,ly—in some I. eew ruilong thew. BorBe7t MOfroi.—Two valuable hones trete 'btoleti from CM. John Waugh, near Fairfield, this comity, on S:itor day night last. pair of drunken stragglers, in the neighborhood ate day preeions, are supposed to he the par• ties guilty of the theft. tiearch is be ing iiiuriu fur them and the Farmers mtiat again be 011 the watch. l'roperlg Saka,—James BighillU bike sold his tarn[ to Ajessri. F.thiwitttg.dc and Duncan, fur , F7,tkiti ca.lll. Meeera. Yultnestoci, and Duncan li.ivefloldotie of their tnithling lota, 0/1 York street, to ‘a , Veumbilie, for Y.lOO eat.h, Mit Flar.—Several very tall , editiks of flax were hrought to our otlictiyes• terday—grown upon the hinny fartn`of Levi Irvttr, deceased, in Buchanan , Valley. They inea,ured (our feet two and a half Inehes! Who can heat thLau? thml.—Auguat Goan will begin on Monday, the 17th. The Common• wealth's busluel-s promises to he on uaually heavy. hherilf liana has eleven prisoners in All, nearly all or whom will then be tried. Three oth ers have been bailed out, whose eiu3es will al-.o collie up. Triad of spc_eil..--7.A. race between Dr. 'T..'l'. Tute's "Cashier" Had 1. Del lone's "Grey Horse, , Hanover,) earn: off yesterday afternoon, in Flartzel's Lane, two miles northwest .of this plate. Distance, four hundred yards stakes. Won by "Cushier" A trotting tnatoll between Jacob 'telly's Bay Home autl IsalaL Diller 4 a Grey Maie; t flanuv&., ) took place on . tha Fair track last evetiliqi. Half mile and repeat. Won by }telly's horhe. Rod Roads —There is much com plaint of the condition of the roads in several of the townships, no work hav ing leen done upon them this season. We heard agenßetnan declare the oth er day that if the roads 111 his town ship were not soon attended to, he would return the supervisors at the next Court. In some of the districts We proper repairs have been male,, and there is not only no grumbling, but the people are loud in prause of their supervisors. Harvest over, road repairing should be done wherever neglected in the spring. r 0141.11 G iii 1116 ilaty. --The Mull , . eats of this district are snorting over the nomination fur Congress. Koontz, or SoMerset, the present member, wants to go back. Cessna, of Bedford, always after the loaves and fishes, is thane:covering for. the place; whilst Col. Wiestling, of Mont Alto Iron NVorks, would have no objection to til ling it. They and their respective friends are kicking up quite a Breese over the matter, snapping at each oth er like hungry hounds over a bone. They had better cool their tempers. The people will settle the difficulty by electing a Democrat. (iood Lurk.—Ntr. Augustus Duncan, of the Valle!) Spii 7 if When, went out to Uraetfenberg Spring] last week and lifted some of the finest Trout ever caught in Biroh Run. In one day he Caught seven dozens- We rather "brae' ern Duncan. Ile is decidedly one ortheiiestailmwre iti this ailattitry. We eay this of /1.111 en his absence,as he and J. W 2, eth Douglas, ,are now rusticating at the &nue popular resort. If he were here, his welt - known modesty would prevent us indulging in language SO haltering to his piscato rial capacity.—ohambcrabterg PcmB.—We clip the following items from the Hanover Citizen of yesterday: Dedication.—'the new GUMMI Re formed Church at Little+town, Adams county, will be dedicated on the 15th of next month. Bwtry Out —3lr. Geoi go Slagle, of Oxford township, Athuris county, one day lent week, cot his leg badly with a ecythe while cut( mg Oat& lie in noW doing better. A!Gnap ul ieublp ry.—We leArn that une night last week, some scoun drel attempted to enter the smoke bonne of John Rahn, Fai., iu Conte. wage township, Allmon county. Be Ray observed by Mr. It. before he effected an entrance, and oonsequent ly failed in his object. Pi'-Xie.