44 4 _ 1 4 tr"Plltt 3 44fa l tr,_-41txr. ;rms. CIIIIICWIATX TAM TUCTII I.etolt, be bottle. in mind that unit' one of --our ircsont iiul.bacriburs sending In tip names of four new aubscribers, with the taral In adyance ($8 fur the (anr,) Will re ceive a credit of one year's subscription on his own account —ln other words, for each new sutoterlbefeent In, arcom puttied 611 the cash, g ritrarwm OF FIFTY CENTS is allowed as a credit do preletyt sulscriptions. A number of sub- Wribers have already paid themselves ahead In this way, and many others Could do the some with very little etlbk ,itensenalser, that the meet important Presidential contest, In our history is ap proaching, and that a proper enlighten ment of the masses as to Radical negro lam, corruption and tyranny, will surely defe.,t that party at the 4ati im. The Dem ortattc uewapulltni Wllllllll this, if prop el iy 14i rculatW-Vie Cox Pt LEIS, nawny s ill the (rout - 714 slaty, will be found n- earnest am faithful as ever. Dunn,- eratm and Ck)nrervaltrw,-itiew to spread it intluence TliE (41P.4 OP TILB PEO 123 'Mr 4'4:nap/ter for the Campulga IVIIITE 31F::C, To 7111; ItI14(1.7: I .1.11 order to place the CoMPri.En within the menna of cv(ry tour istthe eatfilfih we have concluded to olTer It for the campaign—from this time until after the Presidential - election, In November—at the following low rates: Single Subscribers,. OU each. Ten sri4 6U o r MO mite " euty 00 or 75 " " Tills will hsreis cover the cotilot white paper, cud we must therefore -ask pap : meat in advance la all caeca. The paper u ill he sent Immediately tgx)t) receipt of miler, either thrott4h the other- ESE Iforw-Ktipti.4.—Yriting fidlis and other-, uLo ale prop ding to go to this spring, will du well to malne a Col. C. D. Itt - Litt.idn's Wan-rooms. near the Depot, Cnettysi hung, where, in additlon to a large nil ty of the most approved coommi l innvra, sitting Roam and Chamber Stoves, vain lie founds very large assort ment of every Mod of Trs-W.tni:, 1101. low-Ware, Japan Ware. Toilet and Chamber Sets, /I,repd and Spice Boxes, 'rent and Coh - eo Caunders, Wun Lett, fjeOirefJ }lilts, Water Coolers, Spittoons. Pud ding- Moulds, Flour Sieves, candle Sticks, Smoothing Irons, Egg Beaters, Fruit rant, Jelly Moulds, and a thou sand other articles In the hofise-keeping line—a'l of which will ho aohl at. lowest cash prices. - Cull and examine. If NV I I Hot Itupeuel4 Cun tioct.leut =3 firfl,lsbrorr,/ BEIE FL0UR,..... \ iiiRA rt. ( °RN I V : .3 I 60 oAis, ISucKwktEA , r, lIAy, GIZEBBEEMI FLA X S /MU QM == 10 37 g II 00 :6O@ 310 ----- 180 (3 1 % (k 3 1 13 FLOUR, W It EAT,. ...... , RYE, =I ( !LON' 4H-SEED,.. Ti \to VII V-SEND, hund. OD () 1. 7 ) 00 21 00 22 00 (701.1), Phila., A FARM I=l I N it.ustt.thoo o( an thgar ot L,e t 1. id - P.o.ut of A,10.1112 TI o,ll e 111 the Mutate i,l liolinda Ina. It, 11 111 Mull wt touhlieltletle, on ei..111.1111/A Y. the ' , Mkt/ 1 UN no.st, et I/o'clock., .11., on the yienthset, that FAlLM'ltituate In alutmljoy , townslolt, Adonis musty, adkna lug lands of N 1 In. Young, Adaw et t, linner and Inhere, ...Coition asses ul ',winch avo CVO t . 01.11. b tooLlinual. Tito Laprovontent4 consul. good two-story 1.1)11 LW; tII3YU,- ' WA /turn. Jatd other out-bulidtsgs,.wl.o.l n gr 0. 11 ,, 1 meter near CitAYT, and en Or . :,ord. The land Is odder, good oz.h, .gad the 14 111,111. r. ban re,ntly been fixed• it n ill be sold together or In Tarty an any lusd •wt ran elt,o.els. l'ereons 0 letting to via w the 1 rols,l. Noose tatll On tire undersigned, re slmg nem ItY• A tletelaneo will be gls en and ternts node knorrn ett day_OlC Salle lily JOIN l'rustoe. qr:l 21, IRA. to • . • PUBLIC SdiLE (.K 1 0 11/111;,C WEITUTT LAND. rilti;• seelbera, hue lcurOm fio:a I it oltlell/I , ll,l,ll%,Uktarguportton ol his Utteat.- nal 1.11,K, In LlJoul/tonbon towneltlp, UlllllB 0:11i1 • 1011401 the 114lIlle at Pnblte Kale on 1•t ftIJAY, LAX lath day of MAY next, at 1J .\ ..li. %haze /as.rtah.tt a loon aurve:,ml Into lota' runglng fruni sto lo ItEK, tath, Anti a., within n half yule of tote igd 1 , 1/Mace bat nom the multi road , or.tl o rood tok)eliliitt all the LOtn. The TINIIIIIt In al/ 5 Laing stml to lint lltnaltantt au,l 1./net/stand esattutt nd to k trotn 11JJAY1 101,UUtl rails And front at) to . jo t i oruot poi•tek to t h e Inn‘, .ttt. atlonee will be alk. en and Lena matte not. n on day of aath• by J. TO. PA.XII . /N, J. it. ROW. April 2,. tp, WINO MOGIATION. 4 1 " WI(` iTt ' 7;ll l l3ll " l7l:U n kitg the Rb ril k i h e 7"' M be hi lb the Artittenthm Room , A <lett ' ) an w rig, on .11.11 rtIDAY, the !nil or hi V% eel% nt o'cloe, nt, which the election of offleens for the eissOttigyonT writ be brig. o.ln r bunlut Po of Importent e will be brought before the meetthg, ontl full nttendirnem of the toclntinvhln 114 yoesfert. by 6 prnvielon of the (ho. ter a One of t Oen t/4 Ornp..led Val Ilon-“itenclo.ll,e Mlle. • N ttpl“,Kil .lrku tour olbig Iot%ool.411I• t .t r ~( LI, of for of tbo t.ieeetety. 1... tl. FALLS hziTOCK. Pren't. J".O. AnY,ti(r^7. [April NO+. ft 1868. 1868. New Styles. ROSA If. max ronT roullnue Ibe XlilUnorry lam Juana In VT Ill.STkatinTOWN, and baring returned frouslital proParasi to du any work lu the 311IA61er, Mao ',dumpily. ATH AND 130NNETTS . f i rGM S •ttrt . e, purchwred for earl., will Le told I.ll7e e nt n l uctluet.lou thtese4,itylux to soil Arrln. • Indl trnek CAIN matte to nttlett• al+n' Hand Dreorrov, Voqs, tie., allot the I,ATIOIrr STILFD. Atm, Reek, I.Ptnat terniltiteee Tettefuti• April If, M., NOTICE. nu m ti nt oteLtieccouni alto.° Pry Aledallee i lEY . 11P deild of viltuntary seedy n meet of John Grove sal Wtfo; Of Vallee tow* elt4l.=doeLftit do !or the a bf : eilltZtertorl . Atimie". cortatyoume will be ereartneed by este Coon Mt YUMWAY,IIIIOI ef MAY belt, lees !Rube be shown. tertbeeefOreelr. • M!!l=MiMiil resncombt andemtah Atm*, And nienyda'and Mtn or ffonfingdon ir rat gulp. A li ftlinkeenstyr tittnet larmetdenm ad, hu Anew Vint= Mart et Common limn or Ad linfreelnitr; .I , lll4iltdOnenned br maid unnt one TTAISDAY,-tbetitk dt , AtArnest, teas looms be seicrera' to the military. Amtlin(MlOA .• 1. A, }i4TZMIL FrothT. : • 0t.k443-#u,ilt24'its CLOI N G , HATA AND CAPS, BOOTS BD SHOES, of armament's • Wear, LINEN COLLARS, • . DOSOILS ' Jc Cul:ToN trIWKJ 2 fGIS.,„ , ; poi WET VOOllOl4 MLA tiState £ACKS. I keep dikdkailakte Wile a ins/Alas and will Sell them ut the Lowest. Cash .Prices • 51.f40 BOYS' HATS AND SHOES, iikvi...o is e Me • call before paltliWlSiiig elele w here kpr11:11, ISM. t( SPRINii AND BUMMER CLOTHING. GEORGE ARNOLD Ha. 'no ri I;rge KW* of READY-HAWS CIRMIINO, mostly of own msuruPacture, ooloastlug of all *ltoe Of COATS, SH I RTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, llonlery, ut prleto to non Um Coln. Call, elnmlne and Judge for TouThelve. April 21, Ms. tf GREEN RIDGE STORE. T!'""'hrz!w,Vat;-'t;;IN;ITI„N STORE, ut 11.11 Ridgy, flcuoilfon Athosel con" 11. toNohi Quhet,lon.the 'arl ede pl he, to whiets he Invites the atthotlon of Ito' Intl ale, tiel.klly. ht.. c0...41.44.0 TEA , . SI F.sSEN,CE.,, OILS, IMEUIekNI,I4 NI EN a A, NI W. , NI-EN'bt Haar V I Ntli•K TIVS, 11.1. N I,f: 1.:11,; hbli, 1:1:1 rut:., &C., In ~hurt, n foil .tt.s. , rtitient of evert !dug usually found Inn tint-0,0.s store of the kind. TM mock Will Hlrrigy4 be (mind ftrsit and loft, nn.l his pri nlanng ihr v, ry Irwin!. No eltort sra4c,d to nil 1,1,0 Inny put runine him. April 21, DV, ly SHERIFF'S SALE ON TUFMDA Y and WEDNYVDAY, the : - .1.1c and oth days o MAY next, in provittemee of a welt of Flea Prudes, livened out of the court of Vompiou licsol of Adana eoontS7", and tO me dtiveted, will 1u Mild at Public Male at the resi ency of Dr. James A. Armstrong. In Enet her lin, Adams eccanty, the following peritonea Pro. potty. viz: a wry,' tutor DRUGS AND lIEDICLNCH., of all /chb., Pulotti, Witultoir Cilium, Huse Pow .l hull 4 P 4, 2 Spit g• M ec hi low Ibt tlon, Inn. and Is, I. trawl Ve . 4 lg.lam, Empty Itarrelsi, ,J cgs ill:110011ns, Tin can.,Boat sr.; a 104 of littd niusly otter articles belooKing tau Drttg 311 ii II ok AtOri`. It 00 7 So I= I x,•t ChnlrA, I ('.ml ' , stove and Pape, I Hem la, and all, r artn.l,ll, 10.) natant:roust.° mentl.m. tieball and 'Macy la caecatbn art t e properly a Or. ialllCa A. Armand:lg. *Or to tanaanenceal.9 o'clock A. IC of each day. - PHILIP IIANI4, Liberia; Sbatlag• OtOaa, LicLtY 3 blirit, Apr:lll,lW, Is hy 30 IEI INSURE IN TILE ' ROPE FIRE lIMER MEM )1 00 to.'nfi 6 00 00 10 00 (LATE FAiiMiALI: AND MNILCUAN Ts%) O/1 0 /CE: //caiman's Ce4kr ..SVWDV. iliartered Capdal,. 41100AG° OS .tivalltible Arse l". al,ass 17 erery description taken Ibr • period of years, or perpttemlly, at ex low rates se are ConsisienL With the security of the (tympany su4 the partied Ineuted, and on as seeertunodstlng terns se itlth any 1-ornpany In the country. ME PitEallull 7.44.1Th1. are taken in tblinne perw, 116.1 00111,0explgd1111V Amorentento will be mane on he Pa Liam. kon, than half the entire .Lurk isownad by its Onteare and Director.. which in a gn,rantee that he minim will be no managed as to make it %earn modlunt for Inm:oral:sm. /I•24I,ItANCH Ilitt:ATt>l INDE,PENIIENCE: berron pine for re.‘ n Indemnity, and need Out ben Tax on ItLe friends in the event of lolre. ././enyr Uri! 750 0 11 50 2 75 64 3° 9 00 0 10 0 121 Arm All Lames promptly adjusted stud paid without Delay. SILLIkn, John .1 Weizr, John F. Spunglet,lkl.ll..,polir.liuu. ligeufritz, SuLal (;barlcv A. Alorrl.l, W. H. Kurtz, of C., Call. i/ENItY Wslhll, Proilderit. D tI.L , l iuo Ploolticut. J.Treninsrar.. T. K. Stec y. n,,-Appinatioti for Inguraute promptly at. tended to by the Meeretury or an) or the CoMpa ny'n Agents. 134•Itzel, John T. W11111111:111. York,if. A. Picking . , Gettysburg; ennlth d. Har ris, righteteille; Meer, lamenaber; Jolm M. /Adler, Mt. Joy, _Laneseter "sandy •, D. Q. Al hright, 'leftover; N. 7, Setts, (lien Hoek, and M. Emmlngersilfeehantesburg. April 'II, I$ t. Sot • izecritik's Notice's. li o nfricE Is hereby given to all Legatee.' and it other pennons concern's!, that the Adminis tration Account", hereinafter mentioned will be pretest ted at the Orphan" , Courier .% dams entnyty, for confirmation and allowance, oo TUESDI" .1, the •.:2415 of MAY, 140 4 , nt 10 o'clock, A. M., vie: , . 80. The aroon'd and lino) orcount of Mamnel Brown. Admintatrn tor or Elbat Freed, deronsed. account or Vieginle 13rnehenre, atlstratrbr !minis hen w l'h the will en hexed thtevret 121. The tient end tine! amount or .Jarob X. Oy ler, A.lnileaktrotor of e...o.ate of Val. jullne Oyler, cloocuseal, heltl.o nJ Juoun Oyler, fitlmlnittra it-1X or eel!. to of ./oroh K. Oyler, deceoxed. • r•• 2 0... Tro. nor.. .or Jaeor, Indr, AOhfifAFfflifOr of the cm!;tte of Abr.. Lady, deceased. 1151. The fle+t ...coma of Alin.hrun hurt, Ad- Minf,,frofor of Jfwe'ph f•lxt/el, flee. c..eff. ,eccont of lo oh Stoek,Trusteefor the salc of file itonl 19ortte of .3 c, oh Wolf, der'o. P-At. The Ithlt and fiord a-count ot Henry Itlvers, Ext,utur of Jaeoli Mitreh, deceased, settled by Henry J. Myero, Etocutor of Henry Myers, doe'd. I. The ft nod final a: vomit of Ht An . Kapp and John Kapp, A.lin!”:.Atrator. of the Astute of - 2.11LJL1K . 41/ Kopp, do, tiood. 127. The tin.: and ttnal amiont of Joseplius S. Boland, Admffilstfator 01 the estate of Addison ti Hohifid,deaoased. L.'S. First and of John Hones. Fop ei Admiti.strutor of the astute ut David B.lll.lrllMlgi deceased. l_n. Thellott and final aocoont of Peter Fria, Kr.tvutor of the MAI o and testament of Val entine Falai, Alccen,cd. hat, :lost and final mount of Jacob -I.f. beau), Adattutstrator of Jolla fauatunbaush, deceased. 131. runt and final account of Peter tit - nickel and John •tkeeiy, Ad ulatzutors of Jona blieely, jof N.,Aleeratsoll. 33.3 Account of Andrew li„) ken, F.:Avatar of liatayel Deardorff, deissised. 133. Second neeastot, of Isaise F. Brinkerhoff; 1.:NA...a10e of the had aid/ aud teattioteut ot taus. uri Herman, decoserd. lit, Ithrt .count of John Fslastrd Plank. Ex. (+ c o tor of Ha hist Wl/1 and tiatoulent of Jona U 1 Phtak, dastoved. ISw eavonAlaini Anal storonnt of rehire B. Eauff. Iran. :urn Irina Earcutor of tie teat Will and testament of Abrattursi Brown, deteused. lie. The stvond and final accoUut at Freda:irk gitickel. sum!: log Administrator of the estate of Samuel I.llllllansi, , kweastd. lir. Pleat iihdittutlFolut Of John A.frirope, Administrator of Mo uH. +avow tlereased. April 2/ hfft W. V. ol.rzwohera. Roemer. tc TURNPIKE SUBSCRIPTIONS, Mnnoka for sulnicriptkins to tkin'enpll l llll k of the HANOI:I.Ii ANL MOUNT KIAK T11011KIJ:14 llt/ILIONNY are now aprb. ." Muoat ItnrJe., In Munn! nlensaar town•laP. ions constr. and the Uninnindoners are ready to tenni inn MIC*11.111114:11Pi10.111. JAN. W. fit7l/FlilliATakt, J. K. I. RMU.X. I.6EIink.ILMAN, GElr. SMITH. JA t 1 1.)/SViliA, April 21. OW. Ilt.• Cmonmilinsloritin‘ atazdAdrator's Notice. T E vas 6.4 t 2i Tani ilfrilk Tlii.--Letl ant of admin. imp ß idca, wilb llp wit/ •nnext4l, on the estate ad 115101. Dants..tatek af.-tbe fkireugh or Gettysburg, Adorns county,' Accessed, lav ing been granted to the undersigned, residing in the mutelanee, he hereby Wes notice to all persons IbMegad_iktilahLestate to du gaum4 ard *.e lliti ssatia ""en tiil e iggirgldill4, l 74Arri ke r i btleated for Setttlr _4O Irk Merilet ' • 14mnd/orator In Aprll24, WA et ' " SUCK :Aki. PAPER errel3, ULCWER, r iiizrixEscift Erg. ICMBRELLAs, (AN, &C.C. grt:a THAL C. Su PANTS, VESTS, I= OF NORM. Pk., 6.4 TL liettamt P !VAIN IQ , F - • u.vlrratre,REl4,- Ware-room 7W Alkyd.- Stric{, .Ver rork al3l - Years East,lished. and 27 Prise Melt Cilitn==! Our no Ft), left are nun Ulti,wrOULny .u•kuree 'edged b the fauna tlistluguinbed artiste to be the best huretillouturihi, and wherever tbeyheAV WNW isdrOdueed aid owed, we ate tot required lb 11.1.11411 In Mel? faisor. Rheir ezeollemee pre-tonluently to thogeof other makers- • the glee/ etnnee.e. sehleveel, end lab' plerrements reittlb k DX hi the lest llttrty Pairs, we tea lifroro to sell a dm-elms Plena Forte at $ MP to MI Iran than a similar brie ama be bought eiriewbere. Zocki/Natio nil kjrarrantalfol 5 Years, and to give &duy'adion. Our Pluitna are made to last; Llre materials good for every tout ore thoroughly Nearotied, and Of the 'tit: t t) that elan I /1, pr. wure,l. SO =et ig 'Mat the print': rye dr( now+ n er less Sior vigilance. Every Darr, I wal& a=fitt=ll4lz i e nute e4turduatiou. Th , ,y diner from Lluk loud, .raille tone fit moat Onnou, (*bleb to bud in the brgiun Ina, c a ul grows Istrese•rery day.) inasmuch aa It I• relined earl dentate, paw tur Its vibre t lons, del Ig I.l(aL Ju fit► ufaittpg tersely, and has all taepoWer aseamary to pla n ate every desired etlect. They are, u Ithout doubt. the .bekt, the tnoe.l. laNtlng. and ron..filuently the ehenpert. Weart. content). UP ltar Pll , lh, Prtf..h. , 4' ( rum 1. , 3t1i) to 4nUe: ' • April 2i, pm, *to IIORRIBLE! y HAVE Fit'FFF.RED WITIL CATARRH liar- D , plan,: It bad tjuatnnyed my vale. , an luuthilug—futpaJraat lay Night wool hparDlig. alvarroingl hagrabetstrlentirrry carrel. Fart In. ntanityl. mike 1 will iiend the recipe for the .l ru- Ile rt'd l . o 4l;_,al,4 talVtAaa asar=a,LlAltlicted. .'hare lama nreutt,4lllo ,^wsl pletue aid rem., J.V. T.,IIuLDEN,MaDon D, 24, Ivnr, Zito Rade House, N. Y. Osborn Manufacturing Compaii3r;. 10P /Illettektir Nertitt, N. Y. "C04101IN" MILD AND ANIMAL CAGES, Matinlateetteen mlYely by thin Cltol pony et Itr port, Oben. woke Letters of Potent of the Uni ted state.. These Onset :ire of a great varlet. of .trip and unit inetinif t " r . arnary, Puri 01,PirAgiigAtiour Squirrel, 4,, They sire Mil/died Ut I superior trumbet Nob r ttreT Or ANT tiutortliqnx—trliteti ri nn taxi tp tind Ira linxM—ivlnc•u. lln Mkt sonar Me- Its*. •Thar AIM tiltsisens Triune. Hint Fin Clef. will Appreciate triers pants. or irserlltiner to hot found I n iiito2Atere3.7st. Mutt ten t h ed tM. MOM t premium it the Aitierunin loan totrinitt Aew York Slate Folni of P.tr. I.lli. nil ill ...mot to t 4.. Trade. Hi nil tot unit ten Loa. ;Aptii '2l, nor. an NEW YORK PIANO FORTE ('OMPANY, tutAiti.t.Ufra, MAW.I7, /41* .bbilinfacturern of It A\ - "D A N D 1441VA/11K rlgraffe Piano-Fortes, Ws. $4. mpg 842 Remold! Aviles* vA4/.4.11. ui arm iitrazgT.) • NEW YORK. fiend for ,144wriptiVe Catalogue and Price List. April 21. Thessapt`a Crown Notes ereurnithic tbr Ughtnem. Tboussou's Crown Crtuollueu Are Superior tiur Ehut lei ty. - - rftiousson's Crew e A ri• rf homasoo'il frown (rloqklues lu n noril. Ivy the bout In the vorlil, and nor,. widely Irrunru than any other. At wholeiinle LAY(IIK):Q den., :hi Apr/I 21, • •New York. if 0 E S 8,214X.D412.D SCALES p Yr:HY fot - IS I- 111CTION -4 .".‘ 1.1.31 w n - r- EA LI. To (11V1- Stilt; 11.111AtTI11N. Send luT Cato/Mlle a n d (11,1113 r. Seeonl•tintlet Ft..tle3 of other. undtr T. , . token to port pay for ottro, for lade CH HAY. ' irovrE Firm.? CO., 3 Pork PMee. "New York. 131 Fidel - 1a 1,t., Boston. Awil -4, 1 , 04. 1111 Schutze & Ludolff, I •1111:1111:1 , IN 1511,1 Alatttftillyirra Oc a t'qtriit mANIToIt. 'HATE ' • DOUBLE LEON FILM 1 I F 0 - 11 2' E, Coll ri.ETT AciAlNirr WM, COLD AND L'LLIIATE. Mate - MA - A Fibilmr?Mth, NA.) 'WARRANTED YOU FIVE YEAIVI, Ware.rou43... 432 Miaow* ]es York. Ilie l'uteul Minutia . Plate l'l.truat by their po eu Ina CYLlALruclignl.ln . 'o4X , Jur 10,11 othom and their mitit roraiistk' In the wregt ptnnk tieing .iippnrtod by 4Ato !rot. front*, •11011/11.1( ilk larger sysa.., for t ii,•apouudlfla 0011111 t • I* polumemed Iry any Mime Wiwi of posan. fly tlitel 11.1eurul Up! quantity le+ well ak the iinallty. of tho Wine bl Tone+• Plano. trevu pronounced by the Lest judges tole sturisalieljuif l'onnr and S'IVCCiII.PI of Tone, .easy and Agrerahie Tuuah aid Beatify of Finish. Most &Abe/rag tertMiertiei of exeenenoo Tioanberg, tiotoveholo, IStrokeseft, Vittertetn and alisrms •osnlor W the mole dean Professors mud Amateurs. From long experi ence and superfor fecilitier for Manufacturing, vs arm-enabled to ether one ?Maas at so low prices-as are mired lq Interior makers. Semi for ('lrculasned PricePnl. April M, Iw.. lm THE HOW 4WIE WM, AIANOPACTUROD Br -- TUE 1110WE.WACHINE CO., ELI tsl ITowE, JR. FOIL .1:411611.1fd AND 1,1411C1A( 1OO:Ad. TEA' Gliff.47' PRIZE; F.x4,41,1T10N rSIN'EMELLE, PA RN 1867, • dwankd 1q cumpoihn.. THE HIL: H EST • Pji I. The only Cross of the Legion of Honor ANT, or/tti 111-IAL Oven to A irseuve. farerrso At APorlr. ex, per peon, Deere, tame "it usigkor Nr creel' lid JEW MO (11 the Fmk* Empire,) 2.10 July, 1467,1 u thep i e wdrdo: rrabricant" de Mat hLuw , - - I toordre exposant. J.O.i; I.llllunacturer of Sewing t, Unehlueo, Exhibitor. The llowe lug Vito Laura are oelekrated for doing the hoot work, using o touch tuuolior noo dle for the Sane thread thou any other no. chlue. They 11/V11404,d &o all Wilda of Email)/ Pam -I"agda 3 4 " , Litran i ll g tw o r f tec ' IT ' lltt:.7.1 1 l i e m. mnk bete nidea of thearttele mowed, and nib neither riterwr rul 1. hal II 311101 C ib near perfection as the beat machinery in 11 the world eon make It. TM . rir rq- Inlag " 10 r Virt D e ' d r to ht. - reine/al, the nperittorean Mance It. The :sew Improved Fain il) 3lncli in without rn al and ea t ‘rd aurpamed—a Hemmer, Iler, tiller and Guide go with each Falun> Machine tree of °how. er-i of , ktaln,tr.Maehlnea are #nraestle cau tioned to oleaq, e the 31e.lalllou 'lead of Ella. llowe, .7r., , Tra‘korark7 irraborUed W each Ma. chine. rertalli p.lrtlan ha‘ a taken nalinuiVi a alto lla rlty. of (ranee , al e, and other equally - eat deeleem to fulaf, lunlatlona 070 Lb. pub as Howe 111.1111.e5. I= N. It. We llnv,• Fuller & Barnum'. New Turk Crenner and Ml( -newer or self-guide aud Isla COM Uinta, (or all Scwlng 31noblueo. • KIISLEY .1k 111T0014 4 11, Acohtnr.ento atr Pettrrir 'gear .Y.Titer -Theta -14 are and W. nt n 4.11144, 4.4 whotti Irpritai t. lon, for Ageneteit 111 ntlt 11*ndtIrtmne11nollPIthrr of the fnnowitif Idaenn t Nn. Soot It Elninn ntreet, t krinelstal OttLet.): No. 4 Saint Clair street, 'Penney's - meta, cr V 6 Broad street, Newark, New Jersey. April Yi , Inn.. Int ; • - 1 I TFIOSE BRAIITIFUT, NEW 1034.14! • SILICATE BOOK SLATES, Jost pun t101)44,14 the t 4411141 N, ONK OV TIO.f - 1106 - T ['rig/ iNVENTIUNii AGE. • ' DESCRIPTIIE PRICE LAST. ODlive, Seam! 4' Iliervataile Book i4Yrit a rs. A.. Curru Itighprha) Per Hai POCKET ROUX. ka.A.TE, int ...He. ed, and with caltadar Sru heal with anapetare pencil .-slae, atrotekli I QUA UTE ittiCK rtl.tTE, For 00111.110.16, behool 111,, with. maw -4 pencil, - _......_ -else Lneryl CRYSTAL Diani I"...LATIt, ' ' I Feeenwintrin school nee, with aciatenonet 1 Ettra l :liigiii - ttlrAir s ," ----11". 64x Interleaved, telz state surfaces,) So arhool.nnwnantilaand general purpneter, with 11.11finaliebe pencil,- .... - afro, rast..l HI 1,1,X InnlK ~t,..vrig. I n terlea red, hip Rant. ruribeer,) for officei sod inereautileporpow" with aotireon. I, ONR /GIME tiI..ATI, i In teriet, rn, gm t slate surfueero fah eLehcad. and ,etn Inarh s, a lib starpstrine pencil. .ir.o, axe 11M1:rRl.‘, Ina Ili Ko la All vo ;t iba/.46 "A la 1.1. , , AICIIKIVIOIea pied protrea r ioltal pear,l { with soaustotar p*oll ..,-.--elaeoe..l4 A,OO to irravtroom 5i...5.1%."" [ i. raleneattd, odg ld.lettnriarosJ.Mr ta ; , deti4er, afore or ateekspie, a Mb stone pen t .... ..,,,....:.shre„, 4Mtifti 0(1 Atte ono of the al;o7e (he Wallin= .9 14 / 1 (prepaid he wall.) on rewelpt of the price, EN erybody a trait; creel hale buyaint toklek as ISPell. Just the Mils for pm. Cleat conapnitews. A gad Moll wanted for this enmity; apply or adttrese • New York ROM! Itsot,lliate Company, April i. mut Ira 0 courunwit a NewItIVI repigyhania Oellage . . or ftotvsk, • irtv. April 21, MN. 11111. Pje c DPP rtts . ,9XLS 4 Dr An 14 EIPORII3, • PALTIMORE STREET, • TV:O Ix)0IIR e44;111 OF THE iltalalat- WAN (.111;11431. TmUE undersigned hut pod returned from the city with the best and cheapest variety of t., Shoes and Clatters, for elpti ea and Mummer, ever +ran/din Oattysbura. wrack outuelata LADIES' CONGREHM GAITERS, LA DlS>e BALMORAL GAITERS, LASE,' tOMMON GAITEIIs, LA DI hilt mI.IPPEItS, all styles, LADIF/4 . MOIMiN") BALMORAL", IX LARGE VAR/ETY. OMPFII9' FRLNCH CALF ORNTtr AMERR'AN ent.rra, GENTS' KIP BOOTS. GESTIFOONORFXR GAITRRM, ENTM' CALF BA LlitultAlx. OEN TSl' FILIFFEItm, all sole., GENTs• isitonANs, Au., S.U. lifjpata),• CAITErtS, ItAL3lolt.ll. HAlTriltia, 111mMk-4 tti+licco AC. ' afj„ AU., " • BON'S CONGREISi '3AttElt.s, HOP"' (*ALP BALMORAL', 'BOTH' MItoCANS, AC., AC. INVANTM' BIiOES, all style++, IN LARGE VARIETY, Also, Boots and iihefea of hhi own manalitetare eunsistitlyun hand. All will be acrid at the- Itrwert living trtallta. Bu) en. from town and country, are Melted to ,all And es,,,ii++,• g...thr and prives before pur ,haaing elmewhere, whin contldent that I mai pkaaw all who may The 14A1elit'AL7/111Nli of Boot% filmes mod Galtera w4lltti,ol/01 , carricd on, In all 144, want*" mi Micro. Repsirlup Moto on short imetips. My 1 eampluNtog norm but dratccless wurltioima, stab 1 Indus Piale but the choicest leather. ho [mai twn tlderil of aesimseltnug Ws Moues zemitation. Corts4sAy without will Ls left uudeue intlesesva IL 77utokful for pant favors, h oolleita a can. ❑nu.mcc 14 pudic katraage. D. If. kifffia.l. thettylibaric. April/T.144 THE OLD FREIGHT LINE TO DALTIIIORE. E ." 44441 g44 1 -..unclitiiir L> Are • Freight Lint i 0 Baltimore; twine s weak. Depot-Sarner of RsMenial and Washington streets, kiettraphurg. Cant run to H ugh.