Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, March 06, 1868, Image 2

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    cffiis~x o n}iicr.
WO „rrrk a. 'Mut.
OnSettlefity late, Mr. itootWell , Chair
man of the eleteet 4.,Nenmteert, presented
to , e( i theme the arthriealof Impeach
ment, bembritt by the House oaalnet
dm, Pmehlort. They Mt refer .4t) the
StamMee •rntretr, mod might cut.
Meted is two , lieu Bet the imgeselt,
NI boom theicetele to be • weak one,
nod heves the effort to give It.antennin
kw. a-snult4plicity .o( article*, The
loaring iv an abairtmt et thew previous
Alve dret Abater* that Andrew Jehe•
seee,tiArennlentonf the United ides u,)
did. on Orddiettiny of February, miee .
fully t!) Issue an order removing litierin
14"4 3 10 ,1 410e4 iiiegretary WOG
Reapak,titat uu the, AZ' 45x. 0f
v rA i www , 4 ud r uw Juhateuu htqued VI
(04tX Apppin4l,3% Gen- .LizeWe.Winonnol
s .
/*ft , 144'4, tbat AIM re W Jul neon, on
tAt,:4447oollAbtueeil, euuttoithat a yitigii
cr.lnie!uuknitsdinnonnor'.' bY nioßaP o .4
(leliernl 'Thoms ....Soereiary W
~ 11y#r
luteritu r • .
' tiefouih, kagesaooanklrckw; Llta
posek.srou of tlui
tylli,Delparlutru t ; „
T l + o 111 44 1'4 , 9 0 tike . Jay' of Fug;
rnmy, mid o ther days, rreshlent Jolov
!•on evusiAru.,l (kn. Thomas 4;
v.ent Btantait from holding
Bard (nee:.
Tdl . .siA t tiz, that the tist of February,
Preshien Johnson conspired with Gen.
pn to take and setze the pronerty of
he !Wreath, that Andrew Johnson,
on thT2lst of February, and on other oc
casions, conspired with Gen. Thomas to
prevend. and Noder the execution of the
Tengre-0-01See act, and to prevent Ed
wrn M. Stanton ) ) front holding the otilee
or Secretary of War.
'The eighttr--thist on the 2iet of Febru
ary, Andrew Johnson conspired with
.oen,Thomaa to take and seize the prop
erty 'or the War Department.
The ninth, that Andrew Johnson, on
the . l2fit Of February, appotnted General
Motors Secretary. of %rat ad Interim,
and delivered a fetter of authority in
Wr =
-tenth,._ that Andrew- Johnson, us
Corntirander-fn-Chtef of the Army of the
Ilnlk 'States; did, on thel.l4 day of
February, bring before film General
Emory, In command of the Department,
and- (Iceland to him that be was not
bonnd by the Vonstltution to obey the
law providing that orders should be !s
-ound only through the tienerui of the
This, every candid reader must admit,
le the merest trumpery ; but trash as It
is, the .:teatlinOtry" published gives It a
stlU,oreakeraspect• If the subject were
not so grave, men would look upon the
perfmmanoe as the broadest and baldest
lonia. Can it be that it will lead to the
removal of the President of the United
litotes! Law, justice, decency, cry out
against it. Impeachment can only suc
ceed upon the narrow ground of party
-necessity, the President being considered
I,n the way of the liegro-supremacy plans
Of the madmen who now lead the 'Radi
ial organization. This single plank
have they, and nothing more. To
sink the President upon it, will be to
send them anittheir followers down into
docper depths of infamy than any party
!'Serbefore reached.
TM* Was a nOvul serve in Consanie
on 'Wednesday. At one o'olook tee
Honed-resolved itself Into cosnmdtke• of
the , wheiedied preceded by Mr. Dawes
se ettalmean, and by tbemsemagers, all
ttmaitepebleente .meatterw:proateded
Mae Meanie to paeseot•tbaastideeoil taw
vedebtatetmaMaet•abe Prendent. • Hear
cbt• thanDennieratte :members arum pier
tad ,Warn] .On :we led as • klmatiestate
Maaather Diernerypeea tit:mama vassmanst
siatiaeamatidaphitr. Alashaan 401 We
parteeHhe stabitgem *Wm Matieei kn
IlitdiAtibt „Mad Um articles at immesh
mast* it'bo - Sesietens seatained Ptiled
eittaissolheomathtig. OW:Mtn ntembiss
aCthe Mabee Mood about therlmeabitila
tholallot Ite inn an*. • On the auseinnea
at the weeding. et thudded/sr the Perth_
etems.4tro tetemare auneasteed. that the
harataw min tabenettanon Outputting - at
Matsepahment, and. give dim nodes be the
~,Whimanasee.estiosequently suioptoti
umminteopee,nemesti atone °Week yam
kite, lathe trintot the President, nod
ntiptittited Is, 'committee to escort Chief
JestienChme to the dui r.
- eidetissiletiChase during the morn
ing sent to the Senate a comm union thm ,
giving hisiviewis oa the proper mode to
he observed in the trial of the President.
ale tioldothst thireieSate most organize
as acoorbr4Aletore reeelvi ag tie article* of
4sapesoimen4. from We lions*, and ULM
tetietiial•easiatiasue iiatunimmis ta tho
..koseidant as • .Court and not as a
Sealant - g . '
*pallid Waabingtandiepaleti in yet-
Sendlegiadialtitaore earn says She general
enapansias thsVeandenS wtil be re
qu Isatita appose about Thursday of next
ye.* anitithat inns a time, say twenty
0.41041. ilays, will be allowed him to
proposal* da Amen. and et the expiration
,04,44atimmiixl he trial will commence
IVO 04169 M KW! agYe from day to fl 4,
46t tkißultki • • .
.f velonswreutr.
4 .1 !! AMlNesat id; SSW Con van tics set.' ww We4nes4V. 414 a.
.W.84r.44.4411 1 4 2 .4. et so4u.VlSWiltirad
-0414,43119AC4/4114414.n011* 44( .040,
-wa549041 1 000 AAA* Ran 4ASSIIsSaI
4 41olifytiloTsk 01 Colas t05..141
wr d:iesoad. oklausilass liken, +Ss
+asiodardiSo r .Via: W . oodward sad Ws.
4disesdrope Woos Delegate, lostgebo
Akmaialioura , flowrantkia Hes , MAP.
..I.t..jiacosa ss4 Goo. IV. coos
AtU414404 , 1}1403.• Geo. ,W.- 4ftwell of
r ltttiMklWuowlJd* 11.. /*saw.
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dkailliat4WW4 SAungokitkia trap UA Caw
-11/111/MlNPAisiiitAi Rout Wm-P.446P;
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imat weak •
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4481 416 0 0694 t, 4 1 4 ,v 4; 'Mad.
fetigWvAl. WAd#lo 4l1 4. 13outivAll,
airibi Jind , /!cgollu• 'Mew .
4msAwsoaq , ./f4v141'90 tnaliguP. "tYle
itsopt*,l44. t .ritgas--;
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THE 111d11 GRlME—vrtz nr.u. CAIN
Were the Pr design Sly Lis ilsts , ltionfleutsifiallothe spackausbuitil
guiltless, therflisre en 4 iraoun*ti i fig th I- ad 1, Pliihdelea, miks
guiltier than lie a a greater crime 18 I_lNled tf):Operflo
~ ill on Siture nigh,
doing than an 11
.„. 9 fCCUSPI of. an- th an itilleill ntelhudittece, mb
peachment ai t teitblltrd I( tbrijae give *re- mho tlidlr it ppro -
greater crinll s -- te - httle this 'Trotter -• of thrisiderite l eini u slit n
crime. It behooves the people of the al. course of a Radical Congress in lm-
United States to keep their attention fee- , penciling a patriotic Chief Magistrate.
tencil,,on thts gresj, ertme—the crTine of 1 The hall was decorated N 1 all flags smi
ths Bert/thresh) •fingy and the Hump', mottoes, prominent among which was
Clostoress-..tha. eslausit.Lliannicalital th£ Tatille-r!' stand -.., is
ry otherArimq of theics,is le ap AID this, "The Uulop and the Constitullon!"
or is adjuvant to this the greatest of their Gen. IratM J:, Vdsfai - y,f . :el,ideir terstited
crimes.' Their usurpation of the fitment I by , * large nitrate' uf, Vjois ,Preuidents
o/ the, lisecutive; their usurpation of and Secretaries. Can. , W., on taking
thtt powers of the Judiciary; their at- the chalet thanked the east assemblage
tempted inicupuncy of the Executive for tiro honor conferred; declared 0 4 4
ehak by the hpunch went 'weirs; their, the; Illerfaili: rig was not, ) Wl the purls:taco/
squandering of the public, treasure; their esprendlig astupalliffor smirew John
whole...lsle/ramie upon the revenue; their sou, sr any other individual, but torus-.
