Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, November 01, 1867, Image 2

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President Johnson has issued a prods , -
matton seem:pa:lending Thursday, the
28th day - of November Inst., as a day of
"national thanksgiving and praise to
the Almighty Ruler of Nations." The
people of the United States have abun
dant reasons for thankfulness to the
"givpr of every good and perfect gift"
for the numerous bit...sings showered
(Jowl upon them. Let all joln in praise
1111,i thanksgiving,
The followiug is the Pre , hlent's pro
/n, conformity with a recent custom,
that may 110 W be regarded as established
on national Consent and approval, I, An
drew Johnson, President of the ['rated
States, do hereby recommend to my fel•
low-citizens that Thursday, the twenty
eighth day- of November next, be set
apart and observed throughout the re
public as a day of national thanksgiving
and praise to the Almighty Ruler of Na
tions,with whom are dominion and pow
er, wflo maketh peace In His high places.
Resting and refraining from secular
labors on that day, let us reverently and
devotedly dive thanks to our Heavenly
Father for the mercies and blessings with
which He has crowned the now closing
year. Especially let us remember that
He has covered our land, through all its
extent,, with greatly needed and very
abundant harvests; that Ile has caused
industry to prosper, not only In our
fields, but also in our workshops, In our
mines, and in our forests. He has per
mitted us to multiply ships upon our
lakes and rivers, and upon the high
seas, and at the game time to extend our
iron roads so far into tile secluded places
of the continent an to guarantee speedy
overland intercourse between the two
(Means. He has locllued our hearts to
turn away from domestic contentions
htid commotions, consequent upon a dis
tracting and desolating chill war, and to
walk more and more lu the ancient
way of loyalty, conciliation, and brother
ly love. He has tamed the peaceful ef
forts with which we have established
new and inirmrtanc commercial treaties
with foreign nations, while we have, at
the same time, strefigtlicnett our nation
al defenses, sad greatly enlarged our na
tional borders.
While thus rendering the unanimous
and heartfelt tribute of nationalpraise
and thanksgiving., %Odell mi so'justly
due to Almighty (toil, let us not fail to
implore Elm that the same divine pro
tectron.and care which we have hitherto
so undeservedly, and yet so constantly
'enjoyed, may beeoutiuuedtoourcountry
and our people throughout all their gen
erations forever.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto
set tnY hand, and caused the seal of the
United States to be aflixed.•
Done at the city of Washington this
twenty-sixth day of October, in the year
of our Lord-one thou-and eightjhuldred
and sixty-seven, and of the 'lndepen
dence of the United Stales the ninety
second.,. ANDREW JOIEs,;SON.
a By the Vresident:
WILLIAiI H. SkM'A RD, See'y. of State.
That the enormous taxation under
which the people groan had much to do
with the results of the recent elections,
Is not doubted by reflecting men. - Even
Mr-minded Republicans admit it.
Ina recent number of the New York
Times, Republican, appeared an able ar
ticle, reviewing the political situation,
and pointing out some of the causes
which press heavily upon business at
the present time, and will continue to do
so until removed by wise and prudent
legislation. The Times says :
The taxation of the country is begin
ning to be a subject of the gravest impor
tance, and of the deepest interest to all
classes of the people. I t comes home to
everybody's hearth-stone. It effects
more directly and more seriously the dai
ly conduct of evert• limo, woman and
Mind in the land, than all -other politi
cal questions put together. Taxation
111111 , falls with heavier weight upon us than
upon any other peoplc In the world.
And another necessity quite as imper
ative upon the party In possession of
power, is a more equitable distribution of
taxation among the induptries that are
forced to bear it.
This view of the case is strengthened
and fortified by the New York Commer
cial Advertiser, which attributes the late
defeat of the Radical cause in a great
measure to the "unsettled condition of
our currency and finances." It re
It is useless to deny the, fact that our
onerous tax laWs and the unsettled con
dition of our currency and finances
cause A great deal of discontent. The
- Republican party may not be justly
chargeable with the responsibility of all
the financial difficulties of the country,
because no inconsiderable proportion of
them constitute the necessary penalties
of our exhaustive civil war. But the Re
pub/icons arc responsible for everything
that tends uselessly to aggravate and in
crease our finanund burdens, and thus po
litical opponents will promptly improve
any popular discontent upon the subject
to their own advantage. We Already see
indications of a financial agitation that
can only be prevented by energetic and
wise action.
Congrem can bring about the much
needed relief, by at once restoring the
Union, and - legislating for the Interest
of the whole people, itnkend of the n
gropg excluAvely. Will Congress ad
dress itself to so salutary a work 7
TILE "Reconstruction" policy of Con
grucl tuts been condemned by the peo
ple. The late elections divided that is
sue: Will Congress obey the voice of
the majority ? Will they abandon their
revolutionary and anarchical measures
and return within the pale of the consti
tution ? If they will not take the popu
lar hint to retrace their steps, they must
look out for a le'e mild corrective next
time. If they persist in their "Recon
struction!' tyranny, the majorities
against them In the ?diddle and Western
States will not be counted by hundreds,
but by hundreds of thoustinds. The ver
dict of the people must be obeyed.
THE Democracy of Pittsburg had a
grand torchlight procession on Saturday
night In honor of the late victories, and
Judge Thurman, of Ohio, the Democrat
ic candidate fot Governor, made an able ,
and eloquent speech to the hugest politi
cal gathering ever assembled in that
city. -During the progr ess of the meet
ing some Radical rowdies threw brick
bats Into the crowd, and two or three
periwig were struck. One of the rascals
was caught and- justly punished. The
day when Democratic meetings can_ be
assailed with impunity has passed away.
Tux Lancaster intetligencer truly re
marks;—The election is over, but the la
bor of the true Democrat is never. "The
Price of. liberty is eternal vigilance."
Let the organization of the party be per
fected, and let - a systematic effort be
made in every election district to extend
the circulation of sound Dimocratic
newspapers. That will•effect more than
anything else. Let every subscriber to
the COWPILER see what he can do in
this Important matter.
<AT a meeting of Radical negroea b eld
a t. Quincy, Florida, October 9th, the fol
lowing platform was adopted :
1 Universal suffrage • '
2 Eligibility of blacks ae jurors and
3 A geneml disfranchisement °Mouth
em whites.
4 80 0 a equaltt9•
A flee platform, and one which we
commend to the Radicals of this f-onnty.
They have bad an ehretion in Old Vir
ginia—not an election conducted as such
important affairs shoule be in a Repub.
lie, but on the new patent plan of the
Radice/N. First, a very large - proportion
of the whites were disfranchised, and
then all the negroes who could be found
In actual existence were registered as
legal voters, and a heavy per centage of
fictitious George Washington, Thomas
Jeffbrsons, James Madb!ons, and other
popular names, were added to the lists,
to be used as a reserve force, and with
their clothes changed to be voted twice
In the same district, or, without a
'change of clothing, half a dozen times
in different wards of the cities. The
Radical tickets were printed on colored
paper, (as was appropriate,) and any ne
gro approaching the polls with a white
ticket in his hand had it taken from his
fingers, and one of the loyal yellow cast
substituted in its place. If he persisted
in a desire to vote a-Conservative ticket,
or was suspected' of doing so;) he was
threatened, and - set upon with'cries of
"kill him! kill him !" 'lt fir as with
some difficulty that the militelky forces
in Richmond prevented the black follow
ers of Hunnicutt and Underwood from
murdering such men in the streets. In
that city the election was to be kept
open two days, but the second day's poll
showing Y white majority, the election
was continued a third day, to enable the
Radi4als to bring in a suiticleat reserve
force of negroes from the surrounding
country districts to change the result.
Theie are all facts. They can neither
be explained away .nor denied. It is
thus • that a Radical victory has been
gained in Old Virginia. The whites
voted the Conservative ticket almost to
a man, but by negro votes, thus controll
ed, the State has been carried, and a mon
grel convention, composed of part whites
and part negroes, will sit to revise the
We ask Northern men, of all parties,
to look at this spectacle, and consider it
hi all its bearings. To übopt the lan
.gnage of a contemporary, (the Lancas
ter /a/di/gene, r,) how long can our Re
publican institutions continue - if the
party in power is allowed to employ such
means to continue Its_ rule? The preten
ded election which converted the French.
Republic into an Empire, and placed
Louis Napoleon 011 a throne, was free
and respectable (Imputed to this Wilt
nalia of negro despots in Virginia. The
recent election in Mexico, where no Orle
dared to vote unless he voted the ticket
settled by the military authorities; was
decent and dignified in, comparison.
How long will it take theinasses of the
so-called Republican party in Pennsyl
vania and elsewhere to see that their
liberties, their material interests—all the
things they hold dear and sacred in life,
4re'directly imperiled by the infamous
coursa of the Radicals in Congress? A
triumph for these men at the coming
Presidential election would be then grea
test possible disaster which could befall
this nation.' We believe the honest men
of all partiesr begin to see that very clear
RlCHMOND.—Thenegroev of Richmond
have begun the warof races. They have
formed a Vigilance Cominittee, and are
ordering white men to leave the city.—
On Saturday morning Mr. W. A. Monroe
received' the following - threatening let
RICHMOND, Va., bet. 25, 1887.
We, the colored people of We city of
Richmond, having formed a vigilance
committee, warn you to leave the city in
fortpeight hours after receiving this
notice. We are aware ,Qt your hostile
feelings towards Mr. H Maud and his
political party. If your ramlly choose to
go with you they can d so, or they can
remain ; we will not interfere with them.
If you do not heed this warning, you will
have to abide by the consequences. After
you have spoken of Mr. Hunnicutt Re
you have, we are fully determined that
yon shall leave the city at the expiration
of the time given you.
By order of the committee...
' T. B. G.; Secretary
Similar letters were received by other
persons. -What security for life or prop
erty can there be In a .communlty In
which negroes thus take the laws into
their own hands?
SAMPLE SPECIMENS.— In Arecklenbnrg
county, Virginia, the Radicals succeeded
in electing two suitable candidates. A
correspondent of the Rithrnond Enquirer
, Their nominees were John-Watson (ne
gro) and Sanford Dodge, a man (!) with a
white skin. The former, lam informed,
on the best authority, was A notorious
thief in times of slavery, and was sold no
less thaujire times. He can neither read
nor write. The latter came (I believe
from the North, is an ex-minister of th
gospel, ( but still continues to preach) an,
was in the employment of John Morri
as whiskey rectifier before his distille
was siezed by the government, for swim -
ling, and himself lodged in jail.
These are, we have no doubt, fair aver.
age samples 'of the Virginia Radicals.
In Mecklenburg county not a single
white vote was cast for these'vagabonds
or in favor of the Convention. In Fau
quiee county only three whites voted the
Radical ticket. So it seas elsewhere, in
the State.
THE polls in Richmond were not only
kept open a third day, contrary to law,
but the voting was continued the last day
until midnight. In the darkness any
and every negro who chose to approach
the polls was allowed to depoelt, a Radi
cal ticket. Thus Ilunnicutt, Underwood,.
arenegade Irishman and two negroes were
elected. Throughout the State the two
races voted almost unanimously against
each other. Not one negro in a hundred
voted the Conservative ticket. About
the same proportion of vailtes votediwith
the negroes.
Htrioricurr's WORK CONIMENCED.—
Our news eoulmns are already beginning
to be tilled with instances in which Hun
zlicutt's precepts are being put Into prac
, tice, by his incendiaries of the torch bil
-1 Ode. In Roanoke county a barn and
contents burned; in Mecklenburg wun
ty another; in Henrico county, Col. Car
, rington's barn and wheat, carriage and
other property, were burned on Sunday
morning; in Hanover, the residence of
Col. Fontaine, President of the Virginia
Central railroad, with all his furniture;
besides several other eases in town and
country. All these fires are due directly
cfn the torch of incendiary negroes, who
have learned their lessonain Hunnicutt's
school.—Sichmond (Va.) Examiner.
IN Alabama the Radicals bought the
votes of thousands of negroes with slips
cff paper which they called land-warrants
—a printed premise to furnish the hol
der with a forty-acre lot and a mule af
ter- the election. A number of negroes,
in a burry for their reward, brought
their "warrants" into Columbus, the
other day, and offered them ata discount
for ready cash. This is but one of the
many infamous schemes of the Radicals
to secure supremacy for themselves.
Tun Tennessee Legislature has iltased
it law making it a criminal offence to
make any distinction between negroes
and white people In public conveyances.
With the Radicals everywhere the he
gm is the eh ter object of concern•
P)forn tbs
Several of the Democratic candidates
for the Senate and House of Representa
tives of our State have been elected by
comparatively email majorities. The won•
der is, considering bow infamously the
State was gerrymandered by the Repub
licans, that they have been elected at all.
But it is proposed now to cheat them out
of the positions to which they have been
honestly elected by the people of their
respective districts. The Harrisburg Tel
egraph, published by as unprincipled a
wretch as lives, calls upon the Radical
majority of the Legislature to oust these
men and put the defeated candidates in
their places. They haie been in the habit
of doing this for the• last seven years.
Acting upon the theory that "might' .
makes right " they fume not hesitated to
dispossess Democrats of their official
places without any pretence that there
was any law to justify their action. In
oar own Senatorial District, Mr. Duncan
was elected iq 1865 as fairly as any man
was ever chosen by the people. Every
body knew that there was no illegality
in or about that election sufficient to
warrant the Senate in setting it aside,
and yethe was only allowed to oocnpy
his sent for a week or ten days. Re
publicans hens positively blushed with
shame at this outrage upon Mr. Dnnean's
Individual rights, and at such a wanton,
deliberate disregard of the, clear and
unmistakable choice of the people. It
was conceded all round that the fovea.
tigation by the Senatorial committee was
a mere sham, there being a fixed deter
mination to give the seat to McConaughy,
regardles of law, justice, equity and the
particular merits of the ease. Last year
this Senatorial District Condemned Me.
Conaughy by a majority of 23. This
year, it speaks trumpet-tongued against
the party to which he belongs, by a ma
jority of 881.
We might cite other instances, both In
the State ., and National Legislatures,
whose injustice is equally glaring and
notorious, but this will suffice. What
we have to say now is, that it to time for
the Conservative press to speak out
againsethis system of gross wrong and
stupendous fraud. It is time for the peo
ple to say that they will not tolerate any
longer this car-7111g out ofot premeditated
and pre-arranged plan is defeat the popu
lar will. If constitutional forms are to be
set at naught, or if followed, only used for'
the accomplishment of such nefarious
pi poses, the sooner the people take the
remedy into their own hands, the better.
When we are beaten we are in favor of
strjrmlealon, and when we are victorious
we insist on reaping the fruits of our vic
tory. When we elect men to offices fair
ly, we submit that it is our bounden duty
to see to it that these men are slowed to
perform the duties of their offices, and
that by no trick or chicanery shall the
men whom the people have condemned
through the ballot-box, be substituted
for those whom they have chosen. Let
the Telegraph and all kindred sheets—
let its publisher and editor and all kin
dred spirits—understand that in times
like this, when a great revolution is
sweeping over the land, it is exceedingly
perilous to attempt to thwart the distinct
ly uttered wishes of the masses. For
bearance may cease to be a virtue. As a
minority, we always asserted our rights
—as a mctfority, we are determined to
maintain them. The men who have been
legally chosen to the Senate and House
of Representatives must be allowed to
take. and remain In their seats. No
trumped-up charges of illegal voting—no
deserter-diefranchising laws passed in
direct violation of our Constitution, and
no strained construction of our election
statutes, will be held sufficient to justify
ageneral ouster of the conservatives who
have received certificates of electiOn.—
Honesty must supplant dishonesty in
our legislative. halls. This system of
corruption, bribery and whoisale
flee of honor for partisan purposes must
be broken up.
All we ask is that the same rules that
the Radicals apply to the members of
their own party shall be applied to Dem
ocrats, and that no Democrat shall be
thrown out of his place for any reason
which would not be deemed sufficient to
dispossesera Radical of Meant, also. We
do not wish-to indulge in threats, we do
i not seek to intimidate anybody, but we
simply desire to inform this Hessian that
the Democracy intend to see to it that
the men whom they have elected shall
fill the positions to which they have
been chosen, and that they will not be
particular about putting gloves on their
hands to deal with the scoundrels who are
casting about for ways and means to truer
trate the legally and honestly expressed
choice of the people.'
THE Radicals deny that we have Dem•
(vatic gains in Indians, and yet refuse to
give the facts and figures in connection
with the recent' election in that State.
The Democratic gains are full as . large as
In the other States, considering the im
portance of the election. We have_re=
turns from thirty-five counties in that
State, in which there is a Democratic
groin of eleven thousand six hundred and
ten, from last year. Of these thirty-five
counties, we paid twelve which were car
ried by the Radicals one year ago. There
ere ninety-two counties in the State, and
the Radical majority in 1866 was 14,202.
The reactionary tide has reached Indiana
as well as all the other States. That fact
is demonstrated by the result. If the
election had been for State officers, and
the question of negro suffrage and equal
ity fairly presented, the Democratic vic
tory in Indiana would have rivaled that
of Ohio. As it Is, Indiana may safely be
placed in the Democratic column for the
Presidential election. No matter who
the Radicals may nominate for President,
he will have to carry the Irrepressible
negro, and that will swing all the West
ern States against him. The West will
not accept the negro, even ji united with
spurs and shoulder-straps.—Age.
the following from that Independent Re
publican sheet,, the Springfield (Mass.)
Republican :
, "Senator Howard, of Michigan, wrote
a letter recently In favor of impeachment,
which he was persuaded to withhold from
publication till after the election of Tues-
day. It is likely now to be suppressed
altogether. The truth Is, that the result
of the elections has had a suddenly so•
beriug influence, like a bueket of cold
water on the bead of a drunken man,
and the inclination now will be to mod
erate and reasonable councils. The
scheme of Butler and Wade to depose
the President first and Impeach him af
terwards will no more be - heard of, and
impeachrdent itself will only be named
by the more impulsive politicians. The
schemes for confiscation, for recoostruct
log the governments of Maryland and
Kentucky, and for establishing equal
suffrage by law of Congress in all the
States, have all gone by the board."
Congress will meet at the appointed
time. —Schopter War.
IT wit/ meet, finally, at a great Bar, to
receive Judgment for deliberate wieked
nese that is utterly without example in
the history of nations.— World.
Tali Charlton (Iowa) Democrat says
the Democracy have reduced the Radical
majority 1f1.0(X) since 18t48..
Galas hi teasteeu liteiles sail
OHIO 40,000.
lOWA 10,000.
MAINE 18,000.
VERMONT 8,000.
INDIANA 16,000.
MARYLAND 22,000.
NEVADA 3, 00 0 .
MONTANA 1,000.
■Miev Pireasid Sir 1/1467
- 000 . 000000
To be continued Jn November
/ e 4 1 -66 6 4 i[ — Z - 7 41 4 1 41
The Radicals are so thoroughly disgus
ted with Geary, that they will thank us
for suggesting a measure for their relief,
as well as one that will rescue the State
from the rule of this brainless piece of
inflated vanity. The Constitution of
Pennsylvania provides that "the Cover
tly and all other civil officers under this
Commonwealth, shall be liable to im
peachment for any misdemeanor in of
fice." We charge Geary with a misde
meanor in office, in endeavoring to poll
illegal and fraudulent votes at the late
election. The case is as clearers proof can
make it out, and If he was an ordinary
official—an election officer in any county
of the State—he would be proceeded
against instanter, on the motion of the
prosecuting attorney of the county.
A few days before the election, Geary
secretly commissioned a Radical politi
elan, under the seal of Pennsylvania, to
take the votes of the Pennsylvania sol
diers—in the repiltr army, remember—
stationed at Fort Delaware, near Phila
delphia. This official, when he made
application .to the commander of the
poet, was told such an election was ille
gal ; but he persisted, and returned near
ly two hundred fraudulent votes, which
were counted by the Radical Judges, and
returned to Harrisburg with the vote of
Philadelphia county.
Governor Geary is responsible for this
whole proceeding. It was without the
shadow of law. He assumed to himself
authority not granted by the laws ; and
the case would not have been an iota
stronger against him, had he Berg, an
agent to Ireland or Germany to ilerup
votes for Williams. The men whose
votes he succeeded In forcing into the
political canvass were not voters, and
the manner In which Geary got their
votes was an unwarranted and illegal
exercise of power.
• If this fraud on the part of the GOv
ernor of the State does not constitute a
misdemeanor in office, we would like' to
know the nature of that offence.. He
should be made to pay the penalty of his
crime. An Executive who will descend
to the lowest description of political jug
glery to poll fraudulent votes, should
not be continued in office one day longer
than 14 is necessary to get rid of him.
He Is an unsafe man..
Suppose Stanton had been Secretary of
War, with a close contest, such as that
we have passed through, pending In the
State, he could—and doubtless would—
very quietly have distributed sufficient
regular soldiers through the Common
wealth to have turned the political
scales, and secured a Radical triumph.
With Geary in the Executive chair to .
poll the votes, and Radical Return
Judges to count and return them, the
whole matter could have been very easi
ly managed.
We call again for the impeachment of
Geary, for misdemeanor In offiee.—Pitfa
burg Post.
THE New York World says the Radi
Committee of that Ma te making
a most desperate effort raise money to
corrupt voters . They have demanded
money from all the notaries public, as
sessed the city firemen and the employ
ees of the flealttrßoard ; they have sent
dunning letters t 1 merchants and bust-
Imes men, and are now levying a tax on
postmasters, and demanding two per
cent. from all clerks under them. These
demands are made in the most peremp
tory manner, as though they had a right
to command the purse of every man who
has money. The World states, howev
er, that even the fortunes they made by
plundering the canals will not save
them from utter rout. _
FORNEY, the United States Senate's
Secretary, says the Republicans of Penn
sylvania, though beaten, are not dis
heartened, and will reorganize on a
more radical basis. A more Radical than
the 'present party basis? Military des
potbsm, debt and taxation, negro domi
naticin at the South, special privileges
for a few at the expense of the many;
,the Constitution ignored, the Executive
and the Supreme Court considered as
unworthy of regard, the will of Congress
proclaimed to be the supreme law, and
venality and corruption permeating
every branch of the public service—is
that basis not radical enough ?
RETURNS from thirty-four counties in
California render it certain that both
Sprague and Fitzgerald, the Democratic
candidates, are elected by a handsome
majority. What becomes of the bluish;
of the Radicals that they would redeem
the State at this election ? It must be a
great consolation for them to reflect that
revolutions never go backward.
AN exchvge says Gov. Geary connec
ted himself with a church about the first
of October and on the sixth commis
sioned Mitchell to take the fraudulent
soldiers' vote at Fort Delaware. It
thinks he Is a very rough sort of Chris
Tin Curtin men of this' State are
shouting for Grant for President—to
"head off" Simon Cameron.
Tin infamous Parson frtrownlow has
been elected U. S. Senator by the Radi
cal Legislature of Tennessee. Radical
ism stops at no outrage.
REsournoxs favoring the nomination
of Gen. Grant for the Presidency were
introduced at a meeting of the Central
Republican Association of Washington
City, on Friday night last, but were bit
terly opposed and voted down.
ME Virginia "election" hes resulted
In the selection of 30 Conservative dele
gates and BO Radicals-18 of the latter
being nevem.
Tim Cincinnati Gazette, whose chief
editor is a defeated Radical candidate
for Congress, says : "'No one need deny
that there is a reaction against the Radi
cal policy of making black States In the
ocai qirtiard.
INiabass Istittntry.—A Military Cowper
ny baajust been forded In Straban and
surrounding townships, under the name
of "Straban Infantry." The following
officers were elected at Flunterstown on
Saturday last: Captain, N. 0. Reagy ;
First Lieutenant, A. Bing; Second Lieu
tenant, J. L. Toy. The non-commiasion
ed officers will be chosen to-morrow
evening, at 6 o'clock. when every mem
ber will be required to he present. The
Company numbers 83 men, and will, we
are sure, prove a creditable organisation.
A Negro Commits a Rape upon a
White Girt is Adams Cbtaity.—We learn
that, some days ago, a negro named Hall,
committed a hellish moult upon a white
girl in the neighborhood of Littlestown.
It seeing that the negro approached the
house of a Mr. Clouser, and finding no
one at home but the daughter, went in,
and, violently taking hold of the girl,
tied her clothes in such a manner as to
enable him to accomplish his devilish
purpose. The girl appeared before Es
quire Bishop in Littlestown and gave a
statement of the facts, when a warrant
was issued for the negro's arredt. He
was arrested, and five hundred dollars
bail demanded. Hall induced the con
stable to go a short distance into the
country with him to procure the neces
sary security, but on the way back made
his escape, since which time he has not
been heard of. We are for obeying the
laws in every particular, but it really
seems to us that the repeated outrages of
negroes upon white females must soon
wear out the patience of white men.
Properly Salce.—The following real es
tate sales have recently taken place in
Bendersville and vicinity :
Capt. H. N. Minnigh has sold his house
and lot in Bendersville, to Joha Bender,
for $1,500.
Wm. Overdeer has - sold his house and
part lot of ground, in Bendersville, to
Capt. H. N. Minnigh, for $1,400.
Rachel Bender has sold her house and
lot In:Bendersville, to George W. Tip
ton, for WO.
Wm. A. Yeatts has sold his house and
lot In Bendersvllle, to John Cline, Ben.,
for *1,500.
John Collings has sold his house and
lot in Bendersville, to Wrn. A. Yeats,
for $l,BOO.
Solomon Bender has sold his farm, in
Montanan township, to Joseph Cline-137
acres, at $ll,OOO.
The following sales are reported from
New Oxford and neighborhood:
Jacob Martin has sold to Jacob Stock
about two acres of land on Peters street
and Berlin road, for $865; !mid his tavern
stand and 8 iota to Henry Wiest, for
$6,000, taking in exchange as part pay
Wiest's house and lot at $2,400.
•George \V. Thomas has sold his house
and four acres on the pike, west of town,
to George Louck, for $2,900.
George Louck has sold his farm, 109
acres, two miles north of town, on Car
lisle pike, to Chas. Senft, for $lO,OOO.
Jacob Stock, Trustee, has sold the
farm of heirs of Jacob Wolf, deceased,
176 acres and 66 perches, three miles
from town; on the Berlin road, to Samu
el WClf, of Berwick township, for $16,000.
Jacob Stock has sold his log house and
two lots, corner of Peters and High
streets, to Nicholas Heitzel, Esq., for
$900; a frame house and lot on Balti
more street, to Mrs. Shultz, for $800; and
a frame house and shop on Baltimore
street, to Mr. Lenhart, for $1,050.
Alex. Jacobs has sold his brick house
aid blacksmith shop, on Baltimore
street, to Cornelius Miller, for $1,275.
Jer. W. Diehl has sold his two-story
brick house and lot, on Pitt street, with
8 acres, to. John Shugh, for $4, 0 00.
Sathuel MeTaggart has soidhis frame
house and two lots on Baltimore street,
to John Hershey, for $1,275.
Edward Tully has sold his house and 4
acres, one mile south of town, on Kohler
mill road, to John C. Zouck,.for $B5O.
Arrest —Officer Rouser, on Monday
night last, arrested, at the house of
Charles Price, near this place, a man
calling himself Henry Dixon, charged
with firing Lerew's large new hotel sta
ble in Carlisle, last week. He had been
arrested in Carlisle, but made his escape.
He is represented as a desperate charac
ter, of great strengtfl, and his arrest
reflects credit on Detective Rouser.
Stolen.—The shoemaker shop of Chris
tian Welsensale, in Union township,
was entered on the night of the 15th
Inst., and eleven pairs of new shoes and
a quantity of leather stolen therefore.
The thief, who had a wagon, was traced
as far as Kitzmiller's dam.
Iron Qre.—We are told that fifteen tons
of Iron ore are excavated daily from the
bank on the farm of Peter Comfort, in
Franklin township. ,Ore has also been
discovered on several neighboring farms.
Dedication.—The new Methodist E.
Church in Petersburg, (Y. 5.,) will be
dedicated on Sunday, the 10th Met. See
Palent.—Among the patents issued
for the week ending October 22, was one
to M. A. Keller, of Littlestown, for an
improvement In harvesters.
Accidcra.—Dr. O'Neal, our neighbor,
cut his right hand severely, the other
day, whilst corking a bottle, which sud
denly went to pieces in his hand. The
hurt will, no doubt, be all right in a few
The Oriental is a stove which requires
feeding but once a day, which radiates a
gentle and delightful heat without bur
ning the impurities in the air, which
will keep fire for one or more days with
out any attention, Is a complete ventila
tor of the room, Is simple and easily
managed, which does not clinker or clog,
and is economical in the use of coal, and
withal a powerful heater, and in point of
style and beauty has never been excelled.
The Orientals are cheaper, and guaran
teed to give more heat, than the corres
ponding numbers of any other swing-top
stoves in the market.
S. G. Cook is the only agent for thil.
Oriental in Gettysburg. . tf
A Chance for Bargains.—Our readers
will be glad to learn that Fahnestock
Brothers have made a considerable rednc•
Don In the prices of Dry Goods during
the ma week. They are now selling
Calicoes at prices almost as low as before
the war—Delalnes as cheap as they were
ever offered—and Muslins at very much
reduced rates. Persons desiring auy
kinds of goods, will find them baying the
most complete assortment, and at prices
astonishingly low. It
Beady-Made Clothing.—Col. F. B.
Picking has just received an unusually
large gook of Ready-made Clothing of all
kinds for men and boys, which have been
bought at reduced prime, and will be
sold lower than ever. Give him a call,
at the old stand, on Baltimore street, op•
posits the "Bar and Sentinel" office. It
2b gel a good set of Furs, you need on
ly go to Row & Woods, who are bringing
down prices to the lowelt point. It
New Mem in New Orford.—Mesers.
James and Paul Hersh have taken the
Warehouse of D. Hoke, in Now Oxford,
and will continue the Grain and ProdUce
business. Bee their advertisement in
another column. They are active bust
nal men, and will spare no elyort time
commodate the public and please all who
may patronize them.
1.1 the Ladies want the latest styles of
Rats, Plumes, &c., for winter, Row &
Woods' Store is the piece to get them.
New Arrastganeat.-311r. L. V. B. So
per has bought out Mr. Feistel, opposite
the old Bank, where he continues the
watch-making and jewelry business.
176 e "bahtons.—Overcoats to the knees;
very tight pants, like those worn thirty
years ago, and silk hats, with low crowns
and broad brims; such Are men's fash
ions for the coming season.
Bass.—Somienterprislug individual, a
few years ago, brought from one of the
western rivers a number of Bass, which
he introduced into the Potomac near
Cumberland, Md. These fish increased
rapidly and that river is now well filled
with them. A number of lovers of pis
catorial sport, believing that they would
also propagate In the Conococheague,
determined to procure a number of them
and give the matter a trial. In pursu
ance of this design, Messrs. A. J. Mil
ler, Jakob Keller and Jacob Mickey visit
ed the Potomac last week, and returned
with nearly one hundred, which were
placed in the creek at Scotland. Some
of the fish brought by these gentlemen
weighed upwards of three pounds each.
We hive no doubt that in' a very few
years, the Conococheague will be well
stocked with this excellent fish, afford
ing fine sport to the disciples of old Isaac
Walton, and furnishing a rich dish to
the epicure.—Chantberaburg Spirit.
Encounter with Bears.-On Thursday
last, Porter M. Skinner and David Cowan
were out on the mountain, a few miles
from Fannettsburg, this county, looking
after cattle, when they discovered three
bears on one tree. The bears attempted to
escape, but, as the party had neither
guns or dogs, were prevented from doing
so by the free use of clubs and stones.
One of the * party then stood sentinel,
while the other went some two miles for
a gun. The first one shot at was wound
ed and fell to the ground, but not so 'bad
ly hurt but that he was able to show
light. After a dbvere encounter, how
ever, they succeeded in dispatching
him with their clubs. The second one
they shot dead, while the third one made
his escape. the gentlemen were unln
lured. This is altogether the tallest bear
hunt of the season. Bears appear to be
unusually plenty on the North Mountain
this season. Two have been captured
alive In the neighborhood of McConnelis
burg.—Chambersburg Repository.
Soothing andEfeating.—We might with
truth add, 'certainly curing in every
case. No remedy known equals Coe's
Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds, Croup
and Consumption. It,is an old and tried
friend, and always proves true.
A Startling Truth!—Thousaods die
annually from neglected coughs and
colds, which soon ripen into consump
tion, or other equally fatal diseases of
the Lungs ; when by the timely use of a
single bottle of Wisear'a Balsam of - Wild
Cherry their lives could Mite been pre
served to a green old age.
Port Wine.—There have been, at vari
rious times, articles Introduced to the
public under the name of Port Wine,
strongly recommended for medicinal
purposes,' which are calculated to do
more harm than good, having little else
than the name to recommend them.
Such, however, is not the case with the
Port Grape Wine advertised by Mr. A.
Speer, of Passaic, N. J. We have seen
his vineyard, and the wine in process of
manufacture, and know it to be the pure
juice of the grape. We have also been
through his cellars, which never contain
less than sixty thousand gallons, and
seen 'casks piled on casks maturing.
Mr. Speer does not bottle or sell any un •
der four years of age.—Peoria Tran
script. -
The above can be had of our druggists.
Predictions About the Winter.—We see
it generally stated that European mete
orologists are predicting an early and
hard winter this year, for the reason that
the birds of passage have begun their
migration southward at least a month
earlier than usual. Storks, wild ducks
and other birds, are reported to be pas
sing southward over France and Belgi
um in large numbers. Similar signs of
a severe winter have, from time to time,
been noted in our country, and we are
inclined to attach more importance to
them than weather prophesies usually
deserve. Meteorologists say a wet sum
mer signifies a dry winter, and dry win
ters are proverbially cold. House
keepers should make a note of this
inference, which we think will prove
correct.—Doylestown Democrat.
•Phineas Davis.--One of the smallest
watches ever made in the United States,
was the handiwork of an ingenious Qua
ker mechanic, named Phineas Davis, re
siding at York, Pennsylvania. It was
less in size than a silver dime, and kept
accurate time. The maker of this watch
was also the builder of the first ,iroit
steamboat in the United States. This
rk o
iron steamer, which was not ala e one,
was built in the town of York, al , and
was hauled on wagons or trucks the
Susquehanna, at Peach Bottom, here
it was used for many yew% as a ferry
OK ' 10 18 Lady's Book.--Godey for No
vember le at hand. Its different depart
ments are Well tilled with the subjects on
which they treat. The steel plate,
"Woeful Heart," is splendid, as is the
tinted "Scene In Venice." The colored
fashion plate is up to the usual standard.
This would be a good time to commence
getting up new clubs for the coming
year. One copy, 1 yea s; two copies, I
year,Ss 50. Address L. A. Godey,porth
east corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets,
Careful banding, at every step, from
gathering the fruit from the branch, to
the final delivery of the packages, is es
sential to its reaching the distant mar
ket and the customer in good order.
Ex-SATRAP SHRRTDAN is "swinging
round the circle" of Yankeeland like
wet dishrag. The late reaction against
Radicalism has taken the starch entirely
out of him. He couldn't get the Radical
nomination for the Presidency now even
by going down on his knees to beg for it.
—Patriot do Union.
A GEORGIA paper publishes a state
ment of the amounts deposited in the
Freedmen's Savings Bank, for the month
of September. "Twenty-four cents" is
the reported amount deposited at Wil
Name Sherman. Texas, recently, Mrs.
Beatty, a widow lady, met her death In
a most singular manner. She was in, the
act of getting on a horse, when a com
mon sewing kneedle, which stuck In her
dress, caught in the saddle and was
driven in her body near her breast,
slightly piercing her heart. She livid
only about half an hour.
IT costa two millions of dollars a year
to support a regiment of cavalry upon
the platna.
The G e ttysburg Spring is beginning to
create a sensation lathe great cities. Iu
Philadelphia, the leading medical Jour
nal, and the eminent medical author, Dr.
John Bell, have honored this Spring
with such cornplimentarynotices as have
never been bestowed on any Ameri
can Spa.
In New York, the leading newspapers
have vied with each other In celebntting
the curative virtues of this Spring, and
,in recording, In the minutest particular,
the circumstances of its discovery, its lo
cation, and the associations which cling
around it. But amid this universal
praise, this chorus of hosannas, a John
Hooks has appeared, who lustily clamors
"beef!" "beef!" The effhsion of the
editor of the Evening/ Mail is so eloquent
ly, so artistically written, that we repub
lish it as a literary curiosity.
The assumption of the editor that the
cures of this Spring are fabulous, will be
appreciated in this Community, where
so many of the subjects of Its cures
Ohoule.—Aie the TePorts which have
been circulated concerning a wonderful
spring at Gettysburg a mere advertising
enterprise for the benefit of a new hotel
which may be built there, or is there
some foundation In fact for the remarka
ble accounts? The Ghouls of the Ara-
Wan Nights who live on corpses and roam
the graveyards, are not confined to fi r .
Bon: We have them in real life, anti in
all grades society. We have the resur
rectionists, for instance, who obtain a
precarious living front corpses and the
cetneteries. We have undertakers who
wring money out of the sorrows of men
and women for their dead friends. We
have empirical doctors, and some in the
regular profession, too, who live on death
in collusion with the undertakers. We
have emperors and diplomatists who
build their reputations over the blood
anti bones of soldiers slain and women
starved. We have ghouls in every sta
tion of life, high and low, rich and - poor
—some who skulk in dark alleys and ply
their trade by night; _others who feed
upon death fearlessly, in the broad day
liglo,Md with an air of pride. No form
of ghoul, however, is more common than
that of men who live upon the natural
human fear of death : who take advan
tage of tire pains and aches of their neigh
bors to fill their pockets with their neigh
bors' money. Such men, concoct mix
tures of herbs and alcohol and drugs, and
call them ''bitters," they roll paste and
cheap medicine into pills by the ton, and
sell them as specific remedies for all the
diseases which frighten men and *make
them fear death. Anti now we have
another ghoul who hos found a spring
near Gettysburg and proposes to turn it
to his advantage, and feed on the diseases
of humanity as so many of his fellow
ghouls are doing, Wonderful stories be
gin to circulate in the papers about the
healing power of this spring. Its waters
have effected almost miraculous cures.
Indian legends are told atiout it, anti fed
eral soldiers who drank of it in the great
battle felt their strength renewed. Our
ghoul is feeding on the gory memories of
the great rebellion and our fallen soldiers,
as he intends to do upon the diseases of
his fellow-men. The Gettysburg ghoul
will probably succeed. Ghouls generally
do succeed. Many of them live in pala
ces. American ghou is d rive four-in-hand
at Saratoga and Long Branch. A Gallic
ghoul resides in the Tuilleries—the Get
tysburg ghoul will undoubtedly be a
prosperous ghoul. Being a ghoul is an
excellent business in a financial way.
Pecuniarily we envy ghouls.
GARIBALDI'S revtdutionary movement
in Italy is sure to fail. Victor Emman
uel has Issued a proclamation denounc
ing it, and Louis Napoleon is Bending
troops to Italy toerush it. A number of
conflicts have taken place between Gari
baldi's troops and the forces of Rome,
with varying success. The French, with
Victor Emmanuel's help, however, will
soon make an end or it.
A CANARY BIRD at Troy, New York,
having escaped from its cage, a cat,
which was very fond of listening to the
bird's song, caught It and brought it
safely to its mistress before she knew of
the escape.
THE linden*fled, EXecutora of the last
will and testament of Edward Gritlith, g
lateof Hartord county, deceased, will offer
at Pirblic Sale, at Perrymansv Ille, on
WEDNEFID_ ,AY November 31, beff, at 12 o
M., all the
It Estate of said deeeeeed, canals--
lug of some of the most valuable Farms in Mar
ford county. They have all been lately surveyed
and each tract laid otf Into divisions, and Ns . 111
poaltively be Sold In hash, suit purchasers. Plots
Will be exhibited on day of sale, viz:
Mostly oriatnal forest, unimprimsi, situated
near Harford Furnace. Webster's, l'att erson's and
other Farms.
Same condition as Montreal, and In the name
The following five Lanny are all a parlor the
famous Cnutberry Lands, are in a high state of
cultivation, are very producti‘ e, having good
Dwellings, Barns, Stables, etc., well fenced and
watered, with sufficient woodland to each, are
situated near Perryman 's Depot on the PkHadel•
phis, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, vie:
About one-fonrth of a mile from the depot, and
occupied by Thomas Cord, Eau.
Rome Farm of the deceased, one mile from the
Occupied by Mr. Gabriel Christie. Leff a mile
from the depot, with an extensive front on the
Occupied by Mr. Martin, extenalvr front on
railroad and postroa&
This Tract is without buildings, an extensive
front on railroad, and highly cultivated by Mr.
One of thema* valuable Farms in the county,
on the east by Romney creek, and on
the t by Bush river, with a tine road to Per
ryma tile Depot ; improved with a large Brick
ollowaY, Fa Barn and other outhouse*. Occupiedby Wm.g.
It is a well timbered Wood let in Bush River
Neck, on each, side of a good read to Perrymana
vine Depot.
Terms—One-third cask on day of sale, and the
balance at such time as may be agreed upbn be
tween the purchasers and the Executors, with
interest for time.
Nov. 1,167. ta
eltaatela Westminster district, Carroll county,
Md., on the head waters of Little Pipe Creek,
three m il es from Westminster, and a short mile
from the Western Maryland Railroad, adjoining
lands bf Davitt-Ehriver. Jesse Bwigard, Hanson
Niehodemns, Charles Roberta, and others, con
taining ICS ACRES, more or lens, with fair pro.
portions of excellent Woodland and Ifwdow.
The land is limestone and bAilate, in ant rate
oultiVetiou, having been h limed, and un
der the very . best of fencing. he farm can't be
excelled for the growth of wheat, torn, or any
other erop, whilst for craning It every desira
ble poinO-running water to every field.
The improvements are a TWO-Story Dou
ble BRICK HOUBE, with TO o-story Brick
Back-building, end flanement, a large
Brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cr and
Hog House, brick, and all under one roof, Smoke
House, Wash House and spring House, atone,
and all under one roof, Butcher House, Black
smith Shop, with other out-buildings ,• a never.
audios well if water adning the dwelling house
ands splendid spring near the spring home. The
improvements are all of modern style, and in tho
rough repair. There is on the premises a large
'Apple Orchard, with fruit of all dencriptions.
The property IS Matted In a pleasant neighbor
hood, with three minx oonvenient, aa well as
chttrehen, school houses, stores and mechanic
P r; Is one of the mast desirable properties he
Carroll county, and should command the atten.
Lion oral In want of nest clam farms.
Persons wishing to view it are requested to call
on the undershmed, madding thereon.
Nov, 1, 1817. am*
A SITUATION as Teacher in • Public or Select
h o o t
I hold a permanent profeasionall
mingle:ate from Mr. EIiL and endorsed by Mr.
Nov. 1,1811. Et Gettysburg, Pa.
BRELB, to whom constant employment
NUM be given and eraaesny to next Harvest,
If Imendlate ap cation le made at our Barrel
Fact4"Bl4 in enci l l aiTZ & ocncLEY,
Nov. I, leer. it
OaAvrrr.—An exchange says, *pro•
DOS of the discussion whether Newton
"discovered gravity'," that If haled lived
until this time he might have discovered
It in the countenances of Radical politi
cians all over the country.
A CLEVELAND paper says Hen Wade,
"immediately on hearing the news of
the e►eeUon, went lido a hole,'pulling
the hole In after him, and has not been
eteen since."
BY the election% this fall the bemocrat%
gain three United States Senator% in the
next Congress—in California, Ohio and
Connecticut—but this "is of no eonse
(pence," We are told by the Radicals.
WMars Saloum of Wild Omer,-
INiugtut, l'olds, 13mnehtU1, A.Ollllll, t
Win/clang Cough, Quinsy, and the numerdtts ua
Mallto dungerettstilimutesuf lite and
Lungs, prevail In our changeable ellnutL. at 101
seasons of the •ear; fern are fortunate VlloOgil to
escape their baneful intluenee, Hew Important.
to has a at hand a eertain antidote todill thm,
oomphilnhi. Expurtenee prirrtoi that hkexe‘i
In Wistar'a flotsam to an extent not tottittl In
any other reined). ; however seven. t herttlerinit.
the applyntion ot [ht.+ aoo th init, hooking and
wunderc I Balm= at untorantantalletrtLullsmki
Dad tentor, the nulThrer to wonted heal( h.
fit, JOHN 111 1 Nro,
Of Itnldwln, Cheinung eiminty, N. l .—W1 11404
"1 mit% urged by at neighbor to, get ohe Indtla of
the Magnin for nd heing 11.h0ur4,114. hint
(1141 lu I . IIMO It dttl not prodliw 5044,1 valve!, he
would pas tor the bottle tinoseit. On the mireugtll
Of 014014 pi:14114111 eViltelo, lir , Meta., I yl,-
011 , 1. 1 .11:0. „,, 1n,,. no, on 1.40.
who what 41.4 1 ityntenoti tefllll.ll :seated t "a
gouti/tam +4,1.1 lat f/(14.1;t to none nursed tom/
the hd, 4,4444:llingeraistanti) and raking more or
hwn Oto.ut. I eornmeie,,l airing the
directod, and ninth plervil with IN opera
tion that 1 obtained another bottle, RIO
0 , 11.111. it, it, Imo Ifn, 110Itle 1111.0 efillrel)
4µell, 0110 64,104.41 ot.tigiking, .4114 Ull2, Atlv.tig enonalt
to an up. tbe 111114 boat le eat ar,41% rt•nt.n..l her to
health, tiolltK Wio. In r ever& lan, had
tried tofu tad 11114 114111,1. •
Pn•{utml ir> bk:t II tl, Yrt.
moat SI., 11..1.011,..1itl for salkt by I.rugginb.l4,,i
Dr. I.V(101.. of Part‘, one ta the moat eutineut
Chew/W.4 tot F:tirope, said:
"Tile 1110A1 Itllly ill• antlel•
paled whea_Ltallne ran par.
1)r. H. Antlers, after fifteen year., oraelt'TfilMte
meareb atilt ill
lug one and ono-quarter^ omit.. of halite to
etteti flubd ono, r in a ater, a tatihe Poirot u,.hnm dlow
rratillt 1141 , 1. follow,/ Us Ilse, 10111 - Cll nllt rip n 1 heraett
la mat d I a et., n 1i1.1141 . 0111. XI realm , . it'll%
Dr. It. ‘ridene lodine IVelee Itafor male ! , t .1. I'.
PI I\MNI 111 , „ 3d Ile) street, New and or Oil
0..1.11,1407. dw
What Every One Want?
A pool. relittillentedleir that will he Ytn bend
wiles required, anti new Cr fails when vatted an.
Tits t Ir now to br obta illf i in It r. Tobias' Celebno
led Vend lan Liniment. Ninny thousands all It
the Wonder of lite Age, as It doex all that loyMp
resented and more. It cures Northd., Ilyttente.
ry, Calle, (Map, and Sett
olekne,,a as surely an It In used, and is is rfeefl3
Innocent to take Internally, even in double the
tplantit. 1111111 Pd In the dinselnim ; and an on ex
ternal remedy for Chronic' Rheuniatiain, ref.,
Brute., Ole Morro,wraps, Toolbar id., Headache,
wart' Throat, Sprains, linteet. Wings, Tanis in (Ito
Back, Chest, and I Amite, thousuutto have tootilled
to, and their certificates can be seen by any one
at ti t• Dctor's I spot, N) Courtlionitittrme, New
Yor . Hundreds of physicians Use it in their
prae cc. It has leen introduced elnce I.47;nint
Vrtslo Nebo now hail, It In their Mouses, sfy
would not bo without It even, it it wets
Sid per bottle. Every drop Is Mixed by N.
Tobias himself,and can be depended sit: Only NI
cents and $1 per bottle.. Hold by tlruggists. De
pot, Ni Courthuult at., New York.
Oct. 11, ltltfi, Im
A lienerial Xatasere
of the flirts of the heed, the whlokeri, the mote-
Wiles, or the marl, out he easily a.complimheil
by the application of the ReorZhing hair dyer., and
when even• hair In
the parties deceived by rims nostrums will re
(ret, too bite, that the) dill nut use The n °oder
thl tuni colic ly paintialetai preposition which,
produrea n black or brown 'which Is not Houma,
ed by nuture'r own hue Ito wine in time. lho
only ante nail Nutt article Is
Manufactured by .1. (11.114TA110110, a 9 Malden
Lane, New York. Sold by oil Druggllds, Applied
by all Hair Dreasera.
Oct. 11,
In sudden attacks of Cholera, Cholera Morin's,
Colic, Intluensw, laptltbrta, and Ithentruttlani,
either acute, chronic, or inflammatory use Rad.
WAN'S Brady Relief—the only one and safe reme
dy kuown to Medicine. tosal for both seam; nod
for children trunnion it Ile the Croup it Jo C 01.14-
ere(' excellent. it Is universally reroniniontled,
fur its good effects upon the system generally:
For Sprains, Mtnolins, Cute,- Bruises, Burns,
Cramps, Pules lu the thick, Side, Feet or
Weakness, Stilt as of Poisotioua 1,114.et1Y, Mosquito
Bites, Sr.,_ the Relief, v. hen applied over that
portion obit tell, will afford I ninteanite ease. To
be short, and to the point thonels no other retn
epy In tne world that wi ll stop pain so quick as
Midway's Ready Relief.
Price 1)0 eelllN per bottle.ld by Druggimx
00. 25, 1007. 2Ne
PILLS FOR FEMALES, Infallible In orreet
log Irregularities, Removing Obstruetions of tho
Monthly Turns, Mill AllitteVer Cause, and al
ways SUccenstu as it Preventive.
It Is now over thirty years sine., the tiboveeelo.
brate4 Pill. werehrst dlwovered by lir. LUPUS
CO, 01 Paris, during which time they have beets
extensively and successtully used in most oi the
public institutions, as well as In private practice,
at both hemispheres, with unparalleled succe.s,
In every case, and it Is only at the Urgent re
quest- of the thousands of ladles who tie, e used
them, that lie Is Induced to make the Pills publie
for the alley lethal of the se Mori Lg from any It ,
regalarilltll whatever, a. v. ell us to pre,, ut au lll
crease of famlb %here health will oat p, rhnu it,
Females peculiarly situated,or thoveminposing
themselves so. me cautioned against using theta,
rills while lu that condition lest [lnn “Invito
misearrlage,” after which admonition. the Pro
prietor assuines no responsibility, shin ugh, their
mildness will prevent uny Chief to health,
otherwise the Pills are recommended se a MOST
INVALUABLE REMEDY for all those afflicting
compls.fiats GO peCUitOr to theses . .
10,000 Boxes have boon sold within Two Years.
Ten Thouenwl 13oxes sent I.* MuU, both by my
self and Agents, to all parts of the world, to which
answ.sra have been returned, In which In les say,
nothing like the Nbo,l Pills have been known
since tits Selene.. of Medicine dawned upon the
world, In Removing Obstrualons nud Restoring
Nature to its Proper Chan nel, quieting the Ner., es
and bringing bark the "Itosy nolor on Health" to
the cheek of the most dell, ate.
Pelee ft per Box. Mix Bux 0 •1 •u.
Sold by JOHN S. FOHN EY, Went<
- - _
- -
Agent for Gettyabunr. Pa.
lry eendinll him ft through the PO.I. Oh
gee, esn ha, the Pills sent, (.11filletitlally.) by
Mall,to any pert of the eountry, of p o stage ' .•
Bold Mao by J. gpangler, elnunlaereburg; G. W.
Nefi; York; Coleinan & lON,. and Brown Broth
er., Wholesale Agent., Baltimore, and S. D.
Bowe, Proprietor, New York.
March 4,1867. ly
Th s mesc , chse. hlre tied tr, De. J H. 8.3`10‘ of Phf's
de'ph:s, It 'arm:led to dlesolve the hod sad make It Into
ehlute, the ant pe ear Of Meatlen. By e:eaueine tha
stomach with dtna.rit`e Mandrake PHU. the Teele loon
ratans the atmetite, and toed that could net be area hefimt
mini it will be eoeU/ &waded.
Ceasturtre:ea Mllls be owed try Sabena . * Ramonle
Smtp mime the Astor* and Urer I. swede bestthr sad the
appetite mere& hence the Nair sad rib ere restated to
.trw'r" e*r.r arse or ....Vila% A hag dazes Dolga; ce.
the 8 WEED TOVIC .ed three sr roar beer sif the
kti+'L'Alir. PILLS wUI cars set anew! °lee or dra
Dr. Vl:ord.: mike. 9earl:4l,lomM 'tattoos New York, Dap
ton, gill a: 'l4 yc ,e , pal 04Irk* to rbiladelp`rts evert week.
Bee plow. o , etch Meek or M. Oomph...too ...Omt
Clan 'or ho de " for visitatliko.
P cane Awes, Mauro porebswei, that Oki ewe likeveeeot
of the noclp.^. one who, lo the ast ram, o. Cm:ea./ID-AM
and the other s. he now It, le perste hen 04 &goo the Gar
viatelp. •
8 db Dru -4,1 Sad pcacrs,pr tio
Y , the ha d.w.t. AR Mora ,or W.,u .bw4 a.n
tees o Bonn *lre. P n Vt. 01114 Ha n Monk Mb
• .httn D. rsete, CI MI
T cam LW Ca ;Inv Abu.
FM wow ma I yr
is e,;
1 44
nola e .11
To Consumptives
The Her. EdsraM A. Wilson Will send (free of
charge) to all who detilre It the perscription a itli
the directions for making and - ening the simple
remedy by which he was cured era lung affec
tion and that dread disease Consumption. Ills
only object Is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes
every scanner will try this preacrtption, as It will
cost them nothing, and may prove a Ldtwsing.
Please address
No. IPA Routh Second Street,
Sept. 20, IBC. 8m Wllltamaboikti, New York
Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant
growth of hair upon a bald head or beard lem face,
alma recipe for the removal of Pimplen, Blotchon,
Eruptions,on the skin, leaving the name
wet, clear, and beautiful, eaz be obtained with
out charge by addreesing
TEM& P. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
122 Broadway, New York,
Sept. 20, 1807. am
A gentlemen who watered Dar years from Net ,
ruin Dehtlity, Premature Dowt ylll, and all the
eaboar et y outhhil ind acretlon,wtor the ma
at suffering humanity, rend tree to all whd bead
It, the recipe sad dlrectiorei for makroa the elm
ple Milady bi which he ewe eased. Sistibrere
wiahiug to profit by the adverthwes
cab QO 90 by widrellaing, In r perteet oini
B. 008 0 V77 °.
NOY wk. 17 42 Cedar a Now Yorz.