Ot - itilsburs kouipiltr. V7l/7).11', ;13.4121 - 11 0, ISOS. dfAIIIMET REINDILTS 6letty*arg Es r: FLOCR Wit n: ...... ......... ECM ityE„.................. :r ., .... 1 3.5 I).vis 6.5 1;i ;•l wirEAT '.., . s, • IOU HAY, 7 ',WOO 6, 10 00 - ( 'l,O YER-SF:iO. •-•4%, 7 00 -...-• 1 .. 1.A X • SEED t . P 0111 ; ....... 2..-4,4%..............- F=M3 FLO4T n, ..... 9 §0 G 10 00 ...... 23.5 . ® 200 1 TO 6 115 1 08 6 1 14 75 0!) 80 A 2.5 01) 800 3006 325 9 00 6 ,- % 10 00 7 00 o!.'t 10 0 1 23 00 6 25 00 Ir . /LEA:e t P.Vt, ......... MEI ..... 'PIN( 01 . 11Y-01tE1),.....-.... bunt'. ISEI:E CATTLE, 11 Hood IT & (;"hi), Mita East Zarlin Firm. ItITERT & HOOVER,, l'} Act.nrijato UY FARMING - 11V1PUMENTS- ItU('KEYIi kittAPEIL ANi) MOVrF7It IllUCKEllf. SELF-RA IC ER, llofThelun' Intent N no: 1I Lt, , E itAKE. Irvinali l p:l4ent; 1111, , ,N1P1i PATENT 1111:I: 11I)RFO: RAKE THE HAWEA‘‘ WHIHRUCE; = t'UltN 11.AN'rEile4, two kind., Nhlremnlt's potent And Watoliatiglis p.tt, nl , York; (11:. UN DRILLS, MLnm••e intent IEI.LFItS, Wlmbangli'o mit tit, Q.+ All Is lo I. of flI I't IltINC) ',mown) . on( mid what we epn stn. = Aril) mg f.o , MIIM=TI lIOOP SKI RIIS, qUALII Y, At Greatly Reduced Prices, nro Ir d 11'00/).S. I=l PUBLIC 8.4 LE ti'\LU.\HLE PhI4BONAL PROPERTY IG, 11 ' amp IT TWIT Inst ~)1171 11 W p rsig ne ' d /11 , ht•r. 1,41.10111 , e, in erdnlierlsnd totrostdr 1 rt.°, °lndy, 11..Intlese It lietlvßhnee., nnti' Hier The Enutilttobneffeurtd, the fond . , log Per , oll.ll Pro perty ell.. {t 0111( 1 Efl(telES, (oar fit t'd=ei mare with fonl,) 3 Mileh rows, twill be fresh nt out I.s time of sle,) 1 good Nu. dm-tread Wnrrcin, With lied 1 gprlnt IVlttr , dl,llhy Liniders, I hlne !loon's, Sleith unit Ite/in, Winnoving :11111, .."1/I(tyverer,2Kets rd Parechhands,l wet of Front ;en re, Collars, Itrldlosi, Halters, log ('halms, Cow 1.111, HIM l'rares, !limbic. and Single-tnt..., spres4l,s, F0r11.14, Rakes, ttoelss, !shawls, tied Wedges, n first-rate Cirind.dono, \Olt slidirrnw, /min fn the gnnind, rth Ilnosehol..l and II:W.11.41 Forni lure, tic: 10.;11.-4 PP: & KOHDING, Table, flip in, Ten-plnte gtov, and !Ir., Owner Cup : . Twenly-hour.-liour. ClorK, Corner KOH. no.. Bari. 1., Butter Churn. Mrnt en sole, Tin and 4 'ro4.l.e* -won-, IVenving Loom and Fl tor..s, %nit of other arttelex, too nu m. r.,,,t41111.11/1"11. • n.nt io o'clok A. Al., on said 0/15 a hi. nt tetilltalt e will Le given and terram ulnae ku..xt n 'ANNA 1%1%111\ TIOLLINGEIL. Itt.l nr, Got or., Anet loner!. Register's Notices. NOTICE Is heraty given tel Legale,a Ault "tb, , r {,va - ,ung e,meernekl, that the A. 6,1111.18- trutln A, t oupin by 0111, t r wrulloue.llll 64.1 pr, sent.. LI at Elle Orphan , Cum t Acluumiounty„ 14)101111.10411 111111 it \11:1.)).1.6- \ 1 , I I le :"1111111ey ui MARL (I, Veo, 11l 111 et rllx k, .1. 11.,,14: Hi, 1.114 ..room of J.u,. W. lur,Ez e, c, ntor o 7 flu la•t tt 111 alit' tei•Laiucut w Ethuuud Y. (3uiteroutor, dem fu. tF Tit, 4, mutt of John H. Barnum uthivr. A - ,101114( MI or orsuniu..l k cr. detlen,e(l. . . . . TLe first and nue' aeennut tot Pif FaL Otturdein of _1 un E11...e Puluier,teoe li. u, minor t Lila of II eltr, Pulim•r, deccuue.l. , , The th r,, san,h „ .1,11111111141 M Johti . 112. and llmal 1.4,1...nuit of Mory Ann C:r.uo ar, I , :‘, l4trix raf Um lane Air ill awl tehlmscient of Oruuttntir, dtt 1.u.11. Fir, t atcoutg of inure boraw, Ad inlithitrator of the estaLe of Sufnuel Duflx o Waw, 4.l,reaftokl. 111 e nertinnt Cwinul StultavAtlEnhuistm t..r 01n , Ntate of n.l..fliffi Stoltz, tloceumetl, late of 111 , land township. Nt vwtotiut of Goorl4o Dick, rA q ., Exivu ulor oftlo , last will and tofolfonent of i.ydln 1101- lilt. I'lna and Snot 'account or folua Fulty, Atifnlifi4trator of John Ca.e.att. deceased, of tstraban township, Adanl, co., Po. W. .1.1. nourzwmitir, Feb. Collateral Inheritance Tax. f folloW.lng Is a statement of the Copt/Ural Inheritance Tax reamhott Uy IL Floltc worth, Iteglster of Adams comity, during the >oar runuMnt from, Tee. I, 19Q, to boa 1,1x17, ftout the mtates of the follou 104 lammed ateLe dents Margaret towers, Namuel Loudon . Margaret Shyers olb MAMA. j tit Mavkl..) parig ler . . JaavG Lowit. (.4,11,4,11tte 1.11ola s StoLle. , •110 L.0.A.1J1 Tupper... 11,11r> LIU) eatharlile Bowers.. t 5 wz cent. for collection Wllnto $l,llllOll he due Contutonu .•ulth ..$ 11trr Irt ti¢ tli the Cut golui.t stot.•ment In collect :mt true to [Ate bort of me k no, leulge unit belle(. J. Auditor of 14l 11c G. ttr.l. r„, Jah, G. IRLi. i 10.2/It TEE LANCASTER INTELLIGENCER, nit I \lt ti_EHT CHEA)•I44T DEMI), i aorr.~Atl rN PENNSYLVANI N• 1 owl }MIMI). 'fen 4pitliet. The NCeelc I ot..llixt•oeer nmv the 1 nment renown - nth` Ito er in 'Penizn - h - onin. It Inv lately heen wont I> provol nl l I . l" , pert, nn , t ju,l with 141Wpfril`i eVIW.Y., I lOrnoreit th,,n1,1 The pahttnhrn of tile Itrtel hylrnrc r reran[ It to 7M lltr Auto overy Intinwritt to tUPPOCI htv lily pupil+, In inoferenee to nn hut as titer.. Ate 1f1111.1,{ Whil Will he II gets" , Ohnert`r o hiore tlinn Onepaperfinrlng thipenfliag :glen I Ifilikmporcez,tney linve eoneltoled to offer The weekly flitelllgettter nt the following' low nom: . - 8114 , ,TP. VlOlO, OIM Year, $2 001 9 copirs,l9 00; tuoopk.a.ll7 OR; 1000pley, OT2 MO; 90 Cupteo, .113 00; 5000000 SOO 00; 00 e 0,00.0, SAO 00. Harry IsHOlriaoterr, OR Oflir 11n0Annum. ay -Persono yeltgling toy, Heal Fat.lte eon nd TM artier Adver•Heing Mret um umn therlreck TY intaffigeneer. Addrenn H. O. Mar. 0, BOK Lanaastvr. Al:mates Nodes. ENEti ItEI.,IITA FIPMATE. —Let tPrs testa. L manta/Yoe theestale of Plenty Welkertftr of liloontpleasant township, Adams county, rtested-, having_ been grunted to the ondentigneil, estating its rase same township, they here. !ty eve wyttos to all persons Indebted to said es- Ate to stake immediate payment, snot Aetna clalna against the - mate to present them loupe rly au tbentles t EN fo R YN emn )T T, Ja., kti Ls C. DUTTE.A.A., Executors E= New Greecory nil Hoar Store. MEALS . . 