§eftpsburg ompfler FITIDAY, FEISRUARY MARKET REP4IT%. GYM• FLOUR, RYE FLOUR,. WHITE. WHEAT, REI WHEAT,- ItN, RYE LEM I'(XNV II EAT, liAv, , CLOVER-SEIO3 1 00 8.00 @ 10 00 7 50 1 75 8 50 F L.I.X. SEED ==2l II or. p., . M HEAT, MI r, OM ME! 825 8 82 300 E 4 325 9 00 64 10 00 7 00 9 , , 15 00 23 00 (,) 25 00 CLOVER -SEED; TIMOTHY-SEED„ ..... WHIR, Vtund. Bp.EF CArrix., 7 ro hund HA (' i.i , Pliiln., Receipts and Expenditures or ADAMS cOrNTY FOR 186,7 l'oilmewon.:Eitn: OrrWl%) ADAM.; voLNIA , PA. ,It !SLY to an Act of AMseinbly, entitled „, kn Al t to Itnlinfrounty Raton and Bevies," r , lt , l irtit rite Cointnlhnlonen4 of the respective Onu r, ti 11111/11Sh n F.taienuent of tne Roenipts , pen, I tt ucon yearl , ,, We, the Conan hodoner. ~ I Kant I minty, do report as rullows, to rrern tie 7th day Id .tanilitry, A. D., Inll7, to • .•, ol January, A. both days In . SHEA ps, T 1 uun•r, find 111.4 Cum 111 Is .0111.3 %, in .WOOlllll ‘,lth M. , county of Ad :1 11., aa+ DR. To. •,11In bandy .! Tr. wsurei nit last Set 11,1,1alUilag rtnintN ' luxes 114.1.1 r. In Itrii old 10144 mad I..eries ossesnedfor llor4.01.:1‘,01 4;1 slam{ .._....:...}1,;9310 quit 11. t utn.. ..... 175 01 04141111101 lox nshlp . . 1,001 58 ti‘lo7,l . 00 I I tintingt.Fil .nklin ,1.1. %ft u. i n n ,11.1.11 iton ban Moon plviviunt Inn lInK 1,111•I,n 1,119 "4 1.4-1 el 1 'AN 91 1.211111 1,211'• 911 92 HM1111(101 t I \r•Illl.~i~• /14 . 1 N, I. k Ulgitlat .1 I n I:orttint:ll ili•l‘k it 4 , 0 01 70.11.7 429 14.. .3.37 Ik3. 0,4102 -- 1.11,10 , 31 03 1 unit,fr\ , ol Jinn k 11101 muntrt 0 1433'000., 0,007 7.1 • 0 , 0 r... 334, .41 403 r 1 . 1.111301100n.N1t0r411.. _ 1 , 1 ,Ittt ‘ , 1•4•333. . . 'll 00 • 04.133 1.3.0,441 I 1111 l 1.1 . 0 . 1;104.11Fluk, 00 3'0411.0 001, . L 4) 00 q .1,1 104.1.1%, (10711 .1. A. K11zt0111 . 431, i .,\ I. I t .1,11 1,1 /I 110, 2 ) runt 400(1 t t 3 3, ...,31‘ I.A 1"1,11 A. W. Minter, for ~ . A.l. 1., 0111,, 4 3 3tr. .... _ 41 00 t ....I 3., t Ist .1 t ;old 1n:100 : irolll , 1 .1,.,.. .1 , 11 I, 111111 .1. 71. Noll. 134.41.,. 10, 03,01 from M. itkor 1 . 03000,...13,0rs 4.4 211 k‘ . .3 . ll,knti-31 . 13t5, 3 \ , Ii11114.11;11 . . , illPTiva -n., cottitt) "oßtAt.ilug I minty Tnx nn.l ltult 1t , ,,t• appear to,i).• II the 111111Ilin ul I.iii.,{llllll%.ll4,lnrcA I.e• I 110, 7 I,pit. I= 11.•00 Shunt., 111111111.gton, 1 , 1 Ir, \ 1 fie; r. Ntrnlrn 1.11 .0 1,. lieu - rode, Alotmtpli.s.nt• 141 111,01 , 1 A./4 , 11, Union I ct !Lou.) 01.1, _ 1 1 . \.. ..... 10110 N11u.k..m...1:. r. (Away 1:+O1 1,111..i.1•141Wn 41,41r.: I . II k . 11l 6..1 lA, Oh ,44 (.ett3 sbury bor.. 911 .17 quit ltenta, 175. 04 !oh.) I.....fauver,rumberla.4.l 4 .. 317 RI , _ 571 21 IluntIoulon• 9101$ liven 'l/..11110r1r, 566 16 14.40 CI Nituailt P„.. ~ MR 31 OA 17 .1 I , llil Sy9hnnl , Nlouiltpleasuntt 6.44 h. t, hmolurtr, lbouling ...... 317 97 %II ROO I.etui.l.utimore• . ..... 44.3 DO 7 . .911e, ... ... 963 VI. Hamilton'. . 1,321. M. Hurler. Nlouotyor... 177 14 .ousepn Hbma, 0,u0w5,g00........ 415 eit. , Lmt...lll,trier,lferruau)....-- 245 97 John Dolktit, Tvmue . ' 199 49 Jan", t orrv. Liberty , - . . . 376 I limoi hopuer,llemick• /TA 74 I 090 Utah ilighland. :616 90 llenl3 liubier, Lerwick b0r.,... 759 reeiloni and I.lttleitowor ba.l p 1.1.1 In full before tiettit'lnetil. tr. tfa•Thove nlark , tllhrla (t) have mine* pun full.l e marked thu+ . •Inr, p 014.1 part. I. 1 CR. poll MI 11,14110wP liLlg Ptlbl Ftel,tlJ SPI 00 's pHs', ditor appointed by b. , ourt to ului public ulticea,:.. l't t tog, I , lnttlot, , 11..1,01 • 1,1 11, in t Von••nolit to collevatat. of per . for 0 0 4 and 104.1 o 111 abion ...... .••1,..1 Jury 04441-T•444.•staven' A.1 , 11:1 114.1),t, f.ut . Inte Shen; feet Jar 6,.ptag priboorra and to rnkey, 1..43 and 144 ..... . 141$ ;01 W0r..1 and ~.al fir public buI1•11 ngn, 350 Itepalr , at 40.41•110 .... .7 111 34 ;ranol /Jury nod Tlp-st., ea' 1.1 V.. ... 13 e.O r, Prot/M.o4a) atutl lerlc of x7lO refunded to 00101r0 pe00.31 ..... 1% Oki . ..rt Ifivatea of Con.o rota run.. . 19 33 tees . . Ter I..nrer or Alm. House ... ..... I'ostogennd.tat lortery for Cu nuitssion en . 01114... . N.uet. a ndinterest paid 130.n.it and sun dry Tormlne.... (Nit lien t 5 paid Matron Hair ile.c.”l-111.11.17; er, Ilintrict „ittoirekr, . . kn. 11111111 KrDm, Ca'atmliusloher , t ~ al W01f:k.a.7., Comm ikadotter' pf* ,Nieholas lerinan, Cum nilietion a pa ug prisoners id I:ltratern Veld ten lett• Sheriff, ennveying prta wien to F.:x.4[cm Pettitentlary..... l'l.llll. rineriftconveylug c, td Faxtern Penitentiary r t Ziegler, nuratware, Sm., for t. Mecre.try. .a.ttorney te;to 114rricintra . ....... irentialt ion on the body , Of Pater 01 WA 11. Buciller, cylinder for atove I .t.ax pipet and fixtitres at ..... Lkurette (into, t he privy at Wort hour John fitbson, painting 4uUrt Honer se,. Murphy & Sun, for dueketa fur County °Mewl . . . .... Conrittonne keeper-- uing and 6011111:g tar prison,..... kv,,,..14. In Mb, ilors.LL prftille. for C'oon- Ad,,,, untyAKriculturalgoelely • Jamrn al. Houser, for arresting horse Ka 'der, for arresting horse thief - !gat, taxes and paid by the Coon ty Shea. Is. Treasurer, errors ta tor'' atinta 11. k. Picking, Adept Perpetual Fire lu ranee on heart House of 90,000 lir J. W. C. mediatl attendance. on prieinera tOT 1805 and led 7 tort. CominbedoOkela. pay........ 1.. h. 11ctiair, Coftnty bounty due IStri Pnol t. It. through, ." Revenue %tamps „.._ I •rphart'RConri ...... Court, Dee. 9, lod . Valli! , Hann, Sheriff, for swimming ittror.. ....... ..... . .1. hhety. lonnly Superintendeld, by edt .Ict of ARANnbly. nth Ns' pay at Directorl of the Poor Hood damages and damage vtewe ItelottiN nt I ienry Chrlutnt n, eontreet In full on bridge at Brie r's mV..... C,us Rfulth, noiitrnot M' fuii on ..... IrtlooaallowNoolloctttta• —•• colloetors%fers tnitatandlog Tax, and Quit Rents in hands of collectors Tn. aRa ref's solar) Mate Tam due (UNIV.- DR. To amount at outstanding *01111164.1 kte ss Tax dna Osuntr•e-.-- 1 amount of outstanding Mtn tm 51 IS Tax due("ounty CR. Ry emourit ofoutetendlug 24 mill Haile. Tex doleCeauty. .. . Sai it By amount of moil; aiiiiai i.iiii iiiZi. ' Tex due County-- .. .... . —.. ___ 30 06. By amount of reef alloweeenßeetare .. 46 73 By amount ofetonerialons toeolleetors " 7s Balance due Canute by Treasurer ..... ... 9111 70 gam To amount of ontatluidlng MtWarr Puma; f0r ..... To amount or outstanding Relief-- 196 TO . CR. By esonentkes allowed eollectors....-1 Balance Quo County by:Trissurer....— To autbunt of outstanding floultfY Bod) for 15C....... ._....-- - . a 1 1 4 2- 4 t 'R. By amount of outstanding County Keen allowed eollertors ... - Egoueratleus allowed mile...tors- Balance due ()aunty - by Treasurer 9 60 7 00 2 2. 2 20 [I4EALI In tentlinnny that the foregoing nta to ment of Receipt. and F.Xpendi tut,. exhibited at the office of the Treasurer of naid county, is met and true ropy as taken from and mannered with the , original Tel...ailing In the hooks in thin office, we have hereunto net our hands and :Mix ed the seal of said office at trettynnurg. the ne, - enth day of Januam , ono thutoond eight hun dred end sixty-eight. RAMITEI. WOLF, NICHOLAS WI ERMAN, JAMB WIT, Commissioners of Adams county. Attest.—J. X. WALTER Clerk. EE3 AUDITORS' REPORT To the Honorable the Judipg of the Court of Common Blow of Adams county. We, the underahgned, duly elected Auditors to settle and adjust the Public Aceounta of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said county, haying been sworn or adirmed agreeably to law, do report theifollowing to he a general statement of wed accounts, from the seventh day of Janua ry, A. D. IWIT, to the seventh day of January,, 1 aeluslve JACOB 6 4firt i tg i Esq., Terasurer, and Commht 960 ® 9 76 2 45® 290 145® 165 1 15 ® - 1 20 - 7.1,® 77 aliment, In account with the county of Adams DR. Castle hands of Treasurer at last set- -* ... ..... 12,131 60 Outinanding County Tax sod Quit lionts in hand* of ixillectors. 10,102 00 Lonna from Bank and 'sundry 6.omona 6,107 73 Amount of County Tax and Quit Rents loweaaril for PC ... . _ 29,= 73 Cash from Philip ......... Jury 71 00 .. . . ........ Jatnen .1. Fink, Tor roil for °Mil. ..... .. 20 00 Jaeob A, Kitimat lier, coal for office, 2 ytt . in Ott Adam W. Minter, I,lllkl for office, I year 20 00 For old lumber of bridges ........ ~....... 40 40 From .14Itn At. WnU, Ego., liner . .. Si 00 Dividend from Water Contpany, for . .. . 13 10 Exonerated tax.... 2 64 A , Plit If mat taxl23 4t, italotnet , tine Trea%urer by county . .. .. .15 45 By out/066818g Lax. for 1665.. 1866 _ _ 1887 . Ferm for * 13 " 1885, * Orts 3s 15../ " 1887 EsonPrxtlonm (or . .... 72 82 Wl' 33 27 52,1.1 50 Mom moment,' on ::::::::::: „416,102 42 Trenburr conuanunon.. . 72i lit 1111E33 Stele Mize. due Cbuney. To umuuntofoutsancultug 23,iiulllaState Tux due'txitulty.., ElLi 38 Amount outstanding }I lull/ Mate Tux due man1y_........... .. 48 /2 1.4 , th 1,71114 17 1,811 12 1,T44 1,C.; ; 1,708 1.; 1,1K7 41 1,Iro" 1 • CR. By amount of outatanding 2' ¢ mi II State Tux due county..— $24 4. Antouut of outatandiug mill State Tax due county.. . - 4 / Itr. . F., allowed . . .36 ; Exonerat lona allowed eon...atom . _ 2 79 Baluotee duecounly I, Treasurer... 4U nt t 74 12 Wl' 51 r.r/o.f rufnig. nI To amount of oolginntllng .11illtnyy .A.r ' oo::t 7.. tt• 11l V.II n exonerallonq allowed fur+ haat., clue umniy .511 Couvry Bounty. . DR. To amount of outmanding County =tt=l 1.., iK i 5 4., • Rr taunt ontsUmding County 311 46 Fe.n aowtal voile/10N 4.5 a 7 Exuma-allow+ allowed 1 . „ 1,,tr . !I Belem , due mai l'ream . OEII Wc,llic Auditor• of the Co ref Ada its, I'eIItItIVIVIIW fa, elected nod as con In por aUallee of 111101, do ',Nat that we met, aid audit, .aid adjust, according to daw, the account s of the Treasurer Imd rotandssinnere of said moun ts., ....mmenclng nu the Re, enth day If January. lan7, to the net enth day of January, A. It., 141,-1.01 do) s lnelleuve., that said accounts, as settled above and entered on record In Settle ment Book In the rommiNsioneta' Inner of Ad am...county. is correct, and than we nail a ha.. an re..l at Jacob Rhesus, Eau., Tr..asurer. of Adana, county, of County Taxes, thirty-nye dollars and fort% -nye run la, Intis 4.sjand a balance due coun ty by ensurer, of State Tuxes due count, of forty-nine dollars and twenty-alms centa, ts 49 29,1 and n balance d U.-county by Treasurer of Relief Fonds of one hundred .alt 'twenty-eight dollars. and tl fty into, .8 50,) and a balance due coun ty by Treasurer of County Bounty of sixty-two donut...and forty-nye cents, (38.1'15,, and in out standma County Taxes twelve thousand six hundred and twenty-nye dollar' and sixty cents, 1812, 8 41 d 3,, outstanding ~fate Taxes due county of sixty -tour dollars and eighty-seven (384 97,1 outatandlng County Bounty of twenty ttve and forty.mx cents, 426 48.1 JACX)B C. PITTENTURF, • HENRY L. BREAM. Fob. 7, 41 Auditors. THE HOWE SE TY.I.7VG .M.ICHL7rES ! Cri The most Perfect & Reliable in America! The highest premiwn—the Cross of the Le gion of Honor:and Gold Medal— awarded at the Partila-z 00 .1 1,240 19 ;AI 00 , position, 1887. Every kind of work ran be done on them For Role at Geo. Jaeobß & Tiro's. Store, Mum- 4101 41 7E, 1,501 17 5117 twesbure. street, Etettesbnrg, where they can be lognzifi apera t ting nod *lying full Inottruetions on Et= 4T(41:0. JAL'ORS R BRO. are the only Anenta for Adama c0.,..ra. Circulars containing price hat. dr., can be had by addressing them. MEIMED 75 03 12,700 00 CABINET-MAKING W. B. Itidler. U.1.V1:4C: located In the town of NEW OX IL FORD,: dam saunty, Will awry on the businessoteabinet.m Akins, in xlll4 brauches. EMI 3 011 'VI OD 2SI 00 IN, 00 FURNITURE kept on hand and nisde to Order. Ile will al.° keep for wile a ehohro l mortment of CHJA.I.RS. The Invites the cillzuns of the town and nor rounding country to give him n call, os be will sell an low as con be purchased at any other phew. He will guarantee Ids work to he node up to the hest manner, and of good materials. New Oxford, Jab. Si, .18Ktr E 3 3 MS Ei1:1 MEI Register's Notices. 4400 • 11 12 105 ul XTOTlCElitiereby 'givcal to all Legatees and Vl other persona concerned, that the Admirdip. tnation Amounts hereinafter mentioned will he presented at toe Orphan' Court of Adams county, for contrmation and allowance, on TOMDAY, the:eth day of 1,464, o'clock, A. M., r u : lelti,"The list and final ambunt of Pins P. Fink and Joseph Fink. Administrators of Joseph Fink. dmetated. 104. Amount of David Satirhangh, Gnarllan of Calvin David Pensyl and George Edward Pausal, minor children of Jamb PenAyl, doeeaard, settled by John liars, 0, En 4., Administrator of said Da vid liaurbaugn, deceased. 105, The nisi and final amount of Israel Hart man and George Richert, Adminhdrators of John Hartman, late of Hamilton township, deceased. 104. The account in harauel Lentz, Administra tor of Mary Lentz late of Butler township, dee'd. 107. Guardianship account of William Wible, Guardian of David Lpther Plank NW Anna Ma ry Louisa Wilson, Cato Plank,) minor children of John Plank, Jr., deceased. W, D. HOLTZWORTH, Wester. Jan. 31., leff7„. tr "9 OD 109 00 2000 til Ou - 2.966 71 1.50 00 EMI 50 00 ,211 04 .10 00 50 IV NJ 00 555 77 00 307 34 puhlle Is hereby cautioned against troat -1 ing JOHN DILLON, of Franklin township, 01l ray account, as I will pay-no debts of hLs con tracting. WM. fiREPARD. Fut:Win fp-, Jan. 31, ISdI. 31 plO 9000 4.43 GI 64;10 60 00 4:12 00 600 NOTICE. flitHE Adams heretolbre existing between J. Ma undersigned in the Produce and Forward ing blabber ems dissolved oa the drat day of January MM, by mutual moment The books or amounts wad MI- unsettled boldness have been lea in the hands of Rufus E. Only, I. Is dal v authorised tohettle up the mme. will be found at the Wamtumse now In the moons n e7 or Meson, Erigham A Oobeaa. All persons In terested are required to call sad wattle. HENRY 017 LP GEO. A. EAILAHAW. Jan. 17, IBBF, tf rt,103 00 F 3 r: aw TI 45= lid IT,lff. V TS Si 12X:E3 LWILL be In Gettyabdirg FLOUR, dr., OD every MONDAY sad .IDAY, Melee week. Mee who may dedre me to tarnish them *Mk eltlrer - Floar w Feed Stuff will leave their enters either pith John aulamer, or Danner it Ziegker.mating the kind end quantity, widen the eerie will be delivered at their dwell ONOROM OINGELL. Mot. 5.1847. tr DB EECEI areentors' Notioe. TAroe iJLICYE ESTATK—Lettets testamen ts hasp-ces the estate if ;swab Wick late of Der v** tewnahip, Adams scanty, kW, deceased, hawing twen-Wilted to the nailemisned. the drat named'seidding to Fervidl towaSkin. rota county, and the but named r e ealsiag g erw i c k township, Adams oonntY, kOOOL.) , gPOL no tice to all persona LlideOLOtt to said caste to make ininspilate - mment, pad thaw ,1 4 ,,Ang claims aireltud the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement JOILN LILICU FREDERICK &LICK, Jan. 10, 11185. ;St. Executors. E272i1 k 91XID for the eyes, to esil Ltd look through the ilkteoulvo stock of oil Mods of Ocala, a vox!. erpfer is and_ resit Witco/ Vesta st EE E3ZE 02100001fTtlf. 1125 4., 1f 34 44 OM CM= MO 5240 Ou IAI 2a 10,45 J 6.4 EMEEI lEEE s:* 7u 9172 "2 - Eti's T r.. ai.wed collect. ME MEI OEM NOTICE NOTICE PUBLIC S.4LE nv VALUABLE I'IT.BONA PIWP FAT the day of next, vo the ruheeriher, hue mina( to retuot e, m 111 r• 11 rtt PUbll. !mil( , tlj Id. restinenoe, In butler town ship, Xdattis via tits, one northeurt of Asendtat Me, two mlL•rMwt of Middletown, and near Ittllln n, oat The told MINK." burg road, the lullowlng Personal l'rutarty, vi.• 1 31.1111 i, I t'OW, I 1 Itare.rin-fitint lug Dog, the hest lu tht county, I threshing ma elou. , 1 siege', :in I hos, plough , and 1111.11,W., bill/lel ploughs eorn forks, 2 .. •t,. 0i1 - nage ,pl , ll, :did . Itrpllc, and blind 1.6111.1, 111111,11, .OW chitin..., 44.0110 Kali rind,-tow., non fork, rake, mattock., rhos els, grain crailhat, mos nig tip ~ grind stone.: a lot of two-Inch oak plank, lneort and chestnut a lulu( Old with ...- tin ,Lek of flow...hold and Kllllll'll Ftlflllinro Oil good—veil as 2 triti-: VI'S, 7 FIED'iTEADS, 2 dining and breakfast tank., 5 wets tit chairs, one ranc-bot tont, 6 roeking 1 corner cupboard, 2 Ainkr, 3 a - A.111111.11115, / chest, carpeting, looking glataen cook !OM t• It'll! fixture., 2 ten-pixie stoves and pipe, I large alekettle, 2 small do., I kettle, putr, pa .1 rark., cptwnr-ware, tin mare. croelter)-ws , tubs, meat ‘eloWni, rider hat 1 . 