1 I Ittg M P 'APMON, SEPT. 13, 1887 DUESERATIC STATE NOMINATION' TOR :Mill Or rrrirlar COV RT. HON. GEORGE ,SHARSWOOD, OF FEILADELPOLt. Xisetion. Tuesday, October 8, 1887 Demitcratide County Ikkd. nicriotAs HEL A TZt.,TI 4 . untpleamant twp forisTir coisfssiownw. JACOB LOTT, of Camberiand township. Z3M‘tY J. It j jlTili, " Of M (Mo u' re i tir nx hi p. COl,llt7T TRIAPIVAZR. HARVEY D. WATSLIA of teettynborg bo taliteroß OF TiIR row; MARTIN am, of Hamilton towtuthlp. E . BOLi.INOMof t 7 .nion township. ar.lf hew that we shall lose Peuesoleo. Ma ells test oleethow. I do sot task we haw* sorshwhiess ossach 1* the Mae to nano awl drew out the Republicon Strionatie. While the Repabilean portion of Seir Lefielian lei has been so openly, not*. timely sad ehaneetolly corrupt, that an the honest people In the Mate are disheart ened Sad ilniusted.” — Thad. Blet AIMING IN BUCHANAN VALLNT I:=lM=== c==za A Democratic meating'will be held at Straabaugl'a School-house, in Buchanan Valley, Franklin township, on riATcs- DAY EvEmma, September 21d inst.— Several epeakens will be present to ad dress It. White men Of the Valley and Mountain, rally ! Turn out to a man ! W. A. DUNCAN; Chair'n. Dem. Co. Cotn. Sept. wow. J Ali 'END TO IT 11, Its not too early to call the attention of voters to the 'lmportance of being assessed. The election is lees than it month otE • Bee to it. friends, that lode no votes by negligence. See td it; active men of the pnrty, that every vdter la aseoesed Aro AtitigErD ! BE As.4EARED ELACT/01VI The reaction is cowing. Maine tells a tiler Which has nu two meanings. If it, were possible, says the Agc, to mis understand the import of the elections in, Connecticut and California, that in Maine has no questionable aspect. It i l is a telling reb ke to the party which would put the lance of political Power in tills - conntry, and in the middle of the nineteenth century, In the hands of a body of preJ diced and uninstructed negroes.° The w c ite men of this nation' ire not yet Tr pared to sacrifice the country on the liar, of negro equality erected by• he arty in power. They are demonstrating this fact in all direc tions. Not an election is held which does not show losses (or the Radicals. Maine has just given the Sumner and Stevens -. revolutionists a premonitory warning of the "wrath to• come," and when Pennsylvania and New York reiord their. verdict, the beginning of a ruovembnt will have been reached which will save the nation from the mad unbitten of the men now ruling the Radical party-. OMOAXIZE, PENNSYLVANIA! 1 . Tie great victory in California hat a peculiar significance at this time. It de= tobnstrates, clearly and unmistakably, ttiat the people are tired of Radical cor ruption and fanaticism—and should anause every conservative cis zen of Penn sylvania. to vigorous action. This State can be redeemed from the hands of the thieves and negro worsbipbrfl'iti October, if.we do our duty. Let t here be perfect •organization in each election district, and a full poll of our vote, and Pennsyl vania will respond to California with an old fashioned majority. Then close up the ranks; and forward to vic tory! ' "Wtto is Dr. Jordy ?" This question is oftin -asked in regard to the Radi cal candidate for the Legislature. We know little about him, but 5f he be the eame Dr. Jordy who charged the exhor bltant sum of Six IZCSDRED DOLLARS to "cleat from the draft" a man notorious ly unfit for military service, all we have now to may is, that he was a great fool to allow himself to be placed before tile people of the county for any °face, least of all for a seat In the State Legislature, In which "big charges" and ,corrupt practices have become quite too common for the good 'of the tax-payers or the honor of the Common Wealth. WILL any Radical paper tell ue why the Republicans of Philadelphia, fu the mldet of the late war * refused to make a nomination agal nstJudge Sham wood when he was the candidate of the Democratic party for Judge of the Dis trict Court of Philadelphia? If Sham wood Wig a Nullifier,Seecesioniel, Trailer, &c., why did the Republicans of hie own city endorse him at the most critical point in the late war? HENRY H. lis.torrr, just elected Gov ernor of California, is a native of Roehes. , ter, New York, and is about 45 yeafi of. age. He is aeon of Fletcher M. Haight, formerly a distinguished lawyer in Ro chesterandin' Pt. Louis, and subsequent lyeminent at the bar of San Francisco. He la said to be a man of very deckled most pleasing address, and Irre proachable character. As the returns from the ealiterals election, emus in the distress of Ate Rodiesie is deepened. (freely RUMS up the whole matter In the following dole ful.paragraph California rettlrns, which have grown Worse sails, have at last touched the lowest depth. The Democratic majori tiy on Governor Is B,IXIO ;, the Legislature lb gone, hook and hue, and, of course, a Gutted States Senator with it; and, to fill the cup, we are told that it is doubtful it a single Republican Con greopiman b chosen. Poor old Horace! CoittincripuT shivered one wing of the Radical army. California has routed the other—both flanks are turned, and It only remains for Pennsylvania to break the centre and make the rout complete. Tbbn rally to the polls, white lion; =Olive negroistri Its death blow ! TEE Deniooracy Of Harrisburg fired a grand salute on Capitol Hill, in honor of the victory in California, on Saturday evening. They paid (or their own pow der. Geary fired - one hundred guns In honor of the negro victory in Ten neeeee at the expense of the State. "EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW!"-- Two noway' have announced themselves as candidate for Congress in the First and tottit,h districts of Georgia. They clabritla4 the right to vote carries with it the riliht to bold Mike, and that is, the hlikets are In a majority, white men Pet enOtled to represent them. The fads will get enough of negro equality trommeemomer . • Ilgtota..4)allfornte. 1 -aamiarry An Amnesty Proclamation, by the President of the United States, expected for some weeks, was Issued on Saturday. The instrument *opens that of May 29th, 1865, issued by Mr. Johnson, and extends pardons to all persons who, di rectly or indirectly, participated in the late rebellion, restoring to them prlvi legee„lmmunitles and rights of property, except In regard to slaves, and except In cases of legal proceedings under the laws of the United States, the only condition required being the oath of allegiance or fealty as therein prescribed, as follows: "I do solemnly swear, (or affirm,l in the presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully support, pro tect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the union of the States thereunder; and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully sup port all laws and proclamations which have been made during the late rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves. So help me trod." The excepted classes are now reduced to three. Fire, the chief executive offi cers of the late Confederate government —ituresident, vice-president and heads of departments, agents in foreign coun tries and persons who served as military officers above the rank of brig id ier gene ral, and naval officers above the rank of captain, and Governors of States who,. like Letcher of Virginia, Vance of North Carolina, Plekens and Magrath of South Carolina, Brown of Georgia, W(ttts of Alabama, and others, maintained, ab betted and supported the Confederate government in its resistance to the pow er of the United States. Secondly, all persons who in any way treated other wisekhan as prisoners of we , all captured. soldiers and sailors of the United States. Thirdly, all those who at the time they may seek. to obtain' the benefit Of this proclamation, are actually In civil, mili tary or naval confinement or custody, or legally held to ball either before or after couvictieu, and all persons who v. ere en gaged, directly or indirectly, in the as rassination of Preeideut Lincoln. The Pruelarnutiou %%WA unaniniou,ly agieed it, in Cabinet lisediug. Thitt it v, null be denoun,ed by the Radical, lead ers, wat. expected. They only applaud what le done fur the.benerit of the , pegro —not of the white nan. Judge Williams ne seen by Mee. Jane G. Mt== In one of her letters to the Chambers burg Repository, (Radical,) Mrs. Swiss helm gave the following as her estimate of the Radical candidate for the hiupreine Court. It may he premised that Mrs. S. is a thorongli-going Radical, a shrewd ob server, and probably as good a Judge of mental abilities and stamina as any one of her sex in public life: "It appears to be an acknowledged 'tact - that the Pittsburg bar is to day as Mlle burdened with brains as at any pe riod since it was a bar—and no better ev idence of its appreciation of respectable mediocrity could be offered than its selec lion of Judge Williams for the Supreme Bench. In '4l and '42, when he was a law student in the office otJudgeLowrie, I had some business in settling my fa ther's estate. Judge Lowrie was my at tornev. Going to the office 6ne day, I found him explaining to Mt. 'Williams and another student a point of law, and he asked me to sit down and wait. I cut down and had the benefit of. the ,expla net ion ; heard the questions propounded by Mr. Williams and the other, and the going over and simplifying the case by the teacher. I sat In blank amazement, wondering if that little man ever, -ever, EVER, would get enough law Into his head to make any kind of living by let ting It out In quantities to soft tuatoin eis ; but be is Wirer, Inclustrious,,patient, and plodding, and after all his I:fullness of comprehension, did learn a good deal of law, and I think that in any ease. which was well established by precedent, a,nd which had been earefolly tied lucid ly eiplained, and simplified, he could understand it, and would decide :ac cording to the best of his khowledge and belief. When he comes to a new field or inveldigatnm may the saints havecompas- Ilion on the poor, short, fat, putty mall.— Whata time he would have wading,tioun daring—and what a muddle he would be likely to make of it! A man of active 'brains would nut be likely to run quite as much to that substance most valuable in whales, and if the Republican party of Pennsylvania have no- better material out of - Which to manufacture a Supreme Judge than Hon. W. W. or H. W., or W. something Williams of Pittsburg, they had better vote for the Democratic candidate, whoever he may be, on the yromul that they cannot be woratcd." A RADICAL OPINION OFJUDGE SRAM— swan.—'l;he following tioticaof the Dem.' ocratic nominee for the Supreme Court' I is ffom the pen of Hon. F. R. Pennlman;, of the Pittsburg Gazette, (Radical,) Is in pleasing contrast with the gross: notices In the major portion of the Radi cal press: "In nominating Judge Sbarswood, as their candijjate for the Supreme bench, the Demoentts have made a wise eviction for themselves during the progress of the canvass, and for the people of the whole CoMmonwea/th in case he should be elected. He Is as suitable a man for the place as they could have - brought forward. 'Naturally of sound and die criminating judgment, his faculties have been matured by thorough study and a , large and varied experience. His reputation as a man is unblemished. In. deed, he isa consistent and honored office bearer in the Presbyterian church. As a Mcwieeratc, a suspicion of unfairness or partiality has never been raised against him." FORNEY'S Press has been scared into one honest admission. Startled out of its ordinary and almost. unconquerable pro pensity to lie, by - the returns from Cali fornia, it declares that the Republican party was defeated "because it had become so shamefully corrupt" That is an hon• est confession. The corruption of the party in Pennsylvania, and Rs endorse ment of negro suffrage, will ensure a defeat even greater than that In Califor nia. A vain,' prominent Republican from the county, as he passed us this morning, asked— "What's the news from C.slifornls?" We replied: . • "Haight elected by over 8,000, two out of three Congressmen Democrats, a Dem ocratic Legislature, and. a: Democratic United States Senator In place. of Con. nesi." "Well," said he, with a smile, "Pee that yofl behave yourpel nes when you get In power." He knowsi a revolution is coming, and has too zuuch'good sense to regret It.— Lancaseer liglelligemer. A. IL SHARP, one of the loyal thieve* against whom a true bill was found for stealing valuable books and documents from the State Deparment at Harrisburg, has been dismissed from the position he occupied ander the administration of Governor Geary. He threatens to make disclosures that will implicate parties holding much higher positions. There is quite &quaking among Radieal officials In consequence. The probabilities are that Sharp will-be furnished with eubstan tial reasons for holding his tongue . . That in the way such things are managed by "the God and morality party." COztlescitctrr and Calinone on the Atlantis, the other on the Pacific. The tweVe sue iteltra. A FACT /X Saxes/kJ. liurrosv—C4. pitheads are very abusdaat Ls Califor nia this year. Victory! Viefoiy CALIFORNIA RESPONDS TO CONNOC. mini "An 'Earthquake All Around Ca!" ♦ Drawer Kreeked Oat air tbe Thereas I A Democratic Governor, Democratic Lai• Miatere. Democratic CaMcmcomiton, and a Danmeralle U. K. Dicantoe I Golden WOW{ trots" Gee Golden allele! The election news from California is of the most glorious character. The Democrats have swept the State, from one end to the other, by a majority of nine or ten thousand, electing their , Gov ernor, the entire State ticket, certainly two of the three members of Congress, and the Legislature—which will give us a United States Senator in place of Con nees, Radical ! The victory Is almost unprecedented, and has numb-founded the Radical demagogues, who must now see that the tide is turning against them. The contest was squarely fought on the issue between the President and Con gress—negro suffrage, military despot ism, he.—and the wrirri: stand-point has been overwhelmingly sustained. Honor to the Golden State! Her's is the con tinuance of the revolution In public opinion commenced in Connecticut last spring, and •which ie destined to sweep the Radical party out of existence. At the October and November elections. Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and other States will sustain the verdict pronounced in California. Day is dawn ing,-and "Freedom'. battle once begun, Bequeathed bleeding sire to non, Though baffled oft, to ever won.' —The following are specimen dis patches : BAN FRANCISCO, September 6.—Call tombs opposes and rebukes the i.yraniii cal and disunion policy of Congress. We have elected Governor, Congressmen, Legislature, and City officers. Our vic tory Is to the Radicals and Correptloniste a perfect Waterloo defeat. The Demo cratic majority is from five to ten thous. and—a Delnwratic gaiu, at the lowest estimate, since the last Gubernatorial election, of 20,000. SAN FRANCISCO, September 6.—We have swept the State, electing all our candidates—state officers, members of the Legislature, and a majority of ail the local officers, besides ConLressinen.— Three Democratic Representatives In 'ongress, probably, and a Senator, eel , tainly, from California! "HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS FROM MAINE, MAINE, MAINE?" Llatit Breaking Is the Darkest Places! The election in Maine, nark as that State has been, shows that light is break ing even there. Immense Democratic gains are reported from all quarters.— York county, which last year gave a Radical majority of nearly one thousand, has gone Democratic by a large majority. Lincoln county, which was carried last year by the Radicals by 696 majority, has also gone Democratic. Knox county, which Joist year the Radicals carried by 470 insi3ority, has gone Democratic.— Aroostook county, which the Radicals carried last year by 336 majority, has gone Democratic. In other counties the Radical majorities of last year have been cut down enormously., Returns from these counties secure a Democratic representation in the Senate of seven me.nbers, all complete gains. Immense gains have been made in. representative. districts by the gallant Democracy. The immense Republican majority of last year, which was twenty-eight thous and, has been reduced to ten or twelve thousand. Indeeed, a despatch to the World, dated, Bangor, Sept. 10, says it is not certain that the Republican candi date for Governor is elected at all. Maine Benda a handsome greeting to the Democracy of the Union ! DEMOCRATIC VICTORY IN MORTARA! The political tide is not only turned, but is sweeping on with a strength that will speedily annihilate Radicalism. Read the following despatch from Mon tana Territory. • Though brief, it is glo rious: VIRGINIA CITY, Montana, Septem• ber 10.—Kavanan, Democrat, is elected to Congress by about 1,500 majority.— The Legislature 'ls almost unanimously Democratic. _ . . 4 - 4.11111r " ;477- THERE COMES "MOSES!" iI.ILLIFORNIA California is 'an epitome of the Union. Her Soil it peopled by the sons Of every State In the Union. from Maine to Texas, and from Florida to Minnesota. The verdict of condemnation pronounced up on the Republican party and all its works by California has therefore a deeper sig nificance than if it were pronounced by any State where sectional or local influen ces have greater weight. It signifies nothing len than the approaching disso lution of the party which has ruled and nearly ruined the nation during the last ell years, and the speedy downfall of the men who were fast tranefoiming oor Republican system of self-government into a military despotism. 'Welcome! thrice welcome! this news from the gallant Pacific state, which comes like a bugle blast of triumph and the cheers of victorione troops from one wing of a great army, pealing along the lines, and nerving their fellow.soldiers to a floe and overwhelming onset.—X. Y. Work!. Lvr the laboring men of Pennsylvania remember that they and their fellows of the North are being taxtd at the rate of more than.fifiv millions of dollars a ,year, for the purpose of establishing the supremacy of the negro in the South• ern States. Let them say whether they desire a continuance of that system when they go to the polls on thegth of October. Wuo failed to make any provision in the last State appropriation, to pay the old soldiers of the War of Vag the small annuity of $4O per year?' Answer—the Radical members, bikuirAlrhip s hi* of the C6pperiteof speelee: 0014DXSPRwi—That *BM Callikraii. I T_ issirimmucamsams Ws CALLITIMPLA menoN. The New York Herald, which, all through the war sad up toe recent date, was with the Radicals "out and out," diseoursetti *is On "the mural of the California elogicigt" The Detuoaratie victory in California is a protest against•the negro supremacy policy of the Radicals; the protest of a practical, _energetic and never over. conservative community against the wild theories and extravagant purposes that, by keeping the country at the fever heat of disturbance, are paralyzing trade. We may acknowledge in the broadest terms that there were causes within the Republican organization in the Pacific States that weakened it. Republican voters in California, as in Connecticut some time ago, were disgusted with the conduct of their leaders and remained away from the polls. Thus the vote was reduced, and this reduced vote was divided on different candidates. But these causes only gave a greater field to the rising wave, for the Democrats would probably have secured a substan tial victory. without them. There is, however, just enough in this view of the result—in this argument of the re. duction and division of the Republican vote—to serve for the use of Radical leaders with the masses in the Atlantic and Mississippi Valley States. It will serve them to explain away the event —to prevent their voters from rightly understanding •a lesson that would im peril the power of, the Radical party, But the lesson is all the same for the country at large, for that large part of the people that is not to be deluded by the declamation of political epouters. It is the distinct declaration of the ap prehension of the people of the Pacific slope that the tendencies of the domi nant party are dangerous, and their purpose that it shall no longer be trusted with the destinies of the country. (-all fonds has a population of vigorous, bold, thinking people. Her. citizens bear the same relation to the Atlantic States that the people of these Stated at one time bore to Europe, and are made up of the ativeuturous. clear-sight ed, intelligent men of all our Atlantic communities, who sought in the new State an ample field for an enterprising spirit that they could not find at home. Such a population is seldom conserva tive, and when it utters its political protest against party extravagance we may be sure that the whole nation Is alive to the danger. SIGNIFICANCE OF OCR VICTORY.. The significance of our victory in Cali fornia may be Judged from the confi dence of the Radicals that they wouli certainly carry the State. The Tribune said on the day the election was held: We are glad to notice that the differ ences In the party, although irreconcila ble so far as the nominations for Gover nor are concer .ed, and possibly even tuating In the election of 'jaded, the Democratic candidate, over Obrham and Fay. the candidates of the rival wings of the Republican party, do not extend to the nominations for Congress. The par ty is a unit on these nominations in all the districts, and on a portion of the State ticket, and the candidates upon whom the Republicans are united will be certainly elected. From this it would appear that there was no division In the Radical rankv ex cept on the Governor. On the rest of the State ticket the fight was a fair one, which makes our success the- more marked. NO DANGER OF INPEACNINENT The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger telegraphs to that paper as follows : From letters received here within a few days from various Senators, it does not appear that the Impeachment move ment has gained substantial headway among the Republican members of Con gress who have heretofore opposed the measure. Outside of the real merits of the controversy between the President and Congress, there is reason to believe that Impeachment will be opposed by a considerable number of the Rupubli can members upon the ground of the impolicy of carrying this additional weight, as it is regarded by them, into a Presidential contest. This Considera tion, It is argued, ts ill alone determine these Congressmen against the adoption of articles of impeachment, to say noth ing of other complications, such as the objection to placing Senator Wade to the White House, which is deprecat ed by a good many leading Republicans. ==! BALTIMORE. September 10.—The Demo eratic Conservative mass meeting con vened at Monumental Square to-night to ratify the new Constitution exceeds in numbers any former meeting in Dahl more. The , number gathered about the stand is estimated at 15,000 to '55,000. Delegations from the various wards, with transparencies and banneri, parad ed the streets. Ex-Governor Pratt pre sided. The meeting was addressed by Governor Swann and others. Maryland is free again! IF it be true, as Forney's Press claims, that the Republican rout in California was caused by the corruption of the par ty, what ought to be its fate in Pennsyl vania? The corruption of the Radical Legislature of last winter was without a parallel. Thaddeus Stevens said so himself. Should not; then, Pennsylvania treat Radicalism to the same rebuke? It can be done. Democrats, Conservatives— white men, alt—arouse to the importance of your duty and the certainty of success If you perform it. Go to work at once, and organize everywhere Grrnsto HIS EYES OPEN. —The Wash ington correspondent of the Philadelphia Lodger says that "Gen. Grant. has but recently discovered that he had misap prehended the situation." He finds that: he has not full powers over "reconstruc tion ;" that his authority -only extends to removals of officers, and that district commanders have full and absolute powers in registration, election, d•c. He has accordingly withdrawn his letter to the President with reference to the re moval of Sheridan. His next discovery will evidently be that the whole matter of "reconstruction" is a fraud and an infamous piece of partisan machinery, that should be put down by the strong arm of the Government. WHEN .Thaddeus Stels stated that the Republicans woul d * to grief in Pennsylvania this fa n account of their frightful corruption, he, in advance, gave an explanation otthe painful defeat of Radicalism in California and Montana, and the overwhelming gains of the De mocracy in Vermont and Maine. The truth is apparent that the masses are becoming tuoroughly disgusted with the usurpations of the Congressional trai tors, and they are prepazidg to strike the Radicals a crushing blow in Pennsyl vania. Tut Radic,ale at first tried to break the fore. of the victory In California by pointing to the fact that there were two Imtlea4 muldidates for Governor in the Sell. *ow- that It is asoertalued that naistit has ,a majority of several *outl aw! ovar both, they are utterly dumb kataged. focal Iltfaitsnott. TOWN, COUNTY ANC SURNOUNOING COUNTIES. The Compiter'for the Campaigie.—On4y ?'meaty-fire Cents!—We wRI furwish-thO COMPILER (large as It now is) a 4 tht9oa! figure of 25 cents for the eampafgo, -end: log with the issue of October 11. "Cir culate the documents!" The COMPILER stands by the white race against the mongrelism which Radical leaders are endeavoring to establish in this country, and will resist the infamous design at every point. White then everywhere must arouse to thwart the aims of the Radical fanatics and demagogues, and no better help can be found than the circulation of newspapers published in the interest of the white man. The, COMPILER 11, doing, and will continue to do, its share. The Fair Growide.—Mr. Herbst, the energetic President, is pushing work vigorously on the Fair Grounds, deter mined as he is to have everything ready in time—and he will succeed. The two large buildings are done, and theJudges' stand was raised yesterday. The track is receiving the finishing touches. The stalls, &c., will all be ready in a few days. The refreshment stands were rented at public outcry on Saturday last—E. H. Minnigh getting the first choice, at $110; tble.others varying from S•X downwards. The following persons secured stands : E. H. Minnie:, J. M. Warner, ( who will .(Neupy two,) Henry Overdeer, Win. F. ffakbr. J. L. Holtzwortb, B. F. Kepner, John M. Minnigh, and Lev[ Mumper— all for refreshments except the last, which will be occupied as a Daguerrean i stand. The Fair promises to be large and at• tractive, and the most extensive prepar ations will be made for it. it should not be forgotten that stock and articles for exhibition will he carried over the Gettysburg Itillro .d free of charge, and that the fare for passengers will be much reduced. Rain Storm—An unusually heavy rain storm, accompanied with terrific light ning and thunder, occurred in thisregion last night week. The streams were much swollen, especially in the loWer end of the . county, Alloway's 4reeir sweeping off bridves, fences, itc., to an extent hardly remembered by the oldest inhabitant. Jesse Grlest's residence, in Menalien township, was struck, severely shocking four or five persons, and prostrating 111 r. Ammon Leas, who, at the time, had his arm resting on the stove; along which the electric fluid seems to have• pas.sed, lie was insensible for an hour and a half, but relived under proper treatment. A number of telegraph poles, live or six, were badly shattered on the Chitm bershurg turnpike, near Plank's Gate. It has been a matter of !cinder that much more damage was not done. PiAic.—A grand Basket Pic Nic will come off on Saturday next, the 21st inst., in John Cashman's woods, one mile' as e t of Gulden's Station, on the road leading from Hanover to Hunterstown. Fami lies and all others are respectfully in wiled. A, platform for dancing, and swings, will be put up. Good music may be expected. Refreshments of all kinds can he had ou the grounds. A pleasant time may, be expected. The Zouavea paraded ou Saturday af ternoon, in full dress uniform, attracting much attention, by reason of their sol dierly appearance and excellent man oeuvring. The Company has line ma terial, and Capt. Norris has few equals as a drill officer. Property Sold.—Mr. Samuel Lilly has purchased from Mr. John L. Jenkins, a desirable farm of 11:38 acres, swith excel lent buildings, near the election poll, in Mountpieasant township. Twenty acres are in excellent timber, and the farm land has been well limed. Persona in want of a godd farm or coun try home should consult our advertising columns f r o day. Many of the properties offered for sale are very desirable; and the owners have wisely consulted their own interests in selecting the col warns of our widely-circulated paper .for their in sertion. :t Agricultural Efati:—Prof. B. Brown iWilliams lectured in the hall on the Fair Grounds, the last several nights, to good houses. The hall will supply a want long felt. Fine Peaches.—We are indebted t. Michael Frey and Raphael f. 4 herfy, of Cumberland township, , lfor several lots of splendid peaches—large and luclous.— Cumberland is hard to beat in tue peach line. Good Prier for a Colt.—Mr. John Pat terson, of Hamilton township. recently bold a sucking colt, to' Mr. con rad Al wine, for seventy-five dollars cash. The colt must have been a very fine one for its age,-to command that price. Another Ci2ll.—Our call upon delin quents has not been responded to as gen erally as we expected It would be, nor half OP to our needs. Let the bare men tion of the fact Induce all to „pay up without delay, It is xEEDEO, every dol lar due us. The big Fair, to be held here week af ter next, will afford many opportunities for making payments. Those who do not come themselves, should send with their neighbors. It would be very con venient for us to have a few hundred dol lars about that time. Will not our friends in arrears help us to it 7 Imported.—By the ship "R. R. Tuck er,"just arrived from Liverpool, we have received our second importation of Queensware. A large invoice of "Plain Iron-eone Ware," of latest pattern and finest quality, which we offer at very low Pric , a. Please call and examine. We offer to the trade all our While Wares at Philadelphia prices—no charge for freight or paciage. Glassware at a further reduction. We have also considerably reduced the prices of our finest quality of Chewing Tobacco. Please send fora Price List. Wm. BLAIR & SON, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Im porters of Queensware—Carlisle, Pa. Sept. 6, 1867. Bt* Pain in the Stomach or Bowels, Con stipation, Sick-Headache, Cramps, Colic. Cholera Morbus, Distress after Eating, are surely cured by the use of Coes Dvs- PEPSIS CURE. It is certainly the great est remedy in existence. For sale by druggists everywhere. Shaeffer's new Gallery at Hanover, is the place to have your Pictures taken. None better, none cheaper. Money re funded if not satisfactory. The most Unhappy , Person in the world is the Dyspeptic. Everything leeks dark and gloomy ; he fee,is "out of sorts" with himself and everybody else. Life is a burden to bins This can all he changed by taking Peruvian hyruple protoxide of Iron.) CRlBeel of 27 years standing have been cured by it. AGAINST Ns. SX) VOIALITY—CaIIibr Dig. bun/ranee Cbmpany.-iThe Board of Managers of the "Adams County Mutual Insurance Company," met on Monday last and organised by electing the fol lowing Officers, viz : President--Georg, Swope. Vice President—Samuel R. Russell. Secretliryz-D. A. Buehler. Executive Committee—R. NteCurdY, Jacob King, R. A. Picking. We annex •the Annual Report of the Executive Committee, by which it will be sees that the company is on a firm footing, having, paid all lenses and Booth ties, and Mato accumulated a cash capi tal of $3,081 90, with which to meet losses by tire. The Executive Committee respectfully submit the following report of the op erations of the Company during the year ending Sept. Ist, 1867. Dr, E. G. Fahnestock, Treasurer, in Ac count with the Company : nu. To amount of notes and judgments on hand at hug settlement. . . f+1,634 '55 M===l=!ftl en., premlinuo, ntvn ed during the =!I=IN CIL. By clubpaid for prhltlng, 2 Paid D. Ol A. Rllry, {Min by Itre, 910 00 John la Bums, " 93 00 A . m, 'Montan, " 14 142 A. D. Burlo,, . 22 11 l'ontn In 111"hl nu 11,.... 44 .in Internal Revenue Tax,., 10 31 George Arnold, ntampo, I )) D. A. Buehler, poeinge., , I; IV Managent'bllls, ate__ ...... 47 d..! Seeretem ,nalary, 514-4) Troaaarnr, ....... . 00 .I , :utek end Judgirehto, et lido Man 20 Cloth In bon& of Menegern, :IN 741 " Treanurer, ....1,111 23 - 00 = Premium N.dei, at last Nettlement, $M1,0..C1 BS " iveeived during the . ............ . IMO ert /:xplred durl24; the =IEI wEirry .tinuunt Insured at lag Rettl.lll . llt, " dm lug the Expired during the ir‘n.r OUTST*NDING POLII No. of rolieles outt.tanding at lam IN•liIPInellt. 7115 " "la ywt darn's; the ....... " egnared during the yeor, AVAILABLE ANiETs. Notes and Judgmonia on hand,. th.h hands Tr (1001 rel . and Managvra, /,-4 12 ai Cush A55eui,.."..... Premlum NOLO: in tum• The )Executive Committee congratu late the Company on the healthy, condi don of its financial operations, as ex hibited in the above statement. The Board two years agi., desiring to guar.' against assessments, which are always expensive and prejudicial, determined to pursue the policy adopted by all reputa ble Insurance Companies throughout the country, and Increase the Cash Pre miums, reducing largely the Premium Note-Z. The result is, that with largely diminished liabilities, a cash surplus fund of $3,081 40 has been already accu mulated, with which to meet future losses. As this Company is strictly mu tual in its character and conducted ex clusively for the benefit of the polieY holders. the Committee recommend that this policy be continued, as being the safest and In the end the most economi cal system of conducting insurance op erations—leaving it to the option of pro perty holders in the county- whether or not to avail themselves of the advanta ges of an accumulated cash capital, for the prompt liquidation of losses by fire, without the expense and delay incident to assessments. K. MCVRDY, I,'E,. eom, JACOB KINCI. I Attest:—D. A. RI - Exit:it, See'y ■EPCBLICAN APDEFJOI We advise Mr. Jordan, the Chairman of the Republican State Committee,' when next he writes an address to the Republican masses, to;give information how the people are to be relieved from the present incubus of taxation. This howling about "copperheads," "trai tors," "treason," "sympathisers with rebels," &c., &c., did very well during the war, when he and his brother Colltrae tors were filching greenbacks from the public treasury faster than the printing presses could issue them. People haVe got Urea of such slang phrases. The tax collectors are around as thick as were the frogs in Egypt, and the people wish to know how they will get clear of them. Will Mr. Jordan, in hit( next address, please answer the public wish in tois particular. And while he has his hand in, will he please explain the little trans action of converting five percent. bonds into six per- cent., thus increasing the taxes of the Commonwealth some four hundred thousand dollars? Never mind 'what Beauregaid, Johnson, Hampton or other leading rebels Say about the recon struction acts. We know a great many of them are, like a great many Repub licans, to be found where the alealinga are the besto What is wanted just now is a relief from the- taxation which you and your party entailed on the country. A remedy, sir—a remedy.—Butler Her ald. • THE Gettysburg Compiler has been materially enlarged, and Is now one of the finest looking papers in the State, as well as the most faithful advocatesof De mocracy.—Lcreisrotrn True Democrat. • THAT sterling Democratic paper, the Gettysburg (Pa.) Compiler, comes to us this week greatly enlarged and improv ed. It is now elegant.y printed on one of Potter k Co's. large cylinder. power presses. We congratulate the proprietor en the change.—Frederick Union. THE Gettysburg Compiler, for the last twenty-two years edited and published by that sterling Democrat, Henry J. Stable, Esq., has been greatly enlarged and improved, so that now It is one of the neatest of our exchanges. It hes been doing giant service In old Adams. We hope the editor will be amply reward ed for his outlays.—Maryland Journal. WHAT IT MEANT.—The Radical Re publicans have claimed to be in favor of "impartial rffrage." The people may learn what they mean by impartial suf• frage from their application of the dogma in the South. Their action In that sec tion shows plainly, that the Radical idea of impartially as respects the right to vote, consists In taking that right away from four-fifths of the Southern whites, and bestowing it indiscriminately on all the blacks. And• why ? Only because the Radicals hope to control the negro vote in the South, and by placing the balance of power in the hands of ignor ant freedmen, enable them to give the casting vote in every Presidential elec tion, and keep the "negro party" in pow er for a long succession of years. Are the white voters of the North willing to aid that party in making the negro the ruling element in the National Govern ment ?—arriday Mercury. • SEVERAL fatal cases of cholera are re ported to have occurred among the troops on Governoies Island, New York, The disease la said to prevail there to such an alarming extent that all communication with New York city has been intend toted. YADIABLE TANNERY. AT PRIVATE SALE aubwriber, wt. to to eve up the Tan nine husanese. Were at Private Sole, Itle • VALUABLE T.kENERY, situate on Muth Baltltntwe street, Gettysburg Pa., lantudltilt.Brksk Bairn :Shop with 1 pool, limes, and six handlers; 'trick Currying Shop; Brick and Frame Bark Mill Home; 9s lay - swaY Vat. on the )ant, with n Letriten and room to add any additional number—constant running spring water, never-falling, in taut-yard ani nnoPe Thin Tanner): in breaded in a region where good Bark in abundant at reasonable pekes. Ponsen nion of the Tannery w 11l be given to the purchaser inuuediatel,y, if desired, with a suppl) of bark to run it. There in besides a large LL Two-story BRICK DWELLING on the propert), with Spring Roo., Smoke House , Wool Sinni, Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shea nod other out holldlno, with a well of nut, and also ' hVdrlilli at kit, hen door, with runnhor sutrr through spring }loon, There Is a %Ariely of herd qualluen of growing tfrnixa and Fruit. on the `rem low, The property le in good rolnimoll..nd In ever): respect a :noon denlrahle reahlelon , and hunnten, stand. All.lO, will be sold, A IA iT OF tiROUN D adjoin ing above, 1,0111/1111 lug it, Acres, nine,• or leas, with an Apple Orehartil and a nrst-elass Spring mid Bathing Establishment on it. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, on the Enonltta burg mad, one-half mile from-town, containing 8 _lvrea, 'a Well the purchaser can also have, If deigned. • . Persons desiring to s few the premises, or fls certain furtli, part k 11141 1 .14, 14 ill the nut; scriber, residing in Gell,sburg WINERHENNEIt. • CM ECM Eli Sept. I'l. IRtR [EMI ORPHAN'S COURT SALE = B Y virtue of onion. of Ilia Orphan's t ',irt of Ad amx Pu. I meted to the underdigned, will toe i.xixiaed to Public Out, on SI,VTI'IIDAY, the:Nth day "(5F:Mt.:51111.3Z,, INC, at I o'clock, P. M., on the proton,. s, I= late the Mato of „Nicholas Wierman and Susan \Vienna'', altuated In Huntington township, Adams (»ante, on the polite nuns leadimt from Parlinte to New Oxford, and HunteNtoa n to York Springs, and also adjoining the State road leading front Ortlystturg to Harrisburg, being about 2 miles south-west Of Petersburg, nod 12 miles east of Oettystaira, atifolnlng the Wler- Mall Mai property There KM` !MOM lati At 1t124 of land lit the farm, of a Inch ahead 30 acres are in - TIMBP.H, and the halanee having been all limed la In an excellent state of eultis at ion, with Itine Meadows. Tire buildings an, a r‘eteefory hiTONF. WI 'Brick Back 11. lug, Bank Barn, part log part frame, Wag- o• on r•he,l, stook. li our. ~ p rlng qe.e, awl !!, , other out-lailldlukr, Mel a never -fMIMX 11 ! Welk 01 water near the how, Bermudian I rt,k pusses along the Isord, r told 1111 , 1 HIM sites tor Milt sestson the form. It Is In Poe neighboriassi of Lime Kilns School ilot,es, Churches, &v. The sit nation of lids farm and It, surroundings make It ono ni the mom de.lrabl. properties In Adams count) An, person a I.lllng to rut se the!wend se, Will be sip iSeri the stone railing on dowplt A. Wlerman, rct.kling tit. rem, sg3ri Si3l7 JO I 7 r $l,l. ..511 - -1 31 ,31 2 Tern. 11l In• mule knoll n nn the day 01 tab by lb., undersigmq JOSEPH 1, WIER:IIAN, Executor of Sirltola, NV lertnan JOIE , : DAY, Adminktrator s,i,n Wierman N 4.0. 1., 1 , 437 t. PUBLIC SALE_ HEAL F.bTATE IN GE•rrvsnulta. OV SATURDAY, the rgh dos OCTOBER next. the antoierlber, Executor of the last St iii and testament of John G. Plank, deceased, In pur nuance of authority contained In the said will. will otter at Public Sale, on the premises, A.HALE LOT OF GROUND, altnate on Weal. High Street, In the borough of Gettysburg, opposite the Female Institute. ad joining lots of Nit. Horrid! Millni.llll and Hey. 'Michael Bushman, and running back to an alley, with nTWI.NtOry PTMOO,Wenthorhuarded HOUSE, and hark-buthilug lat tackled, well 111 of water and fruit trees thereon. The altuation pleasant, and 'the pro- 11 perty dem rable our. Sale to eommence at 1 o'clock, I'. M., on said day. when attendance u ill be given and terms made known by $3,0 , 1 CI • I MEM .1. E. PI. k.NK, Ex'r. ♦s-Persons clearing to examine the property will pleinie roll on M. d W McClean, Atlarnie, 13, NC. t• VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. fiIHE undersigned will well 'at Private Rale, his I undivided TWO I"' RMS of 270 Aeres, more or less, with suitable bnildlnirs: can diVI,IO,I Into two or three farms, hai tog two Dwellings and Bank Barns, all in good order; More How, and Dwelling: Blaekomith Shop and Duelling Tenant Sc.. and all nee.-miry Imildings; In fart, is the model Flinn of kdions count . It Is al t tutterl on the Turnpike front to tti.burg to Little.town, n miles from the former and •; from the hitter; is under gag' liners. and under wad tenants; land all limed and In good order; aboUt 9a ,u'rea of timber, all kinds of the hest of troll, 1 Peach and .1 Apple Orchards. Call on the on deraigned, residing on the property, In Mountjoy town‘hip, Adams county. or ad,iress ,rEs...-E 11 NEWMAN, Two Taverns 1' 0., Adams m., Pa. dept, it. 11;,.• A NICE HOME AT PRIVATE sAI.E. '` TllE undersigned &lees at Prl, site Sale, his PROM:tali , situate on the Vot k Turnpike, lime miles vied of Gott, "burg, Adam. cou.l ty, Pa., adjoining lands of John Miller. Robert Hell nu Jamb Criswell'. heir, Ti.e tract contains near ly 19 Acres, and boa thereon s One-story tiWELLING HOUsF, Ills, loonith Shop. . and good well of water, it h n pump In !! it hlao a young Apple °triton', besides 11 Penehes. &v. Perwmr wishing to purelinse are requerted to call on ..berifillann or .31. A W Meelean, Get rg. Term, to hint 111.• lil.AVAIII) TWOMEY. Sept. 13, 1.47. it• Lumber for. Sale. INC 1, % Af. /I, for .14. ut In " RTPdt Hrooli tontem town.lop, Adams . 3. I. SMITH. Sept. 13, ISM. 3-t• Executrix's Notice. tiARGARET 011.1Mitt.tIt'is ESTATE.— , Let- AIL tem testamentary on the estate nf Marga ret. Umnimar, into of Franklin top., Adams an., dee'd., having been granted to the uniterslgard, mdding In the same township, she hereby given notice to all persons Indebted to all estate to make immediate payment, and those having Malian; against that me to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JIARY A. G Sept. 13,1E47. air * 11EsfMir-uktarix. 1867. FALL MILLINERY. 1867 MISS McCREARY H A . M . J o rt r e t i m t r e e n tTiri ne. fm k the city with a Ingo BONNI•TS AND HADI, which the la prepared to ',ell t prim, w hick will defy competition. ASw lionnot and Hat Trim. minas of all the latest stylee, and FANCY 14( /Ole., of every variety, air Bonnete made to order, at the ehorteat notice. Sept. 13, 1917. - Small Farm and Town Property I T PRIVATE KALIL—The undersigned offer. lA. at Private Sale, his FA lIM , al t code In Stratton township, Adams county, on the Harrisburg rood, two miles frond Gettysburg, containing 54 jir At RES, improved with a one and A s lu e fee t BRICKROUSE, a good Barn, I- - / , feet long,/ a never-fang well of woter, HI , with it pump in it, a young Apple On-hard, .. and other fruit. About to acre, are In 'I dn., r, and there Is a fair proportion of meadow. The land has nearly all been limed, and in in a pro. duct], e condition. He also offers a HOUSE vsn LOT, on the south side of York street, In Gettysburg. The house is a two-story, weatherb.mnied, with an Oat-kitchen. There Is also a Stable on the lot., Terms accommodating. J. X. WALTER.. August rt. 1067: •.f ---- - - JONES' MILL FOE SALE minss is a lnrge FRAME-MILL on the Turn -1 $ miles below Le.-burg, in London enm ty, Si. The works In the Mill are In pretty in sal repair, as s saw and Grist Mill. There is n Mil lees house and S acres of land s Ith the Mill. The mill rare Is not over thre,• hundred yards long from the dam to the mill; mould take b u t little expense to make It a very vnlmilde property. as there la no mill for 5 miles. The other mills wen• all burned during the war This mill would be sold Ten . rheap for rash. Apply to 3:ARY A. JONL:o. Aug. WI, IBa7. Sin Executor's Noti'e TORN DIERI-S EWTATE.—Letteni testamen t, tary on the estate of John Nell % late of Cum berland townsnip, Adams county, Pa, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, resi ding In Franklin county, Pa., P. 0. chambers blirgd he hereby glees notice to all p. roan In debted to said estate to make Immediate pay ment, and tholle having claims awaited the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. JETIEMIAII DIEHL, Executor. August V,leftt. 8w• Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF ANDREW J. SMITH.—Let trra of atiministmtion on the estate of Andrew J. smith, late of Mountplermant twp., A(111M11 co., dee'd., having been granted to the anderatgried, residing in Littlestown, he heretic gia en notice to all persona indebted tnsaid estate to make imme diate payment, and those baring hums aintitot the same to present them properly nuthentimted for settlement. HENRY H. HEMI,ER, Aug, 12, Pill. tit Administrator. Assignee's Notice. ivroncE is hereby given that DAVIn.I. SMITH, /11 et Mountpleanant township, Adams co., has made a voluntary assignment. for the lament of ereditons, and that the undersigned, residing In ronowagn township, ban been appointed As signee. Alt persons Indebted to maid Assignor are requested to lunlcP Immediate palbment, and those ha% Mg claims to parent them for settle ment, to DANID J. MINE, Jul) 15,1°a8. the A:magnet,. Executor's Notice. TORN LAWREN mentaly CE'S hWrATE.—Letten teats ./ on the estate nf John Lawnme, late of Mountplfstaant tositahlp, Atlanta n,unt3,, de ceased, hat Mg been granted to tta. undendgued. realdlng Mn the Some tcornahlp, he hereby uhes non, to all pentonot Indebted to sold elitakte to make Immediate payment, and those having clalma &wawa the name to present them props r ly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL D. L't.WRENC'E, August ?A 1867. Etteentttr, , NOTICE. /YHEREAS my Wife, SARAH A. left my bed and without noti fy on the Sid day of r D ID this la t the public that I Wi ll not pa any debt. contracted by her. HENRY.H. HRINARD. Ang. Et, 1110. 1E met la toe the Escalator Gallery. AI/ are mated on Ull'O4lEO and irgh c:M14524'. SPECIAL NOTICES: Petrovhie Plrreip I A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE PROTON IDE OF IRON, supplies the Blood with Its LIFE ELEMENT, IRON, glvltig strength, vigor and new life to the whole cistern. If the thousande who are auflertag from DT.. exPPITA, ThritArrT, FLZALt WrAIMIMIS, WOLI Id bat test the virtue* of the PIUUN lAr STS• lir, the effoot would not only astonish theiluadvrni but would please all their friends; for Wooed of reeling crone, "all one" and robwrnble, they would he ernieribl, viguroue and itoUve. A MaTINOUISEIED JURIST WHITER Ti) A ll,l,lJuvu I have tried tile PNAIVVIAX and the re- Atilt tul ly numatua your porturtion. it Met tootle e Nuw KAN 111 Ille, 1111U3,1 into lc 144111 Ile. , I 441 W 111111 euvrily ; 1 Kill 110 lolijUr tremolo. Wel tle.4litated, 1V w9en ,1043 holt 414 W ale, Out +lt t ono; or, heartier, 11111Ith ihrgt r eapactl,\ lee Kull, mental and pwltoml. than at au) time clot tug the lull van, n1010(111,4 hoer been ehangerl by Mr um of that r. tardy (rota treak, atrAfc, x 4 ,4) Crittg, eret.., es; hi ltruay, healtkv,orgd happy oonn “a(11,01110r ; unit In ranaseannol reoxmao/0 neintoyeto pit it 41 trial. Avo nine has ..t.e.nuerKu nYger innsu In the gilf,l4. A J. page Purnphlet Will tn• sent free.. J. Y. DlNSAlutt.r., la oprlelor. No. JO DC) Si., :N. M 1.1 k. Sold by all Pruggbits. l'El.Eillt.tTED SALVE. - .1311bAlll HI, 3/Am., Ovi., I.IL, I. Mr. (:rore — bror Mr. — Hay lug to,. %Mini) for na,. 1 111 km a 1.11 w ne,pl I 01,- nn op.. my hale, I naeil laeleral re fia1'1.3,4 or Iln t.faklleal lull 3,111101.11. 1300e1% tug All) Mil., 011111 111111.113 011 r NALIVe, wok Itelteeted It pvrailai. ILL eUre 1 therefore terl luippy to cent!) it* coull dem., In 113 N 11101.36. luulw with /V 41, 3 ,1, J.V.%ll6`fllt:A.N. I certify to the truthrttlnem of tot. alio% e ntute ment. H. S. Da*littotiN,M . D. W Ft 1NV1.1.1.4 SON, lioaton. Proprietor& Itruggiata, at lueenta It 1301. 1.44,1.11. 41,4 New for neveluttiee. Don t by ittartlol. Mr, vountr3". tare. Never- Me 10..., Irm. dime, iumtantituettutt n.voloi ion o, itopooding. 11„n IIk:AT THE DRUMS, for 1111% 13 11 tie 1.11 rot olution. It to now going nn IN I.:Vt.:DV piTATE, (winding the 111arrItnIstrtte, the soorle state, and all Mater of the 11Ulnuti 1131 r Irkitell are leg 111 1imn...11, 01111 1..4.01. 111 111131.nri 11/0 1 101111.1.111 , 1110n,; , 1111111 • r1n311.1, nr 111010. lurk, or 0 hi t . key. 111.,3 be, the CN 11 ii. lnhlallll i I.) l'llllnr.ll/141.0 . :4 11 Allt DYE. aideh In Isarntlene en ant. r, 11111 len 10111 1.1 pin . 111, ,, it ;Intro.,' Ward: or brown In tit t. 111,1101 e, 31.ntuf... Lured by J. citls'f.kloultt), 311 3111elen lelr York, Sind by all Dribmist, Oen( 1,3 ail Bohr (lit-tot r,. • ;Sept. O 13,i7. lot ECZE:=2 Ilut If you want it Medicine that will euro (limn', knot Intlaminator) 3 Rheumatism, ltinips, Sore Throat, hit rl II lip, Old Sores, Ilruls es, Tudbachr, Ileaducke, Insect Sting., thi. In tic Ita, k :mil test, also Inlet null), Diarrhoea, lip , Croups and. Vomiting, have It in lir. Tobias' V,' I,tiii inent. It never hills alien usedlieronllng to t h e Jn'{•rll.urs. Ls erg• drop of It Ix put up bs lore I'o hla ? hnuseif, toad he has tulip wt tar gtnet.wu years. Ills mist:eine it known throughout the world. The best plo revoinnolot It:— Thousands of eeitilleates seen at the de. pot, Be Cortland htrvet. 140 ramify having (dill dn-n, ghoul-I.lw x Ithout It In ease of Croup.— Thousands of elliktrvil are sated by it 4111111101). Us.. p nhoi taken itet , ortllng to the dlree -110,, a n,t you will never s ehll,l. Ladles will nod it %untold.: In ora.lleating and t knit tEI tell to and 81 per hot tie, sold by the drualata thientlhoul the United !slates and In Fur,po. I Spot, yt cortlondStroet, lork t.iept. 6 1,4,7 In, ; A CAM to the UM1141,4 1117tNINCO'n CIOLVEN_ Ph:101.'111V tr. 1•11.1. ti Fog IniuMLA, Its.urr.et- Ing Rvegulorlti.nt, Removing a,,1 ruction. in the Month!, ruin', (rum et Came, And VitON hticeesslUl iis n fret until/P. It Is new 0, er thlity yenrs /1111111 lip/ 10110.11t.t.10. bruteil wen.llnd tllseiwi.red by Dr. DUPON• Co, et Pall., .Inring which th u. thy) have 11.-.1 ely and suet.. 4...11111) 4.091 In Inest ill the 41111011 I:ll.iitUilo.,.o/.1 In g)rlytal. prnt 01 1/0111 rt.+, Ilan unpa.r.dl..lol In us cry vase and ,t Is outs at Llie 'firgoa of Dic , thettsands of lullMs Wit. In.v.• 115.91 thew 1.111 hr In 110ate010 10.0E1'111e Pills ptil.ll.• for 1110 101eVititi011 Di. 01.1 sutt..rt Lit 1011141 w) it r. g 111. 0 .11 iOl WilfileVer,lollolo.4l MS to prof 0111 .111110 Cr 1.40.• 01 I.lloly WlO le 11....411 will 1.1. lS rullt It. ONE Pll.l, Ferrtßhs iss.Lithir4 nn Ma+ .I.or tlii.etinippooting 01.411..1s e•o, sigall.L Met lig NH. while In that conottlon lost illy.) •lrit ate tahsetortokze, ' alter with h adnionltlou, the Pill priel.tr utsligneK no responalhllity. WILL ugh their fffird/10141 wall K. cent hilbehlot to health, otherwise the Palls tire reeolliMelltled ties monr Ls VALUABLE REM EbY tor till thohe stills !stag plaint. we peculiar to thews. ONE BOX In sIOTICIRNT. . . 0.1,0 ,1 0 Bose, wn • n 'told within 11wo Yearn. ren Thousand llocen sent b., Mail, both by in) - I‘llli AK. MA.to parn4 , ll tile M. ur.11.141 a ILI Ii ait,weni have b.. n returned, in wllleit Ilk 11,1E11111g like the Illmtse antlV.r. Nine , . tin. 0. 11 nee of Medicine 1110..1,1 111.011 the world, lit it, Ili wing OlmtruLtinnx and Itetitoring Nature to In, P, up. ri'haiinel,quieting the Nerves and bringing 111.1 k tin• "Ittc.iy color 111 /I,altil" 1.0 till . C111.1 . 1( 01 01011101 i, Ilrlle..h•. Brlee SI per Box. Six Boxes Soil JOIIN M. volt :4 EV. Dr 441411.4, Solo .Igeut for fiellynoutp. rus 84.11001 g Oho .1 through the Post Pr. 'nee. eau h.ae, Ole I Ills fs woureletill.ill3,, M rli,tn litiy port 11,41.0 g• 9 Sold lame by .1 n.kur i i, to, W. York: 001.111. M I:,•11,•IOoIiJ 140/0 II Broth . rs, Wherds, Hiatt. ucr. un i S. P. 11. we, Proprietor. New York. Starr!' 4, IsB7. To C.omsompti% es The advertiser, having-been restored to health In a few uerk. i 0 s ery simple re mods, liner lots Mg suffered for sewral yelIN wILII 11 5. sere luau affection. 8121,1 that dread dinvitSe I 'MDIIIIIIII - auxlmts to make knew n to lila know tit•reill t he Means of cure To all who desire it, be will send a eopy of the prescription used free "(charge), with tire ..iree non" for preparing and using the some, widen they w 11l 110(1 a sun. I are tort onsumption Asia mu, Broil< hills, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat. and Lung Affections. - The only obJeet of the advertiser in wending the prescription tnto benefit the afflicted, mid spread inioriuntion which lie conceive. to be invalutahle, and he hopes very entS rer will try ins remedy, an It will cost them not hing,and may prns ea bits..log Partia•wish- Ina the prescription, free, by return mall, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, }Close nO., 31. Y. May 27, !Stir. ly I=! A gentleman who antlered for years from Ser. VOW. DeWitty. Prematore Itecn:„ and ail the rtte•te 01 3outtlful ind eerc lion. will, for the nuke of 1.1114, ring humanity. send free to all who need It, the recipe and Itire. titans for mak mg the 'sim ple remedy by which Ile was cured. Starerera wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, con door by addressing, in perfect eon6dene•, lintN It, OGDEN, May 27, 1887. ly 42 Cedar at., New York. Marriage and Celibacy AN ESSAY OF WARNING AND 'INSTRUC TION TO lOUNG MEN. Also, Diseasee and Abuses which permanently prostrate the Vital Powers, with sure means or rellei. Sent tree of Charge, In sealed envelopes. Address, Dr. .1. SICILIAN lIDUGLITUN, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa,., (Dee... 11, lam. toct...esi CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DR. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the erg , . met De Ve rged so that the ham will beat. To gene ep`ish ads. the Seer and gentsch most gra be elortmed sod so appet:te ere god for god wholeseme rood w bleb, by them medicines will be divested peoperle, and good heatth r Wood made: than building up ,ho mnaltution. senratuws MAN, DRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach of .11 hulk= or mamas arcomolstlons and, by urns the Sag Weed Turtle In am. at 2tlen. the appetite is restored. SCHENCK'S PULMOSIC SYRUP is notrielem es well op medicinal. and by ashes tho three remed ee, W imPardim ore expelled from the .--mom, and good. whole/moo Mead made, which will repel ad &wee. If patient* will take them medicines warding to dineetlems. Consamptlon nu fee maitly In its iest gaps r.lde readily to thou . ogles. Take the pWs totpersdly, to gems the Ileerand otounsch. It does oat fellow that beanie* the bowels are not Mal., thee ant not remired for sometimes in derriere they are neeeesetT. The stormeh most be tept healthy, and ao appetite emoted to allow the Potomac kfrrop to taloa the resrandorr organe properly and attar Irrhallan. Then a/I Met to rem' red to perferm a pernmoent mire la to merest Wring told. Enerebe about the roam as tomb as possible, eat all the right ford—lot meat, mows mad, In bee, earthing the ap paitemars ; by be partledor sad mosekete weW Lied w. K ma. 1 rt. - - .4_. Deafness. Blindness said Catarrh, Treated with the utmost anemia, by Dr. J IRA ACS, °culla and Aurlat, (formerly of Leyden Holland(, No SOS ARCH Street Philadelphia. Limon lel. from the moat reliable mimes lo the City ano Country can be mean at his ranee. The Medical faculty are Invited to accompany their latients, as he has nosecmts In Jill procure. Ar 'Metal eyes inserted without pain. No charges made for eitamlnatlou. sept 24,10 W. ly 01111elal--Parla EIPINIIOIIIIII. I/4417 Advice.Jubt rect , ed by mail couldd in to an nounce ponitively that the only void nsett,tl for American mewing machines was &wank,' to alias Sr., as the maniltarturernt the hest sewing Machine that was exhibited. There weraelaht two tilliereta U1114 , 11.1Lit% to °Competition Nor the Prize, end Mr. Howe el the addittonal award of the tt+vt• of the Legion of Honor. oe , tilihnufaratuvr and inventor. The exact wording of the award is an follown: Hover MAntszE, WIPKELKEL& WIMPS. "co- operateur Mins "Wheeler k Howe. Jr., proMotenr de pour Is machine a bon mr.cluite ormare.:korlltiere..ll,clailierf or " Medotitr d'or." The official 1 ist of those who were mode Knights of the Leolol3 of Honor, as published in the Pat to papers, rends thus: "Munn. Elias Howe, Jr. fabet. east( Isadore! Moen . , erpowinet" whit+, tmnsia tea into EnglLsh, reads: "Mr. Enna Howe, Jr., maker of sewing =chines, exhibittrig." From this it will he wen that the medal award ed to Wheeler & was for a "Buttonhole Machine," and not.for the Sewing Maw, Each of these wortilownoWliod arisohi.ea bean the medallion head of filial Howes Jr., (trade mark.) without which now Inlionnino. Mew& Farley k fltoops, Boots, So. NI Chentnnt street, Philadelphia. au/. a. let. et