4 BROTIIEU, AVI,Nai opened • to FLOM sad YAGECTAAT.V.I3TORN, tGitOOa th ß e , ROOM If aeoupetel by Oeol.Llttle, co West hfiddheldeeet, they eatead an Saeltet.tna to all !layers- eu ales' theta Wei& I.:eery/brag is there dine, Peet, *oar OR , city aad Goan ivy - , a" Mi. kept ou hand. Thoy aure,ellehanateted When Si cheap the eheapeet, nd ebeY only ark the Jou e.tk, they bowie audit and meets e a liberal *hare Of public patronage._MEALS et BRO. Aug,,V, NC. tf' • -.....1•14-11. 1 , _ ' • '.---'' Vello,ll, ReAortas. • ',.,' = =MOW, iierfror, Mier underrfamott it author , ,froiAoruairoommovair.igniar bros. Omen um , orobiepos limillforatrautornromplolothore. ok,ok tie mootoook ikkoolkodi or Illraraitliroloortturefebbrorsoof kos, ko Zik - .Aioook Rookkopikkgeoak: • • ~ sodas mart to Iran% j .s, ,•, ;.00 I'm .. of T SW ' March 1.70111. • i 4 oinirper of the Cemetery. LEAM-FACES.-:-.lust reoelyeainfilbetat 1,e!!r• -1 PrP g ' esiOr*A!i*v• POOR -- .:,t 11 :ACCOUNTS, GII:NET,IT'S DAT'GriT.ISTV, in tui er, %-) 111 urn,tutt v. ILI, the Dlr. (101, of the I'oor nod II stir of t.:lriplovlrtmit of Ithe of Ir,ln thent 11 th ly of Jramttry, A. D., 10,7 to thk• Ist day of Apell, A. D.. MT, tx,1.1. any, Inclusive To balaytee la bauda of lreaserer .t IRA !!pl..r !ill ( QUlltyLuou w " I,m° Ix! .! 01 , 1- fit Jutl 51../41111 *ittriot!l;A I.6°' °II 2 2:5 I alul Lnlasem. -- VOW Calitt nlGlonue .10.tuincu 10 50 7 00 Q. 2 2.1 OE iii Moil pail far ort-door paciprrs nap. eta ri Iliveit pur4-" talitliae= th ror - ,, Xe - ---;:n... ._ __..........r._ eta V? IX Pork, beef. - . - -.----- •rn flows, cos* bolettle, sheep and hoax 110 IV non r, Droll) and 1*111 , 11tig,... ... .. 1161 V Remain to batitim4al.----- _,______ . _ oil 1.1 eituneool4l, lumbor, ape—. .. IVi , r 1 aloud thoppkug, mak/Dig 161/tr, 67 /4 ,undrycxix _no jo oo MIT:MEZ=MIS Relief to ptkupar4 PZ2I2: :%fikle hirc Veirualp hirwing, Ll=nlM=M MUM 12212111 MEg=l Trveum er n Kahn - ) ..... Italmn.t: fu 110.10411.1 f We, the egrteorelheriC,Minx in - mettle attetail- Just Lae Pal Aneounta, do certify that w e lm. e %Lanai nefl the !tentx which moo :Vote the titewe w Staid. Wl4l that they 11111V00111.l, and there I , • halamee of two haadroiraud stluety-ilve dullnttt alai OAP vents remaining in the lialailead (Aarri, liar IRtualierty, Tratuurer—Wnit tram the eighth dry of huaotry fn the linnt day of April, A. 46.>. illv h " , "e• 31 J. C. PaTENTITIZI, -, 7 IL L. I ACM: Treanrer, hi amount rj Wits, the tn the Pnor and Itooxe ttf limph , inent 14; l'Onnty v,r Alban*, I. Ina Ih. first du, nr May. A. D., 1/40, to ll' Fri tit day ei January, A. 11., IM , --twA It dark Incluxf To Noel vp(l of I'. bottgberty, r.totr„ itirtnor Troporer..... . Sari AI Ordorn on (Nyntrty Treanor, . ..... . 1,700 00 (hullo( M. MeCigmnif, for Mod . 41 nrdß la. County Treamert r 1.30 IA 1,41:10 Iq 1.04,1110 001'1 67 I,mxr 15 glo tinlvi, of Mr4.1.,e10, dnry I.:token ' • paid L,r 0111 -door, pauperp,' 51.11 441.•, jAruit 41: , 0 Pork, becfaxbd .... 1,167 HorAe, beef cnttle, cost dr..o ....... ..... FlutTr, grrttllllnd 2114 Fro' t andOVvrrt l ) lol ‘....... -- e° lo•p., I rm to but Wink. . 411 15.1 'stone nolsi,.lkhio and ti Wood th..ppiug, • 'toll rskill!ntid 0a... :N1 1 , Son.lr% . • . . . . 11W•411.11 , 1111...1111.., . I Y 7! 11. hat to uIIor.II.3IMILARIP Vnlr 1,12..•11iNN ... . MIESCIII22I nlu~ , •.m luau lop r• COP.I.or .I.lllp/A,Atil ..... inlrA•rri. 19)in, pm, Ph) fe. 111. Imes F,ogry..., t 01114 r) SI. %%Mr) MI ti .1 /,U1 ub I,IJI 1,,1 hum at T1N40.111,f 11in lln u.itionerit,,, Anoittorn tßinittin unit nil luut Chu. lint•lniA,4inninii,do ecurtliy,tial we ',Ls,. II„ 11,/11 , Ullll . ll 1,111/4;W ill. .111,1,1 . 11, 1.• MIA tilt IV I , it 1.171110, Or /1,1- I.itn.in 1 11111.•;%-islm n , 1115 In the I) m 1,14.1111011 r, Lal , 1 u ...int% tuning Spats 1.11.• Iljht ti 4N nt Mny, lullhe xlith „vt A. U., 7 , 1. q I.llllls.strielnqi% - • • Eby., Melt and„ l u acrottut sy tat i'oor and or of ‘l...l'ottoty of Aii.1.111., taelog flotu the elkrlith .11kyutJattlo try, tunic, silth (la ; of .14 , . 1. D ,th) LJL To ~mlor •.1 • (Atli! /CUM 5t0,...0 for LlulL,thy .up Sharllf.r fur ekr. •-• .11 MI A. Poltw.., Ijiter,t fur E. White chuier uu 'rressurer 0,1,11 1.. \ . raq.,11un.../. I • , ,1,147. (1,411 tonlul will. 1. t. 4. 4 .1 -,riZtale:;au-ni: 291 Rut t. due hot. ard ltd lice due tilewarzl !At Insteiettle/uOIL 17 trb t»lld germrttl .. 1. (1 111 Flitr:rigtAnz H. lief to I,atiperN . 5 AS 31 N./ Itel/141, Ina 1 11111 1 11 ' 1 ' ••• ..... • l'tl,lBlBl . Fruit lull vegt.tliblBm .1. 9.1 JO LIMP .... tiro. colt . < 31., halilrn work Meat Itsla, , 9<l - I tin . • .. —, We- 12te staLorribets, Auditors to sett le and ad , ju.• the j•ohlle oe••olut la, 11., certify that we have tlatiliflOti the Item. wltleb teunpoee he Lumen t lik !LOCI - MILL end that they owe it,! 'lj7 e iron& IA the elehtb day of January, . , , 4' to the •Isth day of Jottlial s - , A. it., 14/I—hatlli drip! ta th.....s e . , .J..u. plrrytsZTUltF, - ..Stalltor , , , . 1 I'ItODT'("fS OF T}li FARM, Isl 4. 1" 11 .u , 116. 01 Wheal. Ittl " ker. ...17 " 011.14 • ItZrl " (10rik in our... • 12 " OUltil.L. - /2 .. D.Oll ,Iketa. I% " (loser Seed. .. . .• , .I . .Lltikl F 4.14 ... 200 4. 70141t0ed• , 3 tloneberttut. . ,2500 headlged/telli" SO tone .... 211 lends ornrodar. • 3122 lbs. Beef. • brit " l'urk. , ' r llll Pern l ll2o lo l l 2Ml.jbe Pinag dinner. Jonua ry I, 186.4. 18 norridtt dulling the courbe of t4l yen r. Transient pritrtlern kW. • - Star. N, Ist& 4t ~_ . - 628 " . 11; I,'. 8111tili 628 M. ,110,EKINIT "OWN MaKt' • "K EIrSTON RE the Ibiltandf agricgr LAW rah Pau Hoop likPrlaintboularket„ Trailetkirta,govryuca, SEGO; 31 n4rlugta, 61.41.41+1 sprluls, Plain 6 t6p.41, nor tya Owls; s t °WI*, c0rit46,111,1. ;63.14.163 sprlngel, 35 [u. 'Farrar/fed la ever" Si OWN Nl...ke" oft I.7,XIONfiX.IRTS," Elev en Tape Trails, troll/ IX .71spr lags, 41.-Y1 tts Plain, Sty Tapu,s, 24 to :slaprilias, /rum 0.1 Celt S 2 ')O. Irltette k trt , or- Isul It than thusehel, 11.) other estyt Ustuluents s Lust class toss!, and at untels lower pries. t• Our (Ell - :\ Make - .1" I •CTI 1)1/MON SKIICTIs Ore its °vets way Atinol Ea to "II talus (loop Ski/ is Leforo the pubL.,.tua out:, t. tu 1...x -4/aisles] or worn to rot, lwu nut ry buy of the but. IP4taufartureul or Liu, Lent I Lueuulloisaut; EnglLsh Spt hry salsa lur tapes, and the sty le of tbe inetua.4o ft...W.lll4gaw,d 01a1111,‘ tf peen rl ng them surpass tor dotal/1111.y and ex ellenhe ally other skirt In this country, and art 1141iter, inure slatutle, wear longer, go e Mule hat- Infitt (Inn, said are really eheaper than all other, E., es fotly sheadd ten Aus/r. 711,4 are Is tag sold ,tetist‘ el) - l 11, rh hums throughout Olt , . :01 , 1 lallunalag st.htu st nosh t t, pries. I st u.tnt the best s.r ••11,uptt las' rh.uupwn IN to not had thous, tu.t the tut C .., .I,t o :tit witont you tit tuoi,tu I ltivlik tot 011. (pi t 4.1,11.0 of aend airect 1.4-11.14 -MR ebuliktat "111 h 01 , i 1,11•!. ,11 e•Xlit . ll) lilt anti we t•nrek . l,ll . , El, it, Ili,. toil ill extupu,no 6111 . ,..V.411,11e ausuitioutrul, seinl fur Who!, ke To Ile Ra.tll ut NPIn uraeltut , and of the Meta 11 Trade gun, rally , oral al M liolehale of the M..nuEts. tot. r only, to it hem all orders should 14, adult. 31. Vra"1."..11 ' TO1:1" G.S ' ATIZTT.T, - P. t ct - t CP, :111.1 7th SI,. 11111a.leTplt 11. XI. It /II Ai' EMI FEE . 25 1 _ 1.• 6 6iz . 613 ik K 2 ..x 24 3R, 1a Mtn HARDWARE AND GROCERIES. rrlr milverthrN bn've jot returmil !viva - IL6 ett IBN srltran trumou,sEmppLy: lIARVIVAILS 6c lalUiAilija, which they are offertag *Mere Mel stand to llama MINN., at pete^heto sal{ the , tiettm opy eurrtit roved.* La part of kllntnntrszAW" . W IVA snot L ' Llm eccitax euvolNqr! , : • " 1/4 ltociik • - •. 4 •'; , A • mirsor & , !t, VIROCERLPA OE' ALL • e.LB, • AINTS, ae„ etc. There Is no article Included in the several de partments mentioned taws* but winless be - /MI at this store. Eve* dais at Mechanics can be aceoninialated here with tools and findings, awl ii.lie.okeepers eau nisi eve 'lull • in tin Ir line. e us a Ali, as want -soil so Into lot etch a, imy limns, out of E acgyshut.9.l xuy . Janthiltratiei Ft AXPANC 1401 .1 . ARTAALIVOM 4 F---' Lb of i ehnhiSitnition ttte'tstite of A Aittiworth, Inte•of the ttotgisb_of GettyAisi brotity,"Thetiiseit, nairmF been 0 • fin inelel.l4pies, residing In the woe ace, he iernby ghee, notice to all pcf into. tint to said estate to malt* ate payment, and noose having Maims agakest the Koine In pree.e4rt Item prliber4t snthenthated for settle:went. - - 4 • DAWIZZWORTU, '1 19fid. & 4,lominlettator. Ereotitor's Notice. ..._.. • , , fIUitISTIASA SFANGLEIrIi iilirr.g.T.E.—Lct- A.) ters testamen of Chriniaus Spangler, late of luitlee= 4 ll i i . illati e isnar .0.4, til ' n noiso to ell noldcaP=Va lei snake immediate payment, and IM claims against the same to present .11 authenticated tor settbienent. ii i , . fi rikir . s.4iiiil i it a I f r ~ • .F4I I T4LIC SwILE •07, • - VA I.U.klitE PEILSONAL PROPERTY. ()N WErtNfIwDAY, the Unit day of NIAIICII next, the subscriber, intending to quit tarns. Ins, will Oil nt le sale, at his resident*. In Ty 1.4.011 , . tuts otlip , Adams count 7,about one 1111 le ', [I OUOt of , 41 14 ,1finblinr. g4a ilaitia slid east of in 1,.1‘11,3 Si logo on the tle rodrl, the following ./doable I'ersraw.l Pn.yr.ert,y, I YIA COWI , , (*lithe rrerch by time of sale,l 2 Heifers, one v) with celf ) I One- hone Wag on, I P.k Isawal Rungs and Harness, 2 sets of lfs mit hand-, l'ollars and Blind Bridles, IthllnX Bridlart, WileOrt eaddlie, Sunni -gamer ILeaper and Monett , ia tirain Drift i °Ora Winnowing Mlll, wire-tooth horse rake, 4 utting I.x, ha) holders, w ood holders, long holder, flax brake, 2 lone ph 'Ugh., harrow u Ills ator, double and sin gle shot', I plotit,ns, wornl corn coverer, corn fork dotthle and ningk..trweal, lieree•borse.trew, be Mares, lo:t nab °twin, tow thyJnit, Mei., Po /km, runes, angers barn eh non, irrlnrlstosse, whoellmarmar, Own angers ghat gun; flay by the Um, fitntse by the bundle, \ 4214 A I WI, HglOkinr (114117‘, linreang, .caeorriftwvnt, erwner contained, beatinanalm, drank, that}-hear lot • oulos le %to% e and fixtures, t.a-phn to st ovrwl mini pipe, {cliental cc phrairti,nin ood Lib .1, large eoprer ken , iron kettle, tool whcol,svinninc a in et , reel, sausage • titter, eront Irnin4strelyann, mist:yowl% turn, barren,, with other aril/leg, too ninnerotin to mention, Hale to coniulencr• at if o'clock, A. ht., on nalet -1413",1111.211 attendance will he given and terns malt known by EEMIIIMM=M =1 $11,904 40 liar CR. tt -dor 123 10 0) trz = lEEE OF VA I.,CABLE l'Eftf3O2PAL PILOMERTY. 0 the T i tt l l ' ss U 4 t l?ti.. r ° , dill it Mq next,rt a Null oilal nubile sale at Itle residence, t o Mount- Joy township, A dame ma nlty, t hree mits west of Llttlestown, no the rood trading from Starner's ml II to the flettyhterre and Teneytourn med, and Iwo mitts ;mot h id Two Tee erne, the fallowing itersonal property, V 174 4 If FAD id , 'WORK HOWES, all rtntvg, and an 1 ex tot %mixt two-yearmM Volt, 4 Milt h cosh., ntweral Of them Win to' froth by the time of sale, 114,101 of young Mottle, _ tone Bolls, 7 wed of prim.. Sheep, I liroott Now, I Shoots, I liroad-tread W 1 1 ,4011, with hot and lama, I Nur otv-t pet, lit•-linne Warta, Stonehed, .2 IWO 11.1% b lent, I t.tlllna-top lringaty and Her . i RON, I itt apt r and blot; er, r-t,n,cr, 111/Od. 1 , J4 / !../prillg-1.(1/11 it.tite, 1 'flit. thou: lone ~nd It, not, r, (train host-title ii .11111,1 i I .o,tial'iougls, 2 laerrous WI it.dur, moot 1.1 1110tinl., t orn ha kt Ju L row, .1..1z-trier, 2 t.pn dotilde ud alole-trewt, tint t -laa4e-tree, roller, 2 heal} ~ g tdutit,,, both t Intlu uud sproadet. 2 ',eta of Lin, celtiotutN, son of front goon., plough gear., .1, hued Lanes nod I ulLars, 4 housings, wagon *ohne, riding saddli and. bridles, 2 hots of tly tICL , Mitt 511,1 brentst I hall., halter anti now (Waffle, feed trough, 1 pair rubbers, lilanure &ha pitch forint, anon oilier Lana ; ale°Ay e, Oats and Corn by the bathe!, nay by the 100, straw by the bundle. Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, meat ve.tola, lot of hand choppers, with st variety of ether artlclett, too numerous tO laeutlou. MIMI . . Sale to corium nee 9A 9 o'clock, A. M., on said when ottendnrice will lie given anilt‘nais le known by MOSDI HARTMAN. JAcon Auctioneer. Fe lktin. to 75 I 1 (AN TITT - 12S11AY, the 11)111 day of MARCH nest, I_,l II e &u el 1.1. r, intending to quit farming, welt «ell nt Public *de, at till residence In Ger man. nshrp, Adatiin county, One tu lle north of litticstown, !war the Ilmainghtown road, the following • Muni*. Prhtonal Property, eta: 4 Ii MAI) OF HEAVY WORK IfOrdi EN, nll eX trn Mtocit, and very enhintilc, Mitch Vows, I null, I I ei fer, II nd-rnte Sheep, 5 Wagons, (one n four-hoz,e broad-tn. ad, one atour-lio,e narrow tread. one a low farm vs rignn, one a one-horne uSianon, and thn hint a spring wagiind I ugon hed, wl th how«, hue capiag., hay ladder., stone bed I 311.111,1,1 . and irCaper, net( triker, threshing machine rout horns power, erl tit double clinker, I npring-ttath rake, grain atilt, awn :odder cult. r, mini% inn null, culling box, king pi/ 01„11, 2 Intl ; tingle shun 1l Mount., •elu torl.s, it lt , sit Iglu flat hied. a large lot of Lorne goat., iwts beast lows:li b:lnas, I Bah, front Rears, b /ion/ill:4N, collars and !whitey, wagon six-home line, four-honsu Tine, plough titan, ellol.l4J4nes, Leant INLId 61111 I I/11W , , iltliter Still 20 mu' elt.tini., 2 fifth c)tains, 2 log claims, npreniler, iiiitilile Rini &Ingle-tree+, 2 ga suds crud ten tad t mowing 551 /1110‘ el, indlinn• and pitch t e ch, shaking forks, mat t°, an kd ,, , long ropes, with u large Nal iet3 of .a lit radicles, ton numennUti to 0,51, 11l mm men, nt 111 o'clock, A. !if., Ind haiti tia, 1,111 II at telltialle.• will be j.;I, ell and terms lithe knee a Lt EMI 44.• Ut) II ECM =EI J. r. I'ITTENTLTIVF, L }MEAN, Anditon. .14.0.111 i:1.1 %K. Auctioneer. Jnn. to d, Job 7 f -... I . 7,, CI (AN 1 . 111 - 11-SDNY, the lath day of MAT:I:It next, nthsorthee, Interailtar to Omit farming, 111 sell :at Vahlh Sale, at he. 1, nirt e, 011 11.11.11 C. 14.1 afartn,4ll ttenVArtirtat, g road, use tittle trim Get() aburg, the following I'eraon al pearly, vazr 'LEAD W(tl 110/k4Eri, 2 Culla, one 2 amen and the otitrr I year old, IS Mllyd, ('own, head of wing f tittle, I sow WI IA a Pik , 1 Three horse Wage.. 1,11110 Heel, Hay Lltrriatres, Wood 1-adders, 1 lkiaper and idoiver, self-raker, Fhelr loger n make, 1 ',wink-tooth Rake, Wfnaotring ViOLIGIIPS lual /111rrOK v, DOLlllie /I,llli Slagle Shovel Pfortkln, Corn Forks, 'Mulder mud Si nalo• trete, Triple-tiers, Spreader, 2netn of Itreoull• hataln, 2 n 4 t of Front tiears, ()Mims and ninth's, Ilattera and Chains, Cowl : Moine. Hatt and Breast. Madan, Itaken, Forka, Shovoin, lc. Also, 2 ItElin'lliA.llS, and a variety of other articles, too numerous to mention. =EI OZE Male to commence at 10 o'eleek, A. M.. on mid tiny, when attendant* Will be given And terms ❑add known Ly iiiiiiEi nATTITtlutt I', the 2ttrt day ot Si ',ITCH next, srnhnnator will nett rrt. Trnbtto stale, at his rentiorees, in tntenbroi troennttfp, on the York Tornn7lte, 1 Mtn, !non Illettreaug, the fallowing oorterrent prorertt, - -sin: II rtnr, - •.: I - lettere, one mill he ttesti by fhotfrnO of Intri',T Inuit, I ltorlntsvny Itoguy nntt .or unort nn Plungh, Baker's =lre I /int o telTisrn - York, tstairot rtrargh, (bell Coverer. tiny Mkt, (Intuit - imp. (Amin Shovel. 'ltch (Ituto I ( ATP Chain, Log On:an:and other Nutty's. Lng_Lalden, lutt Wedgen: Bortstontl ft:HA, Err a nd, eorner CuTdentrd, tot of Hocking ('hair Motnning Wheel, just brat, EintuengoUtuffisr and Lard PIN,* Meat Vessels lot of norm' and. Boni hen, Tots win Penn,Tin and querns-ware, and many other Or- Clete, not merntonert. Matt. to coollnence at I o'clock P. "SL, on said (tar, wham nttendabcc will be given and ccrtan made kuow,u by Jolt"' $t AnctlonCer. Feb. V, Istlß. tmt I= Feb. 4 i, No": Lao &ILL' :PUBLIC B.4LE = PUBLIC' ,sviLE OF V.11.1".1111.1-: PItoPERTY I= PFTF It IIAVTIA.,AUCIAOI:I(Tr 1.4 li, 21, leod. 4 PUBLIC 8..1LE. PUBLIC S4LI3 or VALUABLE PER/If:MAL PROPERTY. On . 11713IDAY, the 17th day of ILAMOII next, ll the aubscrilier, Intending to quit harming, will aeti at Public hole, at We revailegtoe.ln Tyrone townehip, Oalaoui bounty, one male wait of (Wbllevtnu n.) the t0114,s lug valuable Pervonal P - roperty, ", It in SOD NVUlth. HUMES. 4 3111eli Cuwa, 8 head of . Young_Cattle, 4 Sheep, 1 Brood Sow, s T r b ood Rh out Two-boree,Wagoia Hey.l.aiddam ‘ h hOrne 4triel fluernit.i4hoVel PlLiugli, Corn_ ork, • •ri 1141,(01110, kettle l'ne Ile, Closer Cradle, Wagot, s Id le, 4 sets of lir• • • Ilhond,, 1 ••• of E runt lei ( . .11an, 1 fallen, end Ilalt4r Cilalll4. (soN cl•4-tiot, situ, eh, Fel Its nod li..kers. Double and stn gle-t rev. a goO4l Orn,s-eut Saw, !rand sass, 2 • 1•10 le4r• n lot or Potat••••••, nod .5 .sriet:• of ono • ••• to I. to,, ntonerotot to tut al tux. Kale to eonunen.••• at 14 o dock. ;NI , on said •I,l}, when Catellallare 1/1 411 gl•• en And term? mark known by anomas: W. TIAILIIAN.. 11, lAirs. ioetlone4r. Fen, 1 ,. .n PUBLIC S . ,IL E 01' VALUABLE L'ERMJNAL PIbuPERTY. roll 1: ,übserlher, W tandln g to quit fanning, will j.sell ut PuW4t Male, ma WEDNESDAY, the Isinalte of MARCH next, at le o'clock, A. M., at hl+riehit nee, In Strattsoll tudilp, about 1 mile /sell/11mM or Uettypiburg, 41u. WlWgtng vanaable Personal Trope ttic 1,4 1-111•1.1.14 OF 'G 07114a4, • kllfeh Cowe, 4 h.. 0.11 of 4. - oung L. Be, 2 De, I Sum W.l'lgtt, 1 tont•horly 'Wagon With lied, /lay taddiga Au. 1101, asz.•ss„ illorrluga, Sr Its double' Stinker, Wipe-tooth - Bake Grum 155511. w.uno% 31511,4.14 i of liret,cl4•l,•, 2 se,. Ft ouldilelliN,24oelfl Monet Neura, 2 - Cur rli•ae 1111 rlcs4.4, Coilerv, 1444,11e44,Fin, 1444;2Pienu .rro 'esreset,4toot/Its and tingle Trvio, Putt and Brew., Chains, Halter Mid etr. Chaim,. Log Chains. and other Fanning implement:, .11.40.-- patent Drjajlptune a lot Of old Iron, shalt doe. 4a,'4, Man - ning Qnlltlng name, :sad *jot vi i,uogehold 5565,) Kilebell Fur- Attenanalee will be given and term , wattle krunern b , .01114114T1.VN. BENNER. .14/11N sr 44.1,m teer,-Anetkoveet. Feb, 21, Psos. t 4, A VAL i tIAI3LE, FARM i r•'AT. BALE 11=V: i t! NAT tk. pone or authority to rttelut W. 4 14 agar at prisw &b e —len iadir VALUABLE FARM unsold d - emieut, situate WkWantlitun Litt , : Wnzct r -- 14e. GirttACatiou Nisi ' 1 of' Mnr'S Anovur4 . cite tki )01 liokitilld Thwicr 14 cuittaftnn, ltt ACRES 1, T 1 lii ll, Ved Wig+ a_TWO-atorr ratite Weat - erttearded 'MVP:I,I4BU elk; kolektd.l& Bank Baru, Bmoke mit. Carriage House, well of good water_ with ousa=ztirg in a high state of culti‘allon and under good fencing. There hi about IS acme ot timber lead. The fail is convenient to Mills. &c. Tr asiabinVirf •the sin=zii 4 3 i i, »bowl/. imam*, 1111. l e i & Bailer kiw=s l iZit iL trAs d 're lb. AARON '4l.i r . JACOB EBERT, tkutetittint. Feb A, W I ATRK PIWOMOW.LANDS. .12 [AVE on hand a few TRACTS of Z:O4. se oriniVisandttiprigotnytealdinadit, lo rated wear IroadaCoun is Towns, dc. . in well ibettled, Sarifidardraaladf IMlo6 , fir4lsofl err birdluarpellit dale price for lies' kiecate in Aaiun. county AA. • ormt. ARN•OLD. - ,•"• ' , , 01. • 4 NOTACE....III ;,... 1 , .:, WILL be In oenobellrynarr a mectidt' • every MONDAY and inIDA,x, of w t o n nom who may &ware me *I Ith either Iflasuse Feed &MY will lame their cialte r n either w or Maser: ,: rv,i LIA. , a - ,.,eaosios Fis g 4, ir, mu.. If f DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. co:m/sz,Tialv, CARPETS, &C., EX23 roadasSly an hawk rad Zia sok at the kmed prism. ei DIIPRORN & )11011LANI3 Northwest Corner of Coate. *turn GETFYM&IRO PA. E=IMEC2 ' 4 l 540 NerrEans OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, Howling Wm. from 0111211k1 ACROSS• THE CONTINENT, A I: F. Nair COMrirrEn, =I Within Ten Miles of the Summit OF THE ROCKY kIOrNTAINS. The Vrespeet nett the whole - ARID LINE 'NI TII6 PACIFIC WILL BE COMPLETED IN ICU, was n ever better. The means so Orr provided Ibe eonstruction have proved ample, and there la nu lock °Chinas for the mood vi g orous prosecu tion of the enterprise. The (lomptiny s FIRST :1101ITGAGE 1t0:41%4 are non' offered at PAR. They pay 'RIX PEE CENT, n; ooLn, and have thirty years to - run before =taring. Subscriptions will be rereired in GETTYBA BURG, by GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK and EIRST NATIONAL BANK, and to New Verb se the Company's 016oe, No. '2O Nassau streets sae by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No:7 :tax ,111 slreet, CLARK, DODGE & CO., Sinkers, No gi Wall et., JOHN J. CISCO & SON, Rankers, No. 50 Wall et., and by the Company a advertised Agents throughout the totted Malec Renintsnree should he ili.ule in drafts or other funds par in New York, and the bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscribing through land agenbi, will look to them lkg Weir ode delivery. A iCEW PAMPHLET AND MAP, showing the Progress of the Work, Resources for Construc tion, and Value of,Bonds, may be obtained et the ibmpany's Offices Or °fits advertised Agents, or will be sent fret on application. JOSS J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. Feb. 21, lsa9. tf VERUNE'S IMPROVED OEL. AcineucAL nunplutA,Tios OF &WOO, or Laril Oil, neutralizing Its attraction for °zit (4EN—the muree of gam, dm, arid 'reporting to it ,by chemical affinity) a property of ATTRACTION /FOB ZIEVALB, whereby It in retained, in lubricotion, L'ONTLOII.7Or.7BI,I' PURE from at, lewd 4. to:,0 per mat. longer Limn sperm on. bble. SI 95; Cask, or 110 Gallons, !I 90 per Gallon. let 2nre ea . u, 3 V I lll—Cne, i 2 . 4 2 1 3 , I " - " 2 Ml " 6-111 " 111 ,4 66 1 32 " 1 • lb IN Cons credited on return In order, Diseoent by rase, to retail dotter& SewiDg Machine OIL The Oil i also pin op as a SEWING NUMMI!! and ARMOR OIL, in d 3 to 4 oz. (.131te dint.) r, ,yeza—ed In 1 on., Si and Mos. muss; tn saw Mo pardr sata—paaked 1, 4 and 6 doe ar . eases and In 24 oz., el 00—padrad I altd 2 dor. caeca' geld by Sairhut ItaWne ArgestUt, }tart Clam Drug gists., Grocers and Country Meretutntz. Orders reeelsed through the trade. The Winter fitiutdard of M.lOll la 33. to 40'Fah' t. 011, la reek* and bbla. Weisei to ratara sad exedit within 16 days. maniple labile dela, *her (late of 4ellveryif [KO soLlstaetory, Ord erg by Sc.,i sent through Meurg- SMITH (,‘O., Manufacturer(' Sappho.. Market Street, 13. BULLOCK'S SONS, Wool, 42 Mouth Front Street, EIELLF.II.B dc CO. Ilachlnixtg and the PHI LADI..LAILIA , AGFsN 1, 6th and Minor mtreeta, - • • • C. B. DE f. t VERGNE, AO'T• Ib•UJICI4 aelOrg 106 Callow Aili PIIILADELPFITA. N, Iwd4. Sin Farmers, Attend to Your Interests 1 GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. f 11111 E aullaerther would inform bfa enottomens 1 and ethers, that he In tall; manufacturing va rious kinds of castings and Machines, made to order, owe/en ttoales. such as THRENNNRS AND POWEAtk- • Mae different sizes of Power,), CLOVER-SEED RULLEHN AND CLEANERS, CXIRN NIIEL LEItS AND SEPARATORS, COFLNFODDER (TITERS; STRAW AND HAY CUTTERS; -• PLOUGHS, such mg Cit< Plougha, liarahear Plain and Coro Ylonaha: Lim WIRE-TiPfLING nortsE itAkr.. the hitest improvement; al. Metal Screws Luc (I,lfm IY emsal tYtOlf ItAILTIPI3 fpr Cometpripa or .orr_lica wit 4 everything We , at low inicept. Volt l igrift—A ?telt TWO-home Attigion; attne horse Wagon, and a Sprinz WaiM, ZU Lew. • - DAVID STZENXIL 'April So, an. ti PRINTS FOR FARMS Arm arniii3B. THE Grafton Mineral Paint Oa. are now realm. tte i h raMitittglittreek &Ted with pore Linseed Oil, will last 1 or 15 years ; ii is of a light brawls or beautify( elgebiale bib, and can be changed to green, load, atone, drab, olive or cream to suit Lb taste of the ccmuser i. It la valuable far ti Peaces, and Car.makens, Pails and Wooden-ware, ArrA. cultural Implements, Canal Boats Vomela and shlplClEMttmitli.ttinesa,Metal and elhinglanciat, (It being lire and Water proof,) root OM Cldths, (one Manufacturer having used MOJ bbls. the past Yeaes)aal 4 at 'rat for Ina *WOW , hi tUtaui ed for durabl ty, elastic ty, and adbesivenese. Price SS per bbL of 300 lb., wbch will suppl tii - y a ticeinee toe yeltrs to come. .Wtmitated torts * It, woo sbetve. r i, ioni z e. which ter 14041=11011Z2Mirg Slt - ,•'• - - - 154 Peat WA ew or . ' link 71r. em 1...,..