Wftigiumrs 40.01. Pamir, JrL 17, Inf I= What are the effects of drainage?— Thorough drainage diemens the soil. Of what use Is It to plow deeply and manure heasolty while the soil is full of water? The roots of plants will not go down into stagnant water. This elements of plant food areitot all on the anrface; many of them have been wiedied donna by the rains: smite of theni are fount hr Lisette , eompostug roek. themzetsse. , . Takeaway he - water and the roots will find them. Drainage lengthens the selsints. In our , e'hu'ate 111 Is Is 1111 111/1)011:111t 1/4/111t to be gained. If by drainage one or two ecks could liegalnell. it would be quits u relief to our litteitlward springs,- when there is so much to be done In so short a spaee of tape. 'Drainage Increases the effect of the ap pihnstion of manure; the soil being drier in more easily worked flue; the manure is also more evenly distributed. The waters also passing through theeell, car' hreeti fertilising matter down to the roots of plants. When there Is stagnant water, manure must decompose slowly, if at all, hut let the water pass off; the air is ad mitted, and decomposition takes place. What observing man is there who dims not know that his crops are Improved in quality by drainage? Sweet English grass and clown' take the place of sedge and rushes.—Agrfenflure of Mum., by L. Pit*. =171:11123 We Duke when we ditch it. Be- fare, Ryas wet and unreelahned, flt only for water-grasses—and many capes 'not even . these. Now It Is laud: You look upon it, and you think It almost a •miracie t and, indeed, a miracle It Is In farming - , such as we want to sec Moro of. Tlits is the farmer's praise—that he has reclaimeit paeleas soil. 44- is better than to Make new soil, as is &rice sandy districts . accessible to the good markets. It relleyee 'your laud Of a.eass.pool where it. Is swampy, and removes a danger to cattle. Au eye-sore Is also removed ; and you can now gp abaft your farm. 114 e dry ;it is land ; It' s healthy. It will last. But this only when you make your ditch well. If covered ; if open, you heed but keep It clear. But cover, that la The beauty aral the benefit of the thing. 'lf all our laud was underlaid with nu- Ii eroua ditches—laid deep—whata world it would be! what an increase of the arable quantity of land! and-what a Won derfullnereame of its pnxluctiv,eneas! —OO. Rural World. BIICX WHEAT. Buckwheat straw contains considerable 'plantitlesof Bine, magnesia, potash, soda, and phosphoric and sulphuric acids, and Irnce Its value as a green manure. It grovis rapidly on almost any soil where, other,plants starve, as its large spread ing torrent' be.successThlly grown'bn the same for years in succession without, ex• haustlng its soli. So its large brunching , top protects the sot from the scorching • intluence.of the sun, and shades It so thickly as quickly to smother and eradi cate all foul and noxious weeds; and wheD. ft Is plowed down ft not Indy iteeomposis rapidly and so 'forms a good manure, but also loosens the soil, and thus renders It permeable to heat,, cud mohdare. tut, to attain its Mt ben efits as a manure, it ought to be sown early In the season, and top dressed with lime or plaster- and plowed down when it bi In full blossom. It blossoms so much earlier than most other plants that two crops of It caii,if necessary, be grown and Alowed down on Use same ground the same season, and the ground be seed " ed down with grase or a grain crop in September. It thus operates -at once both as a cleanser and a renovator of the ' .^ Considerable quantities of. buckwheat are Nowa annually:in Clertuany and In Franca as a fertilizer. A French writer, in noticing buck wheat, sAya: "We cannot too much recommend, after our old and minima practice,' the employment of this precibu• plant as a manure. Amman quantity of seed, cost ing verylittie, sowe a large surface and a great crop; when In flower (blossom) first roll and then ploitlt, in. Its shade -*tale growing -destroys all weeds, and itself, when hurled, is soon converted into vegetable Mould." NITITOIt VM. ,PORK Physicians recommend mutton as the roost wholesome meat, easiest digested, and best suited to invalids ; while pork, as every body knows, ie the mit un „wholesome flesh eaten. In England, Mutton is a favorite dish, and we ap prehend It ik to this, rather than roast beef, that the Englishman owes his ro- bust health and rosy complexion. Our people , sat too:thuola pork mid too little mutton. And -yet, as a contemporary well remarks, "Mutton can be produced pound for pound at less than half the price of pork; yields more nouristincient when eaten; and keeping sheep does not , exhausto farm to the extent that keep ing hogs does. Sheep can be kept during ,the winter Ou hay arid turnips, or man gel wurtsel, or sugar beet, while hogs will not do without at least some corn.” TO WWI A Holt M OF FROWN "Burleigh," of the Roston Journal, snya:e"J tell you, ladles, a 'secret that may be worth your knowing—a new remedy to clean a house of roaches and vermin has beep found. So complete is the remedy'lliat men - offer to rid the promises of all these pestilential nuis ances by contract. The article is sold :tinder the name or French green and other high sounding names, and at mine a high price. But the article, in plain English, is common green paint in-pow der. Bhr cents' worth used about any house will- `clear the kitchen,' and all its surroundings. These pests infest many - houses in this city, ad nauseam, and we believe the ladies will thank us for suggesting so cheap au eradicator." A TRAP SVR ANTE As ahli irealoh le 'now at band ter ants, housewtses and others who are troubled with titian may probably use the follow ing4ap tp,a4jvpititge: "Procure e,large sponge, wash it well, andmini it dry, which will leave the cells tinte ,open;, then sprinkle over it smile In lwlilte•sugar, and place it near where the arts are troublesome. They will seen collect upon the sponge and take up tads Atiodkin the cells. It la only-wnesetarylo , dtp the sponge in scalding wales. - Which will wash then out dtiod.:,:rut on more sugar and set the trap Soca new haul. This process will *bon eieii use licauwel every ant.