StrifeMilik4 t: 6 P 311446 44PAIL rA, lass itP Iloortber CompttEr. lIPSEVAIONIA. CONTI !CUED At the clamor try last communication updis this subject to you, I advised the asetlf'stimulants and tonics, espabially whiskey and quinine, to the treatment of typhoid, or as the European writers term it, typhus pneumonia. As this 'treatment Would be highly in• judicious la the inflammatory variety, Will hero state the difference between the two kinde. In the simple inflamma tory, or uncomplicated pneu mon la, there I. In the early stage a strong tendency to violent active congestive, which would be Increased even to a fatal result try stimulants and tonics. In this variety the anthinatials and blood letting are beateulted. In the typhoid or typhus• pneumonia, this condition is, however, reversed, and extensive passive engorgement ensues.. This is the result of a poisoning of the nervous centres by miasmatic causes, producing a suspension of the vital force "and that impairment of the sensorial powers, and morbid condition of the cir culation and of the organism generally, which characterize the more grave forms of typhus fever ;" often so great indeed, as to result in death within a few hours after symptoms have commenced. As our whole aim in this disease should be to bring on reaction and prevent col lapse, by a restoration of the vital force, vim pita.; stimulants and tonics are our best remedies, and quinine especially, because of Its untiperiodie properties, as there always remains a tendency to re lapse, owing to the extensive nervous prostration, even for a long time after convalescence has begun. These facts should be borne in mind and the veterinarian be careful to distin guish. the one from the other. In the simple• pneumonia, the cold stage, or chill, is generally of short duration and comes on spontaneously, followed with violent ,fever. While, it It Is of the tyl ',hold or malignant character, the fever is never of so high a grade. There are many ether distinctions easi ly recognized by any ono with a proper degree of care. will now mention several cases which I happened accidentally to see. A neighbor of mine sometime ago hav ing a heifer attacked, she was treated by them for colic and died within twelve hours after discovered to be unwell. I went over and made a post morlsm ex amination and found the lungs and pleu ra very much congested, without any other discoverable lesion. This no doubt was a ease of simple, pleura-pneumonia resulting fatally in its congestive stage, as often happens. Another neighbor had a hog to choke, as ha supposed, and ran a stick down its throat to remove the obstruction, shortly niter which the hog died. Upon exami nation I discovered the same anatomical lesions as in the heifer. This winter I purchased a fine large mare ten years old and in good condition, at a sale, and shortly after bringing her home she . took with a chill, difficult breathing, and became quite ill, biting her sides and showed many symptoms of colic or bolts. I put a blanket 'on her and after rear • tion took place, I hied her freely and put her upon antimonlals. In three days she began to cough freely and has since entirely recovered. The particulars of Mr. M. losing all his horse stock but one, I em not acquainted with ; however I have frequently made examinations of animal's that died of malignant pneumo nia, and/wind the lungs invariably com pletely hepatized or almost so, and exu ding-puss upon pressure or incision, 5550- elated with a general appearance of de generated tissue throughout the entire system. I have never made a microsco pical examination. •In conclusion, I would recommend the formation of coun ty clubs in every county throughout the State,and that these clubs appoint annu ally delegates to a State Agricultural Convention to consider the agricultural interests of f ur community at large. PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT An exchange slays The frequent inquiries made with re gard to pear culture show that the atten tion of cultivators is turned to this ns a market erop.' The demand for fine varieties has been so much greater than the supply that the fruit in our city markets bes always been at n price far joeyond the reach of those of ordinary 'nleans. The fruit is temptingly beauti ful, but from five cents to twenty-five apiece is too mach for the majority of pockets. The question generally put by those who are thinking of planting pears is; Shell I plant standards or dwarfs? Our reply is; Standards, by ail means, with perhaps the single exception of the Duebees d'Augouleme. Thedwittf pear, 1. e. the pear on a quince stock, has done good service, but not in the orchard. As these trees come early into bearing, they have enabled van testa largen um bar of varieties, in a much sherter time than could have been done if the depen dence had been on standards alone. For liargen culture, and, for those whams' spa la limited, nothing can be bettor adapt than the pear upon the quince; here largo and paying crops nre not looked for, and the trees receive all the care and. culture they reqnlre, and wahnill - this they soon become useless. At,,,Vehthned by mime Witt if planted deep Waugh to corer the union of the 04 quince, roots will be produced froa} - tha'piiar wood. This is undoubted ly the omw with many varieties, and when it takes place, the tree la no longer a dwarf, bath a pear tree on its own roonaraiNr a clump of decaying quince roots In contact with them, and which we would mach rather not have there. " The chief abjection urged to the-pear sia its aim zootata,the length of lime before it tkilltlithrbeheirlug. Tide is a condition I wbaibelsaSieti very much with the differ c(10111100:' Some, like the Dis, make onitstrii iierfokinglY long titne,butilos rri Illibiliiffdeloarket varieties 'market olilig*-110ht liddeetiqn. Had the many. plea/Alois that have been made of dweirkktislreen of standards the fruit untold noWits much more plenty than it M. While the dwarf tree has done' much toimproveour knowledge of pears, wettish tt time. been detrimental to peer culture.' Ikpetplywanty -yeetir ;ago the quince Iletlek Wed tkirilitonWri itilvocated that many inprcieed that, the flier sorts of pears maid only -be grown upon it. We now end very .kiw who recommend Its use in as orchard planted for profit. A good soil, one thal•wilt prodbee a fair comcifigny,itstin ;prothice,Nrill do foe *spear, audit htsionerthe , wore. if It fief rather" stir nips* - Draining should bo done, if needed, and 4be , ground Prefere4L plowing and .neketaikift ~wlectoksagia pt4o. ris'4ll.l grow , 4 , 41 , 40 - "vow. ikkiiittrat'Or laembelltr 11•01 ..I'bKYl'~,h ~~r+fit':Y'..3i:.'B partial, acing antLnot only vita • • °uglily worked, bat bee the advantage ottbe liberal =noting given to - the root Crop. There is no tart more dif6colt than to make a selection of varieties of any kind of fruit that *hail answer everywhere. We give here a list of those we should set out where we about to ralae fruit for the New York market. In this case the question of quality Is secondary to that of profit: Windsor or Summer Bell—An old sort, worthless for eating, but profitable as an early market crop and always In demand for cooking. Bartlett—Nothing need be said of this well known and popular variety. Potn ologists may discuss whether it is a second or third rate pear; cultivators know that "there is money In it." Louise Bonne de Jersey—Succeeds generally; sometimes astringent, but its beautiful cheek makes it sell. Buerre Claircan—Handsome, large, an abundant bearer, and profitable. Duchess D'Angouleme—About the only variety found profitable ou quince, on which it generally does better than on its own roots. Buerre d'Anjou—Find class la all re specie and keeps well. Lawrence—A good late nutmeg vs OM Vicar of Wakefield—An aoundant and regular bearer, excellent as a cooking pear, and when well ripene , A,t, fair for the table, but It Is so uneven In quality that It Is unpopular in the market for the lat ter purpose. Cultivators, however, find it a profitable variety. To this list might be added Becket, Sheldon, and some others. In planting for market it is a great mistake to have a few trees of many kinds; the 'orchard should comprise but a few profitable sorts—such as the people know and will buy, or which by their attractive ap pearance commend themselves at once. Picking and packing are much facilitated, and the commission merchant has much less trouble with a large lot of one or two kinds, than where there are small quantities of a dozen varieties. EARLY POTATOM—The potato delights in a cool and tolerably moist soil, rich and deep, and filed with vegetable mat ter. We must therefore plough deep to retain moisture, and select a northern exposure in preference to a southern one. It is also necessary to the productive yield of the potato that the soil should containan abundance of potash, Where this is wanting, short crops are inevita ble. The necessary potash may be sup plied by wood ashes, when these can be had, or by a compost of 'wood ashes and woods' mould or marsh muck, to which one-sixth part of barn-yard manure may be added to .quicken and reduce by fer mentation in the mass. After the Roll has been deeply plough ed, it should be made as friable as possi ble by frequent borrowings, for, the more finely it la, pulverized the more freely will the defigate fibrous roots mmblein search of to , Farmer. PEACHES ..NlA.—The editor of the Gardener's Monthly gives the follSwlng select list of peaches ripen ing In regular eneeeseten from early Au• gust to October, in answer to the inquiry of a Gettysburg correspondent : Hale's Early, Troth's Early, Old Mixon [Free, Crawford's Late or Stump the World, Late Rareripe, Smock, and• Late Heath. CaWe Lars.—We . refer those who fear a Spread of the cattle disease by allowing cattle to run at large, to the only law of this State covering the case. It was passed April 12th, 1866, and pro vides "that no cattle or sheep shall be allowed to run at largo in any township or borough where a contagious disease prevails," and specifies certain penalties to be applied to any one who may violate It. If the present legislature enacts no new law, and the cattle disease continues to be prevalent, the law ought to be rigid ly enforced. For.—As the egg season approaches, housewives begin to think of how best to preserve them. The next best plan to that of eating, is suggested by a cor respondent of the Scientific Ameriean, who has been using eggs two years old preserved thus : 1 peck good lime; 2 or. cream titter ; 1 tea cup of table . salt. Slake the lime with hot soft water; when cold, stir in the salt and tartar. F. M. MIT - 1313S Itz CO., ea= VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS WEIAT IT PITAPOITTS TO BA. A °MILNE HAIR BACEITOILarTIV_A„ thll3lll - lug Doty, Light, Dell or Faded Hair to the Dark, Lustrous bilkerream, which so adorn youth or age. It w positively eradicate Hu mors and Dandruff ra the scalp, and where there is life In the glands, will causes new growth of Hair to pot forth on bald spots. Thousands ore testifying to the above. PRICE : 81.00 PER BOTTLE. al-A. A itgehi•r i liYholessle stud Re444ll,Avent, Getcysbarg--and for sale at retail by all Druggtet& Feb. 14, 1/41.,„ 17 BAUGH'S Commercial Manures. Wi l l y:ounce t t gagaers Fer adopted for re pregent spring g=" 114EMR:8 RAVONS PLORPIII 13A UO/149 =C;RGO BONA 1411211 6 AJEKR Price, 10 per 2,0001 b. PAEIVIT'S_OMAGO AltfriPlM .11447X1CX. FM* iLO pilf 2,11001ba. Thin well known- penal*: tante-mark will be found upon every package of the above manures. r OE MARK IBA The high esttroattos In !tell BACON% Boise MANY Ras have hew held, d fourteen years past.: shell rallY sostate ink e future. HAv- C g telg le org e ferer ltnith i M a to= and Phosphate yl sootesial, via :—Bones, DOW Flesh, 8M01,40., we Mow, fa coeseettea with oar works In Mtladelphis, the largest hull- Wes lbr thrtdahlap these manures, at Ills shove lowprteea. SAVOR & SONS. PhtladelPhla. NORTH-WESTERNFERTILIZINGCO.,ChIepen. JOHN RALTSON tXI., Otdel As' ta b _lrr . Tor GEORUM W. MAKE .St -" aztelvd,EAlkogistOr4WrmoTe• For laformatten nreireding the shove Me. %Res, address either of the sbove house& - Jan. Si, MIL fas Notigal t 4) poitmtori - DaoPosALEI sin be received ler rerdbdelitm I School Bowie Ma L. gyphind. towpahiP. Adams county, up to SATURDAY, the llth day Arltalicnext,,whear Meer villa* It iseqUatottlimt School Director*, for the o mrptse of betting . the Job, at 1 o'clacJa, uona can be seen by calling oirae ll ==of the Board. By mv.tft , of the Board.--ar DAVID STEWART, Preset. G. C. Ilarritura., March Wr, MIK *A HAY WANTED. prz w =ed madras maim, • 4 1 900 41, t atimskwa Wan* pow. lout ti . QM FL situntscounat.., ~~4id` - -011E&P-FOIWIMO3_- snow ofietegatze, Ltgv Tis, ac. ndandeiad has retared to Getidwoung, and opened o new MOD!. OD Baltiraire street next oa alleizerfix*en t 'OR CASH, a lane and choice sitscdteawat of Groceries,— SUGARS. COFFEES, TEAS, MCILASSTIi, SYR- CPS, SALT, &C., irlth FISH, BACON, LARD, &C. .Uso, Ligicums,— WINE% BRANDIES, OLNS, WiIISKIZIk Rtr3o4 and avarytidngelse In the line. any quantity vermiform, to suit any and everybody. Recoil/et Me is the piece to bay ciEtrAP VOlll, CASH. OEO. F. KALSFLEVItIr. April 11. MR. . . BARGAINS I= IST - Z.77T; 061565:0PE1WY . 1, , 41.1 IN GETTYI3IIIIR6' •?PM „ 7"= Itturg: 01,1 th e north ' -west corner of the Public dare, and haveJuei, received r splendid ampart. meet. of FRESH 81,0 eltiß F. 4/ Includtr_ig Bogor; C,otTeec, Mob:woes; Syrups, Teas, Spices, Tobacco , Salt, Platt, Hama aboublera to. Also, QUNENSIITAIIE, CONFECTIONS, Note, Pra y Roam Fancy Roa Fancy Arideten and 1 gen and FEE erall. D-ka We 14111 also keep on hand 14,11WL lif. FS. -Having purchased for CASH, we are prepared to sell very cheap. ()lye us a call and Judge Stor yourselves. JOHN CAIN, J. W. CANS* Sept. 27, 1x47. II FRESH ARRIVAL DRY C3-00DS FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Store of A. SCOTT & SON. Their stock consists of MERINORS, all styles. DELAINEDA s styIas. CALI , style/i. ESLTS, all grades. CLOTHS ,AND CASSIMERES of all styles awl quality. Persons wanting GOOD GOODS and GOOD BARGAINS, Should not fan to go to SO the OTY gtore of A. gON, Ohambersbnig street,2fld Square, Oct, 11, ISM. Gettysburg, rn„ IBON-1110N-MOIT I GETTYSBURG FORGE. THE ealtweribers respectfully Inform the pablie that they have erected a Foote to conneetio with their Steam 2.1111, and are new meztuAtctrio 'FOROZD,AXD such as Plough. Horse-shoe and Bar Iron, and re •Xentibaill,ntveelnltssae=l*.hrithp''je • u l ATlTe n t ' t i lTl e s to please as to gutulty, finish and pm*. BRINGMAN & WARREN. R. B.—The higheet market mice paid tar wrought and scrap iron. B. et W. Dee. 17, MC LEWIS STEOUSE Has bought back his old stand, on Gunge street, and is going Into tonnes, again heavier than ever. He asks his old friends and the public to call. NOTIONS, 0110CERIES, CONFECTIONS, SE OARS, TOGA CCOH &C., &C., &C., n large variety, and a little changer than the cheapest. Don't beget She plane-nearly oppo sitegke Itighisita Gettyst&ler, Oeti ht . NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS ! reltitcireedeltorrevtiAmarnirelsibrettAr NINE PER CENT., are requested to call at the Gettysburg National Bank, and obtain Montan of the ironies Tuella and &leo Cputral PaulSt Railroad. IN upsprfle =3 Theme Investinenta tire'claltly growing in favor ADA lea W.:reusing. Bantle can be bad at all thuea atthla whererall laformatton ooseerning Bald Invest- menu will cheerfully be given S. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. bee. 20.18137. tf UNION r4,ciric RAILROAD BONDS. i IT-' I Tax First National Bank of Gettysburg agent - foe the sale of the inner MORT AGE UNION PACIFIC NJLILgtOaIeZ CENT:OOLD DirEsgez,limpolt. wirrisims. 11nm:1st payable analoatiiihr * the eo n nter. All neeteeary Inirnetion given. N k GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier Gettysburg, S4O IVrTT .-FIS or vas ' • UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, Ramming West Oros Onaitito ACROSS THE CONTINENT, AIM NOW coatzmaresre. Tar TEACEIIIINO LAID AND 2NAJN6 RITNNING) Within Ten Miles ofthetummit OF THE ROCKY MOVNTALMS. The prospect that the whole Ctp.ok t* - 7,,TEE_PACRIC WILL BE COMPLETED IN 1870, woe never batten The mesas so ler preehlea for construction have proved ample, and there Is mo lack of fundellbr lie meet - vigorous pr,.. 30 ._ Non of the enterprise. The Company:s EMT MORTGAGE NOS are now offered at PAR, They pay pap rile CENT. 'IN BOLD, sod hove irty years to ran before manning.' ' Subscription. will be received In GETTY 6. BURG, by GETTYSBUI* NATIONAL BANK and FIRST NATIONAL BANK, and_in .few York at the Company'. Office, ?Co. 10 Kano street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BAIIK, Na 7 spa- SIM street, • . . CLARK, DODGE & CO., Bankers, No. St Wall et., JOHN J. CISCO & SON. Barden; No. *VW et, and by the Company's advertieed Amelia throughout the United Meek teinittanose Would be made t itrallans uthap taiwingestin New York, and de bonds will be lent hie of charge bY return eipmat .tom ngligMehtvg through local agents, will look to them tar their =redelivery. - ANEW PA/IP - BLIT AND MAP, okowirog ske Progress of the Wrok, liksiokreor , Cloantette• Don, and Valise or Wetda, 54:104 elet Die Company's Ofllenidi cinY'M, tlsea Agents, or will be mit bettennippiinalifeat • • - ti • • • toss J. CIEKX; Trimmer, New York. Annimlzotoffliif' Tlaci=l, 4 turther t icrlicatraiWir Mgena.ung AN; PresariNtriM m Jan. 24, itt (IN t 6 ik lS ftat ill'l Wltg& ii‘ ortler, PlL lSU Ibilds of RID/NG SADDLINP. V : 9 •A t a i A n at i alua HIDING IMIUDLIZI, ittortisitsinsa, , • ckg0444016 • Y low as taisuirisit.. 7 11 .1 June 24.156 T. Lf % P t ' idAttga i nr &VA GETTYSBURG, PA., CARPEPIAriII A l iD r itdilektTOßMl, Are prepared to de all Mods it CerPeederialli —angtaretlim sad laUldbegi et all kledg ilirpaldw o &c. Thy lamp andaftkitlipois Med sad tosaulbelassia, emirs DOORS. iugursieste, BLENDS. BARR, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES CIERNICS, Doon • *i*no*ltitscrocra, Seasoned maAettial comitmatly oa, band, =ye- rleneal wortalee shrive tit reed% as, and work executed with dispute& sp-Orders procaptly Witioadlad W. Sept. 20, 1957, U BOLDIETIS' H.E.iID- Q U.4I2TEES, At, NOIMILUV MOM. Is MIO /10044 to Pt TALL WINT.ItB,,GOODS (WRAP MB CAME IF you want a cheap Over-mat, go to NORRIS% • IF yoo want a good !Imp DeanMm-a.uw. • yoligniatagood liveryriav toginfORRIEV IF you want a good pan'*ran :. =maw I 111110 , 6104 d " 611. Ye t a) titimiK. V you want • FABRION.ABLE VAT, go to NORMS' r yol Fin " le Win NORIO! 1 . 0 YOU writ good pidr etßstirogitmw IF you want a FAIMIONA.BLE Ngin7' IF you want a good French Calf °alter, go to NORM'. EL= IF 7011 wiukt. %good Umbreilla vao to monius IF you want good Paper Collars, go to TrOltntlF IF you want a fonhkatable wilt of voici=air youw.gat Northing la the GISOUSIMMINILIae. go to NORMS. IF you want • pawl SMOKE, CO to NORRIS% Imo` want goal I.IIaVY Vaill2 Also—A large 'Seek of CAJNITMERPN IN THE PIECE. Persona preferring the goods to Reedy' aulderClothlres., ems be aecommod at the low, eat malt (kt - 1 - I,Pirot of ROBERT C. COBEAN H A T'r'i d rra t 'w""l 4 l oa r , Bode and Stow, of latest styles, for Winter use, which he is telling at reduced price& Ile Moo manatee- torn! and repairs • - 130=03 or ALL ZUNDS, MAW" aS4 nmumooslie Serum Wank yklns, Trunks, Vislials, Tobacco, 43. gars, sod 'seat variety of Nations stomp se linOLvedl uOn old stand ova .• • shoat, two dons 'roan anider's Drug non Si-The lashes prim will be paid fur •ll blade of FURS. 3aii:l4, bet tt . NEW GOODS. IME2E Gif:(lliOß sIR.NOLD --1,1 r" 1 flf 444,1499P45",111.114Wi1t00k of CLOTRIMMiI. sontairs. mita itkranr-isDE cranibm t meetly of - 1011141M nisaratreture, anktbdise of .Maus of COATS, MT% sfillera;'' DRAWERS, CRAVATS, iloakery, &C .te., priest W sate Ity 6an,cliaankl*All,4l.l.6l:/90,111, Nov. 1, 18,1, tt FURNITURE. ALtifir , t, I I/ SA KAFFEtt & BECtusR, FETERBBURO, (Y. S.) PENIVA., dre prepared to otter to the Pobii. aitything fa their Itde its &Alvin eaa'be had la ihernoittry. sir Purchasers allldo will to ean and easnaine our stnettilihfit lanOtalid Olornandin - • FURNITURE =t au order. Itinialthin dna* as etteapti; and id* lan. a Viit. ' c//von WORIM On /hawker. saws, epp wile Ow Orizialkiii" GM'=IBURG, .PEPIPA Ever/ deserieeket at we cit (Meted in the MUM STYLE 01' ME ART June 4, M. tf HOUSE PAINTING; °EWA 443 , 44 1 Mit. MOM /PAMWS. GOOD W Boa I RK=III. LOM July SP, LW LAWREPrd VirROTAINALN MANN/ 1W NOTNNINI.‘ 44,..TP1Va - ; ass *awl rizti I • , r=f:-: 97%1 t . u4 irmagenift, A"."1.11111:22ki. „io• , DRY GOODS, !LT • MOIL *a, J. it YAWL. CARPETS, &C., AC., 3' ri . , span irmoript.eitiainay of sopa, Air ISO. 1 , 80 , 11 :"N g • Pieta, el DtIPHORI & HOFFIANS Northwest Oconter K Onto' Square, ***l4ll" ' t March 6, US& HATE GOAL BANK Will allow Intereaton BpsoLl Depailts,aalloiknn 6 p., r im .wr 666 • • i;mmintis. •4 Gs w' $ Wlll convert IA rims Lao SIOI BONDS, as aster, free artery. CASH COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES and win Moo parebase or sell 'ream sad BON of every kind, free of ebanre as noimmlaelon, •nd wilt at all times my the HIGHSZEIT PEWIT. tor GOLD and SILVER, and will, with pleasure, trammel all business promptly, as borslobre, pertaining to • well regninted Bank. Gettysburg, NOV. i. M. NATpNAL OA!!K. 111/07101-TRINIT BONDS oconverted into FIVS TWENTY BOMA wintmout obnegn Pofr-undersigned oars at Private Soh, the d DOBBLN DWELLING, at thej on the Taneytown and Enamlttsburs roads, in the borough o( Gettysburg. The house hl sahstaatla 7 ballt, of atone, and WW ouratahas twelve large rooms. There is a swing, never-D.llln' Spring of flrid-rate water In the harr_ment, faxsll% Acres of Land connected with I ..IO•LOOn gi • very pleasant one mad e wit h • l it tle&dadaist Mlles this could be one of the most oomfortable and desirable homes In the borough or its vicinity, Interest an SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced I per I N . T. wag, viz: a'.. } The HIGHEST PREMIUM peld ea GOLD and HILVER. MOCKS and BONDS, of all lands, bought for penman wiIdionSCOHASOING (X)3l tdlnti/ON. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED 4 per anat. Sir I 74~, ..s omit 0.. mestlas, $ per emit. Mir 2 inaullis. Persons wishing Ittiornuttlon in tepid to U. S. Ikeda, sad Meeks et all kinds, are Invited to give as a call, and we will give all Information cheerfully J. 'MOW NAIR. DRAWN gettYlbil, Oet•z,Mr. U LIME KILNS. THIL undersigned ban booed pal Igo fOnser Plainer. W7a. Galas. NA maw osatham tha --- -• the Gettysburg Llsee =Sac ea the comer of the Bather* eat Northiereitea Steet. Thankful for last yekrOnyie, be INV endeavor to deserve itai ounttnuenee, by ptooectiting the busi ness as vigorously end on as large a saki as pox sible—elvrays selling a good satiate and giving good mamba Yarning and others may look Ibr the prompt Olin/ of orderL Re also continues the COAL BUSINESS, otlbrlng the most popular Mods. Housekeepers and others should 'Me him • ea& Blacksmith Ocal oniartly on hand. Lima and IA& dadivemod anywhere he Get- erg. Gait Stung. Nov.ll, int. it CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. SOPER # ....04ea2xgr,5 NEW IiwELAE w 1 E, Or Yonglirtiik bppolills the aamk 0 416 4/11) , W9,, tiC11710) A NW Al, 7VI& MllMMlllirliVt MIT R littinribliltAllitklitg, ; ; ; suipoptintruptram, " Ifthataf ,dlr4=/1 1g* : 01 = 1111 ANC4i -, ,f 1 11% •- • ; MVP Tg., At Greatly Sedield Mali AT ' Area 0 - Ito/aunt 7. TOW: y, ~ ~ : ~~ r :`d NOTIONS, •. •~-; EMI I;M:=1 l~i . ~~ . OM ARNOLD, Oudder. GETTYSBURG 1102 , 71:2z ) f all . kinds, BOUGHT GHTTYSBURG =1 CLOWIMEI A LAMA somirost of Ins Wxdboto, of letr= °ACE. WU best In wirat. mons of asoczniz , LI4VORS. viarkoide and retail, prLtue Wine, Brandy, Rya Wldelsey, de., form edicinal and ether purpems, In ky say Inu:&it aira 's Herb 'Otters, sad the "Great 141 = GRAM wars WV. J. HARM. %Moore street, GettieboilL April Melt. tt DAVID hiellititeßY. JOHN F. IieCREARY. "Beat always Cheapest" AE Beet and Cheapest DDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and HARNESS of all kinds, In the ()aunty, are always to be asend at the old and well known Mae& Saltinthee OPPolite Probrlv ri " Mune— McCREABYS'. Our Biding and Wagon Saddles we the Mist substantially Malt and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and diver mounted,) 01 .. 01 ZiSdai , in every respect and warranted beef the very best materna and walunsnattp. Oar upper leather Draft COMM 84111 NOT aa sear. They We the best FTTFING and mast durable. Oar Heavy _brdDra ft Harness acemale toeras cheap as they eon ho made anywhere and in Litet most substantial manner. Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft Baer, Fly-nets, and everything in the line. New better or cheaper. • Our priers base Moen it Wantlin to the lowest Hying standard. A Mond percentage for Cash, Ott all Wile emetesuog to It+s or more. We work nothing but the Wig stock and lOU warrant emery article turnodnurno be in every =Zted. it we invite attention to our present stock. mirfikive us a call and examine mess and QUAIATY. Jan/SI, 110. tf D. BIaCRX&RY & SON. NEW BOOT tic SHOE STORE. NEW AND GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES. EC amMestgaed has opined • new Bost, end ames Nom on BALTIMORE STEAM, one all=tor Patagasterien Chorea and near. e tie hteeresa tiaddler shop, where he eels ansttrastive tr smarmiest of woods In Ms line, all mar and selected with Ihe greatest awe. Be has LAME' CONORERS GAITERS, LAMES' BALMORAL OA ITEMS, LAMES' COMMON CTAITEFLS, LADIES' BALMORAL 1104./TS. LN LARGE VARIETY. GENTLEMEN'S CALF BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S KIP SOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S CONO BESS A ITERS, GENT LEMENIOILIPPENS, A STY L AB, GENTLEMEN'S BA LMORALS, tiENTLEMEN'S BIIOOANS. MUMS' OGNOREELS GAITERS, ISMER' BALMORAL GAITER', MUMS' MOMOOM) BALMORALit ac.. &C_ *! r V. BOYE OONGIUNIN GAITHER, 130YIS . CALF BALMORALS, BOYW BROGANS, AC., AC. Also, Boots and Shoes of his own mantasiture constantly on hand. - AU will be acid at the lowest living pronto. Buyers, from town and country, are Invited to eall and examine geode and prices before per °baring elsewhere, I am determined to sell ebesp—a little cheaper than any other house In the panty. By strict attention to hesines. cod dogleg &lay and squarely with everybody, I bops to merit and receive an encouraging stump of lt u a bi l l itAVAMllßlNG of Boots and Shoes will also be carried on, In all Its branches. Boots, Shoes and Deltas made to order. Re pairing done on short notice—and no effort spared to give satisfaction. None but drat clam workmen employed. Having a life-time experience at the Anilines, I fuel confident that I 011111 pleurae all who may call. D. R. KLINGEL. Grityitmig, Jane 14, 1,17. A DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY I= VALUABLE PROPERTIES =I JOHN C. BOUM, LAND AGF.NT, New Oiroun, ADAMS COUNTY, PA., Has for mat • plumber of desirable properties, to which he mike the attention of those wishing to purch Two No. BOFORS Uniting tor sale or rent, with Mock of goods doing a good business, near Railroad, situated in beautiful villages; good chases Sir venoms wishing to engage to the Wel ber& Pomestion e'en any time. A LIMARSVISIC FARM of to acres, near Rail road, be iekbasie end all necessary out-buildlop. A LlidligiflCONß ' , ARM of MI acres, with Floor and lbw RIX house barn, and other out-build nom sitri ßaltimore. aled in Baltimore county, Md., 18 mil es A fE FARM of *Mama, brick haute, brick barn, In Baltimore county, Md., 17 mile. A LAMB FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, with Dwelling, situated In a county seat, near Railroad and Begot. Good chance for doing all kinds of work. Also, several Town Lots will be sold with the above property If desired. A FARM OF 150 ACRES, In Adams county, with good Stone Howe, good Bang, Ac., near a turnpike and railroad. FORTY exam, with good House, Barn, Ac., of a mile from a railroad station. terros m 7. FARR OF 105 AL on the Carlisle ttni pike, under good eultivat on,alth a large BH House, Bank Barn, and other' out-buildings, new. A fit MILL, with IS Ames eland. f T or e d merchanto u B est wß a po m wer y is the county, A FARM OF 175 AMER, near the lismorer turnpike, on whlett ',erected aV..liocumi, Barn, end ail other secessary mit-bnifill Iplr A FARM OF 11011 ACHIM, good land, with large Mak Roane, Own, and glilenaut Ilowse.--40same in weed—bail* mile from tie Oonowago Minuet A ROTS., In New °Mimi, two-stoy, roomy, and convegalmit Sm badness. Geed retinue.; terms may. Also, a number of good nausea and Lola for sale In New pitiled. . . _ _ . Persons who wtsh to buy Real Estate, as well as thosewho irlah to sell, are requested to give the onthwerlber a eatl at We store to New Oxford. Ad- JOHN C. ZOIICK, Land Agent, New Oxford, Adams county, Fa. Aprll 1,18 g. ly TO THE PUBLIC. Tvg,,,,m pole dtils.kigeyiblitsutriettiod of Inform a~rry on the Cabinet-making Business, ttal . ll o g i tted branches, and , : t hat they now BUABAUS, 13,EDEITEADS, Ztibiee, (Inter arpboarde, 'Wes, Sinks Stennis, Dreestn. Boreatse, Mare, of *fermi /ands; iashort iverresiv in the Cabi net-making line. ALSO,READY-ft lt COrYINS AND COF FMB Z TO4RDZit. AU of witch wID be *aMbed tementhr. at the etanik, an Mainland Weak ompealte WlaginerintrrirMinaly,. Mee vademerniel hay ingisademer fir yearn! egperleareln the tantime, flatters at IMA dneyean !suave as rood waricas .feffr Lae' Intim New bgaii. nen and MVOS V it to their advantage le call and bay from ne, as we ore determined to sell en MW Yr plledCMOAAßLAtal & THAMICEEL. Dee. SI, M. ens CMMiVr-ittlllG. W al la} 4in t Z * a ° ril lsli t e isstuse • ;Pp i n ITQ AB u * w o o * '066 tO Clidef. He Win Also keep ite era • elkeie• ormortment of AM* likA kovibee the ottlemp Ow towl*Piali 2M F •fricip , lktr" i rim =fitil,adi likees vat ikVklilr ul arro be 1116110 1114101 • •-• „ NQ rtigSlforatadan eslattos boloroeu d to tae Rubies anal Famed liaataala wr dimatrad an the find day of room bui tuk: i sc ft " " 0 17 I I I r! A l ZWOV: ll6 ier t. s • tt.. e.. ;• . • gien,•.e. , . ~~~ u ~ ' itr.:. ~' =I OE rzum Of A Oic s 'OF THEM! T 115MIZIRECOPT corner of the Diamond and TOrk baijust returned from the city with on Similes ousortment of CLOTHING FOR SPRING a SUMMER WEAR. giblet he will sell at such prices as cannot fail to lake %barn off very rapidly, tall and Jodan tor ,yyoneselvee To look at the szosllsat material, taste u 1 cutting, and neat and subetantlal sewing, and then b get We low prime—callers cannot help but bu,y, when they see It so much to their Inter est to do so. He has Coats, Pants, Vesta, of all styles and ma. , nate, Hoots and noes; ghirtkof all land., Hosiery, Okresu,..Randkrrr chiefs, Neck-ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Coi ls" flusrpeMens, ram Omaha: TrUarkyalksisii, rialSttwitatJEnsllkSe mirs, smoking and w Pipea,lB,•- Goner", Clocks,Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other articles, entirely too numerous to de tail In a newspaper advertisement, He oaks the attention of the _public to his new stock, eonfldent that will please—and no one can or sell cheaper. Don't forget the place— corner of York street agd the Diamond, Get tysburg. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. April tf THE GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. /TIRE undersigned takes pleasure In announcing to the eitizens of blettylMurg and the public generally that babel removed from ids Ott moms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street., and newly opposite the store of Fahnestenk Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up expressly for his business.. The location Le an admirable one, enabling him to take pic ture% ta 4r , of imilbier, land Wilke eurr.A nesealUtl any where elm PIiOTOGRAPIIA, of every size and deecription, executed in LW finest style. Particular attention given to the CARTE DE vIbLTE. nod to caplug Alijileti- TYPO% and DAGUERREOTVI4 , I4 or demised friends. Also— . _ _ THE GETTY:4I3I , RO GEMS, a new Style of picture, which has become very popular With the pu bl le, not only for their beauty, but for cheapness and convenience. SIXTEEN for (*IF. DOLD tR. only. Alto—THE PORCE LAIN PICITILE, which fin their beauty and du ruldllty are Mittipeared. Weare prepared to entry otrthe Intshiela In ell Its various brunches, and ha, lug bad comildera. hie experience we run no rtsk tat GUAItANTEEINO PERFECT SATISFACTION Our fuelliths (or n full display of our salll are unequalled by any other Gallery in the county, and we would therefore Ins Its eery one to cull at the OE7 . n - sum - la SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. WI and examine our Sped Mena and Judge for yourneh LEVI MUMPEkt. June 25. 1808. Great Oonowago Mills. Theo9o BUBIiKIA" Nt ., HEAT WANTED. e . un eraigned, having remodeled and Unprov ed his Mills, near New Cheater, Adam! iMimty, (lbrtneri,v called "Walnut. Grove," hut now "Great Conowago le prepared to du all kind. of work in his line with unusual dispatch. Constantly on band, for male or exchange, the very best finalities of Super, Faint and Family FLOUR, auto Rye, Corn and Buckwheat Flour, with every variety of Chop and offal of wheat. Having a SAW MILL attached, he Is prepared to saw all kinds of lumber, at the shortest notion. A Farmer in need of lumber and floor, eon pot a log mum lain wagon, throw a lkw bushels, Of wheat on the top, have the wheat exchanged for Baur and the log .awed, thus Raving a double trip— and all beams, of [lmperfect machinery now eru- Pl lVlZ t h b e besl " o l ;tyorkmen, he will be able to please everybody, Thankful for past .von, he hopes fur a continuance of theism* lIJ J. .11YERB. New Cheater, April 2, )Mt. /tr. TO THE BUILDING CO UNITY AND ALL OTl(ttas WHO WISH TO Ilfl'ROVB TE aaderelemed respectibliv Informs the cub be that he atlil continue* the CARPENTERING BUS'INKBB, at his old stand, on West street, Gettysburg, and is read y y at all times to amommodate those want ing anything all i kinds of work for building pur pa poses, of the best material, and a. neatly and cheaply as It can be done at any other eatabllaliment In the county. Experienced bandsalwaysin readl nese and work executed with promptness and dt jB ll 4 : hankful for past fav or ., he hopes, by at tention In buslnee, to reose a liberal shire o public patronage. WM. CUBSTEILAN. June 17. NOAH WALKER & CO., WASITINOTOrq BUTLDING, 166 AND 167 11111.7111011 LY MUM. SALTI O X, ED., KEEP 016 .6, 2011 ad & Jose sod well rui sorted st•aill ere& at we l l r priced est t saber r e ed y the y made host heortiktemtawet e to useaeure, to any part of She country. of Fra. They keep also an extensio if !SHIRO GOMM, embracing every article of Gentlemen's tinder-wow Alan MILITARY CLOTHS and every sari tof Military Trim ming., as well as an sumo Meek of .AI)Y MA.Dit BurzrAur GOODS. Baltimore, Feb. =, 1666. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE VINE, Lied by Hundred/ ar Oshrahalour for Church or Ctakeisraces Purpoeca WO, ./kruellerl for Laace and USX Weakly Persona TO E= VINEYARDS, NEW .IEIIBIEI' Spear's hut Grape Wile, Four Years Old PIR Justly celebrated native Wine to made rom the Juice of the Oporto Grape, raised In country. Its invaluable Tonic and SLrengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other native 'Wine. Be ing the pure juice of the grape, produced ender Mr. tipeer's own personal supervision, Its purity and genuluenein are guaran te ed. The youngest child may partake of 10 generou s qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It Is particularly beneficial to the aged and debili tated, and suited to the s. edam ailments that af flict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, A WIRY TO BY RELIED ON. Invalid. use ilipser's Port Grape Wine. Females use Speer'. Fort Grape Wine. Weakly persons And a bement by its use. ripper Winee in Hospitals are preferred to oth er wines Said by Druuate and Grocers -411-The Trade sapplied by JOll4lOOll, Holloway & Cowden, sad French, Illeharda Oa, in Phila delphia. A. *Sp ear% Vineyard, New Jersey. Mae, US Broadway', New York. August 3a, M. 17 DR. R. HORNER, DAYSICiAN AND DIWOOMT, Offkoe and Drag Stone, CEIAMBEILSBURG T. .GETTYSURG. Ildmakal lidtici Willmitit atutripi. DRUGS, AIELIMLNICSA PATENT MED/C/NFE, STATIONERY, PERPUMERy, SOAPS, BRUSH. RN, ILET AWINCLEK, DYE STUFFs, (3E9 13 TO AXING SODA, CREAM OP TARTAR, LAEPS, apex, au, éa, PURE LIQUORS fir mesltulual purposes. Dr. R. Horner's OLIHN, a reliable remedy tor chapped hands, rough skin, de. All articles warranted pare and genuine. DEC. 27, M. it NEW BAKERY. N -ZIWPORT I ZIEGLER, MECHANICAL BAKER South the be Washingfen intent, onei &Vero from the haul Daigle Hotel, 0 of MITh.WHO', Ps. Constantly,' at BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELA, be. Persons whihing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names awl reel deuoes at the Bakery. Every effort made to prams Ove us l call. April 40, I !. Farmers, Attend to Your Interests h UMW= FOUNDRY, wosid leans sad others, that he la aid man hhala of eistinai and letratata4., molar, oil abort norJee mat aa _ TanzstrErd3 Arra rd'at iuMen , t&se= t = - 8 8PfE r 1 „ ) Rrndeliad a gr,~ "ji web ax Claid Pima Lad J . flideblll and Oen Piausba• tire the Istax tesoak v lAgi g i ttUrEarewe for Oder Pr - 1 , -I.II43rW , WISLIVO 2 for Owasbotbe or larches with wraTtbleg eta in ha Inte. anatteargatara NOSBALL—a. bed IhavbarealVertaa sans bond Wraps, sad staring Wagon, ail new. -DAVID Wiltlannt Bzseettmee NotAee. MARX antMUM; RElTATE—Letters tee lastastaty en Um estate of Mary Rinehart, pi Wuhan township, Adams ea., dosemod, hating teen ipsoted to the undersigned, re ddlanit„rpeematil""ligegetehera gl arele. " :o - thi =t i = ll 4t a ti .4 0 .' = 4'41, tf . Ilut settlement. . WR.S.LaY STALTSM,,i nes ei• sialtlMP wasting tee &Mae a & ar I 7- 'l4, 44112; k P ‘ 2.: 0 REMOVAL ! CLOTHIER ~: "~t WM. T. lif OPF.LNEIN "OWN *AKE" ~ r.krwr. oNg SKIRTS," 6lnic the beat and L'ltedriter Low Patcr.D limp Skirts ln the market. Trall Skirls tesprlngs, ; fit epriagts, 41.10; and 40 sprinp. 81,43. In tante, It tepee, 20 springs, Si ( erns ; z efirll34l ll F r lts • tu Trines, 91,15; and 83 eprlngs, SUL th every "Our N eke" of • TM4KIIITS,' Elev en Tape Trail., from 20 tulig 'Trines, YEW to 112.30. Plain, Six Tapes ID tol4o twinge, from 96 Cent.' to It Tines Skirta are better titan those sokt by ether extabllatirriente as Unit Maid geode, and at nech Ware, priors. "Our OWN Make" of "CiI.iIifYIONKIRTS" are In ovary way snperlor to all ot her Meop Skirts before the public, and only have to he.. nulled or worn to convince every ono of the Md. Manunotured of the best linen-finished Engibth Steel Springs, very superior tapes, and the style of the nietallo teatenings and manner of ..somas the.. sums= tor durability and ex tellence any other Skirt In tide country, and are MOW. sore 11011/10., wear WNW, give 11101. sat !ann.—ton and are really cheaper than all othe rs. Mery ks)T r ailimukt try aim. rimy ere WIN, •oki extsmitlye by Merchants th roughout this and the *Moth tug states at very moderate prices. 1I you want the beet oak for vertu ('llainpion glint," It you do not find them,get the mer- Mneltwitb wham youdeai Warder them for yon, or cane t!t_ernel, direct to us . Merchants will Wed ode =latent grades of Skirts exactly what they need,_aad we especially Invite Limn bend and examine our extensive assortment, or send llor Wholesale nen Ina To he had at Retail at MsuiriCactury, and of the Segall Trade generally. and at Whoteaale of the Isanahuturer only, to Whom all or den shoukl be adciresaed. MANUFACTORY AND HATARROOIT ON ARCH RTREFT, Between Rh and 7th Ma., Pleihntelph la. K M. T. HOYKINK Feb. SDI, ISM Mtn Fal3BlMl6 4 BAN, N .. Y WWI' NUMMI' BIREET, roßr, P. AGENTA AND DRALXIII PI tNOS CABIN F:7' OntIANS, MELODEON AND ALL MI HOLM OV Ntnitt'Al. IN I'lt reopect fully Inform the pu hl le that they are pro pared to furnleth 1.101111.1 of the following menu facture or of any other make that May be pro Albright. Bribes & Schmidt, Chieherfas It t/Ms, nradbury, Kush. & %ma. Gnlo dic ken, INTI4T s VICIA,II.IIATKO COTTAt 7E, It' . It IiOrTX3IR OROA AS A .V 1) MELODICO Theme In9truments stand unriNalleil by Any thing found In this el,untr) or In Europe, as Is admitted by all Impartial Judges. The most em inent Pipe Urgun ltuliden, and Perfortnem, the Met to dtbrot Cr ex.vellenee In rood Tune, pro non twirl !Item s 15 , etiperku , to all others tor vit ae-NI/MO) gunk. twtieolot lon end round Tone the essential feature In Instruments of thin elm?, We Invite the severe 14111littl and I' I' I tic PATENT VOX Ht NIA:VA TItENIOI,O, . . . Vila Into and most wonderful Invention (so ae. knowlMl all leading artbits) will Is wand only st e .. 13 . I t na c yuirien e ts o . p, I w n . at ten a tia i i , fur language. Its beauties cannot. be written, tot moot be !ward to be apprectals4l. By this atop an ordinary perfOrmer cart pTOMICI. effect W bleb rotor irtwa Ufa unto of practice fur an artist upon • violin. It entirely ehathes the rent Tone, Malign thesympathetic NWeetnoll/1 ad the in.lntall void, making It tomelodious and pure that it Never fade headlong the listener. TUE ILklati/NIC ORGAN for Chnrehrs, Piddle Halls nail Parlors has ■ powerful suiwßans with In.lep•ndent root., Har monic. atta•hment nod Vox Humana Tremolo, and la UNloved to he the moat powarful rest or gan made, Whig ',orb equal to a Pipe Organ of three time* the sad, All instrument. warranted (or floe years. .1.1-1311 ASS BANDS supplied with Instruments and music at rnaitormitle terma. A Ilbersl U..eount allow•r41 fur C'llurchu nntt ttheth tirhoolit. aarlnstruetlona even both In Vocal and In ortrumental Music, at our room., and at poplin horn., either to Individuals or chows, on rtatson able terms. pac.l7 le* if Gettysburg Railroad. CnAmIE IF ( CoNNECTIONI4,—On and after Wednesday, Novemilier elk, IMA, Palate/Ig, Trains will t. and arrive at (lett> ;Mara, and make connections. follow'.; PI RBT P.O94E:it:ER T ItAIN al 11 /ravelrttya burir at 8.15 A. N. a Ith pieoomgers for York,llar risburg, Philadelphia, lialtiluorc,•nd the North and Wiwi, arriving at Hones er Juin lion without change of rare, at la.ll A. N., ennnerthig with the' Fast Line South on the Northern Central and arri, Mg at Baltimore at 12:33 comm. Also eOOllO, ling w ith Mall Train from Baltimore north, arriving In Harrisburg at 1.00 P. M. Arri ving at ((eft) ..h o 1440 P. M., With Parwesige 2 w from Harrisburg, - York, Baltimore and Wash- Isigton. srxx): , :n PAW4RNORR TRAIN will leave Get ttratb:lLiAid arch i w n i g di L" rnill cr liOrth - . Arrive at e llthwire t a ' t P. el m . Arri ve n al, Get tysburg at 5.30 P. M., with passions,. from Phila delphia, Harrishura and the North and Wort, and also with paananders (rum Baltimore and Waahlairion by the &at line north, Which 100 or BARBI:owe et 13.10 acorn Pareengers can larva Baltimore in the Moll Train at SADA..., and arrive In fletty.litire at 12.40 P. M. Or leave Baltimore to the foot Ilme at 12.10 noon, and arrive in Gettyabork 5.311 P, Hot one change of can by the first train, either way, viz: at Hanover Junction. The fait line on the Nortlhern Central will not stop at any local ate,- Bona, ezeept York, Ilanover Junction end Park ton. Connection. certain. A. bIaCTIRDY, Fran. Nov. 15, MN. Hanover Branch Railroad, 9N and atter MONDAY, Dec. filth, 199'7, passen ger Dunks on the linnover Drawn nallettael 11 lame as fol s: /111.14 T THA.II4 will leave Hanover at 9.113 A. M., with passengers for 'Toth, Baltimore. W Harris burg, and the North and est. This train ar rives at the Junction at 10.10 A. IL, connecting with the nun Line South, on the Northern Om teal Italloay, which arrives ut Baltimore at IJAiI P. M., and also with the Mall Train North, a hlith arriN es at Harrhiburg at 12.55 P. M. W? Meru retoeb NaseweriNll.BB , P, and arrives at tisigyabwg at 4.05 P. M. SEI 1.) ND TRATN - leaves lltinover at 2.4 a P. 34., and arrives at the Junction at 3.40 P. if., connect ing with the Mall Train South, which arrives at Baltimore at 6.20 I'. M. Passenger . * by this train fur York iRY over at the Junction until &II P.M. ildi-ThisTmin returns to Hanover at 4.4 d P. N., with paasengers fur Hanover, thrttyabarg and Llt tleidox n. Passengers leaving Baltimore ntr.liancrver, Bet- Vsbarg and Llttlestown, will take either the Mall Train at 8.80 A. M., or the Fast Line at 12.10 P. M. JOSEPH LEIB, Agent., Dec. M. 1987. LC ADAMS COUNTY MITTITAL WINE INNURANCF: COMPANY INCORPOI.ATID, MARCH' IS, MI President—George !Swope. lace Presldent—elemuel R. Russell socreLury—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—E. Ci. Fahnestoek. Ezeoglve Comuiltwe—Rotwrt McCurdy, An dew lialatnelman, Jsosb King. Arjyers—Creorge Swope, D. A. Buehler. It. , W. Elehelberger, B. R. Russell, M. ti. Enhnestock, A. D. Buehler, R. U. Meereaty, Oat lie'lUn" . 1121:ar b F ru iC nTfirt ; "' N r i ‘ i ' m ban . D. to ntat I.4et Oxford; Win. B. Wilwm, Bendentville; H. A. Pleking,Straben ; John Wollonl,latintote; Jobs Picking, F.ust B e rlin; Abet T. Wright, IScrelete vllle ; Mallet P. (lilt, New Oxftwd; Jas. H. Mar ahnit, lisruiltonbuu; John l'unnlughunt Fr se tiom • John Hunter, ..NlountJoy ; Wm.llowe White, Li s b i c ir ia is Company Is limited in Its operations to the county of Adams. It hoe been in operation (or more than 1.5 years, and In that hat, made but oar aaseasinent, having buses by flee during that period amounting $13,0141-11e,- 110 Or Whrell twaren plidd trartitg the lest two years. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for farther Information. . - Ezeoattire PhinntMoe meets at the of fice of the Compaq, on the last Wednesday In every W. month, at tf o clock, P. u. Oa. DO& WATCHES I WATCHES!! L EWIS STROUSE ;a r t re " h i gied= d pia n w u k l ol v klilh " . " . e gLlZ ' t, ',' attractive assortimeit. offers sorb bargains as mum* gall to be acceptable to buyers. His stock embraces a large lot oi the CELEBRATED "AMERICAN WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER, Ms "P. S. Bartlett," Wm. Eltarp." and "Appleton a Tricy ;" with Watches of almost aU otbst makes. If you want CHEAP and GOQD,Watch, ealL op LEWD 3 STR(*UBS, At his old Btaild,Cartisles street, nearly opposite the Depot, Gettysburg, Ps. a9•IIe continues LM Notion end Con feellonery business, as ben:Wore. Jab* SC IW7. to Robert D. Armor, GAB FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL itikNoza, JlSse Mtddis 8., Adtfo rewsre frees llie Cbort-bate, GETTYSBURG, PA., WAtel.lllo.2Pttra~ orders to his not, Wadelidos us Übe ataiasattsasotory moaner, sad at prices sa low as tau possibly be afforded to make Brace, PIPE foralethed, weß as Chandelterm, ea : 2 Lights, ffe . d . ar . WATER rY t ildi T MWTisster l ifittitesi. ' , Soli bo short. eve at aedhtetalWliastrea. Den. *US?. 41 Mahood: New bask Bow liertored. 1 i- J rj r CM Azitell= al ~/;.- on Lae rodlical(wittient =atheism* '.., of apormuilonniW, or limainal Weak liest, la Lo a, m --t , mot 1 Tie r etas a 4toti se.i l , .err l ' CO:aea dle r d tko, s=a ma . l 4 :6 7 : = denteaataratea t ra a ming, of •e:1i0 t tbe viii 1 or appil cation et lima Itatil.-pailiii*lrcalt a atone encase at once eastilit, same oteletnol, Ira ninialinioneSZ am ithistar dittos Mir May saw iturislt=77 l a Ur " ' Stift arbiloailiat wary rusilldViersimo ,- , • float seat,ba a venrar i . aßigl. itaM ...A 0 ne hire W A r i n OWV lss. ,„.__ol IV itgoiresT. P . T....1... , ~........ Mar. 6, _-rot wer , • , 10 ICI .. 4 , i t lia