Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, January 10, 1868, Image 2
„....... 4 ,... • .. • ---- .----- - - -- i A reliant AuanisstoN. ; -'1 ; Ur -Al - coiiiran, , awl' alrimn% T all: ' A on/argots - ('c icadae from Hon. W. A. 1 ..., octl ep:minice. . 4 - , t., ,, ,, -,,..;,%' , •I . , uns,Durg outingtr. The nadi --- T, T ripkaso 1.,,,, t,ailirtan w it , pi ntt4 moviV. - _....- . eta/lace. ^l'l - .1,.., ., -.•- floN,,nr-a re n-effilile.i. nn.:31109,44 .„ .., '. d ‘ 4,' ;,. ' ( ft - 7 - -.. • „r, .me ••w vbs; 'fribuor, uNivrY Ilkill - °liie a Iniml° , rllnclientliTlll" in I •thine . fee tiake4el c ot i - --; -4 ---- 4 1: : f:' a . ate ay part o tilaes any mg ten , t • . aft is doing )1,, ~ their plan r peonstrueltlon. Th e y san)es ills, i • atileilineasi.l,/ a it t ii A hit t 1.. , ,,.. State hav e publishfil a - ti(Ctilar 'ri ''''/. . TOWNAOUPITYAt SUVIDING ciIIINTIS. _ '.. IitIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1868. have prated a uflpubliti aectirit i l . ii i ini , v ,i r , i n , f ,,,v ll ,: n t L414101;414' g oemt ial i i i e j Li , f tt. , t ,t i fir t isr is ol atf:.; • n v n .. , : l , , i ll ,e,, w t :lt tio - iss; 4l„, eal ;I la u y ies fll o o t a iti W i, le . Deow „, ,&„: 1 / 1 7 5 i t i ,t u r t ) ,. % :; io6.,e nalitcol on loro i ("eerie at-Tt , i f notineenikiat itli - -- hablileal awn fhb ; rights 1)f lioy talgbd 3 resolutiou ortlianita to(tPe the bliis Nit!"N rslintl, l e i4i , r inkli . '• '• TITE LEaffa. Viral:. , . . .„ ‘ ..1......1., .t. „ . i i ~..-. •, 1 1,111- at tiht•olk ,i, filleir iiii'%alyilaie-i. at., 1 cralle ( -.4)%, committee. . Th e dm.: , t , . . , :mu oust ,easptya, In UI , CIVr .1..., I 1,,f,„ Th e lii not u l e , tee ~ .11:71 , / , 0, vtt, t ..,, , i et ti,,,t t here, ument,itrianis, was nvarkeil "private," 41/A Peek. •I n 't :. /let t heu4- • Ake -townAtiti, reea.4l,, desirby •II , ; ,Bull lorauelies of the Slate Legbilature ; denunciation or rebel,. was in-Aired in the Mommasburg Coin ; at lirsi failed to see thiough lief lfini-3 s eonvenesl in their reapeeti ell 1131h1 at N I i i,• :;- vi 1 , ,,,,, .‘ ,., ,, , , 1 ,5 ii . . , •,. ,1 17- ,..1 1 : , ,i lia l a v t l dai ,i f i l r ,; ( ll , I , l , ; • l 7 t h ,„ l ,t l e v r e e ry i n i,,, i , ;' , ' ,, l : a l ; i . ; l it , 1 , 1 , 1 ,,,,, i 1 1 e i• nn u l t i . i i , , i • t l: \ II 'S: I n n: 1 ; 1m i Il t LII : - L ot , l uit l d . n i) i .. ng -they would treat aak , ; pany, is Ineorieet. There \lll.l 111, illsw lifirri.litirg an Tuemlay heft. The Senate ; yell they wore, hut :at 1., , 4 discover-I ro , r,, , , p , : , • L. still, its it wiu iut.uitit ..,,r the insta action THE Go'v'ernor of . ..‘ii-,-1..1p1 , i lint been i ranee in any company, anal the entire , pNr.optly onranireti, by th e el " tiii if him/ 11"' Y ItTr i ebuu r t ' L It ll ''' Pnin" to ' ' l ' u . ' 1 ' ''' , l'" . h..t. ' ' . 1 "" no ".u- f the Melt who linee the hi.III:.:-.'f.W.Mit ' eadipellPa, h!lr 'the tin eateniiiti bearing' 10-, falls oil the owing. Janaes L. Gmhant, of .'s ilrgherly, to the • be perfectly well understaaul that the riot ~. tfie I few:: IA . 1., d quota ,I ,t‘1i..44.41m0m ti t, tl titi:.‘ll,l4rt.nt ..oiinzieri, it . Aral nunal..eala., vianitaal. acts of the , 401officr retnermr - Aranerrtrtnn. , -rit- Speakersilli behaving remised ID votes .. nmilenrjilan of reeonstrectifolt %Vitt T.- F , llowitefttrallneev. it selatti - ' 4,04,401 , •41 , r0. .4., waliwr. , Gew . ge w . 1.. m .,1,„,, 5 ., i imenutm i itwtra , t ,, tatu ti iir. , 1 , ,, , ,i , t ,,.. ti: t .tv,, ,, 3 -,„,... ;:, m y. i',,,, t ,,.. ie ( y,„ 1 ,,„ r _ Wffil tiol .,. l4 , ie . r , t , i,seni it forth in the , black population, its V. ell 3..., by 'acct-au- qestaaocia alto tet . itatc,„ . 4 unilow Ane,o.. 4 , „ ~)-", ~ , ~ ,„,„ I ,„ :2, „ „, ~,,, 1 ,,. 1 . , i i,,, ~ ~,,,i,i,,,,,,1. V, a• ein, :t thenticated InatePleaenee of :an insurrec- .'' elation, anal flint It will proven success; .• li a lenewelf,arah re-elected Chief Clerk, i army ill the South, is alla contrivance fo, 1 : ...a , tric, , , ,„ 5,..L.,. I „ v, v ;,.• 4 Le 1v,,,,, by i ~..,,, : ti onar y eon:nil:fey among them, to !sane with Lucifer .Rogers and F. H. itragithis , securing the votes of 1i e5,,,,Thein,,,,,,... „,,,, 4f „,,, rt „. 1 .,„...,,„..,,,, i ~,,„ r „,,,,,„ i , ri,,,t net he oueetioned. Two hundred C LI:A 1: 4.a . F11:1), PA., - 11,•. 11, 1 Slii. ; n prOCI3III a t i'' n oPi va CP ITil. a s Aasistrrata. Michnel Roily, 0 1, 1.1„ 1 1,.. cut the coming - Preside Wtial ele4loat t ; than !he ealiil7 rata f 4 elinior el thie lit:- " 0, ri,' 44,* !--The Spring; 1.1, , n , :ire I ste m -, N ew s. i e .hares of the . p o c k have °tread beenayli . :erg : 7117CR : . 11adic . ai, eotnify„ was se-olerloil paeof tile.Traii - , Si , I lwell is t 6l - :amain to fie the eMe ; i n e ,, d , ; ; ; . "-1a , 4 ,, 5 i1 •, ,..., 3 , 1 „ r „, . 143, ,y+ e isa , :? ,I , I.itl f , \ tip , i c.l l , l l, lll ; t: , t , 1,,r,•,• , •. ,,,, ,•:! a t , t..4 . ti,e,,,,itt:l,;, treat vei, , ,tilic2;•, ,, Lot ,. i ;,_ de - . s ' erlbed for. Application will be mAde ~,,,e i bim ; 43,1 0 ,0, wri t , A. icapert,ww, that prominent Republican ,Fiernals no , i lent, n4;l .. is• 101,0., 4 , .. ,;:t4;; , • vi , ,, ;, iow t times that. the (;hose part 3, Intend to non to the next Court, (or a, charter-and as en olticeev.:,c'recegi s razed !I. 1 a . :1 : . ; ,;, , , 1 ug, 'that . il2 ; ,e ailio ' fild Cohn 'IN their eand , ldate fo r the Pre.lal nes re ' • e; Y - soon thereafter :15. poseible the ASSOCILL- ChOkell Somrauttrah•Anue, Altai. Ethel 1 louger deny it. The Ne ar York rie•''''' pu•seient,i Tao sod rl, one just .hare of the gardless 4.), who is nominated by l'aihkr Doorkeepbr, •;;John L. Burns, or! .iVe: the C/ri.titlitlich or nil; haw of the Una- 1.,1,.,•t i0n tfine e rss, Juat, 7 „ , e, Impectost the : lion will be pieced in the "fail tided / ips Ss- ' 1 " ; 01 successful operation."V is s hi,„ i d,,,,, 5 ,, wa s r e hdtted /es nueof the At. , ...ser..s nfoet 0 Lich In perfiltetiS clear ' l '/Ii '''''aiiiiii ILI' taliti." 2 :a lebt el -, t , rank . : \. • t 0 -try and Combibl e ,,. I utii,, 0; " Tu l rruw-m ' n ' Ted bluekhenll ' n ,i and *inch Inalient e . the ;te flon c0ne,....., tl , ' , - 01 '.! rIS Ilia- bar II iittathed to It • /....11 your e s pecial attenti o n to this -.1a,- ole-tonit,Llaarter pera. „ j , •et. I need,fiet attempt to demon- Irate ' td like iv to take: The Radirials lu !lie silo -1.10 ,, , 3 , oche',' and not by right; in tlia.lilatha., , 4liitittv took , a AtOrMY i Tteleilliean p ar ty i n t en d that thee mi l a•aa on to the' end aaf the (.11.2 , pier. Ia; - fie foriLnee, :all am,' a :dal e it. la t Ille • 111f11..Alitiv' Hainni•tatie taaftni hail pre• I is o , l ji,,,j.n. 5t „,,,, „ 0 , :ill , ee reochnitted te • . . 1 1.,„ that yon :not your C.lllllllltiVe. WIII vionalyatetnivatad Bleb nu'llid t 30nari t of The Vidon In tim o 111 410 r*pretienh.ul an , , ;:f:i ‘ c .fil,te,Pllhli.,..:l.titill('Otp,),:irtr.,6e.itiiiill,',l,l COW- ; gar this an hit•Ct, pITINIpt mill eflllleNi itt44,444.0 on, Radical., Eiiidi a vv.pavis , ,:n ll i t i la is l i l i v 'till eaia next N I r . l i t t i:a i n d i e ll n ' t La i t y i e e i c fi t i i . i n n : : , ;Li, •,14 In „ i n O . ; ;I . lf t, i l i a ii,..., i Fort ,, car ! a p V n a , t :I: ~•I,- ii , f in i,3l. net lie n g ,, art r i ti l i t n ts h i . s ils i l z i n e l a . - ,, , , , T , H u t • - , of Philadelphia', for Ow Spenkertthip. tan,' provided the su ff rage leas they ltilltpt ' IIIt.,1", fittnilree o , i'inen paid a. elerks an 1I ' ' , les IN I;VroY i.t-rVicr; show eolvivgl.Vii role in till , Howie . , Mr. Jong, are ~l et , ;,.., give a-strain e that flit :I ?Inver! of flue ilolori,of lialit7tlltatirt 'I. i 1.. iii - how pawerful flits .weapon r ,,,,, i ,,,d t h e , / 14 1 11 D e m o erat fl, N opport, 44; : ..v ... 0 t t 0 e , 4 4, ;1i i t l iip h , e ,, : n 'o e l l t . („ t t i1 t. ,; ,,, r ( 1 , 7 , 1 , 1 , .t .rr , : :: , t;;.: , ; .„ - i t r„.., t , , i , .,, ,, ;i• , I i N . i n .t l . , r ;l o , i tt t i , l 4 , ' , ~.1 3i 1 , V :. ,11 01 1 1*, ,1 1 1 .u 1 ;:L ux1 fi : ::,.. ~....,, x , v1 1 , 4 , „fr, : , : t i ,,,11 .1 . u- ,1 . r, i .. lii E , /7 521, ( siset-, but Nil'. •lirtYli hail only (lie nhae of ~1 1 Committee, the oneration. altar , F need 111-,111:•,•rs to i oint out je-t :vliera• it o_ " 1, ~ f I€• ° ' ;: k i j i, " l i t -‘ t i- a i ..117-trTet. ' '' f ' u ' i l ti ' S. ' Wli e re Ow Badly:it members refusing to go for- Wi1 „ , ,,1 3 ,, r ,,,, i ania the ~,.., ~ , ..1 nnwid,,,,,, , 4.. - v . ~..,.• iii a minority, 1,10(0 a III:III of I - him. Thevseast their +rotes,: for Me., of the Loyal Jateigue, ii. I. (.I . ILeVIAI tin' .: I ',it,. Ilkivue IN VI ra.TNIA.-Tht hi . Ii eluiraerer, well nit/wined end (.01.1Y -4 .palm,' , f {nate mut 2 for Smith. of SI- totes of every one of 1 1 1011 .;,i i l l i ai l e . ...ev0r0 1 i , l i y ,,,,,, m ,„,_. f,,„.1 . ,i„ , ,, n , th ,, m o jeal Jae ._ ; ,,,,,, e ., on ti le m a d, a s our I ns p e of oe ; lei:hem% Sir Initials wet ellad.wah like , J 11110' spr ,,,, tiup . mut 1ti1t , , , 4141 g I t is le l f- i yr i, , ,,r tn , .. , e i l tl ti s aT .l . i s. , f... r ; e ,., T t fr AT I, ;l i r l l t i '‘,, lilt' r,r : t fu ee , en - n t ably t ' a l • l r ' l e rain a they l! . wit] he " a i al s airtt.,l ' W e ' m e ~,..,,,i,,,, I I R . Jibru,:e iliin nallaurned, 1.,,, ti n , un io n, whatener in othsr•re s pe, •- fell , the fruit Olt V r . :....' ila.drd all writ . ; ~,, i r , nit ~.1 , 11 p 1 ,..•., 1, Ith Meal; 111111. ~,..,,,,,. 1 ,„,,,,,i,1,431,1,. i-ti.jl,l4)Pltt, Ike bait- , limy he th , ch'iracteror I lie Coin.litilli.... , .In t. , , , ttli, eapt•iill's 1 ,1 Va.z.liii,.. "flan 1. , ..,(.., of deutettal riot and of I Ile-c i 1.. 11. , '1:1I ' llIFMT 'Mirk r it. eiretini-tan- I IN'S 'aleph , 'l'lleg , ""'i :ilia , !9 .1 01 '1 . '''t fre4.l...tut ha Vi. lieetlllll. flt`l . l'u'alf` =flit- " l•" soled ", ° , l ' I '' iii , l' ' ' '' 7 • I",r lice 111-(' , , .. „mid they vote • for oft ,, , is, :,,,,i of of t i f i l it e:ei t n , n rt -li l a hi l l i e n a ‘ l - a j a , r e , a i i i i i t y rol ., lr i a t i N lhe t h e e l t y, izi r i , . liar i the distrilatitinit•of fig ins, and now , I , I , 11:.• :, 1 , N I I t i l i t e 111 , l' 1 , : . 1, 1 : 0 , i . 1 (. 1 1 1 , .;111 n i ,.. /+ ,.1 1 .; l i I/ 1i . 1 . , , , , , I n t:: .. i 1 1 - , Davis men rebating. Ilint they whatial ; wale closed has been to •-e•eure to them- Iseek revenge by home liernirg, eatnt• 11;:' 11l , ' ,f ill • -a • tdicat -,oueall of fain. rather , see Joint', the ilemoornt, , eleeted seine , . the next Presidency. There lees .laying, and otlier outrages. 'I he 001111- i Ti ere aro a great: niAny alien., ready T h ere wag nn phangn seared.) . 1 , , 1 , ,: , n , 11,? , It : ri ,,, s c ii , i ,,i,„ iil , vl tidy ,i,... or -smells, Noti.,,,ns, i , ,j,,, e E ,i.. r,,i uaturalization, thr.ffighout the *ate: tlytiti MCI 'aniint. in the ai 'tuition o n-Wednesday, Jun, the 1 1 ' 1 1 , 7 . 1 : 1 7 1 ; e l e i n c i t ' ii , , U atto 1 n i- r ,';, t l i r e ' r o o .7,l s „„ e ; tr i u n t '_ ' ward, I antienlitire, 1 I;iiifue, lll'ockleit- i' ' , r1 ,,, 1 5 u ,,,, n i t :,1 1 ;','," i ' i v , ( , 1 1,11r 1 1 ,, r , n1 3 1 ,, z 2:`, 1 ,;,,,,, 1 1• r 3 ,. 1 ,1 - 1 i nega nfration of the Rome .Alitried to be 1 {ion policy that hos e: j,„„ ~,,, , ,,i d e d • A„d bete 11114 Pilt.yIvanitt are di e dlifcil With : mill obtain their news and reetineteees at ; remote. The difficulty Is traced to rival lit is not likely to he abandoned of mod i• , such netrae,es• Murder, fiVeri, and 111- lan early day.inati give, one the probable . fled In the .lightest degree, now that - the . railroad projeets, and' tilvagreements ' for its eunstunmatlog is to near at , eetollarisni ere of nightly ece neee n ee , k eust of nattlializaug thorn. 1 - :awing file leaders of the Cameron nod. hand. - . and a oar of races =cans inevitable 1 lu urrung,i'W for years .Pri"g I" l Yeileli' , " yon can ontain this fluorination with e''urtitt igillgg of the 'ladles/ party. lino Times tioelarea there Aim mason . The dell 4ltithOril/CS Me 1MM . 01 . 1C ,, it)! co mpj fea elee etine. ito hope thateCongreatt o'lll attempt to • protect, and militagi pads are so remote • 1,1 you have Oat &already fut•obilied me ' :.that the whites h are determined to de modify any of the harsh features orilie I•h ; rt i• i t t ;, ll , lli ti a..; l ll.i e ui l e ) . p s n a m il , , l ,r T i c ,, as i t n ot , : l e i : i tl e r ffi s i Constitutions which are tieing passed bye! fend themselves In different ways, " 1 Ili-Ariel in your county, 1 will be o s I •,, . d ; o 1,t.. 1 thh Mongrel fionvention-t elected and 1 thefts defences may be ; het the _rosolu- lif you will do ..u. oesembled under the Reconstruct ion bill. : den In, cloth before negro , ilprenine. ; ' Very reromtfolly, your, Speaking to thApolnt,'lt says, In reply The forty tlVre+ and two mules prornlQ'ed , Wit A. NV.I lAA( 1.4 I ' hal man. . to some suggestions of the Aprlngtleld . the. neeroett at fritirisinirt, lot 1.01 in: forth- . 111.2 two solafeek treated of in the' , Repredican.i I veining, lire. caused this terrible -tate of I above yin. filar sue of great hopottanee. 4, l . tr. i • . ' f)u; inanoerney should make a vigorou- The leepufdiren Is predicting that Con- a a ri- - areas will send buck the Constitutions of - --- ' , effort to seeure a majority of the election some re - the Southern btates for amend. ift'' PARADOX.-The 131 W of en n , 41 .,,, ~ , eflicers whereser they stn possibly do anent, ou amount of the: proserip- ' establishing the Freedmen'. Ilar, fttl 4 i n , se. 1.13. t.. , 101110 they Mill be able to rive provisions Which they centein.- I tine ;leen], cost, the country tens of nil- ji.o.'oet, the prautieu of the_fratels whirl That of..klabatna, for exampleripaoldlik , , ~ ~ d o ll ars . any ruin from, voting who will, not take ' `1"1" o f fultlllailY• in order to I,ll,ave ho efteal 1.....: ; .11'ec- - icarted to LIT 015014 an oath never .to oppono negro saffragu. i maintain In idleuess ft eatien of Sgnornnt ,t Liao_ vilts ef41.0 . reellet.s party now ill such a provialonlAii this is a simple out- and thirflie.s paupers. Tin, plea which , Lotter. All tlie,..4sivoetasy 01 Penni-yd. rage upuu every principle of justice, and - is urged to Justify flits enchain:al* deriln tit ola ask in tine coining lireshhintial bi as unwise as It Is unjust. It will die franchise a Very large portion of the upon the refdinrees ( of 'tire white people s airetion is a lair a-lee:ion and an honest whites-Union men 11 , 1 welt as reirds- of the North. all and Vretitk•ti plate I-, ; could of the ballots. That' they can .e -and was probably intended Co have that that the-e bittelrattrirllVlTlFs o. Coe a. ,ov- (goo by lattenuiug to the Ism nship dye- . effect. _ . . . .... elettiffeftrzatte TaettPltlile Of - ttipporting , Liffillt ill LI.I - 1 spring. They should eeket themselves. Raid-yet 11/eaglets proposes 1 their very best num fur election officers, that this army of ilegroes---otale three • num of iiitelligence, and verve. Where I or four milliuns in numb •r-thas they e.'ll ouly hope toeleet an inspector, t0,,,p,a , 1,. or ~L d r.,opi„„l., ,1...,11 4 10.- ....special care should be taken to climes 0011111 die dortiimint governind vlesi , 111 ,the beat man fu die district, end for 1--eStatesof tho Union ; not only eontiol-; such a poaltiou no good eltditeit should ling the dtNstudes an those tit....1...a t nut i decline to run. „ nullifyiur the voice of great Common- 1 The other subject k alssi one' of great wealthm like Pennsylvania tool 2'.iew , importance. It is not too tiedy to` beton york au.lOhlo iv the Cougress of the , the work of the coining campaign, and United States, and even deciding the I it* true that there are many foreigners question or the next Presidency; Dues I lii the State entitled to their nataralixa. history furuish it parallel Mltli such , j„,,, p„,,,,,,,,. A eco. (saute 1,2 kio, Ely of full ) olla ui.uit,,,, . flay? ; i bests would vote the Democratic tieket. . 3 lien yhottlii all be 'ou ght out early anal" attended to. We do not kne e but that we ought to feet obliged to the lied:, al papers NV iliell here 1,01,)billeil this "rari , tea." eft etilar of Mr. Wallace. If the Deemeraey :e: Nam it it it h proper wig lor all will he well. That they will .1,, i .3, v.• 411 have geed reason to leireve.- Lo .1! a .ii I In. , "ig .ril-Cr. ' NEM EVOIR OENEIIIAt. The Lancaster Ins , It tysnecr liroposm , .1 itlin Co*Pe.x.,Esql,lif. the Ch ambers burg 'ell it, as the Democratic for Sin or General NVe -tAef.lnd tLd laatiod." 7 fle. Cooper veteran I)..inoeratic eili.tor, and deserves wtl) tar theitait;i. We have known him long and well, :lad edii tvidr.clieetful tes timony to hi 4 ellleicinv .in raithfu:n c sl, in the, "good old CUU,I.: " rls to irealill ,t,ittjoril tor the post, 114.1 other seutlmurin in the State poitsi.-sbes Omni la a wive _eminent degree. liming the whole 'of Mr. Barrlffi recto, and a portion of that of one of his predece.ihors, Mr. Coopei was eonneetrii with the Surveyor General's olive in a calamity which wade hkui fa miliar with its entire watutgament. in all, John M. Cooper is ttli ma* tor Surveyor General, atid attould the Con vantioa select him, tteaction woultlnbrlng out an une-uali t y.steouatelldgrotnent to ell the herilorMoutWies. • ityrttit Utz ERA —I.IOU. Chair/en Boyle, of Fa)ette couuty, Ueu, W. W. IL Davie, of Buelot, atml Dr. Markley, el' 3.lautgamery, ate mentioned In euniitti Oen is Itlt the Eoemeerfttic u mulnation cur Auditrar (lenernl. With suck mate rial to *elect from, the Convention eon- Mir welt Make a tuietuke. (ioxiTNTioN.7- At the meeting ot jhe Dewooratic State Uetassi Commit tee, at Ilarrklittm, os 'ruesday .eveumg, tt, MIN re.golyetilltat.the State Convert• lion for t.lte nontinatiits or catolWateq Jur Auditor fietterat and Stay...woe Gen eral, pod the tam of I)elehates to Lite_ National t'onvention, be Itchd at itarni-litieg, on the Ith of March next. 11, \ t, colt), I • CuLumjn • I 13111/ 1;1r T.l!/ 't•4,' 1110 Ilauu , . l' it j arhit",od a ;_riorioun uliol,,ry - t bui,rugh \llll , l , itaaioftl for a ~/ 01 ott Mond.l3t , last. It. ;411.,..-Aitlipi up fi 0)1. Ow nontoerat.:. (tiro* or (be ' \yin. Molico, 1)1•111., Nva , .11,4011 .iy ulAjurily, uhlIA Ih, I TJ•nulrr Ike for n • o.olnoll, Ilief , rtot and A..,1 , 45111 11 f• - .W . 0 0 ,4111 1... t• largo)* uojorith;a, 7/1. This result I, Ale< null .010W+ that‘ Detuoerau arc in vlenahl fighting etuid Idonitow JI. LOWIIC, the ruffled shirt 'Senator from the Erie district, sap! that Ails party (the Itaillenbi) will be compell ed to nominate (Irma for President, In Miler to get _ ustrer!gt hen ing-pitufter, nerve and bone liniment and green tog gles!' for the "week-kneed, bow-backed and sunken-eyed _ Republicans." Mor row knows what's what. - .Cieciwttershlnnti,9oo!—The President in .Ihiehmt Annual 3tessage estimates that eisit at least Two Hundred Wh itens-Yr 'Dollars a year to support the Mongrel Iteconstructipir.- That Is, F.^_0),(109, 1 100 annually and permanent. ty!' A very nlee plum for the working 'classes of the 'North, Who pay all the taxes, to eat, isn't it? Tun N. Y. Tribune,calcuhtting, tl chances artTirrieerderitial election, Hari: ." go not Mita: much corifort remetioutfor aril/political party that Montt earry Yvb York and Pennryfranta:" Then not tuttett comfort rem aina'for the 'Radicals hi view of their late ilefea{ In `'PeriniglVArtia and the SO,OOO against then) Fn New York,. _ • wit° IS sunitrowsinf.ti. The condition of the South is most de• plorahle—socially, pecuniarily, political ly—Rem:lt'scarcely be worse ; starvation, doepair, disturbance, appear all over its surface; yet there ban been time sine the, war to organize constitutional gov ernments in the "dislocated!' Staten, re- Store them to their proper poeitions in the Itnion, and to afford such protection to their industry as would have- not mob raised them beyond 's :tot, Mit enabled them tacontribute toward relieving the ',run thicacO Times very truly says • national htirtiens. Why bus not Hu. Mal °lt TA sheer humbug and bosh to' been done." Reentrie itadleali-in care-. 'fiiik !tit pnylng our debf unties we Atop' more for the asceadency - of its power thVirautand miek-. expeetliftirtic of the -than Ipar the pave and pmsperity of :the taseerninent." The -most ti.riess •i?:f • ebantry; hence Radicalism la re TinitAl• these evpcodikuc„._,gLow nut ,of Me !Mt far the eninmi tiny Mai afflict mi'm.e• otroct..of the ltadieab, in (Ofigrens to On= arour land in conserpienoo of the '..(111,7e flie,S,:atil tor tile benefit of eandition attar South ; (Weis freely nil rtip piiiilictitparty. ' mitted liy a , Republican paper, •aw Col- ' : Dinwite;:iftlett.,!Tlee. ter-A 91100(ing . -011112(4E: By ,A. NNA Ito. —NI 0.. 13rown, , kiii si—"Coligresii has tvimmed control 'iteieilfait• bi.tiittfrfil at 17.1ay: clarric4, laid la married woman living at Glenville, ""I l a . gi. ''.l„ntiiii. Denim.' iti illailii:all of the witocr7:7l7ll - Fritirdegion. It de. weVV,"Nafrhfft resultist fit the horning- to Schenectady: et:, ,33 - ew,lork, was siczed sitylt "It ittsLitne....lo ..lin3 ,,, innd that tiled Anil violently ilesistd*, restmteti and ' e.done voting abbut,the war, 1 dereatete the' authority' which:the tiVecu , . . „ , : e n 1.52441 voting about their': tlve' attempted to ashen and exercise - ' " 1 4 .4 ac want speeches 4thout thp*Ovetr it. Rightly - or yirongly, it fooli• intn • ,---...., , -...agfai , Buruntv. Ttioutilltrit W 0 0 10;0 Mau , disloyal y of this or. that ,mea,snre, this its . otrit tiiiids the whfile' WaSpiei, , 4G. Werrentii, Virginia, pubilithes a card desitft htfoor children, named Winiler.. and, after a long Struggle, ravished' by ' ktinlnek:" Thf mother. Mt. looked th e ' a neg,ro'in that town bn Saturday week. ehiitheiti lit- the houie to prevent them i Mrs. Brown was cacienfe, and at last ire frilm foil - Mg her, Whlle she attended 1 counts her situati o n was considered Very or that indletattak, will ;awl less at the ; of deb / ling wfat„he Ilia -:,--tit provfairig ' in the Index in which he says : "Having - "° ' . tei totnineet d r work... A large pits of critical. She was frightfully afimied by .14410i1 A ,44,,,thonune single dollar, taken,: Stich ,governments ,11. s ~will command been .a .vie caber gy , ,aheal l is o a..L e op le , ehistringivhad been tuade by thefather lit Iter assailant, her face and body being finb-hing off om and were left in' eovreci with wounds and tituises.. As t w i t. h,th, , kadrkkapaiak that it .was the I -one . r . I • . `* from, ithelani4mia of 2 natioapraying lbr,! ee`ti flti en co :Ma seeure tit g }pre, PrPaioeis felie,f,'", ~ ~ . Bern e r ' The !children, In pisy, s e t .00n as it beetitne known that. thetbutrage ' ' ' 4I linil P f .c* " rl4 '9l gle &ut4e ` r4 ' B4tte "J'' .1 1 44 'lle"(4Peimpicltatalli"LatiWisibrmareaceitiPewonacels'erbuotf ', ftrb toddle - •shavittga, :toll :the been . was lied beep iierPetratetht Search NI:IS inki- EVERy Ilnilcalorean in the country • 1 And Car gres. mu:tick - pea to he held re- 7- I sponbible for the results. " —RO,•.‘!On 4 ,,,,, e . : ' nob dila someitaesty., ,male, being a favor Of • soon in elites, mid all were eensMied :toted for the villain, hat be NAPA lint is left:lancing Ow. Hancock b e cause heat Rt.' i be. 'ai d •, in spite of the frantic efforts if be found . Information of the attoteleas _ - hasp:ale the military 'IC owei,aubsidiar • ' } di the niother to retie le them. ! ' ,seYekraphtt to difihrent point., and Sit ) BExaaima....lV.Aatt-laitionideo:y n .3 I • ' t ants frtitn,!' - For I .Blmi/sir Season, ',Den in file civil .and - judic 'I . . '.' . dal an hcrity in his wkh urant. BeoPlattin, home days ago . tlifuwil , tiarPetttets endlW Ritual W,gbatir .. , , , : ____ - ..... . - -- - ! , ... , nett:ly Morning the fellow was arrested naeney, anti becanse ii . elltes declared R t hips should lie jiiin"t4iteil in the tr lpe Mhiressed the General a leper for the ' alld.:Ntuat (trayeon t :hlacitstnitiis, OP , .. . 0 tifbirrol ,i 01 ri ' • ' ' • Pui of ha Y ing -P i t: B W l .' wi in 1 . 8 an ! r , . lorzil)haty. wki li t aa wa A min cha udgm ,...4. tared uesSort oCia r esolugoir int() the /Tonle NI: w v did: k-; em,llutior object to_ tip iip., a t F on da, mi di ? , t h„ ft „ noon wi ,,,, k ,,i r 0 forinfortmatots 2240 theenneppe2 ~ la tbe Schenectady': jail. , ' ___ . __ ::i t 'ertrt. - Vasil/a:Vail ' officer in the um y on 4rao*rigo .t0,A;04- . adßiallsle' ualtat:•itaM - dtastallelln!baral - !ailliagi W 29 hated , during hi. ri M 54,141444414 palkb, a h„,,, j a , ti,,,,,, At, ~,,,) , .4 ,aen ti t io I ok-eble kaspealihneent.isweekitstiestio.Pte TWIN year there have be made in e-barra4s. Re ass hel,ili be d--A , - Cillallotitadleit moilarativatot ~..,...., .t. if ,i l l- 1 •-i. ' . 1 , . 3. • - ''''..- ' neg r ,„ -- ' - a ra l p " ww ,A A ,T w i,',Lik,;, - ;,j ) ,,,, *Ai* , began/a dertialuitai inters* tri:theSlibeles t califPo l ol,B o ( l . 6 % galltia.a ar wine add Aida . quiliimmer ...... orien _ ,,, ty , 0„1 , ,. . s, t net ng ice resident of (Map*. fr . _ .., . , losiro, - 00, tkry. im . co i o b o i ri t stAtim , i l?"gitllck,ri.a of brandy. „, , ~, • ' ' led States imairmt-tacet-mattt o d to an an- , reputable iMi~ , a _" wain .,_ i r aut/ ,,, ! ___ elhe gthirdebnl* ewer eo--a.lettert • 't. f.! ' or* lashiroAsongs: itheyeanighbats well** I - , e tristserinneasamwat - • „i-!' ; :. Pflnwis''.."• , at..!....• ' - tasattotted , !! ‘l,9lhust a ' ''''!' ''' . ' !" , .k0 5 . ,4 gi eur i,l24 l r _ r Fij i, • ina , tr os iimilatlett , thit i t ,,,a ma itika,4 s , ett!titifa'aint a e seas to Rip gtake JllbletkAktilialtate earned "Mki°ll RA* __.p, _• 1 3 1C 4:._ _JAIYWIIPSINOT,:',Ihoi,4O9I:O4 iii"da;:4oe„ hF1at1 4 4 , 74 f .. v To j; , it , ..-_:., 4 40 , ,,e4foanatog pa osmitts, nom ..444t Ili* .#. 11 a44P . _ ~ i tf,Wskse49oo 4 i3 4 ', 44 l - icarlilleeeb* 1911-14eixt.., 1., , *--• bioRWAVVI;9II4 I , that buiii,';', ;1 ,-11_, *iinftl f slenoi 4 : ~, : • : - .. , somethlng like half* iteillbwikidlistrta ,, W . 141 4 , 1 %ra -- '' • ' " -•. 1 , alga,' .. ~.!_.., t A ItktrtCAL taint suggests flint "the vagiants usually confined 1n ali'couitty itilltiOtta` be brought Out th gangs and insdetoxork on the street'nfthe 'coup ty 4olinsVeitir and horttuftis.'T Ffdty 4vddl it'doio take the Rhnie meaahres with regaid to the black itadlOal flair° "s'otera who are pampered Intdtvness b r y the Freedtizgits nartalLZ - .. -- • Bat weThlak the /I,7rablideffi k over uinguind in expecting any of these fool ish and unjust seta to he correeted by Congress. `rile power of revishet the,e cottztitutions is resolved, it 41 title, but Itiynotlikely he exercised iip , nt any very broad or liberal view 01 the—public welfare. Congress reser% PA that right browse It feared the Collet I tntioe s would not be radical enough; it is not'llkely to object to any of them that they are too raical or too proscriptive. j The great reaction in the elections of last fall vaatbe legitimate result of a tolerably clear understanding, of the ,de eigns of the Radicals by the e that time the people have been .4111 more completely enlightened, and t:lle'A lay is disclosing some—new cause ridi , .atisfj,ketion. it is safe to - say that the coining Presidential content. will Le fought upon principles, and that the masses cannot he led into fullowinz -oeneral tirant or auy other man one step further - than they approve of the platform on which he may stand. eoNvuer or It trIA.- In ,IqucLburg,therei3 ndewily fowl lattwk , en the 6101. 1 iuy. of I ho regal ll al my. I hero .t/1110111341, and tho 110g0.10. , of tile The refiner hare become complet.- IJ witb the blacks, and Ito n o t he, itale en any occasion to show the reel LI. tewaid the I ave. 4 4 1 ' i Chriktanitsceetting a serious auee (te•ourred between the soldiers and lvriies. Tie• oilgan of the .•„d, Vt, r. /YA in doubt . , but it is certain that ei•al tiegioes came to theasststartee of , a brother freedman who was beating a soldier. Antler soldiers ratl,td to the support of their einarade; a)argo crowd gathered and a bloody riot seemed meta, when the timely art iyal of the city iszince and a squad of annedsobliera from headquarters secured quiet. i - - On Thursday anther disturb:then oc curred, but the soldiers, being in the tub nority, were forced to heat a precipitate retreat before a negro mob. The latter • followed In force, armed with plstola anti sticks, rending the air with cries, of "Kill the d—d Glue costs:" Constantng place he tween the two races—sometimes with the soldiers 'who are sent there to protect them in. their Insolence, and sometimes I with the disarmed whites. Stich can ' duce on the part of the negroes was never known until the Radicals took them in hand and made them voters; and we have no hope of things being any better 'nix - Unite present petty remains in pow er. The negro Must be made to -occupy the surbodlnate position God intended him far, and the control of, tile South placed in the, hands of the whites.— When this is done we.4hali have peace and prosperity, but pot before A :41'. T.nt rs paper q:13 , 4: were !lever, perhapo, per-011-3 out of tqoplo. ) tnent in this city am there ale at lhi. litAe. The depie.--;lon of ti•ole, Ulu ,ti-pew.iott of iudn , triew, cmnc qurut on the , hvgi,l4 ,lem.uul for Wall- Waeture, the'.neetwittlation of uu .uld Murk- eon.pired to deprive 11l 111 y working tarn of Ow µlak.ll Caught them their fazed and fut. I, awl Ihr re it no (.11, eritp_r•pro.poet or a Letter ,f No of nrraij, Le tarn twlt What r h ,rrin, pro-peeL flay init,L , si lie, tinitt,-. by that lime 111, , (I, , truelll, , I,,,litieal and MIMI/- VI:1i ladle) * Of thr ELidieal 1,.,(1 , to whiettthe pre•ent deprth—ion (yr. track Anil indtts . ity evetym hete thie, sh,dl • Imre been , r 1 nelidr , Aitel a tante libend niut 01119:10011ml one M , 1,011..1 and Fir- The 11:04 Ileel o.vl il. dyter ilatiou to 11.4 "let ni," in it, -:',erne to qeettre pt•rpetual lur the ltadierd rarly, and the people g, in n e0n.1.11,11i0n.11 blow at it until neat Lull; hence hard tint,-4 nntinne I tor a year lo conie.—r«te,oi "I r c. proposed that the pre-ent 'lnge stamp k too large, end thet If the stamp is cut to two the Movernment savea one-half the weight in the mails of roar litiudled of ~tamps. It saves also one-half the paper, (he ink, the muetlage, the stowage, the general _bulk; and the cost of transportation. —The above ridiculous nonsense 1.. ehartteterhtle of the radical abolition party Tho sum total of such a saving would not amount to one dollar a year in the item of transportion. Let liven I abolish their Freedmen's Bureau ; econo : adze in the expenses of CS:mgress;' s'op stealing, and clone up other great leaks, and we shell not be told every quarter that the already great public debt Is still on the increase. tie says the Lebanon , dreetiu r, and so sil.9 we- • - Tim workmen, nearly one thouFand, employed in the railroad shops at SeXall" ton, i'a., were notified that a reignition of ten per dent. in their wages v. ould be made on tke.jst jn t. The shops have I,recenXty,l7en au/king nn eightffhour time. The proprietor, of the Diann Iron works, atille same place, whivh. employ about 'even hundred men, gave a similar notice to - liwir employes, sod will also reduce the number of workmen by dis charging many of ,the siugle unit, The Lackawanna I ron Company, at Scranton, recently, • discharged a logo number of • diem 'Wtrit4.'tifter'three .3.tyq ;It the' late 3,teett+l6l electiqu'fin (P...0rg1,17 it was tewatteltttiti that eitotigh vote , were tint Lolled 'to aittliorlte , 'N eunvelitien, , the -}ltqlstret derteral antroirtwksf the Net, :-llttr:tp 'Pope, that tengust despot, re plleil---,611e-Open'llre polls and go ahead. 11'e • iNdit liftTi‘ it ailyhow." '.-The polls were re-opened and kept open two days longer, during 'whielit dnir, It Molted, as itittrry It 4 were needy& of Who ltallittettidtisb- Vatol hrottght up to seeondlitt, "eleetlon't• ttnthebritell' 'the' prettiit' attcCeleetedttlle.defei,mtes 'W Ito eohlidwe .I"httt'te*titki.=elt-ityled lie puldican.t. call "reisotAtlrletttion.”- A N loth nut .)1:1) An exelitingo pmmi the political looks lei the year and shows a glorious wnk • fur the Detntieracy. if the twenty Mates , in whieli elections have been held in fie year, pat.:, the Democrats, have mulled • Len. They, carried hat ttliee, 114 year. luddiese twenty States they have a pepu ' tar mripwity of neary . 109,nist and rime made the unprecedented !•,aiti of nearly Me , . A (Image of Itt 00) yoke; eext 3 UST. rive to the Dernoarita • sev,n of theden States avilleh the !hull hive eir:io 1 thi+ etr. The' tee Malec whi L have gone Demos ratio lids ycor twit elector..! vote , . The ten • Radteal Statos have 77 electoral votes. If we take from the of Iladieal States, = Ohio, which was Curried for the Itadlesl candidate for (inventor kaiin small ma jority of -theigiel demi votes which may be throxian out IT the Leteslgtenee the I *teetotal. vote in the twenty States Will d.unl: Dennieratio 117; R.ulirdOl. I'ER Plitl!kt. BI 4E. Theisen< vlen ni dltvolution in a gal party In dielnion Into factions. That such a divinii . an in now going on in the Radical pprty la evident even to the nioq ordinary - observer. A portion of that party are determined to nominate bi rant—a gentleman oho will not pdb . ilcly commit WI - 118W to any of ire caid- nnl 'tenets or artlelen'tittditith. •Anotti- I portion declare that tacit a candidate cannot, in any contingency, be akeepta and - that they will nominnte pont• t I live men'to 4tand on a ponitive platform. F To pay the leant, the fatter portion ate H the in' prinelpig. That portion who I duniretbnagfitlee principle to expedlen , gy are ‘ strong unto - wilt have their 'ray. A split to Rattiestlinint In inevitable, and in it we eiee eery clew ly%a real bleaeing to 'the' whale! country.— Washifofrm ELM KILLED HIS SoN.--ln Mercer eounly, last Tuesday, says the Pers., William Pardue accidentally killed his own son, some fourteen years old. He was shoot ing hogs,.and,the Loy, along with others, was standing fifteen or twenty feet at the left side—the cap txplode4 without iliicltMrgc from the gnu following —pt second cap had the name resolt, %Orin liCkild Ihe gun on the . I.ieillow of his left aV, to put on 11 third caV c iind in Alus posith,b it dlse*rged, the bull . from epic t 11a =e through (he head orlds son. -4 ‘My find, I have killed tuy son," real th o iiix.ciatintdon of tli r e . iitifok l tim!te Taft er, soon :IS sa W fall, ‘11:1:11 he, too, fell to the,earth " I't RI 01 - Pi MAITtliSt; THE San Francisco eorregpondent of the Chicago Z•ihnne, Radical, boys that: if Grant shonta be the nominee of For ney and that faction of Itadieals, w•ill be n•ofully beaten in Coliffirnia, Oregon and Nevada. rI. 8r r:=. —Thci complaint of hard comet to us from all parts of the country. The imwliiipers everywhere arc reiterali!lg the cry. There is untold Misery and divtreo, ittnomT the poor of all OUT in rge tow ns and cities. ' A RAr WAI. slat another negro dolva, un the Morriweather plantation, to sr .)I,;ntoturry, Al:lb:mil, nu the 29th ultimo; beoluno the I •I tor declared hlrn self oppososl to the Ritheal league. 1'1)- (010r:111er I , s'about all that the Rafts have taught the Southern blank.. A I rmt eue-hiug the eMuthern tvhitrc bencath the domituttion of ignorant and sonii-hm barons negrocs, the Radicals de nounce them because 'they do not go to work And hew wood untillraw water for the niggers. Tuis i= addinilmult to in jury. So prodigious are the quantkrings r of the Rump emm,resa that, the immetre revenue collections full short of inekt:ng the current expenveN or Govt. rumelit. The great issues of the times have there= fore reduced themselves to this: Th&rc inn. 4 he a doubling of taxation or jun overthrow of the AS .Alhatty tin-patch P.tattZ that 4 a bit ethvg,or ra,ttl ()awl-111119- itent Demorratm, an t Itt:t w.t- n1,0 , e1 to induce Mr. Se3 - mottr to till , tw hi- naive to .rro benq 11)e _Nation: i COD ventionl,n. t eatt,ll,late for the Pre , : t - It•ty , y Iy to 1 -Alcve.r that la toll ag.tetle,tto thoit 're quesit.' • . C111RT.n...T14 , 4, S. C., Jan. gager :.iiu we. tiied into 1,1.4 night, by ttegroe,i between Firnindivi Ile and Coii - Ida. No one wa hurt, but tui allay pith ' lie Attrirehenidon fieneral 0111133-lig Catled on by the prow to prohibit the carrying of dewily weapons by both white.; Und ritAtutE eltiekent; are .0 nuinerott:' in lowa that they arc I:zincked do,. it by the hunter, with stiek , , and, , d by the linudred. lifonu snow tins fallen in the Routh • during the present limn any precious winter. Localities hare been visited by %IRO% storms when. 11:14 nut bk26n crert before by Ihr THr: Rome Jminin knyr; that Mr. and Mrs. rtharles Sumner have agreed upon a perinanit , t'paratiou. The Ca11 , C.419- •-igne.l 1:4 "en incompatibility of t-ttiter ntent and upiatou upon certain racial qu,,tiouq, ichiaii ! telude: the of their living Happily together LL'i 'nun and wife." Tnr: fate of the thre, ell.hlren v. he I.lst zanuner waaklered inbi the Iveods 'war their home in Dit3iesloral; it•itralia, 16, jtht been learned. Their 44 , ,A11es were found in the -hollow trunk of, a tree, where, huddled together for it7trlth, they had died of cull and depriittthm, within Iwo hundred yards of a dwelfihg. 1m Vermont, by a:recent law. itahl:e. ter , of the gospel who have eeteted to Perform Uio other dutie of their sacred °thee are Ito longer anthori7.ed to solimi- size mania., Tut: value of the, t-lleep, cows and cnillq, lamernlly pff....:,(1 by .Me people in the figured at 43,000,- : oun,rl.o. Irrlearn from the Bcv. E. P. iValtlon, agent of NI, ashington College of which 1 , General Leo is President, that the Elev. iivry Ward Beecher has 6ontribMed 5.11,0411 towards a southern edneatinhal ; fund In ennheetion with :that imditu thin. t : Tttr. neg,ro Tones, convicted in Freder i lek chanty, Md., of rape upon a white woman, has been sentenced to he hang. In passing sentence, the Jude declared ' that recent legislation i referring to the civil rights bill passed by Congress) ren:: dered it necessary to execute Mate laws 1 with the utmost rigor. GENtma Ilancim, n pronti i vent citizen of Augusts county, , ya., died on Christmas evening, !wed sixty six ;'ear.. He was is tmtße OT Chbat i bersteure, and cousin to R. Harper, : senior editor of the iSbteionir,Yttd,'l.- : act. As early 101 ItiSt, he founded dipa , per at Staunton, the 'goal:4km, and don annul at its head fur sixteen yeas. ' o lle held various offices of iesponsibility— Mayor, Bank Piesident, member of ithe Legislature, and Indian Agent under Prpsid'esif. llilhnilre upon the treak'ing , out of the rebellion lie took part with 1 the South, and was made General of the Virginia militia. Under orders from Gov. Letebet, lie marched to Itarpasr's Ferry and captured it, removing aid , mince stores and all movable niaehinery. He subsequently beatific Colonel ()t i the Filth Virginia Infantry, aid enmtusnd ed it at Falling Walets and the first bat tie of Manassas. He resigned I:mission (being unable to procure a brief I furlough) iu order to re home to sea his , dying wife, lint arrived only Ln torte to attend, her funeral.. Hu aftetwitr4l:4l he- Mine ("Monet or Reseryes and Ntaten fttafe,d in several important battles. I" Far tarty yenrs tie will nfluetiiher of , She Prefthyterlnn ehrreh, nnd - tlietl *Rh the roll cotnvihiliotis.of retigiert, Alway, I at-t: not to Supper.—l7Won Encampment of Odd Fellows had a verz.pleatuult re union in their Hall on MonayaverilNy. A capi• tat supper constituted - the Mud* fea ture—and It was, of course, duly.appre eiated. This hat becow. nn annual cus tom with the Enetopment, and certain ly bothing else could conduce more i ke genuine social ility. among the member. ship. New Eng liir.—The Hanover Branch Raliroal .4Company has placed a ucw freight_ oeomotive upon the road. It was built it,llotton'olt a cwt. ut S".I I 500. The heavily inereiwid hulk of freight on the Ilrauelfs, tlettysburg and Litt lestown Railroads, rerti l lered thia,itil • ditionid outlay necessary. The'newritic gine piondses to be a first-rate machine, Its weight is about twenty-eight tons. ==l Co , uity Tecasurer.-11. 11. NV at tle4 Esq., yesterday entered upon MP. du ties us County Treasurer. That he will make an exeAllent ()dicer, no one w ho knows Mr. W. will Tor a moment gees• Jacob Shead‘, the out-gold} TreaNurer, performed Ma duties f:Mh fully, and to the sati#thetion of all. A Vmmg Lady Burned to Dcoih.—We loarn tha4 on the Wet ult..,`a young lady mimed Strasbatrgli, residing, about one mile front Fairfield, in this county, inet ‘i i a horrible death by burning. Flte wag. of umound mind, but quiet-and harm• lesi'lll hot•tlikTo44iat., mem; that .the Diother lift the 1,011 , e fora short time, and on returning Mood her (laugh. ter ihad upon thelloo:, the body burniol alato-t to a eti-p.\ It is supposed that her iiiithing caught lice flum lie -hi\ a, but hots• I- a tny-aery. ` , .tturtlay tr4,411t a-\ rek, nine turkeys Were stolen Aoin,Ex-tilier , ur, Lightner, in Moultjoy towns.nift. A wogou 4asteard going by limo bourn be tween 12 and I o'clock, Ivor, which the turkies were no dopbt conveyed away. A mew nights previous, tt lot of corn was stolen front Mrs. David Claps:oldie, in the same neighborhood. She had just bought the corn to fatten Ler pigs. Thee depredations 'nay be stopped by n few "warm receptions" of the thieve. Painful Accident.—Win. Taylor was caught by a shaft at Miltenberger S Bra dy's stemu aaw injll,.ta Buchanan t.terday week, and aviug been curled around ativeral times before the mill could be stopped, herious injuries. One of his IA as horribly fractured, requiring amputation, operation was larforided Stem and Huber. The other c.tot and leg o ere much bruised. There is hope that a vig orous - constitution awry him through hissevere hurts. ioittural Society.—.fi t the annual eh (Atop fnt• ottleern of the .k,litno, County Agrieulttirttl society. ou :: / touduy lief, the follov. tug persotiB :man ei:o.en : l'rehlent —Samuel lierh , t. - Vied Presidents—Hon. William .I\te. Sherry and J. S. Witherow. T•Seeretary—E. G. Fahnet+- tAX.ix. c . Cc•responclingSeerethrx-11. J,i4tahle. Tremurer—D. \V 14, Managers—Wm. B. WiLmn, Wm. le r Joutti Bounnzahn, J: isn, F. PenMee. /P•Ouliria/ ..lssoeiat:od , t,— At the annual election for office'rs of` the "East Perlin Beneficial Association," on Friday eve ning last, the following gentlemen were chosen, to serve the emining year: President, John Picking. Vice president, George King. Secretary, F. S. Ilildelirand. Treasurer, George Baker. Loan I`:onituittee, Michael Bolin, WO- Be* R. Naugle and RimoniVltland. Atm meeting of the "6 ettyaburg Ben eficial As:manila," on Saturday eve ning, the folloiving officers here re-elec ted : President, H. J. idtahle. Vice President, Henry Rupp, rserretary, R. G. Harper. Treasurer, him. J. B. Vaulter. Loan Committee, IL D. Wattles, Nicholas and Jeremiah call.). Pet pc, iy &11,. —NV ni. Hafer liad put. chased the Trostle frrin, ou the York turnpike, in Ktrahniv toNI 11,11ip, at Tike property' of Adeline ti. Larkin, (forinelly Bingaman,) in Franklin town ship, \CIII sold at public sale, on Satur day, to AltAreW taut labium, of Frank lin county-76 aervs and sonic perches, at ' 4 1,5:29.:4. eulp & Earnalmw have sold their ware house and bars to Alexander Colman and James !tint William Biglinm, at $7,500. David Daugherty has purchased the tlicet%nittl:shoPprriperty, ru township, front Jepfha thibs-61 acre., with ilnprovementa, at $1,150. Samuel Lentz bon dktiained 0(35 acre nod 41 perehee of wood nod etenred*Md, in Butler ttiwimitip, to Jaeob B. Trostie, at $1 1 55 cash. Peoperfy Srelca in Yoek.—A number of _valuable prepekies n ere .11.po,elli,of 111 York reeently t viz: I rileropth.q . . or Salm fh• atm, 1541 - , .11 tie uoriligast °Omer of Centre ehreure, 4lellifel Spahr, at $:20,043. The property 4f-the heirs oldirlil4*. Eoulatio,*(leeemied, in North George street, to I'ltrtr. Hay, Esq., at $7,500. Hon. Peter Mclntire sold WA property on West Nftitn. Street, to John Vander :loM, Illervlinnt, for $15,000, . . Dranjocrotsele Iniu red. -Mr. Jacob 1-loopfer, of Adorns counts, who we sta ted in one lest issue, inet with a painful accident near New Oxford by falling from a bridge over the railroad one, night recestiy, , it is feared will not recover from tho injuries received.-/Puioret Cili,:cri t ''' ''' - ... Sale - Mites. , Lonk. in .y,-;,..,. La, i s!.-7E.:. e Tim.. add mill.: it \T X NOTIN Fivelt to Or untlerilftse 1, Money. ' ':.“..,-, V: ~' atn:; "' O 11 '. i ' lllVlAWM4l 4 ltglelletia . dte ;,;', l li r a; 14yon have anything to sell,: p5.11.0...!..u4.664;_y_ noxt,, 'tou.)l3 taco .1.,v, 44 Iryalk Atti%a lOat.anytking, re°4"!4,78,T 1 . seal; sroxili lri*lsav_4lo4l4geosping , ' riacxs 4 t . bagaet , ifer &de*. 14 underrated if ,yeirtrilitlEtrinse nutanfet . can an i llo n r . I ,.l..' l 4, 4 M d atiirmaltrnig' Wl9 If you eraiittifient a house s , -- C. J. Tboax. tcligMPUKAPillig, , i,,MOR nelsade., Ma ru Site ..__ lt ." 64 , j __Ve l yMrta l t i g; ' - '." -,' : a .:;4: - liilfifilinig Ili ireo - liOn -had t'Or fa :rZook u ji.r Tell Tva Thousan4 Peopli'attnie, by 1 eftkl.HniittriAent-n . baktni potato; fn taa , i , ..., ~ ~. , , _a - -Alinnis ig iri , 44- ' 0 TOIRCe rti l lYl47l l 1 1, S V ,M a r I wbiqktw aa eAciF"# o , l Perii iz , u 4i ed It i E .,..iiy., - o*N R . 1 , 1-TTlTlN'ili..if ''ll3l.lllll4ll q i - rsiVe - ~. . .r TWEGETTYSIMU; At•l 1.1. %I :•40 It 1,41 u l . . — rite suit bran 'lit bi: Attorney (4etteral Stiltiii N al tth enriswittors of the (Ott bilitt eto tero Asylum, for alleged viol: one l i t i law pro - biting lottery seheilies, t o t •fore the Su it pen t.:011 , del no In P1,11,,,t0. phit u ti L fe tiny T luformation wit es CL Itk Co rt in May, and the :Hemet of the defendants at the same term. Mr. Jirem ate'. then filed be., de uttrrer to the an,wer, and the proceed ings ended until the Court,abotild meet again In till alefaltilile:tileklefliltinnln have attempted to modify their s-haute wk./a to.ootiroarth,tos t he tomtit at the ht w, by protpustu to 14,,,,t under the ehatter of the dertitiot InternsVimal Art r Ilion. The A ttaiikey General clearly pointed out the illelrality of that ),,,,„ rnd to- Itt.ed to entertain any ouch proposition. He regards the whole Rullelllo n• 1110441, rind an attanipt to revive the odious lot tery systetn in the State, atid will treat it ticeordinsly. It is thought that the Supreme Court will effectually arrest the sehet»o, and that, the corperatiors %%ill be compelled to proceed under the strict provisions of the law or abandon their design.. al together.—.Pitieborg 011111. marcial, -111h...theme to woke money for lot tetVealerunler a very plausible cov er, is hardly•ln a promising eondithm, if we are 1p Indge front appearances. The party, neatly a year ago, bought a trace of laud from Judge 4iegler, 'near this place, at `i4,1100, paying $l,OOO down, and P 1 110 4 +44 to pay tho bola:tee quarterly. But since that It tuts not.reeeived 3,101- notwlthttanding. frequent effbrts to induce the purehasititr party, to keep faith with him. The impression is gen ernt that tlle•Sttd,34.• will be compelled to take the land hart for the unpaid *Anon By the way, what, has heatnite fit the S , ll,l9oo^bOnte , to the "Memorial X-soeia. tion" which ,leCottaughy aeenred to get this. lottery be 114 to I.lpaugh the leg ieht tore ? The LitAin SpriHyA.—The "Gettysburg Springs Company,'' represented by a party of capitalists In New 'York city, have purchased from Mr.:lreland the "Herr property," on the Chambershurg pike, for $.5.1 per acre. The some par ties some months ago purchased the !tkl'herson property, atit also part of the woodland atijoinlnk, from Messrs. Fahnestoek and Eielielberger. We un iler,tand Iliat the eumpany making theme pnclunws have ahnudant capital, which wilt be titmic e /wail - ape iti devel oping the Springs and bringing the water into market for medicinal pur po+es. The water is rapidly acquiring a reputation (Or curative properties, and already there is a :ergo demand, fur it. The company have leased the Springs trout Mr: liatnitim and by the above purcinn.e; control the grounds around I. root .11i. F.. I'M 1,1,1 toots Ihoitet at radish° *5 l 15 55 % p i roulded thr %P.M WWI 1 1, ,c 1 1. 5 .- T f , i r r , : h ...otty , i nOlllOlll.. 111 I 1 1 1 111111.11ng tiler ,1 .1511 11 , 1115 outivarills, nod I A i t,a,,"„ ," i t t on t,. .111 I 1111 i 151. .11.111,,Int11Arril • I think l `l7rP lbrurlcagtrcl —.l dinner 1 h „„ sus provldcti, fry Mizell+ or tau n, I K e ht m oll oi centme 101. r.eot Dv nuut a ern e+. lot the 0111/Ittliq at the "N h ,,tieht,,t Home_ 1 .11111 1,460. . l, • - • tend," ou New Year' , day. In con nee tion therewith, we' ere ieshuest4sl puts- I was ft It 1111, r.5.1 t n:liTI ' llN e 1 1 1 1 11 1. 1.1111.0 ' 111.1111 1.1.1 Deli the following nek uowie }gown t by er tied- II 11,5 5..005, for 1,11 ..rh no Had. of tllll. the orlieen4 of the bedltution : sea, m. the whole toutitrie Is Will the• kited eitireng of DettykburglN A ULM.: ' o, exeiteineitt at WO 14.1111110/1111 olToot v00d00...1 accept, through the public: press, the ' end threw during the past or upon tens of thousands of want,iliellics of the children, !WAIN mr . llEllt.m mitrusted with their cure, for their very 11101 gut to lo rof urn hair, that transform, acceptable offering on New Year's day. i et go., hit Ir, I het NIL 151 15fail111L.I. 01 hair ore, en • The generous en lertninio ent, than pro vided, ma% port[ ken with rare enjoyment. "" Id. "'"" of ' d " r • lt \lontit'n HAIR LIT g. The tables Were both abundantly and tastefull I iid • Happiness beamed front " I '"" " 1" '''''''''" A R 4in ' l "• 24 "'" every „dttiting, healthy face gathered ids, d J utt , vr‘Ofeto,sl Mnitlen Lane, nronnit N'orton presht ILII ' " '":" b ‘ "Pi" by the usual Ilnal.UllllB, 10 Willett Vint 41 , 11 '1 14 " .8 ', ns "' on title °eon Mon, re' Dr. Horner, of the -m"-lir• foes,— - • Homelield Committee fat thetioniertend, I .To Owners of Manias. 'Pile day loo,eil with gloat pleasure, . ) ,„, dyeing it itli Clio thettillutien ot• presents ""'"'"' 1 " 11 " srarir fro , t ,Tad. ona ,tut DI Told. N't uttbm to, the children frau "The Lodge of (mod T<lffito t ile,'' Willitintiland, I 141 " 1 " 1 " Pa. To lepented thanks from thesse when first taken. 'rho cost 1.1 WO). 0110 dollat pieoL iiK, fur nil contributing to eo Eter, 0,1.11 t 1 111 00101.1 bane. lasttlo 111 iii itch ell.lll l'llll‘lll', h. , ad d ed the (2ridhathm , tot stable re.ols ost It 119 Wi11f1.1.521.41 sum eX ftdaktepti t Mit equal hap- ri " r to "n 3 th "ig et. .or . r QM or .. oid ,wens may ntthnd their hinny frlemis, I „, limas, biro, both near and distant, as was conferred Old two. it,..tre. lam Linkmen'. Li no new nnitetlN. it bas tie,. used mot apoimed of ow years by on them by the presents and kind ie. Ult y e find hon+enten In the ei ot nintry. (AN nu ho ]newbrances offered lor the cvei-tc.s.•ll 1101,11., 11 1110 h u t. inhgli, Orib rig toe riiroiniii4" and 'happy blew Year." remittal from Itti• airing attibirs • I:rtaroad.—The Fredei irk E.tendiner tar rt 'Ft " . ni It In says that numerously signed, ilLi g n. fiL to m o ' h7.l l li i .. t r t w o fre, l* . j il are • in witeaLitien, asking the Legialft. rir rafts' Vanillin !forme Liniment aan eh titre to authorize the (uper:lto autberi- i li,P"" Lai Itsr. Tnk' other.B°li"° the Druiert..Ot and B.oytier. Decor, fat mitirflostit ties of Frederick to subscribe a sum not km. 1..,N... Too, . exceedingveding S' ,100 to the building • oil the•"Yrederick and Fente-,yleaula Line I New Mairriwee Heide. Railroad;" but urges us -rt preliminary 01,,. step , that application be mado to the .14cita sae hid). tit SLU[itf: not, welcit ofo ' oe n trn- ' Llig.eilittllfe rhea, enange ht route, eta as i f 44'' 'l . '" "re Wem""f _ _ornolom-4 oof tti ruii, the . Sold th . rotigit_ Enimittwborg, t 111 "rf"""• and dimmer in the direction or (4ettyes i:"':` , "'. 11 . 14,7 kr long. Cited to the Lnidles. Bog"- & eSkui.—Attention is called to I,ltjt/Putt '' ULL "'N 1.1•41 " 1 ' 1 ' . '" the a d vitt [sem ent, In mother column,fOr 330YeT & Son, York street, wit., offer a '‘,":,';,."."‘sloy '.5 ' "'- choice assortment of Ciroacrien, Queens- 1 ,4 1 , 1 ,,,, i ' , 17,7 ‘ , " ,„ ve j;., " t r, Y ,r ""1" '" " ,; 1 ' "a1'".6 % . , 1 ' - ware, &e., at small pro fi ts. MI mail ex- Pmi^, dal-m y :N.4lOll V t ' il r rie l 3 W41 . and on will eal..juovproend sure, In most of tin • Maine their •g, , 04W1, be psrhllo twit tut lon., it. well an 1n prlyuto pnietine, of both I,n...where., with unit...111,1..1 Rum..., pleased'. • •••lit every rind It nt ••tiripuit ; The Afir."—The praepectue or The Ape for 1868 will he found in another column. Wit need hardly tell our read- • cl`i , ::te 'r t: l tf i rni s n r kp " ,. . T . ;;liiil• ten's wm ant p emit u. ors that the Mc is first•Cliels nt4llo. 'sit untrrl,nr WIMP cratie journal ? , enterprising, ably-edited, . set upt i nt 141 1 e.,7. to a always reliable. AddressNyaaji rni.ettrring ruin ... • Robb, lilliClieshint4etwiet, Philadelphia. "" pt,•,ezit .011 n)l4e - 111 , 1 1 , , la,lllt, •utile:wins-the Pills re t.i..on..tuend.. - 1 41 rh, , ipht.hf Ho m „ je_Thi s . i s t h e IN% ‘l.l.l.t.Lif.r. I: k ! 2XI EDI tur all th ' ot.. " .. title of a monthly magazine just .tarted at by 'Evans .t Co , x 1 ';• I Q/ Clie.tnut street. - The number before us vrin.r.l tu li wt:l4; is a capital ono, both in inattet and ty- t 1 . , pography. Judging from it, W 11 , 4 . 1 0 " e predict ~.7,T, r• i t kow da en mp' uponuo. a sumer/gut career for the "WorNI at 41,0414 e.,, -feriae, " per ntinum ; . 11106; t i t i t , i . ..y.ey o n i lgi b r u k o. tlte ue " L ttr o eolor A' Health - to copies, 11 een,t4, , Price µera.... 81X [tuxes tri. Sold by JOHN 8. Dru;./1.1, Sole oageut fur Getty.burg,l's. rat Thai*: of Uulles, by semitieg ioni -I through the Puxt. the fist volume of the ileac semen!' this 1 3 1 t 0t . •67t 0 n. have the (cuulhlentlii I I v;).14 favorite magazine for boys and is 501 .6 Yuri, (Joi 11• .1, 4 ,-,, mei Brown' Brutt, upon uur tabld. It comes "enlarged, im- ens,' . Whor.nle Mitt:l,re, nod C. C. proved and reJuvenatedi with a new Ed 11ou , Prof. irtor, Se, Yu: k 1.,,.11 tor, new contributors, new artists, new , engravers, new s features and in, a new dress." It Is now entering upon the twenty-eighth year of its publication. It contains latereeting stories, amusing sketehes and Ingeition 3 puzzles. IsZUCI4- ing impure is - allowed to lir printed upon its pages. liesldct it to cheap. Single subwrittlo,rs $1.56 per year. Publizlicei , by iimire.,,rs Fuller, ° b; Washington street, Boston A Stapid..l4r.—Last weetr., on of the doww - rationing trains fro.-a this place left Scotland, Wo engineer Sttw a red tax leap upon the railroad track Yt the distance of about two bonfire,' yards in front-of the train 'lt kept ou the track, running at its greateat 'peed: But: ~ihntas~ { tot egnol to Ilzd tweed of the train. And so, to turn to the riglii at,. the len, rwittAtistritrelpidt, came upon it, and whon ttle tea* pulpit! on, the fox lay. tloulAed•up• upota eke track.—Mant4acalturp,S:pftft, Kure you n Cough, Cold, Rain in The ('he,t, er Bren chit ? n -fact,hare )oti the prononitnrs aympterna otthe Bate archer," Consuuiption? 11 so, know that relief Witbitk our reach in the shape of - Dr. Whdar's .13a1,-am of Wild tnaerr,V, which In puny cagey where itepe , ha& fletitrAkae matched the viethn frorr 'the yaWyflng: grave. 77ic "7anisam l'hoir", often leave+ many ulepietkaant mementoes, in the a ha pe f 'on al, s, 'MrOljottte,'ttiixeyer, easily • t;int t relied 4y CotesC:ooffillilatsara, It is agreeable to the tallie:.etrebtoul‘lllfid no family %/Kit trt . efortp can afford to be without it, as it Is Infallible for Croup if take' in sigtaptsq, 111w4klwarsi taigat4t34; !north:4ll.y • '•1 by tote...trnplt, 610 no Lour CREME eilte,l `iv tor oft he "oNctliLa till. ut ji . Plioitki f she got r•I to, gib, "h4dwid MEM ku - c hd pa, d HI tfrnTh liri b lam a pop Mit, \V township, Ohio, parsed peacefully away on ,Thursday. evening, Lhith tilt., et It or advanced nge of nearly eighty, front single ble.tsetiness to matrimonial bliss, being taireti off by a sudden attack of Mrs. Heber-ea Ilarwon, ntitudiing ytaingw itlow, aged t h irty- nee. No cards. I Thailk4 of ; creek, placed ußon our table, tho day, a la* sweet laan)pkin, of variety, He has our thanks for the 4, 11- iaoatado I ' SPECIAL NOTICES I==! nw.. , ..a1ty..f tittr. )17'01.4 . 11011 , 41r.. Io 1.0.1 Is ...II 411 ,, 1V1Vu itt 14(411.4il ri it lltel , mito nvitu.l4l ITlnt eawir what, 'r, trio 41 . Aiwa Ito Woßkewt" part bvlng 111,L al tal.etj, nUA ti fiv/144 ck( languor, Luigi/100 sin,t 7,..h0h,..4 • Th.% eilltipl) to 1,11 , 11 i the 1,11110 with thl 11141 w 1 1 V gum], hp “fir,ll. Thlw ett11 1 7 , •.1 , ,twi., ' I 11,11.4 i It, 11!RI r N UV?, t C u plot..•tea .rho tat the ine.Litsl4.• u 1 Iron, rwiltrit t proputett flint II ngluttlnt..., u 1 onc.• xllll Ihe 111...1.1. and 11.,N% Ilre to liie wilt*. pr 0.... To Ink, nn,lleloP tn.a•llr+ 111.11001 , evectirytteteo tby w doill - lbnoy of lit , IN flat 111. , out u•nturlo■ IL to thelvotboo, 1i Like in too to repair It building whoa Itm loundatlmt to otitio. 4 . 11111114•111lik Wl` NI% • ...I lams been Atlxihtt the It I' \ lAN Itl I larlthtka Imo lots!: II gl%.e. 1111. 110% 1111. th ht.) etplrlfp,, tl , I. • 1 . .1.0111/Oft 0011t1$111„illg evt itn , l re. haumeit.hetthti. Am. o. , the tol the thho..l eiht tient Woe& Lute, cluhatheh and °Miters. 1.111 b. held tme it, /1111 . Thr 141,1111111.. Ihtx t' $1')1 1 1.1 , .h It Ot 1 hr .1 P. PIN , A 14.1111.1. Pr.yirl.•wr• .54.1 , 11 al 41rugg1st. I= Error% of Youth A gentleman Who nnin•rocl for) ran front N , r. von D.•1,1111y, Pr 'nature Decay, noel ill n.e " , N , Not ) , III)fX 1 1 tad SUITVOII.I/111. fur Ihe Is J.,• of stilkrlng Intlnonity. send ftee to who It, the recite , awl die... Alone for htulung the elm pie rented, - he with* he war cured. aieireret In profit V the teleeetteer'e ellprh Nee, can doe° addrueeluff, initerhe cotill•tehee, if. ittiliNN, May 27, lAA:. 42 ck,.hte et., New York. To Comm mill Is ois. 0.w.11d A, WI! , will bend char", 1..01 mho .100 re if t h.•prnieriplAtl 'a 101 ti ullt•etiocAtil da11.4 atiel.d.4lltd the to: 'Allen lte Nrl.l. rank' rn lult4 - tl.otnnd that dread ‘144..a0.,0 I 'ffitkaltrlpll on. I. uuiy uLf ec: In ti. bvtit . (11.414.a.111iet4:41.4.41'1 every ntittmer Spill by thlspreqeetpiton, an 1t will tog' upllutul, prove Pl, ,• • • Roy. EDW.Viti) A. WI .`"()N, o. Sovolid St roet, ti, pt. 20,1407. htn Wiltlatt.tturgli, New York laronont lon Information g uarantea I 14, productx tlrlant roTh oflmirupoun Dal 10,1 or , bvtd i kf: n 4ll Vrib - n i re,_Te, r Ij o w il r I.P1 ' 0 ° 111:7 1 , Vairgh Knibr; ntrl boantiful, eau be tined. w 4.114,1gy TUCK r, t , I.IP. :f, 0 arml.l tai lirolulmtv !rel. Yorse Rep:, 2.7, raecutor's Natio°, f;NTIY ITETKERTI4 Eatit.TE.—Let let* te•ttt- L men tft ry on the iffifatt.of ITNIty kert, , t• of !luuntplemukftt ui nhp Allotrormonty, Itasinte bef•nM•ollto.l tO the !Mei .I.meti, •sil r me townxitip, they Ms•ri • Jotter to ott perm,. Indebtal to NAM es tate 1., make ItothedlM , : Payment, nad tliost. Ims lug lul nix ftialekott the mffluo to pre cot them properly antheallmstea t,r net Bemen t. OPNRY V; Jte., J2114 - Y$ TIIIIERA, INeentorh I=l