Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, November 01, 1867, Image 1
C•ll7llLia IS roman= SOSST ' , STOAT, BY R. J. ANL& Mil Tritaw—tiro DOLLalts per anima bi ado:race— Two Doiraits Ann Freer Mere II not paid In advents. NO eabaertpttea elbeaatteued, unless alba option of the publlsher, Wall all errearairta ere paid. ATVICRITS/01101111 tweeted at the mud rates.— Large rednetloa to those Who advertise by the year. Jon llsrirtgno, of every description—from the smallest label or cacti to the largest handbill or peoter—done with dispatch, ins workman like menner, and et the lowest living rates. ()erica on Baltimore street, a few doors above the Court-House, on t t i, opposite side, with "Gettysburg Compiler , oe" on the imilding. * Ananias, PlosiciaaB, &c. ZIIWARO A .15,7111CLER, A TTOWNEY AT LAW, Witt faithfully and p ly attend to all boslnesx entrnated to hlnt g re. appown~ka the phu•e, In Mouth 11:1 1 t i tniore ai e: t r U Ft e rtay': drua atom, and nearly opposite ba nner afore. jetty ahura, 'larch 20. =1 A TTORNEY AT LAW, ((Pike one door west of eh ees drug and book store, Charnhensburg tree.; ArIVILNEY AND NoLICITOK Mt PA AND } . E.NstoNs. Bounty Lund Warrants k-puy, scot ended And other claims tordnst the tuwurutnent ut Washington, D. C.; 01.0 Ailler• It and'lnltns In England. ' Land Warrants Ineated nod sold, or bought., and highrm prleeo riven. Agenrs engagete In lot-ntlng warrants ID lowA, and other western ?Rates. /(Apply to 1,1 to IN rrDnally or by lett,. t.etrystutut. Not. 21. 'Ti. W.V. A.. DUNCAN. r ( 1 - TottNET AT LAW, .: Will promptly attend to 6t 1,.....1 buelnesa entrusted "to him Including fit t.......riug of Petudon) . , Bounty, linen Puy, and all et ler elaline optima he United Ntates and State 1..% ernmente. . . 1 latee In Norlh•west comerot DLitt:loud, Getty*. hum, Penn's. April I", 114117. If ... . . /1 - '2O/. 4 TTOILIEY AT LAW. V Particular attention pant to rodent lon of Penitionn, Bounty, and intek-pay. ,ttloe In the H. Y. earner of the Diamond. ( t t yxbu rg, April 6, IPY6I. tf CEMMI= pltYlilelltS, /31110E0N AND ACUIVCIIIELM, Al% Mg permanently lorated in New Oxford, will pnu•[br his profession In nil lix botnehlia. His friends and an others desiring his proaaalorial neri, ore re/pleated to mil and consult him at I. er, ofl, , In linno‘il. iatrnet. .20,15. C. If « . Pr. D. B. PEPPER, 13110TTIITOWN, A DAldli COllllTZ t , tteeee the prw.t lee Of Ida proreaali>n In all its branches, and would te.pootfully invite all famann , antletnd Ullll any old standkut dhaavaa to Pall and on. moll Jilin. aq.:1,141, tf F fr AVING LOPATEI) PERMANENTLY AT IioNAUGIITOWN, ADAMS COUNTY, 11 111 nicend promptly to all proton/dons! calln, ,1.4, or night, °Mee of John bandheg, where he not alwxyx I* found, uulexx profenglonally en gaged \ nix. 6, DX ly Dr. Y. C. WOLF, t AVING LOCATED AT EA IT BERLIN, AA AM$ COUNTY, that be ntrict attention to hie profieutionel tlut ten he fluty merit u /there of the public pa, tnautge. pH! ISoe, tf Dr. COOK, 11 )NIEOPATITIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon awl Aceoucheur, Hating permanently havited in Hanover, Pa, reepeettolly ofTent lila professional services to the Spwlal attention given to dilemma of tlllUtl and 0111t1IVII. _ ar.vanzarr.n. l'rof. Ad. I.ljme, M. 11., Philadelphia, J. t'. Morgan, M. D. 0 m. H. %mu, M. D., Carlltde, Pa., HO, Edward Nterliemon, Gettysburg, Pa., 111SILli \\lnn, Est. Itev..l A. Doss, Hanover, Pa. de-Oftlee on the Moore, fine doom went of Car I 1.II• street, gerund door from Central Hotel. .I.prd 15, lten. ly Dr. I. Jr. C cr.vituriii FIGCE AND DWELLING A ire, doors from the N. I:. earner of Baltimore and Iflghetreeta-neez the Prenbeterlan Church, Gettysburg, April NC. J. LAWARNCR HILL, D ENTI I44 hie nMee one door west of the Lit t I wren rhumb in ehambereburerdmet, shd oppo re Dr. I. Jlorner'e office, where fhtwe whrhing to ho %Minty Dentid Operation performed are reencet- Inih Riot to lOW. Rlntllltater/1; Dru. liorner, Rev H. Rougher, D. D., Rev. Prof. Jacobs, D D. Nor. I. L. titres er. fiet'D shunt, April '53, RAILROAD HOUSE, X P....P. TON STATION, HANOVER, YORK COMNYY PA., n ' t ' l n ale e rt r l i u g s n get7d o s i t i tt i ti hepunle l ge ly n i e n r:l f teat rm he loot leaned the Hotel in Hanover, near the Depot, formerly kept icy Mr. Jeremiah Kohler, and will spare no effort to euriduct It In manner that give general satiathelion. Hix table will lime the best the markets can afford—his chant ber. are spaeloue and comfortable—and he hex laid In btr Ids bar a full stock of Choice wines and Ilaums. There Is stabling for horses attached to the Hotel. It will be his cOnstant endeavor td render the fullest satisfaction to his Vesta, ma king his house. rostra home to themas possible. me asks a share of the public patronage, deter- HI rt lie Is to deserve a large part of It. He- Heather the ftastroact house, near the Depot, nuuroaer, A. i. BAUGHEIL ut. 2,1,6 a tf STEVENS HOUSE, 21. 25 AND 27 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, Oppomite Howling Gre ,, n, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. IT'IIE STEVENs HOUSE is well and widely know n m the unveiling public, The location 1. especially suitable to merchants and bUsinem men; it is in close proximity to the burliness part of the city—la on the highway of Southern and Wiatern travel—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad end Stearolasii depots, THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal aceonmio dation for over :100 guests--It Is well furnished, and powalowii every modern Improvement for the eoinfort and entertainment of Its Inmates. The cooing are spacious and well ventilated—pro vided Mtn gun and water—the attendance is prompt and respect ful--and the table generoixo provided with every delicacy of the seaaon—at moderate rates. UEXL K. CHASE Olt CO., July 1, 1867. Om • EToPrictora GLOBE INN; YORK STREET, NEAR THE DIAMOND, =I TUE undersigned would moat respectfully in form hie numerous friends and the publlo fi e . ' i ' ie. r il Li a i n v. il th ir a c t lPrin h' n u tt ' Tt u llt l re i r d ttle"4 - iroTe g rit t ri! '; In York street. Gettysburg, and will spare no et eonduct it in abueg, manner that will not de tract from its former high reputation. His table ath liar the beat the market can affoni—hls r 9,1011110111 are spacious and comfortaple—and he ho Laid In for his bar a 11111 stock of wipe. and Miura There Is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by attentive ost lers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the fullest eatlefoelion to his guitehi, Making hie house it• near a home to them as possible. He a share of the public'. patronage, determin ed s. the t • deserve Large part of IL Remem ber, the "Glot*lnn" is in York street, but near the Diainoud, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 1884. t t KEYSTONE HOUSE, CH VNIBER.4I3URO BT., GETTICE4IIITRG, PA IVIL E. MYERS, PROPRIEMR. fIIHIS is a new House, fitted up In the most sp- J- proved style. Its location is pleasant, central mel convenient.* Every arrangement has been made for the accommodation and comfort of goews. The Table will always have unbent of the market, and the Bar the best of winesand Moon, -Them is commodious titabling attaehed, with all accommodating ostler always on hand. hi s Hotel is now open ibe the entertainment of the public, and a share of patronage is solicited. Noeffort will be spared to render satisfaction. Jan. lie l 1. ty D. L. J. GROVE'S UNIVERSAL Magnetic Salve and Plaster. This deservedly popular retnedy, having been greauy negwored. now offered to the citizens of Ad- ams eounty. ite many thousands who are dajl i kuMug it, testify to its triagical virtues In theme • stages of rantomption, Ctstahs, focal Rhennuttant, Jou, and TWA Ache, Weakness and Jests tAe Bark, Ride and Kdney* Cancer, eknieslo, Old Rorre, P:rysipeln.e. Fresh Wounde, Barns, Beaten, Starror Inilamed Breasts, /turned Toe AMU, (urea,Banton:, de. ete. Its mrsterious virtues, and the wonderful cares it has performed might be published; bat the discoverer is willing to rely on lie intrinsic mer its, In order to introduce it Win every family In the country. Prepared Only by the proprietor. 955 E. Lombard titre t, Baltimore, and sold by A. P.ISIU In it. HORNER. sod J. ROENEY, Gettysburg. and by the merchants of t e county. Reventuccis :—Henry 1p of P. Andrew Sehick, John Winebrenner, J. L. Schick. SS-Merchants can get,* supply railing et J. WINEBRENNER'S at Wholmale Prices. Aug. 5, Pert. 1Y ;300 131.SRELS ZOT lAN 1111S1601 WUEAT r'OR SALE.—A new ety; yields well; note to fall; ripens early; entirely tree tram tilth. Price, SS per n eL WM. WIMP. , Near Gettysburg', Pa. Aug' 12. 1897. tf BARK WANTED. 1 C O Rbscribe pay FIVE DOLLARS per D for MACK -OAR BARE, de/lammed at. his Tannery, In Otttysburg. /OMR RUPP. Tune 18, UM. TN my absenes, P6ere will aLaysbe • tboroash• 17 competent. Qpreator &arm at ths Ruda- Ear o•Deerf. sad /work of all kWh and under •/1 etroninstssess Mot give ostlatactica balbre li can Wars ger 10=111. aimmief. .:4.. GETTysBEIRG COMPILER. BY H. .T. STAHLE. GREAT REDIJCTION IN PRICES AF DRY GOODS, Qranerlos, Rard-ware, Gretwaftaire,&e. AT J. C. zorcic d BOB'S, NEW OXFORD, PA W E h boal e irr_ lunismiantlnCehiel cityy .he e 01 au, k .••••, • tabne in our tSne, nnstdr TEE LATE DEMME. Om stock nitata in part of CH EE' titll,ll, FREN co 0.1 CH 1301.'11GS, DeLattFREN M e*, Callcora,. Plakla, Bhmehed and Unbleached fdliallua; lame assortment of Balmoral fildrta; Hoop skirts, <1 love/I,A r. MEN'S WEAK, oopalatlnot In part of Broad and Beaver Cloths, Black and Fancy ram/dolma, *Meta, Plain and Fancy flannel*, Under-shirt& and Ontsrera Boam, SHOa4, HATS, and ( APS, Driving and fturkaldn A complete assortment of GROCEIES, at low ream ' HARD-WARE, such. as Tire_ Iron, Spring, Mssy, ~1311 mer and east Steel, Home Shoe Bar, ItocK Hammeredlls, ?Spikes, Shov els and Forke, boor Locks, Pad lAsclut, Latchea, Hinges and Screws, Paints Alls, Glass, Putty, &c. CHINA AND QUEENS-WARE, by the net. Thankful for past patronage, we hope to merit the name In the future. J. C. ZOUCK tik SON. New Oxford, April, IFOW. ly STILL AT WORK undmira s contln nes the CARRIAGE-MANY:NG . BUSMEN.% Ln lt.A. hra nrhea, at his okl etand, in EAST BID OLE STREET , GETTYSBURG. NEW WORK made to order, and BErAnulia dime promptly and atJoweat priest. FALLING AND BTANDING-TOP BUGGIES CWS , ITANTILY ON HAND. Two lint-rate SPRING WAGONS for male JACOB TROXM Dec. 7, PIM CARRIAGE - MAKING BUSINESS. MIRE undersigned have renamed the Carriage .g. making bushman, AT THEIR OLD WAND. Aof Middle fired, Gersburg, where they are prepared to at np work In the moat faxhfonable. substantial and aupertor man ner. A lot of new and second-hand c.titatAtm, suaorite, ac., ON RAND, • which they will disim•fie of at the lowest priers; and all orders will be wappiled tut promptly said wetinfactorily am partible. REPAIRING DONE WITH DEBI!ATCR. and at cheapest tate*. A large lot of new and old HARNIttla on band and for sale. Thankful for the tittersl patronage heretofore enjoyed by them, they oollelt and will endeavor to draerve V. large shore In the future. DANNER & ZIEGLEIt July 10, I$OlS. tt CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. TATS & CULT , ire now banding a variety of COACH WORK, of the latest and moat approved styles and constructed or the beat material, to which they - Invite the with Of buyers. Having our work with great care and of material *elected with special reference to beauty of atyle and durability, we can confidently recommusid the:work as unsurpassed by any, either in or out of the Odes. All we ask le an inspection of our work to con vince those in want of any kind of vehicle, that this is the place to buy them. •RIII"AIRING IN EVERY'BRANCII done at abort unties and on reasonable terms. Give no a call, at tiur Factory, near the corner of Waiihingtor, and: Chanitienstinog streets, Get tysburg. T. TA W E. C ES. March 19,18 li. it• LB:ijI . E j AT THE OLD STAND. [LIVTADLISTETgD IN 1817.] T HAVE associated with me, in business, my J. eon, John F. cCrmry, under the flrm and style of D. McCreary & Mon, and I desire to say to my old friends and the public generally that since the war, the IVllHnufaeture of Raddles, Harness, Collars, &c., has been revived at the old estab- Ifshed and well Known Mandan lialtimote street, one equire smith of the (burl House, Getty - 8- )mm, Pa. Having had an experience of 10yeang In this ea tabltehment, I feel ^soared, that, with renewed attention to huaineali, - we can still further merit and receive a fill share of public patronage, I). MetItLAILY. With increased facilities for conducting our bo atman, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything In our line. We especially all the attention of Pertness and others to the superior quality of our Plain or quilted Seat-flide Leathers Horn Saddles, , Haines , all kinds, with Plana or quilted Seat or without fastenings, no Horn, H Plain or Quilted Eleatlio0 0 t i lityars, (leather,) hide Saddles, " (ticking,) Plain or Fancy SaddleNo Seem Collars, Clotho, Sett Welt Harness Col- Wagon Saddles, lars, Riding Bridles, of all Patent Leather Collars Muds (air or black, stitched or unstltched; rounded or fiat, Seat Leather Wagon Martitunds ; Whips, 4, 4 and 5 lest Carriage Harness, all long, styles, silver or black Plaited Teptn mounted, Trotting Whine. Heavy Draught Harness, Ladles` Reding Twigs, Blind Bridles, 'Whip Lashes, Girths, Morse Blankets, - Cruppers , ac., &c., &c. In short, everything that pertains to a drat-class general horse-furnishing eetablishment eonstarit ly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very beat material, and by the most eXperlenced work men in the country, (two having worked in the establishment for the last thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Heavy Draught and Harness Collars for those who prefer our own to city made work. , Repairing of all kinds done at abort notice and on reasonable terms. . . . .. . . . All are cordially Invited to call and examine for themmelvm, as our wont cannot fall to MOM- Mend Wielf. D. McCREARY & HON. Feb. 5, 1866. it , RNMOVAL! THE GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. rPEE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing J„ to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that hellos removed from his old rooms on West Middle 'street, to Baltimore street, and nearly oppoeite the gore of Fahnestoek Brothers. The room he now, occupies has been recently fitted up expressly for his bushiest. The location m an admirable one, enabling him to take pie tures in all , shadesof weather, and witha correct ness unequalled war where elw, LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size and dOw. iption, executed in the finest style, Particu attention given to the CARTE DE VIsITE,_ and to copying ANIBRO TYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES of i eceased Mends. Also— THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, a new style of picture, which has become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty., but for cheapness and convenience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLDAR only. Also—THE PORCE LAIN PICTURE, which for their beauty and du rability are unsm pew, d, We are prepared to awry on the business In all its various branches, and having had considera ble experience we run no risk in GUARANTEEING PERFECT SATISFACTION Our facilities for a full dignity of oar skill are onegnalled by any other Gallery in the county, and we would therefore Invite every one to call at the . . NEW GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. tall and examine one Specimens and jodvfor yJan e ourselvee. LEVI MUMMA 95, 18011. • LIME AND COAL rillTN3 lb REM= have erected and addiUou- Ut al Lime OD the llaUrcad, and ere there fore better prepared than ever to sopplif THE MT OF LIME, In large or small goantittee. Farmers and others me hereafter look for a more prompt Ailing of their orders, and am invited to entered and con tinue their favors to a Arm which U making every effort to accommodate them in the beet manner pinethin They will Mao eenttnue to keep on hand Arc sale, • good supply at THE DIFFERENT BINDS OF COAL. which they wilt sell at small pendia, air-Cced and Lime delivered muristiere in Get tyebura. May 14, ls9e. U NOTICE MHZ saintribercba wr =6=l him Grist mid daw araAdili," Marsh waiiiiaw_ d 4:31BINCI sod II& 0 A ova Ile Shad notice. He willeita the at the WNW bottioad and will guarantse Vivo him a will 0111011 AL. tune • if GMT year PIIO2VGRAMIS at Great Canorago /Hilt ko.(10 BtIIIIXLB O ZHE AT WANTED, e rsignexl, havingjemtideled and impro, ed hI. MU* he New .aider, Adams county, (formerly called "Walnut Grove," but now "Great Conowago Is prepared to do all kinds of work In his line with unusual dispatch. Cy [/st un on hand, fondle or exchange, the very twat qualitlea of Super, Extra and F'arrilly FLOUR, also Nye, Corn and Buckwheat Flour, with every a ariety of Chop and otntl of wheat. Having a SAW MILL attached, he In prepared to saw all-itinds of lumber, at the eborteat notice. A Fanner In uenleo( lumber and flour, can put a log upon lils wagon, throw a few bisekkels of veheal en the top, have the wheat exciumged for flour and the log sawed, thus saa lug a double trip— and an Malaise of t he perfect machinery now em ployed In thane mille. Having the heat of workmen, he will be able to please everYbody. Thankful Mr peat favors, he hopes for or etaltintladlee of the some. IMME=IIIIIM Forwarding it Commission House. FLOUR AND FEED GRAIN AND OROCERIVi AAVINO putchiuied the extensive Warehottae, cam An., heretofore owned by Kimmel bed, we beg leave to inform the public that we are continuing . the baldness at the old ntood on the corner Of Vashington and Raitroal street., on a more extensive made than heretofore. We are pay,ing the highest market prices far FI,OUR, GRAIN AND ALL RINDS OF PRO DUCE. FLOM and FEED, SALT and all kinds of GROCERIOI, kept constant: hand and for sale, cheaper than they can be anywhere else. PLANTED, and all tins of FERTILIZE/P4, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. A RF.GFIAR TAINT: OF FIZEIGIZT CARS will leave our Warehouse every TrESDAY MORNING, and aceomnualatlon trains will he run as occasion May require- By this arranac meat we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore, All busbies% of t his kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attended to. Our cars run to the Warehouse of Stevenson it done, IBS North Howard street, Baltimore. Be ttis determined O'Day good prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite everyhody to give tot a call. UILP t EA.P.NeHAM . Aug 13, PM - • LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., WHOLESALE DEALER IN FANCY 0001*3 NOTION E 4, HOSIERY and No. NB West Baltimore Ferrel, Between Howard et Liberty !invent, May 7, leltln Baltimore, Md Oettyabarg Railroad, caIT.A.NUE OF CONNEMONS.—On and alter Monday, November 20th, ISM, Passenger Ina will leave and arrive at Oettyaburg, and "make connections, as follows: FIRRT TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 7.4.5 A, M. with ptuwengers for York, Harrisburg, Phila delphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, ar riving at Hanover Junction without change of ears, at 10.25 A. M. connecting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Central Railway, and ar riving at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connect ing with Mall Train from Baltimore north, arri ving in Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. Arriving at Get tyaburg 1.10 P. M., with passengers from Harris burg, York, Baltimore and Washington. SECOND THAR , : will lease Gettysburg at 1.20, P. M., arris lug at Hanover Junction at 9.15, and connecting with mall train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.3 U P. M. Arrive at Gettesbarg at 6.15 P. M., with passengers from Philadelphia, Harrisburg and the North and West, and alas) with passengers from Baltimore and Washington by the fast line north, a latch leas es Baltimore at 1210 noon. Passengers can leave Baltimore In the Mail .'rain at 9 A. of.,_apti arrive in Gettysburg at 1.10 "P., H. Or leave BlUtlmore In the fast lime at 12.10 noon, and arrive in Getty sburg at 6,1 e P. H. But one change of ears by the find train, either way, viz at Hanover Junction. The Islet line on the Northern Central will not stop at any local sta tions, except York, Hanover Junction and Park ton. Connections certain. = Nov:27, 1865 Hanover Branch Railroad, ONand atter MONDAY. May Mb. Dar, ger inaneßranch on the Remover Bnch natirond will leave es f011owr: - . FIRST TRAIN, (which makes connection with the trains on the Northern Central Railway at the Junction,) will leave Hanover at 9 o'clock A. M., for York Baltimore, Harrisburg, and inter mediate stations. This train arrives at the June tion at 9.55 A. M., connecting with the Fast Line Mouth, on the Northern Central Railway, which arrives st Baltimore at 12.30 P. M., and also with the nail Train North, which arrives at Harris burg at 12.65 P. N. la-This train returns to 'Hanover at 12 1.1. and arrives at Gettysburg at 1 P. 31. SECOIiD TRAIN leaves lianover at 2.3 T P. M., and arrives at the Junction at 3.10 P. M., minnect lag with the Mall Train South, which arrives at Baltimore at Ii P. M. Passengers by tills train for York lay of er at the Junction until 6.12 P. M. . Is Train return,. to Hanover at 4 P. 3f., with passengers for Hanover, tiettiaburg and Lit tlestown. Passengers leaving Baltimore for Hanover, Get tysburg and Little,rtmen, still take either the Mall Train at 8-10 A. )L, or the Feet Line at 12.10 JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. Mai 13, IRV. If NOAH WALKER & CO., CLOTIIIEM, WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 AND 167 BALTIMOND STRYET, , DALTI.YORZ, YD., TTEEP constantly on hand a large and well sa l" sorted stock of all kinds of geode at moderate prices. They supply orders for the nneet to the lowest priced article., eltbet ready made or made to metusure, to any part of the country. They keep Also an extensive Mock of FTR, NISUING GOODH, embracing every article of Gentlemen's Under-wear, Alen, MILITARY CLOTHS' and every ariety of Military Trim mings, co well as an assorted Kock of READY MADE MILITARY ISIOODS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, Is6L CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, On Baltimore Street, opposite the Coart-Horse, -- OETTYRB UR 0, PE.YA" A Eveo denetiptlo, of work executed In the FINEST STYLE OF TEE ART Itcsie 4, 1/10. U Secure a Large Wheat Crop N AT Failed BAUGH'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE. W H d PiggottlCH corktalmi by analysis Of Prof. &Snow en g. 76 per cent. of Ammonia and 62.67 ". Bone Phosphate of Lime, besides over liper cent. of Soluble Salts. This article 'Lando prominent on the list of valuable Fertilisers, years of trial having gained for It an enviable reputation. Being made from Raw Bones, which contain all their original organic matter, It retain. the Durable.Propernee of Bone, and while a producer large crow, II re wrote+ curd persnaneally empeorer the rod. A raliti. or IT IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED IO con vince any one Of its great merits. The public are cautioned against several spu rious Imitations of thisarticlecalled "Raw Boue," "Raw Bone Phosphate," &c. Many Farmers have been greatly deceived by purchasing them. Be mute to apecify "BAUGH'S, • It is packed In Bags and Barrels., sod Is pre pared In a line powder suitable for drilling. Send far a Circular E to mORGor e DIN/PAL nry 'genusE, , • GE Manufacturers'4.lVn .t t, Nos. ST & 106 Smith's Wharf A Baltimore 11{d. fa-For sale by GULP EARS:SHAW, Uettys burg, Pa. ug..T4, Sin EVERHART'S LINHOUSE,FRA MNlti or HOWARD a TRANZLDR WIRECTS, BALTIMORE, MD. Thin Home is On a direct tine between the Northern Central and Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Denote. It has been refitted and comfortably ar ranged for the convenience and tbe entertain ment of guest++. Nev. 2d MY, tf Sale Crying. A W. (LEMMING continues the Madness of 11... KALE CRYING, and solicits the continued of the public. It le his constant en- Se=ro give matimfactlen. Quirwre moderate. Besidenre In 'Nerd Middle street, Ciettypbari, P. B.—He is a licensed AUctlODeer, under the Tax Law of the United States. NcIV. IM2. HOUSE PAINTING. GEORGE 4. WARNER ROM P A INTZR, South Washington at, Gettysburg. Pa. GOOD WORK AND MODERATE' PRICES. Jai/ a. _ _ A YARN WANTS]) ANjur"ll." a good FARM tar 'ale, and nit to take to Part Fannon one ermine tracts of cbolee Vattern Land, Toasted fu well settled netglabortiooda r now County Towns, Ran Roads, am, wIII And a punt:Maw by es 6, tt parto. st onina. Rept. GETTTODEG, PA., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOV. 1, 1887. Ploto lUndy, . . , Flow"' Uo., , ?mita, I Nuts, g , Syrupe, ...r . ' I Fpr..un CrackPre, ~... Wine Blacutts, ' to s ' Mush:m:4,lm. it •:, 0 ''Fancy Onkon, ei. , Picking, ~ I w . i , +Winn tt,x, i , I.whetA•re, .: e 2 ,, ~„...„ 'Fire Work,: ..' • 'Ce e ' ' i „ ll'oeket Hooka, ~. i et ~, I! satch..lli, - ~ 0 . Portfolltat ;, m .1, f ' Wor ri ll n lloc= l : ' ' ), ,t r . c", 1 4 : 'Clann Tnya, -, 8 . : 1 I I Perfurmen !Itaospx,G ; , . (gI ry,{ , 1 t. , I; ir ty 73 ! Pena dt 7 i.encils, :' -c W ~ Pocket Cutlery, ' t s , - w ,letrOry, - 0 (0 Writing Poptim, =I Onvelopex,r i , Tolatmott Sewn; i l l 'k R. HORNER. DPXOS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. I ~, ILIN own preparation.; are MI guaranteed to annwer the pampa.*nt iendect. . R. Horner.. ANTI-4 111 k Mt- RfEA M I XV111.% riq 14111.11116...,, tit Mr sWttum.ll and bnwelm, of.IEN for Chapped Hands. FRA(;IIANT :11YR li 11, for Inot 11wnn tlfvinggen Homes and Pottle, are potrberlor to toy • the market. PURR 1.1QV1111.4 for medirot tow. }'r p• trivr. earetall Otedleal al. let• x it hoot charge. • J one la, tf TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY I= WHO IV LS'H TO IMPIe 0 VE. 'PM I".` t r , Zr o es . r i z u tZ t l; , : e ln forms the peb- CARPENTERINQ at his old wand. on West str4t, fiettriburg, and le ready at all times teriteromnimiate those want ing anything done in ltls line. lie in prepared to furnish all kinds of work for building purpetkes, of the beat material, and a, neatly and cheaply as it ran be done at any other eigabllnlimetit in the county. kisperleneed handsalwaya In readi ness and work executed with promptness and for past favors, be hopes, by at tention to businewil, to receive a liberal share o public patronage. WM. CH RITZMAN. j g ne, . I'AR/F,TIFY3, CALL AT THE NEW STORE, Opposite the (burt House, GETrYSBIAIG, PENN'A. ZVLW GOODS AND LOW PRIDES? 'nu: undersigned have opened a new thy goods Store, In Kendiehart's builditag direct ly opposite the Court Howie, lialtlinore street, Ciettysburg, 1.1,111 i start with a splendid atock, em bracing everything to be found In a firat-clato , es tablishment, bought for yeah, and ut the latest decline, we can offer bargains that mutt astonish every one. Conte and see fur yourselves and you will • find what e e here ',ay verified. With good Goods, small profile, and fair and square dealtng, We shall kndeal or to de,erce. a bat we most respectfully ask, a liberal share at public patron age. We Mit r a fine lu , ortment of CIATHS, CASSIMERES, JEANS, Comm.lex, Ve.thurg, Gloves, Snxpenderr, Sort ties, and everything eine In the tientlemen a line For the Lndl, we !me SILKS, ALPACAS, POPLINS Hereirem, Lawns, Ileloinem, Ginahatna, CaliClWl.l, (Hosea, [Arnow's, Hoop Skirts, Comets, Hosiery, White Goods, ith whatever elae may be ailed for, Also, a large stock of MI - SLING, "MEETINGS, TICKINGS, Carpeting, "Quer ns.ware, 17m1,rellos, Window Sbaden, ite., &e. a:ttll7. stSre, opposite the Courthouse, and examine the stork, !wince Parrittuting else where. REEERT & ELLIOTT. April 15, 111er. NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING AT lIRINKERROPFS, STACKS OF THEM! JBRINKEItHOFF, corner of the Diamond and . York street, risslast returned wont the city with an unimailly attractive assortment or CLOTHING FOR SPRING 6: HUMMER WEAR. which he wilt sell at mneh nitres as cannot fall to take them off very rapidly. Cult and judge for yourselves. To look tit the excellent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then to get his low prk eallerS eamiof help hut buy, when they see it so much to their inter est to do so. }6ta, Sneda and Shoes Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Moves, ll:maker chiefs, Neek-ties, Cravats, Linen and•paper Col lars, Suspenders, Brushes, combs; Trunks, Valises, I'm bodies. Pocket Krilives,ee gam Smoking and Chewing Taborets, Pipea,Sta tionery, he Clocks, NS etches, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other Articles, entirely too numerous to de tail lna newspaper advertisement. He asks the attention of the miblic to his new stock, confident that It will please—end no one cart or will sell cheaper. Don't iornet the place— corner of York Street and the Diamond, Get tysburg. JACOB BRINKERIIOFF. April 5, INT. tf For Sale Cheat, A FIJLIT-RATE SHINGLE MILL and SAW .tt h N u T t :p u :Ll t t a b ti r . le c t i lt n 3 n . l , s f , w i fzk three mllen from Cas • A. M. Aug. 12, IfM. tf For Sale.—A Valuable Merchant Mill, IARK MILL and PAW with 40 ACRES OP LAND, known as 'Sandoe's Mill, - on crab Creek, In Adams county, Pa., 4 miles northwest from Etornlttsbarg, and 6 miles sonth went from Gettysburg, all In good order, water power heavy', and In a good grain tmu n try. One other MILL, known as "Hollinger's :NMI," with 410 ACIIO4 OF LAND, one mlle from Ab.. bottstown, on thee Hanover turnpike. AMA good order. 6/.0. ARNOLD. Aug. 12,1447. If John W. Tipton. FASHICYNABLE BARBER, Northerct caner oflbe Diamond, (next door to McClellan's Ho- Gettysburg, Pa., e here he moat all times be found ready to attend' to all beldame in 1141 line. He bee alec excellent amlatance and will encore sal infection. Give him a call. Dee. 3,1880. Cemetery Removals. BEING the Keeper, the undersigned is author ised to Make removals into Ever Green Cem etery, and hopes that such as contemplate the re moval of the remains of demised relative* or friends will avail themselves of thls lesson of the year to have it done. Removals made with promptness—terms low, and no Wort spared to please. PETER THORN. March 12, GM. Keeper of the Cemetery. WESTEEN LANDS T HAVE some valuable WESTERN LANDS which I will trnde for one or more FARMS in tide county. The lands are well located, and very desirable for farrulng. Early RRINK.E application desired .1. RHOFF. Gettysburg, opril S, 1865. tf TN order to prove the asaertione made in favor of procuring EnOTOGRAPHS at the Excelsior Chtllery, call and alt for your PICTURE. No charge will be made utiles' you are pleased With the malt and ebonite to leave your order. TWItsONS wish:us PHOTOGRAPIis 61 their L children will find It to thetractrantoge Coco!' at the Excelsior. • C. J. TYSON, Gettysburg, Pn. ptE are always glad to see our Ma on at the- Excelsior. It still stands In the same old , on York street opposite the Bank Gettys burg. Pa. C. J. TYKOIS, ARGE VIEWN of the Battle Field, 'Singly, or In nett, very low, Alen. STERE(X4CQPIC 'FMB of the Battle Field at the E%crehttnr Gal lery. Don't fall to nee them. C. S. TYSON. rtlools for the eves, to call and loottthroilgh the tji Extensive stock of ald kinds ot Costs, a %art ery of Pants and neat styleS of Vests at YIGKING'S. Cfo to DITPHORN g HOFFMAN'S, to boy Uf your Dry Mom's, Notions, queensware, on the northwest Corner of the Illatnond, Get tysburg, Pa. THE smith is for the P.goelsior Gallery. All are waited on In rotation and with dispatch. C. S. TYtiON. 40118 bat drat-rate PICTURES are allowed to be taken from the Excelsior Gallery. Sam- Own barite the order Is Wed. C. J. TYSON. Grilisbniv, Dr, Soon BILLINos correctly remarks:— "Success in life tz very apt tew make us forget the time when we wasn't very much. it is just so with the frog on the jump;, he eln , t, remember when ho was tadpole—but other folks can." BEEMSI ~., I , A FTER k (ter the ahower, the tranquil trot; Atter the snow, the emerald leave*: MIN et stars when the day Is done; After the harvest, golden sheaves. Atter the cloud., the violet eke; .titer the tempeet, the lull of wavett t W(111(1., when the winds to by; Atter tile battle, peaccfrtl grayer, Afl, the knell, the ivalding .111er the Inkt, the radiant rose: J. Tllll grttet hurls from,(torl 111 t r anti. werrying., 'tweet relent, 1 her the Lm den, the hi lastnl ,nod Alter the flight, the downy neat ; ..\fter the furrow, the waking Teed ; titer the duntow) river—rest.- ANECDOTIC A!' sTLPIt An anecdote is told of Velimo, the em 'Pent French surgeon,. who died a few years ago. He had successfully perform ed, on a little child five years old, is per ilous operation. The mother came to him and said : "Monsieur, my son is saved and I real ly know not how to express my grati tude ; allow me, however, to pr'sent you with this pocket book, embroidered with my own hands." "Oh ! madame," replied Velpau, sharp ly, "my art is not merely a question of feeling. My life has its requirements hke yours Dress, even, which is a lux ury for you, is necessary for me. Allow me, therefore, to refuse your charming little present, in exchange for a more substantial remuneration." "But, monsieur, what remuneration do you desire? Fix the rep yourself." "Five thousand francs, madame." The lady very quietly opened the ?ink et-book, which contained ten thousand franc notes, counted out five, and polite ly luMdlng them over to Velpau, retired. A NE(lftp named Eph6, who Was a regu lar attendant at church, wasproud of his Bible learning. Re was sawing wood one day, while his master's sou, a lad Of about tweive‘years, was looking on, and now and then asking questions. "Which of the apostles do you like best?" asked Ephs. "Well, I don't know," drawled the boy. "I likes Samson," said Zphs; "he WAR so strong, and piled up dem"wieked folks so. " • "Why, Ephe," replied the bdy, "Sam son wasn't one of the apostles." Ephe put down his saw, and fool* at the youngster a moment in amazement, and then asked him with an air of thi-. umph : "Look here, while boy, how old am you?" "Twelve," replied the boy. - "Well, I'se forty; now, who ought to know best, I as you dat?" VERY Dire Jogr..—ln Easton, Pa., the other evening, just as a performance in the public hall was about to end, two wags put.themselves in front of the door way with an umbrella and waited for the outcoming, crowd. It was not rain ing at all, but when the first persons of the audiencelad reached the door and seen the warning umbrell a, , scores a hands were thrust out, coats were but toned closely, and dresses taken up, while quite a number remained in the hall s refusing to come out on accdunt of the rain. The "sell" was complete. K /NG AND EXPENDING MOSEY.— "Well Jim, how did you make it down South ?" "First-rate. Made Plenty of money." "What did you do with it ?" 'Laid it out in houses and lots." "Wliere?" "Every place I have been where there were any." "What kind of houses and lots?"' "Cotree-houses, and tots of whiskey." Waans went to the depot of one of our railways the other eveniffg, and finding the best ear full, said in a loud tone: "This car isn't going !" Of course these words cau&ed a general stampede, and Waggs took the best seat. The cars soon moved ufr. In 'the midst of the indignation, Waggs was question ed: '•You said this ear wasn't gr‘lug?" "Well, it wasn't then ; it is now !" The "mild" laughed a little, but Waggs came near getting a good thrash ing. . TITE quality of California wheat is unequalled. During the growth of the kernel, no rain, not even a dew, mois tens it. It cau be transported around the globe without injury. In England its use is fast becoming a necessity. Mixed, half and half, with the damp, turgid wheat of the British Isles, it fur nishes a bread greatly ,superior to the heavy, unpalatable loaves made of pure ly_ Eugllati grain. A rikzarLyatEN once asked a little girl, an only child, bow many sisters she had, and was told "three or four." /ler Mother asked Mary, when they were alone, what had induced her to tell such an untruth. "Why, mamma," cried Mary, "I didn't want him to think you were ao poor that you hadn't but one child." A CRAP in Piqua, Ohio, was married last week, his father giving invitations to a large company to attend the bridal feast. They had a scant allowance of beer and cheap cake, and the old gentle man charged his guests fifty ruts each for the "supper." THE Register gives 'publicity to the tollo*ing sensational item: A young man by the time of Johnson has been arrested in Pittsburg for perpetrating a hew "dodge. , Re fastened bristles on the tail of a rat and then sold him for a Kir rel. A COUNTRYMAN going to market with a load of pork was met by a young girl, who very genteelly made him a low cour tesy, when he exclaimed: "What! do you make a courtesy to dead hogs?"— "No sir," answered the girl, "to live ones!" TUE water of a lake about sixty miles from Houston, Texas, is so sour that It cannot be trunk. Analysis shims that it contains iron, alum, magnesia and sul phuric, acid. A WEATEnn Than Bays he always re specti old age except a hen some one sticks him With epairoftoaghchlatem, ILEXAIRKAULE StIPERWITICION. - - The Monongahela Republican has the following: Not long ago the young and beautiful wife of one of our citizens was called to her final account, leaving her husband disconso.ate, sad, bereft. She war buried in the adjacenteemetery, and the husband returned to his desolate home—but not to forget the loved one. She was present with him by day in spir it and in his dreams at night. One pe culiarity of his dreams, and one that haunted him, being repeated bight after night, was this, that the ephit, of his Wife came to his bedside and told hint that tore undertaker had not removed from her ewe the square pierce of muslin or napkin which had been used to cover her face after death, but had screwed down her coffin lid with it upon her ; that she could not breath in her grave, but wait unrest on account of the napkin. He tried to drive tile dream away, but it bided with him by night and troubled him by day. He sought the consola tions of religion his pastor prayed with and assured hint that it was wicked to in dulge such morbid fancy. It was the subject of his petition before the Throne of Grace, but stilt the spirit came and told anew the story of her suttbention. In despair besought the undertaker, Mr. Dickey, who told him that the napkin bud not been removed, hut urged him to forget the eireumstanee as it could not be any possible annoyance to 'inan imate clay. While the gentlemen ac knowledged this, he could not avoid the apparition, and the contihual stress upon his mind began to tell upon his health. At length he determined to have the body disinterred, and visited the under taker for the purpose, Here he was met with the same advice and persuasion, and convinced gnce more of his the haunted man returned to his homk. That night, more vivid than ever, more terribly real than before, she came to his bedside, and upbraided hint for his want of affection, and would not leave him un til be had proinised to remove the cause of all her, suffering. The next night, with a friend, he repaired to the sexton, who was prevailed upon to accompany them, and there, by the light of the cold, round moon, the body was lifted from Its narrow bed, the coffin lid unscrewed, and the napkin removed from the face of the corpse. That night site came to hie bed side once more, hut for the last time. Thenking him for his kindness, she pressed her cold lips to his cheek, and came again no more. Header, this is a true story; can you explain the myste 'ries of dreams': PARANITEN ON CANABIEN Parasites are among the most deadly enemiekof canary birds, goldfinches and other hoUsehold pets. Many people have observed a bird in a state of excitement and anxiety plucking at himself contin ually, his feathers standing all wrong. In vain is his food changed, and in vain is another saucer of clean water always kept in his cage, and all that kindness can suggest for the little prisoner done, but still all is of no use,; he is no better, because the cause of his wretchedness has not been found nut, Lf the owner of a pet in such difficulties will take down the cage and look up to the \roof, there will most likely be seen a midge of stuff looking as much like red rust as any thing, and thence comes the cause ofthe poor bird's uneasiness. The. red rust consists of myriads of parasites infesting the bird, and for which water is no rem edy. By procuring a lighted candle. anti holding it under every particle of the top of the rage till all chance of anything being left alive is gone, the remedy is complete. The pet will soon brighten up again after his "housewarming," and will, in his cheerful and delightful way, thank his master or mistress for this im portant assistance. VIP MrsUrrroi•s.—Josh Billings thus expresses himself on the musqultoes: We are told there want anything made InNain ; this Is sometimes so, but I have thought the time spent In trianufakturing musketoze more than wasted, if muske ,toze don't. How they were put together berer could tell ; and there is one com mercial peculiarity about the musketeer trade—the supply always exceeds the demand, and yet the production is not diminished. I kan't understand this, nohow. They ate born ofVoor but In dustrious parents, and ate brought up with great care under the auspices of some of our best families. They have also consummate courage. I have known a single musketeer to fite 'a man and his wife all nits long and draw the first blood. It is very easy to kill musketoze when you can. But, in striking them, you are very apt to hit the exact place where- they recently was. They are cheerfulllttle rascabi, singing as they toil. No'r many years since, in West Ply mouth, H., it was the custom for the schoolmaster to "board round" among the families of his pupils, to save ex pense. Sometimes of course the days didn't come out quite even—there would be eight and a half days at one house and nine at another. One man who was no torious for his meanness, just before the schoolmaster began his dinner, said to him: "Mr. ---," said he, "I suppose, by rights, that your time is up just about hilt way through this dinner. That's as near as I kin make it, and I've calcula ted pretty close. But I didn't wish to be small about it, and you kin eat Just about as much as you would do for ordi nary 1" A tronsz-DEALER in Canada recently purchased a horse at Niagara for $l7O. At the Rochester Fair the same horse was sold for $l,lOO. A few days after this event, the animal trotted in 2.37, and was again sold, the sum paid for him be ing $2,300. This was a 'rapid increase in value, and it Is an Improvement upon the old rule, "quick sales and small prof its"—the sales being rapid, but the prof its large. A. •SHR£WD villain in Nashua, on Thursday, walked deliberately up to a store window and broke in a pane of French glees, and when asked to pay for it, as deliberately drew out a $101) bill, which the storekeeper took, giving him $7O in change. The bill proved to be a counterfeit. IN NO DANOEB. —"Sally," said a fel low to a girl who had red hair, "keep away from me, or you'Ll cet me on fire." "No danger of that," replied the girl, "you are too green to burn:" AD3IIRAL Farragut saw in Sweden an entire battery of breech-loading cannon of wrought iron, taken out of a, vessel sunk during the seventeenth century.. 50TH YEAR. 5. THE COST Or RADICALISM The following etiggc.tive complltation of figure% La taken from Hunt's Met , chant's Jlapizine—u Manikin.' authority: OV F:ILN M ENT EX I'F.NI4IN. $0.14.,A5) f,21.17 1,41 ,•141 9.46,735,iX17 27.0 1 ,014 . out 14,712.111; 1.,4 0 0,741 2 , 1,649,701. 43,:t24, I ki Cor Yorelan gem tee lwelhineous. Ulterior Depart !bent War ileprtrUaet‘t . Navy Depart ineut • /1„h01.,473 9:PG,11/43.1:16 These gores show an increase of 1z,142,- 849,723—near1y a nine-ialil Increase of expenses over latia, the last year of Dem ocratic administration& Thu remarks that the stun for 1866 is exelo sive of the extra expenditures Caused by the tsar ; that Is, they 'are simply the or military expenses. From this the people may judge of the economy of the Radi cal party, and behold what negro "re construction" is costing theft. RADICAL ••RECOMITRUCTION The. Narathirla Delbomey....licht matt. ..ltetoußtratelear into rtarbarbona. From tables Of registration, eorreettd up to Sept. 24th, it appears that there are 1,148,442 voters registered In the ten Southern "States, of whom 630,491 are whites and 817,051 are negroes. The fol lowing are the majorities: " . 11 oito. N(ltr 4- ` 4 . . A 1 , 11,uhl , . . . 15,:il I C•l x eorghi , 7,, i,X4I . I ,nl.l l ticu* .. ~4 .. ~.. ... .. 314142 M1.51w..11.1 , 117,445 'Sort h ('n1,11.1111 ~ 't.ARS ....... South Curol i MI Tex. Virginia. EC. Ito MAJORITY, fri,511,0! Add to the above 30,000 for Tennessee; any the total negro til,ujority reaches 917,• 560! Is this whet STEPHEN A. I)OUGL Ab meant when he said: "I hold that this Government was made on the white basis, by white men, for the benefit of white men rind their posterity forever, and should be administered by white men, and none others. .1 do not lker that the Almighty made the negro capable of self government." Is this what Lizirouv meant when he mid: I trill say that I am not, nor (owl hare tiro', in furor of making voters or furor( of nemeA, Or qualifying than to hottt of• fire : nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to Mix, theit (hoe is (.1 physieol difference between the white and hlock — rewes, which Ito heir, Mn'tell! fnrhid two morns tiring together on ti ems of 'medal and potitithi equality." =COMM The Altoona correspondent of the Cambria Freeman furnishes that paper with the dillowidg Incident of the work ings of the law passed by altjust Legis lature permitting "American citicens of African descent" to occupy any railroad car or sent they please. Persons who may have occasion to travel by rail should make a note of it : "A somewhat exciting incident occur red here one day last week, on Vie mail train which arrives at 7.30 t'. t. This train, as you are aware, stop, here 'twen ty mina te4 for supper, and one of the gentlemeC who alighted from the CHIP for the purpose of dining, at the. tame stated, returned to find Ins Beat occupied by a portly "American of African 'scent."The white gentleman very po litely Informed his colored brother that be would oblige him by vacating his seat, but the "culled gemtnan" replied that he couldn't see it In that light, and peremptorialy refused to get up. The white gent finding that moral malodor' was of no Use, concluded to try *hat vir tue there was In knock-down argument, but had scarcely given the negro a taste of his pugilistic powers before he was ar rested and taken to the lock-ttp, where 'lie was forced to spend the latianee of the night. 1 would remark here, for the information of all interested, that no one, not even the conductor, has a right to dibtate to a negro where he shall it in tile cars provided he has,pnid Ilie fare. He has the lawful right to . go 1.140 any ear or any` , cat he pleaAp, ad ran even force littumeU into the sATing much of a white, man, as is said to have been done ow this very road not long since. He is literally and practically freer thau any white man that travels. A Radical Legislature has passed, and a weak and imbecile Governor has approved, a spe cial act whereby a negro Is not onirmade the equal (so far as th(riaw Is coneerued) of the white man, but Infinitely his so periorin privileges." s• CARRYING OCT lits PRIVIPLES.—A long haired Radical from Silver Spring, Lancaster county, giving the name of 8. C. Williams, was before 'the mityr yes terday afternoon, for attempting to take improper liberties with a negro woinan who keeps an underground restaurii4 near the depot. He stated that he had served four years in the army, was a Radical in politics, and "not ashamed of his principles." It was very evident from the etatement of the complainant, that Williams felt no delicacy in -practi cing the ;'principles" he professed, but in overstepping the bounds ofinopriety, and carrying his "social equality" ideas too far, he came to grief; for the ebony colored iamsel indignantly resented his insulting proposal, and had him arrested. Being short of "stamps," and anxious to reach home, the mayor reprimanded the fellow very severely for his conduct, and dischargoii hint on payment of costs.— Ilarrisburp Patriot d: Union. TILE colored Radicals in Louisiana, it seems, In many cases, declined to go to the peals anti vote, because they were not to get pay. They understood when registering their names, that they were to have land or something else given them, but on ascertaining that such was not the fact, they treated the election with the utmost indifference. They thought that which the "elective fran chise" promised them, was something to eat and many took baskets with them to get it in when they had voted, and many refused to vote until they had it in their baskets safe and sure. These are the Radical sovereigns! A ST. Louis beggar NY ho goes about on clutches, is discovered to own property in New York worth $65,000. When him labor of soliciting alma from the public for_the day is over, he repairs to a very com.ortable tenement, were be Jives in spacious apartments, and indulges- in tine wines and other luxuries. \ THE Huntingdon Monitor says that Hon. Bane! Calvin, of Hollidaysburg, declared in a speech delivered at a Radi cal meeting in that place, previous Who election, that "when the war was over and he looked.baek and saw the dangers we had escaped, the very hairs on hie head ifoori on end," This, too, in face of the fact that the old dunce Ivor a frig, and has not had a natural hair on his hend for kn years. A GENTLEMAN In Freeport, ill., left his watch at the jeweler's to be repaired, when a' live bedbug was discovered In the works, which had caused the MO? , Pa6e, A rittmari AsALTn! risme ninnwits Governor Orr, of South Carolina, has addressed a very sensible letter to Presi dent Johnson, praying that the order of Gen. Canby, permitting only registered voters to serve on juries, may be revoked. In speaking of the effect, of this ortiery h o says : To show the ruinous results that will follow from this order, if It is allowed to be executed, I beg leave to calbyour at tention to the matter of registration In this State. There are white majorklee in but ends districts. In two districts the numbers are about equal. in each of the remain ing twenty-three districts of the Stat 4.-- there being altogether tblrty:one—the registration shows a colored majoritO. In Charleston the colored majority .11( 1,812, the registered whites being 3,46, anti the blacks 5,098. Of the whites 118 Were unahle4o sign their names; of the colored, 2,886. In Churkeston aled lumbia a larger MA rubet of the latter class of persons can read ainPwrite than in any other portion of the State, a very =eh larger number, because they have had facilities before awl* since einamapation of 014011;1;1g some education not enjoyed by their chas in all the rural regime of 6( 1 State, to which 1 shalt advert Mari) particularly hereafter. In organizing a Jury in Charleston, therefore, assuming that all have paid their, loxes, this proportion would gibe nearly eight colored to four whites, and five of those pig It would not tie able tosign their names. In Beaufort, ()corps town, Colietown, Berkeley, and oiler distriets, the showing Is even slime. Partial returns from Beaufort inditate that there are 2,450 colored, and but idx ty.five white voters registered. This prdpandon would furnish Mamie white nuln to every fourth Jury. Of the colored voters registered In the runtiAllatricts estimate that not more than tine percent. of the whole number are able to mud and white, and very many of them have not intelligence enough to count one hun dred. In (korgetown district there urn 418 whims and 3,413 colortaloßttera realm tered. One white HUM might perediame be drawn upon each Jury, and In all Probability not one othe remaining eleven colored men would be able to read and *rile. To sum up, there will be in twenty three districts of this State a majority of colored Juror. Tor the trial of all clasiea of cases, civil-Anti criminal, and only five per cent, of their number will be able to read or write. Does any country which has el? tablished the right of trial by jury, fail, by its leginiaticm, to wean , 11 proper degree of intealgenee (mons the jurors', HS 111 Mil MI=IZEI!! THE Cleveland iferald; in an article - upon the - recent election In Ohio, ue counts for the defeat of the negro-suf frage amendment as follows: There was a very heavy vote polled alma the amendment by young men— particularly such as •were casting their first vote—out of sheer prejudice against the negro; au_ unreasoning impulse, that partook more of the element of mere pride of opinion and ambition ht he thought independent In political eon timent than of any settled conviction of duty. Personally these voters cared but little about the matter, and did not care to use any argument, save that - they "multi not go the nigger." It-Is-true' that the young men lo alt parts of the Union are opposed to negro suffrage and negro equality, but the Herald is mistaken in supposing that this course is not dictated by a "settled conviction of duty." The young men are just starting on the race of life, and they do not wish to be crowded and Pe.. tied by' the negro. Their fathers were not, and they do not intend that the rule shall be altered. White mechanies are apposed to working side by side with ne greet, In the workshops, and clerka_pre fen white comrades in the counting room.- White lawyers are not in favor of Week men being admitted to the bar, and white doctors would rather hold consultations with one of their own race titan be compiled to consort with a ne gro. These are views and reasons which, induce young men to act with the Dem ocratic party...hi opposition to the negro policy of the 'Radical party. Further than this, the young white men of the North do not Intend that negroes shall be forced into ears with their mothers, Wives or sisters,. nor into schools with their children. Young men also hay"), deep interest in the intelligence of the, jury -box, and when the Radleal party , proclaim their intention of. placing ne grecs upon the 'jury, it is no wonder that they arc apposed by that class who arc at the head of all business enterpri ses. Young men do care about the "dialler of negro suffrage." That was proven in Ohio and in title State, and they have acted and will act with the Democartic party on this issue.—Agc. tt;IrINATOR Wang, of Ohio, and Thad• deus Stevens, of this State, can justly lay claim to the gut of prophecy: They both proved true prophets with reference to home results. Stevens said his party would lose Pennsylvania on account of their notorious corruption ; and Wade said the "d—d nigger and the G—d d—d . bonds" would ruin them in Ohio. Who will catch the divitie lire from these prophets and predict what States are next to leave the Radical column? What say Greeley, of New York, and Score', of New Jersey ' \ E v ERYW n Erman the South the negrom are arming and drilling, 'with warmly any\Jaterference from the Native and none‘at all from the. Radical Bureau of-. flelais. \Their unlawful organisations t are under the control and tti mulated by Nord:vett Radical emiSsa es. It is high time for the Oovernmen to take some attingent^ action in the matter. Either the negroes should be disarmed and prevented frem organizing in Rita manner,or the reatrictions which pre vent the whites fronrorganizing and ar ming for self protection should be re moved. , , , TnE other day, Mrs. (Wirier Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, bought a blink cat, from which she took thfte drops f blood to give to a child sick of croup. Her exci ted neighbors were about to mob the old. lady'for witchcraft, when the authorities interfered. Twenty witnesses proved, in court that the child recovered Instantly on taking the sanguinary dose of catnip:, TOE New Orleans Republican (Bad.) says one of the causes of the small vote WWI the fact that great numbers of the votes were rejected because' the voters did not know the names by which they were registered. These are of the color that Ben. Wide says knows Infinitely more than do the Germans, Irish, rind other foreigners. ''U New York Independent lately raid "find where these meu [Wendell Phillips, Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens and Geri. Butler] stand to-day, l and you have found where the not or the party will stand to.worrow•" And,; it might have added, where the wholo ! concern will fall the day after to-morrow. „. Tip:: :Pittsburgh Couunercia4,mnAte to know whi?Judge eint.4o predletok be fore the election, that Ohio would givo Hayes twenty-five thousand tosiOrity, and the negro salrlage amendment neer,. Iv as many. - IsrLursilm. men of North Carolina are making strenuous efforta 'to revive Democratic party, In order to co•epe rate with. and_oncourage Northern Dem ocrat 4. A COTEXPORARY CAIIII Radicalism the "lust cause." Another asp WA abe late elections are "cold facts" for fkonialitt.