r 4 110,0** antrnArt JUXI4 ?6, I'M _ 11. 0 ,4/jilt/Xi/Mil me GA RIME. , Yew begins prott Re11,1 4 1e. - 011 14 1, n t bfobeA Thattelllaialbattleatelbptbl praalng toke— • rissitrcr. an a full *V" fav, Wpart Of choicest seeds, the beat the l,ot pear gave, Aka litailighe niggard - en. where kit toy, nreettbinee tb.• pkmaant odor of ttuf Sbobesah and gatotta, will:. to kar ass of hope Prieektaigig the earl} pea, and fherallibgeo, Isieuttate *ad rellab, and valid elan , lilaheanaltuarppetrabtenrie requires. gilegMtpr all. With careful bands, Ake Role al/p, the balls, and plants, wialek round emb - bed IRMII unapt a bright embroidery Of dower.. ITOW TO NAPE ITEALTITY asAPrl in summing up the new discoveries of 1 1 the ysig..,„{furcgs *pgazitm says :—"The fallortebtltafrapii clop fills" Mat:filly instituted Inquiries as to the cause, and although It - is admitted that it has been frOch thetatevimierand .told wet. sum mer, the question arises if we may not secure it fair crop under such eircum stastemostwhieb arellkely to recur again. - Tina thd West—which last year suffered , as the East has this—have a plentiful enmity. this year, never better, even the Catawba being quite free from rot. This factithows conclusively that moisture in excess is fatal to the grape crop, 'and knowing.this, it will be the main object of the cultiVater to guard against it. We cannot 'combat ul , ll the Fllll5Oll, but We can and should pursue such a course of culture as will not aggravate its effects. "The lesson taught by this fact Is that we should avoid everything in grape cultutti which has a tendency to main tain au excess of moisture around the ropki. Deep treuthing and high manur ing must be discarded, except in thin ' andolevated. localities, and an abundant t )voteck....ri drainage' inpldie i ; which w 11l carry o ff us quickly as puss , e the surplus water. titresphoUlf:tieise ‘ ylliell'have s gentle slop e to carry .awn lie sulliice water, before it can And-its way through • and saturate the earth ; -coarse materials attarkidy e'en should be used when the gritted is flat; and all precautions taken to keep the sell warm and dry. The roots.vill then have energy and, vitality eriough le throw off the mildew, which atieeke only weak vegetation, as we see I tottaike the Dela Ware and weaker glow - -, log aorta first. 'As to vineyards, to be .attrtreof success, they should be on gide .nitis, as they are In the Pleasant Valley reglott, where the grapes, wherever skoorm- have earried off the prise this • year." • 'CERTAIN CURE FOR Fotimmits.—As soon as you discover that the horse Is foundered,. take him to •the nearest branch or stream of water and tie him in standi t ng.ln the, wear nearly up to his bellyahis , head' being so high that he cannot drink. If the water is warm, let him stand in it several hours; then 'talteOnt out, rub his legs thoroughly to• promote circulation, and again tie him in the water, if he Is still lame. :By •repeating tbltimeess two or three times the horse will be effeetivly cured. If the - weather is cold when the horse is fosiklered, that ls, if It is In winter, the horse must - not be allowed to stand In the water more than about twenty min utes at a ttmiti He should be taken out and his legs 'rubbed diligently till they beenne dry and warm and the circula tion of the blood made active, and this Proems must be repeated till the horse Is cured, Which 'ill be generally within townty-four , hours. This remedy will cost 'nothing, can 'do no possible harm, and will.in every instance cure, if the dliwase has not been oetogiong 'Aland Ing. Don't htt,ptrahl to try it.—aural World. PLawren wrrit lasstunk.—lf you have a 'fine lot of manure that yott wish to preserve and rot during the summer, mix plaster tgypsum) with it, mix It throughout-Re oap. , bet Vlore be some Scattered on4lle top and most at'thie hot• win where the juices settle. Plaster not .only holds the strength of the ma• cure from escaping, but decomposes it; the humor thaplastortuniting with the ettrym of, the manure, and the sulphur (of the plaste) with the ammonia which! ealstaaska carbtaasta. Thus a littto, plas ter does more good than anything per. haps. that, eau I* done. to the manure Itesp.---Ptrpf World. Tub Ramie plant, which was intro duced iota this country from Jaya, to the soil of which It is indigenous, is at traiLlog much attention In the South. At'ari agricultural fair recently held in Alabutja, if was one of the special fea tures of the eildhition. It is claimed thist,lf 'properly cultivated and worked, It will eventually take the place of cotton, And supply any deficiency in that great staple production. Its fibres are said to be much Mari istronger than the best flax; tliarthey are as litiO as &hi Island .cotton e and that, after cleaning, they beconie,„very . soft and,, white, abd take edieki tit iciadelyeirethe nest - wool or silk. Eicreral articles of clothing made from this fabric were exhibited at the fath. referredto, and were particularly minced for the strength and beauty of the material. The cultivation of the Ramie plant hail been successful on a nernber nirplantatiens of Alabama. 'Wcittishis.—One-of the beet washes fo otitlbars wound& In horses, is to take one gnarlier' tit • pound of stiltpetrre,‘ half pint of turpentine, and put them into a battle; shake up well before using; ap . ply three times a day with a feather: - c e" MESTa.