gie iftitsban tomplia ,irkra.,ar, APRIL $, 11168 lEi PIMINIENSI PREMIERS! Letrit be borne in mind that any one our peeves,/ subscribers sending In the names of four now subscribers, with the cash in advance (sBlor the four,) will re volve a credit of one year's subscription oil his own account —in other words, for each new subscriber sent in, accom- Ivlnkd bp the cash, a PREMIUM OF FIFTH CENTS is allowed as a credit on pr(scat sabiscrlptions. A number of sub scribers have — aiready paid themselves ahead in this way, and many others could do the same with very little effort. Remember, that the most Important Presidential contest rn our history-is ap pruathing, and that a proper enlighten ment of the masses as to ReAlical negro : ism, corruption and tyranny, will sorely defeat that party at the polls. The Dem ocratic newspapers will do . this, if prop erly circulated. The CostrOxit, always in the front line of duty; will be found as earnest and faithful as over. Deurin oikxitliud Conservatives, help to spread its _lnfluence in THE CAPAE OF THE PEO PLF. A Choice Library of Music.—Tits I' N [TED STATUS Si MICA I. REVIEW, pub lisp( d by J. L. Peters, 200 Ernadway, P' l 4 -w York, lx before us, and merits the at teat ion of al/loverm pf music. It is a mam moth monthly men/Aire. sheet-music -ire, mutt:intik= seventeen pages of 11111 , i cal " 10 1 k * and choice art items, every tide of which is readable, and we shoald say, ineobsalde to nit ma inns„ This 'alone is well worth a year's subscription, which is only $2. Tire Imbliaberm, however, do not stop here, for, In addition to the above, each • number contains Jour pierce of Moire ru w Mutat; by the Lem' uiriters in America, thus giving a select library of new mu sic at such a low rate that even the pools st may Indulge In what has hither to been considered a luxury. The music in the REVIEW is of (Imbed, cs the following select list will testify, all of which has appeared- within Its pa -gem during the lust six months: "Nora O'Neal," •'Kuty McFerran," "You've been a friend to me," and "Kiss me _good- Aye, darling," nil by Will. S. Hays; "Good-bye, but Come agalni" and "Do you think the moon could have seen us'" by J. 11. Thomas ;. "Ally Hay," and "Little Browse Church," by ;NV ill lam S. Pitts ; "Maribell," by hank. ; "Let the dead and the beautiful rest," "Bleak, (I Sea," etc. Also Klnkers "Heavenly Thoughts" and "Maiden's Blush Schottische," 'Mitt "Damuslc Bode" and "Whits Hose March er 's and several other choice Nieces, amounting in all to Sa at retail jai iccs. The U. S. IlvatcM. REVIEW la Nib fished ut $2 per year; single copies, 2.5 vents. "No musical family should be witboat at. Ilinise-KeepercZYuung folks-and others, who aro preparing to go to house keeping this spring, will do well to make a call at Col. C. H. liurmmot's Ware-rooms, near the Depot, Getiya- Mug, ra., where, In addition to a large v:uiety of the most approved C4/1)1( ING STOVr-q, Sitting Room anti Chamber rituve-., can be found a very large assort ment of every kind of orm-WARE, Hol low-Ware, Japan Ware, Toile flea Chamber Seti, Bread and Spice Boxes, 'ea anti Coffee Cualeters, Waiters, Coffee Mills, Water Coolers, Spittoons, Pud ding Moulds, Flour Sieves, Candle Sticks, Smoothing Irons, Egg Beaters, Ftuit-Cans, Jelly Moulds, aut.l a thou snud articles In the house-keeping line—tOlof which. will he sold at lowest laeli in lees. Call and examine. tf ' atiia'r. a Sta•pert Town.—Great Re ductoon in die Price of queensware.—T fro invokes just lauding from Liverpool, Englund, for Wm. BLAIR & Som. Prices away down. The people shall 'have t•iit:AP Uoon Goons. C.trimle, Pa., March 24, ISGB. I'. S.:—Two car loads of best Fish, at burl prices, wholesale and Mail. .syffid, mid Shade Tree..—As it is now neiii• the season for ordering trees and shrubbcry, we would once more call the attention of our readers to the subject, In the hope that all will give more ntten tan to iethan has been given heretofore, and set out some trees. If you chi not 1;4,4 them at a nursery, go in the spring 011ie woods and procure some flne varie ties and put Ahem out in front of your dwellings, or alongside of t h e street in front of your places Get good cur rant, raspberty and blackberry slips, take pains in setting them out, and hi a tea years they will repay' you ten times for 3 our trouble. If you can't get' them from dealers, bet them of your neighbors, ['Lint them and have them growing.— 'frees or shrubs need tint little care, and nut only au ornament - to a place, but :ire 3 early retnrOltig a large Income for the amount invested. Vsro.—Oov.• Geary has vetoed the Free Railroad bIIL YAYYET lIF.PO*'I'IY. =EI R, Z. Y E FLOUR W I I ITL: E ...... •••-; ]:r•.o \ V IMAT, ConN, OATS, BUCK WHEAT,..-. /lAN, ...... .......-... CIA/ VEII.-SP.ED LA X. PORK ........ Botthiwore. F L01:11, 9 50 e 10 Si 2 00 3 00 ...... 180 ® 185 108 1 18 OATS 87 e . 89 C LAW ER-SEED,.. ......... 7 50 * Co 8 50 TICLOTILY-SLED -2 75 ( 3 00 1100 s, V lZIth(1 ' 000 e, 10 00 CATTLE, V hand... '7 00 ®l5 do "23 00 ® 25 00 -tfuLn, .... 1 38} 'tsunami). On Lhe lilk *IL IS thiamof ibis bride's fsth . erby Rev. W. MlNAss* Mr. N o w UM WERT to MYR /WWK. bah Os ford, this musty. • - !Sri the 94th by ult. at elm Reformed PIiZOOM .P OM New Ox ford, Dora, Ur. JOnEII KIMMEL\ or York coun9y, to Maul AMANDA 3i YEAS, of Reeding to ship,thla county. On the 29th ult. by the Rev. E. Breldonhengh, Mr. DANIEL IJek r of thls Mows% to Rho MALI .WEL. EV =MA. ,of Highland township. kbpazon On the Rth ult.. at the residence oif the bride's by Rev. J. Mr. PE- Taltl4, ta, of bordeerrille, to Mina Clarke, 101121 A.011.1E, UAW. of Dickinson township, Cumberland Co. At the Franklin Howe In Carlisle, on the Nth mal., by Rev, hl r litr. DA N TIOGYEST to HANN Ift AH EL LIVINGSTON, both of York Sprini,ot. • =I 'On the 214 alt., In Oafordlownship, JAM FA 'TIMMINS, Lied 77 Sean. On the letb tilt.. at New Clinger, Ws. RACHEL B Enc a t.W. aged 73 year. 3 Months end 17 clay& On lae 9113b , n3L, .10311111. VIJIMIXT' son id John and 'memo Komular, aged' 21 Aare and Ada" In 'Minnie:kg, on the 21th alt., WALTER 'W / g ala.SClOTT....tnlanOt Joehun IL sad eillagDg. =id 1 0d 3 .2 1 1. On the sioult,la this place, MARENLA.IIII% MAN , infant child of wiulain sad KA WA Li isoutlin. SEGAR STORE- EMI .12 A' .1! 0 - .3% .1 \ The tuulerslgned fue removed biz mat Wore to 'hy", NOWIIi :EAST CORNEA OF THE'DWIOND, GETTYBBTRO, whir., Le woke a cortinasece et the public's pe fruitage KW new location Is one bribe moat .•EYTZLtL AliD CONVENIENT, owl 111, stock of Segars *Jame Ilse mama. choke maid sattahketary. iLe teal keep on hand the beet BILANDS, and will mansVadure for general sate throughout Ike meta?. He Win sell at the lowest riving :prices, and at wholefaleaud retaiL Ile le alao the iionit for the ithrbatood (Vs.) To- hem) Works, And win sell their Obeying Tabs& eO, at wholesale asd retell Remember the place, In the Dtaattoad, between Brink erhoff's Store told MoClellan's Hotel April It, NIEL tit EXCELSIOR GALLERY. PHOTOGRAPiHS Photo ✓Miniatures, A If DROTYPEN, Sterepteopie 'Pie's , : of the BATTLE-FIELD, 's N TER EO3OO P RB, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, _A. Li 23 TY DEL B‘, IC= AND AT Gummy . REDUCED mum; ihr-We deal in nothing but-the b'ot of Its kind I= April 3, Nag. if LUIS COUNTY 111 PAD! !The Ai:reels/or Palen, Fly-At, Manufactured enttrety ( Leather, and much /teak,. than Cotton or Linen Nets. frbr sc• - rice unsurpaused. PATUNTKD FEILIGUARY IR7u, MGR. BY BURKHOLDER, WORLEY & HURST. J:1, WORLEY, Sole Agent for the EXCELSIOIt PAYL . `,NT NKr' for Adams musty, 11.1.4 constantly on hand manufactured Ns. ts of II the Aden. e Patent. Also, teADDLFS, HARNESS, COLLARS, lIRII,LES, ' • WHIPS • - . TR[fNKS E LFI3L, ANUS EVERYTHENCI pertaining to a Horse furnishing cataldittkuneut. Sue •AUENTS WANTED to sell Territory for Patent Xets, also to sell Nets on commission in th•• Lounty. All comnignlcations should bo ad dressed/0 J. L. WORLEY, York Sulphur *rings, Adams co.. Pa. A prll 3, PAM. U SPRINCI ANIS SUMMER IMPORTATIONS, 18E518- . RIBBONS, -Flannery and &ran. evade ARMSTRONG, CATOk. ik CO., INIPOWLIOVJI AND JOBSZOIS OF Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, BONNET SILVA, SATINS & VELVETS, Blonds, Nets, Clopeii, Ruches, Flowers, Irestbers, Urngussists, STRAW .13(AVNET8 AND LADHW HAM TIUMIED AND DN. TAZILVDD, SILAXER HOODS, &C, 237 cuu/ 239 alUiniore Street, BALTIMORE, MD., offer the 'largest atarka to he found In thin (bun t , and unequalled In ebolee variety and eheap., new., comprising the lateat Pariahs,. noveltlel,. Order a aellelte4, and prompt at tendon Os en. Aprll 3, ISM Im• FOR SALE. A Farm of 230 Acres, more or less, IN Southern Maryland, lying imniediatelv on the Navigable Water, and cenvenient to at. moat dully aieument. large numbers of Peach and other Fruit Trees In lull bearing; two thous and young Apple l'iwes are being now planted. Optters l,ioh, Fowl, tic., In abundance at the door. 'the place is admirably adapted to either Fruit, Vegetable or Nursery culture. Address N. F. NEALE, St. Clement a nov P. 0„ April tt, NIA OL St. Mary'a county, Md. Notice to Contractors. Kt LED PROPOSAIA will be received by the 0 5, lent Directors of Cumberland township, until the - THIRD SATURDAY IN APRIL, front Hi until 3 o'clock, at Conrail Snyder's ?mem, In Gettysburg, to build TWO SCHOOL HOUSES In said town.hip—one to be built at Filter's, of thiek r and the other at MeCurdy's, of Atone. Plunaand imeeltleat Inns rat 1✓ aeon at Conrad Snyder 4 rover,,, In Gettynbunt, or it 11, real. Snare of the Secretory. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all WA. By order Of the Hoard, - A. SPANOLER, Preen. N. LitlirrNEß, etec'y. Apr 11.1,1104. td Akkeitur copy. Administrator's Ngtioe. RET CHISWI - 2.1.13 FATATTL—Letters of adinlularation on the estate or Margaret Moire% late of Reading twmVistains co:, deed., hay. lug Ike en granted to the nudealgned, lug In the same tourn..hip, he hereby givem notice to all persona indeta.dtO said extate to make ithmodiate payment, and tlnme has log rdohne optima the same to nreacnt them properly authenticated for settlement. I.kI.I2kLJANIN ALBERT, April 3, POI, ta• Adak inintrotor. Executor's Notice. 10 50 7 50 2 40 2 :15 2 40 1 00 1 en HENRY JIVERS'S ESTATE.—Intros ttelta mentury on thG rAnte of Menry Flyers, Eon., lute 6f /Anshan township, Adam. county, de ways', having granted to the undersign ed, remitting in Ty rune township, he hereby given Roth.* to au persons indebted to said estate to 'hake immediate payment, and thane having claims against the name to present them proper ly authenticated for settlentenL B. J. MYElts, April :1, ISeel. at 1.1. v utor. 1 00 8 00 Q) 10 00 7 00 200 10 00 Administrator's Notice iA311.14 TIMMINS'S ESTATE —l.etters of ad mtnianution on the estate of James Timmins, te of Oxford township, Adams, °zloty, deceased, hinting been granted to the undersigned, risttling in 31ountpleasant township, he hereby gli r`b no tlee to those Indebted to said estate to make lm medlate payment and those having cisimsagainst the same to present them property authenticated for settlement, BIATTFIEW li. TIMMINS, April 8. ISGS. at Administrator. Recister's Notioee. NOTICE la hereby given to all Legatee.; and other permits concerned, that the Adminis tration Amount. hereinafter mentioned will be prmented at the Orphastir Court of Adams county, for confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, the 201.11 of APRIL,Mgt,. at gi o'clock A. M., Ms: Ili, The grid cad final ageount of SaMtiel Zieg ler, Ouardisui of the portions and estates of George M. Mummert, John If ummert and Eve E. Mum inert, minor children of Ifiagglfwl Momfuert, de ceased, nettled by William Jambs, Administra tor of the of Samuel Ziegler, deceased. lle. The fleet and final account of Henry H. Deader, Administrator of Andrew I. Busitb, de ceased. W. D. HOLTZWORTH, Re&Or Much Ibec to NOTICE. APPLICATIO has been made to f l or of Common Pleas of Adams coll. for Amend ments to Mane? of the .-Oett urg Rts tiding Amawletton." and . MODAY,_ irk Mth day of APRIL next, at dock, P. M.. bee been axed kw the hearing of Amid applies:lon. when the Mims will be granted, mama cause be shown to the contrary. Hy the Court J. A. KITZMILLM, Prot/elf. Maras $. 1818. 3t F mee t s, La nas tainee, r X , d t , De Clll. , Pti ll h2o,_ t A'l4 l " hillts, he., the ladles shouhl eau end see the new viyii, al 'ROW s e Xooo6'. _ WS Qu MVO ltetedved sasortot tad eensware, to Irtath we Invite gut ien tion elbows A. Warr It tiENTLEmix's einuabas Goa. sairtfle,at VOODC, DIAMOND WASIIINGTON BIERLSOWEIL. C. S. TYSON, Proprietor. HUBER'S D-RUG STORE, Fortuw's_ old Sland—Baltimore &reef, GETTYSBURG, PA. pneetweed thleoldandpopeaszeltand AU. and laid la an entlrely new and fresh Meek • ffer a full amoortment.oonaleting In part of DRUGS AND FAMILY MEDICINDI. PATENT MEDICINES--A LAZOE ASSORT MENT. PURE LIQUORS AND WINER P R MEDICIN AL PURPOSE:'. SPICES AND FLAVORING EXTRACT& DYI AND DYE BTI FFF4—HOW 41 BTEyENai• DYIN, ExematOn DYD4, AND THE ANI LINE DYE:I—THE ciLEAMST AND TILE itEsT IN THE IfAILKET. ALL THE NEW AND ELEGANT PERFUMES AND TOILET ARTICLE& COLOITEM, AND-OTHER fiLTERIOR SOAPti, HAIR lIRUSHEK—TOOTH BRUSHER &oar. to 50 oen tm. FORNEY'S HORSE POWDERS-THE BEST AN D CriIiAPEFIT; ALSO, POUTZI3, BELLE, DALE'S PERSIAN, STONEDRA ElVii AND ROBERTS'. STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFE--THE BEST 131tANDS. PHYSICLUVP pREBOUPBODTS ANIVAMILY RECEIPTS OAREFLILLY COMPOUNDED PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY or • SUPPLIED AT REDUCED RATIN. Medicines furnished A ALI. HOURS or 78L . .! , 10117. N114 , 1t bell nt the door. April it, PAT. t f NOTICE- I .1•G El, 6' if Z I WILL be In Ciettriburg with FLOUR'. ite., every MONDAY and FRIDAY, of each week: Persona who may desire me to forniah them with eltlaer Hour or Ford Mud will leave tbelr order, either with John L. Tate, 6? Limper tr. Ziegler, Mating the kind and quantity, When the same m• 111 be delivered at tbelr GEORGE GINGELL. =I LET ALL THE PEOPLE COME ! Pitney Goo* and Cosfectiosiery .Wort. fTBIE undentigned, having bougbt out J. M. 1 Warner'. t a ucy Goods and CoufecUonery Store, tin lbsithnore street, nearly oppokite Fah mattocks' Store, Gettysburg, Invites the public'. patronage. Large and taktentil as the stork has been, no effort will be spared to render It still wore alit 11,1 IN e and thalruble. Be now offers Writing Ih.kka, Plain Candy, Work Boxes, Fancy do., Portion., Satchels, Sardinia, Pocket Ilmks, Lobsters, Cliirui Tot.., ['how-chow, Pocket Cutlery, Fancy Caked, Jewelry, Ferena Crackent, Wine Biscuits, Brushes, Musroon Perlinuory, Fire Works, Soaps, Pens & Pencils, Cowls, Wrlttng Papers, Fruits, 'Envelopes, Nuts, Tvlacou&Segars, Syrups, &e., &c, &0., "TOO NETILEROUS TO iIF.NTION. , Ile Intends to aril el eryttangat the kweat pa. Fable prices, believing that "email pronto" bring "quirk antra" and are therefore beat for buyer and seller. Cooke one—come all! A. IL FEISTEL. Mareh 27,100. Lf TO FARMERS ! Prrer%lcGuano Company's EMEIMI PACIFIC GUANO! MILE REDUCED TO 1148.00 PER TON. /TIRE USE OF THIS GUANO In Maryland for several years for Corn, Tobacco and other Spring Crops, as well RS for Wheat, has establish eil its excelleaLe. IL ',meows all the qUickuess of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not possessed by that article. Experience has shown that this Guano ripens the Wheat crop from f lee to otz days earlier than the Super Phosphate& IL also ripens Tobacco earlier, and produces a crop of better quality. The Pacitic (Mau° Company has authorised the above reduction in consequence of the depressed condition of the farming interests In the South ern States. It is the purpose of the Company to tarnish the best fertilizer at the lowest price, which they are able to do by reason of their large capi tal and facilities. The Guano is warranted same in quality 1118 heretofore bold by us, JOHN S. REESE & CO., At.e.Nre Fox TUE Come Y, 718 out t.reet Baltimore. For leale by 31c4.1.71ZDY & JWI!ILTON, Get tyaborg. 31a.reL 27, 1569. Bm LICENSES trUIE following applications to keep public J. homes of entatalnment, have been filed In my calm, with the requisite number or Minters, and will be presented at the Wart of Quarter Sessions, on MONDAY, the 20th day of APRIL next: Samuel Wolf, Bortigh of Gettysburg, John L. Tate, Israel Yount, .. . Conrad Snyder, .. . O. W. McClellan, .. Francis J. Wliaon, Borough of Berwick, Henry Kohler, . John Green, Bontugh of 'Allentown, t.94ikt'ulre'r' •• t 1 ,:: Joeeph Barker, . " Jeremiah Johns. Chnowago township • Francis Bream, CUMberladd ti Eleholtz, Franklin ••' Hplirtilm P. Kitlinger. " '• Israel Little, " " George Bear, H. M. Jones ", Samuel S. Moritz, Freedom John D. Becker, Huntington June A. Reed, Fotnklin Reuter, Hamilton- a Alexander Eleoahnet. linnititoinhns" " I•eter Shively, . tteubeßi t t , .14 .. .. .. John h. p; Lattimore • Conrad Wagner Mouniplennant •• Charitta Myers, .Menallen O. P. Please, • J. Tr. Wiest, Oxford I. B. Houser, " . Robert 3t. DIX, Reading Joseph Todt, Straben • Jamb L. Grass, Henry_ll. Stone, Tyrone . S. A.ll. nether, Butler , William J. Martin, Borough of Gettyabarg, •• rieorge P. Kallitielarh,• -Manuel Riley, Conou ago townahip. 11.144TACiAINT LIMN . Peter Rotarian, Oxford township. A. W. MINTER, Clerk March 27,18611. IC WANTED_ AGENTS TO SELL DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. IT contains OVER ONE THOTts.kND clearly printed, double column, octave pages, from new electrotype plates, on good payer, and to ap propriately Illustrated with over /TWO REN DRE!) eilgravinge on Steel and Wood, and a wrist cdllne authentle map.. It le highly temntethled by all learned and em inent toes, and by the premr generally through out the ehontry, and kg the beet book of the kind in the Llttgliatr language. DO NOT BE DECEIVER). Owing to the unprecedented popularity of Able work, a mud So;lhsh abrielgsaent adapted to Juvenile modem, to duodecimo form, of about MO pages, has been reprinted by another arm in larger type, and spread over UOO OCII/9 pages. I,loMay—by making a book huger than its original—to give the Impreaution that U is our edition. It mutates Ails THAN ONN,ALAIdi THY HEADING NIAITNIR O OCM OGNPICHHANNIVII SEW 'nos ; but to thaw who &etre this Juvenile edi tion, we .111, early in March, LWk, [ambit We Euglish week, fur superior to the American, at 51 "5 per copy. teal tor Circulate giving full parlleulars. PAKMLItX • Mew( WO. it.ll3amoin Ilailadeipti°L. TM'-'‘V.A-IR,.M. fyillE largest casortmeut of well made TlN j_ WAKE, in the ally, constantly kept pa hand; also • general imiewarant of Haase Furnishing Goode. Country storekeeper* OW find It to their ad antsge to call. /NO. M. MELLOY, 7/3 Market street, rhUsdalptua. Marcia V, IN& lm Auditor's Notts.). r( 'H undersigns* Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adam, county, Ps., to distribute the balsam remalning to tile Lands 01 R. McCurdy, Esq., fleggimitistor re the Gettysburatallatad, on bls sloth semont soma amongst th e puritan legally sued tbsoreits, sit for the pompom of bisappolauummat Waggles, In Gettysburg, on TUESDAY. the 14th day of APRIL, 1883. • J, C. NICELY, Marta 27,1803, is , , - /LaMar. Auditer 4 4 Netie.c rundend, Auditor, appointed by the .ptimis of Attains county, to OM tr bate the balm:toe of Muds In the baba of John Sohntt Sm., Mikelniatraner of the renal, of Cann; We of Ittinikan teunattip, donated, to aad a =Um prellea IMMUtedtheee. that be will dbetharge the dative en* in hie eltiok, In Gettyehmt, rithltilDAY,UM UM day of APRIL. A. LI, =rild where IA parties Interested may attend. W. A. =MOAN, March V, I. to Auditor. T,NOR Whitt Goodi. IWO aad Wiens% LW ? v e n c r i a m il it W I 1 =el pi.d . woranm-15. DOR nice Print*, Cbecini, iNsoto mmw irc9.l4'. DO YOU WANT CHEAP AND GOOD FALL AND WINTER GOODS ? "Year Everybody Ammer's. TREE 00 TO THE NEW STORE OF REBE.RT 4. ELLIOTT Opposite the Cburt-house, Gettysburg DO YOU WA2 " cheaP ankr 4 Cloths. Casainieres, Satiric eana,lionia, Westlngs, Gloves, Ilinspeuders, Neek- ties, or any thing shin in the gent/etnen's wear line? Go to REBER? ELLIOTPB. DO YU ,!" &T i t andAVIIIIN . 1 1 1 : : poss. Glow O er, Rosi „,„ , Hoop 74.Irtr, Cornets, or anything else dished toe ladle. wear? Go to REBERT t ELLIOTT'S, DO YOU 'WANT cheap and good Maollns, Sheetinga Tick Alga. _cnfliatiag. Queenaware, Umbrellas, Window shades, or anything else of the kind! Go to =BEAT ELLBTIT'Be • DO YOU WANT cheap and good Furs? will find aplendid &wort- Went At REBERT & ELLIOTT'S, Who are now selling goods at wires that maid aatoolah.No be convinced, call and sector yaw wive.. N 017.15, 11Wf. tf 1868. "Ph l °E'r'N'" . 1868. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AEI) ARCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. NEW SPRING SILKS. NEW SPRING SRA WDR NOVELTIES IN DREW GOODS. STEEL AND PEARL POPLINS. E. & L. alwape keep the BEST BLACK SILKS. N. 11.—NET Cam nVYEItS will find It to their laterast to call, as Marmara; treat Auction are daily received. March 27, leat. at THE LAST CROWNING SUCCESS. ✓QTR. S. .4. .411 en's ITEMISICI HAIR RESTORER. FAVORITE HAIR IPIESSING New Style, in One Bottle, will quickly restore (tray hair to its nattind color and beauty, and produoo luxuriant growth. It la perfectly Itallnletel, and le preferred over every other preparation by the who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore It. The beautiful gloss and perfume Un- parted to the Mari:take It tetrad° for old and EiMil For Salo by all Drugglala Depot, 19S Greeuwfell Street, lew York PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb. :9S, Ida. am GOOD NEWS! HENRY OVERDEER, BALTIMORE BT., OITTTSBERO. PA 'ETAS completed his new Store House and Jost 17 returned from the city with a fresh and well selected Mach of Goode, Walsh Pe respostAilly invitee hie friends and the public 'generally to call and examine. HE SELLS CHEAP. Ills stock consists of GROCILICIES. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, CEDAR, WILLOW AND WEEMS-WARE, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, •C. !'.Tilts tough or trader will be given for Floor, Core y Oats, Potatoeo, Batter, Fits, Boron, Lent, Re, Be. Ma 20, INS, tf Iti: Tll It sabserlbers hare Just returned from the cities With an immense supply of HARDWARE & GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old stand in Bal timore etreet, at prima to molt the Omen. Our stock couldate in part of BUILDING Irre.ii_Lia" CARPF.NTEirwTOOL4I, kILACKSNUT - 11 . 43 TOOL& COACH FINDING; SHOE FINDINGR, cUUNET MAKER'S TOOLS, 110I7ASKEEPER'S FTICTIMPS - OF IRON, he., CIPAORERIP OF 41 ' j ' Kr l o PAINW, ate.. *ti. There IS Mo slUsle included fa tEs lieveralde partments mentioned above but whatman be 1 4 4 at this Store. Every class of Mechanics can hie aeroMmodltted here with tools and findings. and Housekeepers can find every article in their line. Cliveep •call,.as we are prepared to sell as low for a.sM, as nay house out of the city L . JOEL I DARNFRI, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 15. ISM. NEW GOODS CHEAP—CHEAPER—CHEAPEST! I M a you what to buy good and *heap Oooda, call t JACOBB s HBO'S. STORE, near Myers'. Holel, in CHAMBERI BURI3 Gettysburg. They have the very hadaeleetion of goods, each as CLOTHS, CASSIMTATES, TWEETAO, &C., the market Ism produce, and are determined to Nell then, I. cheap us con be said anywhere town or country. Any person wishing to have them CUT, can have It done free of charge. Those desiring goods MADE UP, can ate, be aecommcc dated. We warrant tile Twat work Itinql the beet Obi lobe had anywhere: No humbugln what we We have on hand thnvery beet and mart durable IVLNO and are al ways ready - to wait cm customers. Full wttistat thin given In operating machines. Cull and examine. We warrant them to be the best In use. 1= April (4, 1867. U Jury List--April Court GLUM JOKY. Oonownno-3am4o W. Gabe=Mor, Foreman. Berwick tp.—Adam Kinnoaiund. Oaken—John it. Herat. bi lfott i Mluoel Lev last Hamilton-I;mnd Becker. Unlon—Ciecele Kale. ?del:Wien-15W Wright. Gettysburg Wm. J. Marti% John McAllister. Gamiltonben_—John B. Portou, James Manama. Lstlmore—Joel Graeae , bean F. Tailor. Tarrone—John W. Weely. Huntington—W. W. b. Htewart. Franklin—Film tingler, James Llnn. Mershon—Upton Neely. Freedom—John Horner, John Catazdostmen , Latlestown--Caorge Stoneeller. WMWM ? C IT. Frank.lin—Finnels °Von, Solomon Hartman, Jacob Deardorff. Meeollsn—Jsoob B. Meals, Blegbeel Wierom% Franca Cole. Ellaha Penrose. Germany—Daniel Gulden, Hamilton Forest. muntomWm. B. Gardner, Wm. T. Jab, F. N. Oonowitgo—John Waltman. MonatJoy—Jahn Hotruse„lAmdrerer BMWs% John Hayman, Newton W. Hemmer. Maamtpleseast—Hamoel Hilt, Frances Poldleen, Jaoob E. Miller. Btraban—Eden Norrle, Robert Bell, Josiah Bin- um i Bordng—Wm. B. Hildebrand, Oettyaburg-4301M00a Palmas, Wm. B. Biddle, iMmuel O. 000k.Menry Chritsman. Butler—Jacob Marano , Samuel Harris, Michael Dentriokliteob Hamiltaa—klasultlon klag luidwbrasu lpanigior, Hairy B. Haber, Hassi . i . i , I. Lathniore—Aminsw P. John Wolfood., An thony K. Myers, .100eb rickeL Oumberiand—Osonseauskunon, Henry Butt. Ert=r-Wm. . Onford—A. J. Bowers. Union—Amos Lasser. liZehilanti—Msuban Golden. - IS. M. to WESTICEIX LAND& HAVE' some valuable WIIIMMIN LAMB which I will Mule lksr anew non 7.111= la dad= I lagUst da ClVSW 4 304111Wf, VON tt East Berlin Firm. REBERT & HOOVER, FARMING IMPLEMENTS-- BUCKETS Rit,APX2 AND MOWER: BUCKEYE SELF-RAKER, Home Wank. SELF-I/WET. , WINO WIRE ROW= RAKE. •6111reccian s potent; BRAND'S TAMS'S' WIRE HORSE RAKE IRE ROCKAWAY WIRE RAKE THREMIII . NO MACMINMS; CORN PLA,NTNaII, ter• Weida. BhimOtaa'■ patent snd•Wlttatatsglea patio{, York;.• GRAIN DRILLS, Moore's patent; CORN SHELLERS, Wambaughn patent, de. AR kinds of REPAIRING promptly attended to. Call and see what we can do. H e EBERT & HOOVER, • Hist liderßL Againaktiy Mar. 41, IMS. THE = HOWE SEWING rifsICHIXES 1 - The most Perfect & Reliable in America I The highest ;premium—the Crow of the Le gion of Honor, and Goki Medal— awarded at the Parte liks Bale to comment, at I 0 clock, P. M., on said day, when attendatuo a 111 he ON en and termr made known by JULIAN N Ir.n, rn'x, gWE:very kind of work can be done on them. I JACOB MICKLEY, .A.urtiomer, March SO, le W, ta• politico, 1867 For war at Geo. lamb.. a Brea. More, Chem , bersburg street, Getty-16DM, where they can be found operating and giving Dall inetruetione on the Ittielda** aa - 43 CO. SAMBA a MO( are theottly Agent.; for Allame co., P. eireulare containing price list. 4e., can be had by addiemlng them Jan. RI, I. 11 J. L. SCHICK, SOUTWWINITCOLAILa OP CIMTIFISQUART. GEITTSBURO, PA., Hee Jost received a spieodki saeortment, of Fall mad Verintir DRY GOODH, comprising In part as COMM I= ALL WOOL POPLINS, NEW STYLE OF FANOY POPLINS BISMARK POPLIN'S, I= ALL WOOL PLAID* BLACK AND FANCY BILKS LADIFI3' CLOAKING CLOTHS, NEW STYLE OF FALL GOODA, DELATIFEA AND CALICO®, FLANNELS LEI GMAT VARIETY. BLEACHED AND BROWN IiIISLINS, CLOTHS, CAS6I3IITRES, CASSINETS, CAHRMERETNI AND JEANS, LADIES' FURs IN GREAT VARIETY, , - • tiLoVEs AND PITOCRING#3, CORSL'II3, lIANDKERCIIIEFS. COLLARS( STATIONERY AND PERFUMERY. Rept. 27, 1967. U FAHNESTOCK BRO'S. have jest received their =I FALL STOCK, the buret In the @panty—emulating of DR Y. GOODS MERINOES, POPLINS, ALPACAS, GINUHAJWS, FLANNELS, DELAINES, CALICIOE%, &c., &c., &C., CLOTHS,. CASSIMERES, JEANS, tawdry vastftt, CARPET'S, a large 'Rork nad veep elsisp. SHAWLS, all *di, and prices. BLANKETS, very cheap. QUEENBWAItE, the largest *kook in the ecktety and very theop HARDWARE and Saddlery, In ail Its branches, I=l fiIJiMICRABOootaU IrASA, IRON AND NAILS, OILS AND PAINTS Will sell GOODS et prices =prise °expert- avow. Give us a call and examine oar stock. SIGN OF THE RED FRONT GelLyabarg, Oct. 41, lifft. U E. H. MINNIGH. CEIAMBERSBURG STREET, • NIX? noon To Tax inroslTors sona, , 'ORTTYBIIURG. PA., Confection, Periodical, and News t e i o t . v ALL KINDS OF 0:9111*ITIONIA CANDIES, CriPaga t ikalIONN:10:413. te., att ' • cioSileg*On ICE CREAM ANDCIItER azPallad to laatalsa sad Ranks at abartast ratan., THE DAILY PAP OF TIALrIIOIII, ADELPIIIA, NNW YORK, AND WAlNailft- suPPUed to max4*Wasst lamest rats& sir GALL AND EXAMCRY. la" =l= ai orykg. krz. te rtgllntntO eonikairpipdaggb'et hahhCa s tfrits the amitizreed vat Eye aZlrtha: 1411411 V= VIM arlagre* the fah Law 01#1t Vaned mum WiT. 14 V% PUBLIC SAL i g• or A VALUABLE FOUNDRY AND OTHF.R REAL ESTATE. untßuldgno4„_Assigmea of Riksinuel G. lleandTheophilus DtpOman, will wil at Pub- Bale. ssakIATIIRDAI , the I itit day of APRIL negt, at 12', M., on the pretntsca, 111 Ben derseLlle, Adamscounty, the follow Mg valuable Real Rs*ate, els: TILE / - 017NDRY, known an ”Renderseitie Foundry," sloe !Brill; feet, five Poona, of whit+ are !Inhaled imitable for a DWELLINO- HOUSE, with Moulding Room, Wood Shops, Alto, mix-home ttugint., in vod Working order, I Iron amt. I Wood Turning Lathe, I Chnak and In ill, I Circular and I Whip Saw. Also, a tine And lune twtortment of Pat- Wm, conalsting of one, two and three-horse tlZePatterns, two and fon I •itattat Thretitlng ne Patterns, Cook 'and Template Mos* Patterns, Patt, its fur haw Idlil nod tlfitt Gearing and many other pattern. too numerous to meat n. Said Foundry In favorably ettuated On a hal lacre of ground and i. ready for working at any time. At the name time and place, will he sold, 7 ACRES, =lre or hem, of id Woodland.: miles Went of Bendersetlie, ad joi ning lands of Jacob 8e..,. Henry Riot, and ot hers. Attendance will be given and terms amide known on day of sale 1,01;,07 tutiN, aIS/SY EPPELHAN, March 90, NOB. to aslgnees. PUBLIC &4LE. lAN Isierigittuy, the 4thi day of ,APKIL K . ky the an4enigned, Miroftilstmtrlg Of Jacob K. Oyhir, deed., wlll sell at Public Sale, at the bate roOdeueursibltl decedent, in Inutkl la liorputtlp, A,m• county, about two miles north or vow Salem and one mile went of MumMaehltrg, the NoilowitutPersonal Property ofaaltl decedent, VIE 2 2dARD3, 1 Two-yeas-old Colt, 2 One-year-old Delta, 4 WW2 Cotes, 1 Helfer, I Light Broad-treed Four-horse Wagon and lied, Hay Ladders, Feed Trough, Sleigh, 1 Beeper and Mower, 1 "killing Screen, Plough. and Harrow, 5 Shovel Ploughs, 2 Corn Forks, Double and Slualr•-trees, 2 .eta of Breechbands, I set of Front Hears, Collars, Elfb dke Wagon Saddle, Fly Nets, Halter. and lbw Chains, 2 Log Chains, Grain and Clover Seed Cradles, Crowbar, Mattock, Sledge, a lot of Black smith Toole, 150 bushels of Cliareual, a lot of old Iron, Stove and Pipe, and is variety of other arti cles, too numerous to mention. SHERIFF'S SALE I N purananee of sundry writs of Vendltloul Ex- Issued out of the Court of Commas Pleas of rllT ' s gnu n ty, Pa. and to tne dir,ted, w 111 be exposed to Public IN:sle, at the Court Home, in Ciettysburg, on SATURDAY, the 11th clay of next, at I o'clock. I'. M., the following described Real Estate, viz: =! situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa., adjointog lands of dames McCullough, Isaac Deardorff. Wm. Rosa, and others, containlin 1.11 Acres, More or lass—lmproved wall Is TWo•atOry 1.00 HOUSE, Log Darn with Sheds attached, a Hog House, Corn Crib, it &e.; a opting of Ile% kr-Calling inter near the house, also a large Orchard of apple ttmw, besides pearl) and other fruit trees. The public rood from Oettynbarg to Middletown runs through the prop( rIV. Ten to !en ore In timber, and there Is is suiliciont quantity of meadow on the above described Ikalp. Seized and tAkeu In execution us the real estate of Citadel. Price. ALSO, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Butler ton oship, Adanis county, Pa , adjoining lands (4 Joseph Taylor, Ferdinand Rath, Henry Koaer, and others, containing 24 Acres, more or less—iniprovtal With a Two-atory LOG DWELLING .110FsF, a ." Stable, Or.; 111101.1 t. tAN o aereaare N oodlidni, 111 ; the balance cleared add under (em e. It Mere is a spring of t,uu 1 on the premlnea—a a number of fruit t rtes. Seized And taken In el.- im9tllllll as the real eata to of Daniel st at ry. 1 . 1411.11. 11 1N Sheriff, ftherlire °Mee, (Jetty pburg, March 20, IN'eo. gar Ten per vent. of the pun hose non, v upon all uUle by the Sherid must he 150,1 eIN Sr Inoue diateVraitter t he property le Kt noi¢ down or upon failure to eompb tin reu ith the property N 111 he again put up fur sale. DIAMOND CONFECTIONARY. J01.1.N M. MINSIGIi eser opened In liett gnu& coneletlng of , TOYS OF ALL KEVDS FRENCH AND COMMON CANDIES, lIIREI CMZEIEI NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. i xi - Call and eiAllllllO hbi armlet, on &aim*. street, near the I,lxmond. Dee. 13, Ibtl7. 31 ?ALL WITITR 1100Dg, E. HITESHEW L now receiving a large Mock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, , - GROCERIES, QUEENS HA WARE, RD WARE, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. I call the attention of my customers and the 00mM:telly to any large stock of Goods, which I ant now caning at lower rate's than they hake been since the war, and at prima which cannot fall to strike the purchaser la cheap. With every facility foe purchasing I#O4XIN at as low figures jut any In the trade, I am altto prepared to meet competition la low price's from auy and all quarters. Prompt conformity to the lowest market priees la my eetabilehed rule. E. lIISF:4IIENV. Petenbarg, (Y. A.,1 Oct. la, 12487. Court Proclam4tiou. .11 USL INS, VrlrifX.AH the Hon./Lamm J. norm, !les detit of the several tonal of Variation Pleas In the ersinties composing the lath District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General. Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in said district, and liiaAe E. WilataLClf and ISS.Ac F i ats., Judges of the Liourta of Common Pleas, and Justice.. of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Joll Delivery, for the trial of all rapt tal and other of fenders in the county of Adams—hue e issued theta PreeePt. leering date the 2MII day of JANUARY, In theyeisrofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and aixty.eifflit, and to me directed, for holdings Court of Conuuon Picas, and General quarter Reaalona of the Feats., and General Jail Delivery . and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at liettymburF. on 3.102 . : LAY, the flab day of APRIL lee-- NOTII E IR HEREBY I,IN Ms to all the Justi ces of the Peara, the Coroner and the Ctuutablea within the said county, that they to then an , / there to their properperson. , , It It their Reenrds, Inquisitions, I:raminations, and other Illemembranceg, lotto thohe thin:, which to their olltert. and in that 4halt appertain to he done, and also, they. who aft proseente against the pri,- one.; that are or then shall be in the Jail of ...Ad countY Of Monts, are to he then and there to proakentea,altn.t them as shall b.' Juut. , She tiheritrs Ones, Gett PHILIP ysburg, M lAN arch 211, lalta. New Grocery and Flour Store. MEALS & BROTHER, AVING opened a GROCERY, FLOUR and VEGETABLE FITORE, iltthe Room former • oocupled by Gee. Little, on Vits,t Middle street, t ey extend an invitation WAR buyers to KB, e them a call. Everything In their Rue, froth from the city mud country, will bekupt on baud. They are ddamixted lo *ell as eltexp nth* dteapeat, and as they only tisk The lowest living pruilts, Gaey.hope to merit and receive a liberal share of ,_ MEAL4 It BRIO. public patztpttyge. Aug. VI, It 7. tf Philadelphia, March let, 1888. wE beg to Inform you that we ure prepared to offer for your lutipectlou our usual assort ment of MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of the NEWBIST SILAPES in Straw, islik and Hats, Bounets, B,i• Ve'vete, Bilk Goods, Babb(lus, Flowers, leathers, Rut Les, Crapes, Blondes, Broads, ()noun,. We, 6.t., &c. We shall be happy to wait on you at our Store or receive your °Mersa. Prices low, for Coati- Yours, die. H. WARD. H 04.108.106 ik 107 N. second fit., Fhtlads. Math Id, Mk lin Administratrix's Notice. TACO* K. OYLNIrg ItSTATlL—Letters of ad !) ndnietratiou on the eatate,of Jacob S. Oy ler, late of Franklin township • Adams County, deceased, haring been granted to the under herebyti the_muno townahip, atm rivet ndltriefte all _proms indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, ann three having Minna against the mMe to present, them proparly authentMated tereettlement. JULIANN OYLER. March It • lMtt. Adminiatagrix. Administrator's Notice. LA : 0011 MANFUL'S% ESTATlL—Letaers of ad mnitatratton on the eetate of Jecobletswely, of *many township, Ada county, do. teased, hiving 66en granted to the undersigned, reading In the same tonship. he hereqy elves notice to all persons indebted to mad es- UM to make Immediate payment, and those f p es4Z y == i .te .u rw'ae w =ewtt them ZdAMIN L. EITAVELY, liareh 11, Mk St Adrattlstrator. A Mt/IT-CLASP PAW - AT PRIVATE BALE, WITHIN two Mlles or Gettysburg. on i tr Ra t - TT A i a tapodt. with oil neonsoory przt o men Minns onion M i tOPM lel 'rat patelltuoMnr. mononoble. For further infm:motion, APPI4t . wins, Sept. 27.18(17. tt Gettrobtun, John W. Tipton, rGIPC/BASLE BARBER, Northeast corner aIL Dimmed, (next door to McCiellan's Ho- ) ettardanit, Pa., where he an at all times be feeed ready to attend to al/ business In his line. Mlles alio excellent audetance and will eneure laallsibettott. re him a can. DNA WM wry Removals. ki, .4,mt.,..!...traommttror.: Oaf iiislhatiesia witstilltsaplatettseste aresealas or Shemeseaslatleal be Vol &rad themselves or this Masai Mahe year to have it don - amaratia tehh. • with endoplasm—terms low e. , sal so eabea= to 9 =114 - 1 14 ' 0 8 4 091 MICIOSTr4 . gahaffl. first quail ws .l tM icl m Mibielti Plne s e,aug ba4 at, 0E302 NLT4. and 1L%,.111y1 are aseui:ed o tliat U be beat. Order! , soll i elted, and ewe daya ilotiee re quired. Da the 4Y44"0114/01a61a0160, at. $l7 60 mals, or CS 60 ittair6oo,o , . ..,!. L . woorzirxr. • maw "140 . 1 Soda Use pater at try wit De; 44 •ln 0 1 18 1/4 1 Clis • Ault COSA FIRST NATIONAL 'BANK kiztryAilitictl I Notice to Heidors of 7-30 Notes. Last WI, Wheh the prtrege of ece,vertiag the Aogostr-ioNoie s e;g4rell,rainy pereme who no sleeted to convert Into AO Beads, or oell,larb the Pro sium fßavallre Ott einVerting.. will be the acme with the 7-!Os niabmiaq In late and Icily next, LIVIA dispelled of In time intrtelkpv will sifter opiiyirt, grOttobseie, ire t4"1.4 1 /TrIPIk,PiI4 ,O "4 I 4OSOF.4. "" CO UX TR 1' ME RCHrIXTS, DAIR YMEX, FARMERS, doVil QTITtIiS, VONSION YOtl ARMES, SEREINVAX, DEANS, SUTTEE, CDEENE, EOM% FLOUR AND, FRED, ' arncer: FURS AND ALINE, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL. OANIE, PGULTRY,,,NAVA; KOMI, TiOPECGLANIING; reA e Lli":" ERA, HEMP, PROVISIONS, OILR, LARD, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SEEM soakurum, MOLARSPiI, &C., &C.. &C. JOSIAH CARPENTER, General COAtefilliCH. -WereAamt, 442, 444 6.446-Washiigton Street, NEW YORK CITY And reoelve•hle weekly Print Current of Pro duce lueddroederhet, the moat ernaphote Pelee Cur- rent publlehed In the United States. Send for a Price Current Marklog Plate* und Card* =! Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Entablished Nay let, 1960 FiRsT-cLAI*I REFERENCES GIVEN WHEN REQUIRED. March 21, IHON. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LAMES' COMPA NIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DESKS, PERFU.MERY, Fancy China and Bohemian Vases, TOYS, &C., &C., &C. AT A. R.' FEISTEL'S, Opp.)lte Fahnestocka . Store. Gettysburg, March VT, ISM. tf BARK ! BARK ! 1,100; CORDS WANTED ! TILE SUBSCRIBER WANTS 600 CORDS OF BLACK, OAK BARK, far whith be will NV Sa. PO per oord, nu dell Ten' In goctd order, at hia Laniard, In Gettysburg. Wanted ale°, 500 CORDS OF ROCK OAK BARK, tbr which the highst market price w/1/ be elven JOHN RIM?. I=l TIN-W/4M & STOVES. THE LARGEST 411313ORTMENT OF TIN.WA IN THE 001INTY, AT S. G. COOK'S, (former Andrew Polley's.) also some of THE BEAT COOKING ETTOVFI4 IN BARRI.: antoucwhirb are the OLD DOMINION, -, COM PILOIIISE, M* , ln3i'L - V., , LITIA NOBLE COOK I= BARLEY SHEAF, ete Alan, nanny other articles for Kitthen we, which will tot sold ea Ito* went Anirothar 1 piney h 4 the wanly. = HOME SUGAH..OURED HAMS, Shoulders and Sides ' SUMMER WAAGE AND BOLOGNA, OM KALDELEISOH'S. , Feb. 7, Wlll Of LIMEI LIME! BY RAILROAD! THL' undersigned' are boin eisaliged la the We of LIME In Getty* keielviag it by Railroad " e l minpr0,.....4...! , t, FARMERS AND OTHERS Prlow: 7 118 GO peOundnid baehela If p d cash; $l9 6014 ninety days. Lime also sole *ad tenvered at, HANN'S ANS CITTLDNIT'S STATIONS, EDWARD EBTVa. rep. v, uffle. tt 4aportant Discovery THE "POULTERERS' FRIEND," A WAWA CCM 7011 GAPES IN CHICKENS AND TUMMY& WM prevent and cure CHICKEN CHOLERA, anti ether Dinatipot 000ttooti to Minty, and will promote an Increase of Fat. Full Direction aceolummy each PirkAge. PRICE 26 CENTR, annexed are a few bt the eertillentee we ` hare received In prong of the peel value cud a clicy of the Poulterers' Friend: C.% ausoLLtoN, Dahl more eO.. MU., treosrober letN Messrs. Clutwarthy ,ft Cu. t tientlenten have weed your •ioutterers' r Ahead" upon a la Laxl of pat" eltiokela that eff the wipes, and ItoppV to 11.t1 . use of • left 1101.011 they ttal entirely rt It will certainty sure the a.,yes whet; unto utourd lug to dtreetteus. Yours, Att., GEO. JIAtR.ILA.N. ArtmArobra, Md., Feb. 7th, INK • Ileum tiotenarty & Gentlemen bate sold nil the our "Poulterers' Friend" can not hill to Interest all who mist, Poultry. A gentle man of this vlllisge UM! beep expertmenSlng Oat shirker@ with the gapes. • lie tried your "Pohl tutors' Friend," aooordlng to the directions, and It had the detained - effect In destruylug the worm. edeotually rulieVlng the chicken at utice. mince Gum I haveluid away Dail* toe it, nod It has beets Used extant:lvo* with the ewe nesull trr It is of Incalculable value to all who mime Foul Respectfully. A. ISPEINUEM. For sale he A. 1). nirettEr, Gettysburg, and M. J. RTlNE,lDumlttsburg, Md. CLOTWORTHT 8: W., RSIOM OIBO BALTIMORE, Mb. 4‘11,A. liberal diseouirt allowed when purehssed In large quantities. Feb. 28, IMB. Sm POT.TTZ93 WIIOLFAALE DRUG AND PATENT MIR EPOT, NO. 118 FRANKLIN STREET, BALTIMORE, IMLI. RN the dtaaolution of the co-partnership of H. A. Fouts S Um., Auguut let, IJd7, I, David E. ata,,lonlor member of mid firm, purehastal all the right, title and Interval of the retiring partner, S. A, Planta, for all time, in and to the manufac ture of Patent Medicine.; and, 11101114 devoted much tinoyeare and labor In gaining a thoruttalt knowledge in the atunpau nd Ina th pragats clone, I out fully prepared to caur to the 0011101U-' nlty FOUTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES pure and unadulterated, namely: Notrril. MIX TI:11E--Fol:TEh Lira INVIGOSATOS US 111LALTS RESTORIta—FOUTZ'S VECIETARI.6 LIVES £ILL*— Fut*TZ'S COVUIt 8111t151.—FoUTE'S CIILICHSATED HoiteE AND CATTLE Pori•DEss-ARRINES'iI BAL. SAM/C COUOII STErt.--81111.11111110S VERSITIEGE. DAVID E. Flit'TZ, Sole PropHetor, Af4°Y4;Pmil.T'g:',Attt.4";:rattt "olicas BiTTLItd." also nave on baud a full usmortmant of DIti:08, PAINTS, OILS, Viandow-glaaa; Eat rutin cud notencea of all Alp 'era; all the popular Patent Medicines of the day; Parfuinory, Hair oda, flair Dyea, Ittel lute dredit of article , * needed by miners, and litumelteept to, Conniand examine turnout and prices, and if I cannot atilt you, you cannot, be suited In Baltimore, DAVID D. FOIITZ, At the old stand, 11l Franklin tot Fab. 21, Old. ly VEIWNE'S IMPROVED OIL- A CHEMICAL PREPARATION OF LARD, or A Lard UR, ueutrullaing ileattractiou for ilxii cenc—the source of rum, Ac., and Impartingla it (by chemical &Mikity) • property of ATTRACTION FOE NETALN, whereby It in retuiticiL in lubrication. CONTINUOUSLY MILE (rennet least 2i to SO per rent. longer than oponn 011. 11 U}3• beta. 12 le; Cemk, or 200 Gallon; /2 oa per (lallon. To provide against leakage, et.. and for the convenience of SMALL CONSUMERS AND RE TAILERS, the all 4 put up, In the required quautitlea, at au advanou to cover the wet of Oen, and a emulous:his retail profit: S %aura ean, Sl2 Jl—rese, 22 Dog, $ . 40311 7 2-12 1 2 74 " 042 " le et 14t-- " 1 " 172. 1 tads credited an•return in order. Iliscuunl by case, In retail dealers. Sewing Machine OIL • The 011 is alsot up as a HEWING : MACHINE and ARMOR 0 In 9to 4 on i Cdo Milk) Z oenta—pseksd In dos., % and grind eases; In S 20 oents—psoked I, 4 and teams and In 24 os., $1 012—gsaked y 6, 1 an 2 dos.'ongeoll sold by Sewing Machine Agents, Fsirt Ohms- Drug gists, Orman, sod Country Sterstuutts. Orders received through the trade. The Winter Standard of wool la 3tolQ. Fal Oil, In caakx and bbia subject to return and credit within VI days maniple iota 30 days, after date of delivery, If not. aatlafactory, Order* by bbi,&c., sent through AleaM‘ BHjTH kCO., Manufacturers' dupplica, MarkkOtreet, B. BULLOCK'S SONS, Wool, 43 Mouth Arafat Hanel, WM. SELLERS kCO Idaelanial ky and DP' PHILADELPHIA MACHINE AOHN ,Mb and Minor Streets, PhlLadelph C. B. DE LA VE R GNE, AEPT• • Branch iikustifac(ory, 106 CpUowhili 34, 1 3 111LADELPIII.t. Feb. 28, 11191. Sm I HAYi vif ND GRAIN TV TED. M underalgued would annotwee to the eIU• T & sena of Adams meaty that they stall carry on GRAIN AND RAY BUSINESS, at the old stand, GRANITE lITA . TION en the Gettymbati Railroad. Thep are p the highest prior* for GRAIN ARlMTr. t° ll= keep ill Janda of £l. G. COOK GROCERIES, SALT, GUANO% ac, which they will sellit theafaallest prolita UM IN a call and see for youraelvea. PHILIP HANN it SOM. Dec. 20, 18I?, ly NEW MACHINE SIIOP AT NEW 4FORD, E undersigned calls aLtention to hhl new ridschlue tihop, at l'iew ford, Adam s woo. • y, which he has put up, at lame expenae d = the determidation to do good and sett work. He will manufacture various if.inds of -AGRICULTURAL I'd INERY, such as TtiltiOttllNO IdAUHINEIS, TOOTH RAKhli ace.: and will keep the BUCK 'EYE REAPER A MOWER on hand for W., All descriptions of REPAIRINLI done prompt ly and as cheaply as posable. He hoe in connection with his Machine Shop a RT.E.A.III RAW MILL. upon which he will do al/ lands of work in that Line. oaks the public to coil and give him a trnii, amnia guarantees full eatitfacthm.. Alan% 11, INL, Ilia par.'Star' copy and charge *de, MORO PHILLIPS' Norman IMPROVED Super-Phosphate of Lime, matDARD OtTetRANTIitD. Vol SALA AT NALPII77ACIVILIM'S DITOM, No. V North Front Wrest, FhtblittAphlai, AND No. PS South Street, Baltimore. And by Dealers In general thrombrutt the Oonnp. The ROMMR. , .W_OI.7 oor which MORO PHILLIPS' PRIMPIIA IR Is and *Mays bee been manual:tared. (and cd winch ba him Wm control for the Unite! SiatiVistalits Ntr -m per cent.ore Bone Pboobata Raw Boor, tberedbre lb l• Mere durable. addition or dannanata Ova U. Fester tertillatig value. Over wren yews experience bar premed to the Farmer that It makes a beerier grata than even stable manure. and Le not oral uiets ve but lastniff. D= l" $5l $0 per Min. o ,tur lbs. Dleerann MORO PRILLIPti. MAO Mart% U Proprietor and Kan el:ecru:oer. 13, M Pm Mb. to Oontractors. will be received fOr remodeling p2oPo& tLA ocb... Booms No. 1. la ifthlsusd tosta, (WO amity. up to SATURDAY. the llth ffy I=i= them will bs a raiNtlagssillie for the harp..e of joel Wm. JOIR at t Wolcoir.. P, Y. Phan and s asa be seen by calling on the f Of mho Board. By order of the Board DAVID FriEWAPfr, Petal. G. C. FIARTZELL, Mee). 31Larch 90,1001. NJI Assignee's notice. rE tuldendamed, daisies of the estate , of heoplallua VT, of X4mo town , Adams wan tan ee deed of rbity ea µgamest, In tenet ereditro=radismedno tie* to all panne= kneewtow to said Theofddine Ilipearsa __ems and mato hantedlate c am haw twist demo, to teem prep eetloratte tor seetle =eellMPlCLlLAN_, Mardi If, Wit. Aeldwanh, 1.. 7 bLitiliOtril—kaittieolsobrOlatigilt s L sad be meteor, et ibelmet JiOOB eroex,