fie if ettpsburg filleflitt. ammer, eivr.r hit sses TER CAMPAIGN. THE ••COMPOULII" TO RE lENLARGODI The popularity of the Usrrnsulo - lon Co)truLta aq an tutrertialng madiam compels an tonneau) more room for that department, without further encroachment" upon reading matterspsce. An other enhugeshent is therefore inevitable. This vi 111 he effected shortly. The pike of the paper will remain she same as itirw—two dollars per animm in advance. I.) =13=02 have coucludnal to roans our Csuipalgn ratesto-30' cent* for • •Ingle sabscriber; five for $22, or teas hull. 11...n0/meta and LVenaerratiVes, woe are entering on, a most Importabl. eamPalitu—one npon which hangs everything dear to the own of the notices. To WORN AT ONCX, reopto lA•ringahroye that In no way con your task be latter done than by aidini to the extent of your nullity the spread of • mooed Demoenstle eading. D6NOCIWIC7GOVINTY comarrrEF, The Detonate&lc County Committee will meet. 11 t t he "Globe Inn," tiettreboht, on SATURDAY, the leth any of .11"1.Y amt., et 2 o'clock, I'. M. W. A. DUNCAN', Chairman. T he follmeing ht the list of the members of the Committee: ;ect) hOurg—W. A. Duncan, H. J. Stable, Ja t,t, rozl. • tp.—Jaeol, Hull,l3.'A. Wertz. 11..rwic It Ifor.—Elw. Wenehoff, Henry Ma) er. t'a,aberlaaa—J. W. Lott, H. L. Bream. ~w w, U M—Jaa. W, Guherpator, Sot, Fichwartz. If !Oland...Peter Ktoner, J. Montt Willonu. Butler-44.1i. Elcholtz, hoffteph Wolff. Frocilnta—Tacali Brawn, Richard Crowe l. rmany—lion. Wm. 310 harry. Jacob Klunk II outing —Jonah Zug, Jerem lab Stay haugh. It./Milton—Pr. F. C. Wolf, Mai. Fleury Wolf. SI enallott—leaue' Bender, A,n o gehloaser. .NlntnlJny—Hosea Hartman, Jame Lightner. 01.111 t pleinalat—Danq Lawrence, kr. J. Hemler. rankl II n—amr. Jacob l'lntik,Yrederlek Mehl. t la ford—Dr. W. J. McClure, Jamb Myers. I ..illnen - e—Johu Harlin, Joel Orleat. SI lirlukerboff, H. A. Gilliland. '1) nnu•—J. C. l'ltteittart, Wis. Stmelr.ley. I m Anins,Ler,ver. !At 11. stows—John Idehl, S. R. 111,414ep. - I Ceoel log—Thon. N, I/leke, Enunauel .II;erl y—Jumeq Corey, 'olio NuetnemaJter. lloollhoohas--Vol. It. C. Swope, I/uslel the ker. 't, I'uvmPENTJoi-rwr,o:ee A 113 Prot , - lometiou —crowded out, by a press of oth er mutter--a 111 oppearin our next. - Till.: total wealth of ea•Prealdeut Bu vnanan has heen appralaed at $3300582. ltrrt RNS from all but .two eouutiem in Misni,sitml give n Democratic majority of 11,05. MI :"ens. Peter Cagger and John E. Devlin, prominent citizens o(New York, were thrown from a carriage In Central Pin k on Monday— the former meeting in-qupt death, and the latter trying on Wednesday. ' • ' • • fl ELDItUiE, was kilted by the explosion of a can emu at UtUp' Square, Sew York, yes- MEI TimtE is a political division in the Sireely fatufty. The wife' seems, deter mined to support the lierooeratic.tieket. She is evidently the "better•halL" (111, TtiAD. declared that:if Johnson ww, not removed Grant would curry -but two Northern Slotes,,lllasaaellusette and Vermont. Doer the old maHgnant•etill hold to that opinion Id awfully, THE New York Sun, a prominent Re publican journal, Bap; that at the Fash ion race course GU Tuesday there were any amount of offers. to bet even money that Grant would be detente'', and yew few hikers. .The sporting fraterbity are mot iu the habit of risking their money .on anything which they do not consider safe, and the indisposition to hack up Grant shows deafly how the tide is 'run- “Omsors.",--On the eveping' of the -Itlf it took three men to ( preserve the .1121/10 of •'Grunt” in a blaxe upon the League House. While other portions of the gas fixtures worked 4ulmirably,.that a failure. "Comingevents cast their shadows before," says the poet, and the 'Grant movement Is destined to fade Into .obseurity in like manner with his name upon the Broad street lobbing establish anent, on the anniversary of the nation's itfirth.—Phita. , 134•x.' BUTLER tag written 'a letter to -inne Republican paper, In which he de vilment+ that the Chicago platform, on which ibitsmit atattda, pledges the Repub lican party' to pay the Five-Twenty bonds In gratrahmeta; and he declares hip determination to *Lamp kis district on that interpretation claim dau4de•frced ;1 NER A L If. 11. URAYT arrived Ia ow einnati last Wednesday week, and .W4lll . alatolutely untiotited In that city. 'Were was no enthusiastic emir,' to clieerdTho ; tin committee called on him ; he was not ,ereitatied ; no one presented a bonnet; te. was permitted to "crow, the river to • viva his parents," with no one to f,nolest thim or make him afraid. even that he unight he asked to—say something. This .iti wore than a mere lack of "enthusi .asm ;" It is au Indication .that where ofrant is best known be is least honored. !For a candidate who Is running on his this new aluienee ()Cony maul nestation in his favor In his own section .of the country is indeed significant. A ?alt Autortment—The attention of 'Farmers, Builders, Contractors, and oth ers is Stalled to the large assortment of LC MIMI. of *if k Inds suitable for build ing purposes, to be' found at Cof. C. H. BLUSH LEWIS Lumber Yard, at corner of Carlisle awl Railroad streets 'inclu ding Boards, Plants, Flooring, Siding, Laths, Packets, Shingles, &e. Also Posts, hewed and sawed, with pl•ias Fencing Boards, white Pine and kieusloek. /Lis stock is not only large, but his arrange ments are such that he oars sell at the very lowest eash rates. Also, constantly on hand, Blacksmith, Lime-homers' hind Stove COAL. Good Elixir Are Periatment.—ln this IC differs from all hair dyes. fly' its use luxuriant growth is guaranteed, nat ural color and glow are restored. One trial will cause you to say this of Mrs. 6. A. Allen's -Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing; tin: one ltalan). Rvery Druggltd sells it. Price One Dol lar. a July 3. Im, Medley testimony from the Cbarlifuihm '' al Union, Washington, D. C.: Iloofiand'e German Allen t.—L" [UM* , caption, we would call the attention of , our readers to a highly scientllle prepara tion, the merits of which have been at ,tested by hundred. of our_moet intelli gent citizens. It has acquired a repute , lion over the whole country as the best tonic known, and for Dyspepsia and all aliaeaaea arising from a disordered stow- Judi, It has no equal. It contains noel. .eoholle spirits - of any kind, but is purely Negetable la Its' character ; and we can fully Toiled for Its curative properties, Laving used It esuselvea. Hoolland's German Tonle is & combina tion of ill theingredients of the hitters, with pure Santa Cry& Ruin, orange, anise, ke. It is used for the same Ws ranee as the Bitters, in eases where any Alcoholic Stimulant is tvmulred. It Is a PrePahlia". of-sue 'Medical virtue, and 1104MMIMMIlble to palate. Prbitelpsitellies, eel Arch street, Phil= ,adtelphla,=liohl everywhere by drug - Tkrise irreverent lade who called names after a certain "bald head" of old, de served their untimely end, because at that time ne panacea had been discov ered to restore the human hair upon the bald spots. Bat now' Elug's Vegetable Ambroala Is known to possess the rare merit of invigorating the Toots anti fill fug them so full of life, where not-entire -1 y dead, that they cannot help putting forth a new growth which rlvala in beau ty the locks of youth. Duracrieu Lafayette C. Baker, one of Stanton's pimps, died at Philadelphia ou Friday last, worth $200,0011, WAIJIKET MILPOUTIL OrNgmbarg Fr/Jun, 11 00 RYE FL0UR,...... . • 7 00 WHITE WHEAT, .... , . ...... 2 25 RED WHEAT, ...... 240 6 245 CORN,.. 1 15 RYE, . 1 30 OATS, 75 BucKwitEer,.. - - 1 00 HAY, _...." • 8 00 0 10 00 CLOVEM•SEF.D 6 00 FLAX5EED:........„......... ' 2 00 PORK ' ...... •••••• - ' 10 00 ==l . . FLouR, UOO ® U 75 3Vilß6ml l. , Al 9,9 255 HY]; ....... ......... .....i...... 185 0 1&I CORNI 00 ® 1 10 . 0AT5,......,.... ........... -- ... 82 ® 83 CLOY ER-SEED, 7 50 ® 8 .50 TIMOTHY -SEED, 2 75 (.1. 3 00 'Hoag, "ti hurrd 11 75.80 12 75 BEEI , CATTLE, "41 hund.... 850 ®l7 Off HAY, . .2300®2500 nom", Phila.,— ,' 1 401 I 33:3=1:7 On the ML inst., _by Rev. J. A. 8011, Mr. WO. LIAM BOLL to 'Milo; AMANDA 310411111 AN both of York.. = Coutixonilaatest. Plosl, - ;k the Sth Inst., HARRY DIETHICII, In fant wut of D. H. Kltrigel, aged 8 months- not 6 days. , Ho to thy net, my child, Ho to thy dreamless bed, U tie and an leekd, with ble atni on thy head. Fresh roses In thy Imml, Hods on thy pillow Hastsl lona tile feat ful land, Where nowern so attlehly.tade. For no, 0 Lord I whatever lot The hours emitnilmalun'd bring, _ If µl4,,nay withering blessings die tor Da n:S . clusters spring. , ri grant that still, with gntteful heart, 14 years resigned may run; 'TM thine tip hp ve or to resume, And may, thy will he done. FATII The Agricultural College of Pennsylvania. 1 117.1111..C.A . N u rlaZ I.,.l.S)"tlitZulrUnB'.ll7lGP.,;i4l,lll'[Til. MCI Ut": A tiltirl:l3l'lLE, m 'SlePtl.-0 . 11: A\l) CIVIL EN4IINIKEItINAL AND ENGLISH AND CIANSIV-11. LITER:ITritt:. Find term Ile g i tin J tz 1y zitlilind emir. December 1111 h, PR). Fur tatithet tytrtleultult apply to d-.1A11..4 Y. Mt F.E, Vice Proct., Apriculturel College, • Jttly Uetttre - NOTICE. I, , ASTERN'InSTILIIT OF I' _E4 At (14 , 1t3 o:arg, thr Isth of -hum. A. D. 1 , ,t.h. The loulentigned lo.reby gh es Wail, of Ills up polutment s A•tiltmee of F'nment 4.llllttehnuul, Pf Lt . et/linty of Atlum., yud law.. o f en n. 1% Ivan la, Within said DlF.trlrt,who 11An breu fulnulgoil a nnukrupt upon Ins own petition In the 01011111 Coon of Phlrlt 1. MEMMEMiII= QUARTERLY REPORT (4.7156a1t4; NATI4_NAI. li j. t I NA to, L04111411111' sibielltllll, 4 155,2.1. 7.t U. S. Bowls ut. Wit•ltinKton to secure `ctreulation . • .. 1.50,11110 al U. N. Hood* ea nand . . _ ..... - b4uW M 1 ==M I I==llllffl mean MEM thoth items Expea . . .. Capital stai•li. '4•A ' "11124. - -...--$ . 14.5,110 , 00 . 7 . . .... ... . 1 12 15 1,1 1°1 1:11 ' lirponita Surplaii 3Liite elri ala kii.a.i._ - /7,1u0 Do 111 weountm . ' 4,71 V Oki Yr unt WO it . ... 1 -:: .. ....:. . ... * * * . '' 3 • ln ' II videb4ls nnpaid . ....... 1 eetticy that the above •tatetnpnt Ls (tarred to ae but 01 fay ltpowlellae arid belief. J. EIKOIIY BAIR, Caaahier. July 10, 1:48. , St - QUARTERLY REPORT the couditloa of the.FITMT NATIONAL tir w BANK OF rrTstiunG ,m the uruilig F First .It.oitilay tot July, lOW, =I 111..ounDt and overdratta.....-:. . . FUrullure nll , l l'urrent.expr:...... nud PremlulWs .1,4101 t enue ........... " ;, - ' 3OK lli Um• from IMO .. ... . . 21,10 N 24 U.S. 11011i1S , „ „„ ....... 150,00..1 00 • LIAUILMEA. In "..31011.1481110 Morphia mud ...... ........ ..... „ . 11,a2ft Circulation, .... . 811,144 an Depuedia.., .; 184 1914 Due to Hank .;...a 2,752 12 Illacoauta and exehause' Pruett and lows 1.111 1.41 Umtata:l.dg unpaid.. ICI :Xi I certify that the above statement Ix correct to the beet of loy knowledge and AItNULI). Ca+thtet. July Ill; ISet. at PROF4PECTUS. The Moraing Patriot , THE otnee of the late Felice .r Untie having poised into t he hands of the undersigned, they propose to supply a vacuum that has long existed in the newspaper prow of Interior l'enino I la.. Frog, some IntUKU or oilier the reading miuoiea ,41 the peinoenitic party of the glint .interior , cuußties of the Norte, hive been compelled, i tiller to kJ.) WiAlioyt the latest •news, or pot roil nuts wlpae voltam:a K, sititneuts woe iledastclill to then ry:flut is kW it 40,1 to supply this WSW.. Tut proprietors are deterayined that no elf orts shall ne spared, 04 their liar), to upijsy it ILL LUCA L, ass newspaper, any of Ita,s‘inopett tors, Whales er the eliatrlc w fres are atilto to twain u nimbi, up to the hour of gaing to press, will be toriMmed In art columns es er morning; large Slie will elAtite VI to Wye' oitil, rr much reading matter as any of its euritainirion , rios. As an adv.-140 of sound Poll teal et Ittlifien Ex, but sling nn Ittreloll, Chime or section, but , let oi• ling Its entire energies to the good of the whole party;lLS a et Mete of tile latest news, and a chronicler of passing es etas, we see ileterin hied trust It shall not be excelled; and we .11[1,1,0E1y itypoal i 0 IL Ili..lllll l tuatiug nubile for that uppri , eUttioll plui micourageineut Whit:Wen: 11541 , pell• &Alga {0 strewsii. TERMS! For 'the Thinly, one year to advance 00 ' WS umm " Singh, ooplett, Tuni.n Cnx THE WEEKLY PATRII pry. k ik...the determination of the propriet OM of the / ad to in it:et het r kly Journal fa equal _to .0 the "Patnut S t 'akin" was in its pa bluest days. It wi II one of the largest weekly papers in the Stale, autl it pains will lYe WE. to Oil its oolittims with ruck nvdlnlL illflelerUN wilt be alike Interenting and u.ofal to the l'.‘rnier, titipaiteehanic and the Man of liminess, and to mete It an agreeably and welcome yleator In every family. Every person should I.tileseribe to the paper printed in his own county, and we ‘l.l not mean to enter Into compel Won with the loyal puanwa - of the stve. But, Welke ;ample take their nom, paper anti a .oly ItJper 111 addition. To each we seed greeting. TERMS: hu?o, s py . ao One • Ye.r , ...... 62 :A, Ten copies, oneYeur • 'Twenty copies, one year... 00 Fifty mph.; (tonne addreead oneyear„.. 75 00 Oita huuktni4 eopies. 0 .. 1) All orders should be adders/let; to ° !S, F. aky Ens . co t ` blinalsrg, P A RARE CHANCE TUE CELEVUATED tiOnsE O A. SX 33 A $ xoNv oreEttr.o r908.11.F Aver tl,tgll - will Gr tealizoti from ma's gorse risk to tlt* invent:Sent as Ws We tititureil. For tern., itc., apply to T. T. TATE, June SI, Ilai„ F YI) atitai,alatra, ABATEMENT-SCHOOL TAXIS. AN Mmtement of FIVE PER CENT. will be allowed en all Skhoolaxis for the Borough of .Getty.burg, no caned for the current year, which may tic paid to the Collector, Wm Guinn, or .0 the Tre.teurer, E. U. Fahnegtoek, on or be fore the FLINT 11A1 OF Auo urn' NEXT. ly order of the Dome, H. WARREN, President. J. F. McCitgAnr. Bceretar,y. • Jane 19, VIA id WESTERN PILDENPTION. LANDS. on hand a few TRACTS of No. I, se cond hand. h pre.emptio sk n Linde, located war County Towig ie., 111 wail settled n ehOti ec owia, which I w sell or exchaa g e at Mr pe lOW Estate ke kw i s Adap az ts 01211 IT a Pss. rizoa ARAALD. llato. 7. ti I V& l e lfinseg. 00, %Net and Ba . ll " rodid 11 . NINGHAWM EIghT:DA:4, Tt41.7-lirraagrWiLina.lloclis, GILLESPIE & CO ., Dealers in Fiou,r, Groceries, Notiog,s, G - F.TTySIIITIL(.4, PA., TWLT) U e attention of the Wain to their I large stock of Goode, et theokt stand. on York street, Gettyabortg, next door to the (}Lobe emulating of the beat of fiuthtre, Myrupe, Motaree, C,offeite, Teas, Spices, holtofte.; the BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR in the market.. Irini 'Hann, ghostNem hides. Rub. Dried Yruita, ttatteetlaua o de. Akio, 1 44 -1 7 . 4=;_tz . ; Cedar and Willow n 7s r re . ,Rtone and a thousand = on eke te, oilier articles. BUTTED. AND EGGS, Wee and frehh, , fdways for pale. Co.-Ileolpierg . will spare no effort to please, and are confident of being able to do so by con stantly 'keeping a full and choke stock, and sell ing at the very lowest profits. COUNTRY PIP I DUC& wanted either for the cash or In exchange fbr goods, high est market price allowed. June 19, DAS. tf BOOTS AND SHOES. = THE, undemigned hros ereeted a new building, ror a Boos and illni,Estalilialitnent, on Car hole street, near the Railroad Station, lit (Jetty.. burg, where he now Wirers for gale; Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &r., (or men, women and children, of different styles and prices. He has a tine assortment to melts t from, and will sell et ely article at the smallest, profits. WORK . MADE TO ORDER, of the best mate rials and workmanship. Every ellort made to render satisfaction. The patronage of the pub lic is solicited. in; and select from his atm k or leave your measure. In either ease you can not fall, tote pleased. JOHN M. REILLINC/. 4 July 3. Mag. ly VALUABLE PROPERTY =I nl„.. hhr nbw rLll,l7, , sn , 'utP o or township, on (be itssd hom Nlill to Middletown, about I mile from Arendtsville, ad joining lands of John Honer, Win; morel)Tayor, anti others, and rtintaining 101) ACREM, r leas, The improvements (lensed of a two-story IMO WEATHERBOARDED DWEL LINO, with u Kitelien attached, a 'amid PI Frame think Barn, I:latrine« House, Shop It and Spring House; a thriving Apple llt, Ilan% and all kitoto of c haler fruit. The property is in gtogl condition, Chi' land In a line Mate of.csAltr vat Imi, and the Minding", in thorough pair— the dwelling being sunk-lent ly large to 0,1411- 1110 , illt0 two faindies. About 'lO Ai res are good Mentlam, and about. 21 acres In Timber. It lies on the Conowago. The Mention and sur roundings make LI a very - desirable properly. Persons wishing to view the premises, or as certain terms, will apply to the subseriher, re siding hercsin. DANIEL. AItENDT. • Junoa, DAS. 2to - N E I,EG .4 T NEW TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. 11010. pioperty Ile 1111 W 11,11. u,, oh Ow 01tier. of York mot Liberty ntrrets, Cs@ tt ourg, Pht. It outhelatsr of TWO FULL TOT OF (3ROUND, ' Jt , l rn Irab I y 1.410 , 41, out haling thin on. n Low r i IN)C131.1.: 1101 . SPI. fra m N4 o, entherbarl- ed. put up in the very Bert Ntyle, within iii the ka rt ylntr; al., 4 well of exeell. at !P water, aiud a vorloy of dint, ynyng roll ,' .{rota. The 10114 are water the 13emit oi from. This le n verb .teAtruble, and abun ld nt kale, alltß49l (41301V3E STALSMITII. J. M. AIINNIG-H. ECM 1= ECU =SI Diamond Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon, D A 1,1111041.: mtreot, two doors above Petit ro 1,) square, tiettysintrit PO. Having returned from the L Ity with a full stork of Con fort lobes v, I will sell nt the very - lowest profile—lncluding FRENC-13 AND COMMON CANDIES, Toys, Nuts, Notions, 47e.; and every thl tor behotglng to ft arm-clo.Ks t0n f. , 11017- ery, with CARES, &I . E,ALI ANL) LEMONA la% Also, MEM BEN =I ICE R E M supplied ou short notice E=E211:31:1 TAX-PAYERS. - SliiB,lkil 48 I,y that the State Authorates hotger allow alutlement. for early payment of State Taxes—but taftj Lee per cent. to the ,mota of each county that does not pity by the tat of Atlanta. The COMMlssionet. therefore glve notice that In or der to meet thla dennohLlux-pay. N throughout this rounty will be expected to pay on or before the ISTII DAY OF JULY NEXT---otherwlas the per cent. moot bp added by the Collet.tora In all r 0 rti Oi COllllll isSiimern. I, t. WALT.Pf, MEM NEW STOCK OF SPIONG AND BU.V.If G( AT NEW OXFOSD, ADAIIStO., PA. OMNI Oar Motto is Spice, Projits dr Quick Stiles. THE undersigned would must rrolpect fully an ,o,o'oee to the citizens of New Oxford and • t rinity, that they are ROW recAving a large and desiruble stock oft Ot)011et, bought Winer the rueent decline, and tun otter superior Induee ments to our customer.. Our stock Is complete set purchased with an rye to the wants of this seeti ~,,, et usl‘ting of lay Goods, UrOcerlen, Ready-made Clothin Fancy Goods, Boots, shoes, Hats: Notions, g hinnies are, t/lieetto-arnre, GrilitlAtttnett, ir., Steel, Bar Iron. Horse Anne% and all kinds o f run. ` Together with many other Ortieleg WO numerous to /11 , 11t1011, 811 of which Ims e been bought at the loons ham,. for Ciolh. nnuss Gully .s lit It a 0111, belles - Ma that we on !nuke It to) our Interpol lobo) of UN, for u e drt , rtitineti to Well gonals at short profits. l'ulne on will, 3 our labolley and Me It 11l gtte 3011 1011 solve for It. Liter nun tall beton. purettnNing, elsewhere. ' • FRET Jr. SCHNELL, Suceete%rs, to J. C. Lottek it nom May tan. NEW FIRI4 JN .327 r o.r/ord;-.ldanu county, Yti. quiz gudpralyped 'have Ivor.' the MUCK . w Aithid ip New Oakbrd, where they pre tarrying op the UhAIN AND PRODUCE IIUSINENS, paying Die litglie4f. priers, for Wheat, Rye Co., Unix, Clover and l'itnothy Dried Prulta, timpa, Hama. Shoulders and tildes. iloteipea, 4. 0110DENIIC9, of oil hind., eQttatoutly op hand and for sialesdiutrees, Sugars, Syrup., atolusaea, Teas., Sphere, Salt, 'CheeseVinegar, Brawls. Buckets, Samna: Fitat of all . kinda; also Coat 011, 1 , 101. 011, Tar, 104. 801 km and Nails; Smoking unit opprinkTobnonow, and a thoamndeotber waldat the lOWent profits, Abe,, first-rah-7 Floor and Fred [larder, ph o p. phittes, tivanos, Coal, d.n. VHF:I(MT CANS rah to fiteteagon fSons, North Howard aqui% gplUmure et try week. Goods carried Loth wuyo, prmiiptly arta at low The patryttage or the pubill. is solicited. Xvitsy offest made to MELHOIiN New Os tord,ltay ' 13. SELLING -OFF As roptd/p as /eaaMokr room for more GROCEIFIES Jr' LIQUORS. ei.,V4:l4oJuit rein rued from the City with the lamest and mast rioted assortment °trine Was ever °Pored here, I expect everybody to IA aludrlittercet and buy where they an Bet the rikruipati- wt. brat fur the CASH, tor that in my motto. FAMMI' HBHCF,II, of all kir:awe/nu/4MM i n part or syrups of alienate, Maumee, Hawses, Coftees, Teas. Spices, He. _nowt, BACON, LAUD, Dried Wet, lame lot or vorY litoy ~i lCars'orgod Haute, No.l Mackerel, Shadraud I erelott. mla Y or ij4 q . tj t?t i rfgt " a * tit t ga '" tur=ct i r i t . o h fu ' i; French :Army, Holland Ulu or Fite WhiliteY— for uteHicul or other purposes. How* Keepers is. tai appealed with Liquors at City prices, and save freight and pacirtme. /dishier's, 11o0glanini and &apart Bitters, also A Sneer . * Grape Wine. Ut. 4, NIKH, Baltimore street, yerium. HAT '3 , , ii/a• if THE amount of John C, Onsby,Cominttlee of Harsh Diller, a Lunette, as esbllrited by ey mas Diller and Dame entity, Administrators Of John Oraby, deceased, has been tiled to the Court of (Asuman Pleas of Adams county and will be enudrased by said Court on the 17lb day of August next, unless rause he shoats to the contra/7, J, 4, King 11.1p1, Proth'", July 3, 11464 41. SOLDERS' DISCHARGES.. HAVING procured the mow Docket, I am pr parevt to RECORD ISOLDIER.S' Dis - In with a recent .A..t of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Rokilers art osfitioliod against delay In Oda matter. W)d_ . D. HOLTZWORTFL Registeeitithcorderhf Adams couhty. lane 5. 1169, tf 7 WOOL gga WANTED. • • / .1r n rtiie w int at, ti. N. Oar. Square,' I= NOTIONS, JOSEPH S. GILLFISPIE, DANIEL ME 'OTICF.To NOTICE, TIE PENNTLYOII 111T1111 Life Insurance Company OF PHILADELPI3IA. ' ! f . i 921 CHEOrTNUT STREET I=l $2-,000,000. CaARTSu rIRI'STO+4 All the Surplus divided amongst the Po ll• cy Holders every year THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN 1331= LOSSES PAYD PEOISIPTLY All Information will be ebeerfelly given I= Agent at Gettysburg, Pa July 3, Mai 3m JOHN C. ZOUCK, Land Agent. NE11" ONAILD, .1131 AMS COUNTY., AAA FOR MALE 150 FARMS, MILLS, FOL:NDRIE . 4,3fACIIINEE4IIOPS, TA V ERN f4TANTC, COUNTRY" SEATS = D=l EE1133! Persons trkhhu.: to purchase as well as to sell • properly welt to ghe me tt e+.ll lit my oilhe, or aldhiresx by letter, 111 they will Ilud It to Llil'lr alltage Uuy.e, PON. ly SPRING 'AN I) SVMMEIt CLOTHING. GEORGE ARNOLD - II 1.1141/11e11Cli n htraStot kof ItEA Di-MA DE la.tly of 111;1 own manufacture con..l%ting of all sizes of PANTS, VESTS, COATS, SIIIW I)II.IWERS, CIZAV.ITS, IloNtery, &e., at pre to ault the times. Cul% exatillub ikud Judgo fur yourselvev =1 NEW HARDWARE STORE, zr:z/rrizwron:i The undersigned Imp e oliomnt all egtenxive Ilardo are Store In Lit, Adams county, l'u., and having' purelnutel their stork from Kodetti Mann forturers,areprepared to tell goods In their line at the Lywies•r cash priers. Their assortment Is large as welt as new, and embraces (they can only enumerate-port In on advertise ment) the fidlowlng IRON, STEEL, - Bull•litvg Material+, N.ULS, Carpenter Tools, P.% INTS, Mlneni Supplloa, OIES, hhoetualtert i 4 SS, Saddlery Flrallpga r iIIOYTHEIiI, Coach # Oar Mattarlitht, FORKS, It,d Sole Leather, SPADF-S, Itloromoa, tte., SWIVELS, I:elarware, fie. HOES, &c: • With a full new stock, bought at the 10.4 ad. vantageom, rates, We 111,11 e the. pubtlr—tow•u and country—to cull and is suited. We are con fident of pletuilug, both as to ponds and prices. Mechanl., farnals, anti all about to build, are , pc, tally urged to eon's.. They can do better a ;lb us thanat Kay other Moro du thu county. h 110413 4 shIEELY, Littlestow it, May 29, 18614. lY NOTICE_ .WILL I WILT, In, In Gettysburg, with FLUUIi, &e., on every MONI)At and nit DAY, of esvh wet k Perlman who may desire me to lurnlah them with either Flour or Fee 4 Kutrwill leave their order,. either with John L. Tate, or thinner Zierje . r, /darting the kind and quantity, when the Fume 111 be delivered nt their. dweilhigs eEoRw CINOELI.. March !7. 114 , 1. if UXIOX RAILROA BON DS. TILE First National Bank of Gettysburg LS agent for the sale or the FMII7 HORD- O.LOE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTERWC RONDA, at par and futeretit. aalutereat altrabie sentl-mmually at. the counter. • Ail ;wefts:try lurinifitit Inn le cHt. GEO. 1411i91.14, Ct'k +Lc, Get typi, a rg, Nov. M. ►FIT. NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS ! Pembudadroinr Likvaillut and nktlisiu *early, NINE PER CENT : , are requested to call at the Gettysburg National Munk, and obtain (Umtata of the Coloin Poelge , and also Central Pastille Railroad Composites =1 These Investanonts are daily growing In favor aqd Males !nereaelqg Bonds can be had at att thin at, this Bank yllare all laMrinatlon coucernlng aald Invest- malts will cliepriVll, Ito givon J• gliOny:BAM, deapter Dee. NI, IW. t t .Tl - I,E LATEST STYLES OF ELF4INO a 81144E4 Rata, Oaps, Boots and Shoes, ROBERT C, C'OI3EAN, Chaabersborry 8(.14811 41144 re. GRITYSINTEM, PA., Wltate the public tun llnd a largo and vartmtai• aortment, which tla la loillas cheap Ile Ciao manufsetures and repairs HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, mirkallry and _on reworkable terma. WWI*, Trunks, Vallee*, Tobacco, Cl - a great variety of Notions. Give me ealL Play I, Mt tf L,4 WOol Shirt& iEld Des CVZIIISMILOP37 TIIN GRIOT - A Aft.RICAX COMBINATION BUTZ'ON-HOLE, OVERSEAMING SEWING MACHINE le warauttolta exeeuteln the best wanner every variety of Sewfntl, Gemming, Felling, Lbrding, Tucking, Braiding Gathering, Qiiallting, Over aeandas,Banbrolderin_g on the edge, and In addi tion nWtee beautiful Hutton and Ereletolta in all Gbrita. 4 IT 11,0 NO CQVA.L. BEING ABKOLITTELY THE BEST F.4.311LY MaCHINE IS= Al I) I NTIUNSICALLY THE CHEAPEST, FLr U 4 two Mc...hitter remained in ens by a simple and benast(bri areallanteol arranpearat. - Circulars with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had on application at tie Oilier, of the Agent, at A. it. Felker* CSlnft.etion ` Cry and Variety Moire, Baltimore 81., Gettysburg, Pa. D. W. ROMIMON, Agent. Meditate warranted one year, and in. alert ions given grutultoustrto all purchasers. May •,bs, tf CRANGE,OF FIRM lIIIIE tnelendyned have leased the Warehouse L on the oonnerof Stratton htreet end the Rail read, In Gettysburg, where they will gar* . en the Grain and Produce. Business In all its branches. The highest prices will al ways he istid for Wheat, Ilye,Vorn, that s er and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Maniac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, :Map, !lams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line.' Groceries, of all kinds constantly on band and for sale—ColTeres, Sa gan., Molawea,S'yrups, Teas, Spluat, Salt, ClleeSt, Villt`glle, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Itroornx BaCk eta, Blocking , Samna, ow. Also COAL W. 1., Flab call Tar, a.c. F JSII of all kind.: Spike. and Nals; St auk lug Anil (ilea lug Tolawcoa. Tiles. toe ala ay. aide to supply a that rate arti cle of * Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. A Iwo, Ground Plaster, with Gum.en and other fertilizers. COAL, 1.1 the Inishel, toil or ear load. We will utnu run Lines of Freight Cars to No. '77 North Mr, et, BA LTIMORE, and tl.ll Mar het street, PIIILA DELP/lIA. All psalm sent to either of the attove Owes will be net:rival and forwunled promptly. (Mods atrould be marked "Ileuners t 'ar." 11, S. 13/744NECt & April 10, 1 , 44, If NEW FORWARDING AND " COMMISSION HOUSE. ' Ufr A VINO purchased the extensive Warehouse, (Sirs, Fe., of Culp ,t Earn.haW, - the under ‘Onfed Intent! to cal ry ou thy huffiness, under the li, fa of Ingham k ro., at AMe old stand. on the corner of Washinvt on and Rai Iroal streets, on a more extensive wale than heretofore. We Ore pas Ina the hlghdat market prices for HAY, FLOUR, DRAIN AND ALI. JUNIN OF PRODUCE. • FE.Or It and FEED, sA I.T, and all kinds I :la kepi onuttantly 0n hand and fa sale, vlioapt, than t !ivy tall be 11111 i nn r where rime, I.I.AsTKII., and all kinds of FhILTILIZEII.O, 0010dant Is on hand. jrl fat n lt.hed to order, . REGULAR LINE OF CABS will leas, our Uurellow, eNery TUESI.AY MoIININO, tool le(411111111Klut am trains will be run as occasion may require. By this arrange mt we sir,. prepare4l to cam ey Freight at all Ilnow - to and from Fhtltlmom. All busineaa of Oils kind Ct as, s ill be promptly attenfiral to. Our eat.. run to the Warehous, of Stereinain & Son , . 11l Nortlt Howard street, Balt mg !hilt nuhusl lu ptly good prior u , neJ I cheap rind deal lairly, itiN Ilee erybottv to ;dye ivs a tall. Vi'3l. hI BIORANI Al N.X . ANON It JAIII.B MOHAN. Jan. 17. McCURDY & R&MILTON, =I PLO IR, GRAIN, G o NOCERIES, dra tiodendan;d are payine-, at their Ware -1 lean., in C.,rligle street, adjoining 'incident Hall, the high rt price,' 19r FLOUR, WHEAT, 'RYE, COHN, M H OATS, BUCK WHEAT, cLOVER AND TIOTY SENUi, POTATOEs, and Invite produturn to give them Lail before <4.•lllng. OA) hay fm •; I= Ilarkbra: Syrups, Cofleca, Sugars, &c:, with Krill, 1 , 1411, (Ms, Tar, Soaps, Bacon lola lan!, Tobaccos, Se. Also the hest brand, of Fl obUtt, with FEED of all kinds, They likewlbe have SEVERAL VALCABLE FERT11,17440 gulable Puente Guano, Rhodes' Phosphate and A A N.•xlimn Guano. .- • . Whilst they pay the highest market prices for all they buy, they sell at the lon eat living prolltii. Titer oak nature of public patronage, resolved to e satisfaction in every inu.e. ItfillEßT•3fefliUDY, W3I. P. HAMILTON. ilettyhburg,quly I, 10n7. MORE NEW CLOTHING AT ABINAWRHOFFS, :T ACKS O TliF4! T BRINK ErufnFT, coiner of the Diamond and York' Atreel, hasiii4 returned from the city with an uncmially at tractive moon meat of E(dC , PRING & HUMMER WEAR. which hew lit sell at such prle. sot cannot fail to lake th, m ou von: rapidly. Call and Judge for yourselves. To look at the exisdlent material, tasteful rutting, and .itand substantial sewing. .and then to get bow t . o--4.llll,l4CanilOt help but hay, w u. it this) net it All 1111101 to t holt. Intsir v..: d,, 11 , COM., kanle, VestS,of all sty les and ma teria iY ; flootsand 'hoes; shirtik of Jul I ntls.lioatery, Gloves ; flandker ehleln, Neck-ti CraN atti, Linen and Paper Col- Innt, Stowen e ;Orwthew, Combo; :Trun , t mt,relWe, PoOket Knlves,Se gun., hto.Jlt lug and ClteN,lng Toba,outi, [(clery, to Cloks, Wittch,4l, Jewelry, wl tl/ouldkuil and one Other 1'M..4, enures- too nutnerntla to de tail In n neN% nruner ndverti,gement. at.k. .Illculloo oftlie public to his 11evr ntoek, contlJ. ot that It - will plense—und no one cw4l W 11114.1! on, lupe t Imlot the plaev— of [01: strut and the Inah.othl, Get,- JACOB BitINKEJIITOFF. April 17, lAdit It DR. JAMES CRESS, DRUGGIST, SToRE Mt k`EVM BEILMNG: BALTIMORE REI L'ITTLESTOWN ISAVING owned a New DRUG RTORE and .11 fitted It up In thetwat style. I offer my atoeir of wire and (pull .91tUfiei to ti.c annum* or Lit tleatown and vicinity dp the lowest Packet rides, coualating In part of DROOP AND FAMILY MEDICIN - EFI, PORE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES PATENT MEDIC! S. notuip OWPEIIs Pure Spices, Ilyes sue Prug gluffes, Perfumery, Toilet Suipi null Funny Arnolas. "A full ausorl ment of I trushas, Stallone"). of all Muds, Cigars, aa - Moore'a Eleetro4famiette Soap will wash wash hoot or soft mid or'. arm. Cloth. washed , with this soap are mud° bentrtifully while without bolting or Mutng.. This Is the best soup In use. Try It. Ills worrankti not to Injure the hands or thlirle. JAMES CRESS. ! ittlpatowu, May 11, saws. ly A SRVANT FOR ALL goti,improvnuent fur Opelika'''. C/diddit and Laeltillidd 111,A.T lao attaiihial to any gale and operated L t front buggy, twin or saddle by one hand, in any dealivti eittlition.frote the waddle, and elo+ed from one point, at any dietanoe from the Irate. Thin Miro\ alutple and cheap, vet perfect and 5t5,55; Will not be dixarraneed Eby thesaggiug of the gate nor by the frost training the . post h ; may be made at a country black amities and neatly attached to a gate. The un dentigned. having the Hight for-Adams county, will sell Township and lam itighla Of lilts OR prnyPNlet T4l t 41f FItiCAN LEVER Akan, hail will be 'minable intd conve nient to all who have gates to drive through—ax they remain by their team, open, close and latch 0 nate, ont the necessity of getting in the wet or 11111,1. Far tart- 1 1Pr Inf4rmatina. a4drea. lik4A 04 MM.I I / 4 1M ljequlleu r. 0., 201045 cu 4, Va• May 1. ISM. M. Robert D. Armor, GAS FITTER, PLIIMBER AND BELL HANGER, Ewa gays square jvc. t Chunt-Amfm, CIETTYSBURG, PA., W prompt o. l . d , o a n t e t e i n o d t Lo . a m il oa c t : rd . e t rs in hie :man line. manner, and at prima es tow as can potisibly Wonted to make shrills. Gan PIPE furnished, ca weU Clts,adati Bracket., Drop DON, tkol also WAITS, SIAN& W)ISIO.IiNAK IfingoS, and, In short, eve.. tythijog Wanjlifit _to gas or water &Mama Belle hens , tarnished it deaf:ed. LAST NOTICE. t reebtrad the late Orin of lifo• o - let . vaL is .t.„,?leatue call and settle. will be left In the Lando of illngeer . ft!r . o)llBo- uo., ro w d to pot— ceORDY &inkrit. oct. n, Par. et SIX DOLLARS. T WILL peyAii Dollar* per cord for BLACK L OAK BARK deItaRN CEO R O IESTS 4. Yarn, W. U ' THB ftIiFAT CONOWAGO, PHOSPHATE, I= C. n: 71E.1N0.41; .14 P., LirfL.ENTOWN, PA E Conowego Phosphate is destined to stand D i d the head of Atnerleau Fertilisers. It has a ady proved Its SUPEItIOIt taIjALITIFIS, and ample isoi incates of Its high merits will soon be furnished to the public. The proprietors will spare no means or pains to make It a reliable and uniform article. It Is superior to Peruvian Guano, because It in MORE. I.ASTINO IN ITt4 F.FFEt.I . and EQUAL TO IT ON TIIE FIRST CHOP. It does not over-stimulate t h e cell, as most of the fertilisers to the merit, t do,,and leave the land after gathering the fist crop In a worse condition Odom before using it, but It remains an active fertiliser in the toll, and continues year nt show Itself on ever) crop that is put in TheConowago a mts contains a large per. eel:doge of Ammonia pe hl, which are essential cloutentet to 1, oso table food. Thep either enter climetly into the plant or prepare the olkalo, ht tto•tton to du •11. The 11.1. e 01 the ConoWago Phosphate in PI RE It tit' BONE, otopletely nod th00nh2.111,% tltssol% td vt about the sae of any % °lntik ativit I One of the credt ad% antak, of the r‘gurnago l'hosphate lethal tt a 111 di/o.h t. the sru.d I a the toil and art the stlb a free to le. abeorbed b.) the crowing plant, whirl.* a sery Ittwortant Immo- Went In giving tit Inneamand strength 1.. the %Lai k anti 511111.11. It will pre real Ile Joiloty anal to,igani of Crop, thinn are toreett up by It wet and want, wince], and will greatly feel I Hat e the ripenow hI the , !train owl seoli e• it , wcwast the rag. Ageneles nn. be , s¢ eatablo,hed thronghout Ihe country wherever tertlitcers are mold. We are not atrald to place It beside the beet in the country. - . • Let all the farmers and planters make up their minds that thee will try the Great Conowago Phosphate thin fall. Pries Fifty Dollars per ton. ' BENSON kt. Proprietors. 4/Yr - Tho Cono" ago Phocphule being made very rine, and thoroughly dlguargrated, makes It convenient to use lu the drilla, and Intarot mon, (rek ly with the soli. All farmers know the wi. t antage of nne fertilizers. June 12, Mag. if REAPERS & ➢LOWERS DO IX: ES' PATENT • Ohio and Buckeye. E. BALL t comPAsys World'd Reaper and Mower TT AWING had consider:Ode experience In the sale of Reaping awl Mowing Machines the last few ears, I has email.; it a point to ult. ruo machine to the !limier that u 111 MA when thor oughly tested KIN r general nil hautitioll,liiiii hence 'have drelined the ogency liar nil nut u hat 1 ie. - nsrd tile try In flaw Market.- 1 sow oiler to the Inriner the onling season, lAIO of %bid I consider the tool tae. Last season I wild thirty-UN eolith) Oki it) !WM EY IS knit., at. which Olive given entire satisfaction. No ma chine fins ist n returned, neither has there been uny difficulty with any one to whoni they Were add--. 11 paving for tin ir mar !tines promptly. Curt I Ili rite h Irmo hai.e purchased could be proem ed, hot I de. to it linnet...mar) —but for Int.irnint lon u (add I, ler liirro.NN llntl all: mach iirer to anN of fin , folio,. Inv gentit men xitortmlatetett KlO tuts e loan Itt•ltt,t, 1/11leili1104: . : Jti.i.t. Hatli.m.imr k tt , 1, I:tlwartl W'o'oer, Jaeort Ft.llt r, Samuel Wm:otter, Wtlll nu \V, rt,Jr., Jolta Brim keritott, ISt-n.16.11. Shell), William lllgham, Neu Itm iltorlier, Runk Mgt..., Sllttu livrttert Dr : tittltlulutrougli, Jottn•lletintt„ ' 11, Itry wangler, :he:kph l„ lhatigh, Jan. t. Vs skull, Stteeph t'ollo t Lou, Frettt :Irk Puller, Get..l.t, ItteMt ;., henry Weikert„ Dan let Nutt 11, Ilettr;: Butt. . - 'fhb( Inn. !ono hot. l(( on a(r i d no((lals ((nil tint l'r( the l'( . 111 w ,, Is milk, lowa nod Nrw York State Fain., and In linn(lrerlx of ( ty , Fnir. In all ((arts"! lb. country, Invludingt Ada/.. ( - booty Purl, Ihi‘111(1, Meet', rd the fink It, slaw it lion(lork(N Illy In the fall of 1 . 4111, mkt at as the l(e,t Pinibil.lop. Thlnlakel(llk ( mut w Ilk the taunt vompheti. start r.N. y , tins V. here It has been in. tnolio (.(1, it Lott t 1.1:( II pl PCl`til.lll, over in, Moen whirl( Int% e lasi ((tofor, heti at Ilna-1 la., In lightnes• of llr.ift,exovllence and ell (Imo, of w (ol(„tinto‘Illp Riot w 111, gl 1.111 .1,11011 owl lol,tptat lon to all of w.wk, tt w ill nurpli(o nor ulachlke here Whore oil. rckl lit the farm,. The ••• link ink , Chine boo, horn counltlvral.lN lin pros oil In t(lie Lot 01,1 I. kart antra 10 gh e ynorral sat -I,t,tetinn or no . "I lA'ultl 11. Nli ( WElt AND ltF.k VEIL . . . 'fat. Is yn t nth, 13 hen' Machine, hut Judging (nail its .611-.1111. Hon and Hu testimonials it has isl, it' will be the hadlitg nun hi ie. Thr gt tiring Is elll out of solid iron, tanking es cry heel alai cog exael, tilt tug tin elose,iind running ns true as a cloFk, makes the machine rata h lighter or airlift, 1111t1 Ito raft lag of eon, Or wear. The gearing lit all closed in altlght ease the Same as alk /Itch, ittarely rot haling enter, dirt, or gram, and Indef..] tires old lug everything that Is rah 111111e+1 to pros.- injurious to the Ma chinery: To oil, low open the 11l alien all the oiling plaits are repo.o.f and I , OIIN en len t lv oiled.. The tails are all elltrased the saner as the gearing and t of in the stone way, and when ome lightened doffs, Olt It is . 1 1 1, 4 1 111 n, ofworkt log letse, as 11+ will, falitellll - 1.11 The t 110 1101 lit .0111.14 111 n 01111; dint mai Wile a lilt proper titre, 3301 last a life Mae, w lilt Ii is it mat Ivr eft r 3 tarthel should take into isinsl.l, raisin, before hat lug at the present high prices It 111..11111e, TF7 , T110:•:1" tII , II.EV. JA1:1.13 11. TItOSTI,E. 1.1 Frt.d'k April 22, Ina+. Mu. Wm. M r 101 l p —1.04 t 1 pun Intrq °Iwo( E. Ilall'oi Woltl,l. rI ItEAl'Ells, and tined lt tamd hurt eat ill Culling MN Una grain and aroma and Wine la \" netkinta lout 111, eno iwallotiCal lii ...Ong the{ it Ka% a Ill,' more matisfactioll as a etnublutSil Machine Ilau any I have ever used, although 1 lase I r1..1 wane .even or eight other non [tines. 1 rt . gald 11 the 111,17 met lltue In mar ket, mid do not hesitate to r. , .,naluend It tw sat II wall) p , 1 , 541 %%Walla: a Ilnd-eitl , s Ina, tine. Your., Sa , J. IL Tao.ri.s. I can Os. furnish 11. \1.1:8 (11110 to thoac whJi• Ins that inaelilne. I can furnish 011,0 8.4 Marc to cult farmers, and will s, ll as single Moss arc of Cointkliied Ma chines an alnwers—`4o f-rake—llainl-rakr—Dro per—or liropp,r and e zohl nett, I nhi utrio agent for AMPS 111I41nii ,~i pytl rlll, Which can be Oltii Io•lr,3 ta/... , af Those having bawl, and haling Dropper el n he ueeaninnslatol 1, sending In their 9rders rally 111.1 'Miffing the kind of machine to they v. 5.11 (1.111 lilt", hell. Price Semple mach!. s Ito be well m the remidenee of the t; bserther, too Wiles tram Oultykhorg, on the liarrisburit road, ur nt the Woreht.mse of Bllthani .1. Co., (h tt. Atm rg, 110. 1.1100 hoop gm hnnd WIRE-TOut•H HAI HA li - F_ , 4, , 4TE EI, Pl.O ci FEED CUTTERS AND FARAIINL4 /Mr PLEMIININ Ia:NEPAL/N. • Farmers wuniti do well to exautine qty . Ina; eldnoi hol*,,te Lag eloeWhere,aa I keep noth ing hdt the tpest, Extras etnadantly on hap d, anal I have made ornatigetrien to to have repairing done In the best pporible wanner at short notice ayd nioderate WM'. WLIILE. May I, Mi. an} J. H. SHIREMAN'S REAPERS & MOWERS. AWING been agent for this pinch limit.' ten ft Ix ~: l nuty r ll t iNK It to the farmer ;his I wan 1 . 6 premium at the !tenth , : s, air, also at the liettrshutg Mowing Match t..% et . `et all othun, whicil were eonsWerett splendid -maehlneg, and littewlse at the I)lllshurOtowlng Match. Flaying concluded not to otter any mat lime that will not its e entire satisfActlon, 1 have /erased /44 - et/vies of several other Ililic/1110 , , II Ild non otter this one as THE GREAT MACHINE 01."rHE SEASON. Hat Ing, iritsi o n e 1113 Mir, I kW.: exactly - what it w 111 do. I could refer 3uu to seureei tit fanners who husk, purchased muebints of toe, who arc highly pleased and say this Is the only maelithe they would use. • • Fatras,alwapi on hand, and repairing done here at my Mao, This Is a great cotp•ideratiop —din machine coo be repaired ai hulite haute 4tttil, 044 •k to, 4 4. d, leas runt. Ma her great S. lug to the li/NDER whkh is attached to this celebrated Reaper and /dower. IL has been thoroughly tried, and given entire satisnietiou—rim I ring no harvest hand except a driver. Tttts Mader ,an also he attached to the Roa pers whirl. hits 4' beet. 444414 I ; 1441 t cannot be at tasand to any olio r ma, hi ne ext ept Ihireman's. -.... . . . . I will here icier you to u leo furluers, In differ ent totalities, tylto pay. Ixtuflit MO liSt".lthece te l l l n l et,m ll.4elV yc. Ott-pi:eft ..:.eater, tier, N :en) fntntutt, lir:Stener, j e Wieruntu, Mr. !Ann, Virieth Jneolitt, .1. R. Flerithey. .Incol., Hartman, IL 11. Woodburn. J0e.,1, Inman, with