—. • ___,..,_____ ________.. ___ area* Gomm° t. OO attritus Or " - ' 1 . 0 WIIE IV WA Irrteb. eot limed, hurl remodeled and Inipirov. 1 M bl'ertirr ZOVVInriM L IT+ 62411Mlarldiaill ak 11 0 110 1 10 to der Ai kin a %citric lu Ids ou'a ma anusual dispatch. ome.ttut%tdaTd lbr tut!e ze i an n t i lg Tralit‘ 'e, .44ittlt - heat r VS.. * ,I,,ltAt .i . hi tenser • - . . , .1i poi; A'Parteerit lurreeder mstruersoft Ober 4 leg arditttli_ Were,lll~*ll ou the top, IsedrePthe'rthila . lbr . dud the log sawed, thus liereltur it e trip— aud all becauat of t he perfect autehluery now eat- P rate: th i t ligui *Alll be able to 4%1; VP" • bp titliiih i ) ! tifraiiiklei - O'Cit.lst.,, . , 4 ~ nwtilloorwstr tionlezw ar is= w k x gr . ta • ot , Prowall: ' • intl/0 1 0 DifOOTerY T 1143, IVrEffißtitS ' Atha)," A CZATAIX MAX TOR • 1, 'SWIM =cum Ma MIMI. Will prevent and etrre og CHIMPS CHOLERA, mut other Disegres to Poultry. vediralprotsotesa ii.oupeotrst. Full DtrerUons itecompaity each Package. MKT 25 (YENTA. ' • rE annexed are A, few ed the eertllleatee we have received In moot of the Areal value and ettleary of the Fealierera' Friend: :(.lAsawrnsnon, Ude) Mears. (iialorwrii Co Decernber lith, Geode-men nave need your 'Poulterers' Friend" upon a brood of young chickens that bad the gapes, and am happy to say that by the use of a tear down they were entirely cured. It N 111 certainly cure the gapes when used sooord lug to dln.rtiOnn, . „. Your be., GEO. 'HARMAN. XNA POLLS, MI, Feb. Morn, ClotimilfiLih Cu. _ , Gentletneff = TM ; vi ill "Folllterene Friend" I. received from you lent Ampd. The petireryrin Mw anTritesilimr einintry ese dying very fast with "Cholera." I recommended your "Forthernile F•fididr" VIIILIA brim hued Wine, It bee proved • cure for the dimmer.. fiespeetfidly. W. FL 1100DFUX BI9MMEM=I Gentlemen :—My thickens were dying very fast with whoa lay lielithibere called 'platten Cholera." !was induced to try your "Poulterers' Friend," and it worillei lite &therm. If/Walt as directed, and it eared thane that were then sick, and I have noteeta ally lymptoma of the disease since. l'aers, 11. MENt.:X.EIi, Crone At Warner Sta. • /1 • •"I nealeick ea.: 11111,1 • July Rid, IW. I Meter.. Clotworlty a. On, Ikaltimore: Gentlemen: The wonderful mire, which have been made by your "Poulterers' Friend" can not fen to (tamed an won raise Poultry. A gentle man of Ulla village law been experimenting on chickens 'with theinpee - He eird your "Pled toren.' Friend," accord lug to the directions, and it had.thnotwared effect in aklotroyingthe worm. efilvtually relieving the chicken at once. Since then I haven...lmam . all.. for It, andlt had Peen used extends el y with the same result. It la of trawleulable value to all who mine Poultry. lisspettfuGY. A. SPENCER. For Kale by A. D. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, and M. J. STINE, Emmittaburs, Md. CLOTWORTHY & t:0.,338 Biltlntore St., BALTIMORE, 34D. ad- es A e liberal discount ullowed when purchased in tett qestitit. Feb. Lai, Ittat. 3m POTJTZ'S wmoissAiar ME AND PATENT EDER DEPOT; NO. 111 PRAPICLIN erritErr, HULL2IIIOBA MD. ON the d Immolation of the co-partnership at S. A. Fouts & Bro, August Lit, 1867, I, David E. Fins, Junior member of said firm. purchased all the right, ti t le audirtlitilitt girth° tattring partner, H. A. Pfouta, for al t me, in and to the manufac ture of Patent Medteig; and, having devpted , much titge,Vire and la in gidgilm a thorough knowlefte In theeogi (base pnippara t ham, am fully prepa to otter to the commu nity FOUTZ'S FAMILY MEDICINES *ire and umululterated, lianwy: Foirrz4 MIR TORM-Varrz,l Lrvx Invicettwrna OR MULTI( VP4ILTARLY LIVER 1..1446 Forrz'm corarr srxtv—FarrrA crotnitAirED Rm... AND PATTY.!. SfIRIYY,R'NSAL HAMJV ELM.- Uouttn B 1 ROP-NEURINYRR VTAKIROGE. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, Agent for "1111. ORolleg liTAGN'irrre SALvg AND Urn .11." the "Dr.x.it IiINTALKNT," 1.114 .913nr.rr TrtcAllt lirrnacs." /114 - i RAW have CO head a fat DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, villtdow-glam ; Extracts and Essence. of all fla vont; al/ the popular Patent ltadkins. al She day; Perfumery. Hair oils, Hair Dyes, and hun dred. of article. needed My lteruhanta, Jhumuits, and Housekeepers. Come and examine my stock and prime, and if I Cannot milt you, you aannat be stilted In Baltimore. DAVID E. At the old stand, 116 FrankllT at. Feb. 21, lonS. ly rww=77l ~1f s. S. .4. .411 en's IMPRON EP HA USTOREIt. rAVOIRITE HAIR DBR,SSING New Style, in One Bottle, will quickly rester" 16rel Ritir hi natural color aud•besat7 Wid ProdlielrbOilnlant grc"4l6 It le PelleltaY hilrin l 4 ll 4 'aid* retested over every other . prepara &oh by thole who have a tine head of hair, M well as those who wish to restore H. The beigattfel glued l ' old perfehte len& parted to the Halt make It desirable for old and Ei=3 , lticriebM'uDHbty,. Depot, INI Greenwich &treel,2 4 BW York. 1 PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Feb. 24, 116$. Ilm THE POPULAR EDITION OP D ENS, - • D. APPLETON As CO., NoR. 413 and 445 Broadieety, New York, A OIENAP EDITION OF THI Works 'of Charles Dickens, FOR THE MILLION. Clear type, Handsomely Printed, and of.Conve• Went Sire, Comprising the following Voltrtios; at Wean nexed Prices, varying in lee accord ing to t4e p amlier i a Pomp : Oliver Twist ram/ reltsfyf.....t... Agee H cents. Ameritun (now ready).. 104 11 " 1 smibey A 61011010 W ready) 3#4 "H " Martin MI hislewit . . 110" 31 " • Our Mutual Friend ...... . " •• Christmas Stories (new ready) HO " 26 " Tale of Two Cities; ... 14-I •••" Hard Time 5....... -" " Nicholas Nickleby (now res - d - y) 340 " 3.3 Bleak " 36 " Little DortiL .. . ' 313 " Pickwlckiprekow ready),. 326 " 36 David Co el ............. " 36 Barnaby udge. " 30 " Old Curiosity Shop ....... 220 " 36 " Great Expectations (reedy)...... 161 " Z " Sketches and Pictures from, Italy Id •• On revel prof 31.50 we will mall to any addrem, as published poet-paid, tie entire works Mauls. Dickens, awl also a Stealldate Artrolt Itaitiadr. printed on India paper, suitable for Iratnlag. The portrait wW be sialledat men , • Either of the above sent FELS IT NAIL ois re ceipt of the price. Extraordinary Opportnalty FOR THE MILLION TO SECURE A L/RRARY. One Set, 17 Two Seta, Three Sets, Silagebyamll wimpy et) Club MOO Tankief.,,Amt pocky grilAslur btleast#Of W. of the Club.. .Af f 4iefi 9 , # r c 7 PM IO e, deuorgluale VargrtieSie YU rer‘t Van, Iflllusua;' lug It. For WWI to liktllNlMllen. the Publblbrls: • Itrk w'M Y LVntovElB,‘ 26 volumes. Price IS casts au& Feb. IS. 1a6.. 1• , ilan t i T tl iiit r A2 l :74ft& of on 111 of Bpennatorrtitemor Ehembial W rasa Ileininal Lomat, lertency, Mental and Pbvsinal Incapacity Im menta to Manama, ,14.; Mao, Conan= ple_kwy, and Fitt, induced by aeltindtdgence or l i attired envelope, only II pent& The twiebrated nutlior, in MU admirable ercia7. Wattle, trout a WM yaws' suo gnu lee, that lbe eatimmtlebeee &self without the da Mt the appli cotton WM& of Me at once pie, certain, sad ~1111.4 by p Means of w bleb claw ma= bu ,.. ;rl: dition may vately, and This Lecture should brio the hand. of every 7 =l:kgrfti= h p=arhomM any at dre, poptioli aserapmaCats. roanreeellg CHAR. J. C. m Bowery, New Teel, P, 0. R • r- ;lan WW1): t • .--vd (... • J. , 1/1011611 la gip.to MU as 1 11 `, 1,4) .V ii = le alai% tT o • A - _ • . '",IVEgi)WW TUE OOLL.rerol3B or SZ,ITE 4 COUNTY TrIXES exa rousted to 011eet, all outereakttrig Taxes mmedi of their Do• plicate. ON OR BEFORE THE 20TH DAY OF MARCH NEr?, ortme6obit. By older of the County Comndoulonare, J. IL IIitILFEN‘ Cal.rk• I= HOME Sli•GriarGUßfil) ZAN, Shoulders and Sides; MMII. SAUSAGE 'AND BOLOGNA, e!'it3MAAVri .M .L TA KALBFLEIBCHI3. Feb. 7,1*. U RE-BUILT L i Coafeatimq and loe pkitivakl3akion. lOttl4l Cliambenburg Sired, Gettysburg, Pa., betedodir 110 Eagle Hoed, hathur asespleted hip; alawbeildlag, has opened i tr eet hkiga burg t aamo on rtm d e mtß utleoutnotiolui ever altered FEIINCH AND COMMON CANDIk Toys, Nuts, de., and everything hehmeng to a not -Maas tbnlectionery, with special aceommo datlona for Ladies and Gentlemen. ICE, °REAM supplied on idiorleol notice Feb. 14.1111111. tf TIN-WARE & STOVES. THE LAROMT ASSORTMENT OF TLN•WABE , IN THE COUNTY • AT S. G. pgo,l('S (former Andrew Po . Hers;) also some of THIC H IT cooirpta novut 111 icowlq, among which ere the OLD DO/lINION, (XIMPROMISE, ANNSYLVAKIA NORLE (X)014, k:CO'NOM IST, Also, many other articles for Kitchen use, which wilt bewokl an low se at any other plum in Inn county Jane 21, 1E47. tt 1 R. & W. ROW A WOODR Sea the eftespeat CALICO, Well the Cheapest IdIIBLIN, Sell the Cheapest ROW & WOODS Sell the Cheapest MERINOS, Sell the Chows& A.IXACAS. T bell the ChespeiS DMAINES. • ROW & WOODR Sell the Cheapest CIPTIET, Sell the Cheapest CASSI3IERE: Sell the Cheapest JEANS. ROW & WOOOA Sell the cheapent HATS, Sell the Cheapest BOOTS, Sell the Cheapest SHOES now & wooon III.A.NKETS Cheap, Sell SIL‘WLS Cheap, Sell prOTIONS 47hesp. ROW it WOODS Sell tar Onh and will Sell at the lowest price+, ROW & woo havOo ederybody MU sod Rsaintso (loots sad Primo Hosiery, Gloves, Dean Buttons, ostown Yarn. - rata tWatiji=hd. Jan. I, INN. tt BARK! BARK 1,100 CORDS WANTED • THE SUBSCRIBER WAISTS 600 CORDS OF BLACK OAK BARK, for which he will jay, slll •Oper coird,on delivery, In good order, at his lanyard, In Gettysburg. Wanted also, 500 CORDS OF R 0.94,1,9,A F , for which the highest market price will be given. JOHN RUPPJ , Feb: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYBBLTRO Notioo to Holders of 1-30 Holes. La WI, whose Us peivaere of coavertiag the AbroottMlioteseopireskomwr miaow wbo M. fleeted marooss3DEunsfoiNll,roa Mr kist premium wed tee pellilleige" of eleverllng. will be the rune with the 7-1110's maturing In June and July next, It noedtsposed oc hi U. This Bank will either convert, or purchase, the 7,1101. allowing premium and Internet. • I • imioListasoirk, emitairi Feb. 14, WM. IS F M. T 1713008 Ec CO., SIN'S - VEGETABLE AMBEOSIA es Imam re etranowin to sin • A (DINUINE HAIR BESTORATIyy, chant-. firitidad Sint fautia Dark, Tranew, which ao adorn youth or ay. It will podllyt in aradualx soon and Danftelff Deft' nee then lir We In the glow% will wow • new growth of flair to putt forth on bald slots, Tbunanlada ail taatiffind to WO Owe. ES aly-A. A Buehler, Wholesale and Retail Agent, Gettyiftwa--and for sale st retail by all Draggista. Yak 11, ly .W4XT&D. =l4/41=Oidit dear. ello garib = l Y CII • N1E;631. MBE] NMI Mgyp., aiLo ,. vo Adams eanktr, deeirsilamilw Yvan led to 7 . . Nieldr a rlie • hum= • g. giMistail to WI Nadia* guar ,ivii FAHNMCKI4/10 4 S. P -A- ea r 'r op, the hived lit the eaustYLeeistettog of MI RINOEIS, ALPACAS, DELAINIK CLOMMAAHIALIONIn Pri 'AI /i11 , 1 77 r "1i : CARPS 79, a lame stock and my cheap. SHAWLS, all kind& and prima. 8LA2:71C,&7, fery chair, CtrabENßlVAiti, the lamest stock In the county IRON AND NAT/4 Will cell 000i* Priedi inwrixo ooxPrri rietn r r a tur SION OF THE RED FRONT. tiel,l3rAburg, Oct. 4, 1861. tt sennitiPicolsatizera dt ci;riotireQi;Aliii.: Aa►ynst *eel reins splitiat Viertineat of fall and Winter DRY GOODR, comprising in pietas BARLEY MiEAF, dq =MI FRENCH MERINOiN, ALL WOOL,POPLttgEO, NEW' NTYLE OP FANCY POPILMI4 DEEM BIBMARK POPLINFI, zltmgmer &large', ALL WOOL PLAIDS, MACY , 411 . 15,14.111p11' BILKS. t LAD.= cuThißis k•I t.1•;.40 #.lPorr•-•:, pELAINEB AND CALICOES. FLANNELS IN MILT VARIETY, iii*CgOLD, ANTI ARM( /Ma" Curies:canna:Rim, easenams; cAllipuTErs AND JEANS. LADLES' FURS LINT GREAT VARIETY, GLOVES AND E3TOCKINGS, CORSETS, lIANDKERCIIIEFf3, COLLARS. STATIONERY AND PERFUMERY Kept. 27;14: .; E. H. MINNIGH. CHAMBERBBUIVO STREETi 'our DOOR TO THII ICITOTONT MOM. ciii77748(1.80, Confection, Peiteditilind Newt Depot., ALL RINDS OF CONFECTIONS, CAND/IS, ORANGES, LEMONS. NUTS, &C., &C., &C., • coustiu44!pp . toupA. • THE DAILY FitilTAIS OF It&ETTEOITE, PHIL, ADELPHIA,TIEWSSTUF, TirT; • I , I t raFtaditisidsefibekiii Itowcit 42r 4 41 i!4ll;####Ct'f. THE - 110 WE SE Trlaca M4 GEZNES —• The most Perfect & Reliable in America 1?!°- if yehF ViomittiOsiott ads 0.41 facia l monied at fhi; Peril Re. position, 1867. WEvery kind of work can be done op them. For =de at Geo. Jacobs a Szo's. Store, Qum homburg atreet, Gettysburg, where they can be found operating and giving full Instructions on theldnebtmer. • • • . iaGEO. JAMES It StelYtiifelhe ear! arab" to; Anima contalatas 11a4Ar, saa a Wd by eddretalas them. Jan. 81. U 2ALL a ~ 000 N. t.ainusionw t ; "w i i t 4 T l4ll/ Yr "OcY . . . . ""):101) ,% GROCERI.P4 QUWW.4*.g. , 4 HARDWABS, " EV II Titf iI)"I L Iho 6aTmall'ilikit S " ' a*eyi ens sow ring at m bees stem the war, and at peas which cannot 611 to strike ciejlnrWlth every facillty figures as any la tbe trade law pima f , I am also prepared to meet emapelittou In om any and all Quarters. Prompt conformity tops !await market • L my established rule 4 Plifteibemlftlik,) (Mt.* lam • • 'I4OIIY I,OIIMONAC " TlV oi l mr i ii =k4 Cnke :47 ltae roit CdriLz Jatiq* - FRENCH AND COMMON CANDY, rsurrs,o ), :Arrow - • talimis, • • . 4 1 nr. awl •NOT/Ohild 0/VALI. HERM aad minim 3 stook,. ova Haflartre • " - 'OMSK WAVE t •• ' irffocioxstiesik umbra: rartre d r ==tbismig=tertsid the 1171 " "C r i ng l aarti q i 404404 C Ilrl hav:•4lot, wend tb.fr NNW • v/.., A DR ,tiooDtsr, 'POPLINS.' MUSLINS, 4Dv,aMs.. FLANNELS, . • r• " " Z ISAr *e•r and TNT M. ,torsi Ito towable% =I OROCF.RIEB, of all k !oda. OILS AND PAINTS J. L. SCHICK, ES ilcCUßig a ILIIILTON, -I,iyuct f i gtv, , o PLO UR, ARAM,: ai WARMS, &C. •x. 1.11 •I 0 two la 01 tit•,ll ,W , A w ir owi r=tag me tbsir ai = rUn WR I MOYIE atErr UIC. ' '• =kw, rorArous, s*d i ! 4 l". 9 k °d " a „:llV ° 1,, " 11 60P,' rmirtimiranitaig"c4 baud t. 4 'sok 4 itAitUX AUPPIMoI apocsauts, Kotausee,leyrape, agibee,Rwoui, ke,,e9th Rolf, Me. '444 ,teßraimn i rl i mk u tariari W all kluge. They likewlew have ` V66I7AtiLE v.LntT ititEßs, Salable racing. . Unano, Itloxlos' Phoophste Mid I.*lll4ttirdin OrtAna. ip sii t tli rEit i g o =ul t 1 7v ri airl i wpit ralts t. Mitifk"sa """AII'ERT Y e DV, wm. B. MAYILETO34. .• • .11171,1 pa. NEW FORWARDING AIID COMMIBeIIOI4 . BOUSi cirrl*leg=l.ThiartlP '"'"'""ht the ahl egad oa thiamine wairgtitile Mama" oa nam azisairce than a w• MI Mat the highest a l'ul i n s i Ibr HAT, FLOM, ORM D M ALL KINDS OP FLOUR andBALT. and ell klASie OROORRI ee F=4 eonnantly on hand and lb ehey out la had anywhere else. and all klnda of FERTI constantly cut hand, ar flmetehed to arderj". A utauuat LINE OF rurdoirr CAMS will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING, and accommodation trains will he run see occasion Naar require. Hy this arrange ment We srujerelutred eilitrag MAW, et ail etenesso seal nom Itennuore. All st d$ ds e ktpd eptrested to isa, will be to. Otir ears run to the Warecet t =lesost • Pews, PP Mita Howard skeet, lidt He Ins determined to pay good piloutoadwasepaied deal atirly, we invite every ben s tear ia tis a wall. LIVNLEIt CObraisii K mewl. Jan. 11'. teat, tt BARGAINS NEW 011,00EAVIC IN UNTTYRBFRO.`` Jeliniiinsvr*wnt - k kfleopened • new 13il burg, on th e noeth-weat=sl 4 e l t i n n are, and Milispaatgessiseel • gplismiliL await meld of FREW GIBUCERIKI4, 47; h 4 n =. ,,"... i.% , r . iat , =i ,i,. :: ,. Also, QVIIMENSWAttE;COMerertONB, _ . . .. Nuts, Frultsk_Sowk Artie* _AM general t ir i 1 ,4 6, will =Lep en hand A + filt i r wed W PM - ' ‘, way he pueoluksed An CUM we mut:OW to sell yaws* cheer . Give us a een and M Ayr yountelven JAN=J.W. Sept. 71,1887. WM. BOYER & SON, semi= . GROC.A i ltr*_ TOBACCOS, &C. . . &PIC, nodal; mut *Wow Wire. A. pieta AssEgiment 4 airthods ' usually kept MI. FIRST-CLASS PARTLY OROCERY. Jan. 10, LW tt DO YOU WANT . rEIZAP AND now) FALL AND WINTER GOODS ? uses'" lintrybody Amen. tiontatiorterw enitcol! .4. EL L 1077 • winos (*4 Cbiod4imior, DO YOU AwiAll T" 4 ",!* veightie zlki a v i e r iz ir. e ir toty N} NNWt 111.1.1172 M • DO YOU 'TILT I u=iir,,Ula: wiauagianalf°ll242ol.2,..,..ss or ,qtar.azar xworre. DO YOU M iz absil ic =" ll . Windtire ar "713"44.11.8"6"."4' °I II I. JMIERT t =MTN. You w i eT vill i m aid good Mar Mad , , rin.16111114 41 WU are' nOiroddilid rOds price, that nut =dt . Tolddassidimed, mad wiry year- No*. tea, tt DAVID DeCREARY. JOUN P. MaCREAMI M Beet alwayt gheyests' sesamiampiell IgADDLRS, ' BRIDLES, ' OLLARS sd HARNESS of all kinds C , tu the C oun ty,, are always to be Maud at Um aid and well Mama stand, Baltimore st., opposite the Prod Wanda etturob— McCREARYB'. Ourßatihig sod Wwn Saddles ate Um most sabetantliP,W built sad sestsst. Oaf iliirneds, (plain and silver mounied,) ate wejaphimillt Wray' reepeet sad iranaated to be of the TOW beet mama* end warionamMala Our upper leather Draft Collets wrier net maw. They Fe uL tt spit 1 1 1mila woo mot dureaMa Qat Hewn , DOR Hamm • are niade to ortlinr,all *lap ea their "'Mies we* izzime imam cm swim entedemum rawer. Addles. Whips, Lubec Draft =U rar e r/Y - It e r oisinitute 4 sbe UM. a°,l i " =l"ltib=esar tfrAr.,t ft " W r tute * ro=gaP=vire ;;. tilliioBo!s4 IP-. "= " titiV l 'll and exf rii* 44 . 1 QuAkerr, A s Meow* *ISM Jan: ti, WA tf CLOCKS, !WATCHES, JEWELRY, &O. EMM SOPER .ft_jire.alB2,YEY'S XXIV , APAritlatir 'STORE, ' kor4 grefi ti =side as Bank* 4hto karglrmarbss. aminam. '4 , ". Cr" ' ' • i SILValt AND "PLATED - WADS; AgusICAL LIISTA=Uft „ s ib vkaiss, miffing, Mie c Alt:rjur n as 14 7sair d iatZsIlbagi. 41 !" .” ar good. ..asm k initawasimetii i v• "=.ll,uln KZ= sixth adietr W s=ja c ce.om beetiVed °frAA oig,,t• Weft - j . j. A. • ?MAC& Feb, Z, W. . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers