Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, October 18, 1867, Image 4
a fir 4 0 4 411 4 imiPlier inervAr dawricroox, ocr. IS, ISO 7. AOSICFLTVIILAL =FORT FOR OIMIN Om. The report of the Department of Agri eulturkisi just issued by the Commission er. It shows that the increase of the wheat crop, over last year's, is large, but not as large as wax anticipated. The increase is greater In Ohio than in any other State. being 130 per cent. The only noticeable thing in the meteorolog ical tables is, the surprising difference in the quantity of rain in the East and the ek W Our own State embraces almost the ztremes. The depth-of rain failing in ladelphia, in August, was 16.84 in ches, Mile in Canonsburg it was only 1 inch (and 84-hundredths East of the mountains. August was a month of rain, appreelable qua:Junes having fallen .3n fifteen days of the month. The average of August for fifteen years at Philadel phia has been only 4 inches and 62-hun- Arabs. The report is rather unfavora ble on the score of fruit, parttcularly Ap. plea. Hay is a very large crop.' Wool is represented as from live to ten per cent. less than last year, owing to the severity of the last winter and the consequent destruction of large numbers of sheep. ENETMINENTE IN FEEDING CATTLE. In EMllind everything connected with agriculture is experimented in, without regard to expense, in every possible way. _ In no country has the cultivation of the soil been carried to a higher state of per fection, or in which it is more produc tive, and as an occupation, more lucra tive. 'We always read with pleasure the results of farming, and especially the many experimentifyhich are tried there, . with a Slew to discover the most success ful and profitable way of conducting the various operations on the farm. The' following experiments In feeding , eattle.with cooked and with fermented food, was lately tried upon one of the largest estates. It will be seen that this experiment suggests the importance of - great care and caution in feeding, before a decided opinion is adopted on so nice and delicate a subject as the nutrition of animals, the health and constitution of which are aceVarlous. Four heifers were selected, as equal In all respects as possible; six pigs . were .also selected, fratn the same family; each lot was divided by the selection, Sher nately, of an, animal. All were weighed, and at the end of each week during the experiment each animal was weighed. In the first week of the experiment the fermented food consumed was Much less than the other, and-the Increase of live weight was considerably more; the helfemalso seemed to have made ra pid advance. The second week, how ever, changed the scene entirely. Those fed on cooked food were making steady_ progress, whilst those fed on fermented food had produced7scarcely any increase from the preceding week. It was then observed that the bowels of the lot using fermented foOd had been confined, and had become free in the second. The ap parent success In the first week was the result of indigestion and accumulations of tindlgested matter in the Intestines.— The• experiment continued for twelve weeks—those on cooked food thriving and increasing, and the others not. On slaughtering them, it was found that the inteetinte of the three fed on fermented food were full of worms—thus accounting Mr" their not advancing. There i was a difference in the return of the three lots ea favor of those fed on cooked food of it? 3. linciwing as we do that there a con siderable diftbrence of opinion among fiimers upon this question, the above is submitted to their attention with the hope that, they will give, us their own views on the subject, whichgs one, they will all admit, worthy of corteldemtion! lion.zenAra Amp co*N - Last / spring two years I instituted a se rlespfexperim en ts with seed-corn, which with their results, may be Interesting to yotir readers. In the fall, when husking, Reelected for seed ten ears from stalks With two ears, and the same number from stalks with but one ear. Last spring a year I planted five rows with seed taken from stalks with two faro, the points and butts being shelled off; five rows with 'Seed taken from ears of the same quality as the former, Ind differing from them in belig taken from stalks on which they were the only-ears. I also took a portion of seed ears, and atter Nhelling off all the 'lmperfect grains, at the points and butts, I shelled three inches (emit' the points and kept it by it , self, and used It for the next live rows; , ' and the remainder of the seed I Used for another live rows. Thus I had twenty rows froni foUr different classes of seed, five of each kind, which I will number thus: No. I, from ears from stalks con taining two ears, the most perfect being plc used ;N N . 2, from seed from stalks of only on ear, the imperfect grains being shelled ff; No, 8, from the tint three Inches f perfect earn, measuring from the t of the ear ; No. 4, from seed taken from the base of the ear, or from the base to the middle. '' After busking these twenty rows, I noted the following results : In No. 2 there were two mote stalks bearing two ears than in No. 1 ; henoe I conclude that seed taken froni; stalks 'earing two tars In no more likely to pro duce stalks with .two ears then where the geed is taken from stalks bearing but one ear.' • • No. 4 wan re some two and a half weeks before No. 3, and was better eared and filled out to the eud of the cob, which wan not the case with No. - 3. From this I am led to conclude that seed from the bane and middle will produce ears that will ripen from two to three weeks sooti er than if taken from the point. A FARKEIR. • NEW LUMBER YARD. Rundersigned has opened a LUMBER ADS', on the 'tic near Guinn a 'a LIMO t vahurg, and asks the to eve !dm a ca ll . amortment la one criba best aver offered here, and flu times anbrd _holy ttie smallest living profit.. lie hrta WRITE PINE PLANK,I INCH ANT) HALF INCH BOARDS,-FLOORING PALINOS, &C., &C., and le eonnantly Mau to hla dock. Come and examine for YoullelVee• 21 MIS. if JACOB BREAM Oet., Executrix's Notice, 14ARGARRT GRAMMARS ReTATE.—Let• In tent taninotonary on the rotate Of Grarantar, late of Franklin twp., Admix co., elee'd, heeling been granted to the nndeentrzed, rankling In the arms ton nahb, who hereby notice to.._,lnA 2ersow hulebted to wad estate to ante tm=eta Parlllent, and those havlant ebb= ainaUtnt the 'ammo present them properly , antheatiented for nettlement. MARY A. GRAMMAR, Rept. aM. en` Executrix. - MATED oL^r .-1110 prices tor Clothing. Call EZ/11111.11e and be convinced et the Oleg at PICKINGS. GET your PHOTOGRAPH et Mlhnor must% be and/Tested ay ~7 and Kyle of PICTURES ennwpassed. OnU LOA exam+- a. TTAKIN. NEW DRUG STORE, nc NEW OXFORD. TIE und i n i e: ham opened a Drug More la New 0 Adams county , and reepoetnally cane the Wen of the pahne to his dock of PALVTR, OILS ARNINION DYE, , KTUFFS WIXDO* GLARES. rAMIT MEDICINES, and a full +sortment of DRI7GB: 1n a word a complete Klock of Weds generally kept In a first slam Linn MOM All of which have been pur chased during the past two weeks, and will be sold low. All the articles, forwierly manulketunial at the old establishment in East Berlin ran be had here. Understanding his business perfectly, kind selecting his goods himself, he is able to war rant his Drags pure and as represented. The pub lie are requested to glee Mina trial. Zsew D. M. MILLER.Oxford, May 6, 1867. gin I=3 w. y. 100.000 BUSHELS GRIAN WANTED. NEVI FIBS AT THE OLD WAIUDZOLGIE. Vi"frß. Brunt* CO. would Inform the pub. e that they have leaned the Warehouse on the corner of Stratton street and toe Balltuatt, in Gettysburp where they will tarry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUBINFRB, In all lta branches. The highest prices will al ways be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oa Clover and Timothy Seeds Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Buts Shoulders Soap, Hams, and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else In the country produce line. OROCERIFX—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Su gars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooma,_ Buck ets, Blacking, Soaps, dc. Also COAL OIL, Flub OIL Tiir, trr. FISH of all kinds; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They arc always Shin In supply a find rate arti cle of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. , Abo, Ground Planter, with (Juane* and other fertiliser/4. COAL, by the bushel, too or carload. They will niu LINE OF YREIGIIT CARS, from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, In any quantity, at REDUCED - RATESI. They will attend, if desired, to the making of purchases In the city, and delivering the goods _ promptly in fiettysburg. Their care run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop & Co,, LIS North Howard et. , near Franklin, Baltimore, where 'freight wilLbe re. calved at any time. They Invite the attention of the public to their line eeauring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. , BIDDLE & BENNER. April 16, ISM tf 1867. REMOVAL. 1867 A. R. FEISTEL, Dealer in aocka, Watches and Jewelry la An removed his Store to YORK STREET, Ix next door to Boyer Grocery,cand di rectly opposite the Gettysburg National Bank, where he bait on hand, and is constantly receiv ing, large supplies of CL 0 CSR, from the best Manufactories In the United States; all style*, Regulator, Office, Eight-day and Twen ty-four hour Clocks, with and without Alarm At tachment—ail warranted, and will be sold cheap. Prices from 88 60 to $6 50. W A TCHES, of American and Foreign manufacture; Gold and Silver, Hunting-case and Open-faced Levers, De tached Levers, Straight Line, White Movement, Lepines, Railroad Time-keepers and Timing Watches, all Warranted—at prices ranging from $l3 to $7,,. . . = . . A splendid assortmentof Rings chased and 'Main, Wedding Rings, Rings oulable for Gifts 'Mires Rinks, and Gulls Perch* Rings, Ladies' Breast-ph:stand Hartrings of all styles and prices, Gent's Pins of all 'Muds, Masonic, Odd Fellows, Rod Men, and Templar's. Gold Pens and Pencil'', Napkin Rings, Bilver Thimbles,Bpectacles:stiver, plated and steel, a large variety of Gold and illiver Vest and Curb Cbalns, Gent's Bosom Studs, Sleeve Ballow', Lockets, Charms, dc., az., sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPENT. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Musical Instru ment% of every description REPAIRED (border, and Nat itfaction guaranteed In all caeca. Thankful or the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. he hopes, by doing good work, at reasonable priers, to merit the continuance of the same. Gettysburg, April /8, led. tt WATCHES ! WATCHES 11 - LEWIS BTRdEBE /1 largely engaged in the Watch trade, and has lust returned from New York with an ununually attractive amortruent. Lie offers such bargains M-01 - 11311.11 fall to be acceptable to buyers, Hle stock embraces a large lot of the CELEBRATED "AMERICAN WAYCIIEB," GOLD AND SILVER, viz: P. S. Bartlett," Wm.-Ellery." and "Appleton rt Tracy:" with Watches of almost all other malts. If you want 011EAP and GOODIWatch, call on LEWIS BTRGURE, At his old Stan Carpals street, nearly opposite the Depot, Gettysburg, Pa. fTHe oontinues the Grocery, Notion and Con fectionery Wetness, as heretofore._ „Inne24, IW. If FRESH CONFECTIONARY AND Irlt CREAM SALOON. TEVE subscriber rev; ix:tstally Informs the citi zens Of Gettysburg and vicinity, that he has Confeetkmary Establiatunent, one door east of The Eagle Hotel, on CHAMEERSSURG STREET, I to which he would Invite their attention. CASES, CANDIES, AND EVERY DESCRIP TION OF CONFECTIONS, together with NiITR, ORANGES and all kinds of FRUITS, always on hand. Mt-PARTIES public and private, as well as FAMILIES, wi ll be Ihrtilshed with all kinds of otherwise,) CRIFAM,Ain pyramidal form or and other REFRa4HMENTS, at their houses, upon short notice. Having spent a life-time at the business, he flatters himself that he understand" It, and that he liable to give entire satiefketion. Call and seehla Confectionary. JOHN GRIM. May 2S, 1680. tf .; 1 ~ : ,JI t ; I,y:d; li:, fiIHE ombeeribent have Jolla. returned from the 1 Miles with en Immetree supply of HARDWARE a GIOXEWF:3, which they are offerineat their old RPM in Bal timore street, at prices to snit the times. Oar stock conalata in part of BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS SHOE FINDINGS, SHOE FINDINGS, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTErRES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, ac., GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS OILS, PAINTS, There is no article included in the several de• partments mentioned above but what OM be had at this store.,Every class (*Mechanics can be -accommodated here with to and findings, and Housekeepers can find revery article in their line. Give us a call, as we are prepared to Pell as low for rash as any house out of the city. JOEL B. DANNER, t DAVID•ZIEGLEIL ' Gettysburg, May 15, INC The Quaker City Baum College, oonNza FIFTH & catericirr STifilt7ll 1= MITE most template and lhorOughly appointed 1. Oonuniffuial Srol In the Country. Conducted upon the best zystain of Instruction, and offering advantages of the higheet order In every D IVOMINT TO TOCI:0 MEN who dealrWaaccera and Promotion in &mineEa PRACTICAL EDUCATION FOR THE TLMES. The Commercial Coarse embraces Book Keep ing, Commercial Calculations, Penmanship, Cur respomiestee, Business Forms, endows of Trade, Commercial Law, the el of Detecting Counter feit Money, /Se. This CoUnse may be completed In three months. . DIPLOMAS Awardedlo Graduates, under seal and by en thorny lawL _this being e INCORPORKMDNAV.VGP, and the oniv one Wlth . aintiarPOwe'rt in the ritate, or in the United Share. 11/t.ttlitafittS, Telegraphing: the FLlgn4n MathOniatieq, Mgt nftring,-Sure eyßlizicanicdElarvKnott n n. In the Department of Amounts this Institution Is wholly unrivalled. The Treatise on than sub- Joel, by the Proprietor, is everywhere ,ackaowledged to be the best and most complete wort. extant, and being composed almost exclu sively of sets obtained nom Actual Bualneea, pre sents a manse of Instruction such as can be se cured by no other system. Book for gale, and sent by mall to any address, upon receipt of pnor, 53 50. YOUNG MEN Invited to send for circulars, or visit the College for further information. L. FAIRBANKS, A. M., Prealdent T. FM 9, W A . TSecretar. Om I=2 WESTCOTT & GEORGE, ACCC►B9ORS TO THILIP WILSON" 6: CO., 71EPORTRILA AND DEALERS IN (L'NS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, Cricket and Rene Bnll !tripleMonts, FUMING TACKLE, SKATES, croquet, Archery R 4 0.1(6 Chemin street, Phlladelphls. May MOW, St , HAT WAD. laudeldwWMYtaeblgbent. ssartot ie W rg.. theatre rieee Ise BAY/it glinagr's War e. ue, Gettysbu GEO. It anacicecremas. Nov. 21.11M11. TThQNB CIerTACREL—Jost received another airplay tattors, Strop., Brno Owe and Seep, at fitllV WOOTA. TIN-WARE A STOVES. MI LAMM? 10113011TXVIT OP TENAPAIII IN THE corm, AT S. G. cook's (former dtedzwir Pollarst) abosome of THE BEM COOKTSG STOVER It MARKET. OLD DOMINION, COILPBOMIFIE. PENETILV *SU, NOBLE COOK, ECONOMIST, BARLEY antep, Also, now other articles frMitchen we, which will be sold es low se et any saw Awe ht the county Jane% Ul6. tf IKON-IRON-IRON 1 GETTYSBURG FORGE. rrHE enbacribere reepectnally inform the public that they hive erected a Forge in connection with their Steam Mill, and are now mationtctrinn POW/ED AND HANKERED IRON, mach as Plough Horaaahoe and Bar Iron. and re trgtulliauln, t ri tt a ala Blaokandil h Dertaril t it : eve . to please as to qtrAty, attain and pr7oa. BRINOMAN k WARREN. • N. IL —The highest market price paid for wrought and scrap Iroa, B. & W. Dec. 17,1866. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. • NEW AND GOOD GOODB AT LOW PRICES. THE undersigned has opened a new Boot and elhoe titers, on BALTIMORE STREET, one door south of the Presbyterian Church and near. ly opposite McCrearre Saddler shop, where he ogles an attraetive assortasent of goods In Ists line, all new and selected with the greatest care. He haa LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS. LADIES' BALMORAL. GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTH, IN LARGE VARIETY. • GENTLEMEN'S CALF BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S KIP BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S CONGRESS GA ITERS, ENTLEM EN'S SLI PPERS, ALL STYLES GENTLEMEN'S BA LMORALS, GENTLEMEN'S BROGANS, tr.C. MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, MISSES' BALMORAL GAITERS MISSES' ataipoco BAL3fORALS, &C., &C., &C., AC. BOY'S CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOW BROGANS, &C., Q.C. Also, Boots and Shoes of his own manufacture All will be wild at the lowest living profits. Buyers, from town and country are Invited to call and examine goods and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. I am determined to sell cheap—a little cheaper than any other house in the county. By strict attention to business, and dealing fairly and squarely with everybody,l hope to merit and receive an encouraging share of ire bl ltrA P lrTtl r n a &BßlNG of Boots and iiih;es wilt also be carried on, in all its branches. Boots, hisses and GaiterS made to order. Be piirigdoor on err notice—and no egtt spar zgerrct°uirnehrta workmenclass emp l oy ed. Having a life-time egperience at the business, I feel confident that I can please all who may call. D. H. KLINGEL. Gettysburg. June 11, =! NEW SADDLER SHOP. fraeHlllptltli =t G rrA E _z.tiont made kinds of RIDING SADDLES, WApON HADDLES, CARRIAGE HAZ.NICEM, DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING stimuli, BLIND BRIDLVS, COLLARS, FLY• NETS. de., as low oa the lowest. Jolla 41,1881. tf - NEW ARRANGEMENTS, HENRY OVERDEER, on the HSU M Baltimore a n , tii; made artangementajo get fresh int= ry week from the city and is determined to sell cheap. He invitee all to give him a rail. His stock consists of GROCERILY4, NOTIONS, FLOUR, Corn ?deal, Chopped Feed, Corn, Oats, Flah, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, Crackers, Torun's", HP- V.lll and Snuff, SUGAR, COFFEE, Teas, Syrup, Molasses, Candies, Coal 011, Fish 011, Tar Bes t Cider Vinegar, and a great variety of Ndlions, Candles, &c., d/c. 111-The Cash or Trade w ill be given for Illountri Produce, such as Elora, Corn, Oats, Butter. Eggs, Potatoes, Rego de. April 8, THE BEST,- WASHING MACHINE. THE undOnagned offers for sale, the TOWN SHIP ELIGHTSof Adams county, for DE LONGS, PATENT, which is the curatersrr, snwrzier and aim WAsnait that has yet bean OlTered to the pablle. The Rights will be sold on reasona ble terms. This is a line opportunity for ener getio men to make GOOD WAGEM manufac turing or selling these machines. A asmple machine will be furnished any person Who pur chases a Right, if desired, at cost. Call at the More of Duphorn & Holftsian, N. W. oor. Square. where the machines may be mai and-tried. FRANK. D. DIIPIIOIIN. Gettysburg, June 24,1887. tf SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, rord by Hundreds csr Cbssynypatious far Mirth or Omununion Appeals. Arcot/rot for Ladles Weakly Perron, TO DYE. VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY.' Speer's Pon limpe Whit, Foar lan Old. rJustly celebrated native Wine is made em the juice of the otto Grape, raised in country. Its invaluable Rosie and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed by any other native Wine. Be ing the pure Juice of the grape, produced under Mr. Speer'. own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness are guiwanthed. The youngest child may partake onto generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may cafe It to advaatage. It Is particularly benefkaid to the aged and debili tated, and suited to the various a il ments that at. filet the weaker sex. It le, to every respect, Allt7KE TO BE BELIED ON. Invalids axe Speer's Port Grape Wine. Females use Port Grape Wine- Weakly persons find a benefit by Its time. Speer's Wince In Hospitals are preferred to oth er wine.. Sold by Druggists and Grocers. A. Speer's Vineyard, New Jersey. Office, 2D Broadway, New York. August IMI7. ly 628 HOOP MUT& 628 WILLIAM T. HOPKINS, "OUR OWN MAKE" AMM. more than Frye Vaasa' experience and experimenting in the manufacture of STSICTLY rimer QUALITY Hoop seam, we ,Mtar our Justly celebrated goods to merctuulta and the public in full conddence of their superiority over all others in the American market, and they ere so achaallWiedged by all who wear or deal bathern, as they give more eat faction than any other Skirt, and recommend themselves in every re spect. Dealers in Hoop Shirts should me a note of this feet. Eying! LADY wno As HOT OWEN THEE A TRIAL SHOULD DO SO wzruour FURTH - La DELAT. Our assortment embraces every style, length and alaelor Ladies, Minim and Children. Also Rums made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkins' Own Make," and be not de. (*Wed. See that the letter "H" Is woven on the Tepee between each Hoop, and that they are stamped "W. T. HOPKIN/4, Manufacturer, al Arch Street Philadelphia," upon each tape. No others are Genuine. Alan, constantly on hand a full line of good New York and Fasters made Skirts, at very law prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the PHILADELPHIA HOOP SKIRT Mann faelery and Emporium, No. ST., PERL- A DELPHIA. lem K WM. T. HOPINS. March LL L LOC' GEORGE ISTABLDDIED IN 1845. UMW w. OVIMIL&N, co*terFos MERCHANT AND DRAMS 13P LTATILIZR, No. 14INaath Tithed Street, Philadelphia Onrudgameata solicited. a isie. G O to T. C. Norria' for roar ClothOrg. among which are the & G. COOL constantly on hand. M. ROWE.' Ferment, Attend to Your Interests I GETTYpIIRG FOUNDRY, rsubeeriber would Inform his customer, u E il i cr u er=e ip la stlllm i u n tikct e., =l; order, as shirt notice, inch an TItRD3HERS AND POWERS, also of PowerA) CLOVER-SEED AND CLEANERS, WEN NAM. LEES AND SEPARATORs CORNFODDER CUTTERS, STRAW AND RAY MITERS; P.LOCGH \ B, • sash as Cast Pletwas. Barshear Magni, /kidskin and Corn Ploughs; the 43 HORSE RAKE tlfa latipet linprovement; also Metal Screws for Cider Pram% IRON RAILING for Cemeteries or Parches, with everything else intasline, all aglow prima • FOR RALE.—A Ught Two-horse Wagon, a One , hone Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all new. DAVID STEIINER. April 30,1P/16. tf GREEN RIDGE! IT NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! Olt JOHN NORBECK 13 AS reeMmemeed Store-keeping at GREEN 11. RIDGE, In Hamilton townahip, Adaine co., on the Hampton turnpike, and would inform the public an he has just returned from the city with an excellent aeaortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD-WARE QUEENS-WARE, CEDAR-WARL,' TIN WARE, CA.NDIIN, NOTIONS, Tobaccos, etc., de.—lndeed, a full and complete line of Goody to cult the seceesitles and tames of all. His pram are as low as the very lowest.- I:billepra at 10 cents and Muslin at 11 cents, as Instances. Ile feels that his goods and prices will be satis factory to the public, and therefore invites alarge share of custom, from new and far. Don't forget the advice—the Green Ridge Store is the place to get the full worth of your money. ril =, tf NEW GOODS CHEAP-CHEAPER-CHEAPEST! IF F r o u wish to buy good and cheap Goods. call a ;ACOBIS & BRA'S. STORE, near Myersa Hotel, In CHAMBERSBCRO RT., Gettysburg. They have the very hest selection of goods, such u CLOTHS, CASSINIERES, TWEEDS, &C., the market• can produee, and are determined to sell them as cheap as can be sold anywhere in town or country. An person wishing to have them CUT, can haven done free of charge. Those desltinagoods MADE TIP, can also he accommo dated. We warrant the best work and the beet dta to be had anywhere. Itio burnt:kw In what we say, We have on band the very best and most durable = and are always. reply to wait on cuatomera. Full satisfaction given in operating machines.. Call and examine. We warrant them to be the beat lu tree.. . J.ICOM Sr. BRO I= CHEAP FOR CASH I NE" STORE! GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. The undersigned has rehired to Gettysburg, and opened a new Store, on Bailin:lire street, next door to the Poet Omce , and nearly opposite the Court House, where he offers for sale , CHEAP FOR CASH, a large and choice assortment of Groceries,- SUOARS, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLASSES, SYR UPS, SALT, IC., with FISH, BACON, LARD, tr.C. Also, Liquors,— WINES, BRAND/ES, 61148, WHISKIES, HUMS, and everything else in the line. Also, any quantity of Notions, to snit any and everybody. Recollect this la the place to buy CHEAP FOR CASH. - - - • - - OEO. F. RALBFLEIBCH April 23, nu, NEW BAKERY. NEWPORT & ZIEGLER, .11(RegANICAL BAKERS, Booth Washington street, onel scmare from the. Eagle Hotel, GETT. TsBURG, PO. Constantly on hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, &e Persona wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving :their names and resi deneee at the Bakery. Every effort made to plea pril se. Gi ver. us a call. A I $3 00 TO $5 00 PER DAY._ AGENTS WANTED FOR ?RR GOLDEN PEN A BETTIE PFN THAN (ILLOT'S PP24. pens sell rapidly wherever Introduced, l i tTa ß Nebulous of people. Are fully equal to the gold pen for ease and beaut yof writing. More fleribk and durable than any steel pen manunu , tura& Will not encode. Send for .ample box. Only 35 cents, or two holm for 50 cents. No. 1 for general use. No. 2 for Ladles, Schools and choice penmanablp. Rent free of postage. Money re funded if they do not give satisfaction. Address M. V. B. COWEN, Lea) ette, Ind. The following Is a sample of teandreds of letters from parties who have ordered these pens: Dorravoi..E, PA., July li, 1367. M. V. B. Cowan, Lafayette, Ind. Dear Mir :—The box of No.l pens ordered by me some ten since has arrived, and I am so much pleat with them that I have concluded to take an Agency for their sale, Co far, at least, as to orderthree gross No. 1 end one groan No. .., 0 for which I enclose your price to Agents. Ad dress: Ray. S. SIEGFRIED. Warranted to last five times as long, and give better satisfaction than any 1041 pen manufac tured. Send foe circular of teatimontaix from Professors of Schools and Colleges, and from premlnent business houses Aug. Zit, 13117. 3m Book Agents Wanted aldleit Orders fer a Ness Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY (COKPLETZ IN osz vocume.) ronilS Drarxonsitx embodies the results of the most recent study, research, and investiga , of about sixty-live of the most eminent and advanced Biblical ficholaxs now living. Clergy men of alldenominations approve it, and regard It as the best work of it, kind In the English /an guns, aad one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. In circulating tide Work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The nu merous objections which are usnally encounter ed in selling ordinary works will not exist with dar. But on the contrary, encouragement and friend ly aid will attend the Agent, making his labora agreeable, useful, and lucrative. s, re li ned Clergymen, School Teachers, Farmers, Students, and all others who passes energy, are wanted to assist In Canvassing every Town and County in the country, to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. Fur particulars, jkoplv to or address PARMELEE laßtyrmEns, 722 Ransom Street, Philadelphia, Penn. August ti, 1517. 8w THE GREAT CAUSE del HUMAN MISER Y. .7ga Pub/DAM, in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 ma,. ALECTURE on the Nature s Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal V. eaknees, or Sper- Eitorrham, Induoed by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Widow, Impotency, Nervous 'Debility, and pediments to Marriage generally Consump tion,Epilepay, and Fits; Mental and P'ayalcal In capacity, de,—By RCN. J. CI'LVERWELI.., M. D., Author of the "Green Book, - dc. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe rience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bou ghs., instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter whathia condition may be, may cffre bin:melt cheaply, privately, and rad 'MU lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dreg., on receipt of slx cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Alan, Dr. CULVERKT.I.L'S "liiirringe Guide," price 25 costa. ' Addrear the Publlshenz, ('LIAR. J. C. KLINE At CO.„ 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box .U 66. Feb. 25, 11167. ly "BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI:" A Complete History of the New 'gala and Territories, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. . _ OVER ;14,000 corm. MOLD or ONE mourn. 1 . 4 IFE and Adventure on Prairies, Mountains and the Paolfic Coast. Wlthover 2001lescrife t ve and Photegraphk• View. of the neenery t mg% Lands, Mince, People and Curiosities of We New Mates and Territories. TO pros . cetive eraignints and settlers in the "Par " tide History of that vast and Mille region wil prove an Invaluable tutsistance, picritan_ae It dams want I T A t of atoll, so then tie aid 2ediable vi r r 4o I, soil, prodcta, .—Fiend mate u for Circulars and sea oar terloa_tod a full deseriptiOn of the work. Addles' NATIONAL PUBLInIIO4O CO, 047 FkliadelPhka• 114 Aug. Id, INIL 4w !OR BALL jr , hcar . ....ed at • tract civr" . 1111: qui:mat DR. MR'l4 Dnig Store. .11Verot VI, 11r. ti BRINKERHOFF'S Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner. rUndersigned would Inform the Aanderdhis 171 public that he ban purehaned from the Patentee of this extraordinary tuachlue, the Pat ent tUght for the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Brinkerhoff's Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner, Is pronounced the best machine of the kind in this country. And in proof, it may be mentioned that the "Advisory Committee ap pointed to select Implement...for exhibition at the Universal Exposition in Ports In teo7, have selected this Sheller as the hest in America," and at the request of J. C. Derhy, U. S. Agent, a Machine has been shipped to Pares for exhibition. The fact may also he stated that at the great trial of Agricultural implements, at Auburn,. N. Y., In July loot, under the auspices of the New York State Agricultural Society, the Bringerhofl Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner was reported by one of the most competent Cotnmittees as the hest Corn Sheller out. fhe3 say, "We have care fully examined and thoroughly tested this ma chine, and hat e nor hesitation In pronouncing it the bed Casa &eller ere sts sat,' The report is signed by such men as Joins Stanton mould, President N. N. State Agri , oltnrai so , let , : B. P. Johnson, Secretary to same solon Ihrthin.on, Agrieultural Editor N. Y. Tribune; S. FAlWardel Todd, Auteuttuno Editor N. Y. Times.. From among many complimentary newspa per notices, the following, from the 'New York Observer, Is deemed sufficient "Among all the Hand Corn Shellern made In New York and Albany—and one single fli7n Manufactures; more than 10,00 annually—not one can enter tho cln•le with the Sheller Just invent ed by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn; New York. It shells, separates; and cleans, mplell3 - and easily, at one operation, as Cost as the ears can be put in to the hopper." The tandersignr4 is now prepared to-disporse COUNTY RIGHTs‘. He will have sIIELLERS ready for sale in the sairse of a months time. All letters to be addressed to NVM. P. 0. Box 246, Getty,burg, Pa. March 11, Pet. •Itzi:llZßlN;tl.l:llo3vrAzi NO. 2 WEST )MARKET STREET, _ , I ORA, PA. ADENTII AND DF.ALEIIS IN PL-tiNOB 1 CABINET ORGANS, .11ELODEONS AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INsTRUMENTs respectfully inform the public that they am pre pared to furnish Pianos of the foliou log manu facture or of any other make that may be pre ferred: Albright, Rake., d Schmidt, tlilekerima * Son, Bradbury, Kaaba It Sas, Gale t Sea, . . COTTAQ.E, HARMONIC AND ROL'DOIR ORGANS AND MELODEONS. These Instruments stand unrivalled by any thing found In this country or In Europe, as is admitted by all Impartial Judges. The most em inent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, the last to discover excellence In reed Tone, pro nounced then vastly superior to all others for ex ceedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the essential feature In instruments of this class. We Invite thi severe acsat I nynnd criticism of all. PATENT '65{7 This late and most wonderful Inc entlon 040 ac knowledged by all lending artlst,) will be found only in the Este/ Instruments_ In attempting to describe the elfect ot this atop, a e ore at loss for language. Its beauties cannot be written, but mist be heard to be appreciated. liy this stop an ordinary performer can produce an effect which requires° life time 01 practice for an artist upon a violin. It entirely changes the reed Tone, giving the sympathetic sweetness of the human voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never falls to enchant the listener. THE HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Public Halls and Parlors has a powerful sub-Boos with Independent reeds, Har monic attachment and Vox Humana Tremolo, and is believed to be the most powerful reed or gan made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cont. All instruments warranted for five years. ta-RRASH BANIXi supplied with Instruments and music at reasonable terms. . - A liberal discount allowed for Churches and Sabbath Schools. • . ihrinstruetions given both In Vocal and In strumental hluslr, at our rooms, and at pupils' homes, either to individuals or el asses, on reason able terms. Dee. 17 1S8& tf / HAIM BRO'S. PIANOS THE PIANO OF AMERICA WOW. Pianos are UniVeroally acknowledged I by coMpatent Jadgen equal to the best Pianos made. For references, they have many thousand city and country residents, including large num bers of the High bchooln, Seminaries, &c. These Pianos have not only stood the continu al use and heavy practice of one year, but have been used the last fifteen years to the utmost satisfaction of those using them. They have taken PREMIUMS AND MEDALS WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Such has been the demand for these Pianos, that MESSRS. RAINU-IBRO'S. have been compelled to enlarge their works to the extent of IN to H PIANOS A WEER. - . Haying now one of the most extensive and 2 1 tav complete Factories In the Unit States. Facto ries alone. covering X of an acre und, cow prising a frontage of 219 feet on venue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest first-class Pianos in market. Fullyguitranteed for 5 years. Send for Illustrated Circular. HAINES PRO'S. 358, SA 360, 38, 361, 366, 36S 370, iiti, Second Avenue, New York City. April 8, 1867. PIANOS I PIANOS! CONRAD NARVESEN, MANCTACTraga or FIRST CLAN, PIANO FORTES,'` . 71,73 and 75 E. 72d Street, New York City. gum underalgned Invitee the attention of the I public and the trade geq_emlly, to these cele brated Instruments, of Id* own manufacture, built of the bent seasoned Materials, having all the latest Improvements, Fall Iron Frame, Overetrong 8088, French Grand Action, Large Scale. Them Piano Fortes are wit, surpassed, for /Strength and beauty of flnlah, durability, purity, power, and Ringing quality of tone, by thaw of any maker in the country. They are warranted for the full term os7 years. The inspection of the musical public Li fesprvt 11111y solicited. Liberal terms to healers, Teach er. and Clergy /urn. Circular Price List gent on application. Address Cl lNitAl/ revEsrnv, 71, VI & 75 C. 331 Ist., New York City. May 3), 1987. 3.4 PELOUBET ORGANS =2 UNANTMOUSLY nwarded the First Pelee, a Gold Medal, "AK THE. RINT CABINET OR GANSI,” American Institute, New York, Ortm her, MI Being pronounced superior In QITALTTY, Pow tut and Vint sey ov TONE, and In number of com bi nal tom. “As the beat Instrument. of America w era there contending, whichever VI on the battle would have nothing left to ennquer."—Anterieem Art Join ned, (edited by a well-known musical critic.) They have also taken the flrvt ut er exhited this season. • . • PEDAL ORGANS, one, two and three banks of keys--six sires— to 31,500. %% hoot pedals, single and double bank In great 1, srletv Sus to $450. These Organs, with their smooth pipe-like quality of tone, beautiful nolo stops, strength of chorus, unequalled pedals, and general organ like ettecta, are superior for Churches, Halls, Par lors and Schools. They are put up In cases of sol id Walnut, fancy veneered Walnut new and Unique ntyles) and elegant Rosewood, of splen did designs and finish, and of the best workman shlp—it being intended that each instrument shall be a model of its class. All instruments dawn to a flne oeta, o portable Melodeon, have the beautiful Tremulant stop, a ithout extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our GENERAL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VITAREROOMR, till Broadway. Our illustrated Circular and Price lists, with our new styles, are now ready - . Send for a circu lar. PELOUBET, MELTON kCO., Manufacturers, No. 441 Broadway April 0, 1867. New York City-. =! TEE NEW WORK ON SINGING, BASSINI'S TWENTY MELODIC EXERCISES,, IN FOISIX OF _ BOLF'EGOTOS FOR HOPRANO OR MEZZO SOPELiNO VOIGEN, INTE3DED AA Studies to acquire the Art of Singing. rriliESE exercises were composed to be used simultaneously with his system, Tile Aar Or limo:also; or with any other method for the en I tivalSon of the voice, and will take the place of CONCONE'S SOLFEGGIOS; being more melo dious and better adapted for teaching. "Soule of these exercises are specially beautiful as well as useful, a mingling of the (Wee et fettle, which secures the interest as well as the improve ment of the student. The various styles devel oped in these exercises render them invaluable in an educational point of view, as they tend to enlarge the intelligence and appreciatio n , and at the wane time form the tuts of the pupil. They must be studied carefully with reference to the innumerable marks of expression and fornis nt ornamentation. Upon tke minute acculury with which these are accomplished depends the actual sterling advancement of the pupil; any eutsion or during in these respects Is time and effort wasted, while, on the other hand, a close and pa tient Inveatlgatlan, and a minutely faithful exe cution of them, will give unexpected power and faculty, and open to the student the menus and resources by which great artists produce their most brilliant and prolound effects."— Wrdson's Art Journal. _ _ =I:=MIMI " Cloth, Retail . . 2 50 A. Sample Copy sent by man post-paid, on receipt of Wholesale Price, ;1 00. Published by WM. HALL & SON. No. 343 Broadway, Nqw York. Publishers and dealers in Music. and Dfanufac turers of FLUTES. FIFES, FLAGELETS, &.c., he. Send for catalogue of prices. • July 15, MC. $l2 Money, Free to Water. 10.000 ACTIVE L ocal and Traveling A gents, Male or Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in every City, Town, Village, Hamlet, Workshop and Factory through out the entire world, for the most saleable novel ties ever known.-500 PER CENT. PROFIT and READY BALE WHEREVER OFFERED!! Smart men and women can make from ki to ISO haired. and no rink of loss! A more capital re of from to Mee—the money in. vested the greater the profit. No Money required in advance—we first send the articles and receive pay afterwards! If you actually - wish In make money rapidly and easily, write for full particu lars and address MILNOR & CO., (From Paris,) 210 Broadway, New York City. Feb. BS, latr. U.S. BONDS. TRE First National Bank of Gettysburg will cashb•Mand 10-10 It Ronda; am I'4o and Compounds Interest Notea. GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier. Oct. 11,1860. tf - tioß Woo PrintA, t_tteekto, ittanu, to to RO tilm W WOODIC. WE have Jtua romolved • saw assortment of ►tten ton 0 0 :11 1 : . ure, to which we t Invite tlies,akr- HEAD QUARTERS Gi.,02 1 1-111•1" GI- PICKING SELLA COATR CHEAP. PICKING SELLS PAN CHEAP. PICKING BELLE VarlE CHEAP.s PICKINCI SELLS FILIIIITS CHEAP. PICKING BELLS NOTIONS CHEAP. PICKING SELLS CLOCKS CHEAP. PICKING SELLS TRUNKS CHEAP. PICKING SELLS VIOLINS CHEAP. PICKING SELLS ACCORDEONS CHEAP PICKING SELLS VERY CHEAP. 1=313 Jnlv LUMBER, COAL STOVES, TIN- WARE, ase. Corner of Carlisle Street and the Railroad, = AN IN 'ENSE STOCK! IN order to ON e the piddle something like an adequate idea of the Immense•llM kol Lumber, Coal, Stoves, rln-ware, so,ou hand and for side.{,- the undersigned, at his ep•tablisliment, In Cxrtioie stns, .11,11.,, the Railroad from the Pits- Kongror Station, he v ould en limonite as tar as the limits of a newspaper adverusetin lit a ill allow =I Boards and Plank of every grade, from rullino to panel, Joists lind Scantling, lane .toil hembii Siding, planed and unpinned, Flooring. allingles, Shingle Laths, Plasconne Laths, Pickens, read) - made floors and NtSil, and hbut lel s,-1.1.1 fact, everything used for building purposes. I= Shamokin White Ash and IA Valley Ash, these two a gtriet hying the pn rest ..11,1 beq for all domestic purpo , ,es, Also the very best BromPtop and Allegheny smith I'm!. TNITIIE STOVE 7,l\F. Waverly, Noble Cook, Royal Cook, Barley Sheaf, Oriental, Stewart a took, Ornamental Err, I.lor, Prinee korai and the Emerald Cooking Stoves, all for eoat or wood, These varieties are a %el,- Ron from the beat. and moat popular Cooking MON'es the market attordk and are all warranted to glye entire mit Istabtiou. Also, a very large variety of Parlor, Saloon and Shop Stost`r, tor coal or wood, Including the vitamin - 1 Morning Glory, the Volean, Oval Meteor, Bound 3lett or, Dial, Gem Regulator, Comet, Ego, Neu Egg, Parlor Cook, ,. Se. Fire Brick and Grate., for coal or wax!, always On hand. I=l The assortment endinices everything necessary for kitchen or household purpose., 11111Udi114 IL large number of cons enient et articles of new design which must beseen to be appreciated. The stock is so large and 1. aried (lad those tt ho have not s hilted the establishment have no con ception of Its extent. In to the ordlu,t ry kitchen utensils, it includes Bathing Vessels, Toilet Chamber sets, plain and rises, Chamber Buckets, Bread and Spice. hoses, Ten and Cadet. Canisters, Deed Boxes, Spilt. s. adult r Nal n em, Bill-head Boxes, Walters, Ale Carriers, Water (bolero, Stave 'utters„.NorseLam ps, Jell V 310111/14, Pudding Moulds, Patent Nutmeg Gs liters. Comb Cases; Gen. Grant Plates and A B Plates. Ash Buckets, Flour Sieves, third I :ages, Spout Beads, Coffee Mills, Lanterns, 11,1 tog sissdis, Lire, Forks, Caudle St 10,4,4 'smile Moaid4, t upper I ap. Irons, Wrought-Iron Frying Pan, Smootlong Irons, Foot Fs•rapers, Cone., Roasters. Waffle Irons, Snuffers, Dinner and Auctioneer Be its, Egg Beaters, Oiler*, Fluted Funnel., Cool 50 s es, Glass-top Fruit Cans, Plain-top it OWN Self sealing Jars, ce, Tin-stare mace to order, and repairing promptly attended to, by the best of workmen. IN THE HOLLOW-WARE LINE Cast-iron Pot,, of every sire nod variety, for stoves, Pon,lain Kettles, for cooking afld pre serving, Tin-lined Kettles for ditto, tia,t-Iron Stew Pans, of every ei/e and variety. POI t Main and tinned, a ith a thousand and ,ate other arti cles impossible to enumerate 10 en ndvertlAr meat. Attention la specially direeteil to three valua ble patents for which he Is agent, and abaft which there is no humbug, as can he attested be dbores who have used them, yLs • THE UNIVER SAL CLOTHES-WRINGER, DOTI H WASHING MACHINE, and the celebrated DIAMOND CHURN. The public are invited to rail and ( canine goods and prices. lie guarantees to sell ever - thing in his line at exceeding low Ilan res. tome and see, to gratify your eurimaty, if you do not want to buy. No trouble to allow graal, July 1, 1807. McCITRDY 86, HAMILTON, FLOUR, GRAIN', GROCERIES, 4.0. rallE undersigned are paying, at their Ware ouse, In Carlisle street, adjoining lluelder's , the highest priers for FLOUR. WHEAT. RYE, CORN, 0 tTS, RITE WHEAT, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SE.E.DS, POTATOES, &C., and Invite produeerg to give them a eall before selling. They ha% e constant ly on hand for, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERID, Nfolasse", Syrups, Coffee", Sugar' ' dr., with Slit, Ft/111,01K Int . , Soap", HannTOhileelost, de. AN° the best brands of 1 , 1,01'11, with FEE! i of all kind". They Ilkea hie hate I= Soluble Mettle Guano, Mod,' Month:lle awl A A .Mexlean Guano. Whilst they pay the highest market prim. for all they buy, th ey men at the Mu em ltv o , profttm. They ask tiahare of public patronage, remolved to glye ..atimfaellon In every came. ROBERT MeCI'RDY, WM. to. HAMILTON. Gettyaburg, July 1, 1867. PROOFS OF THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF THE AMERICAN WATCH, MADE At WA LTHA AI, MASS The American Watch Company, of Waltham, Masa., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate, less ecfrnplex, more dural hie, better adapted for general use, and more eas ` ily kept in order and repaired than any other watches In the market. They are simpler in structure, and therefore stronger, and less likely to be Injured than the majority of foreign watch es, which axe composed of from 12. i to WI pieces, while In an old English watch there are more then 700 parts. How they run under the hardest trial watches can have, is shown by the following letter: PEA. RAILROAD COMPANY. ' OFFICE OF TILE OIINEIRAL SUPERIYTENDENT, Aurooffs , , Ref., 15 Dec., law. f Genf/men: The watches manufactured by yon have been In use on the, railroad for din end vend by our enginemen, to Votn we furnish watches as part of our equipment. There are now seine three hundred of them mrried on our line, and we consider them good and reliable time-keep- ere. Indeed, I have grent ..aftiftietion In Saying your Watches give us leers trouble, and ha, e w oin and do wear flinch longer without 1.1.1114 than any watches we have ever had in US, on ;Id, road. As you are aware we formerly trusted to those of English manumeture, of mlf nowleglaod good reputation; but as a hoot Ihe never kept Iliac a, eormlly, or they done as goal SerVlee, Its . - - In the .tatements I am %uqta med by my pre. decessor, Mr. Lewis, whose expPrien , e extended over a merles of year+. ItespectlLll ' EDwAttr) H. WI 1.1.1.%.M.4, Ciemera4 atperuttendcat. Amerwee Welch CL., Waltham. We make now Hw dttfet eat grades of wateheq, named respedllVely nm follows : Appleton, Tracy de Co.. Waltham, 3laaa. Waltham Watch Company,. Waltham, Masa. P. 8. Bartlett, - Waltham, Musa Wm. Hllery,. Dalton, :lms. Home Watch Company, Bmtton, Mat.. All of these with the exception of the Rome Watch Company, are warranted by the Ameri can Watch Company to be of the best material, on the mast approved principle, and to possess every regulate for a reliable time-keeper. Eve ry dealer selling [ham \\ - etches ix provided with the Company's print&l curd of gurantee, nhtch should accompany each Watch sold, so that buy ers may feel sure that they are purchasing the genuine article. There are numerous counter feits and Imitations of our Watches sold through out the country, and we would caution macho., era Lobe on their guard againat Itnpoalt ion. Any grades of Waltham Watches truly be pur chased of Watch neaten; throughout the country. ROBBINS & APPLETON. Broadway, New York. Sept. 6, LW. 2m EMI Dissolution of Co-Partnership. MITE firm of R. A. FOI7TZ .1c BRO., tin , dal' j. dime:lived Mnsen.g. W. A. Fouti. retiring, D. E. FOUTZ is hereby nothori,...l to nettle the buslneatt of the latellrin, nod 0 ill . nn thine the Imolntim In lila own name. Auguat I, Intr. • 1 t 5 . 41 , 1 1 .L eunthrue In the WITOLPI9.ILE !din: D Id.ED u F IR NI: tIIItINEK4 MAN - VIM , FO ' MEDICINES, at the oil place, No. 118 Franklin Street, under the name lind ßotu dj ni le .s. ol sept.2o.lst. L D I AVID F. FOUTZ. fIiaIICHTANTLY on hand, an nnnortment of Fine FRMAIrEN, PlientartAPH ALBUMS, lamb; and Viodiets Stir mime. from the Hattle-nelit. PROTO3RAPIIIS of oar Generals and other din ingulshed Indrttldnithi nt the Excelsior Gallery, 4'. J. TYSO \ ADAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE DIBURANCE COMPANS /SCOEPOILATID, MATICII 18, 1851 President—OK:wire Swope. Vito Prea!dent—Samuel 11. Rus.sell. „ etar . s ._D. A, Buehler. Tresaurer—E. 11. Fah nestock. Executive Cornmitieo—Robert McCurdy, An drew Hein [adman, Jacob Kline. n, nn0 ,.....Ak.0rge Swope, D. A. Buehler. B. McCurdy, M.,lillehelherger, s. IL Hassell , E. G. Fahnsetock, D. Buehler, It. G. li.iCrearY, Get - qsburg,• Jaeo . b King stratutn township , A. Heintaelmnit, Franklin; P. litters New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendenville; H. A. Plcking,litraban; John K oltord, l,allmore; John Picking, _East Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Benito,- s Hie; Abdiel F. Oitt. New tixford ; Jas, li. Mur shall, Hamlltonban; John 1,ree l10111; JOllll Horner, .31 0 11111JtT, K m. (tux. White, Liberty. StaiThls Company IS limited In Its operations to the comity of Adams. I; duty n eon i n nper ,,,i nn for more than 15 yesrs, and In that period has made hut one nte,t, , llll ht, tat, nn; paid lossiis by ttni during that period amounting to c 1 7119 of which Ints e la en 11,;k1 tilllllll, the last two t Yin Any person des,ting i• apply to any of tit., alas,. mums' .Stn urgers It tut ther information Sa-'he I..l:remise 1 ~mtnlttee meets at the cif nce of the 1:0111131111 , , on the ra,,t Wolilllll4lo In every month, at 11 o 10, k , I'. M. POI. 10, INtLi. If INSURE YOUR PROPERTY The Parniers' anti Merchants' Insurance Company, of Yor4, P,1171.(7. Incorporated the Letdsla,tu re of Peun'n. in Intl Arrlludll7-ktt l Art I \L 6 .. , „ 1 ,, 41,0041 0) 4 0 ,040 00 41\ AiL.kIILE . 02,074 17 SSUItANCE can he made In I ills Company at I . rates as are .1111 Ow h. -curl- I, 0 1 the enmpan) and 111, parth, luauve 1. and 011111 1 .111440440 ,044 0 1 . 1 4 , 0 terla.s.o,olllllllll cmum• nit in the eou n ry. No preolluut 0014 , 1110 1,11.4 4 11 01141 1 011 4 10111111 1 111•1‘ 110 4 111 ., 11 111 144. 11141411. 1411 11.1 POll4 14 .4, 111141,0111 K MI 11111111.11 olltp.tnyolt, rth's , 1t 111 bt akett in the large tilt., Warn than half of 2t4 rolin• mtot•k IN op ;”..1 br thll, or. and tin N 1 i.t• a 1,1a1.1111t that it anal, Wit Iry n.r Managed I, to Mal, it a. sate 'Mahal. (Or ITl•all.ta, All k.n.eit promptlt ittlito,ted owl paid without till stein). Application% Mal , Ihrollol the Poql Oltlee, Role any Plat Of the Ottllln, will m oil tk.llll in... Date attention. 1111101. DA the coiner-room, Sceomi Story of HARTMAN'S Br 11.1)I NI I. I OW re Nittare,lork. Preside,ll-1111N 1:1" I'av-Prestfl.,l , -1) \VII) E. 'AMALL. Powetors. Philip ..Small, JOllll A. Wolcor, M 11. Spahr. (gym W ~,or lt Chariest A.. Morris, W. H. Ku rt John F. Li% In David F.. STIIIIII. 7'rertrarer--4 lint les Nerrettrm—T. Ii li k Wit I h•. Hr.:cm - A. Pit AP.m, rrllc~hu r_. N. W. MP:VERN, • •• I mis July 1, PIM dm THE NORTH AMERICAN LIFE AND ACCIDENT /A COMP.IXI NJ. it:Walnut qtr, t, Pun. Sllrt I'IITA MEE (11 , /..}.lCs 1..F.W IS I. 1.11 nefildellt, S. P. DAIL/AM:TY PN, c'3. and Trellis. Lnnk.crunsi : ' . . Lewlu L. Houpt, J. F.. Kingskv, Samuel C. Palmer, Jinn.% M. Connul, W. \V. Kurtz, .roan Itingham, H. (4. I..•tnenriu4, Th.ututh K 1.. ter.ton James Shwhis, John S. Wright. ItMIMS persona of any ago nr occupation ngalust death, chin r trout IJ E It Olt Ar CI DENT, ta Lou cat (!umh Rat.% All life polleles of this I 'gun pony nre psvable at the oge of en; SO that a intuit nit enjoy the O. ne. tit ut ho. las estno nt. In his old age, It his Iw Is prof hosted beyond foursome ; r.a s. Is Ilk :NM A. Pit G. 11% shurg, Is the L'ompany's Agent for Adams eount , Ile will cheerfully furundi all informal/on requested. Angus( leS7. W E Et ta wl ' ird ' e i rs,Tt r irl ll ' L a g n rl u cu n it i trn g it t l n ra l trll f e e ,7li i a ' t we have within tile past 3 ear increased inir facil ities for the manufacture on r RAW Bost. Pilo,- Pital 1,, to an extent tin. quailed by.any other lion, in the United sdatcs I.itt rope. These fa cilities not oily Meted: tlic enlargeno nil of our old established Merlin In Philadelphia, kitint n its the DELAWARE RIVER Alaticuurulut, CHEMICAL worms, but al," the purchase of extensive and well Otto werlzsat Chicago, 11l , with all the necessary machinery, ears, Sr., to conduct the business. 'I his estabikliment alone has produced, annually,m er 5,00 i time or dried Bones and Meat, and b. capaple ot tiring largely increased. WI desl,e. tl Ihe chk,st su pervision, to conduct tle se two eonceriet so that our customers will Aerie e it prart bem•dt front their cullsolidatton, ,litanning a MANURE .1.1 , 11 shall mainthin a stitnilani and millarla quality, and at the lowest po.slble price. II %reili Peruvian Guano Substitute ! E 1' • ItAtr no.Nr. I= SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME PiONS, Note Propnef ors Delaware flyer elienaleal Workm, 14-Farniera are recommended to porehnse nt the dealer located to their tlelalthorhood. lit nee t lona u here no denim. the PhoAphate ton} - he pro u red di:eel! , from the un dermaned. A pt iced I iri 111.11 Nl.ll be Sent to all dealer. w Ito App., (Ikea, Na.:111 Al. Ile !mean. .4 I'IIII,IIELPIII I. BIO , fIIEICS Cieneral l'oorl hired, corner of odor, Gt:tilt1.11111".1111.1:. W1101014%10 AVM for Maryland and Virg...l. *l - We are prepnrert to Supply our Patent sm tional Mill to nil !titular:, tom, tor grinding BI.IIOK. Guano and all other hard 0,111U4.1111NN. Sugur,[s,l,47. SITTER-FIiusPIIATE LIME, 5T.1ND.47,./) (If' .4 72 STEED. FOR 4 IILE AT )1 0.1 ; 27 North 11..1 011-vet, No. 9.i South htreet, Baltimore. Aud by Dralers in general throughout the Cotuntrv. The SOMBRERO GUAS'O of which MOHO PHOSPHATE is and alai*. /11,1 been manufactured, and of which he has Mal' control for the lotted Stateso contains tits per rent. more Bone Plamthitte than Haw laue, therefore It in future dorable. The addition of ammonia gives it greater f, t t i lizing Ur er six years' f`Xnerli'llev has proved 10 the Farmer that it makes a le avier grain than even stable IrlfUlllre, and Is not only wit, e but lasting, Multi) PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Mann Met Price 1..1.56 per ton of 2,0011 11, In...omit to Deniers. • Marsh 4, PSG. Pm - - Pacific Guano Company's SOLUBLE PACIFIC G CAN() = Wholi,d. Ain Onipant THE r) exteri 1, Lucv.d 11,10 ..00no t out the armory render , It min.,. to-or , to mot . thin aeaaon, that, Ile Coinp.iteon ,o/ iv are pteelnel) the game tlatt I.en.tohne, Ity no for the Company. We have roll Qth 1100110 from the Peg - inning under a regular atom of nail Insp , dolt, At an dollars annually. c alike of the emt.rtet.... an i It.. Cl,,ipan 1/, nto II tc maulfeat to all who un ler.tand tit. tr...... in I. I. t llizen4, that It. (11,11310 t. oe ....a.lmted on :MS other principle. imp , ,rt.kne.. and I ot the trade deinand4 title prof. . NVe are prepoeed to t•htill at lir. A. i'uowd, ll Piggot's eer Winter 0.1 ,naps Log lot go 001,1.Concuillerk moot onner , ,(• the mu.. 11i .11111 S. Co. branded ou the hag., none other genuine. Aug. fl, 1 , 67. tun . - - - The Graver & !taken—The Best in Use. riminsr. Machine , ha, bec,ane go welt J.. that little teen hr said by Nt ftSt of recommen champ, Tile) hit e taken the lirsl pn m luta nil tn. late State Fmt.. and m - e rout er , ..Lll‘ ac knowledged to be the a., by all to ha have tried them. The °Grover A. , 'tin and the "Shuttle Match - tire pant , . that have berm attained by no otter Machine. They are the only machine: , that 111• W and embroider with per fection. These Marline, are pet all,. lv adapted to Family in, They are not,ele.e., ,, i•n din tt ly from the span! without rea Indian, and are ,fin pie in their eote.traet tom Ole efO, to 111311- w, laid Mil tie uork., ity than st .111 , 7 child. Every family altnnid ha, e one. flue seer labor. Met/ tare law mut flaw seer meat,,, and do their work better titan it exit la- don , be hand. The undersigned havitat been appointed Agent for the above Alachnu -4, hex establigLied Jorti er in Fairfield, Adam, county, where he will al n aye flaxe on baud it sup,ly. Persons wi-shing to hop tt stilt please call and t Xellitllle tar them selves. Ci Needlea andJ. Thread Wsi in al-o be sit 5. ITII Ent ))V, Agent, Pitlrilt ii, Adains't num) , t' - - S. A. FOETZ, DAVIP E. FOUTZ H. F. DEBRING & BRO., Flf}B(r) NI) CARNA,ItA yT.I I. P.tINTGILC ntEDTD.ItI: CITY, MD., •XrrePreTVI'LLY Inform the public that they are ppared to FILF:i4CD ununenEs, PRIVA.TE Ra4DECFSI, ce n t ) t mood approved atvles, modern or a All work warranted to eve aatlrdart lon an to taste, durability and elongate.. April I . !, Mr. Coo GENTLFIMEIC'S trtrnlqhlna Claaag all kinds 11,1 43 1..410 Noßnrw, MEM EOM TO OUR CUSTOMERS. PHILADELPHIA AND Calumet li:orkx, CHIC \lot = EZISEEI 117 und JUT hunth 7t/r) BALT11101:F- MORO PMIIIPS' I=l BALTIMoHt , JOHN rs a 4..! M FOUTZ'S == Horn alld Gallo Powders. Thu Ilreparatlon, lona owl tot erably • 111 broken down and Inv aelrOnt home, by attstotthrnlng and leaning Aft stomach and 111 • nrr It la • ante tow• ettalt• of all dip sews Incident to this animal, tech ma LUNG FEE 'GLANDERS, YELLOW WA TER, HEAVER, I FO /I S, TE WEER, FE VEIL, FOUNDER 1.1004 OF MTG. TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ks. Its un• Improves the .d increases , t st h' t i ti l tr to' t"Rleea and• JO itloa.ty ahlit•;•and ". • tranaferms t e miserable ekeleton Into a fine 'calling and tphited bone. _ To keepers of Cows this pry ' , aro lion is invaluable. It inereaves the quantity unit ill& MI Cl. the qnslity tifthe mak It bat been proven by se tn.) etperiment le Incense the quan ta, of milk snit el-elm twenty per eent snit mote the butter Aril 14N1 sweet. In ISltenins e t Attie, it alt es thew Ilii sippellte,l4..gena their it I sle, •Ilii mitt,. them thrive Eiti =I the Lunge, Liver, Ar net Lle WU a.s Spsilk • . B. putung fits. b one WO( s to a imp In n barrel of otelll above di. sere .111 tor• envlleabhl or entimly pre, utml If cm en In time, a certain. preveutt‘c and cup th. 11, I holcrn ' Price 25 Cents per Paper, o. 5 Papers for la. PRE:PARED BY B. A. VOTITZ s.SZ: ETEMICI wimumikta Dirt 17 kiD mEhinn Aro. 116 Pranziin St., ilaltimore, Md. For Sale by Ileurtgl.t. and e4oruloaper4 through. out the Culled State. G,n%.1 I. I X .% I) 1101 , 114 •1.• o , tirz: I ..1 . . ',let A 1., A I Dal id: E. boob. Nucceionor Dee. 17, I , 1. ly B. I IS ' VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE CF TEE AGE! C.'rrty-Itattttletl l'ectilltt hare their leek, n^tend I. ) it to th,. dar4, Matron., atm hct,“l of >oath, and are hippy! Youn.T People, with io7ht, f.rded or reqi Haig, hut. unfa , inonalle colcrt changed to a la.katiful auburn, and rt.paL, : People whys,. head' NW cot errs! with i)rus nfl and /foam t, it, and lane clean elmt..tad tear and Ins althy I:. A cl-1 Lewd eat V,t emit,. hate Oh, renaming Iw k titthtental. and the hare s po t' cos ere(' nith n lamina:a grunth of and dunce for toy! Young Gentlemen u.e it fa•rause it , rir!ily perfumed! Young LlldiC9 use it because It keep' their hair in place! Ever3h,ttly naive and trill two it. beim', it is the rietisrti and brit article in the• market ! For Sale by Druggists generally Pill , 1,1. , PI II IN yrnx. Si 1 , 1, n..,1.• A. D. Buehler and H. Horn, Getty slmrv.. n)..1 1 I . ltarho . ,l,lll.ll.stm% u. SEIM MEI LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS ! ,iItEAT.I , I:)IAI.E Hilt. Ittitkut LAtin 11N! I hole Islet Inei4e 1).1,1.4 In en. (inn ionietl,.., ON, 11are, All.f ‘ll,lltil nothing 11.14, n 111 N.411/4.11 by n... 11,41 r , 01.11 111 h" I 11 1 / 1 5,11/1/), pooltiNtoly null halm. ,11 5 telnl , . /in. .;111 , 11y, in. .100. li,•• C.1,1n 1111 it 111111 11131`,11 I,ll<. pin» 111, 11111 .• 110 I) Linn. 111111 - OM, Itr, 11,10,t, 101 (11.1011. pellet tl3'nal In•sit 1.11 Woe., cseept I•• II •iIoCCIaIII beheld. tin de., tem, The 3 it. bet 11 t ah 11e11.t•It ttltll4l.l.l“Jln cull 11011 pits ttl 111111 , 11l 1 rain. and /.11glan „. ell an to 111 , ' , wa 11c ,. . ,,, T I. I. , I 1111 ,, 3el to aural the nrnt lestarmeol t u tor , . 1\ „ 1141 stn ,• testimeends welt' t elene3 nate 1)yel 11E1 , 41,111W] 11 at 14.1 ~tell Mitten, 'were (hey Hye 10 I. d enter, pi I,a ti . r lan y oute 1.111 , a e horn ne,lll the 'pled. 3 ear, 11114 end tr,lol 110 .3 r• !well Int, 1 11111 FL/ 11 awl! , nr. fee f.t• job.. II Ines. al/ 01.1 , 1r0 , f 1, 1% , o° o % l 1 ,1 1, lewleadi.. Let 11 ttot 111/.1 111'1. 11111. I, /111, 11,41, 1,11 11111, I.IIIIOIOIIW 1, 11111, , .1 r , .111> 111.6111., 101,1 Nit4t •1111 t boll lilt) 11/ .11W/till% - pat. fel, Mtn , 1 111. 911,01 s" y 1 „ In/~gll:tad NlenofroVelll. 1.11 , orrh. N. on 11,11 - 11111 t het follow, I would taw, try,Veslrox , i I' 010111 ri.1111 , 1111 Alt 1.11/1)1,. 1.14111 •,1111 prep it nitlen, Ih , Ir 11110 0 1 is more .11.1 :tll peso,.' that, lily p ;1a 1/r powtlll,. tlll -, bearing my ne , Nl l / 1 11e, na•tolnpuln em L bottle. They ten. Ili 1/W11111;11 of Itearli' ei 0% oltesa:l.f In tie ion:11,2%111 1. 1.11114:ing 1,.1.11 d Cit., New Haven, 1 r o 11, , lu, Agent# ter the United Steleiaml 1 amnia. lilt. .)11111 , 1 1.. L.NIoN, I'f:tell/elm I'll% 01f ,an. Nei% 1 M.tr4 1.07 ou sioo REWARD F AL n illodIg111.• that V1111(111' lEEE =1 11 . k10011:sal COLTUIL ISM= )N , umtilv K 1 11[11; lIH am guy, k Of, Coo's Cough Balsam! OVER ONE M 4 1-.1.10s JIIYI - 11,E, i, been sold awl 11 11.1 •Inga. , I ut It 1.,.f0r• 1.. n", We have in our lanareamon, any quuntity ut V. WU ate., ,rule ol I Ii ni trout • EMINt..N 1 1•111!:-.1(1.1 %Iv, Inn u••. 111 in their plactlvr. 1111.1 liiVvn It the pre-. lair...rice It &H ., not Ivy rp in (tyligh; but LOOKENS. IT, ' SOUS U. onablo Mt , pan, nt to vsp. , ‘ t,,rato frl . l.!V TWO • Will 1n0. ,, i , d•1Y C'ner 77r:dull l/.' Virorq! A. bull, 60'110 lios lAteSl ..,aaapletels eure.l the moo MO,&Jim yot, though it fi . awl IA nreinthal, it I. .( I.• Murat fen, lacing pert Iv c, germ/tit ILie.ery ragreenhl to the trotr, anal may la • m1ue.01,4 reel to tla I -llren aims. age. In e.:.‘ of Itol" l' we will ^,na rant.n eure, If tnicen In .en‘r,n. .1n Family h, telt/mut It' II 1, wlthln Ilu re, Is 4, all, it Is, nig On. s•lirni. and In .5 Inedl, Irl, , xinnl. . t.. l LA RR & ‘l•_, Proprwtors, New-lf.. u , j • inn = IMMiIIIE A LECTURE TO YOUNG ,THEN alge4 .1I r[1:1,1-111 D, in nhtn !t ri 111- Vrp,Sac ,41114. A 1 tat In , :Sninty, 'lmmanent i.i, of N.ornanonno., ar Noinsnl.l .41.10....1% , 11110 inll , ntr to NIATIII.O Noz ../1.111 1..111411111.1 , M, ErtieptiV, and I its: NI/ III:// 11111 i hit t jilt :tpurlty, fe,ltt/ny lnnis :soli/ /qo/./ &/..--Itt/111,I(1 .1. I VI, ILWEI.I., U, of Llic • /.14 on hunk._ . orLl-1, 1/ON, 11. I loin/In:do IA stir, 5 I!, pro. es !rola 000 t c1,..<1..11<••• that Ow Inl 4:ouv,r4nenee of !self-Abuse ma, Dr ettertually ream.. <1 is ithout nio<ll<nu.., It h ont dalpf.orous ‘turglenl operations, hot,µlos, st rUlnent,, ling% or cordial:, pointing out .t niodo of enre at on,: < Italn a rPI v. - Pry NIIII, I r, o,t mottc: II bat hh 1011tiltbal Hilly be, !nay hopplv, KIN . andlnal- Tli Li t I '5lll {nu, Loon to tb o u.,_ WWI% anti thor,npl-. Sent With to an. addres , , In a Onto totalest enselott, on too nu it t Of N:X vnt , ,• r t.. 0 pogt age Pr. "'Marrow> p: t 11 Is. .ksplr,-'stilt- p< I'. J. ICU: , 51 <55, 11<lhory, :Cr Si 1 uric, Post 0111te noS 4341 May 1.14 150. 31,1. PAINTS FOR FARMERS MI IK I,r on Mineral Paint Co. are nos mann tac,uritm the Beal, (11.;npr4a and 1110(1 Dura ble Faint m use; IWO coats well put ~n, mixed wltlt pure 1 11,v .1 tlll. will 'rat Ilp ar 11 yeara•, It is of light hrown or bcaullinl chocolate color, unit can he ellauwll toure,n, lout, atone, tintb, olive or crelan to suit the ra che cominuer. It is ,alusibi for 1i0n..., barna, F race*, Carnage. anti Car-maker , , rails lino Wooden-wore Agri ctiltMal lutplt ha nu, Canal Boats, Vtasein a n d S.ltips' Bottom:, ( 11.1111 llm, Metal allft,lllMSlollool., It being Fire ana Water proof,' V Ulf lone Manutaetur , r used 501)01)bl:4.1hr punt mitr, .111,1 1:11 Vr.lnt fi or nMI j.urpo, ansurptae.- ed far AO, rillt I 4 1,411 Price .1, per bbl. XIO whfrh will supply fanner lorrat, to vow, (Val 1 antra ill all canes nn llhm e. Send for a cirruhtr which given filth particulars, None gennlne unletat branded In a trade murk Urnttort t l'aint. .441drem NIEL 1111/WELT., 21.1 Pearl Street, New York. Sept. 6, 1667. NEW' GOOD6l.—Norria hoe Jest returned from the city with a large assortment of Clothing. Call and examine them, [May 4'e• - MIME HAMS, nrnt. gnallty_, 2kntl_rftwinlinle In rpr rittl I* had nt, KALUFLEtIiCH,Ft. 0 MGM=