15 kistpiler. Vitiutr, ,iiritarctir 14, IW. MAIIMMIUNICNIFO/ TIM KAMM KEA,. I The time is now approachin g when the mainificture and collection of manure will be commenced in commit by most Ampere. A few hluts on the resume mint of the manure heap may not be out of place. Every manure heap oonalets of three portions, stud those requireyery , different means for their preservation. We have !Ind, the carbonaceous mutter. Thiu,forph the chief bulk of every tieredwatotaid front the fact that itcatte orittinally from the atmosphere, and that It esti be NOW& from the same source, , theorists who have not carefully watched the leaulte attalued in practice, are,.; apt to depreeiate Its value. It is nut -is Vllllll4llO he the other two constituents, but itaerVett to bring the land Into dee, friable, mellow condition, and it is by no means certain that the carbonic acid, furnished by its decompcwsitigh, is not a source ofplant food. Underany circum stantial, however, His well:to be econom ical of it, and allow none to go to waste. The second portion is the inorganic plant food.contained in the straw and In the food of manuals. It mdish' of plias pboricaoid, lime, potash, soda, magnesia, soluble: silica, kc., and the great source of loss of/hese constituents Is from their being washed out. They cannot evapo rate, but if the rain and liquid manure are allowed to fall on &manure heap, anti drain through it and out of it, Vie manure pile becomes a ,mere calm/ n/ortuum —a worthless residuum of originally valuable materials. Hence every barnyard where manure is kept exposed to the weather, should be hollowed out In tim centre, and well peddled,' so is to prevent the soluble matters from draining or soaking away. Moreover, if the farm is located in a region where much rain falls, it is necessary to place srlarge portion of the barnyard under the cover of sheds, which prevent excessive wetting. Some mois ture Is absolutely necessary. Too much is decidedly Injurious. The third constituent of the manure heap la nitrogen. This Is &substance of great and undoubted value, and every ems should he taken to preserve and Increase it. We do not propose here to enter minutely into its chemical rela tions, but would merely offer one or two .uggestious for fixing and preserving When vegetable suisua Kees containing nitrogen, undergo putrefaction, in a moi.d. state, the nitrogen In general be eomes converted into ammonia. The same proces.4 of putrefaction, however, Produces carbonic acid In large quanti tiers, and. this combines with the ammo nia to form carbonate of ammonia. - This salt is comparatively volatile, and if the manure is tillowed to dry upiarr die ex posed In thin layers, the ammonia di.ttp pears. Several agents may be set 'to work to fix and retain It.- Water is one of tits-w—carbonate of am monia dinaulvei ety readily lu water, and does not then evaporate to the same extent that it *Auld do froth a dry mass. The great agent in the fixing of ammo nia on the manure heap is the humiossid similar acids produced during the ' de compositiOn of straw. These acids do it very etreetually, and beim° the Inver tunet.4 of mixing animal excrement with n large proportion of moist straw. Oue of the toast powerful Ares? of am monia is plaster or sulphate of lime, Wh'en this substance kneels eorbonate.of ammonia hi solution, decomposition ett sues. Carbonate of lime and sulphate-of ammonia are formed, and as sulphate of ammonia is not volatile at au ordinary , temperature, there is no danger of lase except by its being washed out. -Bence a few simple rules will enable 114 to manage a manure heap so as to ovoid any very great loss. Ist. Prevent all loss by drainage and soaking. - 2d. See that the animal excrements are covered with moist straw. 3d. See that while too much water Is avoided, there is a sufficiency to keep the manure moist. 4th. Meitture and peeking prevent fire fringing—that it, too rapid fermentation.. sth. If you find It convenient to use a few buthels of plaster,, winkle them over the hip* PO that the platter will he incorporated with the successive layer'. It will thus 'prove of greet service.— thunlry atintleuum. A Tiritriery FARMER, who "believes in making old things last in these Wiles." says: "There is oile thing that nearly everybody knows and hardly anybody 'attend@ to—that lig to sprinkle slacked lime on their roofs once a year, either in fall er in spring. If the shinjos are eovered ever so thick witte'a'oss, the lime soon clears it off, leaving thi roof lean and white, hod good for a dozen years longer. I fought to be pet on pretty thick, and a rainy day la the beet for the work. Strong wood ashes will answer almost as well to keep roofs in repair, tut they will not look as nice. To make new shingles last three or four times the usual period, they need only to be soaked a few days in a tank half full of thick lime water, which 'must be stirred up well betbrethe shingles are put in." A noNtiam. sheet lays "one-half the homesteads of the South are in the hands of the sheriff" Yes, driven there by "reconstruction" on a negro basis, In order that Northern Radical capitalists may make lorinues by the purchase of such homesteads. Hundreds of agents for Northern capitalists and Radical luembeni of Congress ate no, in the South buying up plantations, at forced soles, for from one-fourth to one-fiftieth of their real value. It is evident that this plunderrug game Is one of the priu eipal•objeots of the Rump "policy IN June„.lBBe. lir. Woodward, hia wile and *der, were murdered et Northwest. Indiana, and a man, named Sanders, i t was arrested tor t e-crinie, tried and dis charged. A to ys since William Costinger went t magistrate In Tore lifitatie and COl3 kneel' that he Instigated 11"..110.C9XPAnied by one -AtalUnneY, pespelfatea" the murder. This IteKln ney was the principal witness against Handers when he was on trial ter the - crime.. 31141bi1:441te Springfield (Ibuosolin 0441,,iiiimblicau sarcastleaUy says of 'the porpoostl new bill to`prevent the Su preme filitldlosting any question tinder the reepiiitruction acts, that It is Its scope, and auggeeta that kb* amended so as to prohibit that wort from madding in any way with any act which thla Congress may pans. in MIR way it will provide for all possi ble contingencies, and establish a.prece dept. which will be of Inestimable value Win? potty that may control Congress j 1 1 10 11,1111, f . , *id Witt to pois measures of unquestionable uncoastitntionality,- Earth Congress can thus take cgre of YwewZames ambeamit4itt in* bot, *idle man toliMi IWO - Mthim 0 411100~Wermaittoti l m omweimillAlVlll7 l oo44lWwWiFs, ,001,111144-WgM4yßitik NEW VIRM! isrz - vv - CK)ODB1 jj MING bought oat uti =or partaker, mod 1 heal to thorny sadl A LAROII STOOK Or 00004 1 tun now prtpart.l to aottommothatt Mt In WWI ty antlrtsch 1 ant tittlertntanod iiOT to 3.13 I;:iPELLSOLD In Od. or arty other part of titer...try. "Quick I. awl abort pruilts is my motto. My stock of Cioo6o COO/alto of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, (/, E ENS-WARE, II A R D. W ARE, EARTHEN-WARE L lIATS_dc CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. In kept In a Trwr-cLAN3 oxt e 4ara ilh a l ammo and nee my clock. No charge for •hoiflog Good*. J. B. TA.LIGHLVILAUG H. Ilstaptosi. Nay. 1, fan HAY 'AND GRAIN /VIE laud :wigged 'weed annouuor to the tI -1 LOIN of Mama county that they et dl earl') on the GRAM AND lIAY BUSINESS, at t)fe ald standGRANITE STATION, ea-the flettj h ud Railroad. They arc prepared to_ pay the prices for GRAIN AND - NAY.They keep a I kinds of GROCERIES, SALT, GITANOS, tr i . ;:e .r u h . t . eh eft t i l i t . e3; k l i clll cell at li n .rt h ellent profit.. PHI Sea kr LP w)\4. Pee. Nt, IWG. I) IsTPAW 2ALL T7INITE 000D'a E. HITESHEW la now remixing a large Atari( of DR iSt °ODA', NOTIONS, ROCkR IRS, Q (WRNS WARR, HA RD WA RR, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS I cult the attention of tuy euntomers and the community to, my large Mork of 0001 whieh I am now /Merin/ at lower mtes than tiler have been sines the war, and at prier. whlrh amtiot hut to strike the purchaser as cheap. With eery facility for purchasing' Gonda at as low figures as any In the trade. I am also prepared to meet competition in IoW hllecs• from any and alt quartent. Prompt conformity to the lowest market prices In my established rule. E. "- Petersburg', (Y. Oct. lA, 18t17. E. HITMITF.W. OHEAF t FOR CASH I NEW RT9RE! GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &P. wo dersi gssed hat rotated to 13etlirstearg,etal opened a mew Store, on Shaltizatre street, next door to the Poet Mee, and nearly opposite the Court House, where he offers for male, CHEAP iron CASH, u large and choice aasortment of I= S %LT, &c.., a Rh BA. ON, I.MtI), AC A4°, Llipsorm, wrs Ds, BRA N 4J I W 11 NKIFI4, RUMS, and everything else in the tine, '- Alan. any quantity of Notions, to malt any and everybody. Iteeedieet Ude le the piano to bey CHEAP FOB CASH. I= April A 1%7 11111RDY a_ HAKELTON, 1:13=1:13 PLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &C. LIE underniuned are haying , at their Ware, bowie, in eurlinle ntn•et, adjolaing H r uehlen Tall, the higliwit . priete for FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, COILN, OATA, RUCK At HEAT. CLOVER. AND TFAIOTHI SEEDS, PIYTATOES, &C. and Invite producers to give them a call before selling. They have constantly on band for male, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIkIi, 3lntanites, Syrups, (Wee% Sugara, ha. with Salt, Fish, Oita Tar, &Napa, Bacon and Lard, Tabs.:seas, do. Mao the taut brands or FLOUR, with FEED et's!! Ulnae. They likewise have SEVERAL tm.r.u3LE FERTILIZERS, REEME;gIiGNMEiI Whilst they pay the highest market pieas far all they hay, they .11 at the low.st living prelate. They ark a shah Of pnbile patronage. resolved to give antivfnet lon In every ease. ROBERT MaCIITUTV. WM. ft. HAMILTON. tiattysliiarg, July 1. 1067. CANNON'S WA.RBLE WORKS, On Baltimore P•reet, opposite the (bon-linnee, di• GR777IIBURO, PXY:r.4. Every dencrlptlon of Work executed In the =I June 4,1815. tf DO YOU WANT :CHEAP AND GOOD * FALL AND WINTER GOOIX4? "Year liverybeily Answers. THEN 00 TO THE NEW STORE. OF ILEBERT °mane 11-h. Cl:turf-holm?. Gea,sabwrg. DO YOU Vesting% °105..., nunpr er Zara, Neck-nos or any: thing eine in tlw ggstMipap'swear lint to REBERT d ELLIOTT'S. DO you WANT cheap and good silks, Al '. ig inKlui. Delnins_94ngiutms, Can = b t tnir ' 4l ierdiree7):°ZseiVa' .;3"ietA, Cro to REAERT di ELLIOTT'S. DO you-IvAyr etiesc i snd good Mnallna, Queenaware, ty' llbeet inkre i lla ni t, 4 W ekl indow niM B= l , ln o g r' anything rho o( ths kind? (kJ to lipiEttt & ELLIOTT'S. DO YOU WANT thong sad good Furs? You will find a splendid assort meat ht itICEEXT & ELLIOTT'S, Who are now asWng.goola at Woes that moat aetouleh. To bexouvlitoidowil and !se for your , Delve.. Nov. 15, Irmr. tt Farmers, Attend . to Your Interests I GETTYBBIIIIG -1`01:111DRY. Intheariber "bald inibrm his enslOmeri and others, that lie la atilt manufacturing vs. Linda of eandlasp and Machines, made to order, on abort"otioe, such as AND POWERS, (Ave &Norma Nam of CLWVBR-SEED HULLERS AND CORN MEL LEM AND SEP TORS, COILWODDICR CUTTERS, STRAW AND HAY CUTTERS; ptortoirs, atie d h c aa Cast Plaaquallarstmear_Flogishs.gidealil FORNFAASCE. the stint linarovetieat: also Metal Serewa for elder Preakat., • IRON RAILINO / • Le Ontnetenteaar Theelltra with everything else in his line, all at Low prima PIM MALE—A tao.hdrallirone• bona Wagon, and • Swine Wawa& ail - DAruicrynnorka, Ater ts•- I bird*" d'lsr • at . _ ". NEW AND CHEAP.CLOTHING ; CIETTYSSURC I 4 2" lIRINSERHOF FH. STACKS OF THEM! TBRINKERHOFF corner of the Diamond and . York street. haaltud returned from the eity • GOVERNIfMCT BONDS, of in Boum.. with ad unnonally attrneth e naaortment of and BOLD. BEVIEN.TIIIRTY BONDS enevertal Into FIVE TWEXTT BOND@ without charge. ethwii,;(3 Font...PILING & SUMMER WEAR. Whirl. he win at ruela pr.!. et. rut cannot fat/ to take them ot/ %err rapidly. rail and Judge Mr „, enteral, To look at tla• exeellent material, tasteful ,ottluit, and neat and .uttglantlal ncwlng letal 14/..11 111 get 1.1. I, ea help nez buy, u ben •.4 •, nave h their later. e.tt lotto He btu. Coat., Panty, \ 1,4 and ma Iv:isle; than, 11....rtm end 24111f1a. ltl nJ It I otf,, Howler), t ,Tove.r, Itnndlker- Addax, Seek-i s, 1.111 , •11 1111 , 1 raper (*.A NTS, 51D4p1.1111,, , , firosOe., t mob.; Trunks, L iutwellas, Poe 'l6„et Knives,Sle gars, iimoklug end (lieu log Tiihureos, Plies, tlonerr, Ste ekwks, Watch...4,3es etre, u lth a thousand and ne ut her artirlsw, sunray too numerous tu dn. o tall tun newspaper ash ertiserneut. Ito wilts the attention of the nubile to his new stork, rontideut that It win please-and no one run or will cheaper. inns forget the place— eorner of York street and the 1/1111110111.1, Get tysburg. JACOB ITIEINICEICHOFF. April 79, IBfl7. tf UJ`lr~l AND AUL OTHEMS WHO wrsir TO IMPROVE Piing andenignerl re•pectibil•lnkrzas the pob 1. Ile that ha still axatinues the CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at his old stand, on West street, Gettymbnyg, and is ready at all times to acemnmodete thole want ing anything done In his line. He is prepared to furnlsh all kind. Of work for building purposes, of the best material, and as neatly and cheaply as it ran be done at nay other establishment In the county. k:s perieneed handonlarri3 sto rend!. neva and work exenuted wile proutptnesa and di ff P 7 lt 'ittnlfal for past favors, Ink - hopes, by lentlon to business, to meet, e a liberal share. public patronage. Julie 17, 1N47. tf W CH RITZMA N. REMOVAL ! THE (4114:ITTSBI'RG 1 - 4,IGHT G t1.1.1:111 - . /ME tandersigtted takes plata:ire in announcing I. to the citizens of Gettyaburg and the public generally that he has removed from hie old rooms on Wert Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Fftlinestock Brother*. The mom he now (templea has been recently fitted up expresaly for his (wetness, The location rt so admirable one, enabling hint to take fac tore.e in all shades of weather, and with a earn**. WWI unequalled any to hem else. LI F 14:-1.1 Kt PH4 *tit.% PHIS, of every size and description, executc.l in the finest style. Particular attention given to the %RTE. DE VISITE, and to elm tie TIPE74 anti DAticEltliEttTYPF,t of deccai.e.l friends. Also— TILE] GETTYSISVIIII; OEM S, 111.11 e et VIP of Wet are, 1, iilell hue become. very popular e It It the pit idle, lint only furl heir bemitS but for cheapness and convenienee. etiXTEI..\ for ONE DOLLAR only. Alai—TILE IoItc7E EAIN PICTURE, which fur their beauty and du rability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to curry on the Magnolia In all Its vnriouli branches, {Ma lag 1:.1 hie estwrience we ruin no risk In OVA ItANTEEINtI PI.:I;IEI_7P 14ATIMFACTION our facilities for a full display of our skill Are unequalled by ally other Ciallery in tne county, and we would therefore in,lte every one to at the NEW (31.71.71413URG SKY-I.IOLIT GALLERY. Call and examine our Hperimena anal Judge for youraels ea. Lrvi 1.7.11 P ER. Jam , 25, lSj'. ~1~ ~ - i± : C ~I,IJI~Mh HE"' `'.."NeßYzn,lßaUitno„67.,_Cktt r burg. I% axituttle arrangemeritx to get freith pplim eve ry meets from the city and in determinad to well cheap, lie lasing all to give hint aexit. Ella pooek rroo,lNls (IROCI , :ItIES, NOTIONS, HA Sit, Corn Meal. Chopped Feed, Cora, Oats t• .a ita•p, TAM, hoe.. Crackor,, Tobacco, We ir,g and snuff, Myrop, 1,11.11.4, t o ol 111, Flail 4/11, Tar, Beat Cider Vinegar, and a great toriety of Nutionet, Cawilea,ge.,&e. Shi-TheCwth or Tnule will b. %riven for Country Prorlove, such sic k lour, Corn, Onto, Butler, Eno, Potutoe,, Bogs, &c. April s, 1.67. tt Manhood: Now Lost, How Motored. J published, s e tt l er , edition of onth e t:nal?C, L if a ci:re t7wi e th e oUt tnedieiu rated ?,) of SPertnatta Them, or Seminal Weak uts., Ins olnittary .cniltiaL I , ' ('7 ' „=m l4 Plo m n, epilepsy, and Fits, induced by selfludolgenm or sexual extravagance. iforl'rim, in it aealod envelope. only 6 cente. The mleinahxl author, in this admirable f snaky, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty Idles' sue eessfu I practice, that, the alarming eOlibleUltelles, 0f...1f-abuse nosy be radically cured without too dangerous of Internal medicine Or ppll cation of the k ng out It Diode of cure at ones. simple, certain, and effectual, he means of which every sufferar, no matter what his con- Whim may be may tore himself cheaply, pri vately, end rod.eatiy. This e re should ho in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. - Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dnoss, postpaid, on receipt of six cents,_ . or two post stamps. Al., Dr. Culverwell's " M arriage Guide, - prim 25 cents . Address the Publishe.re, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 12: Bowery, New York, P. 0, Box VW, Nov. 22 , ItiG. 3m NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTHIER WASHINGTON BUILDING, !W AND ltr BALTINoiIF: Nrari . r, BALTINIone, ND., 47 . 1 r Pf t : r. n p ttnf ra l. 0 11 : 13 i n fko l i t rn a ue 1d o e ffing lfz ie.a e ,:o a . t i l wei tILI . r 1 ;: : 1 : 1 . elt; ortlelea, elt)p-r ready made or made to an re, to any part of HU. country. ev keep kb. an extensive stoek of IMR : NISH/N(4 (itarlka, embracdng Ferry article of Gentlemen's Under-weer, Alan, MiLITARY CLAYTHA and every Vnriety of Military Trim mings, an well as an assorted ((tort of RE kill' MA MI LIT tRY CM.X)Dta. Barn more, Feb. , lA6I. IRON-IRON-IRON ! (;ETTYABURCi FORGE. THF. subscribers respectfully Inform thtpubllc that they have erected a Forge In connection with their 140mm:tell, and are now nsanntioning FORGED AND lIAAIIIERED IRON, such as Plough.llorse-sboe and Bar Iron, and re =lly Invite Blacksmiths and Dealent to stye call, Sealing satisaed that thq will be able to please as to quality, ttobth sod PVIW. BRINOMAN & WARREN N. B.—The highest market price paid for wroughtnd wrap Iron. . B. W. DIM 3VE3:CaZasTEMI`ir AND MANTUA-MAKING Barbara Etter and Rebecca A. Flak HAVE Warted the Millinery and Mantua-ma-. king trades, In Chambersburg street, In the rear of Fink's More, and invite the ladlea of town and country to give them a ealL No MIMI will be spend to render satiaraction in every ease. nabs dewing and Mitehing also done. Gettysburg, Nov. 8, MM. Great National Telegraphic COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, Vim MN mid SIX cllmilmig turret. C=Mil RE MOV AL To flierinen Moen in Ike City Part of the Amon& and the whole of the Third and Fourth Floor, tot BANE OP PXPITIELIC MU)Ma. nearly opposite the Oontrnentat noted. mm Tla bat ciraiSlWilid and condoeted Bosinese In chi'. *W the ont, ofTeethers has no superior. Zatication for the Pouutirsprnoin the sheet es th t stude possible time ooesistent with the latereas of e nt. *Send for Circular. TAY7OR & REARM. Oct. ZS, M. TO THE PUBLIC. — hls undersigned take t method of inform- TRU% the panne that they sall carry on the Cabinet-making Business, In all Sts warted brandies, and that they now Uwe on hand a Wee aa od BUICEA US, BEDSTEADS, Tables, Cbrner Cupboards, &fee, Sinks, Stands, Dreatow Normals, Mira, of di f ferent kfrt& ; in short evergeking is the Cabi- • ' net-making tine. AIEO' READY-MA IM DISIMtgs AND . COE PIN% MADETOunuEn- An of whirl% wilt be finished In 0ng..41, , at the old stand, on South Hartheare Mena, appetite Winebrennera Tannery. The andaralVZ- Ina badpver *years' experteneeln ass flatter Memel - Tee that they can =sake an good work as ay otheri, not better. Net heals nertand other* win mu lf t nu their advanUAe to eat and May nom sma ea Overate *Kenai to rim as laW poseltdeatffiat e arose. .Mliftert: Ilemih, lBo7 . 4m , LAST NEnME,-, vied. n,ll 7. if NATIONAL BANK. COMPOUND INTEHEST NOTES CASHED. The ITIODEST PREMYOId mkt on GOLD and MILVEIL and BO YM of all kinda, bought for pProona without O='..ARGIN(.I ORDEU4 PftOIIITLY WECUTED. In terest on SPECIAL DEFORMS advanced I per and, 3 pecomat lie I year. 4 piw cent. kw II useatles, $ per doent. by 1 ewe W. Persons wishing tnibrmatton in regard to V. Bolds, and Stooks of all kinds, are invited to give us •e 511,190 we will give nil inkinnation cheerfully Gettyaborit, Oct. Z, leR7. It NATIORAL BANK OF GETTYBBrUG WIII al lop' interest on Special DelloN V,aF follown 6 per emit. per mt•Um iFbr I year. EMM:I3 Will ert 7-lil NOTES into s— ^ n In OMS, n. usual, free of charge, 1' %SIT (•4 ))IPOEND INTF:E.EST NOTES and COLVON!,/, also purchase or sell StOCkli and BONDE3 of every kind, free of charge nn ronun 'anion, and wlllat all Liman pay the MOTIF-4T PRICE for GOLD and SILVER, and will, with pletunire tromvd all berditeen prempt ty, l a. heretofore, ryerinluhiq to Ai V 1•011 roottnted hank (set tyshrarg, Nov. 14, 14117 (3 ETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE Undenigned has bought out his former partner, Ns'un. Guinn, and now contlnuen the THE LIME-BURNING BUSINESS hlrneelf—et the GeUyaburg Lime Kilns, on the corner of the Ratlrtxtd and North Stratton Street. rbanktul for pant patronage, he will endeavor to desert r Its rontlnuance, by prosecutnig the bunt- neon an rigorously and on as large a 'ado an pna- Bible—Always wiling a good article and giving goo' Measure. neuters and others may look for the prompt filling of orders. He also continues the COAL B-I.7SINESS, offering the most popular kinds. lionsekomem and othera !Mould `tire him • all. Blacksmith Co id constantly on hand. Lime and Coal dellverad anywhere In Get MEM Getty burg, N0v.15,1f4V. tf TIN-WARE & STOVES. TME LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TIN-WARE IN ME COUNTY, AT 'S. G. COOK'S, (former Andrew Pollerc) alsosome at ME BERT COOKING RTOVE9 IN MARKET, among which are the OT.D DOMINION. COMPROMISE, • PENNSYLVANLt NORLE COOK, ECONOMIST Also, many other articles far Kitchen use, which will be 40ki SA low 44 at Saly other plane In the reality E= NEW SADDLER SHOP. O N -g, ' ,L Ha Vt i n ti gru re d:rtna eti tr imiL onl«r, l all kinds of RIDINO SADDLER, WAGON SADDLES, CARRIAGE HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, HIDING BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, ea low es Use loweA. June 11,1867. U SPECIAL NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern! BEAR IN MIND DIIPHORN & HOFFMAN HAVE again been to the elthrad bought at low prices a full line of Goods, and will nen MERIrOE+B, 85 do. to $1 25. ALPACAS, 50 eta. to $1 25 pELAINES, 20 eta. to $1 10 PRINTS, be.st;l2l cents. GINGII3ME4 iB CFI34. MUSLIM, Y t 6 20 Cents. CIPTI4 I 4 41 5 AO $lO. , CSBEIMER43, 75 qta., t 4 IS 50 BLANIONS, $2 SO to $9 pate. ' issAivis; $ll FURS.,. all leas. , • : T Hoot's, '5O ols. to,SP. 50. Mori 10' 40: to $2 00 nt=gart. AI to IVOla. VP.r. n , i r u.~rii MI;)".!' „iibtpari. eo to 'P. Seale he - - • • 011•1•IcKILA. Pillnidell•—nf o llte MR ow. Via P ried dent —Mmuel IL RoanelL EMMME Executive Vinininitioi—Kobemt McCurdy, Ji.n. dn." Heintat•lmeu, Jacob King. Menftanatiemset Swope, U. A. BaeMar. B. McCurdy, M. Etch. , !Wryer. M. it. Humelt, H. G. PahnesWelr, A. D. Buehler, R. (3. Melirmay,lret. ttittitT• Jacob King, Stmban lownehlp; A. BSettitselmau, Franklin; Wm. D. filmes, :Yew Oxford; Wm. It. Wliam. Monterey(lle; HA. Pleking,Strethon ; John WoHord, Latimore ; John Picking, Emit Berlin ; Abel T. Wright, Bender.- vine ; eel F. (tilt, New oxford ; Jae, H. Mar shall, fitunlltonban; John Conningham,P'ree, dom; John limner, MoontJoi Wm..itom Wbitet Liberty. 1114 - Thht Contromr la limited In Ito °penult - me to the (»citify of .I.4ants. It Met been to operation for more than rt met in that period has made but ea•roeeetatient, having paid Immo by dm during that period amounting to SIMON—Se; 7a9 of la Well lm, e ba..eu poll durtng the into two yeen. Any perdm &tatting /ill /11.Urtille., eon apply to any of the abON I. named Managers for further Information. nip The Fixemillve Committee meet. id the of fice of the Outnisiny, on the last Wednesday In every month, nt Y to clock, P. M. Oct. In, Itlth, tf The groYer k Baker.—The Best ii Fat. UERE Machines have become no well known that little need be said by way of recommen n. They have Laken the tint peenxlum at all the late State Fairs, and are univenialb . ac knowledged to be Ike bIEST in use by all who have tried them. The "(hover & linker biltih" and the. ',,huitle Stitch' are polilta that_have been anginal('lloolh, Mna 11l Ile. They are the may machines that net and Vial/rind.' with per fection. These s are pianlimly adapted to Family use. Tiles are nons.lues, sew directly from the spool N uhout rea lilting, and ere still pin In their I lien. The S arr• easy to ra MIMI. ngn, and (n hetioMd r any child. Every family should lure , . one. They arts they ant e time, and hhry atti c money, anti do their work Miter than It 1..111 hr done he hnml. J. EMORY 11ATR, OW:&ler FIRST • Thn undemigned ha,, Inn Ixwt appointed Agent for the nix", enialtliened an Agen t,. in txlrtleid, Adurne et)11111 , % there be AI N I'n\l•uu 111111(1 it •aipply. 1 . .. 1,0111 to 1 / 1 13 will p 1,401 rnll and exarnine fur thew f4.l% x - lIMM==I 1:1===111 JOHN 0 R B C HAS rommenOed filore-lreepirf M QUEEN RIDGE, In Hamilton townett Adam. eo., on the Hampton turnpike, and would inform the public thnt he hax find returned from the city with an exwllent amortment of DRY Goons, GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, 4rEENS-WARE, CEDAR-WARE, TIN WARE, CANDIIIK N4n101,04, I=2 Tojawing, he., &e.--Indeed, a full and complete line of th.ds, to molt the twetrul t lea and axle% of aIL llla pi lees are OR lOU 41$ the VOW lONEOI Callooeti at to touts and Mahltua at Il acute, as Instances. fie feels that lila gooila and prima wilt he mans factory to the publle,lllld I therefore lueltna a large share of euatoto, from near and far. Ignt t forget the adelee--the Green lUdge More lit the place to get thy ril fullled worth f of your toone.y. Ap 22, % t This deservedly popular rentlidy, having been greatly improved,l3 ----.....-------------uuw offered to the citizens of Ad ,rns county. sue many Wonsandx who are daily rising It, tearlfy to Its snagtml Nirtnes in the Saar stages of tbn.rumption, Cr/ugh; !Oral Rheumatism, ..Veuralpia, Jour and Tooth Ache, Ireaknest and Pant in the Back, Sae and Kidneys. (tower, Screfuitt, Old Sores, Erysipelo+, 1 , 1 , 0 H'OtiMIS, /Juror, Brviae•, Sore or initamed Breasts, inverted The Nails, thou, Bunions, ..f.c. /Ce. "- Its mysterious v irtues, and the wonderful corns It has performed might be published; hut the &waverer Is a tiling to rely on its Intrinsic mer its, In order to introduce It Into, every family in the country. Prepared only by the proprietor, 255 E. Lombard Street, Baltimore, and sold by A. D. BUEHLER, Dr. H. HORSIER, and .1. S. Ft IItNEY. Get... nburg, and by the merehauts of the county. . REFSHENCES:-11,nry Culp of P. Andrew Scialek, John Winebrenner, J. L. Sehlek. .fR - Merchants ran get to %ripply by calling at J. WINEBRENNER'S at Wholesale Irieo4 Aug. 5, INC. I y E= Gettysburg Railroad. 'MANGE OF CONNF.CTIONS.--On rind after Wednesday, Not ember dth, 1467, Passenger Tralma will Mass and arrive at gett,lsburg, and make connections, as -- FIRST PA n(SENGEIt TRAIN will leave Gettys burg at 44.1.1 A. M., with pameagars for l ork, Har risburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and Wtlit, arriving at Hanover Junction without change of dug, at lad) A. M., conneeting with the Faust Line South on tue Northern Central Hall way, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.20 noon. Also connecting w tin 31311 Train front Baltimore north, arriving in Harrisburg at 1.1)U P. M. Arri ving at Gettysburg . 12.40 P. M., silt powtengors 1. from Harrisburg, mk, Baltimore and Wash higton. SECOND PASSENGER TRAI) will leave Get tymburg at 1.30, P. M., arrl vale at Hanover Junc tion a 1.2.20, and Connecting v. Rh mall train Soht.h. Arrive at Baltimore at Old P. M. Arrive at Get tvmburg at 430 P. M., with pa...germ from Phila delphia, Harrisburg and the North and West, and also with peesengers from Baltimore and \Vaehiagton by the tat line north, which lea. es Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Pasamitters can WAN e Baltimore in the Mail Train at and arrive In lint tyabUrg at 12.40 P. M. Or leave Baltimore In the fast Untie at 12.10 noon, and arrive in tk.ttyaburg W. 5.10 P M. Rut .me thange of ears by the Iliad train, pith, tt ay, Mx: at Ilanover Junction. The feat line on the Northern Central will not atop at any Irv,' eta t lona, except York, lianorer Junction and Park ton, tionnections certain. =1 IMEM3 Coe's Dyspepsia Core P HIS Great Re4u T etr i f i or t an)lseasex of the V . di= of the Inventor of Coe'. Valuable , while experimenting for hie bea u git cured Cramp In the titomachxfor him whlrh . had before yielded to nothing bulehloro form. The almost daily testimony from various parts of the country ennourages as to believe there is no disease mimed by adleoNered littonseit It will not speedily cure. • Physicians Endorse and Use It. fr, Madders give Testimony 1;fflotall And from all directions we receive tidinim of cures performed. DYSPEPSIA! COLLARN FLY-NETN dre, =1 SICK-HEADACHE! It has oared In hundreds acmes. HEADACHE AND DIZZINEK4 It stops in thirty minutes. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH I It corrects at once. RISING OF THE FOOD! It storFimmedistely. DISTRESS AFTER EATING! One dose Will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! BAD BREATH: Will be changed with half a bottle. It is Perfectly Harmless I Its Mgr RECEDENTED SUCCERN Is owing to; the fact that IT CURER BY AnSIRTING NA TURE to re-assert her sway in the system! NearlT every deitler in the United Btates sells It st ONE DOLLAR PER BODZLE. QM THIS PREPARATION le the dia. =ArY,y,.t7lfellePLtjoi- W. ri o te l" lVtip f t o le r i _.,....,_- Chums lit Ooffetown, N. H., and a ~., .y . ..- . ttwe dearly beloved by that de .' , ' nomination throughout New Eng ..•:-:',, , land. Ile was obllgod to leave the ' -i", : t I'- telt " a W, tud ihvi e tt i v o is= .• -•DEltr are one of the most wLonder fcd • • • -ries of modern times. It Is The great Liver and Bilious Remedy ! which completely thin. s In the shade all other Nopverlea In in4leine ; and it affords him much vatlaoatlon that they receive the twarelmous =:"on of all who have tested them. The Billeus Powders are a Indawavated form, and an Immediate au Riot