Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, June 26, 1868, Image 2
rl rTM, 1 4 , 4 - • *PMIr. JUN. .-.0. 1949 EIII=MEIMI ICIONMASA S4I•A T I • Weurion r. Imr,l k 1 „ fiwa..C/Cdanit§ norLE. livern , • 41711111M117011 4111.3iL1t 14ea r lITAIAJA49II.I# /A a., N na,11111441 1 1 ra IrMriLl.ll 10K 1/11 CAMPAIII4 • A. 413100111111111/ li4lllllllllph ,tIKIIIIIIII rle1•ASCISIIII4 44,104 01, Wni ti • The "grata erCate no euthualitein. Tim Mom , of (limit and Culfaz hdl flatrupou tltepuldie car. We predllet that the Dernoeratic candidate+ chose* at New York on the 4th of July wift eftetrtfy, the white masses, and that Victory wftl perch upon our banner!! in Novenaber. But the campaign will be an active, a toorking one. iNo effort will be spired, es none should be, to rid the CAUtitiy oe'torTlipt, tyrttnyleni and de structive Jtadirdiem. In this gloriotu. work. the will take a full hand/ In nothing that the- editor can do, or his means afTbril, will ft' be behind Its doeemPnrarlee. ru order, therefore, to enable us to do the more good, Nse have todus,ed, our rates for the cam. paign (uutil after the Pre.ideutlai elec tion) to the following low tignrce : Slngte copy, 73 cents; Five copies, $3; • Ten ecTiee, $5. . wills heretofore, any one of our pres ent subscribers sending us tire name of it new one, 'with $2 in cash, will re ceive a credit of fifty cents on his own . subscription. Dinnoerata— Coneervativeri —all in favor lof White Men ruling Amerlea— come up Wilds work at once. Spread the truth everywhere! Spread it.72OW ! • • 13= The.preparation of a !rue history of Owlettie 'of Gettysburg promises to be ware st more difficult task as day suc ceeds day. The errors that have already crept Into the public prints in regard to its varligle details would fill volumes— and notwithstanding the time that has elapsed, additions to this extensive stock of falsehood ate still frequent. Our cit izens ore often amused, and sometimes amazed., at the enormous distance which not a few writers manage to place be tween their statements and the truth on this subject. - The_ latest, but one of the heaviest draws of the "InniXw," we have seen, 011111 C% to us in a pa ' Per - published "away out West" in Omaha. 'Fite edi tor , takes for hissubjeet MeConaughy, "Senator from the historic tiettyriburg district," (a Senathri by the way, who was fairly Ile. fester, hi a mutest before the people, and ran tiro lowest on his ticket In his own county,)-and prOCK4I4 to inform We western rcudere that "during thu ever nisnsm'alde battle (at (lettysiorg) he MiCbarrisyhy) .eonimontl (1 ft ecinp a ny Ihriepenetehl,atverte, and did Very es. sential mud etTeetl ye sere'se to the Union army in that enpael(ry during the day !" Think of our "Miss Nanny" doing "es mentlal and eirective service" in the ca pacity of eommrinder of a "company of Independent scouts"—fa n netyhbor's rimiest or eellarl—a place of security which he managed not hi get out of un til The battle was entirely over and the roliett - were in full retreat! Distance is said to have a good deal to do with making snare views enchanting. In Bhls MSC. It requires the Immense space tuterrentog between tiettystiurg and Omaha toor Mrd'oniumlty in cone mood of a company of "independent scouts" during the great battle fought nt the former place! 1. , uvii ridiculous boxh to go intohisiory. It may be said, however, in excuse for the Omaha editor, that MeCunaugliy was himself in that city about the time to article appeared. Tit xNow York Still thinks the chances now are that Hou.Vhomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, will be the Democratic nom inee,for President. A 4021012 will be reached in the next ten daye, as the Con vention to nominate will meet to-tuorrow week, (July 4th,) In the city of New York. Det us exercise patience until then. and, with undoubting confidence in the good sense and patriotism of the delegates, prepare for a vigorous contest from the moment the nomination is am ilouqoed. glorious victory is within our grump. White men, strike your bebt blows for It AEKM.sAS.—The President, having sound, constitutional reasons for so doing, vetoed the Arkansas admission bill, but the Radicals in both Rouses have passed Jt over 1118 , 11e:id. So infamous an act could only be attempted bye party driv en to desperation, Rut it will not help them. Let them make as Wally negro Maim as they may, Radicalism will re ceive its death blow in November next. Forty Grants couldn't save the corrupt and odious thing. URN. GI nitare fi,. 0111.40 N, of Ohio, said lit tho Chicago African pultiver—"Ohio stands ready with 200,000 votes to write apptovedon4he back rit Colfax." Well, that wilt gi re the Stme to the Democrats by nearly Olty thousand majority. Judge Thurman, the Dernourstie nominee for (Inventor, had 210,000 votes an that State last fall, and all the town elections sines. 11 2 1 W, they'll large I)cirmerutle gauzy. So LWO,OOO ma* thy hack of Cokfatx wilt knit: Wm so far up Salt ltiver that he will nu , erta beard of in fresh water regions again. THE Liemocrity of Wasington ui,unty have made splendid nominations. Thu ticket is beaded with Cul. Willion Hop kins for Congress, one of the best and 'purest Nen within the aloha of our grand ola comaguan N eith ; a man who would dignify and adorn uuy posluokeenferred Upon ; a brave, fearless defender of Lilo Agin. We should he extremely gratified to see him elected. Sant. .116.NRY D. Fmrrnit Ler received the 11111111111:110U3 nomination for CoogLetft by,//se Democracy of Armstrong, Indi ana soil liVestmorclatid. Jr the people of that district prefer boueaty and brnin4 to empty brass and Althhobs — misuming that Covode is to be the Radical candi date—there will not be much of n con test. Tux Philadelphia Age °Mee. has Just been removed to a very commodious building, °reheating Nos. 14 aud 10 Sou th •eeventh street. The eutlre structure has - Um* 144ted up with all the modern im renrceraerita of a iirsb.class newspaper eataljaktnent. We rejoice at this evi dehee the Notrlshing condition of the Ar t and. KOWirtnay tontines to pros- FRasisarn will pre shk tilheNational•Conventlots (Mini servitive Soldiers, atNew York, on the 4th litostolo. Loom • Wilmington hiteldtief eit , of North ('arotin:l, rind ellarliston Id. the chief tit). of South CtOlimt. In Om Legi4n• tures of thqpe /tat*, igoanity i r k:tied under the It:ulleal reconstruction titeNe two cities are thus repre-witted WILNIINCITON, N. NTIS6 • A. Tt. -- Minrrway; negro fur. A.1,1"44, New re ; , 1.. (1. P. S. A. ; (:. W. PPiet.,. fiegto. (ALA ULESTON ? S. C. sEN,cII:. D. 'l'. Corbin, unknown ; It. H. Cabin, negro. /must:. It, C. De Large, negro ; A. J. Itansier, negro; It. Tomlinwin, unknown ; W. H. H. Cray, negro? It. A. Baseman, negro; Cieurge Lee, negro; B. F. Jackson, negro; Jos S. Jenks, Freedmen's Bureau ; Wm. McKiniay, negro; F. J. Moses, Jun., 5. C.; W. J. Brodie, negro; J. B. Dennis, negro; John B. Wright, negro; Jervoy, negro; Abraham Smith, negro; t, , , inia d J 01 11 10,14 negro; Stephen Blom, 11, negro; Edward Miekery, negro. Here to a picture for all to look npon one which all should see and reflect upon. As the Cincinnati Enquirer well says, it is a mirror In which "Radical- lain" can see its practical development ! It Is the great fruit of Radical speeches ! It is the sweet particular blossom of its policy! It is a fragrant exhibition of its statesmanship! It is what we have gained by the war, about all we have gained, except the gigantic debt, And a loss of a million of lives! How do the people of the North like such rulers and co-partners, for it must be 'membered that they select United States Senators to vote on and rule not only the South, but the North also. What a progress we shall make in the South with "Cnifee" and "Rambo" thus leading the van in its principal cities—dishonored and de graded vagrants, who have crawled into the places that were once tilled by geni us, worth and talent I. Who will not vote at the North to brush away, - as we would the web of the spider, this shame ful and infamous burltsigue upon gov ernment to the South ? M ASSAC II UREITS 13 A RBA...RISS'. —Anoill• er horrible case of the flogging of a pu pil in the publloschools has been brought to light in Massachusetts. It is suppos ed that the child will be crippled for life, even if his life can be saved. This and other cases of the same kind induced a benevolent member of the Legislature to Introduce a bill for the abolition oftees poreal punishment in the public saILOMS. It was, however, defeated by a large ma jority, and so the brutal flogging of pu pils is to be continued unrestrained. Thu hushing of the tough hide of a plan• tution heart) used to be enough to set all Massachusetts to weeping, but delicate white children, girls and' boys, may be bogged with leather thongs, tied ut. by the tlititubs, pieced under the shower bath, or subjected to any other barbarous anti inhuman pUnlalimeist, and It fails to I produce the leant sensation except among a few philosophers uua luttnaliitarlana like Professor Agasslz. Every attempt to suppress these horrible practimi by legislative enactments is successfully re slated, and we presume there is no pres ent remedy for the dreadful evil. GRANT MEDAI.B.—An excite uge says: A gentleman from Illinois Informed us the other day -that after, the Chicago Convention he Inquired of one of the principal dealers In Grant niedals in Chicago how 'thole) tokens were eoltieg. 'Well, .ir," replied the dealer, himself a ItioIlea!, "either General; Grant has no friends or they are the coldest set of friends I ever sew. These medals don't 801 l at all. Nobody wants them. You can't give them away. I thought I should be linable to supply the demand, but, as yott BIM I have nearly the whole Minty stock on baud, and - the probabili ties are that I shall continue to have them." teach is Grant's popularity. Has anybody seen a Grant medal, or heard a spontaneous sheer given for him? We pause for a reply. ALARMING INCREASE OF THE NATION. AL DEBT.—We learn from the published statement of the Secretary of the Treas ury that during the mouth May the national debt was increased NINE, MIL LIONS, SEVEN HUNDRED -AND SEVENTEEN THOUSAND, AND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS Is not this alarming? Just. think of it! In time of peace the debt to ingrease at the rate of nearly ten millions of dollars per month. This is Itadttal rule, misinan *genie* and stealing. Why, if throe thrinoraittsi are kept in power much lon ilier'LlleY will steal the Capitol, Goddess of -Liberty and all. Are not the people convinced that it is high time to hurl these scoundrels from power?—.llegifing Gazette. (TEN. GUANT has already kicked the economy plank of the Chicago platform overboard, by writing a letter to the House Con mitte? filltary affairs recommending a renewal of the i ',manse of thirty-three and one third per cent. in the pay of army officers. The law al lowing this luureota expiras Juno Nth. A one-third increase of expenses Is a pretty good commencement en the way of "retrenclitneur and "economy"—as understood and practiced by the It:laicals. As AIM:ANSA, U. S. SENATOO.—A. lri•Donald, one of the newly elected U. S. Senaton. , front ',rkausas, 14 said to haVe rote quulttleations for the post, us viewed troth 4 itadiest stand point. He is or the firm of . 11 1cD 0 .14+44.,1i1er Sells, Indian traders, and Is represented as having through an official hi his in terests, bought corn from the govern ment at 18 cos. per bushel and flour at $1 , 50 par barrel, and then sold both arti cles back, tha corp and the flour at $34! Of such are Impeachers mailp. A xonikti SefxdStriti or' TIIF "Goo ism MORALITY PARTY."—WO see by the Lebanon Advertiser that Daniel Gerber ieh, Radical Treasurer of Lebanon coun ty, Pa., has abequatulated, pending an indictment against him for using $17,000 of the county funds for his own business. The prominent Radicals of Lebanon en deavored to cover up his crime sly keep ing back legal proceedings for nearly two years, in order that he !night wind up his alfains and escape punishment. Perhaps other %dimls shared with him in the ateallog. This is another Radical triumph. It is a wonder the Radicals do not howl Ku Klux to cover it up. TtiAppees STsyssia haw prepared four articles for another impeachment of tho President. The more moderate Repub licans are alarmed at this third attempt; and may be strong enough to nip it in the bud. CLERICAL 011ARITT..-TbB- MAIDO Dermaarae mays that one of the clergymen of Saco, to thatatste, speaking of Bean. tor Fessenden's rote on the imppaop meat, said, "there's Ghanian more gorse TO 4-Ut" )t)pita ' titartittitt.' TOWN, COUSTY Alb StOROUNOENO COUNTIES., ---7331 Priali44,l4l.4tolher rof Press,— We have'just added to our machinery, a new FRANKLIN Jon AND CARD PEENS, built by" Mr. George P. Gordon, New York. It is designed for the printing of csrduOtill_and Letter Heads, Circu lars, Blanks, Handbills of — small she, and much 'ot work In t tit e. We secured, the. Press through Cu!. Frank'. Vallee, agent, at Philadelphia, who ar rived here on Saturday at noon, imme diately went to work . to put the machine in place, mut before supper had it run ning. On Monday morning he took his departure, with nearly four hundred and ilfty dollars more in his pocket than he had when he arrived. We have now three Presses in excel lent running order—a Potter Drum Cyl inder Power Press, a Gordon Jobber, and a Foster Hand Press—not to men tion. our somewhat 'antiquated Smith Puss, which would be brought into requisition were it needed. With such extensive facilities for prin ting, and an immense assortment of the West, metal and wood types, rules, bor ders, &c., (and more rousing,) we can safely promise to do all kinds of work as perfectly, as expeditiously, and as cheaply, as any other Mike in the State. It, has long been our ambition to have a First class Printing Ofltice, and MC now feel that the aim has been ac complished. _ The continued patronage of our friends and the public generally is solicited— confident as we are that no one will have occasion to go away dbsatbffied. • I'ob•o,u,1l .—We have long had, and still have, a hand•ome run of patronage —for %%Well earne , t, heart-felt thanks are again expressed. But we have no more money for all_ that, because every, dollar obtained above a simple living is devoted to the improvement of the Com r mint office. When entering upon Its respoibill ties, twenty-three years ago, we -resolv ed. that If industry and faithfulness could earn ns a livelihood among this people, it should' he done ; and now, When the old organ has nearly reached Fie•risrrt YEAR, we have the proud satisfaction of announcing to its many friends that at no previous period in its history was it in as flourishing a condi tion—never with as many subscribers and as much general patronage. - Agricultural Fitfr.—As announced in our last, the next Adams County Agri cultural Fair will be held on the d3 d and VIM days of September, with the Slat for entrance day. It la to be hoped that farmers, mechanics, and the public generally—not forgetti us-the - ladies, who are all-important in such intittena—will at once give the subject attention, nod begin thelivreparatio'ae for a mammoth ex hi bition. The Fair last year was good, but from the shortness of the time had to prepare, it was nothing like whet Adams county cue produce. This year let us show to visitors from other parts of the country, and thousands will no doubt come, that our 0014 1 41 4 1 14 111 M 1 YY front rank in agriculture, ni in some other ,respects, and due credit will for once be accorded it. County pride, if nothing else, should stimulate ill, from tliecen4ro to its reinotest bouudttries, to make a v 184401 41 ellen fey 4 P'44 that will properly represent the producing In terests id' large-hearted end go-ahead "Little Adams." Tbe programme and preintunt Bat will soon be printed. Capt. John Burkholder, chosen Chief Marshal at the last meeting of the Board, has soeepte3. The Gettyebulv Speina--Dr. Smith I§ pushing operatiou4 at the Gettyaburg Katalysino Spring with all [visible vigor, to meet the rapidly Increasing demand for this valuable water—and Le appears to be just the man to do it. With his large force of hands and improved ma chinevy, lie is lowing bottled, packed and shipped about too hundred and fifty dozen quart bottles every day, besides meeting the many calls for the water at the spring. He is Igakt4g arrangements to have the oases neoesinry to the ►hip plug of the water manufactured ou the ground, and will thus considerably facil itate his operations. He had an excellent road graded from the tornpike to the spring, Lind the grounds handsomely laid otr and set with shade trues, some mouths ego; Lind la now engaged la enclosing about Pm seri* more, to be improved likewise, With Dr. Smith's energy and taste, the Get tysburg Kritalysine Spring will soon be come famed for the beauty of its sur roundings, as it has already become for the virtues of its water. The Spring Company have purchased the McPherson, ireland arid Herbst farms, and therefore own nearly all the land between the Chambersburg turn pike and the Hagerstown road, from the Seminary lands to Herr's ridge—a beau tiful tract, with fair proportions cleared and timbered, and well watered, Wil loughby's run passing through the cen tre of it. Wheat ll'ecid/. — We hoar vaillitigillk• from many quarters, of there-appearance of the weevil in the wheat. They are said to be very numerous, and must be uorrelaPoildiliglY destruotive. This is re ally to be deplored. Never before In its history had Adams county so encourag ing a prospect for a large yield. Look where one would, a pour field of wheat was not to be seen. But all that may be seriously changed. Where twenty bushels to the acre were expected, live may not be made. We earnestly hope that these gloomy fears may not be real- Ned, but from What we have heard and seen cannot escape the conviction that considerable damage must result, at the best. 3fairinionicit.—To our young friends contemplating matrimony we would whisper, (of course they don't want the world 41 knBW anything about their in tentions,) that their WeddlOg P 411 4 4 4 40 now be had at the Coarriugn of gee, as neatly and am handsomely done As In the cities, and for less money. Our new Gordon Jobber Is just tbo thing for that and all other kinds of tine work. A Good Idea.—Our young friend, J. A. Danner, has made arrangements to keep a constant supply of Natatystue Water, fresli from the'sprlng, for the accommo dation pr Persona doiriPg to test it wilt fhad it, cool and fresh, at the store of Danner & Ziegler. Elected.—Lieut. J. F. McCreary hav ing resigned his membership in the Get tysburg Zonaves, Wm. B. lilystes bas been promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Wm. D. froltsworth to Orderly Sergeant, and the ther Sergeants and paspopals reapective y advanced. Good gemariat.—We understeS4 .that two scholars in the Beridersvlllii Sunday School recently memorised and reelied 5,030 verses in one week—one, (Castles LongsdorX) aged about 16 years, memorizing , 8,000.; and the otlyar, (gate Treell,) aged shout 11 . years, memorizing 2,030. Commencement/ilia' +,'Aiiiitril menetn eent at ML IttareirlDenelle, near Etunlifbitiittrg, fook p4Kaion.*47-, nesilay List. 'Ate" ettenAanae Alke_u 4 o" sually large, rind the - owesattql:grecoa • with the preeeneeof three of We seven Arch bishops in the rnfted State's—Most Reverends Spalding, of Baltimore, Mc- Closkey, of New york, nut! PRreell, cincisnutii. VII* literary giererses were a laigh, alder. T/aa maxic, furnialual by the !Sp Cecelia I.*lety of,the College, under the teatteisbin of that prince of musicians, Prof. 'Neiman, gave great satisfaction. Speeches were delivered by James C. Fenton, Latrobe, Pa., "super stition"—Beginald W. Jenkins, Bala inore,"Papacy and Ci vilizatiou"—George It. McCloskey, New York, "Old Sayings and Doings"—Henry C. Semple, Mont goinery,Ala.,"Modern Education"--Wil 11am Mountain, Windsor, N. C., "Puns and Punning"—James C. Fenton, Vale dictory; followed by remarks by Presi dent McCaffrey, and the Archbishops. The exercises closed with the confer/ tog of degrees and distribution of pre miums. The annual College dinner, under the management of the active and energetic Procurator, Vice President McCloskey, was a capital alThir, and highly relished a_large company. The Commencement at St. Joseph's occurred yesterday. We understand that the attendance was very full, and that the exercises were unsurpassed in in terest. l'atiral.—The Ice Cream and Straw berry Festival, in Agricultural Hall, for the benefit of the Memorial Church, was a perfect success in every respect. Two evenings were announced, '(Thursday and Friday,) but the Festival proved to be so pleasant, both to the numerous vials tors and those holding it, as to cause its extension to Saturday afternoon and evening. Hundreds were present all the time, but on account of the large size of the Hall, there was no Jam And no con fusion. There was plenty of delicious ice cream, furnished by Mr. John Gruel, with strawberries, cakes, and lemonade. The entire proceeds, waste told, amount ed to about $-Val, from which sotrething for expenses is to be deducted, though many articles were Contributed in ad vance. - The Getty.,burg String Band was pres ent on Thursday evening and contribu ted greatly to the pleasure of the occa sion. On the same evening, the chil dren at the Orphans' Efomestead, accom panied by their officers, visited the Fes tival, at the special invitation of the stu dents at Pennsylvania College. The lit tle folks remained about an hour, and were delighted 'with their visit• They sang Whilst there,rdhhil we gather at the River?" very aweelly. Sirtctiertics.—Mr. Robert Sheads, the other day, presauted Its with v. lot of Strawberries, the "Bussell," very large and delicious—for which he has our thanks. Mr. Sheads Is growing straw berries on au extensive scale, on Semina ry ridge, and, judging from those pre sented, is meeting with great success. He is also largely engaged in the culture of grapes, - The several fruit and vegetable gardens growing up around Gettysburg, (for which the soil and climate are admirably adapted,) must add much to the comfort of our citizens, and at the same time pay well for the proprietors. People hero will eat, let It cost what It may. AccideuL—On Tuesday last, Samuel Criss, 00,11 of Mr. John Crist, of Cumber land township, fall on a grass scythe, se merely cutting his right arm over the wrist joint, severing the ulna artery. Dr, O'Neal gave the case prompt Uteri tipp bleeriliig was c..beilk €4.1 to , ve c,liriiig tale 4 44 , 3 , 1 4 / 1 4 the Vtitietit it tio• lug well. - ElanlittAtirry Rallrortfl.—lt Is oilteitilly announced that books will be opened on the 10th and 130th instant, hi Eminitts burg, for subscriptions to the stock of this road. The charter authorizes the building of a railroad from to the Western Maryland Railroad, im mediately west of Mouoeacy river. The length of the road will be about seven 011'01101 tl fiat' Bvetialt of country, and tad uging those ancient and celebrated institutions of learning, &fount St. Mary's and St. Joseph's, kie.tted near Eminittsburg, in close proximity to Bal timore.— Westminster Dewroci•uf. you ‘yatit. 4 Kt (if Bfre Visiting or liusiiiess clartis, Wedding or Funeral Cards, Lecture, Lail or euneert Ticket.? Then Dull at the Ca*PILEB oG 134 c, in the second square how the Dia mond, and neatly opposite the Court.- noose; and you will be accommodated to your satisfaction In every respect. Math from Lou(m, Stingq.—A few daye ago, in York county, on the road leading from York to Gettysburg, seven boys, members of one family, uumed Sclatter, while out In a cornfield, were stung by locusts and all seven died. They were burled and same day. —The above we clip from a liarrlsburg paper of Tuesday, and have only to say that we don't believe a word of It. Bridge Contract—The contract for the building of a covered Wooden aridg i e aorwJ tlie - TITi - eadiii'qd . ," en ttie road leading from Trunterstown to York Springs, was recently awarded, by the County Commissioners, to Pittentorf ds cc, at $2 797 _ Nurinal eg annuation of the slUdeuts in the Gettys burg Normal School will take place to: day—commencing at 8 A. M. and con tinuing mita{ eveuiug. The public are cordially invited. Soldiers' Orphans.—. Agricultural Hull will be open on Friday evening, July 3d, for anniyersitry ex,eretre, prepared eXPI:es , V I F Krangers, citizens—ail interested In tlia Orphans' Homestead—nre desired to be present. Ncw POBl-Ofce.—A new Pub t-o Mee has been established at New Salem, on-the Chambefeburg road, to be called"Me- Kilightstown"—Jaeob F. Lower, P. M. i#Pqrrt U italioveY (4I 4. Islets Oftprok.—We learn that q pew Ostballe alutrott Wit! be ereiW4 during the present summer where the old one now stands, let Btltiniore street, this place. The work will be commenced next week. Bridge Burned.—A bridge across a stream of water about a mile Wig side of the Hanover Junction, on the Hanover Tirane') railroad, was dtviriiyed by fire on Saturday evening last. It ss not known how the fire originated. Destructive Storm.—The storm whieh passed °Ter this section last 'Friday after noon, has done considerable damage to the grain In some Parts of hdams emit/. ty. The storm between this place and Oxford was very severe, lodging the wheat fitid re flat to the ground. The VFW/ 4gflilt.7—flast Monday evepT It% two races came off near our bdrnagh one .gt I.llm. Between !torso, belong to Mr. LC uhn and Mr. If. Teolle, the latter winnitlitilleraCe. The other race was between C. itrants, 94 1 4, Sloe, and P.D. Rf. Uphold, otConowsgo town ship, Adams county—lir.Brants'a horbe beating by considerable odds. dgn •S'etbscribcra.—A'apealkocrtiksc Et*-010en .Cefittery.—ThOr aruit frienrakEast Berlin sent us, lectlon f*oftgersqr this asaociatioji was A net oit sixteen campaign subsVbk eld on tteveitatntof the,*l inst, n yesu ft *Rh thecash In advance. riat#Jer4of ig in th suction of Ow Soft itairionnected with urtpa id t winggothilliren ; Inabacribarts, ha performed eilukrf , Pretastaiit—N.Lortathlck, conscious that in doing so the "good old Managers—George Little, George"washenellted. Lists equallylarge, Spangler, Alexander Cobean, Win. B. lit not larger , can be gotten up In twenty Meals, John Rupp, Josiah Benner, and ,Loestillisi , lin the county, if some John L. Hill. A.U4 krolsy orocon f The new Board tens organised by elect each. tlug Win. IS:Meals §eitretary and Altrx7l Into the4rtitgie. Dternocrnits, rote Cobean Treasurer. CE.S, Now The work cannot be As the. Ceuaetery hos tvola° a matter commenced too soon—and in no way can of gentrid inteteit 'we give. /*wort of it be more effectively pet (mined than by the Board of Managers in full, showing spreading , Ma Iruth amtme the people. the financial condition of tho association If sl.llev it subscribers cannot be secured and its operations during the year: • in a neighborhood, get ten, or five, or ClETTlsittran, June 2, 11,88 one, and so much will be accotuplished,Tlie ilo feel called on to render to the aid of Managers of Fiver-f 3 at any rate. Our terms are low—so Cemetery low I association an account of their doings, as not to leave us one cent of profit—but and would submit the following: all must contribute something toward the During the year wo have endeavored to obtain additional subscriptions to end in view, and none can be more (till ards the liquidation of the debt remain hng to do a full share than the writer. lug against the Cemetery, but are sorry to say that we did not meet with very good suocess. Consequently the amount of debt is not much less thou reported a year ago. Having, by a thorough can vass of the town, obtained all the con ti bowing that.iti onrjadgmeut. it is pos,,il-. hie to secure, and inasmuch its the re ceipts to be realized front the a.le of lot , , &Ai., are scarcely sufficient to pay the ofi• Binary expynso, of the bs.oeiation, sic know of sun other means by which the debt flay be removed but by making an assessment upon all lot holders" The Board, by a resolution passed on the 10th day of June last, reAolved to nit vance the price of lots to fifteen for the transfer of enclosed lots live dol. Mrs and for ummelosed lots [Aso dollar, and fifty taints, to be paid the ir , .cielation. We have obtained the suer` nder to the association of notes given in exchange for certificates of stock and also of origi nal certificates amounting together to GO; thus reducing the stock deb; to ;462.tt1i, which added to $.1:li0.00, the amount of . ..rt.., el by the as sociation, anal,[, the tot.ll debt ;Thdr2 !e:, During the 3 tar we has e realized from the sale of lots and perinit z.. 519.39, nut by colloctious ou suh•era ption book ti SU, which. added to t62....:2 trialance on hand at our lout settlement, make, the total cash receipts for tile year ;; , 901.61. Tim' expenditure , dui in_ tile ear have been as follows: Superintendent ;•200.00 Borrowed money returned ;300.00; In tere,ton borrowed money:l24.oo; Certifi cates redeemed in Um purchase of lots aiu C , ;; L-talc of J. 'l' uny for Prm Ling $20.50; nopair, to pump $1 Orr ; Incidental expenses Total expen ses for the year $4O 0 7; leas" zi cash balance in the hauls of the Treas urer of J. L. Sethi.`., President. Aruchincry.—Sue4 ,of our fact/Bmi are fond of impteting perfect mSchinery, should call hi to see our Potter Power Press and (Jordon Jobber. They are the most effective and desirable printing machines built, and we feel proud in the possesiou of them. Both are just what the good practferil printer wan tq— easily operated and regulated, perfect ur Impression, and gamest noiseless. It may be stated dn addition, that our aloe room has been greatly increased, adding to the comfort of the workmen, as well as their facilities for doing work, and giving us ample sikice for the trans action of business with our numerous custoineris friemai-don't t 'No trouble to show goods." .Vo Dc.lay.—With our now ample Pi ess power, no annoyance in the shape of de lays need be experienced. After le,s than, an hour's notice, five huudrFil cards or bill-heads, or other job requir. ing little type-setting, may be called for. The two new Pre have completely up-set all the old fogy ways of doing things in our lino Cash.—We had to pay the curb for our new Press, (with nearly ell Lorton ed money,) and equal promptness is requir ed in the purchase of everything else entering into our business. Will our patrons please bear this in mind, Mid do unto us es we are compelled to do unto others? Our margin of profit is too small to allow delays in payment. Be sides, to ninety-mine out ofti, buudred it is just as convenient to pay when the work Is done as three or six months (if ter. Thick of this, friends. ljetie.eoe ,1 6 1raotis,--The D. S. internal Revenue officers 414 this District, last week, seized and closed the distilleries at George W. Ruby, Adults K. Bertner,sinti William roust, 411 orldhsewsbury town ship, for alleged frauds in distilling and removing Whiskey without paying the Mx. A few Weelce 91)16, t 4. distillery of F. 11.4.rtholmal and '\V.Noedel, in North Codorus township, was also seized and closed for frauds on the revenue. All these C.OSIS W7tt hamrliltuted by the 15. S District Court ip l'hiladelphiti.— Fariceiarstee. Died from a Locust Sting.—On last Wednesday, Miss Elizabeth (lambler, re siding near the Temple Station, en the East Penn'a Railroad, caught a ificgat— the linit she had aeon—lnn wale exhibit ing it to her mother, when It stung her on the hand. The st ingeause'd her znholt pain, and its poisonous effects ran through her wimle.systetn i from the effeets of which she died on Saturday evening. Miss Gambler Irak a very amiable young lady, eighteen. years, of aze, and her yxtirnely death apraada 01 p4ll of Weer the hearts of a large- eir,ete, of ‘ sentii,iiintAmm. 4. yarn our filenai;" ell , efYwliefe: to teat of handling these apparently harmless in sects, as there can be no longer a doubt thnt they will itidg, and vie have In the foregoing an instance of the fatal effect of such a sting.Tßeadiett Dlopoteli. 1111114 re of the .Peach Orgi).—The iik ton (Ad.) Whig says: "There appears no longer to he • doubt of .I.llB,tritftl.die struction of the peach crop in this coun ty. A guidon:pin who o\vns 4,000 trees, and resides in the heart of the peach growing region in Sassafras ;iecir, in formed us this, we ek that his orchard wouldit'ravelage one peach to the tree, that lib itoliovett ittio w. s 4.4 e cfiee , throughout the peach sectiqq of this county. 'rhe peach is a valuable' crop In the first diatriet, and tq * good we :ion i,t estionated to he worth aboutt 030,- 000." Are Secure Beyond any Contingency.— The Union Pacific Honda run thirty years, are tor $l,OOO each, and haze coupons attached. They bear annual interest, payable ttfe (rat days of January and July, al the Company's of fice in the City of New Yotk i - at the rate of six per cent. in gold. The principal is payable l 11p, gold' 9lnittifiltf. The price is 102, anti at the present rate of gold, they pay a liberal leeome on Choir root. The Company, , believe that these Bonds, at the present Tato, are lhO cheapest seeyrity ig tke market, and re serve the right to advance the price at spy time. Siubsoriptions will be receiv ed in New York. - Enter(ainment —A Literal Entertain ment wHi be given at 'Boyd's. School house, blewviile road, two miles Iran town, on Saturday evening, June 27, for the benefit of the Sunday School. /firy , Making.-7-Our farmers s h e busy at their hay-making, and a beVier er better crop they never before housed.— The genes has hardly ever been bb geher alb;yq rI tilrOPA t hillt 1 11 4 p9l4lit)i4 itouscAneiners WllO'Woint the worth of their Money should buy Tin-ware, tic. ) at S. CI. Cook's, (formerly A. PolleY!s) York street, as it is welt known his ware Is made of the very best material. He also has a full assortineut of the best Cook ing Stoves to be had, warranted to give Wlo'4olol* In every respect. A lBO , "reserve Ifettles, Metal Boil ers, 4,rass Fettles, and, ltr fact, a bun tired others articles, at prices cattalo to please. He Is also prepared so put up House and Barn Spouting, at abort notice. Cook is agent for Munson's Pittsburg Copper Lightning Pod Turd Fisher's teir sealing Fruit Can. L't Il is conceded by t alt who have telttd them, that Dodge's Patent Ohio and Plickiynt and. F. Dial..fs Co's World Reaper and Mower, aro beyond all ques tion the best in the market, combining in greater perfection the great essentials of simplicity, durabllify,' compactness, aticl lightness 'of draft. Wm. Winte, Eitilthan township, la the Agent for these admimble Reapers and 8401,V1303, and Farmers would do well to examine them. See advertiseinent t at "Tv/0 irks odd Ainl azi and has grav ed that Dr , Wistaios ard, of - WM Crloerry remetty pus otoomillesioe tut tha odre of coughs, coals, crorgl, *Moon , fug cough, bronchitis, astkiiio,*thieloi ore ' 'throat and influenaL It cushy mush& and ma* tnst znferl t %a? the laritated:parts; It heafirthe - mation ; and even consumption if yields to Its Magic Influence. 7', out.—We learn that a p• it ty of gen tlemen who went on a fishing, excur-ion to Dublin Gap, caught in the course of the evening one hundred and ,ev,mty five trout, some of them over twelve inches iyou;,—.C:ratc, Gottra. We can heat that! A William , pott friend informs us that on Friday last ore ilaltimore gentleman who tried his skill at trout Ashitur w one of the mountain stream far whiell "old I,yooming" la so ittatly celebrated, captured three 111111(111 , d and forty of the "speckled beauties" in seven hours !—Harria/unv Patriot. We can't beat it, but mean to have our "fish story" too. Last fall a party of eleven gentlemen went to the Potomac to fish for bass, and—didn't catch one! Major I.'recieiick -.Wet: gar, neil about years, died at Hanover on Wedneaday last, (him the &recta of a fall ou the Fri day previous. He. served LenoraLly in the battle at Norttc Point, in 1814. Loom( It.mover .9pcchifor sity. cunt a little son,of Mr. Jorily,, store keeper, at Abbottstown, tiled lank week from the sting of n locust. The saute pa• per also rtportsereral emes in York county. Ifousekeepere mid otlictit wanting good Cooking Stoves, the best in the market, warranted to bale 4ud give batiafaction; or soy tiling Itt Ron iIP l'in Ware, dawn -.4,041ew Ware, Chamber beta, Area and Spice Buitts, Ice Cream Free zers, WaterSmleia, Coffee Mille, Bird .Krpit_jars and ilotsVatiyi. Oat linitißt,tow CAL Adv.:urn t. at the Ware-rnuin of Cul C. H. Ilnehlei, corner of Railroad and htrvet, Pil*MintiVr Petioti .tad at prices whit:kali:ay sotripetition. 11 Summer having CaMe at ht , t, body is layjni aside, thelt yi kit . rig and substildtlink steak scpuicirtable clotting. Now is the Little toga Ready-made Clo- Ultag..and Francis Cuuutitg,liata's, oppo site ther" k lar unit Sentinel" office, just the place to get them. lie its late 144- gest, otock ()rev 01097iel in Qettysburg, and sells al prices Igat'cail he heat. Call and e4affilue tor yourselves. it .4 Full attention of Farmers, Builders, Contraetun, and oth ersie Justlied to toe large sisaurttneitt of LifINIBtR of all kinds su Italia- for build ing purposes, to be found ut Col C. 11. BUEHLER'S I,uuitper Yard, at earner qt Carlisle and RaiJrwul striavis tucly ditu 1-144r4e, Plank's, Flooring, Siding, Laths, Pickets, Shingles, &c. Also l'osta. hewed and "sawed, With prime Fencing Boards, white" Pineand Hemlock. Hls stock is not only large, but hie arrange- Meats are such that he can sell at the very lowest cash rates. Ake, constantly- on hand, tllacketuith, Lime-InirrterS' Stove C 0.... tr The grcal amount of lions contained by the ladies Ia drowsing and arranging tlptlll*.tninitotalte any article which would reasen their labor particularly' de sirable. Ring's Vegetable 'Ainbrobia leaves the hair in such.condition as ii renal tkersing hurtarrtutgilig it very Vidif It Intitsrts , to it that ii pi eu ai l l 40,4 appearance so in nth ad mired, °legated th 43 Beall) from ‘l3ll4r4fr aortal! Lamm*, and prevents balatoehe ; promotes its growth, and restores gray &Oh to its original color. Jo/telt:. lm . . Radical Reeicirt4oA - 1 1 -4 tlead efreQts are perm:theta. It pot only rentores the colot of the bah., nut the quantity atrei natural glonsine,s. l'hia in nalti by every one using Mrs. B. A Allen 4 1111- proved frier444, 01; vligrl,cat u ier nr sling, tin yant b;.411.c. gvury Druggist wily it. ff Ice One [ otlur. lm THE Pitigbarg Dispute/I (Radical) a Sew days ago saki : "Yesterday a State held a CougreQszon al election—the young State of Oregon, Polltielana 1411 aaStioasty , nW*4 tale re , silt, as ilrill4astleateretty plainly the bt e of fealing on the Vocalic coast. 'The present , election will letermine the question whettrar or not there has been a rea t atiou against this Democratic increase. 1k will also determine the posi tion' of the 'State to the election next Tall." The result in Oregon has (If:tern/Ned the citlestiort that, therii ly uo reaction steady Democratic Increase, and fixes the po.,ition of the State in the election nest fall certain tor Lhe.uotninee of the 4th of Jul' Convention. BUTLER AND GRANT.—The Chicago Tribune, a leading Republican Grant or gan, says : "Geu. Agger, 14 lot knqw4, has never Weil la favor of Cieueraf (*raises election to the Presidency ; nor has he ever been over-scrupulous In the means employed in compassing his defeat. Uls 'toupee ten that Ittere (IR cittws uikrinnd eg uall Y malngnaut add unscrupulous losld,e the Republican party." figt tbe eloctiap It' Vill/ i stisileckti 014 a great maa t y iloolieette Peebles Valt weco oot taoorobla to the Success of "the grootest. It? 11,1411 olitottaln of the age." TR* laWer Iltruad of Congrel y t voted i'w d - rednee the tax on his 50 cents a gallon. MC WIZ sus 4 4luotices of the Peace. V The ites of "ilttillerna and Justices of he Petite In 'ti fit , eificept in the Ity of rhiltdpktla, t /14 flows: ; C etretrtilt ot ompl nt on behalf of the commonwealth, for every ten words, two cents. Docketentry on behalf of the common- I wealth, twenty pulls. Warrant or rttittlktiA, on I bet tileof the .t COW Well Vidlikttliss CesUltss Writing an examination on complaint of defendant, of st dePositioe for every ten words, two cents. Acipt blistering an otit,h, or •ttlrerafiop, ten cents. ' • . I Taking recognizance in any criminal ease, anti retutuiug the saute to court, fifty cents. Entiilag jatignient Ott conviction for fine, twenty eente. Reeoi ding eon% let inn or copy thereof, for every ten words, two yenta. Wai runt to levy flue or forfeiture, for ty cents. Raid Rises and return, or mersadeleul, twenty live cents. Discharge to jaunt , twenty-five cents, Entering discontinuance in case of as sault and battery, forty cents. Entering complaint of mister, mistress or apptentlec,„ twenty (cute. Notice to master, mistress or appreu• ties', twenty-five cents. Hearing putties, and discharging coin ' plaint, forty cents. Holding inquisition under landlord and met, or in eastr - of forcible eh tiy, each day, two dollars. Precept to sheriff, fifty cents. Recording proceedings, one dollar. of reqltutton, fifty cents. Wariatit to appraise damages, folly cent,. Wai rant to sell ,trap, fifty rents. \\ arrant to apprake swine, entering rttuut, ath ell:L.111g et cetera, one dollar and tiny cent-s. Entering action In civil case, twenty cent,. t ., 11111111011.4 lap, or sub , each, twenty t•tdas. EN cry .I.ldlttulla/ name after the first, live tents. seisip.ratt dace s /cruel, • t Wen ty-free rent Entering returnofsutpntnas,andqual ifi tog constable, fifteen cents. Entering copiers and ball Wild, ten cents. Every continuance of ~suit, teu cents. Trial and Judgment, fifty cot Lit. Entering judgment by confession, or by default, tweitty-tire cents. Taking spieler hail, twenty-live cents. Entering satisfaction, ten cents. Entering anne.ihle suit, twenty cents. Entry rule to take, depos'ittons of wit ne-ses, ten'eents. Buie to bike desp , ..itic,ll4i of witnesses, ten cents. InterrugatotiL.?, for every tea words, two cents. Entering return of rule, ten cents. En term ii rule to refer, ten cents. Bolt of referende, fifteen cents. Notice 10 each referee, ten cents. Notice to a pasty in any ease,, fifteen cent-, Entering a report of retareo, and judg ment thereon, fifteen vents. Eiiecution, twenty-live eon ts. .Entering return of execution, or stay of pl al itilY, forlo bona, nun 1 , 41 int', nine, or otherwise, fifteen cents. Entering discenti u mince, or salisfatieu, ten tents. Sei fit., In any case, thirty cents. Opening. judgment fur re-bearing, twenty cents jtetlirn of proceedings in errthirari, er appeal, including reeognizance, fifty cents. ; Tt iniserlpt ofjudgments, including cer tificates, forty cents. Receiving amount of judgment berme execution or where execution Ncas issued and special ball been entered within twenty days after judgment and paying the same over, if not exceeding ten dol• Zara, twenty cents. It above ten dollar., alll not exceeding forty dolldrs, itfty rents. if above forty dollars, and not ttifeed. lug sixty dollar:, Revolts -five cents. if above sixty titillate, one (tidier. Entering complaint, in writing, in Case of attachment, and qualifying com plaint, [bit ty cents. Attachment, thirty cents. Entering return, and appointing free holders, fifteen cents. Advil tisetn cuts, each Ilftoett edits. innes to sell fip.aals, twenty -11 cc cents. ()filer fur the teller of is pauper each Justictr, fifty cents. ()rile' fur removal of a pauper, one (hit tar. Order to seize goods fur maintenance of wile or children, tinily cent.. Under fur I.i . ennuili fur wolf or fox Rollns, to Lie paid, by,. the county, lifteuu cents. Every acknowledgment or probate of a deed or other imitiument of wilting, ENN city five cents. and , igni lig acknowledgment tin indenture of on appreuliee, for each indenture, twenty-live cents. Cancelling indenture, twenty-live eents. Comparing and signing tUlt 4 1 1Pliefite, fifty cents. Marrying each couple, making report/ theleof, certi;ltate to patties, three dollars. Cerftfteare of approbation of two Justi ces to binding an apprentice by directors or overseers of the poor, fifty cents. Certificate to obtain land warrant, 111. ty cents. In proceedings under act of one thou sded siglit,huudredi and forty-tliMrsuii one thousand eight hut/tired dud arty Live, attachment, forty Cents. Entering retorts ileent.Pave °"".. Arld4Vir, ten mite, Bond,'lwerd,y-tive cents. Entering rule, et cetera, or garnishee, each ten cents. LdertegatorieS, every ten words, two cents. Notice to garnishee, ban cents, Same fee for ser v ices nut hereto spenini ly provided fur us fur similar iwrviees,,ll:.,' Executing variant uu behalf of the Commonwealth, lbr each delecitisut, nifty Conveying tokid, iii nii?thnus, or war rant, for each defendant, fifty cents. :trusting, a vagrant, disorderly per son, or other ()Wender against the laws, (without prudes,) and bringing before justive, tiny cents. Levy ing a tine or forfeiture ou a war rant, thirty Taking the body Into custody on hal aulus, whine bail is afterwards entered before the prisoner ix delivered to the jailor, fifty cents. Serving subocena, isiteen teats. Seyving smausonit ur notice 1111 referee, culler, - master, mistre.s, or apprentice, personally, or lay copy, twenty cenLS. Arresting on emoins, Nifty Taking ail bond on animus, or for de livery of kticKts, twenty ciente. Notifying plaintiff where ilefebilfmt has been arrested CM capitis, to be paid by plaintiff, twenty cents. Executing landlords' warrant, or Sere log ex-4091,141u, fifty cents. 'faking hi'venfury cif gomisi basil item, two cents. Levying or distraltting gcsalt tug the woe, for each dollar not esseed lug thirty dollars, slit wits, Vox each dollar above thirty dollars, foot cents And halt the commission shall be 91- lowed where the money ta-pattlafterlbvy without sale; bat cotrimleutou - shall ' ' Iti any case, be' taken ou' *bore than the real debt. Advertising the same, fifty cents.' attaclitueni, thirty-titre Copy of vendue paper, w ben demanded, each item, tire cents. Putting up notices of distress, at men tion house ' or other public place , on tine premises,. twea tiS,oet.ltat„ - Serving 'acireJacraii persbnally, twenty cents. Serving by leaving a ohm s twenty cents. .Executlng a ball piece, thirty cents. Traveling exoduses in all eases, for each mile Circular, six cents. Making retinues to court, one dollar and fifty cents. Attending general electinnsi two dol lars,,, town4iiix ward or borough election, three dollars, Same bunt fiatiesxvioestatotA4ervin spcei ally-pt'oy(4eef fur as for similar serviette. Ting Witi,T , kia,avair. — The random In reward eouutles on the Mistern Shore of Maryland lira now engaged in barcrs ting their wheat. Theroare noise. coiri pplg_of,rust sad ,tho .cfrecta,ef ; amp-usiiithim" tiltyonseally: a g.d crop is atalcipated,--Sua, SPECIAL': NOTICES Ilthessee or the Sealy PROM , CE GRAY RAM AND 'Cho tine of ITAf.T.I4 HAIR It) NEWUR will rest Ore ft to 'unions' color nod promote Its growth. Our Treatise on t 1 hale la rout free by 1,11111. P. ItAT,I, & INnshon,N. H., Pruprtetkkrs. Tung 5, PIM .110 = ntwr elothertivith Most* Or rich Mork wird brown 'irnTr wonid, If tht.r. were untort unutell Ft"F OFF from It otrIMTADOT{OI4IYrE, belito to t• :MAN WAITE, red, s , aißrgrtiS., Mid ttf tty. It'll It the one deft.tek At tli,.lr persotott /mt.,' remedied it:tit/LISTA/W/10'8 lirmn PT , reJolnelu 'bull . gum/ turf u UV. awl recuidunnual IL to nil wbo rtiottro n perrotn, dye, Mannar/et nron by 3.crtrstiDoitri, ry 31:11t1vn TAW, Ni w York. 14 40 A by Applit4 ly ki,ll Bolt Jun. , Int Tob ('elelltltedlVenlttnn V.lnlntent. n 11.0 Wundutlial 00004, gum and In4tuntanvona I.ellon, In ed.. of Chronic lihennotthott, 11,101• 11(410, TOnlll4ollo, Cute, Burns, (bile, Cmmpg, 1/31,,0nt..r)•, etc., LIVI - e aqtonbilled the rlvlllrk,l otll. It in /10 now Cat..h.peun,y but on art hlv that hit, ,h u,l the teed of I.llltN 11.011101, ellO 1111 d I:1411111y 111111 . 11/Ong 110111111111 k theoulest evhlehen of Ito nth! to pulal Ito. 'try It nod ho conWucril. ou totally should be without 0 li , ottle In thy !Iwo,— hunetrptlß of dollars, ntd loan)* hours of suffering In.t) i.r .11,11 hy lto 11111.1.\ 000. 1:11110, erlllllll, andtiler) ) Lehi at 010 0 to Ito 1.1111-111111111 1/101 , 11 1 1 , It to rot Arley' Innocvnt, n od t`llll bo till Ito tlw of lo st 1,10011 or votkrh,t Mild. Nit watt, a., It )00 no 01111,101.0 1111'1111. 1011- 161.4—try t huh ttml ) utt a 111 h 0 hurt• to lilt) again and re-,,,inw-nd to your Wendts. Ilundr,,l4 ut I'tnnirl.ulo r, onoucna it In their prurthy, Nom, iphunte •.igut .1, 1. r0t...../-1 . 11 , .. t . ,111,10 . 4 IQ, till l'uttlatult w' 1 orll. Juno 1, IV. Ink Nllstaer 144.1.atua of Wlla Cherry. Fur t:..• ,i 31.• or t'oug u, Colds, 110.3n.m04., .1 it - ins, I itthieUm.4,, L'rut.p, l e aping 1.4.111111, th,dx,r,011.1...11.10u to Cwi.ul.l)4lou, Se., Sr. Thl, gr,it 1,4 too woll known and oa llormiuz too much good to tuoku 14 ucematury to go Into an elAllor ttr ak,t,,lon of Itwawrit, 00111 re to saylfult It mailltalna It. suprt nm cy Iu curing tt,, luoU olodinato neter, and Unit all who sutler *am the nbovn complatiott, after Imt Illg I nled 11/1111VIIIVILY,S1.1- .101t1 sill , oevatiluil to rusort to other '111101111W( 4 10 I m use oileolert rt,tafutlein to TL>fIIONY OF Vlt. 1'1:1'1;11 :1111\1'. w Vilma:limo, N. Y., 16. e. 10, thitS S, W. Powto& Son, Bo.o.m: (lentlonn•n—lnning the wltttrr or 1.64 I a nw tat mot It out to loolltlb Oh It Fig, pi, Cough, Vain' to the hills. gild Illn/tf , , All ll A 1.1. tuo - it t tlept 551.1 health to .rut on ex trlit grist of tt to shuns Is),olfhtut trtetutsts totlki nsWl. 1.- ring Int , . Nato I logol Irr. rat highly rtuunusni t! 11.111..,11,4, with little tw nu troott It Cull, Mot. hod eonelorloti tri - the osteol ut 15151.01ra ru ell— matt, ilium toy heolth; but, hertoo re...rang this, ft...shawls Into ell. t, I u,ts luau, tl 1., tile ur-- to tit rolltolalson nl t 0111 :41,11, Alt. Huntley, to, gill. DIE N 1 tarot: s 11A I.r. ill 11l NI Ibis t 111 111)5 tail I dLL.I, mut to IVO g,vnt JO} 1,,111,1111,1i1‘ - dktta rollof bit Me use ref tor/1,11, im,l/tr, owl 1 Asa nets,. In as :tootl health as tVer. I to Utter yolir Ftat‘itu MAR Of 11W 1104 n•/....4/).11 t'ottls, 11.11 , 1 Sit 1,111131 .1).0101.1, 110 W DI UM'. !Md rocuttoot 111 ILat, 1.% hl.l II W. 1 II \\ Nl,- 1101111 011 , ./ . 4k U ertAlly. Fnn scicorri.%. In an Ila mauilbld foruis JAVA 1/OuNNIt, 1,41 , of PnrkerNburg, ri leN IN I), .lu.leri, July 3,14110 W. ..1 lull >7 Running e 011711101114,1 taking oar InnltU Wutee, tut SILL Luny cni 1. cured NI Serpflan." lilt. AMMO . WATNIL 1.1 ri pun. F. 14,14 on 14 14,41 n/ 4.011. t/ usolvent. Vt Marl poinerfirl - Vokiihitt fy 4104 C clad ResFortaNa Lao,' It,ulnro Onw, J. I,INNNII INoprietqr, lloy Htalset,, New 1”1. , ,, all Dr ogonlx. JuNt i , 146 . 5. 1N A Alt.w.ltconkly for fousulopliou. • IIL)1.Al1U/1 Who had Coasotalaltof 1144 revorat >earn, u lnyueut ilt I..?I,IWAVA ut 11A • euretl, hl we. It 4411 .4 I 1 10 , /lellle WOMAN, 1 GI the 1440. fextoun, AA '1.44 LI, cos , . appt , . tretl taqatleam. Ho la lie ‘lllO pl., oh, I .11 41,4 1144) Urgl if in his usrti p. .01 ro II kti.avle,lp of Its I.lrtavo , WWI t IP.. Ili, degri`o . o.l 11111 rAll 110 WOW' thripo ft tO lot I I It. WU: tLeu.a•ut 111.1 4ll+l it IWO 111 10Allil OA /01 4 MU, 41;10,1111 W Wirt , to all 11.tia• of tots - stat y, Loaft.lhor 4.1114 11 4414111 or, plow, t 0144 .llt t.ttp IN, Palo - rod blot I,llot/oath exp,rhotot. Tat 1.1./cvs4 stillortrog 501411 441)) - 0k4.15«,1 tile Longs Ito plot', nt a Ito : MI.1o11 Ito ototilOrlol,), ...nalical.o Nic,l b. latel W a 3 exp./P.4, 8. ad rot a etreo tar or cull oa Da. E. ItUYI.. , T,IN JACKaI)N, No. lU) North TeuthlifrotA;Plolll, :goy S, J , C3. I) A (Aril tu &taw Ladies PR, DUPONCO'S Ut11.1)1C..4 PIiRTUDICAL., Pll.l/4 run VE.IIAI.IOI.IIIIJ/or its turrect• an( I rregaiarltioa, ltanloving Uwwt.uellolle4.l the Monthly 'raring, hunt witataver Canso, Jana al. wnya tineoetairni an a Proventive Pt mnkr peettlimiy hltualaa,ur thlowsagyaaalint themarlota Si, are wmtianed against. wait* ilaca, Pals I,lllle In that tonMtlk,ll lest 13,par ,00,0,rring," attar N 1 Weil . 411 ‘ 1 . 1 /“ . ..0-1 U . Pro p. LI t"r 11,../11 '4 110 I ,i.11,41/ilit,!. snhk. 15011 iltak 111 tiles, will prevent an) 550.640 K. liculhit, I la. , Dia. , hilt ben 414.• • by .1011$ M. Vl/1411, Druggist, Sri Agent, for liettysliurg, Pa. Lathes, by stiisilLuxb ttit, 11, titroug„li lllu 1t..4 0r 1i.% Call hove the Pills auy part atilt C.ll/11 ry,.`trte ut plAtagt. Met 1,11.44. ly New 31,1arrInire Guide ESSI,Y FOlt YoUNii 11 EN, ~n Phrranht. glen) 'neraire. Abused and 'thoraxes, liwitiviit Ynath Una tinily Nfanieenel, which cleat. 114. pediments to MAliittAult:, with Min! inemistd MILL S. la In m.,n041 It lter I^.o 1 , 1n0t,.. Address' Ur. .I.BKll.l.lNll.olAtdiTlis s i s [lnward Association, Philadelphia, Pn, Dec. El, 1/eathroa, 11Tltrtl Mea alit, Catarrh, with by I,r. J. LiA2l.<l,oaulita yarl.l,url,t, fkirlllar) // 11011.111, MIS Street, W 1161.4 *W.14414 from tl.n wort twurel.4 Ite (•tts and Cu/it/try cuts be Sects aL Ills 011115., TOO nt0g1.44.14wp11.311ee/tIIIM/Ir /11/ it path 0I , • as he I l mx 110 ....relet 11l Illx yrre tlle. .11t1114 tat e) es /11., led wltiumt 1%\1 , 11. Itargeslde f.Ji i,,1/1111.4101/. M 3 ). /, 11, JOURNEYMEN CARPENTERS WANTED IMMEDIATEILY awn W,tGE3 rvlil bigltlen WrLnst e n hands, Apply Immedlacely to WVALIAMITH Ic 140 N. lay 12, Via:S. lt aettsmburg, CASkTIiWN SPRINGS, ELGMT MLLb 1 , 101,11 CIETTYgBeILa. P.' r.t7'i'l.NW Ere., Prop'r /1111 E ttatlerstetted, hat, lug thuroughlS 1'4.-111(.11 the N vriusAi. wirku.... Ip. C.lirogo, 111111 al t o 4111 tttiel.l4lo4llDtl AO lion of the pulpit , to hlr mute, (Sr oee t etie ee l,,. flows Pecoeue deArltte W 4.mA a leer tsr Illtsllthn I ate altlty te•lgltleAß4txll, withut• 1 . 1 . 1 cg0 of Pore attal.l4oU ulr, dully toott-Ilerilag. at' . Mh taud ho ono* attraeth, piney. V.lllll. to lie(lySLUrg 1111 the anal mu 1 viols 11 la &Waage hours' ride pcvrr ik lasal Pow). sououtiutions smoiau the Wln Lima lu the 00LUIty. A good sod Lust Ok . W Lars awl Liquors. Charges reaSaaahle. E. Jane Lb, LOW. Sm Robert a Armor, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AP D DELL RANGIER Alfa Middle 4., katta - kaairficm4 ow aurt--awAsw. ° ro g gl y cluitrit i tre 1. 4 .1 0,4 1 ur l i lna i b r j.l2,l l ,! anses% sat at prklediu4 low oo 4ata-:Kiwably 1;e Afforded Le make. Wiled. frAid AIM feeedisliod, 'rya Clientlellers,. Bff.ifff.. Drop Tddlits, die.; slut WATKII, PIPE, Stops, Top and Frost spigots, east altort., eve- Uthi beaungiug to aati ur water fixtures. lie la Hung, awl lorulobed It desired. De; Li, leg. 4 8004i, - 4.OaNT.S Vt".TE/} To &Mel t ordent (or Dr. WaLltatt OP TILE BIBLE. Tar. uNt.y wurriuM Pr 11- I.I3LIED IS AMElitr t. CONnElltuttr 11x. H3(l oar* tritAlr kr nolo ituvolarafooo wol Luaus' laths truted with over Ir. sr...laud wood °nonwhite, Agents stud saluet Wed the that you et, Die gna+A caii•oit bit ' The bituotrotteiti throdtlierot says, MU eattfou publish"; hr alessro. Burr & Co t ., la the Oath/Au Vett Ouweepothoutith guys whoewtr "ashes ftl get, In tne cheapen& Sono. the Lord InetlutouT of the Itthle, should bay tia44 e Agelit4 are ilapPeitl& lijAk unparalleled ittlerSlP., employ 11 . Ortliettol dpqth and of extra tarlocententol.qthuthasaers. Airnts rev Mt. taltenthore Of olaalthir directly With the i'`tld3.. thateriptdyst dreuLtra wail full part Itathiga Sad tempt, addru Mat publirthers 4 J. N. UMW & IXI, Mulford, Conn. May 214/tlth. LAST NOTICE. Ataesiescas intherfeci to the late nrinior ite cUUDY t MEW, will platen cell tend settle . If not rend before the let of December, the Books wilt be kit In the htuels Moe either for yolks. non, wl Mout rev n 1 to persona. .lActtlatlaYAllt/ERE, Oct. 11, IWO. tf OWN, Oa= ri_itEliii4iCASTLE iiiAp:urrt lir the beet Cradle hi 1106.4=milt by - ' a. filtEit.FY. 114 .1 A W. Id tki males soul& of Eletivainini. "' VAIN* 014 (*pet and BAWL CIMXINUHAM'eI 5.. k....: