Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, June 26, 1868, Image 1
iIIArgAIMULD star ~ULT. ."' • IST ' E.4. Ptralita TI ana—Two Dot.beass per ammo. to adranee— Two DeLbssii AND ' , wry CUM U not paid in advance. No eubscription discontinued, uniesr at the option Of the publisher, until all arreareses are yak!. Apenanenarstrre Inserted at the usual rates— Large redaction to those who advertise by the year. Jos PILISTIXO, of every description—from the smallest label or card to the largest handbill or poster—done with dispatch, itra workman like manner,sid at the lowest living rates. ONTICS m Baltimore street, a few doors above the Court-House, on the opposite aide, with "Gettysburg Compiler Office" on the building. Attornhs, Physicians, &c. Tr/L L D rNC.LV, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Wlll promptly attend to all t o r r io basher entivutted to him, Including the proeuriag of Penchant, Bounty, Bock Pay, and all other elidnui &wawa the United Statea and titre Governments. tf Glee n North-wart corner of Diamond, Gettys burg, Penult Aprllls, 111117. tf =I 17ORNEY AT LAW, LITTLFATOWN, PA., HI promptly attend to eollections, conveysn nes, writing of deeds. leases, de., and all other business entrusted to his earn. °Mee on Frederick at reel, at the office formerly of De. Shorb, and latterly that of Drs. Klazor and Mehring. May M, tsss. lys 4". C. NEELY, A TTORN'EY AT LAW, Festinates. attentlen paid to cultection of Petoloru, Bounty, and, Back-pay. Utile, in the Y. K corner the Itioniutel. lit Hy 4burg, April 8, ISM if EDWAN3 B. BUEHLER, A TTOBNET AT LAW Will faithfully and prompt lj!isttend to all Madame! entrnated to him. He !speak. the Herman language. Often at the earns Mu e, in South Baltimore !street, near Forney'a drug store, and nastily opimalle Lawler sit :Meg la,r',4 More. i,rlLyalJurg,Mar,lt JO//Y Xn.117711, U. AI,CONAUGHY, ATTORNEYS AND COCNSEIJAJP.S. nn McCONAUGItY has associated JoIIN LP, KRA UTII. Esq., in the Practice of the Law, at Ills offlce, One door west of Buehler's Drug store, Chambershurg st reel. plpeelu/ alttantloti given tt, suits, collections and settiament of estates. All legal Madness and claims W Pensions, Bounty, Beek Pay, and Dam -1114,11 against United States, ut all times, promptly and ellielently attended to. ' Ai n,' Warrants hsl.l:ed, and choice Farms for sale in lows and other Western !States. Nov, W, ISO 7. = OPTICE AND DWELLING, A few doors frrmi the N. K. oorner of Bnlttmora and High streets, near the Prenshy Winn Church, Gettysburg, April 11, 1/07. Dr. W. J. M0ie7.17)14,4 puYSIC/AN, rII7IIOEON AND ACCQUC'HEUR, flaying permanently located In New Oxford, will practice his proftowlon in all branehea. HU friends and all others desiring his peofassional rcevl nre requested to call and consult Utast. nla Mike, in Hanover street.. ]Jay leaf. tf =1 AVING LOCAT . 2 4 I , i;f u i I : i tHERLI.N, 1 1 1 TY, J, 2.. that by ittato‘ottetttloti to hi* profodolonal faLih he may mesa * share of Use public tr Ih, C. M. BENSON LIAM the Pratt'. of Medicine la jj LITTI.DITOIVN, and offers his iterviees to the toddle. ()Mee at Ilia Wotan, corner of L,ont• hard street and VotindrY alley, /...r Th. Mai!road. tilpechti attention siren Luskin DiDe... Icitlieetotott, 'Nor. N, Dr. J. A. .111..1181 . 110.71 - 0 IVINI4''NIVs nit nilk I nlo..u.l,l:lXt ie,intyotnp,, *tonal bervlvetv to the pahlle. hopes by strict tvil I lot) 1 0 orofeexional dot ley, to merit a share ierZm D. M. BrICEVRQ y y AV[Nti Just returnad I.olil thP 11 Alarylaud said Hospltala of Baltimore, Imo Pwaaed at ILESBLEBSBUBtI and offers him pro- G. 411111 aervlttiall4l the public. April :14,161A II J. LA WRENCE DLL). Jtr, D., DENTIST,I t lila office one door west of t.Re 1.- Lherun church In Clutinbersburg street, and - os.,µ *He Iv. If. liorner's oft., where those arlahlfik uily'Velital ()went lon pert - wined are respect fully Int Itell to cull. ItErsitruess: Drs. Horner, Her. flaugher, D. D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, P. H., Piot, U. Sto`Ner. Clett)shurg, Aprll EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD, ADAIIB COUNTY, PA underalaned having purchased the Martin Hotel property, In New Oxford, Adams coun ty, WM conduct it In future, ;Wider the name of the "Eagle Hotel " He Wedges himself to spore no effort for the comiort of hugpeste, His table sI all have the best the tnarlia_4 can afford, and Ids bar the choicest liquors. Mr otut tubers are rtueroos, an* Aaeortut (nil Ito g1 4 4440P01i0h. l'hore,llotillaWi totish , v , p ed liotel, Walt* w. 141 ne atteadoi by o r /able and alootasakookAisag on/ter. The proprietor hopes to 'receive a II heral share of puoila patronage. ass will always try to Joaerro It, klawrmher the 1 , 041e7 of Ala 014Woud, New Oxford. SF.NeY March 13, ISM. U GLOBE INN, I= LITTLFMTOWN, ADAMS COUNTY, PA Tr II undentigned, having Immilasetithe' .olo be I Inn" property, in Ciettysburg street, Utiles. Sown. would most respectfully luvite a share of iLifepuldle'spatremage. Wspmmtses the hest the market can afford for his table. with the choicest liquors In his lair, nod tun, Portable beds and chambers. With con -4lderaine experience, he thinks he mu Justly ous.,he,kuows Inns to keep a hotel. There ,is litrge stabling situated, as well as rass lola for Acores. Au attentive ostler always 401 hand--none .4ther than an accommodating fine allowed on the premises_ lie Invites a hinge share of custom, and win Apart. no etibrt to deserve It. .Littlestoorn. May V, tr =3 G. 1.9113 E I_N N„ ~, URK RTREET, NEAR THE DIAMOND, 0R1T7218 MG, PX.Nielr,4 41^1RE aseleraignial would moat respectfully i room Ids numerous &Wok+ and the public *morally, that he has ~arousal that long estali dished and well known Hotel, the afilobe hag," Ow lurk street, tletryiburg, and will spore uo adrort to conduct It be *wanner that will not de dritet from Its former high reputation. Ills table o 111 have the beet the avriiiss& eau afford - -his shoilibeni are spacious and comfortable—and be has lidd in-for his har • full atoek of wines and Hews. There Is large lambent aatactied Lp.the Hotel, which will be attended, ,- h attentive 0 4.., legslt will be his constant mormtor to render the.fulleet ailUsfeetion to Ws gnome, making his Swage .as mew *ONO to them aspoem ible. He ealosedisare of the putallea pationage, determin ed so he is to deserve • large port ofit. H e m et .- bre, IlseaiHuhe Inn' . Is In York stared, but near the Leawood, or Paddle Square. SAMUEL 'WOLF. April 1, ladt. It KEYSTONE HOUSE, deIIAIIBEHABITRO ST., OETTYRIWRO, PA., WIL IL MYERS, PROPRIETOR. Irrnilft lee new Hume, fitted up In the Most ap j.. proved style. Ito Wanton is phloem", central sad convenient. Every arrangement lute been made for the accommodation and, comfort of guests. The Table will always have the beat MIAs. aberket, sad the Liar the best of willro and lleuora. There is 0011111lOdini1/1 tilnhUng attaelted, with au acentomodatlng ostler always on hand. title Hotel is now open for the ent r ertui Innen& of the nubile, end andiate of patamewe Ito e.` A. will be jpareil Ineendernilisfiwtluu. EVERHART'S 1 4 111ANKLIN MOOR E, malign!. of HOW n ALTIMORE, It At VIA LiN fintEIMS, B Mears is cm a dtreet floe begarent Northern Lkottral and Baltimom k Ohio Railroad Depola It has been refitted and comfortably ar ranged for tem IMOD Veolekkee and the entertain ment of rood. NIMBI, tf • WANTED. AORNIR. WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR, lia awes, OAT, elandslot and Results. BY UGC ALLXAYDILS H. BTETMLNS. A Bork AA sill llowAdes sad an Parsks. rTS great wort present. the only eomplete and impartial atmlysis of the Causes of the ya published, and give. throe Interior lights nag MmGrara of the greet conflict only known to chase high °Moen e ho watch.' the flood-tide of revolution from Its {antitank springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephen* Irons his pre anion as mound calmer f the confederacy, To 41 PUbi kl that hos bass surfeited Vidi AP PAMENTIS SIMILAR PRODITOTIM 0., we prosaic/ a allange of fafe, both terreralfAis plot we, Mary, mid an Intellectual treat et Me kighest order. The Ormat Anserienn War bag AT FiAnT Sound a historian worthy of Its IIairIINIMOIN and at whose turn& it will reireiye that moderate, candid and Iniparthtl treat pent which truth and Justice so urgently demand, The intense Assn, everywhere manifested to ohtgla this wort ftsiMacial entreats/ and ready eonthlued with an increamst ementlatdon, make It MA frost sebectiption book ever Fmk. Mated. rt.t in MaittOtt PA, reports 7 . 2 wheal- Imp In . ce days. VFW S.-BMus, MPS.. 103 suMerlbers in four Oaa In Itenaphls, Tam., 106 subscriber. In dye dam iihandlOregreslam ANA amour tams, and Malrternren ONof the toork,ifith Prim sod flit ma Je ad tsirees TIAL PIIIInfG .1141ailbileventhat.,PhIphla, PA, TX= Doak Nati agid GUngaliGnUlP4 GETTYSBURG BY H. J. STAHLD. HOOFLAIW'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hooiland's German Tonic. THE GREAT JRZWEDII6III 70* ALL "assume or THE LIVER, STOMACH, OR LIGE& TIME ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Ia ccarkpoard of the pore Juices (or, as they are ntedically termed, Eretroar) of Rade, Herb., and Para., making a preparation, highly concentra ted, and ,entirely free from alcoMit wry kind. HOOFLANDI3 GERMAN TONIC is a ortabination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with the purest quality of .91/1441 Cirri Ras, Gramm, tre., making one of the moat pleas ant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the "low' Pftfoirringe . Nredictrie free from Alcohol ic admixture, will use Hoofland's German Bitters. Thaw who have no objection to the combine ion of the /litters, sts stated, wIIJ ttite flootland'a German Tonic. They are Loth equally good, and contain the same medical virtues, the elinice beta een the two tiring a mere matter of teats', the Tonle l. be tuft r• h e ld =af t rl ' , 4 1:04111li aa variety of causes, such us Indigestion, spepsia, Nen OIDI Debility, etc., Is very apt to hale Itsa, functions derange 4. The Leer, sympathizing salt dose a ith the Stomach, then bevoini atteeted, the reeult Which le that the patient sutlers from seN scat or hugs a the lug alit, CONRTIPATION, FLATULENCE, IN WARD pl,Fls, FI'LLNEKs OF BLOOM TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, Nny- VIE 1, HEART-BURN, DIsOUsT 101/. FWD FULL NEM OR \V1...16Hr IN THE MTUNACH %OUR ERUCTATIONS, f4INEING OR FLUTTERING AT THE Fl'f OF THE BIiLHACIL SWIMMING OF THE HEAD HURRIED Olt DIFFI CULT BREATHING, FLUTTERING AT THE. HEART, CHOKING OR SUFFOCA TING SENSATIONS WHEN IN A LYING PO , TURI4 DLllNklitt OF' INYTS OR wEitri BEFORE THE SICHIT, DULL PAIN IN THE HEAD, DEFICIENCY OF PERSPI RATION:yrjAAPAINESB OF THE SKIN AND EYES, PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK, CHr>tT, LIMBS, ETC„ St DDEN - FLL'SHFPI OF HEAT, ' I* THE FLESH, CONSTANT _ AWNINGS OF EVIL, AND OB.EAT DEPRENSION OE SPIRITS. The sufferer from these (linenses should exer cise the greatest caution in the nelection of a remedy for his ease, purehusin i t only that which 114, he Is assured front inveoti liniment' inqui ries possess. true merit, Is nk compuutni ed, is free from 01Jurious luarudlente, and has entoblished for itsett a reputation for the cure of these dinenskol. In this connection we would submit Omen well-known remedies.— 1 - 100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS 023 HOOFLAND'S CiEtiMAN TONIC. Intr;vAltBnity DR. C. Y. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Twenty-two yearn Billet they were first Intro duced itita Oils actuary from Germany, during which time they . hap 044pbtedly performed more cures, and benefited inllT.tioit to a greater extent, than any other reinediankubwoi to the public. These retnedieei will effectually cure Liver Corn- Dynneraitn, Chronic Irr Ni rept. Debility, Chronic Diarrhoea, finical, of the hid neyx, end all DlNAitani arming from a Ihnottlerod Lit er, ht.mtach, or In leattbeV, DEBILITY, it t lug front any rouse a Imte, er: PROSTItA.• TIUN TilE Itolueed I.y St, ere - (41mr, Hunlnhipm, Exposures, Fevers, .e. There In no mispeine extant equal to these remedies In such CRAWL ♦ ;4 , 14. 111) d vigor Is im parted to the whole system, Ilia appetite Is stre)gthtned, food is enjoyed, the Woolson dh. grate promptly, the blood is purified, the coin pies hm becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge in eradicated from th e eyed, a bloom lx giv en to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous in , vatt4.lreeemes a strong and healthy being. pAlisohfo 4 pIANCED IN I.IIE, And feeling the hand anon, walzh)pa heavily upon them, with all lie uttendanCllfs - ,tl Pile{ in the use of this BITTERN, or the TONIC', un elixir that will Instil Lew life Into the ell., re store In a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and Klee health and happiness to their remain -4Vlrnrs, NOTICE. It Is n welt Ilitatkrehed taut that V tt one-hall of the female portion of our pop/i ' re/ 4 duln in the enjoy went of good heal ; r, ate their own expression, "never feel well.' They are languid, MAW,' of all energy, extremely ner vous, and hove luo appetite, To this ewen of persons the 231TrElt9, or the TUNIC, la especially recommended. W.E#l KA AND DELICAT'E CHILDREN Are 11/31410 . Iffeal by t 0. he we of either of these re medies. Cs4f ever) cove of MARAS without CM Thousands of v. - Tillie/tree have opeumulated in WITI the hands of the propriepors, blot *pure allow Orgy nubile/Ilion of but few. Trhete It Will be *CO foie men of note and of such ktglidlog that tiikY 4.1,101. beneVed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, CLI let J fho Supreme (tort of Pl..,writ...ea IlkikulalpAics, Mardi la, 1147, gloolland's German Bitters' is a goat Louie, Wil{ ill Illieemcii of the d4estive organs, and of great benefit In elutes of debility, and want of nervous station In the ayident. Yours truly. - OW, W, WOODWARD." Hon. James Thompson, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. .Phlladelplua, April 2A, Infl& "I eonalder 'Midland's German Bitters' a valu able medicine in ease of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I ran certify this groin My experi ence of lt, Yonrs, with t cancel JAStili THOMPSON." • From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D, D,, Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson—Door Sir: I have been frequently requested to connect my name with ream:mew datlens of different kinds of medicines, but re gunting the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I nave in all awes declined ; but with a eletrj prnaln various Instances and particularly I :6N ojenn=iliiitotlnithelumfp.uirritrettrofol4r,..kkoml p usual course, to exiiress niy full conviction /sr general debthty of the *arm, ge-b4 moesale *for Liver Clamp/Mat, dm safe and aduanle pea. psegfEit In some mare It may WI; but usual iy:racerart not, It will be very benelleial to those a in, from the above anuses, Yours, very respectfully, J. H. Xi:St:ADD, Eighth; below Goatee St. From Rev. E. D. Fendall, AK.lstuut Editor qirtatlarieitiohlele, Philade - - I hove derkved derided benefit from the ume of Houtiand'a (aeration Bitters, and feel It myprivi lege to reeonimend tram as a moat valuable too k to all w1.,9 g.iv surf:3l . ll4 from general debility or from dearagag ([stn derangement of the ba r er. pgans truly, Lr D, INbi PALL. CAUTION Mooflaud's German Iten,tedies are couuterfeit ea. spe that the alauature of C. M. JACKSON, til ea W. u p, iapper of each bottle. AU others are & counter . Priiwi ocam &71i 1 Manufactory at the Ger -111.1 Medicine Store, .'o. ailAnell Street, Phil aelelptela. Pa, c"ltt=3ll=74ll‘ PRICES Boattand's Germanltteaq,per bottle, - $1 14) half dozen, - fr Ile Hoot German Tonle, put d up In quart hot- II & dt-eat f o rr bottle, i o c r x o t tn . usl . rA if c3 l a 7 rtie yrz o lCoter p la g et i ire - j u e n t=e y .. Jame 17, VIM /9 laPlikll'B PORT GRAPE WIIE, Can/ by Hiewdreda q( Cbogneyntions far aura w OXIMIUMOUS Puspwes. Altaagt for iodide TO li Mil Weakly Persetes b; VINEYARDS, NEW JE-RSEV Spur's let Crape Thu, tar Tun Ohl. frets loot, oehihrSett aattzeoWthe t*terile=4,jultVivlrnaCtl raPe. Tonto and iitrsngthening Properties are utlaurpassed by any other natlye Ins the pare Juice of the grape, produced 44 Mr. apeere own penional supervision, ita o r g d: childenulnenew are guaranteed. The y may partake uf ler eta qualities, the weakest invalid may ma lt toadvantage. It I. particularly beneficial to the aged and debill toted, and malted in various aliments that af hict the weaker sea. Jt la, in every revest, 4 Ilri4W ?O JP IS I,I3LIND ON. ose Speer's Port 0 repe Wins. }emotes use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Weakly perissui find a beisedt by Its U. Speer's Wines to Hospitals are preferred to otk• er wines. litd ie grooers i. _ triwdeo, end genet, 1 taLiTiriiM:., delphls. A. ral" Vtilifflird, New J ersep . mak sgs Br.h.y, New YOrk. August Se. 11%7. ly O YES! 0 YES! Andrew Potter!, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, geFERS blsierviesalc , fr a Cried inane , ;set alba :41i lying considerable ex Who= be natters Mis ari al be able lq tandler la ide& rast OM= &WM'S. Goma& .44wessee, Pt& filrftyeNt -gmle.finiiolin =wiamm wiutit I!ISUil* HITESHE W'6 NEW GOODS FOR SPRING &ITO SUMMER. 10FAVING Dist returned from the city with a large and well selected stock of • DRY O' DH NOTIONS, GROCERIDS, WHIGS, RocNJEENIS-WARE, HARD-WARE, 8H OED AND FIATS, I call the attention of my enstcmaers and the community to my large stock of Goods,which I am now offering at lower rates than th ey hese been 1111100 the war, and at prior. which cannot fall to strike the purchaser as cheap. With every facility for purchasing bloods at se tow figures as any In the trade, I am alao prepared to meet competition in low prices from any and all quarters. Prompt conformity to the lowest market prices is my estabibthed role. - :I.::,*'j GREEN RIDGE STORE. THE undenaf t n o rAh l m . opened a : t 1 ANI/ „NOTION STORE, Green Ridge, Hamilton tovonuthip, Adam]. minty, tHeagy'n old staund,)oll the (Mrlinle Turn pike to whi he ini_ipvites the attention of the public generally. Mk stop* egnelataof SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS. MOLAMIES SPICES, EnSEIICO3, OILS, 3fEDICINES; MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FILLSE. GLOVES. SUSPENDERS. NECK' flissl: RA.N REM Ei I End., BUTTON Ili, T tiREAPS, 1111.USHEL4, &C., &C., &C., , In short, a full assortment of everything usually found In a first-elms store of the kind.' Hls stock will ILIWII}m he found fresh and fulhand his prh. cry lowest. No effort spared to please all IV q latty pittroilige MI% • .1012 N U. RUFF, April 24, 1848. lv 1868. DM iamax 1: N. DRY GOODS 1 .3fost!kW Assortmetets I SELL for very mall profits, and aim at doing a very large boatneaa FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FINE SILK POPLINS.. p#SHIONABLE SHALES OF FRENCH WOOL POPLINS,_ _ FASHIONABLE slitgqDp 4LPACA POP FRENCH CHINTZF D R, PIQUES, PERCALES N LAWNS. BLACK SILKS A PLAIN SILKS, PLAID SILKS. SWISS MUSLINS,JAMNET MUSUNS, CAM- BRICI4, BLACK ALPACA. (oLort ED ALPACA, BLACK AI . ), WOOL DELA.IN. RISTOPII gfl-1-WLB, THIBET hHAWLA. CLOTILR, CA43IMERET4, CIA/AK (NOS, LINEN TTONA DE. . . 14 CO =UMMEM==! TOWELS. _ BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRIIP. FLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. EMBROI- I4C4ED NDK ERCIIIEFs, HEMSTITCH- Kjt ti.I.:IDEEItcHIEFS. MEN'S, LA D1144',14.1hM10W ilin4:11?:-V8 GLOVES AND STOCKINtis. I am constantly receiving the latest styles of Dram anti Fancy Owds. My stock comprises everythlut usually found inn first-class DRY teutiLlS S;' W W, lo which I invite the attention of the pia 110, .4011,4, *4,144 rya ti,y 010 safely ehallenge oomparlson with 41l i h wool lu quality of goods and lowness of pr J. L. SCHICK. Getty minim May I. tf LET ALL I'N PEOPLE COE! Fanty Goods and Con/WI/onesy atop.., rrE undersigned, having bought out J. M. Worner'st Fancy Goods and Confectionery oe. on iigltlntore street, nearly opposite Pah• nestc.ks' store; uc.ttytbarg, Ins lies the public's patronage. large and tasteful as Lbn stns?la° been, no effort will be spared to render I d 11l wore attractia e and desirable. He now offers Writing Desks, Plain Candy, Work hoses, Fancy do., Portfolios, Plagalea, Satchels, kardlnes, pht'S Lobsters, • h r hua atoYs, Pocket Cutlery,pinsi , Leine_ Jewelry, arena `racaterli, Mess, Winn Biscuit*, Illusroon do lire Workx Brushes, Perfumery, Peas & Penitils, 1,7611 . 141 PaPen,' Ea T Envelope., obemo d negate, Nq It. rups TOO NITMEROEB TO MENTION." He intends to sell everythlagaS the lowest pos sible prices, believing that “small goodie" bring "uit* maim" and are therefore boat for buyer and gapes,, ODIUS 014e- -- 100140 FMIRTF4 Match HIP. if GROCERY & FIANIR STORE. #fit7lo ref I,4E4ks IROTHER tinyg totnokiwtt their Ware to the Nelostedt propetty, hp Chambes/to% street, where t ey propose to keep coostwatly luipt4 ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES, Flour, Peed, Notion., tie. Also, VEGETABLES In season, fresh from the city and country. They ate determined to sell cheap as the cheapest, and as they only ask the lowest Living prodta, they hope to merit and moatve it Bharat share of public patronage. MEALS * BRO. April 16, 1888, tt BARGAINS AT TIM Maw GROCTOVVY IN GETTYiLIWBI3. JOHN CRESS & INON HAVE opened sees GROCERY, In Getty*. lit lung, on the north-west earner of the Public !square, and my Just received • splendki smart merit of FRH GROCERIES, Including &agora, Coffee. Molaases, Byrom Teas, Spices, Tobacco, Galt, Flab, Ram., Bboaldera Also, QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuta, Fruits twain. FatIOV Art4elee and Mothme nPVaDv- on hi" 131R ynw.b.. Having purchased tor CASE, we are prepared to alit very cheap. Give us a cell and Judge Par Yourselves. JOHN CREW, J. W. CRESS. Sept. 27, ISM. If Farmers, Attend to Your Interests I EIffTYSBURO FOUNDRY. E subscriber would intone b easterners and ethers, that he is still nassornmitarirni va- 7 kinds ot earnings and lisahlnea msi to ~.mutrt,:,..7ll3llrPOWEßll.... _ Lilabroas ass. Poisern) CLAVisticiellililir i.3141,EL1S AND tlir WEED. HS AND ISDPA A °roma AAR. STRAW W C) AY 'a; ; CORN PLOUGHS such as CAst Plough., Harattear , iithl Coen - the - WIRE-SPRING HORSE RAKE. the latest imErovethent; also SHIREMA.NI3 SELF-DISCHARGING HORSE RAKE. He will 11/(pEtt!Uptill3hveligre 540 AMU ItEAPERA. ftafti . 2llolArrregigiterrt=clwa,W/P1 e Vet, MS Ithe, hlw fates. VOR —A oa4..hone Wpgru DAVID IMPANEL April Ith 1/163. tf Osborn lhaufsetaring Compaq', 1..A1.*., sfmh LTn " 08DOBN BIRD AND ANIMAL CAOBB, ataimalletared solely by this Company id Bridge mrtA ,a.. tinder Letters of Patent of the D nl- These Cages are ors groat mei, ty of styles and asish, and inolude • • , • • ctimery, Han*, Marking Bird, einitrrel, de- The y . are dubbed in a superior manner; no ti k ne iellitkra=l4 4 =fit i tuttlt t = tion. Ica s. Titania Fader s will appreciate these points of excellence, to be 11011114 i in no othermes. They received the hjah est premium at the Amerkian Institateand New Tart State Fairs of MR. let rAbero 404 s l d *W Ivogat ; to 1410 Trade. Otta i r c S ib °- 44 ,1,07-11 j. :13:;:111 ildragi .I?.epori qf Paroperre tlre, N. York. laA W ngti Jaancrs.—Wm. D. Osborn, Port Vunly, N. Y., Wm: •Will the ltive ut ognitoll nalitiSraAr t gg 7 Is It ecouoin poky too of Doey's leaciiinat?" Win It groan farnorrs' Mathes dean, and sot be too hard Work for the Imam" Wgidlnin machines have to generally proud stutteginat I am amid of throe* heir Iny mousy upon "Vows BORINSON-11 you had topay ten times the money you mention, It would be the beat In ~Mee you ever madLre ytert farm, But you moat rot have that the Vulvae. ml Clothes Wringer with it, and Your wild and children will rise • sad call you blessed. For Hoy sin *M mode emir." _ s. 0. s t. ,„ Y, And by Denten sad • , Armrest's, June 4UM Mg milli aloe Psiati. Chad; (Mes s a t uallus. Dl'. S «, r u. „ . MB NEW GOODS. Cheaper than Ever. REBERT 4 ELLIOTT, Oppoiat t 4 00wWistme, i%ittimimu,v. H AZIL t J :It opened a new and large sato* SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Or ALL STADIA CLOTHS, ^ CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, SJIJES, GINGHAMS, LAWNS, PRINTS, BEREOER, MI;YRUNSI *D. SD., to which they Invite attention—being determined to mil at the lowest cosh prieent April 10,1101. If HUBER'S, DRUG STORE, .Fbrney's old Stand—Baltimore Street, GETTYSBURG, PA dUAVTNO purchased Unsold and popular Stand andlaid In an entirely new and fresh Stock r a Tull amortritenh clifoilating In part of DRUOB AND FAMILY MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES-A. LARGE ARSORT RENT, PURE LIQUORS AND MINES EOR MEDICIN AL PURPOSES. SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. DYES AND DYE STUFFS—HOW ct. STEVENS , DYES, EXCELSIOR LYRA, AND THE ANI LINE DYES—THE CHF.APET AND THE PEST IN THE MARKET. ALL VIM:4R. /.;Lrq ANT PERFUME- 9 AND TOILET ARTICLES. C'OLGATE'S, AND OTHER SUPERIOR SOAP.% HAIR BRUSHES—TOOTH BRUSHE from 5 to 5u eon tn. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS-THE BERT AND ORRAPWVI - 1 4Fkli, F 4 '*p, kißl•L'Et• DALE'S PERNIAN,RTONUMAKER'S AND ROBERTS'. STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF-THE BEST BRANDS. PHYSICIANS' PRinCRIPTIONS A N D(FAMILY LECEIFTS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. PHYmICIANs ANU 00Iiii_Ty leficiftolls SUPPLIED AT ILELAIGnu nArktat. Medicines Ituntished AT AU. SOURIS OF TS'' F !GUT. Night bell at the door. April 8, IMM. tr RE-BUILT ! ND:owpm pit CITPRO 11 4 1 00 11, JOHN GRUEL, Chambersburg Street, Gettoburg, Pa., next clear w:1 File 1-12{ 4 1, hiving completed his new building, has opened the largest assortment& tkinfeetions ever °breed in Gettysburg, including FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES, ir= l / 30 411, eveCyt t lerg p =i= d ii . datious for i 'etk u=len:en. ICE" CREAM supplied on shortest Retire. Feb, it, ISIS. 'it DIAMOND BEpt.A.3 l t, STORE- .li' .E X . 0 r.. 1 . L. The F"deriligned poi reßovall !als Sear store to 4wi Noirru.EAßT copir4 or rfa wow, aNT7TOPPIIP, wore be asks ♦ ealittsonace of the public's pa trona". His new location Is one of the most IZNULiL AND (CONVENIENT, .tad nL flock of . 13epas sown Übe must choice and satinnetary He Intl keep ana head As best BRANDO, and wiR wwWWWWww /by 'naval 'oak 111wwwWwse the nom* IP wig sell sj - the lowest thing prima, eyed wbabtaile Ilesaimaber the pbeee,ts the Daman, between Brinkerhoff's Store end MeCielkea lloteL ifv:1:10;frio);11:li5 1 11:11VAN: 41 1 April S, UPI& tf ANOTHER BAKERY, J W.E undeinblinedbas opened a Bakery at the corner of Waal - 114ton and High Weep'. Get/Js bars, and hriltes the public's patronaire. FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, TWIST, CARES, PRETZELS, IC. EVERY DA T. By using the beet of dour and other materlata, and doing Ida work well. he hopes to give aattenta dor la every osae. Call at or Nand year orders to the Bakery, corner of Weeh'neon and High 'Uncle, oppoidtc the Pemate Institute and Poe as'e Grunt* Yank CHRISTIAN HOFFMAN April IT, LBO. tf THE OLD FREIGHT LINE TO BALTIMORE. _ atidmlirwd eonitaufm IQ Peek* .1400 IQ PalF4irot twice $ week. B Depot-corner Hattroloi and Washington streets, Oettyabilra. run to Hughes a Emenion's,lll North street, Baltimore. Frpight mwri44 Call WY, at ma lowest rates. The patronage of his old friends end the public aollsited. Goods to be marked ..fliddle's Line." WM. E. BIDDLE. 47-The new Wareham° will won be up, when the Grain and Produce business will be carried on heretofore. Highest prices now paid for 'Dar, 4pril i 8 0 8: 1866. MILLINERY. MISS MoCREARY H AS Just retuned from the city with a WV amortißelli qf BONNETS AND HATS Also, Bonnet and Etat Trimmings of the latest styles, which, with an assortment of fashionlip Farley and Toilet Goods, the Ls determined to sell stabs seep lowest mob Priee ItiCADY-ILADIS SOMPIIMM will be kept on hand,and Eke:mete made to MOS at the shortest make. . Milliners supplied with goods to sell again on the most tavonialetemps' sad patterns with ill etructioas Aprill7, GO to VITPITORN & HOFFMAN'S. to buy NOMOS. Quarianwure, a& iro u =ono Gk T i tootor ot-tlia Disatooll. ast trOfttap At- CLOTH Or* Pasts sad Vsses ,sd_ CIINNIAGELAWS. eta' Psalm Cos%Tactatia4Tairst . . COMPIT Flll ,KL.7 c _ GETTYSBURG, BA., niIDAY, JUNE 2.6, 1868. HATE FAITH AND IFITLCOGLD ON A swallow la the spring Came in our granary, and 'swath the eaves Essayed to make a neat, and there did bring Wet earth, and straw and leaves. Day alter day she tolled With patient art; but ere her work was crowned, Some aad Int.Nilo the tiny fabric spoiled And dashed It to the "round. litho fowl the ruin wrought; But, not cast dnwu, fog th from the pbact she Hew, And w,lth her mate truth earth and grassy binned, And both her nest anew. But scarcely had she placed She last soft feather on its ample door, When wicked hand or chance again laid waste And wrought the rola o'er, But still her •Maart she kept, And tolled again, and last night hearing calls I looked, and lo I three little swallows slept WithiNthe earth-made wale. what truth is here, Oh, man I Bath hope been smitten In Its early dawn Hath cloud o'ereast thy purpose, trust or plan ? Hoye faith and struggle on! THE KNOWING LANDLORD The proprietor of a hotel near Jackson is a square-built, sleepy-looking person age, with leathery flesh and au aspect of constitutional fatigue, but a more caps. bie host than one would suspect. Un der the mask of yawning slowness he is most alert, and has a perplexing way of popping in on his servants, when they think he is dozing before the fire, with ble bands lu hie pockets, and his eyes glazed watt an indolent film. Hie help are all colored. When they tranigraus they are dismissed summarily, and the proprietor, by going into the street, re places them with slight trouble. The deceptive landlord received a letter from a young lady who had stopped ut his house recently, in which letter she requested that her pocket-book, left be hind under her pillow, should be for warded by express. The landlord had previously heard nothing of the pocket-book, but looking dreadfully sleepy he went to the colored eliamberinaid and said, "Pretty cold, Mandy." "Yes, sab.", [A pause.] "Have to have a neWikroom soon, Mandy?" "guess so—nett week." [Pause again.] "Surept,No. 5 yet, Man dy 2" "Yes, ash." "That young lady's pocket-book, Mglay — foo It to me"— this being drawled out in a tone of quiet indifference, but with an air of precisely knowing the history 'of the missing arti cle, Mandy looked at him with a pole face and a frightened grin. He whis tled, looked at the sky and yawned. ''No hurry, Mandy, fetch It to me in ten minutsa cio—ti,e+l4-p-g."-144n dy w i s s rnoM, pip Was gone five min utes los neighboring hut, and returned with the pocket-book as she bad at first found it- The landlord took it with two yawns and never a word. But when Maudy dlaappeqrect lie clqueed at us with a shrewd twinkle in both eyed, and said, "I understand 'em." He does. ALL OF 'EAL—A story is told by Mr. Alfred Taylor of a yooth whose case is like aug, of many otitepi, lured to the church and Sunday schools by the vis ion of picnics and sweetmeats. In an swer to the question,"Where do you go Elupggy Jimmy,?" the little fellow replied—r: "Why, marm, I go to Baptisses, and Methodisses, and the Presbyteriurus, but I've been trying the Plsoopsle for two or three weeks." "You don't seem to belong anywhere, then, Jimmy." ygg NC 4 belppot to 'cm aU, e*oeptirt , the ~Nieop pele, but I'm golqg to Ale them too now." "WO, Jimmy, *hairs your hies In goi& to ow loony?" "Wpy, you see, I gets a littitiof what's going on at lerp all, mann. I gets Mis sies, and hymn-bootie, and all that, and when they have plonks, I goes to every one °l'm)." A fray was pent by his mother to saw some stove wood out of railroad ties. Going out doors shortly after, she found the youth sitting on the saw horse, with head down. The mother asked her hope ful son why he Was cast down and why be didn't keep al Ills work. The boy replied thus I "My dear mo ther, I And it hard, very hard, to sever old ties." "Docroa," AM a lady, "I want you to prescribe for me." The doctor felt her pulse. "There Is nothing the matter, madam, you only need rest." "Now, doctor, just look at my tongue, just look at it uow. Say what does It mean?" "I think," said the dootor, "that needs rest too." A MAN who had purchased a new pair of shoes, finding the road to be a rather rpm& one; deeided on putting his shoes under hi• arm and 11741411/g /tome bare• foot. After awhile he stumped his big toe, taking the nail oft as clear as a whistle. "How lucky !" he exclaimed—"what a tremendous kick that would have been for lb; slIODI,” A MAN lost his wife. His neighbors called upon him to offer consolation, and he came into the house all covered With dirt and water. "Why, Mr. Brown, what have you been, doing?" "My wife dying sa, rfltifici 4 4 14mken day, and I thought I would clean my well!" ,A BOOVE asked charity on pretence of being dlitub. 4 lady having asked him with equal simplicity and humanity, how long he had been dumb, he was thrown off hia guard, and answered, "From birth, lilnditta 1" , "poor fellow!" Said the lady, and gave him a dollar. Aw old men, when reeding the Urea ilt the note-dilut,lan patriarchs, declared "he wouldn't have lived In those days for all the world, as a man stood the tlhantract laving the Motheehe his inoroin five hundred years." "ranrp - T, what Meows you bob uo wool on de top ob your bead?" "Wall, Julius, I was out West, 'bout two mouths ago, and do way I got bald was, de gals out dare used to pull me tq dar wiadcffe,“ Ax niiniffried lady on this aide of fif ty, hearing of the marriage of a young friend, observed with a deep sigh— " Well, as soon as all the infants are disposed of, I suppose the women will have a ehatme," Ix youth study, M maturity compose, In old sge owed. ♦ WONDERNICL DOME. The dome of the capitol at Washington is the most ambitious structure in Amer ica. It is a hundred and eight feet higher than the Washington Monument at Baltimore, sixty-eight feet higher than that of Bunker Hill and twenty-three feet higher than the Trinity Church spire of 1 , 44 York. It is the only considerable dome of iron in the world. II Is a vast hollow sphere of iron weighing 8,200,000 pounds. How Mud' Is thst ? More than four thousand tons, or about the weight of seventy thousand full grown people; or about equal to a thousand laden coal cars, which, holding four tons apiece, would reach two miles and a half. Di rectly over your head Is a figure in bronze, "America," weighing 11,9E5 pounds. The pressure of the iron dome upon its piers and pillars is 13,477 pounds to the square foot. St. Peter's presses nearly 20,000 pounds more to the square foot, and St. Cienevieve, at Pans, 06,000 pound+ more. It would require to crush the supports of our dome a pres sure of 775,230 pounds to the square foot. The cost was about $1,100,1100, The new wings cost about $0,100,000. The arch itect has a plan for rebuilding, the old central part of the capitol and enlarging the park, which will cost about $3,200,000. NEAR San Francisco is a restaurant where the proprietors are compelled a ex act prepayment for meals. Recently a stranger called in, and ordered soup. The it alter brought It up, set It down, then held put his palm. "What for?" inquired the stranger, " Pay, air." "What! before I eat it? Wait till I get through." "No, sir; we want pay be fore you eat." ''Well, that I never do; when I get through with the soup I will talk about pay." "That won't answer ; I want pay cow?" exclaims the waiter. "Well, If you eau gat It Wore I sCeilt to pay, let'ssee you," he replied, holding on to the plate, and conimencirg to eat. At this the waiter whispsout of his pocket a large syringe, inserts the - point into the soup, and empties the dish before the as tonished roan can fully recover from his amazement at the strange proceeding'. Exit waiter In triumph. viqui a peat wed ding in a family which was exceedingly numerous. The bridal party, with the clergyman, were gathered in a small boudoir that opened IntO the Inaih par lor by folding doers. lii this main par lor were gathered a great crowd of 'the relatives, all belonging to this prover bially numerous family. The sliding of tt't , doorß l'ifiea aignal for the beginning of the service, Immediately upon their unfolding and revealing to the bridal party the numerous company gathered to witness the ceremony, the minister began his prayer thus; what a npiltitudc"—before he could add "of Mercies," the invited guests hail caught an Idea very different, from that Intend ed, and were so amused as to lose half the solemnity of the occasion. THE. Chicago Y . /if-mite has a special dis patch from Napierville, 111., giving an account of the poisoning of a whole Church congregation at that place Sun day week. The church was celebrating i°Ve fegst. Ti l e 'Peg ii4d beet' pre pared in a copper kettle, and allowed to remain in It all day, till the liquid had become oxydized. All who partook of it were poisoned, and suffered the most ex crutiating pains. Medical assistance was at once summoned, but it was a long time before the entire number (about pne hundred and thirty) could be attended to. About twenty of the nunx hfr Wefe regarded as in a dangerous con dition, bqt none have yet died, ling It la hoped that all will recover. WILE New York Post says an inquest was held oa Saturday on the skeleton of a man found near Patchogue, Suffolk county, Long Wand, supposed to be the remains of George Miller, who suddenly iiisappeared from that place about eigh been years since. It 'was believed at that time that Miller had been murder ed by a man named McGregor. The latter was accordingly arrested, but the evidence was not sufficient to hold him, and he Wag disaberged. Alter a thorough Investigation on Saturday the Jury ren dered a verdict "that the bones were those of George Miller, and that he came to his death by violenco at the bands of McGregor." In consequence of this ver dict McGregor was arrested and put iu PoLirW4l, BREAcitiso.—Polities and the pulpit, says Burke, are terms that have little agreement. No sound ought to be heard in the church but the heal ing voice of Christian charity. The cause of civil liberty and civil govern- ment gains as little as that of religion by this confusion of duties. Those who quit their proper character, to assume what does not belong to theln, are, for the greater part, ignorant both of the character they leave, and of the charac ter they assume. Wholly unacquainted with the world in which they are so fond of meddling, and inexperienced in all its affairs, on which they pronounce with so much confidence, they have nothing of politics but the passions they excite. Surely the church is the place where one day's truce ought to be allowed to the dissentions and animosities of mankind. Bahrimoith will soon enter Into the possession of a noble estate, devised to It for the purpose of establishing a great University in the Monumental City. JAM. ITopkini, reported to be the weal thiest man In Baltimore, and now ap proaching the age of 80, it is stated, has recently made hts will, bequeathing to the city j 1,500,000 in money and a mag nificent suburban estate for educational purposes, and an additional million for the erection of a hospital, A STRANGE legacy of one thousand dollars is left to the Reformed Church of Peapack, N. J., by the will of Jacob J. Ttggr, decowd, awl upon condition that the church grounds be kept free from Canada thistles and wild carrots,and If the growth oil such foul weeds Is per mitted to any extent, then the legacy is to be forfeited. 40741110 is a perpetual confession of weakness. It says "T want tin and I Can't." Fretting is like a little dog paw ing and whining at a door because he can't get in, A STUMP-SPEAKER exclaimed, "I know no north, no south, no east, no west, fol lOW-sigliensl" "Then," exclaimed an old farmer in the'erowd, "We time you went to web 00l and lars.tiour joraphy." 50TH YEAS.--NO. 38. LIFTING TUX VEIL. The Harrisburg Patriot dr Union re marks : It Is a noteworthy fact that every respectable, intelligent and honest member of the Radical party who visits the Southern States, returns purged of the contracted and malignant/sentiments regarding the Southern people with which the 1.-Revenses, Stunners and For neys had imbued him by their falschmals. He finds the white people of those States so impoverished and wretched and with al so patient, so forbearing and so -hope ful of ultimate relief, that he Is Involun tarily forced to admire, to pity and cont. mend, v. here he had made up his mind only to censure and denounce. Again, he finds the blacks, for whose woes and sufferings he had made up his mind to weep his briniest tears, in the full enjoy ment of the fat of the land—so far as there is any fat—and the master of the situation in everything. He finds them strutting about as sheriffs, constables and policemen; roving about the country in' predatory bandsappropriating the results of the hard labor of the itidustritew, and lying indolently in the sunshine by hun dreds and thousands, indifferent to tho culls to lalan and careless of everything I except the signal of the Freedmen's Bu reau to assemble for their daily rations. Finding everything thus so greatly at variance with his preconceived notions, he comes back to hls Pennsylvania home ' a changed and better man—a man from whose eyes the wool his departed forever, and oyer whose mind, for the balance of his lA, the ultra leaders of the Radical party will never he able to exercise con trOl. This, we beg leave to say to our read ers, Is not a fancy sketch. What we have stated has been the experience of ecores of gentlemen from this State, some of %horn are residents of this city. Of course In a matter of 11118 Port we 'are not at liberty to mention names, but with permission would gladly down. la-one instance which has come to our kilos - ledge the changed views of the Southern traveler appeared so astounding and his narrative of sights and experiences so greatly at variance with the tales awl teachings of the !WOW press of the hiorth , that his WWI cal Ude-Oyes declared that be had been artfully *mitred by the "scheming rebels," and accordingly refused to accept hialestimony In Ward to anything hearing upAn that subject. Fur years they have been taught by their favorite newspapers that the whole Southern people are arrogant, tyrannical and bloodthirsty, and that they spend their whole-time in blicuesic—drilikini whisky, cursing the Yankees, killing nig gem, and persecuting Union men. They cannot divest their minds of such For neylems, and probably would not be con vineed of their error even if one should arise from the grave and give ghostly testimony In opposition to their belief. Time will, however,. make all this plain to the better class of Radical citizens, and then there will retnatn very few honors in store for the Radical leaders who for years have practised such gross deceptions upon their adherents. "THERE'S MANY A SLIP," ef,C,—WllOll Colonel Forney tendered hia re.iguation, says the rhiladelphia Heen/tf, it was with the confident expectation that the President would be convicted, and that the "dead duck" would quietly slip from the Secretary's desk in the Senate Chamber to the comfortable apartments of the Postmaster General. Circumstan ces have inferorva somewhat with this nice little arrangement, and the Col onel regrets his "hasty-plate-of-soup" (mum. He would have liked to be re tained, as he finds that being free to fight the seven honest Senators don't pay, and that his assaults upon those gentle men carry with them no force whatever. Public sentiment sustains them, while It condemns him and his impeachment col leagues. A serious question with many honest Republicans is, "how sliali we rid oufsplyes pf Forney Butler and Lo gan ?"• Keep them, gentlemen. You have made your own beds and you must sleep in them, even though it bring you in contact with these dirty bedfellows. ME Radicals in Congress have made up their estimate for the army dining the coming year at the not very dimin utive sum of $30,000,000. yet it is a fad that the monthly expenses of the costly concern, as at present constituted, are over 510,000,000. They desire to hood wink the people until after the Presi dential election, and then a Deficiency Bill will be passed appropriating one hundred indlionit additional fur the ar my, which is being employed to regu late the negro vole in the South. Let the people understand this thing. The figures which we give are indi.putahly correct, and they teach a lesson which the overburtheoed tax payers would do well to:heed. RATTIER POINTE , Rad, LI few days since, by way of apology for Oran t's stu• pidity as speaker and writer, said, "Oh, he is a man of deeds, not wordy," "Yes," responded,, Democrat, "he killed fifteen thousand Federal soldiers at Cold Harber, and didn't gain an inch toward Ripliniond." "But," 1;1111 the partisan of Hiram, "he did that to feel the strength of the rebs." " And did/eel it," responded the Rsimoorat, who was a returned veteran. "In such feelers Omit wasted the livesof more soldiers between the Rappahan nock and Painunky than DioClellan ever had, and, after all, had to change his base and take the route Little Mao re commended,!' This Let shot disabled the Rad's guns. A Pus.:), In a funeral sermon un lady, after summing up hop good quali ties, Added, "that she always reached her husband his hat, when he called for it, without muttering." WHAT is the difference between an editor's life and matrimonial earriences In the Ammer the devil cries for "copy." In the lifter the "copy" cries late the devil. THERE is said to be living in Winches ter a man who is possessed of such a powerful memory that he is employed by the various benevolent societies to "remember the poor." A FEMALE child was born In Lincoln wanly, Tennessee, the other day, hav ing four di/Mack/tad well developed legs and feet. At last accounts it was ally. and well. FRANKLIN PIERCE is the only surviv ing ex-President of the United States who was elected to that °Moe by the People. TUI , , ,, MAr firs_RTA ...*.. e Arrowin ro Comics; WyrinisM;•— FlonatiliMet imi a man named 40butn was killed in a negro house of 111-fame in Columba* (laorgia, and, being an ex treme zealot in Radicalism, it suited the purposetiof the rookies organs:et that party to ascribe his death to menthe!, of the oonservative party 'in Columbus, *le though It was the preialeat opinion In that city, !banded upon the violent and overbearing temper of the deceased, and diffbreneee known to exist between him said many of his polltioal viewdata', that he had been killed by members of his own putty. Well-known personal enemies of Ashburn, one of whom bad been heard to make a threat against his life on the %turtley previous to his death, were In the house at the time of the killing, and shortly before, Otto of these left the city soon afterwards and 1 o ent to parts unknown. One man, a 1 member of the reconstruction convec tion, and also a member elect to the Legislature of Georgia, It Is alleged, stated that he knew the kWh)' was to take place on the night it did, d that t he left town beforehand. Con derlug these facts, and looking at the trblllty that a man leading an infamous fe, and perishing In such a place, mfg _ he the victim of some of his own evil associates, there would be 80111 C caution, In a tean try governed by law, in mak o ling arrests of men of known good character, and It arrested, they would have all the sans guards which the law - throws around the accused to shield them from false hood and injustice. lint military courts, litqltutious which, Mr. Webster said, "are always organised to convict," have a different mode of procedure,— Four respcs2table young men of Colum bus, who have occupied prominent petal lions lu the Urtnodratic organisation of Columbus, and two 'enfored men Identi-' lied with that party, were arrested, and are confined In military barracks, apart front each other, denied cotninuttlenthin with friends, save under military sur veillance, and net even permitted to confer with counsel as to their defense. They are now about to be tried by mili tary commission tor their lives. What the evidence ls to he upon which they are to he convicted may ho Inferred from . the me im& which same of the military 01001% 1111VIt law employ lag in the Va• amination of witnesses, as set forth In the affidavits of some of the witnesses, the substance of which we give below, handy Nelsonr colored man, testi/bed that ha was tirretittd at Collialblls, June 1, and delivenal over in (*.Min Wills, commanding post, with whom were' three other United Stater ogles.* , Af ter being leterrogated in vain as to any, cads implicating Mr. tit:hues, one of the accused, with whom lie lived, deponent states us follows: Ito was kept in a guard-room under the court-house all that night, anti with nothing to eat ; that on Tuesday Caphdll Willa and the some three otheers visited him In bin cell, and propounded sub stantially the name queries us before, with sante results as beforth was about 10 A. M. They left Wm again I be was looked up, and kept there with out one mouthful of food, and none was offered him by the guards. An old ne gro woman named Mary brought hint some foot), but it was nut allowed hint by the soldiers. That he was no gnat, ded and kept Ilii Thursday munthill i when Capt. Wills came again to see hint, and inked about the 841110 ques tions, with results as above, and as ire was about to leave, deponent asked, leave to go to sea ids sister, Nancy Nei eon ; ho was allowed to go, under prom ise of returning again that afternoon. lie went, and reported back at about rj P. M. of the same day. The 410 he got at his sister's was the first and only he received during his mild confinement from June 1 to June 4. That he wee__ again questioned by Wills same as be fore—same results—when Wlliseald "he maul have the truth out of him ;" again he was put in guardhouse, he stayed till Friday WI 1W stunt, at about 7 A. M., when he was re leased, Wills saying, "Mr. Nelson, you may go; I believe you are an lioneek man." Abner Griffin, another colored man, deposed that he was examined In Ilirp manner, and asked what time Dr. klrb sey, one of the accused, came home on the night of the murder of George \V. Ashhilm, and he replied between seven and eight, and that then one of the offi cers called him a d-d liar, and said they would send him to Nod Pulaski with a shaved head and a hall and ohaln on him ; that he was greatly frightened, and In exceeding fear of his life. Depo nent testified that hp gut the Doctor's horse the next morning; did not notice anything difibrent about the horse the harness and buggy were in their place where they had been put by deponent the night before ; and that ho was not then allowed togo out of the room ; be was kept thereon day, and before leaving he was again called lu and asked the same questions over sem, to which he gave the same answers; he was then told he might go, If he would be at his place when they sent for him again. Clara Brooks, a colored girl, tett or twelve years of: age, testified to being questioned under threats by the officers, and Charlotte Hull, a colored woman employed as servant in the house In which Grimes,lived, states that having been subjected to long and severe exam inations, and nursed and threatening by the officers, adds: "Just before leaving, one of the officers told me I was lying all round, and that I would rather rot In the fort for thi;eo or for six years than to tell the truth on nay damned Democratic friends; that I might as well tell the truth, for !mei. VreilF49l4a Wim Wailed on Mr. Wright) had told all about it, and that when. I went to Atlanta and met Fred erick that he would catch me in a lie. One of the officers then took a piece of rope anti put It under my chin, and said that wire* they got me to Fart Pulaski they would do me that way until I told the truth em thy Detnocratle friends. Was re-Imprlioned, taken outigaln, and re , examined in the same Way:" - Cicero Johnson, 0,0 ,, 10red mail, had sev eral long and set - ere examinations: and was repeatedly cursed and threatened was put in - prison without food, bedding or lights, and was taken out from time to time and examined and re-imprison ed ; one of the officers said to rue, "We are tired of your lying, and Will have to send you to Fort Pulaski, where you will have your head shaved and wear a bail and chain." The same officer asked me If I knew how long I would be alive; was accused of being a Democratic negyh, and was questioned es tit my reasons fop quitting the Loyal League. When military inquisitors seek to he. plicate, by suoh means at getting • testi mony, such men as the seemed In this case, it is clear that under such a despot istu as Is now established In the South, no man's life or liberty is secure.—&m, "WHAT are yoU doing with my micro scope. G.lll,ger- "I have been shaving, WWI X erMit tome if OW are soy lOUS la do Ot9sr,!,