—On Saturday next a grand ple.-nio will come off at East Berlin, uwler the auspices of Ms. F Rawer and several other gentlemen of that place. We hone that a ple.clant time will be had by our clover friends. ,Vuxi,a/ It< rzt —We li•ive received the United States Musical Review for August, published by J L. Pltiers,, 11.19 Breniwuy, New Yorl4. Among other mu...ie given in its well-filled pages we fled the folloo ing : "Waiting for the Twilight," and "Seymour's March," and an advertisment a "Mutched.r, trio - using Demetratlc'eampalgn Kong and= Chorea, adapted . to Mrs. E. H. Peudleton'ahaautOul tucledy, ‘ "E Flu ribos Uttar." Price, SO•centi3 with Picture; Ur Geste with plain title. Also "Zirairio Seytnear's March" and "Prank P. Blalt's Gallop," giving correct likeness or the Democratic candidates. Rallrocid.gerrees—=Thesurvey of the Nate of the Frederick and Pentteglett= hfa Line Railroad was commenced on Tuesday last, under direction of Ow. 41144 rd Irwin, of Baltimore. The eittisens along the route are very en ihnaliatin and confident of having a rallnittd. The road will connect with the Western Maryland Railroad at Moncicacy. to which point the latter road will be completed in three intatttutt-_-,IT Milos Comptfrr :—The Star is sea top cumber of Democrats In this sec tion of the county, who have nut or dered it, and don't want It. The New York. Tribune also. Surely the pub lishers of the papers are promised pay from boutea here. 1.4 it to come out of the sung loud set apart by Con gress, and doled out by Clerk McPher son, for the support of Radical papers In the louth—or hue route, Mimi cor ruption arrangement been started by the negro worshippers congregated at Wuslitliglutt '.' There is static rascality und.r tins thing, and those ahe got grattir'fhe payers above Men tioned air supposed to he green calm e to be dui toyed through It, ht some way, into voting for titan Demo crats ugh, keep their top eyes opts, for this trick. t —Attention In directed to the card of 1)r. V. Wr liete•ou, to tt- Ot'itetitolutoo, whole sueeabn to not tug DESlllettl bad beuoote a bubjevt r.t von sitlerabhs:., rentotic. It will bo however ; that he eonni uue. the general praettee of tuetilloitte, Witt& which he will allow nothith; to interfere. 'p.—Frunt the bent tali tte halve 11:1125011 to believe that tbn "('irr••tw Soap," iniiiiubtetured Lt .I.l.eclsky Leh elle,. men t ;Le this 15511 V, lb an article poqie.,.. etl.ufeatperlur we; &oder, 1.,/, .t.' Cheap.—Now IA the ;Imo to buy Iteally•niade clothing, as Franca, Con tighani Is otter' og a very liitge assort inent of all kind., at very low pile:, It N,,okitl L, well (or persons needing anytlisi.g in the line ol ready•io..le clothing to cult at his stole, on inure hit eet, and eaunilno , before purchasing eisewliere, If the y Wall I to ',Live money. It So Davit or/ P.—When a lady want 4 U Wee nod good pair of shoes. or gaiters, or a like shoe for a child 1;4 needed, she always guns to now Woods' stAwe, for After all there I. 114 thsPoting tits taut that all . who want good stows, and no worthletu4 yankea trash, always yet Lima of Itoo , gre, Waudm, for they keep the best. M 18111.4 Cards.—\Ve nave laid in a large atoek of Cards fur Lindner, put pores, au:most all sizes and qualh led —ll2l weal as ally qua,litily of new type and fancy inks, with the best Job Pre,s made in the \; lilted Ashes. Law) eta, Doetan4, Xterettunts, Landlords, Me chanie3, and ltua/neen Lett geuerull,y; who wont tasteful \work, executed op to the best i.tytem, at retountablo rates, had lietter call ti the•Coaru.hn °Mee. JK , Orbilint. — TlN att - enti.ni of Farmer+, Builders, Couirmuol, and others is iliVit.4.l3 to the large assortment of LlialllPlß of all kind , sultabledor building purpose+, to 4e found et Col. C. 'll. ltumdtmies Lum ber Yani, at corner of Carlisle 11,101 "Railroad streets, including Boards, Planks, Flooring., Laths, Pickets, Shingles, &e. Also I'o)4+, hewed and sawed, with prime 'Fen cing Boards, White Pine and Hem lurk. lila bkock is hot only large, but hi, arrangernent4 are such tit4illio can tell at the very lowest, cash rates. Also, constantly on hand, Black smith, Lime-burners' and Stove 0)A L. tf Thom, iriTccrent hats who calliol names, after ascertain "bald head" o f deserved their untimely end, lg.- eauite at that time nu pauacea nad oven discovered to restore the huutan hair upon the bald epot•. But now Ring's Vegetlble Ambrosia is known to po..‘sys , t the rareMerithf Invigorat ing thelveots aud tilling them toll of life, where not entirely dead, that they cannot help putting forth a new pact* which rivals in beauty the locki of youth: July 10. 4t Ifou4ekeepera and others wanting good Cooking Stoves, the best in the market, warranted to bake and giro satisfaction, or any thing in the line of Tim 'Ware, Japan Ware, hollow Ware, Chamber Sets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Ice Cream seexera, Water Cwdeis, Coffee Mills, Bird Cages, Fruit Jare and Cans, Waiters, So., &c, will timid just what they'want the Ware-room of Cot C. 11. Buehler, corner of Ittillrottl and Carlisle street, opposite the Passenger Depot, and Mg prices which defy competition. tf 1 Nrgc rulurne watll,l not contain the 111a+. 111 testimony NlllOl 1111•1 UUllltlllaCti in favor of ll'rxtur's Bat -114 Of WIN Cherry a a safe, eilleient, and reliable remedy in curing cough+, eolds, and pulmonary :%litny of the colea are truly wonderful. Ps GobdEffect* Are Permanent —ln Oils tt litrera front an hair dyes. By it. 4 use luxurnint.growth is guarauteed, natural color and glom are reetored One trial will citbse you to say tills of A Allen a Improved (~t w _elf/•) Hair Iteitoiser or Dreuniug, On one ta,t -11•.) Evers Drugglist fte44B IL Price One Dollar. Jul) 3. lit The, Biel Thing Yee.—The itiedtcal prm,,,mm, atter having thorouidtly tented 7peer',4 )0, iues, have introduced theta into their practice, On arena tit of their purit y , His "Standard Witte Bitter , " are equally an pure, anti ohly need a trial to recommend them, doll by F,e(l. Brown, corner of Uh l and Che , not street., and Johnston, Holloway it Co., and other Drultgbia, Dynpqmict sad Scrojahl aro two hydra-headed mounters trust nearly all the Ills that flesh is heir to 'originate For dyspepsia, the Peruci• an Syrup, a protected solution of the pirutositio of iron, la a long-trend at.d well•established remedy and for scrofulh lii alt its manifold forms, /),.. H. Ant/cm' iodine IVofer is a specific. It those tiedieleti atll try these reme dies they will thank' rs for calling their attention to them. JEFF DAvis and family have gone to Europe, GOVSHNOR SIMMOVE, will make Uti ca his' headtpartkrs.—Cineinacifi yii fake. He will make the White House his headquarters. THE Rai - heals are willing to drench, the land again la fraternal blood.— They seek civil war to prevent a fair and free election. IN the Legislature of Louisiana, in the House, a White Democrat was de clared ineligible auJbis seat was giv en to a negro Radical. GREAT DP umeratie rlttiflention meet ings, notwithstanding the beat, are the order of the day—or rather the, evening—from ?Seine to Kansas. tifox`raoni asks the question: "What should honeat, patriotic men do to save the country?" VOW the Democratic ticket, to be sure, GRUNT ♦SD POLL-TAX.—An Illiter ate Radical wits apostate himself. the other day, by epellitie over the Does of an alalMaai 01 a Grant sod Colfax meeting, with this result, Grunt and Poet tits L Riatifem, the rebel-blikkade is a3kßummbasetta Yankee,. wbefiest Efoithisapiaillitealurlag thews& He is now a Radkal member of the' Ski, Me of the Uadded SOW ,