be Oettpsbitt. §ampiltr 61111541 r 4111111160011, .41611'81 .13, 1867 POLITICAL OJILETITILIA Prentice says that BrownlotS has al ways been bidding his Tennessee oppo nents to "go to h—l." As they wouldn't do4t hebitsaccompllsbed hie purpose by making a hell of the State they live in. A registrar in Georgia has resigned because ho "could not see a negro pre ferred to a white man." There's evi dence of disloyalty enough to disfran chise him. We have filled a half a million of patriot graves.. We are surrounded by childless !nether§ and sisters. We have mortgaged the right hand of this gener ation and the next to pay S.l,ooo,oisi,oun. We have taken the comforts from every table.—Wended Phillips. Exactly. Anil while Wendell Phil lips',party has been thus engaged, what has Wendell Phillips Iwen doing? Rev eling In the grief, suturing, privation and death he has occasioned. The Philadelphia Press styles Con gress "the picket, of the country." It Is a mistako—they should be called the pickpockets of the country. —The Radical paper§ don't like the .address of the Democratic State Cum.._ inittee. Very naturally! No lowa,. e'er telt thß•halt. r alitaw lt la (00.1 a Tinton of the IaIN. Judge Williams, the Radical candi date for Supreme Judge, is in favor of u suffrage and negro equality to the est. extent. White men,o(yenneyl- *,,,aa, can you vote for , nch a Man The negro "voter's" of Savannah, (reorgia, have a majority of 7103, in a to t-II of 5,331. The best men Of the city are disfranchised. Suet is Radicalism. tlreeley has not one word to say_ ...tip owl. of Stanton. The Democrats orphio are maki ni); a gallant light, and are hopeful of sue- VC•I4. • A Nashville paper states that only Vf m r white man 1!) in the htlt ward of that Witv voted for Bilownlow. All the rest who voted for him were negroes. -- The Vermont kale tie bolting the re#.ular ticket, it is said. Ar.rant intends to send Mr to duly a large-number of useless army offl• ril. %elm we:mellowed by Stanton to loaf about the Capital. lON PACIFIC RAILROAD UriN 425 Mn,Es.—A few weeks since NNii noticed the opening of the Union PuriHe Railroad to Juleshurg, 377 miles Of Omaha, and me now have to re po' t its completion to Crow Creek, a pent 48 miles further west, making a total of 425' miles. Filly mike of track in uddltinn are graded.reinly for the corn: ptethm of the road to the base of the Itoekv Mountains early In the Fall. The 'Company are confident that the whale line to the Paeilic will lie open for ii11.1111P , 14 in 1870. The Indians have annoyed the surveying parties and tie cult: rs, who are ninny hundred miles in advance of the 1 oik ; but they have m holestune fear of the population that a railroad carries With, it, and all trains run without interruption. The business of the Company has been most flattering. The earnings 'for the quarter ending August Ist, weer about sToo,tion; but as the report for the last eel; in July has not been received, the exact traction cannot be given. These °amities accrued from operating an al,- more.than 3.50 miles of road, and atter deducting operating expenses, the balance is far in excess of the inter eq. obligations of the Company on the amount of bonds they can issue on that' distance. It should be remembered that till, result Is front a way business alone, thiough a new country, and is not to be with the vast through business that must follow the opening of the v. bole line to the Pacific. The success of the enterprise seems to be thowugly a+sand, and we can see no reason NI by the First Mortgage Bonds are not enti tled to rank among the best securities. Ile duly sales are now so large, that the Cempany already entertain the ide.•a of advancing the price. A N A.WFT• LiIt:AMU ACCIDENT.—chie of the most horrible reaper accidents that has ever come to our hum% ledge Oc cur! ed in a wheat field three miles smith nl the village of Camende, , in thls'eounty, on Thursday, August I. It sreins that a child hot three years of age strayed from II e lionie of its parents into t!'%; heat field, Ni Lich W:1• , near by, and fell .asleep a mong the wheat. Before long the father the child-carte along with to reaper, driving at a brisk rate. He was startled by a sharp cry, Whieb was almost In stantly hushed. Looking down to the sickle he saw what was case' his infant eh lid tolling before the knives, already dead. He instantly stopped the team and got dope to the knives. The little creature was frightfully mangled. The sickle had cut and mangled *it front its head to its feet Its face was not recog nizable, so terreesm4tad been the work of the knives—lts nose and cheeks and eyes had alitbeen lacerated. The skull had been cut through—and probably this al most Instantly killed the child„as the head was evidently the first part struck. The child screamed hut once, and then was instantly still.—Dubuque Hos. James Wilson, one of the editors of the Hagerstown Mai!, died suddenly on Wednesday week. His loss is deeply MEE A PONNEcTict-r paper says a "lawyer in that State has within a year obtained three divorces fin the same woman. I= l'or(Sti Jou cl FL. rit, Ityr. FDA:II.,. Wit IV.: WHEAT, klil) WHEAT,..... CHEN, .... lan (X) I :if) (!, 200 HI F,.... OATS, •-• BUCKWIIF.AT, HAN - , .... (' KR.SEED,. Fl.A . xsEEn t ! lirrfllntor., 1 1 01'11, W t mr, . ( oltN, 55 6 . 1. TO Ii og, 1. 1 10 00 11 00 !WEE' CATTLE, "F hand.. SOOErlO 00 HAN, t kllO 2, - , 0 0 . 230 (5 - 235 UM EIEMIE2 At .Aroodtp% Me tin the ISM !w.f., by the Rev. I). W. Wolff, Mr. PETER F. cnrm MIN, HAN NAH F. 'WARREN, both of _Woollen towuxhip, A.E;hl+ county. rjuly tith,lBll7, at the English Lutheran parson )• In Knoxville, It. F. l'roww•, Mr. JA 1. B 1.. I.ltliiT NER kt Miss SARAH. A. EPLEI, nosh 411 Knoxville, Knox counts, Illinois. in the 12th Inst.. by Rev. pr. Rancher, Mr. W. H 11.1. FR to MI.: MARY MINEHART, both Wayaearairci. nn tfla.33th uIL, at thikhouxe of Hie br Hee moth er. Io Vfnma counts - , he Res , 3f. Snyder, Mr. JOHN NEwHAFT.A to' ifle.a LUCINDA YEA i;Y, both of Halms or. In (iettisburg, on the Ith of Jukg 100. by ItPS'. Ilnedenbaugh, Mr. 1 - I.kRELY WAI)111.E. tor- Waynerthono*, to Milts JENNY OVER tIt or this eonntv. In Dayton, 111,10, on lb, loth of .Tulv, tor Rev. B W ucher, Mr. ENLEY I;. OGDEN to Mina itAk 11E1. A. tokrillELl., both fortnerl> • ni , mn.lav, the 4th at St. John Church.,more,l.y the Rev. Fat heE VRIIM, r. JOHN H It. KTUCTEN, of MAIM. vofflay, to MI. Nl-1(1.- t II DOSH,Of ratilsie, DIED. N, ar Amndtavlih, on Giegth Inat., Mnk MAR. I..IItET GRAMMER, aged el yearn s month. , and ". daps. Aliii . Weadminater Ads tante please copy. the HOth nit., near InToßtaburg. Md., :tint. viJzAtinrn ROaE, aged ml yearn a months and on the 3/1 Inst., in Adams county, MARY .1 ‘Nr., dau l thicr of Nicholas aged 7 nmntio and 19 dayn. On the 30th ult. In Menulleagtownship, MAR VIA, daughter of Wm. Petere, In the 15th year of her ore. on the with of Jaly, SI"SIVN - f4.111A1l MEADE P N a"( 4 yarn ttnd =day& - On the Bth Inst., In Freedom treattahlg, Mrs. JANE ggllet of WIIIIhon M. Scott, In the 7:kl ear or lier age. • On the 7th but In C'emberland town4l4, Mr. DAVID R. STERNER, uged 49 yearn 4 months and 14 days. On the lath ult., in this plum, JOHN WIIIILEY, eon at Joint Et Itgenfrtte, aged 9 neuntha and Eli days. On Tneaday. the Itthpt„ In Hanover, ra.,, af ter a.dna Wpm conannytion, Mr. W. Eng.iiiiett shoat an ref" ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. ::FRIDAY,. the 90th day of RETTI/411ER : 4r tract, In prdrausnee of an order of the (ti tan's C , /I.lli. 14 Adapts; county, a RI be offered at Public snle, at the late residence of David mar. bough, deceemed, the Real Estate ofsadd decedent, ronsiatlng of TWO TRACTS OF LAND, In Tyrone ma nahlp, In said orsottv; the first a Mansion Tract, tont:Lining Arne and 127 Perches, bounded by lands of Peter Trim Cr. Daniel Inv.:lm, Peter Hummer, Esq.„_and others. The TWO. .ry lAs i a, WEATHER ARDE.I) 111 ROUSE, Frame Klichen. lionhlo Frame 11 Barn, Wag= Shed. Corn Crib, Hog SOS te, Spring House, part stont• part frame, now aro. pled by a family; an Nexcellent never-falling sprine, and every one Orchard of Apples, Peach es, Bums, and Peers, of choice kinds, There Is a reasonable quantity of Timber Land, The' loot MI excellent quality. No.: , is. TRAM In the snore townsaip, containing It Acres and Ii Petel WO, bounded be lands of Peter JO ph 'rrostle, Miratel Beek, and others It Is an d, girm.l fence amt in n SlO9li store of eultivation. 'Tlit. tract In bounded by the Menullen Mud. . • . The iamb; will be ~bdwn by the family m . atting on the tirtl degaerthed tract. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 314, on ntlil day, when attendance will he given no 4 lertnr nun. known Icy JOHN HANF>i,'r. By the Court—A. W. Minter, Clerk. • Animal ANC. ta A SMALL F ARM AT PUBLIC LE.- • (AN FRIDAY, the 29th flay Of ST.:PTE . :WiIk:R., ow ki the subscriber, intending to move West, w HI otrer ut Public Ante on the premises, ha, SMALL FArat, situate In Mountpleasalit loWnalilp, Adams Man , three-quarters Of a mile north of lionaugh tow n, near the road leading front Littlealown to illlfiteratown,ndMinfilit lands .tflltiN Id Tintrich, Iletuiel link, John t art and oilmen, ormtalffing .d Al RES, more or lona, with Woodland and Meadow. The Farm Is tinder good fending. and In very produrtivc condition, has Mg molds all lees limed is tee, The improvi inetila are Two-. h ire DM; H. it l , rl , Frame Wrath.. o. erhonnit 41 Barn, nearly new, Corn erlti„T sarrhige 'Mune, slirtnr " House, and other 0111-I 01l Imo+ ; with tn./ t Cl.. !Ili! well- of water, on, at tla Imin, and tin "lll el. 10i• 1 / 1 1111, ands VOIIIIC torn lltg .kpple ir elluni, snide, Pt 411. i" PI Ars, 11111110, s Is colts enteul to ehurelies, atom., shops and lost-ufth r, rel,llle 0.11001 10 lOW II ore rewirkted to cull on the ninlonluned, Ilwreon. At tin 4 0.1.01 . Hine and place, will he often .1 TRACT 110I'NT IPS lANIJ, situate In Mr nalieu tow -.hip, .t.l.Lne. one and a hall hides aiae, lienderm Ills, adjoining lands of Pre.lerici: gel, John Quirked, tort • others, conlaming 71-2 Acre', covered ehlefly with the 114,4 of elieentil tlinher. Persons wishing to s lew it are reone.ted to cull on the-undersigned. Snip 1// 01111111'h Ip al I o'ol,x.k, P. P. n nt t~•nd:mu gI en 1111.1 fermi mndr• kllOll PETER QUICK El.. - - - Public Side of Real Estate. ON tf.ITrnIIY, the I It It day nt SEPTENI BEE, NWT, loltur..uattee of an Order of Lite Orphan et Gnarl, the suhserlhers, Administrators of the-es t:o.W John ShOOly, of !C o , deed., will oder at Pothe Sale, no the premises, the real estate of fOk r deertlent, being • A TRACT OF I; 't ND, , sitnitto to :Mount pleitinint tom uslilp, Achunn (Valli IV, near ItonanglitOm n, on the toad to lAI - litiPlllll . llg laude OI JOllll Eckyrt, )111t. them ( wend., JOllll Nook's and iltheret. Maltalaillg It t (11134 and 1 I'i:RCIIFS, 111011. or legs. Th.. liAptc., ellielit4 on e a ouP nod a half story Log Wept Indhoiirded 1I0I's1:, Double Log o. Skittle, , with Th 'reshing Floor, Stools,. !!, 1 1 [loose, will of good neter-ttilling m ater "/- iit the Amur of the liollt , •, and (helots nlno 11.1 , rhnt on the lidid. It is ,1 11/ 111% kill ill Ileilll.llllll tin der tn.! tenving. `-ti ad ot It Inu, brut hoed ii nil the hunt ii, produetlyt . Tilel .1 it , a Variet v 1,1 fruit tiee•—Amili,,l'i .ii.lll , std 1. , ,0.. Tit , propertN I , t.lll‘ t•Il lent. to t liorehes, Aellook, ming, t.tore, nod pit‘t-othee, nod m 111 he tihom o I, Ihr \ illailtiNint.,,, ri riding - woo, ihr Its the Wldom Cline, with r,lael4 on the property • Nile to comm. nee nt I tieloek, P. M.. wind. Rl tend:time will lir Khoo nod terms mode known b„r_„. PETEIt czytocr:L. JOHN B. 811F.FILY, 'll the Court —A. W: Minter Clerk. Adin'r.i. : Atigurt 21, ISit7. -1.5* Public, Sale of Teal Estate. Tauxuanee of an oft et of the Orphana fowl of A , lnnia county. Will be (Atered at Public r, on W EDNE.s D.% 1 - .11.e 10th day of HEITEM -111.7.11, lag, the ,FA It of tme! l'imhtiutn, paturte to Mounllplemmrit tOWtIBIIIP, nrne GI11111•11 . 