Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, January 17, 1868, Image 4
0 bare -tr. 4:t %MAT. ./ANTARY 11 : , 11M11 THE HOKE LINE THE. WORE !NAHUM • The okl saying that "lime makes a 1 rich father and poor son" convey*, we think, a serious error, though the idea it de based upon be a correct one. This is that lime, while it makes the sell more productive in crops at first, will finally leave it barren if. its. use be continued; 4Cat It will fore". the ground, so to speak, to its utmost power of production, amt finally leave it powerless—exhausted of the elements of plant food. This might be, initgreat measure, the case, if we as 2 l slime that everything made open the farm Is carriedrof from it, as only possi ble under very had management. But let it be remembered that In any proper use of lime, the first effect is a great Innen* of grass drops,' filling the ground with• masses of roots, estimated sometimes to be equal to the whole crop above ground. This alone makes a heavy manuring, and is so much added to the lime dreseitip, and• yielding, on decay, all the elements which plants need to feed upon. But then with grass comes grain, fur nishing large quantities of straw, arid corn-stalks and blades, giving material for grearquantities of manure, and with these comes stock to consume them ou the 'farm. More horses, more cattle, more sheep, more hogs—the manure manufacturers of the farmer—turnilig ' all these to the beat account, are, year after year, leaving great quantities of the • best manure behind when they go 'to market; the best because containing-not one element, as lime, biff all that is need ed. Then, if the. farmer be wise enough to feed away his grain instead• of selling, the manure Is the richest and most valu able, and the soil may' be kept at the maximum 0( fertility, if well managed. Tilts accounts for the answer of an exten sive and observant Chester county farm er to the question 'whether, after the ap plication of time fur so long a period of years, there had been any ,yruptorns of decline in the production of ancland or .11,suOution of the benefit derived from its ITis answer was decidedly in the negative, for, he said, "those who have limed the Mist have bee:a pretty sure to manure the wad." Those who have the spirit to improve freely in one direc tion are not apt to stop at that, but use veil all the means at their disposal; they are the beet and most careful farmers and their land is constantly advancing. in productiveness. —American Farmer. Tx.rß TEurrr OF TILL: HOR.SE.—A horse has forty teeth—twenty-four double teeth, or grinders, four Willies, or single file teeth, and twelve front teeth; called gathererS. As a general think, mares have no .usher . , ll etireen two and three years ol d, the colt sheds his four middle teeth—two above and two below. After three jears old two other teeth nre eliungyd, one on each side of tho-e for merly shed; he now has eight' colt's teeth, and eight . horse's teeth; when , four years .old the horse sheds his re m:nab:ling colt's teeth, four in number, when his Lushes appear. At six years of age his lushes are up, appearing white, - small and sharp, while a small circle ' young growing teeth is observable. The mouth is-now complete. At eight years of age the teeth have filled up, the liorr is aged, and his month is said to CUT Tllfi llusitks.—Now is the time, the shortest days of winter, to cut the hushes In the pastures and along the meadows and fence+, wherever you wish to cut and get rid of thi.tu. Alders, birrhea, etc., cut during Ithe shortest days, are,. as nearly every practicall far mer Knows, killed out, that is, they sprout up In spririg a great deal less than when cut at other seasons. WHAT A SPIDT.Ii EATS Per. DIEN. In order to test what a spider could do in the 'way of eating, we arose about day break one morning , to supply his tine web With a Ily. At first, however, the spider did not come from his retreat, so we peeped among the leaves and there dikoVereethat an earwig had been taught and was 'now being feasted on. The spider left the earwig, rolled up the fly, and at once' returned to his "first course." - . This was at half-past live A. M., fti September. At seven A. M., the earwig had been demolished, and the spider, after resting awhile,. and pro ba lily *eying a nap, came down for the Ay, which he bail finished atrithe A. M. A little after nine, we supplied him with a daddy-long-legs, which wee eaten by noon. At one o'clock a blow-fly was greedily seized, and then immediately -with an appetite apparently no worse foi his previous indulgence, he corn , menced on the blow-fly. During the day and towards the eve ning, a great many small green files, or what are properly termed midges, had been caught in the web; of these we counted one hundred and . twenty, all fiend and fast prisoner's in the spider's nest. Soon after dark, provided with a lantern, we went to examine whether the spider was entfering from indigestion or . in Ay other way from his previous meal; instead, however, of being thus affected, he was employed in rolling up together the various little green midges, which be then took to Ma retreat and ate. This process he repeated, carrying up the lots In little detachments, until tite web was eaten, for the web and its content, were bundled up togethir. eltiffir, rest, of an hour, was followed by ,its most industrious web-making pro cess, sad before day-break another web WAR ready to be used in the same-way. Ate immr.ssi.: TnE . s.--,--A correspondent of the lifew Tor:, Ledger, in San Fran cisco;who his been up among the big trees of Calveras county, California, sends us an account of ono of them, *VW+ its lately felled. He says : "The height of this tree was three' hundred andliro feet. Across the stump, flee feet ..trom 'the ground. it measured twenty five hat in diameter without the bark, and twenty-eight feet with it, ft - was eighty-six. feet in cireumteretme at the stump. "It tool: five men seventeen days and shalt to bore it oil the stump with pomp augurs, and two days and a half more to drive and wedge it up with the *Mao( trees to make It lose its cen tre of: grilllty'and fall to the earth. Its trunk "was so straight - and its branches so symmetrical that it stood without a Shake, even In as high wind, after it bad been eenipietely Severed by the augurs. Thir ty-two couple danced a sett on the stump, 'mid there vas room enough for the spee tater!' and musicians besides. It was petrittiy sound.elear through. Ho= time ago a x ran in front of a train in Intifittra, threw it from the track, 4 11 PdAtaW the injury . of several persons. ipe:tails*company'sued the owner of ,thikittirrweid recovered $4,000 damages. Thlltiprerne Courted the State hes at firmed the verdict on an apiwal. Dom arp ,vaceinated In France and s`Fa ca ettie Manger. ""l'aletib diy tore ppare liatt—Frv-dai. iexNr; Isltlill To All Whale It May Cascara: 8E.411 IN MIND EMI DUPHORN & HOFFMAN HAVE again been Id the elites and bouiit at low vicar a fall line of Goods, wail will WI MERIIMES, 65 eta. to $1 25 ALPACAS, 60 oti!. to 21 26 DEL/LINES, 20 ots. to 21 10. PRINTS, beet, I 2 eentP OINGII,AMH, 12 cents 31USLINS; 7 to 20 cents CLOTHS, $1 25 to $lO CASSIMEREM, 75 ets. to .:3 50 I "- BLANKETS, s_:o to-$9 pair SHAWLS-, $1 25 to .811 FURS, all price. HOODS, .50 ots. to $2 50 GLOVES, 10 cte. to $2 00 HOSIERY, 12 to 75 eta Northwest Corner of Center Square. =I li=l THE HOLIDAYS. LOOK OUT FOR OLD CHRIS ! E. H.MINNICH. Chantbersburg &rest. next door to the Ketjetone Jr , ea. Garyourg. ITME only autbotked agent In this place of Ills aoclienCy, Chats liatuoLr., Esq.. announces to the people of tietlysburg and iturrontaling coon try, that ho la now receiving at his Store, the Thargage and Equipments of the "Old Gentle man, which an' to be diaylbuted In rich prurn- mien, and at much prim! an wW amtoulah oven (home who think a rent 0-9 bik as curt wheel TOYS of eiery dcacriptlen, to make cheerful the hearts and Ink'Mut the spirits of Chap:mantle popalatton, and L enapply of FRENCH and MI NION CANDII , SI, to sweeten and seal and make perpetually cal:waive I he affections of Cho. whom) heart. are throbbing lu anticipation of changing theft' condition In life, and a. superabundance of CAKES to make complete the Weddlot, and Ilday Fpaste; Ales, ORANOM LEmqNs, NUTS, and a thousand and OM other good things. lo stock ix very large, bought at the very lovent pewee, and to be sold at the smallest profit% Call in, old and young, male and female, and you will d• sure to tinit , simething to pleafe Nov. 21. 1F417. CETTYSSURC NATIONIAL BANK. GOVTIINMENT BONDS, of all kinds, DOVORT and SOLD. SEVEN-THIRTY B(lN converted intoYIVE TWENTY BONDS without charge. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTE'S CASHED. The HP:111M PREMIUM paid on GOLD and HILV ER. STOCKA and BONDS, of all klodo, bo_okht for PerPoLOlNß.hout MARGIN° COMM RIMON. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECERED. lutereet on SYECLt.t. DEPORITFI adOewed I per mt., vLs: S per erne. for 1 yen', 4 per rest. for II nainitius. 3 per cent. for 3 Ismail/mu Persons wishing infornistion in regent to tr.B Bonds, and Stocks of all kinds, are laidtel to give cm a CeU, and we will give all information =42 J. EIiORY FAIR, Cashier Gettritbarg, Oat. M, 1/14. tt FIRST NATIONAL SANK OF orrifeStma ° Will allow tutertat Oil Speefal Depootlx,s4 follows 5 per teat. per seas= fbr I year. I:=M=2l =ill IM:=1 111=1:1EM2 Will convert. 7410 NOTES Into 5-2/3 BONDS, as usual, tree of charge. CASH COMPOUND_ INTEREST NOTES and ILMMI Will also purchase or mill STOCKS and HONDA of every kind, free of ehorge on rommiestion;ond will at all tithe"; pay the HIGHEST MICE for GOLD and SILVER, and will, with pleating., transact. all business pimutts, as heretofore; pertaining to a well regulated Bank GF,O. ARNOLD, Clothier. not tyliburg, Nov. 0, INT; GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS. THE, undenigned Mm bought out ht. former partner. Wm. Oninrl; and now can tlones the THE LISIE4WRNING BIJSINESS himarrt—•t the GeV.Yaborit Lime Yihu4od the corner of the Banned and North Stratton Street. Thankinl for neat patronage, he will endeavor to devervelta continuance, by proercuttug the busi nealtwarTAgorlandy and an as laglnts scale as pro gible—alwaya Yelling • good article and giving good met:mire: Farmem and tdhent may look tor the prompt filling bf orders. also oontlunes • , COAL BUSINESS, °lnning the most popular lc Inds._ Hoonekeepess and others should give htm a emit Blacksmith cot r a z • pup pit (*Si epprot .. pywcotti In cist • - sect?* assistir. iletliesbaiir; Nev. 14 1 tom tt • Ma Wee Printj, Chats, MAiimmlkaa t ra, /biopic, ROW far l‘tilth, t : ( i TO rES, 71-y- WA RE, ttl', Corner of Carlisle Street and the Railroad, 6ETTYL4Brita, PA AN IMMENSE STOCK! T'S order to give the tmbar Aomethlng Ilhe an adequete idea of tho tn.] L11.:1 R 4. stack of Lumber, Coal, Storg.le, Thi-trore, Sc., ,on hand and tbr atle by the undersigned, in his esiablishment In Carlisle street,-acToPs the Railroad from the Pas. senger .Station, he co uld enumerate as tar as the limits of a nealipaper advertisement WIU allow: IN THE LUMBER "LINE Boards awl Plank of every grad., from enlltnnn :411:47 1. 1 j :nla x n a gr ' npt. ""' V'fI n otIgg, d thrnf in ict: elhlnve r Laths, Plantermn Pleketa, ready made IMon. and /mnii, Mild% and Slintters,—ln fart, emrythlng uned for building purposey. =1 Shtunoletti White Ash Ikad Lykens' Valley Bad Ash, these two varieties being the parts[ end beet for domestic parpenee. Also the very best Bressl-top and Allegheny Smith Coal I= Waverly, Noble Cook, Royal Cook, Barley Sheaf, Oriental, Stewart's Cook, Ortuunental Excelsior, Prince Royal and the Erneraki Cooklng Stoves, all for coal or wood. These net. tics are is utter lion (Nag the best auMonoct popular Cooking Stoves the market IlitOMO, 111.1 Ore all w arrazLed to 51% P entire ,atlnfaerlon. ALso. a very large enpety of sldouri nod Stv.p Stoles, fur coat or Mood, It,ludizes tt t r. ,übrated Morning 01 07, the Valesu 'in to r , Hand Meteor, Dial, Violet, a w , 1ter,u1.0 , ,, I, root, Neer e it, i. knurl Omits, for ktril ~r_n 1114113 R 01.11J•'Ill. ME= The assortment embotees everyl lung neeemary I for kitchen or trousehohl porp o including a large number n( con Vt'Lliellt yet cheap articles of new design which must he .earn to be appreciated. The stork la so large and sari, d t hat thing who hate not t idled the esLablehment ha, e no con ception of its extent. Iti addition to lite ordina ry kitchea utensil., it in+lu.t, s Bathing Vesnela, ' Toilet Chamber tots, plain and fancy, Chamber litarkets,,liread and Spice BOXYA Tea and Coffee Canister* fleet }foxes, :spittoons, Tumbler ftraln ens \Vattern, Ale Carrierafttter Ceolera:Sla Cutters, \u Ml4'l4llllpp,, Jelly this, l'uddlnk Moulin, Patent Nutmeg Graters, Comb Cases, t It. (leant Plat, and AHe Plat,, Ash Buckets, I. lour Ist 0, es, Intl! I Spout Heads, Coffee Lantern., Bunting sts.ons, Large Forks, rand le Stirks,C.mdle Nlotilos, Copper lap , pets, N 1 tottglit-bran Fr, lug Pau., Smoothing Irns, Foot scrapers, Cotter Roasters, Waffle Irons, Snuffers, I Jinn, and 'Auctioner I. Egg ((enters, Oiler, Fluted ' , millets, tool Sie, Fruit an., Plain- toptrot 1,11- j sialine Jars, ay., ee. 1111-01110 Illtl.le to order, and repairing pontipti:4 .a tended to, by't he best 0111,101101. I= Cast-Iron Pule, of ever) lee and variety, for tdovea, Porcelain kettle, for cooking and pre nerving, Tin-lined Kettl•a fur title, Cast-Iron Mew Panic of every 11170 vanl•!) Porcelain and tinned, with a thousand and t m cd.Lor art l itapo-dhle to mooted to Al ILL adtcalnr nlelll. Attention Is epochally directed to three valua ble patent.. far which he la agent, and about wnlch there I. no humbug, ea can he attested by worm+ who have used them vin: THE GNIVER SAL CLOTHI,I4-WRIANGEII t DOTY'S WASHING MACHINE, and the Cc cbrated DIAMOND CHURN. The public are invited to call and eititrate goods and prices. He guarantees to Nell every thing in his line at excrisllng low figures. Come 111.1 sue, to frrlttlir four rurlonity. If you -do not want to buj No trouble to show goods. =I MEM ILLSSINGER & SHIREMAN, I=l=ME=l= &ITO ALL KIWI) Cie . • . . . . 'AIIaMICAS, INSTILUMEN . N. reapeetfully‘lnform the public that they are pre par xi to furmah Mono of the following manu factor° iir,ol aoy Other make that may he pre fermi: • Albripriat. N Selkels •IL Schmidt, Chlekering et Neu; Bradbury. MMMMMi . . COTTAGE, IiARMONG4NID () RUA N 8 AND JI O.D.ONS. These Instrtunenta stand inkri all, 4 liv an, tiling round In thin country or to Euronc, as in admitted lty all Impartial.) tolges. Y . ., he moat em inent ripe Organ blulldent and Performers, the last to discover excellence In reed line , pro nounced them vastly nnperlor to all ot hehn. ex evedlugl v quick artlenhulon and round Ttin. the r , henttai feature In int,truntents of this MX. We invite the severe scrutiny told criticism PAFENT VOX lIUSI.I.NA TREMOLO. This late and most wonderful ins en tiou (no ac knowledged by all leading artists) will be found only inure Estey Instruments. In attempting to describe tire effect of thin stop, a e ale at loos for language. Ito Ix:duties cannot be written, but must be head to be lipprematect. by this stop an ordinary performer ran produce an etTeet a hit roquiremx life time of practice upon a s tolm. It entirely!, hang., the reed Tone, gis mg the svmpathetickweetness of the humid voice, making it no suPlodloun and pure thatlt never fails to enchant the listener, • . TIlt: HARMONIC ORONN for Churches, Public: Halls and Parlors has a powerful sub-Rdsa with independent reeds, Har monic attachment and Vox Humana Tremolo, and Is belles ed to he the moat powerful reed or gan made; being nearly ecnal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cost. All inbtrurnents warranted for gee year,. lIANDS supplied v. ith InatrumeptS and music at reasonable terms. MNMMiniEMI Xa-In•truct!ons Oven both !n Vocal am! :n• strumental Music, at our mxis, and at purllo homes, either to Individualt orclasson, on res....on. able terms. MOM= PELOUBET ORGANS .UND 3ftLODIANS, UN. NIMOUISLY awarded the )` fret Prize, n Gold Medal, "Afi THE BEinT CAIIINF.T OR (3 ANN.' American Institute, New York, Octo ber, hail •. • . Being pronounced 4uperior In QUALITY, Pow =and VARIETY OF nod In numi,kr of cow bl tumor.. • . , "As the bent instruments of Amerieit were there contending, whichever won the i.utUe woulo have nothing left to conquer."—.hamster Art Journal, (edited by a Well-know n niusital critic.) They have also taken the first premium wher ever exhited this season. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and three hanks of keys—six sixes—Val to SIAM/. Without pedals, angle and double bank In great variety, tai to Ma). These Organs, with their smoothplpedike qinillty of tone, beautiful MAO stops, strength of Chorus, unequalled pedals, and general orppsn like effects, are superior for Churches, Halls, Par lors and St. hoots. 'They are put up in of soli id Walnut, fancy veneered Walnut (new and unique styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splen did designs and fl nish, and of the best workman ship—it bring intended that each instrument shall be a model of its class. All instruments down tontine octavo portable Melodeon, hal e the beautiful Tremalant stop, without extra Charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our GENERAL WHOLESALE AND Rar.ut. WAREROOMM, bit Browlway. Our illustrated Circular and Price lists, with our new styles are now ready. Send for a circu lar.hELouerr, rELTON a CO. ' Manufacturers, No. 841 Broad way , April 8, ISO:. New York City. HAINES BRO'S. PIANOS Ei= TEIFI-4: Pianos are Universally acknowledged by competent J nilges equal to the best Pianos made. For relereness, they have many thousand city and country residents, including Lange num bers of the High Schools, Seminaries, &c. These Pianos have not only stood the muttons al use and heavy practice alone year, but have been used the last tilleen years to the utmost satisfaction of those usi ng them. . . • • They have taken PREMIUMS AND MM.-ILS WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Such has been the demand the these Pianos, that H AIN E$ RHO'S. has r been Compelled to enlanre their works to tile extent of 21 to 30 FUNDS. A WEER. Having now one of the most extensive and complete Mantles In the United States, Fara. rtes alone covering or an atre of around,coni prising a frontage of 219 feet or. tut Avenue. They are undoubtedly the einvipest Brat-class Pianos In market. Fully gusrantee.l for 5 ears. send for Illuerrnted Circular. HAINF-s 11110'S., 553, 559, 500, 5412, 334, 37.1, 372. I . .rental Avenue, N., York i April 8, Is.r. • PAINTS FOR FARRIERS ASD OTITV.r.q. TehE. Grafton Mineral Paint Co. are now mann u:luring the Best, Cheapest anti most Dum b Paint In One; two tonic s ell put on, with pore !Atti,' till, will last loon to roars; it to a light brim II or bosuttful dos Mate color, and can De changed Touren, I iad, moue, drab, °Realm eonho to suit the taiga of the commuter. It aluable F ¢ II noon. rt, cos, I entsw, Lanham and Car-tun ker., Polls and ‘sslen-wtir'e, Agri cultural Implements, Laird Boma, Value+, and fillips Bottoms, Canvas, Metalauil $h Ingle ROW, (it being Fire and Water prooro Floor UU Clothe, tone Manakin. afar having *moo 5060 bids, the pw4l, year„iand axe point for any purpose is unsurpass ed fur durability, elm-nth:lt), and atibestsenwet. Prier :Piper Lb/. of 'DO the., which will supple farmer for years to come. Warranted in all eases as ahoy.. Pend fora t Imular which gives btu partienlars None genuine unto.. branded last trade mark Grafton Allnertil Paint.' Addre‘a DANIEL BIDWELL, Pearl 111,0, Note York. Sept. 6, ISCI. fm LAST NOTICE LLperannit Indebted to the Intl. firm of Me- A CURDY at . DIEHL will pit-lateral' and Pettit , . If not paid before the tat of Deretuber, the Book will be 101, In the bandit of an Mikar for onllet don, without regard to parmonx. 3fill'lltfl" it MEHL. Oct 11, INC. if BARK WANTED. rpRE antecriber will pay FITT, DOI.I,,ARR per I CORD for BLACK OAK BARK, delivered at hie Tannery, to Gettysburg. JOHN RUtli Jena lAN. - t .81133EGIABEI. , ' TWatlMMinerVel ft eft s nitma r ca the Esilroad; erkfolting• the tame Kilns, Get- Nov. IS, PM tt ECG G. JUST FROM . THE CITY CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Prices Reduced! Reduced! Reduced! R. PICKING, itud from the city, with an F eflormottek est.% of new CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &C., offers bargains of the most astonishing elistraeter. To prose the aseertS" all tie writs Is thst be) ere wll- COME AND SEM' COME AND SEE! und judge for themoutlVer. Re tube 0 J 7 ,, User Black Froc'k (oats,. I 'lot tdco•k Ckaktc, 'clod more Sack costa, tatuct Sack Coati, Tweed Hack (kata. p4...Nrks. Mark Can!mere Panty, Fancy Casaltnere Pants Matinet Pants, Tweed Pants. VEITS, (loth Ventv, Car.slmere Vetita. Satinet Vertu, Velvet Vfll/11, i ertaan Vont'. NOTIONS. °lova. isaspende no. Blisek Gloves. - - 1944Quirekttga, :Seek Tien, • NprinK :•quelta, Paper* Linen Collars..tx 7,0( *KS, klght (loekr. Thug -hour \I Llocka, l,ia hie fineka, 1 1•Ilit,1:11,1 Umbrellas. ALPO, VlO4 n• • Aet }'tut Vita Sttitg- *.n. mit at , hr /West and Mires, decline. 1 . 1 - K. IN( a; the ter} price , . No dc.lll,i noon! It. I:‘er3 Fa 3 ., ?SI, I. NM TIN-WARE & STOVES. TT: F. LA ROD, r ASSORTMENT OF TI N•W ARE IN THE COrNTY, AT S • G, COOK'S, dormer Andrew7olley's:) also some of TIII: I:EST COOKING STOVE., IN MARK FT among which are the I= I= 11=E! E=l9 I= 11=1 Also, In:toy other articles for Kitchen Ilse, which will be' old as low a at any other place In the county Junc24,lsll7. tf McCURDY & HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &C. nruzE underslgnpd are paying, at their Wart , - hon.., in Carlßilo strnet, adjoining Iluehler's lion, the highest prices for • • FLOCit, WiIEAT, RYE. CXIRN, OATH, BUCK- N 1 HE tT, CLOVER AND TPARiTIFY HEEDS, POTATOES, SC. and Invite proclueent to giso them a call baoro They hnve conntnatly on hood for ❑d. A LARGE CiUPPLY OF GROCERJESi MOlam., Byrum. Cbffeon,. tr., with :alt. I. Tar, '.nip.., Baron and TAnt. Tobaeonm, .ti. ALwo the heat brand.. of FLOUR, xlth FEED 01 All Linda. They Ilkowike have. =I Sulubln Purigc Guano, Rhotfrn' Ph.plzate Luld A A Mexies.n Guam,. • • • • .. Whilst they pay the tochent market prima for all they buy they Nell at the lowiatllvtug profit.. They rink nrhare of public pa.trortage, rcaolved to RI, a antlafaetom to every rose. ROBERT MeCIIRDY, WM. N. Getty chum.„ July I, 1%7. NEW FIRM! IMI N''fl777 Goonsl HA VI Sli booed. old, my form, r partner, and been to dm city and fairchto.ol 1 LARGE STOCK OE GOOD. I am now prepared to aroommoeste all in Quail ty and prioc. lam determined '.‘ NOT TO BE MST/EI:SOLD in this or any other part of them/unto , . • lititisk aki. and shortpronts," la my motto. . My stock of Goods consists of DRY, i „GOODS, GROCERIES, • .NOTIONS, QTTEENS-WARE, .11 A II D - NV A R E , EARTHEN-WARE, HATS d CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. In bet everything kept. In a FIRST-ciAsts (IJrNT'IVI StORK. Come and rwe my 'dock. No chat] ge for .414mIng, .1. S. 14AUGHISRAt'011 Hampton, Nov. 1, 1847. min NEW-SADDLER SHOP. vnttkoz,Rotirml...,Clieetgraltregitl —('unntautly , nll kindx of RIDING RADDLF^ WAGON,HADDLES, =4 DRAUGHT DAMES.% RIDING BRIDLES. BLIND BRIDLES, COI.J.A RN, FLY -VETS. &c., as low as the lowost. June 24, 1687. tf CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, On Baltimore Street, opposite the Court-House, GETTYSBURG, PENA-A I. ery domerlption of work eseentel ht the I= Amer% tf Great National Telegraphic COMMERCIAL IIisTITUTE; Non. 8430 and 811 Chrenut Otrert ==! REMOVAL To the Fittest Collette /towns, to the lily Part of the Senond and the whole of the Third 'anti Fonrth ?loom ot• BANK OF REPERLIC BEILDLNES. nearly oppo•atte the Continental Hotel. The he.l onno.ired and eondncted Business College It; the city. , The Corps of Tesehers inte4 no superior. Eaneutton Ibr the Conntinrroom in the Short. est tuneable Mlle eenststent ertth the Interests of the stsutest. Send tor Clreular. • ta . TAYI.OR a SEARCH. Oct. 25, 1867. NOAH WALKER & CO., I•WCeV:llsyi; 7 .l 'WASHINGTON BUILDING, • 1165 AND IC 11ALTINOED STREIT, DALTINOIIy YD., END constantly on hand a large and Well am sorted stock of all kinds of lassie at moderate pr cam pr=r suPfdl orders Ito the finest to the lowert matelot, either ready nada or Blade to measure, to any Pert of the eonntrY. , fli V Eir lejag i t6 i o sa • asten i alvs e :tock e, Flat a . U en' n lillik w er ill a ar l AßY G r ktMleigtaMacy or • Trim. ....Aty..!varlary smarmed pipets e i ll ' itHlLDY Baltimore. Feb. ISSL G O to T. Sarni' he your CloPilug. DR:L. J. dito*,s Magnetic Salve and Plaster. if This deem - sadly popular remedy, tuts me been greet , v unproved, In - - nose otfe-.d to theeillsennot Ad ams cauut.t . rne many tnansends who an daily using It lestitt to itg mughad virtues in the V. rly ?dawned Canstimpilon, I ugh, Event Rh,' aud 1, ra, Nruralgia, Jew and Tooth Ache, Weakness and Pain In the Bonk, dick sad kidneys. veneer, &rerun; O Men, 2 : , /nOP , /a; P' ,l l l Abrade. iheetre. Denotes. Owe sr ISyknoed Breeds, /averted 2be Nails, Cams, /husks., Qv_ d e. Its mysterious virtues, and the wonder fni cares lf ba• performed. noel at be published; but the dige.tvert r Is 0 tiling to orb .ot it, Intrinsic mer its, in girder to Intl - um, it into every family in the esslnagY. Prepared ~nit 7,. the proprli•tor,Sl.lE.lornbanl Street, Baltlmore , and +old by A. It. BU EHLER, Pr. H. HORNER. and .1. It. FoßNEY,ifettyrburg, and by the merelte n t. of the CI sent y. RggEng‘rs - s --Fleury Pulp of I'.. Andrew Schick, Johu Wlnebronr, J. L. Schlek. asg-Merehe tits ell, get a nu pplt - by calling at J. NV I NERRENNER ~. at Wholetssie litioes. Aug. 3,1467. ly - --- ADAMS COUNTY MCTCAL ITRE INSURA.NCE COMPANY nrCn4.PORAITD, MARCH IR, IV OIFTICFM4. PresSient—Gewrze Swope. Vhr Presldent—wo.kuel R. Russell seeretan..-14. A. Roel,. Treasurer—K.o. kat...dock., Executive Conunlher—tt..bert :McCurdy, An drew Heintzelmen, Ja-ob King. Manager..--nenrue, 11, A. Buehler. R: MetMrdv, II Eirbetta Fatto.l.t" , l„ r. 1.. ti.!..icl'mary,4,l- I..,ourgi I nob . town•hlK A.. l'lmtii‘elot tit, Franknu, r'. wines, N'ew 4.),,t,au; M tn. B. N 11••11cler, l'll., 1.1 . . A. u , W.di. d. Latium,: John P1e1.111.4, , '.t. , Al, 11% Nl Bem , . Is , Ole; Alaitel P. 1, LI, N.,' tI .1' n... 1; .1..11. M..r all .11, all • .1.••.11 1 . ..I - 1'111141:0a, I.lols. .14,1; 31/Lllll.olh , Mberty. 4iillllY 11nn uul, Is hi oper.ttiou• to It. count% m Adatua. 11 I. 1• 114,11 In oneration tur inure Elan 13 1 . 1 - 11 T, 111,1 111 that peht4 hae made but „ nu% lug pal d Mame. by Me dm a 11...! perhal 111110h:lthlg to .111,4•04--$.11,- 711.1 of ulMll ha% e herb paid .I:lima the last 1550 years. Any pernial dennimr. an Inm:trance run apply to any lon OKA a mower, tor further luMrmat • • 4114-The Eseott e Committee meets at the of flet• of the Company, on the last Wednesday In ery moot h, at o clock, 4'. M. Oct. IL, 1,41 - 3. It Gettysburg Railroad. HANOI: OF CONNECTION:4,—On oral after Wednewlay, Not ember 11th, 1467, Passenger mina will leave and arrive nt tiettyshbrg, and make ronneetititut,n4 follows: FIRST I:ASSYN(IER TRAIN Pt 111 leave Gettva -I,llllolkt 5.15 A. M., with inetsenkent for York, Har ristairg, Plriladelphlst, Baltimore. and the North and West, a rri, Ina at HanoN er.l um 11011 without lance tat ears, at 1a.15 A. M., eonneettng with the Fast I,llli:south on the Northern *antral Hall way, an arrl, ins at Baltimore at 1.:,.111 noon. \balloon eetitia with Droll Train from Baltimore north, arriving in Harrisburg at Lou P. \I. Arri ving at Gettraborg 12.10 P. M., with maa , engern front Harrisburg. York, Balt tom, 1111L1 Wanh luglon. SECOND PAS-SENGER TRAIN will 14.4,1,e Get tyshurg at 1:10, P. 31.,,arrh Ina at Hanover Inac tion al,„and connecting with =ill trait, Synth. Arrh eat Baltimore at t, (I P. M. Arrive at Get ty slam; at ~.iU P. M., with paaaengeru f/0111 Phlhl lelphla, Harrthburg Ural. the Surf h and Weat, and also with n0...4111(ern 11,11 n Baltimore and Washlugt On by the fast line north, which leaves liaitimore nt 12.10 noon. MEM • . Pasaengers can leave Ralthnore in the 'Mail Train at P..?0A.M., and arrive ti t% .lal ra US) I'. M. Or leave Ilattnvore In the mat lime at I_'.lo noon, and arrive In Gettysburg at 1 3 M. But one charge of ears by the rind train, either 'way, Is: at Hanover Junction. The fast hue on the Northern Central will not stop at any local rita lions, extent York, Hanover Junction awl Park ton. Connections certain. " ' •- =I Great Conowago Mills. 10.000 BUSHELS OF ' WHEAT WANTED. The undersigned, has lug mum& led and Improv ed hitt Mills, near New Chester, Maws enmity, tformerlr eryelie d .. Walnut lirove," but, now "urrat ronos ego Mulls, • is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino with unusual dispateli. Cons.lanth on hand, fin Nate or c;t iodise the very beet tit:Mille , of 4uper, lxtra. unit Family Rye, 1'4,11 and Itueku heat Flour, Ith es en ' , randy of 1111,9 nml afialif HMS Ing n SAW MILL attached, hr is prepared to saw all Mints ot lumber, at. the Shortest nutter. A Fanner In need of lumber anti near, can put a log upon his Si Ligon, narrow a lea. bushels °fallout on the top, base hie wheat exchanged tor flour and the log sawed, thus saving a double trip— and all 14.4.4.. t. t pri iect machinery now COl ployml In these mills. , - Having the best 01 workmen, he will he able to please evo r:,11•MIN. WI tor past favor', he hopes for a you nuan, of the same. IL J. MI'ERS. New Chaster, April 22, 1 , 67. ly. FiDeVIZDOUAN:IIIZIXI The Grover Baker.—The Beet in Use. ' I(IIIEME Machines have breome sit writ known 1 that little need be said ny way of recoil:men tuition.. 'I hey have taken the OrNt premium at ail the late titan Faint, and are untversally ue knowledged to he the TIF.ST In use by ail who flare tried them. The "tinnier di Haber Stitch" and the "Shuttle btitch" are points that have been atUtined by nn iThe) are the only machines that MN 611 , 1 embroider w int per fection. These Mocilines are peculiarly adapted to Family 11W. They ore noigelees, sew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are sim ple In their construction. Thee aro ere:, to man age, and can be worked by alinoma, any child. F.‘ery family should have one. They Arae labor, they saw Moe and they luce nto uy, and do weir work better than It ettll be done by hand. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for the above Machines, has entabluthed an Agen cy in Fairfield, Adams county, where he will al ways have on band it supply. Parsons wishing to buy will please call and examine for 'them selves. ild - Meedles anti Thread will who he supplied. J. S. WITHEROW, Agent, Fairfield, Adams eounty , Pa. Aug Z 7, 1%6. tf `, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure 1 • TELLS Great, Remedy for all Inge/tam of the STOMACH, ftthe di ',),= of the inventor of Coe's Valuable Cough while experimenting for hie health. I cored Cramp In the eitornsehsfor him which had beforoyielded to nothing butehloro. form. The almost daily textlmony from varloux parts °Me country encourSies us to believe there is no di... caused by a dleordered stomach it will not speod tly cure. pl Physicians Endorse and Use It. 4 Ifimaters Thatasony 4f at iired , Yr r.EI from all dlreetionx we receive ildlogx of cares performed. DYRPEPAIA ! I= SICK•HEADAt;HE! It has cured In hundreda of canea HEADACHE AND DIrLINENS! It stop. In thirty minutes. ACIDITY OF THE STOMALII I It corrects at once. HIMINH OF THE FOOD! it strop.; Immedintel3 - DLSTRTSN AFTER EATING! =EI - Bapldly ylclda to a few doses BAD BREATIf Will be changed w4th half a bottle. It is Perfectly Harmless I Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS I, owing to the tact that IT CIIRPM fly ASSISTING NA TURE to te-assert her sway In the sr - stens! Nearly every dealer In the United States sells it at ONE IX/LLAR PER BOTTLE. C. U. ULAIUC m CO., Proprietors, J. M. itowa. I :ka,v llnr en, Coon. March 14, 1567. rowly Poland's Magic Bilious Powders. / TUN PREPARATION la the ilia - eavery of RoY. J. W. Poland, for merly the Pastor of the Baptist Church In f.offstown, 'N. H., and a man dearly beloved by that de nomination throughout New Eng. G I G He Wag obliged to leave the • .„ pulpit and study mealleine to nave GEES hooon Ilfe, and 1114 MAI :It PoW - DEUS are oue of Um most wonder ful tbanoveries of Modern times, The Great Liter aad Bilious Remedy which completely throws In the /ankle all other dineoverles lu metlhane; and It afrordsldm mach aratlfleatinn that the.) the unanimous approbation of all who have tested them. The ylagic Ellious Powders are a Positive Curo for Liver Complaint! In Its meet pigmented form, and an Immediate corrector of all BI L. GUS DERANGEMENTS! Ecrrllrnl for ItE.1.1)ACIII:, oxsTiPAt 10 \, D IILOTCTIES, SALLOW SKIN, ROWSINEK., DIZZINESS, HEARTDURN, PALINTATION„ And a mot wunarrfal Cure and Preventive of. Fever end Ague: (Weadrime all whoa, tronbied with this Ilmr- MI malady to Ow ays keep the Powders oo hand ready for initnedllite 11 , 4%) ii re ore a few Important partieulam: I.l..—They are the (treat SpeciflC for all 11111otia Allection, Md.—They are the only known remedy that wilt con! LIN er Complaint. ki.—They are Cleanly known remedy that will rut e Constipation. nth—The Powder% areF. thorough In their operation that nun package will he all that the unkloidty atthasettelngtheill wilt retoglre to feet ear, h.—They area mild and pleasant yet the moat effectual euthartle kuna n. hilt.—Thee are the eta:Ape:4f and brut medicine extant, as they can be sent by mall to any part of the globe fur the price, al cerda. Ctreulars, containing erratic:Mee. Information, he., sent to any part of the world free of charge. SOLD BY ALL, or by cud' On Application to C. G. CLARK & CO., Orman! Agents, New Haven, Coon. IMIiMSlia Executor's Notice. TEN erta ;;iertnltao'• on i lhe ' estn - te A of Ile — nry tt rycre t , late of Oxford township, Adman panty, deceased, hem., been granted to the undersigned, re. skint( In the mme township, he hereby eves Debt, to all be Indebted to staid waste to snake Immediate payment, and those having 4,l,lll3llagainni the hoaurto Pnxisut won p r op e r. ly authenticated for settlement. HENRY J. KOHN, Dec. 20,M. C t Executor. MEAN FACES.—Jost received another suppli k; of Razors, Strops, Brushes and Soap. at ROW * WOWS V.VIVEItqAT I=l I= I= tine dove will remove MAND - CHEAP MIRING AT lIRI.VIi7hR' 11017 P'S. STACKS OF THEM! BRINKERZIOFF corner of the Diamond and York efreet, haejust returned from the cit y -14 tth en unusually at tracth e easortmeut FLOTRIFaI FOR SPRING tt SOMMER WEAR. which he will sell at each pricer as cannot fell to take them oft very rapidly. Call and judge for youraelven. To look at the excellent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and subatantial sewing, and then to get hls low prin.—callers cannot help but bur, when they arc it to mach to their inter eat to de so. Fistx:Bonts and Shoes Shirt of oil kinds, lictdery, Glover, ifstikst., chief", Neek-tiet, t 'revatt, Linen and Doper Col- - larl Surpendert, Brother, Combs ; Truntit, Valises, Umbrellas, _Porket Inithree,Re. i tli n re n;, . ,, qmoking and Chewing Tobaccos, pipes, itia- Clock;•, a. N e Vatehes, jewelry, with a thmitand and one other artteles, entirely too numerous to de tail In newspaper tdvertitement. Ile °Ass the intention of the public to hi, new stock, eitntlident that It will please—end no one eon nr will sell cheaper. lion t forget the place— corner of York •street and the Diamond, Get tysburg. JACOB BIHUNXritE(OFF. April BC. tt NEW FIRM.. I= (ESTABLISHED Ti ISM' T RITE suasoetated with me, in busletentt. my son. ,ron., F. 31,Crear3 - , under the arm and le , 41 , Met 'rear) & tom. anti i desire itm to toy old irtetot. tool the nutiltesettentily thst +Me.; too votr, the manufacture of lintllll , , ~ has been noticed r.; the olcl .stale. 11.4,1 wi d m 11 1 11101111 811111 1 1 ,1 11 IMllltatore t, one min.., of the Ceart I loom., tlett;.... hurt, Pa. . ing lint! an experien. ..t lat care in It., tal)lielanent, 1 4,1 awtut ed, num, wait renew...4l attention to laedneea, We can r•till lurtlier nn rut and ret.,lNe a lull Own) of public patronage. With ineren.e.l Gicill l len for rontluet ins our bu iness, we are betterprepared thou ever to eatihfy the wants of all those who may need anything In our line. We ehpeciall) eau the attention of Fanners and °limn, to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Npatfilde Leathern Horn eaddlen, Haman, all kind.., with Plain or quilted Seat or without fastening., no Horn, Houhinan, Plain or gunted Sent Scotch Collars, (leather,) side Kadillw,, (Uslclng,) Plain or lanvy Pauline No fieam l'loths, Beat Welt llama.. Col- Wagon Saddles Inn, " n u l l I t ' ll lei; +f all r" s t tini!r i or th u e n r a2l ' , l • l lrf, roon4oll or flat, Best Leather Wagon Martlngals. Whip., A. 4‘y and 5 feet Carriage flarn,so, all long. st 3 ha, ..ilser or black PIM t•-‘1 Team Whip., mounted. - Trotting N 1 hips Flen.v. Draught Hartle., joadloVititiln4 'brig, lif Irv! itri(ll,., n - hip puchtm, B== MEI Crapprq, 3t.. dr., de. In short, everything that pertain/. to a prat-Anon general horse-hirniallingetnahlislan-at 011Abilli; iv 011 hued or made to order prompt ,ut flue ery hest material, and by the moat ex perleneed work men In the country, (two havina worked In the establlahment for the hod t hirt% year. We nre now manufacturing nn I veellent lot of Heavy Draught end Harness t 'ol tars for those w ho prefer nor own to elty mole work. Repairing of all kinds done at short notim and on reasonable terror. Allan , cordially In yt tett to cull and exnmln P r.r them•elre., nt, our work cannot toll to recom mend Itnolf. I). Mel 'ItKAItY a HON. Feb. 5, 1.4% I REMOVAL! THE GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. rpHE underaign ell takes pleasure In announetng to the citizens of (tatty ',burg and the public gent rally that he has removed from his old rooms on Weal Middle street, to Itnithnore street, and nearly opposite the store of Ythnevd.ssk. Brothers.. The room he now oomphn has been recently fitted tip for his busitosat The location In an admirable one, enabling him to take pin. tarot ht all shadesof weather, and with a corresi.- rlesa unequalled. ant where eble. LIFT-LIKI•1 I.IIOT.S.RAPIIS, or every . priri• and description to uteri ha the the •1 rartientitr attention given to the CAR rE itl Vlsl IT, and to copying AMR:LI/- TYPES and DAt;I:F:ICItEt PI :et of tiectia.rell (newt,. Ale.— . , a new MN le of picture, w 1.1.-11 low become very pw,pular v. ith the public, not only for Weir ton for eheapneaa andeon , . enknee. SIXTEEN 1) for ONE la iI.AR only. Aire—TllM PORA7E LAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and du rability are wont roamed. We are prepared to curry on the btmlne , N In all Ito ariou_i brAnehee, and ha. ing had oonaldera ble experienee we run no risk in OUARA.NTE.ELtii) PFIIFECT SATISFACTION Our facilitica for a full display of our chill are unequalled by-any other Gallery In tne connty, and we woulddherefore Invite every one to gall at the NEW GETTI'SBCEG rzRY-LIGLIT GA.LLERY. Call and examine our Specimens and Judge for yourselves. LEVI MUM.PKR. Juno t 5, IRK ,$*;.1:1:1/Agt)51:,i7.441, , ,1 HE"Y (),,vPh:TLER,..BaZimor h.., made arralll.;PlV , MA to get fros e h Irr= ry week from the tity and IN determined to sell cheap, lie invites all to give ban • MIL Ills sto(it consists of (1110,11 - ERlni, NOTIONS, FLOUR., Corn Meal, Chopped FeM, Coin Oats, Lard, Cheese, enickers, Tobacco, Ws gars and tinult, tilioAlt, COFFEE, Teas, hyrup, Moliwoevi, I Coal Oil, Fish oil, Tar, Rest L'lder Vi, and a great variety of Notions, Candles, dic., tr.e. sirThl Cain or Trade will begiven for Country Produce, such as Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Rags, .tr. April s, 164. If pli11:14:011 0 1 4:1 ,1 1.30101, 4111 AND ALL OTHERS WHO WISH TO IMPROVE, Til!'ttratn7,=W'rm"'" 4- pub- CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at his uld stand. on Went street, Gettysburg, an. I is ready at, all times to aerommodate those want log anything done In his tine. Be Is prepared t furnish all kinds of work for building purpose a, of the best material, and a• neatly and cheap i v as it can be done at any Other establishment In the county. Experienced hands alVirays In real neon and work executed wills promptness a nil di gitankful for past favor., he hopes, by at tention to businmes, to receive a liberal she,/ o public patronage. CHRITZMA Y. lune 17. DC. If • Manhood: Now Lost, How Restore d. JUST publiahed. a new etil'.l.ou of Dr. Latlverweirs celobsalle d Essay on the rennet.' sure (wittsout, Of Spermatorrh refl. or fir rel'atail Weak neon Involuntary Kern/ sot Lo w , impotency, Mental and Physical ltillapaelty. im pedimenta to Marriage, ets.ial . a4Varionription, Ilpilepsy, - and Fits, Induced by -indulgence or sexual extrovaganoe. gta-Prioc, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cente. The celebrated ant hor, in this a dmlrabk, teensy, clearly demonstrates, from a tl tiny yearn' suc cessful practice, that the alarming censequenoes of self-abuse may be radically raced without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife---pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectulal, by means of which every sufferer, nu matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri s ately, and radio/War, , This lecture should he . In the bands of every youth and eery man In the land. Bent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of mix teats or two met stamps. ALAN Dr. Culverwell's •'Mxrrlege Guide," price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, VITAS. T. C. KLINE & CO., 1.. T Bowery, New York, P. O. Box 4686. • Noe. =, 11 7. on NOTICE THE 'subscriber, having thoroughly repaired his (hint 'mid Haw 14111 formerly s'lfellhen ny Mill," un Marsh eree:k, is prepared to do SiliEstillNG and SAWINCI ofevery kind at short notice. He solicits the -patronage of the neigh borhood and will guartusteesatistnetloo. Give -CIF.OPa3II plitvymno .lime 10, lOC. ft A FARM WANTED itNY _person having &good FARM for sale, and willing to take in part payment one or more tracts of &nice Western Laid, located la well settled neighborhoods, near County Towns, q mr, ,,i t i l lim it=tu din w , lll gad a purchaser by en hept. 8, lbal. tf TURBINE WATER WHEEL. 11AVINO received the agency for the celebra, red DR. KINDLEBEIWER DURBIN ATER WHEEL, for Adanari, Franklin, CM , beriand, Redford and Fulton counties, Pa., and Alleghthy, Washington and Frederick counties, Md:, we eon recommend it as being equal to power and poseesslnglnora advantage% than any submersed wheel in use. Send for circulai . Mill Gouring,stiatlzzclinnkersand Pulleys, furub,h ed toorder. AteDOWELT, & BAECHTEL, Agents, Oct. 4,188 L Srtt Hagerstown, Md Sale (hying. A W. FL&MMiNG ecattimies the business of SALE CRYING . And solicits the continued patronage of Me pubten it is hie eocuttant en amour lo give rattlel4loll. Charm . moderate. lietddeme In West Middle street, Gettyebora. P. R.—He to a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the United State,. Nov. 21, led. ATTENTION, ZOIIAVESI UNTIL farther orders, the ' , osTrypptißo ZOL'AVESI" vlll meet at their Armory tar bulkiness and drill EVERY THIJR4DAT EVE, HMG, at * l c t i'clork, and In row. Denis the THIRD SA DAY of earh month at 10 o'clock, A. 1L By order of the Captain, WM. R. HINTER, 0. ft. .oet. 4.lfrrt. tf Phatog;raph Albums. rif i darrest meet beautiful and cheapest lot n oroOLLAPYI ALBUMS ever Mired In GetkabOnri just received at the E XC ELSIOR GALLRRY. , Albums holding 50 Pictures only ft M. Our stoat oornprises over ne dllTereaS etyihananaltWh Ire the celebrated everlaet intag a and Sa te Hitt . Thera Album' we Dave bought low and are determined Lomeli lower than the same qualifies out be bought meywhero In We eon:1_0 , 01.0ot can. C. J. TyBollll, hat. IS, MT. 'IICFRAT - Harmir PPP;StXfirs. Dry floods! Fancy Goods! JEWEL]: Y SI J. E It. WAft 1: , Worth am !!"2,1100,10r All In ]w• .old for ONI E %M. DRY GOODS FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Store of A. SCOTT & SON. Their stock consists of BLERINOES, all Rtyles. DELAINES, all !tqles CALICOES, all styles MUSLIN'S, all gAules. CLOTHS AND CASSEMEL'ES of all styles .wt quality. Persons wanting GOOD GOODS and GOOD BARGAINB, Should not fon to so to the Store of A. SCOTT a RUN, Chemberiburg street, 211t1 Square, oot. it, Ise% ' f74ttysburg, Pa PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, LAMES' COMPANIONS, TOILET SETS, WRITING DESKS, PERFUJIERT, Fancy China and Bohemian Vases, TOM, IC., IC., IC. AT J. M. WARNER'S, Oppugn° F alineatocks St ore Getty/ harg. Oct. 51, IPB7. NEW GOODS. GEORGE JR.A/V)LD How now opened a large Stork or CLOTHS. CAS- fV.MERD3 and READY-MADE CJAYYRINO, 'woßtly ants own manufacture, xvnalsting of =9 COATS, PANTS, S II I US, DRAWERS, FlcetfratT, &c., &a., at prima to atilt tl, , • Imea. cat,examina an Judge for you mil, es "Aov. tf soumEßS' 17E.1D-QU.IRTERS, At NORRIS. STORE, le the place to got FALL dc WINTER GOODS CHZiLP FOR CASH. IF you want a. cheap Oyer-matt. go to NORRIS% IF yo a want & , wd 'I4"IP go to NOItRtM'. IF y ou want a good Ev wry 'll y go to ORRIS'. Jr you want a good pall . of Pants, go to tiolll-US% p you a m nia good cheap Vest , o to 1 , 101t1t114% F you want a HA T, FASHIONAEI• r • go toNtl RR IS% IF you want a late Fall Style Cup, Normit„. I F you want a good Pair I F you want a FASIIIONAIII, 1 go i1 , 1 , :1 , : ,N i 1 T 1 1 1 1( 4.. IF you want a good French Cal s tf. t a n d s e r r citim.r. IF you want a good Umbrella, go to SPRIUS IF you want good Pa, uer Collars, to Noßium.. I F yon want a fashion able sult z o , f t, (ll; it it , it t s al.i. youw ant anything to the fi g m o t i o=;t 1 1; 1 7 , IF you want a good 11/110 KEe go to NORlllif. PA! wins goad tcr,;':?Volt.l7' I Also—A large stock of CABl ll llltEftna PIECE. Persona preferring the anode to it .1 , wade Clothing, can be accor.olgaodated at the low ed cash prim TUEO. NORRIS. OeL 11,1&17. tf WI C. STALLSKTTH & SON, GETTYSBURG, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, Are prepared to do all Irina of Carpentering —contracting and erecting bulletining of all kinds, Repairing, &4. They keep ear:Wag - 1 - y on Land and mann facto,* to order, DOORS, Sim rr.RS, .BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW IOLAMES CORNICE, DOOR d WINDOW BRACKEFW, And any otherArtiele In the Mending Line. Semoned .materlia oonmhan Ur of hind. exPe rienced wortmeh always la reidinevi, and work executed with dlicateb. 111-Oretere promptly et tended to ,f3ept. 20,1807. If THE 13EST WASHING .111.A.01EINE. TR landeniemea edam for mile, tha r TOW.,:f• HH IP RIGIITS of Adams ea la tr. tor DE LONGIS PATENT. wltleb, ia the erstasf, Amman and BEST Names that ha. petbeeo offered to the' juhlle. TheidighteWlll latatirsamana• hie terms. Tide laa due omsaataalty for eider. gape men to make GOOD 11fAGES mananc turtng or WWl' those rase Wm A sample machine will be annlalied any gasman who par chasm a. Right, If deilred, at amt. Cali at the store oL DoPtawa d< liorfotan. .4'. W.4or. Square. where the machines may be se. 42 wattled. FRANK. AL Drl.llolilt Oet'ffrebtug, June 9t.1867. tf • fru a 8 15 1 1 - AMB DAPROILERVI MW 11 . 1 C e-fenenn of f I sdennletratton on the estate of Jamb Mem ler., late of Linton township. Ada =I mdditr• di' maned; haying _been granted to t e underelined, rending hi gain tdarsnahlpi, she 11 hnetly glees nu t) ee to ial/ peneetutindebtald to meld Inlet* te numi4e limmedLote payment, and tame having dolma f=rtit the ticatd for graaAinnit D Doel3,lW. Its j=s. AMIANDALE & CO., 16:111toADWAY, NEW VoriK AGENT_EDR ErItOPEAN N Annenince. that to isnotennenee of the ovendock lug of the English imirket, an Illinlvtixe 0111.1111- ty of DII,Y tool FANCY ihnilin lid\ e been con signed to then altli inatmethais to be eleared for lintuolhtte Caput, at nn? oterltio.. ,0 hme, thetvfore, et - violetd to offer them no-orating to their ordinary $3 atoll of lidinei. at Z. 101110111 plaird to tnlue. Taa f dewing Ilst allows the original iritoloside pelt...tor some of the ittllcies whieh they now ot- IM at 21. Hear, and buffalo Ilobai front 011 20 to 20 On Nets of Furs, polite, erudite itr iittati to tot ot Ladies' Muffs to 22 to at 110 Do. l'oPurs itt ott 1.. 40 110 Ntlk and Rath. Press Pat ternit )4 011 to 15 no ii.4vg. and E:gyp lik ti Cloths il no to 12 co .Upacca and 31tolln de tables , 100 to tO Frond; bierinot and' wills 10 to to al Catultric,Thibet and Mohair 1.111 lu 21 00 itainioral and Elliptic !skirts It to ti 01 1411 k and Inca tit to fi to Sets tine Cuttit and Commtis 2 to to 5 to (('slaw of foditst' advent 3 AO to 2 to Hatldhewhion., SUk, Plain, Item-, stitehed and Embroidered Linen I,own; per damn d oti to Is or Ladles tied Gents' Cotton, Woolen and Milk How N and half ote; pet Miceli pairs 4 00 to 12 to Ladles and Gents' Merino, Cotton, Linen and lotion shirts and 1. ii tierslitrts; each 2 'II to a al Cont. Vest and Ptintaitoon Patterns In Cloth, Cannot. e, end lioesklu 3 to t ott Linen nod Woolen Table Voven ist to 4 t Whit, and Volortal Linen . Napaltia, -p, rd,,. 0 sat to II 00 310 , 111.•, tl hoe and Fithian-Ilea, • per seta 11 to to Flaittwlt.:l4l3,ollrl Wooldui Silk tukil 1,•1111,. 4,1 11‘ , 11 , 14,1 WOl/1011 1101111/11 111/411lio 144 I.llllRatt.l NIU:4111 14410'1.1 t Portt•l 1% , ‘..pp111a emi will; pet tl,tocto , .. Yrenell l lock. 4.;1 , 1,.1 Ito m, i E'attt 111,11% No 1%; Sll - 'en; orli %; %lima,: I .tmlly nil t‘hvg r. 4 I;lnt.C.n .te, NN I 11i1, 01.011,4% .-41 *1411 . 11111:1oki.oltittetil of \ 1 I !IP", 1111.1 slivrr littrtt ,, N t am , for unii It ,t 1.1v1i,., r a,tic I hall. of ev n tern and of; It. "t. or In ..v. ‘nrlelv . x 1. , 1•••No Illli -10, 1,••I•L 111111, , if eN • ery 1,1,111 • Bravelt.t , Pvt., fill \ \ 1 , 1 l' COM. SII,r 1 , 111111.; ACM Tin 4.1 1. t I oriLs. 1.11 IT. Ir., &tug. jkov, 'itkt• tt a k. iv, 4 lilt( 14.1 44E in, Kinh p 1111.. .$lll.l • • n10.11.11.e., Pie F• 141 h ttl••••••• • I , I tlt,i ../1111‘111 FIN M:111., o u , 14.1411 In, I a 1,11115,,, Alt Ilst 01 artleleK to 10. oil Fl 1 , 11 eau.ll. The expemr. nrr paid hI the mole °II tmpoi or eertltlentex unininti imeli n1.11(1..111 Olt 4lik 1 , 1 , 1 Its Uhl": 1111 . 4.• I ell intntee IMllVlsillrh . A, Mixed up unolxolil nt Nls F..1(11---.51. Olt 1 , 4 W, .2 Whntm rr nrtlrle la nantiwl HT Ihr IA tlu MU lie obtained F. In ILI, nr , telr m 1111 in odnim llvo Imblor id ti , rertplimir, mid It will by id hl. 1/1/111ia..h..1),.., p, tile 11111111 r Itilit tak, 011' lie vi Tin! In tlimo article. rent be lu all nr rx prrro- are Inn imtnifon lo; • the) 0111 tho 11l ho rofoinlrd. F.ver Pertltlente enlltlei Ihe rtu+nrneur- ILlenl4lvrlhryillig \aloe, xtirtls 111001 MO, Ihnna In proof of thlo4 10i tU 'l'm' Von an halt for an% at our eertltt, lira and $1 tto, NM' 111 alkgill,t hlnt ire nut pleawd wlth then rticle .ir !111. 11. tlu , errs Mean., von ner,l not 111,11. tit, .241 1,10 • pala Mr It: One t•llver plated Iliree hottl • Clinton. hand - Foute Miser plated Lott, Dish' w ith 1,111. ,ad eta er, I.mly'ht•lioppintt Ituir, plortle \ Mon, bonnit % ell et and gilt. nit orren Spit4)u plate,t on w tilt, metal, net Minnie tilith,t t•ponie , or Fork)+, Pnlit4 pall., a eV , . r ant. Ill•wl- Inered pair Jou% In • Park 1,1,1 nail 31eer.elintInt Mite, sir •tott,t IM 1111111 plain Mud: 1/ariso the four genii wt have been 111,111 , 4 Gar European ittautitseturers, we Itli, II redo. 01 g ire% 170 In and letter. from prtsato lulls Idual., I,l,,,ghing gitet.t nat I.4fsetiott ith tam method ..1 .1..- tr ig hits' We Iv, I' Or Ili,. ninls With manes 111111 dates, print..l In it,1111111,- lot form, and as we has,' Ito spaye for them In this advertisement, we will Wald tsolli, free t„ •nv Marts.. Wham , or desired. we will send rutieles by , press. 1 . . 11. 11. tin that the money noo.l 4 ottl, t..• paid ON DELI VI RN OF Till: (Le OTO. rept the nitre rospousthi lit, of roan. soot hr Expo Office ()Wet. or Bank lulu,. w"l,t. 14v1.1.11 to whom liberal V. aripenaatioll %111 be paid, a hit It tut learned ou as Take ~are to write sour name alit nittlre, lion eleur, dist th,t howl.alul address. ARRAN' , CO_ Itt: Broadway, New 111.4. VES'SS, CRAVATS, Div. 0,1.67. 'Ol Gifts for Christmas & New Years ! A t-i'll - 111 1, TocK (IP FiN I.: 11 1,1 v.s. ~ l't \ WAI.IbANTEIi 'lll 1 Hliinit'llllLY IiFiII.II,.‘TED I.illl Pith 'HOF' lu 'II, AN I) 111 lI , N (n , psi solid ;old wrug 1.1 , outlaw 02.10 to 0101 , 1 11111 Nlione Itst,l ilo`d Watches to 101 l 1.11,•. Watches, ennitteled 11l to .01 ID) Gold Hunting 117110. Watt hes, Dill W .101 :01 ({old Ilnllling Floullsh Levers_ . ..110 nl : , 0 :1110 (Fold Hunting Dup. Watches. 100 to AN tont - told Hunting A Hier. Watches, 100 to TO 1001411 s t, hunting Lever(_ 70 to 110 .roa Sliver liiintaig liuplezos • . 7: to 2.l 50011okt Ladles Watches. 1,0111 (told Hunting Lenin°. ..... . • 10 to 7.3 101 Mlseellitueons n 114,1 Watches 2) to Ira 2;0) Hunting' Silver Watt:nog 23 to ,a konO Assorted Watehes, all kinds .. 1) to 71 The e stock will ba disposed of 00 the por t-MAN 0,11-1•11101. PLAN, giving every patron a inlet:add to. Solid Sliver Watch for SlO, without to till . Witnaf r, 1100. & Co., 151 Broadway, New York, wl , ll I I iturriedirdely dispose of the mho, e Stag nlticent stork. C 1,., ertificate., naming the intl. lA, 11 ' 01,4 scaled en, the andhs well mix, .1 Holden I , N , entitled 10 the artic nanad their rest Ithate. npoi !mimeo' of Tea Dollar., N be a witten uortn .I.oooor lilt win 111 The return of air. of our reel Meat. 4 vntl. vr.o to the artll lees notiketi thereon. pon pa, • grant. Irresp,tl , l , 01 1,. ,ortll,l - 11,,1 as no ~rill 1. ,rnWed Its than Inls n.inic.l nn an, .4 rill - Iran., It will at once Ite sten 000 th/A 110 bottnv, a tdralglit forward lean Inane troossetlon, tno he participated In cla a by the tinad fastl,ll - A .Ingle certificate alll lie sent by inllll, post pond, upon n ur.n ny, for 11, earl rn thirty-titre , • ittl , l ol,NtAnt went Inn, ha o 'l, slat , -spa and more ,aluablepronnuni for Ito, one hundred and most superb Wat.oll for Ili lo agents or those wishing enaPkillr lo "ott thin In is rare opportunity. it Is it legitintAtely PCNltltlet. , l nuthnrired by the Om moment, and open to lite Most careful wrntliiN. Watch. 4 not by Express, with 1.111 Our collection on dell, - ery, so that no .11mati4faction eon possibly octal Try us. Address wttrwiT,BßOTlll'it &CO., Importers. bd Brinttlwa, , New York. Nov. 1, lid, jlm The Quaker City Business College, CORN FR FIFTH &,11114TKUT STRFFTR PHILADIMPII.7.4 ~IF must .•ompletr nuu ttlArnttghly npw ntrd t,immrrinl l4linul In the ('nuntp-. Pondneted upon the heat ■yntem of Inairnetln, and offering advantages of the higinft order In every Department. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN who denire Snorer% and Promotion In Bnalnew hire. • PRACTICAL EDUCATION FOR THE TIME The Commercial Canna, embraces Book 1Ce,1,•• Ina, Commercial Often!Miens, Penntanehip, I "r -reApondencp, Busineaa Forms, Cubtour, of Trw le, Onanteremi Law, the Art of Deteeting Counter t Mon, y, are. This Course may be ...Meted tam* mouths, AlVlltliPd to Graduates, antler neal And Otority of low thlo being a nyiu tarty INCORPORAM) COLLEGE, ' an[t the onl y 0110 with eindlar poweni In the Mate, or in the United Mateo. OTHER BRANCHES„ Telegraphing, the Higher Mallietnatire, Emit neering, Pun eying and Navigation. BOOK KREPiNIi. In the Depart Meat of Amnon ix this Im4llutl no hi wholly unriNalled. The Treatbia on this istib- Jeet, paiblished by the Proprietor, la evervivio acknowledged to be the beet and tnost enintrie.o work extant, and being nompowd eltunet ...I it eively of nets obtained from Actual Bonin.., pr..- SPIIDi a course of instruction Such se eon be se tired by no other system. Bonk for Wile, !MI own) II) MAI to tiny adOrer., Upoll e4se lit 1,1 rriV.,ll3 • foi,lted tn £Oll,l fnr eireulnrs, Or Vihit tho 'ollero for further Information. PAIItIIANKN, A. M., Prenklent. T. E. ISR actiA:er,l4ecretar3.. au iy flm A Lecture to Young Men. pupliahtlTa.estieL e- A &lure on the Nature, Treat rnent, and Radical Cure of Semooti WeaXne.e.•or ivrinatorrhmt, Indueed it- Abuse ; Involuntary Emissiona, done?. , t liont, Debility, and d olpediments to Marrawe generally; Consump on, Epilepsy. and s t blental and Phveleal Ineapacity, ete —By this ERT Ct - lAJEHWELL, D., Author of the . Green Bonk," ete. The world-renowned Author. In this Lecture, clettrlv prov. N. front hlh own r•Cp.tenoe, that the awful eon4eoueneee Of Nelf-AI be effeetoally removed willogat merit, illy, nod WitilnUt naincwow , snug! , al nk,, rat 11.114, bat, ..•7. Instrutnenir. 110 to, or ~o 1 mode ro-tala and /..hwt nal, by wltlch evert . ' .utr, r.-‘, no mutter a hat his e, md Linn rnav 1 e, may rare hints, It cheaply, private and radowily, Tnis Lecture will prove a boon to thonsand. and thous:n.l ,4 . Pent, under twat, In a plain envelope, to any 'Addreuri, m reeelpt of d mate, or two posteue xtarnpa, by add nwAl nu the publ taken. Also, DIL LVERNVELII Y "Marriage Guide, price II", awittoi. /Wanton GliAl4. J. V, Igr,rWE & M„ 1.7 Bowery New yorlr, ?oat ()Mee Box ;kit NoX.29.lelti. tin MARRIED LIFE. NFORMATION sad advise of vital importuner I to the rnarrferl of both vet., inn sealed envel ope, tan be obtained free archer" by addressing the undersigned.JAMES Respertfally SU Broadway, new York. OM. IR, WC. :irn Scholarship; for Sale. AFULL mores Rebnlarehlp In the QUAKER • CITY Fl MON 044 COLLEGE of Philadelphia end A full eroneeSebolenthlp_ In the Commerelni Conroe In the GREAT NATIONAL TELE GRAPHIC AND OLINLWICRO/AL INBTITITTE, Phlladelph* tor male cheep. Inquire -et the Coxruden oleo. OeL leer. E are nlwaYs land to see our friends al the ywe Excelsior. It AM Blonds In the manse old the y e, on York street oppoeite the Bank Gettys• Burp. Pa. e.. 1 . Tysolkt. reOR Wlilte Goode, Rainn u tder and : ming; go to WOODS'. ES= EDEEMI INEBEEI