Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, December 27, 1867, Image 1

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    TIM cm-imams COMPILER
TErxe.—Two DOLLARa per annum fn orirenee-r
in ethane... No subecription dboontinued,
tiniest at the option of the publisher, until all
orrearages are paid,
r.Mttvrr Inserted at the metal
Leper reduetion to Mone who advertise by
the year.
Jon PRIXTMG. of every deseriptfogr - -frosn the
smallest label or alrd to the isegest hriodbilj
t,r poster—done with dispatch, in • workman
like manner, and at the lowest living rates.
Oexirm on Baltimore street, a few doors above
the Court-Home, on the opposite side, with
- "Gettysburg Compiler °aloe" on the build'
Attornies, Physicians, &c.
Will faithfully sod prompt
ry attend 'to all business entrusted to him. He
rpoak. the (layman 'anytime, (Mice at the rate
place, In stoat, Baltimore street, near Forney's
drug store, and pearly opposite Danner t Zieg
ler ...tor..
Gettysburg, March 20.
J,0113" N. KRAOTH,
DMetONAEOHY has sasoclat4,4l
. K RAUTH, Esq., In the Practice of the w,
at his Aire, one door west of Buehler's D g
Store, hanibenthurg street.
...peel al al ten tlon given to salts, collections and
ecttlemcnt of ...dates All legal business and
maims to Pcmlons, Bounty, Ba,k Pay, and Dam
ages ngii tikt n States, at all tlme., promptly
1111 , 10111.0.1111 iitttlld•A to.
Land Warrisnui, and choice Farms for
Nay In lowa and oilier Westem blatra.
k Tr WINFY AT I. kl,v,
Will promptly attend to ail
Ituk.lnenx entrunted to, him, including the
n, Bounty, Beck Not, end ell
otl o.r egninetthe United Mutes and state
,inee North-west corner of Diamond, Gettys
burg, Pen Wu..
...:1 Parttenlar attention Of Id to
eodertlon of Penrinne. Bounty. and Bite -pay.
Oftiee in.the R. E. eorner of the Diamond.
(Jett flliurg, April 6, ISC. If I
Dr.. D. R. PEFFIT,
Continuos • .
Kart len of him profeminn In all Its branchp*, a d
a mild roxpectlully Invite all p*nion* aMieqed
with any old *landing diamoses, to call .4d rft
ult Mtn.
Of t.g. •
&MM IY iiryry
oP 4 • t lilt 1 , 3 - strict attention to his profeaalonal
,anto. h. ont3 , merit u share of the nubile pa
t 1,1111140.
Apt 11 2, P•old. tf N.
Hlb« rartlre of sledlrina in
l' Lirrix...aiEWN: and otter. lila Ker. 11 , 4 to
h.. puhllr. um, at hiK houKe , eorm•i' 1 , 1 h,ll/-
I NI (I 1.4,141 r n4l Iollll , lry all. y, 114411 . the Railroad.
sp...l.‘l , attPntlon given to Flk In,
Iti 1), Nnv.s, 1.67
Dr. ✓. T. C. o•., IT IPM
A tow door.. from the
F u, rrvl of Baltimore awl High sfroein, near
o•rhrn Church, Gottysburg, Po.
kor 1 1 1 1, 1.417.
Dr. N. J. .WreLfrßE,
13111 . ! 4 1e1AN, SURGEON
ita% mg permanently loretted in New Oxford. will
Fact et.lth pmtrotion In ail Its branehem. HIM
and MU 00le, denlling hln prOP - 10410111a
t. .• %•• • ^ ;tn., r”,in....ted to 4,11 and e oneme hits at
mtlet , linno% rrntrrvt.
! No, tt, Pu 7. If
d. Alf BENCE HILL, M. D.,
.1) 1: TI.T,
his office one door went of the Lu
theran vllll,ll In %mob. r,inint street, nod 0pp,..-
.Ite liorner's office, where throw wishing to
1,, • R 1.% I .1•11Ili I PpPrat performwt are rospec4.-
n nn 11441 to esli. RErFAIRNCFS,• Iles. Horner,
. B 1.. liauglt.r, U. Prof.
vr,,r m. vr
(1 , •11‘.1•1164 Iprtl 11.
~,.‘!111, R .: . 1111t(i ST., (11 , :rTYSIIT7R41, TA
l ' a p p i l n es t rnl7:i t Ai
and von% Paden!. Every arrangement has been
nv.d.• for !b. 0... -. ..nmodatann and -- , onnfort of
Rtlor-tt;- 11, Ta 1.1., a 111 alwuyet has n he I,llt ofthe
ran rk. tun! tin . llar the beat of WIMPS and 11.4..t0ra..
There 14 ....mambo. Nabling attaehen; with
This Hotel In , no‘ open for the enternitnment
et the Igo hllr, nt d ,hatleof patronage fi.nolleited.
No effort wRI I gpared to render matternef lon.
Jan 14, 18e7.
'Pr undersigned would respectfully inform
h Iner , .o• friends and the public generally,
flint he has leased the Hotel In Hanover, near the
lb. at, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah Kohler,
and will spare no effort to conduct Itin a manner
that w ill give general Itati.factlon. His table will
bar e the best the market.. can alford—bl. eham
he, ,tr.' %1N, , •10. and eonifortable—and he has
laid in for 11.1. bar a full stock of choice wines and
n.. re Is stabling for horses attached to
the Hotel. It will t. his constant endeavor to
render the fullest eptisfactlon to his guests, ma
king his bonne as near it home to them as possible.
me asks a shore of the public patrotwe, deter-
II as he Is to ...Mr,' a huge part of It. He
kfember the Haltroad Blouse, near the Depot,
Manover, Pa. A, P. B 41 GHF.R.
Oet. 2, ISM. -ti
THE undersigned would moat respectfully in
form hie numermut frienda anti the public
generally, that he has purehaaed that long estati
114heti and well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn,"
In twit street. Gettysburg, and will no
effort. to conduct It to a manner that will not de
tract from its former high reputation. Ma table
will have. the beet the market can afford—his
chamber% are spocioun and comfortable—and be
has laid in for his bar a full .stock of wines and
I eon. There is large stabling attached to the
Hotel, which will be attended by attentive ost
lers. It will be his constant endeavor to render
the tallest eatienutlon to bin guests, making his
house as ewer a home to them as possible- He
asks a share, of the public's patronage, determin -
let as he is I. deserve a large pert of it. Remem
ber. the tttilobe Inn" la In York street, but near
the Ithintend, or Public Square.
- Apr 111,144, ti
Opp.lte Bowll r g Gr.wn,
Tin: 5TF.,, , ,N. HOUSE In n ell and widely
known to the treadling public, The location
lo extendedly outtrible Id merchants and, business
men. It lain einne proximity to the bualnena part
.d the city—ls oh the highway of Southern and
Western travelnd adjacent to all the principal
Railroad and Ste 'ahead depots.
THE vTPVh t 4 RUCHE has liberal aecommo
eation tor mer guestn—lt la well furnished,
h , lll p.m-morn et er3 modern Improvement for
the i innlort and entertainment it Ito inmates.
'1 he rooms are spacious and well v entilated—pro.
11.10 with ins and water—the attendance lq
plural pt and reopeetful—and the table In generoun-
I!. pros hied o. ith et cry delicary of the ~ eabloll—ot
moderate rein.. C. Eft K. t'HASE et- toy.,
-.I lily 1, lair do Proprietors.
C 1-Wl,l OF ItolVAltl, et FRANK LI • TiLERTS
lions , a. direct It between the
Northern Central and Baltimore d Ohio Railroad
.er.m , . It ha. be. ti refitted and comfortabl) ar
c inged for the convenience and the entertain
ment f.l p a ebtn.
. 153. t.
(; ,, tystrwrl, Pa
fl fa own nrcparsiiona are all guaranteed to
vlawer the purist.. intended.
R. Monter). ANTI-CHOLERA and LIAM.
RalA MIXTURE, for aL diseams e the Motuaeb bowels.
'LIEN for Chapped Rands.
RAGE,Arr MYRHYL for =rind beau
tlt•lng the teethomal fbr all
ills TONY.; and ALTRRATIN E POW:RR: I". for
i.o:ves and (Attie, are superior to any in the
PURE wqrofis for medical use. Prettily
:: nn earefally Shed.
Medical advice without charge.
June 10.1 OR. ti
South Washington it, Gott)%hung. Pa. ,
John W. Tipton.
Fk.oltlfiNAßl.S. BARBER, Northeast earner
of Mit Diamond, Most door to Nirtlellan's Ho
tel.) Gottymburg, Prk.. where he om at all time, be
found reedy to attend to all Domino.* In his line.
lie has - also exemident ameimtanne and, will onmare
N dente inn. Give him a roll.
Der. 5,14110.
HAVE some valuable WERTERN LANDS
which I will trade fur one or more FARMS ha
pounty. Metal:Kin are well located, and very
rivsltable torfarming. Pltrlyamplkstion desired
Gettysburg. April S, Mi. Li
trc order to prove Ihe askvertione made In favor
of procartng PHQTOGRAPEIIi at the Fseelator
Very, call and Mt for your PICTURE. No
ctuuwe will be snide unless you are pleased with
the result and choose to leave your order.
P M de t
, W Pas, Mks, O rODma
• ^ -_::.! d m :4• _,
0 c !
on the Hs to BoMmare M., Gard:Arm,
#: mettle arrangements to get (rah aim! arse
ry week from the cite and la determined to sell
chap. He Invites ull to give hlixt a call. - His
etock consists Of tiIiOiTILIEd, NOTIONS,
FLOCR, torn Veal, Chopped Feed, Corn, Oslo!,
FLO, Baco Mn,fd, Cheese, Crackers, Tobacco, a.-
garand Snu ff , SUCiAIt, COFFEE, Teat, Syrup
Molesomt, Candle", Lou l 011, F 1.12 thl, Tar, Best
Cider Vinegar, and a gat variety of Notlegut,
Candle., de.. de.
Stg-The Cosh ar,Trede will bestvenll9, Country
Produce, mach aa-Flour, Corn, Oata, Batter, Up,
POULIONI, riagg, Av.
April a, isir. If
Oy4: IS 24 I IINOIZirriO T I lyy
THE undersigned respectfully 'worm. the pub.
lie that be still continues the
at his OW stand, on Wert street, Gettysburg, and
Is ready at all times to accommodate those want
ing anything done in his line. He Is prepared TO
turisish all kinds of work for building purposes,
of the best material, and a• neatly and cheaply
as it can be done at any other establishment in
the county. • Experienced bandsalways readi
ness and work executed with promptness end
di LlV"ltankral for past favors, be hopekby at
tention to business, to receive • liberal &bare o
public patronage.
June 17, 1567. If Wit. CHRITEMAN.
TIME undersigned takes pleasnre In announcing
I to the eitltena of hettvabnrn and the public
generally that he heo lemovectflym his old rowan
on Went Middle atreet, to Baltimore street, and
nearly oppnalte the niZl:e - of Fat.e.wek Anitne,
The room he now °tropic... lung been reeentia,
fitted up expreesiv for his hunineas. ta ke aton
DI on admirable One. enabling him to a pie.
tun, in all ohadeeof tor.ather, Arid watts correct
ru une•jusiled enE u here else.
7.11 .
of eve rt size and deseription, ex.oeuted in the
(Zest style. Particniar attention ;then to the
ARTE DE VIWITL. and to copying AMppii.
YPEei and DAGUERKEOTIPai of deeeasod
Wends. A
THE ok:TTI 8131 - R0 (,EMS,
a new style Of Whin., which has become very
popular with the public. not only for their beautt
hat for eheapness and tonvel7e. SIXTEEN
LAIN PICTI'RE. which Joe tits it I.eautv and du
rability are unsurpassed.
N. are prepare to curry on the business in all
its various branches, and hating had ("considera
ble experionee we run no risk In
Our facilities for a full thsplay of our skill are
unequalled by as 0: her Gallery In the 'court:),
and we would the rein. W. ite ever) one to call
at the
Call and examine our opeolmens and Judge for
yonnieh es. LEVI HE
A" person having a good FARM for sale, and
willing to take In part payment one or more
traets of eholesi Western land, Intuited in well
settled ppighborhoods, near Woutity Towns,
Rail Roads, &c, will find purchaaser by en
quiring at this °Mee.
Sept. 6, IW. If
For Sale.—A Valuable Merchant Mill.
LAND,ItP known sr •'tlandoe's
M. 1.11( ( reek, In Adams county, Pa., .1 miles
north - we'd from Fmmittenurg, and 6 mllea mouth
from t.o.u.> along, all In good order, water
poe. er heal y, and In a good grata country.
f uo
One other MITI", knot, n as - Holllnger'e
w4th 60 ACltk34 OF LASH, one milt from Ab
bottxtown, on the Hahover turnpike. All In good
order. OEO. ARNULI).
*trig. 12,161. t,f
Aviso recap ed the astele, ,lebra
13- R E:
ATER WHEEL, for Adams, Franklin, Cum-
B•tiand, Bedford and Fulton eountlea, Ps., and
Allegheny. Washington and Frederick rountien,
Md., we .an recommend it as being equal in
pea% er and possessing more advantages than ncy
submerged wheel hi nee. I,ena for circular. Mill
Gearing, Shaft tag, Hangers and Pulleys, furnish
ed to order.
Oct. 4, 1 , 467. liegPretown,:fd
11 - 0L1D.4 Y PRESE✓IeTS.
Dry Goods! Fa,ncy Goods!
Worth over 12,000,110i1l All to be old for ONE
Announce, that in consequence of the ovenitock
log of the English market, an immense quanti
dy of DRY sod FANCY Goorks have been con
signed to them with instructions to be clewed
for immediate Coin, at any sacrifice, A. & Co.,
have, therefore, Devitt ed to offer them ucordinff
to their ordinary system of bualneaa at Si each,
wi'hnut regard to value.
. .
The following list shows the original wholesale
prt of some of the articles which they now of
for et Si.
Bear, Wolf, and buffalo Robes from SIS 00 to MOO
beta of Fora, Rable, ermine or mink, 20 00 to 100 00
Ladles' Matta - " 15 00 to 00 00
Do. (Milani • .. 10 CO to 40 (A
Rilk and Satin Drees Patterns 1$ 00 to 46 INI
forego and Egyptian Clotho 600 to 12 SP
Alisicra and Maahn de Lai neti 1 00 CO 10 10
French Merino. and Twills 10 00 t) 20 40
(2kinbrie, Thibet and Mohair 4 00 to 10.00
13almorni and Ent Title Skirts 2 00 to 44 00
011 k and Lace ‘4.114 TOO to 600
Pairs of laoAtev . Corsntm so2 to 100
Handl. ,bler b , Silk, Plain g em _
etitehed and Faabnlldered Unto
Lana. lwr dozed f 00 to 18 OD
Lodi., a nd Cotton. Woolen
and Silt: Hole and bait Hose; per
dozen pairs 4 00 to n 00
Ladle,. and Gents• Merino, Cotton,
linen •and CORMI '.. , 1111 - u. and Un
dershirts; I.ertch 250t0 603
Cont. Veat and Pantaloon Pattern•
In Cloth, Cassirnere, and Doeskin 300 to 00
Linen and Woolen Table Covets 200 to a 00
White and Colored Linen Napkins,
per dozen 6 00 to 12 00
Muslin., White and l'ribleschsd,
per yard 1.5 to 40
Finnind 4 ; Shawls in Woolen; Silk and Merino
Nubia. or Clouds; Woolen Hoode; Blanketg;
Linen and Mmilin Sheets; Vet, et and Morrurco
Portmonales; Shopping Bags: Finis.. with
b e i tt t ri...t;NOlMP pod ,, la a en l
Fouling P 1..; Fancy Com.; Hair Nets; Sil
ver Card Caere; Wort Box.; Albania; Family
and Forget ; Opera Glasses, dic.
e have also received a splendid assortment of
Gold and Silver Ranting Cases for Gents: FM
'meted do. for Ladles, together with Chains of
every pattern and style.
Wets of Jewelry It: every variety ; Sleeve lb:a
tone; Thirnbirw; Lockets; flume.; Rings of ev-
Pery. kind : Bracelets; frold Pens,&c..&c.
Sliver Pining and Tea .eta,Cliatont, Ice Pitcher*,
Table Spoons, Fork*. T e a Pots, Cream Pitcher*,
Sugar Bowls, Fruit Enakets, Cake Baske { a, card
Iktsket., Print En! vev. syrup Pupa, Salver*, Port-
MOrlaieS, Pie Knit es, }nal Knives, Mustard and
Snit aionom, Napkin Rings, Egg Stands, Wilip
Holden. Card Owe.,
The expensoe ere paid by the mile of Cuttpons
or eertfeeates naming eueh article to the P 6 tork,
alit 1111 \ wine; thew t , rtllleatee are enelnwed In
en% elope., inizeti up land sold ttl,
Whate% er article is named In the Certificate
can he obtained at ONE DOLLAR.
The artiele will he shown to the holder of the
Certificate. and it Kiil I.e at his option, o.hether
he pays the dollar and takes the article or not.
In case entries sent by mall or express are not
satisfactory, they con ix returned and the xi:to
ner trill be refunded.
ertt f ea t erntitl, the lit dde; to come Us
tirie of sterling ',Aloe, worth ratieh more tnnn a
dollar. In proof of
_ - - -
Yon can have for any of our _certificate , 'old
SI 00, any of the follotio mg articles, PO that If you
are not pleased with the article or articles named
on the certiffrate, you need not lose the 26 cents
you paid for P'•
One P liver p lated th ree bottle Castor, hand
some silver 'led Butter Dish with plate and
oover Ludy'a disopPlnk DU, a 50 lakaare Album
rd in velVet and gilt, set of Des Sxr 3d ia s li ver
ifed on sahltajnelal, set doable Table
us or Forks, Paula pattern f2Faavis canal_
mere.) pair JaUVSZI'S Parts Kid Gloves, splsadid
real Meerschaum Pipe, or solid 14 carat field
plain Ring. . .
During the four years we hate been agents :or
Eumpean manufamn rem, we have remised hun
dreds of commendatory mottoes man the pram,
and letters from private individuals, exprmslng
the highest satisfaction with oar method of do
frig business. We have many of these vat:ma
ntels with names and dates, printed In campb
let form, and as we have no_ space for them to
this advertisement, we will send •sopies free to
mul drass.
Whenever desimi. we 1011 acted articles by Ex
press. C. 0. D. flo that the money need only be
We aceept the entire respormtbiLtiy of money
gent by Exprwt, Poet Office Order, orllank Draft.
We want agents EVERYWHERE to whom a
liberal compensation will be paid, which can be
learned on appbeation.
Sin Take care to write your name and address
in a clear, distinct naps!, and address
162 Broadw N ay, New York.
Poet Offkg Box, 52 h
Dee. 4 1612. Ma
Sale Crying,
A W. FLEMMING moth:nes the Witness of
SALE CRYING. and solicits the continued
patiloosire et the r ic t= ta his coastard en
d VOr to VII es marital moderate.
laddeuee g West Middle street,Gettysburg.
ti Is a dowsed haettoweer, under the
Tel Lew &the United States.
Nov. 24. Istr.
.taLA t.ll prktsa tar . CLll
crawls's:id be coavtarat of the
citmavibet at
~~ ra'
11.23TAI3LISECED IN 1817.]
HAVE wincriated vnti , me, lu buslneva, my
eon, John F. McCreary, under the Arm and
style of H. McCreary, olk Nao and I desire to say to
my old friends and the mato generally - that since
the war, the mazicrodiare of Saddles, Etsuses%
(Mims., de., ha. bean revived at the old estab
lished and Weil la:town standon Baltimore atreet,
one tillillaTO Waal of the LOW' Getty,-
Having had an experience of IA year. In this ea.
tabllstment, I feel awoured, that, with nnewed
a•tentlon buxinewo, we can I[l ll farther merit
rnd receive v. I sham of nubl... gitn 'tow.
With inure ised fae.llties for et - inducting our htt•
nines, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy
the wants of all those who may need anything la
oar line. We espedally call the attention of
Farmers and others to the superior gnu My of our
Plain or Quilted flafitSide Lee them.
Horn Saddles, Harass, all kinds, with
Plain or 4nilted Seat ' or without lastenings,
no Horn, Housings,
Plain or Quilted Reatflcote.h (blight, (leather.)
Side Saddles, (ticklng,)
Plain or Fancy Saddle Ho Beam Conan.,
Cloths, Beat Welt Harness Col.
Waggliaddles, lars,
Bid Bridles , of all Patent Leather Collars,
kin , fair or black, stitched or unstitched,
rounded or fiat, Beat Leather Wagon
Martingale, , Whips, 1,1% and 5 feet
Carriage Harness, an long,
styles, silver or black Plaited Teem Whips,
mounted, 'hotting Whip..
Heavy Draught He mesa, Ladles' Riding 'Nig'',
Blind Bridles, Lashee,
Girths, Horse Bis nkets,
Cruppent. .le., de., ay. he.
In short, everything that pertains to a brat-elnos
moral horse,tunitithlogesuilillatimenteoostant
ly on hznd or made to order promptly.of t hr s cry
host material, and by the most experieneod work
men in the fount rv, (two having worked in the
obllohment fir the loot that% )011111.1
We are now Tnaautarturing an eseelltultt lot of
Ktory Pratfall! and Httrilf.4 Collars for t how. who
prefer our gam to rlty Smile wort:.
Hope trim, et all kinds done at abort nott,e and
on re.a.onable
Al! knr. oord IRO) Invited to ow!! anti oxam Ino for
theruotivek, an uur work eau not fall to rvoom
tnend McCREARY d t-ON.
F.h. !W. I r
are 'how bulltlina a variety of
of th•• late-t and most approve,' style.
and constructed of the best material, to which
they Invite the +Mention of buyers. Having
built our work with great care and of material
selected with special reference to beauty of styles
and durability, we can confidently recommend
the work as unsurussard by any, either In or out
of the cities.
All we ask LI en Impaction of our work to mon-
Moe. those in went of any kind of I.ehlele, that
thia is the place to buy them.
demo at anon notlrO and on rea,onable trrma
Give nll a call, at our Yn•tory, near the corner
of yVaahltneon and Chetaberahurg etreeie, Get
P. .1. T tTE.
k - ii i reiztr u . , , (l ,, have menu:Del tho Camage-
Fa Ea...! Preel, Celtlisburv, Pt.,
where they are prepared to put up work in the
root fe.Uonatile, erdedanttal and hnpertor men
air. A lot of Lew and afrond-hann
which they will of et the lowest prices;
and all °niers will be •cipplied .4, promptly and
and at rheapest rates.
A lance 10l of new and old RAILICEINS on baud
and for as,e.
Thankful fur the liberal patronage heretnfure
enjoyed by them, they solicit and ILI endear or
to deserve a large ahare In the future.
July 10, 18. i. tf
Nl TE .l.l;e th ,!:, - ,• et . h fllgZ a n rTn ev inf " ll ' %t i p e
at LlttlentoWn. where we are iirepared to manu
facture to order all Muds of BUGGIES, CAR
RIAGES, SULKIER, ete. on the _shortest notice
and moat eccornmodating a tenna. Oar heads
have beam procured from thstore. sad, as we
one none but choice material, we ma pat up
work to compete with any shop to the mate.
Old work repaired and taken In exchange for
Aug. ME 1887. tf
tandenigned onnUnaeg the
to all Its branclosts st do oldstatid. to EAST MID
NEW - WORK made M Order, and REPAIRLNO
dyne promptly and at lowest prima
Two first-rato4FRING 'WAGONS for mt..
Great National Telegraphic/
• I.ND
809 a wd 911 Chest7ll4 Slrerf,
E E 3f r o VA L
To the Finest College Illeteae Ls the My
Part of the Fleeond and the whole at the Third
and Fourth Floor. of
nearly opposite the Continental Hotel.
The bet oessinzed 0120 i 000dueted
3t tutinons
College In the shy.
The Corps of Iresehess has no superior.
Education tor the Counting-room in the short
est possible time consistent with the Interests of
the student.
Seed for Circular. _ .
, At Itsltimore Street, opposite the Court-Howe,
En•y de.criptiou of work executed fu the
: Row Lost, How. Restored.
b . ,TyltirTerve ell'a n Celebnited new ed[t)on of
7 on the smirked cum (without toodieina)
of Sipermatorrbosa,or germinal Weak
ness. Involtintaxy Sealant Lease*
m y, Mentil and Physical incapacity /M.
laments to Montage, stn.; sine. Coeumm
, and Pits, indite d by self - indoilkorm or
iteiX= . l4ll4l , lWAtt,.
air Price, in a sealed envelope, only g omits.
Thnerlebnitrod an, no:, in this admirable essay,
clearly ciemon-drat , s, from a thirty yearn' sue
oesobal ocee te w, that tee • 'arming NMAKlnelle"
dm/razors may be radicalty mired without the
c at ion o r in internal medicine or the appli
cation or the knife--minting out a mode of cure
at once timpki, certain, and effertual, by manna
of which every,
sufferer, no matte: what lila con
dition may he. mr.y cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and mdfeally.
This Lecture shotild be In the hoe-in of every
youth and every man in the land.
Sent under -eel, to a plain envelope, to any ad
'drew% posmend, on receipt of nix cents,_or two
post stamps. Also, Dr. Cuiverwe ll 's "Marriage
fickle," price 26 ,!.11A. Address the Publishers,
...MAR. S. C. KLINE & CO,
121 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box &A&
Nov. SS, 1597. .on
MBE- anallienher. having thomnghly
hie Grist and Saw Mill. formerly "A l e=
3 - Iy4l M 111," on Marsh reek, 1 s prepared to do
aIP.INDING mad SAWING °term' kind at short
notice. lie soliglia the patro of the neigh
borhood and wilt laminates* as opt. titre
him a call. nEnRoE GINGT-Lla.
Sone lb, lag% ti
E have jorn•remived a new assortment of
Lion boy
liveteurware, to which we Invi T te
it PONthe Oleo
ar NOOT .
NS 'ribbing PHOTOGIA*II6 tier
1 Ai liborisialb
• 4 Z. MINI, 4110441110111
Corner of Carlisle Street and tie Railroad,
TN order to Rive the public something like an
I adequate I:1Pa of the immense stork of Lumber,
Coat Stows, Tln-were, to., on hand and for
sale by the undersigned, at his establishment, in
:4rret, amiss the Railroad from the Pas
senger RUT ton. he would enuni: rate far as the
limits of a newspaper advertisement will allow:
Board. and Plonk of every grade, from collinp
to panel, Joloio and scantling, pine and hemlock,
siding, planed and uninaned, Flooring, Shingles,
Shingle lathe, Plastering I.atha, Pickett,
made Doors and Swill, Blindo and Shutters,—ln
fact, everything hoed for building pursiosee.
Shamokin White Ash and yykens• Valley Red
Ash, these two varieties being the pureed and best
for all domestic purposes. Also the very best
Broad-top and Allegheny Smith Coal
Waverly, Noble Cook, Royal Cook, Barley Sheaf,
Oriental, Stewart's Cook, Ornamental, Eirelaior,
Prince Itot al and the Emerald Conking Stoves,
all for coal or wood. These a arlettes are a Pelee ,
t lon from the beet and moot texpular Cooking
Mot es the market etterils, and are all warranted
to at , . nt,re mtlata etioa, Also, a Very large
vane vof Parlor, sahk on and Shop Steven, for
coal ilk wood, including the celebrated Morning
Glory, the Vulean, Oval Meteor, Round Meteor,
Dial, Violet, Gera, Regulator, Comet, Flag, New
Cgg, Parlor Cools, Qc„ec. Fire Brick and Grates,
for cool or a ondoalwala on hand.
The assortment embraces eVerything necessary
I. r kiteeen sr hoe .hold purposes, including a
large number of convenient yet cheap articles of
new design whirii must he 'Men to he appneeist ed.
The stork is BO Inca.- end varied that rhos who
lase not 1M1L(11 tare eetabllehtuent hal eno con
ception or it, extent. lu addition to the ordina
ry kl r,hen utensrh, it inelndes Bathing vessels,
Toilet Chamber Sets, plain and Isnry, Chamber
Buckets, Bread 111.4 , eice Boxes, Tea and ( offee
(an i stern, Peed apses. sp I Mons, Tumbler ',ruin
ers, Bill-head lioStes, Waiters Al.-, t 'arrier., Water
coolers, slim Cutters. N iirveiamps, Jelly Moulds,
Pudding Moulds, Patent Nutmeg Graters, Comb
Cases, Gen. Groot Plates And A B C Plates, Aub
Buckets, Flour reeves, SIM Cages, Spout Heads,
Coats, Mille, lanterns, Basting +Spoons, Large
Fort.l, Candle stiric++,Candfr Moulds, Copper Dip.
pees, Wrought-omi Frying Pans, Smoothing
Irons, Foot Serapern, Coffee 'touters, Wattle
Iron*, Snuffels, Dinner anti Auctioneer Bells,
Egg Beaters, Oilers, Fluted Funnels, Cool Sieves,
Glaco-top Fruit Csnn, Plain-top Fruit Cans, Self
waling darn, <lr., eke. Tin-ware made to order
and repairing promptly attended to, by the hest
of workmen.
Cast-iron Pot, Of (A ry ssze and yarn , y, for
atovet, Por•elatn Kettl“, for cooking and pre
sers Ing, Tin-hood Kett!es for ditto, Caat-iren
Kew Pans, Of Vs •7y- wire and varlet:s. Porn•lain
and ttnnud, Nlih athojinand alit other artt
rtertrripo,ssll.le nnlnnnt aon voter toe-
/./ Gn •!. /- r••••:.-d to thr, e 111:111..
hlr patent• to which hr k agent, and shoot
which tnvr 14 no humbug, an can be at:rated by
wore" who have need them, viz: THE ITNI VER
RAT, (I,OT-1311.-WR1N4,11.14 r/CYTY' , I I ;I7 IF/HI
AI Hi tiF, Ana the ceirbm red MA MOND
The public are invited to call god examine
goods mid pnees. Ho guarnutees to eel! ••••
thin, lu hin line at exceeding lon figure, (%ane
gad nee, to grr UN your eurionity, of Yon do
not Want to buy.- No trouble to show good,.
BRINKERHOFF corner of the Diamond and
li t ,.
. ynrk .TrVt. 11:....4 Pt , turnwi from thi. olty
vital an Mamma Ily Otis P at.oriment o'
which he will ...ell at huell pries as cannot fail to
take them off er,i rapidly. "all and Judge for
yourael‘ es. Tu look at the excellent materla
taatefu I cutting. and neat and Kuleilantla I newing,
and then to get bialt prices—caller- cannot hallp
but buy, alien they se.. It so much to their tuUr
eht to do
.1 1 - 110 H4Aiery, CaloroAjfirtndker
N. , 1:•th. , , CritiN Lit., 1.111. n and Pup, c - I
Lori, 1,1 , ro•nd•11, Brwther, Comba;
Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas Pocket Knivett,Se
gars, and Chewing Pam, co , . Pipes, aim
tionery, *r
clocks, Watrues, Jewel with with a thousand and
one other articles, entirely ton numerous to de
tail in a newspaper advert sement.
lie sake the attention of the public to his new
stock, confident that it srAl please—and no one
ran or will sell cheaper. tbe Mar
corner of York atreet/sind th6Diamond, Get
1..1 FtpE assortment Or one
,/ GitOCEEjIi A,
Te 4.4 Coffees, White Ragan of all kinds, and
B wn Angers, cheap, prime new crop Orleans
dames, and m arks padre. or Syrups: MEM MACK
• EL, be , t n t. All kinds oi
wholesale and retail, prime Wing, Brandy, Rye
Whiskey, de., medh:inal and dther purpose+,
inan fl,Miehler s Fte 4"2""ti '
/r Bitters, and the "Great
Maori Mitres,.
.1140, SPEF.r. 8 GRAPE WM:B.
HNttmote ntreet, Getiysimrg.
April 1. 1%7. t
Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner.
THE undermigned would Inform the Agricultrs
ral public that he has purchased from the
Patantee of this extraordinary machine, the Pat
ent Right for the States of Pennayls Edda and
Brlnkerhoff's Corn Sheller, Separator and
Cleaner, le pronounced the beet machine of the
kind In this country. And In proof. It may be
mentioned that the "-Advisory Committee ap
pointed to select Implements for exhibition at
th4lrnivereal Exposition in Paris, In NC. have
selected this Shell. r ns the brit in America,'
and at the request o f J. C. Derbs , r. Agent, a
Machin. has Iron shippe d to Parts for exhil .Ition.
The Mc; may also be stated that at the great
trlol of Agricultural Implements, at Auburn. N.
Y.. In July last, under the anipicee of the New
York State Agricultural society, the Brinkerhoff
Corn Sheller, Seuurator and I leaner v.. reported
by one of the Twat competent Committee, a , the
beat Corn Shell. out. They y, "We have care
fully examined and thoroughly tested thin ma
chine, and have no hesitation In pronouncing It
the best awn Moodier ts , . ry, ' The report .4
'tinned t, such men as John steutton tumid,
President N. N. State Agricultural Soot -tv •. B. P.
Johnson. /secretary to same. solon Robinson,i
Agricultural Editor N. Y. Tribune; S. k iwarda
Todd. Agriculture] Editor N. Y. Times.
FAinrs among 'many ompnroentary nen sou
r mitts •,tit follow lug, from the N. a' Yorit
(goer/ter, is deemed sufficient •
"Among all t.he Hand roro Shelters made In
New Voile and Albany—tied one single firm
manufactures more than lO,Offianneally—not one
ran enter the circle with the Sheller Just Invent
' ed by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn, New York. It
separates sod Menne, rapidly and easily,
a. one operation, as nest tta the ears *au be put la
te the hopper."
The undeesegned fe now prepared te_dliwrte of
COUNTY 11261111 4 . He will 'have Regn.r..MßS
ready for sale in the course of a mouth's time.
All e-s to be attAressest to
P. Os Sox Gettysburg, l'a.
:4 melt 11, ISM.
osovmorrastr's PLASIOS.
-IN Broadway, New York,
449 Broadway, New York,
499 Broadway, N. Y.,
k RE unrivaled for DURABILITY. POWER
211. and EVENNESS of TONE. Theytare heat be
coming the favorite OVER ALL OTHERS. witti
Mutdetami AlWiteiarl and all levers of 000 D
mrmic, 'they are WARRANTED In event re
sweet. Price , ONE-THIRD LOWER than other
FIRST-C 1.4 . 48 nutters. s rh d ibr
WS Broadway, New York.
Oct. 11. Ificle. 3m
fIOMOTANTLY on hand, ah assortment of Pins
pr im eta tor of
from {he glottle-firld.
of ear alesat ... mat
iaiptltliatlktdtotdaala at tag
• at ---- 77
aad masosabia to
pike"' at - EALBPIZMIV.
• I
The equine! Mu made up Ms winter bed,
And In It la smugly lying;
The chestnuts have ceased to drop overhead,
The ducks have sailed by with wings outspread,
The clouds are alt painted In purple and red,
And the autumn In glory Is dying.
Hurrah for the winter! down from the sky
Comte the snow, in a nolallems harry;
0 the snow does so much, so quietly!
And the bells they Jingle, the sleighs they ny ;
The skaters shoat when the moon is high;
And the stars looked surprised at the doer,.
Who says that winter is grim and old?
He's a royal, merry, good fellow!
What games are like his, so gay and bold?
What stories like his wereever told?
His ante—they are worth their weight In gold
His apples are choice and mellow.
Have out the mitten! put up the ball
Pee that the mufflers are reply!
Cn t down the 'led from Its nail on the wall;
Sharpen the skates Ibr fear or• fall;
The river le frozen will soon be the mill;
And then, who will think to be steady!
Theo MCC hi= welcome t hid Win draw near
En wreathed with pine and with holly,
He brings you prasenta—he brings you good
'Tie all in tun that be nips your ear I
He freezes your note to make it look queer
For o inter L. good, and Is Jolly.
John Hamline's fault was that he was
extremely bashful. Not among his own
sex, yOu understand. Before a jury, for
instance, John was as bold as a lion, and
there was no lawyer in Brickton who had
grown into so wide and profitable a prac
tice in so short a time. He deserved his
success, for he was industrious, energet
ic, talented, and—what many successful
lawyers are not—conscientious, He re
fused to conduct a cause in whose justice
he did not thoroughly believe. This
was a drawback, in the early part of his
career, but in the "long run" he found
himself leading the race among his com
petitors. He was greatly respected by
that portion of the community whose re
spect was moat to be prized.
But his bashfulnesa among ladies was
so profound that to John It was absolute
ly painful. He had a good, lovhigheart,
had John Htunline, and a great admira
tion for the sex before whose 'members
he was always so 11l at ease. It is gener
ally en with bashful men, I believe.
Here was John, full thirty years of
age, and a bachelor. Unhappy state of
affairs, indeed! But bow to mend it?
John had not the faintest idea bow to
mend it. Entre sous, I think he had ve
ry nearly given up all hopes of ever
mending it. Yet be often sighed as he
thought of the future—of a long, dreary
bachelor life—no dear wife to "Clare hie
joys and sorrows—no happy home-circle
to make his heart glad when he should
come home from his laborli at the close
of the day. Heigho! The Fates seem
ed to have shut him outfrom Paradise!
Among those who,had sought John
Hemline's valuable/aid in law, was a
gay young fellow about town, who had
the reputation ofbeing a practical joker.
One of then/ practical jokes having
got him into a bad scrape, which was no
joke, he found that Hemline would not
help him Out of it.
"It'syOur own fault, Hawes, and you
deserve to be punished," he said, in his
blunt way. "Your love of those silly
practical jokes will get you into more
serious trouble than this, some day, If you
are not careful. Take my advice, and
drop all that nonsense. It's sound ad
vice, and I don't charge you anything
for it. I hope this affair will teach you
a good lesson."
Young Hawes thought this hard of
Hemline. And as for taking his advice
—this is the way he took it.
"I'll get even with him some day," he
said to one of his cronies. "Confound
him and his preaching. He's smart,
but I'll get him on the hip before he's a
year older, or I'm a minister !"
Bringing his capacious intellect to bear
upon his great purpose, Hawes finally
saw his opportunity.
"I'll kill two birds with one stone," he
Mrs. Rich—a wealthy widow in Brick
ton—had also won the animosity of this
joker. Mrs. Rich bad a besitiful daugh
ter, whom Hawes wanted to warty—
partly for herself, but more particularly
on recount of her prospective wealth,
But Helen rejected Mr. Hawes one fine
day, and Mr. Hawes—whoee faith in hie
own irresistibility was entirely too
strong to be shaken—could account for
the rejection in no other way than by
concluding that the mother had opposed
his suit. And so she had, though it was
unnecessary, as Helen had a cordial con
tempt for the young man.
Mrs. Rich, therefore, was the other
bird that Mr. Hawes contemplated slay
ing with the stone that should demolish
John Hemline.
And this was the way he set about It :
With the aid of his crony already al
luded to, he prepared a certain paper,
running as follows, and written in a del
icate lady-like hand :
"Mrs. Rich respectfully requests that
Mr. Hemline will call upon her, at his
earliest convenience, to consult upon a
matter involving the interests of her
daughter. Miss Helen Rich. Thursday
evening is preferred."
This was dispatched to Hemline's ad
dress through the village post-office.
At the same time another, note was me
pared and dispatched, reading thus:
"Mr John Hemline begs leave to in
form Mrs. Rich that he will call upon her
on Thursday evening, to consult her up
on certain matters that have come to his
knowledge, Intimately concerning the
interests of Miss Helen RI h."
"It'll be a splendid sel l!" the crony
declared, and the Jokers were in high
So the letters went through the post-
John Hemline scratched his head re
flectively fora moment, ea he read the
mlesive addressed to him, and then turn
ed to other business with the remark :
"I wonder what ithiabout I wish we
men would do business se min do, when
they want a lawyer ; but it's idle to ex
pect that, I suppose."
Mrs. Rich read the note she received
with some surprise, and a natural feeling
of feminine curiosity ; and knowing Mr.
Hemline's high standing as a lawyer,
which was a guaranty of the importance
of the matter, waited with some impa
tience for Thursday evening to come.
Thursday evening came, and brought
John Hamlin to the lady's door. He
rung the bell, was shown into the parlor,
and eat with his heart thumping In a
most annoying way, awaiting the en
trance of the lady.
She entered, and John bowed awk
wardly and blushed violently.
"A pleasant evening," said Mrs. Rich.
"Very pleasant," said John. "I think
we shall have rain. It's about time we
had maw," and be pulled ova his wet"
with a confused Ala of oonsnaing that
&Mole on thestibJect.
A long pause. Then the lady spoke
again :
"Thls matter that concerns Helen's in
terest so nearly ; I—"
"Yes—quite curious, I assure you,"
said John.
"Anything that affects my daughter,
of course *Heels me."
"Oh, certainly! Nothing more natu
"Though the manner of announcing
the business is a little out of the common
way with lawyers," said - Mrs. Rich, gay
ly, as if she meant It fora piece of pleas
As such John received it.
"But quite womanly," he eald, with a
laugh, "ti, you'll permit me to say so.
Ladles don't do business exactly as men
do, generally."
"That is true," laughing in return,
"and will uo doubt serve as an explana
tion of—"
"Oh, no explanation is needed, Mrs
Rich—none at all."
“1 was about to say—u'
• "I beg you won't apologize, madans,”
said John, very much distressed by the
prospect, and growing rapidly more con
"Apologize, Mr. Hemline:"
"Not stall—riot at all•"
"I meant to offer no apology, sir. Ido
not perceive any occasion for an apoX
"Not in the least," said John, more and
more abashed, and looking at hlawatch
again for assistance.
"If you will be kind eno6gh to pro
ceed to business, Mr. Hamlin--"
"A, shall be happy to do so," said John,
assuming au attitude of respectful atten
tion. -
Mrs. Rich stared It bilm with unfeign
ed astonishment. We: the man crasy?
"Will you be so good as to inform me
what the matter is which concerns my
daughter so nearly ?"
It WAS now, John's turn to stare.
"Precisely what I came here to learn,"
he cried. ,
"Yon „speak in riddles, Mr. Ramdine.
Whan,l received your note—".
"MY note I have sent no note to you,
Mrs. Rich."
The lady arose to her feet: John also;
Sim Rich touched a bell. A servant
"Go bp and ask Miss Helen for the
note that came from Mr. Hamline," she
John took a note from his pocket, with
p new light breaking over his face.
"Allow me to ask you, Mrs. Rich, If
you sent me this""
Mrs. Rich glanced at it, and returned
"I did not," she said
"Then it is the work of some practical
Joker," said John. "That Is very plain."
The door opened, and Helen Rich en
tered. radiant with a beauty that sent
the blood rushing to young Hemline's
head. She brought the letter for which
the servant had been dispatched.
Notwithstanding the mother's excite
ment, the breeding of the lady prevailed,
and Mrs. Rich introduced Mr. Hemline
to her daughter.
She handed him the note.
"A forgery," said he immediately.
"Both these letters are the work of the
same rascally hand."
At first. indignation prevailed; but to
this succeeded a realization of the ludi
crous aspect of the affair, which recalled
all their good nature, and in a few min
utes they were laughing heartily, while
John Hemline, forgetting to be bashful,
fired a volley-of bon profs. And by-and
by, when he left them, he said,
"I really feel quite in aforgiving mood
toward the scamp who got up this joke—
and I think 1 know who It is—for he has
been the means of introducing me to an
acquaintanceship which I might other
wise never have formed, and which I
find most agreeable."
"Indeed, I share your mood," said
Mrs. Bich—
("And so del," said Helen.)
"—And I hope you will come again to
see us, Mr. Hamline—soon and often.
We shall always be happy to see you."
And so they were. But by and by,
somehow it happened that Mrs. Rich
did not feel as If John cared so much for
her society that he could not endure to
be left alone with Miss Helen. So she
tested the question, and left them alone
together so much that one day John
Hemline asked permission to be left
with Helen for the remainder of his
Yam Hawes thought, when he heard
of the edding—to which he was not In
vited that his "sell" had worked Very
"Hanged if I wouldn't like to be sold
myself," he exclaimed, "at the price!"
Without doubt he would.
HER BROTHER.—Among the disagree.
shies of that delicious state known as
"Love's Young Dream," is having a
younger brother of your heart's idol
around, with too much Impudence or ig
norance to make himself scarce. A cor
respondent tells how ho saw couple
thus tormented :
At Fort William Henry House I saw a
lady tormented with the company of the
lady's younger brother:
" a sweet lake sighed the lady :
"I wish I might have an Island in It,
and solitude."
"Without me"" said th• lover, plain
"You are solitude to me!" she said;
"you put the rest of the world far otr
from us!"
"Yee," said the boy, "he's a sweet, old
solitude, be Is! He's a solitude with a
bar room in it, and boys to set up ten
pins. He's more solitude by himself than
fortitude !"
THE chap that sang "I'll hang my
harp on a willow tree," didn't do It; it's
now hangin' in a pawn-shop.
The lady who sung "By the sad sea
waves," now waives her right, and sings
"buy any shad ?"
Polly Perkins' beau was a milkman,
and became broke by ohalkin' too !nisch.
• The chap that sung "Some one
14 wait
in' for me," discovered a policeman.
Thechap who sung "All afound tax
hat," now sings all round the streets—
The nigger dot wouldn't put down dst
jug, put down the contents, and got
jugg'd for it..
A ntz.s.PtDATED'old darkey in Mont
gomery, while watching the monkeys
in a menagerie in that city, on Friday,
spoke thusly: "Dem children got too
much eergte to come out oh dat clap;
white folks cut dar tails off and set 'WA
to votl& and acakineonstitewtioss."
50TH YEAR.-NO. 12.
The President Eulogises UM Action
Whaturtaron, December 18.—The
President sent the following message to
Congress to-day :
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of
An official copy of the order issued by
Major-General W. n. Hancock, Cowman
der of the Fifth Military District, dated
Headquarters, New Orleans, November,
I the 18th, has reached toe through the
regular channels of the War Depart
ment, and I herewith communicate It to
Congress -for such action as may seem
proper in view of all the circumstances.
It will be perceived that General Han
cock announces that be will make the
law the rule of his conduct; that he will
uphold the Cour*, and other civil au
thorities iu the performance of their
proper duties, and that he will use his
military power only to preserve the
peace, and euforce the law. He declares
explicitly that the right of trial
by Jury and privilege of the writ of habe
as °orj i. shall nut be crushed out or
trodden under foot. He goes further,
andln one comprehensive sentence as
serts that the principles of American
ttiterty are still the inheritance of this
people and ever should be.
When a great soldier, with unrestrain
ed.power in his hands to oppress his fellow
men, voluntarily foretoes the chance of
gratifying his selfish ambition, and de
votes himself to the duty of building up
the liberties and strengthening the taws
of his country, he presents an example
of the highest virtue that human nature
is capable of practicing. The strongest
claim of Washington to be "first in war.
first in peace, and first in the hearts. of
his countrYmen," is founded on the
great fact that in all his Illustrious career
the scrupulously abstained from vialoting
the legal and constitutional rights of his
fellow citizens.. When he surrenderid
his commission to Congress, the PPPPI•
dent of that body spoke his praise in say
ing he had always regarded the rights
of the civil authorities through all dan
gers and disasters. Where poser above
the law courted his acceptance, he calm
ly put temptation aside. By such .mag
nanimous acts of forbearance, he won
the universal admiration of mankind,
and left a name which has no rival in
the history of the world.
r sin far from saying Gen. Hancock is
the only officer of the American Army
who is influenced b`y the example of
Washington. Doubtless thousands of
them are faithfully devoted - to the prin
ciples for which the men of the revolu
tion laid down their lives; but the dis
tinguished honor belongs to him of being
the first officer in high command south
of the Potomac, since the close of the
civil war, who has given utterance to
these noble sentiments in the form of a
military order; and I respectfully suggest
to Congress that some publie recognition
of General Hancock's patriotic conduct
is due, if not to him, to the friends of
law and Justice throughout the country.
Of such an act as his, at such a time, it is
but fitting that the dignity should be
vindicated, and virtue proclaimed, so
that its value as an example may not be
lost to the nation.
WaHhington, D. C., Deo. 18, 1887.
—To keep shade trees green the
year round—paint 'em.
—I( 8 Colt's pistol has six barrels,
how many barrels ought a horse pistol
to have?
, Cover wisdom with rags and no one
will endorse her.
—How to drown the sound of a street
organ—throw a bucket of water on the
For every one-hundredth of an Inch
of rain, 2,210 pounds or 2:3 gallons of
water falls per acre.
—Ash Brown, of Detroit, has made a
wager of $3,000 that he can walk- 100
hours with 15 minutes rest every 2&
hours. The wager is to be decided in
Tom Morgan, of Manchester, N. H.,
recently placed his tongue against an
iron lamp-post and was "frown filet" for
his pains. Hot water was required to
release him.
- Brigham Young promises to marry ,
all the young women who are left over I Gletes Honsies.—ln Si. Paul's, the
after next spring's matrimonial cam. new magazine, edited by Anthony Tea.
palgn. Nothing said about old maids. lope, we find the following account how
—By the latest from Paris, we learn women smash their glass houses. We
that the long streaming ribbons, ladles have not words to condemn snob howl-
now wear on bonnets and necks, on , hie imputations:
ed—"follow me home." "Glass houses are not regarded as very
—A clergyman at an afternoon service formidable defences by women, especial.
was asked to read a notice of a woman's ly those reared by their own sex. The
other day we were admiring a lady's
rights' lecture, which he did in this
dress in the presence of another lady,
wise :—"At half-past six o'clock, at the
actual-house in the first district, a, hen I and we marvelled much at its beautiful
will attempt to crow." color. 'You silly goose,' said our fair
friend, 'can't you see that the silk has
—An editor never leaves any money
at home for -fear of fire, and never oar_ been turned?' It would serve men al
lies any with him for fear of robbers, y tnet right If women ceased the attempt
nor deposits it in bank for fear of specs;' to dressw ell.' We were silenced, but
officials. in. money is genem py could not help thinking that, possibly
in the hands of his subscribers. j some men would have no objection at all
A ghost, which wails like a man in to be 'served quite right.' Nothing can
the agonies of death, le now frightening well exceed a woman's dexterity in
the prisoners in the county jaWand the smashing her neighbor's glass house
occupants of the court-house et Chicago, and the a hole proceeding is a marvel
111. The manifestations babe been
ous exhibitorof ingenuity. Provided
with the smallest pebble, but of the
log on for two months, but were not
poor sister, and, after much palaver and
Made public until Friday morning. !
highest polish, she will approach her
The accounts published In the papers
cited general interest,kissing of cheeks, she will retire to a
—Josh Billings says in his recent re- I short distance. Then, watching her op
port of a cattle show : "There was tew Portunity, crash she sends the little Mil.-
yoke of oxen on the ground, besides Snv- site with the force and whiz of a bullet.
eget yokes or 'sheep, and a pile ov carrots Awhile she watches the agony of her
and aome.wosted work, but they didn't prostrate enemy, and then approaches
seem to attract enny sympathy. The I with the sweetest of smiles to offer her
people franker for pure agricultural pity and tears. Great God! is it posed
can at times be allied to cruelty In the
refinement of which no wild animal call
surpass the mortal angel?"
Two men recently died suddenly at a
Canadian tavern after drinking a cup of
coffee. The landlady called the police,
who suspected her of poisoning the men.
She protested she did not, and to prove
the harmlessness of the coffee drank a
cup herself, when she also fell down
dead. An examination of the coffee pot
showed that a bunch of matches had
been boiled with the coffee.
IF you have a screw rusted into wood,
or a nut or a bolt that will not readily
turn, pour on it a little kerosene and let
it remain. In a little while the oil will
penetrate the interstices so that the
screw can be easily started.
A NEWLY married editor was told that
Ire would find a difference between the
matrimonial and editorial experience.
In one place the devil cries for copy,
and in the other, the "copy" cries like
the devil,
A lady at Kingston, Alabama, has
written an appeal to the "Christian wo.
men of the North," to use their ludo
once to save the. women of the South
from the terrible perils which the Radi
cal policy of reconstruction le forcing up
on them. Large numbers of families In •
the South are left without any male bead,
and the females have to work and toll
in the field, and are there, as every
where else, constantly subjected to the
insults and outrages of half civilised ne
groat, who know no taw but their own
lusts and desires. After these women
have worked in the open fields and pro
duced their little crops, they are not en
frequently stolen by the negroes at night.
She asserts that large numbers of the
freedmen who were three years ago In
dustrious and honest, have, under the
new order of things, become drunkards
and vagabonds. Here is an election
scene which she recites, that will prove •
instructive to our people in regard to the
beauties of negro elections in the South
"We wW give a alight sketch of one
scene only, among the hundreds that
Southern women have to encounter.
Our recent elections have been *whit.
Always, heretofore, the white men had
voted at eight or ten precincts In each
county; but our military monarch or
dered that all should vote at the court
house, thereby, in some counties, collect
lug together several thousand negroes,
to create riots with the whites. May
God forgive us If we Judge him wrongly,
but :we can see no other reason for this
order. Our court-house Is situated In a
sparsely settled section, only four or live
families in the village, mostly women
and children, more than twenty-five
miles from a military poet. Well, the
night before election, between one and
two thousand negroes commenced cons.
log In All armed, with guns, pistols,
and bowie-knives, they were yelling,
firing guns and tearing around as 'lf all
the demons from the lower regions had
been turned loose on earth to walk to
and fro. The din coptinued three days,
and we did not see a dozen white men
during the time. The military order
was for all groceries to be closed ; it was
done here, but whiskey was handed out
at back windows as much as was warded.
During the time, one white man attempt
ed to vote; a negro guard knocked him
down; he had spirit to fire at him; he.
made his escape, and no one was hurt
But language cannot portray the uproar
of a thousand half-drunken metros, in •
pursuit. The firing, screeching, swear
leg, and ohs, ene brngunge•were horrible._
None that witnessed that scene can for
get it while life lasts. We thought then,
and think yet, it would have been a deed
of mercy If Congress had sent old Brown
low with his torch and turpentine, ex
terminated the women and children
South, if he would have laid our
bodies beneath our bloody soil, with our
loved ones gone before. The most of us
have been reduced from absence to pov
erty ; but we do not ask aid and are will
ing to toll fur our living. Our young
sons work manfully to support their
aged parents, and hundreds of women In
Alabama work daily in the fields to sop- .
port their children. Then the lam
prowling negroes rob our fields at night!
Oh ! the iron heel of oppression is truly
on our necks, and life lea curse to many
at the South to-day. But this Is only
the beginning of the drama. God alone
knows the sequel."
re THE Sotrrx.—The surging elements
of political and social strife now agita
ting the Booth are beginning to find an
outlet in an almbst boundless sea of
troubles. We have already chronicled
many acts of lawlessness committed by
the blacks in defiance of the civil author
ities in various darts of the Southern
country, but they seem not to have been
so unprovoked and alarming as those
that have occurred in Mississippi. So
threatening have matters become there
that the Governor has felt called upon to
issue a proclamation warning the blacks
against committing further outrages,
and also cautioning them against follow
ing the seditious advice of emissaries,
black or. white. It appears, according
to this proclamation, that conspiracies
actually exist in Mississippi among
the blacks to "go to war" by Janu
ary next, unless Congress arranges
a plan of dividing and distributing the
farm lands, pakticulars of persons and
places being furnished the Governor.
In such an event it is unnecessary to
predict the fate that will befall the black
race not only in Mississippi but through
out the South ; for the government wUI
be obliged to interfere, as GeneratCanby
has already, in regard to the Mississippi
conspiracies, and the wretched negroes
will perish by thousands.—N. Y. Her.
DUST AND Ghats.—A few Sabbaths
since Eda was allowed to go to Sabbath
School, her first time, and there she
learned the startling intelligence that
she was made of dust. Little Eda's
mind was fully Impressed with the im
yodel:ice of the great truth, as was evin
ced by her reference to the subbed, in
the shape of questions unanswirabla.
One morning, however, she propounded
a stunner, which brought down the
house. Intently watching her mother
sn eeping, as if to learn the art she must
finally practice, saying not a weed, her
eyes rested on the little heap of dirties.
mutated by her mother's bream, Just
as the dirt was to be swept intoths simaste
the little philosopher burst forth lath
"Ma, ma! why don't you save deeded
to gate some mom little