- CHINA is rapidly undergoing the pro cess of CliiiitattoO: lOsei is wade at 1 '11141)&1e, a whiskey, distillery lagoirtg isiertheirs, and the first hanging re, eiulibashati'hit lit that city. A HICW-POritnti refuter writo.s that be takes !to 'ftraw woman's Asto woman's dub fa Npfliat i l ti WK And 't‘ COUNTRY MERCHXXrB, D.TaRY'ArErY, FaiR.MERS, .4r4'DD OTHERS, ecowsirox Toys ASIIII4, BEESWAX, BEANS, • burrge, csEEHE, FLOUR AND FEED, FLAX, COTTON, SIM AND SEIBS, DRIED AND camas ?num, unxibr,.woot.. POULTRY, NAVAL Eliu ' Rio 4, nom, OMIENG, MATU RES, HEMP, PROVISIONS, , . OILM, LAUB, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEF:DB, goRGIIVIL NOLABSEB, AC., &C. AC. JOSIAH ,CARPENTER, General Cammtitlow .IVereficint, 442, - 444 & 448 Washington Street, NEW YORK• CITY And receive his weekly Prfce Current of Pro- duos and Groceries, the most complete Price Cur rent published In the United States. Bead for a Prim Current. Mark I ng Plates and Cards, Furnished free Liberal Advances made on Consignments Established May Ist, 1860 FMgT-CLARt3 REFER.E?7CFA'CiiVE-V comma March 11, ISO. 1y LEWIS. STROUSE Has bought back his old stand, on Carlisle street, and Is going lob business again heavier than ever; Be Mka his old friends and the public to call. NOTIONS, OROCERIFI3, CONFE *O., CTIONtI, BE CIARI4, TOBMX.9O, &C., faro oarl ol .V, and a• little cbaapor than the cheapeit. Don't forget hie place—nearly oppo- Fite the Railroad Station. Gettysburg, Oct. 11, 4107. • U WI C. STALLSILITH & SON, UE:TTYSBURG, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS Are prepared to do alt kinds et Carpentering —contra:444g *Ail eroding byll4lWils of all kind; IRepalring, ha. They keep constantly on hand and menureeturis U. order, aaoft9ksaul7'Ep4'svgma, sAsflibooH AND WINDOW BRAIIIO3 CORNICE, 0 1/00WA BrINBOW BRACKETS, And any other Article lathe Building Line, giessoned nssierlil Constantly on hand, expe- danced workmen always in readiness, and work executed with dispatch WOnlers promptly attended to. Sept. 20, int 1.1 NEW. SADDLER SHOP. N the Hill, Baltintorestreet, Gettysburg, Pa --Constantly en hand, or wade to o lder, ol Podia( SADDI,Eti, WAGON SADDLD3, I= e• RIDING BRIDLES BLIND BRIDLEN, rlsirorl =I Ihw an the lowest. =1 CANNON'S MARBLE WORKSI On Bnlthnore,Pleet, opnonite the Court-Arouse DrITY.PURg.,PXWA" , I. • Every'descrlpthm of eroft executed In the FINER? STYLE OF THR ART June 4, 11105. If East Berlin - Firm. REBERT & HOOVER, I FARMING, :IMPLEMENTS BUCKEYE REAPED AND MOWER; BUCKEYE SELF-RAKER, Hodhelna' patent; SELF-DISCHARGING WIRE HORNE RAKE, Rhlranian's patent; • ~-•-• BRAND'S PATENT WAHR. NORSE RAKE; a/no THE ROCKAWAY WIRE RAKE THRESHING HAMMEN; - CORN PLANTRIAN, two k i n da , fthlreman'a patent and WambaugnOt patent, York ; GRAIN DRILL-4, Moore'e patent; CORN SHELLERS, Wambaugh'n patent, dm. All kinds of REPAIRING promptly attended to. CSIII and see what we can do. REVERT & 1100 1 1.01, plat Berlin, Ads no., Pa. Mar. 6, 166.6, 4r4 IN WALT VARIETY, PARASOL(, - I'Llrs, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C., Row ck, Woods'. May!, UM. tt FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GNITYSBURG. Notioe to Holders of 7-30 Notes, Lima AA wheat tb. prrdle.o( cosneerlhig »e August7-i0 Note( expired, many per gong xho ne- gLetled to convert into 31 1 20 Benda. or /sell, lost Um prernruin and the privilege of marvelling( "It wil(be the same with the 7-30 re maturing in June and July next, If not dlapoool of In thee This Bonk will either convert, or porehase, the 7-90's, allowing premlam &iv! lakteteist. GEO. eUVIOLD, Ridden =I HOUSE PAINTING GEORGIC A. IV RZJI, MOM; ?Ar Hou a; Goo* ti- g r tur. haft l a cti=erAucma. My.. VIOLINS:PIuto'. naillebees. 4106 cinillOak 4as., at vuffiatialitAlllll. at ,cblepi e - _ strusmnstroitotax 'Pliagivuds Ovatral "rsetTlitin truck route monism between Ptdbl. Li dolphin and Pittsburg. Trains Marini OA ,- =We Ike following oonneettons with dermal m. ens Map. in. Ta 44 rimM tune . arrive 10A6 1416 . . . . . . " leave 10.58 " 9.40 Harrisburg arrive 12.55 p. m. 11.45 leave 4.10 " 2.45 a. se. Philadelphia arrive 9.40 " 7.10 Harrisburg leave 1.15 " 12.15 " Pittsburg_ arrive L% n. m. 0.20 " At i Ptilladelphla close emanectlous are made with thelialuts for New York, Boston and ail Eastern Cities. At Pittsburg connections are made In the New Union Depot with the train. for all Westertl P O l lll5 . 'Error further information .poly to EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, Gen. Eqpt., Altoona, Pa. Hagar W. GIMMER, Oen. Pass AS t., Phlla. June 5, laid tf Gettysburg Railroad. rIII.4.NGE OF CONNEITIONSI.-00 anti after j Monday, May 11th, 1,01, Pit/mower Trains will leave and arrive at Gettystmly, and make conit actions,as follows: HAT PA lila ENG KR TRAIN will leave Getty:i bises at 5.41 A. M., with pm , . :ors for York, liar riabing. Pliihulcaphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanover Junction without change of rani, at 10.15 A. M., connecting with the Fiat Line Mouth on the Northern Central Hall way, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.11 noon. Also connecting with Mall Train from Baltimore north, arriving In Harrisburg at Lial P. M. A.rri vlng at Gettysburg 12-T3 P. M., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Wash ington. • SECOND PASHENQER THAI: will leave Get tysburitat 12.45, P. M., arriving at Hanover Juno tion at 10, and connecting with mail train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.21.1 P. M. Arrive at Get tyaburg at 4.20-P. M., with passengent from Phila delphia, Harrisburg and the North and West, and alto with passengers