0 4 111094 1 4 : : .. 1 MAY AIN MU. Theto ia„antsually so much good opal merellently menslauzlttered In making It Intostily the,t. It becomes the,datY utt every publisher, editor and agricultural writer,i4the Ifdud, Itopoeititncto have • better'llectical knowledge of hayin4- ing, to begin with the itor"ktestot, 1 preaelling ar inrinstly as they aan, Ist every Opitortunity, better principlesotp. , 111 a Radios' reform in much of our bap: roakink nractibie shall have been nattier ed. AS elover,asaapy comes hest in the routine if hnjtnq, and the season fOr', putting mowers afield Is close at band, let us Ilittkr in mind" 4iat the beet. 'tea' ding winatildott of elever is When' the plant Used( Is 'Tully davolopeti, 'and the heads won hnt early blooro.iieture any coneldersble proportion of them have are , sumed - the slightest tinge of brown. Then ,tblitead 4:.f being roasfeti r and biktd in the - scorthing Is as Week as japan lea, as Is ls too free quentty tie case with clover hay, the beat plants to nut after the dew Is otTni, the morning; Cure, spread or in the swath, ad much as can be done In live or six hove of clear drying weather,, thee' twenty-four heiirs more In small cocks; sheltering, front dew and rain, and hail to and pit away with the ieIiVCS still green, wilted hot not ill the least crisped or bischened icy the sun. The•tither gintsses arc beet "rut when the staikit and foliage h ave attained full growth - stud theme& era entiroly ‘ devel. °pet!, but still In a milky state. Like clover,,, they sitendr lib Cocked eller A few !inure 41111. , parini.t, fittkhe.l oil' it, the coelt.,•eated but not itt the leuat ensiled, and littlded in yldle still green in color, elaetio , wasi poltseasted of all the Inviting amnia, of "new mown hay." If the foundations of bays and stacks are mede Well DV:clear tor the ground, affording full and free ventilation underneath, and flirt in stitching or stowing away a dyer a glean, dry straw, say six inches lu depth,. la placed every two feet be tween the courant of hay, there will be no datiger of ,clover or any other kind of gra* ,heating, moulding or rotting, though pot away a great deal greener than isthegeneralpractice, aud Infinite. Jy bettfirbay Will be the result. —Cowie, ta4alarday Earning Post. • Buhr ow WHEAT. Mlltoolteyttoldri, or Westville, India. on, asks 'what causes mat on wheat 'We niaWer ttiat the general cause fa a want of mineral, nod an undue propor tion of vogetaiite.mattee to the soil. A . wet eCkson fatten 'development; for the reason that it probrolaisdho rapid ah “wptieh of iegetahle mold lulu the idraw,g i% Inn it a rink growth. AVe wily's !bid wheat more liable to rnat on new land, or bu land , bighly Ansuured wilti barbyard,Or bt a ide manure, which' fact Imexplaniell by the statement Mule ni;ove. Tito b Very little yegettstlc mallet 'required for the production of wheat ; "on the cbtitrity, Is mainly compoied or minerals, silica being the leipilmt element. 'A soil, therefore, abounding in Milos is best adapted thinge.being 4*n/1V to kvhetit. %wing 'dated the canoe of rust, the remedy will !mama Itself to any one. This to found in 'Wooti:ashee, lc, and Pronor,at , t tention to drainage.. A wet, cold, soar lend will not pacaluomwheet until it has been warmed' and dried by drainage, and had its acidiereorteeted by lime or Home alritlr friendly alkali.—North We•- ,e 671 liteHner., ' , ZP FLO% EH Pora— H." :mays: "If your ovrrebpundouts, who are troubled.withilthla 'apkiemle,' • 'will altoty a alak Relation of salt 14 Wit= ter a few thumb aly-will &atm/ die worm and tienettt the plants." - We fear, that niost, persons would use too stronea-,solui,ion, and we thick Ilase• water preferable, ea that cannot be made too stati*A. Perfectly clear lime-water; and nsil . intik lime. is to be used, • %kJ/ • IN n . „lttlent tllecussion before the ford N';, leuteper'e Club, the queetlou of applzhig 1119,11Ufal tO groquatuuno up, ao.lwental to or o voted that Am& rune atoilid be applied to the rod atLer had beer. turned 'Always as sear the sultiO tut It le tioeslble. , A 1',44p UNDRESSINO.—AucIubou te lates (Oat he °nee- saw a toad uudteas himself.; Ile commenced by preeeing his eltiews bird 41yilasL.,104 sides and rubbing siowneratti. After a few smart rubs hlerhide'bigarn to burst open along the ba4tki 'l-10ept on rubbing until worked . all hbusirin into folds on his shies int bins; then grasping one leg with Welland% he hauled off one leg of his pinta tire-saine-aa anybody would ; then strtpiSed oft' the other hind leg in the same way. He theta totrk his cast-off skin forward between his fore legs into his mouth mut swallowed It; then, by raisintand lowering his bead, swallow ing with head came down, , he stripped off Markin Underneath, until it came to his foftlegs; then grasping one of those with the opposite, hand, by a single mo tion of the head: and swalloWing, he drew It front ,the neck and si-nTlowed the whole, 0 • "Ttutrrs."—,Tight panjaausine ars: is be all'Atte go the present'suntti*. We have had a sight of them Already—and ouch it sight! .Tt ream tuhle its ner- VOMP tolfiLtit et tt. Oar yoneg - inelf 'Se" tually seem to have no "vistbke meina of support.;.'., :For: goodness' saki, ~let them Wearlalso datvets. - litres they ever, expect nv become anything in the world on such diminutive props, ir"orc tion .l,7 e . to compretiettii; And how do they manage to get into them? Their lege look as VA*, t y lint imein/r i tieftWatid l poured In, and some how or other the eritrethe "tilalasttakVaiti34,:bliVto run down Into the boots.—Volunteer. litJosu Bluasos.— If a ilkat *ants le* get it Ids aktaal 42.- menaltßlM blur 'sten a grate yard. It *getting , to sow-a.daae, If a man ean't elteallaiktoalO*Af. be. latt't:Uppy. Suo9ga,% ipp „to to wake us„ forget the time we wasn't sleek. It is soli Ith the ieNelAti4l that lte'lkad'a'hillpole, 'bat Other folks ken. • Au Igiiiiod4.,C:eiv i 443' &A 441, gentle man, has either got to be borii error brought up In.„l44lept*grAtt kfint kiln] u i 1514404,84,7, moirilloo flu learn ;to __ l tW.# l l l o l ifS k 4:, b . rOcit . clog on iatoTuri:hr,w)tl.!. • • • • A 1#410,14#01141°i4:11.n.vt6r0 Are engine Irmo ressoreitto agrothei sta ble to inidarooesl4ss diiietta't h 6 : There iineith-liariti di:mart* tiltgf t. and the old nee bone Melted down the stalls and every thltisi! h ee l s e0 u1d 01 1 0W , 44 2 4642(k* . **4 • .. . A7rwieumv z. enserirms, ted erilniimlikiiLiel , blewl • ineephlae in his veins. The ex*hrhllinf. eres 041141064. 4 Z : Ttft 'turn boar. . ~.._.- - ..._ . . - irif I 2 - 20U202210 / 2 iliga 1161 ;1 trilittalliX ; • NO. Ill s : ... . tillittkfsV4,ET., PN the &mobil Mil Clactramiart I. rrt M. A. Fouts& Bru.,* t Ist, Ise7 , r IE. atajuuklt men th e .„, 4 , v tall Vlaariutit, lltleand late I ..t 4 frl • ner, He A...Ptuntv, tot all time; 01 .I , mutat- Um. at Patent Medtclascri o IA r devoted v lanch titue.care and labor . . thorough knee ledge In the comp..un 0 r (.. I . p.epara tionh I am bully prepartvl too • the commu nity ' MIUTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES Aunt Alll.l unadulterated haute, • •T rs j iyii ial Ka ho uTz ErafalAtax—Egitativt. ti Vpties'a Vouoit Staur—leerteesol viscialearien &soak AKA carnal lioarsiustsialltalfhle &odic COMA( ISYSVir—litistauca'e NiatV. .1.%11) E. ~.. Slob Prole ~. 1:1klf 42 * Giorint MArdairric diel.Vs A•.. a 2:4.l,ixtrin"iirilE Ofrall.n.'.' Auld tibe 1 .0 . 4 KW have oa hand • felt sesoftalsob all DRU43B., p-ALWrii i ViLBf ~.•• whwao.-guiso ; Extracts sod Essences of all Sa dor; woes; alleideralar Paten{ Ha Mectleleme el the 'Perfartaary agfrofis, i t Deals lee ban demise( artlelesneoied by Merchants. Parma* and alomrekvrpere. Come and exam Inc my stock i and prime and If I eariaotim/t4br.ralntanal. Ibe stklttal In italtlmore. •.. £,, YO 1 , At bliaqiil waiaTlei Amin* Wilk i - Tub. 421, Do. iv , g0Gr.01,4E3 BOO?. M. SUE, IWORDN I BALTIMORE iSrArrr. . , ?TWO DOCrttn RJUAN Corrzt lleßa or TLorrriThaitytil.:l ' XHE uwlerintned has Just r t eturned VI)" 3 1 Kti We Lest uu , J olleatest vs? ‘ rial it a Ot.edinel. and Gaiters, for Simi ug and Mum tol ey..r otnred to ljettynbant,,,!l.ll•..A.. e , ...nsi.a. of LAIIIE:4' .I)l4tialbtdl rift^ LADIES' II AL 11,A I. GAD? , I.A ItIES' CON , . /1.14. LAIKEW KID ' . 41,.,... les, LADIES' Midi I ' 'Fr - I.IA, IN 1,A11.1E YAI GENTs" EfcES.ll ' i ' lIR GENTS AMEIt ICA N - LE - .. , :llif VIELVIN' KIP Lnl_ .-- - I; Esp.'. k I 1:".. (ntl. , Tr — G:,llTl!?tm, (IF.N , Yer t'ALte ISA W1U1.2.A1.4, tIIENT , e 1•41. I i'VENS, all styles, , fIENTIV 11110(.1A NIA. mu . , mu, , ni Mediu' (.111..te11.,DU4 CIA.LTEIK • , MlttrtEef . D. 1.010 .Al. tfAiTnati. ' . ' 410n4K14 , 1,1011.1420 11AL.3t4,11.A134. • 1 ,---- du., me., mu. me. , Boles f.xaNORMAR GAITERK, . - . . iitt/ yet C 4 4F ..B.S.LMORA i BOYS' 4.. e„ 4('. INFANTIC NliUF.rt aR dylee, • . f IN LARGE vA.Rntrx. Also, Root* and Nhoes of Ms own manogaistnite constantly On head. Alt will he sold at the lowest thing WOW Buyers, from town and country, are Invited to cal/ and oxamlne goods and prices Isafrissi par. chasing elsewhere, feeling ootigilent that I nu% please all who may call. The MANUFACTURING of Boots, Rhoes and petters will also be carried on, In alt Its branches, e i rcrit a irl ' Mt l' ifort t e i Tit g ttliWw%lttel and ludas none but the choicest leather, he fo es eon- Palest of maintaining '4yy former reps== ~ Certainly nothing will beertgandone to 11/ Iluinktu - 1 for pest favors, he sollate a eon anuence of palsWestronage. D. E.LINGIEL. Gettysburg. April 17. D ,vrto McCIZARY. can( P. lecciturty, "Best always eheApest." T HE Boit autt Clmtpegt !SADDLES, BRIDLES, ' COLLARS 'ttlßl, HARNESS of nil kind', in the Onunt4t4 're Ott ayirtt> tie tcttlad rt the old and Vell Sittelitti ortantt, Italttmote at, apposite tta, ,rttatotriatt Chink •\ — IttoCitgAltYS% Our Riding awl Wettou Saddles are the most ettiolttitt,talY !mut atttl tutatel e ()lir Hartle*" litkllt tztita si