Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, November 01, 1867, Image 3
p l c 'tftpirtrarg ?,tontpiler Fran-4T APTERROIVrt Nor, 1, 1807 IFFICIAL VOTE or 3MIZEnT.VAEIO 11 4 86 . . Gov}.},Not. ' sup..tosol. =I =ME ~dn aim yll ross 220 211 K. 2621 2%, Mi 1 r,7w linr. r. •trrtng Iv •1 i. t VVX) 1 1704 111 6, —.....-4. r XB6 .prq .74116.3 11644 MCI 4164 , 1 In., 1611 .I'- 1 319 .414 ..... 374 3418 94166_4_ ............ _ 111)4 35611 1776 11:40 -161, 17 1 •4 11417 114412 'Vet .:. 6711 4•619 46 to 4:146 1 5 , 01 I MI 31147 =id 4V6 1118 • 7217 11161 4390 ...• 116 76 .. 4200 411.111 r 10511 1909 =1 '1!4•4 22919 • 44"46 2109 1 , 1:4 11112 1110 114 66162 41164 1:16 94 :994. 4100 417 :I 1111. 872$ 12247 ,#7 4448 44% 1 ! .1 . 1721 1:4- I_lll * 710 4 7 . 9/1 12'.51 611 Inr „ 1179 :94:” 66711 h ant ber laud -.... .11,1 4901 2:4 , 1 2101 11.1.419 . 51247 41 , 4 , 19 .1440 1044 13id (6dl 8741 11121 1 11U 1.7.26 ItS2 1704 4 7111 14:1 •,.7461 1761 1 4 676 111+1 1,767 4414; 3414.7 . 2667 1;72 4677 171•• 23:7 1.6447 5 . :4,46 611 ; 116.4 1,69 '4666 6760 I lfli 1 1 • 11, Or I rlan I 11111 "valt It • -I -n =BIM RIM OEM 0 mu •t 1 ‘l, Shnrxwm,4l . ..10.1613 Ira!gavot.. =llll =9 MARKET REPORTS. WC= II(iLI 1111 W!I EAT, in WTI I'AT, 1 1 00 A 00 64 1200 00 2 (N 4 IMMEZIE I= MMIEII IMZEZ: 10 (_7_, 10 50 (s, 2 SO 1 ) 105 If!, 140 73 Qt, 74 800 6, 855 '3u 6 , 2;5 MB MI Tit-SEED, ,ii V-SEEL), 10 00 r , li (H) 111.114... 8 I 6 , 16 04) :2:1 60 00 It SO 6 , hii 14.,, - r' Bowl Ml= PI I/ Philp I= All 2111 rill , ill, reS/ljerlel v Or till• to u.. R.v. Mr. 11,m 0, WPM I I iiisteunn I Ficcordcr o ;. -too g , lo F.V.A1,11 , :a LINDSAY. of cet, ranklin county. a 111111 the above canto at Onownt front thi. tfo• •,hart• of delltros ealte, nod a green . tlitt gnu.). "The Kin/sq . ' of • 1.•, , ?. grateful for such re lilt Tn. 11 .11'11 111 1 102 2.n earth sae e.e,preas ht.. Cellgrattilltlious ate extended t i i rettp.e, It, lot la alth. anti umtrmtment thr.nigh life. SO t Ip.t PAW. Mr. B.14ner111:111, Mr. r It It I W.VII-L)N to Maw .1t,111.1 .1. EtslfEl... \ both of I alrfirl, t It.: I, of ,eptoutber,nt Denkon, Cretwtor.l It., U• ~r/4,, Scott 11l • H.l" 1. I : • I .-.1 ,of (I.llle+hut,r, ill, to Mfrs %WE M., t or furittsu fy or till. play,. , the 17tu ult., 1.% l', Mr. ~/ Silver Itun,,(ltrroll 111tNULU., BAUOMER, I. theta. ult., by Wv. E Mr, I • \ Ulrr In Mn. SI'F: I'. El/110LT%, qh ..1 t illut.,•rlnti.l too 1,1,p. 011 th. 1211 ult., In 1.11.t1.-/torm, at the R. Iry 1t0r..! 11 (lemon,. Mr. 11 II - \ I Ell (I. 1 N E.. Mt , - .1E1.1.1 .ITrEIL. fujlt or ,s;Eibulf, 01 I "M U, 11l the te•ttlete.t. lwr tu - ,turt In Ma ti k lund, aged 71 .> dars o. • 1.0 ••11, LIN.% E.. InGint,(lniughter of Lol Hoke, of Rekollog towuNhip, ogett 11(i, ii .11 day, • al Ilw . Arga , l last, MARGARET 3.1 lln , w r of .tlexander awl Juut. ,Bene/100r, ii N u I, mon t lat and :La daPl. t:u• '‘): h ttle , in New Oxford, of typhoid to t, M 1.1.011, daughter of Israel and Suntan m Ih. AW ull , xt .lohnqnsrii. Va., Mr. MIL \\I I'. I 3114,1 12 y.,ar., non of John Nunc,i 0411011; formerly of this county, PUBLIC SALE tIF A VALUABLE FARM. • --••• 1111. : , 11,,riber will °MT a, Mad Saie,. - 011 111 RDA, the Itlth ‘1.3 of NOVEXBER VALI - ABLE FARM, In M..unfluy Allan,. county, 21 ,I lit,, !mien et tiett) Omni, near tin taiti re pike tmrtalumg ISO ACRES (IF k:s. 1 , , m Ith the Ileet ..sar,, Improvements, with pert 1011 of Men.low anti rimb. ; nu Or °Nl< r 1.1 Wen Watered, HIM a 'lig the hotter, , pang house, '• • 4. , s.ting p.. re 1.... or Ilex the 'Imo :II 011 th, sub.criber, resitting thereon. s d, i c c. tun en re at I o'clock. Y. M.,:on It at It !Waller At ill he gist u and terms mntabc - WILLIAM TOUNCi. • N, , ,. 1, 1 , 17. to Dissolution of Partnership. partnership heretofore existing between t he omit rsigned, under the Inn of Taughln len n Neely, of Hampton, has hewn I I,ersons irniebitsi (41..0.11nm - 1. will please rail it t lb • p Fitlwr partner Is author •l lbw tile name of the !Inn In sett lenient of .T. TAUCRIINBAUGLL u. I'. NEELY. • Sts 1,1%7. it Restaurant Licenses. HE tot low Mg applicationA to keep Iteltauranta ha%r horn tiled In my office, with the renal , number of hlgnen, and will ho presented at ~art of quarter torsions, on NIONDAY, the t 4 .lay of MOV EMBER. Nt Illam 11. Small, Conowago towpalllp. c, oral FOX, I as runer Llttlestown borough. A. W. SID:IF:It, Clerk. Nov I, 1W;;. to r • Church Dedication. 'lir new Nletluallat F. March al Petersburg, 1 . ~, Pa., will tie detheatod on blL. 1 11"..1.1, I W.'. Ih v Dr. Itysn, oi Balttmoro, Sm I t h, of Chambersburv. Rosa. W. (LI urga m, J.. 1. !tos, IL C. Ilastup, and other ralnlaters, s r xpocted to be, presont. J. M. CLARK, Pastor In Cllnrge OEM EXHIBITION. 14 Exhibit !ha will be given at 1101 - PS SCHOOL HOUSE, (`Newellle road, 2 tulles nn town) MATURDAY EVELNING,Nor. loth, the belle= el the S. S. Library. rielllets at the or. t2slriv. 1, IH7. 2t Adminibtratrix's Notice. 11: UI GILLILAND'S k.sTATE,' —Letters of adniirilstratorn 01/ tae estate of Sarah linll od, of Sooluelo late 01 Tyrone township, Ad cou nty, deceased, but lug been gntnted to the 1.0.,1gt0-0,, , 1,11Ugan the satue township, she by g,c, note,. lit .L I/ persons Indebted to I l <ate to make Iminetlinte payment, and lOSV hat Ing elsons agar nal the same to present ter] prop, rly autlo ntlested for settlement. HANNAH ,MARGAILET GILLILAND, Isl. :13, 1 , 67. tit Atizolnl.OrattrlX. __. ' Rec. C. A. HAY, D. D., Pastor of Christ Church. Lutheran. Rev. E. BREIDENBAUGH, Pastor of St. JalliCit . Church. Lutheran. Rev. W. 11. H. DEAVUGH, Pastor of German Retort - aid c h urch. ' Rev. G. W. SOUSE, . Pastor of M. E. Church. _ _ R. O,.I[cCREARY, NOTICE. I Superintendent Pmellyterian Sabbath SchooL D. A. BUEHLER, WILL be In Gettyaburg with FLOUR, &c., on Superintendent Christ Church, Loth. B. School. every MONDAY and FRIDAY, of each week. J. L. SCHICK. ,rsons who may dehlre me to furnish them Superintendent M. R. Sabbath SchooL •lth either Flour or feed eltufrwill Irate their DETWILER, relent either with John linismer. or Danner ..t. Superintendent St. James' Lath. S. SchoOL i cider, stating the kind and quantity, when the acne will be delivered at their dwellings. GEORGE GEYER, GEORGE GINGELL. fillipertntendent German Rmormed S. School. . Sept. 27. POW. tf . PALMER, Superintendent African Sabbath School. Scholarships for Sale. , . Joscs.; R. HERSH, New Oxford. • • J, ,A. GARDNER, Ptilledelphia. A FULL, course Scholarship In the QUA r Nov. 1, 1887. 1t 1 - 1. SIITYRUSINFAS COLLEGE of Phlludel ila, . awl a full course Schehasidp In the tkimme dui CONSTANTLY on hand, an assortment of Fine Course In the G:t4AT _.NATIONAL TELE— pftaxEs, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Cards GRAPHIC - AND t. MERCIAL INSTITUTE, and Baskets for games (men the Raters-sett. Philadelphia for a 'tee* inquire et' the YENYTO3RAPIES of our Generals and . other dle- Costrusia z 1 • Inguiabed tndividuala 'at the Exc C. J. T elsior . 1641nri. Oct. 73, MR YTIO. PICKING JUST FROM. THE, CITY 1 CLOTHING! CLOTHING! Prices Rcduccs! .i \ Reducal Reduced? V B. PICKING, Just trunk the city, with an , enornaonestook of new CLOTHING, NOTIONS, IC., offers bargain/rat them:lot astonishing character. To prove the assertion, all he asks is that buyers will • 207 2129 M ,Mn, 2134 Asti 2:7N 1, '31114 COME AND SEE! COME AND SEE! 11117 11912 MI 1 ZOO a. , 111 ..15;111 aolo 2/Etkl 26,12 and Judge for thennselveo. lie has CI (her Coots Mick Frokjk CuaLt, Cloth Mack Coats, Q•/tan er° Nu k t oats, Mat Ind Mack Coalal, • Tw,,,t Sack: Coats. .1.11k3 NI II 7" ,I 1410 I I -- It 2 1119 MINI I 1 VTNTS, Cloth Vents, C:ouilmere Vott., Satinet Vests, Velvet . Vesta, German Vemta. WIT I /404 31.84 3712 704 1143 MOO AWN • 1004 LA ( II H'liV, Eiglit .121,y lint kw, Thirt 3 -hour (look, (10 , 14 x, lio1111( Trunks und nulzellar Hut 11,1 /a the hard and &woe -deClthe, 't an nen 14 the very LOWEST prices. Nu doubt *Lunt It. Et e*budy ally,' to. NON. I, IS7, Good Old Prices Again! .19 7 17 atrm 31/10 —I II HIM / 4.21 2111 2110 II 1:01 1 GOODS CHE✓IP 48 EYED liab24 BEST pin NTs for 14 ets GOOD. PRINTS for 12i'ets GINGIIAMS r for 12¢ cts 10 110 2'40 2 30 1 15 1 - 1II:SLINS and DELAINES at like redneed priees Now ii the Time to Buy! I= lIATS 4, and BOOTS in great variety Nov. 1, IP/# NEW GOODS. GEORGE ARNOLD Tla4 nuw oi,eurd n large Stock of CLOTHS, CAS- SIMERES arkal READY-MADE CLOTHINU m0,f13 Of hle 04% n manufacture, consisting of M= CO kl S, slums, 1/12:1 \VERA, Ho.lery; de.: de., at prices to cult the times. Call, examine am! flulke far yourselves IMBEMI NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS 1 HHVINO hhuaht out my forTer partner, and bccu to the t it,. and purchased A LAI:Gg STOCK OF GOODS, I am now prepared to accommodate all In quail ty and mice. - I am determined h;OT UNDF.ILSOLD in tins or any other part of the country. "Quick sales and e.hort profits," is my motto. 313 - stock of Goods consists of DRY GOODS,' - GRocERIES, .NOTIONS, QUEENS-W:IRE, 11 A RD- W ARE, EARTIIEN-WARE, RATS & CAPS, BOOTS-& SHOES. In fact, everything kepto.lti a FIRST-CLASS COVNIRY titORE. come awl see my stock. No charge for chewing Goods. Hampton, Toa, 1, 16(C. im NEW FIRM New Oxford, Adams county, Pa. 11ER,SH Sc BROTHER ri Nt o tWarehotru , recently OCCII T pled hey are now paying the HIGHEST PRICES for GRAIN A o iN - D PRODUCE. taa4loltgchtolections of Lt3f az;l..,rlioaiut. JAMES HERSH, PAUL If EILSII. :New Oxford, Nor. 1, 1807. lot SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION. A iT cols - vENTiol , r of the friends of Sabbath deblals in Adana county will be bald to Uy,TSBUR,D, the Fourth Week in November grott, commencing on MONDAY EVEN Int, the 2itth, and continuing through TUESDAY and WEDNL:SDAY, the lidth and Z - th. The rocastou will be one of great interest and a large attend ance niespeetert. Rev Allred Taylor, Secretary of the Pennsylva nia State Sabbath School Association, Rev. Dr. AV diets, Ex-Gov. Politick, and other distinguish ed and eloquent gentlemen from Philadelphia. and elsewhere, will be In attendance anti take an active part In the procectihnut. Pastors, Superintendentii and friends of Sun day Schools throughout the county will please publish thlanotice andtake proper measures to assure a full attendance. - 1 / 4 Programme of the exercises Will be prepared for distribution before the day of meeting. • The followmg Committee of Arrangements has been appolinett, viz: . . ~... ROSEG.A.R.T.,A_I•T3D - PHOTOGRAPH-111MS, • _ At Plin - AT; asui. owl. T i!!.. ,,,,, ,, 1 i. ....1::,.: - , w, l i r i taxid ,ell it a kit pr r t h r ,, , , ur .,a ve h. t . .l. „ ..: , PA/111, in Highland township, Adams county, I .LADIR.S 4 CO7ifTAMIONS, . mile o • •-t. of (dog. II . .NI ill, sAtio.nh.e. Lind. :,,RG 4 l John Kunz, J....pit /it 11S/14,,, .1"/111 Bit (1, Jr the • , Orr form nneothers, containing nearly . •• • 3011 .1I "... A. I th.- nn a I.• 4, • —V n --,...,, .. ll , n^-1. wol Lam. Wagon Moot, 4 orn !!I rrlb,a.e. There It t go a l well u 1 WILL. rat " . t-u 'TOILET SETS; the dot,r, ft groat {Amu, r. , 9..:ruz- WI the . 010, with .ahhing oat.: through it , al.o oil the g ' tlTll '" , (Ver . r n a e 7C l . ‘ , ' Elffrice " ru ch ii rl 'ili b e7t i l ' s alarge proporti o n of go Meadow, a 111. mar tureen, of 1 Ifni,. r emv.h.l int "r popl.a. o :dna% gocuot, h•elcory, oak, mulberry, and MI I:Imi, i.f !wavy t.rnitsr. the best h, the county. Two pub lic reads throisOthe place. Tho 111..1n would suit well to divide. Pelsons withing to view It are relocated to roll on the I.lll4terslgned,reiztEllng tht reon. A reward of 3'oo to the person who will bring a buyer. IM,* 35,110—the cheapest property in Ow county. JAMES S. WILSON. th.t. Vi, lsfr. It '' Mtn Candy, Fancy do., ! 7„; . 1 Frain., Nuts, :, CA • ! My rups, , .c • 1 Perna Crackers; „,, ' Wine Biscuits, 4 ,1; , uits, ' , ..... do., • 0 m r _ye Cakes, li • a 1 A , Pieties, i I rpitE undiuwigned offers at Sale, 11' . ' laardlnett :• " . 1 It ARM,alluate In kranklin towu.,ll.p, Anal we i; bobbtens: r.: 2 at. • dtit,), Int., three Innen %eel of Arendt, Idle, ail on , Chow-Chow, ' I!I II poling la win ot I; radmis Cole, .11 . ,Sltlitirr 14 ter I 4.11 . 0 WOrkil '.• and other 0, cont.iluing al ACRI.S, Inure or lent Pocket Boas, g . „,.., ion, In . • le. ,I, at.l the hal me. in good 111•Istehelo, 0 II timber. The •I, ared lands in Inte raki, atton,K, rit tia lab, 5( °. I( 1110, tag bet•o Ilan d,.1 11,1 alt• fell, 013(0 00011. The, 1 SWOrkntlXeg, ,Y. a r I t intpro, n1110,1r,y; T . WO-1A4.117 ROUghl 1,1 ' , WEL/A/S 1101..r,F., tlour rooms 1111 d 01, , r ••••-- - ••• ••• ',l _.• • • :I , kin hen on the flint noor,l a new Frame in I VALI: ..4.131_,L. Born, Wagon SII,I, Corn Crib, (nx,per li 1 j 0R M FAR. shop,..v.a. FL.... end spa hg I lon., ; 1 N. I r,f ; net el.-W.lllw water, tt Atli at pomp in it, L4lOl, AT MIMIC SALE. the Cioo, There a 0 good Apple Or, has , ' atat IL 1111 k• )01111Z Yong it Drc.ltard on tit pretuls,, la • riN TIII•Ii. , DAY, the 14th day of NOVEMBER i•1•1••s rcath."• mum-. I:herr/I+, etc., all gralh , t• Ili la st, the nehnierthel x, 11l odor at Publn. nt,ile, Iler , t, tt I.lnag i., 't leN Ili • prOpr rty tare Nei . _ j „,,,, i k, .th,,,,,, , a ~,,ia ah le tith.l. , l t” .11 ~n 11:, 111ocr•Ignt it, D. 1,111, - 111E 1 1,011 Tlo property sill 1,, ~oil a Int ri, , ,,111,. IRON Oltr. r.t MI, PETER M. Winn Z. •lie It.. 111 1 . 110111 township, Admits ...nth - , Pa., a tee 111111.1,4 cards from the Llttlestown Ball _ - ___ . j road. y 1,01100 from Litt h•idown,adjoining landa of ~,,,. ..0•011 Merller, JlleohKeilel, Jacob lutir, and M., N. and vonialrilue ONI. 11UNIat Fri & TWENTY-FIVE AcnEs. I ' • pannan, tof a writ of VeadltlolL Export,. About .liiterec are ft 10,11 WOOdialld, and there Is j„,,,,i ~„, of t h,, t '„ or , of ( r,,,y,,,,,,, pi, , 0 , 0 , 1111111 Kr/10111,01 ot mime Melllloo, The Cleared .n.hirtim county, r,.., end in in.' , Drected v, 111 i r e I land I. lilt s. client ;m111%1;11.11, having all Is. n exposed to Polo,. ',de, ;t1 - the Court Hon, Inw , II limed, and under the best of fencing.. lire (h•ttvrOurv, on tn ITl'lt DA Y, the Vail din' ~r .*c, iroprto; Inca's arc a large Two-atorr VP-MIERt ttext, at I 1.• c etch, 11. N . ., the hollow um BID , is t ( ' ,l I 'l., ,oth T , teamrS" Brit k drat ti d e 1 !teal Estate, viz: Batl.-bud 'don,. Isnek Bank Barn, Wag., til l. Shed and t "In 1, ill, I arrlina• House, I. ' A Titt( - I'OF LIND, situate In Butler town- s ,„„ lc ,. iii, u ,„, , .„,, . „ H i, „ „ d i ~,,.1 „ . , ,,i „ ,.,.., „,,,,_ .I,lp. A.l,ll.,•ountv, l'a. ihl,,ailnit• hlrlill.4.fffiln r;te a rt.'l l , iii-• 1 li Tenant Hole, 'I Mae 1, a flue }{ l. ol‘ er, JOll 0 104 it, colt °MON, 1•011t411111101 420 •"m:. ..\ . ,,,,k ur,1,,,r,i. 0.... ti t e .„ p elte h e ., p en , At 1;l.s, more or lots, imminved alt li a one-suoi- • PM L., 1 I ies ze .1 the pretolhen. Telt , . Iskr: terr . ~ r 1 a-hal,— tory LOl .HOUSE, n Log Wirn, Ills ,`•• flit ' 1 1:\I--• 011.1tIt ra1,1,• • tiantlth, of with tth, Ls (tot lied, and other out-build- O'T ore, of 14,i 111111111, li., tag la. II alet a•ly ta hen meet--n :, °mg; Apple Orohttril, ond oth, ll n horn It, '1",,,t il i•xl;.1, nt Loge hodh, on the IMO tars. AIH/111 :45 fle• eT Or Ole 11010 are ~ „ ,,,,,,,,,,,i 11111 ml er, the balan, 4,1 the land In I Isar .cal P '11•;t at one of the 110 AT DI,IBAIILF. PI-14}.. wider good r 011... The, Ile, (11,1%101k 01 ON rE ms itT 11: THE t DUN T and Y, an should attract „tear the holldlnes, with 11 putllfllll 0110. 11 : the attention of capltallats. It Is erinvenieut to :4, trod and taken In eXtrelllalh 04 the propert” ~,,,r , , , ..„ . hoots, jniii., 51000 anti ..., thnnk . /Alt It Steinour. Chop(. Persona wishing to rte* hare requested l'lr TUT' HANN, Sheriff. Ito call 1111 hierrrlre Stonesifer, 10 I.ltrleotown, or Sherd' NUM.*, (lettynantrg, il• t. 2.1, 1.117. on Waglanglon King, laving 11l the farm. itii - T•nl p«Trent• or the ' , archon* tnlllit, apon tialt; to corntnent •; nt 1•• t lock, I'. NI ,on alit all nal, llllo, hr the Sheriff nowt paid over 1 .1 urIV, 1110•11 I,llollthlllle will he {VS en ltad terms [timely after the pi operty is Ft rlO.ll, down or upon made noorm he PETER I.F.FEVER. failure to comply then•with the propert3 wl It be , hl. Li , i „,,. 1 .. again put up for sale. , ..__ • THE LADY'S FRIERE . NEW SEGAR ST(.ItE. _......._ _ . '' WASE.f.Yp TON AT mo UNT VERA - 037: ' Tlt , undersigned announces to [berg/zero; of 1,, .t... 1•114; and the , I,lllly, 11011 he /111 0 Just • - T _ ! E LAIIT'S FRIF.ND aunoune, fnr la:', the Opel.• ii 1 following 110, /eh. —'lilt. 111:11 1. BM' !..1 M- R UNE, by Amanda M. Ltought, author of "In NEW SEUAR tiTOIIE, Trait," "stephen Dane," 4: ; A DEAD NIA.Na4 13.1.'1.1-•:, by Ehntbeth Prescott, author tit 'How n IN UETTYSBURO. Woman find Her Way,' Qr.; 1 , 1/EKINGI It•ll . FtTe, 1,,t Lou,.( I 'handl, Moulton, author el °JOOIO 1 'Morn,' . 1111, (hot and the other," Sr, PAN TB. Black Canainter° Pants, FancyClualincre Pants, Satinet Punta, Tweed rants. Moven, Snnpenderg, Mark Gloves, NeekTles, spring Stoegg, Paper it Linen Colliirg,dr. ATJ3O, Accordeone Flute., Fires, aollu String 4. It Will ON I' t 4 Pr.F . :NDID 1.1( 1.41.1.: PAGE I'INI.LI “1.010.1) F.WIIIOS PLATfr-engrn , unnilwr. It tall gn, a h, tailinilo ext.( Weil FANCY STEEL ENURAVIN(I 111 ON rry nonnoer. It will RIB 0 0 large inc..rtinent OI WIIODCUTS, illu , trating the Faghions, Fanry Wolk, tte., In e‘t ry nunin,r. CAPS, an a peoulatr pl , e worth the emit of I lie Al: nutt," In It, lI—III Os er) itutoh. r. It will ON r. It copy of the new unit splenanl Pie t:blunt hrt..m. Engin% Ine—“WASIIINt:I AT MoI•NT EliNols"--3tl Ineknalouu and 211nelo , wide—to every full (L'.lo) subscrlbr.r, mutt o every person sending u Club. it Mien , nt Premlumx a - large vnrlety or HOOKS, WILs , tN ,, SEWING .MACHI NEN, SILVER PLATED TEA sETB, SIVONIN PI rUll ooLD WATCHE. , CLOTHES' L9•,APPLETOS; I. CYCLO PEDIA:4, Ac. air A Schnnnt rr Or} I:o.—New lothqcrihers who sule.eribe In' Ir.ct by the rlrvt 01 Not ember, shall receive the November and December numbers of this year In addition, making 14 mouth. In all! Tirane who sole, lbe In the first of December shall receive the Dicember number, milking I) months to all! and SHOES, ROW & WOODS, Getfysbnrg, Pn copy (and the large iretaltint Engraving) 6 01) , nn I oue grata, _ $ . . (4tutl 00( _ . ,12 00 Unr iNipy of L.ll.irri ritlExi) and I'oll',;e4 JJ The getter on of it Viol, will always receive a eopt of the PItEMIIT3I ENGItAVINO. Membt of a Club wishing the Preinitun EnfiruvingloU , t rein if thU Dollar tzfra.. . . _ MEM SeTll"4l. de,frou. of o ,, tlng hp Cluhc pr n.• erelom• Meer. tent. fur earn pit M:l42l,ine, containing the part lanlarg. Addre., DEA7CON s PETERSON 319 Walnut street, Phlladt Iphin. Oct. 91, 1,67. 1 - )OSIE M. MONFOIZT hrooreturnerl from the IA 1 Itk with.t nnn"atment of the 1an...4 Istylesof BONNETS AND lIATS. - ; 111 ~,1 Bonnets always on hand. .14ill h on k l•.11. n • .Ict Ile:..1-drer , e,ntade and Gifts for Christmas & New Yftre • for sal.. A SUPERB ST. K ui t. IN I GOLD AND SIT: I. es titers elesne.l and curled equal to new. XI it WAD, ILLS, ALL 'oA BRAN Ll• Ut lea Hots -hlrtelted In the latest style, 11l N. AND Tlitlit.ol',.;lll.l' RI:CA:TATE!) A r All work In the millinery line done at short THE Low DLit'''. 0! •"1.) LACIL AAA if , - F' It ID IN lII...ULAN/I.ED. Ilunterstown. Oct. IS, 1567. Ihn 1.0 t.ohl II mann, IA atelies t,:.14.1 P NNTS, VES Ls, CRAVATS 11 , , 1..1,1 Hunting Ent.:11..11 Lesert... :Stu to ~... :o.1::‘,I , 1 Hunt ir sAlo. \C. ate 150 t o .. , o, . I I..xxin 1.. RINEHART and LOTTIE A. MIL -4.1,/,.i lioull.:.101.•.. Watches,. Itiu to 2;0 i V LER ale. now plepsred to do MILLINERY WO I.:0 ver Hunting Le 7 et, r, t „ n o ,77 lja kOl 111 kin Is. Alt. 1/1:E.5....-m.k.EIN:3 and Sts/Silser Iloottns Iron.. 0..0 . 77 t o . ...-A i TAII t •111 SG .1,1. 1,, 01 1. r. 1 - ;,,1,t,u,, al Hun -SAO Rohl Ladies' NI att.l7.-.,. . 50 t o :,..-, t-I I,IIAL 11. 1, , Y0 (toil Hunting Lorin, ..... 70 to 77 I 0,1. 11,1 , 67 .:3a , 1.1)1) Ml..cell.lnvoll , Sllvei Ni Welles .Ii to Ito; - 11,50 Hunting $ll7 - .. 1 Wstehe. , ... lr. to/ . - ,1 , 1 5.00 As NYatelle.l. all 1:11111, " II) to 75 , NEW COACH SHOPS. The above At,: I: will be dlsno..ed of on the 1.01 , : _ rt. to Erc alving every patron ft YANTIS, ADAMS $s CO., fin, (MN'ld sther Watch for tqa, Ithout retrArd to Inv 1,11-11.1,ToWN, Wit tnn - r, Bar. Lt . Co , 111 Broadway, New York, E take t 11, method of Informing the public wl-h to Immediately dispose of the :Move may- V that. we line ottabhpheut new I.Auteh nmeent k. certhicates, naming the art It 1,, 1,1111,440Wn, where we are prepartut to mann r, placed In en, lope., and well 1/11Xeu. ,0 1, k„‘" Holders are entitled to the articles mooed In &e„ on the shot tot 001st- Itteir certillcate, npon paYment or Ten Dona , , um•oti handl whether It la a watch worth SI,MO or 0110 N 111 b„,„ lint,,pus „ r ,„„ in.„„ mud, us er (two. The return of any of our Lertlticates enti- uNc num. Out Ounce matt nal, we out put up 1100 you to the articlo. named finieeon,Epon put - I .iirn to • „ uyw to t 110 tilts shop in the Mat, ment,lrreetpwtl, e worth, and as no artlele old work railed and mken elelningii for Vaineil le, than 0 10 t. nnine.l On any erl to, nett. 11.111 itt. un , cbe `04 . 11 tll,lt nth. 10 DO 10111 n, lAtt o Ftralv,ht forward legitimate transaction, w 111. may be participated In even by the most Pastel. ous. r'ert , r , o , nl.l/ he Sent by mail, poat, !Vila. 111.11 Vet.. ,rt of Si rents, aim e tor ix I, el% E.l LS & BROTHER, lor llltrtv-thn .tnei el tut loomfuni for. and no., critonble f.rentfum for "IA VINO opened a GROCERY, FLOUR and one and mint superb Watull for $ll. To (;}TAISLE STORE, In the 11001.” r•wm,r -n-e,..ntim or those wishlrez employment, thfc fa a, Geo t Middle street, rare onf..ort netts. It b a legit mint. Iv v 0.11100.1 they extend nu luta...tam to all buy era to give blegne.,, dole authorized bya the Government, m n enn. ry : c thing In their liar, fresh front and m, to 1:1.' 114'4 metal .11111, . W.lti ile4 the vary en I . pantry, mull bekopt onlwm t . They qent f• E‘k oath 101 l Mr collect ton on di•l,f at re det.Thlilled Lo ehellp as the cheapest, th , it m .1,... 11c:1. 1..0,,,10y o, ea,. and 11 , they only to.k the lox% eat living protib., TrS .... . , : th.:l ., lame . to to. aat find e n ',bend snare of ILUTTFILEIC the Iron. ReitrnT .r. rt.iltrn, Pres id, nt ot the wieral courts of Common P! as In Gut f ount lcs t ompoving the Pith Pt.strlet, sash, .11,4 Ile 0 , the Courts lyer and T. r atte r and aeueral Jail Deli, q, for the trial of all cammt and other olletiders In '.d) illstilet, and untm AN Mitt 14.1-11 ItoatINSON, Sudsy, td the Cott ts or common Plea,. and .rus,t it e, r.f the l'ollrts o[ Over and T. rtedtn r .inl (1 , m rat Le livery, for the trnil tin!! and oil. t of fenders In the count% of ktliimv—hai t , 11ed tht Ir precept, bearing date the .:Pd oay A :PST, to the yiar of our Lord ono thorMittid a :gat Munn. d and six! N.-seven, ant: to in«!lreete , I, tar holding it (turf 01 I 010111011 Pte., and heneral Quarter e.e.sion. 01 three:loe, and General Sall In 10 of y and Cotirt of On .1 and Terminer, at tiettvslrirg, !,It n.\l", Lie clay of N0VE3:131 , P., 1 ,, r NOTICE' Is IIEltI:ItY 131171:N to all the Ju,i too of the Poiter, the Colon. rand the U unstable. v Won ;I— county, that they he th, it and tiie re in 111 , p-oper venom., w Ith tht Ih•Niril , . Inquisitions, Examinations, arid utla IG inemlnunce , , to do those th ing ,- which to their (Mice; and in that behalf appertain to be done, and ale, they who will pro,eute the pris oner, that are or thin shall be in the Jail c I said county of Adrdmi, are to he then and there to Prut , tute agalnht them m• shall be Just lIANN, Sheriff. Sheriff's ()tiles, Gettyhlat ill, Oct. 2,1,15fr7. J. S. TAI.IGITINB.4XOII Register's Notices. 10 . 0110 E it herehT given to all Legatee% and IA other pemono I onva.rned, that the Admln tmtlon Account. hi rs limiter mentioned will he fresented at the Orphn ow Court of Adams roan t or conflrmation and allowance, on M 0,1% RAY, the Ima clay of •VF3f BEM P.M, at JO A. 31., The th , t a 'mot of Jamb R. terew, Execu tor of :lie a ill or Ju, oh Pal. The :1,1 aorount or Abel T. Wrl , 4ht, Ist mior of the estate 01 \tmllu 1 iarhot, .iereased, Tho trot and final 2 , ,•ount lit William 1:- Mgt r..ldniinlstrator of Michael d, U. The aecond an,l limit account of Dr. 0.31 V. Whitt _1 u,L oi the estrite of Dr. CharhAi ,0n.:., te or Hampton, It, ~ding toe. :14111p, dee'cl. . , T. 1.. fir. I,lln t of .1,9 m Blocher MCh, ut. 01 Jo.. ph It loeher, d0vea,..41. K 7. Tl, nrst uad html at Quat. Guar.!ltin .if Lydia Mien Slagie,a /Uhler dillta,ltt, Of S /WOO tteetlLW 110L14WORTII, - 1ic71 5 . 1 FAMILY MACMNE. This machine has a straight needle, Is rpentiletiLir a. lion, makes the Loei, or elittle Putt L , Which tlll neither rip le ir rizt, I. •tnil is .1 like on bath ; porforme pert, et sewing on every de-cription of material, with t or r on, lien or erik thread.. It HBM , ,, BINEN, Itti hIPh, TUCHg, QUII.Trt..II-4.ITS, and GATHERS. 3 Family Machine, It has Ito superior. Price, with Hemmer and Braider ,8110. Particular attention ei tO our New Int proi.ed Manufacturing Machine,. They run light and arecomparatively durable and efficient. For cloth or leather work they has e no ( ow pc ti tam No. 2 Machine, with Hemmer and Braider, 873. No, it Machine, sfir.iligentri wanted, to whom a liberal aliment will be Riven. tletoeer Tin LL periom are nellflid not to accept a Prom- Liao* . Note, payable to Henry M. White, from Samuel Pliehoire, of Now Salem. for Two Unwired an T wenty,l,milatig.ll9o,l Riven the day of October, les7, and payable aix months af ter date. I lost the above note, on the IM somewhere In Frgnklin towtrahlp, with about Nine Donarsatikoneq. Awr person finding the above will be eminpeemated by leaving the Note and money In the core of Jacob F. DOWN', In New Salem. . HENRY iIoWEIRTE. 0ct.:13, Per. M =I EISEES . SHERIFF'S SALE SEMI ling Nl,lgh. Vatg 109 LAI, \, 1'11.1111014i ManaMMl IMICOMEME ICIGHt, I:I:OTHER& (U , ImportorN lirw.tway,:\e, 'Ion) IMES Proclamation. Oct. 25, 167. te Empire Sewing Machine Company. SAL ENROOM, GI BRO. \ DWAY. N. Y NOTICE. GETTMIU2I, PL, WRITING DESkS, m. N.II k VII brad tho be , L ve 111 map ton 11, fnr ryen , roll Nth- thraughwe the .unt II.• at lite loNest tag prices, and wiltilemicillld MOM. the zwent for the Richmond i Va.) To haven Worka, and will sell their t hewing Tobac co, at whet, sale and retail. - lila Store is in eliamberahring 'dice', a half my care west of the Eagle Rotel, on the mouth aide. WAs.IIINOTON Elk:Mkt% Eli. jet. 2%1%7. do CHOICE TOBACCO'S AT J. M. WARNER'S WINTER DIEII,I_,I2\TMIR:Y'_ 11' TRA MeCREARY hag Just returned ft nm tho 111 City with a large assortment of new style BONNE'rS AND H TS, u 11,11 She in prepared loosed at prices which will y competition. ..tlis3 Bonnet and Hut Trim mings or oil the latent styles, and FAlta'Y HOODS ot ry arlety. Mallin Octtysburg, Oct. IF. DAL 1m 111:'STERSTOWN MILLINERY. D.O MILLINERY_ New Grocery and Flour Store. 'al , lit psttrotinge. 23, IN 7. II 'Administrator's Notice. ESTATE.—Letters of j_f laintlas-; tai "II I lie nt tins Id R. :31 er -01 Cumberland township, Atimm. coun ty, .lecea...i 1. h•ts mg be , n granted to the muter signed, te.altng In to. .otte lUNllnhlp , lie ho el Iltpnet. Its .0t psi +O, indebted to .1d esta te is, s owl.. twin, dint. p.Q, meat, and those having Iwallas agaln.t the .ante to present them propt l autin titicated for inttlsauent. • WII.E.ULU H. DOTIT.RER, Adotinktrator. IZEZI3 Executor's Notice. A kt BRASS AM MYE.' 1.... , cA .. TE.-I.ettet , testa 111,1iry idt the ewtato 01 .kbraham Myers late ot Butler township, Adams county, Pa., de ee.l,•ol, tng Levu granted to the lllicirlOgilett, re+alln,4 in the Name township, near Sower. nonce to all person 4 in rleht.! to ti z i " . 4d carat, to make imunosilate pay ., tr,, arif .6Clutving claims against the I,lllllp pl. ••4•11 111. In WO], IV Alltlivnticatt , l for set- tleni. it:. • t I t t. 11.1 , 67. Ct • Executor's Notice. • EWER'S ViSTATE.s-Letters znentary on the e•tate of Jo.. ph Hider, late of toe I.,rotta.h 01 Llttlestown, Adams county, de er...41,1.1N mg to, Milted lo the utler4lgnell, reNhllitif In liermanv township, he hereby gives none.: to all persot, inclebh.,l to fiald estate to make immediate payment, and thooe having flltllll 4 against the calm. ,t 0 present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM RIDER, (let li , 1957. Ot Executor. - Executor's Ifotice: 1 - 0112 c DIEII/.14 LtlTATE.—jLetters ((adaman • try on the ("tate of John Diehl, lute of (Mm lerhold toe nenip, Adams enuirty, Pa, deceased, '(tat ins bet n (merited to the undershmert reel ulna in l• rank II a aunty, Pa., (P. ft. (Members !,me,, lie Ilerelly R; Vet notice to all prrannq In deified to Kal , l edtite to make immediate pay- Intuit. owl t.ttn.e Inn nig ttattin againd tltr sonic to tort • cot them properly authelditated fur aet. UN/lent. • JEITE)11.111 DIEITL, Executor. Ailtro , t 1,67 tiro- Adraiiiistratrix's Notice. 1t 011, iIeuJNGIEB. w OrTATE.—Letters of aomintstmt lon on the ..L• te ofJacob Bolling . r, lute La en:M*4unit township, Adams co., de ceased, having been granted to tne undersigned, reNiding in ‘t. id township she hereby gives no th e 10 all }tenons indebted to Bald estate to range 101110 Mato payment, and those having claims ensiled the sane to present them properly am thenticithal for scqtleinent. ANN. 31.11t1A BOLLINGER, Oct. 4, VIM Ut ikdrntoistrutrix. Brooms 1 Brooms 1 miry. ondenumed cunt:noes to manufacture I Broom. at liter old stand )n nulls?). r•tret.t, J onion Intilrond Lk pot, liekrvill Myr during t he fall a neyply on hand, anti will he able to flarnish t h em w ,LEsALy OR RFTAIL Broome mMe to onler or 00 the .hares. Persons haring Broom Corn would do well tauten him a cell. Gettysburg, Ont. Id, 1437. lint Teachers Wanted. frtHE E4ehool Directors of rn lon township desire to employ three more Tesehers—snlin7 330 per month. Apply early. fly order of the Board. - JEREMIAH rNGEIt, PreeL JACOB H. G7IIII,SCUT, Beefy. Oct. 19, 184?. 3t (700214.—Norris ham Just, returned fro= j l l the Idly udh a large assortment of Morning. OW and examine them. {May 6, '6. MoE Unit quallt i m i dgMler in e, ran be had al, vouNix—itta place to sec your Vesta at very r &cap prices—et 5 PICS.FieS: Fancy chine and Bolusmian Vomit GetlysbUTSC. Oet- 6, 17 GOVERNMENT BONIIa, of all kinds, BOUGHT bEVEN-THIRTY BOtarti converted Into FIVE TWENTY BONDS without charge. COMPOUND INTERIM'S 'NOTES CASI/ED The HIGHDIT TILSMIEM paid on GOLD and SILVER. STOCI:.4 nod ROSIN, of all kin(lN, bought IVINOIIS 11 it hoot CHARGING, 4^O.IIMIf4SION Inter,.; nn SPEC' AL DEPOSITS adoxnerd 1 per Perseus 'wishing Information In regard to U. S Bonds, and &mkt; of all kinds, are invited to give no a call, and we will glh ) all fnformatlon cheerfully. 4. EMORY LAIR, Milder. Gettysburg, Oct. 21, 1.467. 1.1 Ma bought bark his old stand, on Carlisle street, and is going into business again heavier than ever. Ile asks his old Mende and the public to NOTIONS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONS, SE GARS, TOBACCOS, &C., &C., &C., In large variety, and a little cheaper than tfai cheapest. hoot forget tae place—nearly oppo site the Railroad Station. Gettysburg, Oct. 11, 1867. tf ,1867 In Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa containing THREE HrEDRED ACRE. TIIf. Improvement', are good. a large Blum: Horsm, Switzer Ram Wagon 'ern 'rib Carriage HOUSe, ite. The lend is all Ur,mlto gull, and In agood state of, ultivotlon. - • TRIS E FA )N OF THE B TRE EST *HEA Y T AND (.ItAKS RMS IN COUNT, and would answer Well for a Dairy. There are three wells of never-falling water, and a running stream through the farm, furnishing never-fail ing aster In nearly all the fields. The farm will be sold In parts of 100 and %V Acres, Is suit purchasers. I will abm sell my DWF.LLECG HOUSE, on t hambersburg street, Gettyal!urg, which I. a very desirable property. „:. Any person wishing to view the proper- " ties utd Is• shown theta by the stains riber liv ng In Gettysburg. It. DIcCLItLY. bar:. tf MIMI In RaDiatom street, Gettysburg. It has a full stock of instruments and fixture., Is admirably Inenteri, and has a profitable run of custom. Also, M=M= Both will be .Id on accommodating terms, as the owner Intends to remove. Call on or address, early, • LEVI MEMPER, art. 4, 1867. 3m Gettysburg; Pa. • O F THE GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANE V_T Gerrysnrica OCT.INC. - loans and and discounta, slcciat 25 S. Bond , In Washington to went.° elrenhttl ~,,, . 150,0011 OD K. Bonds ou hand, ........... 40,1R U0 . . . . ^_7,69711 Due tram llanks,... . 31,470 113 Rent Estate,.. . . 1„.0.00 =Meta Cnxh It n 1 Bond. Ex pen Capital Clrettlatlon, . ritnte flrenlatlon Disennnc . .......... ....... ..... Duet. Banks, ........... ............ 1,530 71 Dividends unpaid,. . I,llola I certify that the above abatement la correct to thr best nirictiowledjinand belief. - J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. Pet. 11,1 air. ISAAC MI Execulpr LORDS and Discount. ---. 00 Furniture nod FLitures,....... ..... . ....... 703 990 Premiums expense,.. .. l , 32 Due from , Nat Mufti Banks, 8717 ZS 1 3 U. D. Bonds, 154,000 10 lieveLue etarupsy ...... ..... .......... --........ Cash . 40,191 88 —, • 5818,20618 -------i. Pupil al, ... .......---,-..... .... .- $lOO.OOO OD Surplus Piny.....__. 2,810 30 illation, Deposits 119,95107 Due to Notional lianks,.... .............. .... 3,425 93 Discounts, &e., . . . 2,0491 841 1011621$ 16 I hereby certify that the foregoing report hi correct. GEO. AB.SOLU, Cashier. Oct. Li, Ist/. St; MATE NOTICE.!—The allectors of Taxes for liftlei and previous years, in the different bor oughs and townships of Aflame county,+nehere bl siotilital that they will be required to settle up their drtplientee on or before the 18th day of NO VEM next, on which day the Commission ere will meet at their office, to give the necessary exoneration., tic. The Collectors of the present year win be requi red to pay o'er to the County Treasure( all moo-, Ira which may be collected by. the November Court. A. IatISE, S. WctLF, N. WIERMAN, • Ccurmussioners of Adams county. • Attest—S. M. NValter, Clerk. Oct. 1., 1.67. tc A LARGE eepottetent et late i3BOCBRITS, Tear, Coffeea White Suga r s of all kln_ ,tle and Brown lafeara cheap, D "" new M3 Unessi ‘ No'wawa, and all grea ofElyrupa ; MACK EREL, best la =anat. All kinds of L,I Q„ II 0 R A, wholeeale and retail, prime Vine, Brandy, Rye Whiskey, de., form edicinal and other purposes, in any quantity, Air& Milthler's Herb Bittern and the . Great Zingari Bittern" ,Alao, SPEER'S GRAPE WECE. 111.4.10115, Baltimore NM street, efettxattor. April MSG. tf UMBRELLAS, Canes, &e., at PERFIIJIER.Y, TOYS, &O„ &C., &C., AT J. M. WARNER'S, Opposite Folmestocks' store CETTYSRURC NATIONAL BANK. =M oRpF.RS PROMPTLY EXECtTTEII. rifficla S per cent. Mr I pear, 4 per rent. jai 4 mliontlis, • D per cent. Ibr 3 atOolluh. LEWIS STROUSE VALUABLE AT PRIVATE SALE. =I VALUABLE FARM, FOR. 5.A.7-,M. THE Subscriber offers for sale Ids PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, A PHOTOGRAPH WAGON, QUARTERLY REPORT ....... 2. 6 i 0 02 $14.5,150 00 , 130,50 00 .. 04,900 07 15,591 al T.... 9,040 00 'QUARTERLY REPORT F THE FLINT NATIONAL BANK OR GET TYBELRO. Ocroara 1, 5M,404 IS =3 CM COLLECTORS, GROCREY AND LIQUOR STORE. cAwmwqww.: FAHNESTIXIC BROTHERS FARM AND L MILLS, • AT pßrr.lrie 8.1 Llf. aro-- -- VALUABLE nEll, FRT.ITE, situate ou Tom's Creek, pertly - In Attains county, and pertly In Frederick rounty, Md., on the Wentestioro' %mine, two nil*, Vet of Men toMoburg, consisting rife titet•nite FARM, MILLS, WYSTID-LANWitr.C. The FARM, which to under good cultivation amt good fen, iny, eont.o sa v 330 ACHES, with dne proportions ut Meadow end Timber. The truprosements are a I,lrae :-.TONE MAN SION lIOTME, with 8a.1.-. O N E T*344111. 11011,N, large Bank Barn 011 by N tectOWl4:oll , la4l and i 'era Crib. Car- " 11011 , 0, 41111 olio, out-buildings: a ne er a ell of water at the kitchen door, OW never-fial 11 nit spriag between the house and barn. Therellll. 1110 flan 2. °hag APPLE t •CltAill , th.l.r, mi...., with .11 a 1 Co, of other troll. A A eIiST-Cl. 1 , 8 'MST S Enrif ANT )111,1 =1 or. a eonktant St 14am of water, a Ith n line ran of Oaatom: rtop.•r Shop, Makes If oum., stet other oat-handing, There I. LIMESTONE on the Yana. Ia a.l.lltlon to the ehoN.•, thy Sinheerther difer. 1100 ArltEs ()Ir TI ‘lllEltl.. \ null set DI al- Hable timber, ad,lie.tllug the Farm. The imomvemente with 200 or more wen one I tonight repuratel , or all together, as the pit r chewer or ptirettagery holy desire. For further In loft u ire of the ealheeri her, rr.hi Ling Ott the prenit.e, JoSETIT P. MePIVIT. July 11, leg. FiiWiiTiMnTgq 7 Wiq MIMS JOHN C. 7.otirk, LAND Ai;ENT„ N v (Pei out,. \ 1,‘1,•1 4.1 NTT, PA Has Wrestle a number at tlent ruble propel ilea, to which he .tabs the attentioll of those wiahiug to purchase Tvo No. 1 SI•0121 - 1 . STANDS Va. kale or relit, 11. lilt stock o f goods titling n paal latsines., near Railroad, 'Minded is bonutiful %Mag.: goad chants• for persotts o thing to engage in the Mist in a.. any Botc. A I.l\il-XfoNE 1 'AII.II of 'l.l stem's, near Ball. road, brk k i l e ruse and all neersuitu . ,ait A Li iNE FARNI talAKbaor..n, with Elmo . and flaw Mtll, Itrnn, ,barn, and a her out-MlMl togs, situated In Baltimore musty, by.,ls mile" from Italtinion . A W.MINFITONIF: F \RIII of 4.40 acres, brlckhonse, brick barn, in Ballot./ e t`t,lllll, Md., 17 miles from Baltimore A L.\ ROE Ft A' N DRY AND MACHINE SHOP, with In, oiling, slinabA l lo A oUlliV Mat, neat n ti Rarna and Depot. hid h oist Miner tor doing all kinds at work. to, 4. oil Town Lots will be saki with the ohm, property If desired. A FARM uF ton .kentl4, in Adams county, with good htone House, good Barn, 4( ~ near a trfffipikq and railroad. FoRTY At ith good House, Barn, ,tr., three-quartera of a mile from a railroad station. A good elan ; terra. NIINN A FA KM 010 ACltErt, on the Carlisle turn pike, tinder good cult Is anon, w Ith a large Brick those, Bank Barn, and other out-buildings, all new. _ _ L.‘ititE FLOC R 3111. L, with Xi Acres of Lend. The mill hag Plow pair of Burr., aml all machinery for doing merelmai work. Bend rater pox et in the moon. A FARM OF 175 Arlt.F.S. near the Ilanover turnpike, on a 1001 er. Lted good liottee, Barn, and it I I other A FARM OF ACRES, gnod land, with large Brick House, Bal a. Dial 2 nant flonsicia--40 acres In wood—halts mile trim the t'onowiign A ROTEL, In New Oxfonl, two-story, roomy, and convenient for bilklnves. Good chance; 11,11118 ellY) . ft number M good Houses and Lots for sale in e w 4 Oxford Persons w ho w Ish to boy Meal Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, arc requested to give the subscriber a call at his store imNew Oxiord. Ad dress, JOHN P. ZOPPIZ, Land Agent, New Oxford, Adutn4 county, Pa April I, 1687. le VALUABLE TANNERY =I ►KITE anhaerlbre, Nekhing th give up the Tan I. ulna busluee., oilers at Pith ate Sale, hla VALUABLE TANNERY, situate on Booth Baltimore atreet, Gettysburg. Pa., Including Brick Beam Bhop with 1 pool, 4 littlest, and air handlers; Brick Currying Shop; Brick and Frame Bark Mlipoinic; 91 laysaway Vats on the ard. alt Lec lies and room to add any additional numb. r—co maul running spring water, 111,4 . r•IFIIIIIIR, In tan-yard and shop, Thin Tannery Is located In a region wherf• good Bark In abundant at reanonable prices. News- Mon of the Tannery will be given to the purchaser Immediately, It de-sired, with k supply of hark to run It. • . _ • • . Thera is besides 6 large Two-story BRICK DWELLING on the properly, with Spring House, Smoke House, Wood Shed, Barn, I (Awn Crib Wagon Shed and other out buildings, with n well of water rind also hydrant at kitchen door, with running water through Spring noise. There is a variety of hest qualities of growing Gnus,. and Fruit on the i.reouse.. TheVopYrt:. m good condition, and every respeet Is most desildhle rt aka' business •taml. Also, Will lie sold. A Li IT lip' I,IIOUND whom lug :M., mmtainuns. Ayres, More, or lams. with an Apple Orchard and a first-class Spring and 161.161116 K•t6 , ,1,11116'11t 161 it Also, A Ma' I,la 11.• N Li, 1,11 the Thamitts burg road, one-half foon town, containing Aelvt, )N1166 Ill,: porelurer tan also ii!“ L, if desired. . . Persons desiring to view the premises, or no certain farther particulars, will address the sub" scriber, residing In ba.tty.bunt. Po. ~ JOHN NVINEBRENNEII. G•pt. IN,t7 PUBLIC SALE 01' VALUABLE LOTS. N SATURDAY, the 2nd day of NOVEMBER, O isa7, I' virtue of the will of Henry erholir r, late of Hamilton tou n•thip, Atha,. county , , a, deeeved, and under Ilia direction of the Or h,ufs Court ot Allanis vomits - . the undersigned, Exoeotors of the will of Hi on Overlioltzer, tie et iced, o lil expose and nil at Pliblie bale, on Hie premixes, TWO LOTS OF GROUND, Situate In Reading im tishlp, Adonis county, Pp., within one-half mile of East Berlin, upon the public road leading front Mist Berlin itt ILanim Orm, and adjoining lands of Jacob Stan Het, George Butt, David Ernst, and Samuel Hyka,—each eon= Mining nearly FOUR ACRES of excellent red hand, in a high state of cultivation. Sale to continence at I o'clock P. N., on said day., a hen attendance will be given and terms made - HENRY KING, i.EORGE KING, Oct. 11, tom. is Executors. A SMALL FARM AT PRIVATE S ALE. 'IIHE subscriber offers at. Private Sale, Ida 1 SHALL FARM, situate in Straban township, ..,Wairut &may, Pa., about mile, from Gettya 111111rg, 2 milen from Huntennoon, and 1!; miles .from Bender's church, adjoining lands of Dr. Gold..borough, F. quid:el and John Galbraith, containing ACRES, with 4l ood land and Mea dow. The land IA under good cultivation, baring been well limed—Mad under good fence. The Im provements are A good Two-story LOG .140l*SE, double Log Earn, carriage House, I • Wagon Shed, shop, lien Ilotioe, flog Pen, Smoke House; too good or. Cr tailing wells of water, and a tine pion Apple Orel:ant, be,irle. Peaches, Perna. Plum.: tilierries. Grape., ,tr. Persons wishing to view the property will call on the under . ..m.4l, remiding Ciaril 1.477 WOOD LOT AT PRIVATE FALE. 3173,1£81 84 HE anligerlbrr off( rs at Private 5411 e, a T ABLE WOOD LOT, actuate In Monntplomant tow - nal:up, Adonis county, Pa., about one-half mile from Gold, n'g Station, on the Gettyaburg Railroad, adjoining land, of John Clubman and Fal G. Hgagv, cnutaluing7 ACRES, More or lean, well eoverial with young timber—nail email (dream of water running through It. Persona winking to view the lot ere rermeated to call on thr noderdgned, real/ling within a glut:tend a mile. JOHN CABH3I.I.N. t 4,11167. Zt. FLOUR, GROCERY & NOTION STORE, JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE ONTII4Ii Efd the FLOUR, GROCERY & NO- C TION BLIRDIESS, at the old stand, In York Withadjoining the Globe Inn, Gettysburg. With a full varlet,' of gasis,-Iftu prises, and rke ry dispoaition to please, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of public patronage. The best at EI.OL, It alwat a on hand—particular attention paid to this branch. Also, hams and Boron, Fish, Potatoes, Dried Fruit of es orb kind, ulth a choke assortment ot Aiohusses, St, raps, Fluor., entrees. Tess, Choi...hie. Spics, salt, Gnu starch, Rh e Hour, Collee Ex tracts, pure Cider Vinegar, ec. A full line of Confectioner,, also Figs, Raisins, Prunes, 504 common and ianry sloops, Perfume anti any quantity of Notions; the nicest Sta tionery In town—indeed, a variety that must be seen to Ist appreelated. Ile must not forget to mention his Sagan and Tobaccos. the von - best brands. - . No, Willow-ware, Crockery-Ware, Brooms and Brushes, Coal Oil and Conl-oil Lamps—and thousand other articles, not to be enumerated in a newspaper advertisement. t.l‘ll and examine goods and prices, and post will be sure to find It to your Interest to buy. August ZS, 11167. Administrators' Notice, JCOB STERNER'S IBTATE.—Lettera of ad ministration on the estate of Jacob Sterner, late of hers Ick township, deceased, having been grunted to the undersigned, (the drat-named m elding in said Berwick township and the last named in Heidelberg township, York county,) thee hereby give notice to all persons indefit ed to said estate to mate Inuttediste payment, and those having claims against the eame to present them properly authenticated for am- Bement. PETER STERNER, JOHN BURS, Sept. 27, 17. at Admiulatrntors. von Detain., Mohairs, Alpacas, Lustre., De r Sem, Lawns, PLaids,_PoptlaaChanles,tillks, &c., the Mies should and see the new idyles .BOW & WOODS'. PLAYED Orr !—Rigtiprioes for Clothing. Call ezeiptne end be convinced of the (what PICKING'S. CILEAdi PACM—Just realiser suppli kJ of Razors, Strops, Brushes gip , at ROW ez WOODS' r ui 7:l3 at the Excelsior cannot be underrated while the quality and style of PICTURE belurpeased. sod ireflrßOZt have.twt rretved t6ir FALL STOCIEC., I he larinpnt in the counly—consting of D R•Y 0001)61, MERINOES, ALPACAS, DELA INES, - CALICOES, &c., &e., &c., CLOTHS, CASSINIERES, JVANS, CARPETS, a large stock and vcry ebenp. SHAWLS. all kinds and prices. BLANKETS, PrY cheap. QtEENSWARE, the largest Mock in the county and very cheap. 0 HARDWARE and Saddlery, In all Granehr., at the lowext ittarkti enla t;I:oCERIER. of all kinds.• • IRON' AND NAILS, Will nail tilfrOlag at pi lees D FU tO oatilrETl 'NON. Give u% a rail and rvantine nor stock BION OF THE RED FRONT Gettysburg, Get. 4, llltff. If GO TO DIIIVIORN & HOFFMAN'S, TO 33T.T5E" CHEAP BLACK ('LOTVIS,' =I FRENCII 3IERINOR, I= =I mmexm Mre:LrSR, MEESE! GLOVES, Q'CEENSWARE, 4 OIL CLOVIS, DRY GOODS & NOTION LINE. eor. of lie Nousre., Sep 1 ,4 67. If = Ras Just received a splendid assortment of Nall and Wintor DRY GOODS, comprising In pert* EMI I , I{ENL 11 SI Eitl NOES, ALL WOOL POPLINS, NEW STYLE OF FANCY POPLINS DIsMARI: POPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, ALL WOOL. PLAIDS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, • L.\ 1)1E8' CLOAKI:iG CLOTHS 4 NEW STYLE OF FALL GOODS DELAINES AND CALICOTN, FLANNELS TN GREAT VARIETY, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLIM; CLOTHS, CASSI XERES, CASSLN'ETS, = CASHMERF.TTS AND JEANS, LADIES' FURS IN GREAT VARIETY CLOVIIS AND ftTODKINDR CORSETS, cOLLARg, STATIONERY AND PERFUMERY Rept, 27, 1%7. tf JURY LIST-NOV. TERM. GRAND JUR,. • Ham!ltonban—John Wangh, Foreman. Huntington--Phillp Myers, Henry A. Meals. Berwick tp.—J. G. Wolf. Gettysburg—Jeremiah Rowe, Wm. Shillenn. Franklin--George kettle, Dr, John Carpenter. Cumberland—Adain Butt, Abraham Plank. Menallen —Roth D. linyder. Union—Daniel Bell. Latimore—P. Andrew Myers. Mountjoy—Henry Backer. lAtt lestown—Tohn Diehl. Berwick. bar.—George Baker. Liberty—Gregory P. Topper, Jacob %rise. Moo ntpleasant —Peter K. Smith, Samuel Met Germany—Haniliton Forrest. Oxford —W Bile 1.. Thomas, Jonas Retort, Oxford—Franklin Peters. Hamilton—Abner S. Hildebrand, John Gelael man, Samuel Alwine, Elijah Spangler. Gettysburg—Edward Monday, Jacob Brinker hoff; Amos Plank. Haruiltonbon—Danlel Bleaecker, William Culp, James Watson. Itountjoy—Moues Hartman. Tyrone—jaw Group, John Bolen. Fnanklin—Conrad Thomas, D. K. Snyder, Philip Cutehall. • .. here ick bor.—F. d. Conowufro—Jacob Little. Oxford—Ephraim Heagy, Jacob Slagle, Jeremiah iehl. St D raban—John G. Brinkerhoff, John IL &kW- Huntington—Benjamin Gardner. der. Sjpangler, Jacob Zug, Waiterneyer 7.lrifyrux G.Beales. Littleatown—Henry Diehl, e Yount. Menallen—gamuel Omer, Immo feConley, Hen ry Eppennen, Enoch Rouanrahn. Butler—Josiah Weaver, Jacob Peter', Br., David Toot. Reading—Jacob Miller. Froedom—Darld Modett, Jr. Mountplutrant—Mieltattl Levlntttlne,lktnlol Law Mee. Germany—Jacob Pltzer, Solomon Iterates. abod e—George L. Deardorff, Chas. W. Grlest Comberland—Wllliam Rose, (-Dome Spangler. 1.1 b,“ —Reuben liover. Uet.lB, LeXl7. Administrator's Notice. rtSTATE OF ELIZA. f4PsALMAN.—Letters of E. 4 svinthalstratiou on the estate of Elba Spent man, late of jinn Ungton tom., Adams ca , dee'd., having - been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township,, he hereby gives notice to all-persona indebted to =estate to make immediate payment, and having llain s agehisk the same to present them proper y authenticated for settlement. ISAAC E. W/ERMAti, Oct. t,1867. ft Administrator. V?DJEB wanting a good article of PerfnmerY, Panay Soap, or Hair Bramhoo, can be sup • id at J. 14. acs's. W POPLINS, MUSLINB, GIN'UHAMS, FLANNELS, In evory ‘nrlety., Of LS AtiD PATh.ITS E=L3 ('OI.CIIIFaI CLOTHA, - VE4TI!!:(18, I= I= = BM= SHAW S. 1=1:12 COLLARS & CUFFS, C tartTB ur anything else In the Gettysburg, Pa J. L. SCHICK, GEITTF3BURG, PA., I= SHERIFF'S SALE. ponntance of 11 Writ. of Alert FIMI/11, hunting out of the Court of common PIOSIII of Adam* county sad to toe directed, will he exposed t Public. Mille, on TITURMITA V, the 4th day of NO , VEMBNIC, ut t o'clock, P. M. ou the pretnt see, the follow Ins described Wel kMIII., • A VALUABLE FAIIM, ritunte in lutlmoie townahlp, Adams enatity, Pa., adjoining lanl of Jiwoli K. Lerew, Jiro!. Ingatan, George ffelkee, and other*, remlnin• Mg 14100 ACILES, more or ler. 10 &erre Timber and a due pmporOon of Meadow. The fawn h under good ruithution, good feinting and him miter In all the B r ide b ut one. The ' lmprove- Menta are a Tworatoor BRICK HOCME, with a One-aloe, Back-hialiding , a largo Frame Hant, with Rhoda attached, a Bqk Stable, a Mitup,a ?Burin g Minim w ith never galling mating to lt, lirke Hawn. / .An o lee out-building. There TWO OItcHARDM o Stable, choler fruit, of ail kind , on the prciniuce. min lees ery cle.lllll,lY empert yr, . \ Ira, = lu the mune township, containing id Acres, more or less, adjoining kiwis of Wm. F. !tanner, Awl,. ham Livingston, and Others. godiclreti and taken In Ex...outlon 1111 the pro. perty of John C. Hu¢•hf. and to be mad by nu,, — ' PI I IL/ P FIANN, Itherigr. _Sheriff's (Mitre, Ciett (let. Is, 1417. tit air T.n per cont. of, the purehame money upon all Aden by the Sheri!! taunt bo pond over Um,- dlately after the property to xtrueltilown, or up on Ildlure to comply therewith tbdproperty will again be put up toe aide. , A VALUABLE FARM = 71tIT: imbarrlber alarm FARM kir lode, it in atuabxl M Adam. county. Pa., near 111 a and Gettyaburg Turnpike, ii miles from New Oxford, a front Clettymbutg, and I tulle fermi thdden * lands Of Ralph Picket,, Nlehohts Morita, lelelngus Ifeltol , and John t'aahnom, eonlaining 72 AMEN and ed pereitea—nbout ft ace, In timber, with a due pro portion 01 meadow. The land 1111,1 been nt er, and 1 , , under giant fencing: The nebb, lill• allll it atei In almost all of then,. The Improvements are a Two- Kin ey Wealherboarde(l 1101•14 E and 11,wk• building, Bank Barn, Wagon tined and ILnt 11,, under the Nam° nx,f 11,v Ilause,timoke Howie and Rummer lianas, op ng How.• w nth a nes er-fallingapring tineto Bin bud Ming: a ,out Apple (in hard, benid, paella% and all other kinds of fruit, on Ina Wave. ills lit emery re,,peet a Most desirable propert. Vermont, winning to VIVW tie.. prellibtex are to queeded In cull on the aubberlher y noldiiik there on. 0, lii.At.V. :apt. f, Be. kit DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT I.IIII.P*SALV. on the prtoolsoo, the tolltmlus elOoto, Mt mot 13•ptoperty of Attain Hpitter, (hymned : A TRAt I' OF LAND, situate In Molintpleasant township, Admit coun ty, about two Attica weld of Conowago Chapel, adjoining Land. of IMwn, F.eliert, Abraham itife, and others, containing Is ACION, more or Itaa—. about 12 acres•clearcd, and 4 arena wodland, of the very beet quality The improvement ere good 100-elm) 111tif'/C 1101 SR. Log Barn. Bog Pen, and oilier neck...wry out- Irfrrialopi; a flue Apple Orchard, bonitos peaches, penre, cherrtea, fie., and a heVer telling well of water In the ante .tlao, IS AF111.24 OF WOOOLANIi, covered wit h the heaviest kind of link limber, adjoining the al an e. tract will lie sold cultic, or ntliglit of 3 or it acres, as mac he desired. penhaw, what Ig to view the property, are re. to OM a the hubnierlber, reenting In the itwine lois:141d , 01Ie mile west of I:tenanted OWII. t.,ail• to nn 111•101.1 al i o'clock, r. al., on wild do,, u lien atteinitinec 01111x1 FiN en and iPrillY Made known 1,3 JOHN N[cV \MTEIt. ME= PUBLIC SALE aniF, subacriber, intending to quit houssekeep. tug, will sell et Public Sale, at, the residence of Slargaret Hulick, in Hurderstown, on TUMee. DAY, the 11.. th do) of NOY EMLIE It next, a largo variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of TABLFS, CHAIRS, lIURE'IU, Reit..., Corner Cupboard,. Desks, Looking Ulavies, Ilighteday Clock, 1 Kitchen Cooking Stove and fixtures, I Parlor Cooking Stole, I Ten-plate Stove, Beds and Bedding, I.t yards oi Carpeting, 40 yards of which have never been cut,l large Copper Kettle sniall Copper Kettle, a number of Books, China and Q,ueensware—nitmet everything in the house-keeping line. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on'asid day whim attendance wlll be given and terml Elwin known by DAVID HULICK. Oct. 11, NC. to VIRGINIA, LOUDON CO., LAND, FOR SALE. ONE FARM, eontalneng about 240 ACRES. alf noted on the Turnpike road, &mite.. below Ixeahurg, 3 miles from Guilford Mallon, and 3 miles front Fat mwell Station. The cleared land laid off into 7 Ileitis, water nuatelent for Meek in each held, plenty of - timber on the farm for the 111.1. Of the name; a. contiortable DWELLING Hot'SE, It large Stable, corn II blouse Meat House, lee Ronne, and a good I Store Hollie on the premises. A good standor a Country Store. The land is good, Is easy to ',improve, takes — Fhwer spry well, yields mops of wheat, corn, mat. arid lint. 'Phis a very good Farm, wee bought by the prelgort wn are In lasl, and a good part of It coat Illty di pant per acre. There is a thaaNarhard, and a *II of water on the premises. This Fann will he told at the low prfre of thir ty-eight dollars per acre, if Die Melt la pa. 1.1 down. A good deed al', eii whet, tbe tarots afo compiled with. Can gis e full ittseesalott trith Dec., haft, pros dad 111. sold pre% lour to rent-Dig for woollier car. Apply to MARY A. .IGNI;i4, Illilsbstro',' Louden county, Va. Aug. 30, lair 3m VIRGINIA LAND FOR:BALE NE FAII3I contains eland $O9 Are,',., la 7 nt len U below hrenburk, oh, the Turnpike, 3 ttli (ram rarrnivell Station, and 3 niUco train Guil ford Station on tip. Alexandria L. et . H. IC Road. Thin In a %ery desirable Farm, 1 n health) , plat, to live. The eleared land Is divid.l into 7 tieltin, with running Mutt r 111 NV, rat of them. There in .1. large I,oa , ' , Wt.:l.l.lNi; It 1101.751 E, Barn, 31eat lioune and Ilatryoll the farm, and a w Lilo( excellent itt,•r In the yard. Thin well arlordn plenty of Rood stater the Jq est Ne1110)11. There Is plenty of titaber on the lane Ira non of the name. lite laud In good, and pm:tures plod erupt of ilt'heat,, Corn unto Hay ate; There IN Illte Orchard, In full hearing. The land In may to impr"%e, and taken closer finely. The 1, nettle in In good order. (A.- good tunny famillen of Northern people have net. tied ht the ueighbOrbtaxl.) inn give full pennension kith Deeemlter. provided it In sold previtant to renting for Allah )ear. For want of 1110110 Y, the ownern oiler thin fano at the low price of thirty dollarn per acre, mdi paid down. A. good deed gin, II when the terms arc eolnplied with: , . • . MARY A. JON 11111nboro', Loudon *outlay, VA. Aug. 911). NC. Um FOE SALE. wI " II ZIPMA T ATI 47E° OP LTA, =I one coda half miles from a Railroad Depot; goad Improvements. well fenced and watered; an abundance of good timber, and so arranged as to divide well into two Immix I have arms other farm property for sale, all of which will he mold low, the tobjevt befog to make a division of the eruct. Those In march of land in Ude weetlan, might do Well togive me a cell before purchasing elsewhere.. For further Information, call on or address THOM. N. LIIPTON, Wineheste . June 24..1 . 1 7 0. tf (o ho hi agent for helm) Small Farm and Town Property ATPRIVATE MALE.—The underglgned niters at Private (tale, his FA RN, situate In !Strewn townsh I p, Adams county, on the }lard shun" road, two nines from Cicttyshurg, containing *4 ACRMS iruproVed with a one and a half mar). 1111 4 1 , EK Iltit'SE, a good Barn, legit long, a neser•failing Nell of N r, ulth a pumpinlt, y g ippleOrc ant, anal other fruit. nor I' in ' imner, and thorns a (air proportion of meadow, The land 4NN nearly all been tinted, and is In II pro d nett,. c condition.- • aloo otter. a }LIM:FIF. A.NII 14)T, on the it - ohlla aide of York Aire(l, In Get Venom. no honee le a two-irtp,rv, wrattherbonnted, with ett t ott-kltehen. There Is also a Mottle on the lot. Tenn+ , annum modn U ng =I =EI A FIRST-CLASS PA= AT rmvxm SALE, w r Imi . .\ r g " twom w e o. I N; f a l l itrburg, al l i t m he f f r i n ti e. r. m etas, and in prime order. will seWfrom P loo tn futon, to suit prfrehruFern. Terms reasonable. For further Information, apply to WM. WIIILE, Gettysburg, Pa. JO 8' RILL FOR 84LE. Sept. 2!,1867. tr is a large FRAME MILL, on the Turn pike, Smiles below Leesburg, In Loudon coun ty, Va. The works in the Mill are is prettpworl repair, WI a Paw and Grist Mlll. There Is k Mil ler's house and allures of land with the Mill. The mill mee Is not over three hundred (yards long from the dam to the mill; would take but little expense to make It a very valuable property as there it no mill for 5 miles. The other mills were all burned during the *rat This mlll would be sold very cheap for each. Apply to 51.1 RY .t. JONEP. Alex. *l, 1807. 3m Choice Western Preemption land& II AVE set erul Tracts of choice Western PRE EMPTION LANUS, good locations, near Rail rowls,Connty Towns, de., In well-settled neigh borhoods, which I rxehange at a fair prim for real estate In Adams o*nty.,e GEO. ARSOLIX, Aug, 12,4867. if For Sale,—A Ohoioe Farm, TN nh e iti f ttl in ec e ;f t fa e lvotion s ; o 2 , lMfiACr M•ro i rtric Barn and Brick ifwentpft; plenty nk Frani ; 2 miles west from tlottysitufg. A O CR ne al °ther ; • In Timber: no Innnand, rty m moth j oiningP"P ;o will boy this Dirm. 2. N . - ery dc.l ruble FARtdcootanologni from tiettyabun; Ri o per og re GEO. ARNOLD. Aug. 12,1867. tt The Wonder Of the Age t . W.,RREN s ELEctßte CHURN, for sale at iiendocm Warren's °mosy kitore, In East .York Arm?, tip ttysburg, Pa., When , even t mug in oar Ilut• will be sold at the lowest petrels. titer . a call 111111*m for Isasselves. Our stork consists of tinicerisi Notlons,nnd Rana Galin., Oum o o d t so tak enesel n ck, or igttenfa tro kchan o . Rosh paid for Bacon and Ratter. HENDRICKS & WARREN. Sept. DR, ISF7. tf ATTENTION, ZOUAVES! NTIL further orders, the -GErniustrito U ZOLTAYIEW • wilt meet at their Aroma foe fantasia and drill WEDNESDAY 'SING,. at 7_14. o'clock, and In ?tux tam the THIRD SATURDAY of men month at 10 o'clor".. A. M. By enter of the month WM. B. , prt3,1867.