fbe i)dtpoiwg kennpfler. FRIDAY AFTRIVICHIN, YOE. 1, MT. CIANAN AND srmit. The town of Rennes, in Brittany, is noted for its peculiar butter; the milk of the previous evening is mixed with the warm morning's milk, and the mix ture allowed to stand for two or three hours, when the whole is churned..-- Those who practice this plan claim that they thereby obtain ailltrger amount of butter of a more delicate flavor. Near Glasgow, le Scotland, the pro duct of two or three milking% ie allowed to stand until the cream rises, say .from 12 to 24 hours ; all is then poured, and left still, until the mitt r e is sour. A tough skin is formed ok the surface ; great care must be taken that this skin does not get broken, for, should.the air obtain entrance, fermentation will take place ; this will Injure the butter, and spdil the buttermilk. In Holland the milk of each milking is allowed to become sour (being repeat edly stirred to prevent the cream from rising to the surface and remaining there,) mid as soon as a wooden spoon will stand in it, it is churned. PIRENING Di" PEAIIII4. This subject was pretty freely discus sed by the horticulturists of Cleveland, Ohio, at a late meeting. Mr. Marshall said that some kinds of pears needed more pruning than others, but generally the neglect of pruning would soon result in'the death of the tree, as the tree, if left W grow without check, would kill Itself. Mr. Elliot said that the public generally wanted tall, straight trees, and in •con formity to this, the nurserymen had got to trimming up the stems, leaving a few lateral branches, so as to form a little top. And again, they grew them so thick in the rows that they bad but 'title chance to form that bushy head which was desir able. However, taking the tree as it came from the nursery, getting thrifty t one-year old trees, 11-Possible, be would cut back severely—hat Is, cut hack all the laterals to one or two buds, and cut the top down enough - to make the dor -mant buds In the stein about two feet high. - The first year, he would do no more to it; the second spring he would cut back the last year's growth to two or three buds, leaving the tree in u ropnd, bushy shape, getting the head as low - and near the ground as possible. This process of spring pruning was to be con tinued until the head was formed, with, perhaps, some exceptions, to wit as one of them, If a tree grow very strong, as was sontetitues the case, throwing up shoots four, nix, or seven feet long, he mould leave them until about the 30th of July, and thee cut sway about two thirds of the previous year's growth. The reason for this is, that if cut In the spring, the vigor of the tree would cause a new growth of strong thrifty shoots; while, if left uutil the .11th of July, the growth would be checked, and the for• inatto,n of fruit spurs induced. For the Same reason, he would do much of his pruning by pinching in Ow er.ds of tho 111111)5. Tint BIST TOMATO I'lcx.l.l.—Take one peck of green tomatoes, sliced, sprin kle them with salt, and let them stand until the next day, when drain them. Then use the following as spices: One ounge of mustard, one and a half-ounces of black pepper, one ounce of yellow mus tard seed, one ounce of allspice. Put in the ketti%a layer of spices and one of to matoes alternately. Cover them with vi 'legal; wet the mustard before putting it in ; let the whole boil fifteen or t wen ty minutes, and you will have pickles so good that you will be pestered by all your friends and neighbors asking you for 11.- taste of them and a recipe.—Ohio Coltivalot. KEEPING CIDER SWEET.—The Utica Herald states that A. G. Williams; 'of Hampton, Oneida county, has a method of preserving cider worthy of being gen erally known. Allow the older to work until itints reached the state most desi ntblc to the taste, then add grated horse. radish Mt the proportion -of a tumbler and a half to the barrel of cider, and shake up welt. This arrests fermenta tion, and after remaining a few weeks may be racked off in clean casks, and the air excluded by Closing the bung. Wet' preserved in this way has a pleas; ant, agreeable flavor. JOHN SHIfF.I.I", of Nelson, Wiscoruiin ) went into his nerd last week and open ing a stack of wheat found it wet. He said he would look at the other, and if that was wet too he would hang himself. It was wet and he shot the top of his head 'off: IT would really seem that the ancients , did surpass their descendants in the per ;fection of the arts. A fire and burglar proof safe, which has been subjected to a volcanic eruption, has been discovered among the ruins offPompell, its contents - Uninjured. It very much resembles Modern safes. A PARTY of divers at Nashville recent ly hooked on what they suppose') was the safe of a steamer sunk some twenty years ago. After long and hard labor they succeeded in raising an old cooking stove. • A "otterne.sim MOTHER" writes to the Allentown (Pa.) Democrat for ad lice, which she gets, thusly : "The on ly wity to cure your son staying out.'late o' nights' is to break his legs, or else get the 'calico' he runs after to do your house work:" THE .Spirit of' Jefferson states that the fish "trap" near Mr. blanning's resi dence on the Shenandoah produced as much as one thousand eels p one night last week! - And it wasn't a good night for eels, either! A !caw grout originally from Japan, is rapidly spreading at the South. It is regarded as a great blessing to the South. THE OM who wets "I'm saddest when I slog," was A fool to sing much. Premium Watling Saltine. nma undersigned ha putchused the Patent I Right for Adams county or GOCIISAITERIS IMPROVED WASHING MA 'CAERE, which took the not Premium at the Adams and York county FaArs. It le- the best article at the kind now In e, and Wee unbounded natielke- Lion. Towhship Rights for rile. Address EDWARD SHEFFER, Oct, Mier. et. Hampton, Adams county, Pa. LAST NOTICE. Warindebted to the late Inn of Mc n DIEHL will pies/mean and settle: Amt. pekl benign Che lot of December, the Books min be left in the hands of so.otheer for collec- Hob e without , repot to remove% McCUEDY ,11, DIEHL. Oet. 11, MO. tf SHINGLES. - Dem ssoroLm,theb...t. in the nitulte‘ for .1. West lAMB ang.litailinent Camber Yard, .6112 the Railroad, adjoining th e tan. Kline, tike, N tyaborg, ov. - N.IM if TO =ULM rsae • pair of CHOPPING Eics....ND 011/mini—aim a BOtit . gaffe of Gattribl4 °cl ' 287. tf 12111'51{1144312aL MmiNuepwrirs, at the Renebiler Gene r. superb and tarnished at ono -Wm city prieet4 Call and eilialitle ePeCtmeha. C. J. TrY.W. SZDtERS HE.4D-QU4RTERS, At NORRIS' SORT, to the pleat to got FALL & WINTER GOODS CH.RAP FOR CASH. I F you want • cheap Oyer-coat i. to soma ,. Ir. you want a good cheap i nlora o l oaxtw. I F you want a good IPrelPday go Olt ko I F you want a gad pair otrar io ta to Noßavr. I F you want a good ebony Vol lto jr you want a FAHHIONABLE RRIS'. I F 'you want a late Fall Style cap go to N o IF you want a good pair aßoota lt gLaa,,,. IF ion waIIf:ILFASITIONAInIEZAM . IF you want a good French Cl o t! &t ailor I F you want a good Umbrella, io NoNnio " IF you want gxtd Paper Collags, ga to Nomor. I F you rout a faahltmable salt o r t atla tor. IF youw ant anyttints In the Cirprgiatre. IF you want a good SMOKE, go to NORRIS'. lii( want good ELEAVT Al.—A large stock of CASSIMPIRES IN THE PlSC Emade ( I. 3o Perso . to. p eaq referring t H= o t t o th Er ow est eash price. TFIEO. C. 'NORRIS. Oct. 11, 1667. tI FRESH ARRIVAL 33 B. - sr G-001)13 FALL AND WINTER WEAR at the Store of A: SCOTT & SON. Their 4ock consists of MEIUNOES, all styles. DELArNES, all styles.. ) CALICOES, all styles. MUSLINS, all Mdes. CLOVHS AND CASS:IMERES ' 1 of all atylem and quality. i Perot:lna wanting GOOD GOODS and GOOD BARGAINS, Should not fall to go to the Store of A. SCOTT & SON, Chambersburg strevt, 2nd &mare, Getty spurg, Pa. Oct, 11, IS/17 BARGAINS ELM NEW GROCERY or oErrYssuno. \ JOHN CRESS &SON HAVE opened a new GROCERY, In Gettys burg, on the north-west corner of the Public &Mare, anREI4II d ha veputt received a splendid assort ment of F GROCER,IEIO, locluctlffs Surd Coffees, h(olakssm, Wraps. eens tiptoed, Tobacco - Salt, Fish , Sams, BDoolaiets T , dkc. Also, QIIRENOWARE, CONFECTIONS, uts, Fruits, ps, Fancy Artlelia and Notions genniallt We i in also keep on hand FOR Raving FEED-MIFF& _purchased for CASH, we arerepared to sell very cheap. Give us a call and Judge for Yourselves. JOHN CHEW J. W. CRESS. Rept. 27, INST. tt WIL t. 8 ALLBMITH & SON, GIETTYS'BURG, PA.; _ CARPENTEDS AND CiNTRACTORS. Are prepared to de all kinds of Carpentering —contracting and erecting buildings of all kinds, r.eparing;ab. They keep eakketuttly on hand and manunentare to order. DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SAM, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, CORNICE, DOOR & 'WINDOW BRIACRETS, And any othe r Article In the Building Line. Seasoned nia' teals] constantly on hand. ens rlenced workmen always In readiness. and work executed with dispatch. '''' 4Vir Orden promptly attended to. Sept. m, iiin.• if The-First National Bank OF GETITSECRO ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSiTS I=l Buys and sett 011 kinds of GoVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD AND SILVER amverts 7-30 Note* into 47;-20 U. S. Benda,. Orders solicited and prompUy attended to. April 15., OEO. ARNOLD, Caihier. GROV=6III3OI . II PLIXOII, GROMNBTEEN• I 3 PIANOS, GROVENSTESN'S PIANOS, 409 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, New York, 499 Broadway, N. Y., ARE unrivaled for DURABILITY. POW= and EVENNESS of TONE. melba br coming the favorite OVER ALL with Musician.-Amateur and an lovers of MUSIC. They are WARRANTED In retry ger Mprices ONE-THIRD LD'WER than other T-CLASS makers Seed for Circular. OROVICOMEEN I CO., Oct. 18, 18/7. tal 499 Broadway, New Tort. TURBINE WATER WHEEL AdtVING received the_ segency Or th e celebra ed DR. KIND , L..*GER TURBINE TER WHEEL, for Adams, Franklin, Cum berland, Bedford and Fulton counties, Ps., and Allegheny, Washington and Frederick ocentles, Rd, we an recommend It as being eqbal In Power and emsseedult mom admintuelus than submerged wheel to um Send for mreolar. dull tikormg, Shafting, Bangers and Pulleys, Walsh ed to order. McDQWELL & BAMMI:L, Amenta,_ Oct. 4, led 7. 3nt Hammetrorn, Md. AGENTS WANTED. NO SOAP—NO WATER—NO SLOP. QaLASS CLEANING POLISH.—This is • new nd most excellent article, patented by Mr. M. Brown, N 0.74 Steeckm Nett York. It will be universally used, an It le mare Mete tual than the old system of cleanlng Windows, Mirrors. Gold, most b y e Ware. dm Purchasers must be oareral, as a s Porloaa satiate hat made its Sept. 20, ISM. am MARRIED LIFE. TtiFORMATION and advice of vital importance .1- to the married of both sexes, in a sealed *oval. ope, canbe obtained free of , by addressing the undenderned SA. EL biTTLER., Mgt rooders', New York. 0et..111, WO. 8m _ Photons* Album 1 1 ir.. pio V i ttan beannhal , 7 • 31 Th. Oner Pock • . 4.1,. ' ....... i NOW& mama Vire . ~ a ss Chats sull Dads. :-. lir w ht,ve tau g ht low sra • • • '''' low. gr a th the ague nemittles can bone d`Mr te In tnla conn_tr or oat at ft.C. J. .. Jac. Ilk VW. ,tf,tr.s. =au.gt,twl.oo:l;g6rr WI 6 Wain WON. IL 11111111111111 W n. now rontivinn I bow stock of DRY GOOINI, NOTIONS, OROCENINS, QUEENSWARII, . MAILOW43II, 800T5,..8130ES AND HATS. I mil the attention of my customers and the mannentite to my tarn stook of 0001111, width I am now oentmt et lower rate. Mee tbm'Dave hem Mee tke war, and at prices whiek cannot OW to strike tbe pessimism as cheap. With every IlecWty for pnretealuir Omit at as low drams es say in t h e trade, lam also prepared to meet cempetition In low prim from any and all myab u oon SrolYthe lowet markstprke shed rule. EITESNEW. Petersburg, (Y. 8. 1 ) Oct. la ISM Great National Telegraphic COZMNROL&L New. * owd 911 Chestiort &met, REMOV AL T• elle nowt Ceasing Mow la Me fl/17 and Part &w ith t the Second Floors of and the whole Of the Third BANE eI OF MIME= BUILDINGS, liwerlY °Mte The best organhes e & and cond H t e ed Btu!newt College In the city. Tha Carlo of Teachers has no superior. Educa for the Countlngwoom In tbe short. art possi bletime consistent with the interests of the student. send kw Circular. TAYLOR & SEAN:IL oct. 23, IEO7 TINWARE & EITOVEL TEE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TINAVARS IN THE COUNTYAT S.. G..COOK'S, (former d t pdrew Polley's;) also moment THE BM COOKING STOVE!) IN MARKET, ameba which are the OLD DOMINION, COMPROMISE, PI=^ 4 II7I3YLVANZA. NOBLE coca. ECONOMIST, MOIL= eIIIZAF. /to Also, many other articles for Kitchen use. will& will be wed as low u aL any ether place In the county. June 24, Ulll7. tf W. 14 BIDDLE. U. IL HiMIL 100.000 BUSHELS BIHAR WANTED. NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WAREHOUSE. TM. E. RIDDLE & CO. would Inform the pub. lle that they ha ye /eased the Wareham's on the corner of Stratton target and the Railroad, In (MR) shunt, where they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BrBINESS, to al/ its branches. The highest prices will al ways be pad for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Heeds,_Flasseed, Sumec, Kay And Straw, Dried Fruit, Nate, Soap, Rams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes , with everything else in the country_produce line. GRORIES.—On hand, for e sale, Coffees, Bu rls, Molasses, Byrum jelie n ces, Salt, Cheese, Buck etisn, e rlafell% l2 , ' S 3 •Z, it.C. Also 'CO B MI Fill Oil Tar, Se. FISH of all kinds; Spikes and Nails; Snicking and Chewing Tobacco*. They are always able to supply liana rate arti cle of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with Cinemas mid other fertilisers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or car load. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARE. from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way in any quantity at REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if desired, to the making of purchase' in the eltyr, and delivering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their ears run to the Waretionee of Nathan Hoop & Co., 128 North Howard et., near Franklin, Baltimore where freight will be re. °Dived at any time. They invite the attention of 'the public to their line ameuring thew that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. BIDDLE & BENNEIL April 1i,1866, tf NEW LIIIO3ER YARD. rundersigned has • opened LUMBER rARD. on the Railroad, near Guinn * illy's Lints Kilns. GetSzuhunt, and Wu the public to give him oilL His eneortntent is one of the best ever offered here, end hie prices afford only the smallest Using profit. He hat WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH AND HALF INCH BOARDS, FLOORING, PALUTGIS, &C., *C., and Is constantly adding to Ms stock. Come and examine for yourselves. JACOB /MEAD& 0ct.29,1861L tf MR OONFFATIONARY ICE CREAK 6.4.L00Y. Tirsubscriber respectfully 'Wising the sin ana of Gettysburt and vicinity, that he has a o:sifeetifeary Establishment, _one door amt. of the Fade Hotel, on CHAMBER 8131:111,41 snuorr, to which he would invite their attention. celr.v3, CANDIES, AND EVERY DESCRIP TION OF CONFECTIONS, together with NUTS, ORANGES and all kir, of FRUITS, always on hand. PART/E9, public and private, as well d FMllll*",_will be furnished with all kind, or CARER, ICE CREAM, On pram idol form or other.** and other • ..RWRMEMEIWS, attltelr bowies, upon short notice. Having spent a 111 e-time at the business, he natters himself that he =ls it, and that he Is able to give entire Call and see his Conteetionary. JOHN GRUEL. May 21, MIL tt Tigenbeeribeas have just feta:sled from the teawith an iouttease supply of IiARDWARE a GROCERtIK wbith they •rs of:Wu at their okt stand in Bal. Moore street, at plias to ant the times. Our wank eonelste In pat of BunDrso HATICHIALS, CABPENTIM'S TOOLS, BLACICSAITITCS TOOLS, COACH FINDIN GS, SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET HAMER'S TOOLE, HOITIEHEEPEWS FIXTURES, ALL HEMS GROCERIES OF ALL IC OF IRON,n% o l eo, l 'PArtrni, Ir., Re. There Is no article Included In the reveral de. partments mentioned above but what can be had at this store. Every clam of hlechasice can be aceommodated here with tools and findlnga_and Housekeeper, can and every article lathe'? Rue Give us a eall, as we are prepared to sell as low for each es any house oat of the city. JOEL B. DANNER, • DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 15, 14A. NEW DRUG STORE, DI NEW OXFORD TT HE tterskrned has opened Drag Store la New oa ft. Adams otstaty, sad notwettally mils the attention of the pnbM to his stock of "Al r tA Y IS ICEB hTa s .rIA7.BeMED ICI:NZ% so a fon s et of eaortt of DRUGS ; la a word a co ok st Oseempaeottly kept ta • knee win Drag Stove. AU of we WO beim por ch met 4gring the pea two weeks, nod will be ael Mabee. AU theartides formerly ateaulectored at hie old estabffshaseat la Xeet Mirka- caa he he alas. tradersteadlog backwoo vna rlecatT so detlectlas WA poodeldisocX ho to woo: ea hiebrogepareeadiorepreeteted. Thepub- Ile ewe yeksested to give his • trial, • D. X. XILLER. ffewrOxford, May 4, M. ea IRON-IRON-IRON ! _-,-- FORGE. rteabaertbets lath= the Wale Itua Ow have enietal Taw la ecouteethte helefettam KUL sad ate new taaanaefthar ricer, - aatetas aad BIWA ve la as* to stye Oat Mat les awe le se ,IllabOtasel plata MM=',. AND aantalaus a WARREN 11.—Th• Woad . mutat prlas pidd_jar wr men sad amp woo IL it A. wcg, rpm - NEW GOODS. p"711 rave Wish So b 0711 9 0. O haffi f 43 " 1 " 11 JAOOIIIB t BEM ITORE. sew WSW§ Bdtel. L CELL3I3I32BIIIIRO BT 4== They They the very hest selsetkie MOM, CASSIMERDI, TWEEDS, *C., the market as produce, and are determined to MD them ea ebeap as an be sold anywhere in town or connay. Any weft wishing to babe them CUT, mn have it done fine of chance. Those desbinumods MADE L'l", red slap be seem... dated. we warrant the beat work and the beet atm to be bad anywhere. No humbug in what we EMEM!MM!! SigirTNO MACHINICR, sad are always rawly to watt on customers. Pull aattriaction given In opetsttag machines. Call rod signalise. We warrant thews to be the best to nae. April g„ kir, 11 OILEAP IOR CASH! STORE! IN GROCERIES, lIORE *C. l e W underalgned hr relayed to Gettysteue. and opened • new Store, an Beßamiro street, next dear to the Post Court Rowe, whOe nrsney TE AP FOR CASHot large and choice t of °realties,— SUGARS, COMMI, TRAN, motesus, slnt- UPS, BALT, RC., with FISH, BACON. LARD, &C. WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, WHISKIES, RI7IOI, end everything else In the line. Also. any quantity oniotions, to suit any and everybody. Recollect this is the place to buy CHEAP FOR MARL OEO. F. itstalimrsca April HI, NEW MEET. NEWPORT & 'ZIEGLER, .1111:01A1VICAL BAXRRB. Rooth Waehlnnttreet, °nal square troto the Ergo the Hotel, G ISHURA2I, Pa. Oonetantly on ban& beet alt BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZKLS, de. Persons wishing fresh Bread will be peeved every morning, by leaving their names and real• dentine et the Bakery. Every efort made to A plows. Give ea a call. pril 20, 1183. GREEN RIDGE! Air NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! lie JOHN NONEECK I[l,Ml commenced Moro-keeping at GREEN ja RIDGE, In Hamilton townehip. Adams co.. on the Hampton funspike, and would inform the public that he has must returned from the city with en excellent assortment of 8. G. COOK. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, QUEENSAVARE, CEDAR-WARE, TIN. WAKE, CANDIES, NOTIONS, Tobaccos, Wt., ie.—indeed, a full and complete line of Goode, to mutt the Deems' Gee and teeters of all. Ma prime are as low as the very lowemt— Callooes at 10 eenta and Muslin' at 11 eenta, ma Instance. Ho.. . - . feels that Ma goods and price@ will be mans factory to the public, and therefore invites a large oFiof custom. from near and far. Don't forget fi l ui ' vloe—the Green Skim% Store is the place to the foil worth of your money. April 22, INS. tf NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. NEW AND GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES HE undersigned has opened a new Boot and Shoe More, on BALTIMORE STREET, one aor south of the Presbyterian Church and near ly opposite McCreary's Saddler shop, where he sem an attractive assortment of goods in his ling all new and selected with the greatest care. He nsa LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS. LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTH, IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTLEMEN. S CALF BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S KIP BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S CONGRESSGAITERS, GENTLEMEN IifILIFPERS, ALL STYL E , GENTLEMEN'S BALMORAL% GENTLEMEN'S BROGANS. AC. KISSES` CONGRESS GAITERS, MIMIMES' BALMORA GAITERS, SSES' MOROCCO B L ALMORAL% aC., &C., &C., AC. BOY'S CONGRESS GAITERS 'BOYS' CALF BALMORALS BOYS' BROGANS, &C., AC. Also, Boots and Shoes of his own manufacture constantly on band. All will be sold at the lowest living profile. Buyers. from town and country are invited to call and examine goods and pr ices before par ehaidnit elsewhere. I am determined to sell cheap—a little cheaper than any other kottse In the county. By strict attention to business, and dealing fairly and squarely with everybody. I hope to Mark and receive an encouraging share of itt bil Y e A- P 4IDVAT'PIIIIING of Boots and Shoes will also be carried on, in all Its branches. Boots. Sheen and Gaiters made to order. Re pairing done on short notice—and no °Obit give satisfaction. None but grid = to workmen employed. Raving a life-time experience at the business, I feel confident that I can please an who rosy D. H. KLINGEL. Gettysburg. June 21.1867. NEW SADDLER. SHOP. tbe Hill. Baltimore street., Gettysburg, Pa. —Constantly on band, or made to order, all ads of SIDING SADDIMI, WAGON SADDLE, CARRIAGE FURNI9*I, DRAUGHT HARNESS, !UMW BRIDLES, 'BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, FLY•NEIR Sc. as law r the Wrest. Jone2l.lllC. tf ;1:1%.:f1;f0 1011EMPt OVICBDIZER, ea the Mg Balgreare H., Ln mole erranimmenta to get fresh en= ,unzilt from the city and Ix determined to mil He invites all to glee him call. 1112 stock oonsiste of G. 9„ NOTIONd , FLOUR, Corn Hest Chopped F Corn, Oata, Ptah, Beton, Lard, Cheese, emelt Tobacco, de. pm and Snuff, SUGAR, COFIrEE, Yeas Syrup, Molasses, Candies, Coal Oil, Flab Oil, Tar, Beet Cider Vinegar, and a great variety of Notions, Candles, /be., de. Palte Cash or Trade will be given for Country ies, such se Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Hap, Potatoes, tf Rags, de. April THE BEST WASHING MACHINE. THE andaralved often De mole, the TOWN. SHIP RIGHTS of Adams oxothy, for DE LONG'S PATENT. which Is eta and ion Want= that hsa yet been uttered to the public. The Inghts well be sold oa mama- Ole terms. Ttds le aline opportunity hir ener pato men to nuke GOOD WAGEfq manatee. Wing or menthe these macadam. A sample machine will be hirnialied any person who par chasm a Right, II desired, at cost. Gal at the store of Daphorn Rothman, N. W. cor. Name. whem the machines may be seen and tried. . FRANK. D. DIIPHORN. Gettysburg, June 24.1M7. Lt WATCHES I WATCHES! I LEWIS STROME. " Ts leillob` =Peed ht the Wrack trade. mid lise iost returned Item New York with am exesually ettmetive smertment. Be orlon ark tummies m emsnot Mil to be asteploble to Myers. We Moak embreees a large lot MEN CELEBRATED .AXE RICAN WATCHES*. GOLD AND BiLVER. •!s R. B. Bartlett," Vim 12 1 / a o." and 'Optima:la wt ifilalm=aat all other =aka. U las Inuit aad GOAD Watch, aall on = MN lITESKIVIIII, At bin obi aasa Ll tt.Outlas after opposite She Dimas. cafraavat i k APRs eaattnass Shs ilsiSaaaa basbare, as salon tall Oda Jaselk lila ft JACOBS it BRO Also, Liquors,— Eff3Zl33 ~~• ~ ~, 0 pcal tt tpartinfut. St. COUNTY AND SUNNOLINDING COtINTIEL Infantry.—A Military Comps. just been formed in Strahan and as just nding townehips, under the name c l 'Ptraban Infantry." The following kl 9ra were elected at Huateretown on fireday last: Captain, .G. Heagy ; :lb Lieutenant, A. Kink; Second Lieu 'art, J. L. Toy. The non-cominhation- Afancers will be chosen to-morrow 1 -jug, at 6 o'clock, when every mem al be required to be present. The nyl numbers 83 men, and will, we ful et „, re, prove a creditable organization. Me Elea 0 INSILXDSO Ae coma:thee to acquire the Art of Singing. may IMlESE'exerelses were composed to be need , simultaneously with hie system, 'Tux Aire 11 final - no,' or with any ofAcr method for the cut- Bon of the voice, and will take the Rince of iIaISOBSINEIt SOLFEGl3loB.tm_being more melo wootrid better adapted for e of these exereiaea are'Tiec — ZlY beautiful veil as useful, a mingling of the dake et sae, K et ch secures the interest as well a. the improve- Tit of the ;trident. The various styles devel per in these exercise. render them invaluable educational point of view, em they tend to the e the intelligence and appreciation, and at " tC Vre e stl e iZ r ca m r t elsi e t l ' 7UlVn t re h' fe p re u gc il e : to Ti g ' C imersble marks of expression and forms of TA ciliation. Upon the minute aceuracy with .b these are accomplished depends the actual very ng advancement of the pupil; any evasion yearn u r, ° l4lll l l l e, o th n e tTe r to trr u ha t n s d t , l a " :l 7 1 in e d a pT and investigation, and a minutely faith f ul exe c of them, will give unexpected power and lone ty, and open to the student the means and by which great artists produce their 7 , brilliant and profound effeets."— Watson , * Journal, f ew IN TWO VOLUMES. , each, in Boards, Retail . ...$2 00 Cloth, Retail 2 ro , A Sample Copy sent by Mail, post•pald, on receipt of Wholesale Price, 51 50. Published by M . M. HALL & RON, • No. 549 Broadway, New You Publisher; and dealers in Music, and Manufac turers of FLUTES, PIPES, PLAGELETS,*C.,&e., ,te. Send for catalogue of prices. P. O. Box 145, Gettysburg, Pa. I July 15, le.R. SP2 • ninVigro Commits a Rape upon a .1 Girl in Adams Counly.—We learn T me days ago, &negro named Hall, ' 1 pe i; itted a hellish assault upon a white the neighborhood of Littlestown. N,, a that thb negro approached the am of a Mr. Clouser, and ending no or bigne but the daughter, weatl“... 1 Wei , Fermate. and-....au5, rapidly and easily, at one operation, se feat as the ears can be put to te the hopper." co rt r eAdf t rM i l . is At e ow w w i e3 u ami I r H ipme of reedy for sale in the couple of a montlie time. All letters to be addreeeed to _.. ..._ EMMEiI LUMBER, COAL, STOVES, TIN-WARE, &C.. Come of Carlisle Street and the Railroad, GRPTYI3BIIR6, PA. AN INKNNEIE STOCK! order Nem toigve the public something like an adequate o( the Immense stock of Lumber, Coal, Moves, Tin-ware, he., &c., on hand and for sale 1,7 the undersigned, at his establishment, In Carlisle street, across the Railroad from the Fllf merger Illation, he would enumerate as far as the thane of a newspaper advertisement will allow: IN THE LUMBER LINE Boards and Plank of every grade, from rulings familial, Joist& aud Saint ling, pine and hemlock, , planed and unpianed, Flooring,Shingles, Shing Whit, Plastering Laths, Pickets, ready nude Doors and Sash, Blinds and Shutters,—tn hat, everything used for building purposes. IN THE COAL LINE Shamokin White Ash and 14-kens' Valley Red Ash, these tirovarletles being the purest and beet for all domestic purposes. Also the very best Broad-top and Allegheny Smith Coal • IN THE STOVE LfIlE Wavert', Noble Cook, Royal Oook, Barley Sheaf, OrientiM, Stewart's Cook, Ornamental Excelsior, Prinee Royal and the Emerald Cooking Stoves, all for coal or wood. These varieties are a selec tion from the best and moat popular Cooking Stovee the market affords, and are all warranted to give entire satisfaction. Also, a very large variety of Parlor, Saloon and Shop atoves, for coal or wood, including the celebrated Morning Glory, the Vulcan, Oval Meteor, Round Meteor, Dial, Violet, Gem, Regulator, Comet, Egg, New Egg, Parlor Cook, &c., Fire Brick and Orates, for coal or wood, alwayh on hand. =I The assortment embraces everything necessary for kitchen or household purposes, including a large number of convenient yet cheap articles of new design which must he seen to be appreciated. The Stock is so large and varied that [hots, who have not visited the establishment have no con ception of Its extent. In addition to the ordina ry kitchen utensil., it includes Bathing Vessels, Toilet Chamber Sets, plain and fancy, Chamber Buckets, Brew! and Spice Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canisters, Deed Boxes, Spittoons, Tumbler Drain er., Bill-head Boxes, Waiters, Ale Carriers, Water Coolers, Slaw Cutters, Nurse Lamps, Jelly Moulds, Pudding Moulds, Patent Nutmeg Graters, Comb flutes, Oen. Grant Plates and A B C Plates Ash Buckets Flour Sieves, Bird Cages, Spout Leads, Canal Mills, Lanterns, Basting Spoons, Large Forks, Candle Sticks, Candle Moulds, Copper Dip pers, Wrought-iron Frying Puna, Smoothing Irons, Foot Scrapers, Coffee Boasters, Waffle Irons, Snuffers 'Dinner and Auctioneer Bells, En Beaters, Oi lers, Fluted Funnels, Cool Sieves, GL.sa-top Fruit Cans, Plain-top Fruit Cans, Self waling Jars, he., &c. Tin-ware made to order, and repairing promptly attended to, by the beet of workmen. IN THE HOLLOW-WARE LINE Cast-Iron Pots, of every size and variety, for stoves, Porcelain Kettles, for cooking and pre serving, Tin-lined Kettles for ditto, Cast-iron Stew Pane, of every sire and variety, Porcelain and tinned, with a thousand and one other arti cles impossitde to enumerate in an advertise. meat. Attention is specially directed to three valua ble patents for which he is agent. and about which there is no humbug, as can be attested_ by *cores Who have used them, viz: TUE UNIVER SAL CLOTHES -WRING ER, DOTY'S WASHING MACHINE, and the celebrated DIAMOND CHURN. The public are invited to call and examine =and prices. He guarantees to *ell every- In his line at exceeding low figures. Come and see, to gratify your curiosity, If you do not want to buy. No trouble to show goods. =I July 1, 1887 McCURDY & RAIELTON, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &C. rE undersigned are paying, at their Ware ouse, In Carlisle street, adjoining Boebier's , the highest prices for FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS_ BUCK WHEAT, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS, POTATOES, *C., and invite producers to give them a call before selling. They have constantly on hand for sale, _ A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Molasses, &pups, °Weer', Sugars, with AWL, Fish, Oils, Tar, Amps, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, ' Also the best brands of FLOUR, with FEED of all kinds. They likewise have t.j~]]1:7~i~y~~lij~:)/1~]I'~:4YEII~A A; :}' Soluble Pacific Guano, 'glades' Phosphate and A A Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the highest market - prices for all they buy they sell at theiowest living proll They ask a lautrV public patronage. resolved to give nattiest-don every ease. ROBERT MeCTIRDY WY. S. HAMILTON'. Gettysburg, July 1,1867. HEAD QUARTERS I= CI.L0'1 1 HII•T GI-. PICKING SELLS COATS CHEAP. PICKLYG BELLE PANTS CHEAP, PICKING BELL § VESTS CHEAP, PICKING SELLS SHIRTS CHEAP. PICKING SEISM NOTIONS CHEAP. PICKING BELLS 041ASCIOS CHEAP. PICKING =LIB TRUNKS CELEAP PICKING SKEAN VIOLINS CHEAP. PICKING WILLS AI:CORM:ONG CHEAP. PICKING SELLS VZHT CHEAP. CALL AND 81rE NIL. Suly 3, 137. Farmers, Attend to Your Interests r GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. X subscriber would Inform his automats Mindsn that he Is still roanutheturing Yo cu of tenthly and Machines, made to order, on short nosh*, such sm I (dye different Mon of Powere,) CLOVER-SEED smarms AND CLEANERII, CORN SEED LESS AND SEPARATORS," CORNFODDER CUTTERS, STRAW AND RAY CUTTERS; PLOUGHS, men or Osst Plan Corn Planing ;e" Dorohnor Ploughs, Bldentn and • Cider the latest leliffevernesie; alao Metal Screw for Proem. IRON RAILING kw Cemeline, ell s or Parches, with everything ebe Le his at low prima. lic 7junizt rORISALL—Aht, Tinrboree a Oar Inns inees, ••• i _llllll4 -DAVID ww* Apriin,unis. ts RAY WANTIII) r e • * l' Vat li r r; awi. W. a. BraIenIOUSEL gl, INK tr Jim PUBLIMED. :al NEW WORK ON SINGING. Ware( BAMBINI'S and wVENTY MELODIC EXERCISES, basin' ix 1013( 01 _....N.5PX1010 13 FOR SOPRANO OR migzzo SOPRANO VOICES. .9•"'" NO. 2 WEST MARKET STREET, I ORA, PA., • AO)I'T AND DKALIMS IN PIANOS & CABINET ORGANs, MELODEONS, AND ALL KINIA or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ••- - • respectfully Inform the' public. that they are pre =l:to furnlah Pianos of nip following mann ad ra or of any other make that may be pm famed: Albrligiht. Welke% .11k. Seltaildt. alblekerilms dt Ben, Bradboary. Kauko MOO. Qat.* Neu, miry a CELKIIJIATICD .COTTAGE, HARMONIC AND TIOUDOIR ORGANS AND MELODEXINS. - • . • . - - These Instruments ntand unrivalled by any thing found in this count* or in Europe, as is admitted by all impartial Judge.,. The most em inent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, the last to disco , . er excellence in reed Tone, pro nounced then. llNtly superior to all others for ex ceedingly quirk articulation Old round Tone,'the essential feature in instruments of this class. We invite the severe arnttluv and criticism Mall PATENT VOX HUMANA TREMOLO. This late and must wonderful Invention esorc knowledgrd II) all tending artists) will be found only in the Estev Instruments. In attempting to describe the eltect M this stop, we are at loss for language. Its beaut les cannot be written, but must be heard to be appre.ciated. By this stop au ordinary performer can produce an effect which requ Ire% a life time of practice for an artist upon a violin It entirely change., the reed Tone, giving the sympathetic sweetness of the human voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never fails to enchant the listener. • THE HARMONIC WIGAN for Churches, Public Hails and Parlors hag a powerful sub-Rusa with Independent reeds, Har monic attachment and Vox Humana Tremolo, and is believed to he the most powerful reed or gan made, being naurly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the coal. Alt Iwitrianent4,:s4rrantrfl for fire yeu% 4a-BRAKS /1.-I.NIAN aupplied with instruments and music at rrasonahle terms. MMMIiMEMiI aii-Itudructlons given both In Vocal and In strumental Music, at our rooms, and at pupils' homes, either to individuals or classes, on retiaun able terms. Dec. 17 14d5. if SPEER'S _ PORT GRAPE WINE, Vaed by Hundred* q( Ctongregatiorto for Church or Ctountuision Purpose.. AU4O, Excellent for Limiter and Weakly Persons TO USE. EEE=9 =a Spar's Port 'Grape W!ae, Four Yekrs Old EIIS Justly celebrated native Wine Is made ora the Juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in country. Its luvaluable Toldc and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other nati v e Wine. Be icor the pure Juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own pemonal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged and debili tate& and suited to the Vlll . lous ailments that af flict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect, WINE TO DE RELIED ON. Invalids use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Females use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Weakly persons find a benefit by its use. Speer's Win& in Hospitals are preferred to oth er wines. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. A. Sheer's 'Vineyard, New Jersey. Office, 243 Broadway, New York. August 30, 1067. ly $3 00 TO $5 00 PEE DAY. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GOL D E A BM . = PEN THAN GILLOVIS PEN. MEESE ns sell rapidly wherever introduced, to all , of people. Are fully equal to the gold pen for ease and beauty of writing. More Omibre and durable than any steel pen manufac tured. Will not corode. fiend for sample box. Only 95 cents, or two boxes fur 50 cents. No.l for general use. No. 2 for Ladle., Schools and choice PiliblanalllP. Sent free of postage. Money re. funded If they do not give satisfaction. Address M. V. B. COWEN, Lafayette, Ind. The following is a simple of hundreds of letters from parties who have ordered these peas: POTINVILLE, PA., July 15, 1067. IL V. B. Cowmg, Lafayette, Ind. Dear Sir S--The box of No.l pens ordered by me some ten days since has arrived, and I am so much pleased with them that I hare concluded to take an Agency for their sale, so far, at least, asto order three gross No. 1 and one gross No. 2, for which 1 enclose your price to Agents. Ad dress: REV. S. SIEGFRIED. Warranted to last five times as long, and give better satisfaction than any steel pen Manufac tured. Bend for eireulor of teatimonlula from Profeasoni of Schools and Colleges, and from prominent business' housea. Aug. 73, 1887. Bnt The Quaker City Business College, CORN= MRS 4CHECACS miters ' I rfIHE most complele and thoroughly appointed Commercial School In the Country. Conducted upon the beet system of Instruction, and offering advantages of the ingbret order In every Department. • IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN who din& Efikoceass and Promotion In Huainan Life. PRACTICAL EDUCATION FOR THE TIMES. The Commercial Connie embracas Book Keep ing, Commercial Calculations, Penmanship. Lbr respondence, Forma, Cuntoma of Trade, Commercial L aw the Art of Detecting Counter feit Money, ge. This Course may be completed In three months. . _ _ DIPLOMAS Awarded to Graduates, under seal and by au thority of law, thla being a regularly INCORPORATED COLLLpE, and the only one with similar powers In the State, or In the United States. OTHER BRANCHaI, n Teler n apt_dng: M athematics, Engl "r 1 NW -ye = jlipliiWitts4l.°' In the Department of Accounts this Institution is wholl,v unrivalled. The Treatise on this sub ject, published by the Proprietor, Is everywhere acknowledged to be the best and' most complete work extant, and being composed almost exclu sively of sets obtained from Aetna I Business, pre sents a course of instruction such as can be se cured by no other system. Book for sale, and sent by mall to any address, upon receipt of price, $3 50. YOUNG MEN Invited to send tor circulars, or visit the College (or further information. L. FAIRBANKS, A. M., President. I'. E. MICRCHANT, Secretary. I. ESTABLISHED DI 1845. HENRY W. OVERMAN, COKIHRBION MERCHANT • AND DEALER IN LEATHER, No. 14 South Third Street, Philadelphia air-Canslgnmentg solicited. Dec. 10, 1968. ly CIIAS. A. 111:1310111.. WESTCOTT & GEORGE, wocceleoss To PHILIP wizzrox dt CO., orrosTaits AND DZAIJERS It GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, Crie.ket and 13ase Ball Implements, FISHING TACKLE, SKATES, Croquet, Archery. P hiladelphia. My4o3 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. May 13, 13IT. ern Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Tgirm of & A. FOITTZ 6 BRO. Is this day dissolved by _mutual consent. k A. Fouts rethrthg, D. E. FOIITZ is hereby authorised to settle the business of the late firm, and will con tinue the business In his own name. s. A. FOUTE, DAVID E. POLITE, , August 1, 11161. itrWILL continue In the WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE BFFSINFNS MANUFAC RING FOUTZ'S MEDICINES, at the old place, No. 116 Franklin street, under the mons and st althmoe, Sept. 20, 1861 yle of DAVID E. FOUTZ. B. tf 11. 8. 808S8. mcria s nr:t mrsuotua sink of Gettysbnil will -206 ad dirnWdtA U. 8. Fonda. aR , O 7-0 and li GE O RGE ARNOLD, Cashier. Oet. 4. iilL II PC2aloe Prints, Cbeekii, Glngiuma,Mualtaa 6.1 P to ItOW t WOODS'. G O Os T. C. Norris' ler pour Clothing. • TO OUR CUSTOMERS. UTE take plantar' In announcing to Dealers In Fertallaseaand the Agricultural public, that We have within the peas year increased our Well- Wee mr the manufacture of our RAw Bois FIRM /MATT, to an extent unequalled by any other Howe in the United State. or Europe. Thew en. emu. not only include the enlargement of our old estabitabed works In Philadelphia, known as the DELAWARE RIVER AtiItICULTURAL CHEMICAL WORKS, but also the purelouse of extensive and welt stocked works at Chicago, 111., with all the necessary machinery, can., a:,,, to conduct the bwdnewa. This mdabllahment alone has produced, annually, of er 5,010 tone or dried Bonea and Meat, and to (upside of being largely increasod. We dealre, 10 the (Liman au. pervisloo. to conduct these two Colleelllll no that our customers will delve a practical benefit from their consolidation, In uhtaining MANURE which ahall maintain a standarl and uniform quality, and at the lowest poreihle prier, BAUGH a SONS. Peruvian Guano Substitute ! -BA I' 67 II R . HAW BONE SUPER - PHOSPHATE OF Mgt:- MAME dt SONS. Rae Proprictora & MottVadurrers, DelmiiP2ll lifter Measliest Works, HULADELPHIA, • AND Odumiet Werlas, CHICAGO. air Farmers are ccoonatended to bunkum of the dealer basted In their neighborhood: lo sec tions where no dealer is yet estabtlahed, the Phoephate may be procured directly from the uh derelgned, apA priced Circular will be cent to .11 dealers who ply. BAIIOII & SONm, Wien. ha 9U & /Maurice Avenue, MILADY-1.1.111A, • AND 959 Lake Wert Chimp°. BAVGH BROTHERS & CO. Genets' Whole.ale Agent., No. 181 Pearl &rod, corner of (war, Nitre YORK. 14EOROD DCGDALE, Wholesale Agent for Maryland and Virginia 97 sad Icr Madh's Wharf, BALTIMORE. iga-We are prelim' to Supply our Patent Eke tlonal Mill to a I lihinurartn rent for grinding Bones, Guano and all other hard subationcett. Anignat fo lee. Eno Pad& Guano Company's KOLL' BLE PACIFIC G L'ANO. OFFICE OP (311.NtitAL AOHNCY it POITTH ernencr. lIALTIMOHK, MD. JOHN K. HEINE a CO - - Wholesale Agents tor Company. Milk: very extended use of thin Guano through out the country renters it unpin...nay to say more tilts season, than Ito romponition and gadily are precisely the same as that heretofore sol d by um for the Company. We has e sold this Guano from the beginning under a regular system of rigid Inspection, at an expenute to the Company of many hundreds of dollen annually. This la done for the protection alike of the consumer and the anapany, an It is manifest. to all who understand the trade InFler tllltern, that It cannot he safely condos tel on any other principle. The importance and 'extent of the trade demands this protection. We are prepared to exhibit Dr. A. Snowden Plzgotk certificate of laspechon for every cargo sold. Consumers must unser% e the mune of Joint H. RIME 4t Co. itranihnl on the bags, none other genuine. Aug. 111, MC. 3m MORO PRILIIPS' OTINDIIOR IMPROVED SUPER -PHOSPHATE OF LIME, " STANDARD 6; CARANTERD. TOR GALE AT MAR UYACTI: RY.104 Potx, No. 22 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Ann No. Si South Street, Baltimore, And by Dealers in general throughout the Country. The SOMBRERO GUANO of which MORO PHILLIPS' PHOsPHATI4-4. and alwa;,s has been manufactured, (and of Which he into sole control for the United stabaj onSalns nn,}' per cent. more Bone Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it is more durable. The addition of ammonia gives it greater fertilizing value. Over six years' experience has proved to the Fanner that it makes a heavier grain than even stable manure, and is not only active but lasting. MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. Price $56 per ton of 2,000 Its. DincoUnt to Dealers. March 4,1807. 9m ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INIEWRA-NCE COMPANY INCORYORATRII, MARCH IS, 1851 OFFICEEL.. President—George mwope,. Vice President—noel K. Russell . . E. A. Buehler. Trelumrer—E. Fahnehtock Exectirl;e (35i.mit,et.--ii.obrt. McCurdy, An wHeinizelnien, Jacob King. Mansgeis , Ckarge Swope, I). A. Buehler. R. McCurd,y, M. Eiebelberger, S. R. Russell, E. O. Fahneatock, A. 1). Buehler t ,McCreary, liet tveburg; Jacob King, hraban township; A. Heintzelman, Franklin; Wm. D. Mimes, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, 8. - mdersville; H. A. Picking.Straban; John Woßoni, Latimore; John Picking, East Berlin, Abel T. Wright, Benders vine Abdlel F. OLIO, New oxford ; Jas. H. Mar shall,' Handltonban; Jo.hci Cunningham, Free dom; John Horner, 51ouniMy, , Wm. ROAM White, Liberty. —Thus Company is limited in its operations to the county of Adams. It has been in operation for more than 15 ) ears, and In that period has made but one assessment, having paid !maws by lire during that period amounting to $13,004-46,- IV of which have been paid during the last two years. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers fur further information. P E .\ . flirThe Executive Committee meets at the"of flee of the Company, on the last Weiluestlay In every month, at 2 o clock, P. M. ocr.l I i. tr THE NORTH AMERICAN LIFE AND AtXIDENT IJV'SUR.4XCE COMPrIXY. No. 432 Walnut street, PHILADELPHIA. Capital....._ Orsteras : LEWIS L. HOUPT, President, M. P. DARLINGTON, See'y. and Treas. UtarAzuss: Lewis L Hod pt, - J.E. Kingsley, Samuel C. Palmer, James DI. Conrad, W. W. Karts, John Illughaln, , H. G. Lelseming, Thomas K. Peterson, James Shields, John A. Wright. Insures persons of any age or otropstlon gigaton death, either trom DISEASE OR ACCIDENT, at LOGIVA Aug Rates. All life nuncio . s t r a thls Company are parable ae groTdsoct'esarment ta m = n o l l a d y ag e V, o ?; il e te n Is protracted beyond (outwore years. air HENRY A. PICKING, nob, (lettystarg,ls H the Company's Agent for Adams county. e will cheerfully furnish all information requested. August 23, lsB. Sin PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS. rbE Grafton Mineral Paint (b, are now menu facturing the Best, Ch.pest and mast Dum e Paint in nse two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last In or 15 years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate cola, and can be changed to green, lead, atone, olive or cream to mutt the Unite of the eortetlther. It 111 valuable for Rouses, Nom., Fenette, Carriage and Mr-makers, Pails and Woottera-vtatre, Agri cultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels nod Rape' HOLUM*, Canvas, Metal and oh Ingle Roots, (it being Fire and Witter proof. Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer having uocd 5(0) Mils. the past year,) and as. paint for any purpow is IllutUrpilatae eat for dursbillty, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price $6 per bbl. of lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular which gives full particulars. Nbnegenuine unless branded Ina trade mark Grafton - Mlneral Mint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 27i4 Pearl Street, New York. Sept, 6,196'. em SEWING ][ACMES. The Grover k Babb—The Best in Use E Machines have become so well known TU I t li ttle need be said by way of recommen ion. They have taken the nun premium at all the late State Fairs, and are universally ac knowledged to be the BENT in we by all who have tried them. The "Grover de Baker Stitch" and the "Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attaine4 by no other Machine. They are the only machines that sew and embroider with per fection. Thew Machines are peculiarly adapted td Family use. They are noiseless, new directly from the spool without rewinding, and are elm , pie in their construction. They are may to mane legs, and am be worked by almoat any child. Every family shouki hove one. Thfy nave tabor, they have Hese and Mee sore nusey, and do their work better than it can he done by hand. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for the above Machine., hale established an Agen cy In Fitiriteld, Adama county, where be will al. ways have on ha d d a eupply. Persona wishing to buy will please call and examine for them selves. SP-Needles and Thread will also he supplied. J. 9. WITHEROW, Agent, Fairfield, Adams county, Pa. Aug. V, 15ff. tf I. I.Ott§ GEORG*. 828. WILLIAM T. HOPKINS, ..OUR OWN MAKE." PTER more than viva YZAHe experience II and expisimenting in the manufacture of sTRiCTLY Tiß' oactirr HOOT Sailers, we offer our justly celebrated goods to merchants and the labile in fall confidence admix superiority over all others in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal In them, as they give mare satisfaction than any other skirt, and recommend themselves In every.re sped. Dealers in Hoop Shirts should a note of this fact. EVERT LADY WHO HAS racer await THIN A TRIAL SHOVLD DO SO WITHOUT Pruritus TYLAY. Our Intendment embraces every stTle, length and else for Ladies, Mbutee and Children. A.W, Saudis made to order, altered and repaired. Ala for "HOPkins' Own Make," and he not de ceived. Bee that the letter "H" In woven on the Tapes between each Hoojk and Wet they are 'stamped "W. T. Etonian NfillnadlCEUrer, err AStreet Philadelphia,' upon each tape. others are Genuine. Also, emudantly on hand a line of OA New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prior. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, _ At the PHILADELPHLt. HOOP SKEET Mann sad Emporium, cN o &tftCH ST, AD T. WOMB. eteh 11, M. 10M 3500,000. HOOP SKIRTS. FOUTZ'a Erint7=l Du alii Can Powders. 1..4711:dee r. r , tiny p known, w 111 thor. mighty reinvigorate • broken down and low Itarlied hones, 1 , 3 strengthening nod eloanoing got stomach and Intro. t It is a eons pm. ventive or all ills. LINO Incident to N 4 utlea, such at LI:NO FEVER, GLANDERS, YELLOW WA. • TER, HEAVEN, COUGHS, DI , TEMPER,. Fr. VERS, POUNDER - EONS OF ATTE. TISK AND VITAL ENERGY, he Its nu Improve. the wlnd , Istreue* the appetite-giro* a ...tooth and glary skia—end treader... th e • • We ekeklan into line looking and spirited Lame. To keeper of Coy. Otto prepay thin ralualan Inerwof the walla/Ay and Itapy•tt ro the quanta at the milk It ha. boon famtau • toal Igirth:mot I. g.t o •mattiMr" Incroa.e the quan tity of mill mat cream twenty her emit and make the A Wp a :T or t ter tn . "4 • cattle. It Wlw". 0, " amietite, law.. 114 , • r their hide. not matey them thrlt ~:fl Is all diseases of Swine, such as Cough., Ulcers In the Lunge, Liver, Jk.o , this wild, 4,4 e acts as • .penile. By putting from .‘" one-half • paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the 4.- • above diseases ••••• - - till be eradkated - - • • or antlreiy prevented If given In time, a enrtain provenUre and cure for the Hog Cholera I 8. A. voirrz at. lino.. I=3 MURALS DUD AID DEDICIDE DEPOT. No. 118 Frani& Bt., Baltimore, Id. For 8.1 hy pniggist. and Eton:km.l.v throuyil• oat the United Suter. For loth• IA .1. t.l4n•h', tyea , ura: 1111 , r• , 114 nal•r a. I . llb.burg; .101110. on, 1111111u,i, rlilludt•lplito. David E. !'puts. Mueermer. 14c. 11, lwq. 1)• LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ! T HE ORE.\ T FEALALE Flolt LAILITI EN I I have tested these Ortip in no ax e proel Over tan seam, and du not hesitate to Butt , nothing has )et been des eloped i, , edhttl re• search. that tiers so pow erfultr N posltis el) a Wand rn] kralN , In lifi Inllllll • inegolarity, an does this medicine. In sill tenant ruses It nes er/ falls, addle thoulanala w ho Inns e been long su Rev tin, are loth bled to Il I lor the ',Lam of health to-da Alt y. lattn4 !di positive, then urn perfectly u aruless, anal I • he used at all Omer, weep( Si hen novena flab thleta t dire' that, They hats I iil) nil 111, 1.1111- p4oidelanarin. r run. I. 111111 LngWnd , an w ell MX In it ON LI pructive," ea Len vaili,lll.l b lois l' vet to tartar of the nod nuitanceot failure. I give you testimonials oi then a Iliettr) fl,lll all over the northetn anal western Kato., were they rot In their nature lids ste. th er 10000 u hoot es have hero sold the lost Seto, and I hope and trust as men) nutter,w has r been hcitenttast. I are w ell allure that u retuo4 so potent,to canna' a all obinruct lona, taut) lin for porno/a% but trust that a hen• one bottle Is thus used, ten may lull into the Moots of Walla 111`1•41, Tu ell who sutler Ir ~,,, nn) - Irregulat its ' tut, thin, tilt, eplasis r, ottensiie air °hat, toted 211eWitnllal Intl, I,llellnilinA, esr Ilan train of diseases that Milos, , I would oats, try a bottle ot lin. 1.1 uYx Flik:Nelt Photon:l it, Dimes. Beluga til prq,at nation, their action is 1110fili dlrtst tal than any pills or pox dam. Explicit diravtions, bearing my an, shame , aeoumputty each kettle. They tits,hoobtained of nearly ai ery druggist In //11. ,Vlllll/ try, or larenelooling the price to CLARK ,t CO., New Haien, Oman., General Agents for the United States and Canada. DM JOHN L. LYON, Practicing Physician. New Haven, Conn. at Price t I 50 per bottle March 25, /SC. tqlwly Sloo REWARD.' F oR a nwillclne that will cure COL OHM, TICKLING IN THE THIIoAT • WHoOPHVG COUGH =I CO!s;ST:11171TE COUGIIH, U quirk a Coe's Coiagh Balsam! OVER ONE MILLION 13101TLh4 ha%a been mid and nGt a ' , lngle Instance of ILA failure haoa nt. We hare In our poewealdon, ally quail of ref - (Mentes, wane ot Iroto LNIINENT ?li\MICIANS who have wad it in their practice, and given It the pre-emirnee.,VereverY other compound. It does not Dry Up a (bugh, but • I,OOl4F.Ntt IT, fumes to amble the put kept to expectorate freely Two or three d o ses Mil invariably Cure Twidina , in the Throat! A half bottle has often completely (Vied the moat Stubborn Cbugh, and yet though it is no num and speed) in its °pena,, l ~, It le perfectly harni• law. being purely vegetable. It Is very agreeable to the Mate, and May be adm)niatonnl to chil dren ninny sum In CARPS of CROUP we will guarnniree a mire, If taken in mason. Family should be fininoei if! It is within the rench of ell, It being the Mani - wet and beat mod lel ne extiku t. C. U. i'L.llO: & CO., Proprletorw: New en, 'oan Mrch. 25, ISB7. eowly PELOUBET, ORGANS I= UNANIMOUSLY awardedrindlv., a Gold Medal, “AS THE lIHST CABINET OR GANS," AmeGuth Institute, New York, Octo ber, Mi. Being pronounced superior in QUALITY, Pow in and VA nitilf or ToNE, and In number of min bluntlonn. • •• • • . "As the best Instruments or America were there contending, whichever won the Jrattle pbuld hare nothing left to eorainer."- - glarricort Art journal, (edited by a well-known musical critic.) They have also taken the arel premium alter ever exhlted this season. . . PEDAL GROANS, one, two and three banks of keys--ela stzeri-11fA1 to Pl, Without pedals, t i t l i v uj le I ile n b . an a lt il i t ti th a t. r i eu r quaff of tone, bealitlful solo scope, strength of chorus, huequulled pedals, mid general °man like effects, are superior for t 'hurdles, hulls. Par. 10111 and Schools, They are put up In runs 01, q -14 Walnut, faneY veneered Walnut (new and unique sty in, and eh gantot splen did design• and finish, and of the best workman ship—lt mini el that elicit Instrument shall be a model of Ito Inas. An. Instruments down to a fine richt, portrdtle Meldeon, have the beautiful Tretnulant Slop, olthout extra charge. A large assortment constantly on lintai at our GENERAL WIIOLDIALE AND RETAIL WAREROOMO, Sit Broadway, Our ilitietrated Circular arid Price Baia, with our new styles are now ready. Mend tor a circu lar. I'ELOU BET, BELTON & CO., Manuturturern, No. all Broadway - April 5, 1567. New York City. HAINES BR Y& PLOW& THE PIANO OF AMERICA RESE Pianos are Coll:cranny acknowledged T by cormsdent Judges equal to the best Nall. made. For referenees, they have inane thousand City and country re.identa, includ lug large num bers of the High Schools, Seminaries, Ac. These Flamm have not only stood the continu al use and heavy practice of one year, trot have hen used the last fifteen rears to the utmost satisfactkm of those using them. They have taken PREMIUMS AND MEDALS WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Much has been the demand for these Pianos, that MP;SMIts. HAINF7I IMO'S. have been compelled to enlarge their works to the extent of 21 to SO PIANOS A WEEK. Haring now one of Me most este:lA.lyr and complete Factories to the United States, Facto. ries alone coveringy, of an acre of ground,rom prising a frontage of 219 feet on 2nd Avenue. They are undoubuMly the cheapest firs(-close Pianos in market. Fullygumnnteed for 5 years. Send for illustrated Circular. HAINES BROW., " 3A,we, 3i12,.364, &q,,pa York C 2, Second Avenue, Nets City. April 0, 1517. EftTHE GREAT CAUSE HUMAN or MISER Y. Jug Pubtfehed, on a Sealed ANteelope. Prier B orate. A LECTURE on the Nature, Treatment and tS. Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper matorrtana, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consumic Oen, Epilepsy, and }lt.; Mental and Phynical In capacity,ROß. J. CULERE D LL, N. Author of the "Green Rook," dVm. W The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe rience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, hoa gies, Instrungnto, rings or cordiaß, pointing out a mode of cur e aertalu and effectual, by which every sufferer, uo matter what his condition nosy be, may core bluiself cheaply, privately, and nal teeny, Thin lecture will prove a boon to, thou sands and thousands. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad drones, on receipt of eta units, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Also, Dr. CULVEIIW E LL'S "Marriage Guide," price 26 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. S. C. KLINE & CO_„ 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Bog MB& Feb, 25, 11467. ly Money, Free as Water. 10.000 are wanted to solicit trade to every City. Town, SALTIst o a r Fette T . ra oi e illF g Village, Handle[, Worksbop and Factory through out the entire world, for the most saleable novel. Iles ever known.-Son PER CENT. PROFIT and READY SALE WHEREVER OFFERED Smart men and women can make from 115 to $2O per day, and no risk of loss! A small capital re.. quireal of from VII to SiOu—the more money in. vested the greater the profit. No Money minket! In advance—we first send the articles and receive p a y ait a rwardsi if you actually wlsb to =die money rapidly and easily, write for fall partici*. tars and address MILNOR & CO., (From Parka). 210 Broadway, Now York My. Feb. 215, 1807. 1 - 1711 t have just received • Mr morticed* cd VV Quemorare, t 0 Mk& we Mite the Wm- Mu Of bayed A. MATT & BON. ff 2 INFirENzA