MI, 011:11MIIK rSO icournags El Palmtop:a irvicseiriuDAY, • BY IL J. STATILE. Faitise.--TwO Dowats per annum M advenet— Two LOMA= &ND Firrr Casio II not paid In advent% No subeeription discontinued, Unless at the option Of the publisher, until CI 4remrsBee are Mid. A oviticTISIOINKTI transited at 'the usual natio.— Large reduetion to titone who advertise by Um year. r•• • • on raIaTING, of every deacription--frota the smalkat label or card to the largest handbill or poster—dotte with dispnicit, In a workman like manner, and at the lowest Living rates. Orilac on Baltimore street, a few doors shore the Court-House, on the opposite side, with •• Clettyaburg Compiler °Mee" on the %wilding. Attornies, Physician, &c. NDIVARD R. RUSH LEH, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Will faithfully and prompt ) attend to MI business eutrusti d to hltn. Ile Speaks the German language. Other at the same pater, to Month Baltimore Street near korney's drug Store, and nearly opposite Danner at. Zleg ler's store. Gettysburg, March M. 14.w.cWiAucmr, JOHN M. ICITA rTH, ATTORNI:YIi AND, UN;NtiELLORK Mr•VONAUOIII - haw axsoolateal JOHN M. filn iC o l g k e l :., T o n tie }. oilluellfer t t /4tore, I •haml.ralni Special attention given to Anita, and Net tleinent eatatm Alt legal husineaa and eliding to Pansinnx,Donnty, Broil I\O7,IIIIIIEIM. ages :tgalnat 17nIted Watt., at all times, promptly and enlelently.ttended to. 1.41141 Warrant.. Merited, and choice Farms fOr tale 10 lowa and other Western Istutea. Non, lA, 1140. H If. 4. DUNCAN, A rrow:EY AT, LJW promptly attend to nil degul frustums entrusted to jinn, IneMMus , the r rueortug of Pensions, Bounty, Rack Pay, and 011 of Maims against the CM led States and Mote 1111,0 In North-west comer of Diamond, Gettys burg, Penn's. April 15, 1167. if JOS. ir.-J,ErEr.ca, TTORNILY AT LAW, U.ITTLESTOWN, . PA., - ‘lll promptly attmol tn,mtlectlona, conveyan hula nod llosplr of Ihtltimore, /ow melt ut nEitnammurn h mid offers We pro -6,,t00hl neryleee to the puh Ir. • '^, Apt II if _Or. .r. •4i:co..vE4tvs - • oi - vtek: AND IBAIELLIN , A ti few doors froth the lsV. mover of Baltimore mid thigh streets,. Predatilidlail Church, t let tyabtarg. Va. April 11, BC, Dr. W. ✓. At,CLURE, 1.171-14111tN, AND Art'OUCHEDH, peruulinottly located In New ()shied, will lids profession in all its hranehes. His Si tends uts4 till others desiring ills proltinsionni sr wqlseed.4l torah and commit hilu al }futon er street. Monis, I , trr.. 1.1" Dr. .1.1 e. WOL F LOCA A TZT , I7A.47 lIERIJN,Ap- LL Itopnitilest4o . W.rtotottelationt In NI% professdonal dial.. he Nu.' Au.cr./C abzu, Of the public p.• t amyre. .k pril 2, 44111. .7. , 1.41,11.1[NG14 RILL, M. A. 11 1 / 1 office . one door weld of the !hell chon ht Chant berxhurot Fdreet..and oppo. Ate Ur I', flttnter'o oftlee, wherie thane wlthlnit to •I,en t operut loft performed - are respect o 11) 1k k , 11 , 11 to roll. Ft ba•EICENCEtt : oruer, etev. )1. 1.. 'laugher, P. Rev. Prot. 3f. Jacob., 1 , , rrof. '4, 1.. gi tee er. April 11, - GLOBE INN, LAW *MEET, NEAR TIEE DIAMO4I4I, IAI,77')WBCTRG, PEN,P A rpm: would mastrespeethrlly In. L Curia Ilia Wit,gee•uurt frientla nod the intldle generally, the: liv.i.an.,poreltuacd that long wtab /Inbed tool well knoWn hotel, tie “Glohe Ion," In York alreet, Gettysburg, 01111 will 'fare no dill tlll.Ollllllll It lu a µantler that will not de t root float Ito former Itigh .I , ,,putat tap. Ilia table will hat 0 1110 'lllOl I .l t l l ' ftlntrLl — lttO hasnl•et•, are apaelouo and euagro'rtable—it tat he ht. laid in for. Itim bar a roll stuck of wines and pylon+. There la large stabling attached to the a [deft will be attended by attentive tat ter. {( will be 11111 constant claims or to tender • be Cu ...t..3l4grnetion to lila gtov.its, tanking bls ,no k ar a home to them AM Ile ,italic N.llO r, yt jhe public's pattonav, deterruln ~nl LLA be to L. . II large part 01 R m . Beent s)er, ,the -Globe Irk* 6.1.0. t .. Pt In York street, but near nit ,Clll/11101ILI, ot i t.telautiejuare, l; EL WOLF. 4.pril 11,44 KEYSTONE liol/SE, A MliEltisnUßCl IT., kikriTrqtrkti, lorwatit, 14aParlays, ninth as* now Lltnat, fitted-hp lu the Moat Op prouegletyle. lie ttun tot plettainui,orbaral and conumeient. Every arraugnmeatt law been mods for the accommodation and. vontortr of guests. The Ta4le will always have t h e beat ottlie anarket, and the Ilair the beet of o litesand liquors. There Is commodious OltabbuS attached, wick nroonl intslat Mg miler always unhand. Tale Hntel is now open for the entertninment .ot Ito' public, and • sharetit pairolmite is solid-U-4. - .No effort will he .pared toreader satisfaction. JAI,. 14, Md. if EAGLE HOTEL, OXFORD, AD.6I;; CtAINTY, 1..1 nitl unateraigned buying purehmwd the ?fartin ilutoloomerty, in New Oxford, , Adauts eoun r, , will eimOnot it In future, u mier thf name of tin. "Ertg4. k wl." Ile pledges himself to spare ato attort,fue,44opoinhort of hit gnats. His table • nag ..I , ovethe hunt the market eun ittlord, and bus ihnrilhe illnleent liquors. Ills chambers are isn'hualu an .411PItOt fall to glite satisfaction. 'I hero la eanalop.lions *tabling attached to the Hotel, wine% %kW , LIP att,‘Diled by a reliable and WY, luting Okikr• , r , Prletor lona.* to reeel ve a liberal sta.} ,gf nab le patronage, and st 111 Ma are try to dea y ti!„,, , Itxtnember the "Pagle,"ltt the northeast ta.0 0 04: c the Diamond, New Octant. , I= =3 GLOBE INN, wiThia•RO BTNk CT, LITTLFATOWW, 4,04.041 VIRIN'tY, PA 1011 rl , llEundrslgned.havinittst"*"' I Inn" property. la gettyabitrg arott, LlUles *oh is, worth! most respeethall inVite'•4 4 AW Of the public's patronage. Ile promises the best the market mil afford his Male• with the choicest liquors In his bar, and coin fortahle tr ee and eigimbeni. With how skleralde 'experience he thinks he can jasitY &dal ni that he knows bow to keep a hotel. There is lame stablingisttaced, as well as Irmo, lots for droves. An attenti h ve isdler always Olt 111141—uotte other titan an accommodating one allowed on the premises. lie Invites it./eive share et custom, and will spare Ito effort to deserve ft. Llttlestown, May tf JOHN GREEN CAStiTOWN SPRINGS. BIGHT RILES FW)M GETTYSBURG .11 P. XrITINGER, Prop'r. TR.F. undersigned, having thoroughly reditted the NATIONAL liOTEL Ctuditown, with the 4 prings attached thereto, Invites the atten tion of tine public to his superior argon...lode tionS. Persons desiringr, to spend a tow weeks or months to a lewithy nelatiburhood, with Lim ad outages ,of pure mountain air, daily baths, trout-Wilting. de., can dud no wore attractive u m -ee. Visitors to Gettysburg and the Bath— 'Were can reach it in a couple hours' ride oyer a good Mid. The Stabling secominodatlons are among the Wm( is the COlntlYy. A good table and the beet of NY lit. and Liquor& Charges reawmalde. E. P. - KITTING MI - dttsWllll3l3o, 3m EVERHART' ipitAvicwi-pwax. ' r CORNEA OD 11101VAND A ATIIILETS, . 1 1 . 1 . 1V.T.UR4, _ Tl VlTttraal ti al tintkrt X t ro . IL has been refitgraTl oontlortatuy ar il...llod fur the convenience and the entertain ment of WelPi. Nov.* Amy tf I= EiEiiiEli 546 OrYiAg : W. FLEMMING continunktoe moaner tit /IL &LIZ Clt gotakeiNed netnnteige of the putr i nt r a constant en devor to give sea tistaetfon. Residence In Wellit IMAGO stene ei t== " P. R.—lie We licensed Anettoneer, under the Tea late elate Millet's/gm Nov. U. ML 111111111 6 111/951 LAISM 1 " ' ' - ittHAVE some robabia WEI3TERN width.' WU tad& Ilitoto or , F= 3ll a s *contr. Dm liukda axe wei. sad v dergirala kr *win& fit* . 4* Gear burr. API] a. MIK V LIVEN Coditoalisto sad .V BY H. J. STABLE. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Hoofland'g . German, Tonic TUE G MEAT ItEMEDIEII TOE ALL DLSZAAP2IOI 177:e LIVER, STOILICH, OR DIOES-' Ti VE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN. BITTERS ',composed of the pure Aires (or, aa they are medically termed, fitriroetoof }town, Herbs, llud Barka, making a pri.paration, highly rotua,ut ra led, Dalt ntlrel) free tram cataaolic u(frooxitirra 1100FLANDS GERMAN TONIC Taf Oolub!nation or all the Ingredients of the Bitters, with the purest quality of Santa Crux Nam, Orange, Ac., waking one of the roost pleas a.ttt awl agreeable remedies ever offered to the Those preferring a Medicine free from Alcohol lc admixture, NV ill use Hoofland's German titters. Those w ho hay e no objection to the um/Linn Lion of the Bitters, as stated, 0111 to, Hoofland's German Tonic. They are both eqnally eoo.t, and contain the flante medical virtues, the • holm bOtWit.ll the two to leg 4 more mutter of t.o.te, the TOille be ing the ntust paletable. The stomach, man a variety of eauspt, suet, us Itspengla, Nen MIK 7wbllitp , ete,,,is vory opt to hose Its functions qeranged, The 1,10 . er, syMpatlitrAng as Itc,. u Ith the tstoin.ich, then boortntea uftected, the result of which lw that the patient nutrers from eel, nral 01 mote oh the Inflow lag dipoe,." (kiNSTIVATIoN,' FLATULENCE, INTWIIcI, Fl I.L.NEss OF 131.0011 T 1) THE HEAL!, A('IDITY OF THE swMACII, N SEA, itEART-BUItN, Hlsi..LsT Fnt Fool) FULLNE.ssoIt WEIGHT IN THE sToMACH stint EHI:CTATIoNs, sINKINUoIt FLurrmusc: AT Till. PIT GE THE STOMACH, SWIMMING OF Tin: HEAD, Olt CrLT RREAIHING FLUTTERING _'T THE HEART, clioklNGt. OR hUFFOI'A. , TING SEN,‘TIONs WHEN IN A 1,1 ro,TURE, , DIMNI,, , , OF t ISIoN, DIAN OR WEIL.) BEFORE THE sIGI/T, DULL PAIN IN THE HEAD, DEFWIENCY oF RATIoN, ILLLOWNEss OF THE SKIN ; AND EYES, FAIN IN'illEsipt; HACK, t'lll,T, LIMILs, ETC , st IiDEN j I LESIIEIi OF HEAT, BURNING IN THE FLE.sII, toNsT IM AWNINGS oF ANSI) GREAT OFSFIRITS. Tile. sufferer from these diseases should exer else the strear.st caution in the seirs thou of a remelts for Id, i use, purehosltic only that wild h he Is aktured front lir+ Ins estlgatlons and Inqui ries j,mosesses trite Mei It, Is skillfully compound ed, iH trio trout huorions Ingredieuts, end hill , established tor itself .1 reputation for the Lute of these dlwitneo. In this mullet lion we would submit those a ell-Isnown remedies— H001 , 11,A Nu's (:ERMAN BLTTERS 11001 LAND'S GERMAN TONIC. lIY Dn. C. M. .fACK.9OI , - Twenty-two Yeah since they were ling Intro dared into this country from Germany, during which thine they have undoubtrall3 performed more curer, and benefited fluttering htuuaulty to It greater ex tent, titan any other retneftles know n to the iodate. 111.144 e renlellll. ' ,Vlll effectually cure Liver Com plaint, J. 11111.1101., Ly nla•ttwwia, Chronic or N 4 IS MIX Dehatty, throttle Inarrinra, Iltittloe of the KM neya, and all Dim:mt.. arising from a IMandered Liver, SEJltlnell, or Intestine., DEBILITY, R..1.1;10;114 frnmvi fly I 'wow %hate, r; TI.,N UI TliE N 1 sl'E3l, lulu, ,1 Labor, Ex.puhurer., Few. rA, Thereis no ninth Inc extant equal to the 4• remedies In tacit 1111.16, tone and s Igor is ill, parted to the whole sysstem, the appetite Is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach di gests prottiptly, the blood Ia purified, the com plexion hominess sound tudisValthv the yellow tinge is eradicated from the ea (4.1, hioolll le giv en to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous In valid biscomes a ht num and health> being. • , 4 h7lllO NS ADI ../INCED .Atl feeling the hand of time weighing bratty upon them, alai all it. attendant ilia, will find In the WO uflhiu BirrLits, or the TONIC, an elixir that will m otil uew life Into the ell/ 4, re- Mum in u measure-the energy and ardor of more Youthful data, build, up their 'emu] hen forma, 61211 i el, ehealth and happiness to their tentatte. his yea n+. NOTICE. Int is n well-established fart that fully one-half of the n male portion Of our poptilathin are sel dom In the enjo3 meat of good health or, to le.e their ov,t, exprouchin, "never Teel well." They are languid, de, old of all energy, extremely tier- Volts, and have no appetite. To thin elms@ df perSOne the BITTERS, or the TUNIC, 1,4 .peelany recommended. WEAK AND DEL ICA7'E CHILDREN Are made Wrong by the ore of either of there rem edlex. They will cure every mow of DlAltAri- Plus, without hill. Thote‘and% of certificates have aceumulated in theAntials of the proprietors. hut .puee sill allow of the publication of but few. Thaw., ft will be ohxervel, ace men of note and of such atandbig that they mina he belles ed. 4 TESTIMONIALS Hon. Geo. W. Woodwaid, Chief Jug t lee of the Supreme Count of Po., writes: Philadelphou, March ILO, 1,a7. 'lloothunl's German hitters' Is a good (wile, useful In diseases of the digestive organs, and of great benefit In nnen 01 debility, nn want of demons action In tin e sysitni. Fours truly, GE.U. W. Wl./ODWAHIJ. ' Hon. James Thompson, h Iste 01 We saUteme Court of Pennsylvania. 'PMkids/plata, APO! 28, IY'B. "froltaidar 'Ho°flolnt's German /iliteni' a t Me ek& *cilia*, In wee of attacks of Indigestion or 113 apopida. I tau totally this from my experl cure of It. Yours. with teepFet. , J.l e nt>3 THOHPC , ON." From Rev. Joseph H, Kennard, D. D Pastor of the Ten LL Iteptlst Dr. Junkren—(year Sir: -1,-leave Imam Eminently truncated to Conn, t toy name a ith recommen dation], of different kinds of inedh inea, but re garding the prarth e ax out, of my appmonate ephere,l here in all eases declined; but with a Nei r prtoyf In various instances, and particularly le my own family. of the umerulnem of fir. Hoof taint n linters, I depart for once from my Outtal tourer. to e s.press my full coils Litton that, for gettehtt &Way fthesytrtn.andtrprcml fY for Leer Cliesphant. a u a N.. and °Want* Pee partition. In some resew it may MU; hot inmai ly, I doubt, not, it will be very bet/00 , 44 1.0 in who miner from the abuse cense& Yours, very remmetluily, J. H. IiENNAII.D. I:~ghth, below Coutem From Rev. E. D. Fendall, A.lstautling Christian Chronicle, l'hilada. I hove derived decided benedt from the use of lioothind'S lierman Bittern. and h eI It lay privi lege to reeoniniend them an 0 most s &limbic ton-. to, to all who are suffering front general debility or from deaeases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours truly, E. D. FENDALL. Geruoth Rearlediel• are counterfeit ed. See that the elguature off - . AI, J.►l*6li(lN, ix vu the wrapper of each bottle. All others arc coo uterfeit. EC Principal office tend Mann (Acton , nt the tier man M by ed P icine gtorc, No.= ARCM Street, nit 44,Aph CMARLFS X. ETANN. Proprirfor t Formerly C. IL .1-ACK:iON & Co. Hooterab tiernlen per bottle, - II 00 half dozen, • 600 goodarll's German 'route. pot up ,in quart bot tles SI 40 per bottle, or a Italtdozen fort.; 50. i g i t n l e lu r n e e U the article you buy,ra t o= e lo t tt o er fit " . lEirk 17 or note by Arthitthila Joo.,lleki Iy SPEERLS PORT GRAPE RUNE, Used by Mini/reds qr etereeedee. Ace Chards or Linamnfske Pnrissesi. Arno, Excellent for Ladies and Wenkly Persons TO UfM VINEYARDS Speer' tort Grope Wile, Far Tetra M. is potty (*tonna& native Wine le mule front theprior of tbe Oporto Grape. rallied In cohntry. Its Invaluable rbuic and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other nattre Wine. !k -iln the pure Juice of the tape. produeed tinder Mr. Speer'a own fa , rsotaal4o,:yuloia,us purity and genuineness are guanditeed. The yOUngest child may partake of its gene/brig qemittles, and the wimkest nr.aild mar tow it toad. mange, It iswarticeiarly benenekie-to Wes offed-and &A.M. tate.), nod suited to the various ailments that af flict the Weaker sex. It In In every 'respect, A WIFE TO RE It.e.trt.'D ON. Invalid. ewe Sweet Port Grape Wine. Females nee Ipeer. Putt Onape. Wine. Yelialky persons Lind a bene4l t by lts U. PWrS W /WW 141 MRopitula are preferred to oth er wtoes. Sold by Orndrists and Grosso. dirThe Trade supplied by Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, algid French, illeharde & Co., in Phila delphia. A. Speer's Wilsey - aril, New Jersey, 0111sa, NS Broadway, New Torii. Abduct SO. LW. ly OYES! OYES! Andrew Ps[Aiwa, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, t l u a Mgam a M h u aii o e rv b r h h e l e nktedikew •nob L.A.!0l stsal lim addrar, AtarawasHlapaikaaaao.,-.fir • 4 ,• alkm 16 , 11154 1Y - . 1 .... . . - •:.‘t - *1;:; - . 4. - CO T AipiL ER 1 ~.,,ki.: -.:-.,_,),40 A-,..---_. G i Bo_ Ea CAUTION PRICES NEW IEN.SEY 1868, DIMMABLE li DRY GOODS ! ,Wait .E.reettent Assortments ! IBELL for very amall protlls, and atm at doing avert' ktravrtalettiens. FASHIONABLE SHADE... 4 OF FINE MILE . • . FASHIONABLE STIA DES OF FRENCH WOOL POPLINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF ALPACA POP- UM FREN( II CIIINT7,KS, PIQUES, PEReALL:s AND LAWNS. BLACK AIMS, PLAIN 811,1 Cg, PLAID RILIZR, sWlset 31175L1N14, SACONI.7I - Isit!SLINS, CAM -1311.1W. BLACK ALPACA., CoIAMED A ALL Wo/. t)E.TAIN. FUSTOPJ SILAAI'LS, TISSISKT ' (21.0T13.5, CASs! SI E1114[6, CLG AK I NUS, LINEN DRILLING, - POTION A Er TABLE COVERS, TAIR.: I.INEN, NAPKINS, TOW RALMOR.tL SNAFUS, HOOP SKIRT.; PLAIN LINEN HANUKI,II MEM". I:\IRILOI HEALED R.Cli I EPS, HEM s ED HANDKERCHIEFS. MEN'S, NlP+.47 AN! i'FIII,DItEN CIA)VI*4 AN 10( Kr , I am con.tantly recelv the latvi•L ND lex of Drew; and Fancy Gooda. My mock comprl.l4 et Pr) thing usually found In a nrmt-e1a , 44 DEN GoODS • to which I fivelte the at lent ion of 11/0 Publl(, le, Nag ho -Aired that I pun safely ”mottl2.-on it Rh all other Atort_, In quality of gOods and lowness of prise. J. 1.. SC1111'1.:. Gettl,4mi%, May 1, 141 44 . tf LET .ALL THE PEOPLE COKE ./ . (//16' Goods acrd CoilliTtioneiy J•tlore. flint E ,331.1,1,1ene11, h l lag bought nut J. 31 - I Warner's Fancy lincsla and Confectionery More, on Halt/ [mire street, nearl, oppu.ite Fab neitoeks• Store, (jetlysbury, kindles the publle a - ,ttronage: large and tasteful us the slot k hag Y[ell, no effort a ill tie spared to rend,[ it still were uttral,tl , e and desirable. LI, no. ofleri Nl.'rlittle Desks, Plain Candy, Work flos, ~, Fancy de,, l'ort folios,, Piet lea, ' Satchels, bard/Axes, - Pocket hooks, Lobsters, t 1,100 To) I, , . Chou -, hair, 1 , ,,e1tel Cutlery, Faury t 'likes, J, a dry, . Verena Cruelt, rs, Ches.., Wine Bblettl hi, nrush,•., '" , ftistoon dn., 'Perfumery, Vire Works, SOUP; , l' pus 4 Co In Ili, ( . 011111, W riling l'apara, ' F rues, Flll,elolleS, Nuts, • Tobacco e.se;r3iis, - titilllisl, 6 . . r., .1.c., cte., - Tdu Nu:qv:nous Ti) 3t ENTIt ;N." - , Ile Int,sals t., sell et collo ng II I Llle lowest to Ile slble peter., he/sevl ag that "snirdl profit.' luring "rittlek sales," and ~rg themlaralsest (or buy, r nod seller. Come 000-1. • sone 3t/11 ...1. it. tEIs•TEL. 1= RITESHEW'S NEW GOODS Fag SPRING , A;TD Rummr:R. A VINO Jpgt returned (min the idly with a large and pt II hel,ted etock of KtY tillol2l DitLTN ~,S.II F ;I:•!O4 ,W AYi:, ISAII.II-WArtr: 11001'S, 51101 , 14 t) II ATt , , I eat] the att. Mani at my eustomen4 am) the eommuniti rIQ larg , 011. k of , hakt , , am no, oilerina at lower late, thant they have bet n sill. a the II or, and at prIVIA uH/t 1111111110 i 11111 to striker he pa reliro.er an ',bap. With every fa. Hit) tor purchasing at pa lowilgurea nx In the 11.1.1..5., I mit ilko prepare,' to to compelltkm iow .4tropa from. any and all l'rompt enuformlty to the loweat market prlsea Jh uty establialual ru,le. 1. lirrminnto. Pelttsburg, (Y. f 1...) May 1. MK U GROCERY & FLOUR. STORE. !2' E. 710 MEALS & lIRO'tHErt lI AVE removed their store to Abe Nelinden( pn - 4,114, on Clununernbary enreet, lien" ey propose ter keep eomttently on band , =1 GROCERIES, Flour, Fccii, Notion, de. • . A Igo, VPARTAIIILIN In season, ..dassah Crum the rlty and country. They are determined to soh elokp us the cheapest, and us they otilr ask the lowest thing grunts, they hope to merit and receive a li beral sham of - puldlo polinnaa.e. 11k.A1.4 &MIA Aprlllo,l4.Si. Farmers, Attend to Your Interests! GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY, j &ins kinds of endings and l ld-whines, t u moue ' Order, on Short make. sorb nN ILESHEIIS AND POWERS, ((live different Mr.. or Powers.) CLOVER SEED HULLERS ANP CLEANERS, PORN SIMI,- LERS AND SEPARATORs. Colo; rola drit evrrtits.-sTnAw ANDHAY CUTTERS; to RN PLANTERS; , . • . L 0 .1/ 8, OM eh 7tft Vast Monte liarsheur PlorryhA, Sitleb 111 aml Corn Plough.:tt 11.01V4E the late3t inlittrovement; nix° SHIM:MANI, sEI,F...PNC'tfMIS() ,RSE It.II•CE. He Ilkewime mtumfeeture klUll,l,l2ki AND It.k.,APElt.i. METAL f+CREWS for Cider 180 X RAILIIVGfur Cenikterlenor Porehec,yrith #vervt.hliii Oise Ala lioe, ell allOw rate. FOIL eALE.—A Otse,lwrie Wagon. D.tVID SV.7.IiNER. April 10,1Y/5.4. tI BARGAINS NEW aßc)crn.gir =I JOHN CRESS a. sor trAvk nnened a new OROCETtY, In Getty. If lung, uU t/WilOrth-Went Corner of the Public Squire, and has e Just reed's ed a splendid assort ment of Fl&Mill GROCERIES, including Sugars, Cqtrres, MulaAses,Syro pts, Tens, Spices, Touters , Salt, Vir.,ll, trams, glmulders, de, Also, QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts, Fruita Soap., Fancy Articles and Notions generally. also keep on hand FLOUR and FEED-B=F FR. Having purchased for CASU. we are prepared to sell very cheap. Glee as a call and Judge for yourselves. JOHN CROSS, • Sept. V, 1847. tf GREEN RIDGE STORE. unalen=hr t is °peno I 7:i 1 , 1) VSNOTION STORE, at Green Ridge, Hamilton township, Mon. county, (Ileogy'w old stow - I,IOR the Carlisle Turn pike to whhit he invites the attention of the public generall3'. R stock orionsisto of SeCiARS,SqVFEE23, TEAS, 81 - 114:1y.1 ., 0 LA 11 . - ik.S , SPUTA, ofIA, 31EVICINTh MEN S AND WOMEN'S HOSE, SLOVEN. suerEN DElim. swig. TIE'S. HAN PK ERI.7 H I EFS, BUTTONS, ill HEAT*, BDUilifiES, dU., AC., &0.. in short, a full amortment.of everything minally found tn • ilmt-elatat olden of the kind. Hio stock IMO always be found fresh and full, and bin pri ers among the very loarem. No MUM oparekt to please all who May patronize him. • • - JOHN U. HUFF, Apr.ft St, 1811 g, ly Osborn Manulketaring CompanY, 109 Bleeeker Street, N. V.. " OSBORN " BIRD AND ANIMAL CAGES, Manufacturrd solely' by tills Cotupnny nt Bridge- Teri, Conn„ wader Letters of Patent of the Uni ted States. These team are of a great relit ty of styles toad finaiti, and include fluent Parrot, ifeeking Med. Sriefroirl, dr. They are Mooned la a superior manner; NO pAI ST or AN Y,..13 trriciai—w Men la so fatal to lards and aninalls—lwing used in their construe- Lion. THEY AO: Vritais PRoOr. Bird Paneleta will appreciate these prattle of eatiellence, to be found in nopthertageo. They received the high est Drell/DIM at the American Institute and New Tor* State Fairs of Ilerr. .• . . überid disown,. {0 Ur pvie, Redd tor aim'. lan pod Pt le. (April 2.4. 1 86 3. 3m DOTY'S CLOTHES WASltgri. .r.grasplo ihreeerindentsr (11.1),1,,T0rk1867 .Wnstonnsd 11340eborn,Port rcn i4 : 4 4typ :W. iedg. E , •;W:e. the t, AvaArraro, •ag oaf . 141 moth bonnere , - elt and not be top bun wont for WI W= Waols'inozachines "two denernhy prayed &IMAM 1 ino - sthronttoothemisirm stony my moltialr ciao " a .80LOX UO/112441(1S-11 you. hod topgy ttaiLutee the snooty you mention,lt would be the best in nestenent you epee %o de open m 'yoln lerstl. , Bat „„ tsuasnot , toveiblit. *ima, 40r. you, Go ,„,,w, tUind yonr e zrtho a n m d ntfildren will rt m eCti ir Onlod—e= Too bt Lot 1. For *sr glikind erMirideaueVe • - • dAtister l e A , And by Denheitiont Congeenteed smorrerrom.' Oft, r - , r4.17.16bV04 CbgdFhlw. GraiBBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1868, 640 MILES =EI UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and In operation, Sixty runee of t rat. k Lrle been laid this apring,and the wyrk along the whole line between the Atlantic and Pueitie Statea la being Imbibed forward more mP- Idlrthan ever before, More than twenty thou, and tut a are employed, and it 1. not hapunsible that the entire track, from Omaha to Slernmen to, r,ift tin,hil In 101 l InNtead The The 111.1111 prise idea art. , ample, nail all that energy, mon and ntooey etn (to to *et me the cow plea , u Of thin GREAT NATIONAL WORK, nt the eat 11.4 I...ossible day, will he done, TLc UNION ItAIIICOAD CO3IPA Nye: 110 - VE373.7)(IZNT (IRAN r of the light of o a), and 1111 ueti nary Guth. r and other 11..,1. Intl, Morn! 01002 the 'Me of Ito opera ' lions. II —.l GOVERN]! CST GItANT of 12,800 acres of land to the ntlle, taken in alternate see lions on each side of It, road. This bran ab solute donattOn, find Mill ben sonree of large revenue fn the future. 111.-1 40 VEItN.Nf ENT G GANT of ruitedf: trt tea Thirty-year Gonda, arrant ntlng tO from )111,000 tot 1. 4 ,1100 per tulle, according [u the di Men I t lex to be surmounted oh the various Res:lions to be built. The Government takes a second mortgage a. Reetnity, trim it in expected that not only the Intel ekt, but the prlnelpal itlnt/llat may tie Inld In tteeViet, rendered by the Company In transporting troops, Mails, die. The Interest Is now bunch more than paid in thh. way, be . .l.les Urlllg a greet In Gine and money to the Govern no. ot. IV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT ot,the Gant to 10sue Ito exit I . lltlcl' SIGItTGAGE lIONILS, to alit In building the road, to the aurae amount the S. Ileitis, iteilletilee pur po.e, and no inert. Tag UiltittLX/titt•tT arc, the Trmdees fur the First Murbrage 11.01.11,01,1er, to drlii t r t/telbonds tothe 0013 n, the road Is eomplemd, awl al ter ft has &woo extdulnett by Unlted Couttniwontga and pronounced to be ut all reapeeta 4 - 1 - tlnt-ruts 11.611roarl, laid N lth it 1.1%y T rad, mud romplen.ly supphed.with depots, statom , . tortrouts,rar-Shopti, ttecA l itrs, de. V.—A CAPITAL 810111 Sl'llSCltl.bilON from the atockholder., of Willett star J3/1/ht .Vahan //Wu.a have h. en Imo) lit Ultull the work lll ready Ilene, anti which, will lot lncnais.vi as t l to wants lel the Company eetillire t ('A/4.11 EAttNJNGS oh It. %Way Lost no..., !pat raraglxanlolllll. to 0/10/tk. TILIX THE IuIWY3/I.ST on thullret hiot tgage Bond.. These e Lrolusr. arc nointll. - .Ation of the cast through (rattle that must follow the opening of the line to the l'uvlnc, bat they' errlaitil2 prole that 1•'1It8T morcruAGE BOND: Opal, MIMI n proptaly, rooting nearly tltrro times thelruiliefult. Aer , M?/and (1211/ Contingenttry, The l'Orn pony have iiintralaat ihefili4 In their [rummy, and nt site no appeal to the nubile to ihiretn.e fir Ihnnln, as the In guhr,nriptinh. are I,lln Is wa l•filetnry l ; hilt sissy .0 butlith.d, l'nr entire gt,trlty and !Metal return., then• is or, het ler'tavt•slment In the market. - The Union Pielli° Donato are for 91,000 Kith, find have ..oktrono attootked. They hay. thirty yeikro to mon, and bear annual Inter.t, payable on Ai', first data Inr 'Uwary 'Mt July at the Compriny ,, bliori Intl,. k ity of Now York, at. t lie rate of .It per Lout: to kohl. Thelprintlpnl fo payolae to kohl fit omkority. At tho prreent tote of gold, throe bond. pay' no annual income oit their Knit of NEARLY NINE PER CENT., And it is telicut d that they wilt soon be at a P,,maium The Company reserve like right. to mix mune the piloe of their bade to a rate above par at any time, and i 4.111 not till any orth r 44 or reveive any Cubes I Won* 1/13 %Pith the nwileV ha, not been actually pablut , the CoMpony's °Zee beton, the time o 4 *n :h mt, Ante. t3ubseriptlous will be reeelve4 lu CILL:TTYS HCBLI. by 43121 - TYAISCRO NATION A L DANK Wad FIRST NA - Hu:CA.I. BANli..and in Ne , w York et the Company's °aloe, No. 2U Naa...au st., and by .1011 N .1. I:l2sCO'd HON. Bankers, No. Wall St., tool by the Cl)III wfq er t hied Agents throughout the rolled Hta Ate. "Itemittam es should be ulnae In drafts or other Bunts par In New York. awl the bonds will be Nest free 01 charge by return express, rattles baby r11.1.g lb rough local sg. nix, a.ll look to theta for their safe deli% vry. - A PA MPII IXT ANI L ) MAP for let++, litis,inht been puhlo.litsl by the Coln pally glvtrur fuller Infor mation than Is poofble Ir - an advertisement, re sp,s In the Progrekit of the Work, Ite,airees of the ronnlry truverwsl by the - itood,..the Mean. for Coustruellon, awl the 'Value of the lloods, which will bo seut•free oR applialtion at the Coinprrnyht (Mires or to any of the adrotilsod -AgentA. ... • JWI.I J. ClSXX),Treaserer, New York. June to, It March, 11411 N: Now ready, the following work, coneoirriay 1038 closely printer', largo °flare paler, weft bound in taw shop., Prir e, .$lO. TIE - 11127 - 121 - igittlf, •, I. 1 114411111PSIt A Li LAWYERS -IN TI/E UNITED HT.II'ES TliE sTAT.F. KrcoitD; • - &intuit** the` State awl County Otllchrs, the organization, Jur- Isdki lOU, 8114 Tenses e( Lite t 'mins tor ever) Mule Jild Territory • 'THE OFFICIAL DlREcrons YOH TILE UNITED STATEN; containing the ' °lnvent of the re,leMl Government, the Duties of the several Dep.irtments, Sketches of faith° Men,lwrs of tr.otne, mans Terms .of the Federia Courts: THE COLLECTOR'S ASSISTANT; , giving the Laws Our Collecting, Debts, Executing Deeds, Vcrif log Cl.dnl+,gad Taking Testimo ny, with Forms (or e% cry Estate; MITI; 31 LICLIOTLIES USEFUL INFORMATION; I,he whoinennsrituting an omelul sett BUSINESS, JOUENAL. PM:PAULI, FROM OFYITIAL RETVItY4 UT JOHN LI VINGSTON. Of the York Bnr,St‘erotary of the 3lerel tau ki Union Law'Uomplany. =I Nit,llll, A 112,rolo.ltit,41.111.deitlerchttw.z Third . ittte:iluktit Law Co., Floor, On ' Itte , • rnt.ro.'n -Ext.iittrt ' ge NatlmmU Pktbk 1' o. 14 . 111 lies "ilairlirr t the united St tt . ' s, re . p ' d:'' '? ahi- "are" I' It w ill 1,,,,, (61 4.. t m b e;etta of Teo Dolltlyt • or Exprom, wttir bile , to • h t i tt i tf i t, ' M rl V*. , MORO PHILLIPS' GETZVINt. IMP/#1.1(6J) Super-Phosphate of Lime BTAx.6:llo.btaiLorriEb.-: =1 NO. 21 North Front gtreet, Philadelphia, •I AND No. al Southfitreet, Baltimore, And by Dealers In gerfemi thronghotte the Country. The KOMBRERO GUANO of width MORO _PHoSPYIATE. la mid aiwoyc beet trearteMAtiled; and' of "Which' he has sole ttotttrui toy the ,United, States,),eoutains fifty per cent: mo r e Bone Plmapliate Man Ham hone, Marstoes It is more durable, The addition of Ammonia gives It grenter fertilizing value. Ot oesinfell yeters'expealenee Ass proved to the Farmer that It makesla heat ler gruin than even Stable manure, and ix not onlyaetreeing Mating. tar - Prim soli nu per top, 2,000 lbs. Dizeounito Dealers. MORO PIIILLJTS, • Sole Proprietor and Jiantan.cturer, NtArelt TI, Pm 1868, 3IILLINERIE ...!31/•SS AAjdst, rettereed from the ettralth a, large : 44eqrteten ' t of ttlirlue , . AAA • • . •• A b ic „ Bawl and 1106 Mritatninio , of thgt 10141 , t Sty which, with an amortment of faahlohoole Fancy (a oil et Goods, , . ditierin theitt - '0 Yiell st r the Werriowesi mud, IttAIEIYALATTP:II4IINirktIi will be kept on band, nud itaaneto wasetoto ceder at , to r e " oodi to 11 again ou liMitr iwthittili,;hd - ptittilt I L s With In structon ••• • •• pow. cortame 006 IMERO A NtIik, ' 4, ‘l// LONGFELE6WI9 •Curar.ars sONG.., From the rb•er'e pbwhy bank, , WbEre the sedge grows greed and rank, Amt the twitted. woodbine mptinp, Upward speed, the morning lark To its allverelond—and hark , -- On his way the woodman sings. tin the dim andnnlstp lakes Gloriously the morning break., the eagle 'son til cloud ; Wh List the wind, v, ith sighing, woos Tolts arms the chaste cold Lie. e, And the ruNthlig reeds pipe loud. Where the embracing lep holds Close the boar elm lu Its fohls, Ih.the meadow's teeny land, ' And the winding rig : weeps Through Its Mimic's,. an I still deeps,— ot Ill) rOgl I AIIIITAL Dat whan sultry nuns are high Untletne.oli the auk 1 lie, A. it khatles the titer's edge, And l ntnrk nay lane, away. In the whf,Aing eddy, play, ' Tangling With the river se When noe eye of eVelahriglOokB Ott vseen Woo4b mtd u coding brook, And the whulsighr o'er the les,— Woods and rtreauts, I hmn e you then While tit, nlo,loup the Oen Lengthens by Megreenwood tyre, lIILEVITIEA--AX.L SORTS. It there is one thing more than anoth er which tries annul, it itta—jury. United states silver is tek, a discount of tem per oent. In Canada. Freedom of the press—Snalchlug a kiss from a pretty girl in a crowd. \ Some fishermen uscg ., cotton \for bait; so do 80111 e women. Lo If a cart wheel has nine felloe 4 it's a pity a pretty girl cau!Chave,but on A writer of the early life of - Colfax\ ys that he used to call his 'mother, "rtt\a" —ail! - \ Mrs. Lincoln is fulfilling her threat ot leavinitthe country if Grant was put up for President She can come back safely in the fall. Mutnau bone, have been found 68 feet below the surface of the ground in dig ging a well NO mile+ west of Omaha. '1 11.4ys you beard the latest nottiti from idisidasippi 2 "And dui coluied troops .fought bramely.?' Tnetts are made at Pittsburg Ave hun dred per 'minute: This Is as rapid as the tax is maili,lu Vaahington. Goldsrnith\thought people shouid write their own fluttering; epitaphs, and then Ifve uP to peni. "The good die young"—hence the lon gevity of Thad. Stevens, Beast Butler, & Co. ' "Labor is lionoriib,le," it is said.' .IG may i* IN/notable, but It Is mighty Incon venient when the thermometer is up. wards of tar Itt the .itute. . An Irfsii monk once Called upon hi. congregation to thank God that He had placed death at the end of life instead of in the middle.; A' It;:dleal contempt vary asks: ."Can the Democrats be trusted?" • Ths Jaco bins do not alk to he trusted. They steal all they want. Miss Bette Armstrong, of Columbus, Ohio, has Made eighty words out of the letters in "oysters," and won five dollars thereby. - The Leavenworth (Kansas) Commercia/ says that A. T. Stewart, of New York, has purchased a half block in that city, and intends to erect a mammoth dry goods 'Muse, at an estimated cost 0f5410,- (XX). An artesian well, now being bored. at St. Louis', has reached a depth of 3,147 feet, the deepest in the world. There Is no water yet. The work has ben going on for twentysslx. months. Brigham Young is a sensible man. He says "the mdn who labors is the man who Is worthy ;" and that "no man should ever feel himself above doing that which ought to be done." A sailor, exorting at a prayer meeting iii a ‘ Loutfutt chapel, said 0.0 dark, store Mg nights, while on the sea, he had of ten been comforted by that beautiful pas sage of Scripture: "A'falut heart never won fair lady," "Are you near-sighted, Mien?" said an impudent fellow to a young lady who dW not choose to notice him. "Yes, at this distance I eau hardly tell 'Whether you are a pig or a puppy." If you are seized with a fit of despon dency and Self-depreeletios, do not blow out your brains, but set them at work thinking_,Low many others are worse off than yourself. TIM medical papers are writing against .the modern faahlonhfnigli-heeled boots. They say It causes corns,'eramp, Mine tows, at 811 only age, and it, lessens the size of the calf and makes the leg lose its symmetry. • PnourrsEss.—Promptness hi a cardi nal virtue.. Nothing noble iu life can be achieved witianut R. With Unit things are possible. gefore it all difficulties vanish, all obstacles disappear.' The prompt man Is the successful man. 'He takes. time by. the forelock: The oppor. tunity comes and he seizes.—Lusk is on his side."' The forces of nature take his part and act with 'him.—Promptness is not rashness. 'lt never acts blindly. It does not waste...lts strength in random blows. It strikes at the right moment, and In the right ' , place. It Is a wide 'awake 'facility. It sees clearly, arid acts a. wise ,deelsiod.:-It doei not put off till to-morrow what ought to liedone to-day. HOW HII FELT.—Job Norton, who lately lost hiss re, was not a man of very deep emotions, Find what he did feel and Walt he he'll. pretty Much to himself. Some of his neighbors had remarked that he took his berettvementquite Coolly, and one even ventured to say to him, one day, that he took his affliction little to heart. "Wa'al," said Job, "I haven't blurted round much- about it; but in wardly I'm ,It as mad as any of ye!" A Qr4KERESS at .115oomingtob, Indi ana, jealous of her husband, watched his movements, and olie morning actually discovered the , truant kissing and hug ging his serVailt Oroadrlm was not long in discovering the lace of his wife, as she peeped through the half opened door, and rising with all the etyolotss of a general' officer, thu's addressed her: "Iletsy, thee had,better quit peeping, or theeNvill cause a:dieterbanee In the fly", 1;.;, A ,citi tLois mai, aahl to a wag Who bud u woollen IC3„; , "AO! , cam eyou f to have aim;coadau leg r , "W aukivered - tbeg Wag, 'tairytattrer 'had ohe, 'tiud so bad illyjrarldfatbei. It runs iu tPaigood.', otiftistryytho ixotovAy to eePaßte tyro bodies 'is! to'. !Atrocity, s third. The same r4le holds fir' in¢ other depart .merite, - 43,rvallettiftAfailaietween pio ?oven's!' two is.,Mottesarg to fop ta. tle "do" dr ...11'111" tioiralk into.thepar lot with !Opted Itunp, • • wv OLD DAD'S ADVICE. Some disappointed old man, in the fol lowing advice, seeks to make men young suspicious of the girls : "Young men, keep your eyes open when you are after tho women. If you bite at the naked hook, you are green. IQ a pretty dress or form so attractive? obosetty face even? Flounces, boys, are of no consequence., A pretty face will grow old. Paint will wash off. The sweet smile of the flirt will give way to the scowl of the termagant. Another and! a far different being will take the place of the Idvely goddess who smiles and eats your sugar candy. Beware! Keep your eye open, boys, when yOu are after the women. If the dear Is cross and scolds at her mother in the back r00(11, you may he sure you will get par ticular rubs all over the house. If she blushes when found at domestic duties, be sure she is of the dish-rag aristocracy —little breeding and a great deal leas sense. Find one whose mind is right, and then pitell:ln. Boy', don't be hang ing around like•a sheep-thief, as though you were ashamed to be seen in the day time, but walk up like a chicken to the dough-pile, and ask for the article like a man." WHAT A WORKING WAN TIMOR. We find the roklowing communication In t hei? h Had elphla Sunday Mercury. It Was sent to the editor of the Profs, but refused an insertion in that paper. It carries with it its own comment : Mr. John W. Form y: For years past I have worked', given my money, and fought at the polk for your Republican party. I have earned $4,600 by curt driv log and cellar di:n.timr. I had my mon ey In United States bonds—the :e2n's of 1867, Before the attack on President Inlinson, •I read almost daily, In the .Peas, short articles like this: "Bond hoero will tio(e ?mace, Mat if thai great crio 'llal Andrew JOllllBOll is acquitted, tiot , rnt bonds will be worthless ! The \ ini hard icorkipq Mr 11—the men who build our eito \ s—will be ruined !" Now, rend' the Pres,. every day, and I read no ling else. I believed the Sun day Mercu P , and all Democratic papers, were—for •ou told me so—"disloyal sheets," ant I dared nut bring one of them into myshouse. , Well, Joh ns was acquitted, and I WWI fright( tied, and sold my bonds, which were:then oOa, and bought a row of old court hausea, in Alder street. But what followed diet quittal of that"great criminal?" Why, nds rose In two weeks to nail - I - ili 1 that I have lost nearly a year's Wore, by taking your advice ;`tho "loyal" maWho ',old to me the houses ehcated toe ; lid my copper head neighbors called me\ a fool. I ant il,tak) out of pocket. Will\not Win. It. Matto ray my losses? dc v I.l.tuts, .NO. 1814 Al er street. RADICAL papere appear to that the Radical candidate for tg Presidency *au a wetilber of a Nothing lodge in 1 d3l. All doubt o point Li divened by the Indiana &nand, which, knowing that where.f It speaks, affirms that at South Bend, In d liana, in 1854, Schuyler Colfax was In itiated into a Know-Nothing ledge, and tLere took the following oaths: I= In the presence of f ‘lmighty God and these witneatizzi.,v,ott do, solemnly promise and swear that • * • you will not cote, hoe glve your Influence, for any inan„for any (ace in the gift of the pen pie, unless he be an American•born citi zen, in. favor of Americans ruling Amer ica,.nor if he be a Roman Catholic. I= In the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses you do solemnly and sin cerely swear * * if it may be legal ly done, you will, when elected or ap-, pointed to any official station conferring on you power to do so, remove all for eigners, aliens, or Roman Catholics from office or place, and that you wilt ►n no case appoint such to any office or place in your gift. Doubtless this is one of the acts which Mr. Colfax , would be glad to have the public, forget at this time, Just as Radi cal journals would like to conceal or deny It. tut the honest Irishmen and Ger mans who wilthave something to say on the question of who shall pe Our next Vice President, will remember it when they go to the polls nest November, and will east their votes against him and his "no policy'Lassociate. THE great question sOhicit politicians should study just now, is, what shall be done to relieve the taxpayers? That the country cannot long endure the pre- Bia rate of taxation, and prosper, is no longer a debatable question. The bur then is now so heavy that many think it really dangoroua to add another feath er to the camel's load. Whence, then, shall relief come? We answer, turn out the bunglers and destruetives from ,the halls of Congress! The Increase of our national indebtuess at. the rate of from eight to ten millions of dollars a month slaws that they are either dishonest, or wholly incapable of wanaglng, financial affairs The people understand this question perfectly, and they will apply the reme dy. The eouutry //ever fulled to prosper while muter the control of the Democra cy, arid to place that party ogoill power is the ouly hope of teller. FIVE PERSONS DROWNED.—Three !title girls, named Mary Sullivan, Margaret Doherty and Ann Carroll, while bathing in a pond at Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday , were drowned. Mrs. Doh erty, mother of one of the children, and James McGee, while endeavoring to res cue the children, got beyond their depth, and were also drowned. The bodies have all been recovered. SURGICAL SEPARATION' OF THE SIA MESE TWINS.—The scientific world and especially that portion of it who have made the study of Medicine and surgery their profession, cannot fall tobe Intense ly Interested In the fact which has recent ly come to our knovrledge, Of the deter mination of Chang and ling, the Sia mese twins, to proceed to Pans to submit to a surgical operation for the purpose of dissevering the wonderful link that has PO long bound them together,—..The VW; Tribune. ' "Bokmv, What is steam?", "Boiling water." "Thai's right ; compare it." "Positive, boil; comparative, bilcr; superlative, boat." IVltgrr, the Hinddo priest Is about to baptise an infant be utters the follo‘sing beautiful sentiment f "Little baby, thou enterest the world weeping while all amain! thee smile. Contrive so- to live that yati-wlay dept in anillaa, while all *mood you weep." • ' . - J'olthio.—Myeditot asks his subscri bers to pay,hitn that he may pixy the same creditaux. "I eou'T-support you soy loner i! ae the vette, bridge old to the elephit. 60TH YEAR.--NO. 41 110 W THE PUBLIC TREASCSITISISOIL, - BED TO SUPPORT RADICAL MEREPAPERIL [Fmm the Waehlegt:on Intelllgeneer.) Up to the year 1866 the government advertising here was awarded, for obvi ous and proper reasons, to the two pa pers having the largest circulation, and that advertising was limited to the actu al requirements of the different depart ments, and preeerlbed by their respec tire heads. - This pl , in and upright plan, however, did not suit the views of those who sought,Radical favor, and who in tended to• make their - “loyalty ” profita ble. In order to exclude all competition the law was changed, so as to leave the selection of the newspapers to the clink of the Rouse of Representatives—a Ratli- Cal of the first water, holding a place which in pay and perquisites yields some twenty-five thousand or thirty thousand dollant a year. As soon as the pipers were chosen, the next step was to amend the new laws, so as to open the doors to enormous profits for the benefit of the selected organs, and accordingly ail insidious Clause was inserted In 1867, through the practical working of which the present exposure has been brought about. By the act of 1866 the Washington papers were only authorized to publish such notices as the laws relating to them expressly directed to be published here; bat by the cunning contrivance of 1867 it was so shaped as to appear to give them the advantage of all government ad vertlaing elsewhere. Congress had no such intentions, becau , e it would have been o bare'faced outrage and imposition ; but the clause was framed for that pm , pose by the parties concerned, one of whom, being then secretary of the Sen ate, was In a position to favor his own interests. , In order that the public may 'lava a vague Idea of the extent, to which this thing has been carried by the organs of the party of 'mural ideas," "economy," and "human rights," ive proviso to make a few citations from the diseme. sten in the Seuate on Thursday last. Mr. Sherman said : - "Two newspapers were selected, In ac cordance with the law, the Daily Chrote irk and the Evening Star, of this city. They claim the right to publish as goy erutnent advertisements all the adver tisements published by the - government in any part of the United Mites Thus, in the papers I have before me, there are advertisements of sod to he put on a fort in New Mexico, pro - visions to be sup plied in Utah, post routes in Arizona, and a multitude of advertisements of that kind which certainly, oVbt not to be published in Washington. "Mr. Johnson—Arc they now publish ed here? abelle%•e Vice ,now- the "Mr. Sherman—Yes, sir. 'These ac counts have been presented to the Firet Comptroller for atlitidicution i and he has ruled against them, ruled them out, kind said it could not have been the In - for such a published let hmught in was the upon that tre publish ipers selee iy the law ; tileged pr of Coloni al the laws 14,by rtisementa. that was !re of these to govern ital routes , me rate fixed by law as to other papers was $3M!!!" Now, while we are that our Wm:upon:trim should make - good thing" out of their opPortunity, this charge of five times as much as \other papers strikes us as being rather„ too steep. They might have been content with, the privilege of selecting their own advertising In their own way, without restraint of any kind, at pretty round prices; but four hundred per cent. abo4e the regular rates seems like a strong imitation of shoddy contracts and Radical "retrenchment." No wonder that Mr. Fessenden should have sugges ted : "If they play such tricks'as that, I think we ought to select some other pa pers.'! It appears that some of the senators have been looking into the costs of their orgatiship, probably because their per sonal ideas had hot been altogether ap proved. Mr. Cameron indignantly iq formed his Radical friends— . "That the government has paid to tw•o newspapers $ . 40,000 specie, $BO,OOO In all. "Mr. Sherman—W hat papers? "Mr. Cameron—The Chronicle and the Evening Star of this city have been paid, or will be paid, for the printing of last year, tinder ate section which we passed last year, , that amount. The greater part of that advertising was for the purchase and sale Of ar • . beyond Abe circulation of these papers tinit none or them could ever reach the people who were Interested. For in stance, ,there were fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars paid for an adver tisement to as the publication of mall contracts in the Territory of Arizona. There was a large sum of money paid for au advertisement asking proposals for a fort somewhere down in New Mex ico. I think there were half a dozen mules, or something like that, to he bought in Idaho, and they were adver tised here; and In some cases the adver tisements were published here a day or two before the sale or purchase to be mule at those remote places. This is ail abuse which would shock the communi ty If they kneW it ; but nobody seems to know anything about It. We hardly know it our:wives." The time honored usage of the govern ment was broken up for no other pur pose than to reward the subserviency and "loyalty" of partisan presses. Any regard for the public interests would have left this advertising where it be longed, with the responsible beads, of departments, who 'must necessarily know the Wants of the service beat. But that might have thwarted the sel fish scheme which has since been devel oped, and, hence a cry was raised against these high officers, And this pat ronage wit conferred upon .a willing 'instrument' of the n dominant portion. The result Is now exhibited of a single year's experience, and we venture to say 'that a , more flagrant or shameful Ono on the same scale was never fare. brought to light. This revelation explains the extraordinary seal of the • two organs in upholding the Usurpa tions of Congress. They are well paid for their pains and patriotism. . Whorcter Congress hes intervened to disturb the practice of the government, it Lae been followed by extravagance,. corruption, and fraud. The el vil tenare of•offiee act is costing the country near. ly One , hundred millions a Year, because It otters a premium to venality and vice, by the 'retention of Radical plunderers in office against every effort of the exe. cutive to remove them. He is as power less for that purpore as be was to pre vent the glaring extortioss of theme Radi cal organs., , deliberately contrived by artful legislation to plunder the treastiry. Forty thousand dollars a year la not bad pay for denouncing the President and swearing by Congress right or wrong; and that la precisely the price which Mr. Cameron states the large and little organs receive of the people's tax es, without the slightest benefit, to the public. It Is not surprising that the ea. penditures should swell into the propor tions that they do, with such wilful este and profligacy pervading the, government through pernicious and cop. rupt legislation. = President Johnson signalized ale Fourth of July, 1888, by a proulamation of amnesty to all participants In resist once to the nut101)41 authority, excepting those under. Indictment in the regular mutts. Tho war having terminated more than throe years ago, this measure of amnesty will be Justified uud applaud ed by all right-thinking men. 'rho fol lowing is a copy of the proclamation : I=2 By the President of the United States: Whereas, In the month of July, Amu) Donilnl 1861, in accepting the condition of civil war, which was brought about by insurrection and rebellion In several u l the States which constitute the Unite States, the two houses of Congress solemnly declare that war WILY not waged on the the panel the tiovernment In any spirit of oppression, nor for any purunsp of conquest, or imbitorition, nor for any purpose of overthrowing or interfering wilm the rights or e.taiiiished institu tions of the States, but only to defend and maintain the supremary of the Constitu tion of the United States and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unim paired, and that so soon as these oldeets should he accomplished, the war on the part Af the tiovernment should cease; And whereas, the President of the United States has heretofore, Ipp rho spirit of that declaration, and with lho view of securing for it ultimate and eon.- plete effect, 8011 L forth several procianatt- Lions °dining amnesty and pardon to persons who had been or Were concerned Ip time aforesaid rebellion, which procla mations, however, were attended with prudential reservations and eaceptions, then deemed necesstery and proper, and which proclamations were respectively issued on the eight day of December, MCI; on the twenty-sixth day of Manch, 1864; on the twenty-ninth day of May, 1868; anti on the seventh day of Septem ber, 1867 ; And whereas, the said lamentehleclvil war has long since altogether ceased, with an acknowledgment by all the States of the supremacy of the edend constitution, and of the tovernment thereunder, mid there no longer exists any reasonable ground to apprehend u renewal of the nand civil war, or any foreign interference, or any unlawful re sistance by any portion ol the people of ally of the States to the constitution and laws of the United States; • And whereas, it is dealtable to reduce the. standing army, and to bring to 14 speedy termination military neennation, martial law, military tribunate, alorldt ment of the freedotn ofspeech and riCtho press, and suspension of the privilege of licthcaa corpus and of the right of trial by - Jury, such encroachments upon our tree institutions In time of peace being dan gerous ,to the public liberty, incompati ble with the Individual rights of the *l ien, countrary to the genius and spirit or our_republicati form of government, and ' exhaustive of the national resources; And whereas, It is believed that am nesty and pardon will tend to secure a complete and universal establishment and prevalence of municipal law and order, in conformity with the Constitm tint' of the United States, all appearances presumptions pt a re , tallatory or vindictive polioy qn the part of the government, attended by .itune oessary disqualifications, pains, penal,: ties, cimfiscation, and disfranchisement"; and, on the contrary, to pro Mote amil_ • procure complete fraternal reconciliation among the whole people, with due kult-• mission to the Constitution and the laws; Now, therefore, be it knowtl;- tits; I, Andrew Johnson, Presidentof the United States, hereby proclaim and declare, un conditionally and without resermitiqq, to all ilnd to every per-qn Whq or Indirectly participated in the late in surrection or rebellion, excepting such person or persons as may be under pre sentment or Indictment In t ruly court oF the United States having p liiiipetedt riadiction upon a charge ' of treason'dr other felony, a full pardon and amnesty for the offense of treason against the , United States, or of adhering to their l'enemies daring the late civil war, with the restoration of all rights of property, except as to slaves, and except also, as to any property of which any person may have been legally divested under the laws of the United States. . _ In testimony whereof I have signed these presents with my hand, cud have caused the seal of the -United States to be hereunto atlizett. Done at the city of Washington the fourth :lay of July, in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred 04 sixty-eight, Mui of the independence of the rnited States of America the ninety \ A NDumv By the President: Wm. A. ScWARS, Secretary of FILaPt, THE policy of the North Carolina Rad icals, to ',ChM Congress ban jpst commit ted the Old North State, is to be Intense ly proscriptive, the argument being that this Is their only safety. The bogus Gov-- ernOr , a son, a mere boy, Is to be speaker of the House, and such a bargain and salelas been aide as will secure to the .retended F,zobititive control of the Legis dente, on condition of supporting a New Hampshire carpet-bagger and art, Olrlu tramp for United States Senators. A pretty restoration of the Union this Is. THE Press, of the .2801, says, "twelve additional Republican Senators and thir ty Republican Representatives will be secured under the omnibus bill, * which. yesterday became a Jaw of the land." Securing Senators and Representatives by negro votes and bayonets La the Rad ical method, which is applauded by the Press. They hope to secure General Grant in the same way, but the orunibas "will break down before that point is reached." "Tnootx Lou.."—Louisiana le now "trooly - Hy the aid of swindles's, sharpen, thieves, blacklegs, freedmen's bureaus, and other disciples of the "Gud and morality" party, that State is now blessed with a black negro Lieut. Gov ernor, whoenn &nee , read -or ifilbs. The Governor elect Is a' carpet-bause from Illinois. 1 He has boxed the-ensis pans of polities, sa weather-vane follints the wind, until he puts down his earisak bail In the Governor's sanctum of Undid. sus, THERE Is not a rebel Convention:that does not stand ready. to nullify.thaselsoa *unction iews-and-Aleprhas the colored man of the right to votol.i..44vilL There twaot a 'ladled asitslehldou, that don not repudiatts.tha flonstitaldon at the Vatted Bteitee siuttatteeept tot &Ore the white ma/teals right.toopaha • "mils mett. 11114..4:ads *OlO Ile why irlirie With. iwwUY 001