Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, September 13, 1867, Image 3

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    it Oettgsburg empiltr
, 'Ar AFT EILVOON, K EPT. Lk um:
Daiwa, &Radical Member of Congress
from Massachusetts, has publicly howled
"the conflict is not yet ended." That'n
Aso; it has only begun—in Connecticut
and California. for instance.
ALL over the land, wherever the Rad
icals have been In power, corm a the name
tale of irtereased taxes—of extravagance
and plunder.
BEFonk his removal!' satrap Sklar%
appointed Beverly Nash, a negro, to be
polite magistrate in Columbia, the capi
tal of South Carolina. He was bound
to have his mark.
Midi gold mines have [wen struck at
Sheffield, Vt., by parties who have been
pliaTt sting since May.
dielmun made a speech at_Ripley, Ohio,
one day lint week, in is bleb he stud he
had seen a letter from Thad. Stevens to
President Johlason, askitdr for therelease
of Clement C. Clay, in which Stevens
said that no man could be legally aini
constitutionally txtuvicted of treason:l4M
that, therefore, the sooner these m,n
Were let go the better.
GYN. Hancock, in his testimony be
fore the Indians Commissioner, is very
it, soled In his opinion that a sWrlou-i
'Sr: f.X1,4114, and even decla*.44eliel
that, if the troops were with - prawn, not
a white man would.retnain iq_C,Pliww.lo,
at-. the great highways tolthq Pacific
would be closed.
'LIM tax-payers' of this Ste
e should
re llieniber that under Radis h
rule lifty
millions.of dollars are being I id yearly
to keep up the vast force of officials in
the South, whose business it is tit man
ace the negro vote for Rauical candidates
for office. This is rather a costly speen•
lation. The Radicals clamor for protee
I ton to A nwi lean industry. Why not
protect it against .lieh ontrages as tho , e
cornlnitted V the Radical Congress" _
IN n recent speech nt Mansfield, Lee,
the Radical candidate for Governor lof
Ohio, said: "1 here make the asttertiob
that the 7,500 men, of 1.1 yowl.' of age, in
Ohio, aith bluely Wood, are letter quail:
tied by reatsui of Intelligence to vote
than there are 7,500 white men in differ
ent parts or the State, many time!, told."
lie proper place for a person who talks
ro that any is Hayti. We cannot see
how the white - men of Ohio can support
Heel] a traducer of their race.
IN A QUANDARV.—B4fore the United
States Commksioner at .fliehMond. Vir
'zinta, a day or tat, skive, a person charg
ed with evading the revenue lowa plead
%, ant or jurbdirlitn, on 'the ground that
the revenue haws of Congress provided
the same number of inspectors for each
elate a. ea - eh - State had ReprettentatiN en
ui l'one're:s, and as Virginia .has no
Itepresent4tives, and not even an inde
pendent State• government, there can
ho no legal In, pectors within her limits.
'lite Commissioner was n r upplussed, and
took time to consider. --
Iteuti•_at LovAt:TN.—I/or readeis are
•ttt are that the Radield Republicans.
lime assumed to be the only lomat people
in the• country. Loyalty means faithful
adhesion to the 1.1%s or the land. The
( oust dation of the United States is "the
in. qj the land." Hence, fidel
ity to .bat, it. the highestatyle of 19,yalty.
Net Thaddeus tt,tevens t the lealler of the
Itadit ploy in Congress, has just de
clared, In itchier to Samuel Schoch, that
'the H hole teork of reeonstrovtion,”
:did hi' cumfederitte in the
t ,, enide ;til 1-101 Ne tif Representative, in
th. ,utlgviid 4411 Congressem, w.t.s done
out-ole ot" and in "repudiation" of the
"u-tatitnoi ! Non' then, ne u k the
',opt ( illiether the party which
uudcii,h, hiniple majority in
ongi the fundamental law
of the National t;overnment, is not guil
t of the wont glaring di loyalty —of the
- ,
1 1 0.4 atrocious tteas, n? 11 not, then we
knou the meaningkof the [emit ,
iolloming extract from a letter
NI t ittcn a Northern man, an Old Line
I.l:l,.‘thr -moo year+ IL re-tdent
to his mend in Philadelphia,
, Imvc..sio what a condition Radical legis
lation Pill , minced' the people of the
"I have little to say about our political
matte's. They are patent to all. A more
UIINN Ise, revengeful, and oppiessiv course
of I, cisluttuti could not have been en
forced on a poor, broken-down, and ply
ert •stricken country. We are now at
the 'nervy of the negro, and hind only
kno%% s a bat the result may be., I tear
the worst and regard my country us
hopelessly ruined: hlow• a generous
North o u t look on and see such a eOll.ll
- ut things. 1 contess, to me, is as
toni•lo ng. The result, of registration
alt u• tn Mississippi and Louisiana
soon:. three negroes to one main."
RYE FLOUR,. .....
I; vv,.
El I ...
hund. 10 00 p i : 11 00
BEi cArrl.r.i; hund— 5000,16 00
OO(.: On
2. 30 (4, 86
W 1,1;
Gobi), Phila
inn Thum,tor :evening. Sept. sth, at the real
tlenve of the bride's lath. r. hy Rev. Mr, Bougie,
r. ill WIT, of Lxtrllle Cumberland
Low iv-hip, to )lins M. J. CARPENTIM, lough
ot I r John Carpentrr, of Franklin township.
The happy couple nose Out Imst wish, s tors long
II le of In .1,1:11111115 and praspi city.
the Nth tont., In this pinee. hy the Rev. W.
It. 11. Dentr PAVID P. lILITLER, or
t o o. t tnw - n•hipp. to MI. LIZZIE'.4... dough
t erol Wont" Maekley. ta•t., from near Now l'h.ll
-r, thl county.
• • •
1111 Thorn , Iny. gept. sth, Id the Ref. Personnee,
N. a. oxford, to. Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. MlN
flt ETON 1-:ICHOLT7,-to Mrs C.kI.tOLINE At.
both of liatupttn, this county.
nn suminv morning. S. M. the oth. at the house
of the in pb.'s ~ Ith,r 10 E.Tst Peril*, by the come.
)1r g.1511 . Ft. M.1.11:11E14, to Mites ELLE.N C.
I ill,DEl3ll.lNll,otroth of E Berlin.
On the .:nth at Ant.. near Lower Remandlnn
her-h, Mee- kIXINA :3134.1.1.11.L.C5, owed 1
nrs S mint IT. and!' nay..
I )tt t hr• 3r I n..or Ertst Rerlfn, It.%TtyEY
F f n t ulti of lorry Bendel', Awed loOf
7 month% 001 days.
On the 31 Inst .10 tilts place, Miss ANNIJOU
CM kso, aged 71 yennt. I
on the 17th of July, at Mortlninille, Morgan
moon iv. Indina, Mr JACOB WELTIN arbd 72
an. and 2 months—formerly of tlano3ounty.
On the sth Inst., near Ito' Two Tavern, MIL.
TON C'., infant non of lunar N. and Mar Orel
Durnornw, aged 9,mntha and 18 dam
on the 2nd Inst., In Fairview, Cumberland
eonntv, 13 - 1.. IPA M NNIF: Of..A MAUR, daugh
-14 rof L. 11) Mau., formerly of Litt lestOwn.lbla
eon nt v. aged 5 yearly; months:and 17 days.
On the nth 'nat.. hear Wank'a Rehool-house,
v 4I
FAB ill tIFsANNA , Infant daughter of Amos
hehloaser, aged 1 y 1 month and 15 dayn.
At the residenee o ha: father, In this plwie, on
the tat Mat., Tli N HOWARD DIEHL, eked
nearly i months.
"Drvety Rabe how brief thy stay!
Rhort arid hoer wag thy day:
Vmdttlit too; thy Journey Imre,
retti mid ItTirf rto mars to be r
regulet. , the I. , neral Election. , of this I ...Mon
wc.diti" cow ted on the of pyti, it
jolmal o no- 0 la,. Vublit Notice of such hie,
Hon to i n to lA, and cuunlcrat, nLI t 13 , 4 r
what 'fru, rr. ire obe ..lect.4 , 1, "HILT[
HANN, Sheriff of lit Conn'. Or
fore- bri public nutkr. lo the k.lecto.%
of qahl Cowity of Adatnit. that a GMO-nAL ELL , '
VON v. 111 1. , held In tall Vounty, un th,• snc,,,,
al 01 r, :It'll I in (110 -
eIJ.I 'warble, conipora4 of tile foilutrlng Tou
ships, IS I
In the Fir+S rotnpo,ed of Rorouzh
ofttymbtatt, at the t 'otirt• house. In tiettysburw.
- In the second district, composed of the tov
of Germany, at Gold, n's- Seitotti-hott,,, in
the Lou rp•ltip ,it .tiertnatt).
In the Third district, composed of the town kit to
of oxfonl, at the house of I. 11. Houser, In the
loon of Sew o.l.Jurn.
In rue f ourin 11sirlet ocrn.poored of the town
ps of une Hunting - tom ,at the burr
01. lteed, lb the tow - 111;131p ,of Hunt nalon.
In the N ith dintrirt.eomponed of the town.h I to,
of Hamlltontatn and Laherty, at the public Slued
tonna., in ,Nitlketow n.
In tnerilxth do trlet , eomponed of the town•hlp
of [lA:Anton. at the Loupe now oceuoled by Dan
iel lieelih r, :n the town gd Erod
In the f,venth dt , triet, of the town.
Nadi, of MenaHen.' ut the public bknool-hothoe to
the town of,
In thr Lighth alstrlet,toompo.ed of the towns!ltp
of Mr,than, at the house of .111C01/ L. I 'man, In
In t In• N mill dist rirt, ,atnipoaed of the tnwnoh tp
of I' ratiklity, at the lath,. now occupied 1,2, John
P fluff. lu odd towttahlp.
lu ILA 'l'cuth dh.triet,aonttgaced of the hArnxhip
of 4'4.110mi/co. nt tho !mare of Ertlantlel ntllor, to
:kloSif (Try.: z own. r
In the '.leventit disirtet, componed of the town
hip of Tyrone, at the bonne of Mrs. Cook, in
114 ' , homburg.
In the 1 oLath district, eompneed of the town
ship of Mountioy, at the house of Mrs. N . Haus,
in said township.
fu the Thirteenth district, rompOstat of .tha
the township of Mountpleasent, at the
ta,bool 7 laalse In said• township, fattish: at the
cross roads, the to. leading from Oxford to tin ,
Two I.“crna, the other from Huntendown to
Iu tiiii Fotirti i eni h db I let, I.olnpor , tl of the
tow n• in p of 'Lending, ut Mt. blown: of tt. M. Picks,
lu ilanipton.
In ti Fifteenth district. issmposed of the Li,.
touch id Hcrs 1, k, ul the I,uLlk, Schnoidintrie iu
Alibotn•toit u.
In the Stbacentlidistriet,romposed of thetown-
Add p 01 l' .s•dom, at lin hoot, of numuel Mor
In .add lOU nnlnp.
Iu Ih•• heventernth district, emnposed nf the
township of Union, at the how... of Enoch L.
rr, tow nsillp.
In the Eighteenth district, composed of the
ton tiship ~ritut ler, at the publicliclugd..hotine in
Slidell, town, in hatd township.
In the NlnYtoentlt tinitrlyt, youtpn..eal of the
town/4111p of Bern. Irk, at the Chiron 11111 Seltoid
bonne'in maid towniihip.
In the Twentieth ilistriet, einninineil id Cie
towniai in of Curn'ttlinntl. nt the lion.. of Conrail
i , 113 der, In the Intrough of
In tlw entv-tlrAt dint Het, ..outpoited, of thr
ton 11 , !. p nfnt the School-hon... it
Ltxi I NI Arth Pre%byterlnn Charrh, In .uol
In the TR, nty-cecond diAtriet, emnito..ed of the
boroovh nr ete,tos n, at the most we,derl.!.
cahoot-hung• In quid tx.rough.
At MI. it tlnu•:uul phut e s In be elceted
One Member or A surnibly ;
Une t aunty eo1111111..1011er;
'1w4,111, 011.11111..1,11Prb ;
uue ',Moll' ;
one Inrw•tor ot the Poor;
(met molly Auditor.
11. an A, t of the General Aanembly of thb „
State, it IqII me to Itotert In 110
proelanott ton of oleo tons the follow Inc Mrt I ots
Of In, s palm d by void tioneral .Itooonbly, no
Mg) nor 1. ho It ()toled by the Penile and
/Rouse to t Iteprosentntives "(the common% enit 11
oflhemp In • ieneral .ti., robly Inet, nod
II l•h e rein, cnueted 1)1 tiot •Iliti•ort. of 1 » sun.).
1111•1 or ,olers of thesemi counlit
of thic r funitunii.e.fllll, Id nll gem nil, low ll,l l l l,
borough nod mu vial nre hereby, he)
tut uuohnrizal and required to vote , lis it So )3,
printed, or n, to.purt Iv prifiteif and jou tit
rill 11, se, erftll:). classified us folltot ). : In/. tlu I‘.
enthrall` t h e loon, of all polges of I lii.ri
votolfor.ond to he Inlielled,ontsii.le, , •
iole ticket *hall umbrae)) the mimes"( all store
ollieers %offsl tor, and be ...11nte;" one
1» 1. ei I [Wino c situ inllit , of
if..., • oied tor. and 1, labelled•1111 .
tick. I shall the nnrucr of ail 1 11 1 , 11 .. ..iiii
r• F • lot voted foriold be hibelled "Lou nship
1. shall r oorn, e Menai, s nil 11 0 11 . 1 1•111
ulflr, r. s tiled lirrN and hr 1)0011 tl "borouvh ,
tout • ii tints Shall in cf.:aide /..11,
lot Is.
Witt ts, ii) the :o•I of the c o n,ti r ..., of the
rnited rdaten, entitled Set to amend the
rat a• lofm io pro, cll. tor the
earllintr •
and tattling mit the National Corer",
fan win , r nurniKef. and appros IA March third,
cow loa,sind eight hundred and 't•lxtv-tive. all
per•on , vho innate de-al iii the mi!ltar) or III" 01
r, toe td 'be l'nlled st.iti", and who tine,' net
been Obtehartatd...r, All from the penall Y. nr
theret n pm, Id. 0,M . .. deemed. and ta
ten, io )la, e friillllll6hed and for
feited, • heir rapu. of 01t17en.1111., raid the' r
r.izhis ra bt,onnlrenc., and are deptavial ot
.veivnig Any rights of cutiren, thee, of:
.IND iv urn) va, remons, tint eitizt as of the
ridled ~ t ate++, Are not, under the von , tltui lon
and hews of Pent.,l,unla, gnalhli.l electolv of
this I '..:amonwealth:
oiv I. Be it enacted by the senate and
!loom of Itepre , enttilii in of lin Commonweal,l3
of Penn, Is °lda In I.enerld .ktotetuld) flirt, nod
It Iv hem a enacted by the authority of the same,
That In all f leetlmev hereatti r to he held In this
Com ;0111, it •111111 to` tinittalpi for hr
intide or in‘pectom ol any , tieh Met non to rt
I,ll' inn lot, or ballot., train any pen..dit or
permant. a inbmt ed in tae provt•temt, anti , u 1
to t slits - , lillpUqed Yyr atildnet et
',ppm) el March third, one' thollitalli ehfilt 11111 I•
(il,l 1111 I ,d‘ry-t1,1., and it shall he unlawful for
any .nth ye mon to eat, to vote an) nation, or
IM I loin.
Tim , If :Inv qlllll nlo4l` and inapt
of h e n, or any one of them, elm II rert lye
or to re. n , u.n mien unlace tul bay lot
or ballots, from any such dPymiliu,vl person
or Ti, , -.otlending, shall Jrl guilty 01 a mi-de
men no-, unit, upofl eouvlet.lon thereof, In on,
VIII. OI ntfaller , e,lOl, 01 f111.31 . 0/111nInIn k
•111111. 10f ea, tl Ont l 0 0.1%,a
flue ea not les, than one hundred dollui a ri4,to
unnerveol all nuprnnnm.ut, In the jail Of the pro
per counts lof n o t 4, , than slits du, , .
001 - CION That it any person ed of Lit i
aeriship, and 11,naalinett as nfurekahl, shall. nt
any el, edit.), In to 10 , held In this I oin-
Mon N ealth, vote, ur tender to the ~dicers there
of, mid utter to II ballot or hall , as. may p , r
"11,11,1111g, nhull he :let Med guilt) 10 /11,-
llernelolof, and on e , nt lethal thereof, In an,
eourt of title l'oni mon tt oath,
Milan, for Itch otrenee, be pinnaheil In like man
ner!. Is procldmi inglr pfet,lllln,oolloll of 111 l•
net, In the If 0 On, 4K VILIIfIIIII feeel% lag
nail: unto„ full , illoQur 1 ands.
Sk-artall , . 1. TII.II itoy person shrill herean. r
1,01 , 1111111., or nal, , o
ram!, or pciins -
pr 1,41 tot Mut - whip, nal al 1,40.1411,1 alla ,
to any bailor, Or ballots, iir the olia ,
.1' idly el , l tam, hereafter to 1.. Mild in ihis/.'luo
lOnnnrnlih,lur shall pet nullity, or adult, nil
inch ottlerr to reels - , law ballot, Or It ,Moir, Lum
nor I ,, riunt jeldt , .41 of itteenslitp, nod iltstin-1i
n.,1 al, :lfnrrtteri,l, Slll . lll/110011, so unending. shall
Ire guilty of µ misdemeanor, and lilnm 1 nisi lethal
t hernial, is Nay 1 01111 01 4111111, e., --, slklal% of hi ,
Ciontuon'trealt It, shall be punished In like nl'n
Os prOVlalt-al in the si, rind sin lion dal this
net, In 'be case ' , Miters of such r. I fiction reed, -
mg sic hi rinlau fit l'hnliol, or bath - Ai,
.',r_. , .—ln and by thti 14th: sectloll of
rho ali t of Felhuitry J;tli, lotto, aiN cry person ex
cepting .Inst Leen of the t rite,a Ito idiot{ hold an%
other or appolntmont of profit of trust under the
legislni is °Nadi. how di partment
tin+ r•titte. all 01 t h e rtilted ...late., or eat,
imorpora i int , and rani, 14:11 ON tary
r 'irturrent , and of Ihi Nine fainnlatiori, and
of the :select or 1 mullion Connell to tiny t it; or
'ononb.loner ;daily incorporated district, is by
lam incapahle of holding or elerolsitra at lire
Nonni tune, the °Mee or a pin ut men t of Tudge, in
apeetor Clerk of :in, ideethin lii thin 1-
monvrealth, and hint no Judge, inspector, or oth
er "Mid r it an 3 nui li cleetlon, shall /Wile
to s• n. office to be !hill s 1.14 tor,
A tato—That in the Minn. I•taCk 101 l of the .Icl of
Asnemilly rotated "Ati Act o biting to cxe, n
itro. and for other prow...Ls; approved .Aprrl
lath, na., it in enueteil that the afor4stial lit h *as -
t.lOll • . nilali 111,11 e I,lll , krtlefl, an dt pres en t du)
militia otrleer or borou r ni ollicet, from non mg an
Judge, inspector or 111 . 111., at al* general or Sp,
1111 1.1,11.,11 In this mouton% tinlth.
And lu Jill .111'711 thi dietnirdl tidily of this
Mate, patne.l the day (July, lob, It IN dire:l
ed that the inspector. Judges I.n at the plai
of their district,. on the dl, ot Chairral Llection
atorevtal. at 11 n Jack in,,lit forenoon, to di , nud
pert , irill the ReVentlAntles r and
on Oh in In and by the ewm ..t,
9 50
7 00
1 50 Ols, 100
1 50 (11 100
1 00
1 00
58 e 70
S 00 e, 9 09
00 750
, It turth, r duet Lilt, II and by the ,1‘ tof
the General eu whly u. this slate, 0101,,11(1,
that use ta the J tulip a ut ea 4 h .11 then - Int rent 01,
tru who shall linve 111, t 010 of tile
L ertaleutt s ol the 110011., of t ottu nllOll NllOll
L.,' 11, 1t qlt en tor a sm. 0,11.001 , 10(v 101 . nn , antler.
cut on,. then ou tin le ‘oloal lon at knelt' I, pee
tr. e tio,Lll. he el the thud 0.1) nit 1 the
nun. L. no 11 tunll th• on eni 011, 111). /1111
11 t 1 Or 1141011111 wart shill, at the 1 uhrt-tenhu .10
the IturouKli ul oells Vulg.. then tool there In
Inahe stateint fit t/Iltl t erLitletilt 01 the 011111.
her 01 fates, % . 1111,11t.hall have been given at the
din", rent dlalrlets 11l the county oi_4ltlllol tar any
person., for the utters aforesaid.
HAMS. Sherif!.
She rift , r.etq Abeirg, l ela. 14, W.%
_'U(l.' _6O
1.10 ( 1 30
1 15 if/ 128
6.1'01 67
850 (1' 8 75
15 ACM a
For the Isitha and noire 11111111711111 nelection of
1100.0:1li losers einamrorn, In each of the mon
th,.l.ll this Common wealth.
Seen": 1. Be II etictelett Ity the S. nate nod I Lame
R , pre Tor "loft,* rph , I ostoriumereotth Qf Poteaspl.
1•4 Gi./lioni A weethhty mt and ri her e byy
nerd by the oat/reran qf tho arm.% iliac at the gen..
etal t le, lion lobe h. Id tin the aeootiot Tut ad..> of
Ortoster, Attila 1./01111111 title thorthand eight Ishii
drisl alit: m Xty-tirtt n.ani I tel-eruilu/ly Lb. mi.der,
at nut 11 clef !lon, the tjulillfi - d election of till to 1-
end mall:Litt not this cum rnontrimito Soul! cI,Y I,
to the outliner iluse provided by bin' for the eke-
Lion at ottl, r mititity ofllcers, too !ober, twilit
gent and Ju liclomi persons. to na rve cu JOIN 1 W..
113/...101111 - 1. 111 each tit sold mingles. tor the p. rt.*
oil ot three years conumg their alection, but the
attints person, or pi onus, shall not to- ell- !
guile for ri lect on more than oat eln any p.
od of Pax years: Prt.eft.t. 1 hat earls of ialti goal- I
ititst Met ;ors aWdl NOLO tor 1.1/le la Twat 0111 t., Jo
ry tom+. issiouer mid the two porous Miring
the greatest windier of vote*. for jury voodoo,
Moro r, shall Ix; duly elected jury conunlnnionera
for Such county.
IstEr..t. II shall be the dial , of 'aid Jury
trdsaamers and the pnaddent Judge. or .10,110011
ul i1 ,, T1111 , 1 , of the respect e distrirt.or zuoier- !
ity ,11.1
01. to Inert at the sent os. ;natter to the
recasts. tit r at {east thirty darn lic!ore
the or.t term us the <stain of common phYts,an
et cry yat.r , and thereupon prmeeil, with t ne till
home., alternati ly, Irom the %Minh , ituallicil
hY t „ n,n lit n-novi tic ea- duty, at tang , , 111101-
T Nut la lorun at the ~ , ,oft of colt, main
pleas xt preceding sit ill, by the amid coot t, lie
of sob , r, nt and path so.
hereon*, to her,strum, In the aevend s'unria
011111,g, iY/OIIIV, , 11101111 inn( rear 1113.1 Tile autli
.1 Illy emu rIII.IIJIINT. and prestitt nt pare, or Vil•
ill MIMI IliW . ,Juag, or a mainly of them,
to the :node nal in 0111 , r nom 111..0,•1011 1,) 1.111,
place the rittints, of la nano+, so sehast -4, In the
proper Jan' wheel. and the said to whorl lin k
tt:s now required by lan, Rll 0,1111101 In
c am ly ,of said Jury .mmineint acs, and tin ,
ikeyl thereof la the custchlyot the hertiToftudd
t ugly. -
isthp. 3. That the said inry eorantl !otter*, and
ttte•dhrrtti of ti trayel tits coon.}. t 4 any tyro of
Meal, shall itniw trom the proper yory
pawns ht JUMP., 111 grand .lUTE. 01 the proper
mottty,llllll. and trust ry a s Surorti for the
trial of Issues, In tact which that he!takiin nt
nnyhtetion, In'arty of the morns, it il and Crum'.
nal4of s he NeVer tl COllllll,l, atiortatal, in the man
ner, 11,111, Pratt turd anti allowed; tint tooi ire
the !wild Jury commtanioniint and sheripr shall
proceed to select, or draw, James, 10 the hiannen
aforesaid. they Khali st vorally take the oath, oe
altirmatiou, now ores, Tilted to law, to be taken
by riff ,and county eonnnisaloners, betore
se•teeting and drawing Jurors.
NBC. 4. That no inueli of any act or arta of as.
artably oft looornmonwealth ua tu . .ke It the do
l., of the eheclff nod con . cloommteelonent of*. LIOVNIX—The place to get yonr,Art g e r h e r
al.offeoPloonfitles i tohtlaethealelhelchlenaNabell J fl.eapeae.--let
273 In 300
he repealed, and teaseto have any three or erre* t,
iron - and aver the tint day ol December nest.
All no Doznln I nein thowtesiti eight hundred and
ei xtv-e ten, Prortd,d, Th•it all nets, 5.11 pa
of a, la of aseetnhly, not In lures, L, A elat4ort to
the erooloAr, genlit , ..r. , nol unsealing. Flettinir and
n nig , I ale I Ato ‘. heed of Ws f.sp. 00.11-
ty. and all nt•, nn.: +Fart -of t• /5 I essetaldt
HOW In pen .1t) , or Tlk, Ii
meta, b lea SI erdf kill tun I • , /on riil,lll,llers,
or been , ~1 The I, tor snr Inns Alone, .1 ronlllt,
1:5• 0 5: /lin,: of incr., In reliddati to .•
kr, pluz, ,
locking. opening, seating, or ore tiring
toe ...Lot any jury a heel. or tu teletion to ft,-
tortine or dr Ail jurors, shdll he take,
deemed told held to aoply to the sold Jury com
mis...loners and sheriff.
1 are oout eolumiselonere shalt
Ile ulluu t,' dint l• 51 ton tot the respective County
loot o, nte pef dr), and
•511 , , ON r lone eir.•iddr, fr.,, the relddedoe
01 the cronalls s ,tint rs to the court-house.
1,1,' O. It ' , hall be the Only ot ellen or tout Jury
fon nossloners, to take 1th , 511 Innis/ If, and die
barge the ditties of Ills said office muter tku•
ails of one hundred dollars for each and t fen
tokleet or relns JO attend the •Atne. to lie sued
tor rid recovered, before tine; o.tice of tin ta•-we
no, the propor 0,111/tr. 55 it, tit. of like are not: by
11111 . faoto, eruble: air dollars nfu tilch shall go to
the person solng. and the re , sl , ltte to he pall by
tit. sold to tint tr“Ootref of the te , pettl‘e
-ouni. toe !Id. Use of the tunic.
Six, 7, In cA5c t ~,,, of r Wier, or ad
lin V erntrn,•sl o e ,.-5 , hcsl , kn , v,dr lilt,
of other illhodil.lable t , • d 11.12, the do
ties :Irmo hi older, or In ,5 5 .• 01 to , tags 1, or ft fn. Al
to e then on, It' h 011 lit the dole ol the press.
it. nt judze, m sueit randy u her, .n s old v.tettnev
.) hart o r,or red, to uppottlt 5. 5 1.11tab1e 511,
to o pore the egg rrt Ay to 11,55,5e551 neatls
„thong ro o ter .01. to p , , rte duple,. of
sold Wile, Alusdng such Lno an. / • an I ste II IS '-
son, or perso , t, ; me: 1, 5 5 101110.41 5t itli the
TiOnlfellhollis of tho child 1114111/11 of this 151,
shall proeeed to di.e•harge the ~tot
durttot Ow 1 choirs , 1. r 01 Ito I rill so 101• ,t, .1
qied. I Ind tn.. provt•ions of this hi t Shall
not apple to the /Its of
mirE autumn Intr otters hi, F.111)1 formic. Rla
J 1.4111111111 m Arnini, 4 einnity. , r , at ;be
horl, and fle:t!,..harg Tortipike, .1 Oillen nom
Now tiCionl, 0 1r an, 1,, it) sourg, and I nine nom
(Widen ~. Station, adjoining Lindh of Ralpti
I'lekea, sloriti, Ileltzel. and
John Amin - war, containing At:Re:4 nod 12
pet. non. In tanker, with n do.. P.
portion of iu,atluw. Tire Iwo/ law bran limed
r, aria in und, r noria It ii. nig. The 11.1.1, are
0 1 1,1 111 q•0”,MIL1111y, Wllll wilier in alniom all of
thcrii. The IltipniVelnentli are a I Win- Flo
rh Wonthertgairti,i .1.11,1cti% and 111,
nizon l•died and 111.
Corn t under the sante roof, Hog ii
liouce,cinoke !louse and NutnnierHOu...
nth n net, /-rolling kpring le
bkt 110 •, in.ool in hunt, la- alt pea ,
all Irther kind , of Milt; On fin plane. It Pi
es Pry reopeet II mans de - SIMI/1e
Persony is 'no to view the cceini,„, err'
oin tied to call In the miiinerlaer nrtdmg the,-
on i. i , . 111.11.1
Sept. 0, I'. nin
Iv, I lA. nfrer At public sale. on T1'1'...-1 kv. 11,
.....1,1 tlat 01 I a TOBLIt. 1....7, the I kl-t,t oil
11 lino I linW 1 . 4,1 d,, Ulli ! nivis , .0.111 . 1 t I.} IWlie
Ant Boom'. 1111. PArtn 141.1'11,D - 11 In :s1 idfli. town
Valky, Fretlera I.: I °linty, Md., ono mule S.llll/
of Pi tent 111,. on We \ I oidit•town ttrid litirdet la
s II le road. leas than 4 inllea from depot , . on Balt.
& (lino It. Itoo , l, and t lie... & 11. Canal, 'it IL ruin
and KIRA% 111, It enntoina t. 1.1 Al it ES, more or
10 , 44, of prune rani, all 1 , 11 , 10 r etIItiVILIMII, 11 (1, 1-
ded into '4, ti,1,1.... won pore running water In
~,,,,1.1. 'I no Impro‘einente are nit 0d .......c
comfortable weatberbom (led HOUSE, Log ...
Barn, ,11111 ill 0, 1.•,11% 1 01/1-..6. • 11-1, 111
nil , is one of the 1,,t 131rMt. in Middletown "
Valley. II In ‘11111 , 44 ...ury to toor.•, a , ,g,_ ft I i••-
in, II ,k Ili l I Unit.. VII Iht•IIII,IN A V,
4t the virile time .11 plot e, will he
Nli IC\T.\I N I,UT of 13 Atoll`, M, or ..f
ttsnlll Ili
1., ea of firm> . Stmt. I nI t SOM
.. I pr.s
ri. 11l tliur4,,, 4.1111.•1unt
11. , I .rln 0..10112 111 fowling la reol
T, rm. ton Sale, !old lini.• 111 ipving
made kn.). II otl WI)
11 11. , e1Iltol.11VIt.
S. pt, h , 1.47,
Good Farm at Public Sale.
(I N 1111 D %.y. the Mil day of oEl' - IF:ft
1,/ next, the subscriber, Snit log disc 011t1111.1.41
tannin, 4,,11 ..11. rut Public Sale, on the prerni
rie, 1114 t• A P.M, 411111410 In Iftantingten too wimp,
on. I 1 , 2. 1111104 1111111-I,le. 1n,,.
Ile null, 0/1 the raid lending front New Oxford
to .11101 e. neljoinlna holds of 4.l.ranain finl:4ll,
.I.44.l.lle4mithhan.l other, txmlidninii nl -XeltEtS.
m's, rut les, a ill, due prepori.llll4 01 Wondlall.l
,net 34,1110Ve. ume of the InelidoWe 14eel olth
I r a Id ,ery prolitiild, The
land In,- I .... n 14, ioe limed, Is 010) inxidnetive,
11.1 11 11.11 Th.. Ilnipt.,
or, It Twi..stot, Weatherlssinted
Jill! SI:, 441111 large kln hen.
Wa4ll Holler Smoke II
4114.41', I ril., hg
Pen, Oarring.o lion,. Altai other out-hutlatitigs,
,I under no, .I /.1441111t1 In I horoali'l,
Fill are the exeelleni synths! spring , 1 4 10.1 4 e
n!. Ill re
the lioildlos, and Nutter In iii the fields
Ind one. l'he troll consists of two 110,1-nu. XI,
1.1.. I /ra hard., and a I ariety of pear, p.
pill 11, Ihill 11 .....1 . ,pe,&12. Th.. 0 a Very .1041-
properl4. P. r 414111 10411111:Z h. 410, I: are
r. to ...Li On the undersigned, reeldinU .
nem lA.
. .
10 coniml It I n , 10 , k, P. 31 . 111-
14 e lxvseu .111.1 torm , math.
be k RI 3131E11.
rrinr. •illauriber all. r' at rt ' , ale, Lk
..' , 1.11,L 1 .1.101. :At Cate In NruLati lam iii , llll,,
eciantN &,,,u .t .0, milt's tnan
la, it, 'nor. lltniterst -,,, ,h, alit
haul Bend, r • I liureh, lands - la Di.
°ugh, F. gawk,' tad Rain 'taloraltii,
eon hulling ICES, a ith Mo./land anti Men.
Loa. The l:uu gaud cultivation, hasing
lie, a cell linied—amt under goocl,tenee. Die
ppxn Kneutm Two-story PK.
Log Baru, Carriage Houee,
W14...•011 Si ...4.041014 11111 ii 01.1144 iiol7. Pert, 1 11 1
Stank, Ilau% an ne‘e; "
el.i. of 111•1144 I It youug Apple Chieurd,
In,•al, a re.telit a, Pear, 1'4111.n.., Chet nev. Gni lie,
.5.e. I', wt.:mat it, Swe the plornerip 55111
tall ton the an , l , t•iatieit, re•iit , ng thereon.
JtillN 11,Ell.
tug . 1 , 1;417. 210-
o %Mons t the lot tontatn.
laT I\U LOT Mount . kn 6, Nouns pleasant
th. ont, ont au• has tiler, an a
Int-rate oitc t•o1 tmlf piton Frame •
11 kna.i. It Ili )1. new
F. Mit I/ t, tiou.e, opt ot,t, II
bud g
din,. .1 paid well at Waft r, and O. Stal. ,
fort tro , • owl grap•-• 'fine prop; rt% in
1, , 1111111 I, 411 , 1 1111.11‘1, a yr} piinimot
lint's. It %mini make an excellent locution tor
a ph., ,an I. %NIEL I. IWFIEN't E
\ .1, Iw7. ete
Small Farm at Public -Sale
()N TUF.NII.I)", the 17111 dm, n; SEPTENIFiEII
next, In panaianee of an enter of the ;Ir.
rhat. • Court of 'hm , . eounts, the ..nlatorilwr.
_titan...stoma 01 the c...tate of Andrew Wolf, `Sr.,
de.. aohi, 14 ill ntler lit solo, on I ho ;trent.-
IN , , the H , Alt evil.. ot.:11,111, GNlent, N h.:
...mate In Oxford t0...0d0r, .I.ion, county, one
;nth. (Coin N. it oxford, adjolnon., lambs oft nth,
th... Wolf, J;ain
I,rmeß , , and othart, and
enillafinna.!.. Arr,,,ninr, , e,r If 5..... 1 lo• ini.
pr..% , nientv la.• it WEA fIiEItBOARDEP ~ , "1
i1..1 SE, Lou Barn, and other otit-holld- ~ '
Illgs. ft well ot,ofel at the door, anti on 1,,,,1-
lent I avhard. persona wishing tot len the I.'o
- rt.. a ;II call nn rltrlstlan Wolf. rebading, not,
t,,, oral the ....1...n. , .. r.
Sale to rota na ury at 1 ,Velnek. r. 31., when at
tenminvo will he Rh Pll end terms inn it 1:11,.,
the \ \V. Minter, Clerk.
kinr :0.14.7 is
N b 1: :1, F ,,, k11.N1
I.lnl Fol ..tI and 3 mth•+ front (tull
tot,te•tattott on the Altecantiritt a. H. It. 1:/.0..
1".. n iy dv,lnti , lL• I••nnn, shut health)
plat e to 11,C. VI, rh•nnd land ts rilrla,rl two
m Ith et:tutting Witt, ti l s,•rrl of
Then. la n large I.og
1-11.d" , 17, Ram, Meat llou.• l'hni" on 4k ln
the n.tin, Mara 1,0;1 In ',AP{
the ant, Enc. iv. 11 a.ff , ,lA plenty of gaat w ttli.r
111..1, Thet.• is plenty of !limber on
11, faun tor the of the-ame. The land hi
and prr.aa.. • V.
, Then I:, a tine Orehard, in full
hca. Thc I end I• ems to nupowe, and take,
cloy, r ureic. hr t. n inc h. In order,
gut un.ny families of Northcrn people hat. •et..
t 1.1 IR I hr ne!ehlkarhood. ,
tot. till 1111,j On 25th 1•417,
rens and 1,10 ,
ion+ to rent'ng for anoth
,ni. F•a . v, ant of otonr.v, the owner, offer
flit , farm at the I , tr tat, lolls , -per
aerc, eaat.).../4 , far.a. A good d(4,1 glen when
the- terms net voinpll,l with.
I oudon county, Va,
Anc..) 4 , ZAI
O N U E att 7 t ß oi l i t ilre E 'l " n i r n n i plc c e "to ntd " l l i il - &.,'";',:•1:',`,..:
~.,.. pnurg,.7s tildes trout Ginifold ritatloll, 410 1i
nude, lean tarinvn-11 iSIRUUI/. Tile I learnt laud
101 l oil 11111,7 ffeldg, ili a ter nutllrient tor Mock in
ail flub I, Mont,. ot ittota r nn the tans • •
Mr the lion u: Ow otme • a counortable s' •..;
DWELLING Ht WSW, a lit . nre Stable, Corn NI;
g i
11,,,,.., N.,,, 1t0,—.. le. Home , and a good "
more ' Hon.. on tine prernires, A good stand Sr
a Country store. The /and in good, iv envy to
impno.i . taker clover Ne 7 well, 3 - 1e1(1.4 good
erop4 of wheat, corn, ont• and Ino. The, 14 n
Very good rarm, was nought In the own
er. lin INA. and a 141.1 part .4 it et... 1 tiny dollar.
per acre. There in it good Orchard, and a welt of
water on the premlges,
This Frirta wilt he ud.l nt the low prlee of thlr- I
ty-tight dollar , per :t , e. , If therash 1 ,, paid down. A FINE PROPERTY
A goad deed at en when the tenns art emnplled i AT PRIVATE SALE..
.ale, Ma M.:141-
x on. 1.411 lan full I ~, , ,,o, L - ,11,, 1a.,. pan, i
imp:ldeal It I , ',old or, mu. , in renting:to another 1 THE ‘" l "'r li ' r "IT'' , at Prlvate
.),..... Arpi to Nt.tity A . 3, - . )Nra . , It 1111.1 - . PItt.PERTT, it , New oxford. Allan.
II tiknoro*, Louden enmity, Va. , eount‘ , eonal , tinq ots ACRES 01' LAND. at the
a est Of the town, near the toil-gat., but in. , four
building lota on the
ory turnpike. It Is im
proved x lib a 'I wo-st BRICK I.lOL'hE,
..., Brick Itack-buthling, a Stable with 11l
thre•ditag floor, Hug Pen. %Wilt Rouse, a "
never-failing well of water. and a , plendt, c she
onholt, of tN. ry kind. Thus. Ls a % en - desirableproperty, inch /In !a lint lolen found in market.
Peronn. wirhing to Ripe It are requested to call
at the prentl..ra. ' GEORGE W , T110)1,404.
Augvd . 23. lAC. n•
It 6
.1 N",111".1111.1. l• A 11.11.
rj E 1,1‘14,4,11,.4 I.ll'tera at Pullll, :111.‘,..1)111.1
t - 1 4 ,1 ' "I "41'11:3-1 - Bk.fl, INai, if 31. •
WI ii1.114.111g , ox, n•Anp, eoi.ely
0111.11NItling and >fl Porela-s, n'Y
linuni u nd in Wail enhti sting order, one mite
W &it of Hound 11111, ma lonfunt lands of .91>rn ham
Fakes, '4ll , 11. ink, *lid (1111-
t r.. (41 to to It lire a 100-story 11.01;SE,
nil linen, and °Of - 1 ).114Ina-. 6 1 1 1 ,L ,
Il ntn I,n a1.,11t acres /1.11111,1 rim- 81...!).,a 11.,11,t/Illmic v , VA or inky! water near the
floor a tn.. , plank Orchard, &e,
Sale to econlrrionee nt .'elock, P. ;11, of paid lifts,
thin nt n ',tuner, n 111 be Rh en and to nni made
5.1.111. EL LNTLII.LLNE.
Sept. i, P.)47.
Aiwn , on 1,6, n6 a meal for sale, and
Is Ali 11 to take in port payment one or more
traets of eholee Weatern land, located In yell
owitifel nelghborhooda near County Tonne,
Rail Romig. de., dill And a purchaser by go
totting at this other.
1 4 ,0 pt . 6, 1667. It,
.17" PEZVATE SA 11
IrtHE gotorriber, rtextrlng to digtooutlTMe bngt
J_ nem, ofrean at Private Sale, hi
situate ou Torna Creak, partly in Adams county.
Ps., and partly in Praterlek oranity,Yd e on the
Waynesboro' turnpike, Pro mike west of kkoe
mltsbnrg, ronabitlug or a first-rale
The FARM which is under good cultivation
and good fencing, contain.; say ACRbIS, with
doe proportions Or Meadow and Timber. The
Improvements urn a large STONE MAN
.N HIiCSE, w Ith Eock-buildlngs,three
Tenant nausea, large Bank Barn tail by Ih
PB feet,. Wegon Shed and corn Crib, Car. tt
rime Roo,. and other out•buildlngs; a never
falling well of water at. the kitchen door and a
net er.ftliil nactki int het wcant the house and barn.
Thi re are is ioo thriving young APPLE
f'lLtitlwnn till' pl Phlitbet, with ariet:L of other
troll. Ai/00,
on a eonutnnt xtrearn of water, with • tine run of
earom; cooper Shop, 31111kr's liouse,und other
out-buthliDir, Them ix LISID3TONE on the
In suldf Ural 11 the atsio, e, the subentiber of
2SO ACltt - .9. OF TOIB AEIMND, Well set In Yal
u:One tluTher, adjoining the Farm.
.The Improvements [t It h 250 or more Beres ran
ia • bought sepnratel3 , or all [another, rs the par
en R.:or as mar de , are.
Fur tratio.r Luton/lath. Inquire of the suleterl
hor, re‘hlingon the premises."... .
In lininfit4nnin to Adana roomy, Prr
hol.eriber, boring retrioved to the Weal
otter. at PrIN ate Sale. hit.
altunto In Ilruniltnribnn townehlp:.tdnrua mun..
ty, I.L. one Tolle loom Fairfield containing about
iNtlmnlng land,n(Jnaert. eulbernala, J. R. With
ii and 11
(4.114, and but lug (helms 11 Itellriy
IN W Ta n-stor, ' Stone DWELLING
1,4 0 sE, a lilt 'I ‘re,-.tore Kitchen, a mar- .
I) IN, Bank Barn, NVagon shed and Corn l! ,
t rib, and othei nut-buildings: a never- h
fallnig tee!! or an Ilt I hr teas, and water in all
lit flol,l, Tla I, on the ptvtul,es a nrst-rate
bwm, A PPI.I, Id'o'lt Alt!, lust corning into full
oing,,rflult of dl fres tnt kiode. There
Is also on the Lima a rwd-stoll Log TENANT
not"sE, st MI ',aide, and an excellent Orchard
..0.114 , I. ti N tilt the mote.
Th. loud kilns Moe stale of eultivatlon.lmvlng
411114,1, Whilst lltn fanen. are
elo , Nour 1..r.1. l'hurebra, school houwa,
mills, mt4.ks and ruovhdhl, shop., are convenh nt
—all .Irian IL Intl,
I', r..ons nislntig to %lel,. the-premlaea, are re
y. ht,4l to, e on laane Hereter, minting on
crook, m •Ir F. Itremo's tin ern, wino will
sh..v. the I.ropertv and mute terms.
NI, i laC7
, 1 1 , 7 1 1 , 1 . 1: , I t n , g s ly.urchame a large:r
on which he ri,i ler. situate lu Straban town
ship Adams eounty, xithin a mile and a halter
linntenittosii, on the York :wrings road—said
Fartia containing
having th..r, on a rom, one atiti
half story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, ,
aone and a hull story Lug Tenant House, II
new Log Barn 15, feet long, Wa•
. .
gnu Sited and Corn Cab, cgrriage 110,,,, Hatt
House and all other out.bulidings with two
splendid young Apple Orchards, and a general
s.LIi. ty of fruit, grit:4l%4W. Thor,. is an excellent
ell of never-toiling water Oetween the house
and barn. The lall.l 1,, under good cultivation,
and highly productis e. The fencing in good,
most!) chestunt rails. There are doe proportions
oh title Ittuber. :Mel Mewl... The Funn adjoins
•onill.•11.1/ I Allthony Deardorff, henry Hoffman
; oilass : ...olVenleot to, tielox,l
liotmm, slot, and mechanic strips, and, on the
a hole. n very ilesira'ile property. All wishing to
oleo it are remiest,sl to call uu the subwribet,
residing thereon. _ _
June 17, 12 , 67. gnto
A Splendid Farm, Woodland, and
Town Property,
rid. ..must! offers at Privnt, KO, Lon
s Moo cousisting of the fonos
situate In Cumberland town , ihnp,,dains county,
Pa., anoint 311111,, ironi inettyaburg, and half • a
mile Iron, Nlarall , 'reek, 00 the inambersburg
turnpike. *ndinuning lannini of Chandra B. Polley,
Ablaliting PI Ink, John W. Weigle, and otheni,
eunnianning .r) - , AIRES, More Cr lens—al/0111 93
acr4s in limbet, v tilt plenty of rorarlou. The
land I. aranite and elate—law been well limed, Is
In t xeellept cowl ni inn, and N cry productive—the
it in ing B on d. the impnnvementa are a
Tune-tor, V. ea i herboarded tiounE, with no
Ban k•lainblina, 'Wan.. House, spring 1 11 1
HoUrr, in re w Bank Barn, Wagon shed, ii
1.1.1„,111,, Carling, hlousr, Hog Pen, an o u ter
out-ialibling‘: a well ~I water-art the _hotter, a
spring In one of the lleldq, and a small paream
inn ough the iarna: an Apple inichard, with all
other kind, ot trust, on the preinkeis. Kehooln,
ine , hainenhoi., nulls, die, The
:.; no Billbehold altogether,Or In two parte, as
porn Inan , ers may nrennire.
A Tll ‘i.T 01 it ou Rork creek. in
the Itti-tatolt not let tv.hitni, hove,. ell with a one
awl a halt ktoly BRICK 110CnE, new Frame
!tarn, torn (Alb, ling Pun, hr., with a hell of wr•
ter nt the door. and plentv or exeellent fruit.
--11,0, A TR WI OF TIMBERLAND, aht int two
nulrn ..titith 01 Cnahtnwn, •ontaining 15 or 20
Acres, aril CON reed with all kind.. of limiter.
Person. euthing to view the pivinigeg are re
quested to r all on the undenlgned, resoling on
the Each creek property.
All, 10. ki
Valuable Real Estate
/As WEDN I .SDAY, the 2nd of ()CTCIRER next,
ll i „ para „,,,". 0 1 an Order of the Urehan'is
I•eltt nt idatttheonntl,, %111 be offered at rub'',
On le on the neenthles
of %linnet ICno2, deceased, situate' in C.arroll's
1 I t, Flamlitonban tog nship, .Adana
l'a., containing Ali .1(121.44, more or less, adjoin
ing Linda of NA , ill tam Wader, Benjamin A. 31ar
gliall, Daniel Alit 1,1 c.), John Knox, and
otheN. The improven , ents are a large •••L
j.Oll yh'irsll, Two-story obo e It
Klleln it, tan:ell/Ink Barn, pat atone, part "
fame. \ agon Corn cr11.04..11 of avatar at
the ,loor, water also in every field on the farm,
11, Ve 011Vrif On:salmi, containing every variety
ni e nine , frn:t Iw neon,/ Meadows. about .10 acres
of good Titti net. Asti, Poplar, Hickory, Oak, .ge,
public rod lead, Best the build:llga. The pro-
Eg . r t e Is .4nateti in a god ne:ghlwwhood in the
h•ntite of aeltool 11011nen, churches., mill+, Le.
Tne farm is otte of the lawn mock farms in the
ernutv 'lite I,roperta wail be shown to persons
desirotts of wird:it/ling by Jaell.o Walter, rest
hug on the prerithen, or by the subscriber, real
thin.; near Fe
ode to commence at I n'elocic, P. NI., on earl
.1,, when .11tentlenee ne given and terms
awls kcn.wu li I \VF.O H. :Ni.ARSIIA
By the Coart—A. W. 31inter, Clerk. Adm r.
•tug, 30,1.67. I.
111 E suhserthsrs, ns Exeentms, will sell at Pub
lie Mir, on SATURB&I, the 2lst illy of 41:P
IE3I BER next, on the premises,
of Henry spalding, deeetiaed, situate in Gomm-
In you a %hip. [dams county, Pa , about one mile
from Llttlealoll.n, an the I:vitt . ..burg Turnpike,
rot:wading oi a`vait 11i3 ACRE..wOE G4.a.)DL.VNI",
0I en cam fortal.le DWELLING
1101. - SE, large Bank Ham, nearly new,
Wash Hotow, Carriage House, all oth. 11
e In
r OW-handing, There Is a
0 ell of ater at the do or lid prlng Nine. u lent,
1111 go.llllll . HAßD , ,telimee fruit. The pro
per( v la well lime. and icneed.
There la •I i of .k ("HES OE EXCTI LENT
01. 1 1)113Ell, atlioluing the la
udi be Ith It,. 111 Vacs., suit purcha,rs.
PerNons wpaiine To II t h.. property 4 - na do- , 0
by calling on Wm. Spalding, residing mar by.
The undendgned attend et oO . ClOOk,
on said la:. to allow t.reons .11%1MUS of pureha
gnig ,orml iota, the sieuatlon tho Male.
Sale to 4...11W ata• at I n'. in. k, 31 , on $Ol.l
day, when alivildarl^i Will be gh en and term,
made know n _ .
1., I
F A liol - SE AND TWO LuTA ati
—1 he nlmerlhcr often, at Private Sale,
folio., tug Rwsl F.otaie.
.tuatn In 7. , :e c Che,ter. All-uns county, Pa., on
the ,outllem.t corner of the Square, haying there
on .‘reeteft 0 WEATHER
,A yi 11l IFSE. nitop, and
other hunklinw, 'fat,. properly hi a good 11
stun . 4 tand ; al=o fora Islark.mlth.
litre, I. an el, Rent Well flu - liter, nith a pump
In It, a , or 11. , e”or, and ft Satiety of fruit on the
1 ,, 11az to JPNV the propertv (foto
1,3 ,4111 b, .t,. the subarrlhnr, re.ld ng thereon.
Aug, 5, 1467,
1 1 V " vith -I , l ,r "n a l: ;thoL . t r lit -" AN i u "l l ( 7 - r% 11 4 . 1 " 1 - 1; . : .
wxyrnitted to do thrtr work Mm lets
sale by
• near Cletlyetwarg.
Ang. no. 1R67. :4'
3, 00 "*"}= l- ‘
rUR EALE.—A new variety ; yiekin well; not apt
to fail; ripens early; and 'entirely free now all
(11th, Price, 43 per tandieL
W:1I. W IRtY
.Near Gettyiburg, V'n
Ang. 12, INC. tf
318 E.
OtitrialM. Aca 3 11 . /Ng, t 4 •
DRY 1,001"
rpn. , ..77m
sell all palls cheaper than as be bought. else.
Getty..burg, Aug. DI, MC
j.SFH/C:K the atlantic& of hie
ereertieTi;to,"t o d r rs efillirnme to hie large and widl
Cornproled In part of
French Merlnoe4
All Wool Poplins,
.111 Wool Delaines,
All Wool Plaids,
Plain Poplins,
Meek end Fancy MI,
Tainkie Cloths,
Mack d Colored Alpacas,
Black Ciotti.. and Casatzneres
Fancy Catsimereg,
Creednets, ,
Flannels °tall kinds,
Gloves and Stockings.
Alen, a One lot of Ladle,
FtR4 .k?.../D SHAWLS,
as well ax an abundant variety of Sottona all of
a hick will be sold cheap for matt.
April 15, NC
Cbmntenees .Vonday,. July 2bad,
And still be continued Folly Days
Our a hole Hummer Flock marked down, RE
GARDLEM OF CURT and from 30 to 50 per cent.
1044 than regular,priceA, out object being to turn
Into cash Goods that would otherwise lie on our
aheh es, and to make room /or the largest flak of
MU I.' la trr ha, err had.
Freurb Laikrim from to'3s rents.
Mozambique.; from 33 lo 30 cents.
Mohair Loan, from 25 to 40 cents.
Wonl Delalnel from 40 to 70 centot
Alpneas from 38 to 70 eentit
3,000 ydn. Delolitie from ss to oents.
5„000 yds. Calicoes trom 8 to le cents
Bleached :dahlias I yard wide from 12}.1 to
10.) doe. Cotton amlery from 12' to 20 mute
50 l.a. Gloves from 10 t 11=1:1
20UPprasoi, and tiun Shade. , I than root
Buttnn•, Trimminp, Edgla s, Collars, bilk
N..ts, Incrrtlens, tte., 'al+ till be sold at a
groat /um.
• /
100 doz. Linen Hankeerldet. from 12% to 2.loents.
20 doz. If °op Shirts trill be acilti at half price
Cam&mem% all wool, from 711 cents toll 50
iren4, Cottooode% Ile., from 14 to 40 cents—on
ly .kuctlon Prlet., cheerer than before the
Tlcklues trdm 21 to 40 core.
Shettluge, Towellngs, Table Cloths, SC., Sc.,
marked down al per cent
Tbo lan;rat Mod: of Queeno-ware and Gina
ware in the county offered et Sew York
print. Tees from at to 00 etmte. Fall Tea
A child can buy as cheap as the most expe-
rie,nced. Attention and civility to all ate
N. w. cor. of the Square
July'.:,lgs - 7
Giettysburg. Pa.
I . The First National Bank
Buys and sells all kinds of
converts 7-30 Notes into .5-20 U: S. Bonds
Orders solicited and promptly attended to.
CEO. ARNOLD. Cashier
April 11 1867
• -
Vir E take this method of Informing the public
that.we has.' mtablLMed new Coach Shop
at Lltthitown, where we are parepared to manu
facture to order all kinds of BCGGIES, CAR
SULKIEI4, &c., on the shortest notice
and most accommodating terms. Our hands
hat e been procured from Baltimore, and, as we
Use none but choir material, we can pitt up
work to compel .% with any shop to the Mote.
Old work repaired and taken in exchange for
Aug. a), ice. tr
New Groom and Tim Store.
VEt;ETABLE STORE, in the Room former-
I. "erupted by Coo. Little, on West Middle atreet,
they extend an Imitation to all buyers to give
them a roll. Everything in their line, fresh !rent
the elti and eolllltry.Wili bekept 011 hand. The)
are d,termined to sell as cheap as the cheapest,
and as they unls twit the lowest lielegprofit*,
they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of
public patronage. • MEALS I t BRO.
A LW.. 23, Per% t!
THE School Directors of Strabau townahlp
herebs. give notice to all persons liable to the
payMein 01 Bounty Tax in maid t
tie, hate made arrangeMent. for the d u al Net
tiemeid of the Bounty Account% for maid town
ellAp. They, therefore, give trollop to all tax-pay
ern to make payment of their tax on or before the
20th day ofFIBFTEMBER next. The collection of
all unpaid taxes after that date will be enforced
ithuut respect to pernons.
All persona having claims swains the Bonnty
Fund of eald tvirmhip are reNueisted to prevent
the name to the Board prior to 20th of September.
If no: prevented prior thereto much maim, will be
rejected. JACOB B. MILLAR, Proit.
Aug. 12, IwA. td
rjIHC partneri:hip heretofore existing between
J. N. Danner and M. Y. fthields doing busi
ness in Fairfield is this da . y . , (Sept. 2nd,) &mole
el by mutualecllisent. per.ons Indebted to
maid firm, will please nutke payment w ithout de
lay, as the retiring partner Intends missal ng In
business elsewhere end would like to have the
books settled up neriliwlth.
Either partneg In authorized to nee the name of
the film in settling the basinem
Having diaponed of my atoek of merchandise to
Mr. A. I lfmntelnum, in retiring from bunion.. I
hereby return no - thank, to no friendn and cus
tomers for their ilbentl patronage am! cheerfully
recommend my eucernor to their generonn en
couragement. J. Y. - PANNE:R.
eept. 6.1467. 3i-
Choice Western Preinrptian Lands.
T HAVE several Tracts; ot choler Western PEE-
L EMPTION LAN QS, good locations, near Rant,
roads, County TOWEIN, &e., In well-settled neigh.'
borboods, which I will exchange at a fur price for
real estate In Adtunt, county.
Aug. 121'8:. tf
MO sell, either a whole or half interest. In a on,
I Good. More awl Mere/wed Tailoring Xdobiatalt
meat, doing a good paying tontines& Small
amount of raiUtal required, am the present owner
wiU Pell= may terms
Addrega P. 0. BOX 81
Aug. al, 10112.
Tuesday, Woodsy, Thursday la Friday,
fin,l66th, lith t 27th days
of September, 1847.
and all others too Inn Aarienltura I. Mechanical,
or Indiana-IAI Implements and Producrta sr; anv
kind. and also Ho Cattle, Sheep, Poul-
try, Grain, i'nnt, Veg mers etables, a... Sc.. are - Ito, It•-d
and [dyad to at ail thentaelt en oz tlds Fad. The
Liullen or lite count!. are speciall.l requivtted to
contribute to the exhilzfilob.
All artielea must kazoo 1110 ground and arrangtzd
not Later t otn TU.KiIIV. the Nth to serternbr r.
At ten o'clock, on Wedneisia morning, the
24th, the Judges will commence their exasulna-
Mos, and It is especlelks enjoined that none but
thane having charge or the articles, shall be pres
ent at inch examinations and their subeequant
deliberations. Judges will be prompt In report
trig at the Secretsn s °dine on the ground st the
hour named.
FRIDIY MORNIN( ;, the 7.7tb, be devoted to
Farmers and ail otheni haying sty useful in•
eons:union thus to impart are requested to parti
cipate In this "tree
At four o'clock, P. M., on Friday, the Fair VW
close when persons having articles on eshlltitM
a ill be neoursted to take chink , ' of them, aa the
itoriety cannot in any mule itiveeitetitlen to them
after that time.
The execution of the programme and preserva
tion of order on the- will be iu he hands
of Col. C. H. BUEHLER, Chground
ief Mamba '.
ail-Price of schaludou TWENTY-FIVE cent&
Tickets for the season, inel log one year's Mena
bershio ONE DOLLAR; Llie monbenttlp 11.-^1
Article* and Animal. for exhibition pllt he
tran.ported over the Getty.burg Railroad FREE
A liberal arrangement will be made for Iran..
portatiou over the Railroad of %Mori to and
from no fall.
SAMUEL 11ElitioT, Prraident.
J. H. Wrrntßow,
I ft. FA HSTATOCK, Rec. FlNTetery.
J. STAHL'S. COT Meeretary.
JONA* HATANZAH V, Trenton - r.
'Aug. 21, IRO. td
OppoPtte Me Cbtrrt Ifvu...
IIHE underslgned have opened a new . Dry
Goode More, In KendirharVs building. direct
ly opposite the Court licalse, Baltimore street.
Gettysburg, and start with a splendid stock., em
bracing va ery thing it, be found in a Ant-class es
dablishment. Bought for each , and at the latest
ecline, we can otter bargains that must astonish
ea ery one. Come and me for yOurseives, and you
will end what we here.say a edged. With good
(wend., email prod ts, and fair and square dealing,
We shalt endesa or to deaera e, what we moat
respectfully a.k, u liberal share of public patron
It e offer a tine aa.ort meta of
Cottoned., Vvetlnp, Ulotea, nuependers, Seek
ties, and everythlngehw In the (.entli uven's line
For the Ladlee we have
Bereges, Lawns, Delmar., Gingham.,
Glove., Pare.lll, Hoop iikirts, Comas, Hosiery.
White (osxN, mitt. whatever else may he railed
for, •
Mai, a largos:ark of
2 i i r . p d e m t n ali t, j e u . eenos-w.iro, I:mbirlins, Window
Call at the Newt tore, opposite the Court House,
and examine the'stuell, before paretuullnit else
April li, 1I
L/ TION•BVIONEISH, at the old stand, in York
street, adjoining the Globe Inn, Gettysburg.
With a full variety ot goods, low prices, and eve
ry disposition to please , he hopes to merit a con
tinuance of public patronage.
The best of FLOC R always on band—particular
attention paid to this branch.
Also, Hams and Bacon, Fish Potatoes, Dried
Fruit of every kind, with a choice assortment of
Molasses, Syrups,`sugars, Coneys, Teas, Chocolate,
Flpiees, Salt, Corn starch, Rice Flour, Coffee Ex
tracts, pure Cidei Vinegar, &c.
A full line of Confectioner). alio rigs Raisins,
Prunes, dr.; common and fancy !soap., Perfume
ry, end any quantity of Notions; the nicest rite-
Winery In town—ire - lied, a ♦ark ty that must be
seen to be appreciated.
He must not torget to mention lits iwgari and
Tobaccos, the Neu best brands,
Also, M illow- we re, Crocker) -ware, Brooms and
Brushes, Coal 011 and Coal-oil Lamps—and a
thousand other articles, not to be enumerated In
a newspaper advertisement.
Call and examine goods and prices, and you
will be sure to find It to your inten-st to buy.
August 23, IStr.
jmr.,,rmiotzuczriginorfntlz from the
with an unusually attractive assortment of )
which he will sell at linen prlees as cannot tall to
take them of very rapidly. can and Judge for
yourselves. To look at the excellent material,
Woeful cutting, And neat and subatantigl sewing,
and then to get his low prices—eallers cannot help
but buy, when they see it so much to their inter
est to do An.
He has Coats, Pants, Vents, Mall styles and ma
Hata, Boots and Shoes:
Spirts, of all kinda, Hosaery, Gloves, Handker
chiefs, Neck-ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Col
lars, Suspenders, Snishial, Combs , :
Trunks, Vallass, Umbrellas Pocket Knives:JSe
ga rs, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes, Sta.
tioneri , Sc
121oeii;., Wstehes,.Tewelry, withs thousand and
one other 14.111CIPP, entlrelyy tOO numerous to de
tail Ina newelwp•r ads erttsement.
He asks the attention of the public to hit new
stork, motident i Oat 1• wilt please—and no one
can or 44 111 cell ehentwr. Dan t target the ph , ee—
ecrner .4 1 wk. street and the Diamond, Oet
April If
Something New in Gettysburg !
THE undasigued has the pleasure of informing
the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that
he le now prepared b., supply then with the
drawn from Dow's rioda Fountain, which has
become co popular In the cal., If you Irate
ne. er tooted this delletoue drink, you don't know
what you hare missed. Try It. Once tasted. 3 ou
will become x regular patron. I hove niao open.
ed my
with accommodat C ion E s for Latino. akLOO n N d
and out able to supply private Families, Parties
Sr., on rensionsble termr. Also, eonnlantly on
hand, fresh
Call at th(teO N I F o!abl o n C
burg street. °moult.. the Collet° Church, adjoins
ine. the Keystone Homo , .
June 3, Ind 7. 1.1
DR. R. ROMR. -
GegmlArre, J'.
'LI IS own preparation. on• all gnaranteed to
1 answer the purposes intended.
Dr. H. tiorner'..% N7DCHOLE.R.i. and DIARR-
RfEA MIXTURE, for nit disnisee of the stomach
and bower..
. . .
.LIFN for rhapped
}RA ORANT 3.1 YRIIH, for preseryi ito4 beau
titvi int the te,th,nnd for ell dimaers of the gun.r.
Horeea .unt tattle, and etzperior to any in the
PURE LIQUORS for Medici, I nee. Prevnip.
Done eaten:illy lined.
:Medical Mil lee ithout e`int•,-e.
Jane 10.1 PC. If
For Sale.—A Voluble Merchant NIX
DP OF LAND, known as "Sandoe's Mill," on
Mark Creek, In Adams eoOnty, Pa" 4 mike
northwest from Emmittebtaw, and S Booth
writ from Gettysburg, all in wod order, water
power heavy, and In a good„rath country,
One other MILL known aIMLR,"
with 11111 AMON OF L kND. one mile Dow Ab•
bottdovrn, on the Honorer t urn pl kP. 141 n good
order. GEO. 'ARNOLD.
' Aug. 11,18 7. tf
PAY ED OtlT!—Rlgh prim fir Clothing. Cali
examine sad be ceavtDoett of Me bet at
°To Wiont it liy OmviNtsk."
BE IT F?;OWN, That
For Alryoul and IlOwits
For Dula Inn, Chalks and La% at.
For Canooe-, Gingham' , told Ulan
Ear Bulled. Bleached sad rahlesehee.
For Vokbag, HRl.ece xud Cm),
l'or Flauuslo, ?loop Mk in.. nn t Ttn !THOME.
t Cheeks, Tabl.l.lucts m4l IluckabeeL ;
For Baffling, Qin/11141 and 4kininn
For Malaga, Fang and V. itg
For IfJled ht. Mil k 44, .I.nekin ' am and (31,,,
For cloth., ra.thm rt. and Jean•
For Cnttos/adra, alto:
Por TninkA,Carpet.Ba , kll a ' tul WWI*
Fur rnibr..ll.o4 Harm% nod WM,.
For lintn and Ulm... of PN ed,- kind;
Far all Ida& of Goods at forest price.
fio to the store of
RQW tt woore+
flettribung. Po
July l. 1116?. tf
Gettysburg National Bank
Orders for purchase and •ale of
promptly executed
at 3, 4 and 5 per rent., arronalng to length of OMe
of deposit.
J. EMORY BAIR, ('ashler.
April 8, Sr.
OF 11116
The American Watch Company, of Waltham,
Mask, resipsrtfully submit that their Watches are
cheaper, more accurate, less complex, more dura
ble, better adapted for general use, and more ear.
fly kept in order and repaired than any other
%%tutus, lit the market- They are simpler in
structure, and therefore stronger, and lees 'likely
to be injured than the majority of foreign watch
es, which are composed of from 45 to 300 pieces,
while Man old English watch there are more than
700 parts. How they run under the herded trial
watches can-hate, is shown by the following
ALTOON A. PA., IS Dec.. Ise°.
Cent/call-a • The winches manufactured by you
hat a been In use on this railroad for several years
by our enginemen, to Whom we furnish watches
as part of our equipment. 'There are now some
three hundred of them carried on our line, and
We consider them good and reliable time•keep
ere. Indeed, I tur.e grant satisfaction In say tug
your watches give us less trouble, and haN e urn
and do wear Much longer Without repairs than
any a - etehes we have ever had In use on this
rood. As yon are aware we formerly trusted to
those of English manufacture, of acknowledged
good reputat ion; but as a elms they never kept
time as correctly, nor have they done as good
,erviev, Be Y"Ur...
11: thew, statements I am Mlllital /led by my pre
dactiewir, Mr. U r als, whose experience extended
over a series of years. • Reawntfull),
Genera/ Superinted,nt.
American Mach lb., Waltham.
We make now Eta different grader of watchee,
named respectively as follows:
A pploton, Tram' & Co.. Waltham, 31too.
Waltham War& CoMpany, Waltham, Masa
Y. N. Bartlett, Waltham, 310018
Wm. Elle lEI onton, Man.
Home Wate ry.
heoropaN. , 'Boston, Mass.
Allot these with the exception of the Horne
Watch Company, are uarrantoil by the Ameri
can Watch Company to be of the be.t material,
on the moat approved principle, and to possess
every requisite for a reliable time-keeper. Eve
ry dealer selling those Watched la pros hied w Ith
the Company'a printed card of Fuentes, which
should accompany each Watch sold, so that buy
ers may feel sure that they are purchasing the
genuine article. There are numerous counter
felts and imitations of oar Watch.. Paid through
out the country, hod we would caution purchas
ers to be on their guard against imposition.
Any grades of Waltham Watches may be pun
chimed of Watch Dealers throughout the country.
182 Broadway, New York.
dept. e, 110 C. lm
THE rapid progress of the Cnlon Pacific Rail
road, now butleng west from Omaha, Nebraska.
and forming, with Its western connections, an
unbroken line across the continent, attract. at
tention to the value of the First Mortgage Bonds
which the Company now otter to the public. The
drat question asked by prudent Investors le, "Are
these bonds secure?" Next, "Are they • profita
ble investment?" To reply In brief:
let. The early completion of the • hate great
line to the Pacific Is a. certain a. any future bus
iness event can be. The Government grant of
ce. cr twenty million scree of laud and fifty mil
lion dollars In Its own bonds practically guaran
tees It. One fourth of the work Is already done,
and the track continues to be laid at the rate of
two miles a day.
211. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds are issued
upon what prombuw to be one of the most profit
able lines of railroad In the country. For many
years It must be the only line connecting the At
lantic and Racine; and Wing Without corapetl
t ion, It can maintain rem endue rates,
3d. CZ miles of this road are finished, and fully
equipped with depots, locomotives., care, fie., and
two trains are daily running each way. The ma
teriebi for the remaining 92 miles to the eastern
base of the Rocky Mountains are on hand, and It
Is ander contract to be done in September.
4th. The net earnings of the sections already
finished are several times greater than the gold In
tercet upon the First Mortgage Sonde upon ouch
sections, and if not mother mile of the road
Were built, the part already completed would not
only pay interest and expennes, but be profitable
to the Company.
Sib. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds tan be
issued only, an the road progrensen, and there
fore can never he to the market unites they cep
9th. Their amount is strictly limited by law to
a RUM equal to what is guaranteed by the U.N. Gov
ernment, end for which It takes a second lien es
its sicuritv. This amount upon the first 512 miles
west from Or:mho Is only 216,000 per mile.
7th. The Met that the 11 1 . S. Government consid
ers a second lien upon the reed a good invest
ment, and that some of the shrewdest railroad
builders of the country have already paid in five
million dollars upon the stock (which is to them
third lien.) may well inspire confidence in a
first lien.
9th. Althongh It is not claimed that the can
be any better sectultiee than Governments, there
are oartiel who consider • first mortgage upon
such a property as this the very best security in
the world, and who cell their Governments to re.
initAt in three bonds—thee securing a greater
lith. Au the Union Pacific Railroad bombs nre
offered for the present at 110 eenta on the dollar
and seemed listened, they are the cheapest seen.
rity in the market, being mere than LS per rent.
less than V. S. Stocks.
10th. At the current rate of premium on gold,
they Pay
Owe Alseryter Cent. hrierest.
The daily subscriptions are already large, and
they will continue to be received In blew Turk
by the
CLARK, Dopes Co., t Ranker., 51 Wall Ki.,
Salim j exszo et SON, Bankers, 38 Wall Sr.,
and by HANKS AND ItANICEPA generally
throughout the UnitalStatee, of 11bnui moral and
dowdy/Live pamphlets way be obtained. 'rho:,
will also he air by loom the Coln!Tanya
01Dec, No. IN Nassau lii reef, N• w 1 orli. on appli
cation. Eintacrthers r 111 aelect tbulror n Agento
to whom they e C,ltlflden,c, who alone a 111 be
responsible to them u r mat delis /ow uc the
JOYM J. (18CO, Trewmrer,
July V., 11157. 3m New Ynr....
For Sale.-4 Choice Farm,
I N ',hi g h *UM n
of euttlratlont Oil ACRDV
buithele of Lime to then/qv•Pi) 90r, I c Tlm.r:
rge Bank Barn and Brick Dwelling; plenty of
Fruit, he.; 2 mite+ eRt from Dellysbnrg.
One other very doll niLle FARM, containing 1115
ACRES; M wren In Timber ; buildings gond ; ed.
joining .9andoe'a Mlii property 1 mile.' south
from ClettPburifo. CA) per acre will buy this farm.
Aug. 12,1167. lf
For Bait Cheep.
MILL with plenty cd wort, Wen miles Rom
eaddown, Adams county, PS.
1. X. =NM.
tar on) Atarrer
LI'S 17.1.4 TE, CON P. 4.411
No. t. 1 .2 Wo I t I s LAMILPH
0 411 . 1115h14
1.1,14 IS L. ROt. MPHildect.
H. P. PNII LI Ni 'TON, Wney. a/1 Tres!.
14,,r1A mum. DIJUICTOISH
J. H. Ktuarloy,
Hnuluel G. Pa4l:nrr, InalrM M
U ,Ptimmtt,
W W O lsetieltt^
•hium* ;Writ* Jutm A 6. Wright.
lnMnw porernix of Iwo or porup4tiell,
blmk:All.W. 01: ACCIDEXT,
a! UPPrq CUM Fmk,
' All llte pnikle44 of Ilko CololponY are *UMW* G
the age 01 :an that a wan au* enjoy the bent.
It tit Itin itivettLininit in him obi aim ti him Me Is
.lantreeteti be mut finuneure yearn
elirliVhißl T'lCKllit.i, Cep" ne!lyebant,
the ewuP 44 ll - . Agent tor Adams eatuttr. - He
will ch.:retail) (Unita!' all Intermallue milaestod.
.Itigont at,lBR. 3zo
BEE' 111 1 - E.
AS there wero some disappolistuteute bat,
a r liV itre rt gag,=fde= l .4llr.
Amu. thitt onler, b . Wonted to la Limy
es ers body wanting be
et ea) be atvoguntadated
Ithout tall. lie u 11l be the Fair at thrtrys•
bung, during the entire four days, to receive or
ders. It le not deemed Itedsoskri enter Inft •
deeerlptiou of thle very valuable Hive, as It. halt
been tried and !bend thoroughly NatialketorY• A
large number of certificate., Ab 01,12 et the
Fair, or ruay be even at any time by calling Mt
the undereigned.
glirenters also taken Ibr Pekoe 0100061.
Cumberland tp.: - Auguat St
- -- -
ficih) the Honorable the Judges of thu Court of
Quarter heastonst.
e Grand Inquest of the Cosanxusweelth at
Penneylvtuda, Inquiring In and for the rounty of
Adams, at August elendons, lOC, beg leave to
That we visited the Alms Honor and County
Jail. We tumid the paupers well provided for,
the buildingsviten and nest, slid everything
eorofortable. The fanning has lawn south tin
proved around the premThe Nteward
eery. the thank. of the people of the county tor
him sttentloll and care. W. , would reoonunend
that the Bake Rouse he retundled end ranted one
story, anti coat no used to the oven instead of
At the Jail we found the mama Mean, the pria.
01Wr+ eomlortable, the Sheriff obliging and ram
rul—and would memumend that wane improve
ment be made in preventing the escape orprlfion.
ere, al the back mall or the front building, by
planing iron rai ling, with aroma, on tlin wall, or
raining the pall.
P. DIEHL, Foreman.
John Spangler, Jr., John Kile .
Jacob Vetere, Abraham Hart,
Jamb Diehl, Joseph Mistier,
Alexander Jamb., James A. Miler,.
ilibeon Roos, tituuka Ziegler,
Jueph Arent, , luate Hrman,
Lori. Liu 11, John Nt 'Pun,
Raphael sherrf , John Merit;
RuSis Krug, John kc.. Little,
I andel Smith, W. A. Young.
Ample( 30,114 C. 31.
Register's Notices,
TOTICE Is hereby given to all legatees and
1.11 other persona connerned, that the Adadials.
tuition. Aecouut. hereinafter mentioned will be
presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams °Minty,
for coolinnallon and allowance, on MONIJAT,
the :wt day of SEPTEMBER, 10W, at 10 Waite!,
A. M.,
final via:
7he second and aeociutit of Joseph Li-
E .5. T sti i ,. Administrator of the estate of Henry
it 1 1 . 1410: I st;;e t ount of . William S. Carl Admllaa.
t rater de Cunts non of the estate of George Hal.
Inc, dr., deceased.
77. First and final account of Jfintee B. Topper
and Jesse P. Topper, Executors of Elisabeth Top
per, dectemed.
TV. The first acennut of William Kuhns, Eifiell•
for Of Jewe Heck, deceased.
7V. The Orst and final account of Edward Ste
le): and John W. btalev, Executors of the loot
will and testament of John Staley. beu., de
Nt , Ind and final Pc,ount of Goorge W. Shull,
Atintt ntutrutor the outoto of Julia Ann Pywert,
late Litt leutow u, dorouned.
el. The eerond end noel ac , ount of ellehmtl
L.% Exerulur of the .111 of ELsabeth Leer de
ce.Reetl. • W. D. lIOLTZWORTII ,
uN• 30. 1687. to
Ord by Hundreds of Omoorrinaliono Jar Churn% or
Onnnounion Pinyon&
Mecettentfor hadteo and Maki" JitroonO
Speen Pon gripe Wise, Fur Teen Old.
'PJustly celebrated tuttivo Wino Gmade
rom the Juice of the Oporto Grape, 'Weed ill
t country. Its Invaluable
Tonic and Strengthening Properties
are unsurpassed by any other native Wins. He•
Ina the pure Juke of the grape, produced under
Mr. Speer's' own personal supervision, its purity
and genulnenessi are guaranteed. The youngest,
child may partake of tie generous qualities., and
the weakest Invalid may use It to aelvelaUlas. /1
le particularly beneficial to the aged and debili
tated, and milted to the various animate that af
flict the esker ass. It is, In every respect.
lniisllds use fittest's Purt Grape Witte.
Pentodes use Spear's Port Grape WWI,.
Weakly person. find a benefit by Ha Lan.
Poser's Wines In Hospitals are preferretltootli
-r M Ines.
Rold by Druggists and Gramm
A. %peer's Vlbeyard, New Jersey. Mks; NI
Broadway, New York. -
August 30, 1007. ly
Swore a Large Wheat Crop
IIITHICH contains by Mullahs ofProL &AMP.
ifY den Piggott,
3.75 per cent. of Ammonia and
5257 " Bone Phosphnte of Lime,
beWdes over 14 ow emit. of Soluble Bane.
Ms article sands prominent on the Res of
valuable Fertlllaera..yeare of trial having gained
for It an enviable reputation.
Being made from Haw Bons, Which contain
ail their original matter, It realm; the
intrabte of Bane, and white a
prodUce. Omit era" a natoparf and
permanently Mammas the sod.
vine., an) one of Its great. merit..
The public are cautioned agnltlld fwv•r&l Wu
-rious inainitions of tlibi article called "Haw flono,"
"linw Bone Phosphate," the. Many Farmers ham;
been greatly aeOslTea by purchasing them Be
mare to 4 PeclIY "BAUGH R.
It is packed in Bags and Barrels, and
pared in a tine powder suitable for drilling.
Bend for a Circular to me or my agents,
Manufacturers' Agent,
57 & 10515talth's
BaltlnGer f.
gd, .
airPor We by CULP & EARNSMAW, Getty*.
burg, P.
A ng. Ise. 3m
Pacific Guano Oarapeny'a
JOHN & a CO.,
VOIr. very exteat otWa n a l tuus g"
W. the country tendo i n It unareeoutry to Noy
more that Manton, than Its emaporation and quality
are precisely the mine an that tusretotors sold by
on for the Company.
We have sold this Guano holy the beginning
under a regular system of rigid limpectios, at an
expense to the'Company of many hundreds of
dollars manually. This is done for the protection
alike of the eoniumer and the thamane, as it
manifest to ail who anderatand the trade la
Misers, that it cannot be safely conducted on n
other principle. The Importance and extent
the trade demands this protection.
We are prepared to exhibit Dr. A. enowden
Piggot's eertipeate toeyee , ton for every eerie
eels._ Comm mere must observe the name of JOHN
14. RIMS Q CO. branded on the bap, none other
And =, IRBT. 3rn
Book Agents Wanted
71. Abhese Ordmrfor a New maenad
loon el.s-re re one VOLITIM)
rn,lot DIMIONARY ernbmilee the Minna of We
racat rment study, re/march, and loveable*.
t of about sixty-Ave of the most, eminent and
advanced Bibllmfeteholara now living. Mew
men of all denoraltualons approve It, and
It as the best work of kind In the EngthrtiV
Image, and one which ought to be In the hands of
es er3 Bible reader In the land.
in . eirenlsting this Work, Agents will kmi ft
pleasant and profitable employment. a
morons objections whir are usually eacodateff
ed to selling ordinary wthits will not exist with
But on the sanitary, etusouragement andfriend.
ly aid will attend the Agent, making his lasers
aweeabte twedul, and lucrative.
ladies, retired Clem - men, helical Timelines,
Farmers, Students, and all others who possess
Tnergy, are wanted to assist In Canvessing every
own and County In the country, to whent.the
moat liberal indlleeluenta be offered.
Fur particulars, mob , to or address
MI Hansom Street, PetinideiphitTen.
Au• t 23, 18t17. Aw
Jute "MINN-. 7 :4+ a /4,7 , 4 ogle;
LZerirrk on the Nature, Treadmill Mal
4. - 1- Radical Cure of Seminal Weaknews, oraPM
matorrtura, Indoeed by Melf.Abuee. lb .A.lonyiny
Ermektons, inipotenly, Ne'rrOne 'D , 14110. tC
Impediments to MArrlngt, senerellYLCareekalh
too, ltpUeray.and Flo; JO nth/ sou rnnieling.
capaelty. ROO. J. ~ ..11.N'LltWffJ.4,/, jcp,
.tuf hot the "iireru Rook," rl , l-rettowned author, it We admirable
Lecture, I , ar'• pro,, rrom tde awn eYIA.-
nen...• trill. the AWtl.ll COII4FoUNIONI 0111 1 Fle.AbUR ,
Z.' In] ethre..uel's removed wabent •
`end without rtnngemrpt random! • halo
Rir I.ineirinaents, rink!' .
a mode of cure certain an d e • • 11 4 ..
every sufferer, no manor "mama
be, may cure himself cheaply, privately • •
Thia lecture will prove boon to 1 ' •
sands anti thommads.
Sent under seal, In a plight envelope to Arai
drew, on rondo& at
eta fDobolio, awn
atampe, by addromaint the ilabrra
dim Dr. cu tiny Ewe
centa. 31 .rrt.s. Cmiihev•
Addrees the Pubilatiers, '
CHAS. J. C. KLOTE a c 0,..,
I'_?Bowery, New York, P. Cl, 80l eaal.
Feb. 1967. ly
101 SALK
1 1" .
t ial 0134 4 Z
vibe The
*W I " S t Pr' 4