rimmiew 111111,11411114. T. BY*. J. maga wars..-rirs POIMAIMI plc likimemspe— Tiro DoszAili AIM MIT Con* It Eat paid la admit.. Se sabeeripaqi dprotamm e d, asJima oli 12600012011 ate* Pabitliallart mat !se arresteges ars pall. Lay lasereed St cha moat num— Urge reduction to those who advertise by the year. 02 Onirrisra. of every desertptiost—heen the smaLlast bst Mead is the Manua handaill or poerm-Aorte wtett dimetelt, to *workman- Ilke snamner,and al_Mittoweet Yrtnh retell. Orrice on SOlitesore enrent r is leir doom above the Corot-Hoare, on the oppodte sue, with "Getknaminimaatokrosk a ., on the banding. Attorniee, Phyokiene, ......... wm. A. DIIIICAIt, A TTURNET AT LAW, pn:mtptly attend to mi Witham intnisted to him, Including tie procuring or Penalonedloooty, Beek Par, and ell other °Wats mania *us United Staten and State OZ2i-west °onto, of Diamond. GettYs ham, Pon.o. April 14, st 1447. • 1,1 J. a xxxxx, A ITOILMET AT LAW. ,m, w en n ° . paid to Parties Bie . l . totection ot realm. Iti t th 3t r u d., Omer In the 6. cor ner tt . Oeyetperfs.APril 4 . Ma . _ 1111MV4ISD S. BCrERLES, &ITORMIT 4144 " A igil faithfully and promg; end to ci Al i or t =a 6. ol, 4 =W .t r e . ..1. Yorney's • = ls . lli. —kmala iMeirre itniebb= 4*. Zieg• 5 r ,,,, ;,,,.. t, .41 orad OPPOISSO let's store. Gettysbarg, March 20. I= D. Mee° NA LW HY, .ATTORNEYFI ANI) COUNSELLORii, Met ONAL;(3IIY has neauclated JOHN M. K EAUTII, Esq., in the Practice of the Law, at M. orrice, one door west of Buehler's Drug ire, illailibersburg street. so• clot attention gleam to Notts, collections and triourat of estates. All legal totalums and I iims to Peturloas,Bounty, Beak Pay, and Dam age* agalnet United Kates, at all time,, priimptly Lind eMetently attended to. land Warrant. located, and choice Farms for stair in lowa and other Western titattea Nov. n, ltlUf. =I AJAR ItiPMIIMED the Praettee of Medicine in 1 LiTrLESITOWN, and often his aerstces to ke pedle. °Mee at his house, corner of Lom bard etrert and Foundry alley, near the Railroad. Special attention given to Skin Disease.. Li ttltsdow n, Nov. 8, 18.7. FEZ= n FFIOE AND DWELLING, A few doors from tbe oorner of Baltimore end High streets, near the Prost)) Leiden Church, Gettysburg, Pa. April 1.5, E=ll iiiDDGE.ON AND ANYATCHEIIR, firming penzumently located in New Os frl, will practice his profession In all ito branches& lila friends anti all others desiring Ms prateaskstial services WV requested to casll and consult him at his b ,other In Hanover street. May , IxU7. 11 Dr. F. C. WOLF, ITAVLNG LOCATED AT RANT BERLIN, AD AMS COVNTY, &lees that by strict attention to his proferional duties he may merit • share of the public pa trZarlfll2, IRS& tf Dr. D. J. PEPPED, A BECITTISTOWN, ADAMS COUNTY, Continues the practice of Ms nmfession in all its brabobes, and would revectiully invite all persons afflicted with any uld *tending dteesses to call and sea sun hint. 04..3, 1864. tf T. LAWRENCE HILL, M. D., I) ESTM Ias his °Mee one dour west of the La t ',emu chum h to Chambersburg street. aud Opp.- •I le Dr. C. llorner's eater, where those wishing to hug e any Dental Operat.loll performed are reapert fult3 Welted to call. Ravgaraera: Drs. Horner, Hee. H. L. 'laugher, D. D., Hey. Prof. M. Jacobs, D. D., Prof. M. L. titrever. Gettysburg, Aprllll.'3l. EAGLE HOTEL, NEW OXFORD, ADAMS COtiqTY, PA rintrp=ild, rirgel ty, will conduct It In future, under the name in ot the “Feete Hotel." lie pledges himself to spare no effort for the comfort of his guest& Els table shall have the best the nnuket can afford, and hie bar the choloest Dutton. His eliambius t are spacious, There l+ att an us d m ' oTou nc l rt i e l hirnir_ gi Zarhtte t the Hotel, which will be stbeeided oy reliable and acomumodating ostler. pro: Mopes to rocelvt• a libend share of public mdzonsg r , , and MN Murs7s try to deserve it. Bement the ••Esigle," In the northeast corner of the Diamond, New Oxford. March tf I= KEYSTONE HOUSE, CHAMBREMBURG ST., GETTYSBURG, TA., WJL J 1 NYSiti9. PROAPRIATOR. Mang inn new node., fitted up in the moat fig. I_ peened apples:, Ito locatiosi le pireand, central and convenient. Every arrangement has been made for the enceMtnnilatlon and cement, of guests. The Table will alwagii have the boat often market, and Mager the beet of wines and liquors. There la ennunedieua Stabling attached, with an fuvvimmogating ostler otwrYs on hand. Thin Hotel la now open for the entertainment of theublic. marks ataana of patronage la solicited. No effo p rt will be spared to render rallafuetlon. lan. 14, ligg. tf GLOBE INN, YORK FITIZEST, NEAR THE DIAMOND, GET7'7aBURO, PANN'A ÜBE underegmed would most respectfully In form his numerous friends and the public generally, that he bas purchased that long estab lished and well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and wtli spare no elEnt to conduct it In a manner that will not de tract from Its former high reputation. His table will have the best the market ma allbrd—hie chambers are spacious and oomfortable—and ha has laid In for his bar a fall stock of wince and licrors. There Is large stabling attached to the Hotel which will be attenaa[ by attentive ost lers. 'lt will he bin aortstant endeavor to render the fullest entleneetion to his ipteettiOnekini his house es near a home to thorn as pueeible. He asks a share of the public's patronage, determin ed no he is lc deserve a large pert 04' it. Remem ber, the "Globe Inn" is in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Suture. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, INA tf EVERHART'S FRANKLIN ROUSE, comma or HOWARD • ?VANILLIN - OTRIMTIII, BALTIMORE, MD. Thta.llona la ona direct, line between the Northern Central aZiti Baltimore a Ohio Railroad Depots. It Ira been refitted nod oanfortabl a mnion. for the eonveolenee sad the es melt of gnats. Nov. 20, liNtS. ni.r.rmiTTyrmyi FLOUR, GRAIN. GROCERIBA Ike THE tiadefard Mb% at their Watts. house, in lisle street, adjoining litteatera /WI, Me 'detest priers Sur FLOIZIZAT_, _BYIIr t DONN A __ _0A11.4 BCK HEATVNII AND iIIOY -8E,..A CLO .DS, POTATOSS, *C. and invite producers to give th em esti beam veiling. They have constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROMUUM Manama, 8. yrapa, *Akan, Ancars, &a, with Salk Fish, Oils, Tar, lain" Baden and Lard, Tobaccos *ituc. Also tie bad Wanda of PLOTS, with MED °rah kinds, Tkitir Likdwide I='ICIUL VALUABLE Soluble 'Pacific Onagio, libodee• Ybeepbsta and A A Mexican Goma. WWMt tbegrpay She Memel inaatet prime for Tthay boy, Way sell at tile lowest living opals. Thwart a glare of nubile patronage, reiorved to give satiaigetboa In every awe. RUSSET Mel tRDY WM. s. RAMILTO2e. Getty-Alborg, July ISM NEW FORWARDING COMMUISION HOURR. gAVEPS PIAOIIIIO - MASSOIv• WI/AMA*. Or h± c i .. ar M O A U r. = to ea Ye 4 ""7 „ l i v at, W - 7 .-. .0kl Mama. aa aan t =laaadao/0 as, r KUILA OF /ilea Am lona sot 116- A aa ta calaaaa ir e u se Ammiliat ilaanam," EW411110161117 cella Irui _iwo. oar Namithese. ararjr IRASIMT YOAAENG. Lad asamemadalala asaiss. *WAG run a s assoloaa may l a t ibis assallea• meat sa taro . * or ge k nir ..•1••• t f r • • A .:7":+7.;;Ail, Erszrzn ui . . - 4 __,,, , , ~ • ?.-4-- .4 4"- - - - ' -- r ~. - . BY It L STAB= OYES! OYES! Aftdrew PiNtierg LICENSED AUCTIONEER, gTWIN Ms ewtleeste the pane. Melee cruet to sap ;arta tete si g n iletetweeitte 'Wow rins ateettterattie OW Iteeleste, tw Clatters blatesltz hot tirM be ebbe to meet brAtablettob In all cemeL Poet Whet fir• erterikte dakiessee., Pe. Nov. 8, M. ly GRAIN A GROC=3. THE BRICK WAREHOUSE AT XXIV OXFORD. is Itambuose, la Now 1 1 1113V/Irt i. ns, m e a ty,, pay' the ere for WHHAF,-RYF 0011,15. Oa AND TIMOTHY 11171101.1:W Th AZAT. ie. ~mere may &way Filly Upon Indian the best market Mr Weir predate aria Warehouse. He also keeps constan t On band, for isle at the lowest peolite4 MI et iditO(IERIMII, SALT, FIS GUANOI , I and ether VIM TLLI ZP3II4-00AL, LIIMII=., _Oa He rune a MARK= CAA to Baltimore twlee • week, and buy !FAgiO4)6s and other articles for pernora so ordering, The car roue to Stevenson it none', 105 North Howard Street. A share of public patronage solicited, end every - enbrt orals to please. ABRAHAM itHHELT. New Oxford, Noe. 15, LW. ly NEW FIRM New Oxford, Adam county, Pa HERSII & BROTELFIR Irg taken the Warehouse recently coca- Pled his D. Hoke. y are now paying the htiGatatTPRICES for GRAIN AND PRODUCE. CoostAntly o band lu etimp au ttoctiona of LOY DEB, COAL AND 0 JAMES 88111311, PAUL EUEIIIII. New Oxford, Nov.l, Ull7. 1 i R. ok W. i ROW 1 WOOI Kali the Cheapest CALTC I 6. Sell the Cheapese MUSLIM hell the (Impost Callotald ROW i WOODS Ben the Cheapest 1112t1WOH, Hell the Cheepeet ALPACAI, Hell the Cheapest DELI4IVEIL ROW It WOODS Sell the Cheeped CLOTH Sell the Cheapen CASS/AMIE Bell the Oteapeet JEANS. BOW @ woorA Sett the Cheepeet FIATS, Heil the Cheapen* BOOTH_ , bell the Cheapest 15110115. BOW a woons 14ell BLARKITM Cheap Pah keHAWLIS Cheap, Mel NOTIONS Cheap. ROW & woofs Bell for Cash and MIl Nell at the lowest prtoes BOW & WOODS Invite everybody to - - Ilodery, 010Taa, Dr Thiamin, Magmas, Germantown Yam erspendera, Base" Violin Dews, girl's. mod Basin always ea Mad .1214. S. 184 M. tt WM. BOYER & SON, GROCERIES, NOTIONS TOBACVOB, &C Stone, Wooden and Willoor Ware. A geneinl asaartment of all Goode usiWW k.s In it FIRST-CLASS FAMILY GROCERY. I= RE-BUILT ! Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon. JOHN GRUEL, Chaetbersburg Street, Gettysburg, Pa, next door to F.agle Hotel having completed Me nee building, has opened ne G eatrtgyemsbt a men d' Cabertkm ever °Ora YRIMCII AVID tXINIXOIi CAIqDtEES, Toys, Nuts, 1... and everytnlng Wane oit ton find-clam Conlbettane with 'paned aankmano dations for Ladles and ICE CREAM supplied on shortest notion. E= NEW COACH MOM. YANTIS, ADAMS a CO., IXITIMITOWIIf, PA. Ele take this Method et I:M i t i l , tlCl . l6 thet we Inn* einatembed awe ttleutowm where mime to ne gretwo to order Meant 1138, OAR. itIACIZ t 4II , == on the shorter/ weibee and Our bands have been froni n Efaitteneett, end, IA we am none bat choice material, we can pot ap work to compete with any shop In the State. Obi work repaired and trams In exchange for new. Au& It, na• 11 CARRIAGE - MAKING BUSINESS. rundersigned have resumed the Carriage mE aking busttrie, AT TIM M OLD mum Is art 64911.11unr, Pa., Where they are prepared to pot up troth in the tan ilmetionable, sulettanteed and neparlor inan. Der. A lot a( new and secand.hand - c.Asswiess, sufacqs, sc., ON BAND, which they will divers of at the lowest Deices; cad sit ordwas will be supplied as promptly And withi ea posetble. - IMPADLING DONE WEIL DESPATCH, and at cheapest Tatra. A kap tot edam' and dd HAANlhaihati Mal . . Tkoaktof Os liberal tEiroomEo liireishoo q.jor.d gy this, thoy soUilit awl Ilia 1/1100/i/M/ to downy Imp *biro LE the fear. DANIZII It 1141XiLER :my ilk tt CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. TULTE «curs • our MOW ak vssietrik COACZ W47lXi' ~ • . - .ar Ow West filml waibbiwbre_g filill4 , Oadommalreitail it Or ber6o4llllliikePll" MartAVAM =rut' mdalt qpselal reiseembew bisdribil.0 1 SIA q gli t &Whiml ial 17Lblet; IANINXISI Tithe - - All wb MR ti as tillObalbm ft ent 4stitlibir bee bUtee ass* is want of say kLo4 ea wbbiala, 010 Oki Is the pi. lobes them 1 / 4 1/;i4lluM iNXVXIII.MI•JUK &du o seilistt tioiSei ad lit reittakka. arl T lVlQAMitrh=erstri P. P. qMI DO YOU WANT CHEAP AND GOOD FALL AND WINTER GOODS? "Year kveribeiv Answers. THEN 00 TO THE NEW STORE 01' REBERT 4 ELLIOTT Opptedie the Chere-halese, tiimitimbewir Do YOU WANT cheap and Mahn Garda. estng's GicrreT, wak-tdel. or nitY taps etas In Ms 's wage Sae? Cio to REasirr zwarTs• DO YOU vrANT *heap and= 6, 11: Dela' o'w. 6 mat. °terra', 11' 1F or a e# Nome Skirt., Onsets., or anything else gent adios' wear? Go to EBERT & ELLIOTT'S. DO YOU vim ettes=szod goernaware, Umbrella., Window Slut ern i ir anything elan of tke kind Go to =WAIT & ELLIOTT'S. DO YOU WANT dad "ad ran ' T Yon will a splendid assort meant At REHEAT & ELLIOTT'S, Who are now selling goods at prices that must astonish. To be convinced, call and see tor your selves. IlMfEl= DItIOND CONFECTMNIST. JOHN M. MINNIGH - - 'net received and is now opening one of La_ time Shiest atenetatente GOODIS in hale line ever opened in Gettystrarg, conatst-ing of TOYS OF ALL KINDS, FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES, FRUITS, MANGIER, LEMONS, NMI, Sad NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. ATOM and examine his Mock, on Baltimore street. near the Diamond. Dan Lt heir. tt 11 ... 