0.4, Si ids other article., too 1111111ehltIS To 1111.1111011„ Sale to I.ollllllelnT Itl It O clock. A. 3f., on said day, Elton ItileillittllnW will lee given aud tendsnuide known =9 JOHN , HAN., Allet 101,1efT Jan. 11, t+• PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. fWEDNEADAY, the 4th day of MARCH next, the subseriber, Intending to remove eat, will sell at Public Sale, ut his residence, in Stnition township, Adams county, four miles north of Get() Itialrg and two miles soot h of Los et's mill, near the C-arllslo road, the follow list Personal Property, vi?: A No. i PALE OF MULES. I good Horne, nix Urnt-rare Mileh rows ' I floe 2 Shoals, I I a o.honite Wagon, 2 No I'1) ott lug Wiggles. one _a Ith spread, 2 sleighs, I winnowing mill, cutting box, hay ladders, 2 long Indira, shovel plough, 2 single shovel ploughs, corn fork, hat row, , oat rm erer. a heelharrow, sets brteehlsmals, 2 seta front gears, 3 sets liar net.a, two of them early 111. W, : I Lding. said is, collars anal bridles, 2 pair buggy linen, 1 pair cheek lines, halters and chains, log chains, 2 sets traces, breast chains, doable alai single-trees, furls rokes, 4111al 2 grain a radien, loom Mg the., strings sleigh tails, hay by the ton, (tax in the bundle, &e.; with household and Itit , lll , ll t tinal , lll,, onslating su pant of etaltl: STOVE Z. I'IXTURES, 1 tam-plate tatop e alit pipe, it 1411,10.14, a lot of chair., 2 roeXing hairs, bureau, lounge, I. bedsteads, ontel vup towed stain', 2 elie.ds, a ...paling looking glannes, spinning wheel and read, large iron aettle, pots told pans, queens-al tire, tin-ware, ernekerv as are, idiom, tubs, I mckoln, at. at ye bort els, fisl or MO ispu Sala 01 liaised and hard by the pound, apple-butter by the crock, IL lot of Ere, ss end maps, with a variety of other art tele, tat ILO /Ill,olls to mention, Sale to commence. at 9 o'clock, A: M., On mid day, when attendance wilt be gI N to and ternot made known by I=l JoIIN Aurtionot s Jan. Jl, nos, tM• PUBLIC -MLE VAtI'ABLE PERSONAL Pr.,)PF.RTY ON TUF.SIAAV, the leth day of FrallttrAP.Y next, the bubsriber, Intending to telln qulsh funulue, trill bell at Public cmde, at hie rem dence, in MI lon t.loy townblllp, Adatas ("mint) on the road looting front Homey to Little.towa, on, tulle from tne farmer place and MN lillll, from the Lately the fullov. log Personal Prof, - 11.1.1Ati OP WORK YDR.-.F.14, lone a gnod fam ily home, one all elegant brood mare, six t earn old, 00011 full brad Cheater Lion riding una i t tog mare, tour yearn old, and one a full bred Morgan riding and Mil, log home,elght yenta TWo-Yertr-old Colt, S Mitch Cos, 5, tea of which WIII hr iresh at lime of sale, I Broad-tread Wag on, with bed, boas and enter, all In gated m der, wagon bed. mite belt, 1 pair hay carrlagea, 1 D4l - reaper and moue?, threaber and shaker, klarshear plough and almvel plough, aura fork, 3 sled, aureader, malls-green, doable nod triple-free, hub chains, log chain, wawaa gawk, breechlanula and fruit! net., hnidict , and collars, Mile, ti 1111 at arivty al min r art I. s. too nuntertals tU 11101111011. . Also, ut the sarfle time and pia,e, will be ...rid. I acre 4 ut ME TINIBEit our o two acre lota, insult pirellaaen, a,ale Itt commence at le n ctn. lc, A. M., on SUM dun, when attendance 14 ill I,ee wen and term.; made known by • - • • 1:LI.I.‘.11. KENIt , I , E. .1, , on E.i.t , K, Anrtiuu.•i t. Jan. :11. tO , o. ts REAL ESTATE AT MILD' SALE. N TI'F.RD %X, the Ilth day of FL:IR - WARY O next. tin Nttbxerthers, Execatorn of the 10 , 4 will and te.ta /avid it flear3 Wekitert. Sr.. /1. , will otter at nt the Lite i d. nee of '.ill (I.Yeat•itt, the follow ma Real R.- tate, %It _ , . A TItA(T OF LAND, Alt Wile it White Hall, 51 ountplefotant township, tflaina county, ad- Innuug hind, of Minton Horn tali, Jacob Parr, sad other, containing 11 ACM..., more or leas, - 1104 I InTessit rectett it large Two-taory BRICK ft 'AE, %lilt eight ram. and a 't 4 cellar, OlOO 'Wank Hom e, WOW MM.', 1 . 1 , 1 j Frame listen, Clltltetiter 1-110 p, and caner out-buildings; two wells of excellent water. 11,1 e at the house and the 01 tier at the NMI, all ft sass Apple Orchard, and all other fruit. 'I he proper -1.) is in Bret-rateeepidr, and in one of the ino.st dmarahle homes In the county. The land to all under nom and rail few,. A ISO, A iIItALT OF LAND, near the NIKIN and nearly nppreate St. Luke's I 'hureh, 10.1011111114 lands of Alelchoir Nicks,. Upton Furreat, and others, containing a AI RES, morn or less, about I'4 Woodland. The improvements are a one and a half story LOG WEATHER BOARDED HOUSE, with a Mhop attach- g ed. 1..; Stable, and other oat-buildings; stood well of water at ..he door, with a variety of enuice [MIL -Persona wishing to view these properties are requested to call on either of the El:eel:tiers, residing in the Immediate neighborhood. Pale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. N., on said day, when atkindanoo will be given and term, made known by _ . _ . . HENRY A. AVF.IKERT, JAMES C. DUTTEItA, ADAM OAATI.Et, Auctiolierr. Ex ecutorN., Jan. 91, ielk. te• -__PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, ON THURSDAY, the 19th day of MARCH next, the sabacrlisar, Intending to quit farming, will sell at Pula*Male, at Ms revildence, In Ger many township. Adonis county, one mile north ot Littlestown, near the lionaughtown road, the following alinable Personal Property, tis • 4 HEAVY WGRE: 1.1011-ahli, I`,- tra stock, end very . valuable, 6 M Lich lowa, 1 Bull, I }leiter, .1 first -rate bleep, 5 Wagons, , 01.1.. four-home broad-tread, one a tour-home narm, - tread, one a low farm wagon, nue a one-horse wagon. and the last a sprinu wagon I Engledi wagon bed, with owe eat riugi 4,, hay bidders, stone bed I moss er and reaper, self raker, I threshing ruschme and horse power, with double shaker, 1 spring-tooth rake, grain drill, nom fodder cutter, a liinnwing mill, cutting los e 3 long ploughs, 2 harrow., 3 single shovel ploughs, 2 corn Sorts, colds ator, sleigh and sled, a huge lot of and-rate horse gears, sets heal, v breech bands, 4 sets front gears, 6 housings, collars and bridles, wagon saddle, alg-horsa line, four-horse line. plough lines,ellecit lines, breast end butt chains, halter and • 'X cow chains, 2 fifth chains, 2 log chilli., spreader, double end single-freest 2 rUi/ enull es and 3inowing scythes, grain shovel, manure and pitch forks, shaking forks, mat tocks. shovel*, 3 long ropes, IA Ith a large t nosey of otherarticles, too numerous to mention. Sale to commen , ,• sit 10 o'clock, A. 31., on said de". when attendance is di he given and terms Mute known by =I JAroiT K. it Auctione,r Jan. %.118.4. I'l, - BLIC SaILE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TRIIIbsDAY, the sth day of .11.%11CH next, 1,..1 the sabseriber, Intending to quit farming. will sell at Public vale, at his resice. in litt ler townubtp, Adonis d den ainty, on the road leading from Israel Bricker's mill to Bender's church, two miles mouth of Center Mille, on Conoss ago creek, the following Pensonal Property, viz: 2 FAMILY MAILLI3 one with foal, both young, and will work any pines., 1 Two-yearling Colt., .1 Mulch Cows, one fresh ut the present time, 1 two or three-hone wagon, narrow trend, 1 rne..ittsway buggy, ea good as new, boggy h.:meek hay lad deri, wood ladders, winnowing mill, cutting box. : 1 1o r lifil r" e s k ;:dv 2 el P p in lfsig h h . , l harrow, I cultivator,ooln gl c ' ov a k7r d er l , double and single-trees, three-tiorse-treen, horse Rears, .11Chbre , NlIbillatIN, front gears, collars, brldlee, halters. Ilaes, wagon saddle, as is as new, cow elfin,, forks, mkes, I one-home spreader, grain emile, scythes and ennuis, bar rels, 'Meat vessels, wane Issuefurnitute, and a great many other articles, too numerous to men tion. Sale to commence at '1 o'clork, A. M., on said day, when attendance w ill be given and terms made draiwn by DANIEL BLAYEAUGH. JOHN HANES, Auctioneer. Jan, 31, lieki Gs A GOOD FARM AT PRIVATE HALE. mriE undersigned Mills at Private Sale, agood j_ FARM, situate in Franklin township, Ardente county, about i miles south of Casidown, adjoin- Mg lands of Arnold Livers, Peter Henry, Arum and °them. imolai:Wag, 2M AeR more or le., about tat acre'. being cleared, andAhe bal ance FIRST-RATE TIMBER, Locum., Chesnut, Rock Oak, Bieck Oak and White Oak. There is a constant stream' of water through the farm, with &good saw mill cite, and water Le all the ‘ftekts but one. The impro• emeriti are a Two-story LOG HOUSE, Summer Bitch- Fff en, Smoke House, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Hog Pen, and other "va , out_builiu.,.. There is an ex... Rent, Spring at the door, and there are two young Apple Or chards on the property. The farm will be said on easy terms, and divi ded to suit purchuseni. A tavern stand orpri vale dwelling would be taken in part PAY. FPl mm wishing to view the prem." are requested to call on the undersigned, residing then. OEOR6E DAYWALT. Jan. 24, Its Robert: D. Armor, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, East Middle 1., Witt:quart iron the Cburt-Amin, GETTYSSOSOI, PA., WILL promptly attend to all orders In his line. Work dour In the Most satisfactory manner, and at prices as low as can possibly be afforded to make allying. OAS PIPE famished, as well as Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights, dc.; also WATER PIPE, Moils, Top and Frost Spigots, and, In short, eve ry thins belosigiug to gss or water as tures. Bells hung, and Inruudaed If desired. De.. 13,1607. tt rr 41{,a,g VI W 8 of the Battle • or retr., Fen' low. Alm). 'r :V. 'IC Aftjae &Ape Field at the $ • b! 'Gal leas. Driget,4llitirooPresn. 'e GtO to DUMMY WC:Wiwi% • on Cn=weett t7o►nEt Or the trepan: I PUBLIC SALE I lIF N . ALLABLE PEW'S iNA L PIiiMEHI ON WEDNESDAY, Ho' Kith day of M ARCH next, the sal. , 1111.1,1111 g to quit torn, lilt; and hint.eaeepitiA, h 01,lhat K 1 1 ,11 ., Silly, at his redden,,', 'I., the old Plaimbershurg turd, about a ni ilid a half west .of MuminaaNtrg, A.adds vomits . , the following jahluble Petaollll Pr kp. et v. NI:. a V, IME ‘all ver.4 young. bat Iwo, Sind stork rim, litre-one IV will be four stur. oid too,t Nortrliy a rtrsa-ratto loader, and rrs goutla,, 211 r old i olt, One-veer old ono, ou , and Y. don;; Pati 11 0 .2`, , nail sl e ep, Wagon. Loom. oo Prowl-tread, for hair or six horse, firs, ean't IM ta No MI I Allot. Rost, tooth an goo I ... nau : one a four-boraa Norma-trend, and Ina othar lo or ono or to t Morsels, as gnat an 54•Nr,), , t,an• Bad, Hav Owning - a., Has tart 1,,d , 1eN, $1,1 . 411, I Neu"Parealitne. Maahnia, lth I amide shaki•r.iiiiii Pow, r, Mar N9P will 1 / 4 , el Jll , k and , Inip. a ot I inaiper and hit ,1, al anad a. good a. o o w 1 , I TuttiDlll, I spring -moth Rain Drag Rake, ng fi st, Rotting !tare*, Corn oh, liar, coa l I pair al SlttO Ittlltuers, gliree-hone Ploughs, 2 fan-horse dongli, }narrow a, insulin and Sin gle',hocel Plough., lorn Fork,, Thr,e-norag.- t reas, Doolollt and •-trers, .1:sprolto ter., a full oats of e‘aellerit M'agon u, Ora, all lit good order, Plough Hears, Fly Nei, Horse Mankato. II Halt er, and Chaltot, COW Breast and Butt I donna. Filth I Indus, Itouzli Liwk, Nix-horse Line, l'hough tones, I 'hark Linea, 2 .rain shm e4a, Pork's, linkao, :4_ Half BOK:1e , , I's,' Barker, Riding Saddle and Bridle., Slit Onddlr , 2 need Cntill, ttrindo _Flax finikaa, one naw , patent, Jackman,. Jaegarter, I 'row, lit saw, Yost Boring Machine With lneh auger, Dig ging Iran Orowbar Mattock, shovels, Maul and Wedgeii, Hand Az, Broad Az, Point mg Az Stone Hammer, good Clovenavd Mol e, and main oth er farnilli,2 utensils, 160,11(.41 hold and Isitt h en Earn:tun , sit, it :Is TA.BLES IND PHA His, 11 , 1 ,,, n.1 Bedateadii, fore!- laloo% Mxturva, Teti-plate Sim. • ana piny, Porn, Cuplozati, sink. stand, Lookdig Lkurrana, M Box., Varna:MA, large wheel, sp.uning Wheel and Beal, lark, Como,. Kettle Braiaino,, UP Pot. ;I Q.'. RN, MY, 'flux urn, litickats, 'fun., clown \ leat KotOsafroo tirindel and Nl tim.r, lard Preto, Larot Carta, Bacon Its toe [atonal, Shot Unit : awl u sarloot) of oI line articles, too 111111loortals to meld ton. Sal.• to 0r...n0n., at 9 o'elovk, A. Al., on Raid (I.V, when actendunig w4l be given mid tering maile knots a ht =9 /AMU MICK LET. Auctioneer. Jan. 21. !Mos. tr.* PUBLIC MLE OF' VALC.IBLE I'EItsONALtOPERTY UNDAV, the 'tab of 11.11a711 next, till' k r / suneerllwr, intending to quit tanning, will ^ell at halt at lfn rusldr ore, 111 Fnittklin town,lifp, .Ititttn. county, lon out of lienjunan Ue al dont n Lino... one-fourth of a Intl,' from the Houterstown road, and Inc halitetnitlnet• front to Wu 10.11, the fobowing I ales hie I'e I.ototl I'l open v, I tz.,; 1..1D la. NV, /It K. lit HiSFS, I o-year-old Colt, I 1 earling ('olt, Ii Mich Cour, Neventl ar ne fn sh b) the Unto al soled 4 head 111 nue r‘usrt, t Ta o-year-old Bull, a Itmtattlit I unlit:tat, 4 Heifers, 1 bead at tliteep, 2 shoatr, I Three-melt-trend Wa gon, as gust 13. nen., Wagon Ford Trot.gh, tipring-tooth (take, us good as nest, I Patent Hay Pltelier t with laxly feet ol rope and fixtures, I drat-rate \llanowltig_Mill,leinttre's montane tare, tut Box, I Hay Knife I pair Hay Lad lit 11.,) Long Ladder. Dung Boards, I nletah, I Litne rded, 2 Long !' loughs, 2 nlngle Ploughs, Corn Forks, 1 Corn lover,. l Hal row, I \\11.4.1-Irarrit,V, nets Itryveliba oda, ax good as lit , I 2..1 Fronl Ge.a, 1 Buggy (tuna,.." I `el FI , N, to, i Ilotong+, 1 .gnu NVIOp, 1 agou Satt,ll.., I Rifling iNaddle. Lines, C'ollan4 and lirt filen, Halters and Chain Cow Chains, Log and Fifth Chains, 2 arts Itat Trac4 , . - 1 x, I 131 ant Chains, Donnie and Stn tie-tree., " Sprmders, Jock, ) SI Irks, I Pool.; F ark., Pilch - Fork, oat. Forks, link. r. Mho, el+, I rowhar, Duna Hook, Matt,ak, ' , hay Ina liar.% I :rindMono, OMIT) I'lll - I• none, im , W luo .rllhen, 11 lot of lags, old Ingt, k, , lot it Cern ht the loWn I.— , )1;, VI.: and }, Uri., ..21nrislind+, des, roat 00..1 11,n. I", Petatio, to I lo• InWo•I, owl a 4,1 ..11n., articleN, too is too uron, to 00.11'. Lon. An.", udi serif vreil, 2P, res Rfaln In the Ground, will, h proall,g well. out, to 4'011011 , M . itt la o',•lock. A. M., nn Nnlil ,iii. u hen lan•mlune , ni hi LW gi nand term,. nutde known b.) PF:TER It. MILLER. Jot .\ .1 in, 21, IM.r. I PUBLIC &ILE t a , VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. the I tth of EEIIIWARY next O , , the subseriber, Intending tomtit farming, wilt :it Pubite Sile. tit 110. reshbittee, In Stnthrm toWniattit, Atiantit county, near the York Turn pike, 2 milts from itettyshurg, on the I'n - tittle farm, the nillowlng Pertiureil Property, viz: .tckniU WI 111 1111 1101tSES, .2 noires with Mal, I a nest lender,! 2 earllng Colts, 3MI hilt Cows, el 111.1 IN• fro,ll by the time ml Rate,t I votingbe.- on H^lier, with cult, I owng ftevon Bun, ti hi ad 01 )oung, Int Ile, 1 Brood Sow, chi ster blot-o.lllloe Bum . met Itarneits, t new Sirtigh, 1 k , st.t.Tit o-hi ise Wagon. I tint-rate I [tree-horse plough, harrow, 2 double shovel ploughs, nett' Clam-letrg Fanning Mill, Tittynnltliti lieu. nt, I g.ssi cutting 'nit, 2 Sc? breeelthands, iron! g. oilers and halters, forks, rakes, 0h0t,.101. •010,10 111111 klollol,tr , s, and all oilier laT111101; not herein mentioned, with household mud kitelten Cu mit ure, Ruch Its T il,E.s, tit tits, ten-plate al are and pipe, lien- R, bar els, me it tt•ottil , , altd. oi 1- 100 1111110,010. to 100111100. vommence nt to o'clock, A. M., tin inn, hen atiotntnnet will be given and terms wade known by " :,1.4)N I:R dune Sr tl.l-41( !TIT On the wimp tiny anti at the same place, n he sal Intencting to quit house-ktyping, will sell at Public Nat., the lotion Mg Personal Prd perty, s iz : I Mint-site Mulch Cow, 2 shoats, also house h..ll and kitchen furniture, Knell as dining is hie set tee, rocking chair, a lot 01 other chair., sink, sau.age emitter and statrer, lard press, meat venal, churn, ,upper kettle, dishes, pots, tubs, barrels, benches, and a variety of of her articles, too numerona to mention. Attetalanee given and 1. rut, made known IM rHO'iTLE. Jan. 34, /SM. to PUBLIC SALE. ON FRIDAY, the 21eit of FEBRUARY next. the subscriber will sell at Public sale; at his resi dence, in Huntington township, Adams county, on the ro.vt lead: int trom Frostier Nllt :o Peters bur„, and half is mile north of Heiken' filetory, the following Personal Property, via 2Hi I.D OF WORK H01040:4, (4 years old this spring,) 3 3111 ch Cows, 1 to lie fresh by the time of sale 13 herd of Young Cattle, 4 Sheep, 2 Four horse Narrow-tread Wagons, Spring Wagou, as good an psw, Wagon Lied, Hay Carriages, 2 sleds, ploughs and harrows, cultivator, corn fork, horse gears, such breechistnds, oollars and bridles, me-horse hue , harness and Lames and long traces, butt chains, Mauer., boxes, barrels, of old Iran, long straw by the bundle, %Ito other farm articles. Also, a kitchen cupboard, sod a variety of other articles, too numerous to mntion. „de tOVo6l.lllltlee at 12 u M., on .141 day. a hU n nt nonl owe v.:11 be en and terms made baton n Irk I= MC= EIMSESKI PUBLIC S'.I.L.E. r I N. Tr Ett4MAY, the Lid of MARCH next, the Nri4teril3er, Intending to quit tartning, w 111 Nell at Public tfaln, at, Um rettidonott, two miles north of Littleatown, Adana manta% ou the Run aughtown road, the jollowing Personal Propert3, viz: 3 'ARAI) OF WORK HORSkla, 1 Colt, riaing two yt dm 4 Mileh Cows, 2 Young }tulip+, a lot 01 Shoats, 1 hour-horse IVagon, I Three-horny Wa gon, as good as new, Wagon lied, Hay I 'arrlages, Thremblng 31dchinr, with double altaker. Rcatallr and Mower, vi•ll-raker, Rugg* . look, 3 I , Jongi,, inarrowa, cultivator, 2 altovel ploughs, L eorn Corks, I..nd roller, double and mingle-tree 4, spread ers, 4 ..et.• home gear, wagon saddle. halter. and ham., log elision, aces ut \\ - hr at and S atrea or 113 o In the ground. I,OIK ['V VE awl tope, lot, 111'11 eupbord, and a strict) of nth, arta lc+ too tutoterow, to men -11,11. A credit of month. will be elven on all Knot. 141. Sale to et.”111111. 