Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, May 22, 1868, Image 2

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i 41 F ,14 1 r• . :.' „
':. Medlar ". ottinitr.
lizideqr, NW 23, J J
A I Dina IL
MM. CliAli UPI D /LA', of Itrgeter cou nt y
Air. ruim.toirox Q.
rxe veinier.
The Impeacher., after meet, elellberw.
ti‘4„ selected the elevetath art:tole as We
one moot likely to succeed, and therefore
determined to allow a vote von it, as a
test. Mould it fall, all would fall. A
vote was accordingly had on Saturday,
nud resulted it, M yea to 19 pay ' not
twoAlleireks, the number required to
donviek This,the Impeachers' atrongeet
article, haling, the acquittal of the Pres
'debt on the rest Is conceded ahnost
without diesient.
Ali honor to Messrs*. Fow•cen, Fragagir
beri, OKr trAti, .IIatIDE4IO.Y, VIeX WlN
tittllnt'l3. and ROSS, Itepublicons,
who voted with the twelve Democratic
Senators for acquittal. Independent,
honest men, they adhered to their eon
scientiout convictions, in the very t.etli
011ie wildest storm ever raised by party
friends to foreeparty measures. History
will do them Justine, and place their
names high up tnnong those most de
servedly honored, whilst it will rank
tlie Impeachers among that class who
have never scrupled to sacrifice their
country's good to their own or their par
ty's base aims.
THE Baltimore Sun siva, and it• Ls
good authority, that the acquittal of the
Preohlent on the eleventh article or Im
peiebncent seems to have been received
throiagbeut the eoun try . wi Lb cordial alp-
piobation by reflecting men of ail parties.
Especially 19 this the ease among busi
ness men—mercantile, mechanical and
others—a lio are anxious to see the
country (Inhaled and trade revived. Of
course there are exception* to the gener
al acquiescence in the righteousness of
the verdict. Extreme Itailicals, who ex•
peotedoll different result, are, apparently;
a little soured, but the "second sober
thought" will, doubtless, cause theni
to me that the gretit masses of the people
are heartily sick of ,the whole proceed
ings-of-pie "high court of impeachment"
and all its "managers," ua well us its
alders and abettors.
Till! remnant' abroad of the news of
the President's acquittal, tho cable In•
forum us, created "a profound seuaa
lion." All the London papers have edi
torhile on the subject, and all agree In
the statement, as a consequence, that
"American securities Ore firmer and
more active ; that better prloes are real
ised; and that Milted States five-twen
ttes, both in London and on the cavil
neut., have nufterially advanced." That
tells the story.
Tats Methodist National Conference;
In session at Chicago, on Thursday week,
NO far forgot nod Mill Muff ne to resolve
itself Into a political contention, and
pass a resolution to pray the next morn-
Ow fut the impeatineauut of President
Johnson. The prayers were made, but
a just Omit answered them contrary to
the expeotatione of there revot , utiontsts.
He put it In the hearts of seven honest
liepubttean Senators to rindleateJustice,
and save theft' country. Let polltienl
prenenis hereafter remember that it
Is only "the prayers of the 'righteous that
avail inuoh."
FogsrVa -Prom places the following
Jouinale .on the "black because
they did not denounce the Republican
tient:lora who voted for acquittal: New
York 'Evening Post, Chicago- Tribune,
---- I.3nolnnatilkiiiaincecial, Pi °vide:ice Jour
nal, Springfield Republican, Bridimport
Standard, itutialo Advertiser, Iluffiklo
Ppress, and Hartford COW alit. This
list, It will be seen, embraces some of the
ntdest and most Induontial Journals in
•Pus lienntors from the States of Call
forsda, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
—awl Oregon voted for conviction, while
the vote. of Connecticut was divided.
Thu'people in these States have over
whelmingly declared against Radical
ism, and If these people had been pro
' petty repreeented In the Court of Im
peachment, the vote for acquittal would
have been 30 instead of 19, and the vote
for couvhitlon would have been but 34
instead of 36. The Radical party lives
by "rn is represen tenon."
nELLDIN . OUT.—A Radical &idlers'
(70n rention rt ehicsgo-- , headed by John
A. Logan, ll` r: Aries — an, and others of
similar fmporfance, (McConaughyis"ald
sldp" wouldn't admit hltn)—on Tuesday
reed Senators Fesaeuden, Trumbull,
elrimea, Fowler, Hentlemon, Rosa and
tau Winkle ant of the Republican par
ty. Seep ou at that, Rads, if you think
your party can stand it,.
Al a Radical meeting held In Wash
ington city on Friday last, and Which
Was addreased by Senator Harlan, lie•
presentative Stokes, and other great
lights of Radicalism, a nrpro orator read
Chief Justice Chase and Jtesers. Trum-
Isti),Yasaenden, Grimed and Henderson
Nit of the party, declaring them to be
hoirfter unlit associates for any honest
That'a a high-strung ufggcr!
BEN. EvrAdra.l6 "Luveallgating" the
votew-foit aiott WI, to see whether any
of the seven Republican Benntora were
bribed, -The supreme Impudence of tide
thing Wilt be apparent when 'Botier's
thieving operations at New Orleans are
WE *ter our Dernoerstio readers to an
artlele front t h e Clearfield &Tub/Jean, 'a
Dernoeratle paper, on our prat takes a proper view of the
itakildentlal question, and as Peansylva.
tiltir:rit so necessary to the •eleetleit of a
Attn 94, 410 President, we trust that the
swanqkweastans advanced will have a now
teittlawintiaswies in the New York lion-
'betake.' political reaction keeps-paw)
with the via; arelirlbe most ardent
IrlendigotWSPeedy ictorn to the old eon
idihoUnat form of ger erntneut. At a
lkoNYoted election ford Siaratial
ittehe Oky Dayton, in which nearly
4,50' cotes' we cast, the Democratic
lead p, 7ohn Ryan, Wan elected by
frutif4hee majority. At the, lastele'atiett
Melhepubil ansaaceeededi>4Dayton by
Wesipirtwfrheodred. Ereryilitao le Moe
s4o4A. Ohio , and the vcaeotttott
Atiliersuvr 44 **
aeratia candidate for President.. „
!row/ i—On Wednesday
to etaeted their Attlyat to
E! 4 -t foia9Q,
V~tbriMla tikeYsnuitius
The handwriting On *e Wall is 60
plain that even ald villterine like That
low Weed ate coonpalied to sound thit
note of warning. « Pahliagraplis like the
following shonidiheee the hearts et the
Democracy Weeitwhere - and. inspire
them with courage to fight manfully the
touting battle. The days of Radicalism
are numbered, and its awn prophel4 are
foretelling downfall.. Read the ex
tract ittpended,,_from the New 'York
Conirmeciof Arieerqscr, edited by Thur
low Weed; the "father of the Republi
can party," and believe that a better
day Is dawning:
Large cities, like Chicago, ?United
phla, Boston, Cincinnati, San Francisco,
and Rochester. have been wrested from
our grasp. Nor In thin all. Entire
States have faltered by the, way, end
withdrawn their support from the Re
publican party. New York, instead of
being in the Republican column,
writhea ander the Incubus of fifty thou
sand Democratic majority. Peonsy lea-
Ma, California, Connecticut, and New
Jersey, so lately plucked like a brand
from the burning, have likewise re
The Republican majority or fifty thou
sand in Ohlo in- isO-1, has been cue down
In less than three thousand, and the
Stade which elected Brough by over one
hundred thousand majority five years
ago, new has a Republican Executive
a hose majority iS le,-t than that hereto
fore given by several of the Re - publican
c‘iuntics of the ,State. New Hampshire
diminishes her Republican imijorny,
and Alichig,in, which gave Air. Lincoln
twenty thousand ma to 15t14, now
gives the anti-Republican ticket forty
thousand majority.
These results are but the shadow of
coming events.
lit7D4iE watrinum.
The Chicago Tribune, the leadiug Re
publican-paper of the West, refuses to
join in the e hne and cry against Senator
Trumbull and the six - others who voted;
in atwordande with their conscientious
convictions, !whist the eleventh article
of itUpeaelascont. Read what It says of
Mr. Trumbull—`as follows:
"The iginticmen who demanded that
Judge Trunthull should vote for eonvic-
Sou, whether he believed J 01111461/ guil
ty or not, ought rather to thank Clod
that they have a Senator who aorta to
elo.bis judicial deity as ler unelerriands it
—one who has tine high courage and
manliness to go through the Red Sea of
obloquy and odium for conscience sake.
Whether they will find another after he
is crucified may well be doubted. Clue
thing Is certain, the Repubiieon party
not only cannot carry the next Presi
dential election on a verdict obtained by
coercion and terrorism, but it cannot car
ry an election at any future time with
such a record. Let it be well under
stood by the people that the Republican
pally demand the conviction of Andrew
Johnson, right or wrong, hit or muss, and
flute will be the decd.:to pay, and no
pitch hot. - Why, we ask, dal not gentle
men make their unconditional demand
upon the Senate-before-Senators had
ciared their views - of the Case? Why
did they preach about milirt partial trial
beforehand? Why did They foul each
other with the idea that the impeach
ment was a trial/ Why did they not
declare then that the trial was intended
to be a fume, fi and , and a lie, instead'
of waiting till now? Why did they not
prise a. resolution beforehand like this:
Reaolurd, That Andrew Johnson must
he convicted, whether guilty or not."
TlfE . Cincinnati, aonitnereid/ closes a
long article combatting the bowl of the
hot beads iu its party against Chase, Fes
menden, Grimes and Wrurribun, iu this
"There may be those so foolish as - to
think the way to victory .is to follow
Forney iu his effort to drive Cliuse, Fes
scuden, Trumbull and Grimes out of the
Republican party on the eve of the Pre*.
hientiareampaign, but we hardly thiffk
the people who retain their senses will
be in a hurry to echo 'his War-whoop
and volunteer to tight under his black
tiag. Chase and Fessendeu and Trum
bull were !Arnold rentis when Charles D.
Drake,w.s the champion of the Border
itufliane of Missouri. nod lien. Batter
was a Jett: Davis secessionist, end John
W. Forney was the servile tool of James
Buchanan ; and when we select leaders
tor the future, it may not be unwise to
review the past
Tut; Republican National Convention
met- at Chicago on Wednesday. Carl
Setters was made temporary chairman,
and Joseph R. Hawley, of Conn., perma
nent .President. The Contest for the
Vice Presidency was the principal ex
citement,- tyrant's nomination for the
Presidency being certain. The Western
men were for reading Fessenden and ttre
other Republicans who voted for ac
quittal out of the party. The more pru
dent were against it, urging that the
party could not afford It. The Radical
loaders are Aldently beginning to see
"the handwriting on the wail."
Orant was unanimously nominated
yesterday. Of course.
Colfax was nominated fur Vice Pres
ident on the fifth ballot.
A Nnw and interesting chapter in the
history of General Butler has just been
puhllahed, which explains In some mea
sure the reluctance of that ()Metal to
leave hie position at New Orleans, and
throws a most damaging light upon his
doings while in charge of the Depart
ment of Louitiana. The report of a
committee of investigation, appointed
by the Government, shows that in o:in
junction with his brother, the patriotic
General chartered vessels for the pur
pose of sending merchandise and provi
sions to the rebels, purchased cotton and
sugar of the rebels, run the blockade,
and purchased a vessel for 3.30,0J0 which
they chartered to the Government for
tyin per day, although the person iron
whom they purchased had previously
offered her services for $4O per day.
The evidence ns to these charges comes
froth persona wlio were directly implica
ted and who reoeived their due propor
tion of the prolita. No wonder that the
patriotic General fumed and fretted at
the loss or such a nice little plum.
t3REELEY says, In the Tribune:
_,Mr. Johnson rebirth:is in the White
FLOti6C. The eleventh was deliberately,
and we doobt not Judiciously, selected
as' the article that would command most
votes. This tailing, all fail. There
may be those - who deem it wise and well
to admit Senators from the reconstructed
titatee and force a verdict of guilty by
their votes: but we cannot concur. It
Might have been well to defer the im
peachment autil those States should be
represented in the Senate; but, hav
ing initiated it, we think It would
not do to admit new Senators to vote
upon it after the testimony was taiteu
and the argument elated.
TIS howl of the Rump House, of
the Radical journals, and of the
Raißeale all over the country, In the
plainest possible confession that
not Justice and judgment were expected
of the High Court of Impeachment, but
partisan political conviction.
Prrraannat, Pa„ May 19.—The follow
ing Otters of We Grnnd Lodge of Odd
Fellows of Pennsylvania have been eleot
•ed a 'ttre session here to-day, to be in
stalled. oil Wednesday. Grand %fester,
.Pfeter B. Bring, of PhasAllelpbia; Deputy
Orand 'Wa ft er, Simnel P. Groletier,
Bunks erotintyl-O. Wordier-H. Springer,
PhAlaidelphia; Booomagy,' Ws*
..tiehlor4lo.4 gttla
tßremnsclye ADRthREraPI444iSO,
Go toiled &Wee, Robert A...tekoneften,
' dal
*Om% tioneoUtimirltneso,
A P•le.on tify Eleihreth Artiel4
Alrlhe *resilient r
coat% ♦dJoerps.
NY.asiratipoN, May /8, 180.
kt 12 o'clock rareell , ely the Chief d'uot
dye, wearing the silk robe of office,
entered and took his cent as presiding
officer of the Court of Impeachment,
and directed. the Sergcatic-at-Arms to
mske proclakintion.
The proclamation wad made In the
astral form..
The Secretory then proceeded to read
the journal of the last days' proceedings
in the (24110 of the United States against.
Andrew Johnson, President.
When the reading was concluded.
Mr. WinlaUlS caned up the order here
tofore submittal ill the hollowing words :
Oriftrcil, That the Chief Justice, lu
dneeting the Secretary to lead the sevcs
id articles of impeachment, shall direct
hint toread the eleventh at tide first, uud
the question shall be taken CM that ar
ticle, and thereafter on the other ten
succce-iively us they stand.
Senator Johnson.luquired whether the
order was debatable.
- -
6coator Johnson maid that he would
Tike to make I, motion oa It.
txmator Coziness (injected.
The question was then put on taking
up 6euator Williams's order for action,
and it was derided—yeas 31; nays, 19.
Senator Wade voted for the first time,
and voted in the athrwati% e.
6ewitor (Admen was not present.
The queAtion was then taken on the
adoptiou of the order, and it was carried
by the same. Yeas,34; nays, 10.
While time vote* were being taken the
member* of the Rett*e of Representa
tives were announced as at the bar of
the Senate. They entered, headed by
Mr. Washburne, of Illinois, and attend
ed by their clerk and doolk(eper.
Mr. Kessenden rose to wake a motion
to postpone the vote for an hour on ac
count of the abseuee of Mr. (Atlases, but
on being informed that that Senator was
its the Capitol, he did not make the
DJ DeMi.
. .
Mr. Grimes immediately afterwards
came into the Chamber, and took his
sent in one of the side aisles.
Mr. Edmunds then submitted au order
that the Senate do now proceed to vote
ou the articles according to the rules of
the Senate, which wan agreed W.
The Chief Justice rising . , raid by di
rection of the Senate: The Chief Justice
desires Gr admonish the citizens and
strangers in the galleries that absolude
silence and perfect order is requested. It
will be a subject of infinite regret if any
violation of the order of the Senate will
necessitate the execurion of the further
order that the persons guilty of disturb
ance be immediately removed. Then
addressing the Senators, the Chief Jus
tice said: Senators, in conformity to the
order of the Senate, the Chief Justice
will now proceed to take the vote on the
eleventh'article, as directed by the
The eleventh article was read by the
The'first undue on the roll, that of Sen
ator Anthony; being culled, that Sena
tor rose in his place, and the Chief Jus
tice, also studding, addressed to him this
Mr. Senator Anthony : How nay you,
Is the respondent, Andrew Johnson, Pres
',dent of the United Eituten, guilty or not
guilty an high misdemeanor, as charged
In this only's.
Senator Anthony responded ''guilty, , '
and so the vote went ou till all the Sen
ators. had responded, the. ote summing
up yeas 35, nays 19, as Intlowet
For (on ”iction. —Mows. Anthony,
Cameron, Cuttell, Chandler, Cole, Conk-
Hug, Coutiettio, Corbett, Cragin, Drake,
Edmunds, Ferry,Frelingituylion, Harlan,
Howard, Howe, Morgau, Morrill of
Maine, Merrill of Vermont, Morton, Nye,
Pattersou of New Hampahlie, Pomeroy,
Ramsey, Sherman, Sprague, Stewart,
Sumner, Thayer, Tipton, Wade, Willey,
Williams, Wilson, and Tat,s-35.
For Acquit/oh—Messrs. Bayard, Buck
alew, Davis, Dixon, Doolittle,
den, Fowler, argig . a,lTE—m'arson,—Tren
rir McCreery, ijottaii,
Pittter,qn of Tennessee, now, Saulsbury,
yen Winkle:73SM Vickers.-
Sn Andrew Johnson was acquitted on
that article.
. _
The votes of ,Senators were waited for
with the utmost anxiety, though noth
ing more than a general motion as of
suspense relieved was made manifest
when the vote of a doubtful Senator was
given. It was noticed that Senator Cam
eron voted ahead of time. The Chief
Juatice had not concluded the formal
question before the Senator's vote of guil
ty Was pronounced.
Senators Fessenden, Fowler, Crimes,
Henderson, rto , ., Trumbull, and Van
Winkle, among the Republican Senator-,
voted "not guilty." Senator Wade, when
his name was called, stood up imme
diately and voted "guilty."
Before the result of the vote d•a9 an
nounced, but when it was known, Sena
tor Williams ruse and moved that the
Senate sitting as a Courtof Impeachment
adjourn until Tuesday, the :kith May, at 12
Senator Johnson addressed the Chief
Tho Chief Justice said that debate w•oo
not in order.
Senator Johnson-1s It In order to ad
journ_ the Senate when It Las already
decided on one of the articles.
The Chief Justice—The precedents are,
except in one case. the ease of Humph ,
rev, that the announcement was not
Made until the end of the cause. The
Chair however will take the direction
of the Senate. If the Senate desire the
announcement to be made now, tit will
be wade.
Senator Shertnan—The announerment
of the vote had better be made.
Senstorprake—/ solanit as q (location
of order Vista motion to adjourn i pond
ing, and that that motion takes prece
Ilendricks—The motion toadjourn
cannot be made pending a vote, anti
the vote is not complete until it le an
Mr. Coultlitim—A motion cannot be
made pending Vie roll-call.
Several Senators—Certainly not. Let
the vote be announced.
Saunter Johnsen—l ask that the vote
be announced.
The Chief Justice—The vote will he
announced. The Clerk will read the
Tho roll having been read by the
Clerk, the Chief Justine rose, and an
nounced the result in these words:
Ou this article there are thirty-five
Senators who have voted guilty, and
nineteen senators who have voted not
guilty. The President is therefore ao•
quitted on tats article.
lsTo manifestution'of sentiment was made
ou either side of the question. What
ever were the feelings of the Senators,
members, aud spectators, they were thor
oughly , uppreased.
fir. 11 ilhame ' s motion to adjourn un
tit Tuesday, the inst., was then taken
up, and after several fruitless effbrts to
amend, was adopted.
The Chief Justice thou announced the
Court adjourned until the 28th iustant,
at 12 o'clock, and vacated the chair. The
members of the House retired to their
own _ Chamber. The spectators, who
had lilted every seat and standing place
in the galleriei, immediately began to
pour out into the halls and corridors,
and the curtaiu fell for tea days on the
uktional frame of Jut pear h men t,
The closing scene was not 'partied by
the slightest breach of decorum or good
order. .
A Washington correspondent of the
Age, in describing the "Scenes and In
cidents," connected with the day's pro.
ceedings tu the Senate, says tbat as soon
as the rafijiit of the vote acquitting the
President pa the eleventh article was
announced, the carpet-baggeis, gamblers,
and political preachers, who had swarm
ed the Capitol Suring the morning,
rushed front the building Like "tats
from a burning harp." Irt their haste
to escape flum_lbg vele of their defeat,
they passed many, a well filled pocket,
which they . fgrgot to piclt",, Some hurtled
to the railway depot. and took the first
train tot the Nottb or - West. Others
repaired to the betel lobbies, there to
'over the ilefetkof their portyht.
raidrite 'eciloitiiii.4ll4.llllllWotrii Obit
Peet for iiPeUs ‘tlideF,W 4 4 11"3, frlapda
oe the.Coantltutiap,.on
were in talsitigletto, siettemegratoisted
each other with a hearty good will over
the victory achieved in behalf of On•
stitutional liberyt. The patrlotissmem
bens of oue of our ally fire oottsiiantee
brought out a mall "field pte9e" and
tired a salute, to honor of the great event
of the day. The hotels and other public
places were filled until a late hour last
night with erowdaof happy-look Lug men,
who discussed with evident relish tho
virtual *equated of the President and
the triumph of the Constitution over
the towtees Jactidne, who endeavored to
overthrow h. The President was the
recipient of many warm and hearty
congratulations during the afternoon and
evening, tad the residences of Secretaries
Sen ard, '3lcCulloch and Welles were
thronged with visitors upto quite a late
hour last night, who called to tender
their congratulations to thee° distin
guished gentlemen, who have been faith
ful in [net/ dovotlun to the cause of their
TUE VlraDier
It scarcely seems a matter for exulta
tion that the High Court of Senators of
the United States Las not proved Itself
utterly degraded and infamous. It is
still enough to bring the blush of shame
to the cheek of every true lover of lila
country, that a notoriously false and un
just s erdiet nas been colifidently predict
ed and impudently claimed ; and that
to obtain it every engine of force and
fraud and temptation has been put In
motion. And this was not done in scor
ner. The public press of the
their public meetings and demonstra
tions were part of the machinery 1n con
stant piny to corrupt and intimidate the
sworn jutiges sitting in khe High Court
of Impeachment. This was a crime;
crime against the law and'against public
morals—the burden of it bangs heavy on
the party that perpetrated it. To this
add all the corrupt dealings of the gam
blers, and jobbers, and speculators, who
joined bands with the Impeachers, and
staked their all on the success of the joint
scheme. All these vile appliances, join
ed to the greedy thirst for office and plun
der, brought thirty-Ilve Senators to vote
for an unjust, partisan verdict, unsus•
tallied by law or evidence. Yet the
shame to our country is in some meas
ure redeemed. Time very members of the
Senate-whom the public voice would al
ways have distinguished as men of in- .
tegrity anti honor, drawn together by no
party tie or common Interest, sustained
successfully the cause of truth and justice.
Not fees appropriately, all the men whose
life record is stained with corruption, de
bauchery, and every variety of profligacy
and vice are found banded together in the
attempt to prostitute the forms of justice
to advance their own selfish, wicked
ends. Wade has from circumstances, a
certain pre-eminence among them, but
his greedy eelllshuess is only &little more
obvious; the same spirit moves them all.
We hail the signal triumph of the right
in no spirit of party exultation. It is
full of promise, full of glorious signifi
eance for our country and her Institu
tions. Let it strengthen every man's
faith, against which "the gates of hell
shall not prevail."
To-dny, we will let no ordinary polit
ical reflections escape us upon the great
event. This is its first lesson to the Dem
ocratic party; put such men in office,
maintain al %Jays such principles, that fa
every great crisis the Just and true men
of every other party must, of necessity,
think, act, and vote with us. Thus, per
haps, we may be, in the hands of Provb
deuce, the Instrument to raise again the
old American standard of public virtue,
and to restore real peace, prosperity and
union to our country.—Age.
A Norm': ANSWER.—This eorrespon
deuce is brief, but full of matter for renee
(Dispatch to the Associated Press.)
\V slim NC/TON, May 16.—The following
has been received here, directed to iecna
tore pomeroy and Rosa, of Kansas:
Lr.AVENwoWru. May 14.
Kansas him heard the evidence. and
demands the conviction of the President.
(Signed) D. R. ANTHONY and 1,000
To the above Senator Ross sent the
following reply:
Gentlemen: I do not recognize your
right to demand that I shall vote either
for or against. conviction. I have taken
an oath to do impartial justice according
to the Constitution and laws, and trust
I shall have the courage and honesty to
vote aucording to the dictates of my judg
ment and for, the highest good of my
(Signed) E. C. Ross.
To B. Anthony and 1,00() others.
Tres of document giving the votes
alleged to have been cast for and against
the neW constitutions In five of the South
ern States is conspicuously headed as
coming from "the Gene: al of the Army."
Straws sometimes show the drift of the
tide as well as the direction of the wind,
and whither .we are rapidly tending is in
deed manifest when the returns of Stato
eleotlons are communicated to Congress
by "the General of the Army," and
through Congress at its pleasure to the
people, to the party, or to whom it rosy
eonceru. At the present rate of march
toward the Radical Idea of a "republican
form of government," bow long will it
be before the election returns of the State
of NeW York will be made known by
"the General of the Army"- to Congress
and then to the voters in this State?
Another question is quite pertinent:
Why was not "the General of the Army"
called upon fur the retorns of the late
election in tioupecticut? No man 114
the United Stitrili - tvas more Interested in
that election. The Hartford papers say
that telegrams were sent hourly, by par
ticular request, to the headquarters of
the General of our Armies during the
election and till the vote was counted.
Grant headed the Radical ticket, and The
election was assumed to be a test of bli
strength and popularity In Connecticut
and elsewhere In the North. And the
General received the fullest information
on. the subject. Why was not "the Gen
eral of the Army" called upon to CORIIIIU.
nicate his complete and early Information
on matters so vital to himself, as well as
to the Radical party, to Congress? Is it
too late to get a line from him on the
subject now ?—.Y. Y. Workl.
Tyre last sensation Is the accidenhd
discovery of a whiskey spring, near
Nodaway, Missouri. The liquid flows
from between two rocks, and looks like
highly colored brandy, tint It tastes and
smells like pure whiskey, and has the
same intoxicating effect, The man on
whose farm it has been discovered ex
pecte to realise a fortune by the well.
IN his speech of Maroh 2, Old Thad,
Stevens queried with regard to his own
favorite eleventh_ article, "though the
Senate should decide the other charges
in his" (the President's) "favor, how
Petilid lie escape fruntAlas_eneyo The
Sefigte aitswereti the question op iitio.or
.11' *I saki. that Chief Juottlee Giese hies
febefelvely decided .to peed with. the
44,1241 Ph • _ _ =
tbe ee' Radi Neli col asenabisrajia4l4llg/41,11,ag'!..igoikquil",°t:
local fieportuuitt,
Peeekkiat of Co llr,oc. —At a special mei* .
Ing of the Trustees, on Friday last 1141.
M. Valentine, 1). 1) , (Profeeept of Royal
letics and Church History in the Theo
logical Seminary,) was unanimously
elected President of Pennsylvania Col
lege, in place of Rev. Dr. Rougher, de
ceased. A committee of the Board Wait
ed upon Dr. Valentine to urge his ac
ceptance of the position. Me did not see
his way clear to decide at once, but agreed
to discharge the +fillies; of President dd
ring the present sesslon--and entered
upon there on Tuesday morning. HA
colleagues in the Seminary Vacuity have
very courteously divided his duties there
among themselves, and will 'continue to
perform them until lie shall definitely
decide whether or not to accept the
Presidency of the College.
We trust he will make up his mind to
take lt, because we believe the place
needs him. He has scholarly attainments
of a high order, slid we are much mis
taken it he does nut possess that know
ledge of human nature and will to do
right under all circumstances, in other
words, administrative abitity,) which
will soon give him rank among the beat
and most successful of College Presidents.
Sudden Death —Rue. E. R. Wilson,
Reformed Minister, of Columbia county,
this State, whilst on a visit to a married
daughter. Mrs. Jacob Beatner, and fam•
Ily, In Menallen township, this coanty,
died very suddenly on Sunday morning
tut. He retired to bed the previous
evening in usual health. When called
to breakfast next morning he failed to
answer, and upon a member of the fatal
ly going to his chamber, he was found
lifeless, though still warm. Dr. Brenne•
man was called In, and he pronounced
the cue one of apoplexy. The remains
were interred at Arendtaville on Tues
day. The deceased leaves a wife and
family In Columbia county, upon whom
the Intelligence of their sudden lose must
have produced the deepest distress. Mr.
Wilson, we are told, was a good preach
er, and held In high esteem by his people
and the church generally. Ilia age was
49 years 9 months and 9 days.
John P. Hoffman, foi
tnerly of this place, died at, his resi
dence. In Sheptiertistown, Va., on Satur
day morning, the 9th instant, aged 45
years and 18 days. His remains were
Interred In Elmwood Cemetery on Sun
day afternoon, by Mount, Nebo Lodge of
Free Masons and _Caledonia Lodge of
Odd Fellows, (of which Orders he was
a worthy member,) assisted by neigh
boring Lodges of Boonshoro', Sharps
burg, hlartinsborg and Ckerlestown.
The funeral sermon was preached in the
Presbyterian Church by Rev. D. H.
Rittle, Lutheran Minister, to a crowded
We observe in the Sheperdatown Reg
ister preambles and resolutions adopted
by the Odd Fellow and Masonic Lodges
there, expressive of grief over the death
of Ilro. Hoffman, and condoling with
Ills bereaved family. The deceased, re
spected in life, is lamented in death.
It will be grAtifying to the friends of
the family to know that Mr. HO'Man
had his life insured to the amount of
$5,000, and that the sum has probably by
this time been paid over.
S t art Bcretweinent.—We notice by the
York papers that-Hon. A. J. Glossbrerk
nee, member of Congress from the York,
Cumberland and Perry ditriet, recently
met with a severe domestic affliction In
the death of his eldest sou, Jamison,
aged !II years. He was a young man of
much promise, beloved by all who knew
him, and his loss is deeply felt.—
We tender the stricken flaw and Wilk
ly our sincere sympathies in this sad
Railroad Audil.—The audit of the
Railroad account, by J. C. Neely, Esq.,
Additor appointed by Court, has been
continued until Tuesday, the 2d of June.
The matter was up before him on Fri
day last, Messrs. North (of Columbia)
and McConaughy urging that the
9112,000 hypothecated bonds in the hands
of C. S. Maltby, of New Haven, Oann.,
be admitted to a pro rata share of the
earnings with the bona fide bond
holders. Meagre - . Wills and McCreary
resisted theapplication, upon the ground
that the bonds were redeemed from hy
pothecation by Mr. Case, Yrtaident of
the Company, and could not therefore
come In on the fund. Witnesses are to
be Introduced at the next sitting of the
Salate.—Ou Saturday evening, the
Democratic cannon was taken to Ceme
tery Rill, and a salute fired in honor of
the defeat of the eleventh article of im
peachment. The glad tidings wore thus
borne "upon the wings of the wind" far
and wide, and caused universal rejoicing
among the friends of our constitutional
}latent of government.
The Radicals looked very sour. They
had better learn resignation. There are
plenty more equally bitter pills in store
for them.
Gerry/164 Wager Company.—The fol
lowing officers were elected on Saturday
last for the ensuing year
President-1 , -George W. McClellan,
Secretary awl Treasurer—Samuel R.
Directors—Geo. W. McClellan, Geo.
Swope, E. If, Buehler, S. R. Russell,
H. J. Stable.
Five per cent. dividend was declared
for the !adness of the last elir. menthe.
Supreme Churt.—The Supreme Court,
on Monday, affirmed the Judgment in
thec nee of Harner se. Ftsher,frent Adents
county; also affirmed the Judgment in
the case of the Cumberland Mutual Pro
tection Insurance Company vs. Douglas
and others,(the Cold Springs company.)
I'a/station of Bank Stock.—Judge
Fahs, of York, the Assessor appointed
by Gov. Geary to assess the Bank stock
in this oounty, for purposes of taxation,
has mode a valuation of the stock of the
Gettysburg National Bank at $BO per
share (par value $50,) ai of the First
National at $lOO (par value $100.)
New Post Office.—The Post Muter
General has established a Post Office in
Menalien township, to he known as
IVenks; and appointed William S. Cart,
Esq., Poet Water. A recent act, of Con
gress established a new ratite from York
Springs to Wenke, via Idaville—upon
which we presume servioe will soon be
Tax cibutemeal..—Ayjeference to our
advertising minces, it will be - seen that
tax payers eian save five per tent. by
paying their Borough and Bounty taxes
tiering July lat.
Property Sole.--Oeorge E. Brlngmao,
&lg., of glatratatrir!banapttt , ;Oa Forge
property to Jacob Belley, or Gettysburg,
and CA*. for 04,109.
ilifieq4k Fll.4o464,—;eigkirti ywk
kwough recently voted aistoetattaippeo
petotkoi So/ *won Are eogtpeet, two bee
bee* severed . byeubtertptiime—ooe by the
Loud and Other bribe rittbdit 00.
, failroad Rems.—We learn from the
Hanover papers that at the annual meet-
Rig of theidockliolders of the Littleseewa
Railroad, held on the 4th inst., it was
diaterminal to extehd that road to the
to lio& Mf. cytt, in hie Report of
' e Fredtifick an il• Pannoiyi t yanlig Line
TrallreadTestfinites the Cost cl tittinkten
elan, exclusive of the Right of Way, at
At the OttitlUld election held by the
stockholders ofthe Hanover Branch Rail
road Company, on Monday of last week,
the old officers were elreted, as follows:
President-:-"Capt.- A. W. Eichelberger.
Managers—Reuben Young, David Worts,
Henry Mit, John L. Jenkins, Joseph
Benoist, and Joseph Althoff. At this
meeting the question of subscribing for
400 shares or $1.1),000 of stock Iti the Fred
erick and Pennsylvania Line Raliread
was carried without a dissenting vote.
The afternoon train leaves Hanover at
1.50, and returns at 8.40, corresponding
with recent changes on the Northern
Central. -
fhir.—We again call attention to the
Ladles' Fair, for benefit of St. Aloy
sins School, to be beld in LitUestown
next week, which promisee to be a grand
affair of the kind. The Exhibitions and
Concerts, (or the same meritorious ob
ject, on Wednesday and Thursday even
ings, will, we are certain, also prove suc
cesses. That both will be well patron
ized, the large preparations making and
the general interest manifested In that
region, abundantly foreshadow.
l'ocalit. —The Franklin Professorship
in the College is still vacant, but instruc
tion In Greek will be given during the
term by Professors Ferrier and Sttever.
Dr. Dorton's Ibbacco Antiddie promises
to have an extensive run. It is "war
ranted to retuove forever all desire for
tobacco in any form," and "to restore
sufferers from ifs injurious effects to ro
bust health in a few days. Of incaltu
fable benefit to consumptives." Capt.
C. G. Miller is the agent for this county.
For sale at Huber's Drug Store. lt
Prof. Card.—lt will be seen by his
mad ln another column, that Joe.
Lefever, Eaq., recently admitted to the
Bar here, has opened a Law Office in
Littlestown. Ile will faithfully and
promptly attend to ail businew en
trusted to big hands. It
Geftysaury Zousives—Will meet at their
armory on Saturday, the 30th of May, at
8 o'clock, A. M., In full dress, with arms
and accoutrements in complete order.
The company are invited to participate
with the "Franklin Zouaves" at a Pie
Nic given by them at the grove near
Grave Vine School House. :Mem e : of
company are expected to prepay
selves with one day's cooked raft in
haversacks, and every member is expec
ted to tea/k. Members wishing to invite
their friends can get tickets by calling
on Capt. Norris or Lieut. Cress. By or
deruf the Capt. Wm. H. EvaTER.
Co and See—Capt. Norris' large stock
of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
and gentlemen's wear of every descrip
tion, before purchasing elsewhere. He
certainly hat the finest stock ever of
fered in Adams county. His stock of
Ready-made Clothing la not thrown
together, bat made by regular tailors
and out in the latest style, and all goods
are warranted to give satisfaction. Give
him a call and be cortvinced. May 20. 2t
To Builders.—Col. C. H. Buehler
has just received a very large assortment
of LUMBER suitable for Building purpo
ses, including Boards, Plank, Flooring,
Siding, Laths, Pickets, Shingles, &c.
Also Posts, hewed and sawed, with
prime Fencing Boards, White, Pine and
Hemlock. Builders will do well to give
him a call, as his stock is not only large,
but his arrangements are such that he
can sell at the very lowest cash rate's.
Also oonstantly ou hand, Blacksmith,
Lime-burners' end Stove CoaL, with an
extensive assortment of CooKuto
SerovEs, of the best make, Hollow-Ware.
Ths-Wkre, Japan-Ware, ikc., which
House-keepers wlildo well to examine.
Wareroom on Carlisle street, opposite
the depot. tf
Huttard's Qtanbined &V -raking Rea
per and Mower.—For sale by Henry
Thomas & Son. This machine has two
driving wheels, hinged joint and folding
har. The self-raker can be controlled by
the driver, and a full sheaf made In all
kinds of grain. If desired, the self-raker
can be adjusted to deliver a sheaf at
every revolution of the rakes, without
any aid from the driver. We deem it
unnecessary to give any further descrip
tion, but refer all wishing to purchase to
those farmers who bought last season. tr
Wire 7both Hag Rakes, of beet make,
for siile during the season, by Wm. Wi
llie. lm
Few People unacquainted with physi
ological chemistry ars aware of iron in
the blood, but all should know the im
portant* of keeping up the supply,
for debility, disease and death are sure
to follow when the quantity becomes re
duced too much. The Peruvian Syrup
(a protoxide of iron) supplies this vital
element ar.d has cured many chronic
diseases. t
Speer's Port Grppe Wine.—For per
-Bons of sickly and debilitated constitu
tions, it is esnecially recommended as a
valuable tonic and invigotator. As a
dinner wine it it is pleasant and agreea
ble, and its exhilarating effects consider
ably assist digestion. For general fami
ly use, it cannot be excelled by the lift
est imported I'ott for taste, thiv,,r,
or richness, while it is devoid of the
delettuious and intoxicating qualities
which uniformly characterize foreign
Our druggists have it. It
The Ancients desired "locks bast's and
black as the raven" as one of the perree.
thine of manhood, and tresses long, silk
en and lustrous, a. the crowning beauty
of womanhood, but Time, the sly old
dog, drew his fingers through their hair
and left "His Mark" In white. Time is
now baffled by those who use Ring's
Vegetable Ambrosia, the greatest and
mo,t reliable Hair Restorative In modern
times. (May 15. tm
A Household Word. —The beat, the
only reliable, the ellenxest. Try It,
Mrs. 8. A. Allep's Improved (new ityle)
Hslr Restorer or Drebsiu, (in one bottle.)
My wife and aliithreilirprefer it. Every
Druggist. Neils U. Price One Dollar. 1w
Ex-PH.o3'mm'. Prance is said to have
given, in reference to the selection of a
candidate for the Presidency, the very
Judicious orivice, "that our nominee shall
be a man upon whom all opposed to Rad
icalism can cheerfully unite, and against
whom no prejudice our be brought to
put, w upon the deferral ve in the canvass."
That Is the ticket
IT la Impossible to estimate the amount
in dollars which the Bump Congruse has
cost the country—hot it certainly has
spent directly awl eheoked the develop
mentot natural resources Loan extent sev
era times greater than the whole public
debt of twenty-seven hundred miWon
dollars Thwpeople feel this, hence the
reaction wherever and whenever white
men go to the polls to express their views
in regard to public men and measures.
TAM Eiontileti tit* artt telght
the koliess e Coal heavies OA
b r C lin g trYi Army of the Re
pt& ottifyiret* Out 15441003.1 e t,
he. Sbell Ina• rs antd.i oo pasitom
shcatdd WlTlVlttihntottelmr when they
get tod oid to Week'.
Ma Groat Prise!
EIOWnT ,, ! N tritrWitiLr, Piaui. war.
El.u.s Rows, 3L
Awarded over JAelste4.o Ctugpitsk.v.
The Only Cross of the Legion of Honor
given to
AMERICAN sEwENe mAcirmoe,
per Imperial DIM*, raffia:led in Pie "Monne=
tulverool," (Official Journal of the Prenen Em-
pie.) Tne4443 o :'M Jab. IWIT, In theme wan*
Fabriesinte de Machine&
a etoudre axposant
Maaaditeturer °Mewing
This douWa non honor is another proof of
the met superiority of the Howeiiewlng Ils
No. 23 South Ei g hth Street,
Agents for Penneyivanla, New Jenwy, Dela-
aware and Weat Vlrttnia.
GEORGE JACOBS & DRO., Gettysburg
Agent.. for Adams county
Like the volcano, Bolls give lame to the foul
and fiery contents of the deep inSerlot To re
move the cause of sueh *Wieling it la only ne
cessary tovltalits the Blood by supplying it m ith
its L(fe HTesotent, llol.
(a protected solution of the Protoilde of Iron)
will do thhi effectually, and give s'entirth, riper
and weer We to the whole opilem.
ED Flt, or Bot.rorr,.
"For years 1 was a sufferer e o n, Rolla, on that
my life became wearisome throntrit their tre
questa and persletent recurrence: timidly a car
buncle formed In the small of my bock. During
evenPgress largo Ow,. at
nosh sere
y day or 1,10 Olt 111140-, MLitt' the prootostion
and general dLaturhauce of the spdent were
great. Before had reeos ered Irma OILS attack
two smaller tarbu
at on ed broke out higher up, and
was again threatened a ith recurreuce of the
eutniriongs to which lard No mous io'eu ul
It woe at this time that I tommeneed taking the
PERUVIAN SYRUP. I routiound taking It so
tit I lied tined tee
d. bbt peer ; sinee then liaise had
nothing of the kin fur 3 ears I aao tale of the
greatest butrerers. Other 111,111 then gas eme par
tial and t.tupormy lot this rental kable
remedy, With a kind and WWII-11 spine, West
dirnitly to the rent of the evil, and did its work
with • thoroughness worn* of its esLablislted
A page I'amph let sent free. The genuine hue
'Peruyinci Syrup" blown In the olarol.
J. I. 111N8MOITI. Proprietor.
No 31 lLk.y ht„ New York.
Kuhl by all drugent..
cures In a ery thorl time
Cote, Borne, *able, Wounds, Bruise., Sprains,
F.rysipeitte,tialt Itheunt, Ringworm, Cap
ped Hands, Bale, Froacta Limb., Pel
ona, Uhllblains,
IL bi prompt In action, removes pain at once,
and reduces the most angry looking swellings
and Infisolniatioos, ea If by magic—Lane afford
ing relief and a complete cure.
SETH W. FOWLE& SON. Boston Proprietor*.
Sold by all Druggist* blrocera, mad at all tenan
try stare..
May 1, Id& lm
Its Mks* Is Mimesless.
ft lff a perfect and wonderful article. Corea
baldpate. Makes hair grow. A better dressing
than any "oil' or "potuattitu." softens health,
dry and wiry hair Into Beautiful Silken Tramps.
But, above .11, the great wonder la the rapidity
with which it restores (MAY HAIR To ITS
The whitest, 144 'web* icbleine bale resumes Its
youthful beauty by 14 use. It does not dye the
halr, but strikes at the root and fills it with new
life and coloring matter.
The fret application will do good; you will see
the NATURAL. COLOR retaining every day, an
the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair
will be gone, giving piston to lustrous, shining
and beautiful locks.
Aak for Hal Ps fileitian Hair Renewer no other
article bl at - el like it in effect.
See that each bottle has our private Govern
ment hltanm over the top of thetottle. AU others
are imitations.
R. P..IIALL it C 0.., Naahua, N. H.4Oprlators.
For sale by all druggists.
May I,lllls. Im
Dr. t. F.'
PEL1101ill; LIFE
For the cure of Incipient Consumption, Coughs,
Colds. Croup, Asthma . , Liver Comp/akar, Dys
pepsia, and General Debility. For several years,
I have been urged by kind friends, who hare
used, and been benelltted be, my Life Syrup, to
. it up Pr.w general sale; but few know the
large expense, now that the country is Sanded
with Patent Medicines, whisk attend the same.
For years past I . was reluctant to do b , as the
capital required would be large, and I did not
wish to curtail the operation of my Veoltlan
Liniment business. But, thanks to the generous
who have appreciated my Yenlilan Lini
ment, I am now able to do so, without any detri
ment to my large business in that medicine .
The foundation of my success I attribute to at
tending to the inanunseture of every drop my
self, and shall do the unite it. regard to Pul
manic Life Syrup. The Ingredients are perfectly
harmless, but act nu the Lungs and Liver with
astonishing effiret. Prlesl6 amts. Depot, No. 611
Ccirtiandt street, New York, near Jersey City
Ferry. Bold by the Druggists and Storekeeper.
May I. no
ould paralyze the world of Mahlon lf lt were
that henceforth uo Utidy or gentleman could
change the color or their hair u Ith safety.
Yet loch e4zuld be the
of both sexes, if that genial, bahatmle,polsoniesot,
iin4 peerless preparation, -
were stricken oft the roll of toilet lug cries, No
danger of that however. It is not Au a day, but
for all time. Steutataetared tsy .1, CRUM DURO,
Ile Maiden Lane, New York. hold by all Drug
giets. Applied by all lisstr Dressers,
May l• tot
A Physician Who Itini Wasunept ion for anneal
yearn, with iretotant, hlaedlaaa ut the luaga, mired
Wowed( wall o nottheirte itakholvit to the yes
rearm, anirn tile oatte appcorrtl rto}toleaa. lie hi
the catty physloten what has used it In Ins own
pergola, or IrtICI has any knowledge of its virtu.,
and rtinn merino the altitree 01 health he now
minx, to nothing but the into of hill medicine;
and nothing not utter dm. pair and entire extLue.
lion of all hope of recovery, together art t ha a aUt.
trectondense In all others , induced Ithn Lobar/HA
he experiment. To [nose uttlrerlng With any
disease of the Lunn...lw rtrunlrs a [rearm, ot lie
confidently belloves will ertalleate tlia‘ absence.
Medicine sent by express., send tie it cult u far or
cult on Pia. E 110 \1....111.ES JACKsON,
No, nit North Tema street, Philo
WI 8, lees. Ay
A Cwtrd to the Ladles.
PILIM FOR FEMALEB. Ltfulll Dle In ,ornet
ing Irregula rl tioa, Removing Uhatructiolis or the
Monthly Turn's, irom Whatever Cause, and al.
ways Succouttui us a Preventive.
Females peculiarly situated.or thane supposkig
themselves so, are eautlonol agelust awing thew
Pills while In that condition lest they "Invite
wilmarriamb" Sher which admonition, the rm.
prietar mummer no resters:l4l4llll.y, satin ugh their
- sildness will prevent any toiseliiid to health.
?rice $ I per Dux. Sti &melt I.
Sold by JOHN M. HiTliElt, Druggist, Sole
Agent for Heitywidirt,
ItylaWiM Bowling him II through the Prtet Of.
flee run have the rllle sent, (contidentistly,)
uhn, to any part of the entniLry. - frue of pastime."
May 1, Ira , . ly
Denims., &Iliminess mall (*tartl , l).
Treated, with the utmost Harmon:, by Dr. J.
Iti.kAAM, ()enlist oat) AU, trwr.4.o)rly of Leyden,
Holland,) No. nen WU' IMrtet,
Testimospats kOl9 taevomit reliable sour.av to
the City, pptl Country ran be seen at hisuillre.
Tttl brniloal &catty are tnvited aceomparty
their patients, as he hoa ho secrets kt his prac
tice. Artinelal erten:marled wittion% pain. No
charges made for exantiriat ion.
May 1, NM. ly
AN FliS tti FOR YOUNG 3.114 N, on Physlo/u
-gloat Errors, Abuses mut Inobteut to
Youth ano Fart y 3lonhooixt, *Welt aro4,ts
pediments to MARRIA 4 CIh. hitt, Ilona wan, of
mild. Sent In sesthtss o :3 thyeloues fn.. IA
dune- Adams& Or, •ht .tor tiouoirroir,
Fitrwuni Ashoshittoh. Ph.
Pee, Ml , 9"
A gentleman who sofTered for yeses from Ner
vous Debility, Premature Decuy, miff mat the
effects of yottibbabiduteiteams. wlaefOr the sake
ni 'beating thliatimity, send free to all who need
U, lerifie
directions for rotarns the sim
ple remedy by wuLeti be s wa n. cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertisers esperiettiM
can dos° by liddhelkithig, In perfect conadeime,
May 77, 1W 7y 42 Defier at.. New Torr.
CM4II,IA.DE Costa, ?auks and Veata, at
T.=lt Optien sal Wool !Akita sod
7 'ww 4 mr - 7 NilVaftek
V l i ttn nom; V4i* lab t=t F. l l l
k i ,
Railroad Compan y
offer • llosinNi runount of their
The Great Porte° Re.[trona,ngh nig 1721
codes from °mobs, on the Hirsouri nivel% to the
tide•watertof the Pacific Orean, et being bolo by
two poirerfol Camp►sites—The Vnian raeltle,
flnningat °ottai, building Wert, and the
trtl lt►cillo of California, begl hating st onermnen.
he. heledlns Ant, Wall the two rood. anon meet.
Roth Fompanien have prooecuted the work
with emit vigor, the tinfoil Phelfle Mir imr nh
14%0 Cxpentivd fiver
and the Central owe Tawny -Ili/lions, upon their
reapeetlve parteof the undertaking rNitiN
Iron and other inateriale for two hundred mile»
more upon the ground, and ono hunincil addi
tional miles am ready for the track, They wlll
have a much larger force y 11.03.1 thi, imr
than ever before, and It le expected that list. ci .
boil AND 900
will be in nriernt ion during There ,104 we to
be no reasonable doubt flint theditteuee bet worn
Omaha and tinentinento will be traversed 6t ran
In igni.
TIIE ftaVERNMENT ORA NTH I :,Ist o r, • of
land, and its Ronda to the average nmluun of
tithi,aoo per mile, to aid In the 001111truvtion of 10,,
line, and authort,es the mine of the First atoll
gage Builds nosy offered for sale, to the saws and
no more. The thwernment takes a seenta Item
and eves to the First Mortgage Bondholders is
prior lieu for sturdy, to which a large paid up
capital 114 ...Idol. The hotels cannot he Paned
except its oath geettoll of t 111111_81 is neeept
ed hy Government commission; so that I bey M
ira) s repregetat a mat property.
151F.14,18&i. yn
It In universally admitted that mt %tit' oott
lion of the Union Patine 'tatltond, Itot thrng))
busittaan %VIII Make It one of Me most pottitable
la the world—hut Ito or Mew linemen. t o 0 1.
ready , several times the Interent on lot Immlt.; `lll
that, It not another mile t6l a holt!, they
be 11 s..•ure La entlileul.
THE Nl'T EAftlelJlktel flu right month. of
lost year on an average of Pantile, are °MOM!).
reported at SI.UtIe,LP. while theftuterecit on all the
Bonds it could Issue on that length of road (or
that tittle, reduced to currency, wan only
The amount paid by the Clovrennient for the
tranaportation of troop., munition., stores end
malls hair bean, and dotthtleta Will continue to
be, mach inure than the lotereet ell the United
Stole. Second Mortgage Londe, If In not, the
charter provide, that after the naut completed,
Foul until nakt bonds and interest arc pala, at
leant eve per cent at the net enrol nip of the road
shell be applied to notch payment.
The felon Partite. Hondo are for $l.OOO each,
and hate roupunx at teellegl. They base thi Nit
year* to run, and bear annual Interent, 'tic able
on the thit drays of January and Jail nt the
('wap.i.u) 'a ttlioe 1/1 the Illy of New York, nt Ole
recto of nix per crept. In sold. Ti,,' principal Inc
pa) able In gold at ntturlly. At the present
rate of gold, then. , bonito la, alk entlttat itteetae
inn their cent of
And it it be tit vcd Mal they will roan be al
The Company how but a very limited soppy of
their Rondo remaining on band, hnt ally sub
heript le..e,•eptetl 1., n Rueter 112 11111 l t lulu run
be mint frofn Bonds now in the (Noonan) . 0 nos
vvwdoo, %nth.. xopplied from the \r•w Hewitt to
be issued on Mat portion Of the and completed
is Ufa, Harlot, In tits awddr Lt which they ore
The CAMpany reserve the right to advance the
price of their hooda to a rata above par at any
1/trio, and will not fill any order. ree4iVe any
tubofieriptionsi on which the money ha. not bw•o
tictuallY paid at the CoMpanra °Mixt b•lore the
time of ouch advance,
Partici enliaarthing will remit the par value et,
the Wilde and the &Weed latereet in curreney
at the rate of eta per cent. per annum, front the
date 00 which the loot coupon was Pahl.
nalocriptione will be received In rillreTYs-
and I , IIIXT NATIONAL JUNK. and in New
York at the Componayia tome., N o . 20 iv i o igo i t
and by tuft,: J, 4.H400 R SON, Hank ena. No h
Wall et., and by the Company math ert hied Agee!.
throughout the United Rodeo lierniOnneva
'book' be made I u thane or other :mule tar in
New York, and the bonds will be Seht free of
charge by return expreec. Partin sulaterild g
through local agents, will look to thew for Utah
oafs delivery.
A PAMPHLET AND MAP for lao'ihnaJustM•en•
published by the Company; giving Miter infor
mation than is prnalible in an advertisement, re.
aped log the Progress or he Work, Meson rees of
the rotintrY Sze , erscd by the Road, the 3litits
for Construction, sod the Value of the Bowls,
which will he sent free on spollentlon nt the
Company's °Mees or to any of the advertised.
.1( 1J N J. (314C0 Trerugurer, New York
prl I 21, 14,14.
Freight Line to Baltimore,
twice a week. Depot—turner of fial/mod and
Washington streets Uettysbarg. Can rim In
Hughes At Emerson's, Ell North street,
Freight carried Mal . way, as the lowest rates-
The patronage of Ids old friends and the public--
solicited. 1300d/1 to nsarked "]fiddle's
• *d The new Warehouse will soon he up, when
the flinsis and Produce business wlll be marled wu
an heretofore. Highest. prkze any paid for Bay.
Aprllll. 121118. Lf
TOtt hand or horse-power, seknowlivlged
YMITIVIT,.IIffIIiIEriT, and every way hErit'
Fur sale by J. It. DECATUR. d.
Dealer. to dgrleulturil Implementa, ete..
1117 Wafer tare< t, New linelt.
pond for Iltuatratod Omuta,
11Iey e , MIK aro
rritiniphatil in 400 Contests!
Take the lead, and heed everywhere.
Twu Greed Ouhl Medal:aid bewail' troer of
the Lesion of Baunr—elog the
lilultset Prise Areerrtei utitiule nerersur 15-pos,
, .
AFI Flat Priv% In all parbi of the World !
11.1 V In um, Inereru. lug th.fliftll , l
luerewnKl fat:little. and Ilnpruxrlo.•las
Pronounced by all Who have wied 110 w to
woor, s WE )w Lind 11,1111.40
WUUL) vI•.LN-H.1.1: HEA.PF.:/i, with ot
11 ENT.
. _
51ntIttlactured Wwisica .% wool;
AND it.R•PINO M %CHINIC (lu. 0.11‘.111101110., tkivt
Nll4l/131urtary MAIM,* 1 , 1411.4, Bet.. 0., M. Y.
New )ork cite; 411 Cortland) *tree), P. U. It.r
.7071, (1 R. SKINNER, Agent.
ellicagu, I H., gib Luke b tee L, E. WILI /31.1 N,
Alexandria, Va., A. I'. SK/.i'NEIL Co., Aueno(
)Isalitioia, Wig., M. E. I DIALER et Cu, Aguintm.
FoRI:ION FL I:, 77 Upper Thaauta *Seel,
London, Rug
-Ma) 4, DAR. elsa
ROOFING in rolls, ready to bn milled clown.
ilA)UkINti motto" much 4a",0444 swore Sum Wt.
ii,001 , 010 , that an be applied kr an ordinary
• arkinan,
it/J(34 , 1140 Qat wW noi expand or contract by
he action of the weather.
- .
ROOYING.tIat, In adapted to 'deep or flat rawif+
Peng fur arannploand Cirenlar.
ni Maiden Lane, New Yorn.
MOY 8, / 8 04 AO'
Notice to Cletfitors.
ITIHE undenagned ham tiled We petltton in the
Court ut Common Plertoi of AIIRSIVIcount),
to be Ellsolaurged under the tesehteut taws et
this Commonwealth, and the Coast hea aphelia'.
ed TURODAY, the 2111.4 day of -MAY ltud,",
o'clock, P. 11,, her Marina of said petition, at
which time rll penOMS interested aro reatteand
to attend in said tburt, _
May 1, 1./V, to
.ktii:thiistratorie Notice.
adMinistration on the estate of Catharine
it tea", late of Union township, Adam. wanly,
deceased, hnving been ignifttee to the meter , .
signed, residing In Onforri township, he here
bp styes noti, to ail .persona indebted to.
said estate to make handed to payment, and
those laming elating against t mute to present
them prop:rip ..!then Waned settirment.
, .0111411.tM firlEgf.l",
May 1, ISA. itt Atiministhttor.
TM , Rev. Edward A. Wlll.OO will nand (free of
firer, u t a . w 4r . tit? II 'ail tv i s n e g ritli e or im wit i t
remedy by vrbleh be - Was eared Ma lung ant , -
tiotk and Olat.droad disease Conlmmplion. Hla
only object la to bean& the alßlMedand be hopea
everteemevevwilt try this preOlOptium, an It wilt
east. them nothings uid any pone a bitasing.,
Sept. al, M. , StrAtert
siatitiftthushiset Viola, Pints sod Veitte at
1 4 1,1Tf_ V:u j itg4 mm,nVa%
. TkM.
rt l'rpnium