COnthanthce of the whisliey-tai at two Min lhe Pm/title/U.4 the Uoilcil Staks ;
404µn0, so as to get a few millions awe- and eouclutlud by saying ;
toy for carrying the November elections It is *sacred, and a solemn duty that,
by. .1 . 0 . 11, 4 4 " time whishey7thtetot ou d . f e i l . ,.. l ,t iav as e Lo e Ngfornic et uo r t rio s r i c uthi t tit t - i h o l ur-
We , bribed reveuue-oflleers do plusher we b ewe l e d uty to perform ' toward& .1;
the people of Ilfti in/Moos; their usury Writhe* of the deed of three hundred
patinu l of the rights of States to inottroi thousand soldiers who sleep between the
tits suffrage and their prostitution of the S t 4'i t Z a h t iu
e " o ia nt r iletehit Me IllraToloi, it
power thus usurped to abridge white suf.- Snivel, and raise their volo u in h er e, ese ti t tsy
haw and roofer the ballot by wholesale would he found iu sympathy with tlroto
itpou Ignorant blacks; these indeed arewho are now battling for the Union,
crinma but th ley are less than, or tribe. They, wnold.sayi "We fought fof that
, I T Mon —UT ptltsisi roar 1n its defense,
tai to, their greater clime. and not for keertng the States dirricver-
Four years of successful war they pros- ed." 'These are the kind of sentiments,
titnied to party purposes. ri'licee yeats that should II nd a heat ty ret-ponsc in the
of complete peace they helve / n°etitetwa a U( s '4" t r ;l ' e °, e r". sfinti ' Pa l n er t . mi '' te " t i b s e e br tim sl l-l o t t
to party purpose*. Disunion still exit;to i 1 every Otis in the wintry; therefore , : let
despite successful war, despite entire us thiuk ortlieni whenever we Ilud the
puttee. 'Poky ascend:limy is still their 1 foundations- of our Republic assailed by
sole purpose, and their plan is to main- reekl t es i s pattlsans i The very govern
tothem—by m
wetve t.::
tutu it by ❑negro supremacy worked , a n 'Tio n , Ins t ead o n f " S il e t eki
through a military despotism over ten 1 United Mates, moon detertx% naiad u poy
States. Grant has consented to be their I their destruction. [Appluuse.l
tool In working the intlitary tlespotiBm,
but he 18 only the General of the Arm le,
of the 'United States
potinm is not assured uniesa_thei can
control the Commander-in-Chief. Hence
they tropeach the President who was
the choice of the people,- to replace him
by another who Las Just been rejected
by the people. r‘VatleWill be tlieir pli
ant tool. Johniniu will not.
Disunion prolonged to keep the Re
publican party in power ; 'Negro stipreiiis
acy worked by .3111ttary Despotism to
keep the Republican party In power af
ter Disunion hecouita impossible ;
these are the high crimes of the Repub
lican party, these the misdemeanors of
the Rump. These high crimes and mis
demeanors of their own they now seek
to abet, yet draw attention from, by their
sensational impeachment of the Presi
dent, of the United Rates.
Their charge,. against President John
son are trash. it in ti scandalous effront
ery to utter or to urge them. They de
serve not the dignity of a flat denial. It
le an insult to the understanding of any
man to demand their disproof. The oh.
stinate defender of the Constitution they
impugn as its violator. Their charges
are trash, as their schemes are glass.
Not he IN the &Wilts!. They are the
traitors. The Rump Congress are usurp
ers and revolutionists. They band to
gether and hoot their scandalous and
impudent lie in the fare of the nation,
against the Chief Magistrate whose
crime for them has been that he bus. up
held and &eyed the Supreme Law—
that he Ass refused to conspire with
them In disobedience and disunion, In
userpatina a»d_treason.-
Let the people keep their eyes on the
real traitors end the great crime. Lit
them watch the genuine criminals us
they go through their solemn mockery
of impeaching hfm who refused Ms min
sent to every step of their crime: Let
Chem fratteri their gaze on the usurpers,
the ?miters, thedisonhimildir who Make
of this solemn Proerrtrre 'of qurittlured
nation ;the inetrerment of theft - hate
itgolnstfhisteaddist upholder Of the na
tion's-laws. Mark the revolutionists of
the , thtelp•ai they Insult the fors of day
With The preterite ef a oonoern for the
laws whioh Its- their hands harabrea
nothing but the record of a haltY sums
and - the rerstorpaftylilisns—for the
Conntitutionitlffeti'fiVeltrrywhere rent
with the tiontPtinti of &hair trutoi
Let the seitsation-speotaide ufrtitrist
Impeachment Kr ott. Let . trniten
. 4 be
therniniptees ofJustion eat-usurper of
lee r> regard for the divisions. of power is
the structure they have undermined, let
raeolutioreria uphoht the .14; of the
Corerant, let a. WU:lfni Chief-Elardstrate
stand In the dock and a Otilef•Justice
preitde who Is sunbltloul orb% Chair; let
tbeJuatutiNg mockery go ou, but. rause
,i, great MOM illoCatig was held In New
Yorkcity, on lerldity evening, in owt-.
shim' to the proposed luipeaeligueut of
President Johnson. All the papers of
that eili (*near in Mating that it wait slams , member of the lead.
. log merebassita, bankers, mansidatitrega,
The New Yolk Ratak', an indepen- workingluela mad other , proadtient kind
dent ;aurae!, says of the articles of Int. De men.: Ammer the awaken seas
peachnieut brought against President m ay o r li c a mm, o f w ho m , 4 6 „,,j, fi n
Johnson by the flatheads of tile Mouse: Express :-. the Literati:lg sketch.
The ton articles of impeachment make m lint
nothing so dear as that. impeachment r. said: • ,
Is a sound toot to stead upon--tind The meeting bed heell'elellod bY cis
it Is only the imam, dream of men w ho, merchants, bankers. and pretensions'
in indulging an In
party fib, r 44" of Una city, who represent Ala cepa
have driven away from .thero titie guides tea by ritilliOns of dollars. It was, well It
of reason and...„huhipuent, of men who i had been done. ft would be a sheltie to I
having acquired the arrogant habit in the American nation If no voice went I
Congress or forcing their will on a feeble forth from it in regard to the recent
majority, have forgotten that there is no measures of Congrem , , who were ut-
previous question went olTdebate beforeempting to remove the President or the
the people, and who therefore are now United States by-mere form of law. It
in a fair way to find out that there is af-
was well It was so, for it would be n ter all a difference between an extrava- j burning disgrace to the age if the men of
gently one-silted view of the law and the I the city of New York, interested as they
law itself. It matters not what happens are in the pnsmertty of the whole corm- 1
in thegenate for the case Is before the peo- try, uttered no word against the partisan
majority in the two houses of Congress.
pley and they will judge it on the dispro
. b et, ,,,,,, the offenses h itrge d Whnt was the trouble? It was a very 1
and the reedy sought-on the utter simple story, and one which every man
went 4 wi sd o m, moderate counsel 4 ,,,d should read and understand. The speak
oktriotte terixiee et t h e it epe htk ew pu t., er then detailed the circumstances la-
Ws .:11,inapesiel rent go through the tending thcretunval..of fx,. Manton.
Amato 41, will plait/11 the 'Republican The President In the our of trial has
tiart g y.beftwo the, country; herthe Anted- at ail "meg` been elterehr e tPh.f lbePeoPie.
can people ,will not be dragged al the The executive.' hilltidelive led' "mikdat
heels of au organization governed department* b y department* weredlistellet and ealloulttft
the faii4ig iotatient_aud vindietiveapirit and the whole salvation of the gauntry
.of OW T h,,,, 6 4 .,", It t iwente k eem o rested upon their'Wing' e,cinjlhuefir sO;
hail la the Repots, it will only 0 14 . . t0 t h e nod if the tiredness men 'of 14SW"Vbrit
.fieekalitl of the„people ?r ainat tu e m p ro . :kerb ;Anterior. did riot arise adage Maser"
ben tati ves the weight
.. I„be ,gattatorjel eff2ongrensilorieie titentsentii re trowel
to the same wst, , then farewell to the constitution and to
.4s-to I•twangreasionsi chino or a the country.„...2lar _relnags.onfr. Jelin
ssuieptraubased on the ireithumay of i sou per se might not affect the corn
.t.t.w.k , 0 r ,,, it I s t w , ooe ghi e l i t e, mere*, credit' Sr petiee-of the toiletry,
‘ 7 ,1 4, , Je T te. h e yU g ree d - w - a - - 4,0a,, u0 - i - ry, Auld be hoped it would not. The Teruo.
110A1 read the charge with a strict face. Yid of Mr. Lincoln by au assassin did
At, gives ,t Jod y 144 e s, " o f Ow yokuion of not affect the couainerde, credit or peace
u p , of the conntry • seas no reason
Jim,conststittte, compelled to basic but that
Borne rigrnltrole to carrbefore the Ben- i for the nieldelli ' dtloto Avklisithealth the
ate, that it. e extremity 1 removal of Mr- thdoloon ger, ello AO ,
a , iltit i e h tr it r y wA t er i a l: R eu n y .t Andrew Jcilaidam,..auwaig,..etrike upon
this ' s imple co venation - between the the...public mind with ,tome OW terror,
'Prerifiten Rini - gearerstr, dletortettlitri:a _'‘'ertnefeas the fed ".0 ii 'party , 'in
iminpbeferbt " mete d ttietonetemi, has - Willikington attempt-theteenevelhf Use
46041 6 ,41ignity: of t4o gpaat, c4aapizaky 1 Prellident of therileitetigtatea sheik to
rpt jiirani, ruck *lnd ,Pikwl, against " 'the Ildirrk , A lit@ public I WhildowitlNAireft.46l l
Petiete'dr poor lents ; attitit woes! lilh- I te,r, i
hoitely more laughable Mtn 'Meat la- i , 4n, an itihitior `ftils'ai - iino l ifeli i
mous affaiP tutelif not feel, that the IMI ''Poor,'ivere' t.iihiy:thr.... - &me helfb I
t w it r eemet oth oierte gyo k m A, 4 degree I 'madam of.hear tienaleawal deka isle,)
I be paid, whether in' gold or, ourranoy,
. _— ' !Ho would fro , . '''' m i .'t "'less they put
.1 Rose ' 16 Q 4 4VORdidlt 4 ro*biek'otiti . 40 A V R OittirVeLO4tektig,Acpßgret , J l scare- ,
politician . .., „ 0 , , Andre * ' , A g 1 0. j set ,the'rr§mept 71t11011t cane they
' Irall - 1444r IhNlittneriestldit 4f4Ftrftn.
so l l„,"Ftla4Ati trfe_ident NP,p, kit ufi 0 r Lin otig.or eip...lowetiEutibtr..maaessuga ;
~ rirW,e4q;t:: l l 4 q.v,bßio*Pf:4i_P: -ikeliee ,6 4eiiig liiemoav#Emsq ee
? v
;!, Rot. tioni,4oErrtifiitArauteApeey be oNertursig au e pur,ppWer sa
w 4 4 - q. it 4 4141,V1/11_Ii i llq4 frs'iwi h d for ,
ther, lie won d - asic - Wntelitt i ,- Wb ,
adebt or. pelkoneu prbperty 1' Ile,
:14 .4i. e d .,,, ev n i1 ., ..:/: ..„ -_isgre_-_ , -__-:na
, s . :i., mat- iii . rde , atiee t k itwen t.thi Lia eijonftsi rlit ,orthe ,ini- ,
t IlindltiarrAttlistbeAbls Arteries iPlorsiy ?pi ~. '`" •
•• t . •
4 , dere t e o-:
one of the Aside* rilaillidleitgall-; .. 4 • .etao4of 7'14 - , prdus t ra;
~,,,,,, R.,„, New; AgiiMoiets4t6
tli soratil AVM sd. to wintry I
al elibiiiaKtiliter-i
ripawdiNuAti.: Tag H. --, A
A .S.A owl" it
• to us en-1
~0 , f r 9: 4, '
~ ..l int l i
zoo; te> -, , 164 1 47 i i i . 4 / 1 .) , f r' „
, " it ' 4 . i 4 ; ., N. : - ?;'' .'.'. 1 ; 1 ' e ,;;,4,
--r-, , ,...1••••,,1!,„; ~,r‘..-,,A •
to be deceived by the disguises of their
rote, 0 fellow .Citisens and forget not
for a day the' real- criminals and their
crimes.—.V. X. iWorld.
- ..x-Ciovernar IS glcr, trou. Richard
Vaux, CoL .J1i:llowell, Col. Lechler and
Col. Ziegler addressed the meeting sue
A succes4nl des
ceseively, and were applauded through.
out. The following re.solullons were
then proposed and adopted with great
enthusiasm :
The Democratic and Conservative citi
zens of who regard the gov
ernment of the United State:: as a consti
tutional system, fouuded by the patriot
fathers and sages and statesmen, and
ii ho are determined, God helping them,
fo in:dr:fain the Union and the Constitu
tion against all enemies :
'poi:62(3lm That representing the ma.
jority of tidi!_pizpituat illiihidelphia and
Penn:lo vania, that the usurpation anti
revoluttonary action of the representa
tives of Iportlon of the States of the
Mon, in a ikk-called Cuugreas now assem
ReBoll, , Cd, Tha Congress lea Constitu
tional Department of the Government,
and all its powers re granted by the
Constitution, and wit out this authori
ty, all its acts "outside the Constitu
tion" are REBELLIOUS Et nrs TO stru-
/lei/Weed, That we protest -
usurpations of Congress in ail.,
to destroy the constitutional poN
the Executive Department and U.
rlicial Department of the Federal govt.
ment, they being co-ordivato and
cyual with the Legislative and alike be
yond its control.
Resolved, That the people have sub
dued one rebellion against the Union
and the Constitution, waged by war,
thus declaring by the decision of arms
that the Cnion is, and the Constitution
shall be paramount and beyond all ef
forts to destroy then:, and that the no
tion of the so-called intetrgreen is a peace
ful rebellion to prevent the union of the
Stated and destroy the supremacy of the
Resohyd, That we will sustain and
support the Executive and Judicial lie
partMents against the usurpations of
congress, and give all our "a/de/Ili tom
fort' to the President of the United
States in his nets which are for the de
fense of the ninon and the Coustltutiou
against legislative treason.
12efoiroti, That all persona who seen to
prevent this may be Justly regarded aft
encfnies to the pence and welfare of the
community, and all who-stimulate to
violenee, whether they be (iovcrnors of
States or &numbers of Logi:ph:Urea, abouLl
be denounced as traitors to the Constitu
tion and laws they have been sworn to
• licsolved,--Tiseit- the-wirite race ie the
goyeruing, the source of al/ political pow
er under the Constitution ,us "Um pco
plc" of the United States, and we anti
never submit., never,. to any "policy" of
Gungfeen which proposes to give the he
grip we culler political power or aerial
Resoltvd, That copies of this preamble
and resolutions be signed by the :Abeam
of this meeting, and bent to the prettir
ding °dicer of the Senate, and the pr r
ding °Meer of the members coiled the
Huose of Repreeentatite, mftvatisetttlid
In Watittington, lltateletror Cane,*
anti- to the Ttesideat of the littitW
tot, t
lost the
o ers of
• Ju
mAss mriferiliti7VlPEW vomit
-- .
,-- The State Senate contested election
fieneral Grant haaitlanget wild Alm- The
of Robinson vs. Shugart drag} p ile
self, body and ' , the BridlaWb. lie aloWieitgth along. A few!weelts *ice
comes out mirk At old, a fare? Kt( th e Radical newspapere,_ wit OW
"ifice - lulfrag€4 llo lo o l6 I,iwor It i f tri lcv* of trumpets, paratlede ti o
eupremacy. nit 1101 41111 0 .(iletle .. , yvillene . o'slearn, as to n* f s
ge i
cock ream:wed pike rit the 'members - In Centre county, and his statern ta
of the &Ay'. dartieti.i. of !Tow "'Or' that fraudulent naturalization papers
leans for disobedience of orders. Tw o of I were used and that a number of men un
this number were white men and it, ten der his empley voted upon them fur Mfr.
rem " 344f i i(11 :niileral ° xis " 44 ' s r e" Shapira were lieudepted by the Radicals
cenlly_ Jeveked this order r and thereby .. u u sa wr ;i,.1 tkiecharacter uf this
re Instated:these these c — olOre7.l gen
tlemen in their 'poilltichia T as City Fa- witness con tiuuednnimpeached of course
his testimony 'Would iteake weight,
therm. To whaadepilis will a man sink h ence, knowing, that lecture, the end
himself now-a-days, in order to gain
popularity with the party whose. norm- of the eontemt his character. would 6
torn to shreds and shown to be value
nation he is. courting. Citizens of kepi, the Radical managers !it'd organs
Franklin twenty, you who desire white made littNy tpeeeure adynnec capital out
men t°ll6B 4./aeri°44 will y ou "Aw l ' a of testimony which they will not dare
man for Yresident who thaw places ne-, to refer to hereafter as worthy of a mo:
groes In the high positions of the laud to meat's Coll4ideratiOn.
the exclusion of white, men, even when
doing so, it becomes necessary to humil
iate a saUaut officer like Cienelni Ilan
cock ? 3'444 4piariL
Si'Aileons unauthorised nreetehliali
molt of the uegro Bureau In Kentutsky
after Its dfscohtlintance by orders ftom
the Presdeut, Is severely denounced by
the. peoide generally fu Pennsylvania.
Whilst the,Neraieru States Ore overrun
N‘ Rh lionEtt and itithiegrions white me
et ati ice sud laborers I u scorch. et employ
ment, (many of whonrare•auffering for
aunt of bread,) it la justly /oohed upon
as an outrageand a crime to eouflnue to
feed and clothe, at the public expense,
thousands of able-bodied negrots who
can get %VOA- W/141 , Win net labor be
cause they
task landhold
ers sad sake eIIidEIFS under - She African
izel Sopihytn State governments. lie
stiles thrall° laboring ela.sses in the
Northern States, who are employed, are
daily paying heavy fazes upon all they
eat, use and wear for the support of the
negroes who are refusing to make con
tracts with farmers for the year in the
expectation of being made landowners
by the mongrel conventions. Stanton's
unlawful act, In favor of lazy Southern
blacks and against the industrious and
suffering workpeople of the North, is
justly looked upon, therefore, as equal
In Infamy to his refusal to exchange
"sound - men for skeletons," during the
war, because the "rebels" would . not
consent to rate the nigger as the equal of
the white man.—Patriot &
Tint New' York Evening Post hits Its
Radical brethren hi Congress borne hard
bloWs, In relation to the impeachment
question. It says, "do the Republicans
in Congress believe that the country
will see with patience the most necessa
ry legislation on the currency and the
taxes put off, In order that they may
prosecute their quarrel with the Presi.
dent? Let them not so deceive them
selves. The use of a politician, in a free
country, Is to serve the people; and ad
vance measures which shall mike them
. ore comfOrtable and happy. There
are en now in Congress who desire en
hOn. ble' future; would they not do
well to .ee in What way, they can do
somethtn: or the people?"
k Wore(' gives election
1.,•tv0 towns in that State
'Radical majority
,nrned a Demo
-1 at the late
to 091.
ie State
r ie ma-
Tim' New Y
returns from fifty
which, in 1868, gav;
of 8,044; in 1887, they
cratic majority of 77, wi
town elections wax incre
Similar gains throughout
would add N 1,006 to the. Democii
)(oily of last fall. A continual
such acts sit the Impeachrhent of
Pcesident by the "Rump" and the p
Motion of the judiciary by Judge Cart
tet,' will swell the Democratic majority
to an; overwheltnhig figure, not only in
NeW York, but in all the States of the
•Tictory is coming to the De
motracy ; let them be prepared' to re-
Its Radleal Joann, through Judge
CaKtded'il thentellge.of.9eisand Thomas,
prevented to Fresh:lent freen,awrocitriug
au totionliate lend Annan Upon -the
teens of .diet bUI. It is said that, they
notentplate witaidhusiug their nee
WM* MeArdle, now In the Supreme
~In wider to invent ad decline*
ones the "ileintletikm l r nets. his fere*
wanted that, sluould the President see.
ceed in getting the Stanton oasis ion
the court before nen-iion--get him de
pond, rather• than risk the anion of the
Court, It has been deer/shad that Stew.
toe shall resign. These are some of the
tricks of tin Radical osurpers, whereby
they hope Lonnie unlawful power, or,
ai least,to mann from the people the
Wee constitutional. Lasts upon which
they stand... Bow can soy decent, law.
abiding mac tolerate much is.. respect
such Lannon creatures ?—Prariot d 17-
A.N9TMER .L)F.ALatiatialt! , VICTORY !
bock .Fa., February
rnuniedpal election held here yesterday
reeny,ed in a grand triumph, evary,ward
going Democratic- - tile majority for R.
R. Bridgers,, Mayor, is 193 against 80
reerulte here for Geary.
New York, March 3.—Charter elections
took place In various parts of the State
to-day. In most of the towns heard from
the returns show Democratic gains.
PORTLAND, Me., March 2.—The char
ter election to-day resulted In no choice,
although the vote was the heaviest cast
since 1860. McClellan, Republican, has
2,404; Peter Putnam, Democrat, .1;242 ;
Deering, independent Republican, 179.
The Dentocrats have gained 886 over the
AIR etkien, and 8/0 over the spring
election. '
k'sou Washitigtomto .Litipoim all the
Presidents exercised s the sight to -re
move members-of thole Cabinets, when
ever they thioughtsuolia upuptarik4t e t od
proper. No one.. evkl. 4aubt,e4 pe Peolo4
their authority to do lo under the Corlett
totioh, oi r tAked pf impegohitig :them for
preferring ono lean to OOotiler for Secie
tory of Woir — or' X'ostmaster:Cleileral.-r
Yef now, Androi Sohneon',ll3 to be ,yrC
10;ettebed for cloitii this vAry,ait.'
+ r O, '--- ---
re:AcitirEirf.— . tile Settateconelits of for:-
!..titlqfll49,* - Apil te,.. DemOoratte
couseive,ti'veli, Pi_ p, i) . co:l;ihterili of 'the
*etitution 'hip Remo fi,h44l.befrod.leir
ea iithciLt-theß9o4rfoPcat g, ,4 _ the
e ite memte're pietkiit, 6 v: Cl e
present case. vot Id tp thirtx-ilx, so teat
the , Attlicaleha*e. enough„ votes to inure
O__,YlCA.,kitt:firrlrl.4eukal,id BqV*
'.li'V?tll44SAlllO, e pw :,o4istor, who
' it:e -
. iiidtPV ;" Is
lih- I FT M at
ti, .0 1 ,P• i i' ? h P'Ru
Clo , iereobie h D
issecpliwito k
THE Cons °rip , 11,..; l
, 1„, u • .n!
4 Vtifoa6'W , lt' iiyir ~-,•
• ;:i o
4 i
reits . ' ViVilt a - . , •, t "., .-?,7,
:- T ., ..,,;. ,
74 sighttrivo JP :4:1,i
nyrig%-- ...ta . A 1
'4ol":"Mbillillifoglias,l6Aqpkilot act
basellik,'l-4...w.:1,i,).) _VIA 1(41 w:,!
The testinlony given this'Week, on the
shows . up age man
O'Meara in Ids true_
character. One of
the men whom he swore voted in Phil.
lipahurg iJit.tues l'ii'Donaidi was called
to the stand and testified that he did not
vote them, but ierited in Clear Acid county,
where he east a Herethltean ticket. He
produced hie certificate of uaturalizatiou
and his honorable discharge as a , oldler.
He teMined, also, that live others of the
men named by O'Meara as having voted
at PhlitylneEourg en fratiltilent piip*s
were hot there on elution day, but had
left the ly„prii. Ile an ore, fel tiler, that
O'Aleara'o chatacttr for trtrth \Ca, had,
and Wattle would nut believe him ou
Besides this conclusive testimony
against the Snail' witness relied upon by
Robinson, eleven citizens of good char
acter, front Elk, Clearfield and Centre
counties, hive sworn that o'.lfectra's
character for truth is bad, and that they
would not believe him on oath. Among
thole witnesses is an ea-member of the
Legislature and an acting Justice of the
peace. Added to this, fuU proof has
been furnished of the circumstances un
der which the men upon the railroad
were removed from one part of the line
to the other, and, so far from It being for
fradulent purposes, It is shown to have
been for the purpose of prosecuting the
work at the only time when it could be
done. it is also in proof that before the
election O'Meara was in consultation
with Republic-au leaders to tell them the
Irish vote under his control.
These are a few of the leading facts
shown on the - part of the sitting member,
and we venture the assertion that the
character of the case made by the con
testant will be so effectually blackened
by this and other testimony that he will
be heartily ashamed of his connection
with this vile attempt to 'deprive Mr.
Eillugert of an office to which he was
fairly and honestly elected.—Harrisburg
Ptorfot di Union.
For the Gettleborg Crtnytter.
Some fifteen or eighteen years ago,
there was a dirty litUe "locofoco" sheet,
filled with bad grammar and vulgar
wood cuts, published in liauover, York
county, Pa., by Joseph S. Gilt, editor
and proprietor, celled the "Regulator."
This Joseph S. Gitt made himself so
obnoxious to the proprietor of the Whig
organ of the town by his scurrilous arti
cles, that the said Mr. Gilt got pretty
badly seared if not hurt, one evening, in
a hardware store, In Which he happened
to meet said editor of the "Spectator."
Democrats blushed to read his paper
and heartily hoped 'that it would cease
,its publications or Its vulgarisms. But
it lived for a time, without any sobaCel-
which he made a comfortable support
for his family and acquired some credit
tq himself; but in an evil hour, Mr.
Gitt commenced writing a series of let
ters over the signature of J. S. G. of a
political character for the "Star di Senti
nel," sforgetting his conversion to reli
gion and his paid hatred of the Abolition
party, that for low, dirty, vulgar, black
guardian' were fit emanations from the
Editor of the "Regulator." Any per.
son reading the one over his own signa
ture in the "Sentinel" c February lath
will be forcibly struck with the animal
jurandi which pervaded every column
of the "Regulator."
But why is this? Mr. Gitt has never
received anything but kindness from
the people of all parties since he com
menced .Englueering, and if the "Regu
lator" was not supported 11 was Mr.
Gitt's own fault.
What has Mr. Johnson done to Mr.
Gitt that he clamors so loudly for his
impeachment, and induces him blotter
the wilful lie that the people want it.
This is not becoming in anybody, and
much less in a man who professes to
have received experimental religion and
lives in fear of a just God.
'lf Mr. Joseph S. Gltt wants war, he is
likely to be atitiomaiodated, to judge
from the signs of the times, and I hope
lie will not do as he did In the last war,
but hticklo on his armor and repair to
where the battle is the hottest, and ex
pend his calorie to more purpose than
abusing his betters i u scurrilous contribu
tions to newspapers. OLD TIMES.
, F 9 0 14 11 is iA Progreso in lA.
Louis, composed of Democratic ex-ofil•
cern arid soidiere of the Union army. It
fu designed to counteract the inthience
of the Wand Army of the Repablie. P.
M. Fullerton is or be President, and
other prominent Conservatives will be
among Its officers.
Twit TtErtansvnt.—A new' paper has
bean started in 84. Lelle called the Re
pudiator, Which will advocate, It says,
"Ulu itgadiatlow of the so-called na
pottat debt, eieept that potliett et tt ro
visaged loylafahtesider notea.'s Judg , -
tog treat the Statta platforms tteently set
up is tba Weak it wilt Mid a large num
ber of adbefeuts in both parties in that
Tll6 Pittsburg t7sOnic4e, Independent
BMW* - itnOnres Mato the stteßipt, of
Q 01 1 467. 'Rid .0t11t;C:
Va:Ftle& tevir 44,4h5ptaix, try awl
virir)tie 01111t4ry info s Woo!ig ?kr on
1-qtacpild if a imilier-
Vffee_ 00 11 41..-.l4—st agal 04k 'alp
iposeetty: Thiol $l, , tmei sitegt Infilmoft
AN Alabanap o was opposed
e ; ~.=1 his.
Xocal Otpartattnt.
ilk .
Damao B 43drder Damage
no. to tif Leiglabslire, Is
.rintedllllh Stilt page or t Infer
,,aticilr6f all h ay ItiterWlTl
Courts.—The bill changing the time of
holding Courts in Adams county has be
come a law. The change will allow two
wiejti fer,, idielluventker apsl, Jantoxy
Courts lac).
. •
Totens774) .frectiouTfie . Henoerats of
Huntington township are requested to
meet, St the palate hodse of Mrs. Tteed i
in Petersburg, ou Saturday, March 14th,
to settle a ticket to be supported at the
Spring Eleetion.
Fau Cape Loa. —A Siberian Squirrel
Fur Cape was brit, on Tuesday last; be
tween the Keystone lion e, in this place,
and BreauVe, on Marsh creek. A suita
ble reward will be paid for the return of
the cape to (utpi,.. It. ldeCunly's, on
Munn beraburg street-
Stolcri.—The Hanover Citizen says that
on the ult. nine bushels of wheat
were stolen froth the NUM of Ilfr. H.
Schwartz, in Conowago township, this
Burough Risettoss,The election for a
Burgess, two members of Town Colwell;
three School Directors, done for two
years,) one Election Judge, two Inspeea
tors, one ...IJtsessor aad two•Conetablee;
will be held in this borough, on Friday,
the 20th inst.
Cold —The mercury went down to zero
on Tuesday morning, and intense cold
prevailed all day. It was throughout as
cold as any day of the winter--some
think the coldest. As we write, Thurs
day, the weather is more moderate, and
threatens to spoil the fine sleighing- b 0
long had.
ShootNg ifateh.—A shooting match Is
advertised by F. A. Glntllng., to come
otr In this place, on Wednesday and
Thursday, the Vith sod 19th instant, for
a large steer aad two fine hers. The ar•
rangetuents for the nuktGh will bo mul l s
at the Globe
Sales.—The spring sales are in full
tide, several *marring every day In dif
ferent parte of the county. We learn
that the attendance is generally large,
and the prices good—in many oases
high beyond expeohttion. ; The latter
is especially noticeable with sales well
advertised. •
Property Soles.—John Miller has dis-
posed of "Liberty Mills," (formerly Nu
nemaker's,) in Liberty township, to
John H. Sherman, of Huntington coun
ty, at $lO,OOO taking real estate
In Huntington county in payment.
Dr. E. Melhosn has purchased Sheely's
Warehouse. in New o*ford, at $3,700
Building Association Items.—The mon
ey of the Gettysburg Building Associa
tion sold at 401 per cent, premium on
Saturday evening list. The money of
the York Springs Association, Which Is
now also In full blast, (stook all taken
and more wanted,) sold at 831 per cent.
the same evening. The LittMateyo
Association will be chartered al the
April Court, Rua 'a once go into opera
Lectures. —Dr. McCron's lecture In Ag
ricultural Ball, on the Trials and Tri
umphs oillndubtry, on Friday evening,
was well written and well delivered, and
was complimented with a good house
and frequent applause.
UM/. A. Ir. MoClure, Of Chambers
burg, will lecture on Monday evening,
March 7t , with "Mormonism" for his
subject. The Col. having "been there to
see," a very Interesting lecture may be
Death of a Good Citizen.—Henry My
ers, Esq., of New Chester, died on Sat
urday inenslng last, after a Very brief
illness, In thn early part of the previ
ous evening be was to his usual health.
At &Joel 8 o'clock he wee stricken with
apoplexy, and at 2 next morning was no
more. His neighbor and friend, Dr.
Melhoru, gave the sufferer the most
prompt and devoted attention, but allot
no avail.
Thus has passel away sue of the
a est anti most esteemed citizens of our
con. —widely known, and known on
ly to \kw respected. Strictly honest,
with sound judgment and great kind
ness of heart—decistun of character,
coupled with\st high degree of native
courtesy--IlenrOlyers possessed quali
ties which admirably fitted him for the
sphere of usefuluesa‘he so long occupied
In that community. Inn death is there
fore more than ordivarn,y lamented.
Hie family lose not only a kind and af
fectionate husband and (label\ hut the
neighborhood- a sire and reliable adviser
in all individual and public inatters\..,
The funeral took place on Monday, at,
2P. lit., tend was largely attended. The
remains were taken into the church at
New, Cheater, (with the erection of
which his liberality had much to do,)
where feeling and appropriate exercises
were had, Rev. Mr. Davis, of New Ox
ford, and Bev. Mr. Deatrich, of this place,
officiating. At the conclusion, the body
was solemnly committed to the grave.
The age of Mr. Myers was 76 years and
11 months. He noine years ago repre
sented this county in the State Legisla
ture, and sine° held many positions of
trust and confidence, in each of which
he distinguished himself for efficiency,
correctness and honesty. All in all, he
was the highest type of a good citizen,
and ati such his death may well be gen
erally deplored. May be rest in peace!
Ord Company Election.--The animal
election for officers of the Gettysburg
Gas Company took place on Monday
evening last, and the following persons
wire unanlinously chosen :
President, E. G. Falinestock.
Meesgers, A. D. Buehler, H. D. W}t.
Bea, J. B. Danner, W. A. Duncan, B. E.
Russell, M, Eichelberger.
Rev. Dr. Jacobs, under whose super
vision the Gas Works were erected, anti
who occupied the position of Presi
dent ever since; the organization of the
Company, Was canlpeiled to decline
re-eleetiow on account of fulling health.
The Company is in a sound oandition.—
The comoroption of.gas during, the part
Year realized $4,426 14. being In moose
of any previous year. The statement
shows a melt bids nal in hands of Treas.
mur eif 41,486 41, after payment of dlVl
deuds and working expenses. It ia
tended to put up another Winch Qf re
texts, the expenses of which, with other
contemplated Improvements, will be
about $7OO. .
~.b A
it{ I Zadi e li is loivitml
to S Vl74l l ll n o t Ml!' 'Etre irntit.g of
Hoop klictrW4i 1 Vilktone Skirt,"
"Union Sitiiih, "Champion Skirt."—
Bead Advezilameat. lu tiiiii issue.
C .4 # l, ! — Jf a 9nr•chaugcable climate,
Co • ptt e s untie
/Care will .034
ese blesses, If ablessiesi , to io
1 1 01. 4 42/1 14 4 1 Aradoot %-aosirmitedi,,The
ImPortMliimiK4Viikar's RiNeens
i t l iii Pritilto - tti,vrtoxS.—At the
township elections in Warren county
thilliNkratiii,CY pave 'wade large gains,
!. udf ty Northeinbetillud they have
,orte le Came thing, carrying nearly
very ectiod tiliptrlet in c county.—
r hat 111 tht Niter *ay begin the
:.., realliatialglit. ,et It be rots
lowed up everywhere, and the result
will be seen at the polls nest fall.
BARNUM'S MUSEUM' Bruirr.n..--Illar
nuna's Museum, ou "liroatitiay,NeW York,
wardestreyettbyttre 'an Timely Morn
ing last, with goody all . of the thousands
of curiosiblbs klcOntalobdr Including a
portion of Van Amburg Co's. menage
rie., The "baby" elephaut, two camels,
the giraffe, the kangaroo Mid a Japaneke
hog were gored, with touch difficulty.
The origiu of the Are is a plystery.
Barnum's loss Is estfmnted ar52.50,000.
He will , no doubt rebaild immediately.
His old Museum was destroyed la July,
ISOS, with a loss of SWUM -
TIEN New York board of Aldermen
have before them a resolution urging the
Legistatery to impeach Governor Fenton
for "high crimes gultd misdemeanors,"
for not Auk/ming 4 law lauwed
,hy the
I.egletSNfe~ftfiat•state. -
A cottnem.osnyrkiT of the Baltimore
Efaxstfei ma that "Lien. Euxoryastonisli
ed the Radicals to-day (27th) by to4ti rY•
lug that the only fears he had heard ex
pressed among officers was that a tr.( 0-
sonable organisation known us the Grand
A rev q/ Repethiie hfttl been forming."
Writs one Individual prosecutes au•
other he always tries to bring in as much
testimony against his enemy as possible.
The Radicel usurpers, however, In their
prosecution against the President, find it
absolutely necessary to tiring to as little
as possible, because the more they bring
the worse their case will appear.
Blanks,—Common, Executors' and
Administrators' Reeder. Mortgages, Com
mon and Judgment Bondy, Amicable
Actiona rrombiaory,, Jmlament anti
Waiver Notes,' Etumn6imes, Supamas,
Eichool Orders and Statements, and all
other pa.ANKS—printed on the beet et
paper, and With clear type—can always
be bad at the C 0311•1 T.:ER otilee.
Coe'. Appepaia Cure will Immediately
relieve and permanently oure the most
aggravated ca‘e of Dyspepsia, Flatulen•
cy, Sour Stomach, Conatlpatlon, and all or 'Om Stomach and Dowels.
Phyriclang, clergymen and all who uge
it, join In unbounded praise of Ito greet
virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere.
Price $l.OO.
A recent writer held that no hatlon
bestows less attention cm the human
hair than the Americans. If this Le
said In regard to the _oils and greases
that are used, then never was greater
mistake made. We are to Itirmr a Rem
edial Medicinal preparation is now of
fered In the market. It is nut clue of
those clear colored liquids, whose only
merit consists in their beauty, but of in
trinsic worth, which cures ell diseases of
the scalp, restores the hair to Its natural
color, when gray, and causes new hair
to grow where it has fallen out; this is
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer.
We speak of Its virtues from actual use.
—Northern Oursilte.
Of Me almost Innumerable number of
prepamtlons lu the market for restoring
gray hair to its original color, we know
none of which gives en uniVersal satis
faction as Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia.
We have tried_it and found it to restore
the color in a truly wonderful manner—
as well as to remove dandruff' and all
itehing caused by humors of the seulp.
Try it and be satisfied.
-Feb, 14. lm
IVe Judpc from the imnnenae Stitt. that
at,ylc) HAIR REATottEtt or DMiSsING in
one bottle) Is preferred by every One.
Every Druggist sells It. Price One Dol
lar. lm
Ott the 3d hut., by the ;ley. J. 8011, Mr
UODE, both of Mounguy to a; xhip,
04 Um 2ith alt., at the re/Oflirttee of the bloat. I.
Whet, near Fataleld, M
lay the hlev. J. M. Tlizel
Mr. .1.14:11h11., 4, O. DOI.LEY to M oo NA -11 a
MAIWA MET MOORE, both of Adam. eon u (3
On the 15th alt., nt the hoer of the Inide'm
rento, by itev. M. I:lln,yder, Mr. J A 11F24 .NV I
to ILloo S.A.I3INA Wk...I,NTL:It, both LA thid VUU uty ,
On the 27th oh., et tte pastor. rmidertvo, Now
Pinner, by H. C., Mr, nA..MI-/hil,
LENTZ to Miss HANNAII 111.1r1,1:14, loon of
Butler township, thi, ORM t)
On the 27th ult., by lbs. E N. Johniten, Mr
WILLIAM M. itiNlNDoLl.klt, of Tnneytown
Md to Mb ELIAA. J. MUM41..1.MA..N., of lettir
tlo.l, thlx county.
On the 25th ult., Mrs M.%ILY RINEfi 11IT, wife
of Mr. John Rinehart, of litraban tovnuthip, fn
her 30th yens.
On the 36th ult., Mrs. lIANNALIJIOFFMAN,
of Mountpkwiant townshtp, dhal vet y amth•nly
by a stroke of pantlysla, agcy 7u yearn and 4
On the 21.0. nR r. SAMUEL COOL, of Man-
Iltenhan trartutap, ha the ter rear of hie ,
On the 2111th oft., Mee . MARY F„ wife of Mr.
Theodore Jones, of Mensilen totrulthip, sgtsi 21
eArn 6 months and 24 ds)s.
tM the3Md tilt., Mrs. 11.411FUET NIVIIF.I{,
ly ot this place, aged years 4 months end
LY) days.
0, 1 this Kith nit., atQutnev, Franklin co., Fn.,
Mr 4. CATHARINE REIe4FR, formerly of Reef
aged 75 year. 2 mantle. and 4 dups.
Yesterday evening, at the Alme-house, SEBAS
TIAN TROYER, at an advanced age,
The Great Pelee!
ninon ifitriFinszLLE, tARte, ar.
LIA 4 nowt:, Jo.
A recnyfed • . Etgefg-tne feesprfitors,
The Only Cross oft Legion of II ,nor
- given to
per Imperial Donee, published in time teur
Univenicl," the Wench --
My Ho.
pl red „Tteidp,r, 82 isly, 2e4W. ill t beim werde :
IF:kb:lain te de 22nelduel
a eoudre exp.:newt
Mae efe.etnrer atiievring
This double drat honor la another proof of
the great superiority of the Howe Sewing Mu
chine overt,so. ott4erso •
filiiLEY & rcroops,
No. Eighth filtreet
Ageois for reniacylvaois, Ncw Jersey, Pets
astoir suso virOs•vrotreis. Wu- 8.../AP.
016*GElmtc004 Pp!t.,,,,o6ty'otsu r
Agora rbr -Oaks eoliute. •
Rceenterls Fret:ft/A,
NATI.? anima" miut...-4,efAen,
iansentary on the estate of agg Ittneltart,
Le of Walnut townistdp, Adams co., deceased,
having boon undersigned, re
siding in the here*, give... o .
thali tai- ail gss fatale g
nialos tin Aug havigg
/it Au
Admil6tsato - r's Notioe.
5411.41:241ACT-e,,, t..,' , F. , .. , -i ,
Into o frisuaktaolibin , Adam. county-, 1
ia l it* lNa
mal Va n n; .
' c" Ili " ' • US 9.l*.SLlftlMPlielt
gi ttleme:= 7
IT &WORM* "e iltAdnii..aucrt.
.1 ka* 'I. ', • . -• t kt
quintef d,kti titsiellalle ip
Mil lillllo46l IMOULAPPQM'S.
111101'n Terelalutelllino 111^1r Hew
111.NEN% s '1'111: 11\11L TO ITN oit;t.lN ‘1
Rennes the nntrltteo Matter little!' nig, I Rh.
REX RIVS 7 1 11: (% ROW TH OF TII t; JLI ile
Wut:x "LILA
Renews Übe brash, Wiry hair to sOlkou
PVT, 11.%
Ono bots lo shows Ito riTocto.
It P. HALL A , CV., Nanbun, N. H., PrnprletTh
For mnlety drantm.. hln 0, MIT, Int
Sensor of Iran.
I em mighty In the saber,
Fiercely wielded by the bras 0,
Clarions InltinntiTteart - idea nn•r •
lAugMbilt a►ihorlorhn tool
ll.Ntutcotie In the palate•
Sas ins to the indoted rod,
it litlatut ilglitultig
Quelled and harmless to the sod.
lint there is a glorious easenen.%-
Where I take toy grandest potter,
tilting to the MACE Lay - surest,
lihrentret tld, in danger's hour.
line I beliNe me dy dillestses!
net. the darkest hydras bow!
See the rose of health and beauty
Take the palent eheek and brow,
Fly, dyspepsia./ di - consumption '
Te•s, all Ills are et lathed at length!
For I give what human nature
Only ever needed—trengym li I
khan I toll In walla grunt imenvo
eAll tl.o )01.1r spirits cheer up,
Pallid, to adding, eh lug sufferer,
"fin the !Sam! •'l'Aitt'v tAil Nrlit•e.
TheN 14 a prole, It,/ .111..
Illon ilit. "Iwc/ 1r.., 14vw .164,1%.
atetlletne that ittilltas at the mat nt tlinttage ht
nn ploying Ihr hlOO,l unit tta t &Op Tic n,
'I has "Prat PI lx s+Yurv , bl.ol,lllll
.1. P. 1 , 1S,.)1111,W, 4 . loinktur, 301 lk) I , q.
I s . 101 IrrurglNl,
elti.l,lllt.Vri sA I,
Nri Limo t urlitt, or \ rural•Ury, /flute,
` 4 l wax stettol.ll ‘1•1111 It attal•is• 11.)/an m, „, .r• r
laqy t/ Merl% 1111.1 tr IMI (111100 Mulr•lltr N 1 lluoul
rcliel. It, Irl• 11•1. 111110, 1 lit,. I , •liTh •••tw
N. ti it I Atrketait (lie
(Intl Ir ttttt • , •,0 taalt/ elillliit• int lo •11/11,
My 5, kn't; . I Ilan , chew ray( 10 Al I.
1 like usual , iwr nee] tt t u corn x lalkot,l it ,r,
lug un, ar. I utill.wilwthigh, bn , .v a
&dr, nn exolloll rowed>, uwl u. 4
will tw appr. t•lalast ryttlalitnit the houl, ) ,
UN 1. Y rEsTs wix.
SEru W. r .W 1.1: .C. linatonl, P•Atprlet•lr.
Sob! by Als,llssatzlva Vn• •
Mart 1, ii , 1 .7 N, tw ,
Try • llottiv And be Coni.inced
It will only rad yyu ,}ouf [hut. la u,111,1 it , fi If
yu 110 g”. I.
AN nn rAtellllll Monet!) In 1.11‘1.% of I i4lollli
11,11tuinntlnin, (Jawed IT 1:11. 1.
Cuts, hLifineSil tlf the JolntA and l'ontro, in, or
th.• 310letfir, neterrielle, IrroNem, !din% In 11,
14111 1, 5, Ilitek and 0.n.0. h. , St lie,,
of newels runt Sprains, Ito wornltriul enrol e
nom,: 11,111111,
Taken Int , ' , ltollY In env, of Su It,
Complain t.t, Dreqn,
mutiny: and Mitt h./61 it illi,4111•1
tent nig quail, ley nee felt as I,oon us Ink,
44 II the leader et 111. Itittleht hate 1111‘
plaint //lilted In !hit f , 113 the -
et 11 , . Leeelelll. Itenetelhi 1,11 3nu do nett mitt
II ht.! et.... 111 let% v your ninnies tt fee I LI,
As!: her lir, Tobltts N,t netlan lalinne el. Lea
WI, no (WO I. It 1.. plewtatill to Itilte ailttl t
ttte, and ennui at,. the cllsease front the • , ),Ittltt
that It dot, eel tenat I. the clew r
ti4lett the :net, 1.411111..11i, Peet XIII , rt., etel
all., now Dowling tte euttetr), that only .tt i.
v, artlvie t. 114.1,14 e•eti t etel
Price 50 rent-rie( 'rattle. f4.lldtly li h,• 11,1
kinte. Depot, h Courtlttutlit 141.ceet., N: Y.
.1 Golden' Day
Illaidawuml for all v, ho (I.lm to• 11. 04,
one yonl,la—t he malt
ninent Maul: onLpxn Utlrts 1111Jltil !Path,.
hail all irrellieltillle eloutanl of pervonal
1 NSTANTANKOI:n4 111 , :-1.1.1TY
xpriligm front the application of hut one holr
In the world. hat eittnnical rllar com4clmr the
silul principle awl oulotiug mutter with w Wok
untrue nourtnium the meet , berm ti ful of tinnollicen
Intuit% whetelvith th e adorns tho
All Alni O 1 11101. FAV(.III,ITFI4.
lierid it he said that thhi wonder of civilisation is
the most menial, hurtniess, whuhssani., mad
fain preporn thin of ins kind In the %Owls univ..rsc
ItoriuhieturlAt lk) J. CILISTA.DORO, its Maiden
Lime, New York. Sold by all Druggl.ta. .\p•
piled 1 - * nll Hair Dressers.
Afar. ti, I 1111. lot
DR. 1 1"0 'NCO'S
PILLS Foil FFAAI.I4I. Infalitible to t
lag I rregul a Illrn, ItenitiVittg übetn o •tloan ti,
Monthly Tarux, leapt whatever Cau.s , , and
a an a l'reventhe.
It is now t. t,r thlrt yam. alone tho mho, eeei. -
brated 1'111,51 a ere flat d Ise°, red by Dr• -
C 1), of l'arin, during h time U.) bate la
exteuxively and Pairooistull,) awn In mon ollll'
patine !anti tut Ion", xx well ai In private ranetlee,
of both hemisphere", with tuwaralleitn
hl evl ry ear.e, and It In only at the — nyvent
quern'. of the than...m.lx of kWh." who 11 , 1Vei154, ,,
there, that Ito Is trttlnrrd tla make the Pill" puhl h•
for tl,e nkh„, lalloa of thewe braTerlr.g from auv I r•
rritotartlieawltataver,ns well us lit pn•teat,tnlll
- of family Where Ito& th will not permit ti.
t).NF. rim IS A. tak,E.
dem•tieg Peialitarly - Nit lillt,t,ur thos%e,poeilny.:
t I ittlntii 'VI', so, are e.totloned uga lust wilni;
Pills stbile to that cow Litton lent
raiseariluge," onor which admonition, the 1.1 - 4,-
prlvtot es no rowoalt+lllt4 ‘ . I th' ugh their
mildness will prevent any mitten!, I to ur,ilth
othtnirlse 16e tails are Ter131111.1) untied Ni n .110 ST
INVA LT:A IT.F. 1tE311 , 41Y Wl' all thoeit.
cotoplalut• on petinliar to the sex.
1 - 1(Lt( 1-t isUFFICIENT.
. .
10,0e0 Luxes 111011 . Letll 1101,1 wltlittl Two Year,
Ten Timu.nd .ut. t Mall, both by my
sea and .%gt•ntakto egi hatbi 01 the world, Lo will, I
answers hate been returned,in vehiLli la .1,.• say
nothing like thu above POW have lon know 1.,
ginm the Selence of Medicine dawned Up." the
world, In Iteninving ObetroLtions till P.... Lorin,
Nature W its Proper t. 'be the Ner,
and bringing back the "nosy color of Health ' 1. ,
the uheek of the =Loa delicate.
Price Si per Dox.. dlx Loney fts.
2301 d by JOAN S. FOUNNY, Drugglltt,
Agktnt, for Ciettynburgh
Lad Ihg, by imaillbglaut 31 through t h e Poet Of
ficecau /1.14v0 the broadideutially4 by
M ,
,to any port of tho vulutry...ll en Of poilkage.
801 l also by J. Spangler, Cllllllllheniburg ; U. W.
Nap' Yuck ; Culethun lk Itogersuutl Itruwu blott
ers, Whcdegule A.Alktbr urv, am' S. D.
Hl we.P M %:.ori*
lurll .
Error. of Tenth
A gentleman who suffered for years from N, I -
RAM Debility, Premature Decay nod ull 11,.
effects off °Wilful Ind seretlun, wi ll, for the em,,
of MU Iterlng humanity, send fret to all who u, vi
It, Use recipe and direttiotes fur making Ito e t ts
ple remedy be Which be wu cured. Mull. 0 r.
wishing to profit by Use ads ertineeis exits rh 0.. ,
eon doso by addressing, In perfect maid , ' en , e,
JUMN 11 tsUbl.iN,
May 27, I. 58:„ ly 42 l'edur st„ 14 es , 1, alt
iu fornicate,.
informatiollt waaranterd prodo, alox no], r
U. - 141110f hair tuo•oil a bald !lead orb , ord I, 1..
alnoa reolpotbt Uu rentorul of l'lorple.s Islotehr,
Kniptiona, et, ou the Faith, /CIL% /rig thv
matt, clear, 4,0,1 tiwauttful , r.w lie ult.d awl wit It.
(butt:Wag*, 1)) . hilts solag
Thus. F. 111AI'Nf.1:kr, Citeinkt,
Dr0a,11A...), VcsFyork
Sept. O, I& 7. '?n
glial Ernie., Alamo. nod 11r ,
YOlllll Alla Earl," Minßouod , w4lall crude I,e
-pediment.% to MARRIAGE, wail xdm ta, une ~f
relief. eamt In imilisd letter eitYeiopes Lim el
charge. AddriNA. Dr. .I.NSIU,LIN lit ii.;‘)
Howard AmoelatiOn,l'ialudelpiiiii,
IJ, 11167. ly
tie To Comausuptives.
tie Rev. rAwtrial A/ Wllerm will sand (fm.• of
eh mln all who dealre it the La.meripthm in. till
thy lion %tor making and oat 1/.41i1p1. ,
Mal 417"oritiett he woo Otirtht off tuhg age.-
tiou a that dread disease, Couenuuutiaws. His
only o )a to lieuelittile afilleSed and be hup•.v
every audit r will try lige priserliAluu, as lt will
mat them u Mug, sad may prove a Ldeodulf.
Plesee addreta
NO. le:2l,4ontilliecond Hi reef,
\ Williamalaurgh, New lark
Sept.. 31. 1887. Btu
IT means OVER ONE TIIOI3SAND closely
printed, double enlornu, octave pages, hot
new electrotype plater, on krod Pspor L .rell
propristely Shunt ' %MD over TWO
PREY/ engravhop on dteel and W4sNI, annr•
series of line akalteutle maps.
It is highly eummell , ll24 IT MI! learned and ern
nent men, and by the press generally through
:ter eriamly, a g arl is e t . lan bOOk Of Ulf lona
Owing is the unprecedented popularity of gala
work, a lanai bluglinh abridgment Manual to
Jnemile modem, In duodecimo form, of about
me meek, has been reprinted by another firm In
tarter type, and spread over POO octavo page,
eviitlently—by making a book larger than Ito
origlnal—to give the impremion that it is nor
edition. It contains LIMO TITAN evaqtALl , Till
READING MATTLA OT OITA Otorritliterieryt Ent-
Tins; but to thme who desire this Javelin° evil
lion, we will, early la 13*, furnish Ito,
English work, for nriperior to the American, at
$2 71 per roof. Sala Au Ciroujare givtug roll
part k Marx.
eit., Phi Wei ph la.
-rife -bd r r isiAllri.2l2= ll , rfell
nrer, and settle the same, on or belle* flter etlitt
of /damn, 1018—ea all Notes nrilleteed After that
T. No . t.:
date will be placed in tans bends of en officer for
oollectlon.ziAppliy Vanqtriuser,
qiihish ice. Ilt • • ' '-
pvimm* wok TotlA*