the krdtpabare inviter FRIDAT dYTERNOON, SEP?. 8, 1867 - - - - ENZP IT =roux THE rEorLEI Keep it before the people, that the Re publican leaders of this State are pledged to procure the passage of Sumner's bili through Congress, forcing negro suff'rage and negro equality upon Pennsylvania and other States which have declined to sanetkeqt. The Harrisburg ,Telegraph openly announces that such is the de- sign of the party of which it is the re cognized central organ. • Keep ft heforeiec,pcople, that Henry W. Williams, the Radical candidate for Supreme Judge, is pledged to pronounce such an act of Congress constitutional and binding upon the people of Penn sylvania. The Move Record, published at West Chester, has so declared. Keep it before the people, that should Judge Williams lie elected, the Radical plan for forcing negro equality upon the people of Pennsylvania could only be defeated by means of armed resistance. Key it ,beforc the people, that the only hope of. defeating the schemes of the Radicals is in the election of that great Pennsylvania Jurist, Judge Sherwood, and the titlezt of his fanatical Republi can opponent. Tun Detroit Free Press recently pub -1 i tbed the subjoined admirable paragraph 4,11 the - present Radical crusade against the Germans: The Radicals have everywhere inau gurated a general crusade against the :ermans, and a perfect storm of abuse is showered down on their heads, North and West. This spirit of persecution seems to have displayed itself most strmigly in Ohm, where the eanvatts for the State election promises to be a very bitter one, because the foreign element is considered ',more than doubtful. The New York &Mune, forgettul of its usukl moderation, recently set the example in this kind of disgraceful warfare by say ing that:the counties along the Ohio riv er, and as far west as Zanesville antlChil licothe,- were principally a "schoo/-hot i,tv, rum-loving breed of Pennsgirynat 'fhtte/," who can't abide negro suprema cy. This wholesale libel upon melt who are among the best farmers and citizens, and compare favorably in morals and in telligence with any other class of the community, has been readily caught up by the whole Radical pack. Hardly u paper of that pi ideal complexion reaches us now from that section, but has some sneer at the "Dutela"—a term , which Radical ignorance - evidently deems the very acme of disgrace. The cause of ibis animosity is of course well understood. It arises out of the determination of the (terniatim to oppose the Puritanical doc trines which obtain constantly a - greater ascendeney among the different State legislatures, and aim to restrict the right of individual action. - Decl.ratlon of Independence says "it is the right of the people- to alter or abolish their form of government and institute a new one, laying Its foundation un such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." The Radical faction, including Judge Williams, deny this right to the people, nod assert thot lerfinp 0 - inure - lig alone has the right to al ter and abolish.; as It has done by ignor ing the Federal Conatitution and break ing Up the Union. Jr Sharswood is in fovor of law, .ordur and the constitutional rights of all non. Judge Williams is pledged to mane every thing else subserve the pur- Jose of Ilk party. The Constitution and aws of Pennsylvania are u 9 nothing to him when they stand In the way of Monerelism. \Vidal of these two gen tlemen is best qualided to fill a beat ou the Supreme Bench of the state? Tin: Chicago T4banc—a Radical blue light- 2 say4 the liquor and Sunday Tes now+ 'will smash the Republican ma chine out West. h you want - tsurtpori - t-nen who be lieve in the supremacy of the white race, vote tie Democratic ticket. ' I•SCLUEN AT lON is going on rapidly at Ow "huh of the universe." The Boston Goz , fh save that no less than a dozen black men have taken white wives at the va;t-±tnid of the city. 'Pat: New York Home Journal says "the handsomest lady in America is Emily 1-;clionberg, of Philadelphia." The editors of the Journal evidently have not been - tip this way, lately! Sp•rr's Port ( - Imp; Wisc.—The mild . character and superior tonic properties of the Port Grape Wine gym those for merly used by physicians have deserved ly Ideated for it a place in ouraick rooms and hospitals. Government now uses The Sanitary and Chrlstaln commis sions use it; and Mr. Speer in produ eing'so excellent a native wine is a ben ;:tactor in hut hue. ths-business is now very extensive, and what with drawing oil and bottling, packing and box-ma king, quite a force is engaged. To tile remotest part 01 the country his cases arc sent, and by means of his medical and :Sacramental Port Grape (he name of Alfred Speer has be come everywhere a familiar household si Ord.—Pattc? son Guordico* Uur druggists have some of this wine ('P're your antghs and C'olthr.—Coe's Cough lialsann will tie found a ready and efficient. Remedy for hard Colds, Croup, coughs, and all lung difficulties. iL is SOW by all druggists. The cheapest' and best medicine in the world. Thotwande have been changed by; the u4e of the Peruvian syrup (a ro (Aide of iron) from weak, sickly, suffering ereaturea, to strong, healthy and happy men and women, and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. For Dyspepsia and Debility it is a specific. 01Octal—Paris Exposition. 18117 AO it.. .lust ret el vol by mall enable us to am. noun, pdkitively that the only irk, medal for team sowing machines was awarded to Ellen I I once, J r., as the runnunwt urer of 0w15...1 sewing camel une that was exhibited. There were eighty two different machines in competition for tile prise, and Mr. Bowe reed ed the 'additional award sr the Cross of the Legion of liquor, tie Illallutacturer and Inventor. The exact wording of the award is as follows; flown Idnent Wmusrdett & Wunox. " - operatear Elias " Wheeler & I lowe, Jr., promoteur de pour In machine a bon la & coudre., tonniere...ltedare tree." .Y••dadtr d'or." The "Mend Ilat of thaw Who Were made Knights of the Legion of Honor, as published In the Bruit papern, reads that: "Mont. Ellae Howe, Jr.jubcf rani machinert epalre, experant;" which, trantla- Ted Into Enghsh, reads: "Mr. Ellin: Howe, Jr„ maker of mewing machine, Prom this it will'he teen that the medal award ed to Wheeler & Wlloon was for a "Buttonhole Machine," owl tot for the &ming Mach.... Etch of theme world-renowned machine% heart the medallion head of Mat Howe, Jr., (trade tottrk,i without which none it genuine. Mewls. I Wry IL titoopt, Atentt, No. WMlL'hettnut street, Philndelphia. Aug. 5, Mr. tt =3TE! •• • • lu wr*-neshoro*, on the • nth ult., In Ihe Prsonage, by Farr. gan Me, r. JAME:A W. KLINY to d ins CATHARINE. A. W !U Erzim, both of that CoMay. t to the tilet ult., by Rev. Dr. Bauer, Rr. NtPBY TiortmEtz to Mho. (2ATIIARItik °ROMS both of lurk manly. =I on the 31th otJuly that, nenr4farney,Mr:.Jooum ALTHOFF, agni yea* months nard 2,1 ITti the 3lth olt.,lMvin LT - Timm, In4nt son of William B. And C arla Meals. of th,torpinee , aged 4 months and 14 days. m the 11th nty, of hennaed* of the heed, Mr. EDER' CX ILAGER, ot Fninkila township aged 75 yesami month and 2 dark On the 17th nit., 3dra7lAssan W ARB EN, WM* Of Frederick Warren * ln the tinh year or her - age. Communicated. On Tuesday, August 20, near Knoxville, 111., MrssßA/ 1 - 1 ,1 1 AXS HANES, agoll 17 yearn 5 months and li days. Mypoor, altiletecl child! }Kind for la yenra, her slafferlpg 1.4 She died very happy, and I hope La now a bipapd apgel In henyeli. lint Innis her very moth, on the ...Al ult., nenr the Two Taverns, WILLIE EI wsn , tmly ehlld of Joseph XL and Katie A. Ba keticdi fl days. lovely had an young and fair, Called hence by early doom, Twaß Rent to chow how went a flower ID brorrn above, woold bloom. ausllsr 11111WIL ~rsair.• FLOUR, 10 00 RYE FLOUR,. 7 00 WHITE WILEAT, ..... 1 00 @ 200 RED WHEAT, 150 (!) 190 90 100 gem 45 Bv('HWHEAT,.. 58 6 - A,' 70 HAY, 800 6 . . 9 00 CLOVES-BRED... 600 C 760 FLAX-SEED 2 00 FLot79,.- ••...,... 850 er 900 WHEAT,••• 2 20 (\ 240 RYE, 130 (.:!) 135 112 1 20 OATS, 5.3 0) 68 C10vF.44-tureD, 8 50 8.75 ...... 275 6.6 800 Hal, ? hund 10 00 (0, 11 00 BEEF CATTLE, hund... 800 6i , 16 00 22 00 0) 27 00 2, 30 6 . 9 , 35 HA1,........ GoLD, ...... PROOFS OF THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF THE AMERICAN WATCH, MADI6 AT W A LTHAM, HAM The AMerican Watch Company, of Waltham. Mass., r, spect frilly submit that their Watche's are cheaper, more aceu rote, leas complex, more dura ble, better adapted for general 1114 C, and fly kept In order and repaired than any other watches In the market. They are simpler In structure, and therefore stronger, and leas likely to be Injured tban.the majority of foreign watch es, which are composed of from 125 to $OO pieces, while in an old English watch there are more than 750 parts. How they run under the hardest trial st - ntches can luavoi Ic ahown by the following letter: PENN. RAILROAD COMPANY. ()Fries. n• THE OlettuAl. nrenitinTENDENT,l l'A., 11 Dee., hillt3. Gentlemen • The wntehen manUMetured by you have beets In use on this rolirculd for several years by our engineusen, to whom we furnish watches sot part of our equipment. There are now some three hundred of them carried on our Ilue, and we emodder than good and reliable time-keep er. Indeal, I lust e great satisfaction In Haying your u ntellon gl‘e us low trouble, and have worn and du hear musts longer without repairs than tiny a at( hex we have ever had in use on Ode road. An ,)uu are aware we formerly trusted to those of Engilan manufacture, of acnnou lodged good reputistluts ; but as a class they never kept that us c•orrectb, nor have they done as good alert )•OUrt. ,• . . In thest,statements I aruxustained by my pre decessor, Mr. bowls, W home experience extended ON er a Merit s of) ears. Respectfully, EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, Liens: al finpssintendssf. A 111,1 f (1,1 Wrath 0. • Indthorn. W.- make now live different grade, of watches named rehpectixely as follows: Appkton, Tray .t. Co.. Waltham, 3lasa 14 altlmm Watch Company, Waltham, Mum. P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mama Wm. Wm. Ellery, Baotou, MO.. Fiume Wawa.Company, Boston, 311 am. All of them with the exception of the Home Watch Company, are warranted by the Ameri can Watch Company to be of the best material, on the most apptwved principle, and to poesess every requisite for a reliable time-keeper. Eve ry dealer selling these Watches is provided with the Company'm printed card of garentee, Which should amompany each Watch sold, so that buy er.' may ft +I sore that they are purchaelna• the genuine article. There are numerous counter fei ta mid Imitations of our Watchea sold through out the country, and we would caution purchas ers to be on'thelr guard against intponition. Any gradra of Waltham Watches may be par chased of Watch _ Dealers throughout the country ROBBINS & APPLETON, I Broadway, New York. Rept, 6,1617. lin . PUBLIC BALL e-- WIL,L offer at puhile N male, on TtIiDAY the 1 . 22 re l day of OCTOBER, IbB7 , the FARM on ivltteh I now realde, and lately owned by Bene dict Boone. This farm U aituated in Mldaletou Fredertek county, Md., one mile North oflietemllle, on the Middletown and Burdett,. rml, leas titan 4 miles from depota on Balt, & Ohio It. Road, and Chew & O. Canal at Berlin and Knoxville. It eontaine A(lU 3't, more or lent, of prime hand, all under culth atlon, is divi ded into mix +a Ith pure running water in each field. ThP improvement, are ft *NA comfortable weatherboarded HOUSE, Lag fit Barn, andall necessary out-building. Thk the beat farms in Middletown valley. it to IlltheetWiltry to pay more, as gmt t le men will examine for themsel‘e.. At the some time and pinee7 ;alit he sold a NIOUNTA,,IN LOT of 1.1 Avres more or less, of l'iteanut. Timber, situated In NI aahlngton vortn y, NA., adjoining lota of Henry Shafer and Sam uel Ahalt. ' IS a very) gigabit. lot, and pr0 p...13 p...13 Iganaged. trill furnhh rails stullelent tor the ta. ta an hong.s fencing is required. '1'.,.11% of gale, and tune In giving 1. , ..e`510”. nnele known oil tins of vale. Sept, Par Ls . . ---- - A VAiIJABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. Tlt F: subscrilfdr Wrens his FARMformic. It is situated in Adonis county, Pa., near the ark and Get* sitars . Turnpike, at miles front New I istord, 6 Innis Gettysburg, and 1 mile from Gulden • , stutton adjoining lands of Ralph Fiche.,, .Nlebolas frarits. Nicholas Ileitsel, Jolla . .11111i111. VOntaallig 72' ACRES and 42 pert 11(N- , -about Niter, In timber, with a date pro portion tat meadow. The land has been bitted over, anal Is under good. fencing, The held. are laid oil sonveniesitiv, with water in almost all of them. The improvements an. a Two- IMO ry Weatherisaarded HOUSE and Bark- g butidlug, Bank 'Barn, Wagon Shed and ('ern l'rib, under the same roof, Hog Allloke House and r,untrner if a mg Rouse with a never-falling spring close In the building ,• a good Apple Orehsad, besides peaches and all other hinds of fruit, on the place. It is in every respect k most desirable property. Persons wlehlhg to view the premises are. re qttested to call ten the subacriberovaidlog there on. 1., G. HEAGY. liept. 8, Ifgcl. - - - - - OR SALE, A VALUABLE FARM, 111 HE undersigned oilers at Public gale, on the 2stli day Mgt:MEMBER, bar, his FARM, sit uate la Huntington towtoutip, Adams county, Pa., con/siding ACRES and all Perches, al/ limed and In good cultivating order, one mile Wi.n. of Round Hill adMlnitig Lands of Abraham Ficken. Lewis smith, J. H. Fink, and oth- , ers, whleh are a Two-story and Barn, and all news/wry out-bu I ld all new is bull! about acres lu good Tim her,ll, net er-failing well ol gust water rn ai we door, it line young tirvh.irti, do, t-ale 440 e1n1t10,13,00 at I o clock, P. id., of said day, when attend/um. will be gloom, and terms nude know, by — CUIRUEL k—NTEILLIN E. C•ept, 6, 1037. A FARM WANTED ANY ]person having a good FARM for sale, and willing to take iu part payment one or more meta oft hoice Western Land, located In well settled neighborhoods, near County Towns, Rail Rowdy, ge, will 91nd u parebaxer by en quiring at tilts °Moe. Sept. t,, MI. It DISSOLUTIOW. fIUtE jwirtnetsihip heretofore existing bet Ween j. J. N . Danner and M. P. Shields doing ',wi n... in Fairfield is this day, tnept. tud,) eat by mutual oonsent. All persons indebted to sold lirin, will please make payment without de lay 6a the retiring partner Intends auoging in business Nelsewhere and would like to home the Isr,oks settled by forthwith. Either partner ik authorised to use the name of the firm in ilettilug the business. J. V. DANNF.R, M. P. SMELDIi. Having disposed of my stork of herchandize to Mr. A. r. )(woodman, In retiring from linalneso I hereby retnen my thanks to my friends and cwt. tomens for their liberal patronage and cheerfully recommend my SUOCIVISNOT to their generous en countgement, J. V. DANNER. Sept. 0. VW. fk. • P 0; ; AND OTHERS. reE Grafton Mineral Paint Co. are now mano- Meturing the Best, Cheapeot and most Dum b Paint In use; two roots well put on, mixed with pare Linseed will last 10 or 1.5 years; It la of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, atone , drab, olive or cream to atilt the taste of the comumer. It Is OMB WO for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Chrgaithers. Palle and Wooden -wale, Agri cultural Inudenients, tint Boater, Vessels and ,Ship' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roofs, (It being Fire and Water nroclf,)Floor Oil Cloths, /one Manufacturer haying used Vine litibt, the post year., and ass paint for any) purpose 14 =my rpOil.• ed for dumblßty, el... Deity, and adhesiv4iem, Pelts- $4 per bbl, of SOO lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to softie. Warranted in all easia as above. Pend for a circular which gives full particulani. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address - DANIEL BIDWELL, 214 Pearl Street, New York. I=llMl Assignee's Notice. NOTICE hereby given that DAVID J, of Idountplassant township, Adams co., has made a voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors, and that the underlay:Md. Sttattiltilt In Conowsgo township, has been .141,0131 ad A%- gigues. All persons indebted to saki Assigner are requftted to make inuuediato,-paymant, and those Itaving claims to present them for wine ment, tn iJAVID J. ELISE, July hi, 1117. 1W Assignee. HOUSE PAINTING (AY) OE A. WARNER, HOME PAINTER, South Waghington mt., Gettyphont, Pa. GOOD WORK AND MODERATE July pa•liv lirmatEAs my wilt, AMAMI A., left my bed and board without cause, on Use ad day of this is notify the? T ali pr le . that I will ant Phi ' HENET ft r , Fttn b eARD. Asg. ne L yty. ISt. THE rue tally the EWeelebtrOiftlery.• All are waited on in rotation and with A SMALL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. Msubscriber offers at Private Role, his OIALL FARM, situate In Minton township, county, Pa., abou=res from Gettys burg, 2 miler ilum Bun n, and 134 Miles from Senders chard', arOolning lands of Dr. Goldshorough_, F. gulek M. ei and John Galbraith, containing SW, ACH., with Woodlatel and Mea dow% The land Dander good enitivationhaving been well limed—and under good tents.. The itu provements are a good Two-atory LOG HOME, don ble Log Baru, Carriage House, . Wagon Mop, Hen 'Dann, Hog Pen, li Smoke House; two good never tailin wells of water, and a tine young Apple besides. Poaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries. Gra Ur. Persons wishing to view the property fri a il toll on the undersigned, residing thereon. JOHN FEI ER. Aug. 30, IMP. 2m. HOUSE AND LOT AT PRIVATE SALE. rIME subscriber oilers at Private Sale, a HOINE AND lET In Mount Rork, Mountpleasant township, Attains county. The lot contains a little over one Acre, and has then'on a first-rate one and a half store Frame tte WEATRERBOAR DEO ROCHE, new lu Frame Stable, Carriage house, and other 11 buildings, with a good well of water, and a varie ty of fruit trees anti grapes. The property is in perfect condition, anti make. a tely pleasant home. It mould make an excellent t eatlm, for a physielan. DANIEL. I.A.WRF—Nt 'E. Aug. 'lli, tiwo Good Farm at Public Sale, ON FRIDAY, the w 27th day of SVPTF:MBF:II m xt, the sub. Tiber, has Mg .11seontinued farming, alit offer at Public Sale, on the premi ses, his FARM, attuate In Huntington township, Adams eounty, Pa., I 1-2 miles from Isaac Tres.- tle's mill, on the road leading from New Oxhird to Carlisle, adjoining lands of Abraham Brough, Joseph and others, eontaining at Ant D., more or has, with due proportions 01 Woodlmol and Meadow. One of the meadows is set a ith Cranberries, si Welt Meld er> pi ofltabl, The land has been twit'e linted,l4 or). productive, and under good fence. The ituprme ments are a Two-story Wrsdherisausled OWEI.LiNG IfOrRE, kithlarge kitchen, it Rprlng Horse, Wash 'louse, Smoke II House, Bank Rum, Wagon Sheri, l'orn Crib, og Pen, Carriage House, and other out-buildings, all ,ruder gisal roof and 111 thorough repair There are three exeellent walled spring" owlet.- Mont to the buildings, and water In all the fields but one. The fruit ronaists of two tirst-rate Ap ple Orchard., and a ~ .triety of pears, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, etc. Thin le a very desi rable prupert. Pereone wiohitig to view Ilan. requegted to call on the undersigned, residing near by. Male to commence at I o'clock, P. M sk hen at tendance will be Risen and terms made know n by -INDR.EW TRIMMER. Aug. 30, Imo. to. EEO VIRGINIA LAND FOR BALE r I NE FARM mutable about 3110 Acres, Is 7 miles VI below Leesburg, on the Turnpike, 2 miles from Formwell Station, nod 3 miles from Guil ford Station on the Alexandria L. dr H. R. Road. This Is rt very desirable Farm, and a healthy place to live. he cleared land Is divided into 7 fields, will. running water In several of them. There Is a large Log DWELLING r HOUSE, Barn, Meat Hours, and Dairy on LI the farm, and a well of excellent water in the yard. Thls well affords plenty of good water the dryest season. There Is plenty of timber on the furna for the use of the same. The land is good, and postures good crops of Wheat, Corn Onto, Hoy dre. There Is a 4 fine Orchard, in full bearing. The land In easy to impros e, and takes am er fined). The fencing to In good order. good many tnntllter of Northern people hose set tled in the neighborhood.) Con give full possession MG. December, 1807, pros Hist it is ROM preen,us to renting for aoof year. For want of money, the owners offer this form at the law price of thirty dollars per acre, rush paid doom. A good deed given when the terms are complied with. MARY A. JONES.. Hillsboro', London county, Vu. Ang. 30, 1087. 3051 VIRGINIA, LOIIDCN CO., LAND, MEM! (\NE FARM, containing about 240 ACRES, sil -I,' noted on the Turnpike road, 8 miles below Leesburg, *I miles from Guilfonl Station, and 3 miles from Farmwell Station. The cleared land laid off into 7 delis, water sufficient for stock In each field, pittit , ..• of timber on the farm for the use of the same; a comfortable . DWELLING HOUSE, a large Stable, Corn House, Meat House, for House, and ago.' Store House on the premises, A good stun for a Country store. Theland to god, to easy to improt c, take. clover very well, yields good mops of wheat, corn, outs and buy. This is a very good Farm, uliet bought by the present own ers In Ilti,t , and a goof port of St cost fifty dolials per acre. There In a good Orchard, and a well of water on the premises. This Farm u 111 be sold at the low price of thir ty-eight dollars per acre, If the rush Is paid down. .1 good deed given when the terms are complied with. Can give full possession 24th Dec., ISM, provided It Is sold previons to renting for another year. Appl to MARY A. JONES, Hillsboro', Louden ouunty, \ u. Aug 30, 3111 Small Farm at Public Sale. (IN TI - FPBAY, the 17th day of SEPTEMBER next, In pursuance of an order of the Or phan v Court of Adams county, the suisicrlber, Adininiai rotor of the estate of Audrey, Wolf, sr., deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the pre ttab sea, the Real estate of snid decedent via • A SMALL FARM, situate in Oxford tog nship, Adams eounty, one mile from New Oxford, aid others, Inn, lands of ehri,- tlait Wol ( , John Lduckd others, and containingZi Arran, more s, or leap, The tin- provemente are a WFATHERBOARDP4) UP HOUSE, Log Barn, and other nut-Imlld ings a well of littler at the .door, and an excel lent ()milord. Persons wishing to view the pro perty will call on Christhui Wolf, re4iding, near or on the subseriber. Sale to at I o'clock, P. M., when at tention, o 111 be given and terms made know n by H. J. MYF.RS, Ado] r. 13v the Court—A. W. Minter, Clerk. Aug. 30, Ist7. is "iolistr MILL POE sem mHl,lnn largt. FRA.MV. MILL on the Turn -1 pike, 8 miler below Les nburg,ln Loudon coun ty, Va. The workr In the 31111 are In pretty good repair, ar a saw and find MIII. There Ps a Mil ler r hours: and 8 arrestor land with the 31111. The mill rare is not co er three hunslnnt verde long from the dons to the m 111; would take hut little expense to make It. a very saluahle properly, an there In no mull for •i miler. The other mill. were nll burned during the war. This mill would bedtuld very cheap for nmh Apply to MARY A. JONFN. Aug. 30, MM. 3m For. Sale, Cheap. AFIRST-RATE eIAINGLE MILL and SAW MILL A. Rh plenty of work, three Wiest from n, Adams county, Pa, Aug. 12, 1847. If NEW COACH SHOPS. YANTI6, ADAMS 3c CO., LITTLEOTOWN, PA. 'Tv F: take Ude method or informing the public VI that we haveeetabliehed new Couch entops at lAttleatown, where we are prepared to Menu facture to order all kinds of BUGGIF-9, CAR RI:WO+, BULKIER, .tc., on the ahorteat notice and moat aceommodating term.. Our hands have been procured from Baltimore, and, as we tote none nut elmire material, we eon put up work to compete with any shop in the State. Old work repaired and taken it. exchange for 11011". Aug. 30, 1887, tf New Grocery and Flour Store. MEALS dr, BROTHER, LIAVING opened a GROCERY, FLOUR and LI. VEGETABLE STORE, in the Room former ly ~wcupied by Geo. Little, on West Middle street, they extend an Invitation to all buyers to give them a call. Everything In their line, fresh from the rite and country , will be kept on hand. They are deiennined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, and as they only ask the lowest living profits, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. MEALS dc BRO. Aug. Z 1,1867. tf NOTICE Tut; Behoul Directors of Straban township hereby give notice to all pereond liable to the payment of Bounty Tax lo wad towueldp. that they have made arnangentanta fur Lb* final set tlement of the Bounty Accounts fur said town ship. They, therefore, give notice to all tai-PaY erit to make pay m ent of their tax on or before the 21)th day of REMEMBER next. The collection of all unpaid taxed after that date will be enforoed without respect to persona. All pentium havhig claims egalux the Bounty Fund of said toiruship are requested to present the KAMP to the Board prior to hob of September. If not presented prior thereto noel. claim. will be rejected. JACOB B. MILLAR, Fowl. WILLIAM. giALLAMITII, Seey. Aug.l2. 1857. td Strayed Sheep. TRAYETI from the premises of the subscriber 0 to the month of July, SIX SHEEP, three old onest and three lambs , all white, with cropped tails, The old ones have a piece taken out of each ear, underneath. Any person giving informs lion in regard to nbos e sheep to the subscriber, residing near Gettysburg, Will he suitably re. warded. WM, WigLF- Aug. 21, 18177. St Executor's Notice. TOIIN LAWRENCE'S RaTATE.—Lettent testa () mentary on the *mate of John Lalrrence, late cf Morton:pleasant township, Adams county, de cde- eased, having been granted to the uncienktgued, reeldlug In the same township, he hereby giver notice to all perm= indebted to said estate to make inlmedinte payment, and those having claims Mellott the mine to present them proper ly authenticated for settlement. kAMI'EL 11. LAWRENCE, August 2.1, 0467,_6rs F.cistjor. Executor's Notice. TOHN DIEHL'S FSTI - 4.TF.—Letter testamen t) tare cot this estate of John Dien), late of Cum berland tom uship, Aciama county, Pa, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, real ding to Franklin county, Pa., iP. 0. Chambers bubo he hereby gives notice to all ;tenons In ' stiebted to said estate to make Immediate pny ment, and threw ha, log claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for set- Stein exit, P EXIA IT DIEHL, Executor. Anguat 23, Pah. trw Administrator's Notice. tSTATE OF ANDREW J. SMlTH.—Letters of adnitniatration on the estate of .lndrew J. llith, lane of Mountplefsant twp., Adams co. deed., baying been granted to the undersigned, residing in Lit tiestown, he hereby giveanotiee to .115 indebted to said estate to make lame payment, and those buying 'gating the same to pr sent them properly oaths= for settlement. HENRY H. HEELER, Aug. 12, JAR. ft Administrator. Administrator's Notice. OH LEN Z'S ESTATE.—Lettersadmin. -r barntion nu the estate of John Lents, late of Butler township, deretmed, having been granted to the undersigned, residing In Franklin town ship, be hereby &vex notice to all persolis in debted to mkt estate to make Immediate pay ment, and thaw having cl‘ kA ingLahant . thg atm to prima than Pro Peer °lnTraire4. dement. Ant. g. lerf. mt Valuable Real Estate AT 11:13LIC SALE. ON INME2FI4DAY, the 2nd of OCTOBER next, Cenig i AAXTt 'an me ct. cou o n f tr, w O lne iltered g the ?tr sale, on thelaxemtmeo, THE MANSION FARM . . Of Sandie! Knox, dectased, situate In Oirroll's Tract, klamiltobban township, Adama county, Pa., containing MS ACHES, more or le., adjoin ing binds of William Walter, Benjamin A. Mar shall, Daniel Mickley, John Knox, and others. The Improvements .are a larger Two-titor, 1.00 HOUSE. Twa-gory Stone !! Kitchen, large Bank Barn, part atone, part frame, Wagon Shed, Corn (XII", well of water at the door, water also In every field on the farm, an excellent (milord, containing every &Orly of choice fruit: teagood Meadows, about in acres of good Timber, Ash, Poplar, Hickory, Oak, de. A public road leads past the buildings. The pro perty is situated In a good neighborinoti In the Mtrinity of school houses, ehurches, mills, it:. The form is our of the best ohs k farms In the count> The propert . ., NM be slum a to persons di ...iron. of pun hosing liv Jai•ob O. Walter, resi ding on the prenns,, or 113 the subscriber, resi ding near Fairfield. stile to commence at I n clock, P. M., on said (1..), VI hen rittendonre 01111 e an MI and tern. 1111.14. 1.11.,N11 b 3 J 3-:111.1.4 Ht' the i MApterlll A(1111'r. ‘tig,l 1:6 AT PRItATE SALT V! E l u . n t leralgned ~ .. iellr: I situate In mberland township, Adams county, I Pa., about Hem from (wit ymburg, • 011 the 1 Itainhennurg ' turnp e, a JO II MIA of Charlea 11. Polle, Ahrallatil PII)1,, John U. Weigle, and °them, containing ' -, Acif 1.. , , more or it,4--Uhollt 30 a n o n) In Ilia •r, o tit pleats ,d 111111110, T he I land In anion.. and slut, —has been well limed, I. In ex , . livid eonditnal, and Nor} produettre—the 1 sew mg good, The linprot emenot SIC a Two-hi ors Went herboarded 111 d'SE, With ~ I Back-building, Noah Homo., spying lII[ lionne l yeo Bank Ilarnothed, ti o ' Corn I IS ,rrialge Ilogole; n, rum other outd, hi me , : is well of the houseF coaling la one of tbe fleiAa, abfl 1% small it tlinaigh the ham; an Apple Orchard, with , I other kinds lit trait, on the prenitces., uerluunte I , lmpu, mills, he. ant entent. The I thrm will be SIIIII altOpagher , ne In too partg,oli . . the llortJugit /tf •1, and i half ' Haan, Corn ter n t the dna: . ' Also. A Titaer rail. Knuth of Arrt,, well eos • : Persomi wigliinK rarted k lo poirol Aug RA, 16C7 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. N FRIDAY, the 24ffh day of SEPTFAIBER next, in put-mane of an order of the Or pp Court of Adams county - , will be offered at Pubile Kale, at the tote regldence of David Sur bough, dceetwed, the Real Estate of said decedent, consisting of TWO TRACI'S OF lAND, In Tyrone township, In said countV; the Brat a Nfanslon Tract, containing it Acres and Liro Perches, hounded by lands of Peter Trimmer, Daniel }cream, Peter Hummer, lisq.,tind others. The impnwernents are a Two- p s t ory LOG & WEATHFRBOARDED 110F , iF4 , Frame KW hen, Double Frame Horn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Statue, Mining Ronne, part ntone, part frame, now oct pied by a faintly ; an excellent, never•lailing spring, and a very flue Orchard of Apples, Peach es, Plums, and Pears, ot chid, r kinds, There In a reasonalde quantity at Timber Land. The land In of aii excellent quality. No. 2, a THAI' Tln the Mine t.,woslilp, eontaining 14 Acres and 19 Penhes, bounded by lauds of Peter Trimmer, Jo seph Trontle, Ml, Intel Beck, and others. It to un der good tence oad in a good state of cultivation. The tenet in Itultiftleti by the Menalleu road. The hoods Nvlll be shown by the huntly residing on the first de(erthed tract. Sale to commoner at 1 o'clock, P. M., on aald dn}, when attendance s, 111 he given and tempi Made known by JOHN HANIE)4, Adml% By the ('curt—A. W. Minter, Clerk. Augw't 'AMU'''. Is PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriben,as Executors, will sell at Pub- Ile Sale, on NATI_ /MAI the 21st day of SE A TEMBER next, on the premises, THE FARM of Henry Spalding, deceased situate in Germa ny township, Adams county, 'Pa., about one mile front Littlestown, ou the Gettysburg Turnpike, consisting of about 103 ACRES OF GOOD LAND, improved with o comfortable DWELLING HOCSE, huge Book Darn, nearly new, Fpq Wash House, Carriage House, and all oth er necessary out-buildings. There In a well of water at the door and uspring conteu rut, wity Is good ORCHARD of choice fruit. The pro perly Is well limed and fenced, There is a tract of 42 AIRES OF EXCELLENT HEAVY TIMBER, adjoining the Farm, which will he sold with it, or in lots, to suit purchasers. Persons willing to N few the property nin do so by coiling on Wm. Spalding, residing near by. The undersigned will attend at » o'clock, A. M., on said day, to show persons desirous of purcha sing wood lots, the situation of the same. Sale to nanmenee at I 0 clock P. M., nn said day, when attmoNnee ill he given and term , made know n by EMEES Public Sale of Real Estate. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court 1 of Adams county, will to. offered at Public. Sale, on WF.IfSE , ,DAY, the Dolt dm) ofsEITE3I- B1(.11, ISiff, the F.IBM of lwainuel Cashman, de er:wad, ',Uncle In Mount pleasant township. near Gulden's Station On the Get t vphurg Railroad, ad- Mining lands of John euelintan John May, John Miller, (merchant.) and containing 80 ACRES, more or le.; 11111prOYMI with a TWO-RlOry tI'OHI'.IST 1101'SE, a go.' tow Barn, ,o WBllll House, well of peter-falling water It near the door, and a splendid young Or chant. The land ins tarn Ihned, Is In a good state of cultivation and under good fencing. There is is sultable proportion of excellent tin, her. The property will he shown to persona wish fug to pun limo , I.* the Widow ,re.idlag on it. Sale to commence nt 1 o'clock, P. M., when at tendance a 11l he alt en and terms 11114410 know n hr DR. E, .ME.I,IIORN, Gnardian for the minor children of Samuel Cash- • man, dereased. By the Court—A. W. Minter, Clerk August 2t, 1867. T . HE anhacriber .11 at Public Sale, on SATURDAY, - the lith day of STEPTF.MBER next,. LOT (IF Lk.Nl4, altuate in Irinhiown, oz ford towukhip, Admin.+ onunty, con/dating of near ly EIGHT ACRES OF LAND, improved with a good LOG HOUSE with Back-building, Stable, Shnp , Carriage ouite, &v. There Is a well of water, with Wak tp In it, at the Hi door; fence., die., In order, and a YOUNG ORCHARD • e ole run. The proper ty is eons enient to e n tea boobi, mina, Sr. Sale to commence at o'clock, P. .L, on raid da3, when attendance will be given and terni, made known by D. C. SMITH. July ?2,18137. EE3=l PRIVATE SALE Or A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS OF GROUND. —The subscriber otlbra at Private Sale, the following Real Estate, viz: TWO LOTS OF ORM-ND, - - situate In New Cheater, Adams county, Pa., on the southeast corner of the So none, having there on ereetssi a Two-story WEATHER- lARDED HOITSK, illacksin ith Shop, and ly other buildings. This property is a good Store Stand; also fora litacksmlth. There is an excellent well of water, with a pump In it, near the door, and a variety of fruit on the lots. • • Persons wishing to view the property can do so by calling on the subscriber, residing thereon. BENJAMIN EJCHOLTZ. MTE3I3 A PINE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. /ME eubseriber ofilbra at private sale, his DEBI .I_ BASLE PROPERTY, In New Oxford, Aflame county, coneleting of 5 A.CREIS OF LAND at the j i ii west of the town, near the toll-gate, Navin four building lota on the turnpike. It Is Im proved with a Twu.story BRICK HOUSE, io and Brick Back-building, a Stable with threshing floor, Hog Pen, Wash House, a U never-fulling well of water, and a splendi var e.• of fruit, of es ery kind. This Is a veil' desirable property, each flu Is not often found In market, Persons wishing to ‘ Jew it are requested to all at the premises. GEORLIE W. THOMAS. August 23, VV. 51 FOR RALE, TWO HU P IEDED LI AID TIERIY A 4SEM OF one audit half miles from a Railroad Depot; good improvements. wen *need and watered: an abundance of good timber, and so arranged as to divide well. Into two farms. I have also other farm property isr Sale, all of which will be sold low, the object being to make a division of the estate. Thaw In search of land in this section, might do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. For further information call on or address mos. N. LukoN. Wlnehester„Ya., June tf (who is agent for Heirs.) For Sale,-11 Choioe Farm, Bn a m i at h iog te nieiTiVac .a . re tt° ,_P4Olt in e A ln it glx l .rl large Bank Barn and Erica /needing; plenty or Fruit, Ate.; 2 maw; west Iron; Ciettysbunt. —• Lllo— One other very desirable FARM, containing 111115 ACII.DI; 21 acres In Timber; bundinpa good • ad joining Sondoe'n Mill propert y 6 mile* south from Cletfy.bnrg. 620 per acre will buy lid. farni. GEO. ANNOLII. Aug. 12, 1867. tf _ For Sale.—A Valuable lierobaat Rill, RAnu MILL and SAW MILL, with Ma ACRIN OF LAND, known as •Mandoe's Mill," on I t y n c,h emeh, in Adama county , Pa, 4 miles northwest from Entrnlttsburg, and 8 miles aoutk west from tictlyshurg, all lit good order, water piN er heavy, and in a good grain country, ALSO— One other MILL, known en "Heilingeni ]III]," with 110 ACR}M OF LAND, one mile front ALe hotodown, on the llnnovertuntplke. All Inkgort onler. 1.514), ARNOLD. ' Aug. 12, DM If WANTED r 1) sell, either a whole nr half in a Drw j_ Gonda More and Mernisint Difinrind fitablixh- Ittrl4f, doing a good paying husintadt. Small amount of capital required, as the present owner will .11 on easy tenon . Address P. O. SOX 31 Aug. Si, 1861. 4t NewYllle, Pa. Choice Western Preemption Lands. IHAVE several Tracts of choice Western ERE EMPTION LANEO, good locations, near Rail nada, County Towns. eke., in well-aettled neigh borhoods, which I will exchange at a fair price far real emote In Aditmil county. ARNOLD. Aug. 1Z 18117. 1r FOR SAMS. Trim to whol: n c4rt or q met annul i n A(201%. quire at B . 19101113 Dm Store, AMMO Tt, IW% tf ..•eimtuletistor = 1.1 RI(, • if Bien , • • t) ore TIMB • htowti, with all ki roved ME, new Frame Ith a well of wa rt nrol fruit. &ND, about two ntalnlng 1 5 or ao I tiv of timber. n t lOW the preini..ept nro re tie undemigned, nodding on ENLtNUEL 1). KELLER. JAMES SPALDING, U. C. , sMITH. Itlong PUBLIC SALE =I FIFTH .A.I , 4,IIsTUAI. PAIR I=l ADAMS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL NX'IETY. WILL SE HELD AT CIETTYSIBURC, Tuesday, Wedsesday, 24a, nth 17th Thurs day-days & Friday, 26th, of September, t 987. FARMERS, MECHANICS, and all others having Attrieultural, Merhanieul, Of Indristsial Implements and Product. of any kind, and elan Hors., rattle, Hags, Kneen, Poul try, Grain, Prob., Vestetablea, dr, se., are invited mid urged to avail themaelves id this Fair. The Ladles of the county are ape tally requested to con! ribute to the I` xh I b t I on. All artlcloommit boon tho groundand arranged not later than Moodily, the 21th ofoi3eptember. At ten o'clock, on Wedneeday morning, the 24th, the Judges will commence their ems/mina no., and it le eepecially enjoined that nnne but those hat tug charge .4 the art kiss, shall be pigm ent at such examiruttione and their aubsequent lelllo•ndt