1 11ve .11 10 0 clock, A. M., on said day, when ottendnute will Inc given Inc JAMF>.4 W. f4TALEY J ICON KLt•NE. Aurtiontvr. ILI:MM=IIESI PUBLIC SrILE. ON Tl*l.ls DAY and WEDNESDAY. the 2.ith and 'nth flaps of itY next, the auto intcndlua to retool, and change bust nem will at Public Kale, at her atom, at &lat. D. Newinan , i, In Mocuujoy townkleip, on the (let tyabo rg and Lit t leytown turnpike, t hog property . , y la Her t ntire nto,k of PRY GOODS, Hata and Mines, queemiwarte Groceries, tau. Also, I good Family Mare, a 111 wont any where, and a better loader cannot be had ; lone or two-home wagon, with Harm's , the wood work of a !spring wagon, I Rockaway Buggy, with tumbling neat nod har ness, I single shovel ',lough, saddle and bridle, cow chains, 3 set, short trace', I set of breast cholla+, I mattock, 6.. e.; also, 1 cook stove and natures, 1 large table, I corner cupboard, 1 ward robe, butter churn and buck, patent trashing machine, and other ut‘leles, too numerous to mention. . . . Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on each day. AttendaneP RI% en and terms made known by - A. M. ?AMER. Jan.:ll, INA tn. PUBLIC SALE DM= PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTI ON WEDNESDAY, th e 12th o( FP,BaKaRy next, at I o'clock, P.M. the andendarted ill sell at Public tialeapt the Farm on Marsh creek, half-way betweenlaresua's Mill and the Bridge, the following valuable Personal Property, Yix 4 WORK HORSES, 1 fresh Much Cow 2 Wa gon., 3 Plough., 2 Harrows. 2 Corn Cultivators, Wind 31111, Home Geeirx' and other farming then eels. 4/so, MONTI ACRD, more or leas, of said Farm, with Improvement.. Attendance veal be given and terms made known on day of sale by J. B. CRAWFORD. Jan. 17. 1867. is Ezeoutor'e Notioe. EMILY WFllsEura kliTATE.—Letter, testa mentary on the estate of Henry W.*k.rt.sr. to of Mosintpleasent tatensllip t Adanui county, dosed., having been muted to this u std nohow in the same township, WdjLero by give notice to all penotui mda6ted to said es tate to make immediate payment, and those haring etalms against the same to present them properly antheisticatedlor asttletnead. HENRY Wk.! Kllar, Ja.. J %N HS C. 1.01.111103 k, Jan. Id. Mt it = Euctitors. WESTERN LANDS, tI4I.LAVE porno [doable 'WYSTICON LANDS wirier' will mule for ono oflllollr All4Ollll comity, 'not laturoore weal tooated,and very rtottroble firrottrtg. /lAA, apikgtlm dwitned SISJOINNELISOFF. GettyNburg, April 3, MA tit 'DOR Detainee, Mohan -8. A/panes, Lustre% lie r Lamle. Nelda, Poplins, midges, masks, te.,ine ladies should cryll and see the near al . ROW e FACEI3,--Jurt reoetvad imotber supply COT ' t esors, PArops, Brushes soil *lap. st ROT d; woorr LARGE SALE Ur PRRSON AL PROPERTY LIN TIII'ItSDAY, the '.'7tli of FEBHU.IftY \_/ next, the -theicriber, intending to quit farin ing. will bell tat Public ..Sfale, at the re.ddenev, rafalls; hrdf • mac of }'airfie l d, Adams counts; on the read Irma Fairfield to a .ettykinarg, the Ml low ing • ainable Persomil Property, • ix 5 1 Lil * NL. 51011 K o Milt (owa , It helot taunt. Cattle, 1 •oung Devon Buil, 3.; Lund of Sheep, 10 head of Shoats, 4 Waarra, tone a to ./c1 I/mud-treed. one :a frsr-horse narrow - tread,ne a ttroaleette sprlnn YanKOn, etta the other a one•hor‘ta seeing wtatton,ll,lane Red, I pair hens a St tout tot flare Ladder, l pea Mac a Ur ring", 1 goal It , iper end Mower, I 'I lareelttnn M o him //1141 li en. Pow cr, I Wit..-tooth Winnow nag Mill, rutting 1105 , ..: nets lirvet Lund., 4 MI. }"rout Gears, ail Inravy and as goo 91 u• nee, wale Pledge- Leon:, 2 rata Buggy Har m Bradlee, Wagon huddle, Lines, lire 01 .alui Butt a hems, Halter and Coe U 11.11114, Lon Chants, l'lttla Lod. chuln., /tough k and ('ratter, I.tnhlennd t ingle-t me, spread ; I: ird.estr 'stun el Pentglas, 4 loouble -.bowl Ploughs, i Hairnets, 4 l'ultit a tom 'OrWCOVCCI•III, Jack-a..rea , Jack-arter, F. , 41 Trough., (frail, a nodes, Mowing so then, “rnin shos els, a re. -bar, Mettoeks,legg . inn Iron, tome seeen. , Rakes, 4.arloa, sato, ets, ger, a Johets. Plaiseh, ate.. u /urge lloalde Land at large Ikailde slid. a pair •at Rubbers, at of Slits I..'a Ills ....apt, of 111.1.rt-1/1 11/I o, Rousebola and 14 lichen eurnitaire, reach hat TABLE , ‘ ANL; CHAIR:9, Rocking Itethlewis, f l arikding, cook Stove and I.lxtnrea, Ten-plate Tin and ( rockery-were, with other/Wailes, 11. nurneneut 1.0 mention. ERMs:—All saline of ten dollars and under, east; , ani ell Hums above ten dollars, credit of ante • ear will be gis en, the purchaffergiving note with appro•ed securtt•. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. A.M., When at tendunee w in be given lay Ci Et E FISCEL. let t Lom SMITH. Auctioneer. Jun. '7. Iw. th PIrEI,IC SALE V kla'.llll.F. PERSONAL I'IIOPERTY. t"." (AN TI'ESI)AY, the :al day of MARC*L tS#l, the sohwribt r, Intending to Quit tanning, will seil at Public Sale, at tint residence, in Stratton township, :tatots county, on tine rind leading front liuntendowil to Gettysburg, one tulle front the fomier ploee, and four from the latter, the follow we Per‘onal Property, 4 IIE 1U tit , l it Nil WORE lIORsDA, ( I a mare s Rh h a d, 2 of them good lead hottest 1 TN old 1'01t,4 Mitch Cows, hUI yodng, some will Is tresh tit limy of taile,i 2 Durham Bulls, two neon of 1 , t, Betters, s !Ashley Sin ep, I large Brood sow, 11 shoat I htior-horve Narrow-tread V, 414011. AS gal xs mew, 1 Spring Wagon, Hay Carriages, F, ednough.l Carriage, tor 'one or two horses, 1111,1 Ilallll,ll, I PT..' Carr iiige sitrmil. I new Sleigh and lie, I !tall (lido Reaper, I's make, as good as newd 4 Ploughs, Vito of theft ttoom , , Steel rtoo,zh, Harrows, 21 ant Forks, :1 Double Slone] Plough-, I iron, I wooilen it It 11 Meet xltoyei, , I Slow', ,/1000.1 Plough, 1 Corn Phinh t, Iteb e rt', paten TO Land Roller, I Wire tooth tlay Bak. I Drag Rake, I limn. Fan I Corn Sheller I r iirlieler, 1 patent Hay Fork, 1 one Melt and a halt Rope, It; leer lung, 1 Univer sal lies Peed Cutter, 1 Hay and Straw Cutter, Two and Throe-horse bouble-trers, Single-trees., I pair Plough Wheels, tog ('hale, Cow Chains, Halters and I'lll\llll,, lireeelibuils and l'ruppen4, Wagon stulille, side Saddle, a BUnd Bridles, 2 Lead Bridles, 11111111 g Bridles, 4 pair Fly-Nets, OS 'paid as new, 1 Plough Lines, I pair Cheek kites, 4 Housings, Forks, blokes, 2 Oats Fork., I Grain l'ratile, Hots lug Scythes, (torn ClioppeM, apd all other kinds of tarniina utensils not herein Ines ith Household and Kitchen Eurniture, 4.11114 2 CoItNER (*l'PlitoAltie:. 1 Ten-plate Flo, and Pipe. Harrel-, Meat Vesta +, Tuba, tluelceta, and a s nrletq oi otla '1...t01e., too llama:mu% to no tlon. to evnnno•n. at Inn clock, A. M., on ,al.l day. when attend w. . Hill be gie.•a and tel tux made known by JOHN. G. COLBERT J“lt 4 141.1+41711, netioneo . . Jan. 17, I+o, Is PUBLIC SALE OF A 1.1'.1131.F: PEIL.4OS4.L PROPERTY Inttat.llag to quit farming, wilt _L. 'tall at Pnbitv Hale, at Mr reaklenee,two Lanett t.ett gln . g. th. , tlarrlaburg nail, on TIII'IIsDAV anti FRIDAY, , .7111 and lir l'ergonal 2 HE tr. OF WORK HORIAF-1111 calculated tor en her n ahlle or limmena, 0111' a noire hem, ail!) tool, I St../ Don (1 ) ears olliGl s ilera I Taylor stock—% ery gentle, and broken to work any where, 2 olts, one 3 years 01•1 WO one 2 yours oId; 5 Milch Cow, 1 thorough bred :Ayrshire Hull at tarot the old—pedigree can be had on day ...de; I bolt bboal, 7 mouths old; I Shorthorn, 43. ors old, 1 do., 2 month,. old; ließers good stock;^ Brood Clie.ter breed; 11.S , houts, all ('tinter; It, head 011111 in c•N ednlieep,Cotawald hr td—moat of them having been nelected from tle• bed stock in Virginia, In the tall of V agons-1 Broad tread light four horse, I light 2 h. .r.e, one Sigli•g do.; 1 fort—llr,ul tread; 1 Lillie buti„lu, su, , 1 Fulitug-top Buggy, tOs ittggl as new; I Threshing Machine, w 111, Id fool "Luker grt••••1••••1. 1 liar, :.burg Fanning 3/111s, hold's Patent ; I ; lover Hullerjust new-Re h r" Patent —the b, at In ow; li:hopping Rill—Bears Patent --calculated to chop ill kinda ;if grain; 2 Horne Fork , : ; ord criethers, for dumping corn to ear , Combined Heaping and Mowing MA eh 1:0, 2ot them second band; 2 Mowers, filau ant Bin key.. Patent ; 5 sulke3 corn Ploughs; N ire-toot I. Hay Rakes; 4 Grain, Drill. it 1111 Gu aoo attachment, trarranted to do good work; sleigh, 4 Pioughs, 2 Harrows, 1 Buulde Stu, el Plough. 1 rdngle do„ Corn Cultivator. Corn Cov erer. I Corn Shellers—one calculated for either lion, or hand power, lackwiew, Filth Chain, Log Chalon, y Itorsexpre vier, 2 4-horn' do., jamb., and single Tre.., Halter, Cog I 11;1111, Butt I 111•111., Ilmod cmille, raecs, Feed Troughs. Rail ( art loge, I sett heavy Elliptic Springs--one 1.1). the other a, Mattocks. Pick. Bruad-axe, Hand axe. Fork, Has. , Hum Wagon Cutting Bon, Home Ovum, Breechbunds, Front Gears, Plouglitlehrs, 1 set w eel Mn!, Gears, (hit Gears, 1 horse I btri/el4l{, Hr/.h. /4 and ( . (1/ alrg, Iy Net, a• good as new, 1. , lye-horse 1.11 t ,., Plough Lines. W. , - gon Nad 11e, Aiding Bridle., a lot of Barrels, Boxes, if"...siale to rommenoe at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said days, when attendance will be given and terms ramie known by WILLI.I3I WHILE. JOHN tilrAl./..111L1T11, Auctloitear. Jan. 17, lelda. to N. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY ON FRIDAY, the 23th day of FEBRUARY next, the subscriber, intending to quit fann ing, will sell at, Public Rul at his residence, In Hamilton township, Adams county, on the road leading front the (artiste Turnpike to the York Turnpike, two miles trout Abbottetown and the same distance trout New Oxford, the following Personal Property, viz: I H FAD UP WORK HOW-U. 14, (one an ;extra valuable horse, b years old, and one a brood turn ily Inns eo i to o-} Par old (bit, 4 first-rate Cows, 3 Heifers, 5 hulls, one a Durlmin, 2 Brood bows with I'ig. 1 Shoat, I Thane-inch Four-horse Wag on, nearly new, Sorrow-tread Wagons, ITo horse spring NVason, Hay Carriage,Threshing -Machines, 1 god Wire-tooth Hake, Oni.ln Drill, 1 good Buckeye Reaper, with all the [Douro. to it, 1 lialorr Plough, Harrow, Cultivator, Shovel Plough, Double am/Single-trees, Hind and Front (Rani, with l'ollart and Bridles, Halter Chains, (U. Chains, Butt Chains, Lug a halo, Spreaders, atui all other kinds of farm articles not lies Pin mentioned. Alto unne lintpiehold and Kitchen urniture. Sale to a mummer at 10 o'clock, A. M., on sold dav, when attendance will be given and terms made known by EMIMIMS] Anna OUTER, Auctioneer Jau. 10, 1464. t 0 PUBLIC SALE. OTUESDAY, the lath day Of FEBRUARY next, the subscriber, Intending to quit farm ing, will sell at Public sale. at his residence, in Huntington township, Adams county, two and half 11/111e% V. tot Pet ersburg,nad near FlPike`eN rel,tOrY, t tl. following Feismnal Property, viz: 2 BROOD M. 1111,, 2 Blooded Colts, 5 Mitch Con - s, twill I.e fresh m nearly KO by tile time of sale., I Log:. 111,11, : Narrow-trend Wagons, (1. four-horse. I three-Gorse, and the other two nor.. , Ploughs, and lint rows, torn Forks, Wag on Bed. Iles I .tirlders, Sled, 2 (kinds/one., Win .„, mg 11111.1 lilting Box ,• new Buckeye Reap er and Mower. only used last harvest: Shire man Pt patent Wu. -tooth Rake, self-discharger, new ; Drag Hoke; Horse Gears, with Collars, Bri dles. I,locs, Whips, he.; log Thais,. Halter and ( ON ( ' hslu. 2Sprraderx,lDollbter:ndtiingle-treer, Hay and Bung Forks, Hakes, Croa bar, liarryluil h1,11m..., 4h00 , -IL, lirnin Hay by OW ton. bundle. , o f Long straw, &v., with Hou.ohold nod Kitchen Furn iture. such L, I , IIIK AND FIX'S:HKS, forge Ten plate St., e. Table*: and I:ha:MI 2 ('uses of Draw ers, corn, en phortrol . , Beek,. I:joek Stands, Ket tle, nO.l 1'01 , 4, Meat Tut,. IlarreLs, und a ♦urletv 01 art l‘des SOO numerous to mention. sale to minim nee at '1 o'Llot IC A. AL, on said day, when uttetotan, will be given and terms made know b 3 JOHN FICRY-9, of D. LTAT, IS II CI NUS, Auctioneer. Jun. 10. Mei ORPHANS' couvr SALE OF REAL FATATE TN LITTLBSTOWN lAN SATURDAY, the 22d day of FEBRUARY 11., in pursuant,. of au Order of the Or phans' Court of Adams county, the eubucriber, Administrator of the estate of Morgan 11. So ope, deceased, will oder at Public Hale, on theneemi sea the fallowing Real Rotate, situate In the borough of Littlestown, Adams county, via: nth 2/IA_NRION PROPEM'Y of said decedent, LOT OF GROUND, corner of Baltimore and LOOILSITI streets, adjoining lot of the Misses Gol den, improved with a good Flame Weath erboarded DWELLING/ HOUSE, two etc- g rt.) and attic, and Frame Weatherboard. ed Stable, a ith well of water. Also the undivided Interest of said d rut to one other LoT OF (AROUND, ntuate on Lom bard street aforesaid, adjoining lot of Fillsarenser, imprus ed with a good Two-Moly Brick Dwelling House, and Frame Weatherboarded Stable, Fruit 'DM , and a good well Of water. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. 11., on said day, when attendance will be given and term s made known by . . JOAN A. SWOPE, Ada Cr. By the Court—A. W. Unt - reat, Clerk. al, L. W New Grooery and Flour Store. MEALS & BROTHER, vrevnto opened a GROCERY, FLOUR and Et VEGETABLE STORE, In the Room former ly oocupled by Oeo• Little, on West Middle street, they esamd an litritatton to nil burns to give them a earl. Everythine in their thee, fresh from the city and country, will bekept on hand, They are deter Mined aril as abrilp as the Want, and as they only ask the howbeit &tine t they hope to merit and receive a liberal public pabropage, MEALS It Bao. Aug. 2 % LIU. tf A FIRST-CLASS FAR% AT PRIVATE RALF., t r T i ll , - , V two miles of Gettysburg, on the liar. istents sral r fo r =eO l ntier all . I n w=frt h an P rOo to AU Acres to cult purthaYers. Terule reasonable. For further Inforrhatlon, apple to WPC Nnaug. Gettysburg, Pa. Sept. V, IWO. lt vir my aiimoe, there will slams be s thorough perstor in ch arg e fit the Excel aur Gallery, and Mall ls.t sad ander 41 carounsetancos must Mee witistsetton before It ern Inn* oaf mows - PRIME HAMS, qualit KA , and ressonstde primmn b ttra n4 nt LBFLETwErs. EXECUTORS' SALE. N TUFSDAY, tho lltlt ai• of 1011111 Alty next, tde butworilk.rs. Lauiulul. of tir and laiitani.ni of Iluttr.l We'lien, sr . , etased, will WI at Publl, Sale, at the late re..l- donee eof wild docalent, .Mhite ' Mount pleasant town‘hin, Adams, ...mite, on thommi leading front lionanglitown w Littliatoan, folloa In Pernaunil Property, %la: 2 1'11%\13, 2 2,110.1.11, 1 tuludiorst• Walton. I I/us-home Wagon, I liorkawni• Buggy and 11.1- 'less, I Itucko e liouper and Mom „,elf-ruker,) 2 Aet , , Hoe 1-uhier , , 't Le o na l.utderv, I Blelgit, turn Nhellrt, Itolllnir Sertwll, HMV' 13. M Vol slfohlle ulut Itrolle, Ploughs and ll.irroa., Sho, I Ploughs, Corn Fork:, Cultivator., hingle awl I roe', ~ nito Cradle, fl o oversssl \ lon In:: a yt her Mallooks. Slit, el , Pigging Iron, tinarrying Ur 111, Log Chain, Halter and Coo Chains, I,rult, sta. l'ork., &v.; a lot of Posts, Post-borlmf Moshlue, with Augerv, 21.eapi of liter, hi 14A of 800 Bow, 2 Grindatonaa, Wheel-barrow, t la• lira!, It good little, Car p...liter Thant, with litlll . .. elli anal K lichen Fur niture, inion x. TABLES. PH Aißa, r•ts ttee, Rocking Chairs, Redo, Besbtenties and Reeding. Looking Masses. Bureau, thiplosartlm,inrpelt thr, io,ICiUg Panne and Fl‘laraa, 1 Com, Lenin s, 1 Iron kettle , . Pots and Puna, glnailia-Ware, Till-ware tuid Crnekery• ire Sannanai Smile -planing \\ V. h, , I, l laS ll:v.lde, Tula. 1104Ch b...1.1, Barrels, ae„; .and Lard ts, tha proud, .kplah-liinler by the crovk l a Vineszar, oleo Oh ler. Nita... be the lan. al, Is Mt alel) of other article's, too nu melons t mention. A.lso,...'eltaress of stck in the Halms er Brat at Railroad Company. Male to commence at n'el&k A. M.. • .01 day. II attendan, ant hal g in ea and Lena. made known by - - HENRY WEIKERT, JAMES C. DUTTERA, Al 5 k OAATER„Auetloneer. L501 . 111,,N. ilhirOn SATURDAY FOLLOWING, FMK lath, at II Welts*, A. it. A TRACT OF t TIMLIEIt LAND, In Heidelberg township, York aounty, ono taming Attres and IN Petehes, more or loot, belonging to Henry Welkert, de. eetuted, elli he offered at public sale, on the premises. Pentons wishing to view It are re qUetard to atlloit Dulllol Grin e, reAdlng Ilea"' by. At the name time, 11011 chop's I'lle•timl Halls, int the lot, will be sold. Attention. t• KIN en :mkt terms made known t”. the ENN-111 , ,,. Jnn. it. 1050. tg- PUBLIC S.A. - 2_,P. VALCABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY YOND.IY the LI day of NI ARCH - , W. 1.:, the ‘../ sub... Tiber, intending Io quit harming, Min I+4 II at Puhlle side, Lit hln trnt.l,,u In RtyNAlllg toillllllslllp, Adams troUllt3 Mutt }east Berlin, on the form mrtnerlv le longing to 01. J. J. Kuhn, but now Dash.i . Siit3ins tolfun lug \minable Personal Propert , I WORK II 1 111SE:3, '2 Yvarllna Colt, 7 Mileh etifrn,llllllllt of them it, iresh the time of sale., 3 head of Young Cat tie, 2 ...tows hi a\2 whit number Lit Shouts, I Three-inch-the Wag. on, tor tour or six hon.., with Be4l loolli its gout an new, I Four-Inch-tire Wagon, for four or no horses, I One or Two \Vajron, as good as new, t Log Sleds, one new, with don Me runners, I Sleigh nod Harness. 1 Lieu Rod Thi esh Mg Ma chine, with Double Shaker, a1..0 .1 T.., o-horso Thresher, with Shaker, 1 Bueke e Reaper and Mower, It, good an 11.1, will, ratio, I spring-tooth It.do al. good an , I (,rain 1)1.111,1).H' , nen, tiro(-rate Winnowing 21111 and ihot, 1 pair Ilse Ladders, 2 gets Dung Boards, 2 Low Plongly, 1 1 S.M. ...I 2 single Shovel Tinnily, 2 Corn F orks, 2 Harrows, I limit, I NVln.el.l.mi ow, 2 net.. P,L gist no set, oh 1 1.,111 (War, I liollndl‘g , . I B' iron Saddle, Shle Saddle, Collars and Bridles, Rollers and Chains. I 'ow Chains, Log aml Finn Chains :sets Butt Tmees, l ~ 4 a Brt.riAt Cimino, Double alai Singledrei a, I. , pre.di.Ml4, JOekey Sticks, Dung Forks, Pitch Fork..., Rakes, Shovels, Crow-bar, Dung Rooks, Maitoek, !leg, Work Bench, Shit \ Ing Horse, Flax Brake, Axes, Maul and W edges, &e. .tc., with Household and Kitchen l• uriilturr, 14 11 , 41 eu TAIII,RA AND CHAIRS, BodatPads, 411p/wan], Cook NV/VP anti Fixtures. 2 Ton-plate move., i look, Sink, Spinning n'n, 41. 11,ripang 113, SatlnAlti.l4! rll-r, Lard Pre..., barrel, of eid.•r Vinegar. Men, V fight Barrel., Tut.. Churn, Iron l'ou. and kettles, IL lot ..1 1:.•lir to • and a. s nrietq ,;( other arti , lea, too uuuirrou. mention. Sale to onnnumee at II o'clock, A. M., on .1.1 day, whvn attelidaiin will he given Laid term% made ktituati MICITAEL AT.WINE. J. F. Kceti LER, A net toner. TW. 27, INI7. •It• PUBLIC SALE OF PM - NO:CAL PROPFRTV. _ OMONDAY, the 21 day of MAUCH next, the atthseriher, intending to db.eontlnue farming, will aeil ut Public Sale, At MA icni ieuee, near tile Baltimore turnpike, half a mile 41,1 01 Little. tou n, Adams eouniv, On the farm of Dr. K, F. gi•rh, the follow mg ',dual& Per anal Troia rty, Nl/.: 1 HEAD OF YOUNH WOIIK lIHRIALS, 1 Yearling Colt, 11 newt of Horned Cat th, 7 or them 31Hell Cop Bulk, one a Devnn, and the balance young nio, k , Ii Shoat., 1 Four-horse broad-tread R itgon, on good an new, 1 Three hoz ee Narrow-I read ‘l'agou, 1 putt 11al, Carriages, 1 Uwe lied, 1 Slaao• lien, 1 set of Dung kmr,k, 1 Four-horse Sled, Feed 'hough, 1 Jer.ey neap, alit MOW. r, I 'flit enhlng Horse Power, with double shaker, l Columbia. Spring Rake, 1 Drag Rate, 1 York ;tutu Drill, 1 Wlll - lug Nllll. Eviler'. noun/fact ure,) 1 l'uttlng Dos, I Jorge Grnolgtorw, Marshy:a Ploughs, ILO row,l/Ont. I% al on, 2 Sit,. P 1014,11, 2 Corn Forks. 1 large Land Holler, .1 arts 11rPectl. bands, :1 nets Front Lieorn, 1 set Single Hornet..., alarm, Brltllen, Wagon , 1111.tle and Dou ble-trees, 2 spreader., Log I 'halo., 2 sets of Butt Ira( wt., of Bn.itst twitn, Halter 111111 COW 4 'lnd n•s, brain 'none, Thin lug Seel L , 3lat toekn, Shot, Is. Bakes, Forks, Maula and Wenn..., Are., &e.. 1 I !der Pr.,. sod Fixture.. Tun, Barrels, Itocen, and HUM.) other OTT lelen, he. no nieron. to mention. Also, One-half of ra acres of Wheat and '+ acre. of Rye in the ground. TERMS - -. 111 lot in..of live dollar., nob; on all sinus above as a dollar., a credit of one s ear will be given, the pun•lumer giving note with ap proved fiecurlty. Sale to.connenee at 10 o'clock, A. M. Attend ance given by - - ELIAS A. ECKENROIIII: JAMB KLTSK, A w•tlimet r. Jun. LARGE SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OTHURSDAY, the sth dvy of MARCH next, the subscriber, Intending to dlwrontlnue Parini will sell at Public Sale, at his retilderice, on the NNtlmore turnpike, a quarter of a mile below Littlesitown, Adam; eounty, the following valuable Personal Property, v le : 4 HEAD OF WORK HOIt.SRS, fall young and two of them extra heasy set Brtssi Mans, both with foal,) J good Colts, ttwo of them 2 years old, and the either 1 o oar „ 24 head of Horned I 'mule: I Cows, 11 Heifers. 4 Bulls. and ", Fat Steers—one of the Bulls& Durham and u not her.a 1 evoti, both tine animals, mid ten bout; N head on Prime Sheep, I Bussi Sow aud 2 Slysits: I Brood-tread Wagon, with bows and I ssl, 1 Narrow-tread Wag on, 1 Spring Wagon. I (fort, 2 pik. Hay Carriages, Wood Ladder?, stone Bed; 1. tisM , l Reaper and Mower, Threat:drat Machine and Horse Power, geared, with double shaker, as good as new, 1 11/Ire-tooth Rake, 11 ork t.ralu Drill, lkirn-frid der Cutter, Winn.. ing Mill, Cutting Box, 1 birindstone, 1 Barshear Ploughs, 3 Harrows, 2 Cultilutors, 3 Shoo el Ploughs, 1 Corn Forks, I first-rate Land Roller, Double and slogle4tiwes, .1 spreaders, 1 nets of I ireerlibandn. a vets of Front Dears, Cart Gears, t allots, Bridle.. Wagon sad dle, Linea, 2 Fifth Chains, 2 Log Chains, 3 pair Butt Chains, d pair Breast Chains, Hatter and Cow Chains. Grain Cradles, 3lattocks, Picks, sties els, Rakes. Forks, with a great variety . of other articles, too numerous to mention. TE.R3fri:—.til sums of Ow dollars, cash; on all sums above lire dollars, a credit of one year will be lON en. Ike purchaser glt tug note with ap proved securit hale to commence at 1(1 o'clock, A. M., when at tendata ulll be gl‘ eu lo M7I.LIA 3f PUTTERA. JACOB KIT - NK„%ti(l lonevr. J no. 17, Part , . P.- PUBLIC SALE InHE underhiuned, Intendlnc to quit farming, will off', at Public Sale, tit tale residence, Lt Huller township, Adnins county, adjoining Israel llrleker d about 11. miles south urCeto Ira Malls, mar rhel'ltte tiro, road, on TI.TtsIIAY, the 'l.lth day ut FIiIII.I.LARY next, the fonowint articles, viz: 2 11EAD OF WORK HORSES, I Three-year ling Colt 14114 i I yearling du., 1 Ouw and I Heifer, I large Bull, a lot of Shout" 1 good ronr-horao Narrow-tread Wagon,lTwo-liorse Spring Wagon, English Wolcott ii. d, 1 Limo Bed 1 p,.lr ilay Carriages 1 pair Wood Ladders, '1 'l'ao•liorsa Sled and 1 Two-110,, Sleigh, 1 hu lling fiereen, 1 good Plough, I Double Slio,el Plough, I t urn Fork, 1 1 la, ;ow, Its ouble MI. "Ingle-trek e , I k - screw, 11'0 t -hook , 2 .Itp. (~arm, I.lnes, 1 side Stabile, good as new, I Two-hoe--c Spreader, I One-hot... do. I Log t halo. l Finn Chain, Flax Brakes. long ladder, 2 ti; min t'ra dles, 2 Cloverseetl Cradles, flritsa Scl theft and Smiths, cant Briar Critter, &c; also lonic hid, arid Fixtures, Bureau, Chest, Eight-day Cluck . and Cae n , Trundle lie4l.leittl, double Wood Nauman lirluder, large Meat Vessel, Wool AV with oilier huu, bold articles. Also, wine Car. Latu.ter Toole, Quap") lug Drill, with nuiperous other arneleh not herein mentioned. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on bald day, when attendance w 111 be given and terms made known by I=l JOHN MANY-% Anellonevr. Jan. 17, 1668, PUBLIC SALE 0 N FRIDAY, the Bat day of FEBRUARY next, the subscriber, Intending to quit fanning, will sell at Public Sale, at Me residence, in Cum berland township, Adams wanly, one mile went ot Gettysburg, ou the road leading to Pedrfteld, the Ibllowing Personal Property, vie: 2 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, toms a mare with toal,) 2 Colts, 1 three ) ears and the other two years old,_e good 1 Heifer, 4 Sheep, sheols,l good Three-honee Wagon, Hoy Feed Trough, 2 Ploughs, 1 Harrow, 1? " = 1 1e Shove l Plough, 1 Single Shovel PloUgh, Corn York, Three-horse-tree, Double and llingie-trees, Spreaders, Wire-tooth flake, Revolv Lug Rake, innowlng JOS, Forks, Bakes, Lot; Chain, Cow Chains, Breenhbends; Float Gears, Lines, Collar Bridles, Halters, Wagon Saddle, and a variety of other articles, too nomorons to mention.. Hole to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. 011 said day, when attendance will be given am& terms made known by . . • DAVID DAUGHERTY JOHN STALIBMITU, Auctioneer. Jan. IC. 196 i. la• NEW BAKERY. NEWPORT et ZIEGLER, MEMANIEAL BAKERS, South Washington street, onejsquare hem the Eagle Hotel, GETIMBUSG, Pe. Coast lay on bond, the ben of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKE/4, PRET/IRIS, &c. Persona wishing fresh Mead win be served every maruins, lir leaving tbsir names and real delayer at the , iNtkery. }ver KILO made to Weave Give us a tall. April 20. laBt, it, HAY I WARTED. r Eu.dev , ,,.! poky f r i rghe i r e maket i konr c rietkrshortt. am. H. etnucenousiii. Nov. 26.1616. If GENTLEICMI lerelstdog Goads ell kinds and %fiesta .:10111115'. • • lIMPrWSI. kuire.in 4 t mvived I.llolr 13E3 FALL,S'IQC#t., the lament tn the enuuty—ontutlat log of DRY GOODS mEßtsor..4, POPLINS, 1 ALPAC.A.S, GINUH.k.MS, DELAINE€I, ('A L ICOE9, CLOTHS, CASSIMEREFI, JEANS, In a% ay ‘arl..t3 CARM/14, a Is rgeatork and rtry °lmp RHAWI.4, MI anal* and pale.. BLANK }TS, •••ry ebeisp QLTF:ENT4WA RE, the lergeet *lce* In the eounty and arry cheap HARDWARE and Saddlery, In nil Itx brichee, ==! OROcERIE4, of all kind,' IRON AND NAILS, OILS AND PAINTS Will well Of anai •t prices lITFYINO CONIPILTI- TIOV. Giro lois mall and examine our ntook SION OF THE RED FRONT ty.aburg. Oct. 4. 44C. tr R. & W. ROW & WOODM Mall the Cheapest. CALICO, mail the titettptatt X(IRA Sell the Cheapen (.INOHAIt Aril the Cheapest MFAI.INOR, tell the ("heftiest A LPAC.OI, bell the Cheapest DELAINES. ROW a W 001" Melt the CI impala CLOTII, hell the Cliettiteet I'At4SIMERF Sell I he l'ltentotst .1 EANS. ROW ft WOOD , Sell thevimepe.i Kell the Chespeett Boors, Kell the f lieupegt MH4)I ROW & WOOD 4 Kell BLANKETS Chilly t44.lleillAwr.m Cheap, 54.11 NOTIONS 11.4,1, TIOW & WtXll*.4 Nell for Cash unal wilt -orll at the lowest unveil ROW it IVIX)Itat Invite everybodt to CYII and Examine Goode and Pheen. ItueJery, (Govt., the Buttons, Ribbons, Germantown Yarn, luspenders, Raters, Violin Bows, Strings aunt Resin, al wa3s on hand Jan. S, ltld6. tf J. L. 'SCHICK, I= GETTY:3III7IU/, I". Hu jut wetved a splendid assortment of Vail and Winter DRY (ilsßiti, comprising in part as MEM FRENCH MERINOES, ALL WOOL POPLINS NEW STYLE OF FANCY POPLINti BISMARK POPLINS, EMPREF*I CLOTRA, I= BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, LADIMV CLOAKING CLOTHA, I= DELA/NIA AND CALICOES 6=i BLEACHED AND SHOWN IirfiLINEI cLoTHri, CASSASERES, CASSINETS, CASH If EREIM A ND JEANS, LAMER' FURS IN GREAT VARIETY, =I CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, COLLARS I= Sept. 27, 198;. t f DIAMOND CONFECTIONARY ! JOHN M. MINNIGH ii . ALlE n te n t received - a:d u : o + , o4, oo F ri laTrinl rs r opened in Octt3mburg, consisting of TOYS OF ALL KINDS FRENCH AND COMMON l'ANDlll'.i.i, FRUITS, OILINGER, LEMONS, NUTS, and NOTIONS OF ALL KENDS and examine Ins stork, on Baltimore street, near the Diamond. Dec. t 3, IW6. tr JVO TICE TO CAPITALISTS ! Persons dealrous otinve.tingsnd rsighring *early NINE PER CENT., are requested to call at the Gettysburg National Bank, sod obtain Chip Jars of the Vallee Delis end also Central Pastille nallielail Canspaales =I These Investaieow air dai/y . growing In favor and 'ohs Luerealksg. Bondi can be had at all times at lids Bank, where all Information concerning said 111:1‘ ed merits will cheerfully be even J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. Dee.s:l, me. ti, UNION P4CIFIC RAILROAD BONDS. THE First Notional, Bank •f Gettysburg 73 meat for the sole of the FIRST MORT d-AOE UNION FACIFICRATLROANsrx PEE ROLDINTRIIRST 1102tpt et 00 mots ea the dollar. Interest payable ren+{•annaally at the counter All necer,aAry Information given GEO. ARNOLD. Cashier. Gettysburg. Noy. 'AM EW (100811.-16eerts limiest returned trod! the city with a large assortment of Clothing. Oatimad entuadne these. ,9 11 17 i'6. ame. but arc-esto PICTUREA ere alleweei to Alkd. 11 Galtery nos e eaten tree the arnt the Rambler . Hen 11.1own beftdir 4s 0. J. nem . - DAVID HeCREAHY, JOHN F. 3DCRF,ARY, "Best always Cheapest." T HE Deegland Ow*Pret SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and RARNEBB of all kinds, In the County, see alloys to be :bend st,the old and well knowu Ctend,Meltlmore oppoelte the Prenhyterteh haron— hinCßlitYB'. • Our Hiding and Wagon riaddlev as the meat auhrlastially bulb:Nod unabut. Our Hamm, 4µtnia and mit vcr mounted. ) are complete. In mere reepeet and warnlnted io be of the Trey beat Material and werlunanahlp. Our upper leather Draft Colima CANStIT 11/1 !MAT. 1110 Are the host vrrriNG and num durable, Our Heavy Draft Itetneem are mann LO Unita, OA clip is they CAA tuade re n 1 anywhere and In the t ' , autunite' 111 nnor. Riding Dridies, ip4, ',ashen, Draft H.majus, ny-neta, and veer) thlna In the line. Nude better or cheap,. Our prkev bare been IINDUCIII)40 th. lea eel ileitq ataudanl, IHITSLI!4B, A absent peroullitten tot attnatt WT alt nAlin automats%to $5 or more. WeDOI Me Wit Meet and wllt warrant, entury=o turned out to Itr to every revyteet as repreSoot d. Thaliklai Ihr put Ittvorn we Wefts atlantic , " to our present stork\ iito-Olve tin e mil and examine rittekt adttt QUALITI FLANNELS, lE2l=rl ac., &c., acc., 11 M. BOYER & SON, GROCERIES, NOTIOXS, TOBACCOS, aC i/oue, iroockn wid IF Motu Wu. t• A - general assortjnent of an Goods FIRI4T•CLAby FAMILY GILMER 1 I=El NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISMION HOUSE HAVINU purchased the enteninve Werehouse, Ono, dm., of Volt, @ rArnahaw, , the under awned Intend to eorry on the towlines, under the drat of Inghent @ (b., a; the ukl mond. on tho corner °Meek Inron and 'Garold et recto , . on wore thin ===t:==l RAY, FLOUR, (MAIN AND ALL RINDH OF ritoDucE. —FLOUR .M 4 FKZ II . HALT, and all kind. of kiln.lolit ler, kept ronotontly uU I, nal and 411.1 P• elWapPr than the!. mn be and anywhea and all klmla FERTILIZEItIa, mn~tantly on bond, or fornlMlled to °nit,. I= will leave our We:Chown. every TtIEJSDAY MORNINU, and acoutnntodatlon train. wUI Iw run la °emotion may require. By thin *TOW , ment we are prepared t.. convey Fraillit ataill tiniest° and front Baltimore. All tataluem of tlila - kind eatrukk..l to to,pn , olidls a I letult d to. Our M. run to tie v. Witt of Rtet 1.110;011 & Nona, 111 Scutt* Humor,' street, Baltimore. lie, Mg determined to ply good prleev, cell cheap and deal fairly, wa Int de evert& idy to sive no a cell. WM. M. IIIGHAM I .lIX JA Kri ntallAll. Jan.l7, MM. It BA RC kl NS NEW. GROCERY Jt)1114 CR , EPB a Kov \ 11 ." *E opened a new GROCERY. m Ilan but& on tpe WWII-won corner of the &Furze, and havo 'wit received anpl.ulbl "dieing inent of P7txs.4ii UROCERIES, Including Kuaarg, Cofay.l4, ItoWM44, arm*, Ira. balpes, Tobacco, Salt, rikb, Hams, Khool4araNc. Alto, QVFENNIWARF, CON1ITTIO!.114 Nista, Frutoy Ooapa, -111.1clel and Not rnAgenelr rally. 'W TUP e will alsO keep 1 , 11 hand mit.otEliD•R Having purchased for CNiH, w« aro prepared to 101 l vett. cheap. Olve nn a ran and Judi'« for y °uncle., Mept. 27, 150,77. If nw BOOT & SHOE STORE. NEW AND GOODOODDE AT LOW PRl(i rundersigned bag oNned a new Root and Shoe Blom on hrttruddnuf. lOW= ore door south of the Pr, IV tertan Church and near ly opposite Dad gyliu•ye Saddler snap, *hero he teem an attractive assortment of goods In his line, all new and selected with the greatest care. He has •tt LAMA' rt/NORFNA ()Arrow.. L.A.DIFtWBALAIORM., 13AITERS, LADIEIs' LOMMON O.tIMNS, LADINIV BALMORAL. BOOM. IN ,LARGE VARIETY. CALF 1300774, LIENTLEMES tl NIP BOOTS. OENTLEM EMES C0N0102414 ti ITEMS, (INNTLEMENIMLIPPERM, ALL KTYL.I94, MINTLEMEN'g BAI.3IOHALii. UENTLEMKNI4 BROOANm, CoNCIRFN4 GAITERA, BAISIGRAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOICOOIX) BALMORALS, &C.. &C., &C., &C. DOTI/ DONOR/3M OAITARA, BOW CALK BALMORAL" BOYS' BROOANB, •C., &C. Also, Boots and Shoes of his own manufacture constantly on hand. - All will be sold at the lowest Laying pronto. Boyers, from town and country, are invited to call and examine mods and prletia before por t:Maslen elsewhere. I am determined to aell ebeap—a little cheaper than any other home In the renal v. By of ri,l attention to Imbine,.. Medias fairly and rotutrply with e'verybedy. I hope to merit and receive an encouraging alum 'f ik:e 'bi t i tlA P .4l.7 , 74l.7RlNt; of Boots and Mime also be carried O . iti.all Is branches. Boots, sheaf and ()ahem dads to order. Re— pel tgz i s on to doax e mi ti t l i zt e t t o o u t . 1 c e n lied butno stir. crias woricinen empbayed. Ilavlng a tint , experience at the buslueeto fee confident, that I eau please all who may roll. _ I. H. KLINOII Gettymbueg, June 21,18d7. NEW SEGAR STORE 11111 E undersigned Annan/fat to the ritinernw of tiottynburg mud toe that be him Juni, opened NEWi SEGAR STORE, He will keep en hand the beet BRANDO, and axle assawfwettare ler general sale anewheat She grown* He will sell at' he lowest flying prices, and at wholesale and retell. •• - . Ile la alao the anent for t he Mt:leanest (Va.)Te banes Weeks, sad will mill thefxChowft Tobae co, _at wholesale sad retell. Ws Stone Is ht Chambsesburg street, as half square welt tlafßeetie tiesaaAs sloe. 't4AA H INGTON BIEIthIWISt. Oct. 3 CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. 807 ER ~IfeC.4RTNEY'S NEW JEWELR Y STONE, On York Sred, Opporite (he Bank; OH tafebwry, Pa. A SIM AND ilfl2l. AIIIKOT31:11212' SIM AECZIVID silayza AND PLATED WARE, •11179WAL ENFITRUMENIII, mesh M Vinlina.. On 1 tere, Aorordmie, Phigen, new in. Minnie Winne Ines, vie Feyitjetri. gown ntente.and everything b*iiiiMeriththe instru tteririrtg — r;cf of kind. W work la ear law dia. WWI on rrawitable Yawn. tar Alrir: i g 4 warranted to sive sattearttow— sad all am& sold, warrant** to be wtaat tam. ars " = . 71 ' 14 VIC If LEWLS STROUSE flu bought back Ida old stand, on Collate at reet, and is going tato Loudness. again hear hie than neer. He make bla old Mends and the public, to NOTIONS: 010= 4 comeirTioNS. SD GABS, , dED, be. In linDa varielnlible. lieue emewir ma% thee cheapest. Don't moil the Slogle - lieszi 7 n'SSne• !Meths Radioed Statiene. Octlnbtleg, Oct. 11, net tz - D. WCREARY & SON 10:01=E1 EEO umunlty kept lu a iN GETTYPINVINI JOHN CHM#4, J. NV. CHklifl. U UETrYABURLI OEIE3