fit fet4l4ini 17LILDAlf, APRIL lL MIL 01011 WHIZ Caw OF CUM ifiApru, gather together all the leach edand uniesebea ashes, and the dropping of Mb poultry house, and under cover mix thoroughly and incorporate, ready for tme. About the 25th of April or first of MAP, drag the ground all to pieces, amtillticm 'dug It overage'''. May Bth to 10th; drag agaillind mark the rows four feet apart each Way. May 10th to 14th, pleat seven or nine grains in a hill. Wlnt two Wpm girls to drop the seed at the Intersection of the runs, one man can plated three or four acres per day. Cover one loch deep. Immediately after planting, before the corn sprouts, out with your compost of ashes and home minleguano, and drop from two to four spoonsfull on each bill. As soon as yon can follow the rows nicely, go 111 and cultivitte both ways. All the stare crow you want In the field Is—your self. Thin out to live plants In a hill, When the corn Is four or live inches high cultivate and weed and hoe carefully with a bend hoe. Theo cultivate as of ten as once in ten days until It Is too large a/drive a horse among. Never hill corn up ; its roots need ail the heat of the sun to perfect its growth. As soon In It is in tassel, go through It with the corn knife, and cut all weeds close to the ground, so as to let In the air and ann-shine to mature the crop. Sep tember 10th to 20th, cut up and put about twenty bills in , a shock. October Ist to 15th, husk and crib. I have in this way raised 1,1 58 bushels of sound ears on 11S acres, and heavier crops per acre on annallar plecre. Try my melba; and report progre ss in the Agra—Rural New Yorker. Way POTATOF-9 SHOULD BE PARED Tlim.—Aardentitlc writer says: The feet is, almost the sole value of the potato is near the surface, so a thick peel would take the largest part of the nutriment. Thisla at once made obvious by examin log •thin slice of panto with a micro scope, when the starch granules will be found lying in great numbers in a belt just under the skin and decreasing to wards the center. They are placed here for the nourishment of the young sprout which springs from the "eye," and width being like beauty, 'only skin deep,' is required to go no deeper for its ger minating process. This starch is, for all practical purposes, the entire nutriment which the potato contains—there being only 2 per cent. of gluten while 75 per cent. is clear water.' If it is worth while to : eat the potato at all, it is Obviously_ iktOikh to throwaway the nutriment and atve only the water oells. „EARLY CULTIVATION OP ROTATOCS.— Mush lober mar be saved by runntiag a brush harrow over the gr'Ound Just tus, the shoots are breaking through. This will Malik the Whole-surface of the ground, and is equivelant to a good hoe ing.- A week or ten days later, go be tween the rows with a cultivator, and if the young shoots are covered deep ly with dirt, it will not harm them. The early, sorts will only need cultivating once or t*lee more, and this can be done by horse power. Early and frequent cultivation makes cheap potatoes.—Ag. How To Owr Bmi CROk.B.—As a rule, farmeri are more anxious lie get big pri ces than big crops. There are few farms whose average production could not be doubled in every short time by more cap ital and labor. It is safer to use capital in farming than In almost any other bus iness" The credit of the plow Isquite as good as that of the loom or the anvil, and the capital will come if it is culled for. Use more manure, and get thirty bushels of wheat where you now get fifteen, and - eighty bushels of corn where you now get forty. The quantity of grain grown per sere is mainly a question of manure and tillage. A big compost heap makes a full grain bin. With high manuring, the soil needs deeper stirring and a grad ual' bringing up of the suhaoll to the sur face. With the present horse harrows and cultivators, nearly all the cultivation can be done by horse power, at a great saving of expense, and a great Increase or Ehe Crops. Plan for big crops this sea von.—Agriculturist. REMARKABLE ESCAPE.—The following beats all the stories of remarkable escapes which we remember ever to have meth ; y On the passage of the ship Alesran dtil-frona .New Orleans to New York, , a young lad, about fourteen years of age, horn & naturally frolicsome and a p stalacblevoos disposition, became so trou blesome in hlranks that he was /threatened by the captain, If they were continued, that be would confine him in a water cask. Our youngster took no heed, however, and at his next offense, was put In the cask, which was headed up, leaving a large bung-hole for the admission of air. That night the ship encountered a violent storm, and in a sudden lurch, the cask containing the boy rolled over into the sea. Fortunate ly; tbedssk struck bung up, stud floated about for thirty hours, when it was thrown Iwo the beach at St. Bias.— Herb the boy made desperate efforts to extricate himself from hie position, With out Intheess, and in despair , gave up to dia. some cows, however, strolling on the beach, were attracted to the cask,! engin-wafting around It, one of them— It being II y time—twitched her tail In the bong i*, which the lad - grasped with a desperate resolution. The cow bellowed, agd.ti m , for 411fe, and after running tome two hundred yards with tke cash, Week it modest a log on Abe Amick and knocked it to smash. The lad woo 'discovered by some fishermen on Abe Point and taken to Apalachicola) where, • ion& eollectiou being made for hint, her totamskbled to proofed north by wayestertlitatiboa." Gam Xiiiiiionn has written an admi rable letlincemtbe Governor of Texas, In whist tielakea the side of elvil rule as egatpat end in preference to Otitis,, MIL Wire nOtleeln it somejust and liberal seritlerants: "I have been accustomed to believe that bentiments of respect or dia. leireet% Vnt fitelingt of affeaton, love, or batted, no lamas not developed Into acts ,11)11111111114011 of law, were matters wholly beyond the punitory power of human W hined'. I milt welptaiq that the entire freedom oftiStrflitht Ind tpeech, however indulged, is consistent nithibilankikni expirations of man, and ttil~:9lMitltion of hterace.„ :11 lI thepsiothigie wed duty of any and every altlitteiAarVettleshilag, to publish IdkViilliht fearlessly on ev-, err orielition - rehleh be thinks concerns blot%rl,asssl. Tbie Is merely la accor dance wtth the principles of our free Gov ernmenk eatitrxtedtker.yownot I should slab to Ilveundimsny-other, •It is tins, AOC* AIWA& Oriiiittooilhiee .7 - e43:6 lbw, war, we • should t awri= 6l What trinniter of people nit t lentir t tend minsatotheittnece tinTe 'nii)r, biretta& kiapieniarriews:o" •'"' ?Ma /few York Agnew thlnke-that pomp; hike have suddenly Ask speasturiftbetir,band On her a "''-'77$*4 0 1118.5"11111" ' man to ralo4A '• the bests. squ; , th e a*, yoe mike him your limy. ro ro 1/0. . - GEORGE . 4.IINOLD Has now opened a lase Stock of CLOTHS. CAS -81.211!t8 Unit , itsAvr..mertz curritxxCe mostly of his own ntsnueseture, consisting of all mimes Of COATS, • • PANTS, -r • SHIRTS, VESTS, D. 1 4AW410,. CRAVATS, Hosiery, ne.; de., at inlets to suit Ito • imea examine and judge foe yourselves. Nov. tow. tf ROBERT 4i,COBEAN R AS Just received a sow PIPPO' 41 • , Hats, Claps, Boots and Shoes, of latest styles, for Whiter Usk which he selling at radiated price.. He Mao maaaha tures and repairs HARNESS OF ALL KINLkS, 47 . promptly and on reasonable terms. ' Halters, Whips, Thinks, Tallow, Tobacco, - gars, and a great variety of Notions always on band. 0111 at the old stand on Chambetsbarg street, two doors west of Buehler's Drug Store 14-Tho hlglies price' wlllbe paid for all Janda CM= Jan. it, 1809. tf BARGAINS I= INTTIW C+EOC.MILY ix as ' JOHN atm & MON AVE opened a new 011,0CHRY: in Gettyie bn:Lqu h t . h v e e Logn-wir i t r z a rnzr fr o n f c gli Public Marcmeta of FREW 4 , • , GROCERIES, =Ww:3'4ocnial°tlW.l°=s,llre. Also, QUEENSWARS, CONFECTIONS, Nate, Frults,_ Scope, Fancy ArtSok,. and Notions generally. We wlll also keep on hand FLOUR and FEED-STUFFS. Having purchased for CAS, we are prepared to sell very cheap. Give us • call and Judge for yourselves. JOHN CFMNIFI, J. W. =OM. Sept. 27, 1867. U FURNITURE. SHEAFFER & BECKER, PETERSBURG, (Y. S.) PENN'A., Are prepared to agar to the Public anything In their line as cheep as can be had In the noway lirPore4sers win do will to call ♦od 'suable our *oak enure buries elsewhere. FURNITURE made to order. laparralig done neatly, cheaply, and Icith dispatch. Jap. 2A, 1268. tt CANNON'S • MARBLE'WORKS, On Baltimore 13.rret, opposite the Court-Rouse, , •SITIBIVRO, PATNA' 4. Every description of work executed In the FMB:ST STYLE OF THE ART June 4, Ugh tt LEWIS STROUSE Ilas bought back his Id stand,on Carlisle street, and he going into buliness again heavier than ever. He asks his old friends aud the public to call. NCYrIO . 4 .7" A , i j 2 1,, T0E R0C 44,.. : teßcriois, SE , &C., IC., n large variety, and a little cheaper than the cheapest. Don% forget the Owe—nearly oppo site the Railroad Mathis. Gettysburg, Oct 11, Idtl7. tf WM. C. STALLSIETH & SON, GETTYSBUIiG, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, Are prepared to do all kinds el Carpentering —contraetang and erecting buildings of all kind., Repairing, Ate. They keep conatantlion hand end manulnetare to order, DOORS, SlitrTrEittry . musots . ssoz, noon AND wnmow FRAMED ',CORNICE. DOOR a WINDOW BRACICETB, And any etberArtildiela the *Mins Line. Seamiest material awatantly oa 'hand, expo- liellol3l/ workmen &Inn"' In readiness, and work • ezee~td4 irith sirorden promptly attended to. Etejt, 20:1, ISC7. LI Nritt SADDLER SHOP. • , 2 N the 'atilt:l=ore" street, Oettyoterr s , Pa k ds —Co W mgaisatlrqn inad. Or made order. ali RIDING RADGLIIES, WAGOE *SADDLES, CARRIAGE HAREEMS. DiA'CGSITI4RARS. SIDING BRIDLIR, b ODLLABS, PLY -112T8. I=l Jane 91,1N7. If CHEAP FOB autEn _ N ig"f9lLTt -1 ; 1 4 1 KM - Vil: LIVITORR, &C. The undersigned hem relaxed to tietlyenurg, and red a Any an ... ailtlinirenerl. oar to tina Poet. rt 4crase, when= he offint li giAT. FOR CASH, a large and choice easortment of arbOtribl.— SUGARS, COMM - Tit" 1401.41A143, Ara- UPS, SALT', AC, w4t VISE, SAIX).?7, LASD, 4C. 4Jao, Liquors,— WINKS. BRANDLIFY, GINB.WHISKIES.RUMB, - • and everything elm In the Rne rt , 4 Also, any quantity ootleete, to suit any and everybody. - Recollect this la the piece to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. April it, OEO. F. KALBFLED3CH. ' - LAWRENCE D. DIETZ di CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS ng - FANCY HOODH ,I3O-,••••• , i , rre •-•3 • °.,•••• '..44,11011111=1t' _ TALI Nig L1N13.44.1.1.g .44 1 ~BARK,!, 1,100 _cops WEED! THE SVIECEITBER WANTS BLACK OAK BARK, for *bleb he win PAY Pt Se per toed, on delivery, to good otder,at his tonyard, In Gettysburg. Wanted alma, ROCK OAK BACK, Ibr which the butte et eimerecee prim will be when. JOHN RUPP. Feb. 14, !>b& Om TINAVAILE 41 'ROM. THE LA WEST ASSORTMENT OF TTN-WARS 1' TIFF 001114771 A! S. G. 0 0 S (former Andrew Polters) alsoineseef ram Baser COOKING novas IN HAIM: . among which are the OLD DOMINION, COMPROMISE, PENNSYLVANIA. NOBLE 000 K. ECONOMIST, Lundy saw. AA Aim, many other articles for Nathan nee, whkh \wltt be sold ea low mat any other place In the county.. 8. O. COOK. Jeme2d, tf , FIRST :TIONAL BANK OF GE*7SBURGI. Notice to Holderi , of 7-80 Notes. Let, jell, yhef i peivilego`of eonvertfog the Anima 7-e0 Notes expired, many \ feWsone who ne- sleeted to maven Into 540 Bitola, °AIM', font the premium and the privilege of cony nig. It will be the same with the 7.W. m In Jane and July next, If not disposed of In t This Bank will gather =mat, or purchase, the 7-SD's, allowing premium end interest. E720=1 HEAD-QUsIRTERS, At NORRIS' sToKr., is the plate to pt FALL £ WINTEB GOODS CHEAP POE CASH. IF you want a cheap Over-coat, go to .I , lOltHaP- I. IF yon want a good cheap tolgoll-oost, go to NORRIS.. IF you want a good Zveirday cost, go to IQ ORRIS, IF you want a good pair of Pan s t: t MUM. IF you want a good camp Vest, so te 'IMAM Trion want s FABRIONABLE 'HAT ire to Nbitallr IF you want a late Fall Style Ti NO4p; so ' F you want • good Pnlx of ao: :: 24 1n o IF you want • FAEIRI9I,I6I3I=in r you want a good French Celt Getter go to liditliair IF you waut a good Umbrella, go to NORMS IF you want good Paper Collar& go to NORRIS' IF you want a fashionable sull:fwmr IF you w ant surythlng In tlas Oentlemsn's Line, go to NOKRLW. I F yon pant agof)dfilifOßE, . f ,go to Nosat.s, I F 4:3o o 7 want good HEAVY lijr1:11.3:1,40 Also—A large dock of CASPIMNBXS IN THE PIECE. Fellow preferring the goods to Ready made Clothlng eau be accommodated at the low eat cash price. TIIEO. C. NORRIS. Oet. 11, HIM tI FREBII ARRIVAL DRS o. o .7z) s FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Store of A. SCOTT & SON. Their stock amulets of MERINOES., all 4yles. DELAINEB, , all styles. CALICOES, all styles MIIBLINB, all grades. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES at 11l styles sad quality. Persona wanting- GOOD GOODS and GOOD BARGAINS, Should not SW to go to the Store ot • A; fIOOTT BON, Clismtenbarg street, Ind Square, Oct, 11, 114e7 , G ettysburg, Ps. 5 . 40 WrilaPaS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, Ilammiss• 111 mall bine email% ACROSS THE CONTINENT, ARE NOW COMPLETED. VIZ MACK BILIDO LAID ADD 111ALWA DDIMIND With!!! Ten Miles ,af the Summit OP TFIE nocxl motarrAnrs. The proepeet that the whole GRIND LINE TO THE PACIFIC WILL BE COMPLETED IN MO, was never better. The means eo tar provided for coratrriction have proved ample, and there Is no leek of funds for the most vigorous proaeen non of the enterprise. The Company's FIRST 2dORDWitE, I !ONDS are now sabred at PAR. The" pir SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, and have thirty Yeats to run before mattering. Subsertptions will be misdeed In GEITYS BUBO, by GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK and FIRST NATIONAL BANK, and in New York at the Company's Moe, Na 20 Nassau street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL RANK, No. 7 Naa• mu street, CLARK, DODGE t 00., Bankers, No, 61 Wall st., JOHN .1. CISCO d SON. Bankers, No. 51/ Wallet, and by the Company's advertised Agenta throughout the United States. Reerdttaneee should be made in dmita or other funds par in New York, and the bonds will be sent free at charge by return express. ,Partles subsertbMg through local amen* will look to them for their safe delivery. A NEW PAMPHLET AND YAP, showing the progress of the Work, Rotuma. for Construe- Lion, and Value of Bonds, anis be obtained at the Company's Mom or of Ito advertised Agents, or will be sent free on application. MAIN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Feb. M, NM. tf FIEICIO IRON-Ml-4RON rffat' GETTVERURR FORM! aohseethsts IRE public they Dove twi l t ill attabieetio with their ReasibElliotad ars aaN asonainetrln rEtßic:..l •1 mach as MOO, Honroshas and init bad. sad re -2s invite itlackmatthaaadataatews loess era illy eall, feeling eattallai that EitAwlll be able to plait* as to quallty, Satoh mid lia/NREA.Iit Ji WARREN. N. R.—Ths highest Wolin! prim paid tor wrought and wrap Rosa. B. It W. • • Deo 17. IWO the WM. to odl iodic* the ye do* OW What elt ihtl fla 03 , di/4101Rn. (1 112 " 1311 u:igi" M:oked* l M6!'l mr 26 "b . v_r _andiMsn4 WO CORDS OF two CORDS OF OEO. ARNOLD, Cashier SOLDIERS' PHOTOGRAPO.A4Ma LAMM , '00 . 1174N10115, TO2LEI2I SETS, WEffING DESKS, PERFITAIERY, Fasay Obis sad Bohemia* Vase', TOTS, ike.'lll, AT A. R. FEISTEL'S, OppcSdte lishaestais' Mere. Gettysburg . 'Web Sr. INS.. GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE undenhened has bought out his &emu partner, Wm. Chasm, and now continua" the 144:COMV14:100:04:teliajp1 r;:fii hlmmetf—at the Gettysburg Lime Yling, on the corner of the Batlrood andN. Thlinidol for punt patranowa, he will endeavor to deserve its continuum*, by prosecuting the bust nes* is viliorowdy sad au as lane s sesta as pos. title—alwort selling . good article and giving wood measers. Farmers and others may look for the prompt glllag ot ardims. He also mai:ma the COAL BUSINESS, Miming the most popular kinds. Hoorokoopms *Sul others should give him a coll. Bluckuulth Cot constastUy on hind. \ Lime •nd Coal delivered anywhere in Get- JACOB itESLET OerUe4iurg, N0v.15,1867. U tin ! LIME 114'3A-ILBOAD ! TUE undersigned are new engaged In the sale at LIME la Gettysburg, reoll, sing It by Raltroad every del• They amply • irst-ate article. FARMERS AND 41:nifFLELS are mewed that It can't be beat. Orders .abetted, and one dare nodes re- = Priem-01D 60 pia hundred baobab If pad oaah ; Ile 60 at ninety days. Liens also sokl and &pared at HAWN'S AND GULDLN'S STATIONS, on sae Gettysburg .11allrond, •e $l7 50 cash, or VS be at ninety days. EDWARD EI=IM F. L. wisorztaT Lime PM be esieged of the latter al the Weight Depot, In Getttibtus. Mora D,11.8. if GETTYSBURG NATIUNAL BANK. GOVERNMENT BONDS_ ~ot MI kinds, BOUGHT and dOLD. SEVER-THIRTY BONDS converted into FIVE TWENTY BON without charge. ~~Q`li~}qa )liMY~ra?.l ~I~LU 4a[lNta a:r~, The HIORERT PREMIUM paid on GOLD and SILVER. . STOCKS and BONDS, of all kinds, bought for persons without CHARGING COMMISSION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED Internet on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced 1 per Ce.g., VIZ : 3 per eeat. Ibr I year, 4 per rent. OW II means; 3 per seat. Ilbr $ mantis. In regard to U. 13 Persons Irtshing 1 Banda, sad Blocks et all kinds, ore invited to lave um • cal„ mad we will Iv. all J. EMORY RAlit, Oishler OWlobar& Oct. I% OM U FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF O.IIITYRBITRO WM Snow Intension Special Depoilti,as tbllowl II per east. per muss= Om 1 year 4 « « 1;;1=;M:=1 EZMI will staved 740 NOTEEt tato 640 BONDS, Si furnaL, free of clouts. CAHN COMPOUND MIRUEIST NOTE. sad COUPONS. WM also purchase or WI STOCIFII arid BONDS of every kind, free at charge as eammlidao, and will at all times pay the HIGHEST PRICE for GOLD and SILVER, sad will, with pleasure transact all Wetness promptly, as heretofore, pertaining to a well regulated Rink. 660.111.N0LD. Cashier. oeußriburs Ploy. 4 UM CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. I= SOPB.R McatETNETS NEw JEWELRY BORE, On York Street, opposite the Bank, Get ' ymburg, Pa. ♦ XXI, !ND TOLL SILVER AND PLATED WAILS, meek on `flans% eultan, iroardeons, rates, Mks, ft, Woo &be inni via Rork Bows, WdessW, aw 4 bwkwilas= . • aiiiitusot beta a/ ark as sir are.silie=l"l==faellea— solll. *animated *a be what thew we "=.lllgh -HOOP 'SKIRTS, • „ A nn QIIAUTL . • ,At: Greatly Rained Priors, •-. . . • Bb 1V d WOODS'. - • tc .~E~ ~} TO .THE PUBLIC. frlandarigned take this method onalbeM- E h the "Oka that they @MU carry on the Cabinet-making "Business, bt all its varied branches, and that they now bass oa hand a large assortment of BUREAUS, REDSTEA.DB, Dabies, armor Cupboards, Wes, Binh, Stands, Einffinv./3 _ureaUS, Marra, f/f fifirelenl Nadi • fit short everytklag fn tliCtzbi nebrnaking tine. Alio, 'MIT T-M MADE TO ADE TO AND MP FINS ORDER. An of which will be finished promptly, at the old stand, on South thiltimore street, to kfleselensassere Tannery. Them haw. I t ar t rar Sa i rr t clgr a Zuz n in t . t k e e work as any ;hers, not...better. New begin ners and others will find it to their advantage to sW and bay from as, as we are determined to sell as low as possible to Suit the times. GA.RLACH a TRIMMER. Dee. 20, em CABINET-MAKING. W. U. StagMr, U L ,:::ING located In the town of NgW OX FORD, Adams county, will carry on the ot Oablnet-making, la all lie branchee, FURNITURE kept on hand and made to order. He will aim keep for sale a choice assortment of CHAIRS. He invites the citizens of the town and sur rounding country to give him a call, as he will Sell low as can be purchased at any other place. He will guarantee his work to be made up in the best manner, and of materials. New Oxford, Jan. al, 11368. HAY AND GRAIN maSundersigned would announce to the du. sena of Alit= county that they still carry on GRAIN AND HAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, GRANITE STATION, on the Gettysburg Railroad. GR AI Ney prepared to say the highest prices for .ND HAY. The': keep all kinds of GROCERIES, SALT, GUANOS; otr-, which they will sell at the smallest grata. Give us a call and see Sr y reeoulves. PIIILIP HANN tr. SONS. Dec. 2U, 1867. ly =I DAVID MCCREARY. JOHN F. McCREABT. "Best always Cheapest" Beat and Cheapest SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, in the County, are always to be found at the old and well known Ch stand, Baltimore at., opposite the Presbyterian urch-- McGREARY6. Our Biding and Wagon Saddles are the Most substantially MGR and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and silver mounted,) are complete In every respect and warranted to bent the very beet matcrlod and workmaruddp. Our upper leather Draft Collars c.sNsurr BE BEAT. They are the best FITTING and inert durable. Our Heavy Draft Harness are made to order, as Cheap ail theyden be made anywhere and In the most substantial manner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Flames, Fly-nets, and everythlng in the line. Nast bean we cheaper. Our prices have been =Mom to the lowest living standard. A liberal percentage for cash, off all bills amounting to 55 or more. We work nothing but the best stock and will warrant every article turned out to be in every =Sze represented tki for past favors we invite attention to oar present stock. Oil-Chce as a call and examine mums and =1 GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE. A I.Yr.RGE amortmerit of fine GROCERIE , Tem, Craft White Bumsr: of all kin4A and Brown Bugs cheap. prim new orop orisons bi °lassos and aitradorof Flynn,* ; blEtEl MA EREL, beet In mirket. All klmis of LIIIIIOItB, wludinale and retail,ift Wine, Brandy, Bye ey Whisk, he., for and older purposes, in any quantity. Sir 8., blialder's Herb Bitters, and the "Gnat Ahoy HPKERW GRAPE WIWIC. ncurrnr, Baltimore streetGettystning. April 6, HIM tf VALUABLE PROPERT I ES J OHN C. 20 1 11 1 CH, O LAN . D ., A2.I.IT, ,pl 6, Has tarsals. a number of desirable properties, to which be sake the attention of those wishing to purch ase o . Two N. 1 STORM STANBEI lir WA or rent, with stock of goods doing a moat badness, near Railroad, situated to beautiful villages; good chance for persons wishing to engage in the busi ness. Pomeasion given any time. A LIMINTONE FARM of 55 acres, near Rail road, brick house and all necessary out-buildings. A LISIYMTONE FARM of MO acres, with Flour and Haw Mill, house, barn, and other out-build ings, situated in Baltimore county, Md., 111 from Baltimore.. A LIMirTONE FARM of 480 acres, brick house, brick barn, In Baltimore county, Md., 17 miles from Baltimore._ - ALARGE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, with Dwelling, situated In a county seat, near Railroad and Depot. Good chance for doing all kinds of work, Also, several Town Lots will be sold with the above property if desired. A FARM OF 100 ACRE, In Adams county, with goal Stone House, good Barn, de., near a turnpike and railroad. FORTY ACRES, with good House, Barn, he., r rter. of a mile from a raliroad station. -du ;Lites ACRES T ;on the Carlisle turn pike, under good cultivation, with a large Brick Rouse, Bank Barn, and other out-buildings, all new. A LARGE FLOUR MILL, with 25 Acres; of land. The militias four pair of Burrs, and all machinery for doing merchant work. Best water power in the m A FI L IT OF 175 AMES, near the Haw °Ter turnpike, on which la erected a good Houae, Barn, and all other n out-bon - ince A FARM OF 200 A good land, with large Brick House. Barn, and 2 Tenant Housea-10 sere. in wood—half a mile from G hee Conowsco Chapel. A HOTEL, In New Oxford, two-story, roomy, and convenient for business. Good chance; tonne easy. Also, s number of good Houses and Lots for sale In grew Oxford. . _ ..ierso as who wish to buy Real Estate, as well as (boss who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a call at his store in New Oxford. Ad dress, JOHN ZOUCIC, Land Agmt, New Oxford, Adams county, Pa. April I, laff. ly A DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE BALE. TDO I .IEUDeVEMNe(! Prlvals , t thein c. 2 the tion of the Taneytown and Es: adtistr:rs roads, In the boch of Oettysburg. The 111 house I s antaintily Malt, of stone, sad contains twelve large rooms. Thaw Is a strong, never-Paling Spring of first-rate water In the assonant, and 154 Acres of Land eanneeted It. The location Is a very pleasant one, and with • little additional outlay this could be made one of the most comfortable and desirable homes in the borough or Its vicinity. JOHN RUPP. Nov. M 1867. tf 1868. SPRING OPENING. 1868. EYRE & UNDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, PIIIILADELTILFA. NEW SPRING BILKS. NEW SPRING SHAWLS. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOOD& STEEL AND PEARL POPLINS. -' E. & 1.. always keep the BEST BLACK SILKS. N. B.—lerr Cam Brun will and tt to their Interest to call. ae Basplus hem Auction are daily resolved. March 17, UM& et Administrator's Natio& .10MT Auxins TAMES TIAILKINfeII IMITALIZ.—Letters of ad mintatration on the estate of James Timmins, late otOikwd township, Adams oonnty.deoeased, having been granted to tho anderslipted,reaktLag tgoontpleaaant township, he hereby p i es no tice to those indebted to said estate to maks Int• mediate paymentand thasehaving daises?lf: theseine to present them poverty anthem for eettlemefft„ mArraew a. mms, April S,IJEE. & 4throlidstrator. Nmeaator's Notice. iur ARY MINEHAIWIEI SWAM:C.—Letters we e rt=""te.jr"sal."."l.7, TeZ d hiketag in temt apo to the umbartleaml, theassa bermedp, he herebferen he ron all persona Indebted to mid estate to maim latmedisia harramat. mid Mime Wine mums mated the lMated far settleM same to present them proper tritaitlesaeat. W=TAX STALLMMErni, Mar. 18M. Executor. Tupartnership bantam adman" between . andeaslgnea In the Penance alma Ina blidilinkliall diaeofteil an the lir i M d at ream , . , s iti l itral age mans. The hooks 1 , „,!" _mama 'IL Oalp,arele i Ho , IMMO up Ma raw as lan la or s aor lab s &= fr to __,r- - - , lan. A alt ar WdIXTED D. MOCREARY & SON. I=l NOTICE. SPEER'S - PORT GRAPE WINE, utaalvmmospor v. Onieruguilione for Merck or 01Mili~i ~pew& ifloceinstler Lathes tlObli M Weakly Persist* TO U VINEYARDS. NEW JERSEY Spier's Port Grape WI" fear Tears OIL Jul: eeletsatsd narks* Wine is made the Jake et tbe Grape, Tubed In country. Its Invaluable Tonic and strengthening Propetties are nasurposied by say other smiles Vine. Be ing the pure Miles of the giszoanced under Mr. gpeer's own pens:sal au its purity and genuineness sue owns . The youngest child may partake of Its generoug qualities, sad the wesnest invalid tt sidesn It perticelerly be to the aged sturridit. tate& and suited to tne nUrnents the af flict the weskar sex. It is, in every respect, 1 JUNE TO BE ILISLIND 0Y Invalids nee Speer'. Part Grape Wine, Females me Speer's Port Grape Wine. an'eaklypersons find a benefit by its use. Speer . . Wlnsa In Hospitals are preferred tooth mines. Sold by Druoistaand Grooors. WirThe Trade supplied by Johnson, Holloway CAwden, and French, Richards& Ou., in Phila delphia A. lipase's Vineyard, New Jersey. °aloe. 3143 Broadway New I mil. Auxust WI. 1M67. ly DR. R. HORNER, PHISICIA.V AND DRUGGIBT, Office and Drug Store -alm CHAMBERSBURG ST. °ETAa°. Medical advice without charge. DRIRI9,_MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICYNEFI, STATIOI.MRY, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSH ER, BAKING CL (REAM STUFFS, SPI CES SODA, OF TARTAR, LAMPS, coal. OIL, &c., &e. PURE Lai:worts for medicinal purposes Dr. It. Ifornera MIEN, a chapped handa, rough akin ac. reliable remedy for All articles warranted pare and genuine. I=lM TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY AND ALL °TITERS WHO WISH TO IMPROVE qui E undersigned respectfully inflame the pub. J. /le that he still ersitinues the CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at his old stand, on West street, Gettysburg, and is ready at all times to aocommodate thaw want inganeng done in his He is prepared to furnis all kinds of work for building purposes, of the imaterial, and ae. neatly and cheaply ae it can be done at any other establishment In the county. Experienced hands always in readi ness and work excepted with promptness and dleji giinkita for past favors, he ho pes, by at tention to bnalnees, to receive a libe ral share o public patronage. W-M. CHIUTZMAN. June 17, Ita7. tf NEW MACHINE SHOP AT NEW OXFORD frIHE thidersigned calls attention to his new j_ &Lachine Hhop, at New Oxford, Adams °min ty, which he has put up, at large expense, with the determination to do good and satisfactory work, He will manufacture various kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, such as THItFRRINU MACHINES, SPRING TOOTH RAKES, fte.; and 111 keep the BUC K - EYW REAPER a MOWER on haud for .le. A deasiiptkma of ftEPAIRINO,done prompt ly and an cheaply as passible, He has In connection with his Machine Shop a STEAM SAW MILL, upon which he will do all kinds of work In that. line. . • - - He &aka the public to call and give him a trial and he guarantees full satisfaction. - JACOB STOCK. . . March 13, lege- eten 1411-" Star" copy and charge adv NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTHTILRIX WASHINGTON BUILD*O 165 AND le/ lIALTIVIORZ ISTIUMT,BALTIXORE, MD., CP constantly on hand a large and well as sorted slack Mall kinds of goode at moderate euPpO orders for the Ansa to the lowest • either ready made or made to to any part of the country. u lreyneep also an extensive stock of FUR NBUTIONG GOODS, embracing every article of Gentlemen's Under-wear, Also, MILITARY CLOTHS and every violet' , of Military Trim- MADmange E , MILITARY 000D13. weal as an assorted stock of READY Baltimore, Feb. El, PM. REMOVAL! THE szrrIrEIBUBA SKY-LIGHT GALLERY Tit!underskpsed takea pleasure to announcing the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from 'geoid room on West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly oppo.ite the store of Pahoestock Brothers. The room he now occupies haw been recently fitted upp expressly for ht. business. The location L an admltable one, enabling him to lake pic tures in all shades of weather, and with a correct ness unequa ll ed any where elec. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, 'of every she. and deecription, executed In the knee, style. Particular attention given to the CARTE DE VIEUTE, and to copying ALMELO TYPES and DAGIJERREOTYPO3 of deceased friend,. Alao— THE GETTYSBURG GEM'S, a new style of pluton., which has become very popular with the public, not only for their beatity, but for cheapness and conveulence. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLDAR only. Also—THE PORCE LAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and du rability are unsurpassed. We we prepared to carry on the business in all Its various branches, and having had considera ble experience we run no risk in GUARANTEEING pERFECT SATISFACTION Our facilities for shill display of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery in toe moray, and we would therefore invite every one to nil at the NEE' GETTYSBURG FIET-LIGITZ' GALLERY. can and examine our Specimens and judge for yoursJune el 2s, ISM. ves. LEVI MUMPER. NEW BAITAY. NEWPORT & ZiEGLER, MRCHANICAL BAKT.RB, Sonth Waahinit street, onel square tram the Eagle Rote GI=YRBURG, Pa. Co dantly on hand, the b eet of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, itch Persons -wishing 'fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and resi dences at the Bakery. Every effort made to please. Give tos a call. April 10,18!0. tf. Great Qonowago MillB. W. 19 0 Bijarlla2 G ZIIEAT WANTED. u orsigned, having remodeled and improv- ed hill AMA near New ML. ester, ms county, (formerly railed "Walnut Drove, - but now Great Camerae° MULL") is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line with annaual diflpatch. Conatantly on hand, for sale or exchange, the very beet qualities of Super, Extra and Family FLOUR, also Rye, Corn and Buckwheat Flour, with every variety of Chop and offel of wheat. Having a SAW MILL attar-bed, he is prepared to saw all kinds of lumber, at the (Modest notice. A Farmer In need of lumber and Soar, can put • log upon his wagon, throw • few bushels of wheat on the top, have the wheat exchanged for flour and the Sawed, thus saving a double trip— and all beesurse of theperfpct machinery now em plgievl4 the be these et w orkmen, he will be able to everybody. Tiankful for past fat ors, he ro e 4s ae for•• continuance of the same. H. J. MYERS. New Cheater, April 22, DAL 1y VERDIVE'I3 IMPROVED OIL. ACHMIICAL PRPIPARATION OF LARD, or Lard OiL neutralising l attraction oem—the mom of gum At. ie , and imparting to It (by chemical &Malty) a property of ATTRACTION FOR METALS, whereby It la retained. In lubrication, CONTINUOUSLY PURE from at least 15 to Se per cent. longer than sperm 011. iarla. 19 10; Coat, or Mr Gallons, 12 06 per 45, 7io nTmumet imwai et 's4=lsiduetc. and for the RE TAILERS, tae 4, iomi n r Is put up, In W AND e required quanintioa, at an advance to cover the coat of Dan, and ► reasonable retail prank: 6 eqtlire $l2 5.12 MIS t " 1 46 74 " ' 11 1 1 2 " " Cam credited on return to order. Discount by esee, to retail dealers. Sew* Machin ou Is ann i citap as a SEWING MA C/111416 ao4 ARMOR 0 la to 4 eak i llt s e Atntj IS eents- la dec. M and eases; ni os. so contr-ladrod (sad mon f. and la 96 aa.lll ad )4, I and I dos. or • sold by areal Madalaai Aaenta, rine aaaa-brag gaga, Groom and Ooontry Merchanta. Orders reesteed taros. the Snide. The Winter Standard of the 011 Ia 36° to UP Fah't. OIL in sidle *ad bble.'snidiel to ietarn and credit within Id days, 111111IIple lots .10 days, alter degdgeile= Aw Aka. antitte re° %igh EMPTH dopplien. HiptitetEinieLli ttlaMit SON% Hoot, 42 Satan Front nreet. WM, AtELUMI Msalainlete, and the PHILADELPHIA AULCHDPIE AGENCY, Eh and Minseillesate, PallindadtAla. - C. S. ts*La' VERGNE, MOT., Bramok Menu Vagary, 106 Canotohill F*. I!, lat: r 4 1 " 974 " • . :New. petteteet t . ee maw linear, eea be_ me J. le MCKIM& tioft sdie MIAs, Obsoks, 11/140t0 m.:knrsass•4,2 Co. TOM lift! AY , t 4 y4\ Ito lit . ta . 61 wok*. I t• \ NUYORS 4 \ • =max Ci 1,7 V rEE23EI VEGETABLE AMBROSIA I WHAT IT PUSUPORTA TO B. AGENUINE HAIR ftIiFITOGATIVE chant. lug Gray . Light, Red or Faded Hair to the Do,k. imatimue Mae" ?Venn, which at, adorn youth or age. It will punitively eradlimte No mura and Dandruff froth the neap, end where there Is life In thit gland.. will cease& new growth of Hair to put forth on bard "pea. Tbotusanda are taawytug to the above. PRICE 11.11,TER BOTTLE. WA. P. Ituebler, Wholetwle and Retail Agent, Oettvrburg—and for wile &trot:4l by ell Druggist*. Feb. 14, 18111. 1)• BAUGH'S Commercial Manures. urE announce to armors and dealers In Fel.- , thsttbe following prises hav e b een slope:et for tne present spring mason : BA LIGHTS SAW ROPE PHOSPHATE. Pries, SU per 2,000 RA crows CRICA Vet GO /lONE PER TILIZER Price, per 2,000 lba. BA UGH' CHICAGO BLOOD 3fANL'BE. Prim, $5O g0...1 . 2,000 lb*. Thal well known popular trade-mark will be found upon every package of the at,. e manures. L E. NARK The high estimation in which Aron's BONR MANCTILES have been held, during fourteen) ears past, we shall fully sustain In the future. Ile, lug now tile entire control of the great resources of the city of Chicago, for furnishing Ammonia and Phosphate }gelding material, viz.—Rouen, Dried Flesh, Blend, to., tie have, in connection with our works in Philadelphia, the largest fuel!. Mee for furnishing these manures, at the above low prices. HAUGH &SONS Philadelphia. NORTH-WENTEIINFIIRTILIZINGOO.,Chicago. JOHN RALllitiN A CO., Gen'l Aeta, New York. GEORGE W. KIRKF. & " Dorton. GEORGE LUG DALE, laureaale AS . L, Baltimore. For all information respecting the above Ma narers, address either of the above houses. Jan. M, 188 P. gin DIAIOND CONFECTIONARY, JOHN M. ISHNNIGH iff Ale Just received and is now opening one of )Ly the finest assortments of GOMM in his line ever opened in Gettysburg, oonsisUng TOYS OF ALL KINDS, FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES, FRUITS, OWCZCIES LEUONS, NUTS, and NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS 6ree.ll and examine hie stook, on Baltimore street, near the Dhamond. Dec. 13, PM. tr MI, it gna QOOl% E.' MITEIIINEW la now eseatilind a large stock of • DRY GOODS, TILONS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARD WARE, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. I call the attentton of my ctletomenl and the eommutlity to my large stuck of Goods, which 1 am now Mitring at lower rates than they have been dace the Intr., and at peon which cannot fall to strike the purchaaerrut cheap. With every tactility for parehaahlg (hoods at as low dorm as any in the trade, I am also prepared to meet competition 10 low Priced from any and all quarters. Prompt conformity to the lowest market prices is lily establish.' rule. F. ILITENHEW. Petersburg. (Y. 13.,) Oct. 18, 1807. NEW DRUG STORE, LN NEW OXFORD. THE nndendaned has opened a Drug Store In New Oxford, Achim,. county, and respectfully calk the attent ion of the public to his stock of PAINT% DYZ WaaAr I.A.TEST MEDICINEA and a full aaaortrnent of DRUGS; in a word a complete clock of Goods generally kept Ina [lnd ebted Drug Store. All of which have been put chased during the pest two weeks, and will be sold low. AU thearttelea formerly manufactured at the old astablliihmeni- in Est Berlin can be had here, Understanding hle business, perfectly, and aelectlng his good , ' iilmaelf, he to able to skr rant Druga pure and as represented Thepub llc are requested to give him a trial. If ILLER. New Oxford, Vey 0,1167. tf Court Proclamation. WHEREAS the Ana. Bonnet FISHER, Pree ident of the seeerul Courts of Common Pleas In the counties composing the leth District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jell Delivery, for the trial of all capitol and other ollhndera in said district, and ISAAC E, WIER..II vs and ISAAC ROBINSON, Fogs., Judges of the Courts of Common Piens, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital anti ether of fenders In the county of A deans—have leaned their precept, bearing dote the gab day of JANUARY, In the year ofour Lord one thousand el Itht hundred and slaty-eight, and to me diretted, for holding a Court of tkunmon Plena, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the 20th day of APRIL, MSS— NOTICE IN HEREBY OIVEN to all the Jostl er of the Pesee, the Coroner and the Constables within the ssJd county, that they be then and there In their proper persona, with their Rolls, Records, liaquisltions, Examinations, and other RenienlN•anotsi, to dn those things which to their atDeee and In that behalf appertain to he done and also, they Rho Will prosecute: against the pris oner* that are or then shall be In the Jolt of said county al Adams, are to be then arid there to prosecute against them cash all be J eat, PHIP HAN, ftherlit Rheriff's Ofeee, Gettysburg, March :20, ion, PhibulAlPhia, March Id, 1868. jt7E beg ft; gur Inspectionnnu that " oure are n ' t usual poral to o went of MZLLINEttY 0001 A. consisting of the NEWFT SHAPE': in'Stmw, Silk and GIMP Hats, Bonnets, sr.; WI% eta. Silk Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ruches, Crapes, Blondes, Braids, Ornaments, &0,, &o. We WWI be happy to wait on you at our Store or receive your orders.. Prices low for Qush. Yours, &c. If. *Ara', Noe. 103,105 & 107 N. Second tit., Ph I lads. March 19,150 N. 1m Assignee's Notice, E undersigned, Aaaignee of the estate of srTheoptillus hlpabtann, llenallen town , Adams county, under deed of ' , Manta* , me eligninent, in trait for creditors, hereby glees no tice to all pertains knowing themselves indebted to saki Theophlltut Epystlman to tall and make Immediate payment, and those having claims, to present them properly authenticated for sett/e -ment. HENRY EPEELMAN, March 13,1868. 6t Assignee. Administratrix's Notice. JACOB K. OYLER'S ESTATE—Letters of td ministration on the estate of Jamb K. Oy ler, kite of Franklin toWnithlp, Adams county, detecting], having hoes granted to the Under signed, residing In the same tusouhip, she hereby gives hotrix to all persona indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authentic:and to...tenement. JULIANN OYLER, March 20, INS 41* Administratris. idinimstmtor's Notice, LACOB igSAVELY'ff ESTATE—Letteralba& ministralten on the estate of Jeeoh latavely. of Garmany township. Adams coo: F. 4IT ceased, having been granted to the told r ai esiding In - the same townetdp. he beteg; m nollee to Mt pe Indebted to said es tate e to make Immediate rsons payment. and those blethr dainty siodnst the same to Mama the= properly anthetrUentert for settlement. IoI.S.H.TLIS L. EITAVILLY. Much It, LW fit aatnalnlittgator. WEECIZRAI piuggegaq LODE. m ut liana. a kwr it, W.l Um' 11**Maato at * Silt pie* 14' ot ama ). PAO. tr . , • W. Tipton, aigonn, Mort/wad owner oftbe Diantdadi (Mewl door to McClellan's Ho weiwToolialifishore he can at all times be (bend Toady to to btsidness in his line. He has aka re Sind will ensure L a VI II & MI. /OA a alai . , RIDS4 II . L i aal " a= " lig g r a er kgenS tvowmtins. Mathes or ISt ''' ; 'C ''" VI an ' Ervit E nt . ADA= 00M417 ` bITITUAL FIRE INSURA.NCS COMPANY. IxectatroaArze, Mmacit 111, lan °mount 'President—George gwope. Vice Preeldeot—enunuol It. Busse/l. isocretary—D. A. Buehler, Treasnrin—lL Fahuestoe. tfixtinittive °mum! two — RobertCutdy. An. drew ISOttitarttnall. Jacob King yluidenri IGZ l b N e weP r e' S D. tt A ltu ßleeedee ascll : R. A. L. nuexr:„: - IT. A tara=B:4gxiqltntktt ;ViT. " D. '9 l7l e rneo, ' P 14: Oxford; Win, B. Wilson, Ilesidersville; few PlegingAnntban; John Wolforti Latlinote; john Pleisinit d atat Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Benders., villa; let F. GM, Now °shin! ; H. Mar • gull, tiontlitonban; John cuilitlnghani Prete donsmr.; John Horner, MounlJoy ; Winat o . Llhe qr-Thls (km pony la limited tune operations to the county of Adams. It has been lit operation for noon , than IS yettra, and lb that period has mails but oar asaossment, having paid lames by fire during that period amounting to I ig.ties—gs,.. NO of which late 'wen paid during Um lost two roan. Any poison desiring an Insurums ran apply to any of the above nutted Managers Mr further infornudion.. Arne Elietrutlva Committee meets of theot floe or the Oompsny, on the last Wadi:ter:l4y to every month, at 2 o'clock, P. SI, Oct. It. u WATCHES I WATCHES I ! L EWD; STROUSE 1 L largely enraged In the Watch trade, and haa Pat returned tram New York with an uneenelly attractive amorunent. He ultra such bargain* as cannot fail to be acceptable to - bnyers. Itls stock embraces a large lot of the CELEBRATED .. AMERICAN WATCHES," GOLD AND SILVER, via "P. R. rArtlett," T r4 .i. E , 1 , 1,17." and "App.Won with Watt:hex of *lntuit en other makes. If you want CHEAP and GOOD.Wittehoill nu wriumers. At hie old Mood, Carlltle stree,t nearly oppuel to the Depot, Ciettyaborg, INN continue. the Grocery. Notion and Con fectloocry business. W heretofore. Juno 24, OW. t( Robert D. Armor, GASFITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, Abet Middle St., half tg evare from the Cburt-Moue • GETTYSBURG. PA., WU , promptly attend to all oilers In Ma line. Work dune in Rio most Satisfactory manner, and at priers as low as can potsply he affOrded to mike allying. GAS PIPE furnished, as well as Chandeliers, Brackets, Prop Lights, he.; also WATER PIPE. Stops, Top and Frost Spigots, and, In short, et e rythlnig betonglus to pus or avatar natures. lielliflung, and tarnished If &sired. Des Is, lattr. t( USSINGER & smREMAN, N O. 2 WiTsT 2IAILKET STREET, I.ORN. IMMMM=I PIANOS k. C.USINET ORGANM,MEI.ODEONR, . . Muttic`AL /NovfItUSII:NTI3, reepeetfully Inform the publte that they pared to furnlnh l'hune: of the fullowlng maim• facture or of any other make that may he pre ferred.: Rottkest Nehraidt, ilalekerthic dit Mo. Illredbury. Kastbe & Soo. 4:wle A Sou. K#ITFI - 9 Ci.I.LUIt ATM, CcITTAGE, liAltMoNlr .ND ORUASAt AND MELODRO.:I7I. These,lnstrnments 1411111.1 unrivalled by Any thing found lii this countr, or In Europe, so IN admitted by ail lin partial atig.. Tile 111061 1.111- luent Pipe Organ r, end Perk. lours, the last to disco% er 4,11 111.1". in 1,61 .Tune, pro 1101111veti 11610 11s11 nui6,11,141 another. for ex ceedingly quick art leulat hut 6161 L 41110,1 Ttille, the essential feature In Instruments of this ellll4/4. We Invite tile se% ere send Inv and eritirlsni of all. PATENT VIII( lIt•AfA'N 4 TiL 13111 LO. This late and Thltudt. wonderful invention (so ire knowledced by all leading artistsi will he toutut only In the Fstr , It,tintnents. In attempting to describe the erfeet ..r this stop, we are at loss for language. Its be.,ui le.. eannot he written, hot must 110 heard to he uppLol . lllled. 11y tills 1111/1/ an onllnary perform, r chin produce an effect which requfres a life tone of practice for an artist upon A 1,10//11. i L niaLlruiy (Mangos the reed Tone. giving the sympathetic sweetness of the human voice, making It so melodious nod puns tbrs It never falls to enchant the ILstener. THE liAltl.loNle oIIUAN for Chun. pulltle Halls and Pmlora has a powet fel ~ul3-11Low with Indellendent reeds, llar monle attachment awl Vox Humana Tremolo, and la believed to he the moat powerful reed or- Iran made, being nearly equal to ta Pipe Oman of thrM• Umen the cont. In4trumente warranted for five years. BANll•lnupplled wlUx lustruineuta and mutde nt retwonnble terms. • . A libend dlorount allow.' for Churrheo on/ Babboth Schools. Sirlnntructionx given both In Vbeal and In. 'Unmet:mai Music., at our rooms, And at pupliti' homer., el they to individuals °relaxant, on remain able terms. =l= HOOP SKIRTS, -- /628 WM. T. HOPKINS . "OWN MAiti E" 01 "KEYRTONE SKIRTS" ARE tie best and Ungart.wr LoW PatcgDffoop Skirts In the market. Trail Skirts 25 springs, St.ik; Si springs, 111.3); and 40 springs, 61 at. Phan Skirts, 6 tapes, 2.1 springs, NO Vents, Li sPrings.,_NO Cents: B o sPrings, 61,1 a; and K, springs, $1.25, warranted fa every respect. "Our OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," Elev en Tape Trails, (rem :Nita 60 springs, 81.20 to Plain, Six Tapes 20 to springs, from IV, Cents to 62.00. These Skirts are better than those sold by ether establishments us first chi,n goods, and at flinch lower prices. "Our OW\ Make" of "CHAMPION SKIT/T . lS' . are In every wayperior to all other Loop Skirts before the Pu su blic, awl only have to he ex amined or worn to conviiree ever y one of the fact. Manufactured of the best English Steel Springs very superior tapes, and the style of the metalic fastenings and instiller of at - Leming theft surption for durability and ex cellence any other Skirt In tills country, and are light, r, more eltodlc, u ear longer, give more sat isfaction, and are really cheaper than all others. Eery lady should ho dims. They are being sold extensively by Skit hunts throughout. tide and the adjoining states at rry m prises, oderate pris. If yOll slant the best ask for "Hook Ms' Champion ' if you du not find them, get the mer chant with whom you deal to order them for yeti, or come or send direct to los, Merchants will end our different grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially Invite them to call and examine our extensive maritime:it, or staid for Wholesale Price hist. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and attic Retail Trada, generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addreagaell. _ . _ itLiii - AciortY AND SAT,EIIOO3I, 823 ARCH fiTtIF.ET, ' Detwevn Bth and 7th MIN Ildladolphta. \VM. I'. 110PKINA.. Feb. 2R, IWt. 10m Gettysburg Railroad. COF CONNECTIOIsIa.—On and after kj Wednesday, No% ember alb, 1867, Pumenger Trains will leave and arrive at Gettysburg, and make oormections,_fla follows: FiliST PASSENGER TRAIN w Illleave Gettys burg at 8.13 A. M., with pansowers for York, liar rlsburg, PhiLndelphia, kialtimore,and the North and West, arriving at Hanover Junction without change of cars, at 10.13 A. M., connecting with tho Fast Line South on the Northern Central Rail way, and arching at Baltimore at 12.20 noon. Also connecting with Mall Train from Baltilnors north, arriving-in 1 farrhiburg at 1.00 P. M. Arri ving at Gettysburg 11.40 P. M., with passengers from Ibirrisburg, York, Baltingore and Weah ingtott. SECOND Ilik.S.RF.NoEltil RAIN will leave Get tyabarg at 1.30, P. M. arriving at Hanover Seine tiOn at 9.30, and eonlleCting with mail train Smith. Arrive at Baltimore at 6.00 P. M. Arils oat dot tyaburg at .12M P. M., wlllypaxwugert from Phila delphia, IlarriAlatr4 and the North and NVI-at,, and also o ith rassavr, (Hoot SIM Wa.ahlugton by the Lint line Dora., a Weil leaven Baltimore at 12.10 noon. • Paaaengera ffin leave Baltimore In the Mall Train at 8.20A.31., and arrive in Gettvaburg at 12.41. P. M. Or leave Baltimore to the fast II me at 12,10 noon, and arrive In Gettysburg at 5.30 I'. ld. Tint one chane at cars by the airs? train, eier way, viz at I t anover Juni lion. The fact line on the Northern Central St ill not atop at any local eta tlo., except York, Hancrver Junction and Burk tun. Conneetlems Certain, . It. Mci'VRDY, Pres't EZIEEM - Hanover Branch Railroad. N and after 'MONDAY, Dee. 9th, VC', pagsen li ger trait. en the Hanover Branch Railroad ultthmmo ae foliose . . I , IHST TRAIN wiil Dave Hanover at 0.23 A. M., with prieseugeni tor York, Baltimore. Harris burg, and the North awl West. This train ar rives at the Junction at 10.10 A. M., connecting with the lust Line South, on the Northern Can trill Railway, which arrives_ at Baltimore at 12.30 P. 31-, and also with the Mall Train North, which arrives at Harrisburg at WS P.M. Sai-This tram returns to Hanover at 11.30 P. II„ and arrives at Oettrabarg at 12.55 P. U. SECOND THAIS lsaveananover at 2.4 i and arrives at the Junction at 3.40 P. M., trumpet ing witit lbw Mall Train loath, which arrives at Baltimore MILS) P. AL_ Ptomaines by this tralu for York la 4 over at the Junction until al/ P. M. Sarlittho Toga returns to Hanover at 4.11 P. M., tlintownlntkpassamperafor Hanover, Gettysburg and LI t- Paraengere leaving Baltimore for Hanover, Otte [gaining wad LitAloidoWn,, Will take either Pie Mail Train at LSO A. M., or the Fast Line at 1110 P. M. JOWEPR LEIB, Agent. Dee. 20. 1864 If Naahood: lbw Lost, How Reamed, the radical TUBT publ ish dere (without ed, • nevi edl or J Dr. Culver:en . ' Oeletnsted on arg nr, voleineso ar Mental and Pliyideld la. l enient' to Marriage, a otion, sad interim:ed . by al lies or are•Priee, in • seated envelope. _ea•V 'Lennie. The celebrated author, la Ws sowrsoie easy, clot , de= th eirk yearr a =e. selause ow be sediaallp sand without the danalroor use ur soedisine es the sopa. canoe at the oat • mode stews at ones !utopia eilhetast. by Waal of which row atilletuni mean whitlinta ass oiskok hew= histaell shoddy, Pal. 'waists, sad I This Ladino Amid be la the heads et ow/ youth Intdalf47 lbw land. Bent asubseand. e haaPials oBlll . ll 4 ll 4 sly ad ait r ik tietht nn ot it i eltero uhispriosl/6 irelarldr , " IL /14/4.11, 1111 a.. - • •i. ‘"l l % . iK4C Olll s-:: AWL OLD, 90tr A VA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers