THE OSTITESTRO ciournme rviistamo mart secidir,: By H. Z. NTAHLX. Tatum—tMo Doitana per satinet fa advance— Two Doct-aaa AND EurrY Canrra U not paid in advance. No aubeeripthm dumaunn e d , noble at the optkro of the publisher, until aU arrearages sire paid. Anwinmesacznan Inserted at the lanai retell.— ',win reduction to those who advertise by therms. ' you Panetta% or every deaeriptlon—from the sandiest label or card to the largest handbill orgglidgeseigengkantlirvispayekla &workman like mannetand at the lowest livtoa retail. ()mem as street, a are doors above the Omart-litinee, on the opposite side, with Niket4iburgUsingther - 0111es. so the buladlng. Attornies, Physicians, &c. ✓Od. 11. LZIWEXIC. TTORNEY AT LAW, OWN. PA.. t 111 proaaptlyaltbroltat i a l e l t j atels, conveyan ce., writing of deeds, leaxs. dc., and all other. business entrusted to his care. °fare on Frederick street,st theotTlee formerly of Dr. !thorn, and latterly that of Dr.. Kinzer and libtle.ll. UK, Iy* • .) 41 C. yrez.r, ATTORNITY AT LAN. Particular attention paid to collection poinsty.~ and iiacklaiy. thili R. E. Collier Of the Diamond. liettyiiiiiirg,Aprilll,lll63. tt EDWARD A. IJUEHIGISQ, A TTORNEY AT LAW, - . Win ralltdally sod pesallikt rylittend to aU amino* antraatod so aim Ho ri t a l l•knath I:lthaarn atz:e j t, nal iL r iIF ..: ey drug .tare, Ala nearly opposite Danner .4 Zleg! ler'a .tare. (Ipitysburg, March 20. iferrINAFTGIIT, JOHN M. KIIAUTH, ATTORNEYS AND 1...1/17NRELLOP.8. g - 1 MN iNAUOHY has associated JOHN N. KIIA - urn, Eaq., in the Practice of the Law, ut his °Mee, one door west of Buehler's. Drug Store, Charnherstiung atreet. Sts attention 'given to snits, collection, and settlement of estates. Alt legal business and hints to Pentions. Bounty, Back Pay, and Dam an3l4l.ll sealant United States, at all times, promptly d efficiently attended to. Land Warrants located, and choice Farms for sale In lowa and other Western Staten. Nov, 29, NW. WK. A. DUNCAN; A TVORNEY AT LAW, Will promptly attend to all retgin Minimise entrusted to hint, Including the Pr' 4 utir qt ilre i gay,andall "Mar • uIeINKIN &militate t:nrerumrn tA. tidies In North-west corner of Diamond, Getty s burg, Penn'. April 15, 1407. if Dr. W. ✓. IIIeCLURE, pHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCTIEM ftavinig permanently located In New 0:1Nnl, I t 'mimic%) his profession In all Its branehes: His trien.l6 and all others desiring hl. proteftlohal srrvlres are,requested local' and consult him at nix utllre, In Honorer street. „May 2U, 1P67. Dr. F. G WOLF, 141TIO LOCATED e g t ,r 4/ AFIT Ty. BERLIN, AD riopet. that by strict attention to, professional duties he Jolty merit t 'lure et the publl pa "7o4, INC tt =1 'USA BF/4175(ED the Pruett - Cm of Medicine In LITTLESTOWN, and offers Wu services to the public. Ocoee at hl house. corner of Lom bard stneet and 'foundry ells n near the ("slimed. Newt.° attention given to Melo VIIMMeIi. tlestown, Nov. 8. nut * - • • ' W ; 1 4 . . J. A. X-111(.17/fUNFI ;If ING located at NEW SAI,EXE, Franklin 11 ton nship, Adams county, offers his profes sional servierx to the public. lie hopes by strict attention to proftwalonal duties, to merit, a share of patronage- - /May 29, IWi, tf DR. D. M. ECKESRODE, ry A VINO Joel retuned loom the Vaiveraftyof 11 Marykkald and Hoop Hale o fillillmore, has Warted at FlRlDlAlitilitliG Rod offers his pro feemionel services to the public. Aprl/44, INK If 1= OFFICE AND DWELLING, A lew doom from the N. E. corner of IMlthoore and High effects, near Pnrchrterlan Church, Clettraburg, W. April la 1. J. LA WREN/ le MILL, Y. b., DENTIST, • 2 hoc his tines calealeor repot of the La -I.Veran edniteell hi Chanobetallura alrtet„ nod oppo site 1/r. C. Itoruers otnee, Where those wishing to hove any Detd,al Operation performed ore respect fully In, tied to call. RETERENCI6 4 4: tire. Rae. IL h. Rougher, D. I)„ Rev. Prof. M. Jarolia, L. D., Prof. M. L. Shover. tlettysburg. April 11, 'A SLOEi. I= LITTLIIMW,7, ADANA COUNTY, PA trnEondersigned.havlngpurriumedtlie .. filobe J, Inn" property, In Gettysburg street, tittles- Xown, wngid Most reepeettully Invite a sham of the public. pritrOtinge. Ile promises the best the market eon affiml for Ills Mole. with the cholmot liquors In hit her, and comfttrtable beds and chain bent. With ton •iderable experience, he thinks he oat portly claim that he knows how to keep a hotel. Thera pi isitin raelatilng atenekedi as erase foie for tiMsmai. lin attentive oittleratways on hand—none other than an accommodating one allowed on the premiers. HS Ins Ilea a large share Of euetom, and will epare no ettort to deserve It. Littlestowa, May PS, IsUS. If .• GLOBE INN, YORK STREET, NEAR 771 E DIAMOND, OKTTYSBURG, PE-V.'r A ffINE , undersigned Would moot respectfully itn Ws numerous frieride and the public rlemortiL, lied he bee parctulios" that king auab xlied end trail known Hotel, the "Globe Inn,," In York Mr_ ,iot aptlyeburg, and will %pure no effort to nondilot it th it manner that will not de tract Ar t from Ito former Willi yo lotion. ills table will nave the beet the in t ton afford—hie Lnamtemei are fitilial•ON and iirtned be oa 1011/ Is flu Ma lOW a fill of *tiff* and llinirs. There I. large stabling +Hitch& to the Hotel, which will be attended by attentive cot lore. It Will be It Onetant endeavor to render = Heat sanalhatillin to ble p.m., waking his as near a bowel to them on ptronage, oesible. He iMino a share of public's ed sa be Ls be dese the rve a larg part alt.determin- Reiroosi. bier, the "dbibe inn" la In York Navel, but near f 4 plainnnol,ur Public Square. saasuri. WOLP. APrit-0,..10114, it - KEYSTONE HOUSE, LIJAMBERSIIIIBG Br, GETTYSBURG, PA IVZ Z arY BNB. P.HOP.BIATOR. ?IR is • less fitted up in the moot op- Plowed stslo. ita loaation la pleasant, control and roavonlest, &ivory mesunpurbopt has been made for the accommodation midi comfort of games, Tao Tabie Sao/ware have limo boot of the market, and tho Dor the tort of wines and There m commodious Stabling attached, with an secommedating ostler always on hand, This Hotel la now open for the eultortslunuent ousblgalsl.aadsot platierW N J an. be spend teareallet Jan. 14, leig. EAGLE HOTEL, vow extottiAnAsis CtAffillY, PA. - fl . 'WE oodenthined having purebase.l the Martin lintel protbefttp,in Hew Oltfool, 'Adams rous t0:.11I g er t rot I . t , lo n i e bt p lr e s, under n ft th i e r tir .pare po etit:t ppt the cotillion of Itneottit Ilk (gbh, pluall hove the , test the `car oto Who* and 41. Wtt lftfl e tt irli fil tr un nia • 4"u t i lsr•thrt apel,pps , i to ph sa the ' lO, ViFallr. 11 be Ittreodedybl:iod =girths' ostler, The for holies to st 6.1 to Alf plebfferprospe, ond will s i worf try to deserve It. Member the ‘Poole,.tii IttfloceldtVg %Mei P fn a gf''''' d • Nom , Oxfortl y IMMIX Will3T. 'Marsh IS, ISI6. tf EVERHART'S raIEISA HOUSE. nattan se LT 7411.11 , A7UX• FILASZLIT4 ItAlMOitit. ilds 'jaw .le ea & direct Una between the Northern tha Ind and Baltimore& Ohba liallread Depot& It ban bore refitted awl amillorlsaklar ar ranged kw the tonveulanne and the entertain ntrlnt of . s iMa, u 1,,• , , 1 • •-•- = -IKijilfTli'D. •attlitli W•ltTallHOtt ram Of FICIAt RIMY. OF THE WM, re on., Chares&N,tiladdielesad Bendra. .. ' let. PIS. apirinviiii**. alrltreinaa. • *ask &ea I) eeithrerea Nis& all earliamn r i llisosic laressols as oar at Ohs OMNI= si e=astbaseinesielar NO* sat Ike gnat eeelleet. duly Iluasnra la IteSae&andtaleNdosrbswasebsd the •0044••• at iseral Sala He toweeedis state re& by wee race.eabbesso_ 1111 r. trosa also pas Mira siseraidosii afaNiitSbesealle. TN* plate% UNA Wm New Needles& .1111 AP. PAIIENTLY SIMILAR rttoutranOstu, .I*.• •en • . .or Ere, With agreeable and ma =4......664 an . •_, • • 1 pl Ow ilillene order. The , ' 1-- • - . flas AT Mi LAST . 1, 6 4 K " 4 . 45 ' ' -'-'' • ic . " .'s ' ii ."''', , ' 4 ' T 4 -"•- . . ,':. A , --'; • . 5.1.4 ,,, ;'""'" ogiiii*.;,ex "*"1 • • ' ~.....1 16 Igliitall:'Pa.. nePoilirti4bicti, bas a sO 4. t K — NPW ) " .. . lb 0F4 00 1 40 1 m . WOW /0114 t O ) LU I FFROVW, e a V i keti .- 'll GETTYSBtRGah— , gv k .- - ;11 . .. ~ . _ q t 4:.. ..., ,:, ~., • - v • A "- "" ' 1 •:: ',- • • ' ' i hrto . ..., J- 4 1 - .•- I'l s '-- ---_-, -2.4 ,. --41 4 1 to 1 ! C OMPILER inr H. I. sum. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIWERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic TUE GREAT EZXEDI yOg 41 LI. DISSAALI2I 07 THE LIVER, STOMACH, OR DRIES- VFW ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S .GERMAN BITTERS eon2posod of the par* Juleps (or. u they are ettedieelly termed, 't Strode) of Hoot*, Herber, and Bork., =WWI a proPeratiers.ldghly rofteentro teal, and "tirely free trove edeohollie adadrteres q. aft tied. HOOYLAND'S &RAN TONTO Is s combination of all the Ingredients of the bitters, With t h e purest qUallty of [lsla Cruz Banc, oftUntP, &C., Lank nag one of the moot pleas ant and agreeable rev:afflict' ever offertut to the public. Th,re preferring • Medietne free from Alcohol ic achnisture, will use lloofiand'a German Bitters. Thome vim have no objection to the eomblua lion of the Bitters, aa stated, Will use Boo Hand's German Tonic. They aro bath equally good, and contain the saute medical vintage, the choice between the two berng a Mere mutter of Lode, the Tonle be nig the nowt palatable. The atomach, from a variety of mug., such ag Indigestion, Dyapepilla, Nervous Debility, etc. is very apt to have Its function. deranged. The Liver. gympathizlngsia it dews with the titoroech, then become. affected, the result of which Is that the patient gaffers from se% cent or more of the following di, usea CONSTIPATION, FLATULENCE, INWARD PILES, FULL, F 4 OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY 01 , TM: STOMACH, NAu- SEA, HEART-BURN, DISGUST FOR Four), FULLNF.Ns 011 WEIGHT IN THE wromAcH SOUK ERUCTAI/ONR. sIN KI NG OR FLUTTERING A THE PIT OF THE OMACH, SWI MMING OF THE [LEAD ST , HURRIED OR DIFFI CULT BAT THE HEART CHOKING FLUTTERING OR SUFFOCA TING 14,ENSA.TIONS WHEN IN' A LYING PO4TURE. DIMNKSS OF VISION, 00Th OR WElss BEFORE THE SIGHT, DULL PAIN IN THE HEAD, DEFICIENCY OF PEItspI RATION, YELIAAVNENs OF THE SKIN AND EYES ,_ PA IN IN THE sIDF.; BACK, 'CH LUS WI HES ', LIMBS, HEATInV , SI s RN I N t DDEN F OF G IN THE FLESH W*STANT IM AGININON or EVIL, AND GREAT DEPRESSIoN OF SPI The sufferer from those tUsassee should exer eige the greatest caution in the selection of a remedy kit Ids taw, purchasing only that which he Is assured from Ills lin estigullons and Inqui ries possesses true merit, Is skillfully oompound vd, is nee from injurious ingredients, aud has established for Itself n reputation for the i ore of these diseases. In this m mu.x thus we would aUlimlt &Lose well-ktufwn renualhas— HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC • PHILADELPHIA, Twenty-two years since they were first Mtn, dared Into this country front Germany, (Wring which 4i10.4, they have undoubtedly perforated more cures, and benefited suffering humanity to -a greater extant, than any atimr remedial littoWli to the These rent edit% will effectually cure Liver Cont. plaint, Jaundice, Itespepsis., Chronic or Nervous I webility, Chronle fHarrhula, Dis. any of-the Kid neys, and all Dieernaw arising from a Dittordertai Lis Cr.,JL.IIIIIIICIi, or Intestines. DEBILITY, Revolting from an y> Cause whatever; PROSTRA TION OITEIE SYSTEM, induced by timers - Labor, Hardships, Exposures, Feverst There Is no medicine extant equal to these reinedles in such mules. A tone and vigor is im partml to the whole system, the appetite Is strengthened, food In enjoyed, the stomach di gests promptly, the blood is purined, the com plexion is-comes sound and healthy, the yellow tinsel* eradicated from the eyes. a hkmm giv en LIP the o beets, and the weak and nervous in valid betmnes a strong and health) being. PERSONS ADE—INCteD IN LIIE, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, With all its attendant ills, win find in the awe of this itlrriatm, or the TONIC. an ellair that will Instil new life into the elus, re store lu a ITIPSISUM the energ, and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and gist , health and happiness to their remain ing yew., NOTICE. It is a well-eadablithed fact that fully one-lialf of the fe le tiortion Moor population are sel dom in the enpu metal of good health; or, to use their oun expression, "ne, er Wet well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nee- YOU., a n d have DO appetite. To this clam of persotis the BITTERS, or the TONIC, to especially reemnmeuiled. WP.AK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of these rewiediew They will cure every olioeor MARAS MI'S, Without Nth Thousands of certificated have accumulated le the hands of the proprietors, bat space wilt allow of the publication of hut kw. Thus., It will be observed, are men of note and of sue t standing that they moat be belle, ed. TESTIM ONI A LS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pa.„ writes: Pfitiadetpkfu, March It, leU7. "I find 'Hootland's Garmun Bitten' le a good tonic, useful in dlesesea of the digestive organ., and of great benefit in mums ot debility, and want of uetYOas action In the system. fours truly, 1380. W, WOODWARD,” Hon. James Thompson, Judge of the thiprente Court of Penneylvania. Phaadelpala, April 18, 18011. "I consider 'Hoofland's (lemon hitters' a rate able wetter we In ease of attack* of laligesVon or Dyspepla. I cuu certify this from my expert euce of It. Your., with respect, JAILIiZt TIIOMPSON." From Rev. 'Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Parlor of the Tenth Baptist CharchaPhiladelphia. J. Jactrea—Dear Kir I I have bran frequently requested to Connect my name with rocommeu. dalloint of tatTerent kinds of medieloca, but re garding the practkv aa out of my app t ropr i lde . ct e r P.rogitruevilialout Coles s lusto d uceit il aud ' pa bu rtic w ulari; in nay own fondly, of the urefuluem of Dr. Hoof lead's German Bitters, I depart for once Man my mud/ course, to express my lOU oorivlctlon that,fer general debagg the awstena, and esprenal type Liner Cbmplood, Ow a e4e and rateable pee- Mla same caw+ it may OW ; bat usual ht not, it .111 br very beneficial 1n those who gaffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KENNARD, Eighth, below Coates St. From Rev. E. D. FendaD, Araistrant Editor Christian Chronicle, Philarla. I have derls ed decided benefit from the use of lioonanda German Bitters, and feel it my privi lege to recommend theta. a most valuable ton ic, to all Iftal are suffering from general debility or from desesses sexing from derangement of the BA LT, - Yours truly . E. D. FENDALL. CAUTION. - - - Hootiond's German Remedies are counterfeit ed. ?tee that the signature of C. M. JACKSON, Ls on the wrapper of eneh bottle. All others are counterfeit. • • Prluelpol office and Manufactory at the Ger man Medicine tMore, No. eM ARCH Street, Phil adelPhla. Pa. CHARLIE!, ]f.-FrANS, Prapriefte, Formerly C, M. JA&KnUN & Co. PRICES. Hyland'. Her. utut Mitteraper bottle, - oo hoiklbson, - 600 Hoofland's Gorman Tank% potlaphln yunrt bob. 50 per bottle, or • indllbarten tor 60. - rfi - Do not longet examlne well the arUele yon ny, In order to yet the geoid ne : iNt - frOi oda Drugaltd. yera.y), Jan. Yl,lllllO. Porn 994P1E, uNd lw Hundred.. 4/ Cbeignandkna. for Mara or Onnanadon Purparen ALM, Aaptaerd for Ladino and Wank.* Prront TO USK. YINSY•RDS, NEW JERSEY. Spites hit Pipe VW, Fir Tan Md. MOIR Justly celebrated' Wine is made .1 from tlie pike or the Oporto native Grape. raised In LW% country. Its invaluable Tonic anAnSti'enti , ilienblifr rkperties an ansaryweed by any ether Waive Wine. Re. I , nre Ake Ot the grape, ooed m lir Speer' elee . s veto persoaa) and sea manna are jittowitelm. s Mal mai_ • Wake of it agequilitlee,the woomot InvalidUt = use It to adrantar L tiV *Lar ld R I O%) the Vali: illgeli_fd RI it diet Realer sex. ilia, wrev7 MP.% WETS TO AT JIITIJEM 0.1 1 1. BllseerWPOrt PisissidsisussNpeer's Port ` r ' ° s Weakly perusing And • besasoby UM • Elpeel l / 2 4 1Mus fis Hospitals aneeprefeeresiSsistk et WNW - Skid FlevelostiodrOTocern. ineriim pod. supplied by Johnson, fliniciway Cowden, and Plumb, akb.r g iodt Q,, fn nib, deiphia lapisses Vineysird New Jersey, liNise. Boutairssl:ew mitquitit, W. IT O,YF2, I- 0 YES! MA S T BARGAINS AX, NEW aILOCMII4 IN ONITYNNURO. JOHN atE:as a sow IIAy): opened $ new GROCERY, In Gettys buil& on the north-west corner of the Public latualre, and have Just received it epleixlkl mart- GROCERIES. Inetpdlnz Sugars, Cuftes, Hyrum Taut, Spices, Tobacco, Malt, nth, Hama, (*milder., Ake. Also, QUEStikBWARE, CONFECT/ONE, Nuts, Fruits, &am Fancy Artldes and "'Maui generally. We win also ksep ea band FLUITII and FEZIFIIITIIIe FR. Having purchased for CASH, we are prepared to sell very cheap. Mee as a call and Judge for yoinvelves. Sept 2", 1967. tf GREEN RIDGE STORE. T'HE —der:l=ml YTION i4TORE, at Green Ridge Hamilton township, Adama aounty, (Hasstirs'old standj on the Otrliale Turn pikr, to which he lIIN Hes the attention- of the public generally. Waal.* conalata of BtiilAß4, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRIAN, ISOLAMES SPI(TI4, P ESSENEDi, OILS, JILEDICINES MPS'S AND WOMEN'S HOBE, ULOV E 2.4. aUsPENDERS, NECK TIM HAN DR ERCHIEFS, BUTTONS, THREADB, 1112CHHEti, AU. , &C., itC o 12C, In short, a full assortment of everything usually found la • nrst-claas More of the kind. His stark will always be found fresh and full. and hie pri ce. among the very lowest. No effort spared io please all who may patronize him. JOHN U. RUFF. April 21, 1d J. ly 1 Y , . DESISABLE lig. DRY GOODS ! Most .Areellevit , - Asiortareati SELL for very small profits, and aim at. doing • very lame hostiles. FASHIONABLE SHA7)D4 OF ELSE SILK 125aM FAIsHIONARLE 811. - AL4.4; OF FRENCH WOOL .M Mt! FMHIOSABLE 61iAi424 OP ALPACA POP FRENCH CHINTZY* FIVES, PERCALES AND LAWNS, . . BLACK SILKS,. PLALN SILKS. PLAID SILKS. SWISS LUSLINS,JACDNET AICSLINS, CAM PRIGS. BLACK ALPACA, PiLoai:D ALPACA. BLACK rinmito'!wo RISTO.HI SHAWLS CASHMERE CASHMERE SHAWLS, TH HIM' SHAWLS. CLOTHS, ('ASSISIERE4, CIA)A LINEN DRILLING, VOTTONADE. TABLE lA/VERA, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS TOWELI4. BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP f4KERTA. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEEs. EMBROI DERED HA N DK ERCH I EFS, HEMSTITCH ED HANDKERCHIEFS. MN,NN, LAIJIEN NlD*o.s4' ANIvi'DILDDEN'N GLOVErA AND D'D A'N [NOS, I ant constantly receivitnt the latesi styles of itt ond 'Fancy thrs,do. Sty stock comprises everything tumidly found in si first close //MY 000118 11T1 tRF too bleb I invite the attention of the tatbik , feeling assured thot I ron utNy chwiluitte euittixiiitsuu with all other glue* in quality of goo Odu und tow 0000 of price. tt.CH/CK. Gettysburg, May 1, INK tf LET ALL THE PEOPLE COKE! FFiney Coo* and Confectionery Store. TRArUnnaerntc 4 l4 b 6r il ra b nl ig t i l t nregikui l 4: ou Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fak e...docks' more, Gettysburg, Invitee the public's patronage. Large cud tiottenal tete stock ban in•r no etrort be stared to render It still more attractive and desirable. He now offers Writing flowita, Plain Candy, • Work Boxes, Pawl , ' do., Portfolios, • Picking, Satc, Bara Pock hel. et Bente, ~ Lobste ttn rs, ea, China Toys, Chnerschow, Pocket Cutler,. Fancy (likes. Jewelry, Fertile Crackers, Chew, Wine thecalts, ' BrusheS, Memnon 410., Perfumery, Fire Werke, Mop, lonea Penc ils, Combs, Writtut P aper, Pratte, , Envelopes, Nuts. .. Tobaoeu &Mem., , SYrupa. Ake., to.. "TOO NUMEROUS TO IiFiNTION." Ile Intrisds to torn everythingat the /owed pork fade prises, belierlag that "small profits" bring "quick D es ," and ore therefore beat fur buyer auti Conte one—come all ! A. R. FRIBTEA.. March V. INA If lIITESHEW'S NEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND DIDNIUKR. rf AWING just rant:l4llmm the city with a .11 large and well se Stock of DRY 000 Del NOTIONN cauximmi, ADEENS-WARE, HARD-WARE, Bo , fiHOE7S AND HATA, I mil the attention of my customers Ind the community to my large stock of Goode, which I. am now offering at lower rates than they give been since the war, and at prices which cahoot hal to strike the purchaser as cheap. With every facility for purchasing Goode at aglow gimes as any in the trade, I am also prepared to meet competition In ow prices from any and all quarters. Prompt conformity to the lowest market pricer Is my established rule. HIT} KEW. Petersburg, IY. 8.,) May I,lB®. tt GROCERY & FLOUR STORK .W.E.3fO MEALS & BROTHER IAYE removed their Store to the Netastadt prt.perty. on Chamberstarg street,' wham ity propose to keep constantly on hand =I GROCERIES, Flour, Feed, Notions, &e. VEGETABLEIt la season fresh from the city and country. They me determined to sell lower ea We timelier'', and ea they only and the Mutat living prollis, they Dope to mutt mad reoelve► liberal share of nubile LDlt. oatronme. April 10, INK lill EA tf - Farmers, Attend to Your Interests I GETTYBBURO FOUNDRY. 4aE sninerlher would Infpe hht enstomers nd others, that he Is MIT manufketurtng ve nous kinds at outings and Machines, made to order, ea short motes, such as THRESHERS AND POWERS tr a t T u z illlhrent slam of Powers,) CLOVERAIRED R N AND CLEANEM, CORN SHED LEAS AND SEPAR4TOLI, CX)RNPODDRI4. c . laTEßsi i rltAW AND H A YCUTTERS; PL O SO HS, nettes Osed Mostar, Darshear Ploughs, Mehl]) and Coma Phsegha* tha WIRESPRINO HORSE RAKE. the latest Improvement• also sniEEMANS SELF-DusemAimmio meRsE RAKE. Re will likedimtnaltntastOre ROWERS AND REAPERS. METAL SCREWS for Cider 'Presses, IRON RAILING asrCentatertesor PIM)" With eterstkitm _else in Ms Line, Mien rates. I Oaterborfe Wagon. PAYM 8 77 8 " 2 - April 111, mis. Osborn Isnufastartsg, Wpm. Isl Siveeese Sleergi N. T.. “ (*nowt inflp I:ficl trfpfAL CAGES, tea. fin Thr oeaCend &el neeemee ude etisenset rode& of styles and ish, Canary. ~rot Morn*, Batt Hquirreh They sot Itotehed Ina eupertoe manner; no PAINT OF Airlf leitOrittriton—ohleh lean Petal to bet& enelanimaJw—belag need In &Mr oroetroo t; 'ltt natal& Plume. Bird Fantle ar . dettlittlf OnooPenalk phon — tusAt tlet — "Tertr - jliestat r tr Ito& our Paths of Inn. Llbers discount to the Trade. Seed for &rem- WWII& ranee Unt. (April 24. 1818. ha MATS CLOTHO WASECIL, zrfraoftoniftsorsitesakzej2o, 7V. rerk.var " WJ a nn" prAtIMINO.—Was. D. Omborn Ike r u Os=l.l7Attaii K. "" V 11 V A * boij'r=mii, P vit= nom ati; duo, sad sot loctoo bawd work** So volnlit Wirklaig asoeiktool Pave so poinhAry ,pigwval foliates that I lOicatraid or rlinityrall *war gi/ in= "1"4".... Ropaolosr—lt jros bai toNzatiapis =VW El oi rWirel h0 1 bel , g i ti z=t mot Wee tild slam M u lar wib irm grAlqra l li....7.l , iillr , , ' • , • . . Z. 4r. OremeaLagisk ~, . NM lA. " MOAN, . dam o rift e ar l igl ilr HUBER'S DRUG STORE, fbrney's oid Stand—Baltintore Street, GETTYSBURG, AA otA . Mmrcliasell ent lblaol , Maul paularlitand, Tar .' llllllollment, wall= In part P M'. DRULIti AND FAMILY MEDICINEK. PATENT IfEDICINES-A. LARGE ASSORT RENT. MIRE LIQUORS AND WINES FOR MEDICIN AL PURPOSES. SPICES AND FLAVORING F.XTRACTIA DYES AND DYE STUFFS-HOW & STEVENS' DYES, EXCELSIOR DYES, AND THE ANI LINE DY.ES---THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST IN THE MARKET. JOHN CHINA, S. W. CHEM. ALL THE NEW AND ELEGANT PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLES,. COLGATE'S. AND OTHER SUPERIOR SOAPS, HAIR BRUSHES—TOOTH BRUSTIF24 from 5 to 5o cen FORNEY'S HOUSE POWDERS--THE EFAT AM/CHEAPEST; ALSO, FOUTEK, HELL'S, DALE'S PERSIAN, STONEBRAKEIPS AND ROBERTS'. STATIOSEHY OF ALL KINDS. , lIMM==!ZIE:=I BRAIN - DS. PHYKICI ANS' PREACRIPTIONS ANDWAMILY RECEIPTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS SUPPLIED AT REDUCED RATp. Modicirm% tionlalied AT 1.1,Z, 71017118 Or THE Nunn% Night ben ad the door. April ;ISM. ti NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever, REBERT• 4. ELLIOTT, Opposite Mr Cbert-htmate, Odryaintrir, LT AVE just opened a new and large assort il went of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS CLOTHS, eAMIMERIEN, TWEEDN, GINGIRAMS, LAWNS, BEREGES, IIIYSLINS, de., &C. to which they Invite stlentlon--being &term kied to eel] at the loteeet melt prima. April RE-BUILT ! . Confectionery and loe Cream Saloon. JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg, Pa. next door to Eagle Hotel, having completed Ids new building, has opened the largest arwortment of Confections ever oil red In Ciettymburg, Including - FRENCH AND COMMIX DANDIER, Toys, Nuts, &e., and everything bekonging to • erst•clans Onufectionery, with at:waist seouinkna gallows fur Dulles anti Gentlenten. ICE-CRXAM supplied au shortest nortoe. =EX] SECI-.A.R S'TOTtM. .2? .E.31"0 )'4 L She =Jerold - aid Lac removed his Sept Store I=l NORTH-EAST CORNER OF THE DIAMONI), GETTYSBURG. where Le este a oesitinuance of the public's pa Weans° KU new locatlon is one or the most tniNTRAL AND ODIIVENIENT, and hts stock of &gars among the most choice rPirnr . wn. He entl keep on band the beet WAND% and .6w rosaossifochere for proserat .ak throughout Oa ova**. 8s will sell at Ilbolowest. Urine primes, and at wholesale and retail Remember the place, li Die Diorama, between Brbduninktre Store and Mcaellan's Hotel. wesanterzox April 1, Mt. ti ANTHER BAKERY. T .. underatinatt his opened a Bakery at the corner of Waaidniton and Wet ameba CRAW , . beim and brittea the public's petzoonva FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, liner, CAXYA. PRETZELS, 41C., X vss.r . DA Y. By ming the beat at Soar and Woe ragterkaa. anddotng hirers& wNI. behogreaki Ore eatleho- non lu every erase. ' QM it or send your,orders to the bakery, corner or. Weeldligtort and High street., opposite the Female, Institute and Pow ent's Graeae YanL - April 17, MK THE OLD FREIGHT LINE' TO BALTIMORE TR! 94derullg.04 ewitlaues /BB Freight Live to Baltimore, twice a week . Depot-corner of Railroad and Washington street; Gettysburg. Cars ran to Hughte & Emerson's, HI North street,'Dolor°. Freight carried each way, at the lowest rates. The Patronage of hie old Mends and the public goliolted. Goods to be merged "Biddies Lisa." WY. E. DIDDLE. grThe new Warehouse alit root he up, when the Grain and traduce business will be carried on sa heretofore. Highest prices now paid hit Hay. sprit 17, Ugtg. MILLINERY. WKS NeCREARY to Imet returned haw the shy with a !urge hiteurtuteat. of Spring BONNETS AND HAM Mae, Bonnet and Hat, Trimmings er the hateet sty les, wkien, with se saeortnaent el fliokionstoo NOV and Tollnt Good', she Is &is:WHO 1 tin it Utt , Ttfr liwett e mh Peke*. BEADY-MADE BONNETS wilt be kept on band, and Bonnets MI& to order Attie aboreskst raise. • • - • Walloon iiwkied Phodi tO sell win oat tke moot tial4ll, and pallet.' with In "SVidt Gab toSIIIOIIE 110171KAWIL, to bay opsoi, tbaioati., qaolsovane. be, ea lli ar wart Mirger Of ale PialiOna. aw ',Abatis. Pa. einisoism.7.aiggiadi vem A pp,. . carzsztosura r NCY CernHow Oook4 inleiaakt GETTYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1868. Or ALL X/NASI. DIAMOND CHRISTIAN ROFFMAN ritarry rr►xsu. Drab) . leaf the roam tell, Drop by drop the springs run dry One by one beyond recall. Rummer runes lode and die; . But the roses bloom Again, And the springs will rash anew, In the pleasant April And the rummer nun and dew. So in hour of deepeit gloom, When the springs of gladness fail, And the ruses in their bloom Drop like maidens - 441'mM pale, We attain find some hope that lies Like a silent gem spout, Hidden be from careless eyes; In the g.,den of the heart. Home sweet hope to gladness wed, That will spring &trash and new, When grief's winter shall have fled, tilviag place to rain and dew— Some sweet hope that breathes or spring, Through the weary, weary time, Bashi lug forth Us blossoming, la the spirit's glorious clime. conwzarn raoresAL: "I tell you what it Is, girls, it would be glorious fun to take advantage of leap year, and propose to some cross, ,old bachelor; and see what be would do about IV said Cobweb, to the rest of us girls, as we were )along a walk ooe night, not long since; "what do you think about it, girls ?" We all agreed that it would be glo rious fun.. "But who hag pluck enough to do It?" uld Lou Wilson. "Who, indeed, but your humble ser vant," said Cob Web. "Oh, yea; .Cobweb can do It to perfec tion," said Fan Clark, clapping her haude In high glee, "and you - know the rest of us will be around where we can hear all the fuu," Said I. "But, Cobweb, how will . you manage it?" said Lou. "I know you are equal to any emergency, but I don't seem to think of any one you could practice on .this time." • "Well, I do," said Cobweb; "so keep still a moment and I will unfold my plan." "Go ahead," said all of us 111 concert, for we•well knew there was something risk op hand, when Cobweb put on, that face and manner. "Well, girls," - said Cobweb with a smile, "you know there la to be a Leap Year Bail next Monday night, at the town hall, and I shall ask 'Old 'Black,' as we girls call him." . "Oh," said Lou, "you will never dare I he would annihilate you with one of his looks." ."Oh, aho don't you believe yourself. I ruttier think Cobweb lei up to that sort of thing." "Well, °Aweh," said r, "get the pro. gramme all arranged, no that we' can hear all the rum" "Oh, yes, yes," said she, "that is all right." Well, we got everything arranged be fore we went home that night, and could hardly wait to see how IT would work. First, let ins describe "Old Black." In the first place, he is not old, but a fine looking man of about thirty-five years; but his still, dignified manners, and the feet of his being unmarried, gave him the title of "Old Black,'' his real name being Mr. Levi Black, and the owner of one of the finest farms In the town of li-, where he lives alone with an old housekeeper. The next day 'Cobweb sent him an in vitation to the ball, which was promptly accepted ; and Cobweb was in °high glee. The wished (or night at length arrived, and we were all on tiptoe, you may well believe. Cobweb went early; she drove up to the door about half past seven and, running up the steps, rang the bell. The old housekeeper came to the door, and looked es though she thought Cobtweb was crazy when ehe asked for Mr. Black, but she man aged to ask her to walk in, and she yotild telpher master she wanted to see him: "But what under the stun that chit of a thing wants of Mr. Black, I don't see," she muttered, as she went out. Cobweb sat down and waited with all patience. Soon she came beet, saying he would be ready presently. Cobweb "Wafted an hour, and he did not come; then another hour and no Mr. Black. She was about to ring for some one to find out what the trouble was, when in he came, all smiles, saying: "Have I been long? I have been hur ried-so, I am all nerved up." "Oh, no," said Cobweb, "you have been Just no time at all. Well, we will go now, if you are all ready; but it seems hardly possible—pm have been so very quick !" • "Oh yes; I am quite ready." "Well, now we will go." She waited on him into the buggy, and tucked the robes around tilm as so ber as a Judge, and Whored up the reins, and they were soon at the hall. Oh, how honored Cobweb looked, as she came in with Mr. Black hanging on her arm. She gave us a look out of those eyes of hers. that set us all into a laugh ; but all the while he was as sober as he could be. But I saw a twinkle in his eye that meant mischief. Well, all went as merry as could be. When sup per time came, Cobweb gave us the wink to be on hand, as agreed. 'We all swalljsrred our supper as soon as pouf ble, knd went and hid in a closet that opened not of the ladies' dressing room, where Cobweb meant to entice him af ter supper, and then propose to him in the most approved style, as she said. -We con ut Just keep still. Soon we saw them come in. Cobweb led him to a seat, and seating herself beside him, she looked, over to our hiding -place and made a face. That set us all to glggting, and Lou laughed out; but he took no no tif It, 6Q amp tisouglit It was all right. "Dear Mr. Black," said Cobweb, mo ving up to him and taking his baud, "I have long waited for this opportunity to open my heart tit pay, bit hare parer until now found one favorable to my Purliode." fie looked a little surpristil, but aid not seem mud) frightened. "I have long loved you, and know you to be the guiding star of my existent*. Say, now truly, dear, darling George, do you love me? Don't say no," said she, dropping on one Imps, -"Don't 14 3400 islp WiFitutit hype. (*IVO 1110 some encouragement, and I will be the happi est women alive. Bay, darling, do you love me a little," and she looked tip in to his face with such a complete ecun orfpli of dpyistion, Mitt we were all con vulsed with laughter. He looked at her a moment and then went off Coto such a St of laughter as you never heard. Cobweb straightened-up with all the dignity shifeonid command, iuid Wok it blot with a htes 'so lash M Toga arm, until ho stopped laughing, when he looked up and said : "Well, you did that well ; bettor than I could, Milo geed ; and I am glad you have done so, for I could never have had the courage to pop the question; but now you have done the thing—l can only say, I shall be only too happy to accept of your heart and hand. I do love you, and have for a long a bile. I overheard your conversation that night and determined to take advantage of it. Now I am ready to make you the happi est woman in the world at any tine; the sooner the better. What do you say?" Cobweb looked up to hint, and seeing that be was In earnest, wilted, as Lou said. Then be reached out his baud and drew her to Win, saying: "Now It remains for you to say whether it shall be binding or not? I am willing to abide by my promise,•are you? Shall we consider It an engage went or not?" And ho drew her to him and planted a kiss on her pouting lips. "I don't know ; let me go," said Cob web. "You will tell me soon," said he, as he held her fast. "Promise, then I will let ydu go." She promised, and he said, "Now, girls, come out here and per suade her she had better marry 'Old Black.' " We all oame out, looking sheepish enough, I expect. I never saw Cobweb cornered before; but I think she will make it all right; We went home in high glee, but Mr. Black would insist upon seeing Cobweb home safe, for be said be always made It a point of duty to look after all valuable property. How the affair will terminate, I dou't know ; but I hope she will conclude to have him, for be la really a noble fellow ; and then such good times as we would have going to see her In that flnp old hones. If she does, I will let you know all about it. But we shall never forget how she looked when she dropped on ' her knees, 'and rolled up her eyes so loving ly at hint when she proposed. PVIICIIASING a FARM. Collector David Renshaw was a kind b,earted man as well as able; but smart Ls he was, on one occasion, in doing a generous act, be was sadly taken In. An old customer doing business in Eaton, N. H., bad tidied, owning Mr. H.'s firm about $2,000. After settling with trs brother creditors lie (lung to see Mr. Renshaw. "Well," said the latter, "what can you do for us?", . "tlave saved my form for you, sir," replied the unfortunate. "Your farm, hey," said Mr. H., "and what have you got left?" "Well, sir, a horse, a pig, and a cow, and altogether I think they may bring me In about seventy-five dollars—suffi cient, I hope, to get myself and family out West, where I intend to settle; by the way, here's the deed of the farm, sir," said the poor but honest debtor, as he passed, the document which certi fled Mr. les legal right to two hundred acres of land, "more or less," and long known se The "Void Stream Farip." "Oh, that will never do," said Mr. H., and drawing his check for $.500 he banded It to hia old customer, remarking aL the same time that he "was very sor ry for his misfortunes, and appreciating his integrity, it gave him great pleasure to be able to afford him a little help in starting again." The poor fellow was greatly surprised, and reluctantly taking the check, "with a tear-drop is each eye," heartily thank ed his over-generous creditor and de parted, but to beseen by Mr. H. no more. About the ftrst of April following, Mr. Heushaw thought he would up to Eaton and take a look at his real es tate there. Arriving about dusk be "put up" at the tavern kept by his old friend March, who, on learning his guest's errand, said he would go out with him next morning and show him where the farm lay. Nest day soon after breakfast, the two sallied out to see it. After proceed ing a tew rods the old tavern keeper halted, and directing his companion's attention to a bare but very steep and rough looking mountain, that 5t00.21 a rew miles - off, remarked that "that was called Bald Mountain " "That's a rough looking plaoe,'" said the other. continued the tavern-keeper, "the location of your property, the 'Cold Stream Farm,' is on top of that mountain." "You know the pbme, don't you ?" In quired the merchant. "Why, you don't suppose anybody was eyer up filere, do you, Mr. Hen show ?" "Well, what's the good of it—what le done with it?" rnefelly Inquired the atnazed merchant. "The town sells it every year for the taxes," replied the tavern keeper. "They do, hey ?" said Mr. Ilenshaw ; "and pray tell me who in these parts is fool enough to hay that style of proper ty ?" "Why, any of our ehaps.around hers who get Into trouble or fall, huy tt 'for the purpose of settling with their aos toll creditors." Mr. Renshaw took the first opportu nity to return home, and perhaps would Rot have laid the story, had not a friend in asking him ass collector to glee him a place in the Custom House, for one reason, among and above others, that he was from New Hampshire—when he gave his iittle bit of experience with one of the Granite State meth—cque Ineref , 4 l Thfileff'h A PIGGISH Itxtrirraanost.—A CMG try girl, several of whose sisters had rphilpip4 badly, was herself about to take the dose. "I:low dare you gee married," asked a cousin of hers, "after having be. fore yoU the unfortunate exempt./ of your sisters." Eschewed the girt with spirit: "1 choose to make a teal for myself, I'M you aver see a psioel of pigs ruunlag to a trough of hot swill? The first one sticks in his nose, gets It scalded, and then drawit back and squeals. itif Seormd burns his nose and 5t41444 aqpsediug In the same manner n Tne third follows suit and squeals too.. Bat it makes no difference to those. Ilfhirld all he turq thsget in thole' poses, lust Y If the first hadnit got bustled or scald• ed at, all. So it is' with girls in regard Ist Matalmony—and now with this I hope you are satisfied." "IF you don't glee mca penny," said a ' , Wog hopeful to his mamma, "I haat a boy that's got the mesalesi gad I% 114 tipd ostalk 44144--alci vtu.n 50TH YEAR.--NO. 39. WHAT TUEY ALL DOING. The men 'to "Dreamt I dwelt In Marble Halls" hat opened a marble quarry there, and Is doing a thriving business in getting out gravestones. The author of "Carry Me back to old Virginia," hue opened a livery stable, and is carried back in his own convey ance whenever he wants to be. The man who sang "I am lonely ,since my mother died," Isn't quite so lonely now. The old man has married again, and his 'step-mother makes it \lively enough for him. The one who gave the "Old folks at home" to the world has recently taken theta to the poor-house, as they; were getting troublesome. The man Who wanted to "Kiss high for his mother," attempted to kiss his na4h er (or hlm, the other day, and got a wal loping "for his mother," The one who wailed NO plaintively, "Do they miss me at home?" wus missed the other day; together with a neighbor's wife. He is missed by a wife and seven'ehildren. The author of "Roll on, Silver Moon" has opened a ball Ailey. Silver moons can't roll on his alley without paying for IL The one who asked 'Who will care for Mother now?" has concluded to take care of the old woman himself, as no one else seems inclined to. A IVAIF TN AL. In Butler county, Ohio, lives an illus trious member of Ole Judiciary, by rank a J. P, and a Pennsylvania Dutchman by extraction, "which his name it was" Squire Ritter. • Once upon a times knot ty case was tried before him, wherein, strange to say, his decision gave much dissatisfaction to the unsuccessful party, whose counsel promptly gave notice of a "'motion for a new trial," and a day woe set for the argument thereof. At the time appointed the laWyers were on hand with armfuls of books; anti after most of Ole day had been spent in a wordy conflict", the dust of which might wOll iniVe obselired a clearer mental vis ion than that of the 'worthy squire, hp thus disposed of the question: "Veil I gift' dis choocliment I vas villions to schwear he vitsh all right; put' now Misther Moues he says nein, 'and MlR titer Shwa he says yali, unt It's pull Ties pull Tityfel mitt ' ter punks. I keys de Rest hian"—turning to the place in his docket where the obnoxious decision was en it red, and fearing out ibeleaf—"jsbAo taken fres/JANA, and emit anew trial." OLp Peppergrass sent to the register office that he wanted a girl for general housework. About the time he expected an application he laid a broom down near the gate. Presently a girl comes up to the gate, opens it, and strolls Into the house; the broom being immediately In the path, Miss Belsy strides over It. The old man was on the watch, and the first salute the girl got was: "I don't want you!" The girl departed, and suddenly anoth er bullet-headed Nancy appears. Seeing the broom In her way, she gives it a kick, and waddles up to the house. "You won't suit me, Miss blopsey !" bawls Peppergraas. Finally a third appears, opens the gate, and noiselessly coming Into the yard, she carefully closes the gate behind het, abd.walks up—the broom being still In the path; she picks it up, carries it with her, anti deposits it along side Of the woodshed. Before she can explain her business there Peppergrass sings out: "Yes, you can come in : you'll suit me!" And she did ; for that girl lived with Peppergraae seven years, 'and only quit ted Logo housekeeping on ber own book, and a capital wife she made. Pepper grass was right. FELL FROM OKAVE!—OId }3llly O— bsd attended a great revival, and, with many others, waa converted and baptised. Not many weeks after, one of his friends met him reeling home with a considera ble brick in his hat. "Bello, Billy," said the friend, "I thought you had Joined the church." "Sc. I did," answered Billy, making desperate effort to stand steady, "so I did, and would have beep a good Baptist, if they hadn't treated me so everlasting mean at the water. Didn't you hear about it ?" "Never did." "Well, you see, when we cum to the baptising place, Mar was me and rich old squire Joe Smith, to be dipped at the same Uine. Well, the parson took the squire In first, but I didn't mind that much, as I thought 'twould be just as good when I cum ; so ho led him In, and after dippin' him be raised him Fully keer ful, mid wiped his Lace and led him out. Then cum my hum, and instead of lift; u' me out, as 1w did the squire, lie gave me one slosh, and left me crawlin' round on the bottom like a darned mud turtle," THE CAPTAIN'S TILOIST.-A. gentle man who resides in a neighboring town tells it good story about one of his trout log excursions. He was about setting oft; with a friend, for a day's fishing, when an old acquaintance, a sea captain, drove up, and was invited to join the. me cg,plain s baitl he would be happy to go, far he had never eight a trout In his life—and being furnished with a rod and line they set off together. Arrived at the brook, they separated, one going akkuitP and one below, leaving the cap tain to try his luck where he was. Af ter an hour had passed, the gentleman who was fishing above the captain 04111141 within hail, anti rpiiipti if be had caught anything. "No," replied the erptain. "It's these eonfourilied things that Junip ofr the bank and go 9torohug' Into the water that your're after, alu't It?" A YANKEE riding on a railroad car seemed particulary desirous to astonish the passengers by tough stories. At last ho mentioned that one of his neighbors owned au immense dairy, cud woe a million pawls ar butter and a million pounds of cheese yearly. The story produced some sensation, and the Yan kee perceiving that his veracity WAR is (ingot' of being questioned, gppealed to s, frienti of itla as follows: "True, isn't it, Mr. ? l•peak of Deacon Wawa," "yes," replied the Wend, now beacon Brown, though don't know as I ever heard precisely how many pounds of butter and cheese he made a year,—but I know that he has twelve saw mills that all go by tati , - ternsilk." Tax mug lady who wu discharged from a pickle factory because she was so !Meat tp4t the 'lugs[ would not act, km found employment La a condi stoic RAILWAY GIRADIVI. The Baltimore and Ola Railroad has a grade of 1111 feet fur 7 tunes, and one of 1 117 for 26 adios. Thel'essitayi omits Cen tral Railroad hais a grade of 66 feet to a tulle for a dista ma of 10 nillaa. 'rho Western itallraa , In Massachusetts, Was 'grades as follow :—.35 feet per mile tbr 14 miles; 76 feet r mile for 4 miles; and 74 feet per mile ; for 51 miles. The New York Ventral Railway has a grad* of 100 feet per tulle for a short distance near Albany. The Austrian Petnruering 'Railway has a grads of 132 feet per mile for several miles, and an average of 112 _feet per n;lle for 13 miles. Near Genoa a railway has en average of 147 feet per Julio fur a instance ail urges, with a mast imum of 185 feet per mile. The Indian Peninsula Railway has ass fteeragegratli; of 110 feet per nine for 16 lanes, with a Maximum grade of 143 feet per tulle.! Ellett's Mountain-top track, in Virginia, - has an average grade of 257 feet per ludo for a distance of two nutlet', and a max imum grade of ..181 feet per mule. Luella of forty tons were taken over It by au en gine with three pairs of drlyinipwhoeho. On a grade of 158 foot per mile an engine of twenty tons has drawn a train of,six passenger ears with ease. The above grade was a teMpormy one 00 the Minds sippl and Mobile Railway. A train of six passenger cant will weigh aboutoiph ty tons. A.Havarlan Railway has agnate of 132 feet per mile for a instance of 11 miles. A Wurtesuberg railway has a grade of 110 feet per mile for three wiles. On the Detawai e, Lackawanna and Western Railway, au engine weighing 36 tons (28 toils resting on sFx driving wheel's) drew a load of 175 to 185 touslitp a grade of 75 feet per mile, at the rate of eight to ten miles per hour; the load and rate perhour varyirg with the condition of the rails. On the Pennsylvania Ciravitatiog Rail way 44 feet pet mile is found to bailie grade at which a loaded train - will wove by its own weight, and nut acquire a ve locity beyond the control of the conduct tor. , :. In distributing the gradients upon a line engineers are generally agreed that it le, more •udvantegeous to have gra dients upon. short portions or the line, than to overcome tile same difference or the level byygradients lees steep upon longer developments- ESTER ti NeI,„TIONAL CEMETEItIEt4. A careful record luta been / Lauda of the another of Viraleral sohilera who have been hurled lat the Western blit thaw! Cemeteries, front withal we learn that over one hundred thoneaud have been carefully rehaterred anal proper reghatera wade tit the clettartrueut. Of them., there are tit Nutelieti, 3,000; N'ickutturt, 17,000 ; blettipla le, 14,000; l'oritath, 0,001; l'illsiturg Landing, 0,000 ; 17,000; r3totie River. 5,000 ; chauuneegey 13,000; - A iiilerbile 1:1.000, anal ICeuturky, 11,t1011., A Ilmtrrotto merchant bud pnld SM.- 000 in .rents fora store uldeli be could. have bought originally for $15,000. 11114 ease was prabality that of the old trapper who was offered the land St. Paul now stands on for pair of taste, and didn't take It frir lick of the boots. POPE Mut, IX. la In his Mit year. Ma father dled at 84; Isla mother 'tit 82; his paternal grandfather at N. He land three brothers, and all are dead. The oldest died at PT, and the mond at NB, He ham one slider living who Ia U 1 A long-lived family. PHILOSOPH/CA student under ex amination, who was asked the different effects or heat and cold, replied: "Heat expands and cold oontracts." ' Quite right; can you give ine an ex ample ?" "Yee air; in summer, which is hot, the days are long; but In winter, which la cold, the dap; are atoll," A Goon story is told of a rustic) youths and a buzotn country girl, who sat facing each other at a husking party. The youth, smitten with the charms of the beautiful maiden, only ventured a sly look, and now and then touched Patty's foot undet the table. The girl. determined to wake the tad earresse what he appeared so warmly to feel, bore with those advances a little while in silence, when she cried out : "Look here, If you love me, why don't you say so; but don't dirty my stockings.'. THE people of Gascony, France, It is known, have a world•wide reputation for boasting, from whence coiner the word gasconade. A (Macon was once Vaunting his eyesight to a citizen cif pas, is In the Rue Nortre Dame. "Rounds," said be, "(rein Ibis very place I see a mouse running at the tup of the tower," "I do not see It yet," said the citizen, quietly, "bat I hear it trot." A TRAVELLiin, among other narnstions of wonderZif foreign parts, declared he knew a cane n mile long. The company looked incredulous, and it•was evident they were not prepared to swallow It, even If it had been a sugar cant. "pray, what kind of a cane was it?" asked a gentlptuan sneeringly. "It was a hurri cane," replied the travellet. SMALL boy on tip toe to hla companions —"Say, stop your noise, nil you." Com panions—"ifello, Tommy I what's tlta matter?" Small boy—' We've got. a new baby, it's very weak and tired, walked all the way from Heaven last night, MUSH% he a klokin' up a row round here now." AN ille.ll.lliOUß individual at. Torre Haute, the other day, after smoking; put /119 pipe lu his pocket with a package of powder. He was seen, shortly after, looking a good deal auritrl.ati. anti In quiring for his coat-tail and a large piece of ids pantaloons. 2 A siraiuLatt freak of nature wad seen in an Arkansas town, reeentiY, in the shape of a man with three ears; one on each side of his head, and a third —which belonged to another fellow—between his teeth. A MAN whom Dr. Johnson once re proved for a useless and demoralising business, said: "You know, Doctor, that I must live." The brave old hater of everything mean and hateful, Gouty replied that ho did not !Nee the least Aa ceaelty for that." . A tirrt.E boy staked hie mother what blood relations meant. She exelaissied that it meant near relatives, ke. Altar thinking a menuent, be meld, "Thew mother, you must be ;he bloodiest solo. lion I've got." wiiict a pity—A GoldsbeiV WI Wl* brained another wpth a hoe suaspollad a Radical vote. "Butts's to Internal improvements," as Dobbs said be he swallowed a doss WHAT isibiOrgeti Mato soirewsww. never imeMINXI F yet left two to each sar pie obilthrost Palen& To stop potatoes rotting-4M Nems.