from Baltimore and Waxhington by the fast line north, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noun. . . Passengers can leave Baltimore In the Mail Train at 0.20A...M., and arrive to Gettysburg's& 12.30 P. M. Or leave Baltimore In the fast lime at 12.10 noon and arrive In Gettysburg at 4.21 P. M. But one cluing° of atin either way at BanoverJune lion. 8.. ]teCtiltDY,PreWt May 22, 1887. Hanover Branch Railroad: ro. and tater MONDAY, Dec. 9th,lB67,peasen li ger trains on the Hanover Branch Railroad will leave an follows: - FIRST TRAIN will leave Hanover at. 9.20 A. M., with passengers for York . , Baltimore, Harris burg, and the North and Kest. Thia train ar rive. at the Junction at 10.10 A. M., connecting with the Feat Line South, on the Northern Cen tral Hallway, which arrives at Baltimore at 1240 P. 11., and also with the Mail Train North, which arrives at Harrisburg at 12.55 I'. M. . . Agr - rhys traln returns to Hanover at 11..70 P. M., and arrives at Oettyz,latru at 12..".5 P. M. HECO. TRAIN lens eo lianoVer ut 2. 15 P. M., and arrives at the Junction at •Lai P M , connect ing will. the Mall Tralu South, which arrives at Baltimore at 4,1 M P. ?if, Pio...ewers by this train for York lay over ut tin. Junction until 0.11 P. M. rd-Thin Train returns to Hanoi, er ut 4.45 P. M., with palisengera for Hanover, Gettysburg and Lit tiestown. Paasengerelesving Baltimore for Hanover, Get. tvaburg end take either the Mail Train at P,lO A. M., or the Fact Line at 12.10 JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. floc. 30, 1867. tf NEW DRUG STORE, IN I.IXW OXFORD. irlIE linderalgued has open - a Drug Store In New Oxford Adarne county, and reapectfully galls the attention , of the public to lila Mock of PA 0I OILS VARNISHES LYS anthers. WINDOW °LASS. PATENT MEDICINES, and a full assortment et DRUGS; In a word • complete clock of Goods generally kept In a drat chew Drug more. All of which have been pur chased during the pant two weeks, end will be sowtitan ufactared at the old ratablhohturnt hnst Berlin ran be had here. Understanding his buatinexe perfectly, and selecting hie geode blinselt, he le able to war rant his Drugs pure and as represented. The pub lic are requested to give him a trial. D. M. MILLER. New Oxford, May 6, 1867. tf ' .: 1 { ' Xll I,y'N: 1}: 11111 E mulweribera have Jost returned-front the 1. title. with atialtueutte supply of lIA PARE & GROCERIES, which they am offering at their old stand in Bal timore street, at prices to pit the times. Our stock consists in part.of BUILDLNO MATERIALS, CARPE NTs TOOLS BLAcKs.urnem room COACH FINDINGS, SHOE - FINDINGS, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, • HOUSEEREPERN FIXTURES, ALL RINDS OF IRON, Be., GROCERIES - OF ALL KINDS OILS, FAINTS,/c., dte. There, is no article included in the several de partments'mentioned above but what can be had at this store. Every chum of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tool and findings, end Housekeepers can And every article lu their line. Dive us a call, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash as any honse out of the city. JOEL R. DANNER, DAVID ZIFAILER. Gettysburg, May 15, NIL 628 HOOP SKIRT& 028 WM. T. HOPKINS' "OWN, MAKE" OF "KEYSTONE SKIRTS," ARE the beetand en icsmorr Low PRICED Hoop Skirts in the market.. TrallSklrts,2siipriultet P; SI springs, SLIM; and 40 springs, 1111.4. - c Plain Sklrta, sprWAs, (lents; -(135 " I t ring oor OWN Make" of - L s ON isKIRTS," en Tape Trails, front A/to:40 springs, to Plain, Six Tapes, a/ to .50 springs, from ai Cents 10 t 2.00. These Skirts are better than t Mee sold by Mu ch establishments as good.s, and at Much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS . are In every way eiperfor to all oilier Hoop Skirts before the pia Id le, and only have to be t he fact. or worn to convince every cue of the fact. Manufactured of the best lineu-linishal s t ye Steel Springs, very superior tapes, and the style of the metalle fastenings and manner of eccuring them surpass for durability and ex. cellence tiny other Skirt In this country, o re at. lighter, more elastic, wear longer, give more sat. lisfactlon, and aretre, really cheaper than all others. Ak e r, la should try then. They are being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining states at very moderate prices. II you want the beat ask for "Hopkins' tMamplon Skirt." If you do not Mid them, got the Der. chant with whottl YOU anal tOnhlor them for yolk or come or send air ON , to us. Merchants will dad our different grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invite them to cell and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List, To be had at Retell at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should MANUFACTORY AND SA ET, LEROOM, It.N ARCH STRE Between 6th skud 71.14 Sta., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. I=l IaSSINGER & EIUIIIU, NO. 2 WEST MARKET STREET, YORK, PA., PIANOS & MINA' 011 ) 0A I NS, ' 21LODEONS, A 14 ,11 ALL KINDS OP MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, - - - respectfully inform the public that they are pre pared to fandah ?lance of the following manu- facture or of any other make that may be pre ferred: Albright. Strikes di Schmidt, ChMSmilax & Nos, Bradbury, kitabe & No.. Gale & lbo , 813 TRY S CELIZMIATIM COTTAGE, HARMONIC AND BOUDOIR ORGANS AND MELODEONS, These Instrnnierits stand unrivelled by any thing found h title country or In Europe, as Is admitted by all Impartialjudgenfe most env. Inent Pipe Organ Builders and miners. the last to discover excellence in r Tone, pro nounced them vastly superior to all others for ex ceedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the essential feature in Instruments of thin class. We Invite the severe rwrut lay and criticism of all. PATENT VOX HUMANA TREMOLO. This kate and most wonderful invention (no se kumviedged by all leading artists) will