tte.#gitobitts Intr. iIiZDAY, MISCH 13, INS TUOROVOIE CIRLTIVATION lige tiresome facts, stated by Dr..Volk ner ni a lecture on the atmospheric nu- Mltten of plants, before the Royal Agri cultural Society, u to the importance of aerating and pulverising heavy Boils. Bnt one of the difficulties met with In their cultivation is that of performing it at exactly the right time. If clayey land is ploughed when too wet, It la next to impossible to reduce it to good order by after treatment; aod If too dry, It Is an exceedingly laborous task to do any thing with It. The oecessity of constant watchfulness on the part of the farmer Ia never pater, than in the exercise of due Judgment as to the time, as well as sufficient diligence In the moo"; of culture he gives his land. Let tee briefly Asti; some of the advan- Imutel thorough eullivatlon. It in voles ; "I. The mechanical pulverization of tito sati, giving a better seed= bed, and Asking the particles more inxieseibie to the action of the roots. "2. Better drainage, the !Mil being moot and mellow where it would other wise be baked and hard. "8. The co-operathan of the atmosphere I n'farther decomposing the comminuted particles of soil, and setting free the min. oral elements for the growing plant. "4. Tlie absorption from the atmos- phere of-a greater portion of its ammonia and carbonic acid for the direct, nourish ment of Vegetable life. "6. The Increased effect of manures, from their more compfete intermixture, and consequently more perfect action. - "6. The cleansing of the lands from weeds,, which not only abstract the nourishment due to the groviing crop, but also generate successors, continually multiplying themselves from year to yeir. "7. Thb heeler emsditkon of the field for machine pork; It Mills the knives of a reaper or mower, and leads to fre quent breakages, to cut through the clods an the roughly seeded fields." It should not be forgotten how efficient an agent to the pulverisation of a heavy soil is the alternate freezing and thawing of winter. By autumn ploughing to ef ts." thls, mots tfan be accomplished than by much labor ',otherwise applied. Un der-draining also contributes greatly to the same end. And while much that has been said above applies especially to heavy lands, It must not be forgotten that It has a wider bearing. "Sandy loan's," says Robert Russel, "are bene fited more than any other class of lolls by tilhero,which increases their absorbing pewee'," These qualities fit them eope- Wally, for turnip huiebandry. Elo also In America the Bandy looms are well suited for maize, and its culture in summer.— Deep cultivation, more especially in dry climate% is a most important means of lustreistaer the retentive and &bourbon qualities of light soils. The benefits of cultivation are apparent from the fact that grasses on sandy loams are liable to be seorched by the draught of summer, to a greater degree than the turnips In a well drilled field.—Mawr. Fiore/Amen. I 2=l On this subject, S. Edward Todd dis courses as follows: Fowls have no teeth to gftnd of masticate their food with, and the best they are able to do with it is to peck it to pieces and swallow it whole. Kernels of grain are swallowed whole by them, and as they are surrounded by a tough pellicle or skin, "Mich the juice of the stomachs of the afilmah will not readily dissolve or dlgeitt, they could obtain no nourishment at all from grain If this tough pellicle w re not broken. Not, if we dissect g sward of a fowl of any kind, we tin a lot of small gravel stones,' which ly the hardest kind of flint, grant or sand stone. Sure ly Mile Is a pocket.edition of-farm grist mills. 1 • t o Peals swallow tho t4food, broken or not, knd it enters the por first atom aoh, *Advertising ha It tit ts has beoome softened; more or 1 , when a small quantity at- a time, Just as grain rune into • grist, mill, is forced into the gizzard among the gravel stones. This gizzard la,a strong muscular stpmach, and plays night thd day, - when there is a grist to grind, similar to bellows, contracting and expanding, thus forcing - the gravel stones into the grain, and breaking it into fragments, and triturating the whole mass; after which it is lq a suitable con dition to be quickly disgested. YAMS OF POIILTILY XANUIRE There Is no manure made on a farm so valuable as that of poultry. One ounce of it proyperiildlalurti in half it pound of soil, anti placed In a hill of cord when plautettawill be as powerfal a fertiliser as ten tlintla its weightin biwn-yard manure. A foreign writer says : • "In France, as wallas in our own coun try, most eminent chemists have proved by analysis that poultry manure Is p most-valuable fertiliser, and yet, for want of proper sistern In housing poul try, it has as yet not been rendered avail able to meal economy. The celebrated Vauquelin says that when the value of manures Is considered with relation to thq amount of asote they contain, the poultry manure is one of the most active atinsubutta ; and when, sa a means of comparison, the- following manures are taken, In parts of 1,000, it will be found that— Florio cote. OGommas --....... uanowbott dried ot vegetable, ac 51.9 " Poultry manure.. 83.0 • • VilbtliklJpostt of photipnaleti has been dhilitiViShlt near Charleston ' S. C., whieh It Is believed is destined to add Imtneeselpio Wean:alp of that section, as !think, to be equal in value to Peru , vainAusieN • '• A COEIREBPONDIENT of the Gardener'. Month/y says, he tried sir marketer of strawberries lose season and found the Hoveres Seedling to produce the sweetest erukidirbest favored berry. • : Pierer peas deep. Sofia people never think of a revenue 'tamp when writing a letter; yet some en,:reintilre stamping all much as neujpr ideod. Under the internal rove wsa laws, letters acknowledging the re eetpllist either drafts, cheeks or money, exceepag.42o. are 'subject to a stamp deity of two Cents, the same as If a for matrseelpt had been given for so much ammo. Thu fact is sometimes forgot tin, or is not known, even by good busi nileFroen. A.rausta *lced up by a child at the Ospe of Geed Elope, and used as a play --U9Air!umms out to be a diamond worth tw Alleethousasul dollars. la the MI/Tenet between an oft itompsAlla Wet , One note,natielea to *OK sea one write' articles to ma. *. rErr lady lue wen lituir) balimirar*. Her address Is in the AtitY - , fl*A-JiL 1131 - _XOTICE TO . CAPITALISTS Pereonsdeelsomatbetwitheasad realisingneerly NINE are segmental to eall Gettysburg. National Bank, and obtain Clastiers o/ the Cskies and alas Clenteed Paella Iltilltreal Chasammilat Netts. Them investments are daily mewing la lever mod mho inermaing. Bends out be hod at tattered st this Bank, where all lakinsiation asseenthte mkt. IpyaM mente will eheernelly be gimm. J. =WRY JULIA Ashler. Dee.M. MM. IL( UNION PICIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. First National Bank of Gettysburg E ., salmi ex the sale of {de FIRST SORT adeli UNION PACIFIC RAILS,6AD STX Pffit LENT. GOLD INTEREST BONDS, at 90 cents on -Ihe dollar. Interest payable aelnl-strunially at the counter. All neeesery Ink.rmentlen given. MINOLD, ambler Getty.barg, Nov. 3,137 DR. R. HORNER, PRYIIIMiIf '42nD DRUGGIRT,_ Mae sad Drug Stare CH aBIIRO. AMBEIMBOBG ST., GIVITI' Medial advice without etuults. DRUGIK, MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY PERFUMERY_, SOAPS BRUSH ES. BAKIN GICL DYE OF CER, SODA, CREAM T AR TAR, LAS, COAL OIL, &C., &C. PURE LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. • . Dr. FL limner.' °LIEN, a ennoble repedY for chapped hands, rough skin, ac. An articles warranted pare and genuine. Dee. 27, LBW. ti PIC.I3:CMG- IS SELLING OVER`LVIATS AT MITI OVER COXES AT CORTI OVER OUAIB AT CORTI OVER COATE AT OMIT! OVER COATIS AT CORTI --.- OVER COATIS AT COST! OVER COATE AT COOT I OVER COATS AT COST! OVER COATS AT COW I PICKING Has &splendid assortment of Dreg; Buedneas, and ev ery day Coat& Pants of issOry - Lion, Black, Blue Fancy, 4m. Vesta of al l Med.: Now Is Motion to secure BARI:MINK Come one! Come all inin r i dA.) WERA UMW, fARPET BACKN ILLAB. UMB BUFFALO AND • •a MrGlee PICKING a aill, ea he to determined tore befodoom hie Immenae gook re April Lt. JP- NO HVY131143,1 'Fe Call and be convinced Jan.l7o/Mila if . FRESH ARRIVAI: or DRY GOODS Yon' FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Store of A. SCOTT & SON. Their stock consists of- MERINOES all styles. DELAINES,_aII styles. CALICOES, all styles. MIISLINS, all grades. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERRS of all stew and quality. Persona wanting GOOD GOODS and ffOOD BARGAINS, Should not fall to to the St BOOTr restoS. azuberaburg street, std CHEAP FOR CASH I NEW STORE! OROCIERIES, LIQUORS, AC. usulersigned has retured to Gettysburg, and opened a new Store, on Raltisnire street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite the Court House, whim be °Mars for ask, CHEAP MR CASH, a large and choice antorttnent of Ora:arias,— SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLASSES, SYR UPS, BALT, &C., with FISH, BACON, LARD, IC. Also, Liquors,— WINFIi, BRANDIEB.OI24B,IVHDIECIZEI, RUMS, sadeverythhigAdos She Une. Rho. issaatol RoSisms. So suit sdY sat this Is the plow to be, =RAP FOR . . OW. F. April a, IW. LEWIS STROUSE Has bought bask hb okl stand, on Wilds street, and is solos into twine= again heavier than rms.. He asks his old friends and the public to call. NOTIONS, OItOC22tIES, - COHIPECTIONS, OARS, TOBACCOS, IC., &C., IC., In Lone varlag, and a MU* fairgoer than the ekaapeat. forget Me plans — nearly goo. albs the Station. Gettyabarg, Ost. 11, 111,. it rg:111:TIM woo. B. WMtar, XVIII° located in the town' of NEW OX FORD. Ada= county, will carry an the ama of °Whet-main& la all Ito bra:what FURNITURE kept an hand and made to order. He will ciao keep kor mil • Motto mortonsict at CHAIRS. Invites the dilemma af the town mndll ' oe. =tcountry to give him • call, ss be will ow is ton be purchmed et MY other piece. He will goarsatee hie work to be made up in the Met manner, and Gif t ed autteriels. - Now Oxford, sea. Si. DM JEW EMILY. NEWPORT 1 ZIEGLER, astras. Wesklogkes _WAIN* esitiquize from thp 8p&431=711DU1t43, Pa. Pouptanthr band, tie WA et ~,rea~~sp sjyr:+:' ;LF.~•~y,r..~e+ss~ Pissoaa vivid*" Sag i L ry komai be wired every morale& by las their uszass sad to at tbs Bakary. alai% mad, to I.=Wire as • mil ISOM U. IRON-IRON-IRON I GETTTOBITRG FORGE. NE subscr respectfully Inkinn the public that ther m erected II Perusal 00.1311eCikel T Unix Mem 11.11.1,5zul are now —°u-pin[ pit }:r 7-\i P' mesh as illM e ntimperiboe and Dar=i rl and a t n al 1 . ligakakt that taw Inn to mg. te Assn aatoquainw.lieldiaad pima. • 11112COWLANA WAIIRM ie ti i ka to Or m NNW pries • iiM~~~' a te ."` ~ `~r: -NEW GOODS. cw 4 RG.F..4.4.0ve.,F,.0 ! lesii Dow wooed' a I.J BtoelecirUlPTllS, CAS -1311116R118 - aayl SUWANIILILDE CLOTIII.IOI, mostly of Ws own manqacture. eoualsting of all 41;es a - COATS, PANTS, • • • YESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, . Emiefi7, le., dkr, aL Vices to cult examine and Judge la/ ylarafOrel. Nov. 1. itto. tt . HEID-OtI4.RTBRS, At N0RR11R.11,641116, la the plops to got FALL é WIN'TER, GOODB CHEAP POE CASH: I F you want a cheap Over-ocrt g , o to NO RRIS'. I F you want a good cheap Drewimat, 'lO r NORRIS% I F you 11.11060. ery Y.2° go 141 i 4 6 , ORRIS'. I F you want a good pair of Pan go ts to No I F you want a good cheap Vest, go to NO RRIS'. p you want • - iumisiditekitr t LAA ß RIS'. IF you want a late Fall Style Cab go lo NORRIS'. I F you want a good pair of Bl g t:V i t c i . o N e j s ior. I F you wants FAR4lcflifi t q M go to No IF you want a good French Cal s f o 'G t ign o RIS'. IF you want a good Umbrella, 9111 go to NORRIS . IF you want good Paper Collars w;to IF you want a faalitonable salt of Clothe, go to NORRIS'. I F youw ant anything In the Gentleman'. Line go to IF you want a good SNORE, go to NORRIS'. IF il vz want good HEAVY l i Wi p t12W1U71.1 Also—A large stock of CASHMERES IN THE PIECE. Persons pretesting the wood. to Ready made Clothing, can be aoccommoted at the low est mob price. THEO. C. NORRIS. Oet. U, kW. .tt PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS LADIES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, • WRITING DESKS, PERFUMERY, Fancy China and Bohemian Vases, TOYS, SC., SC., SC., AT J. M. WARNER'S, . Opposite Fatmestockt Stare. Oct tysburs, Oct. 26. MR. FURNITURE. SHEAFFER & BECKER, PETERSBURG, (Y. S.) PENN'A., Are prepared to offer to the Public anything in their line ea cheap as eaa be bad In the country Alit-Pnrchasent will do will to call and examine oar stock before baying ebewhere FURNITURE made tisartiar. ihefiSkine l done nifty, cheaply and with dispatch. JILII. 24, /Bas. tt ROBERT C. COBEAN 11u AAreceived • new supply of *tl_lt POI Boots Andlklegi of latest styles, for Winter use, which he. la Wilzig at reduced prima. Be also inanufee- ll•PT'qr.trof HARNESS OF ALL HINDS, promptly and 'on reoronstdo terra Wake, Haien, Whips, Trunk; VsLass, Tobacco, 01- guy, sad a Feat vsrlota , at Notions always on pind. Call at, the old 'nand on Chinaboxabnin WWI. two doors west of Boebler's Dreg Store. Arnie Wakes prime will be paid for all kinds of FURS. JAE. It 1106. tt WI. C. STALLSMITH & SON, GETTYSBUBG, PA., ceWlirrilits:A, ay. risAaricrts, Aze t ri* * -eon kind; Itotalatni, Era inllatant l .9 on band and tunialll\ addle to aleda; DOORS, 811MEE21,, : RARE, DOOR AND WINDOW - OW1:4HO! CORNICE, DOOR a WIND BRACI/Xll3, And any other ArtWein the Stall