* Emerwou'e,l2l North gtr.t, Manion.. Irmigfif ertrelwt math way. at the format rates. Tliv gatrinuure of his I )111, frlenda and the public .rHeliert. 0,.00a to beniarkerf alitirldtelr Line.,• . WM. K BIDDI.M. • st-Thr new Wnrehonne wlll son!, be up. when the undo fool Produce huhinens u . . 41 be earrhal nn 1.4 heretofore. lltghistyrtres now pall for Hay. Aprtl 17, 18ILI.. tf ANOTHER BAKERY. r h: undersigned has °petrol a Bakery at the corner or Waahtnaten and nigh farads, Bettye. bury[, and invites the public's potrunag, FRESII BREAD, CZEXCEiI CAKEP, PIRET7.EIB, &C. =ZEE= Hy using iiie hrst of ffour and otlo r materials. nut! dotug 111 a work we 11,114. hopert to give sati.fac Lion In ever r nom. Collat., o 54nd your order?. to the Itakery, ell.ner of Wttahltigtou null 1110 etTeet.,•oppnilte tit* Pernale Itt-ititute g Pu*% I= CIMPiTIAN 110F1q1.1N. A.VrIl 17, 114“ If DUPHORN&HOFFMAN, NORTH:WEBT CENTUEKQUARE (1 ETTYSB CMG. vntrzu.:l44 MUSLINS, DELAINER, CALUYIP:s. Q oniqu'R A m, 8 11.1. L 11012 AL SKIRTS, ITO OP Jai; J, /ITS, HA t'K INss, ft A W 7. 17 , COTTONADEN, 11L-4.CFC CLCtlliki. TRICOT ,CLOTIIA, FANCY CASSIIIERES 8 HOSIER); GLOVES. 'MURPENDERm, ooLLARf3,' JEANS, , ttt CARPETS, QUEENSWAILZ. EN / YDS AND YORK. U/SBRYLL.4s. WINDOW lIIANOL bo.v , r - ro 6.4C,7; .d CF. April 17, I. U ArCtION ! THE tnidleettEuiPt will dell pt stualuty. In room formerly occupied toy Mr. Oven.leer. In Ileltl more stedr4 • ET'ERI - NIGHT Dun MG COURT-WEEK, A Large Stoqc of ifotions, chstidstmg of Cotten and iraoten erly, Mart Oatabs. C.Earr, ' but kereitlufa, Bus pendia', litider-abirte and Driweis,lMM-Reels, esuief fitia•Of out a vartetsortitttOiartlcia*. 4.-..cuzood. that aro pot 1211 , 11111 be HUM "Utz• oatar&erve. • •ritvitcfrat & HOFFSIAM. April 17,1 414. • MIJIBERY. . ' od 1868. 'ssi JCitEAItY I.lla ja4 twltatit'‘d Wm ' u oily with slaw; drourkimmt of awing. 110.NNE2Ei AND HAtg: ty lc . 111 K Also, Bonnet Mut Nat 4Nnndnlrn•nM She latest styles, which, wlttren masarireent us thehionnble Fancy awl Toilet Goads, she Is darrattatatto sett at the very ',moil each ystarts.. Jaltkr;Y . -MADE D0..,5.:5;wrt3 kept dt aatal,atatl HOLUM:Abuttals to antes sattos siaatrst utak.,. Dl alnut% intypliost with gotta.; to aril again en the most tot °ruble tern/3,1144 Pattennt with in struattuus swat. April 17, lead. 3al drd. ti .cla 1 26 , 00 I on CD JAll . .ilttrigriz's Notice. ora *t e a., T ‘nstn, arrrtEn•stst.vrE,,re.tiorar oka- Ly tdirdstratfon with the win dn de zed -1364, ~ f laurtvf,ll l .4.ezlrailie,,Brzr . : ed co.. la • ea nat., to a ll peraonx Indebted to le to ikutke Inumeo late payment, and hinillg elolio4 agniiist the aajdv- to preselit thew proper. ly wr~ i L Es . ' - Ad ru:niAtrutrix 11.111, the will ani l ielod. April 10, 1-4 , . 61 -- 131:1 I :0 1 00 FOR SALE: • I , rtriere ‘vaie 20 4 MIMVPA,V VW' ":7 1 "' Inquire at the hank. ittalllo,lllB. EVR *de • sir tor ClWlTtike RIND OMMttNabe • tom VaLL ' quire of MAL Gettysburg, Oct. le, IPB7. t( • • • t W" GO to 111:1P1108S dt =MUNI% to bay rogrlVlWOrld,44: !DriioND, 5T4,24. * if 0,7:4 Ttif und.eudined has removed bi &Agar sto 113121 NORTH. MART COMMICROF THE DIABIUSTO 4&zTTaugay, ~ ~:. where L e wake a cOadlitheoen of the public'. pa • teonsite hie new lckstlon In one of the mold 4.1071111A1. MILD 49051117N1ENT, awl him stock of flevats nemeeeit the OHM dtb.llo4 und Nal armitgra' He Inn keep on hand the best 811.41.10.6011111 d iverrutforture for enteral skate througtentf the 4ml :en 44:LA a 44,14... I= Remember theylerribs. ttre OLOMPIIK, bet wee" Ihnnkerhotrs Store and McClellan's Motel. W.3J4H14141"0 1111:11,130W EA,, April 3, 18&. tf NOTICE_ G.I.VG.NLL'S .KILL I WILL Le In Ocity.loarg with FLOUR, &c., on evercillONDTF each week. Persons who rosy desire me to furnish them with either Flour or Feed atotrwill leave their onlers either with John L. Tote, or Danner & Ziegler, 244,4114 the kind awl quantity, when the 'tame will he delis nt their dwelling. I= March CHANGE OF FIRM READY-MADE CLOTHING. T HE undersigned, having taken the store of F. E. 11 . 0ki1ii, 7 ?u Haltkinhlfutruel.,l;esllulttug, Pa., opposite the "Igor &otiose' °like, respect • fully Informs his friends that he Is prepared to Ready' inad ' e ciovhing OF ALL KINDS, EREZ! MEI MEM DltA_Vi ERN, CARYL'S A*CICS, UMBRELLA& BUFFALO AND GUM SHOES, •e. All of wh1,41 wiLL•4e *old at LO VEST CASH lEEE F'ELANCIS CI: Vf\ 6HAM April 10, WM. NFIV -440 D B'. Cheaper than Ever. IiEBERT k. 'ELLIOTT, Opposite the Cbilrt.llo4w, CellustUrg, H A n y e tat openoll nro- And large sue‘ort- SPRING le SUMMER GOODS CLOTHS, , „ , CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, GINGILAMS, LAWNS, • PRIN7I3, BEREGES, MUISLINS, to which they Invite attention—being determined to ecli at the luweet ca.t. prices. April 10, Inn. ti B DRUG STORE, Forney'* old Stand—Baltimore sBlrecl, (;E9•fYSBURG, PA H " vurthsur44 , Lida old andronpularStand and laid in au en Ctre/y new and froth Stock offer a reillartrtnOnt, *at of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINEM PATENT M EDIAIIMP-A LANUS • ANKITICT- RENT. PURE LIQUORS AND WINFM PORIKEDIPIN AL, PURPOSEN. SPICER AND FLAVORING EXTRACT'S. DYES AND DYE STLIFFI3-ILOW &STEVENS' DYES, EXCELSIOR DYES, AND THE ANI LINE DYES-THE CHEAPIIST AND THIS BEST IN THE MARKET. ALL THE NEW AND ME-WIT PINIFTfIUiD3 AND TOILET AIiTICLEH. COLOATE'N, AND ()TITER Mt PETCICSti E:10AP8, ildilt BaUSIIES-AVOTII .Ufai4i4V3 from 5 to 56 centre. 1 1 0 kiNEY'ri- 11088 E POWDiriti- , THIC• REIV2 AND CHEAPEST; ALSO, ' , ULM'S, BELL'S. mrsigrEitsiAN. SToNEBRAKEIt'S AND nonEwrs'. • STATD3NtIItY Or ALL KINDS. (.7/GAMS...VDACCO A-ND SNUFF-M - 1E DRANDK. ANS' PRES. 4:R11'110rd APIDIFAMIX RECEIPTS CAAAVULLY I'OMPOUNDED. PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERPRANTS SUPPLIED AX ILEDUL'AD furnietllei ' vr ALL HOUIL4 OF TILE utar. 'Night bell at' Ifiedbort , • Apeil 3, lAN . tf I . EXCELSIOR lALLERT. PHOTOGItATTIS, Photo- Jlisiatures, & . ct, • Stereo,sco.pc, ,(6(' BATTt&FTMD,'" 8 TB A ROOt.OIIOMO, PHOTOGRAPH 'FRAMER, %I' , i ri A3lll -•4 lA , 4. 13t7,7431ki1E-113 • e ITEM= • 2 . 11 : d 1: 1 . A.VD AT OREATI.T REDUCED PRW1616.. - /a-We deal la nathlialpat Oa I . Pe..4.4414t11.*/*L C'll6B6,A4rffiXl4lf)(iii C. J. TYSON, Proprietor. April 3,18.3. -6 . 44 5 ,_ 4. l Flafti nLSCIII for ' t m and els. em- Ai=4o ON to managre d liA46lrs e of th r u y tt a ... 4rili t . be held, at the °dee of the Company, in Littler town, on MONDAY, the Ith day of MAY met, between the ltedaell Oro and bdd delock, P. 11., of odd day. MefiliEltßli, Secretary. Litilestown, April 17, ISM to CO U.NMY ;'ArEACOAJVTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, .4.7r7i °NIERS, anartas Ydrir AMER, DEEIMAX. BEAM lIWTTICIL, CHIME, SUCK WWUR AND YDED, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SPINA, DRIED AND I3REEN 1•1HrtlF1! •• DRAM, WOOL, CIKINL POULTRY, NAVAL STORRII4 • HOPS, OINSENO, 4 KRATHr BENT, PROVINIONA, • A . T° ll M4:9o4:*ltk f1011.0111711,1401.A.APEd, de., &V, de JOSIAH CARPENTER, Cement! Commis,lo4_ .11ercAamt, 442, 444 ik:A4A:Nhabbito) Street; NEW YORK CITY.- AAA melee hhi weekly .Prire Auras. at Pr►' duce and tirecerld, the moat emplete Price Cur rentiettglahed la the Vulted State*. Send for a Price Currant. Marking Plates and Cards), Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Eolubli4liea May 14, 1880 lIEFEIVESPYIS LIVEN WHEN RFC/t fitIVD. Iftreh V, IMx. ly TUE AST CROWNING SUCCESS, Mrs. 5..4. allen's EIZI:=0 HAIR .RESTORER. 12EMMEE CHM RA IR DRESSJ New Style, in One Bottle, Tat Nicm; will gatel.•ty restore Gnip noir to Its ustatal color and beauty, and produce luxuriant gtowth. t Is perfectly hartnlem, and Is preferred over every other preparatiou , by those Who have a Ilse head of hale, as well as thast , who wish to restore It. Khe boeutliel gloss and perfume Ite parted La ttui Halt make It &enable for old and 'Getup F.H. Sulc by all Ilrugektel. Depot„ U fireepwleh . struet, New York PRICE ONE DOLLAIL Feb. 2:4, 1864. flan !WRING AND SUMMER IMPORTATDINS 1868- RIBBONS, NighWet:y: and Mreur Good's., ARMSTRONG., CATCH & CO., Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, SONNET SILKS, SATINS & VELVETS. Blonds, Nets, Crapes, Ruches, Flower, Feuthers Ornaments, • HTRA W BONNZTS A IVD LAD/AV 11.41154 A'D CIVTRIWYXD, 141141. KER HOODH, &C., :37 and 239 Baltimore Street, B A IrMLUORE, ma+ rh. larvae gawka to be leand In this Coun try, and unequalled In choke variety and cheap ness , eomprislng the West Parisian novelnea. Orders sollAted, and prompt attention given. , April 3J an. Im• NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS ! Persons dr.irouot of ITEreorti ngnntl realizing nearly NINE PER-CENT.. are tlested to all at the Gettysburg National Bank, and obtain eirckdara of the Volans Papilla and gratis. .Thseo invgaiLinents ore Sally gruwipg In raver and sales Increlndnir Bonds can be had at all times at this Bank where all leformatlon ronexrelhg Raid Invest- meats Will cheerfully be Os eu. 'll' .;" 3.ktft,,Combler. I! UXIO✓Y P. 4 CIFIG' RAILROAD BONDS. TLH First National Bank of Gettysburg ID agent Ron the Dole of the FIIIsT MORT a•LOID USIDICPACIFIC RAILROAD SIX PER CENT. GOLD INTEREET lIONIN4, at psi and tattled. inirlatereat payable aennlvanttual/y at the counter. a AU neceau t ry I nformatl . w:t Own.. A fdrioAraioliou,;„bur Gettriberig,*rii.."llw, GOOD N 1 W& "tYP.l.tity - 107t1tDErit," GICITTESITRO, PA., lifsltirAtore ' andjuire dkriatte.Artioaeg a li g 2 trP:=MY z1 i tt01 4. :0.1=92 . d 'the p üblic gei!er,,ll.yr,ty. RE FELLS Cllr4r. Mil itoe3[ieci4litio i.t " ,„ • - • - ' , 91 1 9,P -rz? ._. Onls:cyairxths, ..OTI ChikM, : WILLOW AND QC •ENS-WARE FLOUR, CORN lIFIL, FEED. &C. - • ' .INrT6e comb or trade .irt tAgen for Floor. !Faille+ Alutttr, pow Lard, =ah la, 18AB, LI • HOME SUGAR-CURED HAMS Stetficiers' and &des • MUER. &MAU AND BOLOGNA. „ LIALIIPLEISCEL'e. • f f oeffi A , Ml,' if PALL STOCK, , DRY 000DS IttERINOR4, ALPACAS, DELALN,FA CLOTHS, CASSUIHRICS, JRA,NS, QITELVSWARE, the largest slork In th - e county Furntabed free. HARDWARIti mud Askilldlery, In an Its brunches, IRON AND NAILS, Will sell tiool*l nt prices 1,14.1,1NG COMPkTI ?lON. OtVe US it call and examine our stock Gettplbung, Oct. 4, 1811. tf Him Jaat reivlved a aplentll,l tossortment of Fall amt Wlntell9c . llo4+4, coiart.liag In part as MITI F pt. 27. 147. If 'E.:K . LARGLIST AMIIIORTIMF.NT OPTIN-W.IIIB (former Andrew Poller's;) also some of TILE REST COOKING STON'LIi IN iIAIIKE =I OLD DOMINION, Also, many other articles for Kitchen use, which Joni. 21, 11467. if ADAII3 COMITY AHEAD ! ? Martu/adured entirey y Leather, and tateelt Isratt than Collo& ur LIAM X. Pl', ser vice wenerpossed. Rat HURAHOLDER, WORLEY It„ .. IRVIDIT. J. L. WORl.RyM i tgelst for the EXCELSIOR PArkH 'l",listkanotoOsistiv, 1 Ll'lleogdantly on hand mama...lured Nets of II the above Patent.. !boo, BA WA i ItNiFt; CULLA ttS, WHIPS, TRUNK -4 1 maetlicers. DELIA ANI EVERYTHINiI pertaining to a Horse furuiskink eatublioltuastly. Sar.M.O.INTH WANTED 'tetiel TerrltOry far Patent Nets, also to sell Nets on comtnbutlon the county. All ommuunleatlons should be ad dressed to J. L. WORLEY, York snlphur Sprluas, Adams en., Pa.; April 1, it.s. tt Me aidlees* leerporiee -__ P 40.7 Good and Confeetioneyy More. rinig undersigned. Iniviltu boded out J. Ni. x Wattier . oi Favry Gouda and Confertlunery more, on Baltimore street. nearly opwalle Fah nestutdrat. More, Gettysburg, Invites the publk , p palreetage. barge idol LiUst.4ll,l an t114..t. k blin been, nu elnirt will be spared to render R mill more attractive and dunkranin, .lic,nou Wrens ! Writint lie.k*, Plain Crindy, Work Oozes, I. uney do., Portloaltak _ Pick k les. iirdthes, -' . r . I;oett 1 . 27 e ry, enney Walre;l, Jewelry, Fereua eraelters, CTS. Wino ittwoite, Brindle*, • , 1 1 i ,bw ne &WWI, reIISWIL, (Adam, Writing Pryers, Fruits, "Eneeltvpin, N tan, ' Tolstoi:on: engine, Syrup% ' fn.. &a: As.. •• • .I•6ol•lnigEllitirg l'Cr')igrrricis.- Ile Intesuta Mat evurythingat the /faecal. Po.- table prices, benefit:fifths! **tuff malts- hrhaf "quick Mies" and are therefore beet for buyer cad welled. Oalatsca A. It rEifcrEt.. makilth 27.18 tf GROCERY & FLOUR STORE. INSeifd rdi MEALS nRCIIIER El *NS tin ' ennonnit their Mow tt. tbs•Kiinstedt Iliiionpositr, on Chanibenlionn‘atrunt, Whim! Wny pmegmnins l elltenl. eonstinuly eirl and ALL oP GROCERIES.;' -PMEtr, !Wit, Notions, &e. Also, VEGF:TABI.D4 in season, fresh Gram the city and country. They are let...mined to sell cheap as the cheapest, MI they only ask the Mated 14vag mai!, isope,to merit and reeetve a Ilbentlere of pub c patronage. MEALS a IIRO4 April MIN& tt Littlastinnk adage tostitntica ‘, rr IigAICTION for SEVEN DIRECTOftft, to nm!nattn thenAntre of ette4vri t tplv,reiz 0 &,IZfori:Littlestotert. on VIM DAYythe sth day of MAY next between the bourn of 10 A. M. and 2 o'eloek P. IL of said dny. JOAEPI4 L. tsttOßit, Prentdent. Llttlentworn, Awn 17, VOL to ALSCI * PE tkilatneet, Mobalm Alpal•an, Luatrt_.% De Lovelo, S itk& ta roper laded Wilted nee the nv.. - WM "WWW, FAHNESTOCK BRO'S. havejo,t rolsivett their NEW NEW ME the hugest In the eountyloclitelet Ingot IM)P 1.1 Nil, MUSI.MS, GINOR A Mfl, 'Pt A Igls'ELS, I'ALIOFI 4 , aq4, = crautTs, a larseateaa and Yeri clamp BHA Wl:4, all kinds and prices. ' and :t erreheap =I I= OILS AND PAINTS SIGN'OF THE RED PONTR. J. L. SCHICK, 801'71141'MT CORNER OF C KfIJCR SPFAKIL = FRENCH NIEItINOFSI, •LL 'WOOL POPLION, =1 1116NLAR8 PuPLIN4. EMPRSI43 CLAYTIIii, AI.I. WtNJL PLAIDS. BLACK AND FANCY filLlOl, LANNI' (WARING CLOTHI4, = I= ELANNEL9 IN GREAT VARIETY, .11LEAtAILD A NI? . Al Nt1:81,1;;R, I=l CARHSIERETTS AND F:A !IR LAINFIF YVIIN IN IiREAT VfItIETY MAN& All rerocimest, WEEETIA ITAMMERMIIIEFS, COLL. 4. FIN STATIONERY AND PERFUMERY. TIN-WARE & STOVES. IN Tkil: CtIUNTY, AT S. G..COO.K''S, among which are the COSIPROIIISE, PENNSYLVANIA NOBLE COOK, ECOYOMIST, BARLEY HU GAF, .11c will be sold ue low sw at any ether place In the county MEM The A:m*lor littegt- PI26YTICH FEHRICAItIf 18TH, 18138 LET ALL THE PEOPLE COME! MORE LIMNING A! BRZYKER/AFPg. Sl' A If' Kf4 O F' Ri if F. M ! _ j li!,.l , t. r i . , ;x 4 y, rt wit i ) , kj . ); , ..r i. ,; , r n ,g , s!:.i p i. !4 , , rT; , , ,i . 7 i with all7muttually attmetiv.• su*ort Ihrtat M . CLOTlll2lebleoll WHIN° • NtllllllEl4 'OMAR. \ wlik6 hi. W wit at ouch prices all ambito!, bit La lake them o vrry rapl , ll). 0(11 and judo. , for murodboo. InOk at the ottrAlimt toolorittl, taat..; _rui cutting. ml nvatand fitit.lauAla) ocalna, and then trr 'et lb 111JOW prloo.--onllorwrOlthOt hell, blotto", iota% tbelkoott It bo otock to tbOr IOUs:- tot to do on. . . 114 . 1asa Coals. Poeta, Trota,of all styli and noL• it ii:r.,Llnota and Phor.O4 • attnik k et an 1L141 4 / 4 II ern LlLL'Ankandb*. Ch len., .4 eck•tiett,Cravatkl.lnen e nd `ewer L'ul laTgitlok V d allnv B Umb74llf. '"m i t 'ru : Acrt - 111 Ve..../ 4 0- r4Ohntlking utNelimrlitic 701,4,..*Ncit''IpeP,M,a -0", r Or ''• - ViOCRM% Vntrll. Jewelry . m I n Ilvomnir r na MA ciso other artieln4' LolLlon \ . too nanorunololli• \ Loll Inn orsonongwr o,d‘qrtt,,,,, , , ifo-aokiLthr Fitton/16n of thr ant, rIS 'hhl new Aden& that It will rtraime 'ail no qtr = ll tr 171 . 1 1 1ne1l rhenix•r. rh 11 I !, r• . ill,. doe • ammo of York street *mil the'lii„, .1 1. ( 4 4 . ty*Ourg. Jitrott rtimm . iiol o . Airrarrosso. It CHANCE OF Flux. , • ' • /1111E,t Pt e oialeca a lanea havv - lvatoal 4.aralaa IN. !Int ino r of Pitt al Mt 01444 :11111l - MO, /0 liett)obasig, a hart. WAV atiavarla' OS tht, Grain and Produce. BiJsmess ' la all Int bninaboi. Ma Mewed Niels wItI &- way. An. ixtid for Whtnt, lAirst,..4,Mti.4.l4lkur and lime by tierda, lanoMd, 1411111M,Hev inad Driod Fruit, uts, nuap,linnut.ilkonblnta and HMOs, Petal..., *111..., erythills ela. It. the country produce line. Groceries, of all kinds conkftfrntly on Anal and ftkr oolo—Vollto.ot, R. IL4 r s4.B 4lt i tie.i . kT " ftritrt ' Vrk 's4 .ol l :l . eiry rib r tlatrig lS , Weeps, 44. Iltott 011.,./loh OIL Tar, ay. /4811 of onrktkiktoi out! :Unit Kin, k Ind and 4`1104,1nd ttibkookoo WI mealw l4 /11.1111 MU attrolr,alke Uti le of Flokkr, Illk 111Worekk t Icltolk of 1,41. Also, sonkt Platen t, ',nth tentknon 5un . ..1410r fertilizers.VOA!. o b,l Iknoikol, ton tor tot] 1,0.411. U'ik ploo run Lines of Freight Cori: to ri "leech rrtrer t. 2 . 1 %V 71!461aF, an 4 All Mot kel of rout, I.ALk/.1.111A. All itoeato real, to th either ~t e ph,.. wlll lrooeie ed utul 'ulilmrdva PT"mPtIY. tloodA phould IM marked cur.' ItiNNltn R BRO r kgrIllo,1:16.1, 1.1 IticOOVNICK'S MOWEIIS L'Ell.S.' large ATV! only GOO MF,TiA , OF Molooll,lllig Mierrautlng Marbleise, alp& Agra F rotation of the erpatt of-tile 1 Ijustt was ass elided td evitill H. girIYItIAIICK, elver all 'taut opotppilloni, al Alio parlu Il4Plue Wei In pc; Thi s wan net one or the ordinary Golil .111tvialsdigkrtiouleoLtoot her exbilttionyieti. one of the IitEVEN L At kill 1. 1.i4 larger and mare VtiTuahle. uwnnhtl IMP* 10 oaten an telt.* nit In theestimation of tits Jury 0,041034‘104.1 scowl, extraordinary mark of dlidinet len he their sit parlor eget itetwo, wet ki-w Ige rate., Ind ILLUSnr , 001 1150113 The e 1110.4 of lite geriii en rh PolaelOtow 1014 'rm. nem 411.11011ia. .1 to to.irly TEN I 11111 3tri wrallek A bros. are now Neva/in% a large ly ilierituod ttttt ulker, adh away. .oaproWoolAw d•ro. roarrii.x, tor lite ... 0 11 of 1-11.. Chu hint,. ikrepopn kir nut OW) 11,11‘1100 titer Wee e.auitribul• m 1 on enfrool In its 11 , 1‘ • - I.IIIIVIpIt • ore ut Ole fotaliladt or nil the nill/w iiiiielitnes In the .sointry,willi Mower lip, untiliiiiialions-e betel" to t i,,, s „ ..f lio and Iliti .l i.' nre token nand rt 1,111411W11•01. 11.6 the,hll2.l* ,'w ilt 141111,4 , fir Tww-thri.41...1 oppon.lleur thltf esireati. .11e 1,1111 W. au,. a iw.clitt...,-4011 611, the) . base. et,Air.,- •..t e. ti 1,0% gel N hire • trodultv, ea.t a di 04 00 nlll , ..,,100 h no,ll.notr. • nlnpnrloon In I balleag•II 11111 all ail .•I 140. otitvt.lol.! onn rnef!rm rile! .1111 r 11Y1111r .d• tliltsth• e. ili vii no tin. ankinnit !inn nol n.l k the'' will 410. Tile eittnetnetureni SU) to lln .00 know tlialr anteroom, l erake a mashine hist les It to your sallslitellon Cl/rout...li the hors oat a ail t 4.111,) other Mat-bids yon ran taut, and 'keep wttleheser you Ilk, teat "—wtO4,llll.lOUL are fleVoroalot dlt Itr mt . 1111.1 the teuelebte thus wake is the beg Ir. Ik. esustew. The aulawrlbur Is Agent for ant sails of the Mr• i'rIRMICPCMMTPTC4 A:111 11F:61 . R1D4 In Adams mull:pink counties. Pa e nial will bin pleased, toitiNw nil .b!lilenul tufo:meth,. ileidriml. Two • •liftliw inautiraugensil, al Moo, r, unlln Mon Ll' guild RP.11 , 01 . Ext rth, urn kept nn band Icy the beat, Who w 1. ilt i t tmuute In attending anY repairs maxi eel—Lot breakages vet y ritrels never. J MIKE E11411•1114M., .I.leunt no. ht. A aril lA, Inky, !hit. Important Discorery.L Tit r•. POUTER EMI [Copyright , MEND, " alt CHICKEN P M 1,044. ) _ ♦ ,lIICTAIrI MIR AA • IMPEE IN CHICKENS ANIETVIMEYS. • will pigment awl eartpelliliCEN 41101.11CRA, uud ulber Mews*, tvuuuoY to Poultry . , wlllptomet•son Ineremesof Dlreutl PRICE uat 4ocKompany_.s CEN lo4,rackgo. M 4. MLLE annexed ale• few of the orrtiilostsw I have 'received fn proof etthe "lint Vilna and enicatr of the Poulterers' Friend : CAttuo [Witt more 00. Mal, Ikertpller litti7. )Issas. Clot worthy .t tientlemen :—I have "hied van , ..Poniteseys. Ftlend" :Spun .• broad of young ebleaueas that luta the gapes, at nut happy to any that by th, cue of • Saw doers they wore entirely cured. It will cart:dilly rare We gap. when utied acerwd lag to directions. . 'ZOOM Ite. GEO.. ILiataLAN A'sl , satruf, Dla., Feb. Ttb,lBl6. 4deura.(lotworty t ; Oentlpmen:—l lIELN sold all the "PuUlt.rrYle "Wend' . 1 rreelved from you lust Atartst. 7be poultry In the surrounding country war dy lplt ver) tut IA It h ..11.01, ".. netnunieuded your “Poultartaru' andwi for sal eaukl tenon, It lout WO% en a cute for the disease. Hespeelftilly, W. It. 410000.110 t 11A4ritiolt,E, Feb, 2d, Ittft. Iftworit.nottrottb, & be, r .Cirst :—.11,y weilt 4)./ng V,t7" fttat - w•lth What my ncil.itign4l “fhltskt Cholera. - 1 won Indlleet‘ to try your - Ittalterete lend," ..Id It worked Ilk , riwtto. / vse It Mt abetted. ithtt It fUretti Mottle !hut wergfthlrlt 4 1t.I t tar r Z11:1 2: ! , ts Ntte , r a e r !nY iti o 46.oP - b. DittUIRIX ...4.;rottl Warner Niti. • firliorlek ro.. i • . Julio Sib teat 4. Messrs. Clotworflty Itultluayre: uentletnen: The wonderful eareitwttlett Aitro 6441,urti.va liiP/r ,"Rouiwnv a' Cfak Dia fall IA Interl att Who I ' Poultry. A grant:- IMMO( Shia ideality ishallstwa exp•triatemleg ote = w as with the 'oe. lie tried ytour "Mut- Mend. nOetallingta, W. Afttettentb awl It had the desired eilect 10 deatroyliggtha Aural. effectually n 'seeing the at once. gine* !tovs , p m, t . ntLT! eel la tot St. suet kaibom It la of It eelndly lark:Sillitg For sate by A. P EuulUltateuit. TirPTll.r.n, Gettysburg, TI and atanutuetured 0013 by. CIAIrWoItTIII & co., :Tv Balt linoru St. iimatmoity, Mb. it.r.k arge t lit /Aetna t ittea. neeauat allaawed wise puralim..4 lomt CAUl'lllii..—Sho public are entatteatd.allailtat any ahnliur pi - clam:Wow,. only tlytuoithy A tea's arritranine. • NOTICE , - undernigned. baytiin.thipoo.nl of his en.' 44 1 ,r.4°,';vc411644,=,c„„P4,11,Vgiiier:7. notine,frOta burtimlllll. teg4rats kts •enpai tortlit• liberni paroling. , ent...i dot to I 11/14= ma many yeass, nogis.oto /rig Merida to /sntitloon -t,tteit 4.lllra:sage oi the ola stood. with hi, Mitinimior, Mt. Ciihnirrichnon, Wk,otin l_ L cortltalis coonottomi to Ws oputiornot of fire pult,•• Ti r t '10;:(1. April iO, IR9I SL . • • t 44S:r NOTICE. ft M. petimui fielebted to the late firm Qf 21_ CURDY 8. will pleueelykli stollfeOlet If nut paid before the 101 of - Dow - 0 We. the MOM will be left Witte bands Area °Meer-kw epliee. Übe, a lthout ieftenlje Meet/H.I3Y Oel.ll. LW. K • • '• •• e 4 fit toe,' Notice. 1 1- it'AV.—Letteia art t•rum ell, late of Readirlg tarp„ Adam. on.. deord., ha , . log twen granted to the uoanttgad, pagimag the tlaxsue townwittltrinelseeeby rm. notice to nll persons Indebted tuanid eatate to ntaltatinlnledinto pavinenti mud those hiving elaktni n=lnat the Lipatml Pgr raltr "'""'''"' 'AMAt a grtllEltT, • April 11, 1 Me. ildtutigatrator, ' &ecutoy* Atice. rxtvi toTATE.—tetters teat*, It lboatarrof itilreoktuPot Metter H pail; amp, Z o tg t i t i trianta t Z 3 nothip, itisuo t t 6 cotzty• eiktositlinirli&t, tont 104,1^019 0 , lot ‘ k 2 INIOrf,. Ais notieft _to all ',crowns Indebted to ludo att.* to mast trimitaitete'- Payment, and thole luifittit cl4,tuu , simian!. ato Lone Precut them mpg!, ttiallirti petted Ibr .44‘1, , merel. • '' KM% April I, Iltl%. et Execataix's Notice. J 7 OetftPll L. slt DALATlL—Lettere feels toeuittsy ARA am mete etkoteptt k itoottbh Lut4 31. , u caw nt townebtp, &Wee ee u isty. detral., having been crested. to the reekllott in the sante toarnsltlft gives notice to all foeseny indebted s o r Isto to make lotutedlatte Perhath Mid h„„ ing auto. against the same to Preeinst ern prep,MT authentleafed for settleotoett• . ANN J4N.E . 4111 A pllll7, IRK = s. - - A • w takiniS THE Gettysbunrionnitrek nwet for twain and drill o. :tj • • SNlNtelag further ordcnt. f• - • r . mue,atodto Pr" B " t ' at m 4 s. • nesettlele, ,IVON,Pnoun unn, abliencitrgPftmel , us etta beBa d V l3 4 BY-1 ,001- Amman Weiner n/ the Jan in Ipie tri"l.4lolfrENOOlkaillrV • LtiME 'IA101 6 ; 4 1114 qt 1.11 1 4, price,auz los 0.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers