tftpatrrg ‘ontifitr. Erlday..9nrcla 10. 1/EMOCRAT/C 1 4 1T.RGE TICKET .11'141'0:4 4.LS ritl L. /IRA. ( 'ilft I,y,'s c.,4*lqt.r,nt Tayrtle OwitymvOli 6,1041:11tAL, 0.14. WIII.LIIIGTON 11:11iT, of rIPICACRIXNTIM -1- Another step in the Impeeehment ease Wa&taken last Friday. The Senate hav ing reenived Itself Into a "High Court of I m peach men t," Chief Justice Chase presiding. the counsel for the President, Messrs. faapherx, Curtis, Black, Nel son and Evart., preiented the President's response, aSking forty (lays for the pre paration of hie "nnswer. A discussion arose .between Mors. Stanlery and Curtis op the one nide, and )lesire. Bing ham: and Wilson on the other—the for tar! contending for the allowance of (he tithe suggested, and the latter Insisting on the trial proceeding lutinetilately.— The h'ertate then retinal for tie purpose of consultation. At 4 o'clock the Sena tors returned, and the Chief Justice an nouraued that the President would be al lowed ton da)s to rile his answer. Ding ham askod en order that the trial com mence hninedintely after such filing, but this um overruled, by a vote of gZi to 2a, The Pre4ident's answer will therefore be put In on Atenday next, but it In ilOt likely that the friar will begin for some days after—not until Wednesday or Thursday. .‘tirLiono :VS the ilmlieals are to We.. tide i II raIIIMIA proceeding through :it railroad speed, knowing ones predict that several montlet will be required to bring t to a elo , e. The jury of the peo ple will watch it elosoly, and in the end triumphantly elear the President—let the Senate dleehk I L+ it may, EIENDIVAATIC HAIR INF NEW JIABIE NAHUM Wu are at lust able to lay before our readers the result of the late electan in _New Hampshire. In spite bf the Radi cal despatches claiming the election of Hardman by an increased majority, toe Ihnnotrate have made a handsome gain. New Hampshire, since 185.5, has never bee.' carried by the Democrats. In ltrt6 the Republican majority was 8,5,56; In 1660, 9,118 ; f u 1864, 3,420; in 1967, 8,146; but now, in 1868, it Is only 2,430. The Democratic gain over last year is there lure NIX iiDNDAiIiD AND SLITICEN I—a very fact, and all the mom so when the tunnel's() Radical advantages are considered. The Lower, House of the Legislature etood, iu 1567, 203 Radicals to 128 Democrats; Radical majority, Thi4 year the House stands 190 Itediesim, to 141 Democrats; Radical majority, 49 a Democratic gain of TWENTY-81X! The Dentoermie vote exceeds 37,000, no doubt a majority of the legal votes of the State. A glance at the map shears that New Hampshire is surrounded by the intensely Radical Stales of Vermont, .)taine and Ittnuttriclitisetts. 'lids feet In dicates whence the increased Radical Note was derived. The entire vote of the State haro hitherto never exceeded 71,000. An examination of the vote by towns shows the gamnlng fact that the Radi f (tts burr gnined,only in those towns bor. &Ting on Vermont, Maine c oi f Mama ehusettiv; while in the interior the Dem ocrats have gained largely. Colonization (with money) enabled the Radicals to hold the State this time, but that cannot he done at the Presidential election. -'` This gain in New Hampshire is made on the vote of 1887, a year in which the Democrats carried nearly everything.— The tide Is therefore still with us, and it wlll continue until corrupt anti despotic Itadlcallsm is swept from pla - and poWer In the nation, NNTION A L DILTIOCUATI4' CAIII% ENTIION A %riter frran New York speaks tun I . ollowb ui the /proud lh•wucrutie Cow• ventiOn to ;wool& there 00 the 4th of The Nntiiutal Demoeratie,Con yen thin to be held In NOW York 00 the 4th of .luly will he the largest ntiil grandest ever Mild in /be 'United BMWs. Tammany Lh will be hurried. forward to comple tion for the receptimi of delegates. 'l'he exterldr Is Itow almost thitslied, but all thitintarkir work les attil to ho done, end there hi au muub of it that it.vailinit be completed ntwit beton: July. New York means to Wye the th.lejtittes such n romp theta asesiti lie' worthy of the city and the great itiwitinia the l'onveNtlon will line* tm towel. the tieutheru titutes %Oil lie tully represented, cud the gather ing will be the lii4st or the kind ever ogmelutted ltr 'Nlsw York - . The outside tinittitode , will he ontertal nett In one of tits , tiarke"-ornUaLly Tutupkina &pure — UAW all will Mid that New York is us liosidtable as she is powerful and con• eervuttelt. RVIVOLITION 4ND JtErNDIAPION., The tole* 'Volt tbfroneroial, 11Y tinily conducted 'Republican journal, continues to ekpreserittueh'unettsluess at / the retro. lutionary Eoinplexion of thingtial Wash ington. T b e ftnincial , situation, too, troubles "Ws see drifting into repudiation!— We illst , fipstrelling, t ioot beeause . our debt is Lou cu.e,rous, or WAIL our people ore (lir holie6t, brit' because ettugreaa Is either tutterialbleto the danger or indifferent to its monsesmoncoit. .1f Mr. Morrill, of Maisie, - Winks that a spreati-eagle speech about, faith , honor mid integrity will Idiatte overibe danger, be is fatally mis taken. '4'wo things, at least, must be time. Jelapesises must bottisniniabed and thu.,fooo, I,if44erest. !twat be roduzed,- lioth are yraeticable. Congress can ef fect both,ltud tt wilt be held responsible for its refusal or neglect to save us from a great daagar mid a greater shame." short years ago the whale powar wf asetrowtru mon t was rut-- readoredats tliewstagtiese latiaqh4..l , ooB" grim adosatieCand, thw -mold* itclui eeeed /tit Itli!h,stipt'etnit character of the Presitleat,dtwettdieseat. from. thie eiww was not 1014, kha. zaittue • argument.— Bow ohaused ia•swerythiag ,now. The , ittesident is Meshed: warsa.than • soul lAtta, ;TM moment he attempts to ex -shrine bismienatikuttenal,funottowly, he is , threatened with diagram.: The . Aa cottins of Ilwegress-arerehrong enough, ft theli haw" thst ooneage, to unseat him, +.lta4' ibtavig , phitarate the dignity and wahltrorthis-Preaktendal chair. To this, atif ttiey de & to the 9otherottreme, they &visit tight: . 4. 1 c.elumWee- , flitlionatentiiMirraa'a Punaworteer—Tha Previtionablionsitellrery properly:speaks of Itisineludlifie of Stabs ILegisistarwan dengue thelispeseimessM et tins Presi dent as a l'iboughtless‘and unbecoming proeeedlnrrlr may - " Blame a very naselibnicees7,prisseedler *NW ThelZew lorlc Tirileeetrifl says Uutt it le not elm ply that the action how wft the relied on technically as a precedent but Its success nt ha% '.thWriftbet orfiisl log int‘li be " a'pCrttddly VoiPer Amige In' tile •treshientlal 111.110 U Flee the ram of health and beauty Take the palest cheek and brow. Fly, a,),4peivilat fly aotatuaptloit ! I ea, MI Ills are entaltea at Lew th ! For I Os e what human nature only es er nee.le,l—masslTll! • Shall I tell In what iVeSlIUtel . O I rnu Ilium your nplrlls cheer Spy Pallid, L entbll nu..l . ly • lu . g.b/ullrto, the la Lord - 1 4 /curlolis NYltli r." The ' , E.:mm*l.v%; SYltll I" Li a wol...ted .01.1- titm t the ilolocialk, 1r,,0. a awit. litionvr ie.ll , ln. 1.)1111, istrtlies pl the nag Ot 411+,....: lipl.l 1, the bl.xxi WWI /1, ///oidoosc/p.'‘ //. /. • The germlne has .. Ph n 1 $1122 - 1 , 1,1,151, in file gilts% Pamphlets free. I' PIX.NII.It 6 . Prarl. mr, 311 SI r, el. NeN, 1 00 1.. snl , i 11 me 1(•1%;St vElyint vrEn sm.v tutu Ntr.J,trirest ((It. Aun.shto , "I Was titilleteit With n hove, felon on one of toe flatten., mid tried ttuuly remedial ulthot/i rehet. 11v trieuthr Intlhoed et. , to aptly funs Solve. lit Lwo day.; tt extraelett intlaunkta• lion 110111 tot linger NO Oslo unable Ole la Inv %V hrty that the Salve work - 111 Ills marno, for It etreetett aeon: witletrut hom - li,; avar. I tialaiwit•ttlcoffy inouotiove (how, r,terr .in eng ellent rernetly, iltid lint Lititilit II 111 tkinweelated lairmsubuut 411,•11.1,1, • °NIA' sS I'ENT,I A I.IOX. , 11TI1 W. PN}WLE et .UN,*ton, I . roprietur.i. I.v Ay 11 h,. arl.os and Uuxvr+g,a,rnrlll. .NI.LI, u, Try a llnntle and br Convineed It n ill only cunt you) uur time In Indult it, II It ilto•)ou ltootl. =:! As an FA fermi! Item, dy In rases or Citronle liltraruallein: (Unwise! Hanel, illuadaild Puts, Mtllttess of the Joints and Ilontraetton of the >f navies, Headache, Itnilse", ralits lu tiro Limbs. Doak anrl Hoses, ToOtiowlie, ening% Of 11144 . 001 110 Kprtllll4, Iln wonderful enrolls e ritoreix ore 'rake!, Internal!) in awe. of Hick Ileadiwlie, Colic, Bowel flotuyialuls, (iadera, nysentery, Vomiting awl I)yspepsia, Its %bottling mil pen. - tnititra towlines are fell tw aoon as token. felt the render or Ids friends ha% e any roni phtiut named In this advertisement, try the Ve netian Liniment. It...member, If you do not and relief you can have your money mfundrd. Ask nu Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment, and take no other. It Is pleasant to take and clean Io use, and eradleatea the disease from the system so that It dm,* not return, as Is the ease after u,ing the many Liniments, Pain Killen, and 011 a, now flooding. the country, that only stow the pan while the article Is beluit used, und then return. Price 5.11 crab; per bottle. Kohl by an the Drug 'gist.. Depot, MI cpUrtliallat Atreet, N. Y. I=llelirn doldes Dry hum (Lorne,' for an who domino to miaow in age one of the moat glorloun KIM+ of youth—the lona nificent black or brown tinge which renders the hair an Irroatatible element of pommel attrue thou. INFITANTANEOUS BEAUTY 'timings Mom the appltention of but one Warily., lu the world. That elonnlcul elizlr coutalinethe vital principle and coloring matter with which nature non/ahem the moat beautiful of the 'Aiken tobrita wherewith •he 114.11.1. the 13= Need ft be said that this M under of clelllzattots Ix 11AI/1 DYE, the moat genial, harmless, x holesome, and eer. Lulupr, p.cratluu urns kind In the whet, notvers,•. Manufactured Ity J. ottNNADulto, w ,Nlalden Lane, Near York. Hokl by. all Drugickts. Al. plied by all /Lair Dressers. Mar.0,1% 4 . Im =! DEL DITPuSLA.Pri , PILLS FOE FIIMALEs. Intelllble orreet .ing irregularities. ileautieind tne4ru , nee. of the Montlay Turns. then 1/11.4VINT LkiEl4p, UM] .tl - as • Preventive. /66516 CW over thirty yeani slaw the abovonel , - brated Pills Were first dimwoverril by Dr. DUPON CU, of Par* daring which time they have been extensively and sauementily need in Inunl of ft • public inatitiitiullo, an well se In private prta tie.. of both hemispheres. with unparalleled euceema, in every ease, and It is only ott the - urgent re quent" of the thowniude of tulles who hate us. I them, that he is Induced to make the Pills fwoi e fur the alleviation of tiff , tte nil fierir.g from nay I r regtainrif les whatever,tts well. to prt•yeill an ul crease tit family Where 11.0 th will nut permit It. InNI. Pil.f Is A Dumf.:. remAies ptt alt trly el touted. or thosetluppoilltig thetas. lees so, are cautioned against tlying tilLyu PUN while in flint emid ithat h-st they - Int it, inlieforrlakte," alter whieltadmonition, L. Pre p. tenor namrmo t rerponelettitynitiii tight tin Wilt pi or. ent any mischief to otherwise the Tills urn re, flea \ i• INVALUABLE REMEDY for MI thane coutplaitits so perullor to the sex. °NE lIOX SUYFJC/ENT. 111,000 Ilexes have been sold within Two Ye Ir.. Ten TheriuAnd Box. sent by Mall, both by my sell oral Agents, to all berth of the world, Ub wu It I. &mower. have been returned, I u which la .1,4 anti, nothing like the above Pills have been known since the Relenee of Medicine dawned upon the world, In Removing Obutructluns and Itestorlii4 Nature to Its Proper Channel, Quieting the Nerves and bringing bark the .itosy color oh Health . ' to the cheek or the must delicate. Price $1 per lien. SIX Bost n Sold by itttt rykoluy, Druggist, Mule Agent for Getty•blint, Pa, - Ladle., by egiultng jam $1 through the 'rout Of fice, can have the Pills sent, (conildrinially,)l,? . Mail, to ally port alive noun try, "tree of isotdge. bent ably by J. Spangler, Chambers/a:mg 11. W. Ned; York, Colenttut dt Mogen, and Brown /troth. ere, Wholeenle Agente, liultlo ere, end S. Howe, Proprietor, New York. March 4, 1861. ly l*rtors oi Vann th A gentleman who coffered for yearn fnmn Vous betellffy, Premature Denny, and ell the elects of youthful Indlicretlon, will, for the nuke oisutrorluglMM , WiLr, send free to nil who need 11, the recipe and directions for untioug the slin. ple reined)* by which he was cured. Sufferers wishlgg ty profit by the advertiser's experience, nab doso by addressing, In perfect confidence, SOHN B. °UDEN, 12 Cedar St., New York. May 77,188.4. 19 1=2:2 I.pwroeriort guaranteed to produce Klux urbtot growth of hub - opens bald heed or beardless bur r , also a re ale., for t.tur nemeNal of Pimples, Blotches, tes, on the skln, leaving the same son, e oft u , P cloa ° r, seed bearituut, qpil be obtained with out charge by addrababg 11108. P. CHAPMAN, Chemist, liroadway, Nag York, l &mt. 28, 'sc. gm Few Marriage Cleride. AN F>l9lY FOB YOUR KEN, on Physiolo gical Errora,„'Allapa and es, incident to Youth auct Early Manhoowi, which canto izo pwdinienta to MARRIAA with sum menu' of robe. tient to seilltd_, 1 envelop m fred of charge. Addreala N. J. SIC LLIN HOUGHTON, , Honraad Annameladan, Philadelphia, Pa, Dia Ilk 1181. tr irli nillowas Ott , ff. The Rey. Edward A. Wilaes Witt Nerd Wed of charge) he all who dealre It the persertpiton with WA; rgarr i t i tte mdze Otwistlptlga l . outrat•eet Isecabeemilitthe ataletaditial 'whelped avegpermillthasplempenptiena,as tt.Wllll etet m d.ztapt }owe aamieribmi. RM . IiIIYWAZTA AAVI= eltell,o o4 stekikutimi,virtrk