Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, January 31, 1868, Image 5
ffic @dtitsiturg it;4fltr. FRIDAY, JANriftr 31. MR WOW is Os arra Tiroper.s....r Stables ree ~wow ISisak? The temperature of stables best adep. ! ted for the health and thrift of animals ' pis scarcely ever discussed. We do not remember to have seen any &Nonni of • experiments made In this country to de termini, the point. Some farmers talk I About very warm stables as tho beat for I wintering stook, saying that the more' warmth yet/get, theism food ifiremilreel. r Others would have stables quite cool, at least at that degree of temperature which results from boarding the sides imp end down after the oktetyle of barns, leaving the cracks or jointings between the boards open. .Thereoetesul that in I such quarters ,eteek comes wit more healthy and lively In spring, and that if It does take a little more Ibilder, the gain is greater on moonlit of the more' robust rendition of the/13111115i%, Wentemember to have heard this mat ter distorted by two extensive and ex perieneed dairymen at the meeting of a • town club, the one advocating stables built with stone walls anti pertly under ground, and the other, stablest standing high and with the old fashioned siding rOferred to. • The latter disputant referred to some experititents which he had made to test the Matter. He had two stables t of the description named—the one sided up with boards, and the other with walls, and partially under ground. He divided' his - stook, keeping about half In eseh.— • Those nnder ground consumed the ht food, but-on turning them out to water, tho cold air seemed to pierce theme' through and through. They were shiv cling with cold even In moderate weather, while the others seemed warm and Com fortable. Toward spring he found them in a weak and unhealthy condition, and he was convinced the animals had been kept too warm. Hence he had aban doned the stable, and haul never used it after for wintering stock. OP course there are ektretees which must he avoldnd. It' the stable is too cold, Ahem wllkbe a waste of fodder to keep the stock warm. If the stable It ' • too warm; the animals will be subject to disease and In bad health, and the lase from the latter evil will, perhaps, over balance that of the former. From experiments made in England for the purpose of seeing at what- degree of temperature different animals thrive best and put on fat, It was found thit the temperature between 65 and 90 de grees was couduelvelo the best results for animals of the short horn breed ; and it was found that oxen sweat at a temper • uture in which heifers thrive admirably. The question is of incire importance than one would naturally suppose from the small amount of investigation that has been bestowed upon it.. Are we to run the risk of wasting expenditure of food by peispiriug under excessive heat, or are we to induce the animals to waste it to keep up_animal heat by exposure to too much cold? And, then another queetien comes In here—will not differ ent classes of animals, as well as animals of thd same ewe, but of different ages, be subject to different entisequeires from the same degree of heat? In the same tablet some animals may he too hot and others Me cold front different consti tutions. it would seem that we need come care fully conducted experiments to arrive at a 'plont which may be regarded as a standard. Our bares are now beingcon strrieted so that temperature can in a treat measure be controlled, and If there le a degree of temperature whore animals thrive best, and at the same time with the most economical u 4 of food, the fact is worth knowing. ' Our practice is very Imperfect, and ynu can scarcely lind any firmer who ka' given wthought to thesubjeet, and yet in his practice he may be losing money In a useLis waste of food or imperiling the health of his stock. The question seems the more im portant td 'us, at this time, because the priee.of lay and grain, as well as stock, seems to be growing dearer and dearer every day. In Many sections of the dairy region the barns are being torn down c and Improved buildinip erected. If we knew just what was best and moat econo mioalc-Mir buildings 'could be arranged to meet these conditions. We do things often too much by guesa, and guess work often makes a waste of money.— Utica Herald. - How To BTaw OYaTERS.—We suppose -that Aline out of ten houtekoopers will contradict us point blank, in setatement that wise out of ten of thew do not know bast la stew a dish of oysters. By the ordinary routine that nearly every one follows, either the oysters are stewed and shrivelled out of all semblance to them *elm in shape, Rise and flavor, or dm the soup and "thickening" has a raw taste that. spoils it. Here is the right method. Try it once, and we'll warrant you won't need telling the Naomi time. Plckthe oysters out of the Juice,lh Luken ing, milk or water, of which the soup is to be made, until thoroughly cooked ; then drop the 'oysters in, and just as the cooled soup begins to show signs of aim meringotenpty all out together, and you will have rich soup and plump oysters, luscious - enough to make you think you never tasted reed oyeitert . before.—Ea. CAI" iPtiler.—Ooki feet are a general affliction, and cures for them are in de mand. A contemporary says that it is assureckby one who has given the experi ment.* trial, that cold feet and eispeelally .those,suporlatively rigid feet that are kept chilled by perspiration, may be re lieved by A simple' expedient. • This is to wear eittlon socks next to the skin and woolen socks outside of them. It stated that "Id the Instance of our informant, the result was succewful in keeping his feet warm and dry. The singnlAr copse quenAlk eitiMAg, Slat. lig Alight he would find the cotton socks (next his skin) quite dry, while the outside woolen atooklugs would be very damp," Iv every farmer who eats a fine pear would save and plant the seed, and after planting, note the progress of the young tree!, we should soon have a much larger mad Utter variety of pears than at prey lei. OHM of the vary best varieties of pears rit , W on the list, have been the 'iMultoithigi practise on the part of a few varelbl fruit growers. Asst Ml:lE.—Peel and Mew some ,apples io a rich syrup ; do not let them beak. Place them in a glass dish half full of the syrup, and put a piece of our rent jelly on the top of each apple, • A not In Louisville, who had been reducedAgreat debility by frequent r.oe&tni ,hiseding at the nete, fir Niish 401fphygdottia_eould not itOebuink aneasekona it thorns tow days agoi, when - / 1 10490inios 'nailed. and be la now MOVE a.ty IV'Mgengib.- . . Cllr tie tiltlakenaabenween s ?gr avy train and a enapend[ng b an k are ens Ow brake canes mm ai t , yXp 3.11# taw the statiille• amass ' • PHOTOGRAMALBUMS, LADIES" COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DEER& PERFUMERY, Fancy Chin sad Bohemian Vases, Tots, •C., ay., •C., Al J. M. WARNER'S, iippn*lte I ahaettooYs• Atm". tictlythtiry, Oct, NEW GOODS. GEORGE ✓IR.YOLD Stu. now °pow,' a liiiteSknik of 44 MRS, CAS. sIMERES and - READY-MADE CLOTHING, m,lly of big own manntnefore, mnsinlieti of I=l COATS, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, Floslery, Ac., Ac., at prices to salt thl .Inm. Coll, examine mid lodge for 7opeu•lvee. E:MM!ETI FIMITI ARRIVAL or . DRY GOODS FALL AND WINTER WEAR et the Store of A. SCOTT. & SON Their stock consists of 151ERINOES, all styles. DELAINES, all styles.- CALICOES, all styles • ' MUSLINS, all grades. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES of all styles sad quality. Peron% wanting (10017/ 000E6 and 1700 D -BARGAINS, Should but (611 tip to the Store 4,f SCOTT. & "SO ' 4 l , C h rub , 4 , 4hurie . qireet. Ud %quay. GottYoborL. Po MEM OLDIERS' RL'.4D-QUARTETS, it NORMS' BORE, to the place to get FALL & WINTER CIOODS eff fiAP" FOE CAAIL I P you aunt a rhos& Ove , olit ., 10 Nomit ,. , I F you want a yaod rheap arcavria o ak opmis.. I t you want aLgoaa Ev.ryday g n % L . l / 40 ' R Ras.. I F you want` gead purr 4f Pao I° !;ORRL.V. I F you unut a 'rood thelip qo to Noßnw. IF you wont& FASIIIONARLE HAT po to WORAM. IF. von want a late Fall Style Ca , go NORRIS% I F you want arood pair or Tirir:, : = ‘; ,. IF you want a FASEIONABL :. ?;t o r gar r; ,. IF you want a good French (*lf go to NARP3'. I F you want a good Umbrella, go to NORRIS S. IF you wan r tgood Paper Collates, to . No I F you want a taahlon•ple . indt g r tlF . youw ant anything In the o ria Line, go to I P you want a good aims, to NORRIN. 'Fax want good HEAVY tier A/ao—it large kook CASNIIIRREN IN TIM ratogr i es . potholing the goo4a to Ready eon be aeoomsuoted at the low• eet cash prloh TH2X). C. NORRIS. Oat. 11, WC it virm c. GATTYIiBURCI, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, re prepared to dn.all kinds of Carpentering --contracting and erecting building' of sill kindr, dP. Thpy•keep copiptantlyhn Land and mannfactun, to older, 4008.9. SHUTTER.% BLINDS, BASE, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES CORNICE. LIMA e WINDOW BRACXF,TR, And,Rny other Artirle In the Mulldlog Line Seasoned material mmostantly O. hand, expo• rtenred workmen gimp 1a readloww, and work executed with dispatch. Ma-Ordera promptly attended to. Srpt. 20,1!67. LC THE BE ,W.A t S )1; /s!,ck, ?kiA NE. , THE undersigned offers for sale, the TOWN. SHIP RIONTBof Adams county, for bE LONG 'S PATENT. weld' la tee sad azur WAsuas tikat 4170 ben albs* $o the public. 111•141/043 leik sral as totaault. ble Om", qThie ta a Ilea eppcataalty for mar. 11 144 E4Wt. Wake GOOD maltase. Ming of selling thew aaaaktues. A maniple =whine will be eurnished any Person who par chases a Right, if desired, at ‘,6st. Cat tt the store Of Drehe &a liotrotan.l%. iV. OM likistare. where the machines may be smuts* tato& FRANK. A DtiPKORN eetptsbere* Slane ^_♦,lXB7. tf - Execatas Notice. ' ty. tests uizatliagethirl,7 tantranctrimmiam. , • , tv '7X Pei* *Wt r.. Bseasto salthic NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING AT ItRI.V.ITARHuirS. STACKS OF TEEM! T BRIMICICRIIOP7 earner Mitts Dlamond and York iattrraseert,, Wisdom Nauman from the city Ititst an an a tractive assortment of CLOTHING FOR sPUING &SUMMER W-LAR. which he wll2 11 a anch pricer am manna fail to take them off very rapidlyy tall and Judge for MtcLhes. To look at the excellent material, ending. and neat and ifubstantial sreztekt, and en to get blot lcrw cannot belfp hat baY. /lea their we It we omen to then Inter- Heo do - WO Costs, Pants, Vests, of all style.; and ma terials; Hata, , Boobs andabots; - 1,,,. ..ta ithlrte, of oil kinds. , illlovom, Handker- Oder., Neck-Deli, C on ond Paper Col- Um. SIMPPIIher.. tore*: Trunks, Vollmer., itinbrem, Parket Knive...ime- Wars, Smoking and Clewl= rObeA)oo4 Pines. Sue. tlonery, dr Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thonamid and one other article*, entirely too numerous to de tail Mei newspaper adroit Isement. ile. oaks the attention of the public to his ne.W stork, confident that It will , luau-and no one ran or will sell rheoper. Don't fottet the place— corner of York street and the Diamond, Het tyrburg. JACOB lIRTIWIERTIOPP. AprllH,lifr. tf Mr FIRM. AT TAF. 01,11 'WAND. tIFIRTAIIMPHFD TX 1117.] • If ; . I/ !LAVE anstdatt4 wi th me, In bnninene, mp non, John I. JfeCavary, under the firm and etyle of P, MeCteery ?Um, and I denim to say to no old filen& and the public generally that Rim* the war. Stat hialMalei ore of, deoldleo, (Mtn, Jr. ban heen revived at the oltr ='- llehed and well known etandon }Lattimore street, • its ;Ignore smith Of the Court itonW, tlettyp- Mire. Pa. • Having had rut experienea of to years In this er tabllshmept, I Joel wamred, that, with renewed attention to Minim... we ran still further merit and twelve n full share of public. patronage. U. IteCREARY. With increased facilitlea for conducting our ba einem, we are betterprepared than ever to (ratisfY We wants' of all thaw who may need artythiug In our Eine. We aaperially call the etas:Mimi of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Seattaide Leathers Horn Noddles. Ebonies, all Winds, with Plain or Quilted Swot, or without faateuings, no Horn, Montano, Plain or littiltel Haatlikarteh Cuflan, ileollieri Side Muddle.," (ticking,)Plain or Fancy Eladdle . No seam Collar, Clothe Awn Welt Etarnese Col- Wagon giaddllll, born, n lizeols 4 Ica or th u e o r e C i t t la, Teen or gat, Best Leather Wagon Martingale. o Whip., 1, 4 1 4 and 5 feet Carriage Harness, all Wog, wilier, sliver or black Plaited Team Whim mounted, , TroCUng Whip. Hen Draught Hareem, Ladies' H' Ming Twigs, Blind Bridles, Whip Benner, Girths, Horse Blankets, Cruppere, !a, &c., are., ac. In abort, everything that pertain s to a tirst,lass general horracturrobthingestahlislim-nt constant fy an limnd or made to order promptly, of the Very hos; lonoterliol, and by the moat experienced Work men in the eocniOT, (two having worked In tho aeuitinatunent for the last thirty ) ears.> We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Heavy Draught and Harness Collars tor thlae v ho prefer oar own Meaty made work. kinds Iloilo at short notize rind on ne r=t ' e r t all e All aril cordially invited to cell and examine for theaweivea, em our work cannot fall to recom mend lteoti D. IieCREIARY B. tiON. Feb. 6, UWE tf VESTS, CRAVATS, THi SK Y. LI 111 . 1 T :ALLEM% undersigned takea pleasure in announcing .L to the citizens of liettysburg end the public generally that he has remove,' from Ms old rooms on West Middle street, to Italthuore street., and snarl) uppaitt.: the stare of Faltueshxd, Brothers. The room he now occupies has he., recently fitted up esti:mealy for hla Mathew. The location us an admirable une, enabling him to take fee tuna In all shadesOt weather, and e Ith a correct , new ulet"wiFFeLlanklNther.PliCYl.o366ectAPlll4, every,alto and deeeripton, execut:4 In the Inert style. Particular attention alien to the CARTE laki VllirrEs and to copying ...MBRO- and DAGUEltliFXrri - p.A of deteamed Matadi. Also— THE GETTYBIITIIO GEMS, • new style of picture, which hiaV become very with the pub%c, not, ? o i l y for the m Lf i lve r viA NE TlN,M,lt n on ' r. FORCIFe E r rf o or LAIN FICTtTHE, which, (or their beauty and du rability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry on the business In all Its various bronehs", and having had con,dera. hie e“, pet - tenet we run no Mak In GliArt NTEEIRO PERFECT FIATISFACTIOV our reedit!w+ for a full display of nor skill are rineutiallod by any other Outlet) lu toe ereint:, and w odd therefore bistro et ery ouc to call at the .NEW GRTIVABURG PAY-LIGHT OALLERY. r.O and examine our Speclrponaandjudisr to your...hie& LEVI .51n1PF.H. dune, lid& NEW . . , : 54 IN H ENRY OVERDEEP., an the HUI sn BoMawr GetlyAurg, mar made arranfosomoUt to trrish supplies ev.- ry week from Um elty and la determined to:Yell cheap. Re Ink Ilea all to giro him a eall. HIJ stork t. unsiels of sfiROTEM, NOTIONS, FLOUR, Corn Meal Chopped Peed, Corn. oats. Fish, Baron, LardCbeese, Creek ars, Tobaemi, Pe- BILM and snuff, SUOAR, COFFEE, Teas, Syrup, Molaaae.a, Candles, Coal Ott, Flab 011, Tar, Beat Cider Vinegar, and a great variety ol Notions, Ite.,&e. Awns or Trade will be Oven for Ookintr7 Froths*, seams Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, fiats., Potatosa, Bags, On, April a. ton. if II al OlZtr 4.4 • AND ALL OTHM9 WHO WISH TO IMPROrR. THb mhe pub- CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at his old stand. on West street, Gettribarg. and is ready at all times to serommodate those want. lag anything done In his Una He Is prepared tO furnish nil kinds Of work foz• building of the best material, and as neatly an d cheaply as It can be done at any other establishment In the county. k n peziaaeed komdstalwaye In readi ness and work executed with promptness and diapstch. IPThankftl lisagast floors, he boom by at. union to business, to Twelve a liberal share o. peatki JuissiMet WM. CI3II.ITZILI.N. laskood: low Lad, Hew Restored. 11)8T plabliahed, new edition of s) D. Cuiverweirta Caleb:Mad klusy 4/0 tbe readiest awe (without Medicine) `r- 01 Elpennaterrhata, or Seminal Weak ness, luvoituatary tteminal Lemma, ey,timatal and Phi, Mal incapacity. Lm meats to Marriage, ete.; 41210, Consumption, Vilepty, sad rita, induced by self-indulgence or sextuslextnoragaboa ries-Prlee, in a mated envelope, only rents. The celebrated author, la this admirable essay, cles ,m uZ demonatretee, from a thirty years' sue tetice, that the alarming eon/mummer; of self-ase may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife—pointing out a mode of eure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no !natter what his con dition may be, may cure him-,elf cheaply, pri vately, and radically. This Lecture should be In the hands of et ery youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad drank postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverweirs "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publialiars, CHAR. J. C. NONE Jr. CO., 197 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box ijial Nov. 22, laid. Sin - THE aubeeribm, having thoroughly repaired hi. °Mut and Saw .11. W, !formerly ..,liellhen ny's ISM," on Marsh Creek, L., prepared abort GUINDING and faA.VIINGI Movery kiral at =Re iplictlom tke plifronfte o[ 'the neigh son and •w ill guarantee W,lstartioet. Oleo Wm • flat., oEolttill INOEI.L. June 19, tf ' A /ARK WANTZD. Vflrnit non turfing a coed FARM for sale, and to take In part payment one or more ands et ehobra Wastebn Land, loaded In WPII settled neldhbosboodd near County Towns, Rail Roads, an, will and a purchaser by en nutria as Ms Mine. IVMLIarMZ,R - 7 AND 31ANTUA-MAXING Mara Ertter tai IcWci Lila HAVE ditrtal the Mllltnety and NI•ntua4M JUL kin( trines, In Ctuambntabarg street. In the noir Of RIMY Nom ••41 Melte tbelscUta at tows matteswrAzy to ugh , i tiro a eau No aka{ will be nand to reader estialUction is peer' , are. ands Swing and &Magni also dam Gottymbang, Nov. 11, LAWSENCE D. METZ & wpm.= titiogios FANCY GOODS 21== ..Vo. VIA Veal Ball Imre Sr reel Mii77.181. 1 3 4 . """"W""P=MMOUrna A W. PLEMidtPt43 ewatittoes the baldness of 1-1. SALE LlilfDlCk 'and solicits the continued She Ct. 36 moethat en rgigma,,,, RR ton. Mantra moderate. Beeldellee West bliddM street, Glatt P. 15.—Pfe fe a Waned Auctionear,= site Te Law of the trotted States. Nov. 21, Mt .I s otaiMOM/ArN2' WOOF PS. REMOVAL! NOTICE. NOTIONN =MIXT "ad VARIETIES. Elela Chiist TIN•W&RS a STOVES. E LAnGEST ASSORTIMVT or TIY•WARF. IN TEE COUNTY, AT S. G. COOL'S, (former Andrew Pollens;) shesainoof TUE HEST COOKIWO !MVPS IN MARKET. among which an the OLD DOMINION, COMMOMIBE, PFAINNYLV4NLt, NOBLE WOK. F.CONOYDAT DAIII,Er RILEAF, Le Also, many Mbar articles Mr, KILMen PPP. which bill be sold as low as at any ether - , place In the meaty Jun; 2f,111C. tf NEW FIRM! NEW 431.007a8 I HAVING tuned ant Mr ibrmer partner, and been isr the etty and purchased A LARGE ATOM OF GOODS, I on haw Pinterea Inaeccomtedate all in mutt. I 3 and prim, I ant determined NOT TO BE ENDER/40M In Cite or coy other part of thynnonntr3, otgutrk 1., end ehort pmts..?le irtv btotto. Ni mod; or uotode con.ints or DRY GOODS, 41ROCERIES, NOTIONS, QUEENS-%7'AR E, HARD-WARE, EARTHEN-WARE, HATS d; CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. In feet, everything kept in • FIRST-CLANS COUNTRY STORK. Come and see my ?dock. No cheese for showingenods. J. N. TAUGRINBACOH. llampion, Nov. 1, acr. em McCURDY & HAMILTON, =1 FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, d•C TWae l , d l=l l lntrrt Y ,Ttorn t tny ' llrtXra . all, the blithest prices for FLOrR, WHEAT RYE, CORN 0...114 MICR CfA/VEkt. AND INYIATOk.I. , , C. and Invite prodacera to give thew a call before They hare constantly on band for sale A TAHOE .SUPPLY OF OROCERTIN, Molawksi,`4,yrupe, Coffees. Swam Sr„ with Salt, Flail, Oils, 'far, *asps, Beacon and Laird, 'Cohere., etes.thwo the beat brand. of FLOUR, v. Ith Ft;t:1) °Lull kinds. They likewlan have I= gPEM;2iMMIEIII Whilst titgY.pnvl.l;o highest market twice* fur all they buy, they sell st the lowest Living profits. nog ask a share of public ;Wren:owe, nwolvell to give seglasetlon In every owe& B ROERT Meet l RDY, WM. B. FIAMILTuN. Gettysburg, July 1, I. Farmers, Attend to You Interests 1 GETTYSBUBO POMMY. rMR MI torrlher wonl4 Inform ht. customers ..,,d °them, that h. is WU manutsctortug ta r g kiwi. of cactioVs end Machines, outdo to order,on short not toe, mirth as I= 02. a WI:nom:IC .Izen of Powers,) CLOVER-FEED 111.1.a.X.AH AND GLEANtiIIS, CORN EL LEER AND NEPARATORS, CORNFODDEIL CI:TtERM, STRAW AN DILA Cll7 F Ka; /22 01123 PW`tl ss Out Plongto, Barshear Ploughx,Sltlehtll and Corn Plongtut; ttw ==! the latest Improvanurnt; &Igo Wtal Serer,' fnr elder Ilnasaa, I= for Cetaatarlw err Porehm with evrrythina rise la hi, hue., all at low prior.. YOB BALE —A Hight Two-honwWnenn, ei One hero Wseeten, end • timing Wagon, all new. Apsl2l,lBol. tf "DAN I D STERNER. IRON-IRON-IRON ! I=l T H E itabsertbere reapnettally Interrn the public that they have erected a Phrpe to et:leaved/7n With their Fiteam Mill, and are now manutaetrlng FORDED AND HAMMERED TROY such as Plough, Horse-oboe and Bar Iron . and re spectfully invite Illaolunniths and Deuleni to give them a tall, feeling saUelled that they will be able to please as to quality, finish and price. I= N. B.—The highest market price prad fur wrought sad scrap lean. B. t W. Dee. IT. INC NEW SADDLER SHOP. ON u ld nu i=ill,"tr= 01l kinds of RIDLNG SADDLES, WAGON SADDLM, CARRIAGE HARNESS, DRAUGHT HAILVEss, RIDING BRIDLES I= E33E2 FLY -:sIFTS. hr., I=EGEI!EC2I June SI. liie7. tl CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, On Bann:now* trre.t, oppointe the Court-limn., 0 Ern' MAURO, PEN ir A fivery drorriptlon of work exttruted In Mei =1 June 4, Y.:. ti Great National Telegraphic COMYERCIAL INSTITUTE, Xs*. NO mat all Om"law' &,..i IIITLAZi s LTHIA REMOV AL Ts ad rimiest t?sllya'issttes L lie City. flirt ad lbd Mood sad tbo wisk. of the Thin] sad Fourth Flan et 111ANX OR REPUBLIC BUILDINGS, nemirepplefite the Oonttnental Rotel. The leeS tie ergeadsel mid conducted Business . It al.- Carps et "mews hiss me .sorrier. Education for the Omitting-room in the short est pomade time eonsiltent with the intereqs of the student. 6e" for & REARM; 9.4 NOAH WALKER & CO., czornrr.lty, wn.siiiNGToN strLDma, AJID 167 DA asx•ras snore, itaxsutoruc brD, SP ereetutli laree sooda rr!at - E rc~Y stook ca=taTße The =o i lers for the to the lowest ready fi tird or made to Ire. ; gri t t ;m:l. i" tgr ae ls ve l it e. oek FIJRi . - r;"4 wary vthad Tril at l; IMEXATeoess. • G e fr T. Name Itn• your Clothing. LUMBER, COAL, . STOVES, TIN-WARE, &C. Omar of Carlisle Street and the Railroad, GF:PPYRBPRO, PA AN IMMENSE STOCK! pc tad", to eve the public aornething like an I"ll=tenor thelmmantostook.aiLtuabar, ~ Tin- ovate , le., tn., on band and Ibt late the undelvtallen. at his eatahlliaantent,l2 thillategreet, sense the Balboni nom tba Yas say.r latnllon, be would enumerate aa air as Ma Holm or a flea npaper edrerti.ement will allow: IN THE LUMBER VINE &auxin and flank of every grade, from= to panel, Jona, and Sem:tiling, pine and , Kitting, Planed and unplaneA, Flooring, fibingjap, Shingle Laths, Phut ering Laths, Pickets, nt.ale D,,0r,, nll,l h . Blinds and tititatters7—ft: feet, to erythillg 11,1,Nt for building punts:sec 1313i=3 TRY. COAL LINE Shamokin White Ash and Lykens' Valley Red Ash,these two varieties helng the purest and best for all domestic. purposes. Also the very built Broad-fop and Allegheny Smith foal IN THE STOVE LINE: ~..., Waver , Noble rook, Rom) (MA, Harley Sheaf, Ortem Stewart' a rook Ornantentid likocialor, Mrw ai and ai th' Tt fine ." (kK ea kinZ 6"vis. lion fro. t rg e wr ~ ..d e ram ,L orletl are a aeloo- Stove* the market affords. and are al pupa l warren to ■■ive entire aotlefoctlon. Moo, a very large varlet)" or Parlor, rtalonn and khop Stove., tor coal rw wood, including the celebrated liornlna Glory,the Vaketn, t)val Meteor, Bound Meteor, raid. Violet °ern, Regulator, comet, Pew, New Pia, Parlor lonk , de., de. Flee Brick ond ti rates, for eoiti or ‘. (Aid, ale .‘) m on band. IN TAE TIN-WARE LINE The assortment erabruces everything neorlatat7 for kitchen or household purpose., including a huge number of convenient' yet cheap ankles of newdesign wh must be seen to be appreciated. The stock Is so large and varied that those who hove not visited the establishment have no con ception of Its extent. In addition to the ordina ry kitchen utensils, it Includes bathing 'Vessels, Toilet Chamber $OlO, plain and-fancy, Chamber /lockets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Deed lloxex,Spittoons, Tumbler Drain ers, Bill-head Boxes, Walters, Ale Carrier., Water Coolers, Slaw Cutters, Nurse la to ps, Jelly Moulds, Pudding Moulds, Patent Nutmeg Graters, Dumb CAS., lien. Grant Plates and A B I' Plater, Mh Buckets, Flour Sieves, html Oates, Spout Haulm, Coffee Mills. Lantern., DustingSpouus, Large Forks, Candle St Irks, l and le Mould., Copper DI p pcm, Wrought-iron Fr)lit Pans smoothing Irons, Foot Sawyers, COM,. RlNllere, Waffle Irons, IsnutfeN, Dinner and AncUoneer Beth., Elm Beaters, Inters, Fluted Funnels, ilool Sieves, tilass-top Fruit Cana Plain-top Fruit Claw, Self sealing Jars, Sc., de. Tin-ware made to order, and repairiug prompt)) attended to, by the best of workmen. IN TITE ItoLL011"-WARE Cast-Iron Pots, of every site and variety, for stoves, Porcelain Kettles, for evoking and pore serving, Tin-lined Kettles for ditto, Osst-lren Stew Pious, of every size and r ark Porcelain and tinned, with a thousand and one other arti cles Impossible to enumerate in an advertise ment. Attention la epeeeny directed to three valua ble patents for which he to agent, and about whieh there is no humbug, au can be attested by seem: who have need them, via: THE ENIVER SA R IN t: Ell, DOTY' s WAsH I NiC MACHINE, and the celebrated 1)1131 , ON D owns. The public are invited to call and irmndne footle land prima. 110 guaranteed to sell every thing in his line at exceeding low figures. Come and ase, to gratits your eurlosity, II you do not want to buy. No trouble to show good,. Jul) 1.166 T. HARDWARE AND GROCEMES. rium .übeerlbera hew Just returned from the j cities with on Immense eupply or HARDWARE 4.t GROCERIFA which they are offering at their nkt stand in Bal timore street, at prieee to molt the, Cuter. Our stock consist,. in part of St !LONG MATERIALS, CARPENTER, *4 TOOLS, CARP ENT E R, TOOLS, COACH FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, WSEKEEPE3I,'S FIXTrRER, ALL KINDS OF IRON, itc.„ GROCERIES OF ALL lingua, OILS, PAINTS, &c., Sc. There lc no article included in the several de partments mentioned above but windows be had at title store. Every class of Mectlianke can be accomboxlated here with tools and findings / t i ll liousakeepere mn find every article in theß Give uc a call. as we are prepared to sell as low for Mph an any house out of the city. JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID 7.IEGLER. Gettysburg. May Vi, DM. GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE. IMiliiii111I1;1 • OROCERIE , TP(II.. CraThem, White Pagan of all kleals, and Brown Singers, cheap, prime new crop Orleans klnlaxaeot, and all erode s ntSyrupe; MlDiti MACK EREL, bent In market. All kinds of tritraleatile and retail, prime Wine. Brandy - , Rye V. hiakey, de.. for medicinal and other purpottea, in ant- quantity. ad - $. Mlahler'tt Herb Bitters, and the "Great Zineuri Bitter," Mao, SPEER'S GRAPE WINE. P73L .1. MARTIN. Baltimore target, tiettyetall7o April 5, tar. If KISSINGER & SEAN, V - 0. 2 WEST MARKET RTREET, .01 YOB IC, PA., ACitSCTS AND DIALILLS • & C:UtrNET ; oIiGANT4;.. MELODEONS. APO ALL JUROR OP METRICAL INSTRUMPINTEi, rexpeetfully inform the public that they are pee. pared to furnish Pianos of the following mann facture or of aoy other make that may be pre ferred: Afar*lit, Beam Illeaumblt, cleleitarias sea, Bradbury. Kaaba & Sam. Gale at Wm, U4TE& 11 CTILVAILATED 00fTAOK, HAItM!)tiIeAND . _ ORGANS AND MELODEONA. Theca Budrumenie atend unrivalled by any thing' tbrind in this country or h Buropr, nn Is admitted by all impartial Ben,. The vaunt em inent Pipe Oilcan Builders and Performers, the lad to diner", er ereelleinv in reed Tone, pro. nannoad them vastly superior to all °therm for ex meltingly quick articulation and round Tone, the earantlal feature in (antra meant of this clap, We invite the severe eclat nv and criticism oral]. PATENT VOX Iii."3IANA TREMOLO. This late and most wonderful Myelitis:as ,P 0 ac knowledged by all leading aru•tO o ill be found only in the Estev Instruments. In attempting to dmeri be the effeet of title .top, Ire are at Mae ror language. It. beauties, VallllOL be written, but must be heel to be appreciated. By thLs stop an ordinary performer can produce. an effect which require, a life time or practice fur an artist upon a violin. IW:direly changes the reed Tone, (flvtag the sympathetic sweetness of the human voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never tails to enelutnt the listener. =I THE HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Public Huila and Parlor. has a. powerful ettb-Bras with independent reeda, Har moult atuu•hm.•nt rod Vox Humnint Tremolo, and Is believed to be the molat powerful reed or gan made, being nearly equal to a ripe Organ of three times the molt, All Inatrumenta warranted for five yawn: .SießßAtiti BANDeI supplied with bastramenta and music at reasonable terms. MaNIMMUZE=I dirinatruellona Riven both In Vora' and In atruirtrotal Mask% at our room., and at pundit' homra,elthrr to Ind is Moab or phut.", on reaaon able trrma. Der. 17 tOt. tf Great Conowago Mills. O ono BUSHELS OF WHEAT WANTED. flie . untYerskuied, having, remodeled and Improv ed his Mills, near New Chester, Adatus county, (formerly culled "Walnut Grove,'• but now "Great Conowago is prepared to do all kind. of work in his line with unusual dispatch. Con.tuntly on hand, for mie or exchanttX very-bent qualities of Super, Extra and FLOUR, also Bye, Corn and Buckwheat lbw% with every variety of Chop and allot wheat. Havinga SAW MILL attached, be is prepared to sawall kinds of lumber, at the &honest Both*. A Farmer la need of lumber and Sour, can put a lag h npon hie wagon, throw a few bushel& of whom& on te top, have the wheal, exchanged for Scar and 1.11,e log sawed, Mtn saving a dols trip— and all became of the perfect machinery yr/ em ployed in them mills. Having the beet of workmen, he will Di ' able to tgeverybody. Thankful for past favors, he for a continuance of the same. H. J. MYERS. New Chester, April r. PAINTS POI FARMERS AND OTIIIOIB. ItE Grafton Itlifterul Paint Co. are howmann ufturing the Beat, Cheapest and most Lmras bin Paint in use; two mate well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will lust 10 or layears4: la of a light brown or bantam ehaatiale , and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab; olive or eresm to suit tas taste of tha consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fears, and Car-makers, Pails and Wooden-am= cultural Implements, Canal BoabUriels and fshlps' Bottoms, Cantos, Metal and le Roca, (it being Fire and Water proof.) Floor 0 (one Al anufacturer haviag maid lOW bbla, year.) and 1121 n paint for any purpose is unsurpuir ed for durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness, Price Si per bbL of = lbs., which will supply a ft:mar for yenta to come. Warranted in all macs as above. Rend for a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Gmfton Minend Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, Sept. 6, 1(10"n Emlsd Pawl /Weed, New York. BAEZ WANT 19. Tr:Wei=r6,7:3l trgiOur=r4 Au Tannery, in Gettratenn. Mae 84m. PAM C. 11. 111,E.ITLER. Ligroits SPECIAL -NOTICE. Ts AU Whim 14 May Gwent! BEAR IX MIND MU . RAMC wain been to the ditto and bought et low prlow • full Use of Goods, and will *PG MERINOES, 84 cts. to $1 M ALPACAS, SO atm. to St 25 DELAINES, 20 cts. to $1 10 PRINTS. beet, I 2 cents. r GINGHAMS, 12 cents MUSLIMS, 7 to 33 cents CLOTHS, $1 $.3 to $10:- CASSIMERES, :5 ctR. to $3 5Cr. BLANKETS, $2 50 to $9 pair SHAWLS,•SI 25 to $ll FUREI, all prices HOODS, 50 ob..- to $2 50 GLOVES, 10 etc to $2 00 HOSIERY, 12; to 75 ets Northwest Corner of Center Square. 1= EIZZ:2EI THE HOLIDAYS. LOOK OPT FOR OLD CHRIS : E. H. MINNICH, °Yam&4vourg Street, nest door,!. the Keystone 110- 1211=121 T .: only nuthorhed agent in thin ',lure of UM lavellency, ellltli Kazoo I.F, onOnonves to tho people of Get'ynburg and surrounding coon tty, that he is reeelvlng at he Store, the Baum° and Equipments of tho "Old &mile- man,” which are tote dietripeted fu rich profe mEcum) PAs4E:cott f BAIN will leave Get tysburg at 1.30 P. 3f., arri, tug at Hanoi er Junc tion at 5.10, anl vont...olio a ith mall train Mouth. Anion at Baltimore at ti.tal P. 31. Arrive at Get tysburg at 5.31 P. M.. with pnownitem trona Phl delaMta, Harrisburg and liar North and West, an al.. with paiweageni from Baltimore all Washington by the Mat flue north, which Bayou Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Pussengern can hove Baltimore In the Mail Train at ti.:21A.11., and arrive in Gettysburg at 12.40 P. IL Or have Baltimoni in the out lime at 12.10 noon and arrive in Gettysburg at 5.90 P. M. But one Auntie of cars by the first train, either way, ♦ is: at 1 ;mover Junction. The fast line on the Northern Central will not atop at any local sta tions, except. York, Hanover Junction and Park ton. Connections certain. ILL 31,CH1113Y, Pres . t. RICH CAIN to make complete the Wedding Nov. 15, Wit ston. and at each priers IS will a-Urania even those who think a cent us big o cart wheel TOYS of ez:tgy deserlptlou, to make eheerfol the heart, and Jok Want, the spirits of the juvenile population, arid a ?mply of FRENCH and COM MON CANDIIIII, -to sweetens', and eral and make - perpetaaaycobeelve the affixtions of these whose hrarta are thrabblog In anticipation qt changing their condition in life, and a *ape and flolklay 'Feeds. Also, ORANGES, LEMONS, NCTS, and a thousand and are otiteir good things. His stock is very large, bought at the very lowest pawn% and to be sold at the ankalleat jaofite. Call la, old and young, male and female, and you will be sure to find something to please N 05.22, MIL tf CETTYSBURC NATIONAL BANK. GOVERNMENT BONDS, at all klnda, BOUGHT and SOLD. BEVEN•THIRTY BANDS converted into FIVE TWENTY BONE'S without charge. comPouNT) m•Tr.rtE...rr NOTES C.ISHED. The HICIRFAT PREMIUM paid on Gal) and SILVER. STOCKS and BONUS, of all kinds: bought for pirmoits without CHARGING ORDERB PROMPTLY EXECUTED Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSrP3 adranerri 1 per =SIM 3 per egeelL Par 1 peer, 4 pee omit. fee il seetbs. E per east. Mit 3 Math.. Persona wishing information in tenant to 17.5. Horde, and 13toe.ks of till Weide, are invited to g 1 unseal!, and we will give all Information =ME I=2 Gettyabum. Oa. 23, Lem. if FIRST NATIONAL BANK I= WM allow intArest on Special D«panitl,aa tollowx 6 per eent per ewes for 1 year. • I:=IM:=!1 EMI I:===il EM:=l Will convert 7-30 :70T123 into 5 , :.0 BONDs. a tree of .Large CASH COMPOIT: , ..I) INTEREs, T NOTPW and Will also porchaor or STOMA •nd BONDR of every kind, free of chance en romminsion, and will at all tlmea pay the InGFIFST NUPE for GOLD and HILVER, and will, with plea•arr, traneoet all lonlneso promptly, an heretofore, pertaining to a well regulated Bank I= GettyibOrg, Nov. SAC GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. TEN nadlendised barn bought ant by lamer podiddr.Wda. Gslaa, sad now mitliwies tie j,2A,, ;. . A thku,iLiLE . .o hislMlt-48, tb• Gottronon Lino Kina/4 on tno corner at the Railroad sad North Stretteh three. Thinldol for pod potrookoio, he w,lll endeovor to dabirye Its ocathamaoa, by promoting the bud miss an vtgaisasly and on as large a male as ptni sibile—alsnays sellkne a good article and giving goat mMeo/e, Fanners and ;Abets may look lbe the prompt filling of orders He aloe ecestinnes the COAL BUSINESS, ofihring the met plrraler kinds. Housekeepers and others should pie him • alt Blacksmith Goat eoestantly on bunt. Lime and Coal delivered anywhere In Get,- widens. JACOB iIIaCILEIr. Geflaridifaig, Mica an. tf rPOS ailli MON alimbs, l aparri n: WlN JL7 ite4lllo kt GREEN RIDGE! 4Fir. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS t lig JOHN NORBECK "rj AB commenced Store-keeping at GREEN Il RIDGE, In Remliton township, Adams eo,, on the Hampton turnpike, and would Inform the public that lie has just returned trout the city with an excellent assortment of DRY GOODS, OROCERIER, HARD-WARE, 14v WARE, cAis-W ARENDIE CEDAR-W NOTI AR ONS,E, TIN- W li, Tobaccos, doe., eto.—lndeed, a MD and complete line of Goods, to snit the necessities and tastes of all. fibs prices are se low as the very lowest— Calicoes at 10 cents and Muslim at /1 emit/4 ea Instances. He reels that Me goods and prices will be setts factory to the public, and therefore Invitees large stars of custom', from near and tar. Don't forget the advice—the green Ridge Store Is Me place to let the fall worth of your money , n/8,1057. tt SEWING lACKENES. Tie Grime 4 Baker.—The Best 14 Use. rZBE Machined have become so well known hat little need be said by way of reoomroew• talon. They have taken the hist premium at all the late State Pairs, and are unlvessally ac knowledged to be the ET AT In use by all who have tried them. The "Grover & Baker Stitch" and the "Shuttle Stitch" are poluta that have been attained by no other Maehine. They are the only machine that new and embroider with per fection. These Machine* ore peenliarly adapted to Fatally use. Thee are noiseless, new direetiv from the spool w intent rex iodine, raid are In their construction. They ore easy to man• ace, and ran be worked by almost any child. Every dimity should have one. They mi , e labor, they mate thole, msd they Pare money, and do their work better th an It am be done by head. The underaigned having been appointed Agent for the above Machines, has established an Melt e,' in Fairfield, Adamms eohnty, where he will al ways have on hand a supply. Persons wishing to boy will please call and examine for them selves. • /FrNeedle. and Thread will tam be supplied. J. K. WITHEROW, Agent, Fairfield. Adtlol.eounti Pa. Ang.27, tf ADAMS OOUNTY MUTUAL FIRE iNsmt.c.xcF, COMPANY INVORPORATF.D. MARcu 18, OPTIC) as. President--Genre swepe Vice Presiticoi—eeiuucl IL Memoll r=2=Ml EM==MV=tM • F.gecutive Committee—Hobert McCurdy, An. drew Uelntaelman, Jacob King. M.nof.r.—kitturlto Swope, It. A. Buehler. R. McCurdy, M. Eicheiberger, S. It. Rummell, K. O. Fahnestock, A. 0. Buehler, It. O. McCreary, (let. tyaborty, Jacob King Strohm, lownmhip; A. Itelntaelman, Frankien; Wm. D. !Ilium, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Benders, Me; 11. A, Pleking,Straban; John Wolford,Latituore; John Pleking, Raid Berlin ; Abell'. Wright, Bender.. elite; Abate! F. Oitt, New Oxford; Jam. U. Mar ,eluell, John Cunningintru, irroe. dons; John !tomer, Ifountpn ; Wm. RUM White, Liberty. Lb -This Com pany be limited in Its operations to the county or Adams. It ham been In operation for more than 15 )cure. and in that period hum matte but oae mmetwment, having paid loam. by tire during that period amounting to 1/3,0M8-441,. c 4 which have been paid during the last two years. Any venom demiring au 111.1111111 re can apply to any of the ale. e Doom! Ifo.nagerm fur Ins flier Information. fht - The Executh e Committee meets. at the of. flee of the eutnputly, on the' lint ll:Mite/May in cry month, el 2 u eloek, P. M. MEMO Gettysburg Railroad. CItANGF, CONNIXTIONS.—On and after Wedneaday', Nosember tali, BC, Passenger Trains will lea,, and arrive at tiVitYSbUrg, and 11111 1 / 4 1. M1111..111.11%, as follows: littxr ant TRAIN will leave Getty.- loam at 0.15 A. M., u lth passengt.rm for York. llur. riahurg, Philadelphia, Battlinora, and the North and N eat, amt Ing at Mims it Junction without el,ingo of ears, at 10.13 A. M., eon neel lug with We I.lite smith on line No, therti eetlind tWlt wu), and arthinie at Baltimore at 1120 nonn. Alan epitneetlmr a lin Mall Trki II from Baltimore north, arils lite In liarroOmm rat'. 31. Arri ving at Gettvoure 12.10 I'. 31., with paa,..engen4 hunt Hari Wan Yolk, Baltimore awl Wash ington. DR. L. J. OROVE'R CNIVERMAL Magnetic Salve and Fluter. deeervedlypTlar remedy, having been great (improved, le now otfered to the tleena ot.Ad ms comity. sae* manyinomande who are daily using lt, testtlY to its =glad Virt.UM In the early states of Consumption, Cbughs, focal RActintation, Yeuralgia, Jaye and Tooth Ache, Weal-seas mad Pain in At Bork, Side and li" , dneys, Cancer, ltert"la Old horn, Al - yriperas, Fresh Wcn/ndr, Burns Be , uttes, ilbre or in/OmM Breasts, burned 7be Nods, (bens, Bunions, die., Ate. Its mysterioui, virtues. and the wonderful curse it lies performed, might he published; but the discoverer le willing to rely on Ito illtlinine Mfr. ILA, in order to Introduce It Into every Gamily In the country. Prepared only by the proprietor, 315 E. Lombard Street, Baltimore, and wild ht A. D. BUEHLER, Dr. R. HORNER, and J. M. FORNEY, Gettysburg. and by the merchnnts of the county. Itzenewsiese —Henryi Culp of P. Andrew Schick, John Winebrenner, J. L. Schick. arieMerehrtuts Min get o supply by calling at J. WINEBRENNER'S at Wholesale ihiees. Ang. 5, MC. ly Coe's Dyspepsia Cure T HIS Great 117 T rd o y 3 f i miti t l : Ireartes of the is the discovery of the Inventor of f'oe's Valuable Cough ktabuttn, while experimenting for his health. It cured Cramp In the ettontachsfor him which had before yielded to nothing butchlons. form. The almost daily testimony troiu various part. of the country encourages us to believe there Is no disease caused by a disordered stomach It will not speedily cure. E Physicians Endorse and Use It. $ .1104stersgim Testimony of its 1111.mey ! And from MI dlreetiom we TeeeiVf. tiding% of cures performed. EZII72M I= El= I=2 _ . sOCK-HEADACEIE! It has cured In hundreds of cases. HEADACHE AND DIZZENEW4 It atop. 111 thirty ralautes. ACIDITY OF THE STOM t It corrects at aloe. . . FIRING OF THE FOOD! 0 . ]:A _ N lt now immediately. TL 0! • One doge will remove. CH MORIII7B Rapidly yields to a few dose. BAD BREATH! Will be ehanged with half a bottle. It is Perfectly Harmless Its UNPRECEDENTED SIR:ChIWi b owlnie to the hut that IT CURES DT ASSISTING NA TURE to re-assert her foray lo the system I Nearly even. dewier In the United States sells It at tiNE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. (*LARK it Proprieturm, Neu ilavezt, Cotta =9 Poland's Magic Bilious Powders. THIS PREPARATION P, the din envery of Rev. J. W. Poland, for - merly the Pastor of the Baptist Church in Goffstown, N, H., and a man dearly beim ed by that de rlnomination throughout New Eng- GIG land. He War Mliged to leave the pulpit l i f e ,tud medicine to save DO' his own and his MAGIC POW DERS are one of the moo.t under ful d %cowries of modern times. It Is The Great Liver and Bi lions Remedy ! which completely throws in the shade all other diaeorerlem In medicine; and It affords him mach gratification that they receive the cinaninuale approbation of all who huv e todell them. The Magic Billow, Powders Ire u Positive Cure for Liver Complaint! In Its most aggravated form, and an Immediate corrector oral' . . _ itILIOIII3_ DERANGEMENTS I - - Exoellantfbi HEADACHE, CO PIM N PLD4 STIP LC BOTCHES N, _, SALLOW wnr,nnowsrmarefriDllolNE&S, HEARTBURN, PALPITATION, And • mood wonderful Care aid ?remain Of Fever aid /gas! (We advise all who arc troubled with this fear foa mia.ty to always keep the Powders on hand ready for immediate use.) Here are a few important particulars: let.—They are the Orem epeciffc for all Bilks= Affections. 2nd.—They are the only known remedy that will cure Liver Complaint. td.—They are the only known remedy that will eltre Constipation. on e are so thorough in their eperatlon that one package will be all that the majority otthose using them will require to mimes, a cart. Sib.—They aro s. mini and pleasant yet the most effectual cathartic known. Sth.—That are the cheapest and beat medicine extant, se Liosy can be sent by Taal to my part of the eons for the price, 110 tents. aroulare, eentaining certificate', hibernation, te.,_aent to any part of the arerld free of anima SOLD BY ALL nnuctourrs, Cle by mai/ en application to C. G.CLARK l Agent & CO., Generas, New Haven, Oonn. Price 50 rents AT Box. March lit, lilT. eowly LAST NOTICE. Lacions indebted to the late firm of Mo AY & DIEHL will please call andhettle. *tot paid before the let of Deomber, the Books will be In the hand. Man &deer for colter ttoeywlthout regard to person& MoCURDY & DIEHL. Oct. IL, 19111'. tf fIONSTANTLY on hand, an assortment of Fine V mums, PHOTOGRAPH ALBVIKR Cards ydleasereta her pores from the Rattiedlald. PHOTOJAANTIS of oar Gement& sad other Ms thrashed tatuvistueb at theEtterta 7. ler Graleff. HOLID.11" P.RESENTS. ____ Dry Goods! Fancy Goods! - JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. Worth over $2,0000001 All to be sold toz ONE imiLtan EACH. AOHAPIDALE a CO.. le BROADWAY, NEW YORK AGENT FOR EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE:XS. Announce. that in eonsequenos of tbeavomifoek ing of the English market, an Immense quanti ty of DRY and FANCY 000 1 / 1 4 have been alined to them with irottructions to be cleared for immediate CAalt, at any PACTinf,'. A. d Co., have, therefore. reso l ved to offer them accenting t o their ordinary system of basins,, at Si eaub, without hwaM to value. . . . - . The following list ghost P the original wholesale prima of Come of the articles whinte they now of fer at SI. Rear, Wolf, and buthlo Robes from 410 101 to 80 00 tau °flours, sable, ermine or mink, SOCU to 100 01 Ladies' 31nes " " " 11 00 to 8000 Do. Collars " " 1000 to 40 00 Silk and Satin Dress Patterns Is 00 to MOD Demi, and Egyptian I loths 8 00 to li go Algoma and Muslin de Leine* 4 00 to 10 00 French Sleriaosand Twlllv 10 00 to 2001 Cansbrie Thibet and Mohair 4 011 to 10 00 Ilalmonti end Elliptic Skirts 2 00 to 000 Silk and lace yells 2 00 to ti 00 Sets tine Cutni and Collars 2 IP to Ito Pairs of Indies' eswaets 150 to 8 00 Rantikelehlefs, Silk, Plain, Rent stitched *MI F.inbroldered Linen Lawn; per dozen 000 to 18 00 Ladle. and Cents' Cotton, Woolen and milk Hone and half Hose; per loran pains tOO to 12 44)- - Ladle.. and Geptie Merino, Cotton, Linen and Cotton Sian. and Dn. dershletn each 110 to eAO Coat, Vent and Pantaloon Patterns In Cloth, Casalmere, and Doeskin 300 to 23 110 . Linen and Woolen Table Covert 2 00 to 0 Vo Nl, bin and colored Linen Napkins, per don, 0 00 to 12 CO Nitirlin4, White and thiblesehol, per yard IS to 40 Flannels; Bhawla In Woolen; Bilk and )(rhino Nubia* or Cicada; Woolen floods; Blanket*; Linen and Muslin Atlanta: Velvet and hlorforeo Portmonalas; !Shopping lane; Kniesw, with prod, tortoise and Ivory French fineks; UM and Broome Niumbral /loxes; Revolvers; Fowling Phava; Fanev Comb*: Hair Nets; Islls s er Cnnt I /Nes: Work . Bose.; Allllllll,, Fount) and l'orket Ilibles; Opera Gloms., he, We has r also reeelVoll a splendid /assort went of gI Gold anal :sliver Hunting (Maw for tient*: Mt. ameted do, tor Ladles, us with Chaim of ever) pattern and Ids le. Seta of Jewelry In es Cr; sartety ; Isirevr But tons; Thiniblea; Isiekrta • l'nwww; }linos of es - ere kind ; linteelet•; (mid pen, THE 1 1 11%11:TALENT Pit Silver Inning 11m1 Tt•ii ensinnt, In. I'Urhrrr, Ttti.11.1.1).x.n., Fork , . Ica It•utu Suintr Dot, Ix, Fruit ittu4k..i.44:okt. Itatmiteu., Curd Busql.etv, Fruit Knit r., tat rue t uitu Nal, ern, 1. ninante., Pie Finil knit er, Muntsint nud Knit /4110.111., Nlll l kill I'N St/Illibo, Win.. 1111111,N, l'itrd &v. All the a 1.% e liat ;411;1100i Iu IN , nol.l for • I each. 'rho, expenaon aro paid by the aae of cau l ..., nr l'ertilleatem Hauling each aril.* In the disk. and Its %nine; thew eertlitentor ate eneb.ed 1. VIIVI`i0;10., :nixed up and wild at al—ii Edit 2. Whatever article it nattled In the i'artitleate ran be obtained at I /SF. 1101.1. A R. . The article wlll ahown to the bolder of the Certlth ate, nod It will be ilt hla option. VlllPtitol la , pay.; the dollar told Ink,. the atit.b n. not. In in trOrleo .1:11 by mill or expn ea are not aath.faetory, the,. Pn, bn ref toiled and the Lo ney 14 111 14. 144111111011. ,P.very eutltlem the holder to Nano,. kr.. tlele of kerllng I tillie, worth 1111011 1110 re 111411 dollar. In proof of Ude REAII THIS OFFEIL You eon hale for any of our eertltlent. s and PI 011, any of t h e following artiel.., no that It von are Ind pleased with the lintel,. nanod on t he a ertilleate, you need not Ito. the „ 1,1114 3 on paid for It : ' Linn sliver plated three hottle Castor, hand some silt er plated flutter Ul.h with Ogle and men:, Lady's Shopping nag, a NI picture All bound in velvet and gilt, set of Tea stpoous si h el plated on white metal, met double plated Table s•pone, or Forks, Pants pattern IP; ants 11114411- mere.l polo Joll\llllll'l.4. Kid (outs eu, st,lendid real leerselatuni Pipe, oir milid JO earn, I , old plain Wog =lin thleille tie tour )wire we 11,11.0 been agent. for Furopean mane:art e rers, we Mts. res.•l‘ed I inn tlnAls er rommendolor) nf,licee !non 11. paws, 1111.1 lettere from prls ale !nal sllll.le/S. 1 - X1+4,4.114g the 11ig11,4 Nitir , lhelloll 011 Dietle.l 01 .10- 1 nit IJuidnem. 'We hove molly of thee.. tenlime alai , . with mono, Hates, printed in pamph let form, uud L. We hoN e DO spare for Ilium In this adNertlsement, We wilt send eople, free any mkiress, Whenever desired. we will send articles by En 0. D. No that the money need only paid ON DELIVEItY OF TILE . We Invent the entire responsibility of money sent by r.xpres. Yost Office Order. or Bank Draft. We weal agents I.VEItYWIII.IIE to whom a liberal compensation %Ili be bald, which eau be learned on oppllenlion. . - . Take rare to wrl to your name and mlareaa In a near, dl nauet uand, and nearer. AItIiANDA & CO . IC Broadway, New York. - Dont (Mare Box, Doe. 0, WM. am Gifts for Christmas & New Years ! A SUPERB IVTILWE OF FINE ()1.1I,I) AND SU.- t t.4 ' l .! , nt.P.C dt lt N :t r r i t) . .tV• THE (OW !RIVE OF $lO EACH, AND RATIN FACTION 6 UAItANTKED. - - 100 Solid (told Muir:nit Wittebee 9M) to $lOOO 100 Nagle Oland °old Watch.' . . 24 to :Ail 100 Ladity• Watches, stem, led 13,1 to Islo Gold Hunting Chren. Watches., NW WO Gold Iluntlag English Levers.. -.00 to MO 301 child Hunting lrop. Watches. . luo to AU 51:10 (told Hunting .I.lta.r Watcoes, 100 to 2150 600 ((liver Hunting Levers . . 50 to 150 000 Silver Hunting Duplexes. 76 to 250 500 ()old Ladling' Watehro. 00to :160 1,000 Cilia Hunting Lepliins - ail to 70 1,000 seellanecatti Silver Waters.. 50 to 100 2,500 1 rating Silver Watches_ 25 to 30 s,ono A 'warted Watcbeao.ll kind' 10 to 75 The above stork will be disputed of on the pop- CLAP. ONE -raffle `lsla g every patron a One Gold or Solid Sliver Watch for $lO, without regurd to value! Will(rIIT, 800, d C 0.191 Broadway, New York, Wish to Immediately dispose of the above malt nificent stock. Certificates, naming the articles, are placed In sealed envelopee, and.well mixed. Holden are entitled to the articles mimed in their certificate, upon toi moot of Ten Dollars. whether It be a watch uorth 51,030 or one worth tees. The return of any of our rertithattea enti tles you to the entries named thereon, upon pay ment,irreepertls e Of 116 worth, and nano article valued less than 510 Is numed ou any certificate. It will at once be wen that title I. no lottery, but a etreight forward legitimate trallftletioll, w Melt may be yortiripated In M“. 11 by the 111C011 fastidi ous. A single certificate will he Kent by mall, poet paid, upon reeelpt o(2.1 rent,, five for $l, elemen far 12, thirty.three unit elegant premium for $l, alxty•six and MOM valuable peen/hail far lan, one hundred and moot superb Violets for $Li To agent, or than wishing employment, Ihla la rare opportunity. It la a legitimately Conducted bnalneas, duly authorized lay the Goyentment, and open to am moat earefol 'ten/tiny. Watehea ten by Expresses, with lila for oolleetlon on dell/ - erv, no that no dim's/agitation ran pczodhly °emir. Try ac. Addressa WItIOHT, BROTHER 44 M. , Importera, ill Broadway. New York. =1 A Lecture to Young Yen. toTUIST pribllsbed,in a sealed mire s) to . Price *yenta A Lect ure on the Nature, Treat,. ment, and Radical Cum of lieminal Weasknem, nr Spermatorrhom, Induced by Self- A bum : In voluntary Em Melons, Impotency, Ner vous Debility, and lmpoditnenta to St PM IV itetlefallY; Oonsumption, Epilepsy, and lice; /dental and Physical Incapacity, te.—By Roll- Mir J. et:LVERW ELL. M, D., Author of the "Green Book," etc. The world-ranownod Author In-this admirable Lectern, clearly proven, from his awn experience, that the awful con•equenees of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous aerates' operationa, bougles. instruments, rifl', or eomitals—pointing out a mode of cure at once ivrtain and effeetnal. byy which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tiou may be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly end rudimily. Tithe Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. 'Sent, under seal, In a plum envelope, to nny address, on receipt of a cents, or two puritans 'Lampe, by addreestlng the publisher& Also, DE. CULVER WELLE.Merrisge Guide," pries ffi csnts. Address, CHAR. .1. C. KLINE & 1! Bowery Now 'York, Post °Klee Box Coil. Nov. 2s,ities. 3m Hanover Branch Railroad. 9N and after MONDAY, Dec. 9th, KC, newel, gee [mins on the Hunover Brunch Railroad 11 leave as follows: FIRST TRAIN will leave Ilanovrr nt 11.31 M., with pas...tier. (or York, Baltimore. liarrle burg, and the North and Went. Thl train ar rivem nt the Junction at 10.10 A. 3f., connecting with the Fast Line South, on the Norther., Celt tml Railway, whirl, arrives at Baltimore at 12.30 P. M., and also with the Mall In North, with It arrives at Harrisburg at 12.1.5 P. 31. 441-Thlti train returns to Hanover at 11.51 P.M., and arriVeti at Getlyeburg at 12.5.; P. M. SECOND TRAIN leaves Hanover at 2.45 P. M., and arrive.: at the Junction at 3.40 P. M., connect ins with the Mall Train South, which arrive.; at Milliner.. at 11.11 P. M. Pitsmengent by this train for York lay over at the Junction until 11.11 P. M. srThla Tllllll returns to Hanover at 4.45 P. 3%., with paasengen4 for Hanover, 44ettysharg and 1.1 t• deatoWn. - Pamengera leaving Baltimore Tor Hanover, Get - trabnre and Llttleatown, will take either the Hall Train at 8.90 A. 11., or the Find I.lno at 12.10 I== lEt3= Wanted. a Good Man every town and county in the Unlon, to en 1. gage In the sale of a patented article, Used in every house/mid, shop, after, hotel, store midi public building, railroad care, steamboats. de. Persona already engaged are making tmmense incomes, and the demand fur the article never ]our Clllltomen once obtaitied your in comeb t and perpetual. Full owl swish., Mottos seat to all who may apply to J. LE No. 151 Cedar street, New Turk, with stamp. Bug MI. N0v.15, IMP. tra MARRIED WE. NFORMATION sad aeries of vital Itayortabee I to the married of both sexes. to • maid Nivel oFe. ma be obtafted frr oina2r 2 by addreeMag tbe anderaigned. TA=lai ttmitt. =I Broadway, New Turk. OM. 1/1, MIL 3m BEINGLZEI AMINGLW,Ike last la the market, for sew Le ather Yard, ma the aa JACOBll road, mild:Mar UNI Lme Kilns, Get tribuelr• Nay. 54, Mt it • Scholarship for Bale. A FULL °monk, Schein plight in the QUAKER QTY BUISINIINS ODLLSONof and a tall course nebalarehly In the Otentnerciel Operas In the GREAT. NATIONAL TZLN GRAPHIC AND NSIIC, Philadelh OO sale M e N ClALhesp. Uni IlhanTUons at t T he ODICIPUMIL aeon. Oct. 11, lON. A , S ars always Mad in see ear Meads eh the Nimbler. opposite in tbs Isms oid , on Yorksthe bank thintra. ark, pi. C. J. MON.