Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, January 17, 1868, Image 2

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    tftrsbag toutpiitr.
L .Hastfusarali, Pa., Jan. 8, PM.
Thai, Democratic State Committee of
Pennsylvania have fixed WEDNBS
MAHON; 1888, at 12 o'clock' M., as the
time, and the Hall of the House of Rep
resentatives, at Harrisburg, as the place,
for holding the annual Convention of
the party.
It is ordered that this Convention be
composed - 0(01U member for each Sena
ter and Representative, who shall be
elected in the usual manner, and- they
will meet at the time and place afore.
,said, for the purpose of nominating cen
didates for the emcee of Auditor Gener
al, and surveyor General, and of selec
ting Delegates to the National Convien.
tion for the nomination of candidateefor I
Preshieut and Vice President.
The members and committees of the
organisation and all conservative
senu who can unite with us in the sup
port *constitutional principles, are re
quested to proceed to the election of the
delegates In their respective dist:Sete.
By order of the Democratic State Com
mittee. Ww. A. WALLACE,
O. O. DEtsa, ttec'y. Chairman. ,
On Monday night, the President was
informed, through the Secretary of the
Senate, that that body had non-ooacur
red in the saspenslon of Secretary Stan
ton; and on Tuesday Stanton went to
the War Department and again took pos
eassion. Washington was full of rumors
as to the probable course (*the President
in the cue—but lime must determine
what, we "shall see"
Just here a contrast between Radical
action In 1884 and 1868, is fitting. Lem
than four years ago, tt&enty-five Radical
United Slates Senators joined In a letter
to President Litteoln for the removal of
Postmaster General Blair, wing, as the
main arguniant, that all the .members
of the Cabinet should ACMES Wrlll THE
.PIp2SIDINT "in mintiest principle and
'general policy."
' Acting upon the suggeetion, President
LjnooTn signified to Mr. Blair that his
redgnitlon would be accepted—and it
was at once tendered,
This was Radica:ism in 1884. How is
It In 1868? Mr. Stanton was turned out
by President Johnson for not only disa
greeing "in political principle and gen
eral policy," but for other reasons of the
gravest character-. Do Radical Senators
adhere to'tlielr precedent of 1884 ? No;
but they give the lie to their previous
- professions by reinstating a Secretary
who was removed for the same, and ad
ditional, reasons urged by them upon
Mr. Lincoln !
' Are such 'men lit to sit in judgment
'upon the affairs of a great .nation ? The
people said last fall that they were not.
The present unconstitutional and de
structive course of the Radicals in Con
gress cannot but bring out a louder and
more emphatic protest on the partof the
Fpur years more of Radical Congree-
clonal rule would ruin this country be
yond ail hope of redemption, and bring
' It down to the level of the poor, misers
Die despotisms of the old world.
Gov. Gleary's meesege—which, some
bow, got into the papers several days pre
. vious to its reading in the Legislature—
is a long document, but of very little lin
portal:WA,: Believing that it would not
pay out rimulent to wade through so large
• au amount of chaff to get at the few
grains of wheat it contains, we cannot
*ink of giving.nearly all our available
space to it—especially no* that the ex
posure of the deviltry of the Radicals at
Washington calls for all the room possi
The points in the Governor's message
may be summed up thus :—The public
debt on the 80th of November was $31,-
786,481 V.. 'The Governor recommends
untlbrm school books In all the public
'reboots of the Mate. He urges , the
sage of it general railroad law ; and pro
tests against "rebel dead" being interred
In the Gettysburg Cemetery. He endue
• seethe Congressional plan up to the
and thinks that a "strong tariff" is no.
ifeesary in protect home labor and re
sources. The message ooncludes by in
voking the blessings of God on the Leg
islature, something which will be very
much needed.
JUDGE TEII 3 / 1 31Lin WlllllOl3 Tuesday elec
ted U. B:Senator from Ohio, in place of
Bon. B.F. Wade. The Senator elect is
rons of the eldest lawyers in the teat, a
Inn defender of Democratic prin pies,
man of unblemished reputation, and
hie advent in the body to which he is
eleeted will add much to the strength of
the friends of an early reconstruction of
the Union on the bests of the Oonstitu
tion, in that branch of the Federal Leg
. ishature. The Democratic triumph in
Ohio is thus early producing gratifying
results to the party in other sections of
the Union.
NICOROES Di TM CAl39.—Mr..Wallace
Lae presented, a bill in state Senate to
repeat the law allowing negroes to ride
in the ladies' ears. Mr. Dello has read a
eihnitaz bill In the Heise. We trust the
Deidoeratie members will not allow the
Batiks& to dodge the issue. Make them
"bee the music!"
IiSSASSoR hprangue (Rach) said reeent,
lyan the Senate that he did not know of
a' atiagle manufacturing interest that
Was not almost entirely destroyed ; that
timusands and thousands of operatives
'were suffering for the want of employ
' Went In consequence of taxes and ad
verse legislation towards existing Inter
-16i. The power to prevent these results
Was In the bands of Radicals, and the
wer to remedy is In the same hands.
SiWre the Union and business is sure
''isi'pstilpar and taxes sure to fall.
, ATalltighent ilnnnciai authority in
I The 'dish press, the London Econo•
mist, raga of the system (!) of taxation
for which we have to thank the Repub.
/ 1 4n4lithY:
".e067 sort of industry—almost every
kind Oravallable and conspicuous act—
in— seised; upon and taxed A nincty
tiftuk pail of this interference in Eny
kmd work] hays caused a rebel/10;124
• 1112 4 hanvtlie Iron Works have re
doead tfee Wages of workmen fifteen per
mat—bOttattn. Democrat.
Yor p t the tariff on iron is at present
higher than it ever was before. Query a high tariff benefit the laboring
inah? -
DON'T. fall az. reed the speeches of
jiiiise Meek and .Bensitor Doolittle, on
•page• .They constitute a rare
Sun •Tanaltoexa;r4ien Wm.
jvikta was elected State Tteasuter, by
100.6DT5,. on Wednesday. Th e
ildaneentta voted (of Wm. V. McGrath.
The vote stood—lrwin 'PI Mc%Atli 68.
THE Oressine COVET.
The Judiciary Committee of-the Mouse
has instructed Mr. Wilson, its chairman,
to prepare a bill requiring u two-thirds.
majority of the Supreme Court to declare
any law passed by Congress unconstitu
tional. The number of Supreme Judge.,
is eight; Five of these being less than
two-thirds, six would be the smallest
number that could set aside a law for
repugnance to the Constitution ; thus
giving an unconstitutional la* 'three
chances to ono to prevail over the Con
The enormity of this attempt to tam
per with justice in her highest sanctua
ry, this attempt td destroy the indepen
dence of the judiciary, this attempt to
degrade and subvert the Constitution by
enacting that the laws of Congress de
serve thrice the respect which is due to it,
—the enormity of this attempt cannot be
overstated by any strength of language.
The proverb that whom the gods wish to
destroy they first make mad, was never
more fitly applied than to this last, pro
ject of the Republicans.
The proposal of such a law le a confes
sion that the Reconstruction nets violate
the Constitution; a confession that Con
gress is aware that they cannot pass the
ordeal of a judicial examination_ by au
impartial and fairly constituted tribunal.
The bill so suddenly proposed is prompt
ed by the expectation that the Recon
struction acts will be brought before the
Supreme Court within the next few days.
The bill of course cannot be retrospec
tive ; for in that case it would unsettle
every constitutional decision ever ren
dered by the Supreme Court. A dis
graceful attempt is therefore to be made
by Congress, to run a race against the
Supreme Court, and hurry an act
through Impairing the powers of that
tribunal before it shall have time to set
aside an unconstitutional law. So ma
ny Republicans have openly questioned
or denied the constitutionality of the
Reconstruction acts, that it is no wonder
Congress dares not, trust the Supreme
Court to pronounce as opiniOn on the
subject. .But a bill to deprive judges, of
their authority is so bold and so wild an
infringement of the rights of the Court
that it will react against the palty more
destructively than anything it has yet
By the passage of this bill, Congress
would usurp the most important func
tion of the Supreme Ceurt, namely, that
of deciding on the constitutionality of
laws. Congress decides by a mere ma
jority that a law Is unconstitutional, and
forbids the Supreme Court to decide, by
its majority, that it is not. The majori
ty of Congress is thereby made superior
to the majority of the Supreme . Court, in
deciding the very clam of cases especial
ly committed to the latter. If gongreta
has a right to make two-thirds of the
Court necessary to declare a law uncon
stitutional, it has an equal right to make
three-fourths or seven-eighths necessary
for that purpose, and true enable Chief-
Justice Chase to counterbalance all the
rest of the judges. There Is no obstacle
to fixing the proportion at seven-eighths
which does not equally exist to fixing it
at two-thirds. If, therefore, Congress
has a right to pass such a bill as is now
proposed, it might equally pass as bill
which would make the decisions of
Chief-Justice Chase, in his circuit, inca
pable of being reversed when carried up
by appeal to the Supreme Court.. Nay,
If Congress has a right to peas the pro
posed bill, it has an equal right to pre
scribe that no law shall be pronounced
unconstitutional except by a unanhisous
decision. A single party tool on the Su
preme bench would suffice to reader
Congress omnipotent. In vain did the
framers of the Constitution attempt to
establish an independent judiciary to
confine Congress within the limits of the
Constitution, if Congress can make its
majority more potent than the majority
of the Stipreme Court in deciding on the
constitutionality of a law. -
In a party view, we have no objection
to the passage of this preposterous bill.
It will give occasion to such a veto as
will make the country ring, and the ears
of the Republicans tingle. If it should
be repassed over a veto (which is impro
bable,) the Supreme Court would treat A
as null, and the Republican party would
have disgraced itself for nothing. If it
be meant. merely as a menace, to influ
ence the action of the judges In the case
about to come before them, it will equal
ly fail, and equally recoil. It. gives the
Democratic party the advantage of a new
and strong issue. The independence of
the judiciary, the great bulwark of all
rights and liberties, Is involved in the
result of the Presidential election.
The Republican party stands on the
edge of a precipice. In a few weeks,
perhaps in a few days, we may see it.
pushed over and engulphed. Intelligent
men expect, and Congress itself fears,
that the Reconstruction acts are about to
be declared null by the Supreme Court.
From that moment, the Republican par
ty will sink "deeper than ever plummet
The Canstihnicsiat Ueion says, the
masses of Northern white men have
spoken at the late election., and said to
the Radical hypocrites ;—" You hmic
gone too far; we will repeal your wie44
acts," Democrats I Let the cry of 4c
peal: Rxrua.l.!! REPEAL!!! ring out
all over the land, and rest not until the
bad acts of the enemies of the ConsPu
tion and the Union, and a White - Sfan:e
Government, which now disgrace•hur
statute books, are forever wiped out. \
LET every Republican voter in Adams
county, who has a mother, a wife, a
, daughter, of a sister, read the following
article—taken from an exchange paper :
NEGRO MORALITY.—A gentleman of
intelligence and veracity writing us from
Virginia, at the conclusion of a business
letter, furnishes us with some facts
which should have the careful attention
and considbration of =the Northern peo
ple. Lie thinks that if the masses of the
Northern Stales really understood or
knew anything about negro character
they would revolt at the very ideaof put
ting negroes to rule over white men.—
Morality or a regard for decency is al
most unknown with them—they herd
like brutes, and give full scope to their
passions where not restricted by the laws
made by white men. Not only Is this
the case with the most ignorant, but
those to whom they loek for spiritual in
struction and advice, their darkey minis
ters, are foremost in licentiousness. Our
correspondent says it is a notorious fact
that,the negro preachers throughout the
South claim two or three wives apiece,
and hold it ea a cardinal point in their
religion as they term their barbaric and
savage antics and lingo. All the young
wenches are required- to ,subrull them
selves to the lascivious deplanda of the
lusty shepherds before they can hopefor
spiritnalpanlon. Amy astound the
majority of the Walborn readers, Nit it
i s t ru e neeerthelese.. Ow of the dele
gates pleat to ijatailahrseonventieur. neyfr
Team Usti Halifair. awn*, isa unto witio
has live wive or woofers *oho live as
snob. Thiq, siatzthsting augh brutes
to make laws. - .
The Good Book tells us that when one
evil spirit was expelled from a certain
roan's house seven came to lilt his place,
more tierce and terrible than the finit.—
'rlds seems to be the case with the doings
of the Radhnl party in reference to the
South. If one plan fails to debase the
whites to a sufficiently low depth, and
place a satisfactory measure of power
and authority in the hands of the ne
gram, another is substituted more flerde
and terrible than its predecessor. Five
devils, in the shape of unjust and de
spotli laws, conceived In hate and preju
dice, and carried out with the single pur
pose of preventing u return of the South
ern States to their constitutional relations
with the Federal Government, have been
repudiated, by the people of the North.—
These evil spirits served only to widen
the breach between the sections, to nuke
the day of union more distant, to beggar
the people of the South, to destroy the
prosperity of the North, and to impede
the nation in its progress towards that
position it should occupy among the
Great Powers of the world.
But other devils have come to take the
place of those whose malice and wicked
ness have been wedged around by action
of a just and merciful character. The
different reconstruction acts, when ad
ministered by men who, like General
Hancock, are bound by their oaths to
support, uphold, and defend the consti
tution, were found to be unfitted for the
ultra purposes of the Radicals, and hence
other devils are summoned from their
congenial homes, in the minds of the
leaders of the Radical party, for the pur
pose of being prepared for service in the
South. The first Is the resolution of Mr.
Upson, of Michigan, which reads as fol
Resolved, That the Committee on Re
construction inquire into the expediency
of authorizing by law the several consti
tutional conventions elected under the
reconstruction acts In the States lately in
rebellion, to appoint all civil officers,
State, county, city, or otherwise, In those
said States respectively, to act tempor
arily until constitutions may be adopted
therein, and officers chosen, and quali
fied thereunder; and fur that purpose, to
relieve any or all such civil officers who
may now be acting in each of said States
as the constitutional contention thereat
may deem proper.
This proposes to put all civil power In
the States lately in rebellion intce the
hands of the negroes and whites now
constituting the constitutional conven
tions in those States. They are to ap
point all civil officers, State, county, city,
and otherwise. Further, they are to dis
possess all officers now in authority that
may have been elected by the people,
and to rule with absolute authority.—
When it is considefed that those conven
tions are composed of ignorant, brutal
negroes, and whites of the Brownlow,
Hurinieutt and Hamilton stamp, and
when the fact is remembered that the
elections by which the delegates were
chosen sere a mere farce; the monstrous
character of the Upson proposition will
be fairly understood and estimated. The
whole drift of this movement is to place
power in the hands of men who can be
used by the Radical party. They are afraid
to trust the people at the ballot-box in
the South, even under such laws as are
now in force In that section, and hence
they-propose to put all civil power in the
hatids of conventions already chosen.—
This is most mischievous action. But if
it will epable the Radicals to elect the
next. President, they are willing to un
chain this additional devil, to ravage the
the land and add to local and national
disinay and distress.
Fierce, terrible and destructive as is
the devil of Mr. Upson, it'does not suit
Mr. Boutwell, and he fashisons one in the
shape of the following resolution, which
was accepted by ,the former gentleman as
an assistant to his own :
Resolved, That the Committee on Re
construction be directed to consider the
expediency of authorizing the (leneral of
thy army to detail officers for servicAin
the several military districts established
by law do the States recently in rebel
lion; also, to consider the expediency of
constituting said States a single military
district, under the command of the tier:k
ern' of the cony. Also to consider the
expediency of providing additional
cunt* for the exercise of the elective.
franchise in said States; and also to Sun
elder the expediency of declaring by act
of Congress that the governments here
; tofore set up in said Slates by the or
der of the President are not republican
I forms of government.
Mr. Boutwell's propositions cover the
whole ground of the reconstruction pai
-ley of-the country. He would supersede
the-President as tkimmander-in-Chief of
the army and navy of the United. States
—merge all the Southern States in a vast
military province—destroy more effectu
ally the elective franchise for white men
in the now unrepresented portion of the
nation, and cap the whole column by de
claridg non-republican the governments
of the South, which were established by
the people, and acknowledged by Secre
tary Seward in his proclamation an
nouncing the adoption of the constitu
tional amendment abolishing slavery in
the nation. If .theseideas are made prac
tical by legislation, then indeed will sev
en devils, more fierce than those which
have ravaged the land, be turned loose
upon the nation. The President will be
powerless to defend the Constitution,
and the white people of the South will
be trodden under foot by military rulers
and negro officials. This is the point to
which the reconstruction tinkering of
the party in power is drifting the nation.
Each step is in the wrong direction, each
devil called to their aid more implacable
than those formerly employed. The Ste•
vens-Shermin bill was a deadly stab at
the Constittition, and a restoration of the
Union under that instrument, bat the
Cpson-Boutwell scheme is still more ob
jectionable. Our hope is with the masses.
They must rally around the men who
will defend the country in this its hour
of deadly perll.—Age.
WE have, says the Erie Observer, gall
ing taxes, but no Union ! A gigantic
debt, but no Union! Negro supremacY
in eleven of the States of the republic,
but no Union! Five military despot
isms, but no Union! A standing army
testing $190,000,000 1 year, but no
Union! Oar taxes amount to a thou
sand Millions • year, but there is no
Union! Every family in the United
States pays, upon an average, about two
hundred dollars for taxes every year, t'
pay the interest on the public debt, Led
support the army of odic* 1301404
eating out the substance of the people,
but there is no. Union !
give !" clamor the swarm of „Pestilent
fanatics who have usurped the govern
ment,• but they do not give us the Union
of our fathers in return !
A TERRIBLE affray otieurred at Dyers
burg; SN'et Tennessee, on Tuesday week.
ShertlrParkinton attempted to arrest an
old man named *mean on the street.
Dunean drew a,pistol and fired, shoot
ing off the Sheriff's thumb. Parkin
ton's SOD, standing near, tired a pistol,
killing 'Altman, whose son, wining up
at the reonlent„fired,, kaljng young,
rakkinbin instantly.. fieeing. bill son
stein, Pedant= drew, his .phdol and
Meg Feting Panama througitAte breast.
The most lateanwataleiternent followed,
and further • troullte li*ticlpated
Among the relatives of the deceased.
Itaairtsucluk, Jau. 8, 18418
diag iu thii place, within sight of the
Capitol of the Stele, where the wisdom,
the intelligence, and, I hope, more or
less of the morality Of the great Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, are concen
trated in its Legislature, I may occasion
ally give you a few facts of whet is going
ou from time to time.
The Senate-was called to order at it
o'clock, and duly organized without any
difficulty. Mx. Graham, from Alle
gheny, *as elected Speaker, and among
the otlieir officers I notice Michael Reify
and John L. Bums, of your county,
elected, the former a Transcribing Clerk
and the latter an Assistant Door Keeper.
In the House, at present, things don't
look quite so bright. It came to a "dead
lock," as politicians call it, at the attempt
to elect a Speaker. The caucus nomi
nees were, Elisha W. Davis, of Philadel
phia, for the Republicans, and Rich
mond L. Jones, from Berks, for the
Democrats. It had been previously ru
mored about that nine of the Republi
cans would not support Mr. Davis, and
subsequent ballotings showed this to be
true. Six ballots were taken without
effecting an
,electiou. On the first bal
lot, Davis received 44, Jones 40, Samuel
McCatuaut, of Blair, 7, and John Ewing,
01 Wilshingtou, :2 votes. Thus it appear
ed L:9 members voted. Six ballots ;vete
Lad with like results, except the third
and subsequent ones, when the absent
member N oted and east his vote for Lt.i.
N is, making Ins vote 43. A motion was
then made and carried to adjourn till to
day at 12 11. Nutuerous and various
speculations are abroad as to the action
of the nine "bolters" on the Republican
side. matter how it will terminate,
it IS significant of one important fact,
viz: that the Republican party is down
ed to go down, never to rise again in this
country. Mark what I say, The war is
over, reason has resumed its throne, and
the people begin to reflect. This is all
that is wanting. Yours truly, A. L.
HARRISBURG, Jan. 14, 1864
MR. STAHLE:—In my last, I stated
that the House had come to a "dead
lock," as it is called by politicians, in
their attempt to elect a Speaker, on the
first day of the session. The same state
existed the day following, Wednesday,
when nine ballots were taken. No
change from the previous day, except
that one of the "bolters" yielded to the
"lash," or something else equally effec
tive, and went over to Davis. After the
fifteenth ballot was over, the House , ad
journed till the day after, at 10, A. M.
At the hour of ten, tile House met in ac
cordance with its adjournment yester
day. Balloting for Speaker again com
menced, and continued till the twenty
fifth was had. No material change yet,
when the House adjourned till 11, next
day. On Friday another ballot was ta
ken, and resulted in the election of Da-
Via, the "corruptionist," as the "bolters"
publicly called him during the exciting
time. They all went for Davis except
one, who, it would seem, had honesty
andinerve enough to hold out. A strong
outside pressure Was operating against
these men, whether in the shape of
"greenbacks" or promises of preferment,
is not known to Outsiders. Those in the
"ring" know all about it. The public
must judge by the past and what may
yet cpme to light.
There are some preachers in the Legis
lature' this year, as has always been the
case heretofore. It has been the custom
for some time past to elect one of them
as Chaplain in cac# branch, to open the
daily sessions with prayer. Last year
they had a - Methodist preacher and
member from Wyoming county in the
House, a thick, fat fellow, who com
menced by calling the wrath of the Al
mighty down upon Johnson, and invo
king Hint to'make Cameron wore Radi
cal, and such blasphemous prayers. He
received a wholesome rebuke from one
of the Democratic members, after which
he behaved some better, An attempt
was made on Friday to foist another or
these polithial preachers on the House
us Chaplain, a Mr. Edwards, but thanks
to some member, it failed, by the intro
duction of a resolution inviting the cler
gy of Harrisburg to open the House
with prayer. By this the State will save
$3OO, and avoid the disgrace of having
political preachers perform this duty.
To-day a resolution was offered in the
House to print 15,000 copies of the Gov
ernor'emessa,ge in English, and. 3,000 in
German, but was so amended as to pro
hibit the printing of the same altogether
by-the House. This is considered rather
disrespectful to Geary by sonie. But it
will save considerable money to the
In the Senate, business went on In its
usual course from the compencement to
this day. In Its, proceedings I read a
bill having been introduced to restore
the chatter of the Pittsburg and Con
nellaville Railroad Company. In this
bill the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa
ny is likely to open Its coffers. It did so
last year, if reports were true. Take no
tice of how your members vote on this
bill. If lain not mistaken, your citi
zens, as are the southern tier of counties,
are somewhat interested In this bill.—
But you know more about it than I do.
'The Governor gave a grand party
the members of the Legislature and so
of the citizens ou Thursday evening ast.
According to gossip, a goodly n mber
were present and had quite ati eof It.
Eatitig and drinking in abun nee and
some dancing. This is the tof the
kind since the addition t the Gover
nor's mansion. A large a to was appro
priated for enlarging t a building by
the last Legislature. The Telegraph
ißadfcal) of this pi e gave a glowing
description of this alace, an abstract of
which, made by e Patriot & Union, I
herewith send lo you, which, if you
think proper, •ou may publish for the
information /3f the tat-payers of your
county. w o have td pay their due pro
portion' this extravagance. Geary's
predec ors were dangled with the for
mer bthiding, but not do with him.
A e c
ne ,
i ittar
a to •
.4 al"
It,ls extremely cold here, yet the river
le open opposite the city. There has
been a good deal of horse stealing going
/on in this and adjoining counties. Far
mers ought to be on the alert and detect
these rascals. A. L.
TEELFTZ."—The plain citizens and uuos
tentatious farmers of our Old Keystone
State will no doubt feel under lasting
obligations to Goy. Geary's organ for its
lengthy and lucid description of His Ex
cellency's new palace. It will be a rich
treat to them, accustomed as they are
only to the ordinary phrases of house
carpentry—doors, floors, stairs. porches,
.banisters, posts, overshots, &e.—to read
that the palace abounds in "arches,"
"arched door-heads," "beautiful scagli-
Oa columns in the style of what is call
ed • seicanna marble," "gilded panels,"
"balustrades," jib-wlndows," "b a y.
windows," "verandahs," "balconies,"
"heals," "speaking-tubes," "Corinthian
columns," &c. Accustomed, too, as
they are only to simple dining rooms,
bed rooms, white-wash aint sag carpets,
they will evidently PP 49V. / 3104 0
more exalted idea of Tilr oelleqoY
know that he has a "banqueting hall,"
25 by $7 feet, for the "State dinners,"
(for political bummers,), finished with
orange-colored paper and "gilt moul-
ding running the ceiling and base;"
that there are '•rol lrig mane" for ladies
and gentlemen, a "library, "conservatn
ry,'' "pules, - and any number or
"chamber.," all of which are lighted
with "chair tleher,," "bra.ket fight.,"
le" grained in nalnnt and rearm**l,
papered nith ei..tly paper, .et oft' with
warble fneineq," carpeted with "Ax.-
minnter carpet ot magnificent color and
tle,dgit," "velvet carpet of medallion
pattern, and furnished pith green and
walnut 'of antique ,tyte," Sze., •warlet
furnialdtme," • - criurinn furnl.hinge,"
"Walnut e'nua," are., beanies a parlor
called the "blue room, the furniture,
portieres and curtains blur and gold
to pompadour, , anti another called the
"crimson room, the furnishing. crinpqm
and walnut, atter the style of Louis the
SurroundiTil thus with luxurious up
holstery after the pattern and style of
defunct European royalty, with plenty
of pier glasses in which to view the ow
of his form in all attitudes and under all
circumstances, we feel warranted in as
suring his unsophisticated backwoods
subjects that the Governor is as comfort
able as could be expected. Amid the
blaze of his chandeliers and the dazzling
splendor of his gilded saloons he meet L no
clouds, and, thanks to soft cushions and
Axminster caipets, he feels no pressure
from the taxes. Happy Monarch!
Would that all rulers could be "pleased
with a cattle—tickled with a straw,"
and made to feel great with paint, plush
and Pomp-odour.
If El 3
Repeatlleums Leasing, the Sinking . Shtp:
The Manche-ter ).S, H. Union pripts
the following letter from a pi oinintait
politician of that
WIIITEFIELD, December :il, 17.
To Moo. E. . Reil,a, Cho;ewoo R. or,
harm Stoic Cza for' Co,itulitece,
DI. AR Silt : flat cog seen in the pro
ceedings of the late lii_publican State
Convention that I was chosen a mem
ber of the Republican mate Commitee,
I take the earliest opportunity u er
learning of its organization to inft rut
you, as its chairman,
I cannot se ve
in that capacity, and to give you so of
1 .
the reasons which hate led me to his
conclusion. I think that the leaderniup
of the Republican party has fallen un
tirely into the hands ot extreme and rod
eo! men. Attached us I have heed to
this party, events have forced ate: in
spite of myself, with much regret akuti
great reluctance, to this couelusion. lily
conscience will not permit me longer to
net with the Republican party. I feel
that I have, as an American citizen, pidi
hgations of a higher character thou
mere fealty to party. I am, sir, riot
peace. I am for is restored Union and
for the maintenance of the ConstitutiOn.
Throughout the v.rying fortunes of the
late civil war down to its triumphant
close, I gave the government a firmnd
unwavering support. I was una le,
through an accident which deprived me
of the use of my Imud. to actively p tt-
L I .
ciliate iu the dangers and hardship of
the field, but did contribute a son to the
of the republic, who was shot
through the lungs at the battle of Fair
Oaks, but whose life, through the mercy
of God, was spared almost by a miracle.
When the shock of arms was over and
the enemy utterly - overthrown and en
tirely submissive, .1 looked for the speedy
restoration of the Union under the COll
- I need not nay how sadly I
have been disappointed, and how day by
day my confidence in wy party has
waned, until now it is clean gone. I
have become satisfied that the short.-
' sighted policy of looking only at meas
ures with reference to their effect upon
the party, and of utterly disregarding
their effect upon the welfare 01 the na
tion, guides mid controls our leadezn.
To strengthen the Republican party tile
attempt is being made to introduce Ile- :
gro equality, which will amount to tie- :
gro supremacy in some sections. I
wholly condemn the scheme of negro
equality, and believe to have negro su
in any section is unwise and
dangerous. To do this the Constitution '
is trampled under toot, the common
sense of the people is outraged, the hued-
Bess of our whole country is paralyzed,
and distrust and anxiety everywhere
awakened. I am profoundly impressed
with the serious nature of the difficulties
with which the country has now to con
tend—its unsettled state, its immense
debt—l know that the bent statesman
is necessary to extricate us from our
embarrassment. I see no ability on the
part of the men now in office or di‘posi
lion even to do the things necessary to
be done to give the people peace, to econ
omize and devise a system of just and
equal taxation that shall cause our dellt
to be paid, or thatehall even diminish it.
On the contrary, matters daily grow
worse. I feel, sir, that the country de
mands and must have a change of rulers,
and so feeling, I cannot longer act with
the Republican party, but shall give my
vote and influence in favor oldie Demo
cratic party. Very respocitully, yours,
Conservative Mum limiting in New
LITPLET6N, N. H., January B.—The
couservatiVes of New Hampshire held
the largest and most enthusiastic meet,
log that has ever been held in the nor-riv
et% part of the state, in this place, tb
day. A president, twenty-three t4 , /: ee
presidents, and three secretaries, late
of the Radical party, afficeredlbe/dieet
mg, which was addressed by Hof E. C.
Baker, of Boston, and John IL George,
of Concord, who made long but interest
ing speeches, after which some of the
prominent converts made
ji lemarkii aa
nouncing their intention vote for the
Democratic nominee. hie wholesale
etil r
renunciation has creat great surprise.
One of the vice-presidents was a mem
ber of the Radical S present
central commit
tee for the past and year ; anoth
er was apparently one of the most zeal
ous at their 11181, o tate convention ; , uoue
of the officers olYthe meeting Lavaliere•
tofere identified themselves with the
Demo6rats. /
Thus o evidences of the aiLking
fortunes Radicalism multiply.' May
the g work not stop until the foul
thing ainks out of eight, to be seen 110
more/forever. With it crushed, peace
aniprosperity will return to this once
g at and happy, but long outraged and
ow nearly ruined, land.
The Rump Radicals are in great alarm
at the anticipated action of the Supreme
Court adverse to the "reconstruction"
acts. A telegram sent to a Radicidorgan
says: •
" In anticipation of this expected deci
sion of the Court, a bill is being prepared
by the Judiciary Committeeofthe House,
providing that two-thirds of all the Judges
of the Supreme Court shall be neerstatry to
render a decision, instead of a bare ma
jority, as the law, as it now staitds, re
We have no doubt that this is
the Intention of the " traitors at the
other end of the line." Politicians who
admit that all their "reconstruction" leg
islation was performed "outside the Con
stitution," and who have declared their
purpose to overthrow ten of the State
governments and to "reconstruct" them
upon a negro basis in order to secure
"perpetual supremacy" for the Radical
Party, can be expected to stop at no ha
rainy necessary to gain their ends.
Such an attempt, however, to overthrow
time-honorod laws—laws based F upon
the republican idea of government, and
incorporated into every ramification of
both the Federal and State governments
—for the base purpose of bolstering up
for a brief period a 'falling party and Its
corrupt leadership, will inevitably bring
the Radical faction to its immediate
overthrow. The people will submit no
longer to such trifling with sacred things
and such outrages upon every principle
and institution which they hold dear as
their shield and safeguard. —Patriot
GEN. MEADE issued an order on the
13th removing Governor Jenkins, and
&ate "Treasurer JoWei. of Georgia. The
*nee Of these atm, flingers was refusal
turn e,Ver the little Treasury to the
pillage of the mongrel thieves who have
voted thee even $lO a clay and mileage
for deetroylng the state government: -
*star orpartmtni
- -
Lecture.—lt will be see* by an adver
tisement in to-day'sllapor, that David
Paul Brown, Dig, of Philadelphia, the
noted criminal lawyer, will lecture in
this place, on Tuesday evening next.
The great reputation of the lecturer will
doubtless secure Cur him a large audi
ence. This lecture is ths first of the
course announced some weeks ago. It
will be followed by one by Rev T.
Dc \Vitt Talmage, of Philadelphia, on
the 2Xth inst., and another by President
Coppee, of Lehigh University, on the
11th of February. The other lectures
will be announced In due time.
Earn Burnt. —Ott Monday eveuinglast,
about G o'clock, the barn of Mr. Berkley
Mittman, near Fouutalndale, hi this
county, was destroyed by fire, with the
crops of the past year, a horse and a calf,
and his farming implements. The bal
ance of the live stock was saved, as was
a wagon. The loss is estimated at $3,000,
upon which there was no insurance.—
Whilst the fire was in progress, the
house of Mr. George Beard, in the neigh
borhood, was entered and robbed of
in money and two watches. From this
circumstance it is supposed that tle de
struction of the bum aas the work of an
incendiary. The light was distinctly
seen front this place.
Bank Eicctions.—At the annual elec
tion ior Directors of the Gettysburg Na
tional Bank, on Tuesday, the following
were chosen:—George Swope, Henry
Wirt, Wm. Mcellierry, David \\
Joshua Mutter, David Kendlehart,
D. Himes, Marcus 4'i111115011,
The following were elected Directors
of the First National /lank :—George
Throne, Jacob Mussehuan, Robert Bell,
John Brbugh, 1). MeUonaughy, John
Horner, George Arnold.
Directors Elcch tl.—The election for Di
rectors of the Mumnitisburg Mutual Firo
Protection Society, on Monday last, re
sulted In the choice of the •tullowiug:
Henry J. Brinkerhoff, Barnat Myera,
Win. B. thirduer, E. W. Statile, (leinge
Thomas, Peter Sholl, Michael Deatrich,
Jr., Jacob Ratfensperger, Jacob H.
Plank, John Mickley, Robert Watson,
Michael Deatrich, Sr.
Property s. —John Norbeck has
purellabeti a buff lot from Win. Shillinn,
on Baltimore street, at $2OO. It is Mr.
Norbeck's intention to build on it hi tlie
Joseph Kelly sold hl- house and lot, in
Butler township, to Joseph Carl, for
31r. Landman sold him bombe and
lot, in Butler township, to Jotep'i
for t,',6,00.
Jobeph A. Diehl has sold the mansion
farm of Samuel Diehl, diseased, haul°
township, to Lem Kuhns, fcr 0,&00.
Advertising .Yates of Propertg.—A co
temporary, in speaking of the import
ance and great advantage of advertising
sales of property in the; newspapers, in
adlitiou to having baud hills printed,
very truthfully says: A newspaper 1 4
read by hundreds who never see the at
tractive bills which are posted up in the
taverns and storerooms. livery subscri
ber to a country paper reads all such ad
vertisements carefully. He knows sVho
is selling out and exactly what is offered
for sale. The advertisements arnn topic
of conversation when ' ' , feet, an a
arrangements are in
sales. The result is a 'd, spir-
ited bidding, and a of ten,
twenty or fifty times ; cost to
advertise: -.,tio money return
a large profit as that, printer's
ink. A single additional bidder on a sin
gle article will pa, all it. eunta to adver
tise a sale of personal property in a news
paper. In it not strange, tiseu, that any
one should fad to advertise ? A sale of
personal or 'real property advertised in
the ComPlxmt will attract the attention
of thousalids who will never see it in
Seipp/0/16M. —lll the Senate, on Tues
day; McConaughy read in pace a sup
p)enient to an act to authorize a change
m the locatioc of the Slate mad irons
Harrisburg to liettysburg.
Sate Billa—W e now print. five differ
ent sizesof Sale Bills, and, with a great
variety et the most choice materials in
our (Alice, they are of course handsome
ly and attractively gotten up. Prices us
lua:lus anywhere else fur the same tsars.
The ..Varytond Union, published at
Frederick, by Charles Cole, klaci., comes
to us In as entire new dress, looking as
bright as a new pin. The Union is an
able and earnest advocate of the Demo
craticscause, and we congratulate the
publisher on the marked improvement
in its looks.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of )(L
-efty." Price of the Coarritmit not so
much—only $2 00 per annum 1❑ advancer
Sentenced.—On Monday last, at York,
Judge Fisher sonte,seed Donovan to be
The Atlantic Cable was considered a
mammoth enterprise, but never has or
will elicit the commendation that has
attended the success of Coe's Dyspepsia
Cure. It is getting a world-wide fame,
simply from the fact that it cures. One
bottle often does the work effectually ;
althe same time it wili not injure the
most delicate constitution.
The Dyspeptic.—The trials and suffer
ings of the Dyspeptic can only be real
ized by those so unfortunate as to ,be
afflicted by this disease, and yet how
many of them suffer, and continue to
suffer? Why they do this so patiently
it is impossible to tell. It may be from
ignorance of any certain remedy, or it
may be from prejudice against the use of
a Patent Medicine. Hootland's German
Bitters has cured thousands of the worst
cases of Dyspepsia, and each day adds
new names to the record of its useful
ness. Give the Bitters a trial. Hoof
land's Bitters contains no Liquor in any
form. Mainsail's German runic is a
combination of all the ingredients of the
Bitters, with pure Santa Crus Rum,
anise, orange, ate.,-making a preparation
of rare medical value. The Tonic is
used for the same diseases us the Bitters.
in cases where some Alcoholic Stimulus
is necessary. Principal Office, 631 Arch
St, Philad'a, Pa. Sold by Druggists
and others, everywhere.
Aa a Tonic and Appetizer, nothing can
equal the effect of Dr. H Anders' lodine
eater. Unlike all stimulants its effect
is permanent, building up the body, and
giving strength and vitality to all parts
of the system. In old and chronic cases
it may be used with almost a certainty
of suceess.
'Health Giving Wine,—dome time since
Mr. A. Speer, of Passaic, N. J., presen
ted us with a bottle of his Port Grape
Vi be. In our turn, we presented it to a
friend who was in feeble health.* After
giving the wine a lew trials, our friend
assures us he derived marked. benefit
front its use. Wo ftud that many Inva
lids hi this city are using Speer's Port
Grape Wine aurae Genetic:tat re
Vt., JAM. 9.—Right Rev.
fitehop Hopkios,,preshilug bishop of the
rrotetauttroops' Church in tue Uni
tedidtates,died at the episcopal residence,
at Lock Rita; this afteruoon, aged lb
O N * .
tad., at Ills l'e*ltit l
n l
ee, In u
tta rattan
toteittip, Alltinimi 4,111161, till the totel leatilax
from Ltuttiag U ua to Ore 3 ono mile rn.m
the fnriner ream., nod tan. hem I Idler, the
ailing log Per-tonal Ptopert3, Id •
I 1 ,1
MU, With tont, '2 of them ward Pool Itoraeso I
Cuss tan old Calt,4 lit qt.O. oung, Solr,
ill th, flesh In uwr Oi Durham Hulls.
Igo 3 111, tad, o /lent r*,SFtsh .
y 1, 1 lame
Itroott soa Iloar-horso l'i , tri.ta 'tread
I .4'tuatit, tt.e tl , ueg , ls{ring tl atr,on, 'Lae
I • iirglagen. Feed Trough, I Carriage, f4 , r oar or nr u
horses, nut! Ihtrtax*, I 14°,1 Otrt tag , "'Pr"'
urn Zqttigli and Wis. 1 ltutllgt la IZl.ol , t'l.'
grxxi ague , I Plollglo, INV" of them
Hoosier blo,d Ploughs, 2 Hartoatt, 1 t orn Forks,
ttoultk‘ .11,t, I Ploughs. It..u,t go ,je,l WWI
tl4l hIION 1 -Ingle *hovel Plough, l Corn
Planter, i nelatrt s paltta t, , Lush Holler, I -
toQt.ti 'Lace, l Wan 11“ i ., 1 (.5.011 FAn 1 Cm..
Sheller, l Fodder Gringo, I patent Il ty For k, I
law hat It 1410 ti half limpe 11, h, 1 bmz. 1 I lilt t•I -
sill RUA 111111 peed (Mt tm st a, Cult. r,
'l'Nk o and Itattble-t rot *, *1141,11e,,
pair Plough %%11,1,, Log Chun, OM 1 ‘1 tin.,
!Latent/x..1 (luaus, Hrtter/ttatatt* and t rail*
Wagon Stalttle, Ntde K.altlle, .1 lintel 111 elle*, I
Lett.l Itrittlt ttilue, I pair "I, Net*, its
t„,00,1 a* tit a, 2 Plout:lt Lille., 11.11 1 11,k.
If aut,H,*, Oills 1',,. ho, I ttr.ttt
t'radie, lug so thus, torn Chopper*, AIM nil
tatter ki n ds et tat Itting 1141,11* not Itt•rein hub
(toned, with lb at.eltuld Htt,latty,l..atHltattt,
2 CoIINER errßoArtits. 1 Ten-plutk , Ktovm
aunt Pipe, Itarmq., Meat Vessel., Toil., Mickel.,
~tal a variety a: other artieleti, too 'macrone to
Sll/010 0011111101100 I:11 10 o . olook A. M.. on veld when attendance will be gis el. Hull ‘Ollll,
21110 e knONVZ)
J.m. Ms. le
OF YALU .1.111,1-1 vval ,,, lspo.
rilllTEsubsel tbor, mtrwllUg t" .I,IIL fanning, w EU
j_ .11 W. rk:l4l, $41.10, n 0 utr ra,l l It ~ I v., In kr".
hortll-,ast Olt 'I. Hai' 1,1,1•444
I ~0 Till \ 41,Ll 1 .1010.1, MAW
rti :111,1 RTII, 1 , 0,11 p. I,,,h,wim,
• I.( y, to wir :
OP' 1.'5 1 1:1: 1101t."41'. , , ialoul.a. 1
Ito • Si,l li' on durgeei,oll • .1101.. '
ab hod, 1 ei,sll.•otn u 01.1—th ti, 5 , , 1 ; •,
`•" 1.
,11040., 2 toll./, ~ 515 slit suit
old; o VGlu 1 tort.; • frittriolg l l , ,1 1 , 1 , 1,1 "
god Lro re, into.. t. 1 .1 I/ k /II tri
12,,,t ; motif!. .11, 1 0., .1111,111,
I 144, 1 do WIWI:SS old 4 o 2,..t.1
01 1,h1.000S „ , k
k "ISOM,
ulll Litter;, el of folio., eo :de • . 1 1, 4 , 1 , 40 , 1
httnAl-01.,m1 01 110•01 Ita -Itg 0,01 -1 1,00
311 , Inl nt,” n.lll \ itgoott, his 5,1 , o 1 ,
L. , 4.11,14 too. 1 o 1 light 2
. 1 .0 2 41. 1 1 11 . 11 2 , 1 0 / cr. g.),
Lio.l, to 2itig. flew • 1 Faltisig•lop liugai ,ie. „tiotl e•
; 1 riss.—isww, suss, , ski in, • tro r
451,5 114,1; li.tri,otaig \131.,, 001.1 n
1 1 .1.1. Its; 11 10\01110144. 01,1, W-10 1/1 s Pak 111.
Inni 01.
1110 , 01011 g .11111-1 1, 01 %1 1 .10111.
2,k,vf 1./5 . 110p a/163110n O. C 1•1101; s. I/00,12
Ho) orki.; I i l Olll 171i4115 tin' v 11014,04; 00111
tit °taloned itiivitiug and Moo tut, Ma
i Olney., 2Of Iloilo heecool -11oNvol'n, tthit,
S . /SWISS 0 ',i11...! Corn reitigtiti, it
5 1 . .10-10011 i lists Itukt .., ‘oo,ill lirolti w slit the.
atlnelinittilf, 0.11 . 1 1 14111/ it 10 d , i good tyro
1411 Vonlghn, 110 iosys, 1,00010 1,10,5.1
1 1 1011 , 40,1 0110:n . 00 , 1 _ 0,11 1'011 . 1 C 1 a 1111 . 111,,1 1111
rt S. 7 .1 1 01 1 11 rn-010. 0,y1,010, t ,1
55101•01, I.r liana itoo•o, Jald4oereo, lrl[[ls I'll.llll,
.1 leo tee]. 01,1,2 theirs. du ,
god '[ti -i's, 1., Illmn., Lott
Cimino, litho"( i'mi Feed frougloi,
I;,1111 arringe,l•tell lit•utiv I IIIpIII 1 . 10 1 110e,..—0t5,
the other 6, Nlattig kn, Plitk,
111001 nts., I unit., Wti,;on l it chit
lloryri It, !diet I- root eieni.„
Plough I k • 1 1. 04, 1 401 1,101. 10.arn, 1 1 0r1/1;•
1 Imrs.. Its till, a lutes[.sl.ith, I}/Netx,i,
us. tc, ! si ....lion.. lam-,
gm, It).Mig Is it , / lit Har,7,,
Lt C., •Yr.
conlllooloo lit It O'elotrli, A. )1., on
. ..151 , 1 11.151 0 1, W11I•11 Jl l ,llllllll', 14°,11/1.10 glNon 1111
In 11.1. 1110 d.. kw.ii it Ii 55 11.Lfr.tNI
Jolt's Sr /
.I.dl. IT, Imes, to
• 1/2t.ii(l PA ' Xtl,f,'
IN TIM tinti2:7ol .la 3 ut I kailttl.klZY
gf next, the tubeeringr, littenn lug to gull tann
ing, wait ut. Put/Pt Male, aL not restith nee,
wit tun half it mile al FluruutU, A.dout4 Count),
On like 'sad trotn iMrde hi to tieLLytiburg, the ',S
howing s minable Persotatl Property, Ni:
a I 111; Nil NVilif.K • Alllnii•t'ut, 4, 9
head ut » oullg4;att.le, 1 t oung I/evon Bull, .15
bout of Nh tp, 1U head of Shoats, 4 Wi l 4to o4 , lone
it lig.tvy lons -tre sal, one .1. totir-horse 'tarns, -
trent', One 1 twn•lturnu Hprill,t, agon, and I.lw
utiara oil Na4ull,,Latitt• 1.11, I pl1:r
heavy Wand and Flllk lsaderS, I pale list - Cal -
rtages, Irkuud iteape: 011.1 Mot, er, 1 Ilirotallitg
Mut, 11111,0 and thins.: lower, I 011ie-tenth 11.11 kt ,
NYlittlyWllig Seed, ltlattlll4 Box, J mat+ llettual,
Lundy, 4 nt.tet Front, Gusts, all heavy AM, us guts!
un nett, osets Plonall litattti t 4 outs littiMy
uess, Collars, Bridles, Wagon tinattlt . , 1,11t,11,
13nwat tut,' Butt Chant, Ilan. m 11,1 I'OW Chants,
lost Cltants, oat, own., 'two,
.001 C and Utlt.tilr. Ik/11 1.00 SI t r,rpt attar
retl. I Barshear Ploug,nl4, 9S.unt 'Wu,. 4.1 I . luoght,
4 Double suovel list: rows, 4 Cultiva
tors, d Corn l'overers, Jitelc-4,lew, Jos/ k.arter,
Feud Troughs, 141,110 1. twit. 4. Mowing scythes,
t rain State els, ( Tor, -bor, lk Diggliag I rot',
large 111xige, Rakes, Furls, linuaulll, lisaa, Au
gers, Chisels, Se.; n WrlR bouulo
linnet, a largo Dollt,ltt ',nil, u 1,,111 tot 11.110beN,
Yet ut Bliteksniith roots, ans of 1115 4--WII.II
lot of ilOnstataltl and n t urun MP, much Os
1'A11L994 AN L. ClLl.lltri, Hocking Ututlis, .1
Bedstesls. '.trpetlng, 0..1. slot e told Fixture/4,
Ten•pla.Le Stove, Tut Croekery-a are, wills
other articles, too 111,1 n. rm." to in , ntion.
TERSIS:—AII sums of ten ttullant and tinder,
eloth; on all sums above ten Oollats, a credit oi
one year will be VIVOII, the purchaser giving auto
w,LA appros ed security.
Mlle to conuntnee at 9 0') luck, A. Al., at
tplisianco N 111 be given by
A InIALOII 41E11'4. AlletlOneer.
Jun. li , logi.
IrtllE undersigned, lutmdtng 10 quit Tinning,
will otter at Public sale, utTls r. st I. iio, in
Butler township, Adams county, 'anointing Israel
pricker's 31111, and about unit,
re Mills, near the Pion Grove tool, on Fiat/ A.l,
no .15th day of Philitt:Altl" out, tit' , Yitl is Inc
articles, viz.:
.1 111..1.1.) OF WORK 11011.-iES, I 'riree-ve-ir
ling Cult um/ 1 y.u.r...zig, , I ...1 !lei:, r,
1 lore 8011, a lot otBbUttle. 1 ur
Sarrewurinul Wagon, ITu • spr., W. in,
I I...ngiui Wagon hit, 1 Lime 11,i, 1 Ixuc
arriaLies, 1 pair Weal Pi
01, demi I ThadiureeSl,l,..ll, I Il i 1
shosti , it
Fur*, 1 1 arrow, Duunl.• nod I
~,•1-.‘er, 1 ht-hooli, vet-4 I 4
site Setht/e, gout at ni f
,prewler, I Ono-horse tin , 1 Log:ut;i
_ • . a
Closer...LA tratlli.s, Untie,
extra Briar Cutter, se.; oleo
.Ind Fixtures, ,Itureau, l•yek
and Ghee, Truu.lle Re‘leLead, e.mbie V. hid
2.l.l4B444Clirinuer, lar4e :Sleet 1. ee-..4-1., W. Wm el,
ILII other houeetiultl 'or
penter Toole, Quarr)lng Drill, with Mune. nue
other articles not hereto InCLILI.OI/43d.
"tale to cominente at II u cluck, A. M., on $Ol4
dab, when-atteuthinee hill Lei given and terms
note known by
.fonN Ilwrie,r, Auctioneer.
Jan. 17, INtlei. u,
TLILILDAY, the Ilth of FERRIIAItY next
O ,
, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the undersigned will well
at Penile Sale, at Ms Form on Lfano, ereek, half
way between Dream's :gill and the, the
follewlna valuable Pomona! Property, viz:
4 WO/LIC LK/HSI:* 1 fr.will Llikli cow, 2 Wa
gons, it Ploughs, 2 Harrows, 2 Corn Cultivator*
.Wind 21111, Herhetlears,and other farming Wea
sels. Alb*
L.:1(.41,11N ACHES, more or le4a, of said Farm,
wlth Improvements.
„ttterithmee wail be given. arid WMs made
ku•svn on day of wale by •
Jan. 17,1867. Iv
7rr72ert=3l, on Trit:“.sDAY,lfl. 39, lead, e4..1
133 ACRE(? 3 ILUODS AND ll PiNtellES nF
There are a 3 Beres of Choice Timber. The Im
provements eonstet Of a lump, itltlt.K
MAMMON, comlnoditrtul Bank Burn, and!i
all other necessary out.imildlnes. This Id
property lieson the road (cool, 's
Mills to Liberty Town, an.' 3 miles from t 11/,11
Bridge, on the W. )f. It, It. This is ono ,d the
most clearable Wins to ifredsnlek eouto;.. I'os
.:M{on given on the let doe of Aprl
sooner, ((desired. Terms easy.
Attorneys for the noir.
Jun. 17, INN. 2W otßetU,ltueltlnelonti.olee'd.
partnership heretofore oak( Ina beta. II
the undersigned In the Produce amt Fora ant-
Ina business was dtssulsd 0,1 the hest day of
Jamuxry Inst., by (tunnel eonsent. The hooks
of 11,01:Int.; and all Unsettled ldislilese have
been left In the hands of (turns IL Culp, wine is
duly authorised to srttlo up the same. /to trill
iw found nt the Warehouse to,/ in the ravolatn.
ey of Mossrs, highi t in a i•obettn. All persona in
terested are t equired to cell and settle.
Il Eo a . A. ltY CULP,
Jan. 17, hat. tf
Tr . following apply/Winos to keep public.
hoaxes of entertatnnyht, have been flied in
my often, with the requisite number of signer.
and will be prompted at the Court of quarter
Sessions, on .110NDAY, the YUtti any °ILI:VI:A
-RV twat
- -
E Myers, Gettysburg.
Abater K. Hildebrand, Lsst. Berlin.
Frederkk Suilth, Mumwashurg,
ocryrige Corwell, Franklin tom nablp
A. K. Stoner, beet
Wm. J. Sprenkle, Hiunlltonban towar.l4.
A. W. .I.I.INTEIi, Clerk.
I.X.r. 27, 1d 7. te
lii.VVU some valuable WESTERN lANDFS
whirl) I will trade for one or more FAlillti in
Luis cuuaty. Tim Brundo are w 011 located, a rid very
thrombi!: fix farming. Larly a pplivat lOU dmi red
J. IllilNlik.ltlLol , 4.
Gettysburg, April 3, 11 , 41. 11
Lsoßlahvos, 3fahalrg, Altsw.a, Lu•ires, Re
U Beg., Rhoda, Pow ms, chamata,
as., the ltalles shouklasil la, the new styles
at ROW & WOOD,'
XTEW GOODS.—Norrls hrui Just rettlruud t',um
Jll the e ity• with a lame it.s30131111•321.“; tr..ceii
1.311.11 and exltsulna them ti. 'a.
but. ling-raveervarr.4 are al lowed to
r2 wea ti tot from ern lirrebbr 6%114:my. Ham,
betorp '44 order b toted.
Iron Is. the J..d.
The nec..i.glly.,f duo prbportion of Iresb 1n Ihr
bi. 0.1 f {WI It;;;01111, to all inedleal mat; wh.' ll It
becoist.,3 rothuvil fromt 011 Y eall.le wilatuver; Ihn
bate .411k:111 nuilvn, the WWiext pan being
tirxt u ttaeleetl, tnettnx IstnittiOr. Walt till,.
nud ' • itli gi111011,3 per title* tho 143104.11. 'rho
reu I' situp') to Ilupply the 1.10.,1 u Ith the
,1111111 t It) of Initt. lilt can be lis tlw
utkitutt the
4 proteoted sulation of tho prutotida of Iron,
NLklt Id nu liNPareal that It 481(444404 at once
with tite hloo.t, lilt lug at repat It, Igor and ue w
I ft, twill.% a I Ittele byNteln,
ihemnetile tel eon* milemme`le , mmm ml4 - '10 , 11 , 1
" Tl'l. His It'imN Tin: lu,nun . " ti ,
Out I,lorlti.r It 1.0 the st - stent, 51 Hite to, teg
Celan: V. Wilding When the nnillmlatloll Om gout,
elllillt-1 - 11 mu, CI "I hoer LI". Itsltlg
thy 111:1t.l • VI.1N Itt'l. ter smite time pew; it
glen mile Oen Igor, Hey ut Ktitlts, twit h -
its ot
0 011'311.11m eertirMenteg to , ettr,,, mu t
rem...wild:Q.lms Irmo Nolne or the Imick,l emol
lient iihyglehtlig. rientylliell mind imlliern, UM I,
nest tree 10 silks admire.,
The grnuUm hits “PIiIIUVIAN "%Uri' 610. it Ilk
:4old Ie all druggist,
Frun, Mr. E. Tucker, 'Divot Stuster
ry. Nll,ll.
- I have beeu troubled 101 pears , A•ilik n hud h
tuur; %mu. (imp. nutu,attly. and Koutrtini, • nl.
ttr.ll . Daring the ppd auuttner diunn urpt. a
11,1 , 1 wore thou ti•ual out% ardlY, end I,n.ed
>our , th. .14:114 ol IL have will. iltAappeni •
about., lnwwdh , hullrtriittu,
0.144 elioiie.ll.lllo nal art oi the Pj...n,b
, 171 II NI. 1 t. \l, A. I", I SA hoetton. rryllovlcto,,
Al , l ON 1111 iirltg,l,Ls. at la 0.11 l• a ,to ht
I % s ,‘•
ht'N rep..rh•tl by w h ,, t
th,.! \s• "I".
ut 4`ltVel pto
, of
!Vt . , hint
a,.,•t , •,rf
kprlltain. Mon.
Lzpint oh Ahtio..., u,..
k 7(041 all Drtt.xlelk. App110 , 1.1,,
uU Ha,t 155,A.k.
I X.,
/ "Lo Oquen. of Alban*,
T/1011\1111.ik 110(1,44 %earl., front Celle,
Tlits,/te,l not be. to. Tio \ elllllrin
Liti . tatestt 11111 ixe4tivoly vitro reel if
Mhru 11101 lakrn, The ev , t /4 off /T
tru tier of n 11111 M. t.llOlllll 11114 e, litgtle In
retel • 101 114, It 14 %II 17/1111.1 4 11p4•
rho. 100,14 tiling eixe fur the vary of l%lto, WIII.I
(illll`, I.u , 11111 g, Sore Throat, Spralte4, liruh.4
• , h 1 rem I.llllllu 111. 111, 44441 T,111,11,
It I.e. heel, 'tried umd approved of for
Ilva 11 , 114011.41 111 eohntr> on lon.
ut er-arlveli 1041 0 `,11.11414 MO* niolflo. I , nler, nie
coop:tautly reerh e , t frtitu the 111, big .( ,08 /.. Of
,f./rfpfona for it. be eelebleted 111 Wi00.11,111.
01 trot/ill!! lathe, Use a 11, for ),..111,, VOIll II 14
by wit lw rior,to am other he Itte. troNt. Iteeolh4 t,
li Dr. T06111., * t oultlith Ito, Lltottlent. b. put. hp
11, pint bottler. TA, no ~tto r. t+4,111 he the
1111,1 l'ottitllttoll
' , lie, , 1001.
I .Ilt oti
glen! hind . .., .1 , /11,1•• nud D1.4M , ,•,, 111011 i. Ili tit
1011th .1111 tart, '11310).1.111, rt at. 111,
petlimenir to filth\ UPI, itllll KUrt. ,(nuts
teller. hell( In ?Wall. tettOt Ott e10p , •.• It ov of
eharge. Addn•rr, Iir..I.HKILLIN 111 lluGi,ll el 0,,
llue,.rd..\ Philadelphia, Pa.
Mt. 1/Ul'l/NCO'S GoLDEN
Cott. FP:5l.l.l.Eri. it,
t..., Int OwitimettombUt 111,•
310111,11 N ILtrur, trout Cala.;
US a I'r,Vvlll.lVV.
it I , oolA "our tOrty year, ,111.! the Rho, 01
riik Won. Itrnt. 4.114 t 4),i . ..a II) Dr,
time 1.1,4 linvo mi
m•iNi . l3 and emlllll lik zw.t of
to Its prim utv pro 1.1,,
ul 10,11 s 'WU Unpltrakilel l `4l,l.llll,
lit I) ”11,1 P. its 01,4 ul tt nig nt i• •
quest Ihnkis.anis o: V.I. tlwool
111, 1,1,11,a Indu,.!d to ninne the ru,. isll4,‘
lot the “n e, union In On se stint+ Ihs from an, II
reguint 111 • w1..11. ver,ss wilt nn LO even 1.,n no
eresse 4: 1.1.144 Win•fe n . .41111 M 111 not lint
Feu Inivn pcculLurly .lthule.4l, ur thtmonnopo.llig
thelan4 1,, so, al., ii.t/ilOned 1µ4:141.1t 081110 [hr..,
I't lln .lole In Una munlitiou lent they
IUI.OII 1118, liftvr Nlllrltth,:l'r.,-
pt letor 11 ,ml., u 0 TOnrou,..s.ll,Allty, uttlt, ugh It, IL
MAUI. na Wlll prtlyollt 111b101114.1 to luvltlt
011.4,1. the PIII4 reeOluonend , l Um
I.:\ \ t!.:11:.1)Y for ult tliono 44.111Ittlnir
comp/uintn so pr , utter to the 'fel.
ON 4 100. N.
- .
10,0%1 Itozet. have been pooh) within IWo Vvikr,
Ten Tbounandl Box, x meat by 51a11, both by 111 , /
sol and Agent., to all panto el the worl,l, to tvlin
angivt.r4 have been r, Lou n. d,lu which la .ley
nothing Ilke the 0401, Pala have be,” k1k5,,,11
1111 , 0 Lilt' h , 11 . 1101 01 lue dawned, upon 111,
00041, In Removing .naitructlona 11t1.1 ItOl
At111.1.11111/ . lop. retiannel,Quil
and lb 1111011 v. b.wk lie eolor of ll , llllb ' In'
Of OW 111(.1. .111..
BOX'. '111"
I.y (MIN 11 , 14NLI1 • , I , Lt.v.t L 4 ,,
.114 ?It 404 Ll•4.mirL,:,
t..L.Purr, .tlto .11 tttroucriA tho (~
ua tho uuu. , r•outitluntt.illy„
:•1,11,4e 11l • pat L•u t.” I , w.ntr:.,"lre ,, t
r••••I , I J.' vt.ttgl , r, tlottrthersion, , W
6.11,1114,1.. lirtgo,uat Mown I'ooth
h , UIII, tfulo Agents, nu 1 q • 11
LloWe, Pn , j,rii tor, Sow lurk.
Mar , ta 4, 1 , 437. It
,f,nil.hzinn who soh. -rd for \ from Nor
D. I,lllly, No 01 ituro Oft 1111 4
,“111'11 . 111 Ind v retlon, m.lll, for fit'
tog Imoutultv.t'lld 11, tit it Nlll. !Wed
If fo , t. , •r 4•• 411 , ..t.1.0'1 , for mul,lag file mini-
PIO r. tic whirls to. IN.. ,ared, hurr.r.
oloh mg to profit II) tip' o.l,lthers oxiwriertr, ,
can ~, is I othlresslng,,,, h, rioN voraf.loneo,
JOAN 11. t :111IN,
311.1 y s_'7, 1 , 12 ; ly 421:0d0r td., New 1 ork.
To if ottannaptlvoi.
The Ittatt A. Wagon o 141 erns [free of
enorget to tl4 who denlre It the porgerlput,ll 01111
tht dire, t tour Ito- milting thud using the slmple
rt Ittedy ny whiell hewOO enrol tog lung .dte, -
Won and that circuit disease Oontointption, ills
only °Weir t ts 4,1 nenegt the adllleted tool he hope.,
every YU:fitter WI II try thiapreeerlptlon, as It all!
watt them nothing, and ploy prose a Idennlng,
Mutate udilreus
No. ilh South Satond Street,
Sept. 20, 1167. Sin Wllliarrottuirgh, New Yoat.
Intolllation guaranteed to prtxluee n lIISUI,SYM 4
growth of hair upon& bald heal or heardleaw
ilex a recipe for the renioval of l'hoplea, filou.hrv,
Eruption, rte., on the akin, lea, tho pinto
Soft, clear, and heuuttful, ran he obtained v. ath-
Out charge b addrewing
T110:4. V. Chontigt,
Nib. BOYER & SON, •
Stone: Ir?teden and Willow w ar ,,
A general assortment of all Goods
Jan. 1.1), tf
O F GPITTP3HrIiG Tl y t=li J AZlf i;
LoPIIK anti lii•uvuntit
i•Bond, tii secure eirmLation
S. Bond, on .......
Din. from other Bank« 11,tilL
uwll ....
Reit! 4..iitaLe ..... ..... __...... ..... 51111.1
s. •
!repo/sits ,4,44114
Surplus ... - .1.5.!,*1 u.)
Prodt and t 0.... ..... .... ........ ......_...... IX 7, irr.
Stat. , Cltrulation .............. . _ ifikW 01
Dlvideadm unpaid., ._. ...... ,• '•
i. 71 gW t: . ...'''............. : ''4:: r[Plii9 ..-. ..... ........-:: 41
I certify that the chore statement IS correct to
the best of my knowledge and boast
Jim. m.IWW. It
HENRY WEIKE r ESTATE.—Lettert tern,
nu nary on the. Ammon( Henry Vielkert,Sr
Mt, 01 tfountplesmut tolirunhip,..l,hand.eoualy,.
deed., having been granted to the Un4letalipLti.
c4,ng In the name township, timy here
by glue Retie , to all yeriulen4 ludo tat to mid es
tate to Make 17nmetliate •pnynsent. owl awe.,
havin' ,',lat the same to present them
properly antbrntlysted for settlement.
J 'Ml,:$ (.1 HUTTERA,
Jen. lb, Ibis dt Exeentom.
WALL be In 0.1LY.k.n4 with FLOUR, de., on
ileVrY MONDAY smi 111.11/4S, of eisch week.
wt ....w h am meg desire me , to tarnish them
w ith w w w .r Fiore or Feed Muff will leave their
orders either whit Jahn (lbrisater, or Danner t.
7.1e41. r, stogrm the laud end quantity, when.the
ram.: will he ilelivereit at - .heir dwellings.
tkirlDROF. OI
Sept. 27,18117. tt
VS furnishing Goods all kinds_
and styles at NORM'.
J. P: DINSMORE, Pr.,p111.101,
No. 341 Do. eN, 1 ork
usually kept in a
.... .... .. ......tll.i}~f i
Executor's Notice.