tkt, ptebrrii:_tikOla ~ rtziALT, amez,,AttltlV Tim.DB4lloxnarrrlreONSEßV/iTraT. NA- TioNar. 17.1611.Vgifiroii.—The New York ll'orld bas.2lh N e [Mowing in relation to .. . sev'eral delegatiols lb this 'Convention, to meet in thitVelly ot*thillta of July : Irving Hall:W.l/M engaged by the State Central Cbilernittise of Pennsylva nia for the convenient:ever the delega tion from - the Keystone State, and Masonic Hall will furnish sleeping quar ters for the entire Pendleton escort, which to to number over 500 men. The ileneoek 'Men will Oongregete at the Astor House In large numbers. Five hundred delegates and their friends are expected at the Astor House. Accom modations have been made at the st. Nicholas Hotel for 1,200 persoc.. The (Aussie men, and supporters of Governor English, of Connecticut, will be found at this hotel principally. At the South ern and New-York Hotels preparations on a grand scale are being perfected fur delegates from the border and Southern States. The Everett House is negotia• tint with the Vermont delegation.— The I'endleton men will aggreirate them selves at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Col onel Wooley, of Cincinnati, has secured rooms for the West Virginia delegatieta, ,et the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The Neer' York State delegation, numbering sixty five persons, marshaled by Mr. fiamnel J. Tilden. will stop at the Fifth Avenue lintel. Committee and caucus rooms ' have been enginred at the hotels named ' from the Ist of July until the close of the conveotion, which will beein its ~,,lon on the 4th of July. It wilt cost each delegate ittrout,even dollar, a day to live in this city during the convention, including the neeesacirylrillitig ea IWIII4OI ~1 the barber bootblack r,,, and J ar fare. iSstateemen and politlelans bay tanaoa itionis at the lia different hotels the _nth and 2311 of June until I h osa of MU Con vention. The admirers of t , arles'Ffaucis Adams, (ruin Muotmehusetts, New liatupandre and Vermont, will repose at the Claren den Hotel. Tamman Hall will be fully ready by. the 25th of J u ne. TILE GROW/N6 CROPS.—Our exchanges throughout Ohio, Michigan and Illinois all Npva le in glowing terms of the pros peels of abundant harvests. Thegrasses and the (lulls too could riot be ,lookieg better. GRANT knows nothing of that ardent and enthusiastic spirit which Inspires e h DORM In 00104.1 I MARKET REPORTS. flettpd.rg Fr.oun, ...... . ion) (URN, RNF,.. OA rs, Hul RWILEA.T,..I Ile • HAY, ~..”....1 if 00 C) 10 IN) Cl.ovuit-sEEDI ...... ..., I' 6 00 ILA A:I4MM 2 00 t: , PORK 'lO 00 ' ..1 Dalttuaurf. ' ff 60 (4, 10 tio ........ -2 40 64 • 2 132 Iti r,.......1 80 ...... 1 02 e,;} 1 14 OATS ez (4 vs 7SO (!) S5O T 1 2 78 . 0...; 300 110(48, 71 Apia ~..,."... /2 .4 .(10 13 70 1143nP41A*P1M;111116110243, , 1 1040 (4 21 00 .... • 511 00 (#.115 011 (101,a, Phih., lAA IED. t m the Ith that., In this Itev. W. R. ft. I/eutrh h, Mr. JAI.2OH Kt IZMILI.EIt, of (/et burg, to 51441 111A(Jtktit h 1 daughter of lap.ld Hun doe, of t'llittlwrfatht tolvnghlp. Ott the 2111v01t., at Phtlitefelphl*,bvatev. W. I.enttletnn, Mr. H. O. VIC li'Ve rog.r) of New York. to Mts. Jur.: Elt.ll-NON 1,14 11111. E, of ruit.d.rphis, ut one times resident of thl4 place. . 1..). Lb.. :54.1 1uka....1.3 .140%. S. 11itgling, VAR': \V. ti I X LINt }, of Berwlok lowiiial4p. Adams cu., Pm., lai )titot LEE/ It 1atC.413.1}.3i, or Litittimore 4,.unty Olt tWoortb alt„ bo Rev. H. Ninety', Mr. N1ik 4 41.1 , 1 A. X fiI.LICI4 to Milo, ALIIIXI SA A. ('UCK, both of I.lttloBtou 31, Adulnx vommy. At lit. Jo..colet. Church, In Baltimore. on Ibe lot 11. t., by lies'. Fiiiher .sfr. WM /ANN! J. Sl* I.:Ettl TOentert) of Adams eo., to 141,11 MARY UNIACK, lisiltitelore. On am 31st tilt., by 8.w.,S hooter. Mr. WIL -1 1.1.\ - .1 J Tlti/VP, of Honorer, to ]Boo KATE. JIM KRA, of Adam* county. 00 Use 2Un, ult.. by Itay. rt. IL y, lifr. CYST% J. WILI,er, of to Mites M. it • 1.1 lli.bT C. 1114. 11 04 1 114tile•li• ,g-CArr.ll CIE! Usg tlgg• 51.11 inat,, Mr..kOkiN 4499 1 /X411,491/WITt LOWIIIIIIIII, alf./ 7.1 o.oarg minting and 0 : 1101 g. trn t :nth ylt,Zll7 3 .W . gdy a Ciljtetti47l l . Mouuluy LM On the Ails lent., air. JOEIL WRIGHT, of Me ,“,,.•n low lishSileiPt ieeittNelle er.140 sigh . On the 4t, hilt., pear She Two Tuveres, lb tounty, JOHN SAMlt's.f., Infantlloll l lLionL, Ni toot M.trgaret leseheepectesett•Lti dept. • JOURNEYMEN CARPENTERS W A PfT4t4 1mAi1.f.41144113XY -4.I(X)D WAUE9 w LII Ire CV en 14 ih•it-claas hauds. ADP]) bpmedlallitly In -.1 • 4(.. C)40r14 1 / 4 11414 . 6A0N, 11eny 444. ' 1:1 - ' (; elt,taifry, Pa.. „ THE'O4R., I e. 2e.r.41v0w, ,ve 429., = 91 . 1101 conownan invanabetc,ls destined to staini tbe betel of govrfros tratUrren. rt a .1 7 ugal , zum m uL w i t se: mp* en rnrsasthrat+te Xll.4lllrun tosootl will spate On or 'WOW to Aunts s reliable mid =Mr Article. ti superior to Perti l s# t4a ~,,,, betatate ft i1u9 ,1 1-lorrsu 3:‘ tind 1 1 2.1UAL TO prit .1 , I' ulton. It does mot over-en :slate the an I, n. 01 I he fertilize:lln the market do, and the I.ltal after ireStierPme the tt re 4 crop to e. woe.. eoadttlaa than helot* uslux it. but it renialne nn n, tivll (Prilide trl lb% WiliNdill(loollllNUdid yew:O -UT year to show Walt on r' try crop that to poi lu the land. - The Conover., Phosphate eontalna a lords per oaglargesdArnabourgaAnd Pirmrphorareadg.ithladt aro eaaenttol eterriodaselargesatiolge loud. They either entire. directly Into the plant or pi/TAN the alkattea In the Soli W4O so. The iniartot ttof (Nulowado P.Unapgdite Is :PCILR RAW brie, Wantland,' And ThedoeghlY diallohTli .dill_Ou , thd TINW orsg,y Volatile agent ' i tOrIP Orad iteat solvantaos or the (Ample Ptiorteb to to bgtit VlPlttgeh'e the fdlls-I e t . ..... Wise{ Ws Pat um lobe Wreathed arOwbrybuttils dila g nay tlorezglgyft Mont itt YOU diltnaaa and . o i rtio , and keg It re prevent The Nam, a Jr, of mop! that are lore& up by • wet fin Ole wroWort, and vent krestly lorantalkoikw rilwoMWAle ek. pea.* awl owner 4 f-wit0t001. 1 1 ,4 4 1 4G Artepule* ore liking ewtabluineo tkrocuAbont r • etrantry_wherever Idealisers dm lord. M e re not arrort* to ogee It' baltlja the best lb ,the Mod& tbdaszinhg and planters make et:ether rattitttatthtly,_7lll try Ake Creel tonowaro att. this Ml_ . Ark* 3 0 1,1,y pollgrgieer ton. c 9 . 41113. R AT:, . , rro M prieta B te. .kerki6ii,Z.Vl44.2:nukate very goo, . author it .mpri* l type W dr11.6441ar. A wor th s freely W 2 soil. WM.s know te ll . 0 . irmtrokir rii.. „,:.- - - . A, VALUABLV. FARE[ ~; ;a~x~c~ rilatr-DAY, ZiOrls.bawardi-Alimui Clod% APArifinnianWilliq ;.4,114"•,10.../i3 ROW & WOODS,. ,GAtTYIWIR43.' 8141LIEER MOCK WHIN' HATS, LoWIES' IMOD% ' CHILD RIRVII SHOEN, • MTH TOR HOTS, RATH POE MEN. RATS MI Callpipt; YACRI\E COTTO At, good am Coates* Rig much t prim - ROOD SKIRTS, .iesre4l. varl4l4l, BALMORAL "WIRTH. MEN AND BOY% WEAR; at, low prima. at - • • SOREAIRAW: May 1.1E68. tr _ 11EdID-Q.U.4IITEBB CLOTHING, ATS AND CAPS, BOW H S AND -SIMS Every Kind flifilialemeri'i Wear, LINEN COLLARtg:' -dliAPEtt COTTON HWPCKINGH, POCKET BOOKS, P -T . B irr i /7" 4 : 11(14 ` L • UMBRELLAS i , CAN KS, ac., &e. _, • 3 2 .10 5 7 ) 2 40 (/ 4 :3 45 I keep Gentlenlen'a Wear of all kinds and will sell them at Ilse Loia'st Cash INees. 1 15 1 6) AT:MO BOYS' HATS 'AND SHOES, o me wain befort.purehasig elmawhere CIMIME DIJAPItiN4M9MO , NORTH-WEST) CORNER, CENTRE SQUARE, GE TT IP Ulto: a, cr. -,9 'A i. i ,i,b6A d,' '' • ' P' EMPRINA MAIM 1 111781.12. N, DELAJNF" CALUNDI fit UirNgt/A4i 9 t ' ' .1 x 8 " BALMORAL SKIRTS, 1100 P 9 ICI RTO, 8 A (.7 - K I NOB, W L 8. " i I COTTONADEEL . BLACK CLOTHS, Tlt I COT •CLOTNIM, FANCY CASHIMERES, ' tit ) ) ;./) 18.11 , 1 tLL f 1. TiOSIERVI GLOVES. trti'PE-RD E , ~10F10 LLAsis, T * ft' la, /J'I C A F B P,YT9 44 1 4.5 v l< KNIVES AND FORKS, WUSDOW-BIANDS. btell'Art lEEMIE3 tAHNESTOCX it-e 1. 1 .! A W • V.ll' SPRING , OFOO-toB. „- ll t; tr) .;) .”. .11!: We constantly rixelving new and desirable stylesof ILKM, POPLINS, • ' PICIVALIN, PI SPRING 41:41.14f:'918, ALPACAS. DELAINEIk - CIMICOES. LANVIOt. to Alaoltai.k:e‘ ad oni to oar usual supply Of , , a • •• LLMV441 1 . 1 5 8 . man*. MAIM , 4 v;rtety of lifood• for)lo•4l4ll4*re wear. We hawki inetilardwy to our 11 A .1 11. I. I CA PETS, " I VA 1 111 Er i q "tr i . .• eat . 4 . .11,..u. • - • 4 - 1 -4 Witt Wie: I. Matti :i ur l i r i d epinie ..1,..1:10e • hoseiltel 1. 1..1,- W wt..... 11.A..3 a •P A r ai% LA tut .. ". , llniellool/141141,114......7 • • - '''. ll.l/2ebto Pireithlre 4 .l* PAi41t10411044,714..2i1 the pam:iliaNt. 11. 1...a1:0w...L5-d1 IRON AND NAIIM at reduced prices. t) OILS AND PAINT% at low rates. Give oi! a tall • ,L...*) .• r. d.r . r, I .Ir .- 1 Illkwat CM Bad Pima. ?^t 414h...A Mt 1131. Art; DRY 000DS DRESS 00011 S, NOTIONS. I=3 r- fIUCHAIV-- PAPER BOSOMS, GLOVF23, ,HAN DK ERCHIEFFI In great variety THEO. 0. prOARIA.• 1. 1 ~ 6 al MEM =II =ME BM DAINTY ACCIIUNT. , FM"' raiwiltgatml,"r3f-urti:. of the Douai • Filast r in ammo d towashjp2 To balance oa aciawaboatapril9s,lBo7.- feXi Amount race` ott on Daralcate, Wk..... MO 00 UM so 4 41.845 May, 1307. Anicart Intl In (lett , u s zlit ... in!"----it43: ExpensesofCiardner'sandlilutreriliari 36 45 =rag 1;51 :5 3 OnSnraurer Treas's counnrselon. 60 06 45 0(1 Salaam dno 072 V We, the undersigned, Auditors or Hunting tow..hiPin Adsarai multi, having audited the above annual utiatuinJ. Metcalfe, Treasurer of Bounty Fund of sold township, do report the same corroct as above stated, and that there is a balance la his hands due the township aforesaid of the sum of Alni4eilnidand sebent) -two dol lars awl tw.afy eeuis. Wiinms our hands the /14. day of.Tutie, kts. MICTIAEL MINTER, I.)AVID CARL, JACOB LEER, Auditors. LtAtuLurins or 111/NrINGThX TOWNSHIP IN TIM AWOKE/14M BOUNTY AVLIWNT. Due to sundry persons on boode -- SOA O 00 • A. 666115 O► TO W1(5111r. Balance in handsel' Treasucer._.-6972 27 OutatasullagTaxoti Duplicate 1264_ 831 15 IStUi_ 25 20 " 1264- 121 66 " 1807_ 1,267 78 $BBl7 11.4 Balance of Llabi lilies over At.ets_ 377.46 _50,51 00 Joint 12, Mt. at TO CONTRACTORS Tll F. 'School Directors of Berwick tow miliip sr ill meet tit the Pigeon little Whim! !fringe, n I4.ITURDAY, theirth of JUNE. that ,at ii o'eloek, P.for the purpose of fivinit tint 111113 W $l . lllll/1 /011. to l'untnarlinn, to be built in Kalil town ship, The house In Lila be built, between the let of July and theist of October. . . JACOB NULL, Secretary. By order of the Board June 12, IsGS. St I,4IIMBER YARD li.E.VOPED ITIRE undendttned hem removed Me Lumber J. Yard to. the worth-east 'corner of Stratton misad the Ratreed. hut dll3, yarde from hle dpatMo, where he will be glad to have nll in want of Lumber to tall. Lila elect la larger than ever begire. and covalent additions are being made to R. Ile ban WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH AID HALF INCH BOARDS, FLOORING, SCANT. LINO, PALINGS, 4C., 4C., &C., efi of which will be sold at the lowest living rel.:a. Cali and Judge for yourselves. My tn bet la good and cannot, fall to give satisfaction. JACOB tillEADel. Gettysburg, May 211, ISM. If A SERVANT FOR ALL Both loprevememet for o . pealsag, Clsslas mad Latching Gates. TAY be attached to any gate and operated lrj(rom buggy, team or saddle, by one hand, to any desired direction from the gate—opened and closed !rum one point, at any .11.tance Iron] the gate. This Impno, emetic Is simple and cheap, vet perleht and SI rang; will not be di.arrung.,l by the ,teging of the gate, nor by tile I r 0.4 rntai Itg the. posts; 'may be nuale at a country bite Is autitu 4, cushy rittaehea to a gate. The MI. 11A:114111AL lug Um dtight for Adult., wanly, will au 11 row u?lxlp and Farm irli;llt. or thin tut pros meta,. Also, non! MUNIZS ANtEltrCAN't,WElf, (I,ATE:—At lilts w 11l ue lomat valuable and conve nient to all who hate gates to dig , . rbr , AILZ/1"..4.4 ihoy ritualn 11) their ham, opc,u„ alias and latch a gate, e nitwit the n0.ew..11,y, of getting in the wet at n u td. For further luform.ttion, Jeldrcsa • TSI:AEI, iSRICRF R. Me0.411,n U., dliatalLllll.l,.. May 1. IsV. tt Al? A AT rrtlnt, nALE: , • IN pantomime( so Order of the Cohn or CA/LU mon Menu of Adanaltrocutty, Pa., the under signed, TrinM.e or the' Efate of Belinda Itlark , will sell lir PnbllrittteL, Ott NArrit DAT - , th.....roch or ItlNF:teext, nt 12 o'elet k, M., en the preml4,, that •SittfillAßLP) PALM, situate In Itlortntior township, Adnms county, Pa. tal)Mnlng lands 01 Wht• Vane& Adant W(‘ , Yl, Mr s . tamer and beget, Atlf.F..4, 16 acres ol lintel. are ex cellent; Woodland. The Improvement* soonest" of a good lietkalm7 TAM DWELLINO, e h'r' T t- Z i r dH aMl it A!;well of wnt, r narle% r chard. The land In In good order, nud the fendinglityt rstly loan fined., It willbeilani eueether or 1n nhetetta vfilag L imst stilt purehasers. Persons wishing to • lea' the propert) will please mill on the underslgnid4 rca siding near by. Attendance will he even and terms ma d e knows mdse . Of sale ay- 10111 i 01.1311/6, Trustier, Aprll - 34 !Adel to U.S...IIABSIULL'S OFFICE„ Permayirattia- Pair-ADEL/4ln, June I, ISSS. rrirrni It; ToITIVP: NOTICE: That Ms 11te 2Nth 1 or Nay ..l A. 1) , 1410, a Warrantin Bankruptcy ;12nt:11117.10., 411 t We ,Betattc q! N'U bola o 8( 1, Petuuoy)vauxls, fieee itt i tteel a Bankrupt, on Ms own Petltlon; flint the payment of any J.*Uts and dells vry,of pro perty belonyjnkto Ouch Bankrupt, to It Hit, or for his use. and Um lronsh,y of noy Pr4perty by him are forbidden Tv low; that n nleHting of Ito credlyrs of Bic sald Bankrupt, to o Welt. dOhni, ttrin to ehoose one or mot e ern of his Eat ate Will b. held at a (Tort of Bankrupted, to he holden In lit ETTY` I III' at the otticestf 11. de W. MCCLEAN, 1,44,, before liaarivag OF:IIR, Esq., Itegialvr, on the tilt day of JUNE, Isen, at II tielodc. A. N.. I'. C. lII.LIIAKER. 91.-Nfartaint, as Mrmenger. Jane:). Istet. TO CONTRACTORS §EALF.D PROFORMA , for the Miriam of FRONT BUILDING to AGRICULTURAL ALL, In fiettyidearg, - will be received until 1 M., of THURSDAY, the bah day tit .nu.NE. os, IMP imecificationt Mbe exhibited by ' M Fabilleateek, to whom wows'''. an Monte& 'F. G. FARTIESTOOK, DAVID W ISA" • H. J. SPARER, /Week MR Id Committee. NSW MUM& • H .,..vor_ k pmw T , t rope, ct ,,,, f , t r al d to rift it /VI:DIE/it Ll* , the /44 1 .41 1 4 1 n re adal? L:. =Lam ore citut.lunt4l. intuit* u y ills mat ter. lA. 3:11.1.13ZW ORM, lone% W etier Iteconier ALlitxru, county. 5, Register% Notices. NOTIOE la hereby Oren in all Legatees and other persons ono...riled, that the Adtolnls inithin ACCOUlltil ben•lnaiter inentlonol will he 01- ' lo:A2,:artt ? ) ,u urt k o f,;. ‘ .: l" . " . " =: DAY, tl re I;th di* of ' JUNE neat, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. , vita: ITt. The lino nil Lint amount ,if la;v1,1 Hoke and J. E. Baratta, Administrator. of Nilelatel 1* 's third 9ixikidoet he account of Amanda E. Groqp, Allplmivt.nktri Goorge li. tirouthdeeesard. N 1 Thu Arid mad gnat amount al LOiliMlo Go. brisitti .Attatislatral rix or Daniel fleArtrad, doh oritmal. genreet tier of Abe totals of Ds Wet Fidler, drowsed. ; , Tr...0,0*w t, olioloalioack,AdintolarolOr of Moe osiata kleeblard letheetx. dimmed. • ignq tI.,TZWOUB„, nesi.usr. • • ••. Notice in Divoroe. • Matt Ir, 11totbpe; !yr 11E1 . 1 In the emit of Oldruotnll teext.Atiefie, , Abel 7, Ilee. off A dentretah. ii 4 ftot r+J ," - t t l v h .. oer A l e t % 5'"" 1445. 6AZ ' `Cllteton'll . .7lwerq. j Tenn, • NOME huivre Oren to the detlnblent In thetbore emistar, Iftehl retritreelF be Wed ap pear titThg , ftert of Common, Pim Of Adams eenettfT,Art 'MONDAY, the rth 01 t7IT nett, (A, ff: tieffslle Wet/neer the ) roml4lA of the pletti- Ire tedr above , mix:, and show canoe. 3f ant 13e Met , The dfyort* nalml for ahuillat niX b.! Oa • ' "'" • PIMAP FIANN, aht . ll4MOtedd ~~d; enusty oetAiitiArrtofilatAANWiaott rrect;Tere it /Mrialitt m igM abateent for url) pa) nwnt olf State T add five per egniertelthwitlMlNnelr ennitlY reihtrogilUittl& flft`WrYtifi • ; - medal( arsvAr • ' iraY l 6:ll3o. l f a "jik 411, ,, tu r nralantl igt,ac I. M lsel - tams „,,, AIM UM, 11011111 . gexitiloghpae. .mi kr i N ieri o d, -n i ..,:MV 414 ..!' 1.451 qrs• 11/1:2112