iftsbleri taPiltr a Ilk ' ° ifilfaill. 117311: IL fillat CLOT= RAT We ban, kr SCOW years post, advoca ted the ialitlitai of clover r*Aay at an earner slew of ha progress than Is com fier this Ommtry. The usual Indica tion 'rif Mitt* for the scythe Is the browning of the blossoms to the extent ot eme-half or two-thirds; hut 11 is by no moms nasoninsoo to leave It, under prod.( ether Moe, much beyond those peddle. Tie joeinsequenei Is too great hanikisieg et ; IMO woody stems, and • great and.Mearable damage done the quality Of the bay by the rotting of the lower lames. These ell the bay with that ingteslyable dust so distressing . to hones, red, highly nutritious and valua ble as otherwise it would be, makes lt raft dent dir them. We have urged, therefore, this harvesting of the crop what it has opine pretty well Into dow er, trithosit farther delay. That this Is the preferliettod for cutting, we may take a hint'of from the bees and other bowels. When they begin to operate on • the clover blowouts, It Is a sign that sa gas has been elaborated. If the clover be not then cut, the sugar goes to perfect the seed, sad la lost to the hay. An eXpertment made some years ago by Professor lionford seems decisive as to the point that lt is to be cut neither be fore nor after the period of full develop meat of bloom. Ile found that clover eat-at the surfaoe of the soil when the headset began to appear, produced on ly had per cent. of sugar. Clover cut when the heads were fully developed produced 1.15 per cent. of sugar, very nearly fifty per cent, more than that cut first. An important Incidental advantage of this earlier cutting Is, that we get a week , or more of time in which we may take advantage of the good weather, and so `seems the crop with lees risk of expo sure to rains—a very desirable point. Hay eared thus early is more nutritious, momileiteate, more apt to be well cured, and sooner pot out of the way of damage from exposure. It favors very much, too, the mooed or seed crop, by giving it the opportunity of getting well started babes-the eseeselve heats of summer. one . a Mover contains, when fi rst cut, hilt Seventy-five to eightythree per cent. of water, It contains'also a cer tainiamentof sugar, which is madly fer milted. Therefore, If cut and placed In • barn or stack, Should fermentation be produced, it will destroy the sugar and other nutritious qualities, and vine gar or acid will be produced, rendering - the bay sour and wait for food. If sub . fielentiy dried, the sugar will remain with the fibre, and the hay will be marl thew wholesome food for stock, and supply the animals with net only food, bon au element (carbon) which will gen erate animal heat. -It will, from this view, be seen how important Is a proper eeringof the hay. Ifs rule can be given as to the length of time which clover should be allow to dry in the sun and air before it is put up, becalms much will depend upon the previous condition of the weather, the dryness of the ground, and the quantity of water the clover may contain, but a Mut should be made of not having the leaves destroyed by too much drying In the no's. In fitvorable , weather, a few boars' wilting is sufficient, before put ting It into, small cocks, which, after standing • day, may be thrown open and taken at oat* to the mow. But the pesesse of curing demands especially the eye Or the toaster, and no advice can be Implieitly &thawed. It must be matter for the exercise of his own good Judg ment.—Artericart ► 1111 X Al7AlrllO7 At *late meeting of the American In stitute Club this question with propound ed : "Is fruit, tojured by the Loney-Lee extraction honey from the fruit Lies sodas?" No response was made to the Inquiry by the Institute Club, but the Ron Institute, Salem, Masa., was less reticent. Mr. Putnam, a member, took this *titer up and contended "that the visit of the bees to the blossom was a positive benefit as far as it caused the distribution of pollen from blossom to UNION. Vire removal of the honey it was net probable was a loss to the Woe swim Mr. Goodell recalled an article in the Risenrefist, In which the writer hint ed that It was rut of the divine econo my to pot a little honey Into each &DIM le leapt the bees to come and get it, mull at the same time pay for the hoe ey—si 6it bargain—by the labor per formed in transmitting the pollen." Wkiga taking the side of the bees, on this question, Mr. P. was free to admit that they were bold and persistent thieves.. hiking sugar or anything sweet Without pernikislon asked, and ready to fight en the heist hint of trespassiug on the right* of property. WILLJIIO. trY POTATOM—The Cottrto Gardener, of London, says eirthing up potatoes dleileishes the produce and re tards the ripening of the tubers. Long Mtperimenta in England have proved this feet, that billing up the potato will nedorm the crop one-fourth. Our W arn mist, however, remember that the 091Mildeleseof this theory depends on the anion °Cate sell. The potato likes not wet feet. If there Is that danger, better plant shaiiew, and kill up. A CIMUUMWONDENT of the aktatery Gengerees writes to that paper on the way to have pure cisterns, as follows : = f igrir a e!gier. got WM flitbs, g saglitrortai la in Mid we mold - rawsely me the water. I pro• aired a eon* of live fish and pat them eisferilawdotheri that time it his been free from worms and dirt, and Jima The •geb will live and grow Vita editor of thi "Southern 'lend- We have tried lannelderibr pear lee" dwr asperities, tar itegareges, 1111141164dordak, let fhb thl. and for that, aa4 If we have ever been benigh ted b Rove don't know it, and don't believe It Ned% we know thil In aver' el listeneee It Dee bees • decided Injury. MEAT 1101310 k with that Madness whit& la in all the actions 0 1 2===1 lib ap 4t. with amen paths& than the hone Taw are elety-lber of •beteries and breath. la Osteet De., Ontario, Is 'a chat wear two bowie with A it *V *'e'Y vett: Surd bre ea dleottorolte may Ow about it, sad tweirmai ewe *at Agy 014 la oat fkritoeWli yew* Mks glow be aid to be AJaalote===o advertised • '- Ile soot be tend mor • thltior; • .„ - • _ - With bir bet of alriwatea to a Imp pad %a Waal*" hiß party. um MUTT AHEAD! The Arabia, fieissit 116minladiamt din* V Lei An. me oath wrier than COOosi or= /Or War rkerrine VISSUARY INTL BY BURKHOLDER, WORLEY * GROVE, II .1. L WORLKY.PoIIa Agent for the EXCELBIOR PATE ST PIT lorAdatas went:, lAN constantihr on hand mannfeetaretOrets of the above Pinsat Also, COLL ' W/11149 rat, it Kg RILL% EVERTISING pertalnlan to a Heise earna i ng ellablaninieen. SA-AGENTU WANTED to sell Territory tor Patent Nets, also to sett Nets Co saina In the atanty. AU conuranteatteas Moab! be At dreeSedSs_ J. L. WORLEY, York Sulphur fliortsre, Adman oft, Pa. April t, lal6 it CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. T FLE zindendirned baZ — neastmed UN Conlaip- AT THEIR OLD STAND, /a Mei Welk awl; thetpdewg. Pa., where they are prepared to pat up work In the moat taahlonable. aubstanUal and superior man ner. d. lot of new and montulthand CARRIAGES, BIICK/lES, IC, ON NAND, .w n h a lc they ia h onie. .l w ll iu dtere iupp of lied M pmm lnarelatme sm i astlatactortly As pordble. REPAIRING DONE WITH DESPATCH, and at cheapest rake. A large lot of new and old HAILICEPII on hand and for sale. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed by them, they solicit and will unthaws to deserve a large share in the future. DANNER & ZIEGLER July 10, 1660. If NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTIS, ADAMS k CO . , LITTLFZTOWN, PA. UTE take this method of informing the public y y that we have eatabllshed new Coarb Shops at L.lttlestown, where we are prepared to manu facture to order all kinds of BUGGIES, CAR RIAGES, SULKIES, gra.,- on the shorte d notice and moat aeoornmortating terms. Our hands have been procured from Baltimore, and, as we use none but choice material, we can put up work to compete with any shop in the State. Old work repaired and taken In exchange for new. Aug. 30, IOQ. tf CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES.. ! T ATE A CiILI' are now building r variety of COACH WORK, of the Last sad soot approved ■tyls, and conetineted Of the beet material, to whialt they Invite the .attention of boyars. Having built our work with great ears and of material reelected with special reference to beauty restyle and durability, we can confidently recommend the work as unstirpmeed by any, either In or out of the citing. . . All we amk Van tromeetion of our work to con vince thaw le want or any kind of vedleki, that this le the oboe to buy them. = done at short notice and on reasonable tenets Gl♦e us • call, at our Factory, near lb. owner of Washington and Cligmbersburg sizseta, Clot tysbuig. P. 1. TATA W E. CULP March W. lellß. tf DESIRABLE TOWN . PROPERTY AT PRIVATE BALE. . _ / rid 11013i nde VirWiM i el . j ___lrt rire ej te unet- the of the Thneptown mad ammitemburg roads, In the borough of Gettysburg. The home is sobstantialLebuilt, of stone, and contains twelve huge rooms. There is a never-failing Enna of first-rate water in the basement; and Acres of Land connected with it. The location a very pleasant one, and with a little additional outlay this could be made one of the most comfortable and desirable homes in the borough or Its vicinity. JOHN RUPP. Nov. if.. UM If DR. R. HORNER, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST, O. and Drag St ore. ST., Mafiosi advice without charge. DRUGS MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES, _DYE ST UFFS, SPI CES BAKING A C. M OF T AR TAR LAMPS, COAL OIL, e, ,itC. PURE LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. Dr. R. Horner.* OLIMI, a rellaide'remedgliar chapped hands, rough pktu, to 1 All articles warranted pure and genuine. NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD Wundersigned mills atteoldon to his new ashing Shop, at Now Oxford, Adams rami fy. which he has put op, at large expense, with the determinatioa to I/0 good and satie work. He will manufacture various kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, soda M ?REVERING MACHINEK EPRING TOOTH RAKES, le. end will keep OE BUCK EYE REAPER Ar. MOWER ea imuld kw sea . . AL dancripilonfrof iltiAlitiNti done pimnipt , ty and as cheaply's. possible. Ha has in oanneetlon with kis Haskins @bop • WHAM SAW MILL, upon which ha will do ral kinds of work in that line. He asks ibe penile to saLloastgive MIS s and he guaranis= gni matoligika. 4Aeoll otrocx. March 13, IS A ern REMOVAL! THE GETTYSBURG ISKY-LIGIST GALLERY. MHZ wadenlinied takeeplaasors announang 1 to But Mums of tlettrapaig and the public generally taut beams ressovol from Ws aid mains on Weal Middle ntreet, to Baltimore sty= nearly opposite Mestere of Fakneatoek The roam be now occupies has been recently Stead up asprewly for his Wausau The location le an admirable one, enabling him to take pte t in ma n yo weather._ and with a correct- LIFE-LIKE PHOIOGFL4.PIiS, of every Mae and tkocription, executed in the Inert style. Particular attention riven to the CARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AIiBRO TYPEII and DAG ...LEWTYP.EP3 of doomed Mends. Alan— THE GETTYSBURG OEMS, a new maybe of picture, which beeome very ffpular w Ith the public, conventl fm their brAta it for cheapness and enoc. AIX far ONE DOLDAR only. Alao—THE PORCE LAIN PICTURE. 'Web for their beauty and du rability are unsertaased. We are prepared to carry on the badness B all its carious brunches, and having had consira ble a we run no risk In 017A2 , PERFECT SATISFACTION Our luellltles for a Mil cibrplay of our drill are unequalled by any other Gallery lit the county, and we an tberekes invite War/ one to mil at the NEW GEITTEBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. OW mai amain oar Spodm agAM m tat yoursatves. Jaw 114 1.4 NEW BAKERY. NMVPOST s STSOLKS, Mitelidigle4l. MY" South Weehleulpe-street, Gael square tees the Soule Hotel, GETTICHIUSG, theetantly as Ma& tiro bell of CakeIIHIM SASSIS, MCIZELS. NOlow wheime look Speed eel be revel =rellthoe, be' losiolat thee awes sad mei. 1100 Rektor,. Era, "Set Nude le perm elite es a ~L /1„oorti LIU. t •ipti"l — AXl osi P.., 1./101....,.. WHO WISH ro IHPROVB. r ar= 2 4= be r Whams the rib- • 04L11PKSTIMING BUSINEM, at Ms 44 mad. Ma Veit 'Stmt. 044=4 . .. V is mit se ll dew Unmet, lug owlet a ea ilJe all =r iimeetW r ie wow' sit at weft le. ergo WM sepparsiltil. and _l4l ss it cen be GM* el as> ether th. 4 4.047. • Ihtlpeeimmet madi ems eadl wale ,etimeeekwiti peeepplame awl Igbeakeil ' ter pre levess. a be a IM r DeZ . , of "m it - MIL seeeSee te Wilma. 4 ; ° "."" rimuN pre . ' A 11111WAIMum . , As Mt sp4wrirusivis ... Ilivair. I WI OM la 10, 1 .16. e 1 1/ 4 allia=1.1","0- 11"111M0142•11/ML - WU. MIL* 6.011.,IIII; II ' , -... 4 ffilarallilliMPA. QIIMICING sad Melting s: M s. . &ad PlSaksg ~~:Gt~~FiZ-,~'1~,1r ',~; ~,F~~~~~ • r Mrs. S. yakn" D=93 HAIR RESTORER. FAVOIVIIC HAIR. DRESSING likeriltyb, in One Bottle, 4111 quiekty resters eray Hair to its sutural odor and !mat', and prodoer lazdriant growth. It Is perfectly hanaleas, end la preferred over gnaw older prepar•Uo• by Mow who hate • Ina hood of hair, as well on thews who wish to restore It. no beautiful ikon and perfume lm- parted to the Hairmske tt desirable be oW and young. For Sale by all Dramfeta Depot, 111 Greenwich She wet, New York. PRICE ONE sou.iat. Feb. la, UM. Sin EICELSIOR GALLERY. PIIOTOGRAPHS Photo Afiniatures,- AMBROTYPER, &C., Sterepeeepie 'news of lie BATTLE-FIELD, STEREOSCOPES, • PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AND ALBUMS, IN emu? VALIUM% AND AT GREATLY REDO= PRICE& ait - We deni in nothing but the beat or its kind. MI and examine our stork. • C. J. TYSON, Proprietor. April lOW 11 E. H. MINNIGH. CHAMBER/3E1:1RO STREET, i pßrrysßUßG. Pd., Confection, Periodical and News Depot. ' ALL ElltDB OF CONFECIION9, CANDISX. ORANGES, LEMONS, NUTS, ase. ta. ate, """rmy'iwi ICE' CREAM , AND CAKES supplied to bailllise sod parties at shortest rates. THE BALLY PAMIRS OP BALTIMORE, PHIL- 7irkw Tom, AND taotcs MAQAZIN supplied lo satislarib rssi lowed We& !CALL ANDEXAMME. Tab.ll, sit u BOYER. &. SON, mm4= rs GROCERIES, NOTION'S' TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and -Willow. Ware. A generaliesortment of all Goods kept to FIRST-CLAPXYAMILY GROCERY. Jan. 11. ZINC it THE HOWE SEWING MdICHINES I The most Perfect & Reliable in America! The highest premium—the &ow of Me Le gion of Honor, and Goat JiMial— awarded at the Paris ..Sc position, 1887. sa-Svery kind of work emu be done on them. For ride at Oro. Jacobs *Bre% Store, Chair beraburg street, Gettysburg, where they out be toned °periling sad giving fall instructing's= the Meet'lnes. ea-GEO. JACOMS a BRO. an the only Agent. for Adman 00., Pa. Oremlan motainitm price list, &e., ran be had by addressing them. BARK t 'IIARX 1,100 CORDS WANTED ! WAIfTS SOO CORDfI OF SLACK OAK BARK, gbr lirkka he wifilar OS till rot mord, a daltifty, la - order. at ids isayard, la GletViburg. Waaied also, ago cotas ROCK OAK BARK. Ike will* tlie bliilbset madortpriee will be glees. Y.. 34., nr. Oa FURNITURE. SHEAFFEB, 4 BECKER, PE7lOlBllllB$l, (Y.. 8.) rittiN'A., Are pawed to taw to the ?albite saytklog to Mei Ilse as cheap seem be bed la the eoestry wt to will toad' sat esusir ear sioek bean bowing eirewhere. FURNITURE alaas le MAW. RAPllityr, Ease pelt,. Adapt', &Wage. 'ha ikilme. Ai ' ELY , Tarja ro v 111 0 4=41 vt om it $. entice Nov. UM*. ft FOltr'l'SVS M47'.1V1 lxoll.llPi4 019. lie STRIECT, DAVrittORE, MD. 4 . glthe allincelnUen of the eo.puingcehlp of S. .A. ?ante It Bro.. August let, 1e117.1, David E. ta rt Lalor mem beer otaald firmi e reheaed all tbe t,lStleand Interest of tbe. re nit partner, tarela. PM_ ALI time, In and to nianulhe at nerd Ifedietnes; and, hawing devoted meet Untoacre and labor In na gaining a thotoagh lutowlinse la therviampoundl Grebe* prepare. Sloes. I am hilly prepared to offer to the COlELMe laity METZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES pun and unadulterated, namely: Forne Mrs russ—rouvre -Lars 1111116101tATOS on HgLLTH Itsmaza—noirs ViarrA.But Lzviut Prtze— Votres'is Goma Briar—rotrts'e Cruza.sento Boats AND Carnal. Botilyzem—ematintis memo Cocoa lilvatre , -81filhaineVit DAVID E. Eourt.. Sole Proprietor, Afr a l=l:lB. Giovi's IitAOIRTIC IttAi.tric AND the .Ihesa • Onmatri," and the "(taw ZPINOANZEITTERO.'• iffirf also lure on band • full assortment of DRUGS; PAINTS, OILS, window-it...; Extracts and Essences of all fn. von; all the popular Patent Medicines of the day; Perftmery, Hair thls, Hair Dyes, and hun dreds of artiales needed by Merchants, Farmers, and Housekeepers. Dome and examine myStock and price* and if Inman salt you, you cannot be suited In Baltimore. DAVID E. FOUTZ, At the old stand, 116 Franklin street. Feb. 21,1686. LT TO FARMERS! Pacific Guam° Company': SOLUBLE - PACIFIC GUANO ! PRICE REDUCED TO S6ILOO PER TON. - pIiE ÜBE OP THIS GUANO In Maryland-for sevens' years for Corn, Tobacco and other ng Crow, as well an for Wheat, has establish la excellence. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities Dot possessed by timt article. Ex_pia - lenee has shown that this Guano ripens be Wheat crop from flee to siz claw earlier than the gaper Phosphates. It also ripens Tobacco earlier, andjproduosv a crop of better quality. The Patine sumo Company has authorized the shore reduction in consequence of the depressed rendition of the burning Interests in the south ern Stara It is the purpose of the Company to furnish the bat fertiliser at the kneed price, which they are able to do by reason of their large capi tal and belittles. The Guano is warranted same In quality as heretofore sold by ta JOHN S. RP r .. & CO., GILWERAL AOR - X214 FON TIIIICOMPANT . . . . _ . 71 South Street. Daltlnkore.. For male by MeCUIUDY et HAMILTON, Get tymbums, Mardi ?LIM. Om KLINGEL'S FM AB SHOE EMPORIUM, BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOORB SOOTH OF THE PREBBYTE - KLAN CHURCH. nE: undersigned has Just returned from the city with the best and cheapest variety of , Shoe. and Gaiters, for Spring and Summer, ever offered In Gettysburg. Hie stock consists of LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LA MEW SALMOILAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, • LADIES KID SLIPPERS, all styles, LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORAL% IN LAII.OE VARIETY. GENTS FRENCH CALF BOOTH, GENTS AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS KIP BOOTS, GENTS CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS CALF BALMORAL'S, GEbTIS SLIPPERS, all styles, GENTS BROGANS, - IC., IC. MISSES' OONGRESS GAITERS, MDISEEP BALMORAL GAITERS, I MISSES' MORL'CO BALMORALS, IC., _IC., IC, , ee. BOY'S CONGRESS GAITERS. BOYB' CALF BALMORALS . . BOYS' BROGANS, &C., *C. INFANTE' RHOES, all styles, IN LARGE VARIETY. Also, Boots and Ettioes of his own manufacture constantly on hand. All will be sold at the lowest living revidta. Buyers, from town and country are Invited to wall mad examine goods and Pr ices before par diming elsewhere, feeling oontidenFttiat I mu please all who maj . The MANUFACTURING of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters will slim he carried on, in all its branches, sa before. Repairing done on abort notice. By employing none but first-class workmen, and using none bat the choicest leather, he feels con fident of maintaining his former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left undone to deserve it. Thankful for past favors, be solicits a eon *Massimo( public patronage. D. H. KU:NOEL. GeUyobarg, April 17..1888, DAVID MeCREARYr JOHN F. HeCII.E.aItY "Best always Cheapest" qWE Beat and Cheapest ADDLES,. BRIDLES, COLLARS laid • HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are slime to be band at the old and well known M Mead Halitatore at, opposite the Presbyterian BA McCREARYS'. Our Aiding and Wagon Saddles are the most substantially built and neatest. Our Harman, ()gain and saver mounted,) are complete In every reaped and warranted tts be of the very beet material and workmanship.: Our upper leather Draft Collars c.t.wwor sS =AT. They are the best Firma and most durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness am mad* to order, as cheap as they am be made anywhere and In the most substantial manner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Hamm. Ply-nets, and everything in the line. h'oss better or cheaper. Our prier* boy. been IXDIJCZD to the lowest living standard. A liberal percentage for cash, W' all bills amounting to $5 or more. V. arm% soothing but the best stock and will warrant every article turned Out to be In every = La represented. 1 for pest favors we invite attention to tmor present stook. Sit-Oive us a all and examine nucwa and QUALITY. . . I= ==l HAY AND GRAIN W4XTED rt imoikeilined would &nominee to the eltl ams ot Mims comity that they Mill carry ou GRAIN AND HAY lIIISINEI3B, at the aid stand. GRANITE PfTATION, on the i lma Railroad. Tbey are prepared to pay the pram toe MUIR ARP RAY. They koill Made or GROCERIES, SALT, GUANOS, whtets they will sell at the smallest profits. Give as • WI and see for yourselves. null? HANN di IIIONS. Dec. YO, M. ly CABINET-MAKING. Won. B. StiaLer, - E,:12 , 10 honied In Roe, town of NNW OX FORD. Adana county, wni CAtTy ofesignet-maklng. In MIAs bninchec. FURHITHRE kept on band and nods to order. He also keep Ibr sale a choice assortment or CHAIRS. He Invites the citizens of the town and sur rounding country ionise him a call, as he will sell as low as can be purchased at any other place. He will guarantee his work to be made up it it . t ir tise butt Oxlbrd, Jan. al manner, and Una. of good materials. , tf INSURE IN THE rwziulrwwri Or YOWL, PA., (LJAIV FAUXIIIIIV AND lizacHAxre',) MUM: Hardsan's Building, °oiler ituarc ....... -..511111141,00111 05pita1,..... Available Amato, R DM of yof every description taken kw a period anasisteat at perpMa., at as l e ow rates ne are ews.erten the ascarity of th OcinPani and the parties insetted, and on as aocommodating terms as with any Company In the country. pany NO , PREMI UMconse NOTEN are taken In this Com mode and no Aesessments will be on Its PoeW qutly s. More than half the entire sleek isewned by Its Cellicers and Direelossoridea Is a guarantee that its Madre will be so managed asS t r i rat • sale medium for iranee.mar CZ CREATES INDEPENDENCE: • puma pays Mir his awn Indemnity. and need Not be a Tag ea hie friends In the event of Fire. Mims Dangemess. ar.itn ewe jossesnenntly adjusted sod p s d Dri n ees dl ns a e—P W a . Sma II G John A . e W n eis i e ts r, D 7 avid v l:2MtarrtlOsrls, W .I JE zwia, arc., Lewis Out. HENRY WELSH, President. DAVID Z. SMALL. Vise President. J. CA Tressdrer. T. H. whims, See'y. ar for lasuranee prom= 'tended to the Secretory or any of the hh Agents. Beitaele try , John urg; T. Williams, G Smith & Har ris, WrighturvllTh. Herr, Lancaster; John ght. H. Zeiler, At. JoY._Lnnesetce casmti Al bli• & Sells, Olen Rook, l a nd S. NOTICE. Z gartmershhe heretofore existing between Predate andporwarg. boatmen wee ileedeed eu the Sin u=f January test.. b 7 atatmel eanestut. of unmeant@ end at lime' tufa Warm base been MO In the Made of Rufus Z. Culp who Is _aellliortsed to sunk up the MUM Re will be Oman at the Warehouseman In the atempas gr Wes= swims it Unman. All paeans lit• iseseist ens memlaullsall nettle. Y nd est ga g A.46IIB:IIAW. aut. -•- • • • • ~~ ~i lat tr. cocirmairems :mammas 410.i1s all Idea la sad Oirlsi a& 3101110 V. == East BeAhl Firs. HEBERT & HOOVER, I ==3 FARMING IMPLEMENTS BIXIEETE REAPER AND MOWER; BUCKEYE SELF-RAKER, Haebeins' patent; ALP-DISCHARGING WIRE HORSE RASA Elnirentan'e potent; ERRAND'S PATENT WIRE 110118 E EVES; AL° THE ROCKA WAY WIRE RAKE; THRESHING MACHINES; pat C eli N anSka l a i Zett w pa o te i n d ,:lz. shfre : "'" OWN DRILLM Mooney patent; CORN SHELLER% Wamtmugh's Weal, At. AR kinds of REPAIRING promptki attended to. WI and eee what we can do. mama e HOOVER. East Basile, Atlases co., Pa. Kar. 6, PM tat CHEAP FOR CAM I NEW STORE I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, C. a. 'ilte undersigned has retured to Gettysburg, and opened a new Store, on Baltimire street., door to the Poet Office, and nearly oppon next er z ie t Court. House, *here irs for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, a large an d choice assortment of Civoceriett,— SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLASSES, STE- M, SALT, IC., with FISH, BACON, LARD, de, i Also, Llquont,— WIN EA,.BRANDI EA, GINS, 'WHISKIES, RUMS, and erverythlngelse In the line. Also, any quantity of Notions, to colt any and everybody. Recollect bale Is the place to bay CHEAP FOR CASH. = April 23,1807 WI Q STALLSNITH & SON, GETTI7SBCIRO, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. Are prepared to do all kinds el Carpentering —contracting and erecting buildings of all kinds, Repairing, •4 They keep constantly on band and manufacture to order, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FSAItEB. ()CORNICE,. DOOR • WINDOW BRACKETS, And any other Artlele la the Inatkllna Line. Seasoned material constantly on band. a:po t- danced workmen always In readiness, and work executed with dispatch. A` Orden prompUy.attended to. Sept. 20, IOC. It FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG; Notice to Jidda!'" of 7-30 Notes. Last nal, when the.privilege of converting the August 740 Notes explred,many.perscas wbo ne- sleeted to convert Into n411%4141, or sell, loot the premium and the privilege of oraverilog. It will be the same with the 7.1e5 aisterinw in June end icily nest, Item dienesed • , M In time. This Bank will either ootri , ert, or the 7-JO's, allowing premium and Interest. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. I= LEWLS • STROUSE Has bought bask his old stankon Carlisle street, and Is going Into business again heavier than ever. He asks his old friends and the public to call. NOTIONS, GROMEUER OONPFXTIONS,. OARS, TOB&cOO J, *C., *Z., u large variety, and a 11We cheaper then the cheapest Don't logged the place--nearly ono. alle the Railroad Eltanou. Ge°vinare, Oct. 11, Inn. tf NEW SADDLER SHOP. e , IN the MII, Baltimore 'tree% Gettysburg, Po. kJ —Constantly on band, or mode to order, alt kinds of IIA 1 ?/f" : I WAGON BADDLEII, - CARRIAGE ITAIIIIERR, DEMI MIT HARNFA9 RIDING BRIDLNS, BLIND BRIDLES, POLLMIN, I FLY - NETN Sc., I=l lune 31, IBM U I BEA RG AT TN; NEW QI-ROCM.Wir IN GrITYBI3IIII43. JOHN CREBB & SON HAVE opened • new GROCERY, In GOOD- Ea bum, on the north-wet corner of the Public. Nome, and haveJaat ermined a mriesel4" 'enact ment of MESH GROCERIES, Including SwF" Cofibum. Mob Syrups, Teas, Spices, Tobacco, - Sat, Flab, llama, Shoulders, te. Also, QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts, Fruits, _Soaps, Faney'Artidas sad Notions FE We will also keep Os band FLOUR and FEED-STUFFS. Having purchased for CASH. ere-and to sell very elseap. Glve na • call and iMgr ed kor yourselves. 30111, CREEK J. W. Clll5llll. Sept. V. IEEL If CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, Ou Baltimore B•r,et, opposite the Court-Hoose, - °Awns usu. PILTIF • Zvery description of work executed In the maw 13117L1C OF THE MIT June 4. MORO PHILLIPS' 4113111:17.1112 1:111110VXD SwPhoophats of Lime STANDARD OVARANTILVD. 1011 MALI It MAIIIWACIIIILICIeII DEM., iiiriiinir'' No..lllSonth illareeklisi And by Dashers tit ' general =out the Ooling. The SONIIIREIS) 917 47 of which IMO PHILLIPS' PkIOSPHA II and always him been manufactured, (and of which he has sole control for the United Steam) contains Illty ~armtg. Mare lime Pliesphate them flaw Bone, ihersmee it Is more durable. The addition a t Ammoula gives It value. Carer seam - sismertemSl has ea loth. lianstar thst snakes* heavier than even stable te net vett= sg-Prtntrpet tan. Deniers. Sae Proprietor sad Zafelnr. March it. Hal gni 1 17 3 414 1 ?‘ 111 4rha0 fteatroro. M: ° uk> werlie s trat oiredsariass WSW ; mai no albeiorit -• • PETER MX 6.1 Miutob 71separ at Oweitary. I • :;: br p_ll.4llXllll s. I wits! iILOIM gram wa • r - ; Pd., SOS & CAM= 111 , OMDAMS, MELODEONS, JelifiLAlS int= OF - MUNICAL INSTRUMENTS, VtoON" MOWS the pliblie that they are pr to heakh Phonate the fallowing /TIMM or of any other make that may be pre Rump Albrialit. Belk,* It Schmidt, Illibellertoir * Sea, Seadtrary, Xmas It. Sea. aide a. Kea, EMIT 6 CRILEBRATICD COTTAGE, HARMONIC AND BOUIX)IR ORGAN& AND MELODEON& Thais Inatreptelits stand unrivalled by any =ad in this ronntry or ln Eximpe, as is by all impertisl Judges. The most em bassi Pipe Orson Builders and Perfornierrs, the last to discover excellence In reed Tone, pro. Pounced them vastly superior to all others for ex quick articulation and round Tone, the its= feature In tzustruutents of this class. We invite the severe scrutiny and etiticlorm of all. PATENT VOX HUMANA TREMOLO. This late and mat wonderful invention (so ac knowledged by all leading artists) will be found only In the Estey Instruments. In attempting to describe the enct of this stop, we are at low for language. its beauties cannot be written, but must be heard to be appreciated. BY this atop te n hir=res pe a r tile li e m r a ca orpractice U 7or aan r lect tist upon a violin. It entirely changes the reed Tone, giving the sympathetic sw..et nuts of the human voice, making It an melodious and pure that it never 6611 a to enchant the listener. . THE HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Public Hails and Parlors has a powerful sub-Baas with independent reedit, Har monic attachment and Vox Humana Tremolo, and is believed to be the most powerful reed OF MI made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cost. All lostromento . warranted for live years. - - 4irBRAIIS BANDS supplied with Instruments • d music at reasonable tertna. IJllllii • . Sif-Instroetions given both In Vocal and In stromental Music, at oar roams, and at pupil/ homes, either to 111,11 v Mush; or elasugss, on rowan able terms. Dee. 17 1/108. I rfm subscriber* have Just returned from the 1. cities with an Immense supply of HARDWARE &,GIRCK.'ERIER, whfotktlesi ;re otikrt aged thdr oN State] to timers street, at price• to suit the times. Our stock ettoststs to part pr BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, BLACKSMITH `s TOOLS, SHOE FINDINGS,COACH FIN DI N Ofi, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLA, HOUS L K ,KKEPER'S R FIX OF TUES, ALINDS IRON, GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS 01IA,PAINTS, te., Re. There Is no article included In the several de partments mentioned above but what ran be had at this More. Every elms of Mechanics an be sonommodated here with tools and findings and Housekeepers an find every article In their line. Give of a call, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash se any house out of the city. JOEL B. DANNEE, DAVID ZLEGLICR. Gettysburg, May lu, 1861. NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORD. Tim undersigned has opened a Drug More In New Oxford, Adorns county, and respectAilly calls the atteatiou of the publlc to his stock of PAINTS, OILS • V'ARNIFOIDI WINFOw GLASS. ATENT MEDICINES, and all assortment of DRUGIO•, In a word a complete dock of Goode generally kept in first clam Drug More. AU of which have been pur chased during the poet two weeks, and will be gold law. All the articles formerly manufactured at the old establishment In East Berlin cab be had here. Understanding his buelneee iprerliewtly, and @electing his goods himoelf, he is abbe to war rant him Drugs pure and aa represented,. She pub lic are :equaled to give him a trial. U. M. MILLER. New Oxibrd, May 6, 1967. t( Robert D. Armor, GAB FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, /Aug /fiddle 81.. Aatia square front the Cburt-house, GETTYSBURG, PA., WILL promptly attend to all orders in his line. Work done to the most satisfactory meaner, and at prime as low as can possibly be adbrded to make a living. . GAS PIPE furnished, aa well am Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights, de.; also W ATER PIPE, Top and Frost laplgota, and, In short, eve :l7l=g belonging to gam or water datum. Bells - hung, and furnished II desired. Den. -h ung, DD. 1.1 WATCHES I WATCHES ! L EWIS STHOUSE - II largely engaged In the Watch trade, and bee lost returned from New York with an unusually attractive smeartatent. He offers each lawkslus as cannot fall to be acceptable to Mussy. His aback embraces a large lot of the CELJEUHATED "ANKRICAN WATCHES," GOLD AND SILVER, vial P. B. Bartlett," Wm. Ellery." and "Appiteloa It Tracy:" with Watches of almost all other makea. If you want CHEAP and GOODNateh, call on At his old Maud. Carlisle street, nearly opposite the Depot, Gettysburg, Pa. VPHe continues the Grocery, Notion and Con Actionery business, as hereto for e. June 24, lea. tr ADAMS COUNTY hartuer. rim INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED, MABCII 14, 1851 Ores=Sts. President—George ggope. Vies Pessident—tlemnel &Russell Searelory—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—lL G. Fahnestock. Rmoutive Oammittene—Robert Mc(oidy, drew Deintseiman, Jacob King. Ml4r3rge iisrope, D. A. Buehler. B. 4° Elebeiberger, O. Itutssen, K. Q. , A. D. Buehler, It. G. mocnftry. (let tyablatig; Jamb King, Meehan township; A. 9Heti:M..lmm, Franklin; Wm. D. lime., New Oxford; Wsn. D. Wilson, ',code...m . llle; 11. A. Piciflag,Strabati; John Wolford,LaUniore; John Plating, Mud Berlin ; Abel T. Wright, Benders 'We; Abdiel V. Gift, New Oslo i rtg&x. Mar shall, Hatallicerdien,• John Cita , Free dose; JoliKTlOrtier,lffiantjoy; WM. White, Company is in its operational the county of Adams. It hex been in opera OM more than 13 years, and in that period ban G but 04•4 assewament, having toll lames by dre during that period amounting BR—sB,. PM of whfcb have been paid during Use Wet two years. Any person desiring an insanuatx can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. EIENISI3 ilirThe Executive Committee meets at the of. Scour the Company, on the 1.4 Wedne.lay In every mouth. at. 2 to clock, P. IL 0et.111.11X5. LI WM. T. BOPKIYN''OWN MAKE" or "KEYSTONE SKIRTS," - - RE the beat and enctrirarr LoW Prawn, Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail tat rts 'Slanting", X springs, Side; and 40 'primps, MAL Plain Skirt., • tapes, u springs, PO Cents; in wings, YS O w ls au springs, !Lib; and 35 spring., $1.15. W every "Our OW Make" of "UMSKIRT43," Elev en Tape Trails, from 10 to 50 springs, 01.20 to $2.510 Pialn, 811 Tapes, 20 to* spriugn, from 95 Cents to MOO. Those Skirts are better than them sold by other establlaturients as Ant clam goods, and at much lower frairea "Oar OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" are in every waysuperior to all other lioop Sktrta before the mak, and only have to be ex amined or worn to convince every one of the fact. Maaufactered of the best linen-finished English Steel Springs very superior tapes, and the style of the metalic fusteniugs and manner of *WU rblig them samosa for darability and ex cellence any other Skirt in this country, and are hter, more elastic, wear longer, give more sat, and are really eyesper than all others. /Mow Atwell try they They are being sold exteua by Merchants throughout this and the Wide states at very IntlderstePndus If you want the beet ask for "IlopklneCbastaten *Oft." If you do not gad them, get the mer chant with whom you deal to order' them *yr you, or colas or send direct to us. Merchants wi ll And oar *fitment grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially Invite them to tail and examine our extensive amortment, or send Wholande Prim LIM. . . . TO be had at Retail at Manufactory,anlnd the Befall Trade generally, and at Whdlessfe titles Manadd albetawer only, to wboan all orders shank' only, be ressed. MANUFACTORY AND SALEROOM, CB ARCM . _ REW, Setwaten Mb and 'eth Philadelphia. MM. S. MOPKINPi. Feb. IS, ISIS. Phu Lahood: How Loot, How Restored itrrpublished, a WOW edition of Osivenve4rs Cebeinated Essay op the rodisafeshe (without medicine) riperaudoefinia, or dendual Weak ness, Tavolnatary fiembral Loma, r — neatal and Thyskal istespaelty, Nan etc.: snits Consamption, nad hirtsioad by wilf-indialmatee 1.1411006. CSI-EMeMbrartaledwohelope, only. _testa The celebrated author, In this anaMable essay, =demeastrates, from a thirty years' sac yinceitios, that theaylmlatt consequences of sellimbose may be - isdkadly cored without the dassoceous assal tatanial amilciae or the sign. mina Of the kaillicarf oat, a needs Matte Mama ausipis, aerlain, and eillbetaid, by mesas =Mb weary waterer, as matter what Ms con ,eiasay= care Muse it eimalidY, pd. trately Thaw Le n olis d avaboubil be In the bands of every Thoth and every man la the land. Seat under meal, In a plain envelope, to any inl akie.l4lllrjitairti otk --141 1 . 3tIVEtMVE ra away, re .O. Box Ma. VAS. din U. a. sostit. riellt /11iM 1. 416 morssItlitiak et arhed pomade Liam& k . ot . Amman iiiitow:ciaai. rt. Cheeks, l r i t • 41, a LEWIB STRA 1178 E, HOOP WET . POEM NATIONAL BANK Will allow Intoest do Spiedai Deposita, as follow' • 5 per PHIL per siaswit Par 1 year " sumwelles. /Mil Will convert 740 NOT= Itido 540 IiONDEI, as usaa4 trap of CABII COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES sad Will also pareloss at sal MI MS sad DONDE{ of every kind, has of inane on ontamlasks, and will at all times pay the lIEIGHICIST PRICE kw GOLD and SILVER, ass! will, with pleasure, transact all business proniptl,r, Si isesetolnrs, pertlining to • wall regulated Iseik. 011iO. ARNOLD, Osakber. Gettysburg. Nov. S. INIT GE'PrI7BBURG NATIONAL BANK. Gov=Aorta sCartikstao arnds"OUGHT and huLD. hEVEN-THDITY DONOR eoeverted into FIVE TWENTY BONDS without charge, COMPOUND IhERIST NOTES (Imam. The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and vemvw=Aw ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Interest (it SPECIAL D . IiZIfFIS ettorsed 1 ppr I per ...t. Abe l year,' 4 par ant. Ilbr • imsallbo. a per 0111111. be a aomeaptaii. Person. wliklng lalbrusatlau In regaal to U. 8. Bondi, and Stocks et all kinds, are invited to glee as a call, ►ml we will give all Inkormatleo Lyon" BAIR, Cultist Gettysburg. Oct. 2S. Iffer. tf GOOD NEWS ! HENRY OVERDEER, SALTIXOSIS ST., OZTITSIOIIO, PA.. sitAR completon Ins new linfwe House *adjust recanted Irma the illy with a Wm& and well acted stork of Goals, which he respectfully Invites his friends and the public generally to call and examine. i HE HELLS CIIE.Ar. Ms asset connate at GROCERIES.' FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CEDAR, WILLOW AND 4.),UEENI4-W ARE, FLOUR, .CORN MEAL, FEED, .IVX. grirqbe cash ore trade will be given for Flour, Atom, Oats, Potatoes, Batter, NW, Laed, Raga, to. Marsh op, ll* 4C PHOTOGRAPH 'ALBUMS; LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET S SETS. WAITING pEsKs, • PERFUMER r, Panay aim asilloimmaian Vases, TOY% kg., 10. AT A. R. FEISTEL'S ) it Oppaella Futusestocke Stare. Gettysburg. b If./1181. CLOCKS, 'WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. MEI SUPER M.cO.4tRZNEY NEW IEWELRY STORE, EM York Sired, opposite the Bask, Grei 4febtur Pa. • XXV AND PULL • MIT =CITY CD SILVER AND PLATED WARE, muititAt. tawny WM'S, such Aar VlMlN4l , oteram Amootilessa, Rots. Flies, de. Moo th e grimes vLs : Revs, Melons. Suns, tr. and . rentjWig,tmilassing W , Inn Inert= Reps!~ and all Nara of nark to our Liu done elerwa earAir """ L tareeitingebtbsa— and ell so=sol7l, 6 wArnbuted la be Ilia& W.f.." rer ., M6; • TIN-WARE & STOVES. TNE LARGEST ASSORTMENT°, TIN•WASE S. G. COOK'S, (Somas Andre* Tolley':) alio Nome a THE BEET COOKING MOVES IN MABEE sulmw which uMe OLD DOMINION. COMPRQ)111813, Pirt-INSYLVANIA. 110/1/1 0004 11013103111131% 1 44 1 " 61r 8/1 / 4 / ... 4, g Aka, ninny other artieJes Inc Kitchen nee, whkb will bs NM as law la kt say saw PlSea As lb* asiesty. - 9. G. COOK. tessle, MEL K i . - GIVL . TYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE undenignod less bought out' kis ilignisir partner, W. Galls, mad imethwes Um" THE LINCE4I,IIININQ BUSINESS ithosalf-at the Girittydrarg Kilns, on the corner of the linilroed and NottkBtraUeu Street. Tbankftd tor past patronage, he will eadeaverto deserve its contiasuamlaar pesseenling the bud nem tie vigorously sad es as large a wide as pos. slide-always selling a good article and giving goad maims. rwhiars sad ethers may loot ere the Perellig Oliftedert. I=l COAL BUS/NESS, offering the most Popular kiwis. liouselteepos and atkess Atka gin hulk 1 ealL Vacluialtli Coil aspidamilir aw,ba4l4. - Lime sled Osid delivered „sir here Is Get , • 0..... —,,, • Gettysburg, N0v.15. M. tt E: x. ' l M.T•ar 'sPl nN• a ~-~,. I: 3:EM VEGETABLE AMBROSIA tIiDDAT IT POMPOM TO 111, 4 611111IIIND DAM REATORATIVE, ehaus- Cle%=l6lr a t n, ,Red or Faded Hair awe Trews, whlch so Wont you or ape. It will rsildtively eradicate Hu- UMW and IDandraff front the warp, and when, shoots uh,ps the glands, wlll causes mew growth as Hair to put forth on hold spots. Thotteaude are tadlOtos to the above. PRICE: INAS PER EEPITLE. Bnettler,,Wltolegate e nd m Re tall Agent, elrttuggcl: r br gale gt ret&li 1 Deuggigig BAUGH'S C - ommercial Atanures. IV'S announce to Pimlico and &sten In !W -illiam, thetas hUlowlng priors ha% n bocn adopted for the prudent wing wawa .2141LPOR'Att RAW BONE P.IIOBPH4TJC Prise, NCI per 3,00011*. BAUGH'S CIIICACO HONE FERTIIJEhIt. Pelee. MP p Ma. BAUGH'S eIIICADO BLOOD MA YURI!. Price, SW per SAW lbe. Thiel well known popular trade-marlL will be band upon every package of the above manure* r oof MARK 111 The high eittlinetlon In which RAI'OII'S Music Menu RKS have been held, during fourteen years in= Ni l utluUy e cLoEnt c oln l i tttr rt fu n " r e re . s. a l t i n n s v o . of the city of Chimes, foe furnlidting Ammonia and Phosphate yielding via —Dome,: Dried Flesh, Blood, Qr., hove, In connection with our works in Philedelphia, the largest facil ities ex furnishing these manure+, et the ebto UM prices. BAUGH a EMIR, P4l hid el ph In. IIfORTiIsWINTIIINFP:ItT) Lai No Ch lingo. taloattjr. _" 1 / 4 1 .1Z171,York. 01013111111.1)13(iDALE, Wbonwele Att, Rol Ilmarn For all Informatios nompectleir the a/RA.6 bfa bore., addreon either of the • boohousor. Jan. 24, PNRI. Vm NEW YORK PIANO FORTE - COMPANY, 1864,) Its tatfacturers. of GRAND AND FIQUARF: rlitraffe Piano-Fortes, X*. $4l mai 341 Record Ammo or aiTH wravar.) NEW YORK. Rend ter tle•eriplire Catalogue and Pelee Lbd Aptil 24, Ran btu OWE'S ST.4.IVD.IRD SCALES. g=DDCRIE'T/ON OFRCA w enut wr en TO GIVE MITI= EATIMIAITION. neon IGT and Circular. neoolol-liand Ikaire of other makers, taken In part ray for ours, (tar tale CEIJIAP. HOWE SCALE CO., $ Pork Mace, Nov York LL rodoral at, limbo. April V, 18XL am GALE'S OOPPIa Erna no - *Mu. r eArl or boree.power, acknowledieet the IN 'UWE. 4T, EAIIIII4T, awl evert...Vey BM tor ..ae, by J. D. DEGAITII & 00., Deekkeew Iw. Awdwaltnalawatehrebta, ewa, WI Water Wert, New York. Read for Illuetroted Cheekie. May MI. Eh ROOFING ROOFING in rolls, reedy to be mined down. ROOFING mating much Sem, and 1110113 durable VOO T lttil that min be appliad by on ordinary workman. 11001 , 1210 that will not expand pr °attract by the setieif °Me weather. ROOPINCi that b edapted to steep or let route. Send lkir • Hataple and Circular. ItiLaDY ittIOVINI3 (XtMPANY May , II Malden Lose, Nair York. HORRIBLE HAVH HHTBILIIIID WITH CATARIIIL Char. ty_yelsrs ; It hod destroyed my voles slyt sinal n = r et2rel n Zirtt '"I FTe L. setZ i lb;f: r; . thAZ d rt: ritwe wilhing or needling the lime will sleeves, . JAM. T. HOLDEN, or " , April . 114111- 3m Bible 1101140, N.Y. riiihmat's Cognise t'stirollae• Are Charming for Lly lamer periehi Cryerheidllmee Are Soperllor kw Klutielty. libiamosiNi Carinalisas Ara untiqualled fir Durability e. In •word, sae the best In the work!, and amar awholwidely innswat by tisaninyaldnr. • .1.1 esale TIIOII4ON, LANOWN t (b., an Banidnay )Ow,Ttrit. Xllga *4.1110. &Wm & Well, (1111WILISIIXD is MIS.%) Manwfadurers of the New Patent MONITOR PLATE DOIBLE IRON FRAME P14.1V0 FORTES COMPLETIC TUCKECTION ADAMS?' WIT, COLD ADD UuT CLIMATE. (Patented February 90th, DM) WARRANTED POR FIVE YEARN, Waker.rnessea, 482 argots** fel l Igew York. pa/kin . Ifonkinftlatel Plpintal . bY essiMen ouniesperior teen others and thetr Merit eonalsta In the wrest phusk being supported by the Woe frame, alkowlng a larger wane for the sounding hoard than to pouseneedby en., other kind 0 1 pestle. - b s . this mesas the q ntuaity in kefl as the growl; of the tone le largely increased. Those Piano* have blew pronornaced by the best Judge. to be unrivalled tor Power and Sweetness of Tone, Easy and Agreeable Touch and Beauty qr.Fisish. float IlatterGot tt tarMer eertldcates il of excellence then Tbalberw, k, Stnikomb. Vlenxterapt, and a Mese neminer of the mem dlstlaitab Trolemers and Autatenre. From Mug expert mos and superior liwilitles Abutarring. we ate enabled to offer our Pianos at m low pekes as me asked by in makers. Sled kw Creaky and Peke List. Apra O. a EL BARAICtRE. PI.IIXO FORTE • ■sxerACTlnasa9, 319 2Jk r 4 , New Ip4 SZE ea/ WII Prise Me& rtians sm now itslyereally seksow apist 4hittagubMed arthas TO be ittValsto,ftetanil, sod wtrerbirer they have bees 11144doned and usides are .e , th ey . to • w riwyle or, a titeZ radiated the great Mania se roe hlered sod 14 1 ei g • • a rivet-ta iaa rra =4 n i • la iitnillor ens • !oliApt, Swirl Piano Role Warranted/era rears, and to give dlltefiefention. 'bur Moos de nue& tO but; We materials Pod dw POnliNe th ~17 Oftioned, and of very VW" wet quality that eau be pmeured. No Past Middlbad What the peeile eye night toss over. Orrset sampan gar •Whinee. Evart c r t,. Isaills and allet lonestly,lltltktally acuity made, so that it Ell bear the mast mi nute liamlAdtko o . They d P i t r !tom Ots.loßd, =tnne,frt e mod titanic, (which is bid In the; hag, sadgrows worse every day.) last= itch U It ts reftwd - and dedicate, pars In It ennui, Week dtdillithil In Its sifting capacity, and Wm an the power ikeecesszy to praises evel desired They ere, without dolnet, the beet, Abe wet leating, sad consequently the cheapen. Wear. content with* tale profit. Our pries moue from Nal to , , Aql.MOn.. &al • : ir. Wm lioaufasturing . Compaq, • IMO litoortato 110 roots It. 1r..; . • . -omits- autp - amo ,o3mtat cam; itiostataarot NOW to titia Coopaar at Bride. suet, =.. madat loottats at Poems of the Uot. Thew Orpi weds ' linos iartt or at styles sad Odra sad ludo& Ovum /NWT*, datedisd .1/6/Iparrld, ssy. • They OM altalaill tli a sa soaatoortin ratter or Art Dibescrfunt-41r Is so Mid C s tial c. and glad la their matron Oast r. Bird 11Poiaterti will fa of oraeiloposir la so rooatrod tar - soda ballast* Ins Marl t i o l titltaide ._ lOia ma Lilt , ' ''' fialwittalli, an LAST -hI42AE. A at mum Wer • "Crtgiinre now oaiai. air.. et c uperiadmik Doom Oat% cuNniZlt. 114,