Ole itettpburg t ainpiltr ` FWD" J'ANUARr 3. MR AXIMICAS POVLTIT FAIIIMMON The first fall exhibition of this recent ly organized society /4 now open in 'New York. Good Judges say it is by far the largrat show of jamiltry ever held In this country. There are one thousand chiek ens, and two hundred and fifty difibrent varieties of fancy stock 2n exhibition. Tfiere Is a fair repreokentifton of choice geese, ducks, turkeys, pigeons, rabbits, and last, but not least, attractive Angora cats. A letter from that city sap: ,This show is turned to n good areonnt for exhibition, as it is made rt sales-room as well as an exhibition. A large part of the dock has changed hands within the put few days. Every "coop has ite price," and some of the fancy stock Is exceedingly high. Suet imagine how pleasant it must be to eat the eggs from a - pair of Houdons that cost SI,OOO. Sev eral pairs are marked for sale—price, $1.140, $11 41 9, and $4OO a pair. Judglig from the prices attached to some of the swops on exhibition, it would be much less expen rivet° stock a farm with a thoroughbred herd of neat cattle than the same num ber• of fancy bred cnickens, ducks or geese. There is a patent hatching ma chine on exhibition, price $lOO, warrant ed to bring, forth three dozen chickens every three • weeks. This machine :at tracts 'considerable attention from visi tors, and all admire the cunning and vig or of a young'brood, only a few days old. How TO Jv TUN CHARACTER OF A lit is BY OUTWARD APPEARANCI.I3. ChirleP L. Thayer write ,, to the Coontry man: "I offer the following suggestions, the result of close observation and long ex perience. If the color be light sorrel or ehesnnt, his feet, legs and face white— these are narks of kindness. If he la broad and fun between the eyes, he may be depended on as a horse of good sense, and capable of being trained to anything ; as respects such horses, the more kindly you treat them the better you will be treated4n return. Nor will a horse of this denst.riptiori stand a whip If well fed. I f you want a safe horse, avoid one that's dish-faced. He may be so far gentle as not to scare, but be will have too much go-ahead In him Co be safe with every body. If you want a fool, but a horse of wrest bottom, gets deep bay with not a white hair about him. If his face is a little dished, so much the worse Let no man ride such a horse that is not an ex pert rider; they are always trickey and unsafe. If you want one that will never give out, never buy an over grown one. A black horse cannot stand heat, nor a white one cold. If you want a gentle home, get one with more or leas white about the bead, the more the better. Be lections thus made are of great docility and gentleness." TUE FARMER .6:1) ins Buns.—There is a farmer at Mentz who pays great at tention to bees, and owns a great many hives. He exerts such influence on his bees that all his mama enter his window every morning us soon as he open% It, as ii to bid him good-morning. They never but buzz middy around his head until he bids them alight, which he does by sign, by holding out his arms. They :amid on them, and he looks as if he wore a pair of immense muffs. When the servant REEMEICe+ breakfast, they immediately quit his arms, without be ing told, and cover the table, avoiding e..the dishes and plates. When he sits at the table, he ottlers them to the hives ; but before going they all alight in turn on his face to kiss him, and ii-hen all of them have touchied his face the swarms retire. This Bounds "ashy but the paper from which we translate It is a grave newspa per, and vouches for its truth. I= In needle manufactories the workmen who point the needles are constantly in contact with excessively minute particles of steel which fly from the grindstone, and float In theair, though imperceptible to the eye as the finest dust, and are in haled with their ,breath. The effect is not—observed on a short exposure; but being constantly repeated from day to day, it produces a constitutional irrita tion, generally terminating in pulmona ry consumption. Persons employed In this kind of work used •scarcely ever to attain the age of forty years. In vain was It attempted to-purify the air before Its entry into the lunge by gauze or linen guards; the dust was too sine and pene trating to be obstructed try such. coarse expedient, till some .ingenious person bethought him of that wonderful power which every child who searches for his mother's needles with a magnet, or elk mires the motion and arrangement of , a few steel nitwit"; on a sheet of a paper held above It, see In exercise. Masks of magnetized steel wire are now construct scd, and adapted to the laces of the work men. By these the air IA not merely stritied but scorched in its passage through them, and each obnoxious atom is arrested and removed. THE organ, it ie said, was invented by Archimedes abaft - two hundred and twenty years before the Christian era, but whether it is so or not le not well known. - There is evidence that organs were need in the Western churches by Pope Vlbatianus, in the year 858" . It 113 'dinned that the organ was first known in France in the time of Louis 1., In the year 815, when one was constructed by an Italian Musical Review. A Sot=Eit.v paper reports a most ex traordinary yield of corn—two hundred bushels and twelve quark" from a single sere. This bountiful crop wu grown in Richmond pistriet, South Carolina. A NEW HAMPSHIRE fanner, it is re. ported, raised a turkey this year which weighed twenty..one and a half pounds; being at the rate of over two and a halt pounds per month. , CALtifoiints. pained a law for the pro tection of quails, and the consequence Is PO great an Increase of the birds that cornfields are much damaged by them. - . IF, as the poet says, "Beauty draws us with a single hair," then what—oh ! tell us what must be the effect of a modern waterfall? Two women In Chicago got Into a fight because one of them milled the other a "pedeatilan." The indignant woman declared twit' ilhe- had always been re- Irpoetable. , Sfir 414171:8 says he at down to a Thanks. eying table *where there were thirteen turkg stables. Only one of them was cooked. •qr iitY is a geld of grass like a person ' older than yourselff Because it Is past %maws. new. JoNsm, of Char Hilton, Manta ' i c h uge st e , chanced to hit his neck against adman:l' saw in hie mill, Friday, and ascend was beheaded. ......:~r... . . tadlanian who kept up with Wes -11411 tat one day la dead. t _ VALUABLE PROPERTIES FOR HALF t jOYIN C. MUCK, LAND AGENT, New Ox D, ADA Xs entrWrY, PA., Ras for sale a number of desirable properties, to which hr asks the attention of those wishing tt? purchase. Tau 1 . :0. I STOIIF. PT.kNDft for sale hr rent, with Moo/ ,if gond. doing a gnat husintws, near Railroad. *anal& in bestitinß villas... guest chance for IMMO!. a (shunt to engage In I Ito Poolowdon Risen tlmr. 1..1.11E5VC.1)41 CABAL of tore', near road, brick am! all net...wavy not-Wilding, A LI NthTITUNIE FARM of 000 acres, s Volt Floc r and How house, barn. and other out-build- I (no ogs, •Ituateq In Baltimore count), 31,1., Is miles n Balt Mum,. A LIMESTONE FARM of PM arree, brick house, brick barn, In Baltimore county, Did. , 17 miles foot; Baltimore. A LARGE FOCNVRY AND MACHINE PIIOII with Deeliln.., situated In a ,ounty seat, near Railroad and .. . Depot. Good chance for all knob of work, Also, several Town less will be sold w Ith the above property if desinsi, A FARM OF lit kciano; eounty, with good Stone