—Aii a quart of flour with ne . Milk and ittlesatts-•makingbb,k te add a tahl poonfal uf twewer's yeast Or half_teaoup lof homemade yeast. Be. , *thoroughly wo eggs and add bolt; set la a-amall croe by the fire. When well "risen, should be baked in rings 1. an oven'orba a large griddle. Art titian FARXEIL—Nem : the village of M- there lived a firmer who ,en gaged a son of- the Emerald to work for Mak Clue morning in the spring Pat arAlgitest to harrow a piece of ground. Ete had not worked long before all the teeth ezoktot two or three came out of the har row. After a while the farmer went In the field to see how Pat proceeded, and asked him how he liked harrowing. ',Oh." replied Pat, "It goo; a bit smoother now since the pegs are all out." bravaB-in4er at illOm room in state of perspiration, as the moment you become cool your pores absorb. no not approach contagious dinenans githan empty -kora /telt, nor sit between the sick and the fire, because the heat attracts the vapor. AN 'old woman who went into Allei Poultry bueimeae some time einee, under tli e'firdetaiiiik. that she emijd make a 'WM° byaeltinreggs, has qulttellAtlii &aged, bedside, as she saye, "the hime itiVeen lay when eggs ate. dear, !Ali al ways been as they get cheap." Joax /CM ?hoe W.:LAW when, from the "cif out-gbh:4 eiestner, hhehefibo's friend, 'NNW bye, Co nib w;thieiht, of the crowd, :iloko utteehhihsllnt*ldi ",Good bye; Aelel. DRUG iIiD,PATENI' EDICE DEM, NO, „Oe 1713A.N.Ktai tifIWSNT, BALTOTLORE.XD. PN the dPotoltit ion of the ro-nartnetgblp .t K. A Pottlz Q Ilro., Amatott I.t, ltdl7, I, Da , . id I. OI?, l o u lor member of said ann. pr retta.e.l all the right, olio and Inte.retdof the relit - 11m partner, K. A. Pfoutz, for,all time, a and to the Inattufac , . Wry of Patent. iledirint , .111 d, 11:,./11g devntod flinch [lnto, cam and labor in gaining a thorough knowledgefn the .11Itellt Mitt= or p rt•parn.- Lion", I um fully prepared to offer to the rommu.. nity , , FOUTZ'S FAMILY MED - ICINES PuVand umt.fulteratAd, ffurre'e 111C TI:xE—Ful:17. LIAM iNVIOOI44TeIt HEALTH Rnilnitt:ll—Vortes 3:nr.rAntt f.tt•th Ferri m Corot( KTRUP--NorreS Ctt.eIIFIATED ttottmt AND CA1714. I'oWDE:II3-8111IINEu'a RAI,- etWell tiViteP-44111tINIcit . , VmotivVtal. 1.1)0'114 E. 1 . , Jurz, Kole-Proprietor, Agoht for "Dn. Ortovit's MAGNErric B,(LvE AND P LASSER the . DEEtt entTitExT," and the "GREAT ZINGAtti HITTERS." aril-1 also ba;, , a qn,liand a full asaortment of DRUGS, PAJNTS, OILS, Window-glass; Extracts and E.IIOI2CeS of all M oore; all the popular Patent Medicine, of the day; Perfumery, Hair Oils, Huh Dye., and 11(111. dreds of articles needed by Merchants, Farmers, and ilouse.keepers. Come and examine lay mock and prices, and If I cannot suit you, you cannot be nulled In Baltimore. .VAVID E. FOUTZ, At the old stand, ltd Franklin street. Feb, 21, 181.18, ly ,DAVIi) MeCRISAJIY. JOUN P. DiceltEAUY "Best 4** Cheapest." IMMMII SADDLES, BRIDLE, COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, In the County, are alwnyn to be fonnd at the old and well known eland, Baltimore nt. , oppoelte - the Preihyterlan Church— McCREARYS'. Our Rfiliug unel Wagon Saddle,' ar, the most sobodantially bunt and neatest. Our Mutants, (plain and 'direr mounted,) are complete in every relpKvl nhd warrantell be of the S ery orkawnsalp. • Our tipper leather Draft CollarA CANNOT tilt neAT. They are the be,L F1T11226 and mn.t durable. Our I leavy Draft Harneng are made to onior, ak cheap art they eon he made anywhere and In the moat •uladaullal Riding Bridles, Whim Lashes, Draft 111-nets, and every/11i%; ,1n the nee. None beat? or cheaper. Our price,' have Price,' REmtenntotho loweld 11v Ing-elfaintlord A Illieral percentage for cash, oil all bills amounting to $3 or more. We work nothing but the best stock and will warrant every article turned out to lie in every respci t int representea. , • • Thankitil tot past favors we f urttehttebtion to our present stock. MSOMMO=I =3 Jan. 31, I*l • tt k iIiCINGELN ; I , ` BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, BA LTI Nf ORE. STREET, =NE= 111=2Mg .11ifl undersigned ling Just returned from the city with the best and cheapest variety 01 sits, Shoes and °Anton, for Spring all(istlinn ever utlered In Gettysburg. Ills stock consists In CONOREAS gALT,ERR. LAD , LM' BALMORAL CiAj t' . l) R • LAB 1,14' COMMON GAITLBS, LADIES' KID BLIPPERS, NLy lea LAMM' 3zottocro BALMORALte, ' IN LARGE NABLETY. FULNCLI CA Ll' 1301 J 4. GENTS' AMEBIC N CALF BOOTS, (LENTS' KIP BOOTY, MNTN . et/NUKES:4 (Min.:Mg, CIENTHWA7,I O 11A LMOBALs, • OEM's' sLIII'PER.si, ;ill 4) leg, GENTS' ILICOGANs. &C. ' SO r MIMES' CON G o.‘ IRON, MISSES' itAII'IIORAL MIS3F-4' MoRCCO BALStORALB, &C., AC., &('. 1101 S CONILE.F.Kg GAITERS, BOTH' t.kLI , BALMORAL.% IlltoUANs, A.C., &C. • • .., • . INFANTS' SHOES, all styles, _ IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots and shoes of Ilia own manufacture constantly oil hand. All will be sold at the lowest living profits. Buyers, from - town and country, are Invited to call and exam lee goods and pelves before pm , • chasing elsewhere, feeling confident that I can pleaseall who may call. The MANUFACTURING of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters will also be carried on, in all Ito branches, .8 before. Repairing done nn_ehort, notice. By employing none but first-class workmen, and using none but the &latices', leather, he nails con fident of maintaining his former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left undone to deserve R. , Thankful for pee favors, he solicits a eon thing/nee of public patronage. D. H. KLINGEL. Gettysburg, April 17, llght. TO FARMERS ! !Pacific Getano Company's SOLtraf.F.l ' PACIFIC GUANO ! PRICE REDUCED TO $56.00 PER TON, TILE USE OF THIS <12',1.N0 In Mon, land for several year, fur Coot, - Tobacco and other Siring Crime, unwell us for W heat, has mud didi ad Its • acellenee. It is...emirs all the quickness oL I'erIIVIIIII GOMM, N Ith permanent qualities not possessed by that article. Experience lia% .Lawn that thoi Gu.oto ripens the Wheat crop Irma flew to rns dugs 1.11 her than the Super Moog - Mates. It also opens Tolima.» earlier, 1111(i 'MAIO t, a crop of better quality. The Pacific Guano Company has authorized the above oduet ion inconsequence of the depressed condithai of the htt Mtn!: interests In the South rn &Mee. It les the purpose of the Company to tarnish the best ferialger ut the Jewett pew., which they are able to do try 114+011 of no I r large capi tal and facilities. The thtann Is warranted same In quality an 1101'0,1 . 0m by us. .11.11.1101 SFibteo 4E.i*** 7 l frurhlk i .e ß t, ( tg i ttge i .11 in For g. sale by eC R & UDYII.O N 11111 . 0, Get t ediur • M• 'Mandl 17, 1,44. but H 'AY' AND GRAIN T fM s ti o l A rtg u n . ed c o irgr y ld u r ia irin i zi 3 r . e u nTe 6 0 1 ; the GRAIN. AND-HAY BUSINESS, at the old shied, GRANITE STATION, on the Gettysburg Maimed. The r are vrepared to TAY' thebighest prices for GRAIN AND RAY. They keep nil kinds of •,t GROCERIES, SALT; GUANOS, &c., which they will sell at tbe.amaTlefa prtints. PA r lf2P I Ark a SONS. Give us ncall and see ft unl,lv Dec. 30. 1887. 1 y CABINET-MAKING waL B. Bss4 .r, ILAVING located In the town of NEW OX. 11, FORD, Adams county, will carry oh the unlneen of Cabinet-malting, to nll Re bruneh'es. • FURNITURE -4- 1 , kept on bond snit mane to order. He will also keep for sale 0 choice assortment or Ile 'twites the citizens of the town and sur rounding country to give him a call, as he will sell no low as can be purchased at any other place. Ile will guarantee his work to be made up In the beat manner, and of gots! materials, New Oxford, Jan. 11, 18611. tf INSURE - IN THE HOPE FIRE INSURANCE MOW OF YORK. PA" (LATE FARMERS' AND 3IEHCIIA-NTa'.) 0 FFICIU HoNtston'ettAiddapc Aver eq.ctr, Chartere I d CAtiolt I f al, 11100,000 00 Available Aufteta, ............. ........ 57,4311 l 17 R ISKS of of esery r des t eriptlon t taken for a period oo Lef it l i ati s ic uall i r i n of r ho loaresafix i the parties insu v nCl, and oil an secolom Ung terms as with any (kanpany in the country. NO PREMIUM NOTEN are taken In thisOam patty, and consequently no Assessments will be made on eta Policies. More titan half the entire stock isoWned by leaf/11'1MM and Directors. whieh Is a guarantee that lie affairs will be so managed as to make It a safe medium for insurance. . . • . . INSURANCE CREATES INDEPENDENCE: a person pays for his own nolo:inn ty, and need not be a Tax on his friends in the event of RIM Dekko are Dangerous /rAll Lome. promptly adjtmted and mild wit-bout Petry, Diascrons:—Phillp A. Small, John A. Weiser, Jobn F. Spangler, M. B. Spell r, eo W. I Igenfrits, David E. Small, Charles A. Morris, W. H. Karts, of C., Lewis Carl. - HEN-RY WEIBH, President. DAVID E. SMALL, Vice President. J. CARL, Treasurer. - ,.T. K. WHITE, Ate - Applications for Insurancepromptly at tended to by the Secretary or any of the Compa ny's Agents. York I—Wa Ileitnel, John T. Willlsms York ; H. A. Picking , vsburg • Smith dt Hs, Wrightsville; T. R. Herr. lAteroster: Third H. Zeller. Mt. Joy, Lancaster county ; D. Q. Al bright, Hanove_ ,r• Z Setts, Glen Rock, arid S. Emminker, Afecluanicelaurg.. April 21, IMO. am - - - NOTICE. friflE partnership heretofore existing between I the undersigned to the Produce and Forward— ing busineas was dissolved on thelir de."' of t. i January inst., by mutual consents books of accounts and all unsettled business have been lett In tho hande of fhlfue E. Culp, who Is duty auttiorjziettlq settle.up them/Joe, Ile will be found at the .- Waretinusc ncw . in the occupan cy of Meows. Mahlon it (Ascan. All . tiersorisi lu (ereeted are required to call and settle. HENRY CULP CIEO. A. EARJ4SIIAW. JalkIPI.:10118. tf • - • ;?, , , rime White Goo* IttiMlng s at Vinsija_nd Trim. mtnix. Ito to wOOIIIP. BxEB r omt in i n tr a i nd= Mat at J. L. 80LtICIILli. XteriXXXXII funalskumi Oasts it vr andOrlasai .._ • •• ; iii, ' SEIPLIN_ S I The most Perfect 4 Reliable in America I IS...highest prat, iatin—ilse bans Odle Xis r -' gionvelioner, end Gold Medal— ateardc4 at Use Paris Ex point:an, 1 b.,7. Mr Every kind of Work eon he dancost them Far sale RIC Oeo. Jacobs .1, lire's. Store, Chant- bersburg street, Gettysburg. where tiler auzbe foetid operating and glinuy full *rano. LWOW! at 000. are the only agents for Adams co., Pa. r , eta:nitro containing priOe Ilat, le, mat be tubby Mammies them Jan. 31, ME - tt FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 6ETTY881.786 Will allow Interegton Special DepaitUr, am follows 5 per salt. per wears sbr / Year I=M;1 12i;:•:=2 I:Z=l2 Wal convert 740 NOTE Into 5-20 SONIA, as usual, true of charge. CAI3II coxeourrn INTER ft N(YrEci awl COUPONS. Will also purchase or sell IMCI:8 and BONDS of every kind, free of Cluezite o eolatalealon, and will at, flll4nea par ,the HIGIIIEST num, for GoLti and and will; with itatutaet all backless promptly, as liCretatorth pertaining td a Well regulated Bairk GCO. ATISQLII, Quhler Untlytaug. Nov. 8, 1917. GETTYSBURG NATIO/NAL MK. GOVERNMENT BONDS, of all kinds, BOUGHT , and HOLD. SEVEN-THIRTY BONDS converted Into FIVE TWENTY BONDS without charge. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES CASHED Thu 11/WIEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and SILVER, FITOCICH and UDNDS, of all *tads [Haight for perm= without CIIARGINa (X)AIMISSION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXEERYTED. Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSAS advanced I per mat., els: Slyer snit. for I year, • per rent fore months, El=1:21=! Persons wishing information In regard to U. 13 Bond; and (hocks eC all kinds, are Invited to gic♦ ad o. .fted W.will gLve 411 Inforenatkm cheerfully I. EMORY BAIR; Cashier Gettyntmx, Oct. 25, lattr. GYM. BOYER & SON, GROCERIES, NOTIONS TOBACCOS, ice EEO Slone, Wooden and Willow Ware A general - assortment of all Goods usually keptJn It FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCEItY. Jas. 10, 180 Y, tt GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. TILE undersigned has nought out lila former partner., Wm. °eine, mud now-eantl me, the THE LIME-BriRNING Bir9INESB himself-Ith the Gettysburg Lime Kilns, on the coruar of the ItallroaditudNorthStrattoti Mosel, Thankful for past patronage, he will endeavorto deserve its oon t intorno; by prosecuting the bust near as vigorously and on as large a smile ea pos sible—always selling A good article and giving good measure. Paulsen and °Wen may look for the prompt tilling of orthirs He nisi, con tinues the COAL BUSINESS, offering the mint popular kinds. Housekeepers and others should give him a call. Blaasiith Coal constantly on hand. Lime and Coal. dellvezed anywhere IdGet- t itbutg. , JACOI3 REILV.Y. petyk.barg, blovAs, 10. tr. TIN-WARE STOVES. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE ,„ v it 0017 N. TY. AT , • S. G. CO ' S-, ' , (former Andrew Pollep;) • also Witt , of THE BEST 13001aNt1 STOVE:C/N MAUER among which are the OLD DOMINION, COMPROMISE, rEacvsYx.v - eraa.'. NOBLE COOK, • EC3,I>IOhIIBT, BARLEVSHEAP, de Also, many other articles for kitchen use, which win g:4 sold as low as et any ether place In the ootifity. June 21,1867. tf GOOD \ NE.W.SI HENRY OVER.DZ,E•R, BALTIMORC HT., carreraneso, re., Et d .= "e" the n et; B .llt:Ar a bz ul d stock or Goods, which he restalelfullY invites his Mende and the pubic generally to call and examine, =! lo stock consists of oitocEatEs, rr:lveir - Gocins, NcrrioNs, MBAR, WILLOW AND QUEENS-WARE, FLOUR, • COBB MEAL, , FEED, 4C. INP•the cash or trade sell be given for Flour, Cons, Oata, Potatoes, Batter, Eggs, }Waft, Lied, R llareh 20, 1888, tf • , 9ff(rFA9'). NEW STORE! °EEMS'S. LIQUORS 44 4b,e undendgned tutadYti ( edlantellS, , a ll 4 opened a new S W tore; coo as door Co the Poet °Mee. and 41%119 opPoldto the °purl - Muse, where he 0f1h..41 - for We. CHEAP FOR CASH a Jorge and ebotee, mgorhntgit, of Cfrooek— • . - SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS. - ROLASSW Writ , UPS, 8 44; *Or, "RR FP %, 4 BACON, LARD, &C. AIIKP, Ugtiore,-- WINES, BRANDIES; 0 WKIBEIES, BUMS, struPermYthinalgse la the Ran. mi zip /panuty *mottos* to “U say owl odj rP d• IrAitibm*,•lo44 .0 1 tikr Ptia t Apru Icau*antica lINI , . • ,:•z- TOWX PAOPEII,TY. . ) AT PRIVATE mALE. 4 Tuuundeminnsil. Wilms lose the t DUBBIN DWELLINCi, at thrJunc , t nre the Tansmtown and liiihniittnintrg [if la roads, In the bon i t of GettYa b stung,. The house spbstan ly built, of sten awl widens twelve tooth. TWIN!, Is a a never-failing Spring of Mat-rate water to the basement, awl 114 Ames of Lannoanneetod mien hi The lunation . 14 a very pleasant one, and with Of i, ell:l l l " eo k =orbrje t itl * = l ,l homue Node oab She borough or Its vicinity. AM. 'Li f - Jowl ILUPP. r T the Zrcelsior Palen, /Amuladured entirely 91 Leather, and m, neater that& Caplan or Limns Nets. Flor an, MiffM BY BURIf i fiIBLDER, WCIRLEY t J. L. WOBLEY iioie Agent for ttfe EXCET...4IOB PATENT NEN fur Adams county. AS constantly on hand manufactured Nets of t%s: ilze rraratent. Also, Att. COLLARS, BRIDLES, WHIPS MINK% BLA.NKETS, ILELLA ANIS Evsurnfrna pertaining to a ITorss funrtsil.lun esitptslialinuntS, Dv - AGENTS WANTED to sell Territory for Patent Nets,. snip to .11 Nets on oonuplaslon to the county. Mt ccunnxtnientions YhootJ he ad dressed to J. L. WOItLEY YoSisSulphisr Springs, Adams co., Pa. Apr 113,18138, tt 100104:131:i 0117ti,ti 1411J441 I= WOO WISH TO IMPR 0 PE: 'EIRE I:indent:oM refitted Mlle Interim the pub .". re,tur Ittietly)touppoes CARPEN ' TERING BUSINESS, at his old stand, on West street, Getty/burg, and is'readyat all times to accommalete those want ing anything done In his line. He is prepared to furnish all kinds of work for building purposes, eif the best material, and as neatly snd cheaply as IL can Ile done at any other estatillabmeut In the county. Experienced handsalwaysin readi ness pod ,work egoentird a Int promptness and d' N' i l l liknkful for past favors, he hopes, by of teution to business, to receive a literal share o public patronage. WM. CHIUTZMAN. JRne /7, 1567. Lf =2 9 111.1: Undersigned takes pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Gettysburg and the nubile gent:rally that helms removed ont Ids old ro oms on Went Middle etreet, to Baltimore street, nnd nearly opplwite tine store Ix/ ralnic..toek Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up expressly for Ills Innone-s. The location is on ruhritrable one, enabling Win to take me turn, /t. all shadesof weather and %Atha corrt,t ness useqiudled any where else, PHOTOGIURIN, • of- every MN° and thmerlation, executt . 4.l In the finestntvle. Particular attention RINCII to the CAItTE 'DE vtArrE, and to orppylitg Addlitt.o - and DAGUERREOTYPE:S of deceased friends. ANO— THE GI.TTYI-,IiiTIIG OEMs, a new style of picture, a hteh has Lek ems very popillitr with the public , not only for their beauty, but kw cheapness and convenience. SIXTEEN fur ONE IaiLDAR only. A.bo—THE PORCE LAIN whirl) for their beauty and du rability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to curry 011 the inallilloool in all Its various Moneta s, and having had consident ble experienee e run uo risk In GUA RANTEEINI I PEREEIT SATISFACTION Our facilities for u full dhplay of our skill are unequalled by-any other Oullery in tne county, and we would therefore inc He cry nice to call 111. the - NEW GETTYSBURG MKT-LIMIT CIAL - LERY. (.Sall and exam/ate our Specimens and Judge for yourselves. LEVI MUMPER. June 25, MC NEW BAKERY, • NEAN POUT dt ZIEGLER, .3120CHANICAL BAKERB, Routh Washinn street, one; square from the Eagle Hotel, GFITYRBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand, the beet of BREAD, GRA,CKER' IS, CAKES, PRETZELS, to. Persons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leay ing their names and resi dences at the thlkery. Every ettiKt .nude to please. (Dye ne OM. April 2O( riss. CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. 111. TE & CULP COACH WORK, of the latest and most approved styles and constructed of the best material, to which they Ins Ite the attention of buyers. Having built out work with great care and of material Reloaded With apeelal reference to btaluty of style and durability, we can conild.dly recortuumd the work as unsurpassed by any, either In ur out of the citha. All we ask is an Insivet lon of our work to eon• vine those In want of any kind of vehicle, thut this to the place to buy them. REPAIRING IN EVERY BRANCH done at short notice and on reasonable terms -Give us a all, at our Factory, hear the corner of Wenhlngton and Chatubenthurg streets, Get tysLurg. P. I. TATE' ' W E. CUI.I I • March 19, WOO. tf CARRIAGE- MAKING SLIMES& andenignad have resumed the Carriage making buaineas, AT THEIR OLD STAND, In likult MIMI* 95kiQ Gayubtinv, Pn where they-are prepared to put up work In the most tuahlonable, substantial and superior man ner. A lot of nets and second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., ON HAND, which they will dispose of at the lowest prices; and all orders will be supplied sus promptly and satisfactorily as possible. REPAIRING DONE WITH DESPATCII, and at cheapest mtes. A large lot of new and old Mt/LNEfig on hand and for sale. • Thank(lll for the liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed by them, they sollelt and will endesvcr to desert s a large share in the future. July 10, 1885. II NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTIS, ADAMS .t r ,.00., LITTLESTOWN. AVEtht'altw 6 !htif:',kenhriabllfshtilt:: n nu ew ta c ettr o l pe le at Littlcato7 Wbere we are prepared to in!tnu (Octant So o Or.= kinds of Bunalonw, GAR RIAOIIit, 8 Lliatit, &v., On the Shtintetft notice and most accontroodating terms. Our bands have been procured from Baltimore, and, as we use none but choice material, we, can put up work to compete with any shop in the State. Old work repaired and taken in exchange for B. O. COOK. I new. Alts. MIXT. tf DR. R. HORNER, PHI AND DRUGGIST, °Mee and Drag Stare CTIAMBERSBUFP3 ST., serrilawao. ' Medical advice wit.hoql. charms, DEA-LIII IN . DRUGS._ IdEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, ROA PS, BRUSH ES, TOILET ARTICLIN DYE EITUFFS,_SPL. CM BAKING SODA, CRE AM OF TARTAR, LAWS, COAL OIL, &C., C. PURE LIQUORS ikkr medicinal purposes.' Dr. p. t Heiser', 01.14`~1, pre hie reglad" for chaPPN.L . ! r Ti g , f AVarttelta warranted pure and genuine. Dec. Z1,J887. tf NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD Tani- iftridierier '64lerittelogii4x44 Mew Mashine Shop, at New Oxford, Addaxes coma tyorldahise,Migputtip, at large expense, wit& the determination to do good and satisfactory `L* ll -11k1AIVAtilIZAttO, P‘ such as TRIIFBRING ,MACHINES, SraTNG- Tooru RAKM,' MOWER ill keep the BUCK EYE REAPER &on band foredo . . . . All descriptions of ZEPAIR4/.. done prompt ly and as cheaply as passable, He has In cognecelon with bia.Machlue Shopa STEAM work n upon which he will do all kinds of work In that line. . Re asks the nubile Mean and give him a trial, and be guarantees Mil satisfaction. March AxlOp arocir. March 11, 1808. em A FIRST-CLASS FLEX -AT PRIVATE SALE, - unritiff two WWI 01 Oettyabnek on the Ear 0F Manor( road, with all neemeary improve meets, and In order. I will sel l from 100 to 100 Aerea, to ntatehmers.. Tenni memorable. Far twiner lalVit . WRII.IR s o r. It fa aa d Chewing 'DA,,e'CWilitig REMOVAL ! are•now building a variety of D.IIINER dc ZIEGLER E. 11. 1011. CHAMBERSBURG STREET, ) lar4.2Losirli xti6i.xEverrec4 GUI Y3B URG, PA:,. Confection, Periodical and News Depot. ALL KINDS OF CONFECTIONS. CANIra (MANG IN, LEMON% NUTS. ath. , 1104.4. ecalaaat4 au build. ICE i CREAM AND CAKES supplied to families and parUea at atiortest rates. TIM DAILY PAPEltfil by BALTlmcwx, PHIL- ADELPHILA, NEW YORK, AND CHOICE 71.?,,GAZ1NV3, &Applied to subscribers at loaesi rates. arr. AIL AND =AMER..** r Neb. 21. LW If THE LAST CROWNING SUCCESS. Hrs. S. 4. .Wen's EEEZIEM HAIR RESTORER. ummzi HA I.R 5 DB WING: New Style, in One Bottle, wilt quickly restore Gray Hair to its natura color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growXh. It Is perfectly harmless, and Is preferred Met' every other preparation by those who have floe head of hair, as well u those who wlab to restore IL The benntlful glow and perfume fm parted to the Hair make it desirable for old and ECM For Sale by 01l Druggists. Depot, IN Oreenwteh Rtreet, New York. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb. 23, ISM 3m EXCELSIOR GALLERY. PHOTO.GRAPHS, Photo Miniatures, AIiiBROTYPES, &C., Stereoscopic ries , : of the BATTLE-FIELD, BDERROSCOPIZEI,` PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, ALBT.7 M S =2l AND AT OItEATLY REDUCED PRIG} % ( We deal In nothing but the itA WWI Call and elaunlae ouralevk C. J. T1.140.1.-liroprietur. April 3, Mat tr BARK! BARK ! 1,106 COEDS WANTED ! THE SHESCHTBER WANTS MO CORDS OF \ BLACK OAK 14 which he will pay 114 es per Mg. 012 dealt/ay In good ander, at Ida Lanyard, In (/eltyaburg. Wanted also, 600 CORDS OF ROCK .OAK BARK, for which the highest market price Will be gives Fob. 14, 1868. Om PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DESKS, , . P.E.PFUJILERY,: Fancy China 'apt Bohemian Vases, TOYS, &C., ' &C., &C., AT A. R. FEISTEL'S, Opposite Puhneetoeks' Store. Gettyeburg, Mira V, In& If NittßE: :'li SELEAFFIE k DECKER, PETERSBURG, (Y., 8,) PENN'ek, Are grewred to Oil ip id the Pnbitc anyth Ina In (bpi"' line as abeap an can be had to the country. . - , • . Sly-Parcinteers wig do will to call and examine our stock before baying eimawben. FURNITURE mode to order. Repotting done neatly. cheaply. and le4tl;4laPfttell... Tan. 21, ISM , LAWRENCE' 0, DIETZ &' CO;, wrrousAus DALam - . FA (C axone - A.! . rWg'k - ziosnatt and „ . ' • Ab. 3111 Tat it Lf iniatift witt - Illetmomillaig a t= a466. Mart ain •ov . , Clettys_ ,.. yL 0. . ( - TITAN IGNEL—Oa *Airer ki 11loa031Ist w ilaZr a lflag, Pameengs• ns will leave and arrive at Gettysburg, and make eenneetioelsow FIRST TABSMOMM TRAYS will leave Getty burg at Ma A. M., with paisengers for York, ,tar. Grimm Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and V. arriving at Hanover Junction without change ot wire, at 10.15 A. M., eon uoot inn with the Feat Line South en the Northern Centna Rail way, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.:10 noon. Alsorionneeting with Mail Train front Baltimore north, Waiving in llarritburg too P. M. Mel-. ring at Gettysburg Mei P. M., with passengers front Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Wash ington. BiQOND PABARNCIEIt TRAIN will leave Ga bor, at I, P.M., arriving at He anover Jun tat t 4.1 nt 2.10,and connecting with mall train Smith. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.10 I'. 11. Arrive at Get. tysburg at 4.10 P. M., with maim:tigers from Phila delphia, I.lnrrishubt uud eTS the North and Wtatt, and shoo with , p0...1111j trom Baltimore and Washington by the, Coat tine north, which leaves Daltintose at 12.10 noon. . . . . . . . Pareemiera can leave Baltimore In the Mall Train at 8.30A.M.,,and emir e In iiettyaburg at 12.:X: P. M. Or Mare Stalinism In the Mat lime at 111.10 noon and arrtve In Oettriberg at 4.81 P. M. lint one ehauge of aim tattier way at Hanover J u ne- Son. EIMIZI May 22, I. Hanover Branch Railroad. n 'tt and titer MONDAY, Ike. 9th, PlO7, parnen ger trains :au thin Hanover Brenda Hollroesi Wifil leave as follgows: FIRST TRAIN will lenre Hanover at AM A. with passitutrers (or York, Hallinnv. Harris. burg, and kite North and IWest. This train ar rives at the Jun-lion at 10.141 A. M.; connecting with the Fast Line south, on the Northern Cen tral Hailwgy, which arrives it Baltimere at 12.30 ar P. gh rive: ~stidli ttilidtrriatnargk odighwitg th at E.Cii e Train North, Whidh 1%. Arr-Thls train returns to liana% or at 11.50 P. M., and arrive.: at Gettysburg at 1r...11 P. M. SECOND THAI- leaves Honorer at 2.4.1 P. M., and arrives at the Junction aka.lu P H., eannect lug with the Halt 'Praia South:, which arrive:: at Baltimore at 6.20 P. M. Paws noel, by this train for York lay oN er at the JUIII tit. antllo.ll P. itirThis Train Mains to Hanover at 4.4.5 P. M with panteniterefor Hanover, Got) shurg and Lit. tiestown. P;sWengen leaving ltalti More tor Hanover, Get tyabont and Littlewtown, will take either the Mail Train at 8.30 A. M., or the Fant Line nt Duo. 20. llia. it Pennsylvania Central Railroad. pOUHLE Crack route running betweon Philo delpina and Pittxburg. TrainB leaving t pilling make tian following conueel.lotia will tido Trunk Hue: Gettyaburg leave at 8.15 a. m. and 12.45 p. m Hanover June. arrive 111.al " 2.'15 •• " lei, 10. - ei " 0.10 liarriaburg arrive 1 . 1.ril p. in. 11.45 " " . le., e 4.10 •. !..45 a. U 1 Philadelphia arrive 9.10 " 4.10 Ilarriaburg leave 1.11 12.1,5 ' Pittaburg arrive 1.:10 a. nu. " At Philadelphia clot, eonneet kohl are 'made Nvitti the traiun fur New York, Buxton and ail EnateLkaltles. At Pittahorg ettangetionit. ate harak girt str ulUtt , Dopf7t arll.4f the trains fur all tatern point, 44-For further luEka-tnat M" lan apalS D.11t1) WILLIAMS, (Ira. Supt. , Altoona , O. HEN RY W. Gterssatt, Pam Ag L., Mts. , June 6, /868. LI HARDWARE AND GROCFamq MBE subscribers have Just returned from the elite with an Immense supidy of iLii-RBWARE & GROCERIES, which thFy• are olferingat their old stand in Bal timore street, at prima to suit the thous Our stock cossists in tort of o f BUILDING MATERIAL. , CARI'ENTER`tS TOOLS • I • IILACERMIIII 4 B TOL% 4, 1 • CCIACII FINDIN6I, BRIDE FINDINGS, (winger MAREWR TOOL% HOUSEKEEPER% FIXTURE 4, • ALL RINDS OF IRON, &e., GROCERIES OF ALL !LINDH, OILY,FAINT% &c., &e. There is no artitie included in the several de. partments mentioaed Mane bat whatran be had at this store. Every clams of Meehan Ire can be accommodated here with tools and findings, and Housekeepers min And every article In their line. Give tie a ealt, as we are prepared to sell as low for sash as any house out of the city, JOEL B. DAN:4EIc DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 15, 1111.1 NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORD. THE lohleralgoed bee open.' a Drug More le New Oxford, Atlame county, and reNwetf oily =he the attent ion of the public to hle Block of PA INTR. OIIA . , , f VA UNNIIESI DVE-8111FFS, WIN IXIW (ILASS. PATENT hi kIPICINE)4, and a fall assortment of DRUCUiI•, In a Word a Complain stook of tkiode generally kept in a Grate class du r ing All of widen have been pues duelede past two weekii, and will he mid low. All &beanie)ea formerly manufactured at the old establishment in East Harlin insi be had here. Understanding bin 11.111,01 perfectly, nod selecting his Sonic bin - m.lf, be le able to war rant his Drugs pummel as rrprarntnl. The pub he are reqweated to give him It trial. . L. 4. M/LI.E.R. New Oxford, May (1, MC. tf lISMNGER & SHIREMAN, NO, 2 WEST MARKET WERF.ET, PORK, PA PIANOS t CAISINFT ORO ' ANi4, gymlyss ASH Al.l. K , IND4 Of , 31WAIVAL issTur NtEN'N . respeetfolly %aorta the public. that they are'pri pared to furnish Pianos of the following MAUI facture or of any other make that WA) be pr ferrial: A kor ee... kchlusatit, chlitu<••• - BrllabelrY• Kuaps t Yalu Gale do Sou, CI=EDZI= 121011112 - - ORD ANS AND MELODEON& Three Itutntmonts stand uurivailled by nni , thing found In this country or In Europe, as Is admitted bg all Impartial Judges. The meet em inent, Pipe Organ Builders end Performers, the last to discover excellence In reed Tone, pro nounced Mehl vastly superior to all others for ex osatingly ottlek articulation and round Tone, the essenUal feature In instruments of this class. We invite the severe scrotal,. and criticism of an. BARK, PATENT VOX lIUMANA TREMOLO. That late and moot wonderful Invention no ac knowledged by all leading arilstet will he toured only in the Estoy Instrunu Ms. In attempting{ to describe the ethset of this stop, we are ut teen for language. Its brain ies can not be written, but, .most be heard to be appreciated. By this stop an ordinal, performer can produce an etrect which require:ea life tame of beetle for an artist. upon a violin. It entirely changes the reel Tone, giving the sympathetic ewe... Mel. of the human vole', making It so melodious and pure that It never falls to enchant the INtener. THE HaItMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Public Halls oval Parlors has • powerfgl sub-Bass wLLh indeloimilail I. reedy, liar monic lattakhrtlent and V9x Ilumaha Teen - il% and LI beilF•ed to bacthe moot powerful reed or gun made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cost. EZIESZI 46, - BRASS RANDS supplied with Itisirninenta .11 music at reasonable terms. •- . A liberal discount allowed for Churches and &niter , °obi. l' /psi trtsettona given both in onai and ro strum - dingle, at our roonni, and at pendia' homes, either to Individuals °rebuts., on reason able terms: • Dee. 17 181 M ti 628 WM. T. HOPKINS' "OWN Itf,AKE Or "KEYSTONE. SKIRTS," 813 the best and entsPRIT Low'Pitieri, 'loop Skirts In the mark et. Trull Skirts, 25springs, LA; 31 springs, 81221; and 40 springs, 81,4.0. Plain Skirts, 6 tapes, 3,1 springs, 80 Cents; 20 iiinVga ir ß o l Oen springs, 81,1'; and 35 springs, "Our OWN Make" of "CNioN SKIRTS," Elev en Tape Trails, from 'Alto 50 springs, $ LAM to ?Via. PLO n, thx.,Thsles, .31 to ~31 springs, from trieehts to 3400. These Skirts are het ter than tlibse sold by other establishments an hrNt elms goo,* andty, much lower pd, es. "Our OWN Make. ' of "CHAMPION SKIRT/VI are in every way ha perior to all other Hoop Skirts before the public. and only have to he ex amined or worn to coin-tore every our of the feet. Manufactured of the best linen-finished English Steel Springs very superior tapes, nevi the style of the mastic fastenings mud Inalwar of securing them norpaas the dorabitity and ex cellence any other Skirt in this country, nut are lighter, more eiastic, Wear longer, give more sat lofactiol; and are really cheap., than all others. Every Lady should try them. 'They are being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining states at very moderate pric.a. If you wag the best ask for "Hopkins' Champion Skirt." It you do not find them, get the mer chant with whom you doal to order them for you, or Dome or send direct to 11, Merchants will tlnd out digkrant grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invite them to call and 113adohtialtate extensive assortment, or send for Whokosie Pries List. -• . To belied at Retain at Manufactory, and of Ike Retail Trade getterally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should MANUFACTORY ANM SALEROOM, WM ARCH STT.WC, Between etetittnt i ß ttl nen., 'Philadelphia. Feb. M,, MX 10m W 34. T. IittPKINS. Isnhood : How üblished Lost, How Restored. i TUST p a new million of ors Dr. Vol v wa , rs Wait ated Emory the rattkedrwase (WI - Wont medians) — ye . of Spermatorriusaor Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal ripeney,llewfal and Physical /mummify, Ira - enta Marriage, etc.; aim, Consamption, pad Fits, induced by wilf-indulipenco or sexual eStravagancn. vd-Priet„ . In ' airPriee„ to a sealed eneelape, adm only cents.cents.Tbecelebrated author to thia irable ensay, =I demonstrates, tom a thirty yeere' lug eonsmuenoese 1100=ZYP l t l i eured without the =raawe eLerual medicine or the 44,0- r 113 =Allt lag eat a abada °lsere at epee eitaphil, sad eabetuo4, by mean at wit** evvrry ettlferer, po manor_ %abet late cou- Mon I . e. L ef be. may cure blfuself cheaply, pel 77.7fraea be la the !mule of every. ~apde 7 mss in the laud. a,plala envelope, to nay ed ,21.71&111:44farri.14= auhle,"prlee X gnats. Atildrena tl,lPubliebers, CHAR./. KLINE * (X) 1117 Bowery, New York, P. 11. DQI 458 t Mar. e, IX9k. .14,6 .Tplu=ton, r amtgi ziti vr = ..12=A mtiva..h.= He ham am eseenstit 4104 lau war. eitfteu«.. Oh' hba Dec.l i sda, - R. McCVRDY, Pges.t. =MEE= 01111011111 6311=1 HOOP SKIRTS. .gm I s " mum fie tidekiel - 111PillaS AIM NOM COUJ 7Y VIEWAN DIARTMEN, EAR.SfERS, ; JINB , °rims, colkirrmt inuie ASIIES, BEICFRTAIL BRANS. strrrta;:caliNE, NOON FLOUR AND FRED, FLA..X. COTXON. • FUNS AND aleualt, DRIED AND GREEN FRF'FFR,. GRAIN, WOOL, GARR, ' POULTRY, NAVAL lIR'ORRO. Hops, ounatEN4l,. ERR, MCNIP, PROVISIONS, MLR, LARD, TALLOW, TORAVIA gigML sow:l'mm, MOLAHRER, ac. JOSIAH CARPENTER, Gemmel (Wawa tom ~Verrhasat, 442, 444 tit 446 Washington Street, ikihW YORK dm': And ready. his weekly Prier Current or Pro-, thump and Graeaelee. the meet complete Price Cum rent publish.] In the United Htsles. Bend for a Price Carrent. ]larking Platys awl Owls; = Liberal Advances made on Consignments. .stablislted Nay 181, 1564) FIRM-CLAM REFErtrtcrr*. 4. MS' F2l VITEN REWIRED. March 27, 1884, /y East 'Berlin Dim. HEBERT & HOOVER, CZEIM2II=I:I FARMING IMPLEMENTS-- BUCKEYE REAPER AND AIOWER; BUCKEYE ftELY-11.AKER., Martietna' patent; RELF-DDICIIARGINti WIRE MIME RAKE, Slareultuf a pa tont ; BRAND'S PATENT WIRE LIORSE RAKE; also THE ROt7KAWAY WIRE RAKE; MACIi/N1 , 21 euRN PLANTEITS, two kind., Shlnonau pakten; Lott Ni - gtuabauglia polcut, lurk; 61tArrir IMtr.rb , Moor patent; LIMN SHELLER'S, Wand:small's patent, ac. All kinds of REPAIRINO promptly attended to. Lail and ace what sewn do. "'" BERT de 'HOOVER, East Berlin, Adams co., Pa. Mar. 0, 1868. 4ni Bi GREAT VARIETY, P - ARASOLS', N S , HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C., Row c!_. Woody Una , %, Mk tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG Notice to Holders of 9-80 Note?. urt fill, when the privlloge of emavertlng the August Vllitfotea explred,meny pevonne who no- gloried to convert Into 5.W rends; or x 010434 the premium& aid the privilege of coalmine& It will be the mune with the 740* maturing in June and Jnty next., If uot dignibeed of in tim TWA Dank witl either convert, orPtlrrnaito, Mei 7-30'a, [Montag Premium and 'Mania. OEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Feb. 16/41. tF I i-• LEWIS STROUSE Has bought. back his old stand, on Carlisle strcetb and hi going Into business agate heavier thou ever. lie asks his ohl friends aneibe 'public to call. NOTIONS, OROCERIFIN CONFECTION', SFr OARS, TOBAOOUS, &C., &C., &C., n huge variety, and a little cheaper than the (*hennas'. Don't leelas tee place—nearly oppo site the Railroad Station. Gettrtbarg, Oct, 11, Ina. If WL C. STALLSMITH & SON, UETTES'B UllO, PA., CARP/CNTIMS AND CON TRACTORS Are prepared tb de all kinds of Carpentering —contracting awl mating laullatiles or all kinds, kepeiriag, de, They keep eolutently,es. hand add manulkee to order, DOORS, silurrEns, riuzios, Blass, nowt AND WINDOW FRAMES CORNICE, 1.A31)k A -WINDOW liRACirETS, And say othtt Mllele In pie Undid rleasoned malarial constantly on bawl, exps workman iilviays rylgclin.94, and work executed with dispatch. Ar.9lxissit PraiSWAP *Waded to. Bept. t/1,198/. Cf NEW SADDLER SHOP. 2the RIM Bartl lain! street, Gellysbara, d -t . ratantly on hand, or multi lo order, all RUMP BADDLRD, WAGIOR RADDLED, , PAREtTAOR RARNPAR, DRAUGHT GARNER% • itWING yrtrinvls. • , - , ismorp,mannze. coct,,,A as; _ • rt.l - - ttila; low as the lowest, - - • =CM - CANNON'S MARBL-E WORKS, On BaMinor* Wreet t omelette the Couet-lieuee GlMrM*7l•oi PIINVA Ryon , dowwiption of work executed to ttie! ?MERIT STYL& 0? WM A4rr June 4,16,14, . tt 'NOUSE PAINTING. . " • &MIMI weimag. MOWN P.48/ 3^ 7' 7 4 Booth leashiastos 0.8418417mw. Pa. MOW GORY AND iitOtIESATE /413C818. July 1.1387. viour, 'laud( Wriii*9o"22l of WI( MEl=l MUGS As 80H$: PMukVih, Nerehtvesteka Fertilizing Co., lIMILIIIAIM/PACTVMIIB. 8A4144.1114 RAW BONN PIIOB.IPRATIL 10tl per 2,000 BAUGH'S tHIC.4OO BWVI rittrazint. 140 Per We Ha. 8 1 4 UPH'B , Clit i t; . pr i l o ZWOD MANUR& The above )(annreaare turtalstted In both hats and barrels, whichever eustomers prefer. aa-The Boo* are stniyana ilrek/ht 161111ootada.-ii, Me attention of„Fartners la especial d leteted to the aka that the UT a of the Raw blurerlal of which thb above Manures are composed, ern so well under control that we can turtibm thnla of tarletly anilbrnt tatty and eondltlon, ea t that ttMy caattisl • Met pc/vent/sae of aintho- his tbiln khy ot her clam of manufacturvai wu nurse In the markets . . f1A1.713 f 40 2 411. 21Digoailt-DelO o ware Avenue, MEWDM I A 2qORTHWMTRAN FMTILIZING RU Car. Lake • lasine in - DA l'l7 MAWI7IPIMI4 Inn% IM proenred fn ut dealer% In any * lie prineitioi ton m In the United Staled or Dominion of Catmint. June i 9, r ?rt. "1"T*1 111,1 .4 CO., RING'S \ yr Yki nil 0 idlilillia! '4 /to&WM allAy 141 Origiusl Etadreate• Dandruff •nd HUMORS rung 111111ICALt, \ \ 4 4, 4, \ 4 - kt ‘ t , `et 0 Nt. VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IA WHAT IT rvaroaTtl TO AZ, AA iGEIVI'INE 11.‘In RENTIin.VTIVR, chaos lug linty. Light, !teal or Faded Hair to lite Dank, Lambs. Mikes Trrases, which so adorn runt!' or site. It will positively ersdleato anti lkottirtiff from the scalp, sad where there Is life In the glands, will causes new growl h of Hair to put forth on halt' spots. Thousands are testifying to the above. • P 1111 1 ,:: 01.00 Mt DOTTI.F. P. Duoliter, Wholevial.• and Retall .kip•nt Clottborg—spd for *aunt. retail by all Into/silo I. Feb. yu 11, Iwa. ly 0..4 11. BAUM/ILE. Pl✓l X 0 FORTE MAICPIACTLXII.IIA, Warr-rooms, 389 Bkreker B* , Fork (_Sly. 89 Veen Eatabilobed. null 111 Prise Ned wlr Awarded. Our Piano Port. are now unl‘ really acknow ledged by the most illstiugulalied artiste to be - the heat nianurnet o 1 441, and a here, er lull been introduced and toed, we are not regale - ell to say tine wont In their favor, their excellence stands pre-eminently - to those of other inakeo,, mid from the great muouesa achieved, and M.- pavements made by us la the last tltirtF yews, WO ran 011 . 01,1 to sell a first-class Plano It 'flirts at lUU to SOD leas than a similar one can be bought elsewhere, Every i'ictste i•bric Ware an i Y are, and In yit'e Our Planos are made to last the materials used fur every part are thoroughly setutitted, and of the very best quality that can be procured. Nit part Is slighted; what the public eye might Pos over t never taprapea our 1: Igilanea livery pert Mal. and out., In lioneatly taltntully unit thor oughly made, go that It will hear the mood l nate eSalnination. They differ from the loud, coarse tulle 01.0.1 pianos, (width In Not in the. beginning, and grows worseeveryday4lllStalltUat as it, Is Mined and delicate, pure In Its vilwa bona, delightful In it. shouting capacity, and Inns all the piss sr necessary to produce every deuced - . They ure, without doubt, the beet, the. mart !Laing, Slid enfiliiMlll.llly the. cheapegit. • We ore cost ten 1. with leir profit, 011IIIIIk.e. rUllge r s3oo to sow April 21, lmilet. ilm Schutze & Ludolff, r (IPITA IiLLAIIIIM Ix 18X.3 Afanufaclurcrs of the New taint/ DIIIN!TOR PLATE DOUBLE IRON MANE PIAXO FORTES. WIII•LLTISI•WTk?fIOY AGAINST WWI% ('OLD AT II 710 T CLIMATE. (Patented February 21)tls, ING6.) WAIIRANTED FOR FIVF, YEARS Wiarwreesir. 45$ liermouse M., New 'Wiwi. The Patent Monitor Plate Pianos by their pe culiar etnistruct ton are superior to all Milers, and their merit conabsta In the wrest plank being sap by the Iron fmme, allowing a larger . the sonnding board than is 71 1 v any other kind of piano. lly this mime. the qttantiti as Well as the enmity of tbe tone In hvrel. risme. have been pronomical by the best Judger to be unrivalled Jur - Power .and Sweetness of Tone, Barg and Agreeable Touch and Ilea my Must.liattering certificates of excellent... front Tbalberg, Ciottachalk, Strakoseli, and a large Lininner of the lined tinotinftninin Professors and Amateurs. Prom lung experi ence and superior fachttles for Manufacturing.-- We Ws enabled to Mho. our Pinning at Li low priem au are sakes' by inferior makers. Mend fur Circular and Pries Lint. April 2.4, leak, 11m NEW YORK PIANO FORTE COMPANY, (CUARTEJLED MARCH. 1141.) Maunfzu_turen. of CIRAND AND BQUA RR ./Iffraffe: Piano-Fortes No. 340 and 34.9 filerosed Avenue (0n531.3 or tote frroser,) NEW YORK. Send far deAcrlptive ChtuOgueaud Prim Lid April ftk W E S STANDARD SCALES. EVERY 1:11:1313RIPTION O,IIII3LESNAaaA len To CIVIC ICATIner aartokEtritrort. Mend for Oatakapte and Circular. Idecond-Itend finstwa other makers, taken In ;Nut pay for oars, Ibr eel° CHEAP. - HOVE BCA4P. CNA, 3 Park PUrm, New York. 131 Federal aa, Boston. Aip1121.1133. Ira COPPER STRIP FEED CUTTER. OR hand or honic•poWer, - acknoviledgest the FASTEST, EJSIF/ST, and every wey tikra• For sale by f. 11 DECATUR & CO., Dealers In Agrlculturol Intpletnente, ete., 1.1/7 Water attest, New York. Send for Illustrated Circular. May 8, IX& 3ru - • ROOtiltiO In roll; ready to be bulled dcory. ROOM° =slip' much lann•nminitneaurl ol ° zan MOOFI 43 Lissa can be applieo by en oidluary setema. fiAlihrlio that will not expand or eoutroet by e L . ten etthe weather. r-, NINA Nat V adapted to idaep ae 11a1aondk a. fora Maniple and.tkraniar. 11.1 LADY ROOFING I.IIIIPANY, May 81 Malden Lane, New York. fi, kni, 11.011134BLE! titiT.o 8 ' 'IWITLI ON/renal/ *lir- T a. ty year,. Rr i a l i l estroyed my vo ice and ernelllng—kis puked my sight. and baring. 1.. els weeks I have beet. entirely cured. Yer hu manity's sake.[ will mud the recipe for the situ. toed, rourAcin 1111KII. 10 all alb awl. Vu r lthe en =ug or iseedliag the same. will plisse address, JAB. T. /LOLIANN, ellaUes it, April 24,.113112. kus Bible Douse, N. Y. emr tv ". ==tor reareashs Crows Crlsiollame Ate Hupegior br leJasticlty It 11,}0NB. rliwoiaseles Cro Awn uerinequa ierel ttled foreet re r Durabillt3 'a Colima Cr Inn w.e4, are the het In the nods', and more widely known Slum any other. AS wholesale by T1103930N. LANGDON & Co., 391 Hmadway, New York. Aprli 21, WM. fm -,---- _ • • Cemetery RegioNds. etEINO the Keeper, the anderslipted la author= lied to make removals lute Ever Green Cent ry.lad bases that such as eonteteleohl the re moval of the remade of demisted relative* or Meads wl9 eyed theusaelrea of thts *Gaon of the year to here IL done. hifsboral• made with =taaaa-41ertea low, and no ellibett to PETER MaraltlL Earlier of the Ointettit:y. tr. 8. MID& eir=k ib.4B U. N. k1341/t; Galt st Notel. eltelteX ARSOLD, Cashier i 044.4 lag: • ULF . SHE win ar m IrwT m Ps7 11101114 market eam, 0•111WIWNW: ISa.llO. W "D. H. WERlri°l7lsllll I:Eg rzzsra IMO , CHICAUO. BE I El 0tT1221 OZZIE GALE'S ROOFING