§ettpsburg CI IrTtavty. Jnikusivr 14.1146%. GENV.16146747 Ai1114111E11111471 Vit. ICON. „ DieDfie'ltntiteal pip Ito el ti that Gen's. Viahi: Stitt Sherman' titlVlgeti fatun— ten' id'ree l fge, ft W341)1111100 esrtireiktn. dolt 'Of. the Baltimore Mot telegraphs that paper, ratter (late' et aferalay Nat, fedVatrot.: 't to said Mr. Rtatiton MIA rotthortr.ed the statement in the papas that he Into 114 been.adviaed by ftenerals Grout and PlitOnan turesign. Your correpPontient'. , tos.erlion thut di-tingtikhed' offi cer; Iltatt'luiVisett Mr. t9tantott terreslgn was tamed upon what they tbromelvem have solitlmpon the subject, and whether they did In fact go to .Mr. ittAtittotl wt.( my to film that he should give Itp the office or `not. tour corromondsitt now stalha unqualifiedly that boll' flenerals 4:rant rind Shernnin told thin l'resident that /pc} , Avulde go to Mr. clta o ton and give him their opinion that he ought to refelgn thS office or , 4eretttry of Was. Ilmtit had an Interview milli the Presideak yirtteraJoill, ,unil left with the avowed perixeie 01 ;suing immediate ly to Mr. Stanton end Wing him the :dint's advice. "'flame art- fads about witlelft•theee , tv 11 41e lin dispittu s hat omen t h e pet w itieitt, and utuerai. t;~eat stud Sher/II:III, Title eillphatle -tateinent entirely re fultw the liadiral fakelsood on lid. sub- Jflct, ,anti places Slunton, in his &demi tualoß to hold ou to a Pharr in which he el not wanted, iu a more wien-Ylititle. po sition than lie has yet occupied.. Was there ever a more ravened , 4411,e-holder than FAN iu "Al. :4taidal ItECONSTRIVTION ETU The new reeoustruction bill passed 'the iloutir at Washington on Tuesday, by ill btrict party vote--Lll to CI.. Butler's substitute for Use first sectiuu of the hill, giving the so-called reconstruction cons ventione, now In session in the tioutheru,, Rates, 'power to remove civil officers -therein, and appoint others in their latices, was voted down by 1.1'2 to 53. The 141, therefore, stands substantially as reported by the committee. Alter it had pamed s Mr. Fernando Wood proposed to amend the title, but Mr. Bingham, who had the floor, declined to allow the amendment to be read. The folliming, however, is a correct copy thereof : A bill to absorb the entire author/0' of the trove' nate Lit into the Im.utds of Con- WIITC•i/ the pott Vl' of the ExOeu- Com tim ilen. I 'hie( of the Army sod Nnvy shall Ile altolish ed--the power 01 I lie Supreme Court to puss epee the validity olarts ui eatalrene tali/ailed l 'itin mit cresstil iNurp.mon over ton z-4ntt. , 4 *,,a4blimned by fore). 01 :mos. and a new form Of government created in pt•tce of ;hat whinh iormerly existed under the 1./institution of the United State.% hereby declared to ho tunnelled and made yea. 'l'Le bill now goer to the Semite, and there iscoualiterable speculation as to how that:hoily will treat it. There are these whit believe that it cannot pans In Its preaent odious shape, We shall see. A 40OD 1,14\ TLr ShimTtne Court, cal Wednerelay. 'decided in •favor of advancing the Mis telaitippi teat. nano if 'Mt:Mille on the docket, netting it down for hearing on the 'trot Monday in March next. This eteie involveirthe coantitetiertelity of the Itadleall-liquenstructlon acts, and i' of overnhadowing importance on that ae coun.t. It ix said that flee out of the eight judgi44 favored an early healring. This Ia a . hopeful LKIONT 'WC rroorm WILL NOT Do. The New York 'l',•tuac, than which nu higher Radical authority exists, iu un advocating 'the Congressional visa for reducing the South to the con trol of the octavos, says; "This question is oversliadowilig. No other of coniparable iturirtailee nom: di vides out countrymen. Beside it, ell questions of preference for A, B or IC as next Nresident went frivolous—puerile. Audit lb dear that the great inaJority so h Ink and feel." Tittles it, exactly ! The question 4'.ersii.atloning one, and because It is co. the peop/e, who art thihking, will elect Ito nitui to the Presidency who is not squarely and unequivocally oppoaed to - the - infamous and ruinous plans Of the preet•nt Radical Congress. Ail ideas of self7preaervation and pride of country follArleny other result. ViNERAL GIiANT has nut yet at tempted an explanation of his "singular conduct" in the Stanton affair. Ifis "chagrin" still exists, hat lie has not yet' given his excuse. In reference to thid "singular conduct" of the Getter - al, thetalrimore Sun thus' speaks: GkINSUAL all A N'T A THE DENT. Itralional Intellietneer made a statement on Weiineeday hulk ginfilar to that made by our correspondent 'Data," In relation to^ the engagement Nvhtdhileutral Grant iii alleged to have made with the President as to the course he would pursue In the event that the &mate should seek to force Mr. Stanton back Into the Cabinet. • This statement having been drawn in question by phrticm of the Radical press, the acer of Yesterday reiterates% it in full, and adds : "Tho above statement of (nets '.vatsi made by us deliberately, cal efii4 Mitt ttitvbirelly. We repeat awl reiterate it in the most emphatic manner. " We .hisaio it to Lie ,iiriec in all 414 t kntglk and breoalli, and ,ar (iliolltnge Ventral Gr:tut to (Iry it in a .inglc parlicidar, Ou this Iwilative refer to a dispatch of the Wash ington correspondent of the New York Fontirui I ng our statainent." •" ' N,7 6 / 1 4;1 1 :C/ FOR recent, orders, thMaceit that t , ls ~ , /ptfts rurpitx, fla t% cif Citita,,ao 4'he Fret , tiala nL the wt ,Le treepepted. otrova in COlyfrea, feW,AVAlsluee, tendering him a vote of thilu4for thi"%expres!.on pf his Imyalty 1.6 the ooitStifutioit and t l / 4 be law of his eouutry. it , The UrftlaFfletiLW:eqtagr i ss refttbeti to pass the resolution ; aittltiirrAsty, eiColorril th, writ of /4«gwair ooktijitis. airfl 044' the freedom of press, pht:sl4 ittit,here f tyleetftt , by them. . . Wax a feiw negroes were discharged I,rprmeryiee i u the 'south, the w4o)c. /3.9, 1047 was , vocal; with the indignation ff tte , AlVzil : prom Aver ihe outrage. 4 , 4.9%;1 1 11 , Ife hear urthe discharge of .livitif i t .1, .o,rerl all, o;t:er the ' *it II , hi l t xpirlyillin 4 sotto over pleaeaitaimitice ritenla comp., *na - fAe ',i)oikolus of the ..istticiaLpieli, Tile s,Tr . upattlies of Ji at .. gr . t ro t a:kt.ion are 111 ,w4h the ue r oa. as no kind 'word for' its Owu I'll W l R'viar‘i.4; Ha does its duty', 2 11;rverew4lriol worcl tor the Itaiii• Vupfteettml 'Om tiPorlawi —A cozies poudent, nOt6h ,* 01110, states that an elettio betel hetet* ttemileow i•Weettiehn a 141044mA #mozitloeiy, loh /*suited In time *Wealthier the,Deameeratie momuirlee by a majority ortwii Went. ietme hli the townehipiseeemegieemieeek majority of fasfyilMW hftsitialiti of the til- MaliditelaidAtenection bitsthilt going.** tiThellpilitoitcatstoh, 7 ~ t .1 AN English contractor has been gem :=4l4 fi t/ I:vr - i - L eZg , 1 7 1 n e, %l::r . arnment in Bogie' teete' Abyelniart WM. Tilt lilUillik. MI In the New York Itin le, uf u rdaji t he ft t Ilnwing art tclit *earld, Which vilt nit-ent to nor')VierViv lilt suityi R rotnt nen ve In, Wier °dip* divakls..z While column% ittight be .written upon the subject, it would seareely to itiNqihio tipwussilte,grenk , jaesOnnr tint,' trent ed in a intillkeUndamkie ;Ind eloquent 111.41111er, ittni -anrssirtre . tt a mita vital earefunitedaritt • ' -••.• tl , . =2 • - 'NUE Reli 4 .llllo•N., The , ItevolutionitA4 of the 'temp Con grove aro uerraneinic rapidly to the dual eon:noiolution of their treason. Thither all Melt . etepahare tended Mace the put ting down of the reltelllon.. removed eve ry 111 ml nowt but, tiwinslvc•n to a restor e,/ I . lzion. They have aken rto steps bat• k ward. They began by denying to the people of ten States their right to be represent ed lu the governmeht. Next they eject ed from their beats in Congress Northern repnestmtatives enem' to give them two-thirds majority Tor overriding every veto )vliltdi might Week their path to power. Having ' made themselves "ft Itutnp, they prooeeded to wake the Rump Ammonia They passed a bill ettipping the Ex ecutive of his power to remove civil sub ordniatee whose faithless discharge of their- tnieta 'might Ineapacitate him, !through them. to execute the lavie.-e- They stripped hint even of the power to liouee his owe confidential efleisere, ittel they hove metered Gilds seatin the Cabinet fund their tool obeys the 11)M1- date) a 11.111iliter who had pronounced the law unconstitutional by which he holds his place; and, today, having erected a military government in ten States, they ere -stripping the Commas der-in-Chief of all control of hiwsubordi mitee in the army of the ( - tilted Settee Titus not merely do the i, leave patted of all hie tighten author ty end power Andrew Johnson, the transient choice of the people .01 the United States as the e.ettitor of their hews, but they ate le stroyi fig one equal and co.ordinitte branch of the governMellt as it WUA ea tindistimi and to the people themselves remains, out of the whole body of executive power then assigned and distributed to their 'servants, noth ing bet the privilege to participate „in a parked election, from w bleb Leo out of thirty-seven Shari are excluded, for a Chiel Magistrate reduced to impotence, and a Commander-hi-Chief whom they are inetructing his army to disobey. Cottgrese is toklay the Executive. The chair, the duty, the authority which ouee were Wftshiugtou'sandJetTerifort's. Mitchetni's and Jackson's Adams', Har rteon's and Taylor's, thisltunip usurps. For the spotless ermine which Jay, Marshall, and Taney have worn, though now resting chiefly upon the shoulders of men of their own choice, they reserve no better fate. Thejudicial power vested by the people in win Su preme Court, like the executive power vested in the President, stands equally in their way, and blocks their path to mibalanced, uncontrolled supreduley. 'roc judgment, of that high tribunal in the Milligan CHUM; their intanituoue jutlgineet that where the authority , of the United States was unoppoeftl and its , courts were open, a military cote iniesion ! had -no jurisdiction to try a citizen who ! was neither a prisoner of war our in the military service ; the judgutentof a um , jority that Congress could not have els , - : en a unfdary cominiseinn jurisdiction, lett the neurpers of the Rump without hope that the judges would betionie their tools. If clear-eyed justice did not hesi tate to plouounce lawless the deeds which had estate of war for their exeuee, they eoeld not hope it would spare their. etturpattoue ventured in time of peace. Wherefore to secure themselves in their esurputious of executive power, and to entrench themeelves against the bolt which Hamer or Inter was to he deliver ed flout the sovereign twatofjtettice, and to shouter ;he right arm of their strength cud the military goverutuent of the South; which were their citadels, the Rump, taking no steps backward, ad vances to the audacious usurpation of the authority of the Supreme Court of the United States. Congreav Is to-day the Judiciary. The Vonstitution which gave 4congresses the right to he, the laws heretofore enacted iu,pursuance therewith, the authorita tive debisions of a noble llue of justices unimpeaeluni for their probity anti who have judged the people righteously— these and all these the Rump makes less of than the vote of a majority of its can dle ; these and their authority the Rump usurps. Thee the legislative power of the peo ple of ten tittles, and the executive pow er and judiciary power of the people of thirty-keven States, is usurped by a Rump calling itself a National Leghda tu re and making Itself supreme, 'Phase men arc traitors, and this ii The men of the Romp are. traitors— not with arms Seeking to *seeds from one tree government in order to estab lish kinotiwr like the first—they are trai tor. to repreSentative government itself, to the Institutions which alone In mod ern' times have enshrined civil4lherty. They are traitors to the freedom la free. men. What next? Theßun:p Revolutionists leave tot in no doubt. No step backward. They ' tread straight forwardly the path down which other nations have been led by other traitors to the rights, the liberties, and the governments of other people. I The key to all these arsenals of govern-I mental powee, from which they are glee , ting the lowl t. iffl euetodisuse, they propose to surrender General Gran He is named by his ce in the latest recon strection bill. Him they load with their plunder and their stolen badges of ,'authority. ' What should now hinder the House of Represontsrtivee from dissolving the Senate; or what hereafter should him ' der General Grant from dispersing both. Not the supreme law, for they may as well abdicate the poWers they possess, as usurp those with which they were never endowed ; find he may as well profit' by his own usurpations as chosen to prorit by theirs. It is note more liiig(lll3 vio lation of the supreme law to abolisha brunch of the .I..egislatuic than to take into the custody of both branches powers elecwhere deprecated to be the check and Leila tee upon theirs Aud'when Goner al Giant accepts ut the hands of the rev olutionists of the Rump these powers usurped front the Executive and usurp ed' from the Judiciary, he will have de prived the country and Congress itself of tile ouly guarantee which it is possi ble for him to give, that he will not re flare to Thy them down, that he Will net attempt theirs also. What mkt? The people next Novents tier will answer that. They will neither have a Rump Congress supreme over theM, nor ti Military Dictatorship in the person of General Grant. Tea times more than the founders of our gtteerlar ! went dreaded from the open or secret monarchists of 1789, these Revolution , 'itch have actually accomplished by der motive legiskttrw towards breaking idewt the safeguards of Republican government. But the attemps which were frustrated then have less prospect of final success nom. Generation after generation has enjoyed the %timing, of liberty, /earned to use and prise them, uud transmittted them to their children. The people of 1869 Lave come into that groat inheritance, and Will not long be !dispossessed of it. Nor volt thaw' who have loft their native lands to chase it with us, whom sharing does not impov ' erish, consent to see the sacrifice of their right and our birthright. The people of the Drifted States, be It known to these revolutionists of the Rtunp, regard the form of their govern ment and the natural theee r fold division I of Its gianted powers, ak the'cbleiseenri , ty of their laws and liberties, next to 'their own determined will. They con ceive that that engagement and solemn eompaet of the people, the,‘lonotttaitaen, obliges, the vonitituent 'parts of the 1 / 1 1- 11iiti to hold their public faith with each ether, the Legislative with the the Judiciary, obliges earth Ut maintaLti the rothens anti:idly ill an Int diminished function and authority.. 'The people of the' tufted States, be it knovin to these usurpers of the Rump, 'be it knows -to all would-be military Protaident Jottiation, .wtt his a to and, whatever his er ' link, if tiro ere an, rasa lawful siladclibstei C' lief I opti nrithejustiees ofehe /Supreme Coultas the highest expounders of their laWe and soyereign upon the Owe* iodged with theitr' and lihit ' the pledge and not We period of their liber ties. Him and them in all their right- Peace had . f end grulatell asthmiky then will up- - urrrEst FROM sgasifilirea. 0 • 1 1 11 , . E 4 t Ittlebtaid. P‘iiret..o”%er • teral - glepartment.. 4 b es re rri Mind, 4vlrolkshevidO 1 4. 11A RR Isuctt(l, Jail. 4); Mi. ;.', ••'., ' '' ' WT COUNTY AND SURNOUNDINVOU ES. ' • very disagreeablikrevqrylhing'lli E ,' . ._ _ • k, n s e s eteh .If ti 3 - Etiitnr Compettir;—tlie Nrestlmir bac% THE INIS rr I 4.. Nu e:: 1 around our eit.yoegais to bed elk . ; l 4f, ' s; 4 2rfr. Heltzel, of tIAH a., 1 te are mfirlu tp, tmt the time ha's I hail a fill' .YkaalaWay i licatiiiallitWAl° IP 'flatirlidiatrg, tas our thanks for Legis a come when the people must lie am li used i ren.YaSh i ti l kouge, PerOMl , Ireet, mt. the f avors. , it was extinguished before making nut . .., . to the events which are throwing their P.loll(l.—An har Ring, found, the °tit shadov. s upon every limue in the land. i Pr i a , V.:Ta i r litia s- . iiiit , ,i - •- ‘4 ,, t , . 1144 .- i , - 44 , , , , , „. . 4 ~,,k fl a k A l t WC:ants National Cone- The'llatlical party is led and mastered 1 .. , ' ) I. a • - *VI 11 •• • , tery, has been left at this offlee. .. . . .. . . . . , eminent. Theia,pip, tteitettis, to all its fundamental prinelpies, and would hold the .' relns• of power, • thougli liippety with' the bleed of their felloW-ultitens shed in defense of alto/moment founded by Washhigton,liadiaor., Jeffersou4mral Their illustriaos compeers. The drift. of the propOsed legislation at Washington is unmistakably towards a amp &renal, by which military power will be substi tuted for the civil law in nIL parts of the Union. This danger the mamas must flute. Oongresatiin go no further without confronting the people without amask. If they can- virtually depowe the •Prwii dent, and enact that the bowels* Cotirt shall not prOnotrrres•their sets unconstl tutkmal, then•thene is - no Manacle In cresting frith toy desPotittn JO the North, abolishing the etlectieed, an. de claring' Congress Nl•perlt/VIIIIIICe. This Itt the danger now anon , the country. The President must meet it, nod the• people protect their rights by all • the "Means which God and nature have put Into their hands."—Age. Tire Prorlin will.not quietly permit the Radical leaders, unless we are grave. ly Mistaken, to uproot the tkinetitution, abrogate the Supreme Court, strip -the Presidtmt of hienutisority, and erect a mil itary despotism for our girivertuuent, bat witl idernly tetichrthom that to thusmed tile with their liberties merits* speedy translation to another world. The peo ple are quiet now, but they - read and they think, and at the proper time it will need bdta spark to kiudie them to action. President Johnson holds the watch-tower and handielthe signal flags; if he is a n Ise man ba„will know the time to throw them out, and the answering signals will flesh from a thousand hill-tope; the pc°• pie will riim.—LemertWer Ittetleigencer. I= We hope that all the Republicans In Adams county will rend the extracts from prominent Journal% of their party, printed on our first page. They wilLsee ftotu them that there are still a few Re publican editors not sufficiently blinded _by party zeal or ambition for of to follow the lend of the madmen who are now "ruling the country to its ruin," at Washington. The following paragraphs have since fallen wider our notice. The butrale ClomnerTicil Adverti.er, a leading Repub lican journal, says: Mr. Stanton is clearly at fault, in seek ing to force himself upon the President as a member of his Oabinet. It is an in delicate piece of business, to say the least of it. Toe "potent, grave and reverend" Senators are equally at fault in our opin ion, for insisting that Mr. Stanton shall remain. We hope that the whole sub ject will be speedily dispelled of by the resignation of ?.he Secretary. Here's whatthe Albany ErValtillY ✓o , u • gal, the Republican organ at, the capital of the great State of New York, Las to say Those Republicans who have thought that fidelity to party required them to defend the Congreasienal scheme of re s construction as a whole and in all its -parts, find it "hard sledding" about this time. They hardly know where they are er what they shall be called to swear by next.. To make everything sure and cover all possibilities, they might AI , ell modify their roufeseion of political faith, and- put it iu a comprehensive form something like this: "We are for the Congressional plan of reconstruction as it ass, as it is, and as it 'shall be, world withlitt end." The sew York .Post,a very able and decided Republican paper, in alluding to the bill before-Geogreee•tosialte all power from the President in Bouthern eniiirs and give it to General Grant, says Zealous, unhesitating, reckless parti sanssupport the new bill as they would support anything that their party might proclaim, but we have yet to hear the approval of It by a single moderate per son, Republican or Democrat. They say the attempt to strip the President of powers "vested" in him by, the constitu tion, and confer them upon another ofß cer,is clearly revolutionary. Even If it were not, it is novel and dangerous, and should only be done with the greatest caution and deliberation: No emergency exists to compel or Justify it. Mr. John son has done nothing objectionable since Congress met, except the dismissal of General Pope, whom he has replaced by General Meade, who is just as decided and energetic as General Pope; and the conventions era held, without molesta tion. It Is useless for General Garfield to ar gue that the Preeident is "the anhorti• nate of Congress." He le not; he is the; co-ordinate of Congress; the integrity of his function is just as necessary us that' of Congress, and to destroy this relation of equilibrium is to destroy the peculiar, featurcof our policy which has given it strength and success. The vast majority of the - people have been Wight for half a century to look upon this division of powers as we state them, and it would take theme long while to unlearn a doc trine which they identify with the sta bility of the nation. It is older than the' Republican supremacy, and will outlast it if the opposite doctrine be insisted on. THE Harrisburg Patriot& Vaion.aound ly argues that the first and beet liu racial measure must be a complete, magnani mous and constitutional rettonstitin of the Union—such a restoration at Will' bring prosperity and content to all the people, and tyranny or outlawry to none except such as have been or may be con victed, after fair trial, of inftmouscritne. This done, the public debt would prcrre: but a feathar'a o iyh gut,Lthe burdens of titxatioa—heavy se they Are—would not oPPresN , Ateoltuae they would 4 .5 4 , a skroepepose people. Six, millio4s of white penple audfOur millions of Mocks set•to work. with Sall zuarantees of pro tection to person anti property, wi t li soon' hard timee.whielt..,,aze..way dragging the country down to coin. ot only would they lift a share of the direct tia es from the Northern people, but YrOm the surplus produetious, sold abroad , hundreds of raillions ,of dollars wadi: (lad their way Into the • cutters. Besides this, bundiecs of trilificuisol dot lore' worth of the prod ucts,ef I,4'o:gawk handicraft would be bought, end paid .for by their, thereby giving' esiployxnetat to thousands of laborers audartistute who are now upon U borders of vagranty throughout the,Aierth• • No ilhaaciel ,mseeores eau prove sue:, ce•wful unless based _upon this,. hroad ground-w0r.k....-.1. the ques tiou frank thisAgazatioPiut. the 149 0 P1e hauttot QO cb#Sed, la,mty, gpeciouk, rep: coniag•bmed eptireJy upon .the selfish theorios, 0( batgreetipd..o44htlprid ,qt 44- talk*, 1-10 N. rtrrA +.,HA*Tfto:t'lwis tin Saturday asauvi antes Anaibi Ary Alopilo,94oloT tiagon, 91 efiA4atilf*Alii l -tWAeIieRA9 4 9 pu4i to, arairs t lAngi noAreh At- MEW reprawrl {a'AtforrthaSki.A l 4444l 44 1 14 %Wiwi 11 0 00041 ,rr . • Viela restauraktahept ley the experiment orintioduchig • hOree flesh as one of the delicacies. ,of the business 0f,w1441,th , g were sent , For Scar, exlelleut , Parlor I here. On arriving ter° the Republicans Stove, at 'Of/4104 f •an ..11esatInuore professed a groat' desire to. retrench and street, near High. reform; but it was of Short thiratlini, For instance, the cleetlott of Speaker PO rpnnt.l.-11 rjollts S. (lntwfort'l has I took Ulu }Louse fuurilays, at atst , ,t to the , po,tponeti his sale or Iteal and Personal Property Trona Tuesday the llth; to Wed tax-payers of one thematic' dollars per hour. This four days' v.ork ought ne'daY the of February next. have been, and heretofore was, perform- to said that a oalaabla horse, ed in about fifteen tritnufe.s. Next in ` th, pr o p er ty of Me. Eli mingle, of Near turn came a , resolution from a ilepubli- oxford, went mad recently, and Mr. S. can endorsing the action of the l;nited sea s (dinged to kill him. States Senate in the u<urpation in re- - in , tuting E. M. Stanton iiitb the War : , R".irre revbvsi is now Oftiee. With this our Lekotlature had ii(o in gre.ss in the Metitcoliot Churt*, no business. They were sent here to in this place. We understand that • make wholesome laws for the State of quite a number have already presented themselves at gilt, (02unIcteb-tvpich• PediNylvidth4, and iloasejsak, after the all•lirs at W41 1 410 ,0 Pp, Plow also took ' n, stymi..,, am.;ye- of the House the House two days to titl,,,se of, a., the . 4t it4 44 , n ,t,„,. ' ,,. wen , „„ twu „ t . e d „ 2 , F rit i a4 . l' 3117 " . I . '" ' 6 r tine . ttffrAtuld Id011"-IN an layt.i Otis suttaitier,..tir. Helttel, 1 - !4 OD th ' e f holm.' ' " I Commit:, ~. on retleial Ilel.ttio,ki, Agri• . i, Iti.dtie Renate 'the snipe resoltition t,; 4,uit„,,, and (,„,... 4 up, hilt not yet di-Toyed of s ' Nett to tarn, hi the }louse, came the I I i t ;"or"E' l on. — 'it will he so-'ll by an lci nottleet of rules to govern the House du-' veitiseinent in oar pitper to-day that ring tie present session. Heretofore it 1 Wok that: body probably five »nnutes to lobetm it iiihriver hove dissolved part unship by nitonat can-oat, and that all do this, by simply adopting the form e r I person; ONVILIg the lute Lilo art• desired rule., to be the rules of the se-,:ion. Put I to call and settle Without delay'. a whole day ails spent this time; and 1 s un k ,5 , , , ,,j ; even then but no immaterial change wits 1 ,Cold. - -On Tuesday last, This is the way reform and retrench- I r;:prilding, elected in only one rate. five shares of fiettysburrlcational Rank stook, belonging to the estate of Henry meat are carried out thus far by this ! " outcry, and brought deceased, were sohl at public Radical Legislature. is'ill 21 'lerare— sh I see the "border members" are the highest figure yet reached. E. H. b e - [Buehler, Esq., was the purchas er. ginning to move again in the Damage - question. Mr. Winger, from Franklin, 'I! „st Mate Tem 0;47 perance re-ill:on will be presented Otani petidons from citizen; held at Harrisburg, to commence on the of that county on the subject. r learn al bill to that end is SOOll to be Introduced, ' lath of February. All fi len ils of Tem- PermicleAr4 iuyited to attend. •Ferwrns probably to-day. i paying full `fare to Harrisburg Over the A s y ou Imy ,1„j r „ I 0 k now n ktih, or t Pennsylvania Ibillioad, the Philadel phis, and Erie Railroad and the Nor its chances of success, I made some iii then Central Railway will receive at think the chances are few and far be 'i uirieS from the friends of the bill. I ' .i the Convention free return tiCkPed. -- --.----___ tween. They tell me that the Commit tee of Ways and :quails, which consiqs of 21 members, in made up of 17 'Republi cans and only 1 Democrats, with John P. :gann, of Potter county, as Chairman You know the bill has to go to this com mittee, who are to investigate the sub jeet, and report the sante to the nou.e. This chairman, John P. Mann, was the most uncompromising opponent to your bill last yeur. Ile made probably half 11 dozen speeches against your claims, in which lie abused your citizens in the bar-heat 'language. He termed them tri rebels, ex tertionistN, ruttier's, 50., 'without reward to parties. Ybu wilt see from this that you may have to grin and bear. -310 MILER OP THE UNION . PACIFIC RAILROAD. We kept hearing of It all smunier, and late kit° the atittinin—how ten tnile~ of track were fiddlier day, until the font of the Rook Mountains wit , reached, ill milers west of Omaha, and one thousand miles west of Chicago. We had ,uppot-cd that the contractors might stop there— that old Boreas would have blown such a frosty breath out of the frowning !Batik Hills, and followed it up with such a snow blanket that railroad building would hate waited for spring and a warinersunshinc. But nu: onward was the word, and to-day the locomotive is within ten miles of the highest summit. in the mountain-chain that separates the Atlantic andlariettle States, anti du, tog this year of ant Lllr.l, 1@8'), much arose thau half the distance beta ecu the Mis souri River and the Bay of ti.ur Frani 1- will he spanned by a isie.t eli t ss The California mails and pa..setigers have already been carried througe to "New York and Plilladelidlia in lifteeu daysitind it is expected that during :he coming season the regular tittle trill be reduced to nine days, and that inure than half the l'acitic coast travel will take &Me route, instead of the long, lAA ions journey of twenty-two to twenty tour days by SM. The intervening stage trip between the two ends of the Puctile Railroad Hue will be brit a romantic holi day excurson, and wit have nu doubt that the paeseuge; traffic in that dire,e tion this year will be a full earnest of the lumneuse business that must follow the coultiletion of ,the work perhaps two years later. The Unica' Pacific Railroad is espeOil ly fowtUil ate ia,lllatiy wltya It. IS true that, unlike any tithe; line, it will be a monopoly, but nothing less than a I/I°- 114 4)(4Y uoulti hay,e commanded Use large resources necetywy to ,carry it through. , and us It was, ,all but. a few fur-seeing capitalists deeLlued .to stake their for tunes on tlicereensits-------- It is fortunate InAlittallat *secured the Most geite;ops govezpideat, aid, and the pveruudent is still more fortunate in being paid back, 'with compound interest. rtis also foriuhate in escaping, 11:11 these pecuniary embarrassments that have so often checked and finally destro:yed sim ilar enterprises. The %locklielderg have already paid iu eight millions live hun dred, thousand dollars upon the capital stock on the work already done, and this sum and the government aid, and their own First :ITortgage Ronda, have given them ample means for the most vigorous proseaugon of their great "undertaking. cal4,oeicelve no reason fo doubt that this greatest of modern works will go on aa, ylgoroualy as it has been begun, and that 4870101 Set! She two sides of the Re• public for the firaLtiade really, united, to be, let us Impe l ,foreyer inseparable. 'LAE 6pringliteld— Aittsiatehuseti.s, llc pu sum*, up the. iv4Phile!.orl Raconatoetiou,apiliouhlie °Biniou there 7 ,l 'on, when it saYa.thak . "rfli4klui are Irilat, the, peoige i 4 iglic 46, and,} A iiiatterf or fact, the. negro is thipiitiant in .. §outhera,, polities ' 1 This "dark ey" do r utiii r a i tion. / the, eolith., lineally irgao, ertiiity, if pot superiority, at the North. ~N,egro suf. frage involviegro Con_ )Rressmeni Thou wo Aviv** lisir,versiun ofe•friwilirturK: tarsi 4Wk. 1 4 111 4"t --1 0tir& Coogres4l l3 Rn 4 %03 9.'1444. 94:1/44 POAIA; cadfta usikro Aleatotioutri iu Air .reireilsr AtritAii : l ttitt4Yi 'O l cottiT4A,d, aa* l 4l ) frit,..w.hi 443 tw 1 0,t: , 00 4 -We: takto4 P er4l. is is qui" ; I au ruisti rupoolgs PPS}, 4. 10 1 a Weett.pßet Dili lioitu.Arei4rolit for this , Jiailkui is,, to, destroy the present social faiirie,,„.l, '-"IF the ,Prosidena, izzaitee ttnarelf .an isopedineeetr. baronet. heariwePtt 011/CLWI Tri4l4fe last we°4•lll44o•Te7,* *k. ,Oarei 'ttu4-44 6 , B FreßißB //Pt; NlMl44lVVltliktr 4 1 4.%&1414KPriliqr. OVER one t.i• . ilitlenner4 gAinNAATVo44,lileibc a i t : , atglaSWeigi l 'ai - La &ease, MR: coneinNigott'itt eighteen' *tees held* zero on the 7th. Frcr.ak to Dr call.—Jateuh Mickley, Sr., an old and much re.ipected citizen of Franklin township, froze to death on Wednesday night week. Ile kit home in the morniug, for the neighborhood of and returning in the evening, took across the fields, to have distance. being very old, it N supposed that he becatne exhausted and fell, and unable to rise again, wet hiadealiktiotu the se vere cold. His age was Itri years 1 month and 2'J days. Pfe,tetiat Properti. SaieL—Tho large D unilmoc of sales of personal property ad vertised in .our columns will especially interest readers in the county and those along its borders. Advertisers allow that they understand their interests when they avail themselves of the eltenslve circulation of the COMn ILER. to make known to the pubtic. when, where, and what, they intend to sell. There is no better wiry to secure a large attendance, and consequent spirited bidding and good pri ers. EE ) florid rata Brow,e.s Lecture, in Air• rieultural Hall, on Tuesday evening, at ! trailed, us it.,Sleserved pi, a large and i appreciative audience. The lecture was t an able and polished effort, evincing the possession of brain and heart by the elo quent , peaker It was a rich kited/cau -1 ul treat, and so etijoy'ed by all present. 1 'Phu Literary Witaileties of the College deserve thanks for carrying forward a movement so certain to afford delightful entertainment and valti.able Instruction to our •citizen.s during 'these wltiter months. We cuQnot doubt the,t' their venture will be crowned with success. "Ur-mob/cc .Ci tb "—The/Harrisburg Telegraph says of Dr. Talixtilige's Lecture : —Talmage is a rare spe,arker. Helms the i gift of drawing tears' fruit the eyes of ' his healer; one moreent, and in the next tonvuLsing theta' with laughter. Ilfe tiiseourse on "grumbler & C 0.," Is made I up of side-splitting hits at persons and tin uto, interspersed with eloquent and solemn, 4 .entouees. Talmage 14 a popular 1 lecttirer, u line writer, and an entertain ingrspeaker. Go hear "Grumbler it C 0.," at AGM- CrIATRAL JIALL, next Tuesday eve-, 1 ning. Courl.—The January term of ,Court commenced on Monday—President Judge Fisher and Associattis Wierman laud Itobhason cattle bench. On Monday afternoon, in the Corn- I Jupu r Pleas, the case Q 1 Peter Diehl ys. Phi' Adrs County Matual ham. , ranee dosniisuy, l'or damages for lees by tire, wag taken up, It occupied the i i - time of the Court until Wednesday noon, When the jury returned as verdict in ts vor of the Company. In the afternoon, In the Quarter Sea 1, pious, the trial of theCotornonwealth vs. lhaac EishiCteilsldathinihnhoieellikerda da -1 crib R. furor, was cornmeareeti. On Thursday morning a verdict of guilty was rendered by the Jury, and Kane iielitenced to the Penitentiary for the ttrin of one year and eight months. Cosirt is still in session. ,All the cations for license wero granted. Peoperty Salee.—Codori and Ikersom have sold to McCurdy & Kamilton, a lot of about 2 acre*, on North Stratton street, ate, cash. They have also sold a building lot, ou the same street, to Carl Miller, at $llO. Mr. Miller has already commenced the erectiona a dwelling thereon. Edward Sheffer has sold his property, n Reading township, to Peter Kaufman —l4i acres, with imprevments, at $3,000. Jacob Kline has purchased from Capt. Henry Witmor, 111 wares of land, in Straban township, at $47 per acre, cash. thitkirtef fenbergiggripga county, PYSanluel E•iiclirist, of Quincy, Franklin countyy Afors4,ood. Acrd to Ocut.—]pre. A. Beller!, of this! ildei;,lert to Oor 4Nce, thg'otherlitiy.e. weet , potato pumpkin of Jorge proper lions and tlra-rate gnalfly A Mat - sew !so n ab lanri t accpq 41c premp;,,%%hard to beat,l 4 4* soliW ii7Wl44Wifielers' thanks. • t _ Leap Year.—lmpatient damsels adcf paihful young 9 . 11p*149u1d welcome the new year in an unanimity "happy" i.mautier, rilliirflaimer now have an op !Jigatifitirt3yA 0 . bringing dilatory lovers ito the point without further Jelay, and l'inuRY::4 11 : 11 /4 1 4 Ait4o 2 .;doiaba be re- of OW dire necessity of "pepping it.tigkii.4644'3 3 .y 04,m:44n tory cadre.* dtfl'iltit"". l i Leap year only mules `stroulba;Osas ta, a while ~ and we trust that Ofteftlif - priders' Will make the most of their present opportunities. If 'any : tbituuctnnes of Viis adViCe, wt 3 iMpothatl "the printer will be remembered." , Annio6l4iroti; 7 4.r: MittliserftWo Sißearao-Mer lawn/110p, montly kUbd s'Atethst '‘iidghed 143 pounds. i Thls monster was only flreAlky. 11, cont.b# old, nestiois raised by Mr. Znillie-47srik Ganges. =SI r' r ' Sl' f .--1) r : ' -- • rx.,Es Led of talk nairde of the Squibb iiinni l ' ,'' o ^ , was setoenetial tbe h ,by fudge' hi -.` slier, atiYo l t s , o Title ' day lelleit.— NlOl Pk IC,,RAILROAD, , .. r ,nosian las kefli fl user.' cppaitlon 1.. !!!oilpai t * °fake ictirkr 1# Ii 41 'ogle siiiwlly 4 _, , '',__ACLSSIT C I TrNENT, the sentence of death should not be fro.. ! A itE NOW COMPLETED. uounced upon him, when, with much 1 Th. e Titch. art', t 1.. i 1 1 - 1 ANT , THA INA RUNNINU emotion, he declared his innocence of ', Within Ten* le i s pf th eSu wait the murder for which he had been con- : 11l THE 1144 1 / 2 . liketlNVrtnik 1 victed. The Court could not, of course, . -.•- ! -tirtirortrttrnrctertgr- f - nia - IfitillTarartni ifilNirg oll T - V trill AM . a s ti o h , and ; j j(9,4 3 yids e , i , thyroirme pro - , .40,1 AA the Weittlielhphrltlr 91! rnad-bed to be oeeded to pace rieuk•4o- o pkai i i lin — as ,' '_" , i n n . 'h'utlY Paeke , l 'to it ehke' the rulls. The f01ic,,,, w a , tautar to ,11 itiattlrot forward 11l . the ixo(1:. cut tU.V. or( itt.4 Ireottegla /Itte +lth uitttbst oUnfortunettely this pies of innocence li. !I einerer, it a Main nuiv• lore,. will be lo is nu longer of aus avail. You have ', 1i 1 "3 - ed dui lu g the rurrent year than r, er before. been twit* tried and otinvietesi of the ! Tla• la‘.`t.e , t that the whole murder of trleorge Squibb, althenigh ably ; tiILIND IdNe, ifil iiiii PiCIFIC defended by your counsel on brig trial,. ; W ILL BE t;tiNiyI,ETE:D IN MI). "After your first trial you were grunted i a flew oils, and this has resulted in i a tot tit, er het ter._ The mean. ito far pro•ltlett for another conviction. You have shwa 1 ''''"" . , , ,,atia0i11re5k," .. 1an .. ..„ ... ,5/ 4 1 4 ; .,.... „ , ,. 44 wA 1 1 . ," made no applicatuin fur another; and it ! '''''" 6r. m''' ' • --" •"'"` '" ."""`'"" now (*mile% the p a i n f u l d uty „f ih e 111.0 .0 the et‘terpriKe., Three uteum. ore diN hied court to prunounca upon you the sons I " it " '' - " It ef '' ' ' 4 " l. ' " tent* which the law deuian - d.s. I ...t ...As - TA; 4 riL;Nl.liThirXo . 1 4tAk iti. , "flow Jong or ii,III- ,h,irt a time %r ut I I.ls \ tug it irt3 . ..,-01 , 4 to Tllll. 1110 10011 lug 31K per elapse liefore this behtellee will litoeNxtutt• 1 ' lilt '"'" rev 11n1 ' reit . ill the rate ''f'; W." per fed, I do not know. The time will be 1011, !or:07 loile• oil the Plaint.; Thelt lit the rate fixed by the oorernor or the comm.!, 01 s's.'") per i"". 105 It) "" 1 " . thrn "t h The Is ealtli. Itut fdo k nolv that it will mot It,,t ' Y M """ thi ''' "' ft at 11 ' role 11l ' l ' l2 ' uu° be many Weeks or months. This time, P' r m". I" , tfa' .etindmag• , tlOmi..o, (.1T ii Nell iVilatert l T It may he, you Ii ill have for 1 ;i ''' l; a 44 ''' i '" al. a l'i"su-'''''sii"""" .ri' toy. repentance and praperdtion. No time iv . n ''' '"'' '''' , '" 11 "'"' i '"" l ' " i''''' b t ''''' I. ' l ' too short. it properly Ito prove4l, flattish t " '4'4'4.'2', t ti ',''""" t ' W/ "' l " 4l '"' t "'"'' l3 " . ' " m ' th,,i, trout ,vein tuind,,o tar as poso,:o 1 1 ,1.1* .m.•- l o de Ow allit.tynt '4O. LW. In ~,,,,,,.) ail the eonLerue or tuis werldotioldevok; i i r '; l''"'..i.'"'"" n. ("41U"' taus,. ,"‘"""' 5,. ott rsel t ti, I tic dunes iritiolt your rin;'i- I ". r, "i "'"" 1 ' , "‘l' 'I I . '" . 1011, ~P. ' '''''' I" II " - t y ion'require , . Call to yonr nil the tido- ! ' ' : .zip:,lll N ,1 - ri o t, ,it,i r ,, 11115 it II 11.1,1 tht..l h/tl . , of your church, and wider their .'' :"' ''''''''‘ . 11. ll' ' , "" ''''''''' a '"" u" toinistrstionL, 1 hope and pray that when ' C ' '''‘ " ''' life. with you here is at all end, you play', . - , ,,itr about. 000. rooNis.;. ewer Into the eteruul lost prepared for 0, ,1 •. -0 •01.'r 111 , e , .mr: ,,,- to 1..r.i 1,, i % , 1 , - an those who truly tepent and rely for I so. o.outi,Upla.yr 's , tis..totl,.vEOPO..tayqilt forgiveness upon the atoulLg blood of. ;, ,,,, i 0 wail.- it-ii.ril,n , 4lir u. 14 onduant..+o,llo elitist. • , 11l AI , , am/ 11/172, 10 :hi' 1,,,D1 pr...,-,..,,,. 'roe fro— "The sentence of tile Court Is, that-0.,, for so. mot t. put, William Donovan, be takea front 1101 g ", • s est, roe. NON • ori., entl the this Matte to the pre-on Iron) wheuceyou i 11 1111 . 0,1 • , ••• eitsv 01 nlc I ot Carne t end thence to the place of exe• 1 rir te.oo l lo lll o Pa' tec °lo cution, and there be hanged by the neck j ! "' .r / 4 ‘ 4" * . Ile '" 1" th"v " m r . " moor " . until you are dead—and may the Lord Lnee the 101100 et tied Almighty have mercy upon youi.rin.te r soul." 'rho Union Nettle Willman hie, it t hind grant tie inotution tenni the g os era- At the toneltittion of the Court's seri wnt 01 12...0en0n, fo'llte Dille 011 tte• 11ne 01 the tenets Donovan approached Judge Fisher, 7,„vot, which writ n o r I,e worth fess than SI 50 shook him by the hand, and remarked.' e 1 010csl l,anw het. • . "Irvin meet you in heaven!” CAPITA 1,.Ti11'6 I Tlio nothori/oit tetplini of the l'sloll Pa slap .Sazgirig—A Frightfef Accident.—The t fnoineitetontesee is 'etymon, et watch -s,tos, cold snap which has been prevailing fume, leo e beclllolllou int . L urie already th e m, the past flee or six days, has had the • n, tf al So . p.ient (o Jlufld the etroct of freezing up the Corr/urns creek a oittotcte ter thc Tore 'mei: a imsjo ug f t, i 011100 01 01Ni-eines 6iironit welt troth thtittlitt, and other streams lit this viciuity, and they were, previous to the !mow, covered ot t ieost tialleull 00010000 with fine smooth lee, suttable for good„ „ „ „ „ skating. On Saturday and M h nul ay, hair glmaAv tinlehoil Al or 510 nility;int the nverinn• lett tltsl,l i t tltl house 101 enri'llay• hundreds of young folks tivailtd them. selves of tile ulti3OrtUility thus afforded , !_ el i V u it . . , l . .. ll r , , , , , S.• i r . .Wr i ls'r , ttnie t,‘” Tyoli " nottiheitelin to amuse them-elves in this delightful . 11 0 1 , " 6 „, and itttigmating apart., and all teamed ! heii.nocs, •eid 111.1 1,,,. Inin I pan,li t tor, beg. to enjoy themselves lullazillgif• t the renc,oo , l Itttletit t tt10,4 1 01 telt, r q u'o4o. afternoon of Sattinlay, Itmve„.l, 11+ :ill appeared in the height of enjoy inent,iin 1011.10 I end i t ,ltel l t yl the th 101 l aceideut occurred, which, for a ume, !. huuontt utile, • lot to he 110111 M tee caused great terror and cerNterliftflott l P... •as „ ot11•3 to 1• I leue . lattlCtod littndri ot Mike among all who witnessed the terrible and heart-rending scene. A large aunt - 111 „011 , „ , her of pereone were on thole; between 1 I..,,,ei n ts,ao..e.sese I Add iths•otetits NOI atm, ettreye, Kone's bridge and the Chicken bridge, a. when the ice suddenly gave away, and Miss Kate Brinizer, James Danner, Ed ward Heckert, sl.imucl Grape, Mervin Ogden. John A. Ileittel, George Karla!, George Bressler, Robert Fisher, arril Henry Hauer, suck Into the water solne five or six feet deep, but were 611.1i/rate ly, with great difficulty, rescued from a watery grave, by mean's of a boat which luckily wax found close at , baud. The 'utmost confosiou prevailed for a time, and despair and eotesternation were de picted upon the countenance* of all who witnessed the uuftirtuilate victims etrug gllme, ao it were; between life and death,' Ropes, scantling, boiirds, ete., were brought inlet requisition, but all to no effect. Every means failed, and the par ties were ma the water mule loon a1.,11 utes,hefore the boat was resorted le, by which means they were readily rescued. Ou the same afternoon, a son of Henry .1.214., broke LI/lough the ice ihol cnetilittely under the Math Street bridge, and it ;w rescued !ruin It, 'Ve elm ellh considerable difficulty, the parse- en shore using a rope and lathier fur that purpose.—York .Pciss. The GTalofbaey .A t vi.Atp —U le Gle 1, n that aiallatheNt go{ tbrough s'lo i'dnn sylvania Legislature at it, la-t which turns out to bes grnild4o.tter.) i , t gift enterprive, ostensibly for cresting un asylum for invalid soldiers at Getty-hurg. Some legal steps were taken in regard to the enterprise in Philadelphia, but in the Meantime the managers went- ou to advertise it, and the Commissioner of in ternal revenue exempted it from the payment of special tax, which brought the subject to the attention of the con gressional committee on retrenchment. That committee, it is announced, has just linispld eta consideration of the re pbrt of the toninilisaionbt`glting his rea sons why the scheme was exempted, and It is stated that in tile course of the pres ent week General Van Wyck will make e report, giving a history of the &Weir,: concluding with a resolution requesting' the eonimissioner to revoke the per• mit, so that taxes and license may be eel lected froth sald association the same as If no permlthad ever been given.—Ball. "Bogua 4 ° Senator—"bogus" scheme! "Cioe's Cough Balmm , " are household WOOS throughout the United States. As lie travel we are grBeted with It fretattiocke and fence.; if we pick up a newspaper we are advised to "try it"; and as we visit our friends we sec it on shelf ready for use. It soothes fretful children, puts a veto on coughing, and is a great relief to the comsompUve. "Their Name is Legion," may be ap plied to the innumerable diseases to which the skin is subject. It would be well for those who are afflicted withap parently incurable ulcers, old sores, erysipelas and eruptions, to use Grace's Celebrated (Salve, which cum in a very short time, cuts, burns, scald;, flesh wounds, &c. =1 At thi Iteptiblicate - COunty Conireh- tlon held in Indianapolis on Saturday, the following preamble au l rerlOilltiOrk were adopted: . 'WFIEREA.S, Equal, and exact 'justice should rule the action of ciablic as well as private debtors ha dealing; with their creditors; therefore, Besotted,' "That the bonds and oth er obligatlous.of the General Govern- , meat which. do pot expressly stipulate for payment irt coin on thetr'face should he paid, in legal ; money; And that our delegates to the State Convention are !Retreated to vote a restitutkm in the Mete Ptittigto eitftoodping. this proposi tion. What will thal4stara Radigals say td Mat?' "COPPEREIEADISM," according . to a dethitioir of lift. Farngwortli, of Un vAdicia, pv.,,nti "a proferearat for ft,prvetreOrof civp oy,er tt military despotiatai , We accept the definition, ala,att,:tr.lll sue cattritry.', Radicalbun' recone , ,* preference fora military des , pariatti over a. governmemt of Mill law." by their aril, both cool mitied arid coutempiated. Pr is a notable feet that in not a single State which bet& ad eteehan last sear have the 'Radicals made a• gain. They i hive lea everywhere and in ad.!. oneof.r . cedi ',ll4ltngs' late papts kg' says: "Thema Virae a-going co bed, and theliaavese Wand wear were a-bhublai at *a perfOratiaot." 11=112 „ 4,F.{10 u. y. Bowls ark , Ogual W mon,y, and th o Notpan3 's OWII BOlaix r:64,1,y market., WO Lase utl tau f Arai urge albh Revourrrl for Building Revca Hundred .11ilei: !.4 v. , etpige Stoek (mid in en t wink dent, gritYl,ll/13 I.l.uitt Urrut, 11.iN.1,0Lkitu roe, tit. 41 p t. 21,1211,10 Total . . . ..00,1A6,000 The t'entlmity hey.. ample feeilftlei lOr glIppLV -1.4 an) it th.a may ;a1... in 1111.11, !or eonstruelielt. This map (111110 it 'toll) Or In Fart by additional enbeeriptloas to mei lul st twit. 1:11iNISO, ii1"114+; Nl' At prootent, the prutite tit Cm bee/petty are , de- to. it only from Ito bent tnitne, tint Ilium Is at 11,4,0, lit. LI 111.1 t. 1/1.111 ,1111C11•111. of DV Inv in. , of WI nit the l'ooeis the I .ontiony Pall Mae, 11 net a itta tier ¶ulF wen! Lutll. It b niartinOtt,il t wt 1,11,1111,1110 rain 01141114 d I lie illttingli toril • line euaniveling Ile. Atiande I a &Placid States will he in rue l ooy and premien% 1 a n ,l;.ia then, win ht. no t• 0111,11.1110.111. It eon al ', any s ii., dvue .tt tin he notleod tint the riit.•it tailor iL,n r,,d 1-, In met, a 00,71/ttlenl II or/..built nailer t tlo• super, (30% rut. at vr.ist :intl tut ; I stem with iinverntnoyt nom , r • :nut that Ito Panda ...no leant dunctortloyi•lllnievt Hon., I, Is 1 ,, ,11. , M nnslinLar lo(111 . 11:. Ii Out elfin , nip%em lee,o mei rininly nn other twos. I ull ,u. 4 I t or 11,11 c. t.,lu 1.1,10 proport. tI4, C .11011Th1la; nT:•l:•.ror.* TH Ittor rtnr t 11.• 5.....r. t v h. th ° ~.t r Lhan r SIA.Ktk, 3 µ.! SIX I•Flt 4 'FNT. IN wr,D, or are,' MNI.,rI:III”:NT., Mew t investment, have.tlarty till -1 141 ruu Ibr,ol /11.111.ty. riptiollx will it rweivotl In .Rllll, EURO, by N L ItANK Nalq 12. DANK, liii It+ St s' 'lrk mot 111, Colnittn I No. r gtr, t, *Pt CuS I ISTMT N.t rioN t INK, N .Ire.•:, CLAM:, Itt tot ,E co., Ihut6on , No, - ,1 w u nst,, JOHN J. tllBtvl,c MiN, Kim keni, No. Vt 00l ler tho (•otnfrent nivortf‘eil .titenta thionglmul the Unttyd, *Ate, Iteuthinuoia sitiruld 6r. netede In itnettr 02 other taw! s par In Kew York, anti the bozo% he pent free 01 Onion by rettirn,tispreot. autaierating tam: gh local a,genls, x 111 thtna tur their ion! A NEW riaLPILLNT A.NI) MAY, 4thowing the trogresv of the Work, Re soured tae Voiamtnir. Coo, ettklrVkltte of Bor . " nim be oOtotboki of the (•ompany's ("tikes or of Its Lull. ertfued Agento, or r. ill be rent free on eplr)itmthm.. JOHN J:C1A...0, Trins - brer, New York. Jaat V.J. tat tf FUINiTURE, SHEAFFER & likeKER, Pt:TEV3f3ritq, (Y. 8, prviktrod to ttlihr to The Pnblto orytlttng In then. Itne lc: Olean ne can be hu In the country OW-Purelicuierii will du,wJi toenli atrl examine our Atoek bflorat toying ebwei bore. FURNITURE mode to order. liefordrini; don* newly, cheaply, and with dispatch J.Ln. 24, ROBERT C. CO BEAN EVA Put faceAied a flew supply of r gilts, -Cape, Boofa azi Shoes, of latest styles, for Winier use, wlileh he ie felling at : roducied prices. Be also mannbac- tun, and 'repairs HARNESS OF ALI, KINDS, 'Promptly and on reasonablel terms. Bndles, 4falton4, TrUilks,. Vallees, robnCe o jam ant sniniir: ot,..NAkuu,slannvoact, , b MCI , tit ths old stood on Cbiltitbefibp* WOO% flOo'llobiir t ireqt of fin Aler's DrugAtoro. 1 . 44 - 111114briftstVild I fog t tifAnds ofFUR.4: , .14n. 24,18603. 4L , 1 r l , tritsserneel:r. r - ,Nw.tit"adttst 111,"="..r. ttd 51100 Lmaglims,dielowiest H. C. Cobsan Ira Jelin behrlver, under the kty he and name of Cobtah 1 4 4,4404frly s iNVI i4ii t iIY.LbMIII !laced Pei XDOC494L cunatMt. likailfiv wimpallant th. me! firm will t them, an th.e. Indebted t..t the aatrib infaft9 and jpa f t Ac tereinft. t;', IPUE A .1011.74 St' AIN ER, Jan. _', NI, • Wary Kam. • LIA - R to liker_pragaaav ol Um aulacriber, la Cl rtlloll township, .an. time ago, abyiwy Bata. all white, with shorthorn , alai short tall,tt probably a sear old. The aware le .rtallawnal 1.14 prove property-, pay charzes :tart take ay gwatraal alma.' JOSVPII ..k. .A.II2rTZ. Jon. 24, )81e. Vt. tOrtteEtit'ai the F.ceelnlor cannot toe undf . M. 1.. while the quality and style bf Plc eannot be surpassed. Call and examine. C. J. TIMM/ .t."-ettiattrone—ll*hrol=fridnfi. ;ea FICIVOS SPECIAL NOTICES E=C3=E=M Tice lumusalty ,/ a due la °portion of Iron lu the blood la well knOWn Malt a ;miles! mem; whonit becomes reaueod from any muse whatever...the vho t , gprtent • ewßhr+, tta , wrakeat part being hest ntteekod, and tt ftvl log of languor, l4ill4tude and 0 411 imamate pen tide. the eyetem. The eemetly M etmply to *topple the Motel ivlth the omelet:UT tithottltY of trou, TIAN eel, be d o n ' , by wing the PSItUVIAN RY 6IIP, protected elution of the protesble or Iron, otiMbreo preictred butt it modot Bal.+ at once with 1.40 100,44.1fLottolf Atroliditl3, rigor mud two lite to the w !owe kIyN4eIII. To tal.o loottlillio to M . o,clrlefoo, t, it tIollolono) !HUN IN ill, will,• oiR mortaring 11 to Woo ryxioni. In 11/r to fog lo retr wbeh the Itninglat lon Ir. ',tone, Orivlno mayo.: "I hits,. 110011 loOng the MYttt t . for konie ttior loaf It gives 1116 ILNIC tYMIr, btlOpilley 01 “pirllA, OW le ol muscle." runt tit I tiltig mrtltltin r-,,m ureun•., mild nY•mlllliendttkln. irom ~ 1” , 01 tln• 111u...t 010- tioit I,kyik*Lnot, ol.Tßymvn trfhil othrM„trtll mr•nt fl oti W uely The g eutlitkellity hl AltIN II In KIIVOI, inspemonE. Proprietor, No. NI Dfy :sew VOL k Sold be all tlrtyptl..h, onAerti cnixisttATst) icraux Mr. 1,1. Tirker, Depot 314km,,r iu A 41.1,11 "I ,uvn Won trotthloil tor year% with ft had tin ,ot.i..thrtte* notirar , ll3,ond tomiettroo• ‘. 1,, l' , ” , au •Ituttoor 11 nallitil..tvd 0..11 IT, th.i., It•tfal vii4.t .irt4i3f, 1110 I 11 , ...1 tit t• it, %'ol,lot flifttt, OEII ff I W‘tf in, oswarlthr, Ity.tirAtthz. I thinli, rho 4 .1*•110.14114 11141111* tti'llpf Salt, teowi,E a a, I‘, no -,ton, prorrlrtor.. ~a .l tN ntl 1.rr,g41,44., at ,','ill, a laA. Sent tn. Itt.”l nor ii 1 . 111,-, 7 ta, I=l V I r't 0111 i. ..•port. , ll ;., ilia .N6O/10111,1. 11,.:ha1 .. N.."t ro.• 1111111.1% kat' NI. eii nli tlt, Ili n10)1. , Oilllllt, ,d vs., It 1.1111 nt ar tile 01 . 441 pro loon,' upon tonx,,f tr„„.,„;,„,i,„1 41 ' 11 1.:1:11,,;' I 1 HI it t {Am!, thumflytmer of ',rll hall, Uwe rot t 11111111.1 wll~t 41111110 of f.qTAIRPIti I S II I ilut eIINT.USIittn, .1111 . , Yo.k. , • 0 1 , 1 1 .) Sal I.rugglmia. Applt•at t flair I , IIOOWIN. - Jan. 7, in& lit / • --- T O / 611110141 of liorsoa. Tit 011.1144 uC 1101,, die p.nrh horn 1.._ Thh. \ ruff lan Ullllll , Ol t‘llllicoll/Siily Vino etvieof gist% Tn, rovt Is "nh, OP net of n Lome I/ vta Ulr, ready for 0•,.. II In uarntittleil thin tit nit (him; iike for the tillre of I'M+, What "ore 1 lo out, Sin 11111., C. it no univ tifilieils i.e.',,lt luw limed and tipprii,rd of (or yetinit Ity the fltof linroeff, on In the rountry. ()Iv% f., lib o. rr-deft rnhof...., It arts I fko mow, I 1 . 010141111111) . LVIVIN od (rant eke rorharf orhoblen cif Ri/fentorl tin It. 'rife ml Ironlnz tnuh, , u.rd fl fin II lr fur Int 1..41., title, In. has Meal, Itetiiillinctt Dr. Tiititaii Viittit tan thin:, hluuu. ht 1..011 ilp to pint loath s.- tot tithe,. gold i,t thic "Ali I . ..ittithithlll I ;ink. Nru Yinrringe Bide AN 1 , ,,A1 I t tit 1: :1 NI.; Nll.Ny.ttit sitt4n gt,,n I.r kittott , t, ttn.l tn 4 viont ~ :ttullt 4utl Nlanto , otPtt, winch en.ate tat ittrlinntitts UN NIA IllttlAt IL, \Snit Mtn- ta..ttt• or retie/. hunt, In e... 11,1 litter t.int Irtlw s nt, ttit ltb.ulpt. Litt I. Mkt 1.101. t .11 It o:N, lowt, I tkv.twiattttott,l2lllltitlolplint, Ott•tt. 14, I,l'. I , ~,,,,,;,o1.! lo,; ityou I,rou,wu CM= l'ord to the Ladle. Pit. DU PON, VS tiIIILL)}:N 1. 1'11 , 17. 1.111: k•r•..V.\l.!^l. lufsdrible 11. I rrt IL..natus hog Olmtruetion, 01 the Monthly rurnm, :man Viiiat.eVM Vaaie, and al 04 1 PreVellthe. It In new rncr thirty yeont slave the also, emir brute,) Pitts were timt dlneoven•tt by Or. DU PO: ot Paret, dttelog which tluu• tti , y hole Imo ex tenly,ly and ,a,e , ,x1‘1113 . weed la n mal, eft no putble 111,[1:taInnx, well Ili 141va.0 1“lln loa.e.pholex, w IL:, I.laral norm In oeety It in only a Ile: "Ml.', at I gwwt' 01 uu• ilivuoau,l4 "r tedie , who se v. them, t om Ile In Induced to Innis• toe VIII, la mile lot ,111/1111 eel till ro solltlll,g lron4sO, le regulArll t,.. wholever.an well en to lINVetIII.IIII I vri hew e'lle will Jletla'ro,l[ It. PILL. le. A NMI:, / .. ..111141., 4111,41 1) tito.,.•onOppostl,,, thvilly , -or, ant toiled i,rll4,ht U 10.14 whlle In tluit towlltion tuut tbso fainestrifigc," after which fuhnoni no., the Pro firtetnr Pv Ito renuonslUillt.l. Illtll -Ugh 414.•1; Illikinemi out pro Vela 003 Mischief to 1.1.11,1 L VI Wars 1. , e the hil.yare frk innuitahlfsl INVALlinnix ItIINII.DY tor nit coliplalnts so peg di tar to the 4k.X. 41 $1: BOX I, SUFFTeIEVT. 10.000 Bnxea have hevn hold nlniln 140 Yeakk, I', n Thhhh.antl Boxe% ..out 10 >tall, laol.n I,} nay - X. II aoht.lg. ht.i, to all l,.lrtu al the Worql, Lt. Wll.ll 1a1SW 1 •1 , 11,1' 11,11 r, Itll 4,11,111 will , 11 1.C.1 , nolthng Ilk,, the ,1111,e 1111VV 111 01 ILIU/V1 : 11 111. , 1, 11 Y 01 )franethe dananao..l ay."n th, 1111, 2,, -.(rth.: /aux .1(1 , 111 , -41.,, In `...lare h. I, k I • halm. 1, qtn, 1 24:4 1 . 1 h . • • the "How I olor w 1L•,11 n ' 1111 1 1 h... 1, (h. 1110,1 11'11 , .114 pvr Box. Six I ot. lq \ ; 01:Ss 1.1, 1 , 21 , L!,./ , 1, .011 , 1,;. at 1.:U.)6411N. 111. I „Lahrs Uy hen.llll4 . through the riou 111 &h., MI In btu:, , oritt...loullt.llY./ 1,1 JI ul,to .1111 pal t tll Lllc {,{1111,5 J . ,5.w.1.1;;1.; , out 3. U. W. Nvir, Vu(//1; CNC/U{.l {l{ YIN S. 1). Sluuu,Pn , pllatlr, Nev. lurk. .112.,4 f, 1667. I y Errors of Youth. Win/ TllllOOOll lurk r.lrn rrlinl SPr• 11. Dewitt.), Premature , end alt ih „ ityek. 01 ylnati ul 111 , t 4eretlnn, Will, for the mike oi Nuth rtmt huh - ImM v. 'kilt tree in tin mho 11.441 It, the reel no ant dir,uom, inlikitin the fam ple routetly whkh he was t fiuff'• wishliat to Willi! 1.1 the .01Nuitirli.r'1. eXiilo,lolo4. C.lll I 111 pellet (0111 . 01C11 , •, )$M II 42 (leMa it.. New 1 ork, May 27, I•4L. ly To Colisnnlptivrii The ant 11,'114. on v. It/ wend rdv IJI vimrip•l tit nil Vl lio gestre It tin. rwnwripths, it!, dirt•rtiori, fiw ranking and 0.411141 the, 41ny.4 retuotly Uy w Lich be was mar , ' orn Irma wire tiou awl tilla ['road disease Consumption. HI. otijMoi Lit t.. iwnetlt the gtftl/enst and Ito bops. ri y sstrin ar still try this prescription, as It *lll4 04$1 t hent nothing, anti uuiy pruy.. makiress _ Rev. EDWAiLII WILMON, No. lei Smith *mud H met, fieptl'33, tim IViiittotkabundi. Nsw lark ==l In formotbm zunrenteed to protract , 4 bliunknt , growth of tour Ir.roo. bald head or beaT foe, alxnn recipetorYhe removal of .191ntia, ohhev, Kroptiona, rte., pt, the ekln, !mix t wane eon, (dear, and beautiful, cuu ba u,btaltaxt with. our Meer& addraolog THOM. F. 1 .11.1.P4.1.:7, C'hemlat, ltruecturay, New York, Sept. 10, I*7. Rrn QOARTERLY 'STATEMENT' O F GrITYSDURCi AT10NA,11....Nht.",.. i v,. .. • • . Lonna and plarounta. • •••• v. H. Honda to aamutre circulation . 140,4030 o. • • EIiMM me (nun other thanks (ash ((env ....... 11.41.1 Es' mule . , ItE2l =CO MUM= (Stpital .. .. , . .. . , .... 4145,1:) VI Ctr,ulat.l4.g. .... ...... .. ...... .. .. . 1311,:M IXI Ilepoal t 4 71,5> 10 . . ellap{Eo . l • . /6,000 00 . Yrtint and lads ... . . ...... 1,171 tr; Stale Clreszlatlon Illvidexuls unpaid .... .... ~ . ... ~ 0 1,1101 zi , Illsoconta.. ... , . ............. r.... 2,120 111 Dusts Haab, I certify that the ahoy*. statement It; rortact to the, best of my knoirlethea and belief. J. KMORY BAIL Caabtor. . . • • . Jim. 10, IRA. it _ QUARTERLY REPORT OF' thr oolulltlua of We FIRST NATIONAL BANIC.OI , Ot.'"ITTIn BMW, on tho morning urine first Monday ordinnuitrX, /AS: Loann and Dinetitinlx, reining over /Furniture and fixture., . MI no 761 09 Premiums .... ' .. lo lt U. 8up4 44 2.pp0 firsd /NAP Ob ' We COM gbfm, to r I pay! ..... -147,9284 PS , 610,50$ I . igAntwauxs. „ stock• - • --IV N'. 16 °6 C A D _ ... rs ' ll— iii . ;Z;il:4l44::::-....- 16 4 newy.af.-- +••••.• •••-•?"- 741,01 p.souyilita 4 110 i 4 XcW.A. S** 34 The abo , M statement le true . to the tent of fay know ledge and be/1r(. ORO. ARNOLD, enabler. Sworn nod subserlbed before rue this Rh day of ..larillirllff,K , f t • J VP I N E 'f I • 'I?. Seth 17, lam. It amr 1iV41./FTED, iITE undersigned will pay the highest market price. for kitty. ineuireac Spangler's Ware house, Gettysburg. ogo.ritlCKllol.7FiErt. Nov. 2fi, INGO. tt T • U. 8. BONUS. rrifi Fl o c „raw...a Bank Of Gettysburg will ouiltOMOutd /tete U. Bomb% oleo 5.40 aatl Compounds In 4NWL Nate,. GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier. lOot. 8, 1886. tf MEI N ■V abiscas,.thers wlll aisayste • Thateugh ly eompeteat egaftlier taullmegeoeg lb* Eseet. or Clothealt sm u tk of ail kinds mid Muter ma amstanees give sallstsetlon before 4 am leave oar Mans. C. J. TYSON: MEE 11.1,1/1* 10,41Ri ra 44: Fo' 5,0011 LE= ECM MET 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers