Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, July 10, 1868, Image 4
==MMI its\ttPb=3 44mioug. 111111,474 JVLI " MS. 41 5 : 11 =4 2 4 POPPING CORN. Mid there/thee est • poPohle co,eo Joh* Stiles And Kaman cater; ,fahhelithe was stout os ony ox ar•llluswa tht se butter. Ageitliere they method shelled the corn, Mott stitied the fire. - 'AMA tented of diftbreot kinds of ears, 464 Menai their chain - up nigher. Theo litugoo she-the popper shook. ' Thus John he shook_ the popper, WI both their him; piety red As mace-pens ulnae orcopper. _And then theynnelled, endowed, niej ate, All Sande °flan a noklnn, • v An.I be4►vhaved ►t bet remarks, 4 nd'ate laughed at hleJokinc. Aitd still they popped, and still they ate tit:lbs . ' month wan like a hopper,) Atid stirred the tire, and sprinkled salt, .And shook and shook the popper• • The dock shock nine, thee/cock *truck. ten, And ittll the corn kept !tamale eleven, end then struck twelve, "And dill no Rive of idopping. And Jahn he ate, and Sue .he thought— The men did pop and patter, Till John tiled oat, "The porn'. here hy,lieason; lotukt's time matter: . &WM Ow, "Sohn 9tlla, It's one o'clock You'll die of indigestion ;" I'm sick °tall this popping Irby don't you pop the question ?" imixtuara arcawurwr. This crop is regarded by many as a 'profitable one on land designed for win ter wheat, in a two-fold way-i-ae a fertil izer In retaining riibleture, .in attracting .and conveying to the.soll the manurial agencies &tiding in the atmoephere, and, at the saints time, furnishing, as aresult, ' a Welcome portion of breadoinaterial for family consumption withoWdefriment to the ,erttp of winter wheal which tis soceeed. Inetead.of letting the grehrot rest, as it is termed, in a followed state, it Is made to furnish on extra crop, count ed ass° pinch cleargain. It would be ab surd to assume that a crop of anything, dravihig nourishment Item the ion, does not weaken, at all, its productive force, unless It can be shown that with the draft Made these Is .eoupled a compensating poirer which serves to balance the ac count, This restoring force is ascribed to buckwheat by many who - have grown the tinkle and, watched' the effect on the subsequent crop.- On a certain occasion a • field of ten acres—an old pasture—was summer-fallowed quite early. It was a heavy clay eon, and after it had been tornetrover a couple of weeks, two acres of it were sown to buckwheat. It was harroWed, In the direction of the furrow., and a very tolerable seed bed secured. The result was a good yield of 'buckwheat, while thet of the winter va riety, which followed; was one-quarter better on the buokwheat ground than that on the portion whichh was allowed to rest and recuperate-In fallow. • The sto len crop seemed to give a liveliness and elaidleitY to the soil of the section need, which the fallow lest failed to impart to Alm remainder.—.Rurof New Yorker. DOWERDW RECOVERY EN LAND Nothing should be more encouraging to the bolder of impoverished lands than' the remarkable restoration so frequently accomplished by what would seem very inadequate means—a few bushels of lime or guano, er plaster, nuking all the dif ference, tit a short time, between what mewed to be eternity and a high degree of fertility. Take, for Instance, the et'. feet produced by lime, which, though applied in much larger quantity than ins other fertillzeri, - is extremely , small is oomparison of the great mails of earth it la applied to. We find it, under Judi cious management, changing the whole character of the surface soil and its pro ductions, both as to' quality and quantity of the latter. Two or three bushels of gyp sum (sulpht.te of lime) produces on some soils the same-and even greet Ctie . ct. A duiting ,of Peruvian guano onskes the increase of the fret crop four, five:and even ten-fold. . Now, It is well known, that It Is not theaddidinial matter that adds so much tti the crop. If Is the action, mainly; which it.),)rings about upon the thready _present constituents of the soil. Lime, for instance, is•often added, when there is quite en - with already in the soil for all the Purposes of crop food ; yet there is no action brought about In the soil making if capable of production un known to it before.. All the elements of -food were present in sufficient quantity,. bat they needed some "moving of the wetting" to Imbue them with life-giving; power—some change in their combing' hone and relations, which the added ele ment caused. , Sometimes, Indeed, this uhenge Is not immediate or direct. Sul- Mune of lime will have no effect, It may be, op a crop of wheat to which It may be applied, but makes the crop of clover which follows; and that given back to the soil, it has all the Moments of fertility in full play. Yet nothing but the bushel or two of sulphate of lime bet been added. It is still the old dela, with its undeveloped capabilities tamest into action by an, estreniely cheap and simple espedlent. But we are too apt to say, when we see a neighbor take hie start of us in such " iniprovemtint, that his laud is net niaht better than ours. It cannot be doubted that there aro material differen- Oee'in the natural constitution of soils. But it must at least be proved, by a proper trial, that yours may not be im proved by the same means as your' neighbor's, or by some other means as effective, which are not yet tried, or not yet. possibly, disoovered, We know of no lied. that should be abandoned to hopeless sterility. prAritiNs AIIONGST CORN Almost sli "old-fasbiened farmers" take oft a amp of pumpkins from their cont-fields, much to the annoyance of the theorist, who demonstrates to his en tire mtlafaction that the one crop must detract from the full force of the other. But the most.careful experiments show no loss to the corn. The same weight results from on• acre, with or without the pumpkins. It does at first thought seem as if it ought not be so. If it takes Just sopany bushels of corn to fatten a hog, it Idiot clear how we ure to fatten two from 'the g eame quantity. This is the argument of the theorizer. But the facts are sive have stated ; and the rea eou probably ls, that the pumpkin and corn feed on entireli different foods in the soil, so that the one can go on with ant Weigher.— Western ,Surat. , As the semen of ice cream is now upon us, we, give a brief recipe for making thisexiielletit dish, which we have found tinsurpasee4 w Take one quart of milk, and said iy very little • beat the yolk of Lodi eggs toe froth, and stir in slowly; add shalt pound of sugar; Slasor as you like and freese.—Erchouge- A mom* old lady hsAreil almiss leriped her °seise. when she applied for a Hems% AS a - "hay dog of the black spittle' moiety., Wyly' hp A room full of married folks like it mast tlutt Is empty? Because thee Is uPt.a 'Mee person in It. rtf4►t:i *4 LIME Russ:. MMel THE undersigned has bought out his former partner, Wm-Guinn; and now continues the THE LIME-BURNING 'B HSI NES43 hhnself—at the Gettysburg Lime Kline, on the corner of the Railroad and North Stratton Street. Thankful tor pont patronage, be will endeavorto deserve tla sontinalee, by prosecuting theibusb item as rittetOitety arid on at larie a wale as pos. sible—always Genius a gold article and giving good monsoro. Fatmeni and otimm moy Moir fur the pcompt 15111ag of °Wets He &low odnitinuee the COAL BUE3INESEI, Oaring the mart popular tied/. Housekeeper* and open, ihbahl ;Pie him a call. Blaclumdtb Coal ooastanUr on hand. Lime and Cad dellverbl anywhere in Qel tyvbarg. Gettysburg, N0v.150607. If NATIONAL BANK .OF GEITYSIIIIRA wAisubw idanlit 04 f3i;wmiil Dipcmitottes rodows 6 per relit. per 111/INIMINI Per I Aar 131=11 $ M 44' convert 740 NOM into 11:20 BONDS, as usual, free of charge. CASH COMPOUND INTERFNT' NoTFA and Will also purchase or sell EtTOCKS and BONDS of every kttul, tow of chew as uommtuslon, and will at all times pay tbe HIGHEST PRICE for GOLD 'sad RIFVEIt, and wlll with pleasure transact tll badness prompttr, as heretofore pertaining to a wen t egulated Bank. Gettysburg, Nov. g. ISM GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK. GOVERNMENT B9l:r so c i Sall kIaIs,I3OUGHT SEVEN-THIRTY BONDS converted Intolavr, TWENTY BONDS without elinige. COMPOUND INTEREST NOSES CASHED. The HIGRFAT PILF.MITTM paid on GOLD and SILVER. STOCI6I and BO:7M, of all klnd,, bought for persono .. yrl than CHAROLNO CO)ISIIASION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EIiCUTED !AWNS On SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced I per cent., viz: , • .. 6 per teat. fee 1 year, 4 Biel. !eat. for • mouth., 3 per rent. for 3 =ennui Persona 'plaiting lamination In regard to U.B Bonds, and Stocks of all kinds, are invited to give, Us a call, and we will give all information cheerfully Gettyarbttrg, Oct: "u, 1867. tr THE ,HOWE SEWING. CHINES ! The most Perfect & Reliable in AmeriOa I The highest premium—the Cross of the Le• pion of Honor, and Gold Medal— awarded at the Paris 44,- position, I.BOT. to-gtery kind of work can be done on them. UTE take tills method of ihforming the public that we have established new Coach Shop!, nt Litthwtown. where we are prepared to Mann facture to order alt kitida of t AK- ItlAta>.4, SUL:KID.% gr., on the short e d notice and most aceommodatimt terms. Our hands have been proepred from Balihuore, and, as We use none but choice material, we can put up work to compete with any shop in the State. Ohl work - repaired and taken in exchange for Mew. for Adams co., Pa. Circulars containing price I. Aug. 30.1507. tf For stale at Goo. Jacobs dt. Bro's. Store. Chain. hersburg street, Gettysburg, whore they mu be fouud otwratiug aud . giving fun lumtructious on I= Lir-OEO. JACOLIS .1, -. 11114). are the only Agents 11;st. &c., can be hod by addrenalng thgin Jan. 31, I. It OB:F,AF FOR CASH • N NW STORE! GROCERII.I3, LIQUOI3A, &C. The underxtilned I. retuned to thalytaturg, and opened A nnw Stan., on Baltindre parrot, next' door to the Fold °dire, and pearly Opptadto the Court Howie, where he Wien, the xale, CHEAP 'NH CASH, a largo and rimier assorttuedt of Ortorlea,— • SUGAR.% 00FWERS, TEAR, IfOLASHIP" MYR • 'CPR, !lALT! , AC!, with FISH, BACON, LARD, AC. WI NAA, AGAIIDIER, GINA, WHIRKI FA, NUNN and everything else in We Hite. - . Aloe, any quantity of Notions, to snit any and everybody. Reeolleetthia is the Nam to boy - ORRAP FOR Citha. ' • ' i4EO. F. RALTIFLEIBUI. April 29, IW. WM. BOYER & SON, GROCERIES, NOTIONS 'froß4coos, &a. Slone, Wooden and ' Willow Ware A general assortment of all Goods FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERY Jim. 10. INS. tf TIN-WARE A STOVES. Tar. LABGIBitt A.138611:111MIT Or TIN- WARE TN THE COUNTY, AT . S. G. COOK'S , (former Andrew Potters) lase some ot THE BEAT 'coogrivo Trost= SM SIASZR &MON' w Web UV AIU OLD DOMINION. COMPRO)118K PESSAYLVANIA. Also, mini other ankles lbr Intoben UM. Wbfrb will be mold as low al It an); ether Plane In the county Jrniasl, IPS7. GOOD NEWS ! HENRY .OVERDEFIR, BAITING/2Z BP, OKITTIMUEO, PA., TT completed his new Store BOUM =Wiled eel returned hem the city With • fresh and well stair of Geode, which he respecrfolly Invites his friends and the pethile generally te call and examine, HE SELLS CHEAP. his ON* Manua" at 014.00p4/112, FANCY GOODS, Notioxii, CEDAR., WILLOW AND QUEENS-WARE. MUM CORN MEAL. • FEED, AC. allf* or trade will be glum br ?Weir. r 414 .1, Wier, EipP, Same, Geed, 1 11 % ' JACOB REILEY FIRST I=3:=3 =3so (3otroN - d4 OEO. ARNOLD, Coakley. J. EMORY HAIR. Puthier Mao, Liquors,— I=l L3E3 nsuaglly kept In • NOBLE COOK, WKONOIIIST, BARLEY sirEA.F. Ike S. 0. COOK. UM COMITT ma! rAet: , 4sreelnOr Paten-, Aly-.421, arn• car=imen z liP a rbr ".'k ViOr ionnapaMtf. t i ATENTSD MIIIIYARY lArn, IM;4, BY BURIELIOLDER, WORLEY 8 GROVE, I f J. L. WORLEY, Sole Ant for the EXCELSIOR NT PATE NET for Adauta causal. AA d 3 LB constantly On head manufactured :lets of the abrhe Patent. Alec, Ets, _ HA OL RNESS' DOLLARS,BRW LES IPS BLAA REV, SELLS, • • - - a Yli EVERYTHING pertaining to n Horse furnishing establishment. gorAGPI , ITS WANTED to sot Territory for Patent Nets, alio to WI Net, on eommhalon to the county. All comMuniestions should he ad dressed to " I. L. WORLEY, York Sulphur Springs, Adams 00., Ps. April 8, LAIN. tf TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY AND ALL OTHERS WHO WISH TO IMPROVE. rime Undersigned respectfully informs the pub lic that heatill oontinties the • CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at kis old stand. on West street, Gettysburg, and la ready at all times to accommodate those want. ing anything done in his line. He la prepared to furnish all kinds of work for building purposes, of the best material, and a. neatly and cheaply as it can be done at any other establishment in (he county. Esperienced handsalwaym in readi nesspa and work executed with promptness and dia_ teh. • IDlc•Thankrui'lbr past favors, he hopes, by at tention to bullpen, to receive a liberal share o public 7 patronage. CEIEJTZMAN. Juns 1. tf NEW BAKEIIY, NEA PORT & ZIEGLER, • MEC7IA ..yIC.4L .11 f 1 KERS, South Washington street, one equarp from the Eagle Hotel, t.IBTY., SIIURG, Pa. constantly on hand, the best of - BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, tke. Persons •wtshing fresh. Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and resi dences at the Bakery, Every effort made to please. Give us a call. April A), 1863. tf, . CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. TATE et CULP are now building a variety of <COACH WORK, of the latest and moat approved styles, and constructed of the beat material, to which they invite the attention of buyers. ' Having built out work with great eve and of material selected with special referent* to beauty 'of style and durability, We tail oontidently recommend the work as unsurpassed by any, either, In or out of the cities. All we ask le an inspection of oar work to eon vin . those In went of env kind of vehicle, that this is the plaento buy them. REPAIRING IN EVERY IntAscii done at short notice and on reasonable terms of xla a roll, at our . Factory, near the earner of lyttehlugtou and Charnbernburg edreeta, Qet , tysburg. --.... P. J. TATE. - W 1., CULP =1 CARRIAGE.-MANING BUSINESS, T Hj am derslgned L ave resumed the ehrriade g bath ' - AT TRE!R 9LVSTAND, In Ant Middle areet, Oritysburg, Pn. where they are prepared to put op work In the moat fashionable, substantial and Superior man ner. A lot of new and aeooud•haud CAMOA.OEIric BUU011!24, &V., ON NANO, which they will dispose of at the lowest prlees•, and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. REPAIRING DONE WITH DaIPATCIT, and at cheapest rates. - A Large Int of new and old LIMINESS on hand and for sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretoihre enjoyed by them, they solicit and will endeavcr to deserve a large share In the future, • DANNER it ZIEGLER July 10.1885. tf NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTIS, AD - AXIS CO., .14TPLESTOWN, PA, NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD. IjRtE undersigned coils attention to Idv new j_ Montane rihop, at Neu , Oxford, Adoing coun ty, which ha bag put up, at larso.xpen , e, tthhe ciptertuluution taw and sotistnetory work, He villimanufneture various kinds of AGRICULTURAL. MACHINERY, such sa xuniwitxo MACHINES SPRING TOOTH RAKES, de.; and will keep the BUCK' EVE lUEAI'EIt A MOW Eli an hand fur ware. All descriptions of ftEPAIRLisai done prompt ly and as cheaply I. poitallile. . He has In connectionwith hia 3faeldne Shop a STEAM . SAW MILL, upon Which he will do all ktlide of Work in that-line. 'Remit. We' public. p %II al give ldui a trial, any bp bpa-butONS Cull fatten. on. , • JACOB STOCK. March 13, teas. Ou A pEstu.A.BLE TOWN PROPERTY I=l ITHE Undersigned offers at Private Sale, the 0 1 1 i DOE_ J S P awn LING, t bpi um t of the Titheylawp Cqd h tilttgb The roads, (alba borough of etiylnirg'. • The house eubstantially bu tt, orstone, a contains twelve large rooms. There Is a • rong, never-falling Spring of Mat-rate water In the basement, rind - kli Acres of Land connected with it. The location Is very pleasant ooe,and with a little additional outlay this could be made one of the most comfortable and desirable homes In the borough or it• vicinity. = DR. R. HORNER, 'PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, Ornoe aal Druidtore 4is ep it lVEßSßUßG ST. Medical advloe witborit Charge. I= DRUGS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSH. WI, TOILET ARTICI ID; DYE STUFF/3, SPI BARING SODA, CREAM OF TARTAR, LAMPS, OQAL OIL, AC., AC. PURE LIQUORS for mxlteirtal parposea. DT. R liorner's OLIEN, a Tellable remedy for chapped Lands, rough akin,' etc. AU articles warranted pare and gppqlop, Dec. V. 1887. If REMOVAL I THE GEMNIIIRO SICT4IO I / 7 441,1.ERY. rIiRE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing J. tithe citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his nisi rooms en West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opggialte the stars of Patmeedock Brothers. The doom he now occupies has been recently fitted a r a risly for Ms business. The locathin is au shadesne, enabling tilm tu take pip: tares Itt I ofw4wther, and wl GA a correct. ness culatudled !WY where else. FE -LIKE. PROTOGILAPHS, of even" , size and description, executed in the finest skvle. Particular attention given to the lit4.pTE DE VISIT I E„ and Jo c . opylug AHEM °. RE aWAG ER-M. 1 of deceased friends. THE gErF . GEMS, a new style of plaid*, which has become very popular with the not only for their beauty, bat for cheapness and convenience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOI.DAR only. Also—THE PORCE LAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and du rability are riruiassed. We axe pe.Parea to miry on tale hipilnars in all ttetic e Inas Airtivites, tr 4 44. d. c01:1.4414- °l7A} a W4tirr4 4 647113FACT10N Our litids a to I display hi our skill are unequalled by Boy other Gallery in the cbill/Z, and We would therefore invite every one to i at Use NEW GETTYABITRG SKY-Liarrr GALLERY. Call and ezaralpe oyr Specimen. and Jnaige r lor youtsalves. LEV/ AILTIWI9 Arne 23,110%. A PIRST-488 FAUX_ AT PRIVATE SALE, WEIN two ram of RiAtiotowit, tot the au rood, with all woofiro t or Improvt. ita r ti;oltlll4 ./ 1018011 hot* NM to ill=rla4 to mosomitto. Sept. M t LW. tf MOIMKG and amyl** '1131010 44 .. VY"'"' KLINGEL'S BOO? AND . SHOE WORM, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOOH9 SOUTH OP THE PHEEETTE. - _RAN CHURCH. underehed has Jest rettuned treth th e city with - Um best WIC( Chemins& varlet,' et - Shoes and Gaiters, for Spring and Sommer. ever uffered Oetirthu m b .l 7. stook ennefele or LAMER' ODNO OA ITEM% LADLES' BALER) GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, ' LADIF&V KID SLIPPERS, all styles, LAD/ELF MOROCCO BALMORAL% IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS, GENT'S' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' KIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGBINK GAITERS, iIiE& GE SLIPPENTSTer ' CALF B R" aALMOII RA styles, GENTS' BROGANS, &C., C. MIFILLYN.Y CONORLIsS GAITER.% • MISSES' BALMORAL GAITERS, 31011C(X) BALMOILALS, &C., &C., &C.. &C. BOY'S c0N0n.L. , 44 GAITER" BOYS' CALF EALMORALFI, BOYS' BROGANS, *C., &C. INFANTS' SHOES. all styles, IN LABOR VARIETY. Also, Boots and Shorn of tils own manufacture constantly nu hand. All wlll be sold at the lowest•llving Fronts. Buyera, from town and country, are invited to call and examine goods and prices before pur chasing elsewhere, feeling confident that I can please all who may call. The MANUFACTURING of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters will also be carried on. in all its branches, as before. Repairing dono on short notice. By employing none but first-class workmen, and rising none but the choicest leather, he feels con fident of maintaining Ills former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left undone to deserve it. Thankful for gnat favors, he soltelta a co thluanee of public patronage. D. H. 'MINCED. Gettysburg, April 17,1808. TO FARMERS ! Pacific Guano COnspany't PACIFIC GUANO! PRICE REDUCED TO $34.90 PER TON HE USE OP THIS GUANO in INfarTland for several yea for Corn, Tobacco and other years Spring Crows, as well as for Wheat, has establish wilts excellence. It poasesses all the quit anew of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not powwowed lov.thut article. Experience harralma n that tidy Guano ripen. the Wheat crop from Jive hs sax Cif yi earlier than the Super Phosphates. It also ripens ToUami earlier, and produces a crop of Letter quality. The Pacific Guano Company has authorized the above reduction in consequence of the depnatasi condition of the farming lir:en:at,. In the South ern States. it in the purpose of the Company to furnish the bett frettlare at the 'mew! peter, Which they are able to do by rll•Ort of their large capi tal (seilltle.. The Guano to warranted sonar in quality as heretofore soh! by JOHN S. REESE @ go„ GEZtERAL AciENTS MB THE COM k..‘14 Y, 71 tiauth Street, Italtimore. For solo by JfcCUltllY 11.13111.T0N, list tysburg. March 27,1865. HAY AND GRAIN TILE muleminuet' would nunnunce to the tto lums of Adams cti - un ty that they tdlll carry on GRAIN AND HAY ASINF,SS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the Gettysburg Railroad. They are prepared to peY the highest prices for GRAIN AND HAY. They keep all kinds of GROCERIES, SALT, GUANOS, ~ t 3 7 ; ; Give wiioh they will sell at the amallost protltA, us l a "di cud seePtrlUD'ivric Dec. 20, 1867. b- GABINET-MAKING . Wm. B. MtMier. • Mmted . lI the town of NEW ON IL FURL), AlllUll4 county, v. HI carry on the bualrumof CahluetAnaktinG In alldts brunches. FURNITURE kept on hand and uncle to order. He a ill also keep for Halo a choice to.sort meta of He invitkW,flie citizens of the town and sur rounding country to sly.' him a call, as he la 11l sell as, low as can Is. purchastsl at any other place. He will guarantee his work to be node up )n the best manner, and of good. materials, New ottord, Jan. 31, DAVID MeCREARY. J OIIN F. I , 4IeCREARY • "Best always Cheapest" THE Beet nod Cheapest SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLL A ItS and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and well known stand, Baltimore at., oppotole the Presbyterian t2hurch— McCREARYS'. Our Riding and Wagon Saddlem are the Mast substantially built and nen tert , (Air Dartiusa, (24/obi anti fairer mounted') are complete In every respect and NI airrantwl to be of the cety best material and workmanship. Oar upper leather Draft Collars • r.t?igOT 11F: 111? Cr. They are the luNt FITTING IILO.II. filtrable. • - • • . Our Heavy /)raft Humes , ' 5.04-. made to order, as ehen p as they can he undo anya here and In the MN( aut.tantlal manner. Ruling 'hidles, Whips, Lushes, Oruft Flymets, and met.) thin; in the line. Sone better or cheaper. haveUn eL IZ I NDUCrD to the lowest living %tumbril A. liberal isveentago for cash, off all hills amounting to 3a or more. We work nothing but the hest sleek and warrant every article turned out to be in cser) respect as represented. • 'Film/knit for pout favors we Invite attention to our present stock. 44-Give us a call . and examine eltlciN and QUALITY, - D. IfeCRIARY &EN. 11d=•11 INSURE IN THE HOPE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Or VORM, PA., (LATE FARMERS' AND MintellANTel%) OFFICR Jiartrnan's Building, a-rder Sqlsore. Chartered ......... ..... „.„.,8100,1100 00 Available Aireeta4 , 47,497 iIISKS of every dearriplicua taken ha . a period of keine, or perpetually, id .s tow rates,. ars sistent with the security of the Company and the parties 'named, and on as accommodating terms as with any Company In the (vain - try. Ito PREidll:l4 NOT are taken in this Com pany, sad consequently ao Asses.sments will be made on Its Policies. !fore than half the entire stock Is owned. by Ito Officers and Directors. which Is ii . guarantee that its anuirs will be so managed as 'make it a safe medium for 11.11 r..1 , 0. I.'SURANCE CREATI*4 INDEPENDENCE • a person pays for his own indemnity, and not be a luz on his friends in the event of Fire. Delays are Danger., IR - 411 (MUM, outptty adjusted taut paid D u mp, Die.gcroast—Pitp A. Small. John A. Weiser, John C. Spangler, M. B. Spahr, lien. W. ligenfrine, David E. Small, Charles A. Morris, W. IL Kurtz, of IC.,LeN fs Carl. lIENRY WELSII, President. DAVID E. SMALL, Vice President. - .1. CARE, Treasurer. T. K. WHITE, Sec'y. ilii - Applicullool for ll.Hurunce promptly at tended to he the Secretory or any of the Compa ny's Agents'. • lIINEEM .AGEkni.:—Wllliani Mind, John T. AVllllanis, York A. Plckint, Get( vent] rg Smith *. liar fie, Wrlghhivllle; T. Wnlferr, Lancaster; John I.l.Zellerllle. Joy Lanexater county; 1). Q. Al bright, Llano% erg N. Z Seale, Glen Hoch, and 11. Emmlnger, )IFchanlesburg. April 21, hael. 2m PDXITZ'S wilows4.t.p DRUG AND PATENT MEDRUE DEPOT, E= BALTIMORE, MD. ON the dissolution of the co-partnership of S. A. Fouts iltßm., August let, WC, I, Istria E. Fouts, maim member of mid ftrm, tinretinsed all they title and_lntareat of ',tweet ging pe,rtnee, 4,- tente alftnne. and ki he inantoke tnre of ktedleldes; and, having devoted mock time, nere and labor gaining a thorough knowledge Italye oompormillug of to prep/mt. tlora, I am prepared to offer to tim COMMU. nay FOLTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES pure Ong unadulterated, namely: Forrt's Mix- Tuali—rocra's Lont INVIGORATOR Olt IIEALTR RERTORBR—ForTz's LIVER PILLOI— ForTz's COUGH tivErus•—Forres er.LEnusrED HORNE AND CATTLE POWDEIL"--SHRINER'S BAL. RAXIC COLOR ISYREP—SIIRINIER'S VER.MITZGE. - DAVID E. FOUTZ, • Bole Proprietor, Agent for "PR, GRIME'S MAGNETIC .SALVE AND PLATZIR,.: the r4Stt OtaVtemfv," and the "GREAT ZI"NO . ARI BMERS.:' air' also have on hand a- fall assoftmerrt of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, Window-g Lass; Extracts and Essencm of all fla vors; all the popular Patent Medicines of the gay; Perfumery, Nair OBA Half Dyes, and hun dreds or articles oeedisi Mortitta, farmers. and Housekeepers . Cam and b the MS stock and prices, and if I cannot suit you, YOU cannot be salted in Baltimore. DAVID E. FOETZ, At the old stand, 118 Franklin street. Feb. 21, 1.441. I.Y N4TicE. rE partnership heretcfore et - lati n i g between ile undersigned In the Produce an Forwarl I bUslnew wee dissolved on the rlit day f Jari t Y hist,, by mutual consent. The booing cif Wits and all onsetrted lewdness haVe bee let ln the hands of fhiftel E. etrlPWhe dirty authorised to settle tip the Pune. rte Wi he found et the Warehouse now the orstupeit 0Y at ileum. faabsat a übbata r All persona In terested are required to ell arta settle. .11 EMIT CULP GEO. A. EARAELAW... 3an. Mita. tf r i tll a l Z.llO ( t ° 0 °da. 11.11'111110E''n1WOODEVEn. CktV l AM 4 igtirt?M7 4 mai (1112ffialatilli surastang aeon. all "a„ a„4" sial Webs at . NOR I= TV IXTED CHAIR-8 EICEL3IOR GALLERT. PHOTOGRAPHS, Photo ritinuitures, AMBROTYPEES, at, Btereorcopte newt of the BATTLE-FIELD, INTHREOBCOPSB, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, ARO , r, GIERAT VARIETY, AND AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. .14 - We deal in medial:4 but the bent of its kind Call and examine our stock. ' C. J. TYSON, Proprietor. April 8, 1888. if • ' BARRI BARK! 1,100 CORDS WANTED ! I=l2=l 600 CORDS OF BLACK OAK BARK, for which he will poky $ oo lief cordon delivery In goad order, at Us tanyard, In Gettysburg. Ei=l=l 500 CORDS OF ROCK OAK BARKi- tar whioh the highest market price w.lll be giver Feb. 14, 1468. 6441 PHOTOGRAPH . ALBUMS, LADIES' COMP24NIOYS, TOILET SETS 'WRITING DESKS, E U 41 E Fancy Chine and Bohemian Vases, Toro; ex., &C., AT A. R. FEISTEL'S, Oppoxite Fihnextpekte Store. Gollyabarg, March 27, INS, If FURNITURE. SIIEAFFER & -BECKER, PETERSBURG, (V. S.) PENN'A., Are prepared' to offer to the Public anything in their line an cheap ageun be hail in the country itePurelumers will do will to call and examine our .lork brfOr, buying elsewlwre PURNTTURE made to ordx.r. Repotting aotie limilY, dimply and with 1114100 h Jan. 41. I. U E. 11.. MINNIGH. CRAMILERSRURG STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE KEYBTONE 0 1.2711;571 (WW, . PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot = I= &C., &C., &C., ocaudautly fitil hand ICE CREAM AND CAKES ,;oppl fed to Camillo+ and parties at shortiesstirutes THE DAILY PAPER.% OF DALTIMODE., APELPYTIA, NEW YOITIt; ANTY =I supplkol to outokolbaro at lowitoVnitett a.T . CALL AND kaamixr.l;ll Fek•21.1&% tf THE LAST CROWNING SUCCESS. Hrs. 5..4. 411en' s HAIR RESTORER. 4 FAVOUITE HAIR DRESSING New Style, in One Bottle, , will quickly restore Gray Haar to Ita natural color and beauty, and produce, Wanting{ growth. It Is perfectly harinleo% and le preferred over every other preparation by those who have a tine -head of hair, as Weil as those who wish to reetoPe IL The beavililhal glop hod perteme lm- parted to the Halt make It dditrable &raid and, young. • -'• For Rale Dep:lt, 198 Onset Mich StPeot, Now York • paic oNs Pun. 24, 1849, am LAWRENCE D. DIETZ. tic CO., wHOLMALa =UMW IN FARM - 000M • NOTION, UMENT 484 VAVIVOS • . • Ns. Writ atilliaisre Betweininewerd -mb=l4%*l Gettysburg Railroad. 19MANGE OF CONNEtTIONi3.—On end tau.: Monday, Mar 11th, Pai , scuger Trains 11 Mare ass 2 alTiVe liettysburg, and make rs: ( 3° ),R m gnrlNGE TRAIN wilt leave Gelty s burg &CILIA A.M., with passengers Our York, Bar. risbugh Philadelphia Baltimore, and the North and West., arriving at 'Llano cer Junction w I thout thalweg ears, at ILIA A.M., connecting with the Past Line Boutlion the Northern Central Ba ys)", laid arriving at Baltimore at 12.Ju noon. Also oonnecting with Mall Train (corn Baltimore north. arriving in itarrisburg at 1.00 P.M. Arri ving at Gettysburg 12.3 u P. At., with passengers born ilarrisburg, York, Baltimore and Wealx ingtott. • BECONT) PARRENtI Kit TRAIN will leave Get h"olobualtik% IlirttmierJurT Arrive at haltimore nt 1./0 P. M. Art7 ' ve n at ( " h t, t: Watling st P. M., with paesengers trom Phila delphia, Harriaharg and the North and West, a nd also t he t at front Baltimore anti Washington by the taut line north, which lag, ea Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Yeadtengers tan 11.11tIntere In the Mall Train at and arrh e lu liVtly Mum at lido Y. N. Or leave itultitnore In the hu.t lime at 12.10 noon, arrive In Gettv‘burg tit (al Y. N. Hut one change of cum either n ac . ut lianoverJunc• lion. MEM Hanover Branch Railroad, and after MONDAY, Dee. 9th. 1867, ll passen E ger trains on the Hanover Branch Nuruss ac leave no follows: ' FIRST TRAIN Will leave Hanover at 0.133 A. M., with paasengers for Yorh, MARI more. liarris burg, and the North and V. This train ar rives at the Junction At 10.10 A. M., eonnecting with the Fast Line south, on the Northern Cen tral Railway, which arrives at lialtunoro at tt„:10 P. M.,and also a kth the Mall Train North, width arrives at liarrisburg at 12.5.1 P. M. ire-This train returny to tianover at 11,30 P. M., and arrives at kiettysbonr at 1. ";', P. M. SECOND TRAIN teat es Hanover at 2.15 P. M., and arrives at the Junction at 3.1111 . . U., connecl inggwith the Mall Train SOU I it, which arrlven at lialtlmoru at 6.20 P. M. Pai,ontiern by thin train for York lay of er at the Junction until all P. M. 11611-This Train rcturnn to Ham, or at 4.45 P. M.. lirlth passengers fur Hanover, Getty mbar(( and Lit tlestown. . . Passengers lent Ina Baltimore for Ilanover, Get tysburg and Litt testowsk, a ill take nittter the Mall Train at 8.30 A. M., or t la. Fast Line nt 12,10 *Dec, 33, 1847. t( Pennsylvania Central Railroad. ' DOUBLE track route running het ween pima. delphis and Pinninirg. Trainn leaving (let t.) slung .tnake the following COnneetlunet w ith thin =rank Gettysburg leaveat'R.l;a. in. null 124ip-m Hanover d une or: Iva " " leave Ilartisburg arrive le.lir 4.10 " 2.45 a. n Philadelphia arrhe 11.10 • 7.10 " Itarttithurg leave 1.11 " 1265 " Pittsburg arrive a. at. At Philadelphia elixir oonimillitios are stmt with the trains for Net? 'Cori:, itomon and ai Eastern Calm. pittsbura , eunneetions made In the New Union Depot with the trails for all Western volute. •i-For further information aptly to EDWARD 11. W 11,1.1.1518, Gen. Supt., Altoona, Pit. Flevnv W. CI Wneiiha. Pugs At t„ June 5, l&04. I! JOUR RUPP HARDWARE AND GROCERIES. THE subscribers haste Just returned from the cities% tth oh !titmouse suptti) of HARDWARES GROCERZI4, whirl/ they are offering at their old stand In Bal timore street, nt prices to suit the times. Our stock 0011bists In part of BUILDING MATERIALS, CAILPENTER's T(N - JLA, BLACKSMITI I 'S TOoLs, COA.C.II FINDINU SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET MAHER'S TOOLS, 1101.7SEEKEPER'S FIXTUREs, KINDas GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OF IRO OILS. PAINTS, Ac. dc., , Then. to no snide It...laded In the nevend de partments mentioned above but a hat ran b.• had at this store. Every class of Meehaulm mu be amommodated here with tools and lindlnus, and Housekeepers can nod everrartiele In their line. Give us a gull, um we are prepared to sell us low for mall as any house out Of the city. B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg,, ISOL KISSIMER & SHIREIttAN, NO. 2. WEST MAIL ET STREOT 'YORh, PIANOS ItUsit'.ll, I Nn rill - Mt:NTH, respectfully inform the public that they are pre plred to furnish name; of the following manu facture .or of any other make that MA)" be pre ferred: - t Albright. Briber. Az Se Cblekerinir t Molt, Bradbury. Mambo A Son. Gale & Kau, FaTEY 4 rEl.Eart sTFO CO1TAGE,11.11t110;21.! AND 1)01:1./011t - 3.IELOPEON,V, • These lostrtimeuts l nl mai% tilled by Oily thing found In thin country or in Europe, as is adulated by nil I mpartial J nage, TOO 1110e,t em inent Pipe Organ lihilden, and Performers, the lost to 111/4e 0N eSeellele eto reed 7 one, pro nounced them nutty superior to :111 Othene ior es • ree.lingly quiet artleulut lOU Mid I . ollllldi Tolle, the essehtlel feature In in4trionents of this el:l,s. We Invite tho AvS ore wroth, and criticism oral. • . PATF:ST Voti lII' M.l N TR1:M..11,4 This late sold most W 1,114 torts! Invention IMO at. knoulethfra by all !calling al tint, a ill he mom' orilr In the Exley Instruments. In attempting to 4, eserthe the elfert of tins stop, v. t• ate ut butt for language. IP. laau t :moot he v. ritlen, bait must lk Inatrd to loe apps. s , ted• US Wit. stop aii cartflaary porternapr era/ pftslote an eiri,t Melt regaires a !fie time 4,lprtv't lee for ma artist upon a violin. It entirely ehang , s lir N'. l lTolle, gls Ins tine .4) input hot Iv sW , , al (110 stare, making - It melodlotp, 11114 pure that it never falls to eneltant the llNtener, .• • TUE ItNION tlin . l.‘N for Churelien, Public Ilan.; awl Parlor, lug a powerful gulnitaaa with Independent re 4,14, Mottle attachment nod Vox Humana Tremolo, and la lxilered to he the 11104 powerful reed or gan made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three timeet he root. AU Instruments warrantod fur five yeara. a4-13RA.5.4 11,1NDS 4upplled NAlit Instrumeutx nal music at rt....nimble 101.111,1, IS3El===l b212=113 iriernstrueiloriti given both in l'onal and in strnniental id, our rooinu, and nt pupllx homes, el ther to 'loll, id mini oridtinnevun reason aide tering. . o.n - . - 11 tf W.M. T. HOPKINS' "OWN 1.1.166' "KFTF:TONE SKIRTS," RE 121 the best and FKAPe.rf LoW l'itWED Hoop Skirts In the market. 'frail Skirts, 25sixing,,, surlOgs, 81,..X1 , , atilt 40 apt hats, Pluto Skirta, Id tapes, ...S) springs, till inn! • springs, Si Gents; Vspritig., 51,15; and 35 P1.'13, Warrant,: In et-try rcm,q. "Slur OWN Make" of ''ITN lON SKIRTS," Piet en Tape Trans, from %l to yJ kmri ugw, t t 241 to 4:,101 Plain, Six Tapes, IN to 5u npri [lg.., from i'rrits to 31.00. These Skirts are better - than those sold by other establishments as Ilmt class goods, and at much lower tubes. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION- SKIRTS" are In every any Superior to all oilier Hoop Skirts before the pn I,llc, a nd •1111 v hare to he ex amined Os wort. to roll,. oleo et 'tv rote of the fact. Manufactured of toe heat Ilnen-nulnhed English Steel Spring,, trey kuperlor tapes, mid the style of the metal, ho.toinugs and manner of scouring them am peas for tiornbilil.Y and ex cellence any other Skirt In this t ountry, and nro lighter, more elastic, a car longer, give nioie sat- IsfactionA r and-are really cheaper tlum all others .Et rrjr /4.1 shosid frit pow. They are bong sold extensive yliy 3ferclinnt4 throughout this and tile adjoining states at 1 , ry moderate prices. If you wunt•the be,t ask for "'Sorkin.' Champion Skirt." If you do not tled them, get the im.r obeld with whom 3 on dna! to order then, for you, Or come or send direct ils Men:l;4llV will find our different grades of Skirts exactly What they need, and we especially Invite [heal to esti and examine our eXtensive assorttheut, or send for Wholesale Price List. • To be had at Recall at Manufactory, and Of the Metall Trade generally, and at Who Lennie of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders Would MANUFACTORY AND SALEROOM, P.B ABCEI STREET, Between ath and 7th sts..ll4iladelphla. WAL T. LIOPKINS. Feb. 28, Me& 1010. NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORD. 'Mg undersigned has opened a Drug Store In -•• New Oxford Adams county, and respeetfollY calls the attention of the phhile to his stba. of PAINTiI t ' 013 . 4 AAhNIFIRS- 4 DYE STL FFS, WINDOW GLASet. and a full assortment of DRUGS• In a word a complete stock of °oohs genemily kept In s ant claw Drag 'Store. All of which have beta Stir abased daring the pest two weeks, and will be sold low. All the articles formerly manufactured at the olft - estabilshment in Mast Berlin can be had here. Understanding his business yierfeetly, and selecting his goods himself, he is able to war rent‘ils Drugs pare and us represented. The mi b- Ile are requested to glee him a trial D. M. MILLER, New Oxford, MAY a, MI. tf Manhood: How Lost, How &stared. TINT published, new edition of . el Dr. Cu iverwelVs, Celehirded Homy on the roMierittishe (trail at medicine) of Spermatorriama, SeeLheal Weak '- saw, invoAmatory Seminal losses, na ay ,Mental and IMviiica I irwarracity, lin . to to Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, • ilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or segualeztravagance. 04-Price, in a sealed envelope, only rents. The celebrated author, in thin admirable essay, clearly demonstrate., howl a thirty years' suc cessful practice, that the alarming esaruommanees df,Nelf-ahuse may be radically cured Newman the dangerous pas of infernal medicine or We appli cation of the lentfo—pointing out a male of cure at once 10 rople, eartalp, pod effectual, by means of wVel2 every it no matter what his con dltlo may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and roMsaftg. This Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every maatn the laud. Bent under seal, to plain envelope, to any ad dress,. pon2stid, on receipt of six et•Litn, or two past mumps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's ...Marriage Gialde," price Scents. Address the Publishers,; , CHAR. Mar, 1, Y or k,Ll 12f Flowery, New J. I', CL Box 4SS6. 1144 Jobn W. 'top, trALoNABLE itiaurste. Noruuag , efor a. D P 'V be :Vitt tr i m% be found _ .„.. all *ulnas* lo Me line, H has ono ekeelien . e esalidanoe and will gni AIM Nam ealL • - =3 JOSElqi LEIB, Agent lOAS 1.1.11) M. / a•i HOP SKIRTS. 628 COUXTB I' MERCHANTS, DIARY,MEN; LeIR.MBES, AND OTHERS, AMES, BEESWAX. BEANS. carow., mOO% PLOUB AND PEED, PraWC, VOTTOX, SIM AND MINN, DR/ED AND PREEN FRIJITS, GRAIN, WON" (WM., POULTRY, NATAL STORES, HOPS; GINSENG, FEATII• ERA, nratr, OLLS, LARD, TALLOW,' T‘)BACOO, SEEDS SORG lOW, MOLASSES, &C., &C.. JOSIAH CARPENTEIL General Conrnession ,:lierchmv4 442, 444 & 446 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY Aud receiver We weekly Peke Current or Pro- du. mud a rontrf es, iilo Moat .rtiptete I'li Cur- rent published In the United Mates Seud for ►.Prise Current. lllark I ng Plates and (ardor, =I Liberal Advances made on Consignments Establiwhed ;Way lat, 1860 FIRST-MAKS REFF:RENCES GIVEN WHEN M== Alnrell 27, ly FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG Notice to Holders of 7-30 Notes, feral fell, when the privilege of converting the August, T. 30 No expired, loony persons who no- glected to oongert lido .7,20 Bends, or Ifell,lost We premium am! the privilege of converting. IL wilt be the same with the 740'a maturing in June and July next, Itnot.tllspcued t 4 time: This I,ltutk will either convert; or purchase, the 7-30'x, allowing premium unit Interval I= =I 'LEWIS ST ROIJSE - flea bought back his old eland, ou Carlisle street, and 1$ tong Into hailneen again' benv ler than ever. ifle asks lila old blends and the zublie to call. NOTIONS, attoexttra4, CONFErTIONS, SE OARS, TOLIACCOS, Cie., n largo variety, ind a little Cheaper than the cheapest. Don't forget toe place—nearly oppo site the Railroad Station. Dellyaburg, Oct. 11, 1567. It WM. * C. STALLSMITII & SON, UETTYSB V.RO, PA., CARPI TEUS AND CONTRACTOIM Are pmpared to do all kinds id Carpentering -contracting and erecting buildings of al kinds, Repairing, Sc. They keep, constantly on band and manufacture to marl', DOORS, SHUTTERS, RUNDS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW PRAWN CORNICE, DOOll a WINDOW DRACKETI4, Awl tiny other A rtlele In the ituthllng Line 3euxoned material conttlatitly oa baud, exp., rlenesd workmen always In, and work execatf d with divateb lttl-Ordeni promptly attorlr.l to. Sept. t), 1861. 61 NEW SADDLER 8110 P.. Othe Hill. flaltitnor.rxtre.l,'l;.llr;herd•, --Couxttuitly oil hand, or made to larder, a/ kinds or RIDING SADDLER WAGON RADDLER, CARRIAGE RA UN ESA, DRAUGHT If AltN I= aunt) 11P.I1)1.1,4, EMI= 116913=129 I= ==l CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, • On Baltimore S.reet, oppoelte the Catirt.lionee, =1 Every description of work ex - fronted In the FL.\TE.,3, T STILE OF TIALLT Juue 4, Ise& 4f East Berlin Firm. REI3ERT & HOOVER, mAxdrAcnrirkits or FARMING IMPLEMENTS-- BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER; Bucitcws inui.4IARER, Pluttlinos' patent; BELP , DISCUARO/NO WIRE HORSE RAKE, Shlremsn's potent; • M BAIMEI PATENT WIRE NORSE EAEE elo ß ' TAM NOCICAWAT VIRE RARE; THRRSHING MACIIINDS; CORN PLANTERS, firdf Sttreman's Patent and Winnbaualea patent, York; GRAIN DRILLS, Moores potent; CORN SHEDDERS, Waanbougitta patent, de. All Matta of REPAIRING proloptly attended to. OW and se4 what we eau 40. ItELUST.T 1100VER., East literlin,A.,lalus co., I's. lar. 6. Wad ha IN' GREG? PARASOLS., FANS, WOOF co IR.C)W cfc "9"O"CDOC-' 3fav 21), LW% tt 4-- HOUSE PM*TING. GEORGIC A. rAsjirzn, novas PAINTER, BoathWatilegtca Get&T•bont.Pl► GOOD WORE AND MODERATE PRICER. Vrldrat C/LlllB, n owairotes, Inks, rheeleto Ateol4rasm"mlL V ker = POULTERER'S FRIEND , or Cblekem • . • Rom Wear • , Soy MEM% 'DRUG VICISKI AsAilatikcepeßClALEa t p,or 141(,, CSIIIIZI BAUGH 4 SONS, Philadelphia, Northwestern Fertilising Co., c:= 11-41.71m4 BONE PHOSPHATE. SSC per 2,1001 w. .a.4troirs clum:A GO . .110.V.R PAR riLIZPI , 114 clitrA oo Rlmob .V. 4 Nuie SAO pot %WU The above are turniKlied In both Ick and barrelvi, whichever 1..(411.,, , , Jar 2ne Bogen :re tinifunn 11eift ti9l Inninl, -6 a Ptto attention of Farniern la ealwelally dl rvl, to the tart that the g Itreev of Ito Ilaw Mat., .1 pf whten the alio,. e Manor.* are- 0.4111114010 ii, 60 Well under control neat WO ono Nnd~a Ili - strielly uniform qualfti ,111111 l'insdltinn, 1111. i that they etintatii a larger pereentage uht than any other class of atantumitureil a,.4V nures In the market. HAEOH & SONS, A/ South ware A% i , 1,11.% PIMA I t. ' NORTIEWF:STERN FERTILE/AEI. I O, Cor. Enke A 1.1%Aal le 01. , s .„, %.I"CHTS t•OXIMERCIAE, MANI' RE:s pmeo red fnan tienirra In any of the pH. , trrWna fu the United Staten ur Dunilnlml Canada. June 19, hkrt. rni l't. rri - 3111,4 yt CO„ ireptaßimli6a! ~~ 0 ' fi r _ ~ . ~ 0 ~~ - 270110rr , OBAT %IR tO ///' Ito original *W., Eradaate. Ci+nCruf end 0 14 . U s tl . A O 4 e NS L \ & / i 5" jc . ti 4, y VEGETABLE AMBROITA =I ft. (11:NVINE HAIR TIESTIMATI elm., .111. log limy. Light. Heil or Faded Hair to toe ilool. Lotion Ano Well no mho n youth or soM. H will Tfolftteety eradicate II Mon and Dandrull front the leAdp, 1111(1 Whet, there in 11101 n the atandm, trill eatnten ta•segt . t.a I h of flair to put lon tit ou I.OW pests. Thattaand. are todl fylug to the oboe. PLUCV.I.III/.002/,0./lU/71.E /41-..4.. 1). llueldnr, Wholeraksa tut /tet,tll Get)) nhurg —null for sole tit It Will) till Itt oprtst , 114 t. 14, Ivs, Iv G. a 1.1. 11:1-T1itirlittE .FORTE Iror-rornity,:llA Itfreekr r.(arret, Neer Turk (• 32 Tones Extablisheil. nml 4T Prize .11.•41 • was Awardeei. Our rntlin FOCui ure coo unit ermily twig Hon - tothnli by the 01.0 ilistinUtiklied ortist4 to be the I trot ntnuufut tun J, nut/ N CR.% hut ,• boUn Lnlnxlueed turd ntn. lop are not 1,1011,1 11 any-one word in their favor, their rseellene,• Mande ple-elainolt to that° of other outio,o, and from the greet rawest alder rd, and lin proveinentx loath. by tic In the last (WIC,' yen. we plan nnin`n to w tt it_iirstittu Nunn Vol Le 0; 8100 to Lt 1 71 lean Ulna n nitnitur one be bought elsewhere. Every Piano Forte Irarr nnhd lot 5 .3"/ and 10 %live Sati!li.tani. Our non. err ' mode ; the lilitterlok Used for kwer3 part of e Mom omighly souone.l, tun L ofhe ,ery hest quality thatch!, W preare.l No part I, slighted; what the titi idle might loss over, never eielipeg our vigilance. Every taut nolde and omit. to latiLlittrily and I Om , mighty mode, go that It will hour the mmi.d mi nute examination. Time) from the load. coargA lone or Ine , t Wee., , 1,,„1 th,. neglaining,and grows a onice‘urydao,lllmaminitelm tut it. 1. , refined surd delluaiirowre in its s lion., delightful In its singing ellpiseity, lltlll all the power iina,rmaary to pentium every degirt .1 effect. They aro, 'without tioubt, the hold, the hoot lasting owl etllint littehtly eheapymt. We iwe content with a fah profit.. Our 1)00,4 range tool. 1101) to f.Noo, 121121111=1 Schutze OAT IN MVO Manitfacturt rs of the .N. Pull ni MONITOR PI.ATP.I DOUBLE IRON FRAME P 1,4 .1' 0 0 11 T ,b; S. CUYYLIQTi PRATIWZIOX AILLINIIT COLD 110 T 11.1 MATE. • ' (TV.k.nt#ll Prbrunry filth, 1'41.) IV.UtItANTIiD Pint VIVI YEA ItM Wicte•roosis.. 442 Broome 81" Now The Patent lloalthr Plate I`lnthar L. thrall lw etillareonatrtretlon are 4uperlor Ir merit chuakta In the .n at pnlikt ..PP"1.41 II 1/11"N Illg tt hug. spume for the watthiing hoard tlum Is 111.14,1• 1 111, any other kind 01 1111111111. liv ' this 11110(1. ,111111iitY UN well i.e the 101.11iltY Ult 1,4 largely Merely:ed. .3114;:w Planw hasp livon proitoulu,4l hY tla heNt palters to be nails tilled i,,r l'otrer (tad Moe, tne.vm of • 71mit., I,'(i.u . y and Agreeable l'ouch and Pretniyul Fu inh. 310. t tlattrrJur isirlidestes uf excellence Irain Tuallienc, StraimsM, atilt n largo ntituber 01 the tubed, dirthlgntodiod l'roreismrs gill Amateur*. VXPerl• rare and superior ficellitleti tar Mantifnettiring, wt, pre enallttyl 40 01105 Oar Pattl‘al at as Low prices all are asked by Inferior ninkern. Mond Tar llreular and Pike 1,1.1. ApV3 21, NEW 3.OIB,EANCLFORTE COS4P.A.NY, (CUANPKILIth IIAAC11.1811 4 ) Mautifactureno NQUAILF: .dgrraff e Piano-Fortes, No. 3440 mod 342 ticrou4 A yetis+, , ( OF gm, ..-rd NI V YORIZ. t : J. 1444adiedem•riptive C221.44144;444,14i441 nine I.lxt .Ipril 21, IRK am HOWE'S SaILES. , EuyinlkuurpTioNOFfieWaTlWAVAANT ' ED To GIVL ENTIILK SATISIAeTtuN. 'Hood lor tat o:ake . nn,l tiretll:o'. ffeeinulllonel !lento. of other makenr, taken In *Minty for eons, fur sale - nowT:so4l4f6l, APterkllflet , ,ThwYmlr. 131 Federlilist e 1W on. April 24, Lt i. 3to, 'oAtg'S COPPER STRIP PRO CUTTER, R hand or hotse , porrer,ititturerletlged the .1` VAKIVOT, 14.1.81Erer, caul evory way krlfr }S CUE. For onto by 1. DECATCIt. & CO.. Dealers in wgrtraltricallinptemobta, etv., ..h/7 Witter tarect, New York. Scud ,f;:r Illurtratcti Circular. May 8, 188/1. on ROOFING. =8 rota, ready t o bew dc:m imzi +s, and • , lan Tln. , • HOOFING that con be applied by an oltnar , cultinatr.• HOOFING that will not expand or °unmet by.- he Otto'. of the weather. lii.VVINU that la todaphintao alaeporliat ruhth. fiend for a Kam ply nod Circular. MCAIIY HOtWINfrefiI4PANY. al Maldni.lone.fiew York. May R, 18114. ?tin HORRIBLE t I - lONE 811IFFERXD WITH CATALLIIIL 01 tr years; it Ilad .r estroved my voice and a gnellharviampeßaa Aaist. said hernial. In Kix Weeks I have been entirely cured. For hu manity's sake I will send the recipe far the .ha le rernoay usal, taI.TAGE YOKE, to all a ttl Thome whaLlag ,ding the Salmi, alll please 4 .146 r, WOLDEN, manna 1), Z1T41,18013. 3m 4;thle N.Y. ~P6wrua'w I:+'ow ;ri Ci,nrol iug7ol flkl~tne~z. .06 croup ,. A m 4Vlll6llai: m l - ~ zuw T6OIRSOBB . SI CllllllO Crinolines Are unequal/al fur DlipabLilky rett, the werl,l, ant more widely wa Wan paw ()Lbw. • , Irlaulevalo 4y 11103180 N, LAIVODCM a en., 314 larcorh. ay, April 2t,-1818. am; New York. rTi.wrmfl,l EMO the Keeper, the midi-widened la author. JO hied to make. removida into Ever Worn Cem etery, and hopes Mitt such an enritemplate the re, waved a the remains or deemed relatives nr Risotto will wall Siaralasedves al thisaF et the seer to oi lr:La done. Removal% with protopin fermi low, alatii=l ‘ please. 1-• 1 Dined' INIO , Kim" of She omogm... V. 8 - : - BONDS THEI r :lng, National Bank of Gettys bu rgz trill ri nOla-and 040 U. H. Ilartelt; s site Converses Interest Note* ozonagoporm.,D, Upsblev, . t - • ... 11-Alt .. PBS Undenr 4 iin Par Lb, Wilibelionatbst , j. prices*" T.: Moire atilpanoloes.WHe^ bas" WOW& AIM a simupt001:1111;li lam skim =9 0111CA319. I=l 650 per 2,141 U 10a. 7111 mann ANI . FArTCIII:IOI,