House, god Barn, de., near a turnpike and railroad. • Ft ACRF-S, with gond Home, Barn, de., three-quarters of a ml In from a railroad n a ti on . A good chance; terms esay. A FARM OF PG A.MES on the Carlisle turn pike, under good cultivation, with a large Brick House, Bank. Barn, and other out-buildings, all new. A LARGE. FLOCK MILL, with 2.lAereet °Flan& The mill has four pair of Burn., and all machinery for doing merchant work. Best water power In the county. A FARM OF 177 ACHES, near the Hanover turnpike , on which I...reeled a sood House, Barn, and all other neeetuary nulabui Wings. A FARM OF 20oACROS, good land, with large Brick House, Barn, and 2 Tenant Houses—enacree in woad—half a mile from the Conowago Chapel. rirrrEt.. in New Ostnni, testorv, roomy, and 1.091,111 , rat for iodates. Ouch cloture; tem.. tow. • 'number of gond Ji°Wien and lota for hale in New Oxford. . Pennons u ho wloh to buy Real Estate, sim well ex those who whili to mell, are requested to give the .iiiiwirlher a cull at hie gore in New Oxford. Ad. drew., JOHN C. EOTICR, Land Agent, New Oxford, Adams Pa. April I, 1%7. ly. A VALIIA4X FARM, IN CARROLL COUNTY, ME, AT PRIV ATk BALE THE undersigned, intendinto decline Ginn offers at Private Ha VALUABLE FARM. situate In Westminster distrit Carroll county, Md.,on the head waters of Little Pipe Creek, three miles from Westminster, and a short little from the Western Maryland Railroad, ad Mining lands of Dm id Shriver, Jesse Swigard, fanmn :litho-km.l, Charles Roberts, and others, eon tamping ISO ACRES, more or less ' with fair pro portions of eseellent, Woodland and Meech's:. The land is limestone and blue elate, in first rate eilltivat /on. hat lug been bear Al y limed, and un der the r ery best of fencing. The term can't be excelled far the growth of wheat, corn, or any ot her snip, a Mist lee grazing It has ex ere desira ble —running water In ex se) field. The foam ovements UTE. a Two-raor) You ble BRICK HOUSE ‘ 13 with Two-story Brick !! llack-hothiMg, tout asenient r a large f. Britk Bank limn, Wagon shed, I Grin Coin mai flog House, brick, and all insider one roof, Smoke flouse, Wash House and Spring Lionise, stone, and all under one roof, Iturcher Home, smith Shop, with other out-buildings.; is never failing well-of water Rapt nine the dw elling house and a eplend id spring near the spring house. The Improvements are all of modern style, and in tho rough repair. There is on the premises a large Apple Orchard, with fruit 01 all descriptions. T.Wroperty bated to a pleasant neighbor with three mills convenient, as well m ehurnhen, school houses, stores and mechanic Vrif . sae of the most ilegirable properties in Carroll county, end should command the atten tion of all in want of first tiles' farms. Persons wishing to view it are requested to will on the undersigned, residing thereon. MICHAEL MORELOCK. Nov. 1, 1867. Sm• Forwarding & Commission House. ELDER AND FEED, GRAN AND GROCERIES. iiljAyi SG purchased the exteaslye Warshaw!, Care, &C,., heretofore owned by finnuel II erion, Vre beg leave to inform the public that we are motinuing the busineas at the old ntand on the corner of Washington and Ftalgroat greets, on a more extenntve genie than heretofore. We ate paying the highest market prices for rr.orn, OR.tIN AND ALL KININ4 OF PRO-, ME FLOUR and FEED, SALT, and all kinds of GROCERIF" kept conatantly on bond and for sale. cheaper than they can be bad anywhere else. PT, \ATER, and all kindv of FEETIJAMIS, con...loony 0111 band, or iurnisbed to order. A REGULAR LINE OF FREIOIIT CARS will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY 3IORNINO, and arrommodatma trains will be rnn as occasion may require. By this arrange ment we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attended to. Our cam run to the Warehouae of Stevenson 4* SOO9, las North Howerd street, Baltimore. Be ing determined to pay howl prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite everybody to gi EAßN vens a call. dr. SHAW. Aug. 11. ISA, SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, Coed by Hundreds of .Igregations for Church or 02111111114VM - Purpomb AUK.; I.7teril , nr f or Moral Weakly Persons VINEYARDS, NEW ] JERSEY. Spar's Port Gripe Vitae, Fur Iran Old. ►PHIS Justly celebrated native Wide le made from the Juice of the Oporto Grape, rained in thle country. Ite invaluable Tonic and Strengthening Pioperties are ttitsurpassed by any other maitre Wine. He irs; the pure juke of the grapb, produced under Mr. Speer's own I:kneel:tat inipervlsion, ite purity and gentiLnentwn are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest Invalid may use It to advaktage- It is particularly beneficial to the aged and clebili ts led, stud suited to the various ailments that al to et he weaker sex. It is, in every respect. A WIN/: TO HE BELIED O.Y. Inrailds use Sipper's Port Grape Wine. Female, tea, Speer's Port Grape Wine. Weak].) person, find u benefit by lte nee. Sipper's Wines in Hospitals are preferred to oth er nines. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. A. Speer 's Vineyard, New Jersey. - Office. 243 Broady. ay, New York. August 30, 1467. ly PELOUBET ORGANS AND AELODIANg, Lvsimorsr,y awarded the Ftrat £rire, Gold Medal, - AMTIIN Bri4T CABIN ET 111 - American Institute, 3i,vir York, octo- Feelnipvenonnneal •nperior in la CIALT7T. Pow nn starry of Ton 11., and In numbrr of roan binations. - As the hen inatniment s of America were there contending, whichever won the battle 'lmola have nothing lett, to eonquer.”—Anterttan Art Journal, (edited by a well•known Modest erk They have nix° taken the find premium. , a her ever whited this mown. PEDAL ORGANS, one, two -and three bemire of keys-.al: aLlea— sf to 1,1„ - BO. Without pedals, mingle and double bank In grout variety, OKI to Il4:10. The,* Oran ? , with their .mouth quality of tone, beautiful 0010 ?dope, strength of ehortui. unequalled pedale_and general organ like greet+, are superior forEfinrches, Halls, par lor. and S.' tools. They are put up in mare of sol id Walnut, fancy % eneered Walnut (new and unique styles) and elegant Rosewood, of splen did designs and finish, and of the beat workmali ship—it being intended that each Instrument guilt be a model of its class. All imarumente down to a flee octavo portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Tretaulant atop, without extra A large nonortment constantly on hand at our GENERAL WHOLE:MIX AND RETAIL WAREROOMS, 811 Broadway. Our iliwsirnatillar and Price We, with our new Rtyles are now randy._ Send for arra nt, PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., Manufacturers, No. •1/ Bioniway, April R, 1807. New York (sty. HAINES BROIL PIANOS. THE PIANO OF AMERICA. Miff:NE Pianos Si, Unlearnsll, aeknowledged by competent Miss equal latbebest Planes made. For references, tbep bans many thousand city and eountly residents, DIAIIMIDSII NOP SUM' hers of the mith Scholia, Pletsdnartea, These Plenaos have not only stood the renting al nee and heavy practice of one year, but have been used the LIE Ahern yearn to the utmost se tiefaction Of that, using Thew have taken PREMIUM AND HEDAIJI WHY:HEVER EXHIBITED. Much baa hewn the. demand fey the. Piano., that MIIX4FIRI4. lIA/NE4 BROIL ha% e been compelled to enteric their works to the extent of 21 to 30 PIANOS A WF,Eit. Having now one of the moat actinides and romplete Factorise In the United Medea Facto deli alone eO% ring 3, of an sere of groolnd.oom prhang frontage of MS feet an bad Avenue. They nee undoubtedly the cheapest nret-elana Nano. In market. Fnlly guaranteed for t• years. Send for Ilhoorated areuMr. Blurs. 23e, ann, ten, ne, nu, NEE, nes, 6Z6, April , 157. second A. enue,'New York City Eloll PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS. TeiE Grafton Mineral Paint 00. are nOw Mann . ncturing the Beet, Cheapest sod meal Dani a Paint to use; two costa well put on, mixed with pure Linseed 011, will last is or 15 years; It Is of light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream to suit the taste or the consumer. It Is valuable for Houma, bow, Fences, l'untrups and Car-makers, Palls and Wooden-ware, Agri cultural Implements, Canal BeabQ iu miels and abips' Bottoms, Cancan, Metal and Repots, cit being Fire and Water meld Floor 0 OW" lone Manufacturer having nse4 1100abbla. the past year.) and ass paint for any purpose !museums...a ed for durability, eUrittelty, and adbeahaaana Price 110 per bbl. of lbs., which will sapid farmer for mw/ to es. Warranted la Y all mace as albo4 Nand tor a ebonite which gives fill culars. Neste gmmina ludesa breaded In a trade mark Grafton Mineral FEM. /antrum • ANIEL INDWELL, Ed Pr D at Illervik New York. Sept. 8, am raorder to prove the senart trade la timor of proeurtma PHOTOGRAZInn at the Exceaafee tery, eall and Mt for Year P/CTUBX. No Nuevo will be made unless yen are Seamed with toe result and clammy. leave your order. J. 'MOON. FRESH ARRIVAL DRY GOODS FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Store of A. SCOTT & SON Their Mock consists of MERINOES, all styles DELArNES, nll mtyles ('A T,TCOES, all Pty lee 311'SL/NB, all grades CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES of all stileA aim quality Persons wanting GOOD GOODS and GOOD BARGAINS, Should not full to go to the Store of I=l Chamhersburg street, ftd Square, Gettysburg, Pa. Oct, 11, IM7 BARGAINS EZE=I NEW GROCERY ar:rrysnx , Ro I= lAVE opened • new GROCERY, In fiettyle burg, en the north-weal corner of the Public l l erare, and have Jtett meet ed a eplendhl nasort ment of FRESII aIIOCERIES, # ffee. Mal , Syrups, Teiu., li n p e =m i trvoU; Klph, Hanis, g Shoulders, dtc. Also, QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts, Fruits. Sofipm, Fancy ArtWien and Notions genendly. We will also keep on FLOUR and FEEDsKIII , FS. Having purrhased for CASH, we ere prepared to sell sery cheap. Olie as a eall and judge for yoniseli JOHN CRE 4 B, J. W. f Sept. 11 SOLDIERS' ITE,.ID-01'.411TERS, \t NORMS' STORE, h the place to get FALL &, WINTER (-MODS '-CHEAP FOR `CA,SII: I F you want a cheap Over-mat, to swum,. IF you want a good cheap pontos , * go to kORRIS'. IF you want a good Every-dayF oftt , go to IF you want a good lade of P" g t o a NORRIS'. IF you want a good cheap Veal g , to NORRLS'. IF -you want a FAKRlONARL a %r t r o n : T imms.. IF you want a lat e Fall Style Cap g f.Nor.ICIS I F you want a good pair of . lior i g w nflf tVR 1116', IF yob we nt a F.A.SRIONABL L If o ViT r Idi i .. I F y ou want a good French Cal g f o fi t tit; Rßl,s.. IF you want a good Umbrella, go to NORRIS'. IF you want good Paper Collar:, to o NORRIS'. I F you want a fashionable suß , ofj:lne t a g ltis.. I F y ou w ant anything In the 11;: o nt i l . 69: v ialt l i i po IF you want x good SNORE, go to NORRIS'. IF y - ou want good HEAVY I.;Zsltnltattal! Also—AJarge stock of CASSIMERIS IN THE. PIECE. Persons 'preferring the goads to Ready mad.. Clothll364qm be aceommorlatsd at the low est eash price. THEO. C. NORRIS, Oct. 11, 1661. tf NEW SADDLER SHOP : N the HILL Beltimorestreet, Getiyeburg, Pa. —Censtaritly on hand, or made to order, all Pnds of RIDING 62ClonLA , WAGON SADDLIM, CARRIAGE HARI,IERS, DRAUGHT HAILNIESSI KIDZNG BRIDLE, BLIND BRIDLES, MEM FLY-WPM.' die., ste /ow M the lott,d. E 1 WATCHES I WATCHES!! LEW7:3 STROUSE Is largely en In the Watch patio. Anil basi In returned from hew York with an minimally attractive weartment. As Mere much bargains as masa gill to be acceptable to buyer's Him Mork ombraet, a large lot of the „ CELF:BRATED "ANIERIOAN NVATCHEs; GOLD AND SILVER, 'di P. S. Bartlett," Wm. Ellery." and "Appletnn & Trary :" with Watches of almost all other makes. II you want CHEAP and GOODIWatch LEWIR INTROITSF., At hilt old St and.Caribtle street, . nearly oppoitte the Depot, Gettyeburg. Pa. ff7rkle continnea the Grocery. Notion and Con feetfonery buelneea, aa heretofore. June 24, /887. It WI C. STALLSMTH & SON, GA'TTYSBURG, PA., CARPENTSRfi AND CONTRACTORS, ArO prepared to do all 'dodo of Carpentering —contracting and erecting building, of all kinds, Repaleing, ac. Ilse, ken) constantly on hand and'inanufacture to order, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, RASH, boon AND WINDOW FRAMEN (X)lt7qlCli', IXX)R • WINDOW BRACRED% And any other Arikdo in the,Notkiths MAC fleasouni toeterla! -constantly as hock oxPe tieneed workman throws in roadisois, and work executed With teh. air Orders promptly Wendel to. Bort. SI, MN. tt MB BEST WASHING MAOHINE. Tilt undersigned oilers for We, this TOWN• 8111 P RIGHTS of Adams county. for DS LONG'S PATENT. which is the mummer, outman and nicetireAGln Gut hat Tilt teen' MAW to the public. Th. SW* 1U be add on nninslo ble terms. This is • fine osmartaltity for lAA ; relic men to make GOOD WAGES" man , Ale- Luring or Wang these inaehinee. A sample machine will be furnished any person who pot chaise a Right. if desired, at mot. Call at the storeof DizPhOrlt d Reittwi t tr. Ir, cog. square, where the Ineehines may be seen and tried. • , SAAALID. WROsx. fiddAshort. June la DA. U RAY %inMina. T a 1 p le I esk u Zg i r i , a t r, 4 4Ce: i M t . bows. eatiOvberi. Nov. 24.nscoatt - GEO. ff. MTRICKHOMER. GREEN RIDGE! !Jr NEW 3TOBE AND NEW thlorr,s! -Es JOHN NORBECX 'um; oommenekl Store-keepink at OREKN IL RID(; in Hamilton tow uohlp, Adams on the Hampton turnpike, and would Inform the nubile that he hem Jan returned from the city' with an e xfadlent soo,ortment of DRY GODDI.4, tmocERIF... H titu-wAnF, tirEF.N.-WA RE, e s. TIN % ARE. NOYD".4, Tobboetea, &r., &r.—lnderd, fttll and somptete Lae of Colads, to suit the neeewitio. and taste% of all. Ms priests are as low 65 the very lowest (Wimps at 10 rents and Ntusllns at 11 rents, as instances. He feels that his anode and - prime will he setts. factory to the public, and there to Invites a large •harp of custom, trout near and far. Don t forget tiro advien—the Green Ridge Store la the playa• to get the full worth of your money. April 22, 1057. NEW DRUG STORE, =1 TILE undersigned has opened e Drug Snore In ." New Oxfonl, Adams rounty, and re.peenully calla the attention of the penile to his stock of rincts. OILLS DY E4VII; FES W 1 2 ,11300/ (MAPS. PATENT MEDICINES, and a full aiwortment of DRT'OR; In a word a complete Mork of 'loads generally kept in a find- , clamm Drug Store. All of which have been purm rimmed during the past two weeks, and will be mold low. All the articles formerly manufactured at the old' emtablimhment In nod. Berlin cant. had here. Endermtanding ids buminewi perfectly, and aelectlng him good. himself, he i• able to war rant him Drug, pure and am rept...cut ed. The pub.. lir are requested to glse taw a trial. D. M. MILLER. New Girton!, May 8. IN7. tt IRON-IRON-IRON ! I= THE antrwrihera regpeetfullr Inform 1 he public that they has e erected a Forge In eonneetton with their Steam 31111, and are now nianigact ring FORGED AND HAMMERED IROS', ineh as Plough, liorae , shoe and liar Iron, and re apertfully Intl l e Inark.miths and Dealers to Ms e them limn, leettngaatlalted that they milt be able to Wessell% to quality, !hash B .' l pnrr, N. R.—The Iligh,t market prlee paid for roughta hd scrap tam. & . Di,. 17, IRK CHEAP FOR CASH I Tim - STORE! GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. The nialeral pled has rPtuted to Get tyahu re, and opened a flea Store, on Bailiff:Ore street, next door to the Poet Office, and nearly oppoalte the Court Houma, where he offara for vale, CHEAP FOR CASH, a large and eholee aasortment of flowerier,— SUGARS, COFFEE'S TEAS, 310LASSF:S, SYR LtIN, HALT, &C., with £l/411, BACON, LARD, &C WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, WHISK TES, RI-MS, and everything elm. In the line. Also, any quantity of Notions, to suit any and everybody. neonllect this Pi the place to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. April .S 3 1887 Farmers, Attend to Your Interests! GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. THE subscriber a ould Inform Ills emdemers and others, that he to et ill man ufaet url nq Va. rinus kinds of enstinrs and Mt 1.11111,, made to order, on short notice, such as TRW:4IIEILS AND POWERS difil-rent aI M. Power...) CLOVER-SEED HULLERs AND CLEANERS, CORN sREL LEM4 AND SEPARATORS, CORNFODDER• CrTrERS, STRAW AND RAY CUTTERS; flush as Cast Ploughs, Barshear Ploughs, Sldehlll and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE DART the Intomt Improvement; also Metal t'erm's for E= for Cemeteries or Porelow. with everything else to his line, all at low prices. FOR .A. light racehorse Wagon, a Otte horse Wagon, and a Spline. Waron all new. 7DAVID' STERNER. Apr 1130,1860. 'tf NEW GOODS CHEAP-CHEAPER-CHEAPEST! IF Sou whth to buy mai and cheap Oeavh.. call at JACOBS & SRO'S. STORE, near Myenes Hotel, in CHAMBERS/n:IM ST., ral i a...They have the verfb lt rst ftertioh of CLOTHS. C 18ATMERES. TWEEDS, &rt, the market can produce, and are determined, to soil themyot cheap an ran he sold not a here In town or eountry. Any person wishing to hair them ('UT, ran have It done free of rha rim, now deed rl ilk goods P, can oleo to aceom mo dated. We warrant the Men work and the hest Al. tube had allywhert %o humbug In w bet we J. I. ROWE - t =I =2 *Mare tilwaya reads• to wan on enntotnerK. matiatartion alien in operating inneldnew. tall and examine. V. a warrant them to be the heat In nat.. JACOB,' 4. IMO. Apriet, 1867. 'if LAST NOTICE ANLL peroona hulehtert to the late firm of Me- URDY & will plop. end .ett Ir. . not paid behore the lot of December, the Anoka will he left In the hand, of an officer for collec tion, without regard to persona. No( LIMY & PfErif.. OM. IT, NEW BAKERY. N EWPORT & IEG LER, 317:C/L4 N/CA L BA KERR. south Wgehington . etreet, one! goner° (rein the Eagle Hotel, trrr. l'on . atantly on hand, the heat of BREAD, CRACSER4, CAKES, PRETZF.I" &c Persons wishing fre,ll Bread will be nerved every morning, by leaving their name. and r,i deneert at the Bakery. Eery effort made in pieww. Give tut a mil. April 21, INBL tr. NEW SEGAIt STORE. /TIRE nnderahtned announces to the eltlanna of j Clef tyoburK and the vFelnity, that he haminnt opened a ~ NEW REGAR STORE, IN GEITYSBVRO rie will keep on hand the beet BRANDS, and ngll wmanyaentre for general sate throughout eatmaif. Ha will sell at the lowest living price., anti at wham% and retalL Re le &bathe agenkfor the Richmond (Va.) To bacon Worka, and will well their Chewing Tuba, wo,at wholesale and retail. His More lw In Chnnlborsburg pareot, a half squere wewt of the Earle Hotel on the Routh .I.le. WASHIN-OTOA RIF.RROW Eft. Ck.t. at. lien. Wen NOAH WALKER & CO., WANHINOTON BUILDMO, tat Alfn lIALTINORS wristlet . , BALTpdoin, Mn„ FM' constantly on band a lark e and well tm• !sorted stock of kUnts of good, nt moderate Theapply orders foe the fineet to the lowtot prima gtJdw , either ready made or made to Inmanre, teeny part of the country. Tam keep also an extenalve nook of FUR RIMMING 0001)41, trithtsetaa every *Miele et Gentlemen'. Under...rear. Alio, - MILITARY CLOTHR and every variety n( Military laral watt am an Imported stock of RRA I )1' IS MILITARY (1001Dri. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 11161. • BARK WA}ITEM rrilaabanlbar will pay FIVE DOLLARS PIT OORD Pr BLACK 11A K RAIUH, drilvered ott. hu Tannery,luth4tygburg. SOHN MITT. June IL 1114111. IDlma2 JA tI OO L fM OI K , A.th berlat seer th Le m m be k Va a oe . on the Ra ta/ed. aQoaang the Lane Kith', UPl tyebarir. Noe. 21,11100. tf GO to T. Norris• ror you Clotbing. I= Alao, GEO. F. KALBFLEISCII EIiCEEZZI cLorargtra, ESSINGER & MBEILLIt, N O. 2 NV/I.T NIARKT.T STREET, YCIRXE , IGF.NT. ND ITALFtt. TN PIANOS & CABINET 011A,A.7 4 .:5. 31ELODEONS, AND Altt. KINDS m• Mt .ICA rNsTIMMENTSI . . negingetftilly inform the publle that they are pre ilrtto rorni.h Pfau.. of the following 061111111. . or of any other make that nuns be pre. nwrod: Albright. &elk... t tiebroldt Chlekering & hem. Bra&ban, !gumbo A* bon. Gale & Kea, WM= =VM , . ORG A NH A ND 3IFLOD.FYLVS, Thew Inntrufnent., stand Lind ailed by any thing found In thin country or In Europe, an la admitted by all Impartial Judge', The incint.ent- Went I'lpe °man Ituilderi and l'erfurifiera, the last to dinco•er excellence In reed Tone, pro nounced filet. v (1.. t l> ,Iperlor to all others for ex (VrillbgiN .illtt k :Irtik tflatioll and found Tone, the ease:lller lean., in in.drnment% of thin china. We Invite the revert. • 41 roll PATEN r CMS HI M .%.N A TREMOLO. This late awl most wnndrrml Invention no ac knmeledged by all leading arted• , will be found only In tile Fih•v Instruments. In attempting to describe the effect of this stop, we are ut loss for language, Its beauties am not be written, hut must be heard in he appreciated. By this stop an ordinary p•rfortne•r (7011 pro,lnce an effect which require-, lit•• tune nt trill 'is• tor an artist Upon & violin. It entirely changes the reed Tone, giving the sympathetic sweetness of the human %Mee, making it an melodious and pure that it never fails to enchant the listener. THE HARMONIC ORGAN for Chnrche , , Ptbflr Hann and Parlor, ha, a powerful enb-Rawi with independent reeds Har monic attachment and Vot Humana Tremolo,: and is believed to be the moat powerful Ived or gan made, being nearly - equal ba a rile Organ of three times the cast. All !warnMaras a arranted for five yearn. aa-BRASS HANDS supplied rtth instraments and music nt ren.onnbie term., Ilbertd dlacount allowed for ('hurche■ and Sabbath Schools. /NTlnstrurtlons Riven both to Weal and In strumental Music, at our roomq, and at pupils' linmm,olther to Individuals 01,111 w-s, on rrwank able terms. Pm 17 ISM tf NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. NEW AND GOOD 000DM AT LOW PRICF...I TE undersigned has opened a nor Root and Shoe Store, on BALTINIORE STREET, one door south ut the Presbyterian Church and near ly opposite McCreary's Saddler shop, where he offers an attractive assortment of goods In Ma line, all new and selected with the neatest care. He hai LADIES' CONGRF-SS GAITERS, LADIDS IiALMORAL GAITERS COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTS, IN LUIGI; VARIETY. (IF.NTLENIENIIi CALF BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S KIP 804.14, caINTLEMEN's Ct /:417,REsS (4 A TTErts, GENTLEMPNI,SLIPPEFDA.ALL sTY LEA r;ENTLENIE:A's BA L'AIoRALS, I,ENTLENIEN s ItßesiANs, d,(•. 3411011 , 5 . C0.Y.7.R0.4 Ut ITF:RR, MIR4T,I4' R VI.MORAL OA ITF.Its, ?[[RYES' M 4 itioCt..,) RALMIiLA Ls. &C.. dc., I. BOY'S.CONGRErA 4 I GAITERS BOYS' CALF. BALMORAL , ' BOYS' BROCANS, A.U., Al. =I oninnantly - ' tin hand All will be sold at the lowest living profits. Buyers, from town and country, are invited to call and examine goods and prices before put chiming elsewhere. I ant determined to sell cheap—a little cheaper than any other house In the county. By strict attention to business, and dealing fairly and squarely with everybody, I hope to merit and receive an encouraging share ofr e bli• A fi l r i . cones . T FACTITRING of Boot, and Shoes will also be carried on, in all its branches. Boots, Shoe. and Gaiters made to order. Re pairing to done . on short notice—and, but effort t iTti ared tis workmen i‘e e ' m at p i ro t ;: l l. °a Having - n a il t fe-ti n' me experience at the business, I feel confident that I can please all who may call. D. H. KLINGEL. Getty.lintsg, June '24, lASI. ,HARDWARE AND GRCKKEUES. F. subscribers have Just returned from the I darn. ith an immense supply of lIARDA'ARE S OROCEICIF>t which they are otrering at their old stead In Bal timore street, at prices to Nutt the thine.. Our stock conalsts In part of a BEILDIN O MATERIALS, CAlirkiliTLTVE TOOLS, BLACKBMITHR TOOLS, COACH lINDINCIS, SHOE Fugrallos. CABINET MAKER'S TOOII 4 , HOUSEKEEPER'S FUTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, QC, OROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, ()Ms, PAINTS, he., dc. There Is no article included in the several partnients mentioned above but what ran be had nt thin store. Every rlia of Mechanics can be accommodated heft• with tools and findings. and Housekeepers can find every article In their line. (live us a roll, as We are prepared to sell as low (or cash as any lionise out of the city. - JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 15, M. BRLNKERHOFF'S Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner. THE undercigned would Inform the Arnicana nd public that he has purchased from the Patentee of thin extraordinary machine, the Pat ent Right for the States of Perdu.) , lrani& and Maryland. firinkeeholTs Cern Sheller, Separator and Cleaner, is pronounced the brat machine of the kind In this country. And in proof, it may be mentioned that the "Advisory Committee ap pointed to select Implements for exhibition at the Universal Exposition In Paris In leer, have selected Lida Sheller as the beet In America," and at the request of J. C. Derby, U. Agent, a Machine hart been shipped to Parte for exhibition. The fart may also be stated that at the great trial of Agricultural Implements, at Auburn N. 1 In July last, under the auspices of the New oi I. State Agri. lateral somety, the Brinkertscat Corn sheller,seoerutor and Cleaner was reported by one of the moat romp tent Commit'ses as the best Corn sheller out. They say. "We have care full> examined and thoroughly tested this Ma chine, arid have no heattation In preuourscing It the best Cb,s Sheller lee ever raw.' 'The report lx signed be 5 11111 men as John Stanton tioulst, President N. N. Fente Igrlcelturril Societyß. P. Johnson, Secretor,. to same• Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor N T. Tribune; S. Edwards Todd, Agrieultu rat Editor N. Y. Time.. non among ninny eompllmentary newaya p. r notlee‘, the folio. ..og, from the New uric Übserrer, to deemed suffreletit : "Among all the Hand Corn Rhellers made In Neu York and Albany—and one single firm ot utaetures more thonlo,lloo annually—not one enn enter the 4.lrele u It h the Sheller Juni Invent al J. Brinkerhoff. Auburn, Nett' York. It shells, beistrutes and riming, rapidly and molly, at one operation, its bast as the oars can be put in to the hopper." The undersigned In now prepared to dispose of ruryry Ito will hose I I 1 FILLER:4 reads for sole In the Course MR months time. All letters to be add reksed to _ WM. WIBLE. P.O. Box 248,Gettyahurg, Pa. March It, 1f167. The Quaker City Bushing College, =I = rftlTE most rompleto awl thoroughly oppolutesl j Common-MI richool In tho Country. Conducted upon the boot aystem of Inatmet lon, and offering admintagea of the highest order in every Department. 13IPORTANT IfEN who desire Sucre., and Promotion In ituslnem Life. PRACTICAL F.DITATh )N FOR THE TIMER. The ~,,, tnerotal eon tre emhrneeh hook K.el. 10g,1 . 0111111.TV1111 4 . lllllllllitlnum, p f .mnshodp, (or. irevondenee 8U111116., i''nrntx. 'uxtonn. of Trade, f'ommerriol 'Law the Art of Detecting Connt,r. felt Stoney, he. 1 him Cour, me= he completed In three months. . . =I Awarded to Graduates, under aeal and by au thorny of low Maregularly I NOORPORATT,II GLLEG ft, toot the only—one with *hullo,: powers lo the Mute. or In the I:tilted State.. BRANCIIFFI Why . tka Engl .trl'alarlagi,tionrr'etTnge l a r n i VZT r ayl i wion nl'a li(x)K xixriNu. NaViaetlon. In the Department of Accouutti thin Institution le wholly unrivalled. The Treaties on tole sub ,leet, published by the Proprietor, in everywhere acknowledged to be the beet end MOW. complete Work extant, end being composed elecioet exelu nicely of art• obtained front Actual Bindneee, ped sent• a course of Instruction much se can be se emed by no other mystem. Book Inc nuie, and cent be mail tti any uddreee, upon receipt Or price, Si TOP:if() MEN . . Intlttri to send fur circulare, or vlalt the Collett for further information, I, FAIRBANKS, A. M. Pirooldeat. T.JE. )* Mn Otn amort, Secretory. • ul 29, DR. L. J. GROVEIi UNIVERSAL Magnetic Salve and Plaster. b Th r Mg bean tpoiWy iodworksily popular 4, remedy, 614p941 now offend to theelt kens of Ad elina smutty. In. Imlay cituantla who it,. daily using it, testily to Its modiesi virtue. the early stake& ruammpelow, Owe* areal kiekowisa. Newmark, Jogy and an , end Tabs Ow Doe*, AM , nimd Kienelm_ (town., pAla, old jpysfpetos, ?l' cM Wooed; IMme, Dratres, tkme siiijrnoti brecots, hreersed Noah Chews, s, rte. &v. Its mysterious v irtue,, and the wonderful ram It has performed, utialit be published; but the discoveror Is willing, to mly on Its Intrinsic mfr. Ito. In order td Introduce it. Into every faintly In tho p me*. WA only by the peopriator, K Yeintimini It Limon. , mid - sold by A. in. atinrelLMß. yir. ORNlitit, and J, M, Yoll.l4ltY,thettylibtirli and by tho to of the manly. nry Oulp of P, AtPiPsw Palk* I t& L. inobronnor, to ran sot a supply 41 , trilling et Y. WlCl4ThiltrN Env, al Wholoorl• Prim. ,I. ly PICKING JUST FROM THE CITY ! CLOTHING I CLOTHING ' Prices Reduced! Reef/eat! Reduced! FB. PICKING. pat from the city, with an F. enormous SLOCk. Of new CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c., offer+ bargain+ of the moat astonishing olutracter To prove the niaertion, all ler sake bi bet buys wit' COME AND BEE! COME AND SEE! and Judge for therm...rives. HO has COATS, Over OW Ina , * Frock Coat.i, Cloth Sark l'utto„ ea..ltaw•re Sark Coe IN Sat inet lirett Tweirtl .nel: Cont.. PANTS, Block Qualoners Nub% Fuses Cansimere Paws, Satinet PUnta, • Twpect nude, VERTS, nab Vroct+, Wlmon• Emt • Matinet Vega, Velvet VevlN, Genitan Yeas xorroxs, clionen,Stu.pinutern, Blacit Glove*, Hatidkiwatileign Nock Tien • Spring Stalin, I Paper Linen Collarsoke. Eight-day Thirty-hour i Alarm !Turks, look, Trunks atst I' mbrell3.4. VtolinsAcnordeon., Flalen Plfev, 1 , to/In Stringg. at bar.st and lowest dwilue, RICK 111143. i can 1.01 at the yen. LoWFiaT prleou. No . doebt about 11. F.verybody sayaun, Nov. I, lair. NEW 2'1,1,1 it 'Minn INX)D-a, E. HITESHEW la now roortring a largo %lock of M=M NOTIONS, O nor ER IRS, (1 (TENS WA RE, HARD WARE, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. I call the attention of Ott customers and the rommutnity to my huge Mork of Goods, which I am now offering at lower ratan than they have tarn sine,, the war. and at prtetn whirl, cannot fall to at rike the purchaser as cheap. Wlt h erery facility for pu reheating Goode at as lon figures any In the tmdr , I am also prepared to meet rompetition In low prices Irian ally and all guarnTa Prompt eonfOrmity to the lowest market pricfst Ia mi eittablinbed rule. _ Good Old Prices Again! GOODS C.FIE.4P .4S EVER ! BEST PRINTS for 123 et-s GOOD PRINTS fir 10. cts fur 121 cts 3IUSLINS and DELAINES at like reduced price% Now is the Time to Buy! WINTER STOCK JCAT RECEIVED HATS BOOTS and SHOES, In great variety ROW & WOODS, akt tymburg. Ps. MEM NEW FIRM! N£W GO ODS 1 AVINO bought out my former partner, and jy been to the city and purchased A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS I km Dow prepared to aenammodate all In coati ty and prim 1 ant determined NOT TO RS UNDERSOLD In thin or any other part of thesroantry. "Quirk aal.a and ahortprofita," la my motto. My strait of ellooda 00111AWIR of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, QUEENS-WARE', DARD-WARE, EARTHEN-WARE, RATS St, CAPS, BOOTS Sr, SHOES. In fact verything kept Inn FIRST-CLASS COUNTRY STORK Ontoe and nen my story. \ocharge 03r showing thxxls. I=2 Ram pton, Nov. 1. 11467. im McOURDY & HAMILTON, 132112339 FLOM GRAIN, GROCERIM rallE undersigned are paying, at their Ware. otiee, in Carlisle ntregat, adjoining finehlera , the highest prices for FLOUR, WITEKT, RYE, CORN, OATS, RUCK HEAT CIA)Vb:R AN I , TEROTHI NEkRIN, Nor.torcinc and Invite proilueers to Ova them a call before *ening. They have eonalanUy on hand for sale A LAROE BrIRLY OF CROCERMS Etnltuaent, Etym., [often, Wiliam de., with Salt, Firth, Dila, Tar, Snap., ihwon and L. rd, Tottareda, de. Also the beet brande of FLOUR, with FE:ED 'gall kinds, They Ilkewirie have • SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, Soluble Nelda Oueno, Rh'Wee' Pbsephate obd A A ][.shun Ouunu. . . . Wtilbst they pay the highest market prima for Theythey bey. they the at the lowest profits. e aak abare of public e. resolved to gtve satlaractloss In every ester. ROBERT MeCTROY .11W . namiLroN: Gettysburg. July 1, I*l7. TIN-WARE & STOVES. TSB LAROIESf AI3I9OIITIMM OF TIN•WARE IN TNN COVNTY, AT S. G. COOK'S, (former Itharrrw Pullers) &Immo of TEE MT COMING STOVES IN !LARNE?, among which are the OLD DOMINION, COMPRODUIE. PENNSYLVANIA, NOBLE COOK. ECONOMIST, BARLEY BREAM. lie Also, many other artieles for Klteben we, which will be sold as law as at any ether place la Ma °may. June 91, Ullrt. if FOE SALE, CHEAP AI I e C M • 1 ~•O„4E _ coe the =g GAO. AANOLD . geMo.U.W. GO to & NOIPPIIANS, to boy Notkomo, Quotoorware, ett, Vibooo C a imirt - limo& or of the Dtaassad, rt. spells COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE lIIISCRA:ick: (X.*II'ANY /75C0RPORATE11, 31ABLII 0, 1841 OPPICVIOI. P recAel d P n si — n—u w e r t : c Rumen S.erretary—D. A. Rue/tier. Treasurer—F. Fahtinatock. Executive Commitow—ltobert MCCurdy, An drew Helot:Oman, Jacob Eire. MelErirpre Swope, 11. A. Buehler. R. McCo M. Elehelberwer, S. R. Raven, E., 0. Palm k, A. L. Buehler, R. G. 'McCreary, UM tvaburg• Jacob Kink Climber, township• A. tketittirim ~,,, Franklin; Wm. 1 1 . 11.11 n0.i. N e w Oxfunl; Wm. B. Willson, Beinierevlllo; 11. A. Pieklitg,Straban; John Wolfonl,Latimore; Joh. Pirkllng, Neat Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Benders vale; Mattel F. tilltt, Sew Oxford; Jas. 11. Mar shall, liamiltonhan; John Cunuluglotin, Free tai;lJ,ollo Horuer, ; Wln.Roas M kite, Jhrth Ix Company la limited In Its operation', to the ei,unt, of Adams. It hies beell In operation for loom than ii yron., and In that pwritxt bas made but tioe meavointent, having paid fin; during thAt period Ling to a Val of which have been paid during the la.t tea eam. Any perain thedrlng an Insuralive con aPPIY to any of the mho,a 'mined klanetoira for (briber Informat lon. &rm.. Execut e Committee meete at the or flee of the nomietur, ou the lest Woillue.do3 In every month, et 9 o'clock, P. IL oct. 16 , itocu tr W. F. BIDDLC. H. Pl. 100,000 BUSHELS BRIAN WANTED. NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WAREHOUSF.. WM. E. BIDDLE& CO. would inform the pidi- Ile that they have teemed the Wurehouee on the corner of Stratton street and the Railroad. In Gettysburg, where they will carry on THE DRAIN AND PRODUCE. BITRI NERD, In all It. branches. The higheat priers a ill al ways be pald for Wheat, Rye Corn, Oats, timer cu d Timothy *teeth., Flaxseed, Surds., Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, rk.ap, Karns, Shoulder. and Side., Potatoes, With everythiug else In the country produce line. tiItOCI,RIFI4.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Su gar., Molfuses, Syrups, Test, Spleen, Salt, Cheese, Villein., Soda, Mustard, Starelt, Broom. Buck ets, Blacking, Soaps, Sr, Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, gr. -FISH of all kinds; Spikes and Nall.; Smoking and t 'hewing Tobaceos. They are aIIPBVIt able to !supply a nrat tale arth de of riou r. with the different kinds of Feed, AINO, timund Ph..ter, etch ttunnut and other fen Wren, "OA 1., by the bushel, ton nr ear load. They V. ill run a =I! (rota t lottrthurtr. to Baltimore onee every week. They are prepared to convey FrelK i V either way, C in. any quantity, at HEUCED .I.THIS. They will attend, It deemed, to the making of pit ethane. In the elty, and delivering the goods promptly in GetiYaburg. Theft Anna run to the Nt'arehoUse of Nathan Roop & Co., i_ll North Howard at., near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will he re ,d at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line auguring them Hutt they will *Pare no effort, to accommodate all who may pal.ll,lllte them. _ I= NEW LIJICEIER YARD. TILE undersigned has opened n LI'NIREII; YARD on the Rittinsel, near Guinn & Refill •'s Lime Kill.. I attvalng, and Itak, the piddle to gist. him a mall. lily assorunent is one id I he bad ever ottimt here, and hln 'meat affonl only the nmalle.l living profit. Ile ima WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH AND HALF INITI 130ARDP, FLOORING =3 and Ix ennKtantly adding to lit• xtork. Onn...nd oxamine for yonnehr.... I=l FRESH CONFECTIONARY • ICE CREAM SALOO:\ THE nadwriber reilpeetfally inform. the 1-Iti zone of liett ..lttog and % lelnit , that he has a Confectionary Eatabliahtnent, one door neat of the Eagle Hotel. on CH 4.MBERsitURI: STREET, to a Weil he Would Inrtte their attention. C %KER., CANDLER, ANP EVERY DESCRIP TIO% LIE (vI,4EI7IONs, together with NUTS, ORANGE', nod till kolas of olwayn on hand. itfirPARTIES, peddle and private, as well as FAMILIk.I4. will be tarnished with all 'kinds of CAKES. ICE CREAM. tin pyramidal form or otherwise,l and otherßEFßEsil NIVSTS, at their hours, Upon short notice. Having spent a life-time at the boodnees, he flatters himself that he uudenitands 11, and that. he 14 able to give entire ‘all-Pirtioti. Coll and see his Confectionary: _ Ikfay tf C. 119, Great Gonowago Mills. u /06_000 BUSHEL'S OF WHEAT WANTED. Th.. ndersigned, having remodeled and improv ed Ills HWa, ntwr N.iar t'hester, .kdants eonnty, ifortnerly called "Walnut grove,' but now "Great Cot:ma - ago Mils; , l prepared to do all kinds of work In his line with unusual dispatch. Constantly' on hand, for gale or exchange, the very best qualities of Super, Extra and Family F1.01:R. also Rye, Corn and Buckwheat Flour, with every variety of Chop and offal of wheat. Hayti:tau RAW MILL attached, he is prepared to eaw all kinds of lumber, at the shortest notice. Fanner In need of lumber and flour. can put a log upon his wagon, throw a tea bushels of wheat on the top, have the wheat exchanged for hour and the log sawed, thus saving a double trip— and all because of the perfect mach iner) now em ployed in these mills. gavial{ the best of workmen. he will be able to please everybody. Thankful for pant fa, on , , hE hops for a continuance of the tube. NPW Chrier, April IT. Vier. SEWING ILiCHINES. Tie Grover k Biker.—The Best is Use. ESE Maehlnea have be nt eoe to Well known r (W hat little need be. Auld ht nay of INVOMMeII- U. They have taken the first pre/alum at all the late State Fairs. and are universally air knowledged to be the BEST In nw hr all who have tried them. The '4:rover & Baker stitch" and the •,Imttle stitch are point.. that have been attained by nu other itiaehlue. They art the only machines that sew and embmider with per leet4ost. The.. kg/whine.% are peculiarly adapted to nuall) use. The,,, are nokele.:,,oemor daretly front the spool Without ren intros, and on..im ple In their constrttetlon They nre eto.y to man age, and ran be worked ht almost an.t child, EN cry family thonid hate one. Thee one tobar, (ten owe tante, and fArp min "hence. Knit do the n orb better than It ran he done by h u ed. The untlere.taned barb.* boon appoint..l Agent for the above -Machine.,la.% oatabl tailed an Age., cy to Fa afloat, A.lans• rOttnt,, v. h. ro 14111 al a ht. I. on hand a 14.--ona 'mightn't to buy will plenee call and examine for thorr.-- soh.. \eedle+ and Thrrati aill nl"n be supplied. J. s. Witt:W.l - U 'W. kasnc, Fairfield. I dams rofinty. Pa. Aug. 27, Gettysburg Railroad. Cn ANGE or (Y NNECTIONg.--On and a ft er Wedneaday, November ath, INC% Passenger Trains will teal e andarrh II at Gen) shunt, and make conntrtlona,ll/IR.IIIRWR: PASSF.Nt ;ER TR AIN will leriveriettse burg at tklA ith pasotengera for York, liar. rishung, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the NortAt and Wet, arm Mg at Hanover .tonetion without change of at 10.15 A. :it.. vonnect Mg with the Past Line South on the Northern Ventral Rail. way, and arriving at Baltimore at t 2. noon. Alett connecting with Mall Train from Baltimore north, orris lag In llarrlslatra at IA P. M. A rri.. Mg at (tett:v.lmm 12.4 a P. M , w 11l paaaengera from Harrisburg. Yol k. and wash. button. SECONT , P ki4SENGI•iIt ill leave Ont. tyahurit nt 1.10, I'. M.. arts ing tit lianovrr Juno- t 1011 at it. 311, a nil rtninivt Inc with nods train Katt t h. Arri‘i• lit Ilitltlintire at 4itl P 51. 'Arrfir at Net t. %burg at 5.311 P, M.. with pai.iii•nerit (nom Phila.. flarrialatra and l i t' North and Wiwi, and alai, with naiiaeugeri. nob Valli ro and Washington Its the ram line north, ,t sirs 11at ii }initiatory at 1 . 2.10 noon. Prism. Call heave Baltimore In the Mall fritMat I,l4llA.3l,,imtlincrisc to tirilvehura at tt.4o P. 3L Or lea, e Balthoore In the but lint' nt lII° noon, and arrive in Get tp‘hu rg at 5.90 P M. flu one chanke of care by the Mat train, either Iray l , lll . VW: at Hanover Junct ion. The last line on tile Northern Central will not ...top ;It nny local sta tions, except York, Llano% yr Junction 1111,1 Park ton. Connection. certain. R. Met.TRIIY, Nov. 13, 1867. A Lecture to Young Men. JezioUST published, 14a mulct ens e lope. Prtee a eents. - .1. Lecture on the Nature. Treat ment, and Radical Cure of Selninul IV " .1. "'• ..r riPsrmetorrhwa, Indueed IA yell- Abu..,; Involuntary Etnlssions, Impiterie3 , Ner vous Debility, and linpedinienta to Ntorriuge Leil ollll /Y: tionsumptfon, Epilepsy. and Fita; mental and phytdral lumpaeity, etc.—lty Rots- Ilia J. atJLVERWELL, IL D., author of the "Green Book," etc. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proven, from his num experience, that the awful conacmenees of Self-Abuse may be effertaally removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, boogies% truttruMents, rings, or cordials—pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, toy which every sufferer, no matter lOW his condi tion may be, may cure hlnvielf cheaply, private- LY, and radically. Tna. Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Bent, under seal. In a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of 6 cents or two portage stamps, b y addreesing the publishers. Also, DR. CULVERWEI.L'S ...Marriage Guide," price 216 cents. Address CHAR. J. C. KLINE it CO., IV Bowery New York, Peat °Mee Box 6566. N0v.21,1863 3m MARRIED LIFE TNYORMATION and advice of - vital importunes I lathe Married of both sexes. In a twisted envel pe ran be obtained free of charge, by addressing the undersigned. Respectfully. JAMES S. BrTLER. Broadway. New York Oct. lA./NIL 3,11 13. G. COOL Make Western Preemption Lode. I Us%ON DlA "ch lt=tl W a,near Rail. n tx=wS=tringailt " lt eel a grAelo h t : nal etremAs Lu Adams county. ORO. ARNOLD. Aug, 12, IBRT. U ge..re always_ glad to aaa oar Meads at Use Etteablor. It al ill SWAN la the saw old , ea rock sttrig oppooltir lamp BaIba T AWS. ri. Ca. C, J. 1 8 8 . kientifie ✓lmeriea n. Till: MDT PAPER EA TUE WORLD. P 10410.41 for Nrurly • A I.,)UARTER 1 it , ' A CENTURY. Thla Splendid Newpaper. gre,pitly enlaired and improved, loon° ot the moat rallable, %met td, and 1101Ln...flog Journalg et er po I, lahed . EYers number Ix Ix unittallt prtntmt and elegantly I(• lust rn led with s.evertal thiglual Eugravlap. maelll log New' In't cotton", Novell le" In Ileehan- Agrleu num, Chentl.try, Photography, Mu o tact ores, I:3.'111,11N% :411.1/ CO 11114 A rc. Fortner., Ntechnnle", !armor", I . :nettieera, Chenilatr., Mhulutorto rera, people of iiV,ll.l/1,11•1. paw, of Mi., Will nod the :••‘. i) NTH. lc Am f,alcAm to he of 'moot t glue In their Its ef311)0o1,11 /111.1 pill ,go o t h em Hundrvd.. of Dollar" antmell, literal% VOllll nun I soul, of knoWledge, the %slue olw hlch I. la, Mill tvithuuto. All pa. ',Ds granted, wllb the elating, pnhltxhttt W 1•1•1.1, Prhate Manly should lime the sou k I.lllltl %.t ter refopoipo The %vial) tallith.. Mille Si I stsTo in Ant IN Intl ke it splendid volume at nem ft one thou sand quarto pastes, tapiiVitient to 110011 V Jour thonsollii ordnitirn bout imrpe. A N.., et' itittneiter+ JR,lwrr /,140' , . Pahl Idled Week T e rm., tteo 1 ' h r. s Ilan-) ear, :1 .la, lobs ;if Ten Copies for Ono err, alroZ Ntwellnen Conte, +tilt gratis. Addl.:as NN .t 37 Park Row, New York, se - The Publishers of the lielisterDle JAMMU. CAIN, in eonneetlllll Oh the pnlilleation or t paper, bar tr anted RN Sonelforg of Patents Mr hr ireilly-t ears. Thirty T1101.111.111.11u lion, (or ron•uht hut . .. been ninde throtiah their More titan One Hundred TI ttttt sand Inventors have sought the counsel Milo. Propri etors of the WrIgNTIVIe .1511 , 111 CAN roneertilmr In vent Inventions, consultations and mt , , lett to In/Int, hy mall, tet.e. Yhtiaphlets mime, iiing Patent Lan Not' Itlll.'outt trim, free. Arr.\ hi•ntl.4llllf. 1301111lt 150 Meehetilenl Encravittga, and the ['lifted Stole. ".11,. 11) t'ounllel, Ith inn la Inltt erliont for Meellnilleg, tanned on reeelpt Vie. Dee. 13, 11467. Tr' F. illisT is THE. CHEAPEST. RARVENT 1!.! OVER! THE IR GREAT! .14R)sPERITY ABOUNDR! NV IN Tigt 1&i CANtiiR! NI , SOW PI tilt TIME TO TA . MOORE'S RMZJU, NEW YORKER! The Gs •at Timen and (neater!/ Wrekiy. Tl'ltA I. the Lend Ine I..niziet. reit -1 Nano, Nealipayee .4 Bin Chain on the Mutt. rent—superior Iu VIII 11.• lid Varie , y of Cottletitii unit Beanie tit prove...alive It etnheneen fume Agrh•olitiral. Ilun lrultnwl, selotaltle, I...lneu thinal, I tenors .111 , 11 N4•Wa Mutter, Interne+ atilt EligrAVlllrt, I hall nu) "li/Pr JOl l / 1 1iti (01 It 1411111111 41., I wpm Inn 1114 lueluduta .I.u.rletill on% Litertitur.,,. Horticulture, Palette° and Art, Sheep tiroxiint, Intiryltiu, Youth a Itenitlint, }Offal Ardilt,.. !tire, 17..n0rul News, Dom. at le Newton*, Commerce, Marketn, With Muhl Milian., Taira, Kniaya, dtudo, Poen", Relitoinek, Enleinita, The Ronal New Yorker Is so National InUrns!, eh . ..taming lamely lu the Ir.:run soil West, North snit South. It Emplopi tit.. 11,1 Talent In all Departments, Its corps of Eititoni, I nil rpm tors, coMprises many of the he NI ni taun t ern, Woe et firruvers, Gm: ler/. !fort !cull arist 4„te , HMI ad. Au LIMN 2.010111 M. ate., of vole natal nblt tryy. In hrtof the Rural I. %MN Pi «newly Ithistmlist, Neat', Printed— Practical, seten tltlr. Int -Nliirtil, snit I.utra hilatug. Where, cr Its itisl In oinitr‘, Village art 1 IA ANT yoriolt.m. Yorit r.x‘tit.y ANli Fla EN iw W \\T IrT! For It in nilaptisi to the warns cif all. Nai r that it Is not ae unnn Italy, lint Large-n,O 11,,,ut Ina Weekh nail that \°l. NIX %111 he inanition) ENL 01.111. D! BIDDLE & BENNEIL Kneh No. eontaln., Eight fwmLlr Quarto Kg... , printed In extra atyle--tflear Type. (Jo& Paper, and mote and better I [lwo ration% than any-oth er Journal of lie Claw,. Thin Page, Ina. , of 10. 1.11 Vol, TERMS—(IIIIy a Year, to riots. of Mn .12 NI per ropy. XIX !Klan. Jan. I.IIN. N.. the 11111.• to and Chili. 1; rent Odin. to Club 1, gent, Spcimen.. Show 11111, Premium 1.1.1+4 sou Fr.. or the 1; tihmher.-of thin Quart,. ; on trial, for On!! Fin) rent. , Adam,. 11. It. T. :11110141:. Dre. 20, 1.4% N. y. E= Poland's Magic Bilious Powders. Tel , P/IFP 111 ‘TION Int the dig. o• - 3 it , J. W. IN , 1(111141, Co, merl) the Mawr of the baptim. Church In tiutr.toum. N. H., nun n man drly beloved by that I i ws m nomination throughout N E .Neu ng -1 GIG land. He was obllgod to,hstgo the pulplt•and study triodlclno to MVP OW lan own We, and his M Pa% llKltrl are °new Ito. taunt uothlrr ful .1 del of tuod,rn !laws. It In The Great Liver and Bilious Remedy the Ithade• Mal other disc...rt.,. In medicine; and It agonlc hha Ittavit gratification that tife nectar the unaturnoua urpruhatlon of all rho hate them. The Magte Bilious Pea tiro. arc u Positive Cure for Liver Complaint! • n It. nu.st ems. ft , rnt, and an Ihinl,ll..te corrertor of all. • LIOUS DM I.N. :}:3II , INTS: Elerllent D.r B=l SALLoW littowsimook blikEs - Ess, HEARTBURN. PALPITATION, Caro and ?muffin at km aid Igne: (We adThe all who fteb troubled with tisrq fear ful malady to alwav, keep the Powdrpi on baud reedy for 111111i.lutie Hite areafew Iniportrat particular.: lat.—Titec are the Great Specific a.t .oliou. fret-thin.. :MS.—They are the.mtly known rrtne4Y tlul fll cure Liver Complaint. EiNEEMEIM=I Ith.—The Pomteri are en thorough hr het.. eirerattou that one package le1:1 he all that majority °armee using them.itl molt re toe/Sect • cure. sth.—The3 area mild and plea.aaat yet the tam effort ual cathartic known. 6th -They are the cheapest and hest rtectiteme extant they earl Ge writl,rmalt to any pan ut the cl..he aa I , •r the pries, ;id,*lte. Circulars, containing er•ettlicates. Inirs - trutioe. Le- sent to any part Ltze world free N setl,ll Rl . ALL DHl:OtilllTs. or it - malt on appllcati.‘“ to - =3=l Coe 's Dyspepsia Care ! Great Ite m enyr: t at !1 1 1 1 1 of the et the dtaeovery a the Int maw of 00. - • Valeselo (bee. game expertnettlng Ter Ma I health- It eared Cramp In tate telettee-Wettr him which lutd before yk•lttel to rogkattyg beteetkee ha-m. ' rtic almost dilly lestimony trunk carious carte attic country encou to to Winter Owe as no disease mused by a diwtyeny stomach it et not sootenly cure. Physicians Endorse and Amp It. rise Tostinsons sf lainsest And from all. directions use resolve tidings of CU,* periornt.i. IMSPFl i fli it is tare to curet HEARTH!: ! - . !a ICI: -}IFA LUCRE! • It be.. enzvd In nnotteeda Omen 13 t_l CII .% DIICEINIR.B! It stops In tltnti MIAOW. ACTT IT - OF TIM nn.l.Sl Al II ! • dr =I MMENI cu. , LEn % monßra. It is Perfectly Barraless! It , rNI'IIEt•F:UF.N7hD 1at'11..1.14t fa matrix to the tact that IT ti R} hl AKSISTINhi Nk to re-amert her .any In the Nearly even - dealer In t!H• I tilted , tatea song It tit ‘N F. la 4.1-klt rrn • p. t.. tI. IRA . tlt., Pr,prrietor., Vet -. ll.n rn, t ono. March 1 , , l t eom ly Gifta for Christmas & New Years! A SUPERB ST. 1W FIN F. GOLD AND SIT; Elt \IV A7l Es ' IV A LI. A I IiLtNTEI) Tel 11l Tllt/ItOCt/lILY usc. I - LAT ILI) AT TILE LOW PItIC F. OF 1.10 AND sATIS \PTION GI'AItANTEEI). 100 Solid aidd Hont Watt•hes... 1510 to t moo Ino Ntogto (Nixed Gold Watches . to MO 100 Ladles Wittelo,, lilt to 300 lxVhold Hunting (limn. 001 200 Gold hunting Engll.lll,evern.. Mt to 70) Sul Gold hunting I)up, Watch."... VA to 00) WU Gold Hunting Amer. Wittelow, 100 to 210 rinsersol Hunting Leven - •0 to 1 ;it SOU Silt Ti to 2 - 4 :1190 tiold Lill loi Watchi,i. 50 to TO 1.000 (told Hunting Lejdnee . N 1 to 75 111.cellimeon. Sll,er M atchea. to 100 2 - 00 flouting Sliver 2.1 to nil 5,001/ Amorted Watch., all kind.. Wto 75 The above 'dock will be dtsponed of on the POP- W.:F-I'IIICM CLAW, al% lag .ter - patron a rue Cold or Solid Silver Watch for $lO, without reglFl.l to value Wt.lGnT, BRO. & f'0..1111 Rroadway, New York. wish to immediately ,11apom of alto above Jong nitieent stock. Cert Mean., naming the article., are placed in nettled envelop," and wellraised. Holder. are entitled to the article. named In their certificate, upon payment or Ten Dollar.. whether It be a watch worth 111,030 or one worth lea.. Th. return of any of our certilkatert enti tles you to the articles mooed thereon, upon pay merit, Irreopectl ye of Its worth, and as no article valued Ices than 110 L tamed on any certificate, it will at once be seen that thin la no lottery, but a straight forward legitimate tramaction, which may be participated in even by. the most ilaatidi oua A single oerthlicate will he Rent by mall, pout paid, upon recolpt of 23 omrts, five for $l, eleireri for $2, thirty-three and elegant premium for $5, mixty-six and more 'minable premium for $lO, one hundred and incetatiparb Watch for Sir, To agent. or those whaling erutlMegt., this la * rare opportunity. It Is a leal tely conducted Moine., duly authorized by the Government. and open wrthe Inlet Melba scrutiny. Womb.. sent by F.xpreas, with bill for malection on deliv ery, so that no diniatlafaction can possibly occur. Try la. Mdree. WRIGHT, BROTHER & CO., imports 181 Broadway, New York. =1 BEIN° the Keeper, the understated U author teed to make removals Into Ever Omen Cem etery, and hopes that musk as eantemptatetbe re moval of the remalts of deoessed mistaves or Mende will avail themselves of this SOY= Ca the year to have It done. Removals made with promptness—term. low, sad no eabrt spared to phew. PETER THORN, Merril 1., IMO. Keeper of the Cemetery. FULL mural eleitoiaashla th• Qll CITY BUBINEHBOOLLSGEot sad tuU OIMTIa Pettalsratila httha therm la the GMAT_ NAT I ON. oannue AND COM/I=MAL I PhUadulkhk. toe We cheap. Mastro at Obil Comm& Mace. Oct, MOUIM ===U = o=== One dose wIU rare C =1 Rapidly y1.4,1* to a tow doam. W . lll he eltimeed with hwirn Math Cemetery Item?raLt Scholarshipe for &lyt.