0 Aie.vgl 7A7,1, I WINTIIR a09D30 E. HITESNEW Is now receiving a large stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES Q GrEEASTVARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES AND HAT& I call the attention of my customers and the command, to my large stook of Goods which I mu now o ff ering at lower rates than t hey have been slam. the war, and at prices which cannot full to strike the purchasers+ cheap. With every facility for purchasing Goals at as low figures as sag In the trade. I am also prepared to meet coutpetition in low prices from any and all quarters. Prompt. conformity to the lowest market prices Is ray established rule. E. BITESHEW. Petersburg, (Y. 8.0 Oct. IS, 181. NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORD. MRS: andowitgooti hos armed Dnas Stare New Oxford - . Adams teeny'. and respectfully tans the stecathas at the pate to Itte Web al PAENIE; A 1188 S'LNDO GLASS. • 1.1. M. CT MEDICINES, acid amU assortinent of DRUGS; to word complete stock of floods generally kept Ina I:lnt ense Drug Ware. AU of wink have bum pur chased during the pain two weeks, and will be meld law. AllZhearticies eernwely nuntilhenred at the old establishment in East Berlin can be bad here. Understanding his business is. "t and salcaling his gown himself, be is alas to sw um t his Drugs isitre and as repreeented. The pub. Ile awe reqmweeedi to give hint trial. D. M. MP r New Oxford, WO 4, Mt tf Court Proclamation. the Hon. ROBERT J. 77.1111101„ Pres ident of the several (Aunts of Common Pleas In the counties composing the Jinn District, and Juane, et the (MOW of Oyer and Terminer and WGeneralist] ens in for the trial of all capital diem attendees said dlendel, and ISAAC E. g:74Z;ll:lltgllrg4lll.lusiiteglg Courts of Oyet and Ternilner and @emend Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other of fenders Iti ennuty of Adams—have NU their meoren, hearing date the 211 h day of JANUARY, In the the y tuff our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ahtty.elghtoind to me directed, Mr bolding s Court of CO. 011710.1 a Pleas, and General Oeturier fiessten Oyere et tbe Fencande. and rieneral Jail Delivery and rt of Terminer, at Gettysburg, on MONDAY, The 2Dth day of APRIL. MSS— NOT/CE LIS HEREBY GIYMNI to all the Roh eera of the Peace, the Coroner and the Constablm within the said county, that they be then and there in their proper persons with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Fvvrninations, and other likaraerabnus, tote those things which to their °dices and In that behalf appertain to be done, andante, they who min proseaste tienninthe pris oners that are or then &ball be la the Jell of said county of Adams, are to be then and there to ptomaine swains% them ea shall tie Past. PHILIP HANN /. , Sherif t 3 's Mee , GetlYstiont. Mateh 21. 15*, New Grocery and Flour Store. MEALS I BROTHER, RlAUficmad B MilrlrEa ß fa , DlSß and . U es =ad i thStatla c t W arbay t ra the a id aoaa jd •yiftt i rekepitc li nair The aro_ too MI al oboaa as the sad aa Olow os4. oak the ioweet they hope to met a and receive a Mond oLara of really UP. t patetismo'. 34BALt1 ARO. Aug. ItS. uT Mlphia, Minh ist, s bo g tei you that we e penned en oCer for lnform your impaction our oreel neon wait of MMUS:FAY 000Dn, of the NEWEST SHAPES In Straw, Ritk and (!MP NAM 6ennet etc.; Velvets, StHz Omsk% Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ruches, erased, Blondes, Braids, Ornaments, &r., dc. We era be lumpy So whiten You OS our Store or receive your omens. Prices low for Own. Yours, Ma 11. WARD. Nos. Sic /OS a 107 N. /Second tit., nuissda. ' %Larch 13, MR tin laaignee's Notice. ed. Alistrites of the estate of r .4 =1 ,„..,., 1 e get 5.... at M=s i t tows- MlMleseukin treettor creditors . deed Zer v ittot alms ha &lee to all venous knowing themselves indebted to mid Thookuso Roraima to ash sod =Me inumaums Menai. °Ag ==ig t° present them properly seat ib r mm. 13E.NEY KPPIZILtX Starch 11,1816. AseMlo4, hbailOstrairix's Natio. Team K. OYLER'S ESTATE.—k.eOI‘ a ad solabetretka en the stale 61 a• 11-. Or ke, Iwo oc Fisaidia bovrikaldp,Adompi powitg. dawns& Myths bees *coated le Übe Radar 01/Med, 1•111111.16. la tie Nubs {robe boa*/ jays' ow' 0-1 111 Wl= Mil WM* 40 Sabi pdmilfit, il =r i le as abe=r l = "4"" .111 Marekiklass. OP hininidrder's Notice. jaio6ir trrAvis.rs EINTATIL-laters of a& Md . = 411. "" /Li g tretr avd t bradas MM usibarde. =s 4 " :allgamiliteaktwataib. IMMIX lIIMPTIffinfaINV: ,r„ r ,• •:,%; ,•• AXE= astmolor; 40 2 I PP" PIa - Bail , .70+4+!' rffetAillia4l/AMI* I I II4I O IIIIIII allbere anis DiabiasilAssztdoec eo 'S °•" l "*" B .6...aftit'ai • be kie a 771 . •-• *maw ~3~.~------ _-__- _._.. L:llOLg3 t , S,I 1.0 %LI GETTYRBURG, PA, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, IRK HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, 1111 Hoollancl's German Tonic • TIM MUM? 1111011ZPIZS IO ALL DISMXIIO7 THE LIVER, STOMACH; OR MOMS- TIV.S ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS I. composed of the_ pure J atom (or, ea they ere medically. termed, A mmossk, of Bootie, Ilerbt, and Marts, making a preperattoo, cowman. tot mkt ;entirely fro hue, catehelle adotztarer ang 1100PLAIBY8 SIMIAN TOM Li • etathinatlon of all the ingredients of the Mitten with the purest quanta , of Swift Ctits .4ke., mattng one of the most pleas ant and agreeable cemedlea ever allayed a the public. Thar preterting a Medicine free front Aldo:Mol ly admixture, will use Hocdiature 13ernitua BitUrs. Those who have no objection to the dimidno- Moo of the Hitter., ae elated, will tole &same* fist= Tosk6 They are beta equally good, and contain the mine medical virtues, the choice between the two being a mere matter of taste, the 'Rutile be ing the most palatable. stoMach, from a variety of imams. such as builgestion, Dyepepsia, Nervous Debility, etc is very apt to have its functions deranged. The liver, urympatioudag um It does with the Stomach, then becomes affected, the result of which Is that the patient under* from Several or more of the following diseases: CONSTIPATION „ FLATULENCE INWARD FILM, FUTI2.TaiS OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, NAU SEA, HEART-BURN, DISGUST FOR POOH, FULLNESS OR WEIGHT IN THE SToMAcH, SOUR ERUCTATIONS. SINKING OR FLUTTERING AT THE PIT OF THE STOMACH. SWIMMING OF THE HEAD HURRIED OR DIFFI CULT BREATHLEGy FLUTTERING AT THE HEART, CHORING OR SUFFOCA TING SENSATIONS WHEN IN A LYING POSTURE, DIMNESS OF VISION, DOTS OR WEBS BEFORE THE SIGHT, DILL PAIN IN THE HEAD, DEFICIENCY OF PERsPI RATION, YELLOWNESS OF THE SKIN AND I4Y IW,, PAIN IN THE SIDE,' BACK, CKLIST, LIMBS, ETC., SUDDEN FL T H E OF HEAT, ErRNING IN THE FLESH, CONSTANT IM AGININGS OF E,'IL, AND GREAT DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. Th• sufferer tram these diseases should erre elm the iereateet minden in the selection of a remedy for Wit ease, purehasing only that which he Is assared from We invertitkaus and Matil da; possesses true merit, Is skilfully compound ed, la free from infurtons ingredient., and has established for itself a reputation for the cure of these dimes.. In tins connection we would submit dam well-kuown remedies— HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. PREPARED BY DB. C. M JACKSON, PIELLADELPRIA, PA. Twenty-two years since they were first Intro duced Into thiv country from Germany, during Which time they have undoubtedly performed more cur, ts, and benefited suffering hu man It) to &greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public. Thew t erred les will eftectually core Liver com plaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or :Nervous Dehihty, chronic I/terrines. Disease of the K Id neys, and all Disesses arising from a Disordered Liver. St4mach. or Intestines. DEBILITY, 'Loathing from anyenuae whatever; PROcrTRA TION OF THE BYBTpI, Marlow:l by Boma Labor, Hardships, Exposures, Fevers, ne. There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies In such mem A tone and vigor is Im parted to the whole system, the appetite Is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach di gests promptly, the blood Is parltled, the com plexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow thane Is eradicated from the eyes, a bloom Is lips - en to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous In valid becomes • strong and healthy being, 2`111180Y171 ADFA-VCED 17C LLFE, And teeing the hand of time weighing heavily styes them, will!, MI its attendant ills, will find In the use of this EM 1M or the TONIC, an atialrthat will nasal new t he into the veins, m elanin a measure the energy and ardor of more yetatirftd days, MOM ap their shrunken forme, sad give Malik and happiness te their remain ing years. NOTICE. It Is treiltatabilitied het that fully one-half of the female portion of our population are sel dom In the enjoyment of good health; or, tome their ou u exprmaion, "ne, er lee! welL" They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely ner. veva, Gad have no appetite. To this dam of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, la mnedally recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Ale made strong by the use of either of these remedies. They will pans every ascot atetlittn- MT'S, without fail, Thousands of certificates hams aeolemtitoted in the hands of the proprietors, bat spare will allow of the publication Of but few. Those, it. will be oaten ed, are men of Hate and of such Mending that they most be believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Chief Stustlee of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes: ,Pliandeolphia, March la, MC. "I find 'lloonand'a German Bitters' is • good tonic, useful in diseases of the d4estive organs, and of great benefit to eases of getdllty, sad want of nervous action in the 0V.C.111. Yours truly, GEO. W. WCK/DWARD." Hon. James Thompson, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 03, ISSei. "I consider 'floodsistiS Oerman Bitters' a rata aide meda-ine in mum of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experi ence of IL Yours, shit respect, TITOMTSOIf." From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptiat Quirch,Philade/phia. D. Joetion—Dear Sir; I have been frequently requested to eonneetray name with recommen dations of different kinds of medicines, but re garding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have In all cases declined ; but with a de. r proof la carious laatisoweaasid ;articular'' , In my own family, of the mei:dams of Dr. Hoot- Load's German Bitters, I. depart ear once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that, tar geedreol deleigref the molest, and erpoeical ivige /Aver chooptalit; if is a NO awd whirsabfe Pet - In some owes it may `li ; but usual bt no; IS irtil be way timeallidat In time who seder from the above masa& Yogi; very respectfully, 1. li. KEPINAMD, Eighth, below COWAN At. From Rev. E. D. Feudal!, Assistant Einar Cbriettem Chgontele, Pbtioda. I Lave derived decided benefit from the tun of Hooland's German Bittern, mid feel it my prfvt• lege to recommend Mein sea mod, valuable ton ic, to all who are mulfferlng from general debility or flan &seams stets t from derangement Of the liver. Yours truly, E. D. YENDALL. CAUTION - - Ciersuan Remedies are counterfeit ed. lice that the signature of C. M. JACKSON, la on the wrapper Or Wet 'Softie• All other. are ounterfeit.. Plinetpal office and Manufactory at the eter nise, Medicine 840 re. No. W ARCH Street, Phil adelphia, 141. CHAJILEN Y. zrelvit Proprietor, Formerly la M. JUN & CO. PRICER. Hiectaisd's German Bitelis, }et fettle, • $1 10 Galt doyen, • 6 00 Oeratan Tonle. pat up in quart hot nat,sl 60 per bak, ar halteloma ha $7 iba-Do not forget to examine well the article yoa order UP net UM Itelenble• Allitifor sate by Dm/Wats generally. Jan. if, Mkt ly and National lkdograpilio AlFmk, MO at* 111 amialloist arewt, REMOVAL T. time Inhume' Oakes alimme Jo am, ow Patted' theillemliol and OS Vliaiiret Tided M ~6 Mon RAM es IMIPUNUErIOILIZEGS, k i • • • al sods, ilig a anlanio" UPSPO6O4 Osilew . il l , h ‘, o " ° re 1.41011.1111:1001r. , . • i DA * • : WWit: isteamag.. A secleY inisigehaltenviirgilmose we F.4„, , ,..210,_ hied ono inki WAN& Cho , liiirkeiralarty-ta the lackkeigii- - Wriiki Elhare.difir'gt. irestaint in iiseid*Rtiolontitg Ile wildcat very illightd, last It betnindtertnactol4llilheitabig, ittselirricie bite Wig sof4statimpft been pleb* edithingighitit of eemnielio could not , toc , a, anything 1 '1 9 114, it 11 4 41 ` R ONlnia ItINO' lingt 1 .- 414141 - ti lini, tliYAr4i*lttalikt- 'u - fttaanes==-_ titer, lii." Sofia, ',talk_ _Uwe WOO 'Ma. Panrcaulttif Sal bee* inading ocke4 pa ggigia n Y t a i t , Atiggig4 itttira the health , egibechi.innelly ingetil; Cod ttritgaoa= , i • ih nfit 4 1 / I kit gthallaiiitiValenhairilir i eltiMPNl 0 1 ,4 1 , 41 . 4ofritik yitirlo 1111111010 4/0/1" OAS Mika" diiikile **l. .4400 V, , , 1„ ~., , :;: Mils shrtairt Wiretior. ... . _ '~~ifee~' ~4- t ap= , 4, • . ,or ad. ,-.,,,,,,., all , Wag. '-iNliiiiis Ail i v i ng= . $11,1111012)* hi . 110 sem . " 941 1 it view = g waNtriuk., BEIMINEEI vus saint Mlthese sista dregs Are lilting all armed; Thole aaachp pa the boar tom Tbs 7 me Militate Ye gamed. now are bilry-lilte With anythtqg ex tee., Nesting lair 11.0111 ibe whellawa &cepa/ Was apoalbe trees. A light and airy treble Tirwpkiv INOpiromik And the b. isebmplo M. Like the maids ids &ream deePw lon P•WarUNIE When weft ilAppris t‘iee. With • team bow the sephyts, Aster ale• bow illivilmesK • r o 'Us a stream at AIN th• Sada 6=l inWade, If, when the rash as , He drops an taterhade. It seeneaas it take warbling Of the birds In all the Lowers, Had been gathered Into ralndrapn, And wu coottng down to showers. RORLIIII RAVE LOU RACK ARAM There're earl upon the housetop, en answer tram the obis; There a a warble in the sirtuddiae, * Melting In the rain ; And through my heart, at the sound of these, There amass a woolen, thrill, Aa sweet sa odor to the toss, Or verdure to the hill; And all these Joyous morninip My heart pours forth this strain ; "God bless the dear old robins, Who have come back apita." For they bring a thought of Summer, of dreamy luscious days, Of king-cupe in the meadow, making a golbstt ham; A longing forth. clover blooms, For roses all aglow, Forituirrint orchardi where the bees • With droning Murmurs IP: I dream Grail the beautice Of Summer's golden reign, And sing "God keep the robins, Who have mem back swam" LIZAKIIIILLS • T/11•1L. Stephen Girard had a favorite clerk, and he "intended to do well by Ben. Lippin cott." So when Ben. got to be twenty one he expected to hear the Governor say something of his future prospects, and perhaps lend a helping hand In the world. But the old fox carefully avoid ed the subject. Ben. mustered courage. "I suppose I am now free, sir," said ho, "and I thought I would say something to you as to my"course. What do you think I had better do?" "Yes, yes, I know you are," said the millionaire, "and my advice is that you go and learn the cooper trade." This application of ice nearly from, Beu. out ; but recovering his equilibrium, he said if Mr. Girard was in earnest he would do so. "I am in earnest," and Ben. forthwith sought the beet cooper in Spring Garden, became an apprentice, and in due time could make as good a barrel as the beat. He announced to old Stephen that he bad graduated and was ready to set up in business. The old man seemed gratified, and immediately ordered three of the beet barrels he could turn out. Ben. did his prettiest, and wheeled them up to his counting room. Mr. Girard pronounced them first rate, and demanded the price. "One dollar," said Ben., "is as low as I can live by." "Cheap enough ; make out your bill." The bill wan made out, and old Stephen settled it with a cheek for $50,000, which he accompanied with this little moral to the story "There, take that, and in vest it in the best possible manner; and if you are unfortunate and loose it, you have • good trade to fall beck upon, which will afford you a good living." A Bosom Put.—A young gentleman from themountry stepped into • country store and informed the proprietor that his occupation was that of • carpenter, and he desired to get a bosom pin em blematic of that profesalon. The obli ging jeweler looked over his stock, and, finding nothing else, showed him a very Hoe Masonic pin. The young man looked at it carefully. "Yee," said he, "there's the compass and square I use both of them—but why didn't they put a saw in it? It's first rate as far as it goes. Hullo there's 13 Hare—what does that stand for?" The jeweler didn't know. The man studied it carefully for a mo ment, and a bright idea struck him. Ilra face flushed as if he had made a dis covery. "/ have it," he said; "It's all right. 13 stands for gimlet. Oompass, square and gimlet. That will do—l Will take it." There waa touch of amines& in hie voice 11111 he plotted the em- Mein on his coat, and went away mut tering :—'•Compass, space and gimlet I do wish there was a saw though:" I WAS perambulating the piazza of the Hotel, in company with the daugh ter of the landlord. She had been re counting to the all her father'. Stile sue messes and reverses in life ever slum he had adopted the profession of a Bentham. and among the latter (that is the rever ses) the rather prominent and discoura ging one of having his "hoeteirie" burn ed down without the mitigating circum stance of any insurance upon It. I pro fessed a proper amount of sympathy for so great a calamity, and ventured to in quire whether accident or the torch of an incendiary had wrought the ruin. "Haow ?" Inquired 'Rustics. "Was It the work of an incendiary!" I repeated. "No," said else, slowly shaking her head, "no ; sone one mg fire to ff." I held in by a hard effort; but feeling that an explosion wets imminent, I tubed madly - away. TIITY, A catmint conceited Old doctor, when celled to children, always prescribed for one and the lame remedy—worms. Be ing auamoilefairaaii to the bedside of ri little' boy, be gra , rel r lad down, and, having felt the piitieetre pulse, looked up one kis swamies, and amid to the Mit er Ia a adman Mast, 'Wenn, 11111idami, wormer' l'olabteliihslaatheareapoad ad:4l ten ye, dotter, the boy haat got a watt, Hii'uterkiiiiir over a stick of wood and broke hie T Want it set qessiek." . dittotaik *adieu, I wean you —worms bake Ina rr 11111111 Ali 0111111.-A 01111XPAILIMOL Though brothers and sisters, yet what a striking difftrence In the natures and dhqstrdtions of boys and giria. How Bite a tender dowret, depending upon SOW* upholding support is the one—bow bold, headstrong and independent the other. Boys teed naturally to Ant in •at-efdose life—leaky boots and shoes, and tom howlers. Girls tend to sober proprietise—peasive poetry, hemming -Insadkarehiefa, and a few calls on the losialthems. Boys grow—girls come up. Beys are energetic and like a brush— girls are eabellnate, and run to soft words Instead of hard blows. A boy at ten bassoon a good deal of inside life on the outside world ; a girl is as innocent of it an rebels of knowledge of the Inhab itants of the moon. Boys laugh—girls simper. Boys run—girls hop and skip. Boys see the elephant—girls do not know that such an animal lives in the cities. Boys have a chest with a pair of active working lungs in It—girls have a sort of valise with something like a squeezed sponge, which Is rarely used, and then in a trifling-way. Boys travel —girls stay at borne. Boys are wild— girls are tame. Boys are indifferent as to whether school keeps or don't keep—girls are keenly sensitive on that point. Boys never make the acquain tance of Mrs. Grundy—girls are always at her feet and always her slave. Boys like girls, but they don't like to be like them. Neither a girl-boy nor a boy-girl Is fancied by either boys or girlie. A tree boy always stands by a true girl, and a true girl always has an abiding faith In a true boy. Both boys and girls are very clever and necessary institu tions; but the world is more indebted to and depends more upon boys than girls. —Ftrfereburg ( Va.) Index. SOLD.—A rich old widower in Canada is said to have practiced a very artful scheme to gain the hand of the belle of the village. He got au old gypsy to tell the young lady's fortune In words which he dictated, as follows : "lily dear young lady, your star will soon be hid fora short time by a very dark cloud, but when it re appears it will continue to shine with uninterrupted splendor until the end of your days. Be fore one week a wealthy old widower, wearing a suit of black and a line castor hat, will pay you a vi„it and request your hand in marriage. You will ac cept his offer, become his wife, and be left a widow, in possession of all his property, before the close of the year. The next husband will be the young man of whom you think moat at present.” Three days after, the old gentleman, dressed b 3 the manner described by the gypsy, presented himself to the young lady, and the marriage followed. The year is more than out, but the tough old widower still lingers. CONUNDRUMS.—Why is dancing like milk ? Because it strengthens the calves. Why do "birds in their little nests agree?" Because they would fall out if they didn't. Why is a kiss like scandal? Because it goes from mouth to mouth. What is the first thing a boy does when he falls into the water? He gets wet. What is the difference between a spider and a duck? The one has its feet al ways on a web, and the other has a web always on its feet. AN Irishman was observed one evening slicing a potato into aglass of hot whiskey toddy. "Why, what are you about?" inquired Charley. "It's punch I'm makiu', dear!" quiet ly replied Pat. "But what are you slicing that for ?" "To give It a flavor." "What ! a potato flavor ?" "Sure isn't • flavor a flavor, whether it's lemon or pitaty ?" A GOOD story is told of a Glasgow mer• chant, who, on his death-bed, sent for a Free Church clergyman. Having some fears about his future prospects, he ask• ed the reverend gentleman : "Do you think, if i were to leave ZlO,- 000 to the Free Birk, that my soul would be saved ?" "Well," answered the cautious minis ter, "I couldn't promise you that, but I think it's an experiment worth trying." "Psarmvsna, persevere," said an old lady to her maid, "It's the only way you can seoomplleh greet things." One day eight apple dumplings were sent down stairs, and they all dispapeared. "Sally, where are those - dumplings?" "I managed to get tireegt with tt►elo, rna'an," re plied Sally. "Why how on earth did you manage to get through with so many dumplings?" "I persevered, ma'am." A CLERGYMAN, who was eonsoling a young widow on the death of her hue baud, spoke in a very serious tone, re marking that he was one of the few. Such a Jewel of a Christian—you cannot Bud his equal, you know." To which the sobbing fair one replied, with an W isest broken heart—"l'll bet I will." "I versa I could prevail on neighbor Hinder to keep the Sabbath," aald a good old Mr. Jones. "I'll tell you bow to dolt!" azoialsoutyoutur Smith : "get somebody to lend it to him, and I'M be bound If he don't keep it. He never wu known to return anything he borrow ed." "f wilx not strike thee, bad man," said a Quaker one day, "but f will let this billet of wood fall on thee?" And at that precise moment the "bad man" Mar floored by the weight of the watkingediek the Quaker was wont to entry. . A &LDT peoikagii ski wholoil lair serviv l / 2 . laquirsol. "Walt Mall. WM* do -11111,1450 mow r i "vow" ma'am, I 11111e4+WWW/114 , 0 ROW," no, jebbedr die girl,. "I bay& set asartied." Nix Szeo 4 /10 gaehlse/e*e wit.) — The Ifiee,whe /Vs 64 liauA upon a wasalia witlaaat a,414:p income . Is a FreilllA Pl o l 9o i rM Prif IIMA:$0 to 904 stiPaidiril • ilinotheir' day, while looking akilibilikileidu of admits'', ins& s very ‘llll.finill gisotation: fearridly and •liiik I MK YEAL-110. 27, TUE ALAIRAXA NUJ. RDDIOULOUS, SITAIIEFCL AND UNLAW FCL PROVYBTONI3.—Both branches of the Rump have passed a bill for the estab lishment of a "provisional government" few Alabama, which is, to say the least, a specimen of legislation which never had a precedent since the days of the Goths and Vandals. It provides that the Rad ical eandidates who were defeated at the late election for State officers shall take possession of 'the State government, and that the defeated Radical candidates for the Legislature shall assemble as a Leg islature. This Legislature is then to again submit to the people, for ratifica tion or rejection, the "constitution& which was rejected by the people at this time the Radical candidates (Its own membership) were defeated. After the adoption of the "constitution," it is liko be submitted to the Rump for approval, but not until the "Legislature of the pro posed State organisation" the defeated Radicals aforesaid) shall have ratified the Fourteenth amendment to the Fed eral Constitution—the amendment which proposes to enforce an equality of civil and political rights for the negroes in every State in the Union. This done, the negro State government can goon ite way rejoicing. It will be perceived that the bill recog nizes the Radical candidates as having been elected and the "constitution" as having been defeated, although both candidates and "constitution" received the same number of votes and were both defeated under the "reconstruction" acts. The submission of the "constitution" to the people a second time is a sufficient admission that the State and Legislative candidates nominated to serve under it, in the event of its adoption, were not elected. The offices for which they were candidates are not yet created, because the authority which proposed to create them is as yet no authority at all, and will not be until adopted as an organic law of the people. Again. The Federal Constitution says that amendments to it shall be valid only when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the States of the Union, hence no amendment rati fied by a "provisional" legislature, com posed of defeated black and tan candi dates for offices having no existence, can have any validity whatever, and will not be recognized by the courts or the people of the country as of any binding force. The Rump Congress must not be allowed to create bodies out of defeated Radical candidates ; to call them "legislatures," and through them force negro suffrage and equality into the Federal Constitu• lion and upon every State in the Union. It is high time for the people to cry "stop" to the nest of conspirators at Washington, who.are rushing the coun try to destruction at railroad speed. Down with the brakes !—Patriot cfc Union TOLIIICAL MISCEGENATION A DISGIIIITING EX HIBITION.—We copy the following from a Philadelphia ex change: "in Chestnut street this morning, up on the promenade where all was bright mesa and beauty, conspicuously among the throng on the north side of the street, walked a male negro, upon whose arm leaned a beautiful and richly dress ed white woman. We saw the Fame dis gusting spectacle en Saturday. That we almost doubted the evidences of our senses is shown in the fact that we made no mention of the unusual sight. This morning we saw the same couple. The man is as black as a roll of Russia sheet iron, and sports hie handsome apparel with evident complacency. The woman is young, very ladylike In mien, and was elaborately attired In purple velvet and costly furs. At first the idea was that she might be of the demimonde.. Of this we are now assured to the contrary. The case Is evidently one of the grossest mis cegenation. It is the first we have seen openly paraded In the pubic streets of this city." What could be more disgusting to a person of the least refinement than the exhibition above mentioned? What must a white woman think of herself who will marry a negro, and then parade her shame before the world? The teach ings of the Radicals lead to the pit into which this woman has fallen and de- Iraded herself. HON JOHN T. Morrman, In his speech at the meeting held In the city of New York on the night of the 28th of Februa ry to sustain the President, made a point that should challenge the attention dell capitalists and bondholders—lndeed, of everybody who has 60011111011 to use mo ney. The point he made was this: "Men all through the country, rich and poor, are to-day discussing theques thin, how the National debt is to be paid, whether in gold or currency. Let me tell them, and let me say to the bankers and &wetness men of .yew York, that un less they frown down this first attempt of Congress to eject a President without a eause, they bad better ask" themselves the question what security they have got in the great future that it will be paid at all." A Poarrat.—A farmer called at the house of a lawyer to consult him professional• ly. _ "Is the 'queer at home T" he asked or the lawyer's /ads, who opened the door at his .ammo''. lie wan gummed nagatively. Disap polntment.ahona la ttlataae, but alter A moment's sosuilderation a thought re civet! him. "Manny yourself could gin me the neeermary infonnetion, nein' yer irU wife." The lady promised to do so, If on her lag the estate of the difficulty ere iotted ft fa her pryer. The termer proeseded to state the ewe as follows : "Bpose you war an old white mu, and I should horny you to go to rultl, with a grid on yet back, an' ye should go no further lhaArtkuOilll,,wkikw el WOWS. ye should kiwi up and pitch up, and kneel down becksnudi and keistk yet seek, who'd pay fee ye ?" The lady closed We door. An sequalainnop, sli.neini..cib, inns a Wight. keen;Hai SW la ber tigo o 7. re hteds . 118 Pl!i q th gfsiowing inci dent: The family were Owing, when the conversation turned noon an excursion about to take Area— elesgyman at the table spoke to the Mile Ski and asked her Wake omit repeat the alphabet back wards. iithe said. "He, sir er when the greriniainaa rsooticed, !Mien Je* 010 ga ea tiat ordraigia." fibsisekaii,voqr alf a moment, vim gks mad, oCaiwyes sap, tiscLeaVs. PRIM jorall wards?" "s., dose." uTheinappiftl the FREEEI , - , 0:1 - 1 .14,11';":f r ._u: U le eslinhlyth Mahe* firlbb Tallalalertrirtaalfie "smaller;leiressaad beautlhil The See le phasled es to how he shall "alai e wittd"rorillet the cur rent requisitions upon his department.. Ile CIS And rwa emeoheepatowt , la the daily receipts from intssual reveaua, nor tram any other owes. ittow o Okox Mrs look "decdedly blue:" - The abort entrees from pie kagpr of? newspaper_ dtpt_ekkitifte die present Matta of the ifdriel Treaseis7. It hes betia Poi egos' eitniellireelladowed by a study monthly 11101111111111 lathe Polo- WNW.. /I le the soosimposoi et Bs& eel redaction of taxed witliont aarimileir Uon of expenditures. Since the Senate passed the bill Nepal lug the taxes on msoutitetrarea, thetbedif has considered the Army Appropriable bill, which provides fora standingereatoir 66,000 men. Mr. Davis (Derr.) moved Is reduce the army to 20,000, Well* lee lion was rejected by a party vote. Mr. Buokalew (Dam.) then proposed 5 0 make the number 30,000, and this propoeitios was defeated by a majority atom lima two to one, the Deumenda and them *a& Male voting for It, and all the Nag the Radials voting against It. Thee the Senate, which hastens to realm Mama* order to gain popularity, rehrosta wk. the measures which are aeommuy teolpie tity a reduction of taxes. The Radicals opposed • reduadols of the army upon the ground that thmitinte• ent force is necessary to matntatit rah ernment in the South. True, anivraied Mr. Davis; if you intend to govera . sibe South sa Philip 1/ governed Halal* If the South were restored to &Wit* ernment there woad be reo army wonted there. And it le precisely bemuse Self. Government is dented to the South that Sethi an army is needed to keep it in millj • In the debate on the Army Dill . Hendricks showed that the preoetti, of the army 1.2,000 per man, itmefinthip t r altogether to more than One Etusthed Millions of Dollars a year. A Phan' man who has recently taken pas: to vestigate this subject at Wash reports that the actual payments h i rite; Treasury on account of the 4r10y4 for a long time past exceeded 42, per month. This. is part nettle. Pries, AO people are compelled to pay 16r:0:p./SIMI ry of Negro Reconstruction 1, And. , r long RS the South con ti num Stifled gatitst upwards to the Government withhaio nets, so long will this ,expense 00%1411' It is idle for the people .to pawl,. asi l y permanent reduction ortaxes tinder ikt management of the profligate porty*w in power.—Lancaster Inteftencer. 111 E SOLE RtAM►N FOR JLLINT. The New York Tribune, in an Wide on impeachment; says: "The President is determined that the Southern States shall return into tiff Union with govern incubi created by and recognizing the white vote only, whiff Congress has resolved to confer au& frage on both the black and white UMW, and to readmit the States only oa the basis of Impartial Suffrage and loyal, supremacy. This antagonism, in die fundamental problem of Renee/animates, la the fountain and mores of the whole difficulty between the President arid Om• gress. ' Thht Is as clear a anointing np Of ti. whole matter as we have Deere' idle where, and the President Is to be re moved, not because he has violate4l law, but because he declines to 14411 ja establishing a negro empire oar Me ruins of ten States of the Union. Thamna Greely most distinctly annennans ,I t ss the world that that Is the sole Vowallik which the Impeachenent b based.-4106- caster Imalligencer, Simirun Joule' HITERMAN, Of 0616, is among the fierce Impeacher». 'lnfiniti& the President and gawe the fallowillilk• ton to understand that his mini an Cabinet would be better thanlkkruesnose , ny, then Mr. Semler Sherman weir& tonished at,i3tatiton'a sinunelees In persisting in staying until be t aw "kleked out." lie spoke as followni No man possessing the least senss44- ity or self-respeot, oould remain MPS Inp. went in the Cabinet after being that the President desired him be snligkei nor could any man properly rentn4'4a the Cabinet whose opinions 410 eaVord with those of the President and aa iociates." THE estimated oast of the Margot , the coming year Is serenty•five =Mile of dollars, nearly as mush so the 'billy expenses of the gorstulaeut battik war. Is it any wonder that we bib heavy taxes? Hew uroeb beger - willi the people pat up with a e.I NOM. game ? MA, will you honor If /, Mis 4MNI, "My child, that Weald be 'my ;OW to .11419. and / szkiebt soteankt!. r ,ra "Well,, the*, *Wit Ilsoriowall didn't serape vitiektirtAihighwilliMil waster taw affalik bit her bard ton, 'awe ship imps Mir =Oa lellad his weak and kiwi Ow 411.118411.0. Why didn't she holletP-villf In" A YOUNG lads hayloft. peedwiser oes asmortmeot of moil* tevaildrsserhisib back and add lo the clerk; "Then MAN thing which I beve.forgettew.". "100 is that V' TheiadY Whldikic "(WWI* Wore we part." -itpost W I *IS 100 vaulted over ttla Acreelervies4 the Amager wtak iseerssier emsetk, Air ,„. A NA, wbo woniteite eke qh , he can *STOW cue, hes lassikts4 *Apr china with wbiset be emit expkb Itle t oap• tier by the sinoltestliiissightwereiNir ney. A arAzrrY ota 'near eianat in the periate-he. " the pertiohesee tha4 .weiketb itedaik nos V' replied, , -IPlease.eirp bokkelee Okvs us not men Wm 411 2 5:01101r maks. thottguksig•ssial fistssf tikes Alt* usosstsiasi whiVekeillikAla winds thstuSel • As onteefilittsLigitirit ture s post, SAM: "ft OW s few met." "'Vein poet Oats Sasp!iiii few r Souvontreirsi *add sal% nto6e istalp=tender srat= w it ed." A' K" tein&tO rot' owe." • Premed a nenellienib to paw issillik* and trying! no:pert , poseeett/eg awn 'white bone libuient , lite evil* WWI. they of the prim* *tic - • 10 : 1 sillies ai l Tile young lolly, In liOrtik., ` , l into team, bee beenpit and brnew wow/lights.' recurrence of tbootjelllAlL :i X g ars- BuicorWo /Ili . le 4 4 the eonapintionthy . to enable the peelkkg. " lir 141 " 41411 h 1, 1 4 r J• m 441 -.a:, ',.# vs* To dant s pammiaframmogiois illnilligrareastroir a\ioi to:se/cc. "' . pd . gu Ott two& re Mil 45..,4,6 , 11. 4. 1 4 .CIA.IO ;.. I zsgoa 11151
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers