fiat fentsb'!rr . 5 ton putr litzDAr AuirTiristwoar, OCT. 11, la4r HAsonre or roil Doc arras :gr.. 111010. From the Mobile Everting News. A large number of people crowded the jail yan.l• to-day to witness the hang ing of Robinson, Richardson and Grant, the three negroes sentenced to death by Judge Chamberlain at the last term of the City Court, Long before 10 o'clock large number of negroes assembled in front of the jell, and the yard, at the time of the execution, was so densely crowded that the police and military had great difficulty in keeping open the space about the scatlbid. Of course, many of our readers are familiar with the facts developed in the trial of these negroes, but for the benefit of those who are not, MC give the following 'synopsis: _Mr. Fred. Peters, an industrious and well known white man, residing about ten miles from the city, in a fork of Dog Inver, was preparing - to retire for the night, when his house was sudden ly and viojently entered by four negroes. Mr. Peters's family, consisting of a wife and four children, were engaged in even mg prayers at -She time. The negroes were more or•lavi disguised. They de manded from Mr. Peters his money, and received from him three dollars and a half, all that lie had in his pocket. 'afore giving them this money, Mr. Pe- rs °tiered resistance, but was unarmed - bile the negroes were amply supplied - with firearms, and found -that lie was onside to contend with the robbers. After getting this money they insisted o w ,u his showing them where .the m ina! 'der of his money was concealed, and lie refusing to do this, they seized his wife and searched her person in the most brutal manner. They found upon her ;, , 1,400 in gold and paper money. After getting this further supply of mon ey, they commenced searching the house for more. They broke up all of the furniture, and tore up a number of the floor planks, but did not succeed in discovering anything. In the mean time Mr. Peters became restive, and one , of- the negroes fired several shots at him. Fortunately, none of them 'took effect, and one of the Mutes took l'position in I runt of Mr. Peters, and with a cocked and loaded pistol presented at his breast, kept him from moving durinthe greater part of the tour hours-they renialueu in the house. He was held passi‘e to look upon the violation of his wife and his daughter by three of the four ruffians. The daughter was only to slue years of age, and the knife 'of the negroes was called into ,requisition. Alter doing whatever they pleased In the,bouse, they finally left, and fur sev eral days no arrest was made, and no clue could be obtained by the police. Finally, on the 3d of June, Ulysses S. Grant was arrested; on the Nth of the mime mouth Jim Richardson• was also no ested, and shortly afterwards Charles Robinson was In the guard house. All three of these negroes were identified by the Peters family, before the City Court, BS having been members of the gang CIA perpetrated the outrage, and they v. ere convicted by ajury and sentenced o he hanged on the 30th of August. But as is known, the Governor, to whom communications had been forwarded by several city officials, postpu9ed the day of hanging for four weeks. Another of these negroes, Bob Smith, was arrested by Colonel Dimon in New Orleans, but through sonie legal quibble escaped. As the hatchet fell and the unfortunate men were launched into eternity, a piercing scream was holed from the crowd, fol lowed by a scene •of wild confusion. 'I wo or three negro 'women fell over in secuuug ' convulstiond, and were borne, kicking and struggling, through the Seel tillig mass to the gate. Beyond this, no disturbance or display was made by those present. SOLDIERS' 11E.4D-QUJRTER,S, At SORRIA' STURE„te the place to get FALL & WIN I rER GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH. II 4 ,011 Want a Cheat) Over-coat, go to NORRIFt' you Want a good cheap Dress-Md, go to NORRIs IF y ou want a good Every-day Cont go tO fgORRIS' )au maw a goad pair of Pant.. to NORRIS' I F you want • good cheap rest, to Noßms, ;,(nt nnt n FASHIONABLE HAT, go to NORRIS' IF ylln Avant a late Fall style Cap, go to NORRIS IF want a Knotl pair of.l3ontl nr Shoe., go to /SIORRISI on writt n FASHIONABLE NECK-TIE, go to NURRIK you n ant a good French CallOttijlt;rchrtrus I F you v. ant good Frubre ' go to saluns IF ynu want gond Paper Conark, go to NORRIS' IFya Is ant Righlonable stilt of ln NO Clthßinßi, gn IS I y on st Int aur h tut In ae o:ltPPet:toVas IF you want n good AMORE, ap to NORRIS' /r 11 wnnt good HEAVY YNDER-CIATII - I go to NORRIS'. AI -A large stock of CASSINIEBEH ' IN THE VIE , Pergons preferring the goode to Wady t •Ictt hit*, crm be accommodated at the ten pin truth price. THEO, P.. NORRIS. Oct. 11, od7. tf FRESH ARRIVAL Ft R. 'Y' GOODS FALL AND - WINTER WEAR at the Store of A. SCOTT & SON Moir stook consists of 31ERINOES, all styles DELAINES, all styles CALICOES, all styles MUSLINS, all grades. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES of all styles awl quality Pertons wanting GOOD GOODS and COOOD BARGAINS, should hot fail to go to the store of A. SCOTT & SON, Clombersbang street, lad &pure, Oettysbarg, Pa Vet. 11, INF 12E3 867 JERME L. RINERAIITand WITTE A. MIL LIM are now prepored to do MILLINERY work of al! kinds. Also DREW-RARING and TAILORING done to order. Residence to END. terstown. OeL IL ME. Ilm!, LAST NOTICE. LL a Indebted to the late arm of Me A C DY & DIEHL will please call and nettle. If not paid beers the Ist of Dessenber, the Books will be left In the hands of an ottloer for °ohm. t ion, without mated tapereona MeCURDY & DIEHL. Oct. 11, IPM, if NOTICE. Vsßeboot Directors of Cumberland towashlp, arna °aunty, hereby give notice that they o longer pay l the tesehing of okdidren to said township In Schools out of It. Theso hereafter send - chtidren to Schools outstdesf its thaltv, must expect to pay for their tuition thesoseivea. By order of the Board, ,ABR 4 HAM SPANGLER, Pres% Y. LiOtrrent, Oct. 11, ler. St. r7FrMfMMI dtWE 11W. Chun& of the United Brethren In 1 Christ, at Harney, Carrot county, Md., wil be dedicated on Y, OCTOBBR Olasebreaner, or 4r=alitt a wain el althorn:darters, sill be M, it. 1107. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE PALE. Tus siabotTiber will sell tila VALUABLE FARM, In Cannierland township, Adams county, Pa. oontaining THREE HUNDRED ACTOR. The improvratieata ate pod. a large BRICK HORNE, Switzer Barn, WaCnn Shed, Corn Crib Melin a &e, The , land le all Granite mil, and Ina good state of i ultivatlou. THIS IS ONE OF THE 1074 T WHEAT AND GRAM FARMS IN THE COUNTY; and would answer well fora Dairy. There are three" wella of never-falling water, and a running atream through the farm, furnishing never•fall lug water In nearly all the tied.. The farm win be sold in part, of 100 and 200 Acres, to suit purehasera. I will also sell my DWELLING unrow, on Chanibersburg street, Gettysburg, which is n Very desirable property. lu Any person wishing I.t, view the proper ties grill be shown them by the subscriber, living In Gettysburg. R. McCURDY. 0.1,11, PIK. tf FARMS AND MILL AT PUBLIC SALE. TFlEundersigned Attorneys in fast for the lei rs of Frederick Stoekslegew, late ofErnnk hn township, Adams eounty,deeesstd, will otr., at Ponlle Sale, on SATURDAY - , the 9th day of NOVEMBER, IMT, at 9 o'elogk, A. M., on the premises, the following—valuable Real Estate of said &swaged. viz: No. I.—THE MANSION FARM, sit rutted In Franklin township, county and State aforesaid, near the road leading framer...l,ton n to ' , airfield, shoot 2 miles south of the former place, adjoin ing lands ofJohn Mickley, 1 , 1,41er1t k Diehl and fit hots , contalinog 130 ACIH.I 4 , more or less, has Mg thermal erected a large TN o-story 1101 t 'Tick. large honk Baru„.p bu lit loci nummer,i Wagon Shed, new,, Carriage House, Hog Pen, and other ne- " co,tr3 nut.hatklings. There Is m never-U.111,1g spring of excellent water near the door of the dwelling: also, an excellent spring -house with nes er failing 'dirt ng of water In lt. There is as a rlety of chou* trait trees on the premises. con,lin• tug of AppleB, Pears, Peaches tee. About 01 Acre. otitis Tract are in exrellent Timber, month Willie Oak. A fair proportion of the land is eh set in Mead... the real In a high state of culthation. nearly it hat Mg ,beeu limed one.. and some In lee, the limestone of v. Melt wan obtained on the property. NO. 2.—A FARM, lying In Highland township, on the public road running from Casliton 11 to Fairfield, miles from the latter place, contain ing t 270 .ACRFS, adjoining land, of Joseph Abraham Mickley, Wm. Walter, anti others. The improvements are a Two story double 1.0(i HOUSE, a good Barn, and other outAntlidings. There Is a SAW it MILL nitli goad water-power on the pro- " perty. Abont 70 Acres of this Tract are In 11111- her. consisting of Locust, Oak, Ac., and plenty of good Meadow. The land In of an excellent quail. ty and In a good state of cultivation, about one halt having been limed. There In u well of alder at the door with a pump In it under roof. The atone Farms ere well watered, convenient to school holm., churches, d . c.,ftnd are In ea t.n . cc opect desirable properties. - Nu " will be offend In reparnte Tracts to suit purchasers. NU. 9.—A VALUABLL MERCHANT MILL, known as Herring's MIII, with 12 Acres of Land, altuated In lialninanhan tc.wonliip. Adana. co.. Pa., on Little Marall'Crin.k, near the road lead• Ing from ' , Mefferd to Cash town. It Is located in a tine growing eonntry and commands most of the custom of Carroll n Tract. The 14111 ham two Over-shot Water-wheels 18 feet high, two run of Burrs an one Chopper, and alillxtures net.essa• ry to a gdod Grist Mill in running order. This Is undoubtedly, a desirable 11111. - Persons desirous of viewing the above proper. Men will- be shown the name by calling on the subscribers, residing ou Tract No, I. Alletulance will Ue given and terms made known on day of sale by A. F. STOCKSLEGER - D 1. STOCK4I,EUER. JAC O B 11 leg LEI'. (D. of D.,) Auctioneer. Oct. 11, Ng. is PUBLIC SALE THE subscriber, Administrator of the estate of David R. Sterner, deceased, will otter at Puts llc Out-cry, on -THURSDAY, the 24th day id-OC TOBER lust, rat the Late residence of sold de ceased, in Cumberland township, Adams county, the persona/ property of said deceased 1 HORSE 3 MARES, I (spring) Colt, 3 Cows, 4 801., 'lll Pigs, / four-hors., Wagon, I one-horse Wagon, Buggy and Harness, 1 Reaper, Plough!, Shovel Ploughs, Harrows, Winnowing 3EII, Lime Bed, Wheelbarrow, Hey Rake, Hay Carriage, Hay Fork, Cross-cut Saw, Mattocks and Shovels, Log Chain, Grindstone, Spreaders and Chains, Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes, Sled, 1 Sleigh, NON, Cow Chains, Horse Geans, Wagon Saddle, Side Saddle Riding Bridles, Halters, Collars, Riding Sadd le, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Tittioto and Clover Seed by the bushel, Hay by the ton, Also llousehold and Kitchell Furniture. ‘l2: BEDS .kND BEDDING, BEINTEADS, Chairs, Tables, Carpeting, Cooking Stove and Pipe, Desk, County Map, Clock and Case, Chests, Baskets, Buckets, together with other articles, too nu merous to mention. . . Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, on said day, when attendance w/11 be given and terms Made known by - - WILLIAM H. DOTTERER, Oct. 11, ' Administrator. A DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALI:. rvs THrusnAy, the 24th day of OCTOBER A .1 theuntleralgurci WILL offer at Publ c ale, a deoimblC property, corutisting of 1.1 TRACT OF LAND, containing 271 Acres, more or less, 'situate partly in }burntßon and partly in Reading township., Adams pountv, adjoining lambi of Daniel Baker, David Brown; George Hoover, and others. It Is in a high statv of cultivation. The improvements are a new TWPstory LOG HOUSE, with Stone Back-building, a Double Loa Barn, ..., with Shots, Corn Crib, Carriage House, Hog Stable, Smoke House: two wells of . 1 water, with a good Apple and Peach irehal d, side. Pvarx, Grapes, a.. The property is located on Big Conlaninto creek. Persons svlshing to ley the property are re quested to tall on the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale to eommenre at 1 o dock, P. M., on said day, when attPlldalleP Mill be even and terms d mae known Ire. IIKNRY KING. Oct. 11, IM7. .11* PUBLIC SALE OF V.ILCABLE LOTS. ~ A TURI)I.I', the 2nd dot of NOVEMBER, 1867, virtueof the ail' of Henry Overholtz er, tate of Hamilton townahlp, - .tdarn. county, Pa., deceased. and underlhe direction of the Or phan'. Court of Adams county, the undernigned. Executoro of the a 11l of Henry Overholtzer, dv &axed, will expcae and sell at l'oblle Sale, on the pronaire., TWO LOT', OF GROUND, situate in Beading township, Adams county, within one-hall mile of East Berlin, upon the public rand leading from East Berlin to Hama ton, an d adjoining lands of Ssonb Stauffer, George Butt, Day Id Ernst, and Samuel Hvg.l,—each enn taining nearly FOl'lt. Al'itF-Sof excellent red Land, in a high state or (mitts talon. Sale to commence at 1 o cl Yck P. M., on mid day, when attendance - will be given and terms mole known by H E NRY K N ENO, GE KIG, Oct. 11, 1867. is Ezeoutom 4 7; 2 P. P T g 02 r E a " e" a E .? 31 tz it c -1 g a a: A g . ___ • _ GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE._ A LARGE assortment of line GROCERIES, Tear, Coffees, White &mars of all kinds, and Brown Husars cheap, prime ' new crop Orleans Molasses, and all 'trades of Snaps; :AM MACK EREL, beet In market. All kinds of LIQUORS, wholesale and retail, prime Wine, Brandy, Rye Whiskey, &c., kw medicinal and other purpose., in any quantity. Ittishler's herb Bitters, and the "Great 7,l=llarit is " GRAPE WINE. WM. J. MARTIN. Baltimore street, Gettysburg April 5, 1,167. Lt - Photograph Albums. rttE Inr g rat Mora beautiftil and cheapest lot of PfIOYOGYL&PH ALBUMS ever offered In yribunt. bat received at the EXCELSIOR GALLERY. Albums holding SO Pictures only Si 7.1 Our Mock comprises over 90 different Myles, among which are the celebrated everlast ing Chain and Hinge. Bug. Theme Albums we have bought low and are determined to cell lower than the same qualities can be bought anywhere in this county or out of it. C. J. TISON. Jan. H. 1567. Executor's Notiee. TWIN 11111311 4 . 14, );STATE.—Leer testamen t/ tory tbe estate of John Diehl, late of Cum berland township, Adorns county, Ps, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, resi ding In .Franklln et3unty.Pn., (P. 41,tisgsLisers. bum) he hereby gives notice to all persons In debted to wild estate to make lognmilat, pfty went, and those having elaints against the some to present them properl) authenticated for .et tlentrzt, . • JEREMIAH DIEHL, Executer Augm st I. Bw Lumber for 840, ELLow PINE maitre. CHESNUT SIE I. TE- T OLE% CHESNUT RAILS, and PLASTER. LATH, Swasle at "Mehra UM," in Hand. tombola town:USA Adams minty. J. I. SMITH. Sept. 13, M. 31. XAMES wanilog a good aridele of Perfumery,Foll , 7 &mop, or Hair Brusher, amp. be sa 1 1 .:41 at _ J. 1„ SCIFM-Woct, ORPRANW COURT SALE. LN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of _Warns county, will be offered at Public le, on SATURDAY, the itlth day of OUTOSKR, MIT, on the premier, the Hull Rotate of dehastinn Weaver, deeeaaed, emulating of a TRACT OF LAND, situate In Mountpleasant township, In said county, containing 5 AClth)a, more or nu, bounded by lands of Plus Smith,' Peter Rim bough, John Lawrence, and David Smith. The Improi.cmeuts are a Two-story Do: oci HOUSE, Log barn, Hog Pen, cant Crib, ttt mad excellent spring of water, a portico' of II Meadow, and some unit tree.. The house la neat the road lending from Lilly's Mill to the Ron aughtown road. sole to commence at 1 o'clock, on said day, when attendinum will be given and term. made known by JOUN WEAVER, Ex'r. By the Court—Adam W. ]Linter, Clerk. Oet 4,1047, to A SMALL FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. ON MONDAY, the 2W day of OCTOBER In‘t., the bal.:fiber will offer at Public Bale, tat the prefab., Ida DK4IRABLE FARM, situate In Latlniore townahip, Adams county, half a mile east in Petersburg, adjoining lands a C James and Daniel Gardner, .L Jolts IVolford, and others, containing 34 ACRES, more or less ; giLl ood di;ritehreavineifmb'enfonneliomn'illic'ailoutno4lnegr, uum, and SAW to he on thin. The iris pros ements are a Ts. o-oitory ROUGH- oi CANT HOURE,' with Back-buliding, Frame Horn, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, Smoke it Howie, Hake Honor, d.e. ; with a well and at the house arch- sprout on the plate; Apple and Peach Orchard, with odor trait. The property is convenient to churches, school houses mills, stores and mechanic shops. Per. sonawishing to low it are requested,. mill on the AU bb.riber, residing thereon. bale to commence al I o'clock, P. M., when at tendance will be en and terms matte known by JOHN It. JOHNSON. Oct. 1, 1947. to- ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans court of Adlitll.. ~nine, , will be ntremd at Public Wale, on SA'rl'lllitti", the . .)illt of Of:1'011E1i, 1117, on the premises. the Real Estate of Jacob Wolf, deeensed, eonsisting of a FARM, Nittlate In Ham ilton t0W1.111.,,, Ad.lllllS COQ, lill, containing 170 Ai RES and On Perches, adjoining 1:1111.1S of A: mm (l M 01f, Heart e1,..•k, hamnel Miller, and others, itfid bonneted on one side it the public road leading front N. w Oxford to 1,104 Berlin, and by the rowl leading from the Minn,. er and Carlisle turnpike to A Niro t , town on the other, about equal distance front Alt hottatown and New Oxford. The !mum, ements are a Two-story Sfu Si. Ili il•sE, Bank Rant, part stone, ~, part frame, a ith Wagon Sheds attached, 11l Two-stony r One-story hUale spring and Wash Holt. • ii gimi C.,rringe limn... and Hog 'stable, all n good repair. There Is an excellent Spring near the house, find two others on the farm. A host fai or 4 , 1 Acres nre Ili excellent t Imo per, a good pfxpor. t ion of Meadow, and under gra - silencing and is ell limed all on cr. The land will be sold together, or In parcels to suit purchasers. If ally persons are desired - is of viewing the premises before.tlie dal of sale, they will be shot. n the ' , HMI, by the widow, residing thereon. hale to enninwilee at 1 0'..1,;e11.1.. 3Com wild d m a r n e w i l , i n e , n ,w ifte;ndanue l ixt ( ll ) lr is wp K, u . p . . ru l Its for court -Adam W. Minter, Clerk. IMMIEII WOOD LOT -- AT PRIVATE RALE. THE subscriber offers at Or(vale Rale, a VALI . - Al3f.h WOOD LAY'', situateln Mountplemant township, Aciaina county, about one-half mile from Oulden'a Mallon, on the Gettysburg Railroad, adjoining lands of John Nishman and Eli O. Heagj , containing 7 .1.4 'REM, more or left, well covered with young timber--and 4 small stream of water running through It. Persona wishing to slew the lot are reqnleated to call on.r the undersigned, residing quarter of a tulle. JOHN CASHMAN. \ Wt. I, FLOUR, GROCERY & NOTION STORE. JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE C - ONTINCP.N the FLOUR, GROCERY & NO TION RUSIN FRS, at the old stand, In York street, adjoining the Globe Inn, Gettysburg. With a toll variety of goods, low prices, and eve ry disposition to please, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of public patronage. The best or FLOUR always on hand—particular attention paid to this brunch. Also, llama and Rayon, Fish, Potatoes, Dried Fruit of every kind, u ith a choice assortment of Molasses, Si rope, Sugars, Coffees : Team, Chocolate, Spices, Salt, Corn Starch, Rice I. lour, Coffee Ex tracts, pore Cider Vinegar, &e. t-full line of confectionery, also Fig.. Habana, Prunes, &c.; common and fancy Soaps, Perfume rs , and an y ,leant Its of Notions; the nicest sta tionery in town—inieed, a variety that must be seen to in appneiated. He must not forget to Mention Ws setters and Tohneees, the very best brands, W Crockery-ware, Brooms and Brookes, tool Oil and tool-oil Lamps—and a thousand other urtteles, not to be enumerated In u newspaper adre. llsement. Call and examine goods and priers, and you will be aura to find it to your interest to buy. .knatist NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. TILE Assessors elected at the last Spring Eirc tionarehereh3 notified to attend at the Com missioners' ottioe, In the borough of Gettysburg, to receive blank assessment DuplitsteS and the nereasary instructions, as follows: The Aimee' - tr. of Butom Conowago, Berwick, Berlelek borough, Oxford, Hamilton„Readirig, Mountpleasaut, Germany, Studien, Mout:R.loy, and Littlestown, will utend on MONDAY, the 14th flay of OCTOBER next. _ . And the Aaaamom of the Borough of Giettys burgi- Cumberland, Highland, Freedom, Liberty, Handltrinban, Franklin, Butler, Menallen, Ty. roue, Huntington, and Latlmore, will attend on TUEYDAY, the 15th day of OCTOBER next. By order of the Coninadaaioneni. .1. hi, WALTER, Clerk. Rept. .17,1467. lit Notice of Assessment. %HIE Board of Direetors of the Muromnsburg J. Mutual Fire Insurance Society, has e levied e tax of one and three-fourths per cent. upon the premium notes held by the Treasurer, to meet logs sustained by the during the curtest year, payable on or after the 7111 day of iletober, 1167. A failure to pay within thirty days works a for telture of the policy. The following named per sons will collect the tax in the districts specified, : Peter Scholl, near Hill own, the township in Franklin; Bann. 3ts era, Benders. Ale, the town ship ni Mermilen 11101 Tyrone norther Lat of the I liesnut Ridge: 'Michael beatnik, Sr., near LOW or a 31111, the township of 1 in t ler and the lower end of Tyrone; S. J. Waltman. near Petersburg the townships or Huntington and Latimore; John Mickley, near a Fairfield, the townships of Handl tonhun and Liberty; Heatriek, Jr , at Mumninsburg, the townships of Highland, Free dont, 31 on ntior andeumberiand; George Thomas, near New rhester, the townships of Straban, Reading, Berwick, Hamilton, Oxford, Conowago, Union, Germany anti Mountpleasant. J.‘MES IiT:SsELL, sect diary. Sept. 20, PVC. 71 stm 6. Sentinel copy. TURBINE WATER WHEEL AVING received the agency for the celebra ted DR. KINDLF.BEROER TURBINE '.TER WHEEL, for .Idams, Franklin, Cum berland, Redford and Fulton mantles, Pa., and Allegheny, Washington and Frederick munties, bid., we can recommend it as being equal in power rind possessing more adv antages than any submerged wheel in use. Send torch, [dor. Mill Rearing, `Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, furnish ed to order. MeDOWELL S HAECHTEL, Agent., Oct. 1, 1/4/17. lingerM M oun, d ATTENTION, ZOIJAVES ! .`NITL further olden, the "GI••:ITYSBURG U 201.`AVk23" will meet al their Armory tor banineas and drill EVERY WEDNZiIiAY EVE NING, at 7 , -; . o'clock, and in Trt.L DREW the Ilt1) S.Vrt RDA V of each month at 10 o'clock, A. M. ByorcLerof the Captain • W.M. R. EYgiEYE, 0. $. MEM= Church Dedication, TIRE Evangelical Lutheran Church In Little.- town, Pa., will be solemnly dedicated to the iwrvire of the Triune God, on alsbiasith, the 13th day of October. Het. John 31cCron, D. D, of 11t timbre, Hee. Chao. A. Hay, D. D., Rev. J. A. BORt-n, D. D., and other ministere, will be pres ent an the as:nation. A cordial fellation is here by extended to all ministers and members of Christian Churches generally. By-order of Committee is, }JERRY, Pastor. Oct. 4, Per:. td Administrator's Notice. rtSTATE OF ELIZA SPEAIXAN.—Letters of J administration on the saute or Ells* Speed man, late of Honttngton toy., Adams co., deed., having been granted to the undersigned, residing In the same township, be hereby gives notice to persons indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having . tains' against the same to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC E. WI - ERMAN, Oct. 4, Mr. St Administrator. Aiimicistrataix's Notice. JACOB BOLLINGER'S I, l4 TATE.—Letters of administration on the estate ofJerob Bolling er, late of Camberthad boniship, .tdnms co., de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned. residing in siOti township, she hereby gives no tice to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate Imo meat, and those having claims against the same to present them properly an them leatni for settlement, - ANNA SikRIA BOLLINGER, Oct. 4, MC. fit Admluistratrix NOTICE. kWILL be in Gettysburg with FLOUR, he., on every MONDAY and FRIDAY, of each week. raona who may desire me to furniah them with either Vkitir or Feed tittiff will leave their orders either with John chrimmer, or Danner I Ziegler, 'Mating the kind and quantity, when the same will be delivered at their dwellinp. GEORGE GIIIGELL. Sept. itt. tf Administrators' Notice. TACOR STERNER'S AISTATIL—Lettere of ad s' minletratlon on the estate of Jacob Sterner. late of Berwick' townehip, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, (the find-named re siding in said Berwick township — avid the hurt named In Heidelberg township, York county.) they hereby give nutter to all persons indebt ed to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having vlsinte against the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. PETERSTERNER, JOHN nr ns, pt. St SHINGLES. -DAME SHINCILFS the Mot In the market, for j Kale at JACOB RHOA I .5114 new Lumber Yard, on the Rallrond, adjoining the Lime Kilns, Get tyaburit. No`, ISaC, if 'DOR Itelainea, !gamin+, Alpacas, Lusttes. De r Reges, I,wns, Plaids, Poplins, Chained, Silks, Ac„ the ladles should estll an a sea the tame d ate s at ROW RICER at the Exoelalor cannot be n while the quality and style of 144 caw% be entpaseett. Call mot examine.. C, 7•TeKtF, BARGAINS EMEE:I I • i IN GETTYSBURG JOHN CIMES 4 SON T_TAVE opened a PM GROCERY, in Getty*. JUL hula. on the ban trireme corner of the Public meant uate, and have bud received eplendhl greet m of Fitlilikt GROCERIES, 'wind log Sugars, Coffbeslames, Syrups, Thur., Tobamt, Solt, Fish, Shoulder'', de. Also, QUIRMitSWARE, CONFECTIONS, Nuts. FrilliaFetaps Fancy Articles anti Notions generally. We will alter keep ea timid FLOUR ■nd FEED-STUF FS. Having purchased for CASH, Ise are prepared lowa very cheap. Give us a call and Judge for youraelvm - - - -••- - Sept. ?.7, ItG. tf i\:1~l7~K~ has e Just received ilia,. IMO FALL ST 0033, the largest In the moat--enneletlitit of nn Y GO ODS, 3IERrNOF.S, POPLINS, ALPACAS, (11NtalAMS, FLANNELS, DEL.tINES, C.II.I"COES, CLOTHS, CASSINIERES, JEANS, In m ery % arlety CARPETS. a large stork and verreheap SIIAWL , A, all kinds and prima. BLANKETS, emy cheep. QUEEN/ WARE, the largest stuck In the county end very cheep HARtn?(ARE and Saddlery, In all ha branches, \ ittthe lowest market rates. ES, of all kinds. IRON AND NAILS, OILS AND PAINTED. .ell 41(XIDS at Woes Dt/("M‘11 ODIUM SION. Give as a call and !MIES ineo* stock. SIGN OF THE RED FROST Gettysburg. Oct. 4, M. 11 FOR SIS.I.M. Tae subscriber offers for sale We • PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, In Baltimore street, Gettysburg. It has a full stock of instruments and ttxturea, Is admirably located, and has a profitable run of custom. =/11 A PHOTOGRAPR WAGON, In good repnlr, and ready for travel—having a 101 l out-flt. Both will be sold on anromn3odating terms, as the owner intends to remove. till on or atddrevs, early, LEVI MUMPER, on. i, 186'. Sm Getty!thurg, Pa. TO BUILDERS. EALED PROPOEAL.9 will be received nitfl TUDAY, the 16th of 04.,T08E1L of 2 o'clock, §M M., for the erection ol • TWO NEW DWELLINGS, for the use of the professors of Peou'a College, on the College Campo.. Plans and xpecificatlona can be seen at the lgrug Store of .1. D. Buehler. The contractor will EB required togiwe satititacto• ry vecurity for compliance with the condition. of the contract. The Committee receive the night to decline any or all bids. BAUGHER, H. S. HITHER, A. D. BUM - ILI:It. C. J. EHREliAllif, WM. H. BAUM, Building Committee. Get ty.burg, Pm, Oct. 1, 1.67. 2t NE,W COACH SHOPS YANTIS, ADAMS I. CO Lrrn.E.sriows, PA. is take this method of informing the public TY That we have establinhed new Coach !Shops at Litthvton n. where we are prepared to manu facture to order all kinds of BILTGOIEN, CAR RIAOES, SULKIER, ac., on the shortest notice and moat acrommodatina lemma. Our lands have beki procured from Baltimore, and, as we use none but choice nutterlal, we win put up work to compete with any shop in the State. Old work repaired and taken In exchange for new. MEE= New Grocery and Flour Store. MEALS BROTHER, 1T AXING opened a GROCERY, !morn and 4.41 VEGETABLE. STORE, in the Room former -1„s occupied by Geo. Little, on West Middle street, they extend an Invitation to all buyer. ro give them a call. Es .rythtng In their line, fresh from the city and country, will be kept on hand. They are determined in sell as cheap as the cheapest, and as they only ask the lowest living pront‘, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share a MM;=',! e t . r . NOTICE IMF undersigned respectfully informs his 1 friends and the public that he has taken his Moo CHARLPS H. Sramaitrrn, into patiniership, and the huaineis will hereafter be conducted un der the firm name of WX. C. STALLAMITH ot SON. He returns his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage hitherto extended tohlin, and requests that their favors be continued. WM. C. STA.LLSMITH. Sept. 33. 1867. it 7 TEACHERS WANTED! ,TTHE School Directors of Reading township will J, meet ut School House No. 2, (commonly cull ed Marrero School House,) on the FIIIST SAT URDAY in OCTOBER next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of employing seven competen t lo to take charge of the Public Schools in said township, tor the term of four months. Sal ary ta) per month. By order of the Board, M. B. BLAUSER,Reey. Sept. R, ISgl. td AGENTS WANTED. NO SOAP—NO WATER—NO SLOP. (cLANI CLEANING POLISH.—This is a new and most excellent article, patented by. Mr. uss. M. Brown, N 0.74 Bleecker street, New York. It will be universally used, for It Is more effec tual than the old sywtem of cleaning Window', Mirrors, Gold, Sneer, Plated Ware, Tin, Copper, *c. Purchasers must be fu - eful, as a spurious article has made its appearntice. Sept. B, NU. 6m STRAY HEIFER. CAME to the premises of the anbacriber, In Cumberland townahip, Adams county . , Pa., on the 13th Met, a - Red and White Spotted HEIFER, about la month,, old. The owner la re queated to come forward, prove property, pay c - hargeg and take her away. JOSEPH R. SNYDER. Sept. NJ, 1887. It 300 IUSHELS EGYPTIAN NEED WHEAT. FOR sALE.—A new variety; yield,' well; not apt to fail; rtpena early: and entirely fete from all ellen. Price, $0 per bunhel. WM. WIBLE, Near (let ty.burz, Pa. EVIII BARK WANTED. MITE ruhaeriber will pay FIVE DOLLARS per J. CORD fir BLACK OAK BARK, delivered et hie Tannery, In Gettystairg. . JOHN RUPP. Jamie 1ft:1166. HOUSE PAINTING. RICORGE A. WARNER, HOME PAINTER, Month Washington at, GetWsberig. Ft. (hOOD WORK AND MODERATE PRICES. July 15,1987. A FARM WANTED A NY parkin havlatt &goad FAEH for sale, aug It willing to take in part payaseZjip or wort , tracts of choice WecAs Land, in wadi aelAhbasti tity Towns, m at a tossia ac. will n ' i ri pareltliser b y en linSVNittit4 tr Tx my absence, them will abeam be a thatemsh. 17 competent openitor In champ. of Ule °slim, and IMrit gall kinds _and loam all denntqataDoes Must gri , e aatlaactinn bebre It Ma leave oar room& C. J. TYl9O$ VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TUE rindentomed will ;tall at Private Sale, Lis undivided TWO F ELMS of A7O Acreiy more or lees, with Imitable building. • run be divided Into two or three fame, havini two Dwellings and Bank Barna all In good order; store Howie and Dwelllns; Blacksmith Shop and Dwelling; Tenant Hone, ito, and all neceniary buildings; in fact, Is he modal Farm of Adams county. It le eituated on the Turnpike from t;etty6hurg to Llttleatovra, 6 miles from the former and 3 from the latter; to under good tenon., and under gaal tenants; land all limed and in good order; about acres of timber; all kinds of the beat of fruit, I Peach and 3 Apple Orchard, Call on the un dandgned, residing on the properly, In Mountjoy town6hlp, Adam, count.). or Mitre.. TERSE a NEWMAN, Two Ts erns P. o...htlitme co., Fn. Sept. 1:415.17 DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIA; SALL:. lAN SATURDAY. the day of NOVEMBER next, the subsrtho r sflll offend Public Sale, on the premixes, the Whoring real estate, for merit property of Adam Ispltler, deceased A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Moll ht pleasant township, Adams coull ty, about two miles west of Cuuots ago Chatad, aehontipg 'male of Ezra Eckert, Abraham Rife, and other., containing Ie Atitk,S, more or testa— about LI acres eteared; and 4 acres woodland, of the Nen . best quality. Tile improvement are good Tao-story BRICK HOL SE, Lug Ram flog Pen. and other necessary out a besides iii building,: due Apple Orchard, des peseta,, peace, cherries, Sr„ and a never- i failing well of water in the yard. 11so, la Af'REP OF WOODLAND, coverird with the la.t, lest kind of oak umbel adjoining the above. This tract A ill tie sold entire, ur to lots of or 6 Here*, as fluty be desired. Persons wishing to view the property, are re quested to call on the subscriber, rosining lu the same township, one mile west of Fkirmughlown. Sale to coalmen, at I Snot k. P. M., on said day, When attendance will be go.en and terms made known le. JOHN CREIFIB, J. W. CMS& Sept 156'7.1Y A VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALK rrE umlersigne net otTer at Private Sala, their FARM, situate in Butler town s tip, .I.linne county, on Oponsnm c reek, two miles, from Middletown, and thief , u.11,w from liehileisintrg, adjoining lauds of Elle< Maier, John Bream, Jacob - Fro•dle, and others, contain ing l 2 Ac MES. more nr lea, under good culti vation and good fetteing—n hit Wert , ' n 1 < zee/. lent woodland and meadow, The improsenients are a Two-ahoy KIN iNk: 1101146, teat Barti, Horse Otahle, Con, Crib, limitary, 11l Hog Pen, WlVil Rouge, Se., with a 111, er falling well of water at the door. There la " on the premires a good young Apple Ore cant. ith :ill other fruit. MUSLI\S, Per1...1 , 1 .14}1ing to s i s in the property quentett to ettli on tin lerntrned, remitting thereott. Sept. '27,1667. 31. A FIRST-CLASS FARM AT PRIVATE: SAI.I', Vr7ii.,Tr - o tlrensir,;(.l,",s„'°"rg•r ? "",`. l ",'rl,l,",r: moot., and in prime order. I •will sell front IO) to laa tore., 14, quit pal chamrv. Tema ronaluable For jut - tiler Informadlon,apply to W Nr. WIBLE, SiTt. tt tt ttyrburg, Pa. &c., &C%, dce., A NICE HOME AT PItIvA.Tr.fiALE. E undersigned oftenat Private Sale, his ourr ROPERTI situate on the Yotk Turnpike, miles twit of Gettysburg, Adams musty, Pa., adjoining lands of John Miller, Robert Bell an t{ Jacob Celts ell's heirs. The tract contains near ly 1* Acres, and has thereon a One-story BWELLINU HOUSE, Blacksmith Shop, g and a good welt of water, with a pump in It. Alto a young Apple Orchard, besides Paschen. &e. i'ersc;riti wishing to Porettaae are reNtteate° to call on liheriff Bann or M. & W. McClean, Get• tysburg. Terms to salt the purchaser. EDWARD TWOMEY. Kept. V 3, 1467. 43." A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rorkE subscriber offers his FARM (ensile. It to ituated in Adams county, Pa., near the and. Gettysburg Turnpike, 3 miles from New Oxford, 8 from Gettysburg, and 1 mile from Gulden's Station, adjoining lands of Ralph Fbskee, Nicholas Moritz, Nicholas Reltzel, and John Cashman, containing T 2. ACRES and 42 perches—about 9 acres In timber, with a due pro portion of meadow. The Lind has been over, nod is under good fencing. The tleldo are laid oil cons euleotly, with water in almost all of them. The int prm em eels are a TV. 0- AC , ry eatherboarcled HOWSE and Back- p building Bank limn, Wagon Shed and l IF Y Ft Corn Crib, untier the same roof, Hog House, Smoke House and Summer House, prong J.louno w Ith - a never.talling spring close to the building; a good Apple Orr hard, besides poaches and all other kinds of fruit, on the place. It is In every respect a most desirable property. Persons wishing to slew tile premises arc re quested to call on the subscriber ; residing there on. L. G. IIEAGY. Sept. 8, FRC. 1m FOR SALE. TWO HENDREI7 AND THIRTY ACRES Or PRIME LIMESTONE LAND, I=l one ands half mileq from a Railroad Depot: good improvements. well fenced and watered; an abundance of good tim'ier, and so arranged as to divide well Into two lartna. I have also other farm property for sale, 1111 of which will be sold low, the ollect being to mike a division of the estate. Those in search of land in this section, might do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. For - further Information. call on or addreaa TIIOB. N. LUPTON, Winchester, Vs.. Tone ^4 (who to agent for Helm.) Small Farm and Town Property A T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned.offers LA. at Private Sale, his FARM, situate in Strube n township, Adams county, on the Hanisburg road, two miles from Gettysburg, ismtaining 34 r ACRES, improved with a one and a half II story BRICK OUSK, a good Barn, lid oc feet tong,t a nes er-falling well of water, It with Ilpump In it, a vounpLApple Orchard. II and other troll. About 1. acres arc in Hauer, and there to a fair proportion of meadow. The land hos nearly ail been limed. and is in a pro ductive condition. Ile also offers a ITOVSE ANT LOT. on the south hide of Yorks.atrcet, In holt> simrg. The house Is a two-story, u eatherboarded, with an Out-kitchen. There Is allot a Stable on the lot. . Tot ins aceornmodatl rig. J. V. WALTER. Angted :., PIO7. if ' HOUSE AND LOT PETEMBI'IIO, Y 0111: 1.1*81.11' SALE.—On SATI'I2DAY, the 12th day of OCTOBER next, the aubaerther, by virtue of a Prmer nt UP - wrier from Samuel and Sarah Gardner, will well at c'uhlle SCie, oa the prem.-4, 3 = en feet front, Ima deep, and tti feet back. situate on the carli.le turnpike, in the town of Petersburg, V. S., Attains counts, Pa., adjoining the Public Seltool House on the south, an alley on the west, and loa th otSonmel Gardner on the north, having ereon a new Two-atori ROUGH- 'VI CAST HOURE, nearl, finished; a never- Hit falling spring of water, the hest In Peters- " burg; and a number of choler Fruit. Trees and •rape Vines. The property must positively In' sold on said day. Any person WiShimt to s low It, ran rail on Sattnnol tomb. 1, rekidina Welt un, or on the aubberfber. Rale to commentce at l o'clock, P. M., on said day, When attende.nee will he gl% en and terms made known by W.M. B. GARDNER, Attorney In tag for Sa mttel and Sarah Gardner. Sept.:A 1 . 3117. tc WOOD LOTS FOR SALE IWILL sell at Public Pale, on FRIP.IY, the till. day of OCTOBER next., at 10 o'clock, A. M . on the premix., 18 LOTS OF EXCELLENT TIMBER LAND. running from 43, to 8 acres, be ing a part of the Sandoe Mlll property, on Borah Creek. Terms accommodating, which will be made known on the day or sale. GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Sept. M, 1867. JONES' MILL FOR SALE. rIIMIS is a 'Arse FRAME MILL on the Turn pike, 8 nine.. below I.eesburg, In London coun ty, Va. The w °rich in the Mill are In pretty good repair, as a Saw and lirist Mill. There In a Mil ler's house and 8 acrevrot land with the Mill. The mill race Is not over three hundred yards long from the dam to the mill: would take but little expense to make It a very valuable property, as there In no mill for 5 zulltst. The other mills were all burned during the Var. This mill would to sold very cheap for dub. Apply to MARY A. JON DI. -tug. JO, 1861% 7,m Choice Western Preemption Lands. I°A A. E several Tracts of cholas Western I'RE- E.NIPTION LANDS, Rood locations, near Rail roads, County Towns, de., in well-settled neigh borhoods, which I will exchange at a fair price for real estate In Adana county. GEO. ARNOLD. Aug. 12,1%7. If LUMBER! LUMBER! rpm; undersigned has on hand, and will for ], uteh to order, WHITE PINE N.).%te, AND PLANK, White Pine and Chesnut Shl lea, Oak and Pine Frarne Stuff, Bawwl States, P tering and Roofing Lath, ge. !Mu - Mill in Buchanan Valley, Franklin town ship, tan miles southwest of Francla Cole's saw mill. Post Melee address, Arentsville, Adams county, Pa. JAMES BRADY. F3ept.:.7, ISM. 81 The Wonder of the Age ! WARREN'S ELECTRIC CECILE for sale at Hendrick. I Warren's Grocery Store, In East York street, Gettyalmrg, Pa., where every thing in our line Will be sold at the low est Woe.. Give us • .all and see for yonsrelves, Our stock eqn.t•ta ar oceeeriea, Notions, and Fancy Goods. Our motto is obr aim to please, PiP-Prodnee taken In exchange fur Goods. (ash paid for Bacon and Button HENDRICKS & 'WARREN. Sept. 20, 180, tf Fall Style of Hate for 1867 S. S. 31eCREARY T_TAS JOSt reeeiv;(ll. ffetdiand general asiortm meat of LIATS, Including the ye:} - kitten style of Pine Milk, Cassimere and Soft Fur Hata, and so • large aupply of fine and low priced Wool HATS and PAPA for Men and Bays. He Invite. Lig frefuls and the public to give lilt° a [Sept. 31,1807. 31 Executrix's Notice, f AROARRI' GRAMMAR'!; ESTATE—Let- Iet ten testamentary• on the estate of Marga ret Grammar, LW of Franklin imp., Adams al, deed.. having been granted to the undersigned, melding In the lame township, she hereby aloes nonce to all persona Indebted to maid valet* to make lirunediate payment, and theme having claims against the a me to present them property authenticated for settlement. _ Mini' A. GRAMMAR, s.rt. vs, pa. ew. Ezectunr VALUABLE i'ROPEaTIES JOHN C. ZOCCK, LAND AO.ENT, Ntw o.Evoltri, AOa WS Cot - NIT ; PA., Has for aide a number of desirable prof:writes, to which he aska the attention of those wishing to purchase. Tno No. I STORE STANDS for sale or rent, with stock of goal. doing a good business, near Railroad, situated in beautiful villages; chance for It w tshing to engage 1n tiro Roy t ime. A LIMES LINE FARM of 45 acres, near Rail• nand. triek houmialid all nnivasaryout-Milidings. I.I.StIIsTONE FARM of WO musts, with Flour and earn 11111. home, barn, and other out-build ings, i.ltatatod in Baltimore count, IS miles from its It I ni; 're. A LINI Tt iNE 1 11IM of 4SO lien,. Mirk house, hi hi: barn. to Baltimore gaunt), HA., 17 miles trom 11sItimon ALA Itt.F. Ft n \Din \ND\I \ CHI?..;E: :5110P, a lilt Dwelling. Attnate.l In a e.ainly nest,. liar Railroad and U I*.t. Good chance for doing all kinds of work. also, set : ral Town L.ots Will be sold with ti.) µIX, c propert3 If desdred. A FARM OF 100 ACREB, in Adams County, with good .Ioll.` Ilous, , good Barn, Sr., hear • turnptke and railroad 1.1)1ITY ACILE.,, with good House, Barn, &e., three-quarters of Mill. from a railroad station. A good chain..., If Min any. A FARM OF lo;-; -keitng, on the Carlisle turn pike. under ,o‘.l • all it anon, with a large Brick House, Baal. horn, and other out-buildings, all new. A LARGE FLOUR MILL, with 25 Acres of land. The milli,. fuer l,iur of limn, and all machinery tur doing merchant work. Brat. water power In the ocuintr. A FARS! OF 175 ACRES, hear the Hanover turnpike on which is erected a god Hun., Barn, mid all at her aroeaaary out-hulklltaga. A FARM OF' 1W ACRF24, good laud, with law Brick House, Barn, and ii Tenant Houses—to semen In wood—hail Tolle !rem the Ennowago Chapel. A HOTEL, In New Oxford, thaatury, roomy, ofd rant oni o n! po. bust ti tae.. (100i1 c h ance ; terns en s r. Also, n number of good !looses and I.Ats for sale In \0.% omord. Pernons w ho wleh In buy Rhtl F.state, as well as those who wish to st 11, ure requested to alto the anhnerlbern call at 111. store In NCW Oxford. Ad ds E=l3 Jon , : I'. 7,11"Vg, I-111.1AZent, . o,lord, Adam% count; , Ara II I. 1 , 4;7. 11 FIVOUSEIII4I FARM AND MILLS, AT PRIV.ITP HALE • 1 1 , 1 ,, Genntinne 1141,1 LEZtale If LURIA' VAIX 1111. E RE U. ESTATE minute on Tom's ('reek - , partly In Adams county, Pa.. and partly In Frederick county, Md., on the neashoro tutupllca, two tailed West of Ent nt I tahuru, cotothalna of a LIM-tato I= The. FARM, a bu, h under gond cultlN nt and good fear u ng, eon tnlhn say MO ACRES., with due proportions of Meadow and Timber. The hn prop enteats area large RTONE 3f 13Z- 1410 N HOUSF., with Back-buildings, three g Tenant House., large hank Born Oil by 102 feet.i Wagon Shed and Corti Crib, Car riage House, and other out-buildings; a LA ts• er friiLlnig well of water at the , kitchen door, and a never-tolling spring beta rot the house and barn. There are two thriving young APPLE OR CHui rI•4 on the premise., w ith a u ariety nt other fruit. Also, • A FIRST-CLASS GRIST 61 MERCHANT MILL, on a constant stream of water, with a flue run of custom• Cooper Shop, Miller's House. and other out-bui ldings. There is LIMEssTONE on the Farm. In addition to the above, the subecriber offers '3)O ACRES OF TIMBERLAND, well set Ili val uable timber, adjoining the Farm. The improvementa with !Mu or more acres j ean he bought separately, or all together, as the pur chaser or purchasers may desin•. For further information inquire of the &abseil ber, residing on the premimx. JOBEPH P. McDIVIT. July li, lack. 111111:11:)114in;vox:}1 IIE subperlber, wishing to give up the Tan mugg tie:ducat, offers at Private Hale, his situate ou South Baltimore stree4 y 'liettyaburg, Pa., including Brick Beam Shop ith 1 pool, 2 Hines, and nix 'windier*: Brick log labor.: Brick and Frame Bark Mill House 38 lay-away I Vats on the yard, with 8 Leeches. an room tosdd an 3 additional number—constant running spring water, ne, er.fa illus, in tan-yard and shops. This Tannery locate,' in a region where good Bark I, abundant at re..nable price. Posses , Rion of the Tan e ery it ill belt en to the purchaser imunsitatel3 , if desired, with a cup* of bark to /run It. Their Is besides a law Two-story BRYCI PR ELLI NIT on the property, will' Spring lionise. Smoke Hous e , Wood Shed, Barn, Corn 1.1 . 113, Wagon SM..' and other out. !P , buildings, with a well of water and also " hydrant at kitchen door. with running water through Spring House. There is a varlet} . . of best qualities of grox Mg Grapes and Fran on the premises. The properly is In good condition,and In every respect a most desirable residence and business stand. _ _ - Alen, will he sold., A LOT OF GROUND adjoin ing above, containing Ame, more or lees, with au Apple Orchard and a thwt-elwva Spring and Bathing Fatablnhment on It. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, on the Emmitte burg road, one-half mile from town, containing Acrea, which the purchaser can saw have, if dewed. • • Persons &tiring to Mew the premises, or as certain turthef part lettLitrs, will with,s the sub scriber, residing in Gettysburg, Hi_ JOILN NVINEBREIMER. Sept 1,, 1131. IWILL offer at public tale, on Tr ESDAY, the =mil day of OCTOBER, 1,47, the FARM on it Mel, I non re.dile, and lately owned by Rene dit t-lloont. Thin tarn it ..hunted in Middletown Valley, Frederick 11,1111 t% Md., one mile North of "'eremitic, on the Middletown and Burdett... VIM Mad, lota than 4 Mileg from depot,. on Balt. & ohin R. lined, and Ches. & 0. Canal, at Berlin and Kno‘ville. It contalna 215 ACIIII4, more or IPA.. at prim, land, all under cultivation, In divi ned tote nix fields, with pure running wntrr In each field. The Improvement% are a good domfortable eotherboarded HOUSE, Log •1 Barn, and nil nece.mary This open( Ihe be. 4 farm in Middleton a . It Pi unnecew.n ry to Na, more, a. men 11 111 examine the therl,oh cc. %t the same.l Ime and other, e. 111 I n sold a MOUNT.IIN urr of 11 tyres, more or lens, of I,liesunt Timber, qud's% In W.liingion mon lot,. of Henry sin er and Kam nel Allah. Thin is a ery Rah! e lot, and pro perly manned, will furnish rails sufficient for the tarn. as long. ferielng Is inquired. Terms of Sale, and time in ell lug pocaessiOn, made anon u on day of sale. if, B. SCHRONDER. Sept. 11, 11167. In A SMALL FARM AT PRIVATE FSA T" fttiluoriber offers at Private g.IIP, hia t'AItM, Minute In Strshan township, Adams count','. Pa., about 53 miles from Gettys burg, 2 miles from Huntendown, and 13i miles from Bender's 'lurch, adjoining lands of Dr. Goldahorough, F. Quiekel and John Galbraith, oontalnlng ACHES, with Woodland and Mee low. The laud 'monitor good cultivation having been well limed—and under g=f n ence. 'The lin -31711'7. Eso t ltb a l re e Iz a iglialL i arrlagelfeneie s Wagon Shed, Shop, Hen House, idOg Pen, IP Smoke House; two good never failing I , wells of Kier, and a sloe young Apple Ore rd, besides Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries. grapeN Persona wishing to view the property will I call on the undersigned, reshil b g . tiliereort Aug. 30, IK% 2ms VIRGINIA, LOUDON CO., LAND, • FOR SALE. NE FARM, containing about 240 ACR}2I, Alt o sated on the Turnpike road, 8 miles below Letsdnirg, 3 miles from Guilford Station, and 3 miles from Farum ell Station. The cleared land laid off Into 7 fielda, water sufficient for stock In each field, picnic of timber on the hirm for the time of the same; a comfortable ' DWELLING HOUSE, a large Stable, Para Moose, Meat House, Ice Renee, and a good Store douse on the premises. A goad star. for a Country Store. The land is good, to gaaY good Improve, take, clot er very well, yields crops of wheat, corn, oats and kitty. This a very good Farm, was bought by the present own ers in 1251, and a good part of It cost tilty dollars per acre. There is a good Orchard, and a well of water on the premises. This Farm will IN sold at the low price of thir tdi-elght dollars per acre, If the eash be paid down. A stood deed given w ben the terms are complied with. (Tin give full possession 25th Dec., 1881, provided It is sold part lone to renting for another year. Apply to H MARY_ A. .10Nkl.i t illsixiro . , Louden count), Aug. 30, 1417. :an VIRGINIA LAND FOR BALE O 1 NE FARM contains alient (InilAcren, la 7 miles below ',rebore, on the Turnpike, 2 miles from Farmwell Station, end i miles from Buil ford Station on the Alexandria 1,. ft R. R. Road. Thin in a very desirable Farm, sad a healthy place to live. The cleared land in divided into 7 C eld., with running water in several of them. There to to large lug DIVELLINQ HOl OF, Barn, :tieat Boone and Dairy on !! the farm, mei a well of excellent water in tt the yard. This well afford. plenty of good water the dryest season. There in plenty of timber ea the farm for the rune of the name. Theland good, and produces good crops pt Wheat, Cee Onto, Hay Ate. There in a due Qrchard, la fall_ bearing, The land in easy to improve, and takes einvt r finely. The tencing in in good order. (A good many families of Northern people have net tled in the neighborhood.) Can give full ponneudon 2Zith 13reember, 1117, provided It la so dl preelona to radios foe saoth year. For want of money, the owners offkr this farm at the lafr plies of thirty dollars per acre, oath pellet dawn. A good deed given whoa the terms aro %%sailed with. MART A. JONER. London county, Va. tog. BC. 1011 N L IWRENCE'S FATATE.—Letters testa rtj mental, on the estate of John Ira - renee, late .)..Munlt.iwasent lownship, Adams t•ounty, de eeased. hat Inc been granted to the undersigned, rest llng In the same township, be hereby glees note t ,,t- to nil pemons Indebted to said estate to make immediste payment, and those having claims against the same to present them primer , ly suthettliesteNl tar settlement. hAND Eh D. LAWRENCE, Augmt Gtr Exnettwr. IN order to prose amertlona muds to favor 1 of proenrina PHOTOGRAPHS at the fixorador (tanery ,An and alt for your fICITIIF.:. Nu charge will be made unkva you are whit the result and straw tOianVe YOU r oftior• C. J. TYSON. MEM , FN tONt's = AT PRIVATE SALE. I= PUBLIC SALE. M=MI Executor's otice. u To Mai It Is, Cesare." WAR DECLARED AGAINST HIGH PRICESI DE IT KNOWN, That Fur Silks, Alpacas and Mohair+ For De"Maas, ctualles and Lawns For CaHone% °lngham, and Linen For Muslims, Blenched and Fublcatin d Fur Ticking, Ated•irce and Fmk : For Flannel., Hoop Masts mat Balmoralx Far Check*, rabic-I/mu and Ruck. back For Runtlug, Quilling and Edging; For Parsaobt, Fans and Ned.; For Handkerchief's, StarldriersnilGlirre4c For Clothe, Casalinen.% and Jean,; For Cottonadei, Linens and Tweed. For Trunks, Caayet•llottko and Whips For Umbrella& Rams and atropo ; • For Hats and Gloves of every Mad; For all kinds of (tootle at lowed prima; Clo to the 'More of now a WOODS, Comex of the Diamond and York Wert, Saly I. ISM tf Gettyabum ' GO TO DUPHORN & HOFFMAN'S, IF YOU WOW TO 331= CHEAP = PCILORED CLOTHS C.W4ISIETtES, • FRENTR MEltl2:ooi ; ULOELED ALPACA, =I MIHAIR LURTEFtP, WOOL DELAINES FANCY DELAINEB, COUVRG4, NI rSLINR. BLAN - KETS. GLOVES COLLARS & CL7FFS, QUEENSWARE, OIL CIA,THEI, or anything else in the DRY CIOODR 8 NOTION LINE. .N. W. eur. of the Bquare, tiettysburi, Pa tinpt 20 1967. if J. L. SCHICK, SOCTUWEOT MIL.VIIII or CLII TER SQUARE GETTYSBURG, rA., Han just received a Irpleaoild amortroeut of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS. comprbilng in pert as E:l=l3 I= ALL WOOL POPLINS NEW STYLE OF FANCY POPLINS, BISIIARK POPLINFI, EMI.MM CLOTH A, I=l BLACK AND FANCY BLLNB L.‘DIEB' CLO. , ,LKT:qO CLOTH'S NEW STYLE OF FALL GOODS, DELAINO3 AND CALICOES, FIANNELk IN GREAT VARIETY BI.k:ACTIED AND BROWN MUSLINS CLOTHS, CA..*il RUES: C.4l*i I NET CASHMERETTS AND SEANM I.ARIFJC FURS EN GREAT VARIETY, I= COMETS, R LM DK ERCRIEM COIL {RP, =9 Fk•pt. V, 18C. If Gettysburg National Bank. GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL If3SUER- SEVEN-THIRTIES AND eomro CWD INTEREST -.VOTES, BOUGHT AND BOLD Orders for window , wed !We of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, promptly executed INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL DE POSITA st t l . s per cent., seeeraing to length of time of depoat J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier: April 8, LW% The Mist National Bank OF OETTYABITRO iLLO WS INTEREST ON DEPOS7 I= Buys and sell. all kinds of GOVERNMENT SECURITTES GOLD A.ND BLLVELL Converts 7-30 Notes tato 5-20 U. Bonds. Orders b.:Welted and promptly *Waded to April 15, M. OEO. ARNOLD, Caabler WY. C. BTALLEINITH & 80N GETTYSBURG, PA., CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS Are prepared to de all kinds of Uarpenterirsk —contracting and erecting bulb:tings of an kin,b, Heparin', te. They keep elegantly o* Land and manufacture to mho, DOOM SHITITEM BLINDS, RAM, DOOR AND WLVDOW FRAMES, CORNICE. DOOR, a WINDOW lIIRA.DILIDIN, And any calker Mikis in toe Scalding Lthe. Seuoned material eoestaney on Sand, ups. domed Wce*men. sills" la radium, sad wait executed with dispatch. /Warden promptly attended to. Sept. 21, IBM If For Bole.—A Mow' Pam, attle=tolrie" fiz eß air . Rant Bars sad I=6 . Pielltr Fro t, Qt.; 2 Wien Vent train wt One other very „. %imp VW r, arm hi Tiabein * 4- toinjne Beaulnies progasijil Wow Oettyabari e OD per - next* bn.Y.Vgn 1, ARNO{h m 4.12,11147. ft THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. riran 4 l4alr MOSIINIAON_IIONDII Al AR IXTESTX, TSE rapid program of Mika Paella NW mut now building west from Omaha, Nebraska, and forming, with Its western connections, ah unbroken line firma+ the cumUnent, attrnrts al. tenUou to the value or the Flint Mortgage Bond which the Otlmpany now °Myr to the pub Ne. The and que.tion asked by prudent Investors le, "Are there boudg secumr Nest, "Aro they • profits ble Investment f" To roply In brt, f lat. The muly oompletiou nt the shots greet line to the KM& Is WI eertsin as Any future bus• Ow.n es , tit can be. The Gin ernnient Want of Neat.) inilliou ucn•s or land snit 1111) tall. Him donne. In II• nwh bond% linist teddy musran • Lees li. Vito fourth of the wort: In ulndidy done, and the track iuntlnkes to be bald tit the ratan( Iwo nines . 11. The Union Partite litalimad bends arc hinted nylon what promises to be tine of the meat profit• able liaes of railroad to the issintrY. For many Jean it must hello, only tine ounneettug the At - lantie and Nellie; cud being without coingstU• Mem, II ran isaintain reuntnorative nava 3d. Ma miles of thin road are finished, and Cony Nuipped with depots, locomotive.. ears, de, said two (mina are daily runtang eert% The ma terials rot the remaining fe2 milea to the natant Lament the Rocky Mountain are on hand, and it la under contract to be done to September. 4th. The net earnings of the seraions already entitled are amend tinter 'roster than the gold In terest upon the First Mortgage Bonds apeman& weetions, and if not another mile of the read were built, the part already ootnplated would not only pay interred and expenses, but be peogtabls to the Company. Sth, The 'Caton Prickle Railroad bonds can be Willed only as the road protretwies, and there fore can never he In the market attires they rep• resent a tame fide property. oth. Their amount Is strictly limited by ihw to sum equal to what is guaranteed by the MA - ernm eat , and for whieh It take* a wend Urn as It+ smartly. This amount upon %ht. tint LIT milt* %eat fo‘m °maim is only :18,000 per m ile. 7th. The fart that the C. k. Government eonsid era s second lien upon the mad a peal inveet• meat, and that .kene of the shrewdest railroad_ builders of the country have already paid In gen million dollars upon the stock (which he to theta a third lien,) may well insplro ontilldenee 11,1 I leu. Stb. Although It Is not claimed that there can 1 he any better socuritlee than Governments , sere are pertles who-consider sprat mortgage pon such a property as this the very beet mend y In the world, and who *ell their Goveenmente th nt luveet In these bonds—thus wecnring a meter , Interest. VESTINOS. 9th. As the [Won I'llolll , l Railroad betide us offered for the present at 90 cents on the dollar and *corned interest, they are the cheapest sees• rill to the market, being 11111/V Ull l / 1 1:•1/11eriat. WWI then 9'. P. Storks. 10th. At thocurrent tato of premium on gold, they my . Oeer Nine re► Cent. hoterert. The daily pubsetiptions are already large, and they will eontinue to be recelvedoln New York by the corrniereast i N e ap o olesL BANZ . N ran SL, 1 it • ot i tt i rk Cusco Bose, Banker,, Will it., and by SANAS AND DANN:MLR generally hroughout the U aited States, of whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained. They will alec be sent by. mall from the Company's Ogre, No. 20 NUMMI Street, New York, on &PO cation. Subscribers will select their own ARSON Invite& they have oongdenoe, who alone will be responalble to them for the safe del It ery of the bonds. c.tucolts HAWL& 110131ZRT, JOAN J. CIBCO, Ttrassrer, July V., DC. Am Now York. PROOFS OF THE SUPERIOR QUAUTY • Or TIM AMERICAN WATCH, CARPETS, wALTSAM A t .; R . $. The American Watch company, of Waltham, Yaw., respectfully submit that their Watches are cheaper, more accurate. lees oomplaz, more dors- Me, better adapted-for general use, and more [Sa lly kept In order and repaired than any other watches to the market. They are simpler in structure, and therefore stronger, and lees like/Y to be Injured than the majority of lbreign watch es, which are composed of from 12 WlOO pieces, while in an old grughali watch there are more than 700 parts. How they run under the hardest trial watcher can have, Is shown by the following letter: Prat N. RAILROAD DORDAN 1. OFTILL or TILL °Lenses?, IWO6IttIeTIWINGIsT,I Aseroonx,r,A., la Dee.. Mi. (katllenlen • The watches manufactured by ,) on hate been la none on tills railroad for 'event/ Years by our enginemen, to wboin we fornlah watebea as part 01 our equipment. There are now moo three hundred DI Weak carried on our llue, and we °milder them good and reliable tinneinmp. ma. Inds d, I have groat milli/action In ea) lug your watched give Ox me trouble, and Mere worn end do wear much longer without remain than any watches on have et er bad lu ere on this. road. As. you are &wart, we formerly {rusted to w omee.of bou g ua tigi t i o sh .; m bu a t nu a fa .. et cu ure . i , th if e a;:k n u e o w,r ipyl wled kem UPI correctly, nor have they done le good aereloe, an yours. In these atatements I am matalued by my pre decesaur, Mr. Lewis, whom experience extended over a scrim of yeara. Rea EDWARDWItITITX9I. General Nuperisleaded. Amebas Watch CO., Watteau We make now Ave different grades of welshes, mime Appletod respectively m cy u Mllowe : n, Tra & Co.. Walt Waltha Watch Company, Walthamham, Mena., Mu*. P. $. Bartlett, Waltham, Mau. Wm. Ellory, Boston, Alas*. Home Watch Company, Bunten, Mau. MI of these with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted by the Amer'. eau Watch Ciompany to he of the best material, on the moat approved principle, and to palsiess every roqubilte for a reliable time-keeper. Eve ry dealer selling niece Watches Is pro% Ided w Ith the Colithany's printed card of garantee, which should accompany each Wateb gold, no that buy era may feel cure that they are purchasing the genuine article. There are nuwerous swankT h.lP, and imitations of our Watches roll through out the country, and we would caution pliretla!, era to he on their guard mod nst impoeltion. tn> kradev of Waltham Watehea tuns be pop chewed of %bleb 'Melees th roma:mut the country, HOLOILNeI Ic APPLETON, arfladWDOr , New York. Stvt. el, PIC. Itn SPEER'S PORT GRAPE MIRE, Eird by Hundreds of Clinnnuoneions jbr Myrrh or Cbniuuntbus Purposes. Errtdenf for Lathes cud Weakly Persons VINEYARDS, NXW JERSEY, Opeer's Port Gripe Wise, Fear Two OW. IIdSTS Justly celebrated native Wine la made from the Jake of tie Oporto Grape, raved in It wont[). lie invaluable Ibnic and Strengthening Properfica_ are unsurpassed by any other native Wlue. Be ing the pure Jules of the grape, produced ander Mr. Sneer's own peon:hal aupervision, its MISSY and genuineness are gniumnieed. The child may partake or Its generous oval= the Watikeat invalid may use It to advantage. It partkidarly beneficial to the aged and delattl taUll, and suited to t various aliments tied at dot the weaker /*ex. 11 is, in oven , renpect, A WDJAI TO lIIC a riiz ON. invalids use Speer's port Grape W. trall , leno B =l7f t iet? t e :it 4 1 r ti t brer's 111.1 in Hospitals are preferred to nth -rwuses. Sold b y prWratargd Veiv e ljesseY Ofik• 243 A. b . M r li'ew a fesis; • August 00, 1•17. /Y • Secure a Largo Wiest Crop BAUGH'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE ngyFIWIT cooladna by analyele of Pref. A.Bnow• IT deo Inggett, 3.76 RIR lent. of and 'NW Bone te of Idnle. besides over Hper Bent of Intde Balta. This ankle Mane prominent on the WC of valuable Itertlllerti, yearn of trial havloggalned forfeits ellehdderiluenallma. &lll=made from Raw Bones, which contain edgiest ergaulegoatter,is Mabee Irmo Dandle Propertue of Done, and galas i predw wwaraid es large revs, U rears/ougod.r and Pwf iterat* A TRIAL Or ITV; ALL THAT e Is the NEL:DEMI* MO rime any one of its great media. The palate ass itaullesed swains several spa: Vous tinlteUensalthis artlele called "Raw Bout.' "RSV How Phaselaste,"&e. Many Farmer. bate sure to verify 116 VW been smay_ deeelted _by ppretutrlng the= Be _ ,_ "Fl 7. ' It la jamas& lit Mato and Barrels, and is pre. • pared in a One powder suitable fm• Send fer a tirratar to we or tuytwesde,.. OEURGIE DLUDALR, Mseuiseturers . Noe. Al t tai Smith's • Hattlmoß WrYoe sale by CG td ' li Übrd3HA W, °ems. burg, Pe. Aug. 16,1817. arn PAINTS POI FAMRS • ASD OTHERS. TIM Gretontztllnetsle Beet . = O O. 00: are now mato. Mscttrintdi rant In uZir c k rvAsozd ann nlin. mitoi 111=14brown or. 6mmliSebc:= B 4 and can be changed tgnselt, atulte, oliv val uabl e mea td malt the tams air toassisiser. It lafor HAMAN Sugua, mom % and on,nnhera, Paths And Woolen-waretr cultural Implements, crow D a w n v inni 4 phi r , Bottom., Canvas, Metal arr u txteltoolly (oneone Piro and Water Manotheturer lumlng=Bll4bbla the= year.) and MI &Pain t=r i ltinalle lu umarpm.• 01 for durabl=ra. ,it„.,,_. price Se per Md. orWle nl4. Ir ll Pinder for years to &MN , shirr at Mee am abort.. Sr , 4 imadver to at de mark lir IMM- i shot full ro ra oruitori l LmetA :r..4lWlNtilt4. NAV Air. kW. ilin =l' . SY LIIIIiO