be found only In the Entry Instruments. In attempting to describe the effect of this atop, we are at, loss for language. Ins beau ties can nut be written, but must be himrd to be appreciated. By tide stop an ordinary performer can oracleee an effect which requires& life time of practice for an artist Ml n ing a Zg l ay in. mpa it lll ' e t trelw 'h eetT '" n o i rtne u T m " an voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never hiCla to enchant the listener. - - . THE HARMONIC ORGAN fOr Churches, Public Hallo avd Parlors has • poirerfulsub-Bass with independent reed., Har monic attachment and Vox Humana Tremolo, and to believed to be the most powerful reed or being nearly equal to • pipe Non of Wee times the coat. All instruments warranted for five years. Air B R RANEE supplied with instruments mad music at reasonable term.. . . A liberal diaconal Wowed for Churches and Sabbath Schools. airbratruettons given both in Vocal said In strumental Made, at our room., and at = i hr homee, either to individuals or chases, on able-terms. Dee.-17.,111114 2,500,000 Customers in Four Years, PATRONIZE THE BEST! Having the lasion Malta. hunt enaerieiteed buyers, and extensive trade of any neneern the Dollar Sale bruises, Ira GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and also the bead 'selection a Goods ever offered at ONE DoLim' EACH. No othor mows% !b w ollao salorrrer oar Agent. are seiner. Oar motto, "Prompt and Re liable." Mode aadlowala masts Wanted In thy and country. THE LAXIMOO , Are portleubuty requested to try siog dub ardent of selpai t r kiwis of DIN AND FANCY GOO D PArrsanut °mow CLOTH,__C SI YEE PLAT= tiVAXCFEPN, to. ISM) A= M kt pen leuntaln and • dwelt deseriblng ea &Mete I. be sold lora dollar. MN elm 00 for lit_ so for SO: 100 Ittr 110 ,• P e r mall. Free prorate to getter up. OdorD! 0 , Oen Pew 4 16 Arai by eft elner is to sitte at edub. Send us s Odd , owl! noddo not foe to send for a etreater. -- N. •11.—Oor sobs Wiwi& war 'be ekumei with New York dollars ales or boron 'Ts Communes,. as it iturr = ae a ttrok a4. ~ ~.' 6i Han/mg 134 4 NlKOsit, Ilar. - „ - Joiril, Ibki. Ma Mad 11430MgruW, BARK ! BARK ! 1,100 CORDS WANTED Tat suaectausEß wily= GOD CORDS OF BLACK O.AK BARK, gm wt." h. will Pal' 11111 OD per woken delivery* In good order, at Ws lanyard, In Gettysburg. Wanted also, s*) CORDS OF ROCK OAK BARK, for Which the highest, market peke will be Wet. Feb. 14 INK era PHOTOGRAPIiALBUMS: LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET BETS, WRITING DEMO, PEEPUAIN,2'Y, Fancy Adm. and Mandan VIM, TOYS, Ate., ay., ALL, / / AT A. R. FE STETS, Opposite Fame. ks' Store. Glettysburs, March ST. INK it mmi l g SHEAFFER k BECKER, PETEREFBURG, (Y. S.) PENN'A., Are prepared to offer to the Peatteeny - thing In their line an cheap seam be had In the country - Purchniers will do w4l to call and examine our stook before buying eisewhere. FUENtTIINE made to order. Repalritig done neatly, cheaply, end with illsostott. Jan. 24, 1064. tt E. 11. MiNNIGH. CHAEIBERSBURG STREET, :MIT DOOl TO TOO NEYSTONT. MOTEL, GETTYSBU#O. PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot ALL KINDS OF OONFEGTIOIO3, CANDII9, ORANGEK.LKMONS, &C., &C.. &C., onninantly on blunt t ' ICE ' CREAM AND CetNES oupplled to families sad parties at shortest rates. THE nAiLY PAPEIIR OF BALTIMORE, PH/L- ADKU - 411A,.NEW YORK, AND CHOICE MAGAZINES, supplied to subscribers at lowest rates. IT CALL AND EXAMQIE.IM Feb. 21. IMR. tf THE LAST CROVIDE 311=i. ..ifrs: S. A. .41leres =II HAIR RESTORER. = HA.I,R DIES.SING. . New Style; in One Bottle, ww oVekly restore tant7 Botr•itt Ur Manna color and beauty, amid greaser higurtoat growth. It la perfectly luunalkaa, and la preferred over every other preparation by three who hove a doe head of hair, on well as thaw who wlab to restore It. The betatithl glom eattPerkline lu,' Parted to the Fist, Make It &dyable foe old and For Sale by ell Druatsta. Depot, led CheekyLeh Stead, New York PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb.* ISM. fa EICELBIOI 0 LILER T. PIIOTOGRAPHB, .Fluad . Amstiorepcm. AC., Bteresrbapte Ntif 114 of t he BATTLE-FIELD, araiscisedria,• •• PeOTOGRAPII AND Is II 17 S, li ID Ci F., NKr= GINA? VADDIerf. AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. atiriVadaal ataktas eat*btritaat irita bind. CaU sad 'ramble oar stoat. 04. TYSON. Progartattia, April AI9K.tY : LAW' a 0 . D. DIET:4 I L _ i! l ivizouestAir nmurdeitit. Ewe'. Tr`. 4 • '• • • P P.1Cr."?, 14 • -Imams. 7810111:11ST of j1.11.86 9= 00,4 4 Ira big Ta Xi" TO FARMERS ! Pacifte Cwassoo Comspirosy's POGIIBLE PACIFIC GUANO ! I .RICE REDUCED TO 11311.110 PER TON. :reVEER OP ruts GUANO 11l Iliac/Rah ON several rear's for Corn, Tobacoo end other Creases well as for Wheat, hike mtebilah ita excellence. It posse/wee all tho oak-kneel Or Peruvian Guano, with permanent qWitlee not popmeed by that article. Expertenoe ha. shown that this Guano ripen. the Wheat crop from Illos to ate digs earlier than Use Super Plsoilphatsa. It also npens Tobsoco earner, and prudures a crop of better quality. The Pacific GuanaCocapany has authorized the above redaction in consequence of the depressed condition of the brining interests In the South ern Staten. It IS the of the Company to furnish the Leaf fertatter oi Mc booed prim, which they are able to do by newon of Weir large rept tal and (Rennie, The Omni° is warranted maw In quail y se heretofore 'sold by or. JOHN S. lIIWAE .k. CO., - GANEAA I. AGENT, lot THIS COMPAII T, 71 80tith inrdet, Baltimore. For sale by McUIrIIDY ,t HAUILTON, Oct _lyaburg. , March V, 'Set ln. I= HAY AND GRAIN TEIXTED. rutuninalgned would announce to the cili m; of Adams county that they still carry on GRAIN AND HAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the Rett,ystrarg Railroad. They are prepared to pay the highest prices for GRAIN AND RAY. They keep all kinds of GROCERIES, SALT, GUANO de., which they will sell at the smallest profits. Give as a call and see for yourselves. D. 20, 1287. is CABINET-MAING. AVINO ',cleated In the 'town of NEW ON. FORD, Atlanta county, will entry on the ee of lltbtuet , mahloic, In all Its branehea. FURNITURE kept on band and made to order. He will also keep for sale • choice iumortnient of CHAIRS. He Invites the citizens of the town and any rounding country to give him a call, as he will sail or low rt• can be purthuaed at any other piece. He will guarantee hie work to he made tiptathe best manner, sant of good materials. New Oxford, Jan. rl, INK If DAVID MeCREARY. JOHN F. bicCREARY. `,Test always Cheapest" THE Heat and Cheapest SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and HARNFAS of all kinds, In the County, are aways to be found at the oldatid well known wand, Baltimore et., opposite the Presbyterian Church— McCREARYS'. Our Riding and Wagon Saddles are the moat substantially . built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and sliver mounted,) are oomplete in every nwpect and warranted to be of the very best material and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars camacrr DE BEAT. They are the best FITTING and moat durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness are made Loonier, as cheap as they can be made anywhere and in the most substantial manner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Fly-nets, and everything In the line. None better or cheaper, Our priced have been REDUCED to tho lowest living tatilldard, A liberal percentage for cash, Mr all bills amounting to al or more. We work nothing but the bed stock and will warrant every article turned out to be in every respect as represented. Thankful ter peat favors we invite attention to our present stock. se - give tut a call and examine TRIMS and QUALITY. - ==l INSURE IN THE HOPE FIRE INSURANCE COIPANT OF ream. r*, (LATE FARMERS' AND MERCMANTS'.) OFFICE: //arinsan'a Buildlng, arnier Bpsare. Martel...l . Alvalihnble Amets, - 67,4212 17 BRR of orrery description taken for a period ßof yeah; or perpetually, at as low rates as are consistent with the security of the Company and the parties inputted, and on as accommodating terms as with any Company In the country. NO PREMIUM ,NOTEn are taken In this Com pany, and conaeqnently no Assessments will be made on its Polities. More than half the entire stock is owned by Its °Mennen(' Directors, which is a guarantee that its affairs will be so managed as to make it a safe medium for Insurance. INSURANCE CREATES INDEPENDENCE: a person pays fur his own Indemnity, and need not be a Tax on his friends In tile rS ent of Fire. Deksys ore Dangerous. thrall Lamas promptly adjusted mad paid without Delay. Dntitcrom:—Philip A. Small, John A. Weiner, John F. Spangler, M. B. Spahr,ueo W Ilgen felts, David E. Small, Charios A. Morris, W. 11. Kurtz, or C., Lewis Curt HENRY WELSH, President. DAVID IL tMALf, Vika President. J. CARL, TreßßUrer. T. K. WHITE, Seey. te&dAdpo lbattions fortelnsurance p ro mptly at ySy or any of the Compa ny's Agents. AGENTR:—WUIiam BeUse', John T. Williams, York' H. A. Picking, Gettysburg ; Smith .k Ek.r ris, Wrightsville; T. W. Herr, Lancsuder John H. Zeller. 111, Joy, Lancaster count) U. Q. Al ttmHillni,oe‘r.eli ~anl ~S ei t . t a; go . G len Hoek, and S. A. April 21, It 4. Sur BOOT AND 8110 E EMPORIUM, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO HOOFS SOUTH OF THE PRESBYTE . _ _ ..._ Ri,LNeHußeo.__ __ rtE undersigued has Just returned from the city with the best and elietipeta variety of e, Shoes and Gaiters, forSipritegand Mum rater, ever offered in Gettysburg. His stock consists of LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS; LADIES' KID SLIPPERY, all xty LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, IN LARGE VARIETY. OEN. TS' FRENCH. CALF BOOTS, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTH, GENTS' KIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALMORALS, GENTS' SLIPPERS, all styles, GENTS' BROGANS AC., AC. lIMSW CONGRESS GAITERS, MOINES' BALMORAL GAITERS, MIMES , MOROCO BALMORALS, ACAC., AC., AC. tY'S CONGRESS currt. „ Al, TB' CALF BALWOILA BOYS' BROGANS, AC., INFANTS' SHOES, all styles, IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots and Shoes of Ms own manufacture constantly on hand. All will be sold at the lowest living profile. Buyers, from town and country are invited to call and examine goods and prices before pur chasing elsewhere, feeling confident that I can j%ilf w e all who ay rai l, MANRFA -FUNGI of Boots, Shoes and Ratters will also be ried on, in all Its branches, as before. Repairing done on abort notide. By employing none but first•clase workmen, and using none but the choicest leather, he feels con fident of maintaining his former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left undone to deserve It, Thankful for poet favors, he solicits it_eoir tinuance of public patronage. D. 11. !MIN - GEL. Getty burg, April IT. ISIS. POT.TTZ'S WHOLESALE DWG AID PATENT lEMCIR DEPOT, PM. fl VRI,..NICLIN STREET, N the dissolution of this my-partnership of S. A. flouts Q Bro„ August let, PC, I, David E. opts,Junior member of said firm, purehaeed all the right, title and interest of the retiring partner, R. A. Mats, for all time, in and to the mount. , tare of Patent Medicines; and, having devoted Mitch time, awe and labor In gaining a thorough knowledge In the compounding of these prepara tions, I am folly prepared to offer to tho commu nity FOUTZI3 FAMILY, MEDICINES pare ad 11.040.1tersteel, namely: Forn's Ifrx nrce—POteri's Luz INvzooaAros. oxLkint Exeroicaa—FotrUs Vzorrance LIVES YILLeI Fours% 010031 STRUT—Furri's CiazuRATED acmes AIIDGAITLA ruirman—SHßlXlßli BAL. RAMO 00VON MYSIIP-811R/Inciell DAVID E. PQM Sole Proprietor, Ononc's Mao lrene SALVE AND the 'Lim °unmet," and the .4:Mewl. sweat Burnam" WI afro Ilan on hand a fall assortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, window-glue: EMl's/WO Essences of all flis• mitea vorm .eivr ,.....4ll the popgz .e.ded b7 ts i t zebatai4 M ir edkti vro. nee = of %be day ; sad Hosedirdiepers men exits:use my stoiek Sad prlselOdsd If I comet salt yob, you MIMI* lebreted Is Dslttutore. DAVID IL lIOOTZ, At tits old stand, 111 Plattldta sttnat, Its& dt, US& . NOTICE. Taii4= 4 ,avr.,,==e2 t busbies was thissbuid ,oa the Ant r =3,1 ay last., by mutual tuassat, The asusis sad lussettled bu haws tett ts the hestedlilinhis_ IL Cusiness is , anUwtlwdi to settle op thew,. be found et the Washes* aalla LIMI sr of Mos" Ingham & Unman. ail persons ta tsededarenidOiedto 11Yend 1111.11 000 . S. MISUSW. Jan. rr, vow tr • , via *hair aoiges; itOthig, ,ito ldft r aid trim. lohdP. ta °Mr _ VVIanIP. t illt%=d'i%Mdmialils GwNtii4A— PHILIP HANK & FJONFI. W. D. 1111.111er, I= BALTIMORE, MD 1010,:t eau! ep C:a1 1 1) I tiljoii ♦HD ALL OTHERS WHO WISH -TO _IMPROVE. ru!=traTinitUne° — ' l "' CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at his old stand. on West street, Gettysburg, and II ready at all times to accommodate those want in,mtitleg done in his line. lie Is prepared to all kinds of work for building 7rg73 beet material, and at neatly ant= as It can be done at any other establistuotent in the county. Experieneed haudisalwayuin readi ness and 'uric executed with promptness wad di lls t 4ttikftd put favors, be hopes, by at tention to business, to receive a liberal share o public patronage. CHRITZIMI.N. J one 17, 1187, tf NEW ELIERY. N ENt PORT & ZIEGLER, XECIZA 17CA L BA SERB, • South Ksehl n street, one:square Item the Eitgd, the le Rotel, b tiM f ttIitITYRG, 1 . 116 Oonstantly oS beneet o BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, Persons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, b? leaving their names and rasi deuees at the Bakery. Every effort made is Pr Give tis a sell. Beirlllo, Mit If. CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. ri l k t i er wa lerl have resume, the Carrimige- AT THEIR OLD STAND In East Middle Berm, Grayaberg, wlirre they are prepared to pot up work In the moat buddonable, substantial and auperior man ner. A lot of new and twound-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC., ON HAND, which they will dispose of at the lowest and all order, will he supplied as promptly and as possible. REPAIRLNG DONE WITH DESPATCH, and at cheapest rates large lot of new• mud old 11..kf1,NE98 on hand and fur Fain. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed by them, they solicit and will endeavcr to deserve a large share In the future. DANK !R tit ZIEGLER July 10, 11481. Of NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTIS, ADAMS ic CO., 12= WE take this method of Informing the panne that we have estahlish.l new Coach Mops at Llttlestown, where we are prepared to manu facture to order all- kin& of IiUGGIEa, CAB,. RIAGFJ3, SULFIEN, &e. on the shortest notice and most accommodating terms. Our b.nds have been procured from Ball Mame, and, as we use none but choice material, we can put up work to compete with any /Mop In the Mate. Old work repaired and taken in exehunge for new. Aug. 30.1867. tf CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, TAT . E tit CULP am now building x variety of COACH WORK, of the latest and meet approved style., and conatructed of the in.tst material, to which they invite the attention of buyers. Moving built our work with great more and of material owtlacted with special reference to tummy of style and durability, we can coutichmtly recommend the workac uncurpeagesi by any, either In or out of the eitlex. All we ask fa an Inspection of our work to eon 'dace those In want of any kind of chicle , that this la the elude to bay them. I= done at short notice and - ou reasonable terms Give us a eall,at our Factory, sear the aerator of Washington and Cliainlieraburg streets, Get tysburg. P. J.•TATE W E. GULP Max.* 19, 180. tr NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD.- fiIHE undersigned calls attention to his new Machine Shop, at New Oxford, Adams coon ty,whkgi he too put up, at large expellee, with the determination to do good and satisfactory work. He will manufacture various kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, such as THRFAIIINCi MACHINFA, SPRING TOOTH RAK,EX &c.• and will keep the BMX EYE-REAPER & M OWER on hand for eats. . . - All deneripitone of NEPA rltniti done prompt lylrelas " ll 'l eo ea gi l itit . tonMe :Machine Shop a itTEAM SAW MILL, upon which he will do all Mode of work In that line. He eskel the publle to call and give bits a trial, and he guano:Hoes full eathsfaellou. I= =E=l A DESI RA BLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE 'SALE.* Ili underaigned offer. at Private Sale the old Dontith DWELLIN(i, thejuue tT on of the Taneyiown and Emmittsburg roods, in the borough of Gettysburg. The house in subatantlaily built, of atone, Mal contalna twelve large rooma. There Is a g, never-balling Spring of firat-cute water la the basement, and 114 Acres of Lund connected with It. The location is a very pleasant one, and with • little additional outlay thin could be made one of the most comfortable and desirable Malmo In the borough or its vicinity. JOLIN RUPP. Nov. 15, 1947. tf Di R. HORNER, PIII7IICIA.V AND DRUGGLYT. °Mee and Drug Store, CHAIIIIERSBURG GEITYBBURA.3. Medical advice without charge DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATMIS MEDICINES, STATIOVFY PERFUMERY tauaAM trr SOAPti lowsll- ES, TOI _DO etvikm_ COI BA NO SODA, TARTAR, LAMPS, COAL OIL, ac, AC. PURE LIQUORS kw medicinal purposes. Dr. B. limner's OLIHN, a reliable resnedy for chapped hands, rough skin, &o. All &Melee warranted pure and genuine Dec. V, 1867. if REMOVAL! TILE 3EITYAIJUR3 SKY-LIWIT GALLERY. Tigundersigned takes pleasure In anhouselag the ultimata of Gettysburg and the piddle generally that baba. removed from his Old SOOIMS on West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Fah neglect Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up expressly for hie business- The laeslioa ts au admirable one euabllng hlm to take pee three In all shad. of'wenther, and wl UM correct ness n11.11..1101 any where c ave LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every else sod deacripana, executed in She nitwit style. 'Particular attention given to tbe CARTE DE VISITE, and to copying MIRED. TYPES and DAQUAItILDUTYPES of deceased friends. Also— . . THE GETTY'S/BURG a new style 6f 04:lure, width has GEMS; become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for tamale... and convepWace. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLLLAR only. Also—THE PORCE LAIN PICTURE, whhdi for their beauty and du rability are unerirpossed. We are prepared to carry on the busluma in all its various branches, and having bad considera ble experience we run no risk In GUAILANTEEING PERFECT SATISFACTION Our facilities for a full of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery In the county, and we would therefore invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. Call and examine oar Speelrnena and Judge fee youraelves. ee& LEVI NIUMPER. June M, l ADAM COUNTY AHEAD Wee Excelsior Patent Ply..i?t, lirannradured entirely ri Leather, and own araerr Mut Oaddn ar Linen Yea. Pr on- Wee touctrpassed PATIOITZD Franc/ay letni. MOS, BY ItORKROLTittiI, WORLE T a anovEa t J. L WORLEY. BoleAgept !bribe EZCELSIOR PATENT NET - le Aißume comity, ETA*etierteeßy on hand ierinulectured Nets el the above Rees% Also, BRIDLE% WHIR% TRlfelirt, KETS BLAN, ME AN AND ErkritrbuNG Petilaiting to &Owe theelahlag establishment. WrAO=TIS , WANTED to sell Territory for =Note,.eliot to sell Note as rettoreteilint to intr. All ecomemeeleatioot seetei he ad dressed to— J. h WORLEY, yorit, liniehur Soritiet, Adana eo.. &Pril 8, NIL tf • A11118?-arm3e6 PASY AT PRIVATE RUA 3UTIRSIRt twouglireVE, on Ma REP 7, Admix romt, wIIRY anjoggerour Improve. 10011 2 1:084Await, tolll Prillitt • twat WI MO alto IS = tat • roe or tt aat it tk. Sg& 114 la. " ' eise=ll4,; GiMOSUICO sad Chewing Rism e = and Pirel, GETTYSBURN NATIONAL BANK. 90VERNMENT soNear a 4 l Di:TONT PIEVEN-THIRTY BONDS 14 - inverted Into !I V& TWENTY BONDS without chalign. ' CX)UNOUND INTERDIT NOTLS CASHED: The HIGGEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD able SILVER. STOCKS and DONDB, of all kindle, bought ftw perm without CLIAMOING (XINJUON. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTSD. lutenist ou SPEMAL mpoarrs adou...d Pc+ °PIA, via? S pee emit Per 1 pow, 4 per test, lb/ t WOO* a p.. seal. Ow S roeUks. Pinions wishing Innwmatlon In mud to U.S. Sands, and Stacks of all kinds, an Invited to l ive oe • eon, ILlt4 we will give all Deleestu!liew J. EMORY HAIR, idtuailer. OURY2IO4I. 00.25, INO- U FIRST NATtONAL SANK diF containing Will allowlntereat am Hpeelnl Depedtn,ar followx 6 per earaml. per a..S lb. I year, I:====l CM:=l C=1;EM;11 Exa2 Will convert NIG NOTIFA Into 640 BONES, M usual, ice of change. CASH COMPOUND INTIKREST NOTES and MalZ2 Will glee puriduwe °Knell STOCKS and BONDH of every kind, free of charge ouw rontielealon, ind will at all times pay the lIIGIMIIfPRII7E. for GOLD and SIVE& and wUt, with pleasure transact all Madness promptly, as heretofore pertaining to a Well regulated Bank ORO. ARNOLD, (Sutler Gettysburg, soy. 8, VC THE HOWE SEWING .114 CHINES The most Perfect 4Reliable in America 1 The highest premium—the Crow of the Le gion of llonor,and Gold Medal— awarded at the Paris Es pdsition, 1867. arliivery kind of work run be done on them. Fur sale at Geo. Jacobs ok Itra'a. Store, clam bersburg street, Gettysburg, where they earl found operating and giving full instructions on =I sta - GEO. JACOBS dt IPM). ure the ouly Agents fur Adams ea., Pa. Circulars coulodulug prim ILL, *a., cab be had by addreodug tbem. Jan. 31, IMIL tl CHEAP' FOR OASE I NEW STORE: OROCIMIES, LIQUORS, die; e suidendipsed barn retuned to Gettysburg, and opened a new Store, on Raittmire street. next dear to the Post Oahe. and nearly opposite the Court House, where he offers for mle, CHEAP PM CASH, a largo mud- choice assortment of Groceries, SUGARS, COMMA, #4.18, NOLdltial. SYR rps, SALT, &C., witik FISH BACON', LARD, &C. Also, Liquors,— WIND 4, BRANDI FS, GINS, Vill ISK I EX, RUMS. and everything ebie In the Hue. Ale°, any quantity 01:Notions, to snit any and everybody. Hegelian Rate le the piece to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. I= April 21, INII7 WE BOYER & SON, GROCERIES, X 0 TIM'S TOBACCOS, &C EICIM Stone, 'lVooden and Willow Ware A general a.4sortornt of all Goods usually kept In a FIRBT-CLABB FAMILY GROCERY I= TIN WARE & STOVE 3. E LARGEST A98011. : TIMIT OF TIN•WA RE IN TILE OOLTETY, ♦T S. G. COOK'S, (faraierlttisknrwrsilers;) aienameot THE BIM COOKS= fITOVEN IN MAHER among which are th• OLD DO)11)110N, 4.3()MPHOMIDE. PFJONFITLVASIA Noiiim coox ECONOMIST, - I 711=1 Also, many other articles for Kltehea one, which will beeracl itteleiwashe Coy ether place In the coma! =1 GOOD NEWS.! HENIRY Dx Frit, BALTIXORIC IT., 06TITIIBURCI. P 4., 11 . l it completed his new More House audit rata mei Man the city Mika freshsuel w ae dace Of Meats; which he tespeeths Invites his Mends and the public generally call and exanane. , . • 112=§=n Ries stock emulate of GIVOCERIES, FANCY _GOONS, NOTIONS, CEDAR, WILLOW AND QUERNS-MARA FLOUR, CORN MEAL, ' • • :FEED, &C. SW-The midi or trade will be given for Flow, Coro, Oats, Row, Potatoes, Butter, Fax; Bacon, Taal; &&• March 20, 11308, tf GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THl. ", 4nri - e ," !Plight oat op forgoer partnee, and how oontlaule the THE LIMB-BURNING BUSINESS tamer-it the Getarsikterlahle gnus, on the comer or the ilitiltrad asAikleoeilatiStniehos Street. Thaural tar past pstreasige. be NW asadosaror 16 deserve contin . ).;110017. bosi treks Jut vlidavillia I! imila f iiirgeries pos. asUiq • good ankle aa& Mvy[ HEEigilaiii He Wee oontlaues the COAL BUSINESS,, offerin4 the •r•tp•pular 151 2 14 b., ArYlebeePlT I and oilers should give him • earl. Biseksmiti z • Opal mostaagly on band. Lbse abeOcral diftlwend 0017 tiv*Rim. JAOOl$ anurr. eettrotosm N0r.16, UV. tt so. M. 