TU.E oLlilniStll6l COIPILER L pvausion a-nawa BY B. J. ErTAIILE. TKrIU4.—TIVO DOLLAA4 per =MU= to releaser— Two DOLLARS ,t:ND PIPIT 01312,4 ii not paid to sthatier. Yn outweriptlou diseontlimoi, rink , . RI Mr option of the pUh leis, r, until all at sedges are mid. .‘ io burl orwria - r4 imerted lam, reduction to Ho the year. Sit PhINTINU, of every d -from the smallest label or annl to handbill Or motar—done with niepotelt, in a workman- like moaner, and at the towesit tryingr Ovrify. on Baltimore Street, R few doors above the Coiart-liouse, on the opposite aide, with "blettyahurg eoirapiler °Moe" on the building. Attornies, Physicians, &c. II M. 4. DUNC7AI O 6 TTORNEY AT LAW WIII promptly attend to all . 8 101 h.odomot entraeted to Wm Ineladlnig the pr ,o Penatona, Bounty, lark Puy, and all ot 11, vIIIEIII4 ittmlnat the United titatm and state era raLnia. uuro In North-went corner of Dituttond, Elettys bunt, Penn U. .4•nl li , IdR. tf • J. C. NE..eLY, 'I 114:SET AT LAW, / Particular attention paid to lion of Pr•nnlmtn, Bounty, anti ➢ark-pay. ttw Iu the H. K pawnor of t 62 Diamond. 0t t) ~I,.irg, A prd 6, 1 , 143. 11' EDWARD 11. I;uliludar, K'tlifulthfullYand (muffle" li ~t ivu,l I‘, All business entrust." to bun. "le N.- the ,:..1111,1/ °Mee at the h r . P l,, 4• in soul O Baltimore street, near Forney's antluctarly opposite itnuner & %f0g .,,, Afnrcli Uri Lifl, JOLIN ..M.llll,lurit, .11 tuItNEYS AND WITNSELLOR.S. i`.;, , 41. , Ci1.1Y has mtsoelitted JOHN M. P. lc tl flI, In toe Pruct leo of thn I,on, ni 1,1- ~O. 1.•,•, 4nlt• 1100 l 44, St. 01 lineltler's Drug , 1. h.oliber4hurg street. In I attention given to suit., collections and 4. I 11. !neat 01 ,stab.. All levl,l Whines. and , !.o, In P1 , 11%14.11.4, ty, II ttk Pay, 141111,buni -,,, I //znlngt United Sty] tes, St all time., WoMpLly nii.t attendvd to, • - I op•t Worrunt. luLutt.4, and cliotee Furnts fur ii In htea and other N e&tern states. MESE Dr, W. .1. Ater:l,l'llE, 131IVSICIAN, 131:11(iEtiN • AND , AriIIUCTIEVD, 11111;r permanently Pleated In NeW °Word, will puw fli.4 prnl,..lon In MI RN Manch.. HIM fi It lid , and all 01 h. de•oril4.; him prof . ..lonia s. •I s g , n v ole , t; dto t..• II and etm....m11. lamal. 1.47. tf =I I , 11F.ItLIN, ibp. 4 th.it I/y Ittortel Ott...lab/II to h profe./.lottt :le 1.11) gllellt hiltint el the public tf = I f \ ~ 111, 1 'N1171 111 N Prat live of lietlitlni• in PWN, and ottl•nt 111 x mervl , ...a to t poO.lO. .• at Itla ItOttntl, tinier of Low• r011lt,b) 4441.1,: coal the Italtroad. 1.4, ;a' att. WI.. ch, 41 1 .. ..1,1t) 1., t 11,--tox n, Ntr.. It, !WM = TT ININ , Jll.l. t. um.l lion t.. l'illyrrsllv of I. Al .1.1010 11.1.1 11' 131.111m..n.,hnr .1 nt III:( mid 011.. rs Ills pro tl . It =1 oi : .1.)%t LIA,INI A tow done', (rnt tile \ Ireer Iteilltuneo :yet 11., I tn•hetel r.ltotell,C/ellyehtttlt. \jet f. I. HILL, M. D., I)1 'N r. door a e.t of (lie (I,u, .•h I . 'UM glare, N hora Ft wt..1,71.g to .‘m, I' , fin imiitirermpeet -1 ..1.3 ato cut.. 1 kthltlVill.: DN. H...net, I, II ttigiter, 1 1 D., Ito,. Prot. 1. , r, urn c, bt rg, KEYSTONE HOUSE, •:, ?MS t 7 It /1 NT, OLTTYHJ3I7IIO; VA 1V.41 1.•. MYERS, PRO-PRIN.-TOR. v l e s: k t m l i onr e. li - t i % fltte . 4 , l pro . Ivory It arrangrineaL hos been to pto.cuuit,ountrd %LI" 1,• for 1.1 nevornmistation and comfort of isti//,ts. The Table will always have the first of the Oil, het. and the llar Lhebe,t of wines lequors. fir rioniziodions with an 'WV...mod:ding ostler always on 111110. This 1161.4 Is now -open for the entertainment of the pu is and patronage is solicited. Neitet will he sparwl to tendert:444l.o.a. .la-ri 11. 1011. ti EVERfIART'S LIN t r. 13=! lIMM!M 'Has I 1.1 a dlr.,: ILue between the ;dal tu.•rn U n tral and Itatti tw & Ohio Itsllruad , - t r 1141*1 ?seen rent ted and ennyrortitlth , ur 'man tt to the tonvonlenee and the enterL•itn wen I IHK.. 1r 3- EAGLE HOTEL, 11;11" 0N1 ., 01W, ADAMS COUNTY, PA I lilt n , 1 , 1.1 , 01n1001 hay/ Ott ton 013.00,1 the Martin I 1101, 1 property, In Sevrthclont, Adams eonn ty 11'1 onatet it Ih ruimi , , whirr the n.ttne of thr • . b .ate 110 pledges intaarlf to 'Dare h ,iLnt Inr the ruin fort of hlO jzo.t , h. 1130 table shall have thr hr.:l the notrhet ran htlord„ and ht. b.rt the ehotrest Ilquorx. His chamber. am Spltelollq, Mid 0.11111 , 4 Lill II) 101/0 Nltihfiletloll. 3k rotrono•llreat stabling atturlted to the aa tarn Wilt to 11.133 Dated by areliable and rr tat I fig oat ler. The proprietor hops to tvr a liberal sitar, of pithily patronage, and wdl M11.11.N el try to deserve It.. itrateutber the • I In the northeastaorner 01 the Diamond, N•1.1.,,cr0nl I= =I GLOBE INN, l i)J A sTUELIT, NF.AIi TUE DIA-NOND UEITYaI:CRG, i'EN-1 - A. 1,14.1 illy, that be tatrelingel that lorgi.,ttab •lehe I .Ind Wttl knOWit lintel, the "tliella Inn ,' to y.,1!: • leect. nettymbUrg, an 4 will Iran , no A qui L eotity.t It in a toanner LIA. will not de tract hien Its fernier high retaltalnitt. 11. to table %%Ail I, tee the heel the ratirket ettn. ,ford —hic • Inalithen, or,' Epactotis and comfortable—an d he I b,c tits bar a fall stork of will. aid hlft; , ihrte ix Lugo attaelled to the will be attended by attentive oat- It will b it etnienvor to mider t. , e lest ...Oita/ceche. to lilt gildAilY, making hie Hoot a 1101 re CO than poYAIi r ile, lie , I. , ,A.Nhare of (Po rattlle'et patronage, deter/nin el 0. he deeerve !ante lout ot It. Rentenb hoe the "Globe I Itn" Ix in York street, tint near the Diamond, no rublletignare. • B.A.MUEIL WOLF. A pelt 4,146 t _ . NEW 1110.RWARDING ANT CONJAIISSION% lIOUSE ii_ xyLN . O p .of rah= t tlez ten sl a y; V t. / b ri e r o u li n in i t , t r e : Inti-hd to carry on the business, under the Arm of H4tkam & Co., at the old stand, on .the corner of Washluron and ItaLlroal strectii, on a more extensive:len e than heretofore. We are paying - the highest market prlres for 11 1.1., FIAOIIII., °RAIN ANJJ ALL EL`0.1.6 OF FLOCE. and FEED, SALT nail all kinds 0 filltit'Eltlli kept constantly On hand and fe sate, oh. atter than they call be had any where eLse. TFlt, arid all kinds of RERTILILEII.4, c v nhtninty on hand. or furnished to order. A ht t, LA it LINE 01 , FREVIHT CALLS -r.lll ove our Warehouse every TUESDAY Id , t ll hi NU, and accommodation trains will be run Ait,coion may efinire, fly this arrange' 00001 are prepared td convey Freight At ill times to and from llallimore. Ail business of this kind onti a,t,.1 !II be promptly attend to. Our tie. run to the \Varehouse of Stevenson 015055, P , 5 X..)11) ffou d street, Italtimore. t!, t. rnalned la par gorsl priers, sell cheap and ty,'s e int fu) , ) ,, rybhds to Wll. hi. ALEN NNI)EIt (OBEAN, /Antal f3I(3IHAM. Jan: 17, IRCI. tf _ _ _ McCURDY & HAMILTON, I'L.9(11?, 0R.417f, GROCERIES, ,tc, ISR undoraigned aro paying, nt their Warr htmaba. in tUrlialo street, adjolulugjwouwes IL~II, tho hlghe.4 Wel Let • • FLOUR, WHILLT, 11YR, OORN, OATCI, ntrcic- VILISAT QLO VIM AND TIMOTHY. Ide.Alle, roTA.Tolea, and In% jte producer, to elm Mem a mil Mime selblng. Tboy have constantly on hand for sale, 4 A LARGE. SUPPLY r QF amicEaßo3, lifelasses, Ryon., efilkniOkikint with 6hlll, Fish, Oils, Tar, Swam 13aeon and Lam, kw. Menthe best brands of FLOUR, wair. of all lands. They likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS Sotablas:Plano Ossne, Rhodes! Phosphate and A A Mostoast Pusan. Whilst they pay Mg htsbest market primp for all May bay, itLay sell at the IdwestllvhOS SAE a abate Opaline patronage. retenere to Rte artistactlon ha ovary east% ROBSICT MeCT1111:1Y, LtA.StII.2ON. • etetlyannra, Jab , L 1801. • kirfaSTuCLEK`33 l'Arda • AT PRIVATE BALE, rung if eme in i theilMtL2,2n i the fla ;Tneula,..b u d, Wan lilhWtro a mnitirc; gd mr 1 12 1,=.. renw j la • It. •,, • - if' • Gettyabeire,a. r ialak%u'u l. erelimlaisb - - • 'F •••! . • • • 4 1titft.,_ I *. CMPIL G TTysBIJEG 1,11 -^ k`PINV 41 i 1V0t. GE „ e V .• ttk- , EIL" 11 !bk..— '..rtbo3 by AY H. J. STABLE. WM. BOYER & SON, DZALZSIS GROCERIES, NOTIONS TOBACCOS, IC ALBO, ,Rane, Wooden and Willow Ware. A general assortment of all Goods usually kept ID ■ FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERY =I RE-BUILT ! Oonfectionery and Ice Cream Saloon. JOHN GRUEL, Chanibcrzbilrg Street, Gettlisburg, next 1n or to Eagle hotel busing eompleted hbi ;new building, hav opened tho In rgelq a/mm[l,ler t o(Confeet lons ever offered In lietbf üburg. lnclwting FRENCH Atib COMMON CANDLER. Toys,ts_, ge., and everything belonging to a 11'nd-eines Confeetionerv, with Apeclal Recoluzuo dattlonn for Ladies and bentleinen. ICE - CREAM , supplled on shorten& notice. F,1,11,180c. tf Important Disonyery THE "POULTERERS' FRIEND," OR CHICK X'N PO WDERS. Copyright Secured.] = GAPES IN CHICKENS AND TURKEYS. Will prevent and cure C'HIC'KEN CHOLERA and other Dlueuxes waiihon to Poultry, and wi 11 prranote 11n increase FuL Full Directions gteconloanv each Package. PIIICEI {.2l;lti'l'd. p a r. f .g „f tl t it.. b . e gr e Ll i N fl 'aZ t r „7.7 eillmey Of the roulterone Frl4:nu CAIIMOLLSON, Bahl RIO 11' CO., Dent-miler 16t11, INJ7. f Mr.otret. Clotu ort ley k Co.; ntlrnt•n used your "Poulterers' Fi lend upon a brood of 3 ouug chlekt ns that had the gaper, and tin happy to say, that by the .4 a trw 1/0/11,1 they wen, entirely rum'. It will abolt I) Cure the gapes a hen used accord ing nt directions, • AN:vAeoLts, Md.. Feb. 7th, DIV. Mistoy. notworty tientlement—l lia‘e wad all the “Poulterers' Friend" I rceeived from you but Augu.t. The tKrultry In the surrounding eountry was dying ',re, fast with ”isholera.'• I recommended your ../'•,lllLA•lene Nn. ml," and as far as I eouhl learn, It hag pro% ett it (•tire for the direalte. tfull, W. 11. UCIODNIA.S. 1:ALT131011.N. I td,. 211, /W. Clotworthy (pi Illie1111•11:—My iLtekena were dr In very hunt with what iny neighbors called ''Chlt keu Cholera." I was induced to try year “roulterers . Frietul,” anal it worked like a charm. .1 gyre It as ;Erected and It eUreil those that Were then sick, and I ' have not seen any symptoms of tim disease "anis,. Yours, dim., B. SI F.NeitEN, Cross At Warner Ste. ..lkerkmons, Frederick 00.. July Shwas. Ciotworthy d 00., Baltimore: Gentlemen: The 'wonderful curs which have been made try your "Poulterers' Friend" can not fall to Interest all also raise Poultry. A gentle man of title village has been experimenting on trocactis with the g.ipt.a. He tried your °Poul terers' Friend," according to the ellmettonn, and it had the desired effect In destroYing the worm, erns:U.lly relies Mg the chicken at once. Mince then I hour had many r, lls for it, and It hem been used warns', My with the same result. Ills of the:drillable %aloe to all who mine Poultry. nespe‘ tfully, A. SPENCER. For sale by D. KIER thAtysburg, and B LINE, Einmittsburg, Md. Menufactorod only by CLOT WORTIIT A W., *I1:1 Baltimore St., BALTIMORE. MD. tts•A liberal discount allowed when purchased in lame quantities. CAUTD iN.—Tito public are cautioned against any similar preparations. Only Clotworthy Co.'s are genuine. Feb. :IS, iBiS. 3m, CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. fjSATIi st are now building u variety of COAcif WORK, of the latest and roost approved styles and constructed of the best material, to which they turtle the attention of boYem Having built our work with great cure and of material aeteeted with alpectal relbrence to beauty of tttYlo and durablitty„we ran confidently recommend tho work ea unsurposted by any, either W Pr out of the cities. All we oak le nn Inspection of our work to con vince thaw in want of any kind of vehicle, that thin be the place to buy them. =3 done at snort notice and on reasonable terms Give um a eall, 01 our Ireetdry. near the earner of 1171.1ologtou and C:youtbensbufg atreete, 6et ty6l.unr.. .1 E.TATE. CULP Nferch 10, 1&111. If NEW COACH SOPS. yANTrs, ADAMS s, v e .)., LITTLESTOWN. PA. e th tlNT, "4od bg ihßinno",:nt,F thl)Abolp.le 1 that at Llttlestown, where %c are pr ind epared to tua facture to order all kinds of BUGGIES, CA ItIAOFBI, SULKIES, du., on the shortest non and most accommodating terms. Our hands have been procured from Baltimore, and, as we use none but choice material, we, can put up wurlc to compete with any shop In the State. Old work repaired glad taken in exchange for new, Attg• 10, MA. ti CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. MHE underelgued have rearmed the (arloge inehlug bustnett, Tttpui. cam MANI), fit Ease lr.har area, oetusbwah where they are Prepared to pOt up work In the remelt fashionable, Auhstantisl Snit superior =n um A Lot of new end sisiouttAeuld CARRIAGES, D 1.1001138, .AC., lIAND, which% *hey will d isprwe of at the lowest prices: and au orders will be supplied es promptly auk sottsfootorily as possible. S t EPAIULNO DO= WITIT DESPATCH. 4631,1 ebeeieet red.. A hugs let of new owl epla gm:NE:I3S on band and for rata. Thankful for the liberal p4ronage heretofore enjoyed, by Opensthey solkli and wUI endeever tO downy a hirse ' alaare In Use ilukure. DANDIES I ZIEGLER 10, 1816. tf 0 TES I • ,0 YES ! Andrew Pottord; LICENSED AUCTIONEER, l e PERS Ws services to the btic. , Wes Cried 9 r in any part of the eCilla r, treasonable rntes. 1 rising considerable ex In the business, he tatters hlineelf that he *II be able to render eatlatartion In all eases. Post aline address. Grande Mit y Adama co., .PO. NoV. 8, itta. jy _ , , .. ' . Auditor's fleport. In Common Newt of Adman otb, Pa., :Writ Term„ TN the matter of the 'Report of the Auditor ap t pointed to dietrthate the balance In ktaptle of it MefMedy, Esq., Seenextrator of the Gettysburg Railroad, Company. on law eluth aolOturt—upoo affidaeitttiled and hearing bed, it woe ordered 14. the (leurt.thst the Report of Auditor be referred back for tarthere tuutmedlugo. Notice I. hereby gives to ea , Immo. lu Coy veylntereated, that the undersigned, Auditor will nit In olteilleute to this order of court, at his ropes , in Gegyetnit, on EitIDAX, the 4111 of MAY, MUM, J. C. Mlirt, April 41, 1812,, Auditor. .. Sale Crying. =TAw. FLEMMING condones tub utuaueem of SALEt Ms-It is bollol M ta the MILILIAIied o patala. s. ost= o ° ems astatimass, Baldoskt la West Maas stolot. :3ll tatraboat. NoS.—age L aitom stmdtanear, motor tam Tax loss Milts Ullttedetaista 0 . - • ' Nov. 24, 1842. „• • : AlTrAmair bit r•sihred • IMIVW assortment ta Ty Il c hiez m anvue,io eSllll•lls.Matottest, tke 800 IT 6:11. LET ALL THE PEOPLE COME! .Fl - incy Goods and Confectioxery Store. IMF. undersigned, having bought ont J. M. 1 Warner's J. aney Goods and Confectionery Store, on Baltimore Street, nearly opposite Fah. nestocks Store, Gettysburg, invites the Pubib''. patronage. Large and tasteful as the stock has .Peen, no effort will be spared to render it still more attractive and desirable. lle how offers Writing IJosics, Plain Candy, Work Bores, Fancy do., Porta:111os, Pickles, Satchels, Sardines, Pocket Books', Lobaters, Chins Toys, Chow chow, Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Cakes, Jewelry, Forma Crackers, Chess, Wine Biscuits, Brushes, Mumronn do., Perfumery, Fire Works, Soaps, Pena & Pencils, Comb*, Writing Papers, Fruits, Envelopes, Nuts, Tobacco &Segue, tlyrupe, . &c., ac., &c., "TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION." Ire I ntendx to sell everythtng at the losreat pos sible prices. believing that •'nrmtl protlts'• bring ••yoirk nut.," and are therefore bout for buyer and sailer. Come ono—come all ! A. R. FE:ESTE:L. March T, 1.668. it GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. MEALS I BROTHER T JAYE removed their More to the Nelnatedt xx property, on Citarrlbertlbtiri, tamer, Where they propose to keep constantly on hand GROCERIES, Flour, Feed, Notions, (tr. AL.°, VEGETABLES In season, Irmth from the city and country. They no, determined to sell cheap as the cheapest, and as they only ask the lowest lb log profits, they hope to merit and reficitte a liberal share of public bstronastc. hiIiALS G 15110. ". April 10, 101 A. tf \GOOD NEWS ! n Y OVERDEER, • BALTI)10 ar., GEITYBIIOIIG, PA, HAS completed h new Store Rouse and Just returned from th ity with a freshen,' well scleaedtock of Good which he respectfully Invitee his friends and t e public generally to call and ezatulne. RE SELLS CR :U'. Ills stock consists of GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, NOTION CEDAR, WILLOW. AND qUEE.N. -WARE, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, &C. tit-The cash or trade will he given for FI r, Corn, imts, Potatoes, Dotter, Eggs, Bacon , Lat. Rum, ,te. Mard. " InCR, tf HOME SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Shoulders and Sides • I= SUMMER SAUSAGE AND BOLOGNA, = IRON-IRON-IRON ! THE anbaerthera reorpectfallT Inform the public that they have ere, led a Norge In connectiO .ith Owl r Steam Mill, and are now mannfaetrla FORGED AND It i VIMERED IRON. such as Plough, Hone-glue and ear Iran, and re apectrolly Invite I:laclourtlths and Dealers kt give them a cull, feeling satisflr,l that they will be able to please us to quality, Antall awl prim, N. El.—The tastiest market price paid for wmught und scrap Iron. 11. & W. Doc. 17.1.8611 Resister's Notices, I. IVrOTICE Ls bcrehy given to all Legatees and other pentium cronoerned, that the Adanaisr tration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, fur confirmation and allowance, on TUFi4DAI', the ,kth of 11.AY, labs, at In o'clock, A. AL, viz 1111. The second and final account of Samuel Brown. Administrator of Eliza Freed, deceased. l'At. The account of Virginia Riasheara, Ad ministratrix de lainla non with the will annexed of Margaret 11, posh. deceased. 121. The nrnt and final account of Jacob K Oy ler, Administrator of estate of Valeetine Oyler, deceased, setthel by Julian Oyler, Administra te ll of estate of Jacob K. Oyler, deceased. The account of Jacob Lady, Adrululstratur Of the estate of Abraham Lady deceased, 1211. The and account of Abraham Hart, Ad. fin n istra tor of Joseph Ilartzel,_deceased. 121. .teCollnt of Jacob Stock, Tre stf, fur the sale of the Real I:state of Jacob Wolf, decd. 125. The fir.t and final account of Henry Myers. Executor of Jacob March, deceased, nettled by Henry J. Mreni, hxecutor of Henry Myers, dee'd. P...is. The first and final account of Henry Kapp and John Kapp, Adlnlnletratont of the estate of Sllaubeth Kann, deceased. 12.'. The nna and final lowan' of Josepheis S. Roland, Administrator of the estate of Addison S. Roland. decrac,,l. L. First and Meal accont of John Harlem Esq. Administrator of the estate of David liaurbaugh, , &Teased. 1•29. The first and final acpount of Peter Fehl, Executor of the last will and testament of Val entine Fehl, decease& ISO. First and Hoot account of Jacob U. Merl henny, Administrator of John Taagblabaugh, deceased. 131. First and Anal Ikea:and. of Peter Qnickel and John s=, Ad Minh t rotors of John Slimly, (of N.,) der la Account Of Andrew Hykes, lizeentor of Samuel Deanlorfr, deceased. • 1:13. Second account of leaar F. Brinkerhoff; Executor 01 the last wUI and Witamont of Barn uel Herman, deceased. •,•, • • . ILI Find aotaunt of John Edward Plank, Ex ecutor of the hod will pud testament of John 0. Plank, deceased,' Becond and finnlateonnt of Peter B. Neutr on, surviving Executor of the Met will and • stameut of Abraham Brown, deceased. • , The as mod and final ifecount of Frederick e/if . et. surviving Administrator of the estate of • uel Gilitlead, deceased, 187. :t and final eecoust of Jan A. Swope, Admini ,: rotor of Moreau HI Swope, deceased. \V. D. HOLTZWORTII, itegister. Aprll 24, to GRAIb \ JUBY REPORT. mo the Court of ttuarter BaadOns of the Peace J. In and for the cot of Adams: The Grand Ingootd. ngulring within for the raid county of Ad a, bog leave to report: That they have visited Yhe Public Suildinea of the county-Abet tem". rt:able to report (acorn bly of the conditton of the Jll, finding it In good order. That the Palf t o can be field olt..ic camp as to the upartmente len& to the In • sane, the cells n Ifichwene heap tal Milne fLuIP and unwholesome, c4gulated W. heart the e. forts, and seMices of the Ili) melon and the 1-dcw ant and Ws family in behalf of three nriflortu nate., and we would earnestly raeomMend that more suitable aCeOll.ll/ludilLiOnn be for them. We would odd that we funnel one of the for um.% to bad order—ln fact, worn out„and report favorably with regard to the contemplated im provement, viz., placing a new one In Ile plaee, whenever may suit the convenience of the o refs having the matter lu charge. JOON L. JENKINS Foreman. Adam Kinnetpuutd, Michael Levlostltte, Cioo. Riugarman, J. W. Neely, Jsunes Linn, ploo,__Stortealfer, Isaac F. Tudor, W. W. Stewart, Isaac J. Wrigh t,i Wm. 4. Martin, kiPan Daniel Hac, John McAll itlff ister, Samos Marah ker all, John Cunningham. John B. Paxton. May I, 1.204;k1 NOTICE. /ME first and final amount of Jere Frysinger, 1 Assignee under a deed of voluntary assign ment of John Grove and Wife. of Union town ship. Adams county, for the benefit of creditors, has been filed in the Court of thulium HMI of Adams connty, and will be confirmed by said Court on TUIMDAY. the bath of MAY nail. Ca tes* cause be shown to the contrary. J. A . KITZMILLMM.YrotreY• April St, Mee. OA NOTICE. - / T HIE rteeount or Jeremiah Mee - Iy, Alsignee of Lewis Snyder and Wife, of lino tl neon town ship, Ad.ms county, to trust foe creditors, dee.. hag been tiled to the Oaurt. of I..thomon- Pleas of Adanui 111.111kr, aria x3ll 40 out:tanned by said Court ba 141.21 DAY, the MMe of MAYueit,on je.a eamie be eholea to the O AMITY .p, Aptil.2l,lBBB, J . . A, xinigT rt=ti r to .P lerrfte trib4 t of the Waned the bowie or PLOArY ht: Hemlez AtIMMIZIstm or Um Asiate of Andrew J, smith. .I , laii.a.aad, to and amongst the mtlea tntified theireto, elect en at for the Otltpolse of hticappiaintanent, at the oreee kt. W, McClean, in Gettysburg, oa WEDN l Certhajahh, ot xo:,10111..t :0 o '. ' ea1.P.1..: • MgdaMcCLEAN, Apri 1 La Auditor. .;IWl4O7Pag ,ZAI ,Da. - IL/aooso viarible =MRS areart loan HIM tis z The taadiscavrff... FEZ' ~OM, April I, WS, tt .12.E.110 7 'AL ALL KINDS OF =I KA LBFLEISCU'a GIUTYBII.I7/143 BARGE.. BRINCEMAIST it WARRED. Auditor's Notice. GETTYSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1868. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofiand's German, Tonic THE GREAT REMEDIED POR ALL DISILAIMBOT THE LIVER, STOMACH, OR AMES- THE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of the pure) oleo. (or, as they are Medically termed, /A owicfs)of Roots, Herbs, and Barks, making a prepanat ion, hlglib conoentra, teal, and ,eullrely free from alrohoitc ndssfsfurcs of any kind. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Itt s combination of all the Ingredients of the Intters, with the purl .t quality of &mkt (N. Rom, Orange, &c., making one of the m0.,,t p. 1,11- 1.111 and agreeable remedies mr offer.' to the public. Th., preferring a 'Medicine free from Alcohol le tulmlxture, will uer ilooftexid's German Bitters. Those who hove no objection to the combing t lon of the Bitter., es stated, Ns f it use , Hoofland's German Tonic. They are both equally good, and contain the seine Medical virtues. the tholes between the two being a mem twitter of taate,l.lte Tonle be ing the 01001 palatable. The attanach, from a variety of causes, such as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, etc. is very apt to hate its functions deranged. The sympalbizine as It doro with the Stomach, then becomes afi`ectt.‘l, Lite result of which is that the pullout sutlers front several or more of the following diseases: CONSTIPATIfiN, ri.ATI'LENI INNS - AHD Or 111.001, To THE lIF:AD, At IDITI THE s l'OM.trll, .NAU SEA. FOR I. °tilt Ft 1.LNk.10% ON XVF.It,IIT IN TIIE ST4 thi Alil, Si d• It Eltl'( - T.ITIONS, SIN ElNu Olt FLIIITEItING AT TILE I'IT OF TIIE STirilAt Ii ;ti,cfNIMING OF' THE lIEAD, 110111{1ED 1,11 , 1-1- COL.T Fl,ll7l7EitliSti , AT THE IlEAlt'f, tilt WA TINti SENS ViltiNs IN A J,yiN,A, rt) , Tettr. DJ MN I..ss Or \ 'SION, 1/014 Olt WF.ISS TIEFOIIII 1tI(.11T, 1.01.0 PAIN .1N TILE ILEA'', 1)E1 , 14.•11,NCY or 11ATIt IN, 1 F.1.1..0M 11/ , THE Sh.IN AND EVES, I'AIN IN F. SIDE, DACE, L. 131110, ETO„ Si DI/EN 1 , 1,r5111,>1 OF HEAT, lII' IiNING , IN TILE FI,ESII, CONkTANT IyI AOININ.7' or 1.V11,, .AND (IItLAT • DE pp:F....1.4i0N fIP The Fattener front these (11/41F4V should exer cise the greatest caution In the selection of a reined y for Ills CO , purchasing only that hi , c, he la matured front his Inveatig.ttiona and Woul d°, p4x4nesqes true merit, is skillfully etunpound ed, Pt free 60111 Infuriate , Ingredients, and hut ehtahllslied for ltseLf a reputation for the cure 01 these 111. 4 1.1.17. In this connection we would submit tht.se rt /100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Am) 1100FLAND'S GEIIIVAN TONIC. REPARED BY DR. c. y..L1C1c. , .0,N, PA. ent. -two ) edr.l since they More first Intro tl into TAOS ountry frotu German*, during pule they Irate undoubtedly tun' hem find State{ nig Ito:nand. to •xtent, thou any other retnedlto Idn,wn 11.1e1 S tlettcYtuhlly cure Liver Com ( %route at Nen otic Inurrlbro, Dim n , e ~f the Kit. cw artsdut (roma a lbsordertd Wont Wen. grentti', to the Timer nit plaint, Jaunt' 1314,111ty. 'll nr:k.,nnti nttllt , t, Stomach, MEE Wald ling from any Cans, VON tdr_TtlE SYHTE3t, Labor, LlTudahlps, Expo\ There 14 no medicine ex MT, remedies In such raAes. A tont pnrted to the wirole system, tdrengthened, food is cop) ed, th goals promptly, the blmsl 14 porn, pinion becomes sound and healthy, tinge in eradicated from the ryes, en to the cheeks, and the weak and nen valid btxxanes a strung and healthy being. whatever; rricArrt.t. Induced by Severn ' Ire., Il•i ern, SC, ,t efill:11 to thrse and wor ti lin (E, appetite in ,111.0111 M if %It - the emu yell.•W ki ti gt, pas In- PARSONS ADO ANCED 13 - LIJE, Aud feeling the hand of Cane weighing !well* upon them, with all Its attendant Ills, a 11l rind in the use of this 111TTE.114, or the TONIC, on elixir that wall Instil new life Into the veins, re- store in a measure the energy and an.lor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and she health Rod harmineas M. their remain ing years. NOTICE It is a a ell-established fact that folly of the female portion of our popnlalloll are aid dom In tim enjoyment of good health ; or, to use their own expreation , "never feel wdii." Tiley are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely ner vous, and have no appetite. To this clam of persol. the BITTERS, or tire TONIC, la especially recommended. WEAK AND DELICA 2 i E CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of these remedies. The; will cure every cave of MARAS MIAs, without uqt t Thousands of eertideates have aaeumniated In the hands of the proprietors, but space will allow of the publication of but few. Those, it will be observed, are men of note and of such standing that they must be beilovrd, TI.I4TIMONIALS. Hon. Geo, W. Woothiard, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ps, writes Pfit/adetphtn, March 16, ISK. "Sand 'HoolLanda (Airman Bitters' is a good tonic,. useful In diseases of the digestive organs, and of great bepent in Maw of debility and want of nervous action In We system {'ou rs truly, GEO. W. WMDWAR ." Hon, James Thompson, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, April IS, 1a66. .1 consider 'I fooliand s llerman Bitten,' a min a& methane Ili case of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this Mom my expert- Anoe of Yours, with reapect, Jc1311.1 , 4T110M1 N." From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Dr. Jackson—Dear : I have befit frequently redto connect r:" en- Ztotof different kinds but 'carding re the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all owes declined; but with a clef r proof in various instances and particularly lny Own' family, of the umetulneee of Lir, Hoof lead Gerraun uteri, depart for WWI/ from my avoid course, to express my full conviction that, fin' general debility clad. vale's. and esprcial -1,00 Liver Cbuiptafist, tt Li a sofa and reiguakte ree. paratton. In some lase. it may fail ; but usual ly, I doubt not, It will be very beneficial to these who suffer from the above causes. Your., very respectfully, J. If. KENNAIM, Eighth, below Coulee - St. From Rev. E. D. Fendall, Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle, Philade. .1 have derived decided benefit from the nee of Rootlet:la's German Bittere, and feel It my privi lege to recommend the m as a moat valuable ball Who are sullbring from genera( debility or from deeeases arising from derangement of the liver. Yours truly, E. D. FENDALL. CAUTION, Ragland's Oerman hunted!ea ate counterfeit ed, hoe that the signature of C. M. J ACKSON, is on the wrapper of each bottle. All others are counterfeit. poutupul alai and , Kantlieptory at the OCT. man Medicine Store, No. 681 ARCH - Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. CHARLES Nt. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKSON & Co. PRICES. aeluuinlent,per bottle, - $1 00 halfqM ' eq,64o Hooltend's German TUnle. put ahr in quart hot -1 60 per bottle, or a half tlosen for $7 00, /6 - Do not forget to nicazoine well the article you hey, in rretier to get the genuine, *I - or eels by Druggiste generally. Jou. 17,jetti. ly CHANGE OF FIER max undersigned have hexed the Warehouse .1. oak the carneroradrutton street and the Hall road, Ih k, r3attysburg, where they will carry on the Grin and Produce Business ~,,,,4 .4.1, la an Its b chem. The highest prices will al- WAY* ila paid lo Wheat, Rye, Gent, Oats, Clover and Thriettly Ftairseed, Bantu; Pay and Maw, Dried Fruit, 14 , 6 Soap, /ferns, Mottlders &nthdes, Potato , * wltr. evetything else In the country produce line, Groceries, \ af all kinds constantly on hand and tar sale—Colibei, Cu- Fe, Mamma Byrum Tes s in, laititreg, Salt, thecae, Tl r 2thA n to s ll ß oil, Tar, de. Ms. of kinds: Linn; and Nails t bknoking awl Chew's.* - They are always able to au ppr4rate arti cle afloat, with the different kinds o Feed. Also, Ground Planer, with .Guarwm end other fertilizers. CO.& Is, by the bushel, fon or oar load. We will also run Lines of Freight Cars to 14:0.71 , North eareet, BALTIMORE, and 811 Novi het etniet,THMADELPHIA. All foods Bent to Other of ltie newrra places Nall be robetved and forwarded protaplly. Goode should be marked "Benners' Car,' H, 8, strysEtt k trp.o. April to, Hen ef HOUSE PAINTING. GEORGE A. WARNER, HOURS PAINTER. Mouth siVad#atten is.. aetersbaia. Pa. 000 D "WOILIC' AND MODS *TS PON= Zabll 4 t - giniaLs7l. rad 1142113141% 11121 =I BY WILLIAM B. ?ADM. After all! In the sleep that comes to nil, = When we are beyond remit. Sleeping soundly and profound 4 ? All the woeful weight of rare - That our human Write bear In a peat or leaser share, After all, after all! All the glory, till the gain tio much chaff, so little grain, - All llle's plooaure, all Its pain, Matching sweetneea by Ha deetnesa ; Only on the shining *lope Of Gelb upland blooms the hope That we cherlah am we grope, Alter all, after all t Aft, alll There'll be pebbles on the Shore, There'll be annshlne on the 1 1Onr. There'll be exdatepa at the door When our sadness and our gladness Are as were the babies twain, Co \ end by tho birds In vain. Where the len% ea would not remain After all, after all I =CIO What a sad mistake It is to suppose that a man should be gloomy because he is devout, as if misery were acceptable to God on its own account, and happi ness an offence against his dignity. A modern writer of much wisdom and pith says: "Theis is a secret of unbelief amongst some men that (hid in displeased with wan's happiness, and so they slinkabout creation, ashamed and afraid to enjoy anything!" These are the people or whom Hood says: "They think they're pioue when they're only bilious!" , A good man is almost always a cheer ful one. It Is tit that bad men , scowl, look blue and melancholy, but he who has Doll's smile of approbation upon him should show his radiance' in . his countenance. Dr. Johnson said he "never knew a. villain in his life that was not, on the whole, an unhappy dog." And well he may be. And an honest man—the man with a good conscience —let him enjoy his sleep, and his din ner, and the love of hts wife and the prattle of his children, and show a beaming face to his neighbor. Surely there is no work theology than that which teache4 that Ile who has given such fulluens of joy to beasts and birds delight:, in the nanny of loci' ; or, that having tilled 'l4 with gladness, we ought to give the lie to Ms goodne4s by wear ing faces beclouded with woe, and fur rowed with pretended happiness. 111= Infidels have objected to the size of the Ark; have asserted that it iliquite absurd to suppose that ever there could be a ves sel constructed, large enough to hold-all the creatures Which must . have been placed in it, with sufficient food, it may be for six or twelve months—water for he fish, corn and so on. Now we will to o the dimensions of the ark from the rec da of Moses, and calculate them on kb lowest possible scale. There are two de itiona given to' a cubit; one that is 18 t • cites or a foot and a half, and the other t; t is 30 ipcim, WV will fake It only at he lowest. Moses states that the ark war 300 cubits long; this would make it 450 'et long, or about the length of St. Paul's s' tbedral, London. The'breadth he states t. be 50 cubits ; we then have it 75feet ip brew th. llestates it to be 80 cubits ,high ; so t at it was. 45 'feet high. 4 ln other words, it -as long as St. Paul's Cathedral, nearly broad, and half as high. ghe tonnage •I the ark, according to.coMputation of m. • ern carpenters, must have been 32,000 to •s. The largest English ship, (of a size un imaginable to those who have never seen it,) is 3,500 tons burthen ; so that the ark must have been equal to 26 first rate ships of war, and if armed as such ships are, it would have eon tained beyond 18,000 men, and provisions for them 18 months. Button has asserted that all four-footed animals may be reduced to 250 pairs, and the birds to a still smaller number. On calculating, therefore, we shall find that the ark would have held more than five times the necessary number of creatures, and more than five times the required quantity of food to maintain them twelve months. Gm" do you want to get married; and (ig you want good lutsbands? If so, cease to act. like fools. Don't take pride In saying yOu never did housework, never cooked a pair of chicksias, never made a bed, and so on. Don't turn up your pretty noses at honest Industry; never tell your Mends that you are not obliged to work. When you go shopping, don't take your mother aim with you to carry the bundle. EARLY RESPONSIBILITY.—Now, early responsibility is almost equivalent to early sobriety. If a stick of timber standing upright wavers, lay a beam on it, and put A weight on that, and see how stiff the stick becomes. And If young men waver and Vaselllate, put responsi. Willy on them, and how It straightens them up! What power It gives theiu How It holds all that Is bad in them In restraint! note quietly it developes and puts forward all that is good in them! Siorts.—lt Is a good sign to see shish do an set of charity—a bad sign to hear bins boast of it. It's a good sign to see a man wipe the perspiration from his brow—bad to see him wipe his Jiro as he comes out of a It's a good sign to see a man advertise to the papers—bad to see the sheriff advertise for bins. It's a good sign taxes a woman dressed with taste and neatness—bad to see her husband sued for finery. • Sarnilsro.—How often do we sigh for opportunities of doing good, whilst neg lectingthe open trigs of Providence in little things! Dr. Johnson heed' to say, "He who w aits to do a great deal of good at once, will never do . any." Good Is done by degreerri flowerer 'thrall .propor tion the benefit which follows individu al attempts to do good, a great deal may thus be accomplished by perseverance, even in' the midst of discouragements itx \ Rl disappoiniroenta: ittSKIN sA ye r "Wise men keep one side ortheir life for play, and another for work ; and can be brilliant, and nhatter lug, and transparent, when they are at easeliqd igt take deep counsel on the o ther side w i n they set themselves to their malts purpose:l .; • Alt exettslite bus rilated tart tax- WBl' wide', 10u/testi isronnts oi'pne i titoussaia ildllare pot ate. • ' I= Many years since there lived In VlC glnia • Baptist preacher, named B. Though uneducated, he was a sound thinker and eloquent speaker, and no minister had a more devoted Buck. It was the custom during the Inclement season to hold meeting at the residences of members, and once or twice during the winter at the house of the preacher. For many years It was observed that B. neither preached nor conducted the meeting when held at his house, but se cured the services of some neighboring minister. lie was often pressed fur an explanation without success; but filially, In response to the imFortuulties of some of his Hoek, gave the following t "When! wee much younger Chau now tact, not lung after the coMmence molt of my imnistratiou-1 held a meeting at my own house. It being cus tomary for many of the congregation to remain for dinner, Mrs. B. sent our ne gro boy, Tim, to neighbor Paul's Tor some butter. Tim returned and located him self, standing on one foot ut a time, pi the outskirts of the congregation . : Being well warinedbp lu sermon, thinking neither of Tim nor his errand,-but only of the most successful mode of pressing upon my bearers one of my strongest ar guments, I demanded, with all the in my power, 'And what did foul say ?".ruu ut the txp of his little squca k ing voice as Tan only could have done, 'lie thed pot couldn't pit say more hullo WI you paid up for what you'd go(" his brought dow u 'the house, cud cut short one of the finest efibrts of my early ministry. Sacco then have kept my preaching disconnected from my domestic affairs." A WITNLiS.-A Yankee having told an Enghehman that he shot, on one particular occu a ion, nine hundred and ninety-nine snipes, his interlocutor ask ed him why her didn't make it a thou sand at once. " No, " 1131 , 1 he; "not likely I'm going to tell a lie fur one snipe." 'hereupon the Englishman, rather riled and determined not to be outdone, began to tell a long ~tilry of a man hav ing swain front 'Liverpool to Boston. "Did you ,cc asked the 17311- {me. " Well, or course I did. I was coming over, and our ve,4l passed him a mile out of Boeton harbor." " \VOL, Put glad ye .aw liiiu , Ktrangv because yer a witue , ,t that I dill it. That was me." A FRENCHMAN in Milwaukee had his nose bitten ideal' off by a vicious horse. He carried it at ones to the nearest doc tor, who said, "Let me bind It on in stantly, and perhaps the flesh will unite." It did unite, hut, in his hurry, the doctor got the noes on wrong side up! It so happened that Monsieur was a snuff taker, and he congratulated Ii in' el( that, thought his nasal organ 'a as sadly out of plane, yet it was convenient, as he count put the snuff in nt the top, instead of wasting his Meath in snuffing. But horrible! he soon found he could not sneeze without standing on itia head! I SAY, mother," said a regular street loafer, the other night, after he had de posited something In a rickety old cup board, and laid himself down upon the floor, "I want you to wake me when get dry," "Etow. shall I know when you get dry?" "0, just wake me,up at any time; I'm always dry." SOME Californian started the following: A. noted trout fisher died ID Alabama ' lc _Fishing was the, His last words say, Brown, Pee flirted tackle with bite In Jor- "We were yesterday, in of two extra MA& Penttisiorms, whi picture of Washington in a 14 the name of the artist, Mr. r. the corner of it. After admirl . some time, she at length renter • "Well Mr. Green is not Buell a bad I log chap after all." .4. LOCAT.4 editor has Just seen a man whom he thinks pretty well occupied.— Be had his wife on one arm, a baby on the other, a basket and cane in his hands, a cigar in his mouth, and two lit tle hopeful 'heirs attached to his coat tails. A WOMAN in Greene county, taking advantage of Leap Year privileges, " popped the question" to an unsuspec ting young man, who accepted, but after wards changed his mind, whereupon the lady became obstreperous, and chal lenged him to fight a duel. A tiesnE.T., of new cider in A state of fennantation exploded In a store in Par is, 111., the other day, knocking one Man eight or ten feet, bursting the bar rel Into fragments, and scattering the contents in every direction. NONE are so food of secrets as those who do not mean to keep them; such persons covet secrets as a spendthrift covets money, for the purpose of circulation. MOSSY is first mentioned, as a medium of commerce, in the 23d Chapter of Gen esis, when Abraham purchased a geld as &sepulchre for Sarah. AMONG the liabylonians, all marriage able females were assembled together, at a certain time each year, and sold, by public outcry, to the highest bidder. AN illiterate fellow spells Tennessee after this 'fashion: 103 c, and spells An dreiv Jackson, Baru Jnxn. Ile signs his name thus; Jo tJ. Hole.) SWEET TULNOS.—A conscript being told that It was sweet to die for his coon• try, excused himself on the ground that be never did like sweet things. WHEN Haddox's wife kicked him out of bed, said he, "look here, now, you'd better not do that again; if you do It will cause &coldness in the family." , Me Irishman received a challenge to light a duel, but declined. On 'being asked , the reason, "Och," said Pat, "would you have me lave his mothei orphan?" • , TIM and Lei lay woman's , ballot box.= Vol; semi b r tutu' &POTS twq.baliohi at once. Now, isn't that illegal 50TH YE.A.11.--NO. 32„ TIM FAMINE IN ALARM& The famine in the French colony of Algeria Is accompanied by the must hor rible cases of the sacrifice of human be ings to the ravenous hunger of the survi vors. Ohe incident recalls vividly to mind the account given in Scripture of the siege of Samaria by the King of Syria. Two women of the same Arab tribe, having emit a child, mud being unable to obtain food from any other source, agreed to devour the two little once. Lola were drawn, and the first victim was duly consumed. When it became the turn of the other mother to surrehiltif her child, she refused to rui lusher port of the conipaut, and the dis putes which took place in consequence brought the whole Mbar to light. Again, there are pretty well authentica ted instuuces In which French soldiers have been murdered and eaten by Arabs, who, in addition, are constantly attack ing each other and the uegroes to pro cure corpses for food. The French news papers are filled with details of these shocking atrocities, and they declare that the two millions of francs recently voted by the LlNtitilature is altogether insufficient to relieve the famine, - AN Intel e“ing and astonishing event transpired on thud nit., at the house of Mr. tleorge Chandler, it farmer, liv beg, near the Lowell road, between Na shua anti Tymr,horo, l!fik.s. A physi cian, Dr. Stioinski, stopped On the lir terminal of the day mentioned at Mr. C house to feed his horse. On enter ing the house, Mrs. Chandler informed the doctor that her daughter, Susan, died on Saturday, and that the body had been placed. In a coffin for interment on Sunday Thedoetor on looking into the eoillu remarked that the girl Wils .not dead, but only in nth. Ile ordered the removal of the body and placed it in a warm bath. After a long struggle the girl was brought to life. After leaving some medicine the doctor took his de vastate. Ou Use following day—the one assigned for the funeral—the resins toted vomited a tape tturtu measuring twenty eight feet In length, and Instead of bury ing i,li,s •Su,ait Chandler, the parents Interred the eause of all her troubles. Mont: "Los's: von SobutEns."—The Radical papers are now denouncing Gen eral Steadman, because he is a friend of President Johnson. Do they remollber how they praised Mtn for Ins gallant capture of a rebel fort at Petersburg, and how they insisted that the cork should be culled "Fort Steadmm 2" Tim peo ple reineml ,, A• these thing~, though the Radical leadeN may wish to have them forgottum• • They also remember whim Gen. llan cocE was eulogized us "Pennsylvania's heroic sun," Zan, by the anion Rad icals who aro now slandering him. They also remember when the same Radicals could not find language to ex press their detestation of the Rebel Gen eral Longstieet, who is now one of their greatrst saints, because he has swallow ed their nauseous black dose of so-Crillq "loyalty," test-oaths, nigger, and all. The people remember these things, and they will act accordingly. PnEetDuvr.—The Impeacners have been looking up precedents for their prosecution of Andrew Johnson, Here is the copy of a verdict found by a Con federate court held In Knoxville, Ten nessee, In December, 1662, which the Radical majority in the Senate can adopt in form: That the Senators on their oath do say that the said Andrew Johnson Is an alien enemy to the Confederate States of Amer ica: It Is, therefore, orderid by the court that the said Johnson is so alien enemy, and all the property, rights, and credits belonging to him, either at law or in equity, are sequestrated under the acts of Congress, and the Receiver for this District is directed to proceed to dispose of the same as provided by law The verdict of the Confederate Court against Andrew Johnson was in conse quence of hnidevotion to the Constitution and the Union, and the verdict of the Radical Court at Washington le to cou damn him for the eatue cause.—Age, hone wire had us, and who, led to neglect the day 0- Rims°lvo, Va., May 2—The bail bond of Jefferson Davis was renewed to day, the accused to appear on sueh day during neat term as the court may Hz. The Judge said Chief Justice Chase told him he would be In Richmond to preside at the Davis trial within two days after the close of Impeachment. The new bond given has Bortice Greely, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Gerrit Smith on it for $25,000 each, and the remaining $2.5,000 given by citizens of Richmond. ,'flats done by Instruction from che-parties Ex-Senator Bright, of Indiana, ,the court, and General Lee, ez- Letclher and Mr. Seddon were as witnesses: It is thought. take place in the last of king at a Lw, eaw was Gove, in the el the trial May. —The oomil agreed to thead commencement of NINS-TENTLIS et ih S . N fellows sent the Bump to represeri the Southern Africanized States are c. und if prepared to represen antbing beyond their nwn greedy in. !nets, will be the Northern commun. es of mongrels front which they orig .ally sprung. Many of them don't know e boundaries of the distriots for withr they were elected, and some of them have never set foot upon the territory which they propose to represent. This is theeort of republican government in stituted)), the progressive lights of the mongrel party. ElEli/tY WARD BEECREH, said the oth er day in New York, at a meeting held for the purpose of raising funds for the endowment of Washington College, Virginia,..(Cien. Lee's) that had he (Beecher) been in Lee's circumstances and surroundings he would have done as he (Lee) did. What think you of that, ye bloody minded Radicals? WIPER Radical politicians tell labor ing men they pay no taxes, the latter should ask in return, how much more they pay for everything they eat, drink, and wear, than they did In good old Democratic times? If it costs you twelve dollars a week to support and clothe your family now, whore tt formerly cost only six, di) you labt pay a tax of three hundred Mid twelve dollars a year? Tnn Memphis Avalanche lugs there are teretiqUedida - staiving negroes in &tempt& living let filth and rags, wha are kept alive only by stealing. Deplor- this may be, tt hr'the easer t •to a greater tir )ems extent, hrevery Eleotherrt town and city. The Radicals emblazoned the picture of timid, on their tickets lu New Barn ] , shire and Connecticut, and the restt:ts were far frow encouraging. Then it WWI el 111 med that the whole West would go for hint with a whirlteind of euthU.l4lblll. Yet when an important election took place to the metropolis of his own State, Chimera, which had been overwhelming ly Radical (oz years, it repudiated the si lent smoker. This basso shaken the be lief of leading Radlesis do Oran Vs popu larly, that It is said there is a attune probability ho will be thrown overboard by the politicians M. Chicago In May, as unceremoniously as he was by the people In April. All that can prevent that from being done Is the fear that a change of candidatee now will he construed Into a confession that they have no hope of success. It is immaterial to us what they may do In the matter. We are confident that the Democratic candidate will l s , elected, whether his opponent be Orilla or nay oite else. All that Is needed to render emcees cereal n is Jud I e itnte , tett loot by the Demeeratio National Convention. —Lane. Inteatgenate. The solution of the tlnauelidirroblem Is simple. It Is expressed ILL the single word 1-1. t.Tak:Nut INI lIN/. 'Ashanti the Army. • Reduce the Navy to a peace footloy. Cut down the Civil Expense* of Gov ernment. Then Repeal am :111.ias. Abolish the Income Tax, which laicl* five per cent. otl the In tereat of every city, ciotporation or railroad huml,,wheldielt the I , "ht"" b e poor or rich: AbOliAl the Hommel* to merchants, hotel and restaurant keuper4 and prole-siontil men. Abolish all taxes, except excises on liquors and toloustio, altil if neevalary stumps. The inanufneturers eluidored for Ile, repeal of their titxre4, Je inoceil them.' !Cow let the Peoptc, for the repeal of their taxed, , and regehe Congress to remove them. I r Congress refuses, the people should apply t h e pro, pet , remedy and remove Congresa.—Lna mister'lnteltiyeacer. DIstIIMITED terra 131[APIT.—NO doubt. there are plenty of politicians in the Re phtilican party who are tall opposed to the nomination or General Grant. Mt. Halstead, of Ow Cincinnati Cuasnearciat, writes trout Washington that &mutua' the leading Radicals contemplate and urge the dropping of Grant at the Chiang° Convention, and the anustitutiolinf thm. Watli as the candidate. Their. line of argument 'sateen : "Grant has been virtually nowhisted fur• some Mouths. IL is plain that. his app parent c.audiduey has nut been produc. live of tile sihrlite,: popular elithU4tatit. tie has not added a particle of strength La llao Republican party fn any quartet. On the cuntt.,i) the nut lint 110 kt:4W/hid IlLahleli good tot sole• Tliti Connecticut and Chicago elections aro lint encouraging. The thing t du Is io wake a timely uhange hut our leadership. Itcujautin F. Wade is the only luau Who can be that. eandldate. Let u 4 suite the opportunity and nave the party." JcnatE WOODWARD. of 'Pennsylvania, 'introduced a sensible propodtlon in the Rohe recently, being a bill to provide for the testing of acts whose constitu finhality may be questioned by the Pres ident and passed over his vote. The Prwildent may file in the Supreme Coo rt such a "feigned Issue" as wilt raw the constitutional question to be decided, and the -Speaker of the tionse is to be com pelled to appear by rcoord or counsel, to defend the enactments objected to by the President; The Court's ophilon against an set makes it null and void, but until much w decision: is pronounced it shall be deemed constitutional aud valid. A Gump' s. paper charges that al/. the misfortunes of the E4outhern people are directly attributable to Northern adven turers and vagabonds who have tloaed thither for potitleat renown. The whites, it says, "would never have op pressed.the uegroes nor permitted then to be oppressed, and t ,7- negroea.would never have had confidence In the whites, but for the Interested villainY of these carpet-baggers and scelawags; and pri marily they are responsible for every serions difficulty between the room, for all danger of difficulties of this donee ter, in the South." . ' Tits. proceedings In the Impeachment CUES° will be printed in two volumes of 1000 parts each. The first volume la nearly ready. A very Urge. edition ought to be.printed. hecause.it will not be long before the managers, and. Itadi cal leaders generally will labor, 40;eup preae the retort] of their THE Pacific Railroad nag ontn,l.wod to the summit of the Rocky Ifouleksine end begun fnb decsent on the Peel& slope. A dispatch from the Chiet Engineer of the work 'announces the laying:of the ralle upon the summit, with befitting ceremonies, oh the 111th of April. PITILADELPIITA was named after a City in Asia Minor, and first laid out with a view to rival ancient Baliylon In extent. Its plan wee restricted to Int Preieut limits by its charter of 1701. It was first surveyed and regulated by the English Colony In 1684. • EVERY soldier now in the unitedlitates Army costs the people $2,000 per annum, and Grant wants to increase the army 40,000 more, Ida& would add 1680,000,ixi0 to the expense upon the people. Hoorah for Grant and Reform ! on both aldee have tine as the day for the e Davi& triaL "Macs," in sketching Senator lcrake, of Miesouri, ones a Border Rallies, now ayellitig Radical, aecounts tor tths tenden cy to extremes from a disproportion be tween large ambition and limited ties. rim Washington correepoudent_tic the Y. Commercial Adverthier irittes: le of the Radical etlitorilirtin 'need (te about the 'crack of alivehoi- Ip' in the Capitcil,,ehttild come to w der's here no' THE New : , (Qs.) Tclegrai pers, recom Hancock t for the Preside] A Luramii years been antis leprost'lt is ass Monti:eat deer and uneteanliro Tat: Radical }net elected a elpal State the name in Pen If We are to Radical press, tore was more predecessor: WENDELL PHILLIPS says theitlitlEhhuit should be nominated - he be - badly defeared.No disubt:Of IL L = Ts tes Id ytkng lady , fti Meekly/I so refined' thet - she neflit 'hi/4116e' Astord " biltekgehrd,"list eithstliditki.." 4(6'Jc/in sentinel." .•4 141 , 11 'IA Tan Uotf allow -Which Vooktneivanta now -KaMilo wool srantetfitry' /salmi II to William Ponzaoleelt d 4"l= IUiPtDIATIOA 0, OL4 T. =I Orleans Pierequae, Macon and other Southern pa-