MEE Ntetipsbug totpiltx. ira.voos, xor. " FLOUR, GRAM GROOMES, &C. Ii =1 AlllOrt NANCUE. it Is the/getters/ practice in this coun try to anew the manure formed In the barnyard during the winter to remain there* until seeding time In the &U. Is - this an economical plan" Does not the manure undergo conniderable loss in the yard during the warm weather of sum mer? It has been calculated by those who hays had experience and the means of ascertaining, that for every ten hundred weight of dry fodder, hay or straw used, the farmer may expect from twenty to twenty-five hundred weight of manure, in INS spring. This ten hundred weight of dry food and straw will, as before stated, produce from twenty to twenty-flve hundred •• weight of fresh dung, which at the end of six seeks will weigh but twenty-one hundred; at the end of eight weeks but ;twenty; when half rotten but from fif teen to seventeen ; when entirely rotten, but from ten to thirteen. - Thus, we see tliat by the time the ma fully rotten, one-fourth of the weight is lust, and the mass Is diminish. ed In bulk one half. Them remarks ap , ply to manure which is left exposed to the action of the sun and rain. The main loss is in water; but there is s very large Ides In ,ammonia apd other volatile substances, which are etapotated by the heat of the sun, or washed out by the rain. The question then, la : WoUld it not be better to haul the manure out to the field in the spring and plough It under, eo that what leas by decomposition and fermen tation does take place may be absorbed by the soil? If enriching the soil was the only ob ject in view, it would without doubt be most economical to plough the manure under tutsoon Of possible after it Is form ed : but there are other points to be con eldered, as, for instance, the state of the soil with regard to texture. If the soil is light and very open, it *mild not-be economical to plough. in long or fresh manure, for it would have a tendency to make it still more so; the rain would wash the 'soluble portions of the manure too deep pefore they could be absorbed by the mil, and in this way a greater loss might be created than if the manure had remained in the barnyard. fiut in heavy or common soilatt is un• doubtedly more economical to plough In the straw and other manure while in a long and fresh state, for it will then have a tendency to render the soil more open and permit a more free passage of the air. English farmers think this by far the better plan, for it converts the whole field into a heap of compoet, and fermen tation goes on slowly, and as fast as the volatile portions are given off they are absorbed and retained by the will. The crop for which the manure is ap plied niust at. o more or less influence the manner of application. If the crop la one which grows quickly and soon reach es maturity, it would not be economical to appiriong, fresh manure, for the plant Would be done growing before the ma nure wss euMeiently decomposed to affeet it much. That if, on the other hand, the crop is one which grows slowly, and it Is desirable to furnish it with nourishment throughout the whole growth, then long manure will better acoomplieh the effect than common fermented or decomposed manure. I consider that I obtain more from my . manure by spreading it on the *sod and - ploughing it under for corn, than I do by keeping it; even with the beet care, Until fell, and applying it to the oats stubble to be ploughed in ftir wheat. I think that the corn crop appropriates what tvould be lost by evaporation, had the manure been retained in the barn yardl in the usual way. And whe seed flog times come in the fall, the ma t ure if thoroughly incorporated with th soil and is ready to fertilize the wheat soon as it begins to grow. ' 1 do not fi nd from several Wa i ts that the oats le sensiblyAffected' byte ma nure, as I do not tart' it up when plough ing for oats. B. B. T., Bents county, Pa.. IRON AND VEOETABLE&—A curious discovery, says the American Farmer, Baltimore, has been made In France, regarding the influence of iron on vege tables. On the chalky shores, vegeta tion is sere and withered In appearance, Which, It appears, is removed by the 'application of a solution of the sulphate of iron. Harrlcot beans, watered with this substance, acquired an addition of sixty pm, cent. Mulberries, peaches, pears, grl vines and wheat, derive ad vantages from - the same treatment In the cultivation of clover, wonderful ad vantages have been gained by the ap plication of the sulphate of Iron on boils where It is desired to produce an early crop. In view of these facts the harmer asks: "What becomes of all the scales which fall from the anvils of our land ?" CUMIN° TIMBEB,—Cut timber from September to December, and you ca not. get a worm into it. October a nd November are perhaps the beet months, and are sure to avoid worms. You cut from March to Jnno and you cannot rove the timber from worms or borate. JOSEPH CLOVD, of East Nautmeal, Chester county, info, ma the Record that be raised this year from one seed a pump kin vine 780 feet long, bearing 348 ,pounds of pumpkins, the largest weighing over 60 pounds. TUE only way to form the habit of ear ly rising is to Jump out of bed the mo ment you *Wake. The man who hesitates when called, is lost. The mind should be made up in a minute, for early 'rising is one of those subjects that admit of no turning ovcr. TIMEX Drams AT A Saar.—Ube day last week a colored man of Cumberland, Md., while out hunting, observed three deem approaching him, and taking good elm be fired at the lot, and brought down all three, killing,two of them and wound ing the other. He secured two, bat the wounded one managed to get away. "I NOM my little daughter," I said one morning, "that you will be able to control your little temper to-day." "Yes, mamma; and I hope you will be able to edntrol your big temper." • BeizavE, the new negro President of = is said to be taking measures to Memel? in the permanent occu pancy ortbe Presidential chair. A Etas broke out on Thursday nlight .pt Princeton, Illinois, which destroyed Property to the amount of the estimated value, of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. A son.= exploded at an Iron mill lit plltslairs on Friday week, killing twen ry potions and wounding many others. The= i subsequently took Are and ria A Nser, (inutans eakow, on the sunny boort taken to herself an MOW. ==M GO TO WHOM I IFIMILMI, E adstif , nted ortmla w ai the, Wan- Wag Boshler's 17 YOCUM morn, WM* anuc____ L oArn "arm TO at " . Cl4l/11:164 " ) IMAT,_CLOVEN AND INNUIPINY. SE=B, POTATOLIi, *C., BLACK CLCMIDA ~IjIJc 1 ' II kl sad' Writs prodaeses to ev e theist • pal befact• selll They hate eonntantly on hind for sale, ' A LAIWE SUPPLY OF UROCERIE7s; illoationont nreops, Codass,'Slosaint,_ Lard . T Salt, Flab, Otis, Tar, Soaps, Bacon and Lard. Tonged" tc. Awo the hest brinda of FLOUR. with FEED Of all kinds, They likewise, Lave SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS. Soluble Patine Guano, Rhodes' Pbosphate rutd A A Mexican Guano. W'bUit they. A iwy the highest market prices foe all they buy, they sell at tbelowarallvlaa preen& giask • 'hare of public patronage, reablyed to roerinsfaetlou In army bum - ROBERT maCORDY wm. & RAMM.Tom: Gettysburg, July 1, UST. GREEN RIDGE! Sr NEW STORE AND NEW OtX)DS! 'SS JO hrN NOBBZCK ILI AA commenced Store-keeping at OMEN RIDGE, in Hamilton townaldp, d Adams 00, on the Hampton turnpike, and woul Inform the public that he has Just returned from the city with an excellent assortment of DRY CiOODEI b GROCERIES, AIM-WARE caIEENH-WARZ„ CEDAR-WAII.B, TIN WARE, CANDIES, NOTIONB, Tobago:4, &c„ &e.—indeed, a full and complete line of Goode, to cult the necemltlea and tulles of all. HI. pci are as low as the very lowest— Callooes at canto and. Muallua at 11 omits, as Instances. He feels that hie tomas and prices will be galls facto o f to the pu bl c, and therefore Invites abase Mar custom, from near and far. Don't forget the advice—the Green Ridge Store Is the place to get the full worth of your money. - 867. lf NEW GOODS CHEAP-CHEAPER-CHEAPEST yon with to buy good and. cheap Cioods, call JACOBS dt BROIL STORE, near Myers's „Hotel, in rHAMBERARL'AG ST., Gettysburg. They Wive the very best selection of goods, such as CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, AC., the market can produce, and are determined to sell them as cheap as can be sold anywhere in town or country. Any person wishing to have them CUT, can have it done tree of charge. Those desiring, goods MADE UP, can also be secommo. dated. - We warrant the beat work and the beet du to be had anywhere. No humbug In what we We haveon band the very best and moatdureble SEWING MACHINES, and are always ready to wait on customers. Full saUataction given to operating machines. Call and examine. We warrant them to be the beat tn use. 1=! April 8, P 6 . t f Farmers, Attend to Your Interests I . GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. • E subscriber would inform his customers Trod others, tbst r he is still mannincturing Ars ons kinds of castings and Maeblue*, made to order, on abort notice, such as 'THEVBRERti AND POWERS, (tßye di rent ekes of Power,) CLOVER-SEED MJLLERS AND CLEANERS, CORN SREL• LEAS AND SEPARATORS CORNPODDER CUTTERS, STRAW AND HAY CUTTERS; PLOVGHB, inteh es Cast Ploughs, Bushes: Ploughs, gidelllll and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-BPRISO HORSE RAKE the latest improvement; also Metal Strews for Cider Peewee IRON RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything ohm in his line, all at low prime. FOR RALE.—A light Two-home Wagon, a One. bores Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all new. DAVID STEFLNER.. April 88; 1888. U OEBAP FOB CASH I NEW STORE! OROCERIFS, T.JQEORS, &C. The undersigned ha a Mitred tosiettysburg. and opened a new store, on Raltdmtre street, heat door to the Pod Sloe , and nearly. opposite the Court Rouse, where he offers for sale, MEAT! FOR CASH, a large and choke assortment of Oreeerles,— SUGARS, COFFEM, TEAS, MOLASSES, BTH UPS, SALT, IC., with FISH, EE=3 Mao, Liquors,— WINER, BRANDIES, G INA, WITIESKIFYI, RMAR, . . and everything tae In the nor. Aliso, any quantity of Notions, to milt any and everybody. cr lLl lee Oda is the place to buy ("REAP FOR OEO. F. KALBFLEISCIL pril 43,1891. - NEW BAKERY. .. r NEWPORT & ZIEGLER, —.. AKECITAINICAf BAKERS, South WashinVou f • street, one ,quire from the Eagle Ho the beat .... BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, &e. Persons wishing fresh tread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and resi dences at the Bakery. Every effort nuule to please.l 20 Givenf. us a eaU. Apri, lU. Gifts for Christmas ._New Years! A ORIPERB PVIVQX OF FINE GOLD AND SIT, ER WATOIES, ALL WARRANTED TO OWN, AND THOROUGHLY REGULATED AT THE LOW PRICE OF $lO EACH, AND SATIS-, FACTION GUARANTEED. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Witches. 2210 to $lOOO IRV Magic Camed Gold Watches 250 to 500 100 Ladies' Watches, enameled. 1110 to BE 1100 Gold Hunting Cbron. Watch. 210 to 501 200 Gold Hunting English Leven, 200 to MO 000 Gold Hunting Dup. Watches. 150 to 200 500 Gold Hunting Amer. Watches 1.01 to 250 RIO Silver Hunting Leven. .... 50 to 150 500 Silver Hunting Duplexes-- .5 to MO 500 Gold Lail.' H atchea , . . 50 to MO 1400 Gold Hunting Lepines........ ... 50 to 75 1,000 Miscellaneous Silver Matc hes 70 to lUD 2,500 Hunting Silver Watches . 25 to 50 5,000 Anaorted Watches, all kinds 10 to 75 The above stock will be disposed of on the ror- MAR ONT.-PRICY PLAN, giving every patron One Gold or Solid Blls er Watch for $lO, without recited to value! Widow?, Bao. tt Co.. 161 Broadway, New York, wish to immediately dispose of the above mag nificent !dock. Certificate., naming the articles, are placed in sealed ens elopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named In their certificate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it he a watch worth $l,OOO or one worth lON. The return of any of our certificates enti tles you to the article. named thereon, upon Pay meat, irrespective of its worth, and as no artiele valued Lew. than $lO es named on any Perth/Olt!, It will at once be eeeu that this Pi no lottery, but • straightforward legitimate tramueetion, which may be participated In even by the Most faialdl- OWL A single certificate will be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of% cents, five for 11, eleven tor 52, thirty-three end elegant premium for fb, sixty-six and more valuable premium for $lO, one hundred and meet superb Watch ibr fib. To agents or these wishing employment. this is a rare opportunity. it is a legitimately conducted baldness, duly authorised by the Government, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Watches sent by Express, with bill for collection on dellv efy, Po that no dissatlanction out possibly occur. Try us. Address WRIGHT, BROTHER & CO., Importers Id/ Broadway, :Few York. Nov. !MP. am AND OTHERS. E Outliers 'Mineral Paint Co. are now menu tnacturing the Beat, Cheapest and most Dare b Paint In use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last idor 15 years ; it Is of a light bream or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green. lead, stone, drab, olive or maim to milt the taste of the consumer. It Le valuable for Houses, Barna, Fences, Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Agri cultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Cans-as, Metal and Shingle Roofs, fit being Fire and Water proof,) Floor Oil Clothe, lone Manufsettuer having used 5000 bbla. the past year; and sea paint for anv purpose te usurgrpouu. ed for durability, elasticity, end adhesiveness. Price 14 per bid. of 300 lbs., which willsupply • farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases an above. Send for a circular which Myra tail parakealara. None pentane unless branded In a Dada mark Grafton - M inerva Paint. Addrese DANIEL AID TM reset Intrae‘lfew"l t fAL ' Dept. 0, MC. 4114. ItAIM WARM gag , PTelt DOLLARS ' ooin) foe SLACK OAK BARK, deitvwed at by Tatuaery. Is Gettysburg. JOlng ItI7PP. Sone L. th..)r.) A FRENCH XISSTISO9, COLORED ALPACAS. BLACK ALPACAS, MOHAIR LIIMITEIIie, WOOL DELAINES FANCY DU.& commas, p.)",iks 44,1 GLOVES, COLLAI CUFFS ciuMNTRWARE. OIL CLOT, 0 ? 11 07thIng elaie ID the DRY GOODS .* `NOTION LINE. N. W. eor. of the Square, a s s 3) ism cr Gettysburg, VS. ;~.~:I~~~i~k~:M~f~~; 71 ~y:1~;i: have jnatiedeiTed their NEW FALL 'STOCK, the largest is the eontitr—oorudsting of Dit Y GOODS, MERINOES, POPLINS, ALPACAS, ` GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, II DELAINES, CALICOES, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, JEANS, In every variety CARPETS, & larva stook and vent cheep. SHAWLS, all kinds and prises BLANKETS, very clasp QUEENSWARE„the lamest Meek In the county and very cheep HARDWARE and Saddlery, ha all Rs branches, at the lowest market rates. GROCERIES, of all kinds IRON AND NAILS, OILS AND PAINTS Will ssll• GOODS at prices nurrrso convert 17021. Give call and examine our stock. SIGN F THE RED FRONT. 'OettyshurgJ Oct. 4, 1867. tt J. L SCHICK, SOUTIIIIIIr CORNER OT CI Tllt SQVART. GETITSBURO, PA. Ma just received a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, comprising in part as = FR CP{ MERItiOES, ALL WOOL POPLINI4, NNW STYLE OF FANCY roPums, _ BISMARN POPLINS, MPREBB CLOTHS. ALL WOOL PLAIDS, BLACK AND FANCY BILKS, LAMM' CLOAXINO CYTIIS, NEW STYLE OF FALL GOODS. DELA.DIEB AND 4ALICOES, FLAYSII.B IN GIi.EAT VARIETY, BLEACHED AlirD BROWN BIIIFILLNE4 CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB, CABBLNETS„ cAsiamotarre AND JEANS, LADIES' FURS IN GREAT VARIETY, PLOVES AND STOCICINOB, CORSETS, HAND STATIONERY AND PERIMISERY Rept. 27. Illg. tf TIN-WARE & STOVES. TITE LARGEI3LARSORTMENT OF TIN-WARE IN THE COUNTY, AT S. G. COOK'S, (former Andrew PoGerm) Abeam:deed THE BEST COOKING STOVES IN MARKEL wrong whkch are the OLD DOMINION, CONEPROMD3E, .PENNBYLVANLL NOBLE COOL EOONOMIST, BARLEY SHEAF. •e Also, many other articles tor Kitchen nee, which will be sold as law sat any other place la the wanly June:l,llNß. If ?ALL it =FM 0011% E. INITIONEW le saw receiving • lanre stook of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCEBIE QUEENS W A BE,, HARD WARE, BOOTS, SHOES AND' HATS. I oill the atbatlon or my resumers and the constannlty to my large lk,ekea t Cl'"itril .111 MOW earring at lower rates Man have been ann e tbe war, and at Mite. which alai" AM to/strike Om parehmerm cheap. With eeerY WOW tar pabewslati Goods at askew agoras as say In Ow bads,preparadrto tmet = O . l law Mires boon any awl all Pemba tosieradtr to thole:meet market pieta b aly setabladeed rale. HITESHEW. Prberbard. Or-R.) Oct. /1 1 1, bler- 1T 11ir 4 1 71 glr turplablag Goo& la Wads NorIRIS'. W r 77 ' 4=11;41:-: rigsoboMots . boos joist Mansell tram the :14,10th immmoblospplq ot HARDWARE a GROCERIES, which Lbw aro A aid dant ilk afai• Chnore street; ll = ta ila l i M Use timeli. stock consists in pert of BUILDER° MAMMALS, CAMPIRMaII OOLS. BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS coAca nziDukon, SOS F MRPMAKER'S TOOEA HOUSEKEEPER% FIXTURES, ALT, RINDS OF IRON, Sc., OROCERMS OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, Sc., Sc. viaturas. Th Is no article ineladed in the several de partessats reenttoned above but whatma be had at Ws dam IBeery elms of Medmaim eau be accommodated here with tools sad andinat. and Ma Lad every article to their line. ogr rs=, as we are prepared to cell as low Oar nub as any house oat of the city. JOEL B. D.tNNER, DAVID ZIECiLER. Gettysburg, May 15, 1861. • NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. NEW AND GOOD OOODI AT LOW PRICES. SHAWL rICBE cindersianed haa opened a new Root and Shoo atom on BALTIMORE STREET, one door month at the Presbyterian Church and near ly opposite McCreary's Saddler shop, where he °Mire an attractive assortment of goods In hie line, all new and selected with Ihe greatest care. He has HOSIKRY, LADIES• CONOREBB GAITERS. LADIFJC BALMORAL GAITERS, LADD'S' COMMON GAIT ERs, LADIEW BALMORAL BOOT', IN LARGE VARIETY. CARPETS. GF;NTLEMEN'S CALF Boars. GENTLEMEN'S KIP BOOT% OKNTLEMEN'S CoNGRFASGAITF.Rs, (lENTLEYEN*SLIPPERM ALL STYLES GENTLEMEN'S BALMORALS. GENTLEMEN'S BROGANS, SC, MISSFS' CONGRESS GAITERS, MISHEM. BALMORAL GAITERS. Mls d' MOROIXIO BALMORALS, &C., &C., *c., &C. BOY'S CONGRESS GAITERS. BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOW BROGANS, &C., &C. Mao, Boots and Shoes of his own manufacture constantly on hand. All will be sold at the lowest living profits. Boyars. from town and count*, are invited to coil and examine goals and price, before pur chasing elsewhere. I am determined to soli cheap—a little cheaper than any other hone In the county. By strict attention to husitiesa, and dealing fairly and squarely with everybody, I hope to merit and receive an encouraging share of it u e N ZA i ri t l77.gUßlNG of Boots and Shoes will ohm be carried on. in all Its branches. Boots. Shoes and halters made to order. Re pairing done on short notice—and no effort s criss red wo W rk i rgen ve employed. Ra v ing .blltie-rtirme experienos at the nosiness, I (eel col:indent that I can please all who may call. 1:L11;0EL. Gettysburg, Jane 21, 1067. NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORD. THE undersigned has opened a Drug Wore In New Oxford Adams county, and resprrtfully calls the attention of thr public to ids stock ot MUSLINS, PAINTS, 011 J , DYE-STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS. , PATENT MEIDICEIIES, and a full assortment bf DREGS: in a word a complete stock of Goods generally kept in a grid elan Drug store. All of which have beenur chased during the past two weeks , and wi ll he sold low. All the art 'clew formerly manufactured at the old eeteblishment in Bast Berlin can be had here. Endennandlug his business perfectly, and selecting his goods himself, he 'sable to war rant his Drugs pure and as represented. The pub lic are requested to givp him a trial. D. M. MILLER. New Oxford, May 6.1%7. 6m &c., &.c., tic., IRON-IRON-IRON ! GETTYSBURG FORGE TEE enbaeribera respect fu lly Inform the public that they bays erected a Forge In connection with their Steam Mill, and are now manufactritg FORGED AND HAMMERED IRON, such as Plough, Horne-shoe and Bar Iron, and n^- etc e m tf a ul .4 l' ll, u f s eetn ß g i n e i Par l i h D'a ev alrl i t t 3O . able to please as to quality, Mandl and prier. . 1 BRINIIMAN A W.kEItEN. N. R.—The higheet market price paid for wpoaeht and 'wrap hon. B. & W. Dee. 17, 1566. THE GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. Tilfundersigned takes pleasureln announcing c 7 the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Fahnestock Brothers. The room he now occupier has been recently fitted up expressly for his business. The location na ntr admirable one, enabling him to take pic tures in all shades of weather, and a ith a correct ness unequafied any where else, LIFE-LIEF: PHOTOGRAPHS. - - .of every sise and description, exeeuted in the finest style. Particular attention sawn In the CARTE DE \Tsar., and to eopclux AMBRO. TYPES and DAoUERREOTYPES of thven‘ed friends. Also— THE GETENRBURd GEMS, a new style of picture, which has b 4• 0111 e very popular with the public, not only for theirtxautc . but for chesprieas and conVepfence. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLMA only. Alao—TAß PORCE LAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and du rability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry on the btudneas In all its various branches, and having had considern tatxmi-Ta7.43GruPFVOCk4nBATNFACTION Our factlitiea for a full dieplay of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery In the county, and we would therefore Invite every one to call at the HER' GEM - SHERD SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. Call and examlue our Illpeelmens and irides (or yo Juno 25, l urselves. LEVI MUMPER. 985. NOAH WALKER & CO., WABRINGTON BUILDING 1135 AND 167 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, RD., TTEEP constantly on band a large and well na zi sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, either ready made or made to measure, to any part Of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FUR NISHING GOODS, embracing every article of Gentlemen's Under-wear, Also, MILITARY CLOTHS and every variety of 6111itary Trim mings, as well as an assorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODM. Baltimore, Feb. T 2,1661. coLL,IIO, HOUSE PAINTING GEORGE A. WA &Y EE, HOUSE P-4IXTER, . South Waxbington M., Gettymbnrg, Pa. GOOD WORK AND MODERATE PRIt'ES Jolt - M, A FARM WANTED A" IXTSOllbIlVing good FARM for sate, and willing to take in part payment one or more trade of choice Weetcra land, located in well Fettled emighbarboods, near County Towns, Rail Roads. dm., will and a purchaser by en quiring 6, at this oMee. Sept. MM. tr For Bale Cheat. A Mpg-RATE SHINGLE MILL and SAM' 4 p le e % t u y u c t , y f work three relies from A. Aug. /A UV. tf IL H 17 71 7. For Sala—A Valuable Merchant Mill, ARC as MILL and SAW MILL, with IA ACRES OF LAND, known 43andoe'm WI," on Creek, in Adams county, Pa. 4 miles northwest from Ennittaborg, and 8 ninon eoutb.. west from Gettysburg, all in good order, water power heavy, and to a good grain country. ALllO— other MILL, known se "Uollingerli Mill," with 114 ACRES OF LAND, one mire from Ala bottatoern, On the Hanover turnpike. All itl good Order. GEO. ARNOLD. Aug. 12,1X11. tf S. O. COOK. John W. Tipton, LUSHIONABLE BARBER, Northeast corner f of the Dimoond, (next door to McClellan's Ho tel.) Gettysburg, Fs., where he must all tbnes be found nerdy to attend to all business in his line. He has also excellent assistance and will ensure satisfaction. Give him a call. Dec. 3, MO. Wintery Removals. B' vo the Keeper, the undersigned Le author ized to make removals Into Ever Green Cem etery, and hope. that MAl as contemplate the re moval of tlw rematua of deceseed relativee or friends will avail themselves of thla VIVIOII2 of the year to have It done. Removals made with promptness—terms low, and no effort spared to please. PETER THORN. March M., IS& Keeper of the Cemetery. WESTERN LANDS. LEAVE some valuable WENTERN LANDS wheat I will trade Mr one or more FARS:IBIn t comity. The Lerida are well loomed, aud very deatrabie for farming. Eartyapplioation Unlined J. umnow:Karr. Gettgabarg. April taln. tt rebtStred olobloa . PHOTOGRAPHS or their lbdreadrlll Sad It to Mar advantsio to ad/ lazediator. rt TYRIPPN. OPPIOGIPE. Pt,. ===MNM3I REMOVAL ! CLOTHIERS, ADAMS COUNTY sa-r 17. u. FIRE INSURAVVE COMP. T. iNCOUrOVATXD, MARCH 14, 1&51 'OPTICERP. FreeWent—George SRope. The President --Naanuel R. Russell • _ . =70:11 A. Buehler. E. A . Fahnestock. Egmgoitye Committee—Robert McCurdy, AXl drewneiman, Jacob King MoLbiQy . eons° Swope,Buehler. R. „ K. Elebelbenter S. R. Bataanll. E. G. Fahnenixek, A. D. Buehler, R. G. Metheare, Get. : St N r % a u ltn ix te n wr i. Thatilp ; si t Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, itendersvtlle; 11. A. ptelting,Straban; John Woltord, Lattimore; John Picking. Heat Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Benders elite ; Abdiel F. nut, New Oxford; Jas. H. Mar shall, Ham'ltontsm, John Cunningham, Free dom; John I looter, Mon nO o) ; WM. Mae White, Liberty. Company It limited In its operations to the count.) , of Adams. It has been 111 openillon far more than 15 3,,•0r5. to In that period ha,. Made hut one aNsessment, having paid liaises by are during that period amounting to 513,00—56,. inn of which hate been paid during the last two year!n. Any person desiring an 'lnsurance tan apply to any of the Rho,. e named Managers for farther Information. q•The Ex,rutite Committee meets at the of nee of the Com puny, on the lent Wedneeday In e very month, at 2 o'clock, I'. 31. Oct. te, tf W. E. RIDDLE. 11 . Y . BENNER. 100,000 BUSHELS BRIAN WANTED, NEW FIRM AT TILE OLD WAREHOIVE. Wte F liu r t l t i rh i eTtty ' e l l ) .: '°l eel l llle in liT n ret t i b m t ie r e 'u n b- n the eurner of Stratton et reet and the Eaßroeul, In G e tty.burg, where thee Will enrry uu THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINDiS in oil it. branch,. The highr,t pricer will al ava in mitt tor Wheat, It. e, Corn, 4att, Clover and Timothy Seed, Flux...v.!, sumac, liar' and, Straw, Pried Fruit, Ntit, r.oap, ifom., shoulders and diva, Potatoe, Ivitire,erythiag eine in tile mann, - ermine° II [lt . Gito42l,ltlES.--1 111 Wind, for vlc, Cult e*. Su gar', NIOIOI.N, s,runa, Tel., Spice., knit, rheese, Vinegar, so du, Mu...turd, s4tarell, Brooms, purg e.", Marking, sq.ap, he. Also ('OA I, ('Ti., Fi n k, oil, Tar, he. Fish or all kinds: Spikes and Nall.; Smoking and thew ing Tointema. They are always able to nipple a nod rate RM. Cle of 'Flour, with he dillerent !ann. of Fred. Also. Ground Maxtor. with Guano.. and other fertilise... COAL. by the bunhel, ton or carload. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in any quantity, at REPrCED BATEI4. They will attend, if desired, to the making of purcbasea In the city, and delivering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their care nun to the Warehouseoof Nathan Ron_p & 12s North Howard et., near 'Franklin,Baltimore, where freight will be re ceived at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line assuring them that they w 11l spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. April Id, 1864. tf =I SEWING MACHINES The Grovef& Baker,—The - Best la &se. TMESE Machines have become so well known that little need be said by way of rem:mutton alon. They bat e taken the lirnt premium at all the late btate Fairs and are universally ac knowledged to be the 'MIT in use by tai who have tried them. The "(irover n Baker Stitch" and the "Shuttle stitch' are points that have been attained by no ut tier Machine. They are the only machines that sew and embroider with per fection. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family use. They are noiseless, sew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are sim ple in their construction. They are Luny to man age, and am be worked by almost any child. Every family should have one. They our labor, thry net tame, and they sate money, and do their work better than It can be done by hand. The underalgaed hnv tog been appointed Agent. for the above Machin.. hap .tablished an Agen cy in Fairfield, Adllll. county, where he will al s have nhan'i ca a l l an d examin e 'uPPIY.P'n ' f or h w i t sh e l l n u! to u ple a se privet.. a-Needlett and Thread will oliin be supplied. J. S. WITHEIiOW, Agent, Fairfield, Atlanta county, Pa Aug. 27, 1888. If Secure a Large Wheat Crop EtIMECI BAUGH'S RAW BOSE PHOSPHATE. AVRICH mnta ins by analysin of Prof. A.nnow den Piggott, 3.75 per cent. of Ammonia and 52.5: Bone Phosphate of Lime, besides over 14 per cent. of Soluble halt*. This article stands prominent on the list of valuable Fertilizers, years of trial ha'. Ing gained for It an en% table reputation. • Being made from Raw Bones, which cot all their original organic matter, it retains the Durable Properties qI Bone, and uhile produces large elm., d renovates and pervalleolly unproms the soil. A TRIAL OF IT 113 ALL THAT IS agantn tolcon vince anv one Of its groat merits. The puhUe are cautioned against severt4apn riot's imitations of thin article called "flaw Bone," 'Raw Bone Phosphate, - &c. Many Farmer% have been greatl y deceived by purchaaing them, Be sure to specify "BAUGH F. It in packed In Bags and BarreN, and lei pre pared Ina line powder su itable (or drilling. „ Send for u Circular to me or MY agents ' GEURGE DUGDALE., Manufacturers' A gent, Nos, 97 d lid Smltha Wharf Hahn:mire, 11rd. • ED-For sale by CC LP & t) burg, Pa. Aug. 23, PC. 3m Great Oonowago Mille: 10 000 BtSHEL.9 (IF WHEAT WANTED. The . undersigned, having remodeled and improv ed his MUM, near New Che.ter, Adams county, (formerly called "Walnut Grove. - hut flow "Great Nnoarago Mills,'l I. prepared to do all kinds of work In his line with unusual diniatch, Constantly on hand, for oak or exellange.! the ery beat qualities of super, Extra and Family FOUR, alio Rye. Corn and Buckwheat Flour, with every vn net 4, of Chop and offal of whi Haying a SAW MILL attachd, he is prep', mkt to saw all kinds of lumber, at the shortest notice. A Farmer In need of lumber and flour, f an Put a log upon hi.. wagon, throw a few bushels of wheat, on the top, base the wheat exchanged for tour and the log sawed, thus saving a double trip— and all because of theperfeet machinery now lem ployed In these mills. Having' the hest of workmen, he will tar able to please everybody. Thankful for past favors, he hopes for a continuance of the same. 3IYEBS. New Chester, April 22, 1. 4 67. 1Y• • EIE undersigned hos opened a LUMBER YAM_ ,) on the Railroad, near Cilublia dz. ly's Lime Kilns, Gettysburg, and nakx the public to give hint a call. lily nasomneat is one of the best ever offered here, and his pr,cca afford only the smallest living profit. He has SMITE PINE PL .NE, INCH AND HALF BOARIX 4 , FLOORING PALINGS, &C.', "&C. and is conatantly addlnk to Ida btock. Come and examine for yonmelvea. JACOB /*LEADS. I= FRESH CONFECTIONARY AND ICE CREAM SALOON. Msubscriber respectfully informs the MG . of Gettysburg and vicinity, that he bas a Confectionary Establishment, one door east of the Eagle Hotel, on I'HAMBERSBURG STREET, to which he would invite their attention. CAKES, CANDIES, AND EVERY DEAcurp 'PION OF CONFECTIONS, together with NUTS, ORANGES and all klnda of FRUITS, always on hand. la-PARTIES publie and private, an well RN FAMILIES., will be furnlnhed with all kinds of C.IKEB, ICE CREAM, do peramidal form or otherwined and other REERFT4IM E\ TS, at their houses, upon short notice. Having spent a life-time at the business. he flatters himself that he understands it, and that be Is able to give entire satisfaction. Call and aft Ida Confectionary. JOHIC GRUEL. May MI, 1M& tf I. LOUTS aItOEGIC WESTCOTT & GEORGE, SECCIMORS TO C 0. ,• PHILIP WILSON at . INIPOETEES AND DEALERS IN GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, Cricket and Bane Ball bnpleraente, FISHING TACKLE, SKATES, Croquet, Archers, 406 Chesnut. street, ildladelphia. May 13, NV. am GROVENSTAE2 , I PIANOS. CHLOVENSTEEN'S KANTO, GROVENSTEEN'S PIANOS, 499 Broadway, New York, 490 Broadway, New York, 100 Broadway, N. Y., a RE unrivaled for DURABILITY, POWER 21 and EVENNFM of TONE. Theare bud be coming the favorite OVER ALL OTHERS, with Magicians, Amateurs and all lovers of 0001) MUSIC. They are WARRANTED in every re _ Prices ONE - THIRD LOWER than other re aped Vera. Mend for Chvular. OROVENSTEEN & 490 Broadway, New York. Cirt. 1$ lard. am EVERHART'S FRANKLIN HOUSE, CORNER or HOWARD d FRANKLIN arnr.wrs, BALTIMORE, MIL Thle IFleuxe to on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refitted and comfortably ar ranged Ibr the convenience and the entertain. meat Of goeßtA entertain.- Nov. 2D, 1255. tf rIOICHTANTLY on hand, an aeaortmant of Eine IL) FILtMESI, PHO7OGRAPII ALBUM_ ,8 and Baskets for grange. from the Batale-= PROTO.3ItAdED3 of our Generals and °thee die ingatahed individual. at the Esc Gallery. C./. TYSON. rlorder to prove the maertlono in favor Oprocurlng PIIOTOGRAPIDI at Ummade Exeendor ery, Call and alt rueyour PICIITRYS. No charge will be made velem you are plowed wlith the molt and choose to leave your order. r. s. TYRON. ' FRESH ARRIVAL THE NORTH AMERICAN or LIM AND ACCIDENT DRY GOODS iNsußsixcE comPaxy FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Stdre of A. SCOTT & SON Their stock I:rarebits of• MERINOF.S, all sky's& DELAINES, all styles. CALICOES, all styles. MUSLINS, all grapes CLOTHS AND CAS'SIMERBS of till styles mil amau)•. Peranne wanting GOOD G(*)DS and GOOD BARGAINS, Should not hill to go to the Store of A., tiCIAT a SUN, _ Chtmberoblars acct, 2nd Square, Oct. 11, ICt. ! o,dtrabung, Pa BARGAINS AT THE NEW Cl-110C.E14,-Mr =I JOHN CH.Er*. & rxiv TjAVEopened a new. N'EltY, In Gettya li Initg, fhe north-a - eat owner of the l'oblle !Square, and has eitait ramvti rd /I splendid asaort- Iluetit, us FREO,II • GROCERIES, r . Including 4nl(aret. Cot!Ves, Molames, Syrup., 4'ens bpleety, Tobsevo, Salt, Yoh, ilatoN Sl)oulaerm. de. qUEENSWAREi CON FECTIONS, • Nuts, Fruits, Soaps, Fancy' lArt leles and Not lons W generally. e will also Wet, on hand FLOUR and FEED-STUFFS. - - . Having purchased for CABII, we are prepared to sell very cheap. lave uS a call and Judge for yourselves. _ JOHN CRF64S. J. AV. CRENS. Kept. 27, 1567. SOLDIERS' H - QUARTETS, At :CORM' STORE, is the place to get • LL NV INTER GOODS CHEAP FOR CA.SH: I F you want a cheap °vol . ...nat io to Non jus.. I F you want a goat cheap Dre" go - iololllllB'. I F you want a good Every-day , t , o •n t ot g!comrti i i I F y on w ant a good pair of Punt.. go IF you want a good elihapiVh.t. go to NORRIW. IF you want a FASHION.I.III. ,4 E . ‘ H. T, toNORRIW. IF you want a late Fall ht 414' (up. NORRHF. I F you want • good pair ofPlon g t o sff I F you want a FASHlONll.ll.. g E o !;: T C ,i ir i l t ia .. I F you want a good I rend! ral g f tn4 l . lt . !:f j . alus.. IF you want a good Umbrella, go to NORRIS' I F you want good Paper Cgllaes, go to I F you want a fashionable cult go ot' to Cl l ? ... taz its.. youwant anything In the G g %nt i l o crAtgal . l . e. IF you want a goal tiMOKE, gn to NORRIS'. I F E‘, Tatt . want good HEAVY Utto,F.i.ltaktart- 'Also—A large stork of CAMSIMERES IX THE PIECE: Pernons preferring the goods to Heady made Clothing, can to, w ounimodated at the low rot rash prier. "I'HEO. NORMS. Oct. IL P.C. If THE BEST._ WASHING MACHINE. THE undersigned offers der sale, the TOWN SHIP RIGHTS Of Aria= county, for DE LONG'S I=l and BEST Wasaan that has yet been offered to the public. The:Right.° will' be sold on tem . ?: na- ble terms. This is a line opportunity fur enor- gene men to make 0001) WAGES manuran- toting or selling theme machines. A asmpli machine will be furnished any person who par chases a Hight, If desired, at cost. Call at the store of Duphorn & Roffman. S. W. cor. Square where the machines may be seen and tried. FRANK. D. DUPHORN. Gettrnburg, Jun. 21, 1887. If WATCHES ! WATCHES! ! FIWIFI STROURE • Is Largely envaged In the Wateh trade, and has lust returned from New York with an unuenally attractive wasartasent. He offers such bargains as cannot fall to be aceentanie to buyers. His stock embraces a large lot ofthe CELEBRATED “ANERICRN WATCHES," GOLD AND SILVER, viz "P. 8. Bartlett," Wm. Eltery." and "Appleton MZSISi with Watches of almost all other makes. If you want CHEA.P and GOOD Watch, call on STROUSE, At his old StanO. Carlisle stroet. nearly opposite the DepOt, Gettysburg, Pa. Sp-Ile continues the Grneekv. Notion and Coo feetionery Staginess, as heretofore. Tune 21, 1587. tf NEW SADDLER SHOP rEN the Hlll, Raltlntorestree l t, Gettysburg, Pa. —Constantly on hand, oil made Jo order, all kinds of RIDING SADDLES WAGON NADDLE.S, CARRIAGE GAR:CPIS, DRAUGHT HAILNESS, RIDING BRIDLES, BLINDiRRIDLEs, COLA RS FLY • NETS dry.. ==l June 21, 1867. tf C. STALLSMITH & SON, GETTYSBURG. PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTE, ACTORS Are prepared to de all lrariali of Carpentering —contracting and 'erecUng buildings of &1I kinds, Releasing, ke. They keep constantly on band and manufacture to order, DOORS, SHUTTERS, ru.nfos, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAYS, CORNICE, DOOR a WLNDOW BRACKETS, And any other Article in the Bending Line deasoned material conotanily on bond, expo- rieneed workmen always In readiness, and work exacta. d with dispatch. MiPthden promptly atteadod to Sept. 23, 121e7. tt HAY WANTED. , pm, underidowd vit _psi le bighent merket 1 priers ibr NAY. nqutee Ogleuelaert Ware house, flettysburg. Dine, fs . I. H OZO. H. OTRICICROUSEIL No. lail Wslntit street, Pill, LA natrn i A Capital Drneens : LEIS L. 1441UPT, Presibt. H. P. W DANIA NOTozi, gr ey . and Treas Numerous: Leyte L. lictipt, J. E. Kingsley. gisinuel C. Painter, James M. Conrail, W. W. Harts, John lilinginun, IL 0. Lnineuring, Prterum, Jeans +Weida, John A. Wright. Insures person. of any gage or opcupstlon against, Mirth, either from DISEASE OR ACCIDENT, of Loma CUM Bator. An !1I polleles of this Ciompany are pA - rahle at the age oftle; so that a man may enjoy the lame fit of hitt inveatment In hla old age, If his lire la protracted beyond fourscore 3 ears. garIIKNRY A. PICKINCI, UoQ, Ciettyaburg,la the (Mmparty'm Agent for Adam" county. Ito will cheerftilly Altruist!, all Information requested. August W 1,10417. 3m SPE4II,' od PORT GRAPE NINE, Cord tw Hoodreda q( Cboorcontiomo /or Church or Ctnnooodon Pt. rpoars. ALSO, Efrectlent for Lfidird !MEI Wrokty Prrsono Übt:. I=l Speees Port Cnipe Winr, Four Years Old, thin vountry. Ito Invaltukt•le Tonle (1/1(i SY( nytheming Jropextien ire unsurptuawd by alit other niulte Wine. be ing the pure Juke of the grape, prOdueed under Mr. Spetra own penonal nulu t t mon. Its purll3 and genulnenera are guarante.qt. The , youngest child wap partake of a 4 wetetrttos qunllneq tuitt the weak... 4 Inv did ma. It‘a. le alts Itatage. It 1% part:44ll3ll4v Itettelletal ttgett JOllll- ,1.1,1. nil Salted In t 811.111 S 8/intents that at. diet the weaker sex. It a. , blu rry rapeet. _l II LIVE TO RE RELIED ON. InN - ult,lt. low SpeveN i•o.rl lingo Wlnt.. relllidtV6 use b Pon un,pt. %% 110. Went:lN persons 1111.1 11 I ew 111 b. its tion. Sprer'sWill.l in /Wept Lath 111 C pi rlk•ri ual to oth Wines. hold by Drusigistannd Groeers. A. lipser's N.lneyurd, Sot Jerso. (Mkt. 21.1 Ilrrsulsray, New I ork. Amgast SU, ly AkL:II;IOS4:I,VI:ii3DCJAZI N O, 1 WERT MARKET STREET,popx. PA Ma;i=M3=l =I .V.Ol ALL KINDM 01 , • MVI4ICAL IN.TRI• NI EN TM, respfttfally Inform the publle that they ere pre pared to furnish Plante of the tollowing mane torture or of any other make that may tie pre fen ed: Albright. Milk.. at rielimidt Chirkeriag Jr MM. Bradbury. ==! I= IME2V3IMIESSZMIMEM ORGIANII AAII 111.3.(thEo.Vp, Therie Ingtrntrients stand onrisalled by an) thing found in Min eountr, or lu Europe, an la oiholiteil by all Impartial Judo • The moist etn- Mont Pipe Organ Bull& r. and Performer.. the t.o.t to ill..over oXrelleiu 4. in nusl Time, pro lionneed asllt U. all 'titers for ex nizly quick art limbo 1.1 II ronful Tone, the u.senaul In Inrarnments Of thin e 11... Wk. 112 r• tp.• IZZEIMMIEMI== Thiu lute and stoat wonderful Inn eat lon A na ac knowledged by all leading nnlain will be found only in the Eatey Inntrumenta. In attempting to deiteribe the effect of thin stop, we are at loan for language. Itr beitutle , ennnot be written, hut must be heard to be appreciated. By thin atop an ordinary performer ran produce an effect %Malt reottiren a life time of pract tee for Inn artint ttprat a violin. It eat 11 ely change+ the reed Tone, giving the nympathet is NWeettle".. of the huinnu niev, making it no melodlotin and pure that it never (Min to enchant the Ikon,. THE 11.% Itlirs odttiAN for Chrirehea - Publfr hallo nod Pnrinn ham a powerful nub-pogo with Independent reels, Har mode attaehnlent and Vox !Inman Taut - m.lo, awl Is belleVed to he the Mont pow erful reed Or gan made. being nearly equal to a Pipe Orguaot three tintex the eel. All inetrument4 warranted for fire yearn. . • . 4ti-FiRlt.L4 BA:crw , nopplititi with ihiltrunientit owl muitle at remnorathlr term.. - liberal dincount alloirmt for Cliorther and Sahhath fkhoole. ii-Inatructiong given both In \•twat and In titrutnental Mosb•, at our raun•, and at pupils hotne..,lthor to Individuals nrclnsnos, mt rPaxon 111,1.• term* 1 , 41. t Pacific Guano Company's SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. Of FICE OF GLNERAL ADE:, 71 tiOUTD ISTREET MALTZ MoRK, MD. JOIIN & CO., Wholesale Agents tor Company. rIMIE very extended use of this Guano through out the country nmilers it unnecessary to say more thin season, than Its compontion and quanta are precisely the same as that heretofore sold by an for the Convene. We have sold Ml.+ Gll.lOO from the beginning under a regular .% stem at rigid iraper lion, at an dxpense to the Colman', id 'fin* of ollars 'annually. 'rhla done for the prolerlion alike of the consumer and the 00pfnly, It Is manlbet to all ho rstand the trade4n tor t that It cannot be sai. IA conduct,' on any other principle. The importance sod extent of the trade demands tills pnneetla u. Wr ore prepared to exhibit 11r. A. Snowden piggot's certificate of for 1., er, •nrgo sold. Consumers ran d.des•rs..lllo mune of Joni Itggaz Q. Co. branded on the bags, none other genuine. Aug. 23, isc. 3m ktOBO PIEELLIPS' I.:NCINE IMPROVED S U"Et-PWIRI LTD O A F EW 7 II7k, ir,IX TEED. FOR SALE AT YANIFF ternKER M DE' or; North Front Street, Philadelphia, ANt, No. 93 Sout h Strict, Halt more, And by Dealers In general throughout the Count," . The SOMMER() 'WANG of which MORO c, and Mains has non manufaetured, ,and of %Mel& he hes sole vonVrol-1.4 the 1:1111e& titsv per opt.!. mar. Bone Phosphate than RA Bone, therefore it is :nor,. d RAW Bone, addition or ammonia gives It greater Teri lilting value. Over six )41111,' .`XpVrlrliC.• prised tp for Farmer that It makes a heavier grain thairct Inn stable manure, and'ispot Intl, uetive hut lasting. MI int / !isle Proprietor end Man ufactu rer. igg.-priee $56 per ton of 1 trio Dis4ount to Dealers. March 4, 1a67. um $3 00 TO $5 00 PER DAY. AUENTS ‘tANTED 0 0 LDEN PEN 13=1 11131E.SE pens sell rapidly wherever Mtn/dared, 1 to all classes of people. Are fulls equal to the gold pen for same awl beauty, of %silting. Afore ttryibG and durable than any steel pen troinufaes lured. Will not corode. Send for sample bo*. Only 95 cents, or two Leona for 5,3 cent.. NO. I tor general use. No. 2 for Ladle., schools and -holes pi nnaanship. Sent tree of postage. Money ro fondest li thee do not give satisfaction., .Id. V. 13. COWEN, Lamy ette, Ind. The fellowlthg is a sample of hundreds of kitten from partles who hat e ordered these print. POTTSVILLE, PA., July 15, 1567. M. V. B. CoWnsr, lobo etto, Ind. lacer —The fox of No.l pa on ordered be mp I.ollll` ten la etnce has :terit 141, a n d 1 ant so much pleat./ with them that I hate tnneludel to take an Agency for their nt le, so far, nt unto neater three grows No. 1 am } onegroan N0..1, for which I enelawe your pelt ti W Agetint. Ad. dress: SIEGFRIEII. Warranted to /ant Ilse t Mow as long, anal give better nutinfactkat than any steel pen ronnufne6 tured. Send for cireular of tentintoniuls stunt Profetwors of Schools and Colleges, and front prominent business houses. Aug. t 3, 1867. 3ra The Quaker City Business College, I= = Tkl'oEmmm‘:;ce'Wn4iletc.ter'lndtlLl°T°.',Zrhy.'''""" l Comineted upon the hest system of Instruetion 4 and offering advantages of the highest order to every Lkloortment. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG AfEN who desire einecess and Promotion in Rosiness Tare. PRACTICAL EDUCATItiN FI)P. Tar. TIM The Commercial •011 r, embrace. !took Keep ing, COMMerrtill I aleUlat ions. Pelllll , / , %h , P, ~ r-resp,mdence, resp,mdence, m I rale, Commercial Law the Art .4 ietecrlne. hater. felt Money, de. Thla inure° may be com pleted hn three months. DENIM DIPLOMAS Awarded to Graduates, muter seal and by au; tbority of law, this being a regularly INCORPORATED COLLEGE, and the mile one with similar powers In the state, or in the United States. OTHER BRANCHES, Telegraphing, the Higher 3fatitentatiot, Engi neeripg, etunvvi i i&t o tn;l : Wiv ( t i t . on. In the y tment of Accounts this Institution is wholl unrivalled. The Treatise on this sub ject, published by the Proprietor, is everrwhere acknowledged to he the best and most complete work extant, and being composed almost exclu sively of sets obtained front Actual Business, pre sents a course of instruction such as can be se cured by no other system. Book for sale, and sent by mall to any address, upon receipt of price, S 3 50. TOI - NG MEN Invited to send for circulars, or chit the College for further Information. L. FAIRBANRS, A. M., President, T. E. 5f mums kr, Secretary. July at, 19117. Gin Dissolution of Co-Partnership. IpHF Min of R. A. FOI - TZ & BRO., In this day ired by mutual consent. K. A. Fonts retitinu. D. E. YOUTZ in hereby authorized to settle the business of the late firm, and will eon tinge the business in lit. own name. A. FOVTZ, DAVID E. FOUT7s Angust 1, 1207. WILL continue In the WHOLF>IALE DRUG AND "ItIEDICINE BUSINESS MANUFA.C. RILL FOUTZIS MEDICINES, at the nld place, No. 116 EwaEU street, under the name end style of DAVID E. Ft/UTZ. le. 20, IPM. tf GO to T. C. Norris' f your Clothltrg. gorse Rol Cottle Powders. This prerantelon, long and fits orabl) . known, will thor. ' " ottglil) Hint lgotate broken down end In* 'Welted horse*, by trenym ening and elennet, tlg eteggelt and Intel tate. • It le euro pn•- ugh e c/e nII enres in to thts solute), such ea LC'S') PET 6R, GL ANDERB , YELLOW WA. TED HEAVEN, cottons, DB. TEMPER, FE. • VERI, FOUNDER LOAS OF APPIi. TITE AND VITAL ENF.ROY.Rn Its WO immerge the wind, Increases the appetite -gives g smooth and 'taste skin—and trensterme tk • miserable skeleton late a tow looking and spirit/41 horse. .Ssoo 000. FES To keopori of Coln thlt prrparollon It, aloolgo It InCIVIL•o• ho totoadUty and Imino‘ es the quality of the 001 k It hot loofa pool, n a., mat expornnont to gi o • --- onstkrn . `" Immo,* the noon Illy of , non. .nil (11/41 eert m andl " 2o 1 171. r. Tioak butt... Om and owd. In fottening ! 1 It aloes them an appoUnr,lootoo • . 't' .' thrtr It I d • stud • Wok , . thorn Intl, NEW JERSEY 12:21=1 In all &sew. of fla . Ent, &ugh as Coughs, ricers In the Lung"( thee, Olt articte acts as a apreinc. Ile putting (emu oce-balf k to paper In a Darrel of mill the about. dte,se,a VIII be creafrated _ . or entirely prevented, If given In time, n certain retentive and mac for the flag Choir?, Prioe 25 Cent' per Paper, o 6 Papers far AIL AT MICA • WHOUSIL6IIIIIII NIDIIIIIIIEPOT. to. 118 FraniLin St, Beldame, Id. Poe-8•141 by Druggist. sad Btarakeepai tbnwsh• out the Maui States. I 4 , , I vslarrg. Laugh lin A 11‘,101..i.1. 11 llochilv, Va.; l'a•twaq Co., i'111 , 4411 . 4„ J 1,1111,11, )I,.iiiNll3 ...yid E. Foote. Illeevessor Der. 17, I. 15 Cue's Dyspepsia, Cure ; el the• ibe .I...rscv., tn the ,n‘etiv.r "it IMA Volonlillet Ontgh, ll halo limeiltlltg 1, his honil I. It . lilt , i hst, him skni 'I/ 10 le le/ 1.4. 110.411111 g Itiellloto frin. M=f! lire 1111/11/04 dully ft./411111011y from Nlll . lOll/0 partn of Ills "i/1110 tP111.4. I. IL. •4 . 01 11 , 110 111,....1%, I .LIl+l • 11 111+IIM1II.r)VI /.11.11111 . 11 II II 11l not ,Ti....1/1) And !non uil Itin !louw me revetsi• cur perl.lnol. DYSPLI!,-,11! = sicK-HEAD ‘, II hU• e“rell In 111111.11141 h 1/i CUM'S HEADAt It edoki..l a thirt) mlunba ACIDITY (,F1III:sToNt.t011! I=lll MIIME!IIISM= CHOLER.% Mmititrs! = It ty Purletqly Etarttikes I r:critt.:( ...I',1•1• I. owing to Gut UM., In .N. 1.• rt .:11 . 1t,1% ro• n 01.41 Muir. .1.144 It ut o. NI \Il 1 . 1.1 C 1..171.1 . MIEM Pols:4d's Magic Bilious Powdery. 1.,,,i ‘11%,01:c .1. 111. 11,1.• ri, ..„.„ of 10,. J. 11. 1 . 1111./111, 61r ...-' 11::11 il ' ! 1 . 1 1, 1, , I1, ' 17:„ ' ll l I' l i I , k llllTll — ." --- ,: o f '. Mall Ils:11 Is lot lo A .41 los !lint J,• ..., P '' ' 'S' 4,1111110 to oli Ilorollgiltolll NO, l'og- I C i i i ..,:l; ! .ii .11;,1 0 .IT::: ' , " :l ' t:ll:Vi•Tro ' haTe e Vqlo 6. tilt. tm 0 liteooka ilk A{Atdi' !tiler - DP:TU4 are on. or Ult. hoot wonder tut 111,s, on.r. of MOillettl (LIM*. it I', The Great Liter and Billet]. Remedy Mich -ompletel3 throw.. In the shade all other dlaeoverlem In medic/in ; and It Ittroola hint much grat Weal ion that they re 4 eh, the uunnfmoue Ipprobli lion of all who h., e tented 111C111. The Maglc Milt/U.1'0% dem Positive Jrva for Liver 7omplaint! In Ita moat aggravated form, and iku,,lmmtallato corrector (2f all RILIOrs DERANGF:NIENTSI liieellont for IIEADACILE, • COS.ITIPA I lON, VIMPLES, 111.1TC111:s, SALLGNI sKIN, DROWsINENH, DIZZINESSI, HEARTBERN,. PALPITATION, And a mum wonderful fare acd Pre%cativo of Fever and Ague: ( w, nd. Iw nil who /ire troubled with title fettr• ful tirutlad.. to illu 11} kelp the Pt mderh (.II hood I mot) tor M(111,11.1a, ute here ore n few intwrtant part len IPL—They are the (t real npeeltk for nll Bilious AlThet loos, 2n(l.—Tln• urr thr onl known rCllll'4l3 Una. VI 111 Cur , " Llver Complaint. .kl.—They ure tio•onl flint will run. Comnlput 1011. Ith,_lllrar.thortinizli In their iipenith.n that pit kitire well he Jill thus the tlBllnlli) rd I hone ll•rle,: Ih. lit %.11 ri lour. ICI t fleet . :ALL-IhOy ore 0. mtid nitit piminamt 4,4 tiro moat clic, mai claims - no. know la nth.—Titc , on I Inc lonipi 01 nod Mat nitninctino extatin, la. lu. t .Itl In.l nt bl rilaLl part of tin , globe nor the price, cunt.. Circular, coaLunl Intl Muth s, illibtlll[ololl, lit t luuy part or the world free,, churn, sOLI) lIY ALL MIUGGIKIN, or by moll oft application to (•. CY: CLAIM & u, nand Agents, N. w Haven, Conn .Prtec 511 (pas Prr. 2lor. March lt•, Iret. ea% 1k LNANIMOI , i47.V liiiqtried the Find MIS., a 4:01,1 'A1..1“1. • V., 1,11.1.4 T CA BIN Kr WI GAN...4,- Al. h.:Mute. New lax k, k•tcr ban., Idelng_pronounr, d , volp• rfor In Q v \ LITT, row ER110(1 VARIETI 10:%E,Illiti In nu ininvr of corn 1/RIIIIIOIIY. "As ttu ; a -I 014(141111, 111.01 Alder, a Were Iher., ..Ont.a..lllla. Wl,a so! nc. i!“ would has. J0a1.11.4 I. II .14 Jou. nal. dito 114.11 , . II musk 81 critle., 'they 110 , 11:Y411,k , it U. ‘t her eVf`r. Olin !WU& In. • pED.II. tllllllNs. one, i n nand three hanks f with o ut single and double ban& In stmt Varlet}, *IU,. 1111. m a trgun., with On rr smooth pipe -like quality of tone, lacuutitul polo mope., strength of chortle, Unequalled pedalo, and toner:ll organ• like effeeta, an• nUperlor for t 'I tu rclo•a, Haile, l'ar• lurat&nd Schools. TM..., I . put t.n lu $.144 of .111. Id Walnut, L.. v eneered Walnut anew and untque nt vies V11%411111 1t...m00d, of did th.datto and tlnish,atal of the hest ork ma n- I.etng Intended that emit inatrument shall he au odel .1 Its Ines.. .111 inktrum, nig down i. 111.1110 .a nortahle Idelodh on, has tho beautirul Trciaulant eaup, Without vXtra charge. A lafge anaortment constantly nn hand at our GENEIML WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WAKEROOMK, all Broadway. Our illuslast.l (Armlsr aid Prier Was, with our new styles, are now readv. Spud for n tax. & co., twit 8, ISi7 lIESE Piannq ary Fnh. rallyiwknolt letlitert T t•mt 0.111111 to the 11.4 I'MMUI I I madr. Fot r. ft. /11,e 11M111) tliminand city. wid conntr, ref...lOMM, Ilteltilllna larsze tium torn tlp Tots- PIII-1114., 0111 the eontlntt. l mu , ft it t,t,t, tett • ot ouyt, ix , on m.• • t It ,ottn .tr , Vte tifittont. Wisl i• 1 rl ~, ~q. •, - t'i ,ii I ran e 1,.,..• tot, o PI t.., II Nio , ti It MEDALS , \VII*" VI 7r, "'; II 1 ,- 7 -, .., •n yr ihr 6 , 1 , 4 tn,l 1., - In. N. P ...., 'li i ' , l* , -li.o. IlAtNrs, tin"- c , , 1..1, ......,,, It , tormi.otprg their worko, to toe, , tit art .tly,lo t I'IANOS A WEEK. Having now ono or 11, m..t extoudiro and complete Enotorho, Ira the United Staten. Clieto. net alone covering% of nn terraof ground, com• piloting a frontago of Ma feet Mt 2nd Avenue. Then are tooMuldedly the ebenpect ling.-chum Pianoo In market. Polly giturtinteed. fors cam. Send for Illmitrnted Circular. H.l /NV: llNO's.' gut, gm, 9al. UM, gar, ACC, tin.. f7O, *.t, Second Avenue, New York City. Aprll li, Lott. Hr.NRY W. OVERMAN, COMMIPSION IfERCILANT AND DEALER IN LEATHER, Nn. 11 South Third Street, Phllndelphla, arConnigittmenta &Stetted. Dee. 10, 000. ly• 11. S. BO:11,S. THE First National Bank of Gettysburg will reolths-iland 1040 D. N. Bonds; also 7-30 and Compoginds Interest Notes. Oct. 6, Wm tf GEORGEARNOLD, Citsbler. Sale brying. W. FLEMMING continues the btusineen A HALE CRYING, and solletta the emltlnned patronage of the public. It is hie constant en deavor to give eatisfaction. Charges nusterste. Eel:Menet. Cn West Middle street. Gettymbuen. P. f4.—He Is s hemmed Auctioneer, under the Tex Law of the United Staten. Nov. di. Pon. VOu aka Prost', Cheeks, Ginshame lamellas 1' hr•.. pro to ROW et *OOl/tV. POUTZ'S 131=7,11 t ?MAI= IT S. A. VOUTZ k URO., IiIYSICIB.I.B a ndoroo and Use It _mut tie r. iv, 7', .r/ ti / may ty Mem y • I= I= =I M2=l Ravillo .t Map; to a few (haw. MEE!I= MIIMEHNI , oprl. N. %, 11.‘54 u, ullh EMI PELMET ORfIANS AND N,IELIJIDTANS Man tu rem, No. Ilrolui way, New York City. HARMS BROS. PIANOS. I= MAME= IN 1845.