'muss a, CO.. VEGETABLE ibUIBMUL WIIAT IT PURPORTA TO RR, °tett,lnt NAIR HFIIITtIttATIVP, elisug thilLonU. Liftht. Heti or V ‘ rsied Nair ta k, rAttermik .sakt•ra Treater, Vbirti stiorh youth or Ago. It o 111 poellisoly eregtiente atom and Ihuniruff from the scalp, and upon. there II fe In lb, oln oils, will muse anow growth of Hair to pia forth 011 bold syoU. Thutoutudd aro testifying' to the RNA C. PRICE: 111.00-PFAI DOTTIE. irrA. IL 'Snell ler, Whol‘4nle nn4llßetall Alp nt, Oetastm rit—and (to .lent tvtallt,, - all Drtricych PI a , / 4, BIIIIIIM COHERCIAL MANURES. T or 1, 1!!! 1( . Zgib PAC I: Atir. CM= BAUGH ei. SONS, Philadelphia, Alb).Mired - ern Fertilizing Cu., I= Priers t nA Pf litN N t R• BONA' PITONNI.:11 Via per 9,000 lb.. . - .. • - 6 *.l p...r 2,t0 it., .. . BA rOirs 1174( . .4610 BLOOD MAXI:BE. tipper 2,000 lbs. The shore Manpfreft nreTUrnlslied In both I es,u. nud barrels, which.. % er lllßLlKllerli prefer. si-ne Rig.. am inatforai Is Irensift lan Peansinnill The attention of Formers 1 , 4 especially directed to the fact that the ',mei, of the flaw'Material of which the above Nlaintres are mmtmsell, flee so well under control that we ran furniso them 01 strictly uniform eluality and voinittion, nud that they contain n large. locret Wage of 111111110- 11111 1111111 11113 1111. r 011S14 11111111111.11 U MI mu nureq,in the intalsel. I7.\I7(111 t SONS, 20 South Witt aon• As rime. Pit lI.AbtLPII IA NORTHWESTERN FEILTILIZING az BAUGH'S IIfiNIaIRnAIIAI,NIANUItE4 be procured front lender in au3 of the principal towns 111 the Untied Strifes or Dominion of Canada. June 19,1140._ Schutze & Ludolif, tYSTAIII.IB.IIIrII IN IWO Manufacturers of the New l'atent mommit VLATE DOUBLE IRON FRAME PI.~3'U FORTES. WET, VOLD ANTI (l'utPnted Frbruury2olli, DWI.) WARRANTED FOR lel Vt.: YEARN, `f'arc•roomo, 43* Broome lit., New Fork. The Patent Monitor Plate Plant* by their pe eullar,tpnstruction are an pet for to another., and their Merit consists in the wrest plank bents supported by the Iran frame. 11111 , 411111 &larger spare for the sou utllng !Joan! than fs tby any other Mend- earn, we Ma MO to POil a Iva-claim Piano lo One at to MO to than a ninillur one eau lie imagist eltievtliere. Ever,vPionolbreo Wfurnnted for 5 Yrar., Our Pianos are made to lie•t: the material.. used for eery 41011 arc 11101'0112 lily seasoned, and of thievery hest quality that nut be procureti. part la slighted; Ii hat the public et e 1111011. aver, Utter elflesspes our vtgliance. ery purl inside and out, Ix lionestl • taitlituliY and Ulm - - anglify triode. out that It will hear the most note examination. They dill. r from the loud, e,uu , e hale 01 hoot lilt It is NO lu the negtunlnL,old abo et worse every day.)111111 1 / 1 1111.11 SW It I: relined and Lielic.atr, pure In ita vibra tions, delightful In its staging eapartty, and has all the {boner neeessaiy to produce every desireti elreet. They are, without doubt, the beat, Uar moat latattatt;aud oaurequrn Op the We are content With a fair trrotlt.: Our prier. range from 000 to MOIL April 91, INA 3w NEW YORK PIANO FORTE COMPANY, ii ILULTA.ItKp MA UCII, IK) Ituatifsi turers of (JUAN 1) AND )142 11 A DX: Afjrale Piano-Fortes, 140 sod *42 afford Armes (coogr.a uY Mu =ALM) HeP 4 Pa. d AN. esecipt4ve CWskissimi pad Pilopland April 24, I • ,I/0 W, S .874.7rD411iD - L IVERY DFt3CRIPTION OPECALE9 WAktaA aT rD To WYK Etrelßl: SATIWTACTIDX7, - tfeßd tor clitatottae and (Imam. ticostott-blidtd /it Mos o( other makers, taken to part parlor mult i kw war LINEA P. HOWE SCALE GO., 3 Park Place, New Vork. 131 Federal at., liostam. April 21, I. ho S. O. COOK. COPPER STEM FRED CUTTEL\ 011-band or horse-power, seknawledasd the kLOSIE2SI% and awry way WWI' Y. tSE. For sale by I. B. DfIC4TUR 41; Dealers In Wirr'cull u nil Implements. etc. 1,1 , 7 Water alsett, Naar Nark: Se S, nd for illust Sat ratttl Circular. May ISO. ItOOI , INO In rolls, randy to be nalksi down. ROOFING canting much lees, abd more dtrable reTIM. . It/JOKING that eau be applied by as ordinary orkninn. 11at0 , 11.111 that vlll not expand or &atrial by he action of the weather. . . . H.OOVING that Lootlaptvd to taeop or Md. hrww. Semd for a rieni_pke and Circular, READY ROOFINQ COMPARy. Al Malden Lint, New Vofrk, Jday A, Irak 3ak HORRIBLE I - - - - T HAVE SUPYRSEID WITH CATARRH thin. 13' Yews:lr Wel ikeitli h yr ed inir.vol*ii and inneiHnj — lNPrarP , l ma al C and bearing. In 'isttlenerni I •fteverbeen en rely eared: For bu- Riskier:Paste I will send the recipe kir the sin, I. • . *dm.% P 4. ' 3 I irst 41 3 K Irdb eN n I , ist m V) ' 1 April 21, 1869. ain Bible Heuer. N. Y. ar z . Thoinsorer Crown Crloollors Are Chin-whin:for LJoirtnees, _Crowa.Crloaltsseee. Are Superior for Masi?' te Thomson's Crow■ Crinolines Ara unequalled ter !MW ty tratielesetah Crown Ceilialabsee imr ti Ina word, are the be.; in the , and mere widely known Bala Miry yaw . At wtutletmle • TIIO3IBON, LANCIBON 4:004 BPI Broadway New Yor.k. =I - • Cemetery Reamla' • - ram the Keeper, the the otterehriatt oi tittbee. BO nod to make removals Into Ever Cem etery, of bewailing 'adios on ... Mt=ro moral of the rentatos of 0 or frtendllo avorchtlnserves of Ms year to nave- It done. ResionanS=4 prosopensin-4ennt low, an to Pi= &IMO Kee . .. : ' 11. El. BONDS. ill THE First Noneeski. Bank ofCletlV*Alr.., VIII cosh 6.40/ and 1040 U. b. ihnntwenrithylin and pounds Interest Noted: ' 1:9=3 . - AWAIT 4:104315gm.. y MOW b""' ilia: Nov. WV* V MEXR3 (lUcAuu, Cvr. Lakel IJumtle Nix. G 4LE'S ROOFING