Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, October 18, 1867, Image 2
tit,n`_:sburg Kumpiltr. -FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ocr.lB, 1867. ' , MATE. The collidel majorities or the Isevern - counties of the State are published In another column. Sharswood Is elected by 744, after overcoming Geary's majority of 17,178. This result, great in secdring such smart as George Sharswood upon the Supreme Bench, and greater still in its deep significance for the future, brings Pennsylvania once more into the Demo cratic column. Wrested from the hands of the corrupt and infamous cabal of Congressional traitors, who laid their sacrilegious hands upon the Constitution of their °Gantry and -attempted to tear from it every lineTtul syllable which bars their way to power, the "Old Key stone" now nobly takes her stand on the side of the people and the people's rights, and boldly proclaims her fealty to the "common bond and common brother hood." In a short time New York and New Jersey fill add their voices In be half of "thegood old cause," and increase the general joy by showing their devo tion to the Democratic faith. EZIOICINGE IVES THE VI The Democracy of the borough had a happy time of it on the nightof the elec tion, 1n their rejoicings over the glorious triumph in the county. Cheer followed cheer as the returns came in, and after old 11Iountpleasant, Union and Germany thundered along their big majorities, the drum and fife were brought out, which "waked up the echoes" until morning. On Thursday evening, martial music was again brought into requisition, and, accompanied with gongs, bells, horns, (bot forgetting a thousand or two of cheers,) a very lively "street concert" re sulted. On Saturday evening, "Pen elope Ann," the beautiful brass eight-pounder belong - ing to the Democracy, "appeared upon the scene," and, occupying en elevated position near town, sent forth her glad dest and loudest notes, over the redenw lion of "the Keystone of the Federal Arch." She seemed to feel the extra ordinary importance of the occasion, because never before did she make ap magnificent a noise. A procession of j übi lent Democrats, with drums and life, and a great yarlety of other "musical instru ments," also paraded the streets, closing the demonstration with cheers for the county, the State, Ohio, and. so on. It was a spirited affair—pleasant to the De mocrida, but otherwise to the (blue—eery ;due) Radicals. TILE purr OE DEMOiCRATIIL The' wonderful Democratic gains throughout the country prove that we can °lea the next President and save the country. The people are with us, and they have resolved that the Union must he restored and the Constitution pre served. They will have no negro empire erected on the ruins of the Republic.' •- Let every Democrat go to work from this hour with renewed diligence and energy. Let a united and universal of-. fort be made to • put a sound and able Democratic paper in every house. The press is the lever that moves the modern world, and through the agency of the Democratic press a great revolution is being wrought. Then let every Demo crat, as he counts our gains and rejoices over our great victories, resolve to engage in the great Work of circulating' widely Democratic newspapers. By so doinghe will render it cr:tain that a new and constantly increasing impetus shall be - given to the glorious tide of victory. BETTER I'm —The majority for Martin Getz, the Democratic candidate for 'Di rector of the Poor, was given in our last at 410. This wire a mistake. It should have been 430—making the Democratic majorities range from 313 to 430. Cer tainly very handsome figures. The people of Adams do not believe with the-Radical leaders here, that the equality of the negro with the white la necessary to the settlement of tuitional questions. Hon. WM. A. WALLACE.—The New York Tribune pays Senator Wallace a well deserved compliment by saying, editorially, that the victory in this State is greatly due to his energy, and ability. lie made no noisy show in the campaign, but his influence was everywhere potent ly felt in completing the organization of Ole party. lie has made a most effi cient Chaircian of the Democratic State Central Committee, and'we all feel that thereat campaign of neat year will be ablY and successfully conducted by him. RADICAL editors boast of "victories in the South"rihere negroes do the voting! Nothing else seed's to be lefethem. The white North repudiates the black, unclean party. :FOR several years we have been en gaged in the delightful business of ex plaining defeats. Our Radical friends told us that this was our privilege—that they. were perfectly satisfied with the figures. Now that the tables areturned,; do they like their own prescription? ? • TiE Radicals are beginning to qu about the nomination of Grant for ;the rreitddeneY. The out-spoken negro-e -quality leaders (the back-bone of 'the party,) protest against a milk-and-water nominee. Greely says that any backing down on the negro questi will result in a worse Republican def e ct than - Gen. Scott sustained in 1852, ne matter who may lead the ticket. The path of Radi calism is becoming ".rough4'--- - "rough ."' Onto papers unite in deflaring that a large negro vote was polled, in the Wes tern Reserve and other Ittitlical strong holds. The Cincinnati Enquirer arserts that it would be easy to prove 'that enough illegal negro votes were thus east to overcome the small apparent ma jority for the negro suffrage ctuulidate raj' Governor. THE Cincinnati Gazette, Radical says "A. diadly political simoon seems to have script over the State, turning our great Republican majority into dry bones." We had i touch of the same "simoon" in this State, and there 18 a terrible shaking among the dry bones of the Radical party. Bo fanatical had the Radical leaders become that they had persuaded them selves the manes would follow wherevekthey led the way. In au hour ch bei proved fatal to them, they submitted the question of negro suffrage to the people of Ohio, and it has been strangled td death In the house of its sup posed friends. Ohio has declared with wpm which It will be well for the Bios, to regard, that, within her *OS , boundaries, the doctrine of "manhood - suffrage" will not be tolera ted. 2[fARCIJB MORTON w as elected Govern ore( Naaaachusetta,ln4B39, by a majority amp In avote of 19068, after being a Candidate for mixteru consecutive ye,, ME LATE IP:LE(TIONN I 'ENNSY LVA Nl.A.—Judgp Sharswood, Democrat, is enacted to the Supreme Bench, by a raffority of 744—a Dettm cratic gain, alnoa lag year, of 17,9211 To the State Bent*, 14 Democrats and Ip Radical!, are:,elMitett—to .the House, 46 Democrats and 54 Radicals. A , hand some Democratic gain—which would have been greater but for the infamous Radical cheating Ip (Districting the State. 01110.—The voteon Governor is close. The limited candidate to probably elect ed, but his majority may not be greater than the• illegal negro vote cast for him. In the lust Legislature the Radicals had 413 majority ou joint ballot; now the Democrats have 111-5 in the Senate and 7 in the House ; a Democratic gain of 56 in one year. This will elect a Democratic U. S. Senator (Thurman or Pendleton) in place of Ben. Wade. The negro•vo ting amendment Is defeated by probably 60,000 !—a gain of 90,000! CONNECTICUT.—The DeMocrata have gained over 20 towns, thus giving them a majority in the Legislature—for the first time in thirteen years. INDIANA.—Twenty-five counties show a Democratic gain of 9,152, and further changes are reported. lOWA.—The Democrats have gained 8,183 in forty-two counties. A glorious work for October! Novem ber will not dishonor it ! ----- THEN AND NOW. The Radicals are trying to console themselves by asseverating that the election of 1867 is like that of 1862. They profess to believe that they will recover the lost ground in 1868 as easily as they did. in 1863. They forget that they were then restored to power by the bayonet, by crushing out Democratic newspapers, by incarcerating Democrat ic orators, by military tyranny and by fraudulent army votes. They have been defeated now by a great popular reac tion which cannot and will not be check ed. The great agencies which wrought the wonderful change this fall will be more actively and efficiently employed from this day, until the election of a sound, constitutional Union man for President seals the doom of the Radical Monotonies forever. = The recent elections mean— The restoration to power of that party (the Democratic) which, with but very short exceptions, and brief interims, gov erned the country so well, from 1800 to 1880. The returning-sense of the people, that the Democratic party 18 the ,only party which can constitutionally, and safely, govern a Democratic republic. The general conviction that the Re publican party is made up of such ele ments, as not only do not know how to govern. but will ruin the country in governing. . The elections deelere against the Whole 'Copgressional reconstruction system of the Radicals. It is a verdict of "Guilty.," on the whole Democratic Indictment against the Radical feeders. ••crivesaAL sUrFAAGE" Notwithstanding the defeat of the Rad icals on the Bth instant, Forney, in his paper ofSaturday last, declared that" Co ngress must apply a remedy, either by a new amendment of the Constitution, or by a law," "granting universal suffrage so far as all national questions are con cerned." If the Radicals make "universal (negro) suffrage" 'their platform in. the next con test, Pennsylvania will cast the largest majority against it that any State ever gave upon any question since the Union was framed. The attempt to„ strike thtword "white" out of the Constitution of this State by a mere' law" of Congress, Without tefer enee to a vote of the people, would create such a popular revolt that theparty advo cating it would scarcely be able to elect a constable in any township in the Com monwealth. Let the Radicals try it. YORK BOROUGH.—Amongst the most gratifying results In the late contest, was the majority. for Sharewood in the Borough of York. The - Democrats and Conservatives battled nobly, and rolled up the unprecedented majority of 358 ! This is the largest majority ever. given in this Borough for a general State ticket, and shows that the march of conserva tive principles is onward in our midst, and that York Borough now gives one of the heaviest majorities of any large town In the State. We need only work and organize properly, and next, tall we can give a Democratic and Conservative ma jority of 400 easily.—York Gazette. FORNEY, says: "A. letter to the editor of the Press, from the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, dated at Lancaster on the 10th, gives the gratifying intelligence that he is thinking clearly on the afate of the country." 'With such an "'eye-opener" as Thaddy got on Tuesday week, he ought to be enabled not, only to think clearly upon but to see clearly into the state of the country. —Patriot et Union. IMPEACHMENT' PLAYED Owr.—A peti tion is going round for signatures asking the Fortieth Congress to impeach An drew Johnson without.unneoessary de lay. We - rather think that Impeach ment is knocked on the head. The elec tion on Tuesday settled lt. It is laid out flat on the radical platform, and It makes what the old crones call "a -very purty corpee.",-N. Y. Herald. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS IN MARY LAND.—The Democrats of Maryland have nominated a most admirable ticket. The men composing It are among the ablest and most distinguished In the State. The ticket stands as follows Governor--Col. Can Bowie, f Prince Georres county. • Attorney General—Hon. Isaac D. Jones, of Somerset. Clerk, of Court of Appeals—iftrues Franklin, of Anne Arundel. Super i ntendent of Labor and Agricul ture—D. James C. Clarke, of Frederick. Wir o sir will Congress do about negro suMate, which anti-slavery Ohio has re pudiated ? Such leaders as Bumper and Wilson are pledged to compulsory .negro suffrage by the action of Congress.— They dare not abandon it, and they dare not urge it. They dare not give it up, because of fanaticism at home. They dare not urge it, for not merely does such urgency involve certain defeat at the Presidential election, but a nearer peril still. For no one imagines after such a direct popular judgment as in Ohio, that Kentucky and Maryland and Pennsylva nia and .New Jersey and New York, would tolerate it. It would be resisted to any extent. TUE Radicals declared before the elec• Lions that the election of Judge Willlame was necessary to sustain Congress. Judge Williams being defeated, Congress is eon dunned and must change its policy, THE Springfield Republican tells the simple truth when it says the verdict of the people is agehist the Congressional plan of reconstruction. WANT TUE LATE ELECTIONS HATE DECIDE% Nett York World says: They have, of catirse,liecifled very little =- leer other elections, Yet to be held this fall, shall he of like, tenor, But of this it' s is not possible to doubt. The result in Pennsylvania and Ohio, following the-results in Connecticut, California, and Maine, confirms the impression that a great reaction is in progress; and by the natural influence of electrons upon each other, these successes will give to the reaction a new impetus. Men change sides with facility when multi tudeis go with them. It is as good as certain, therefore, that the Democratic party will do much better in the Novem ber, than they have done In the October elections. The returns will be all in before Congress meets next month, and there can be little hazard in predicting their consequences. First, the elections knock the bottom out of the Radical reconstruction bucket, and spill all the contents. The miscar riage of the reconstruction scheme is certain, be the action of Congress what it may. To say nothing of the stunning and paralyzing effect of this great revul sion upon Congress, the reconstruction scheme will be defeated by the action— or, rather by the tubborn inaction—of i the South. Even f Congress should be equally stubborn, it will not shake the determination of the south. The South ern people would sooner wait four or six years for the election of a new Senate, than return under the proffered condi tions. A number of leading Southerners have indeed counselled submission ; but the argument has been, "Let us accept hese harsh conditions because they are inevitable;" or, "Let us take these lest we get worse." Thenceforward, white Southerners will scorn to use this kind of reasoning or to listen to it. They will fall back upon their rights, and decline all acticeund4r the Reconstruction laws. If new governments are organized, it will be the sole work of the negroes; and Congress, with its brief lease of power, will not dare to recognize negro govern- Ments pure and simple, especially since negro suffrage has been signally and in dignantly rejected in those elections by be only Northern State that had an oP portunity-to pronounce upon it. With what issue, then, will the Repub- lican party go into the Presidential elec tion? Never were all the plans of a par ty so shattered and upset. The Republi cans have, in a thousand and a thousand ways, so' committed themselves to their present scheme of reconstruction, that they cannot., retreat from it without a _total rout; but they are exposed to still greater disasters if they try to stand their ground. With what fat* can they stand by this scheme of reconstruction, after negro suffrage, .its central principle, has been scornfully rejected in the North? How incensed mink be the thrice-insult ed South at any further attempts to force upon.them an innovation which is con fessed to be Intolerable by the Northern States! If the Republicans persist, their ranks will be thinned by desertion.— Ruin starts at them on every side. If they lower their standard and profess moderate principles, Wendell Phillips and the intense Radicals will run a sep arate candidate for the undisguised purpose of punishing the party for deser ting its principles. 'The Republican party made a fatal mistake in putting a wilfully dishonest interpretation on the elections of last year. They asked the people to endorse the pending Constitutional Amendment, and as soon as they got the indorsement, they treated it as authority to kick the very thing Indorsed, that is, the Consti tutional Amendment, aside, and substi- Lute for it a plan totally different and Infinitely more harsh and humiliating. To fling the judgment of the people thus back into their faces; to reject a plan the moment the people had signi fied their approval of it; and with enormous lying impudence pretend they had indorsed something they had never thought of, was as insulting a fraud as It would be to procure a man's signature to a note of fifty dollars, and then Im mediately, efface the substance of the note by a chemical process, and write over the name another note for fifty thousand. Multitudes voted with the Republicans, last year, who did not real ly approve of the Constitutional Amend ment, because they thought it the speed iest way of settling a question which had been, even then, too long kept open.— They were impatient to have the cduntry tranquilized, and supposed that a strong Northern vote indorsing the Amend ment would cause its immediate ratifica tion by the South: , This proved a mis taken calculation. But if the South stood out against the Amendment, with all the Northern States voting in its favor, what chance is there of their suc cumbing to the reconstruction scheme, infinitely harsher and more objectiona ble, with the Northern States voting against it? Another Republican project made abortive by these elections is the im peachment of President Johnson. The impeachment project has only one re maining aspect to recommend it. The Republicans are reduced to such desper ate straits that an active use of the gov ernment patronage might be deemed by them important as a means of influenc ing the Presidential election ; and Mr. Wade in the White House would wield the patronage for their advantage. But when it is considered that all the offices are at present filled by Republicans, it is not easy to see that it would signify much to depose the President for the sake of controlling the patronage. It is now certain that they would not be sup ported in this extreme measure by the public opinion of the country. The at tempt would recoil upon its anthem. and greatly accelerate the reaction , against the Republican party. They will no longer think of braving the public indig nation, and the growing strength of a formidable opposition, by a reckless at tempt to unseat a President because he refuses to follow them in innovations upon the established interpretation of the Constitittion. These elections, moreover, settle the question of negro suffrage as forming a part of any system of reconstruction to to be hereafter adopted. We do not as sert that they settle It in the estimation .of Republicans, but that they settle it in fact. Whatever the Radicals may con tinue to think, the general sense of fair ness will revolt against thrusting upon the South a measure which is repudiated by the North. lilt is repulsive and odious to the North, how much more so must it be to the South? Shall Gentiles force Jews to eat pork when they reject it from their own tables? It would oe not merely glaring Inconsistency, but wanton tyran ny. Besides, in the North, negro suffrage is really of little consequence, the blacks being so few; *ile It would change the whole character of Southern politics.— It would be compelling the South to eat as food what la too nauseous for us to swallow as medicine. Audio° and com mon sense rebuke such despotic insol eice. Reconstruction on the negro suf frage basis may therefore be regarded as defunct. U-' A rattlesnake with forty-two rattles was killed atWinnetago, Towa,laatweek. —The question of admitting negro children to white sehools is making a row in Ohio. Mrs. Maria Stark, residing in Ontario county, N. Y., cut and harvested this season twenty-five acres of wheat with her own bands. Zion's Herald advertises two colored preachers "of superior parts," who want white congregations. It says, "now, brethren, let us pratice as we preach." Several ambitious blacks in Georgia want to be candidates for Congress.— They say that as freedmen have a right to vote, and are in the majority, they ought to hold office. The National Radical Executive Committee have agreed upon Chicago as the place for holding the National Radi cal Conventicin. The Republican party in Virginia has had a "split." The New York Mail says it was hardly old or big enough to afford such a luxury. New York contains vagrant and des titute children enough to form a proces sion, in double file, of eight miles. A single notice of death in a Ver mont paper includes the names of a whole family at North Timbridge typhoid fever. The New Haven Register claims a gain of seventeen towns in Connecticut for the Democrats and the loss of none. From Mr, Charles Dickens himself we have the intimation that he will come to this country in November, and in the succeeding months give a series of read ings from his own works in our princi pal cities. The Democracy of New York are fully confident that they will carry that State in November. Wm. Etchings, of Ohio, has had six wives, and is one hundred andlouryears old. Marrying seems to agree with It may be well to remind our mascu line friends, who turn up their noses at the feminine fashions, that there are no less than fifty , styles of men's hats and cape worn at the present time. Since the elections the "coming man," who was arriving in Ohio in al most countless numbers, has been taking the back track. The wool market is flat, and Oberlin is in the deepest gloom. Gen. Lee writes that there are GOO students at his college, against 400 last year. McClellan has engaged hli paisage to America for the first week In Novem ber. A woman in Petersbutg has trained four chickens to draw% carriage with a rooster in it. A giant potato in the Paris exposi tion weighs 15 pounds. It ip In tho form of a barrel, and, if excavated, would hold five quarts of water. On Sunday last a crazy negro enter ed a colored Baptist church in Savannah, and mounting the pulpit, closed a brief harangue by flinging spittoons at the congregation. A man named Jennings stole a me lodeon from a Baptist church in Wiscon sin, and afterwards returned and lectured in the same church, representing him self as an Andersonville prisoner. Of all the coal produced in the Uni ed States, Pennsylvania furnishes seven ty-three and three quarters per cent.— Her mines are exhaustless, and their product is annually increasing. —A six year old boy, at Trentpn, N. J., who was locked up in a dark closet last week, by his teacher, became insane from fright, continued to scream atinter vals for two or three days and finally died. Thruston, the Western giant, was born not far from Versailles, in Morgan bounty, Missouri. He is thirty-seven years old, weighs two hundred and thir ty pounds, and towers to the height of seven feet seven and a half inches. The Montgoniery Mail says that at the election there numbers of negroes called for "forty acres and a mule," after they had "put the thing in the box." DEXOCRATIC REJOICINGS. NEW HAVEN, Conn., go. 9.—The Dem ocrats and Conservatives of this city fired one hundred guns this evening in honor of the uprising of the American people In defence of civil liberty, and the over throw of despotism. FR.ILNEFORT, Ky., Oct.9.—The city Is alive with enthusiasm over die result In Ohio and Pennsylvania. An immense bon-fire is blazing in front of the State House; cannon are firing, and there is universal rejoicing. HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 9.—The Demo crats fired a national salute this evening in honor of the result of the elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio. CONCORD, N. H., Oct. 9.—The Demo crats of this city are tiring a salute in honor' of the Democratic victories in PennsyLvania and Ohio, and parading the streets with a band of music. WORCESTER, Mass., October 10.—The \ wan mocrats of Worcester fired a grand isa lu of one hundred gups this afternoon, in onor of the great victory In Penusyl- Val d Ohio. AUBURN, N. Y. October 10.—One hun dred guns were fired here to-day amid great rejoicings over the recent Demo cratic victories. BANGOR, Me., October 10.—The Democ racy of this city are firing one hundred guns In honor of the Democratic victor ies in Pennsylvania and Ohio. BALTIMORE, October 10.—The Demo crats are now firing one hundred guns on Federal Hill In honor of the result of the late elections in Pennsylvania and Ohio. PORTLAND, October 10.—One hundred guns are being fired here in honor of the Democratic victories. LOCKPORT, N. Y., October 10.—This city is illuminated, bonfires burning, and one hundred guns are being Arad, over the Democratic victories in Penn sylvania and Ohio. WATERTOWN, N. Y. October 10.—The late Democratic victories are being cele brated here by the firing of cannon.— Bands of music are parading the streets, and the Democrats are feeling very jubi lant. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. IL—The Democrats are jubilant over the Eastern election returns, and are flying salutes. will he observed from the returns of Salisbury township that Williams his 20 more'.yotes than the average of the Radi cal county ticket, while Sharswood's vote is about the same as that of the Dem ocratic County ticket. The list of voters prepared by the clerks and returned to the Prothonetary's Office has only 675 names upon it, while the 517 for Wil liams and 168 for Sharswood make up 683. We are at a loss how to explain this. The Judge and 'both Inspectors of election are Radicals, And we call on them for an explanation. Salisbury township has a very unenVbible reputa tion for fairness in elections, and this af fair will not improve it.—Laneaster In telligenccr, JUDGE Woodward's 'official majority for Congress in Luzerne county is 1g51 . . Ketchum's majority in Susquehanna iB 1270. Woodward is elected, tiferefore, by 611 majority. SArcFORD Conover, the individual who was for so long a time a source of "Items" for the reportorial corps, is now learning the trade of a shoemaker in the Albany Penitentiary. TemPittsburg Clasette (Radical) thinks military candidates for the Presidency are played oat. - FitEmrorr Is railroading in Moak° *ocat ptpartnunt TOWN, COUNTY AND SURROUNDING COUSTIU. Berriost.--Communion services will be held lathe Presbyterian Church in Hun tenstown, on Sunday, the 27th lust. Pre paratory services the preceding day at 2 o'clock, P. M. Prof. Ferrier will offi ciate. Zowavec—The Zoutives will meet for drill aad pitrade, In fall deem, to-mo Mow at 10 A. M. Franklin Zonaves.—The Franklin Zou ayes will meet at Arendtavlile, to-mor row morning, at 9 o'clock, for parade.— The company is fully uniformed and equipped, and makes a splendid appear ance. Fair and leatival.—The ladies of East Berlin and vicinity intend holdingaFair and Festival, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, evenings, Nov. sth, 6th and 7th, 1867, for the benefit of the "Ml zens' Brass Band" of that place. Premium—At the recent Cumberland, county Agricultural Exhibition, the First Premium was awarded to the "'Diamond Churn," exhibited by Win. Wible, of this county. Tanta.—Our good Marsh creek friend, Mr. Jacob Heretc4, has our thanks for a basket of excellent turnips and several large sweet pumpkins. - Mr. A. W. Flemming, of this place, has also placed us under obligations for a pair of very large and tine radishes. It is always pleasant to be remembered by one's friends. Singular Growth.—A friend brought to our office, the other day, a sweet pump kin to which the vine had grown fast and for some distance entirely incorpora ted itself with the flesh, ending in a leaf growing out of the pumpkin. The oldest inhabitant never saw the like be fore. Accident.—On Wednesday last, Clara 1., aged about 12 years, youngest daugh ter of Jacob Eppelman, Esq., of Butler township, met with a terrible accident. She was at a neighbor's, Mr. Jacob Y. Bushey's, where a sorghum mill was in operation. Taking up a few stalks of sorghum, she started them through the mill, in a playful way, but her hand (the right) was unfortunately drawn in among the cogs, and shockingly crushed, from the-.points of the fingers to the wrist. Medical aid was had as soon as possible. We hope for the early recovery of the little sufferer. Church Dedication.—On Sunday last the new Lutheran church in Littlestown was dedicated with appropriate services —Rev. Dr. McCron, of Baltimore, Drs. Brown, Hay and Valentine, of this place, Revs. Alleman and Yingling of Hanover, being preseat r and assisting in the ear eises, which are represented as having been very Interesting. This church is one of the largest and handsomest in the county, the pewson the lower floor alone accommodating 600 persons It has a steeple, basement, lecture room, all fin ished in ...good Mate—the church room prow( being handsomely frescoed, with stained windows. It cost about $12,000 —55,000 of which had been raised by sub scription. About $3,500 additional were contributed on the day of consecration— leaving about $3,500 as a debt. B. B. Survey.—Joseph S. Gitt, Esq., has favored us with a copy of his Report of the Surveys of the proposed Frederick and Pennsylvania Line Railroad, accom panied with maps, estimates of cost of construction, &c. The road runs from Frederick, Md., to Littlestown, Pa.,—one route _by way of Bruceville and Ladies burg, 30} miles, costing $614,392 90—the other by the Key School House and Dou ble Pipe creek, 30 miles, costing ss94,ari. Mr. Gitt discuses at length the import ance of the road, and its probable re- BOUM& A Cheap Hiatory of the War.—The "Youth's History of the Civil War," published by Van Eyrie, Horton & Co., New York, is a cheap and reliable work, and refreshing in these days of Radical literature. It is really time that some thing from the opposite stand-point be given the public—something to correct the one-sided histories of the last few years—and this the "Youth's History" does. The book is having a rapid sale, not only among Democrats, but also among fair-minded Republicans. Agents are wanted to sell the work in this county. To active, energetic can vassers, a rare chance to make money is offered. For terms, &c., address .1. S. Shearer, Gettysburg, Pa. Counterfeit 7-30 Bonds.—lntense ex citement was produced last week in financial circles by the discovery that a large number of $l,OOO Counterfeit 7-30 Bonds were in circulation, so well exe cuted as to pass through the hands of Jay Cooke & Co., Fish & Hatch, Vertullye & Co., and other well known banking houses. Death.—The Rev. JOhn Anderson, a well-known and much respected minis ter of the East Baltimore (M. E.) Con ference, (formerly of the Gettysburg cir cuit,) was stricken with apopleicy at Snydertown, Pa., on the evening of the iotti ult., and after lingering until the Tuesday following, was gathered to his fathers. Mr. Anderson was stationed at Sunbury, and on the day when .proatris ted had preached three times. He was aged 63 pears. •Fire.—On Tuesday morning of last week, about 11 o'clock, the dwelling house of Mr. Nicholas Fleagle, adjoining the first toil-gate house on the Carlisle turnpike; about two miles from town, was totally destroyed by fire, together with all its contents, including $l5O in money. The cause of the fire is not ex actly known, but is supposed to have re resulted from a flying spark from a stove in the kitchen. When discovered, it had made such headway as to render all ef forts to save the building futile. There was no insurance upon the building or its contents, and the loss, which Is quite heavy, falls severely upon Mr. Fleagle, who is a hard working and industrious man.—Hanover Spectator. Ten Horses Burnt.—The barn of David Reedy, near Reedysvllle, Md., was de stroyed by fire on Saturday night, and ten horses were consumed with it. In cendiarLsm. ' Railroact.—Tbe Hagerstowd Mail says that a turps of engineers have commenced an experimental survey of the route between Hagerstown and Wil liamsport, for an extension of the Cum berland Valley Railroad to the latter 'hoe. Hanover Scaes.—George N. Forney has sold his steam tannery to Cornelius Young, at $6,000. Jesse Kohler has disposed of his tavern stand, on Carlisle street, to Daniel Geisel man, at $5,000. Aseurpot.—The shortening days remind us that another autumn is upon us. V -rily, time waits for nobody. S'lrbßeribe for the finwerottt Property Sales.—J. N. Walter has sold his house and half lot on the south side Of York street, to Wm. H. Rupp,. for $960 cash. The two story frame dwelling of John Q. Plank; deceased, on West High street, watieold on Saturday week, by Ids Exe• entor, J..E. Plank, to George H. Swope, for $1,0r2. Geo. E. Bringman has purchased from David Warren his one•half interest In the Gettysburg Forge, for $2,000. Lewis Strouse has re-purchased from Messrs. Detrich & Fidler, the property on Carlisle street, told by him to them a few weeks ago. A. J. Bender, of Menallen township, has sold his farm to W. Walhay, for $lO,OBO. Geo. Hewitt, lien., has sold to Thomas Jones, of Latimore township, a small farm of about 85 acres, near Hendersville, for $3,000. Geo. W. Wilson has sold his house and lot in Bendereville, for $B5O, to C. Eppel man, and has purchased from Emily Bate man a house and barn, with about 7 acres of land, for $1,850. Abel T. Wright, Executor of the estate of John McKnight, deceased, on the 7th inst.; sold the following real estate of said deceased, in Menallen township, viz— the mansion house and lot, to Wm. W. Blocher, for $1,164 ; lot containing 2 acres and 159 perches, $159 per acre, to Win. tdocher ; 2 acres and 89 perchis, for $126 per acre, to Enoch Rouanzahn ; 2 acres and 47 perches, for 44101 per acre, to G. W. Harman; 3 acres and 41 perches, for $135 per acre, to W. Harman; 3 acres and 117 perches, for $lO7 - per acre, to Jonas Rouanzahn ; 2 acres and 106 perches, for $99 per acre, to Jonas Rouanzahn ; 1 acre and 157 perches, for $135 per acre, to Washington Morrison ; four building lots, two at $44 each, one at $5O, and one at $5B, to E. W, McKinun ; building lot for $55, to Wm: Yeatts, Jr. ; 10 acres of timber land, for $ll 50 per acre, to A. T. Wright. The entire sale netted $3,900 06. The farm belonging to Jacob Lerew, deceased, in Latimore township, has been sold by the Executor, to Isaac D. Worley, Esq., tot $3,635. Benjamin rhelly has sold his farm of 128 acres, in Huntington township, to Samuel Slouch, for $5O per acre, and Samuel Stanch has sold one-half of York Springs property to Abraham Fisher, for $5,500. Benjamin Shelly has bought the farm of E. F. ',Whey, for $3,500. Jacob Hartman has sold 35 acres, in 'Huntington township, to Benjamin Wea ver. Harvey Larew sold for $250 a brick house and lot in Petersburg, to John W. Gardner, who has also bought the house and lots of Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner for $650. The farm ofJohn R. Johnson, adver tised at public sale in this paper, has been sold privately. The Morning Glory.—ln these latter days, whin the necessaries of life are all at a high figure, economy in the house hold is absolutely essential. Wood and coal command high figures, and a fuel saving Strive is a desideratum in every faintly. In no department of American manufactures has there been more mark ed improvement within the last few years than in that of Stoves—it being the aim of manufacturers to get up a Stove to consume the least possible amount of fuel in producing a given amount of heat. This end seems to have been at last attained in the famous "Morning Glory," which is producing so great a sensation in the cities and throughout the country—superseding everything in Its line and defying coMpetition.. This wonderful Parlor and Office Stove is so constructed that the cheapest quality of coal (litueburner's) can be used with perfect success. Sufficient coal to last twenty-four hours is supplied in the morning, thus avoiding the trouble and dirt consequent upon the hourly atten tion required for ordinary coal-burners. It Myna continuously, so that one kind ling of the fire is all that is necessary for six months. The ventilation through the stove permits the temperature of the room to be raised to a high degree with,. out rendering it close or stifling. There is no dust, no escape of gas, itud an actual saving of coal, which in two seasons will pay for the stove. The stove is more over a perfect gem of neatness, beauty, economy and comfort. It consumes the oinall coal, which is a great saving in price, and for parlor stove, or office use, has no equal in the world. It is a per petual burner, only one fire being requir ed to be made during the season. It is a perfect ventilator of the apartment. There can be no escape of gas from it. There can be no clinker or slag to ob struct. The fire will remain for days without attention. The illumination is equal to an open grate. It is a powerful heater, and yet perfectly adapted to mild weather. The demand for this stove last, year was so great that the manufac turers could not supply them rapidly enough. A number have been sold al ready in Gettysburg, and there seems to be but one opinion on the part of all who have tested it—that in every respect it is the most economical and convenient stove In the market.. On account of the unparalleled demand for the "Morning Glory" Stove, an ex ternal imitation of it has been, put in market, but essentially different con struction. Be sure that you get the gen uine. Col. C. H. Buehler is the exclusive and only authorized Agent for the sale of the Morning Glory in Gettysburg, and has on baud all sizes, which can be seen at his ware-mom on Carlisle street, Ur gather with a large assortment of vari ous kinds of Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves. lc Soldiers' Monument. —The surviving members of the lst Minnesota, which made a gallant fight at Gettysburg, have pr4ared a handsome tribute to their fallen comrades, to face the Minnesota lot in the. National Cemetery at this place. Mr. Cannon ,is preparl g the Monument, which is nearly dy to be put up. It consists of a rge marble Vase, set on a marble le, which rests on a marble pedestal, and this again on a larger granite base—the whole being about six feet high. The face of the pe destal has the following inscription : "The surviving members First Regiment Minnesota Infantry, to the memory of their late aikociates, who 'died on the field of honor,' at Get tysburg, July, 1883." One the reverse— " First Minnesota Volunteers." On one side is the inscription— " The dead shall not have died In vain." On the other "All time is the millennium of their glory." The work is in Mt. Cannon's best style, and the Monument will be an ad ditional attraction to the Cemetery.— Star. —Similarly prominent marks to all the State sections would not only add variety to the Cemetery, but give, It a degree of picturesqueness which its ele vated and beautiful location seems to de mand. We hope the commendable ex ample of the First Minnesota will be generally Imitated. AN editor gays the only reason why his house was not blown over In s late gale, wee because Mei" was a heavy mortgage nponit. Escape of a Prisoner.—On last Thurs day night, Joseph Worthington, alias Joseph Wise, made his escape from the jail in this place. In March last he was convicted of larceny in Washington county, Md., and sentenced to six months imprisonment in the Maryland penitentiary, located in Baltimore. His term of imprisonment expired on the 21st of last mouth, when officer Houser, of this place, presented a requisition from Governor Geary, and received him from the Warden of the penitentiary. An in dictment is pending in the Courtof Oyer and Terminer, of this county, charging him with burglariously entering the German Reformed church in this place, and stealing s lot of carpet therefrom, In the month of January last. It seems that the prisoner during the day went up to the room of the hostler at the jail, procured Borne old clothing there, and constructed a pad dressed in coat, pantaloons and shoes, which he laid upon the bed in his cell. He then concealed himself iu the yard until night. When the Sheriff went the rounds of the jail In the evening, he opened' the door of Worthington's cell and saw his stuffed representative lying on the bed. Supposing it to be the prisoner, he lock ed the cell, under the impression that all was right, When night came, the prisoner issued train his place of con cealment, and with a steeple• taken from the sleet the cellar door, made holes in the jail wall, into which he drove pet ces of wood, and thus scaled the wall. By means of a piece of hose found in the jail yard, which he fastened to the top of the wall, he made the descent in safety. By this cunning device he - made good his escape, leaving no clue, by which the course he has taken can be ascertained .—Chanibersbury To Business Men.—The newspaper Is the medium which the business man should employ If he wishes to make known to the world his avocation. He may open his stock anu display ever so tine a lot of goods, and yet every endeav or he may make will not bring him the trade to be secured by a proper system of advertising. l l The "6 r.rrysittatn COMPI LER," having a very large circulation, and being read weekly by not loss than )0,000 persons, presents au invaluable and necessary advertising medium to every business man in the county. Lcg Broken. —Mines Diehl, grand daughter of Jacob Ilelhorn, Esq., (of Mountpleaaant township,) and living with him, broke her leg, one day last week, by being run against and thrown down by a largeaud heavy dog. Cattle Killed.—Four valuable cattle were run over and killed on the Railroad, near New Oxford, one day last week. They belonged to Mr. James Oitt. _ One, a blooded bull, was worth at least $lOO. Shaeffer's new Gallery at Hanover, is the place to hare your Pictures taken —none better, none cheaper. Money re funded If not satisfactory. Lieut. F. M. Gi !Wand, of Paducah, Kentucky, who was confined for 11 mouths in Libby Prison, and was there attacked by Dysplpsia in its worst form, and so debilitated that he could not walk one square, states that be has been entirely cured by Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. Let the suffering try IL /bond at last, a remedy that not only relieves, but cures that enemy of man kind, Consumption, as well as the nu merous satelites which revolve around it in the shape of Coughs, Colds, Bronchi tis, Sore Throat, influenza, &c. The remedy we allude to is Dr. Fowle Son, Boston. The Port Grctpc in New Jersey.—The following cannot fail to satisfy auy scep tical persons about Speer's wine being purely a grape juice wine: Passaic, Oct. 23d, 186.5. Thls is to certify that I have been a resident of Passaic for the past twelve years, during which time I have known Mr. Alfred Speer, and been thoroughly posted in the manufacture by him of his celebrated wines, a...d can testify to the fact derived from a personal knowledge that his, excellent Port Grape \Vine is made entirely from the Oporto Grape, which he extensively cultivates in sight of my residence. The Port Grape vine P 3 a variety of his own raising, cultiva ted exclusively by himself, and is a su perior grape. C. M. K. PAITLISON, U. S. Deputy O'ollector lut. Rev. Our druggists have some of this wine direct from Mr. Bpe,!r. Tim negroes in Buffalo decided on the ispening of the fall term of the public schools, to abandon their own free schools and put their -children in with the whites. The teachers told them they were not, allowed to accept them, but it was of no avail. The Superintendent did the same ',ling, but still they persis ted in sending their children to the white schools. The Superintendent was finally compelled to eject the colored Children from the schools. At this the parents and a number of seedy Radicals became exceeding wroth, and they now threaten to prosecute that functionary under the Civil Rights law. THE Democrats of Alassachusets have entered upon the campaign in earnest. The great reaction now goingon through out the North has created a furare even throughout that Commonwealth. THE jury lists for the parish of Orleans were drawn on the Bth, under the Sheri dan rule. The list of !MI is comprised of twenty 4) whites and one hundred and eighty (180) negroes! That's Radical "reconstructidn" fol. you. ' BIAStRIED Yesterday morning, at the residence of the t r o hr parents as i MY STEWART,d Rev. M. !":44 1' 13riarlion, ..Bea;, - er . county, Pa., to Miss SALLIE ~E oldest daughter of Peter Myers, Elul. On the 15th inst., In this place, at the reel deuce of George C. Striekhouser, by Rev. W. IL H. Dentrieh, Mr. SILAS W. LYDAY, _of Smith burg 34d., to Miesti.lLLlk: J. WISCYrZhIEY, of this phum. On the lot 'inst., by Rev. R. A. Shorh, Mr. MI CHAEL SHIBERT 311 m MARY BOWERS, both of Union township. On the /kb inst., by the same, Mr. PIUS D. `M MILLER to ho MAGGIE both of Monntpleasant township. On the 13th InsL, by Rev. AL Bushman,, Mr. WILSON B. HARLACKER to Miss REBCCA WALTER, all of York county. = On Friday last, in Littlestown, Mr. JOSEPH RIDER, aged. nearly 50 years. Suddenly, on the 11Wi inat„ in Tyrone town- ship. Mrs. SARAH GILLIL.S. D, widow ordain uel Gilliland, in her Slat year. At East, Berlin, on the 13th, inst., Mrs. ELIZA BEVIL consort of Wm. Welt, E..i., aged 66 yearti 6 months and 11 days. Near Abhottstown, on the 11th Inst„ SI'SAN EMILY, daughter 01 Barney and tieuian Omer, aged 9 month. and 1 day. On the 4th lust., in Menalien township, LEVI HENRY SILLIK, aged 12 years 10 MOlltil6 and 19 days. \ Premium Washing Machine. - ndersigned has purchased the Patent 1 Rig for Adams county of ' GOCELNA 13 IMPROVED WARRING MA CHINE, which took first Premium at the Adams and York county qirs. It is the best article of the kind now In and gives unbounded satisfac tion. Towhiihi ights for sale. Addre. . 4k EDWARD SHEFFER, Oct. 15, oton, AdalM9 Matrity, Pa. Teachar , vVanted. PRE School Directors of Um on tewirddp desire J_ to employ three more Teentito e.te per month. Apply ealy. By order of the B JE oard. REMIAH UNGER, Preal. Jams H. 130B13MCR1. SeeY• Oct. td, Mae St TO IdELIMRS. rR Pale a near of CHOPPING HTONEB AND 0m....• BONE mu.LriacrtrEEs. quire of 11,BRIZIGMAN. Gtectyiburg, Oft. 19, 11117. t r SPECIAL NOTICES WlsOar., Balsam of Wll4l.(lierry Coughs, Oohte, Erenehhis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, and the numerous ILI well lus dangerous diseases MU. Throat ,Cheat and Lunge, prevail In our changeable climate at all seaamoSof the }.ear ; few are tortanate enough to oichpe their batiefld induenoe. Row important to have at hand a certain antidote to all Three complaints. Experience proves that title exist. In Wigton. halsam to an extent not found In any other remedy however @stem the sufibrlng, the application of this eoothing, beating and wonderful Hallam at once vanquish's' the tllseano and restores the sufferer to wonted health. - MR. JOILN BUN T°, of Baldwin, Chau:mug county, N. I.—writ. • • "I wait urged by a neighbor to get ohs bottle of the , Bithia.lll for my wile, being newut.l by Inn. that Iti ease It did not produce good ormt., ho would pay for the bottle himself. On the strength of such prisetient evidence of Its tuerlLs, I pro marl a bottle. My win at thin ULM' NAM wWW With that the Physicians termed fluted Con. stimption me to be unable to raise herself from the bed, eoughing constantly and raising more or lens blood. I ...mintems.d giving the Bantam as directed. and wrw so 111Ue11p1.1.4.1 with Its opera tlon that I obtained another bottle, and eon tin ued giving It. itefore tide bottle pas entirely used, she ceased eoughirarand was strong einanth to situp: The fifth bot tie enUreky restored her to health • doing that which several Physicians hall tried to do but had Wiwi" • • • • • Prepared 1,3 bETH FOWLE & SON, 1I Tr.. count St. , t 1 stun, and for Wale try Druggbas gen entll3 CEMME! LUGOI., of Perim, one of the most eminent Chemicts of Emote% said: 'Chc mot todoweling renulla may be antici pated %then loWno can be clecadred la pure 1 r. 11. Anders, after fifteen yars of scientific research Auld experiment, has litireeedtd In dis solving 0:a•ond unit-quart, pram. of Usline to Pill`ll !Witt suites Of aster, and as nay miu.maiag rrsutla tuterfolkserd da uer, , partienlitrly fit senora.' in 1014.1111.10L5,8 therefrom. Cif freeb y J. P. Difcm.t.loltE, di; Prystrect, New York..and La all Druggists. tirt.ll, ISC. - CM What Every One Wants. A g ood, reliable m a ll leo that will be on hand when required, and nes or fulls when called on. That I. now to be °Maine,/ In lir; Toldme Celebra ted en t lan Liniment. Many tlanutanda t all It the Wonder of the Age, nr It doe., an the la rep . reaented and wore. It rune Diarrinea, Ityaent, ry, Colic, Spatula, Vomiting, Crimp, 'and Sea meknefoi as merely as it la used, and in ‘lierteelly innocent to take Internally, evisn in doittile the quantity funned lu the directions; trod exalt ex ternal remedy (or Chmnie Rheurnatiam, Cute Brula'i,(Jul sore., u iupx, Tootlewhe, etelnehe, Sore Throat, Sprahoi, Insect situp, Paine hi tho Beet:A:heat, and Limbs, thou...intim have tealltied to, and Weir eeratieutea 1 , 44. b by cl ono at the laytor'x Depot, fai Courilanth atreet, New York. Hundreds of plivaiebung une it In their mete,. It hex Kern Withered aim, I+l7, and hundreds a lei now Imre It 111 their lontsen, may they uoulili not be without It even if it wait fib per bottle. Every drop la 11420 hy Dr. Tobias himaelf,ollii eon be depended 9. Only gl eenta and SI per bottle. Sold bt Drumlin., tie pin, ad Courtiandt at., New York. (Jet. 11, 11867. A General Mower* of the fibres thr head, the whiskers, the mous taches, or the beard, 1,111 be easily noecenplished b) the application of the scorelduk hair d) es, and when es el) hair to KILLED DEAD, the part les deceived by these' noentrnms will re. fret, too lute, that they did not use Wewonder ful and entirely yolsonless preparation whirl,, IN FIVE MINUTES, ermine. a black or brown which le nol surpass ed by uatite's own hue. Ile wise In time. The old.) safe and sure article Is CRISTADORO'Ci HAIR DYE. Manufac lured by J. eItISTADOItO, I% -Malen Lane, New York. Sold by all Dr:meats, Applied by all Hair Drenaera, Oct. 11, ISt r. Int The Warm Season and Ha Warnimm. ~),, Dal - ease is stalking limn g us. The warm sea- Mal warns us all to Mok II after our own con stitution, for little do we ow the Inouye:at we may be helzed with sickn 'Med/clue Is uhefol at all [lutes, lithe preset iptl it are worthy , of Lilii} due consideration, wt mu • I demanded by our naturra, Malarlous !naiad Ininit be tit ervorne, and schate,er is taken, Mil work a indel ii I Oil i L 1.1 pOll the lAN er. This is N Cry Worland, and aby Itadway's Itegilliding tills ore Without pre,'- dent. it medicine like theta. No poisonous drugs in their umndients—but a purl ly vegeta ble eOtili.illid. dVii /4.44 i with gull,, no US In make ill, to Lod, lest to the 'Wale. They work Upon tile this els charmingly, and so 1111141 are their operations as to pleas , the most skeptical. They help the - inner Mad" In , di ididiltglidi didi win) s, Os erconie what mercurial propertiett de stroy, anti e.t.a lives W her.• thuiperaw medication throws them away. thy laid a doubt, Railway 's Regulating Pills are the surest remedy for ditlel.o/4 ilk,, unto Asthma, Vertigo, Hysteria, Pympqmht, Posers ~te., es er introduced to the public, They eontrol the Liver to a wonderful extent, res is o life In out perrons, and give general sallsfaclien to the patient of either sex. They save the do good, and In their workings are wtthout prece dent. They are tastelisis, also Vegetable In ex tract, are sugar coated. and their virtues, their efficiency are known world-wide. Sold by Druggists. Price 25 rents per hoe. Oct. It, 1%7. 2w A Card to the Ladles. DR: DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS FOR FE:.IAI.E.s. Infallible In orrect frig Irregularities, Removing Uhatructions of the Monthly Turns, from whatever Came, 'Andel ways Successful as a Preventive. ^- It is now over tbirtryearsaince the alsive4le brated Pills were first discovered by Dr. DL'PON CO, of Paris. during Which time they have been extensively and suecessfully used In sIONt of the pUliile institutions, as well as in private practice, of both hemispperes, with unparalleled success, in every ease, and It Is only at the - urgent re quest"ot the thousands of Ladles who 1341,5 most them, that he Is Induced to makat the Pills public for the alleviation of those sullerlr.g tram any Ir. regularities well as to prevent. an In crease of tinnily where will not permit it. ONE PILL IS A Dth4E. - - - - Females peculiarly situnted.or those supposing themselves so, ate cautioned against using thee., Pills while In that condition lest they 'lnvite miscarriage," after which admonition, the m no responsibility, althcogh their Pro mildnessi will _prevent uny mischief to health, otherwise the Pulsate recommended ua MOST INVALUABLE REMEDY for all those &filleting complaints sopeculiar to the iwi k ONE. BOX IS SUFFICIENT. 10,000 [oxen have teen u;kl within Two Years. Ten Thousand Boxes sent ti) Mall, both by my self and A gen 0, La all parts of the world, to ablell allaWarli have been returned,ln which la Act. say, nothing like the alto,' rilla burn le•tm known tithes the Mclence of Medicine dawned up o n Ito world, In Removing Mist RIC(1,11111 and Restoring Nature to Its Proper Chaunel,Quletlux the Nerves and bringing liAck the "Rosy color of Health" to the cheek of t h e wort delicate. Pelee SI per Boa, SIX Box. el SI. Sold by JOHN" Drugg/it, Solo Agent for Gettysburg, Pu. Ladles, by aewl lug him through too Post Of fice. ran have the Pills nen:. (contitlentlallyo by Mall, to :my part of the county - , - freeof postage." Sold also by J.Spangler,Ctetinbernbunr: G. W. Nett, York: Coleman .t itniVrlt un d Brown Broth ers, Wholesal , kgents, Bailin ore, and S. I). Howe, Proprietor. New York. March 4, ibv. ly CONSUMPTION CUBABLE .BY DIL . SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the @Mem moot be at , pared es that the Mon will beat. To wespriploh thkt, the liver and stotneeh mud tint be elemoed cod an aMuttle nee ded tor good wtroltwome toed, which, bo them medicines Will tie digeotel properly, amt nal health , Wood sada: Ibms building up .be roue aeon. SCHENCK'S M k?i. DRAKE PILLS cleaner the warnerh of nil bigo, or moonlit nmummetiom; and. b, Imlnn the Bm Wood Tome lu mo m:Mien. the mettle lo rettorci. SCHENCK'S - PULIIONIC SYRUP le no:rick. as Well =medicine]. and. by min: the three mowd'es, ail I mptt-a.. are expelled from the metem, and good, wholesome blood made, trhiCh w,ll rope all disease. I gpotistote Moe Mese ined.cloes deporditill to d.recalos, Consumption .err he. quentl) In Ito lad Wasp ;lel& readlig to th:lr sedan. Take the p il ls fwquentlg, to CHISEOI2 tho liveried ,tontach. It does not follow that been., bowolo aro otit amain thee .4. WI required, for somadmeo b dlarrhms they are OOOOloor, The Immesh einot be kept healthy, cod as smells created to allow the Pithune le SgreP to ate on the roglngtllkrg prcperlg and al* our irrOittoo.• Theo all t hat lo tiquired toper:OM* pO.t.IVIVIII CUM k to prorent taking told. raettlee atonal Ito room. at much ma eat all the tithed food—Mt meat. geom. rod, In 11* alything the oP psalm usgeo hot bo pardettler and mailieate well • CM4 w. as too. 1 yr. To Cousumplltvea.. The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who desire it the perseription with the directions for matting and using the simple remedy by which he won aired ors lung alive tion and that dread disease Consumption. ills only object Is to benefit the afflicted anal he hopes every snffeter will try this prescription, as It will coat them nothing, and may prove a biassing. Please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, No; int South Second Street, Sept. 20, 1887. Sin Williamsburgh, New York. baforostlion Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pitnples,Blotelles, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the some soft, clear, and tvantlful, can be obtained with out charge by addressing TllOcl. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. BM Broadway, New York, Sept: 20, 1807. Bin Errors of Tooth. A gentleman who suffered for yearn from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decoy, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, (or the sake of suffering humanity, send free to alt who need It, the recipe and directions for mak mg the sim ple remedy by which he was cured. Bufferere wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can doe° by addressing, In perfect confidence, JOHN B. Of/DEN, bia 27, lelk, ly 42 Cedar at., New `fork -4.4414;0" prif=s VarviTsW — tattrWm . """ " C. J. K-LINID: Cc (X)., 127 Bowery, New York, Post lielee bals 4h418 ',, May 20, ME. Sm NRTANTLY on hand, an assortment of Riau FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH A k LBUMS C11"611 I Paskete for gessoes from the Battle-field, OTO-4RAPHR of oar Genendaand other dlr. la dlrldasie at the Exa bloc TVW f EW GOODS.—liaryis has AM retuned the eddy with a leave madameat of u • • land examine them. May 14,41.