24 Station cat, the liet tyalatrg Rail road, ail- JolnlnK lands of Jobn Callbman, Jolla May, John :11111er, rontuinlng GO ACRES, more or hew: SwprvoCcsi With a Two-story RoIAiIIV.VST good Loaf ISArn, Wash well of never-falling water !!., urn r the door, nllll It oung chard. The au,l has Ivisto lim(sl, Ss to a goal State of miles ation and under giant tone lag. flier,. Is a saitalde ',royal - 110n of excellent tim ber. The properly 11 11,114,41014 II 11/ pP1,1111•,,1•1/- 1,,0 to purchase by' ItIO Widow ,TotEltling e, It seal,' to ) 01111110neent I (i'cloek, P. M., • si hen at tend t. an 41111 1,.. gls nodl,lll , lllllde loom n bs s DR. E. MEI.HoIIN: inurllllll for the minor children of hlelllnel e'a.b m.ue, Eleetnnoti. Bs the Court—N. \f'. Minter, Clerk,. August • Zl, Iso7. .1( A FINE PROPERTY 1 AT PlirtVAiT: TIE sul,tri her ,;trers at pHs ate 'ale, his DEMI RAMA.: PROPERTY, In you Oxcart' Adam , vomit eon•lst int( of .11CliK4 OF LAND. .it the %Ao.t of the lon n, nglir the toll-tate, havilim hair taunting lots on the turnpike. It is im prove,,' With n 'lava-st4l,lmuct: Horst.', and Brink ILtek•litablint, a Statute with nu t eqntra floor, Hog. Pen, Vitudi House, a II ltller-fitlling well of water, and a ..pjendi, S onie fruiti of eiery kind. Mk in a sere y deo.rable propert;r, suet. as in not often found in market. PerWillY 10011 Fig to view It urn reSpeStr'd t.. nil Itt the prellilliPg. 0101t01.1 . TIIO3 , IAS. A.llicut4 IV% .it ! FOR BALE. rIIHE *hole or part of a ltract of Land In !Ile _I land townxidn, containing 144 Arit.tN. quit. nt - DR. It. HORNER'S Drug stun,. Attaurt 2R, IFC, it _ TIIE NOP3H AMERICAN LIFE AND ...CCIDF:Nr IXSURAXCE 1 C0.11.1.1X11 No 112 t reef, DELPILIA Capital *NIOOO - . CIVFICIFILS LEWIS L. Hot' PI% Preuldent, s, P. DARLINGTON, soe'y.itnd lueuttnort: I.ou Is L. linupt, .1. E. ' Kamm.' C. Primer, s ' - Juntss NI. I 'onmi, W. W. Kurt; *John ' 11. G. Letsettring. trbomou K. Pet, on, Woilll A. Wright. Insures personsof tub . age or nem against death, tither front DIRR .1 SIR OR .ACCI DENT at Emmet Itrdrm. All life polleles otthlN clammily are pays the age of AI; cal that a taco may caliplY the at of hiv tone t,neut hr Idet ohl nue, If Lis pmtnr (.41 Imvouct loUrsegire ♦B - HF.NRI' A. PICK.IN't.i, Fut., Gettysin the Cainpany'm Agent for Actium count. will cheerfully furnlich all lutorniation mai Angnet mi l 1%7, :11a •1 AMERICAN BE E .HI T'E. • A IN_ tlier , e i, "'ere ,sonie disappointinents e st strum. that orders he han . the ded In it In tune. so everybody wanting (Item nuiy be »comma urlthont lie will lie at the Fair at t . . here,dttrina the -entire 'four data , to reeel der,. It Is Hilt eleezin4l ! to enter I 10 50 7 dl ileserlptlon of this _very valuable Hive,valuabl as ieen tried and hauld thoroughly sal lefactor large number of certificates Will be a Fair, or may be veen at any time by en 111 the 11114,10 K. d. orders alms taken for Italian ( s lue...R. ISAAC T. KIIITIVEIt. caniberland tp., August 58 G. 70 8,00 (:i" 900 600 oi 7:0 2 00 Book Agents Wanted To &Jot Orrlees,our aN. Einem!, cI BIBLE DICTIONAR kruSII . I.ET. LX ONE IS DICTIONAXI rmlxxlhw Ihr remits °into most - recent study, research, nod Investiga. lion, Of about sixty-nye of the not eminent and ads/kneed ltllilleal liolorst now 11, lug,'l,g:e -nter, of all denominations approve It, and reined it as the Imbit work of its kind In the I.lnalvit gunge, and one within ought to be In the bands of every Bible mai., in the land, Sit circulaldnis, thin Work, Agents will find a pleasant and proillable employment. The nn- Merons objections which are usually eneonn ter ed IS selling ordinary Works will ttot exist with thor. AOO ep 0,25 aoo (4, 260 1 40 67 14. i . i 10 (4 108 But on the contntry,eneourairem en t and tad oIU attend the Agent, making his lalstrs agreeable, useful, and lucrative. Ladles, retired Clergy - men, Sehool Teaehers, Fanners, Students, and all others v, ho were. enery.w, are wanted to assist In rrimeterreng eye, Town and Courtly In the country, to x 111,1111 the ninnt.lllrernl Inducements 0 111 he altered. • • For ptrElcuLsret, apply to, or ipillreto; PARMELEE PROTTIERS, 722 gnomon Street, Anitu ttt, 1887. 6wr • Executor's Notice. TWIN I.A.WRENCE'S Fl-iT.lTE.—Letters testa e) men tar, on the es(ate 4.1 JOlll6 Low moor, late of Mormtpietutnnt tottnthip Adams manly, do 000uit, has lug INVLI grante d to tir undetsigned, residing In the sane township, he hereby gives nutter to all per-uns indebted to stud estatte. to make immediate payment, and thaw having claims against the same to mvsent them proper ly authenticated for settletOnL _ ' SAMUEL D. IAWRENCE, August V, r,[• Fz.veutor. Rseoutor's 'Notice. I ATM DIF,HLI.4 VISTATE..—Lettet , I teatarnen• tary nn the minty of John late of Cent berlatal township, Adnins enmity, Pa, d, wed, has inn been granted to the undersigned, reci line In Pninklin county, (P. ,(). Chambers horad in, hereby thee molter to ail pemong in deln in mid estate to make i i n v irlfate pay ment, and those hits ins claims a nst tine am e ce to present them properly' anthems eatall for set tlement. Almon. 24, 1867. JEREMIAH DIEHL Executor 6w Stayed Sheep. STIIATED front tha premiss. of the euhectiber In the month of July, MX SHEEP three old ones and three lambs, all white, with cropped MIN. The old ones barest piece taken out ottatett ear, underneath. Any neflum flaring taforma eon in tearful to above sheep to the .at. e rtb er • maidlns near Gettyliburg, will he soit t ihie rp warded; • 1867. 3t WM. WIBLE. .tufr. 23, iIE rush is for the Exeelalor Gallery, Ajl are T rutted ou in rotation and with dleprtten. C. J. TY.ftN.. DROTO .NIINIATI7CPS, at the iicelaler thine rir. are ...Verb oind furnished at one-third city , primal. (-Viand examine apeeimene. • e. J. MAN. "§TRAYED away front the subscribes, in kin-. ban township, Atlanta county, a lARGE ELITE 863117 with one aott. Axiir know/MOO:0;e wheteaboutgn Lietwit r lC sto k4ow. 4,0 g. NII4 81. NeiT•Miteraan .1'44-I:ZEL 133:3 A DAV IS 0017Nti AO let riALTRA L WPC FEW WILL BE FIELD AT CETTYS.BUR.C, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday h Friday, nth, 15th, 28th & 27th days of September, 1867. FARMERS, MECHANICS, and all other. having Agricultural, Mechanical, or Industrial implement. Itntl Pmducta of any kind, and also Home., Cattle, Hotta, Sheep, Pout try, Grain, Vegetable., tic., Invited and utgedlo avail themaelve. °tilde Fair. The ladlea of the minty are apecially requelited to contribute to the CZ t. All article.. tank he on the ground and arranged not later than Tuevia3 , the 24th utsepmuibcr. At ten o'clock, on Wedne.lay morning, the 2 , lth, the Judges wilt commence their.emnrutru. Rens, and it Ix expecially enjoined that , none but tie.. I 111% lunch:lege of tl,e articles, eh,df hw pees ilit at xuch esandtottlong and their init,....titieut delllwrations. JIM fee will be prompt do report ing at the nrrrelar n the nn the arohnd at the hour named. FRIDAY 31 , JRNINtI, the Irall, will Im , le , retetl to TEN-MINUTE SPEECHES PERTINENT TO THE OBJECT OF E FAIR. Farmers and nil others having airy useful In formation thus to Impart are reattest to mirth eipate in thin "tree talk." At tout o'clock, P. M.. on Friday, th Fair will close, alien persons havintaarticles t xhilittiott will he npattested to take charge of th nt, the Societe cants a it. any mom gheattention tolls it utter that taut, The ex,,,tion or the programme andpreseml thou of order ou the ground will be in the ituttd4 I'. H. ItUEIILEIt, ('Lief Marshui. Price of ndmliulon TWENTY-FIVE evntv. Tlekets for ill....atwort. I ncluthog ono veer • mem twntittp, IN i ; Life monbervliip TEN DULA ...IRS. A.rtivies and AHLIIININ for exhibition VIM IN tninsporteil over the Ceti } sburg It F aliroaol REF' OF CHM/M.:. A ❑Loral urlDmven u •ni %11l be 'salute P.r portatlon over the Itallrowl of visitor+, to and from the fair. S.V.MUEL FIERAST , Prmident. WiTJJ MCSIIERKI, Vlee PrCsklettt .1. P. WIT111:1: , , W, K FAIINESTOCE, MeerPtarV.' II J. KTAIILF, (or. W.m•turr. .., . . JoNk• HArANZAILM, Tn. rer. MANAGRIRK WILLIAM B. WILLIAM 'TALE, Tons trll.l.t.L.ts. litvrn AVius. Aug, td _ - THE UNION PACIFIC IiAttOAD CO. THEIR FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS AS .1 V ISt ESTME3T. , THE mph] progreas of the Union Pacific Rail road, nox building tryst front Omaha, Nebraska, and forming, Nt lib Its western connections, an tuttiroken line ;olio. the continent, attracts at tention to the value of the Find Mortgage Bonds which the Company now offer to the public. The first quuodon asked by prudent Investors la, "Axe these bonds secure?" Next, "Are Up n profita ble in vestment?" To reply In brier: It. The ragly rompletion M the whole greet line to the ilk is as certain as any future bus fue.s event ean be. The Government mutt of as er to enty million acres of land and City mil lion dollar. In Its own bonds practically guantn tee. It. One fourth of the work Is already done, and the truck cont I noes to be laid at the rate of tun tones a day. 211. The Fnion Pacific Railroad bonds are issued upon what promises to be one of the most profit able line, of railroad In the eountrv. For 1111111% years It moot be the only line I:011 raveling the t hintie and Pacific; and being without compel i- Pion, It can nmintain remunerative rates. t:1 mil, this road are finished, and fully (4'1111,1.1 with depots, locomotives, tars, . S. RXEME d Co. !minded on the hags, none Other genuine. Aug. Tl, 14t1. 3m VALUABLE FARM AT PI:BLIC SALE N SATUBIjAY, the Iftlt day of :SEPTEMBER next, by virtue of an alias Order of the Or- Court of Adams CO., the undersigned, Ad ministrators of the estate of Samuel Gilliland, deceased. will offer .f Public Pape on the premi ses, [het:dim., puff described Rrnl Estate, THE. MANSION FAItM, situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, Pa., on. 110 le east of Heidlersi•urti, adjoining In cols of Peter Miller, Daniel Bream, George M t n k l e r, George Fidler, and others.rountining 911 tCRF_S, MORE OR I,Ess, - with a large proportion of Woodland and a stiffi ciency of Meadow. Tin. Land In In a productive condition, and the fenrcsan: In Ronk repair. The Improvements area Tw,,.story ROUGH CAST lit tl`r.F., Log and Frame Barn, Horse stable, new Wagon Shed and Corn it • Cr,!,, new H,,g Pen, and .. Spring House, ha,. mg a never-tailing Spring, with a primp in it, adjoining. Hater in nowt. of the fields. Persons wishing to view the Farm, nee regnant. ed torall on t he Administratrix, residing thereon. Sale to continence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by S tit tll G 11.1.11. kNP, FREDERICK qI: ICI: EL, Ad rit'r. By the Court—A. W. Minter, Clerk. August it, leb7. is ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. IvTN mice of an order of the Orphan's Court Adam,. cranny, will be offered at Polak. Male, on the premise% on P.kTI.7I[PAY the 7th day of REPTEMBEK next, the Real katate of Judith. .3alligher, der...need, eokatating of a-- TRAtT OF LAND, altuate in Jionntplesa. ant town...lap, Adana county, on the public road leading from MeSherrystown to Runteratown, adjoining lands of Henry Creager, Henry Pan. den., and Allan - my Small, improved whit a one and a half 1.011 HOVMP„, Log Stable, well of water and some fruit trees. Male to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by FIAMISP...L A. BUTTH, Executor. By the Court—A. W. Wrenn, Clerk. Aow. 911, TO-keuP 4 z7t buy Yaw Viakirelko Ut. Platuiliody,; -... Fancy do., .. H rralts, MAL m 4 ; ,Utt . lu le iCraelEftra,. ° ,_ ..., - 4 Wine Ellooilta, ic ; g ft ? etioo:pn ,10., It. ; Woo, 'I is. 0 , rick ex, et: - 0 Iliqraltueu, .?.... .1 .. . tolutent, Chow-Clow, . f.. / 1 I Fire Works. IPacket Ilooka, B/ n 1 ,Sateludp, ~. o 1 11liaill:',"1 a ! W 1 1 . 1 p e r Toyit : .:; !... --g r I l Soapt, ['nob., o'j -, tli II , L itrruthew, itt ~, I Pen. , & Venell , t, F -C. Wl, rherot, rocket cutlery, , - 4 a JParrlrs., , ' oat I , Writing Pawn., o. ; Envelopeo,„ 1 FLOUR, GROCERY & NOTION STORE. JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE , the 11)/111, intreEltY dt. TION ki $!N19 , 44, at the out Aland, In York aireet, auhuirtitar the filiAhrt Inn, I:ettynburg. U'lth a lull Sari. ty, loin . awl eve eV dpoxitios. in plea., lir hoprii to errirlt n mil litittnnee or public patrollni&. The beat of FU 1l II fila ars on hand—part lenlar attention paid to tub briLnch. Also, llama and , liacon, Fish, Potato., Dried Fnalt e%er", ktnd, witll a ehoice ,aarirtraent of 31..10 mark, Sv u b ra, 'olicen Tcaa, .00late, hph eh, halt, I reit, lilt, I. lour, Oirthe - tructa, purr 11.1 re 1 I netrar, , A full Ilne lOW 0, also FIR,, FIALIna, Prunes, ate common mut hurryStxnte , , Perfume r% , and Ml} , 1111.11iite nr N.,tl.,ng; the nlefttt gte -0.411,r, 11l :.Mll-111ileel, S Irlety that must he Meril.til be ledFfeeillied lie must jut lon,t to mention his Segars and Poisons the (cry hest brands, Illow-x are, t:res Iterv-ware, itmnms n Brushes, Coat Ott oral On lastups , -ann thousand ot her articles, not to be enumerated in a new spinet ads ortisement. Call and ex.uulne gds and prieeu, and you will b• •ure to Ilad It to our Juterek to buy. Lt=ii New Grocery and Flour Store, MEALS & BROTHER, "HAVING opened a GROCERY, FLOUR and V hi:T.:TABLE 5T41111,, In the Room form r lv oiseupied by Oeo. 1,1114 , oil Went 31 oldie stow?, they extend an Invitation to all havers to gh them a all. Everething in their line ' fresh titan the and eountry,wlll be kept on hand They are fete: alined to sell no cheap an the eheapeni, and on they only .tali the lowest 11% tag profits, th, v hope to ne rit and reeelve a bliend share of pub'', parroting, 11 EA I.S S 101141. Aug. It, lOn7. If Secure a Large Wheat Crop ME= BAEGH'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE. \\ ' ILICII 4•Prof..l.,noW len Piggott, 3.7.1 per rent. of Ammonia dud 11.1.57 " Rome Phosphate of time, ta'aideu rmer 14 per rent. ott4011111111: 4 .11, This Artielu stands prominent on the lint ot valuable Fertill /PM velrg of trial having gained for it an etIVIIV•11' reputation. Being mrole front Raw Bones, which contain nil their original raga Me matter, It retain. the Pomba. Pro ern of Born., roof it halr produces large rm." e 1 rrotorales aod prroanirolly imprarra Mewl/. A TRIAL IF IT I• All. THAT In NETWEL to COD vine,. soy ”:14 . 4,1 Its u? k•at mera, The public are wulloneti mraim.t soventl qptl rlouni Imitallonsof I Ms art lele ndl.vl "flaw "Raw Bone Phosphate.," ate. Many Fa nnera har.• been wally decely ell by pUreitnAlinn BIM!, Be sure to bpecif;, .•11A.UGLI'S. ' It la pocked in Bags and Itarrela, anal 14 pre , pare.] In a nue pox der mutable for drilling. Send for a (jr. War to me or my . agents, Mininfarturrni I, - No,. 97 & t s What f, .I:llltimore,Mel. ai,o — For •41‘1” CrI.P EARNSHAW Ch•ttv burg, Pg. Aug. V., BC. :11n $3 00 TO $5 00 PER DAY. A“F.NTS WANTED FOE 111 E G 01,DE V P I; X =I TllF -SF, perm Pell rapidly w here er Introduced, to all ebigAl`ft of people. Are lull - equal I. the Odd_ pen for ea.... and beauty of More dell/Wand drtroble than any ,teel pen ruanufae *Need. Will not eorode. Send for nample box' Only LI wino, or two hocea for 50 vent, No. I for general use. No. 2 for ladle , , Sehool. and ehol, e pruntanshlp. Sent fm' of postage. Money re funded 11 they I. 11 „ t give natlnfaetlon. ,Addrean M. V. It. COWEN, Lafayette, Intl. The followlne IqU•sumple of llontlrel4 of letters indu sunin, tt :10 hate onlers4l these Judi,: Porrivlt t v. P S., July 15, le.T. M. V. II I . ..tins - oln., Ind. • • Deur Blr•—rh.• !pox of No.l pen, ord, red me some ten days sitn e has seem d, and,/ it... so mt. h pleaQed nit It them that I hav es 01MelUilea to mice no Agency tor their sale, so far, ;it least, us to onler three cro , s No. 1 and one gross No. 2, for which I enclose your price to Agents. .1.1. dress. Rev. SID:FRIED. Warruntvd to I tat the (Imes na long, and give Iwtter saill.tact lon titan MIN' -644 pen mantiga - t urd. tiend eln slur of tcattmontals Iron Proter-aors of r••( hoots and ('olleg.o, and front prom went nu , lmxv /101121 e . ,. Aug. 21, Ng. .111:1 "BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI:" A Omptctc History of the New, ,Sycites and Territories, from the Great Riter to-the Great Oeean. .\ ',BERT 1). RI( 11Allp,ON. OVER 20.01111 collES .01,D IN oNi. MoNTIt. LIFE Adventure on Pralriev, 3fountaina and the Put.llle Vosat. With over lOb Descrip tive and Photographic Views of the Sernerv, Cities, Lanai, Jlint,, l'eople and Curiosities of the Nets ,to les and Territorialt. To prole elk that , t.ttier4 in ills` "Fur West,' this lilgtory of titat vast and fertile region wilt pr 0 ,... nu invalnat,i, ire, log us it doe , nw.Uit long felt of a full, authen tie and rehahle guide to ,lonate, produeLs, Ituxuat of tnA eel, ctre. to. .IGF:N'TS W.l.NTl:D.—tx^nd for Cireulnn and Nee our terms, .Lllll A run I tppthin ul lite %%urn, Addrnss NATIONAL PUBLIssHINO ( 507 Minor St., l'hiludelplink, Pa Aug. 21, 1X,7. an• ASTROLOGY. The Future Itettaled.—lhe furious Satisfied, To Bean ant Mile I fl•rtUll, trii— llelleve lie 1 rail do it a 11. Cottle !Olen. dour, awl to t er fear A little wholesome truth to likar. During a realdeitee In Spain, 1 obtained of a Spanish aoeiere or astrologer a lii% nth, hi..tru. went called .‘ lioriweope, lIV whlll, eoinbtned 01111 a lin x e.. kilo. n only to rayaelf, I an. ena bled to pnaluee .1 eorrevt portrait of YOl v it FrTt - Rt: WIFE OR IirSII.IND, abio the date of marriage, tattle, character, real. deneeand et rry part', War. This In tin Intpood tion, tesillnionlabi without nuirMer, tonort. By stating plate of birth, age, odor of hair, and enelo.iing Petit' and ataniped envelop ad dreaxell to yourself, von re.lve (lie picture by return mail, with dealer! Information. Ad ds..; in eon tide!. e, J. F'a tNeict.ts. IPruwer 50,1'0ViiHKEEPSIE, Z , f. Y. Aug. lair/. 1w PRIVATE BALE. - 111111.: undersigned °trent Ills peoliert3- at private 1 sale. it entiststs of a Ill'Arr OF ha Siralsin totruship, .t 4 tains county, tate mile east of IltpiterNtown, having thereon a one . and A half Ntory ill it with bl tik e Back-building, ennoke Hunts, W/1141 7{011,11", /I, well of water near the door, awl a varity of fruit trees. I'eraonsa tailing to view it are rrlinested to toil tin the subreriber, resitting thereon. .1 - 11,NItY 11A11.31..1„N. 'fl, 1047, Pennsylvania College. i 54,410 n iii chi. Institution will min i_ men, ou the alt.]. of REPTI•I3II lit Eli, 1%7, mid continue thirteen weeks. int-ror i uta and other information ad &n Itgv. 11. L 11.1.1rGHE1t, MOIM= . , Principal Preparatory liep't Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 1%7. :tt Gettysburg Female Institute. re,,l,zzvnzwnlrywm corn -1 TENItiElt, ,rieptehthr 9th.l For it:dor - motion oonrerultur the school, apply to MIN. IL M. R. EYSTER, Prin., I - Mks M. A. LONGWELL, ' or t WM* R EYR, A. M., A 1. 4 ,1111118 GettYqbUM Aug.l*" lEß . WANTED rllO 1.11, It her a whole es half Interest in a Dry I i:0/d4 More and .Iferchant Tallorfray Artablish arnt, doing a good paying Walser.. Small amount or ...pital required, no the present ou ner will all on easy terms Address P. 0. BOX 11 Aug. 23, ie47. 41 Newville, Pa. ELECTIO7I AN Election for 21 Manage, of the "Adam. County Mutual Fire Itootran, Company," will he held at the 011ie. , of the l'omporsy lit (let tymhu rg, on 'MO:: l Y, the 2nd cloy tiErTEM liElt next, between the boon , of Vend I o'ekx It, P. 31. Inch member being cotltled to one vote for melt Pollen held by him. ez The Executive Voimnittee will meet At 10 o'clock., 4..3f. on Kohl Ala n. D. A. BUMMER., See' y. _ .: Atig.2l, 1067. hi HOUSE PAINTING G.MROF: A. 'WARNER, HOME, PAINT.FM, South Waahthgton at,, Oethusburg, GOOD WORK AND RODERATE PRICES. * Jul.! tik 1867. Attention, &eaves ! THE "Gettysburg Zonaveet - will meet Mr Drill and biw:mem rry TI .:SLAY and FRIDAY EVENING, at 6 o'clock. at the Court-Home, un til otherwiae ordered. By order of the Captain. IL. EYSTER, Q. N. Aug. L, lan. if G O E to DIIPTIOILY HOMLANII, %a boy gpotainntre obo, at z g , t ri kr koWl 1 4 4 tnieiribe Diamond, Chi t or, yn. v FARM 'AND MILLS, ON TOXITREEK AT PRIVATE SALE. rri, l l 44 .Ru ot ,b g rZo, i f, p lgtog to i tij:oontinoo tow HIGHLY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, altnatenn Tonin itrrek, pertly In Many , county, and purity In rredeelek munty, 3GL, nn the Wikyta..borti turnpike, two miles wteit of vonkintlng of a tint-rule FARM, MIMS, WOOD-LAND, &C The FARM which in under good cultivation and good terming, contain,. gay 111611 v ACItF.S, with tine proportion.. of Meadow and Timber. Tee Impmvententa are a lame eITONE ]IAN NION with Bat k-bnildings,three Tenant 1101140 ,, , Lange Bank }Lana 1.56 b.l !! 102 feet,' Wagon hhed and Corn A rib, ar ringge Hone, and other out-buildtm,,; a 11, (T -rolling well of wdter nt the kin hen dear, and neverdhilingapring between the house and barn. There are is.,. thriving young APPLE. OR MARIN on the premines, n ith n a tine* Mother trait. Alao, A FIR.4T•CLASi GIUSTI& MERCHANT MITA. IND 8.1 W MILL, or, It conkant stream of water, a Rita tine run of enstole: Cooper shop, Miller's Huse ; and other out-buildings, There 1, LINIFIsTI)NE on the Fang: lit )addition to the ebove, the stilwerther offers 200 . CBEs; OP TIMBERLAND, well set to ualole 1:111 her, adjoining the Form. The in kprovernents w LLIt MO or chore acres ran ho./oought sepandelv, or all together, as the par don., or purehusers Indy desire, For further infonnation Inquire of the sutseri lx.r, twilling on the premises. Jt.P4EPFI P. MeDIVIT. Jill 11, PlO7, PUBLIC SALE (IP V.A . J.I'ABLE D REAL AN PERSON.L FS 1, T 1.1-Ith WED': r_.toA , ShIPTI.MISCIt I, Pgr, the lindendimed will hell at Public. Kale, on the prennaes, the following valuable Rea I Ehtate, v ci. A TRAIT oF LAND, attuated In et.rrott enautv, Mcl., vontatntna.loo mon. or lcK. The Ic opt, N Mt (Ito then - on el entell lung Tao-story Wonther lamrtled 1/WELLINI • 11! / g 1,041 111 n Ni Iti :di the here out-Inithlinga„lPl a Food llrchard of elall‘e Iron, a never- II caning Spring of root! n /10 I mar the tin el ha. 'l'luar ale lln tilt. land 30 urt en of Timber, 1112,1 thy balance Is laid nn 12, eons cialent II) Itlx, running 41 Myr In all ramp) one. Ala, of li. 1160% e tru.t d 011,...) It, and tell ,) , •re lore, Thi. , 12, opelly -eltElith or II Milo t•ll.t or Flat n, t , 1111)11•x tit 01 Tall, tatty n, 7 ruilk, UI 1.1111,5t011 11, nal 411111111 2 Mil.. of the suit , lof the Fledc:/k allti lin, , 1,11- r, on% eulunt torhun !awl lionNes, no , t 0t1i,, , ,111 bt phr2, on Ill,':Ir.! ,k to/l/rr next, 1 t~xo dent rd. 11,0, at tilt, use that :111c1 place, at be !told, the following . ..Mt:able Personul Propertyvly: I 61.11/1 NG.-61:AT IVICKAAVA .11 .11.1.11NES.t, 'Mood Afare, 4 two of them fresh, I Pull, 4 l'at I I teg.. Alm, Wheat Corn, the and (Mtn by tilt Patrol, to loan of Timothy hay, it tons of Clover mid Nlinl4loW tiny, n lot of heron and 1450,1, I 6lmt Gun ; W Iso I Beds and Bedsteads, Bureaus, cliatrg elte6ts. Template stns e, Copper Kettle, Iron Kettles, Eight-alny flask, together st fill at s mgety of f fOnsellolti tr i al Kitchen Ent Isi tar, has numerous to mention. mule to etanntt nee nt 111 tit bat;, .1. 3f., en said ibis. slits, attenthinve be given and terms In Ph Laos: It Ity El= SITES A RARE CHANCE A FARM IN STRABAN TOWNSHIP AT l'12111,14: SALE. (IN SATUTLD AY, the 14th 1,1141,• niStatTEMltlat V/ next, the Nuheerlber, Executor of the lit will and ier-tnnlent of numuel Herlll2l.ll. Will otter ut Putelle Sale, on the prentl.e, TILE. FAlt'l lute of said .leetstlinit, situall• in Mraban township, Ad., is emitity, ra., :.. miler honk Gettysburg, and 1 mile Irma Hann; r.t..ition on the licit..., burg . ILO ir, mid, adjoining hinds if A. 11. Itin hire V. m ,talholitili, dolut st.ile and the undemign. ed, eontitintint 11.113 1 , 1 W . ,, more or le , s NMI large proportions of ex . .c..11..zit Wtsalland and .31.....105k. The tarty In unit r go67. tit Atiniinixtratur. Assignee's Notice. A ,Tli j' heret' Isis en that .T. Fu 11l; 0 1 31ountpleasant township, Arlan. vo., has made a t oluutary assignment for the benefit of eitsilloN, and that the under.igned, residing In Conowago township, has heen appointed As signee. All iwritiVlll4 indebted I. suit are pmuentod to maise itionodlate pa) meld, 111111 those haying - claims to pr,neut them for settle ment, to DAVID J. MANE, Jul) 15, lid 7. toe Assignee. For Sale,--A Choice Farm, ,_TN a high state of eulllsation; 281 Aettll . 4: 10 El bushels of Little to the acre: :Ina, re. In MU her; I lam, Bgni; Warn and Brick .1)xellIng; phut) of Fruit, ' Lilt, DWELLING IftICSE, our Mid a half story Lug Tenant House, I t a new Double Barn, a; fort long, Wu- gun Mont and col, crib, ciiriiiigr Her; Mari, and nil other out4adldings, with two splendid young Apple Orchards, and IL Rein rat variety cot fruit, grapes, die. 'there Is an exMlent well of never-failing water hem yen the house and barn, The fanel Is under gru n t cultivatiOn, and highly produ. tive, The !owing is good, mostly hestult rolls, There ale doe Koportlons lit tine timbu and meadow Thi• Fulm arns Samuel and Anthony I 4.ardortl, I henry Hof nen and other',: is (Mills relent to churches, school houses, stores and mechanic shops, and, on the whole, a very de,..trable property. Ali wishing to view It are reone.ded to call on the subNcrtber, rudding thereon. I=l PUBLIC SALE. TllEmarcerth..nyla Eneelltoll,a ill sell at Pub- Ile Sale, on SATURD.IY, the 2lnt, day of inEP -11.:Allil. It mixt, Cl. thepreini,.. Till: FARM of Venue Spaltlinc, In Germa ny Town-Inn, kaanin comity, Pa.. .knout title mile from I.llll , itini n. on tho UN slairg Turnpike. of &nail 11.3 )11 . 1.01)1)LAND, Inturos...lx,lllln. iiinlortniile DWELLING I.trge Bank Barn, ...In new, '% atilt l'arrlarti nial nil obi- 'Pi Thoro in a 11 *ell of at tin 0111.1111.111, Hit il it Komi oRiIIALIVoi eholevfmill Tin pen pert, In well ii to l and lezteed. Tliere Ina Ire I ot 45 .1. 'lty, Of' EXCELLF.NT 11FAVY ail Joining Shp nalit, in hitil in ill lie soli! w Ith It, or In lot.. M snit pun. Mown.. Velma, w ihMmx In vl. w the proper t) eau du so by alling on NI 1111 ...Wing near It,, The ninleimqm El n3ll allvial tit t o eloek, A. M., on mild ,ho, to shut pernioni, 1114111 . 011/4 of pun Ins -511114. 111,4141 loth, litv• Mil of the ~.5,,.,, m i1e 1., comment, Ili I it mini day, When AltlelltillllVe xlll is• gin en and tern. made Ism,yll Iq MEM A VALUABLE FARM, In flnmiltonb•m totrwhip, Adams county. Pa., =I sulosertber. hrtring n•moset to the 1 ullctw at Pro.nte sale, qb.,. situate lit tiuntiltontnut ttiws,,ltip, Adams MAID - I y, Pg., one mite trout Fairfield, troutain lug about TWO If T"Nitltltl) . tothontng lands of Joseph i'ulberlson, With. crow, and tdhers, ant) 1ift,11314 thereon a n e arly new TWO-I , t4WV Stone DWELLJNfi HOUSE, with Two-miry Kitehen. a near- 60 Iv new Hank 41/1111, Wagon Shed and 'or, c o r,h, and °flier ut-1)1111,, it never falling well of x inter al the thaw, and wntio in all the fields There is lot the preottms a first-rate youth: APPLE I dttli Alt it, lust corning Into full toaring, wit h other !not ~,Ilnorent kinds There 1. aha, on the farm a Ta oeoort Log TENANT HOUSE,, with Si tide, owl tut en ellent Orchard eonneeted n Ith the ,onn, The land is In a tle , niteof enithfttion, baying all been limed, stint the tette. , are almost ez elle.ively t•lteet it rail ilia!, nee, school boneett, qoor. sas I el, stints :Mope, are runs enlent —all' within a - tile. Beretets wl , l nil to view the promisee, are re tmeettel• to oft on Dense Hereter. resisting tin Mor , ll ereok. •it r. Bream e taNern, ts ha will ..los the prg.p.rty an i state term , . Jo NIL BAUMGARDNER. COMB Elll=l3 A FREDERICK COUNTY FARM FRIV A ri: sAt.E. FOR SALE. T\\'O mDtTOTUSRES OFiMELaTZ =I one and a half miles from a Railroad Depot;. good linpro,venicuts. well fenced and Watered; an abundance in good timber, and no arranged as to divide well let. two farms. I have also other farm property f(4 gale, an of which will be sold low, t he object being to make n division of the estate. Those In search of land In thin scene°. might do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, For further information, call on or widres.. 'fl-I.OR. N. LurTos, Winchester, Va., • Jane 24, 1667. tf (who in agent for Helm.) RORO: !d4Y ,1031,141:1141)46134 IWILL 1111 M.• Teachers at tlae f..110a mg Ilithled (Imes and Plata..., wit : •ttraban, iliinterstou ii..luxust I, a a. in. lief, lino A Hain pnon. Hampton. Aug. a. 2 p. on. Illimilton, East Berlin, .I.ugust 9, 0 a.m. Berwick 11.. r., (.town, Aug. 9, ip, m. Ileewh k tw p , Elder's S. IL Aug. 10 . 4 a • in. I • Nell %ng. 19 . 7 p. ni. Rutter, 111.1111etown, Aug 12,'9 M. Ilendersville, Aug.. 13, 9a. in. T 3 rune, Heidlersburs, Aug, 11,9 a. in. I'etersburg, ug. 15, 9 M. M. Latlinure, State R , gul S. H.. Aug. 13, 2 p. M. l'onowasu, NtoStierrvenn, u, .lug. 16, 9 a:nt. l'ition,Seitildt•s S. IL, Aug. Is, t p. M. I.lttlestoWn, Aug. 17, In a. ni. ilernlany, 1101,1 en's li„ Aug.l7 11p. on. 31oritx as. If., Aug. 24, la. in. Highland, ('hare 11 S. H., Aug.:ll, 9 a. M. Hamiltoriban, Fairfield, scpt. 7, a Liberty, fint3 sena S. IL Sept. 11, 9 O. ni. t'untherhind,.Nranialliclieol-rooni, Sep.2l, 9 a.m. IdountJoy, Two Taverns, Sept. Lti. 90. M. Iforintpleasant,lirush Rutt.S. 11., Oct. 5, 9 a. m. Franklin, Hllituwu. Oct. 12,9 a, m. It Is ver3 desirable that DireetorY should attend the. , examinations, The public am also Invited to attend. It will e see, that a few of Cheap pointments area little earlier than usual, the for which will beats en at the proper time. AARON SHEELY, GettrYburg, Daly IS, 1867. CY.. Supt. NOTICE trlfF, soly.erlber. baying thoroughly' reptiml 1 LIB f4rl-rt and gas' Mill. formerly "Mennen ny', 3101, ' on Mar.l. Creek. prepared to do f: and SAWING on, eri kind at Pthort notice. He mdlelta the patronage of the neigh borhood and 0 tll gtianantee altialbetion. Give hit t a call. GEORGE OINCiELL. June'lo,lAGT. tf 300 nrShEL EGYPTIAN SEED WHEAT., FOR nor vlitlety • ylel4lm molh not apt to fall: ripen., early; and entirely free illllO 4/1.. 13 per btialbel. IEI=EI Adininistrator'a Notice. ESTATE OF ANDREW J. 14.111T11.—Letten of tutrnixdstration on the estate of Andrew J. Smith, late of 31ountplelikint twp., .Idums co., der d., having town granted to the undersigned, residing in Littl.down, he hereby gives notice to al i t a t:rr o ne fntlt e theme 7tenzake imme thesruetop uitingmß against a r,ent them properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY 1.. HEMLEIt, Aug. 12, he/. at Administrator. SHINGLES E 11111.13: SITINGLES„the best In we market, for .Ie of I.I(XAS :411E,Alfilti nom. Lumber Yard, on the Hatimid, adjmn MK the Lune K I Get tymburg, Kay. :311, lABC, tr W/48TEIIN LANDS 141 . IAVE home valuable WESTERN LANDE width I will trade for one or more FARMS In windy. The lands are weßbaented.aVM 6411.b1e ft' terming. BarlyapatvAlfti J. lIITIZMENHW: OPtSinVirtin. April a. MI, If SELLING OFF!!! FIRST SF:MI, 4 :TN UAL S.I LE FOR ISC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IC., IC'., Our whole Hummer Mort marked down, RE. GAILDLESS OF COST, and tom alto aa per cant. 1,04 than Muhl' pitons, our otieot bens to turn Into cash Goods that would otherwls► lh, on oar .heiVe4l, and to make ranee Are Tr lamest Mick 4 = French Lawrot from 22 to 35 centx Mosomblques from 3 too) cent. Moluxtr Luatrea from 23 to 40 eenta. Wool DoLanett from p to 70 cent. Aiparaq from to ill mnlx. EZ=l 3,000 33ttl, Iletutnen from tr,t to Oi 5,000 yd& ()Wean from 8 to 18 twit . Blenched ')lnxltng 1 ynrsl wih , from Itoc, to ==! 100 dos. Cotton Hosiery from t2'41020 rent... 50 dos. Ladles' fllores from 10 to 40 mth. ===!/1 Haltom,. Trbrining4, ,Edglikgx, Collars, 1411 k Nett,. Insertions, Ile., will all be sold at a great Inft. 100 dos. Linen llankerelliergLrolii 0 4 to tr, '.1.) doz. Hoop 4htrta will be wild at halt price. Coig(merely all wool, from 70 cents to !130 Jean+, Coltunutles, &r., from 18 to 40 cents—on ly Auction Prieeu, ehertper thun before th Ticking:4 troth M to 40 cents Sheeting:a, Tawellnirg, Table Clotho., &e marked down 40 per cent The lamest. Stork of Quttu■-ware and Glows I= ware In the county offered at New York prieo6. Telll4 thlnt 90 to 00 rentio. Full Tell C=! A child can incl al: cheap as the moat elp• I:9==! July .?2, INB7. WAR DECLARED JAM LS SPALDING, 1 , . C. Executors Far 1411ka, Alpaca. and Mahal's For DeMines, ebonies and Lawns For ( IngharruCand Linen For Mnalino, Bleached and Fablearned For Ticking, Blnl-eye and Crash For Flo n nels, Hoop Ski rtA and Flafmondi For Cheek., Table-Linen and Ruckabark; For Hurtling, Quilllmr and &kiln I= For fland korrh leis . SI orki mos and Gloves; For Clothlt, Corwlmer. and Jeans For Cotton.lea. Lineux and Tweed“ For Trunks, Carpet-Sacks and Whips For Umbrellas, Razors and St rap.. ; For unto and Glover+ of every kind For WI k hula of Cod at force! rr 'rex July I, ls&7. tf JL. FCHICK Incite. the attention of hie , (Honda and eu•hanera to It/w large and ,Fell selerted stork of DRY GOODS, Compri/tea In port of French 31erinoes, AU Wool Bolding All Woolltelulnes, All Wm)! Plaid., • Plain Poplinti, Black and Fatter Silks, • Tatubto Cloths, Black & Colored Alpacelg, Black elntlut and Ovenwares, FallCy ratothaterea, Caegineta, Jeans, • Flannebt oral! kinde, Glove. and iitockinlP/ I=l as Well am an abundant variety - of Notions, all or which will be mold chump fur caali. J. L. SCHICK. April 15,1%7. The First National Bank OF 6ETTYBBURG ALLOWS INTEREST OX DEPOSITS GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Canrerfa 7-30 :Voter into 5-20 U. 5: Bonds (Mien solicited rind ,promptly attended to April io, 18a Gettysburg National Bank. GOVERN3DLNIT BONDfi OF ALL ININUEN--- COMPOUND lA A ' " TEREST NOTES, Orders for purriukee and eale of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL DE POBl2B, at 3, 4 and 5 pbr cent., socardlas to length of time of deyBBBlL J. P2LORY BAIR, (Ashler. April 8, 147. Magnetic Salve and Fluter. Tay baying been " Ir lar e taugreec ined tl ow othensi y. at to the tars:La of ra .W -too many tumor:Ws wbo are daily ladta= ik testify to Hemlines' virtues In the early damn of Couromplian, Cbugha,loral RheautaUna, Yoserairfa, Jaw and Math Aeht, Weakness and Pat: in the Bark, Nide and Kidnna, thneer, .4,141n1a, Old Hare; likbampriat, Fresh troundr, Burns,. irreftev, bore or 80 - mord Bread', harried The, Carr., Kantor., obr., It. mysterious virtinea, sad the wonderful carer it has performed might be published; but the discoverer to willing to rely on Ito intritsile mer its, In ardor to Introduce it Into every family In the eou prepared only by the proprietor, 25.1 E. 'Lombard Rtreet, Baltimore, and ;gold by BI lEHLER, Tr. R. 1:101LNEB, and J. S. FOILNEY, thstlysburg, and by the merchants of the county. RErSuatierES:—Henry Culp of P. Andrew Schick , John Winebrenner, J. L. Schick. airiterebarits tom get a auppb , by calling at J. WINII3R ir. NER Sat Whale Prices. AIWA. l hY• WIL Near Gottyabrinr, Pa LIRIIE HAM-. drat quality and reasonable in 4. emit* had at Aim wasans. ITIMITA4.I% calm, nt :,•70{t Tt4', Cbmweevices jfaiday, July 264 d, And will be cautlimed Tarty Dart. .MRS THE PRICES! DUPT-ILORN & MIFFMAN, N. W. eor. of the Square, Gettyaburg, Pa "To Whom It May Concern." AGAINST HIGH PRICES! RE IT KNOWN, That = ROW dt WOODS, Corner of the Diamond and York' street, (lettyl.burg.Po, MORE NEW GOODS. ==! I=l Buys and sells all kinds of GOLD AND SILVER. CM. ARNOLD, Cam!tier SEVEN-THIRTIES DOI:1MT AND SOLD. promptly executed. DR. L. J. GROVE'S DEMEZEI CALL AT THE NEW STORE, Opp of the Come Mouse, UETTYRIVRO, PENN'A NKr GOODS AND LOW PRLCRIII prir tmdend gnivt have opened a new Dry 1. Woods More, In rendleheetn_hallaing, court dlreet ly °operate the Cou HOW*, BIBIUMare 111$141V1, Getlyeburg, and Mart with a splendba steely em bracing everything to be lama In a, finketam era tahllehment. BoUght her rash andlit the latest Beeline, we am ofibr bratillaGt. thatPi UM allo olli t , every one. (bniaatid ere for yourselisnand row will End what we here may verified. With gond - Goods, email profit; and Oar and Wake Mains', rre ahall endeavor to deserve, what we moat reepeetfully oak, a liberal share of public palm], a Vt ; e oiler a line assortment of • utorti24, emwDiERF" Cn tonedee, Vontltirt, Gloves, gus,peodets, Nest Ilea, and evervthingelee'lu the Lientlenten'e line For the Lanes we have SILKS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, Heine.,Wanes, Glas, CaMmes. 1/10V P 6, Parasols, Reap Kahl; letta, Hooder), White Geode, with Whatever elite me y be celled .118 n, a largo - Mork Of lILTIMANR, 811F.E7ING8., TIOKINOM, otettettnie Rueone , ware. Thrthrelbut, Window Cal Si 'te e li & Ca et the e. ," More, opposite the Court Howe , iuut examine the Mee k, beetle* purehaitlng els& When% RKBRAT & sixtoTr. Aprll 1.1., _ _ _- NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING A 7' RR TYNIER HOPPA STACKS OF THEM! frith an urnis 4 ) umly altractlve sumortmeet of w CLMIENG FOR &Murk/ & SUMMER WEAR which he will sell ut ouch prices as cannott,,. fall to take mein off very rapidly. Call and Judge for yeuntels es. To look at the excellent inattwial, test end rUltille, tlid ,teat aml subsist:Ole' sewing, and then to get Within prices—eallerseisittiot help hot buy, when they see it No much to their Inter est (4) do No, Ile low Cottle, Pottle, Vests, of all styles and mu terials lluts, Boots and dimes: Shirts, of nil kinds, Hosiery, filo, es,jlandker eltlek Hoek-ties, Cravats, Linen and P•per CM lars, g.prudon., Brtulaw. Combo: Trunks, Volts., l'ntbrellas, Pocket Rubes r ise. gars, Mintiklng and Chewing Tohdocost Plltlc tlonery, de Clocks. Warhol, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other articles, entireit too numerous to de tail In iggiewspuper advert seinen( He asigli the attention of the public to his new stock, confident timt it will please—and no 44040 can or. will sell cheaper. Don t forret the place— corner of York street and the Diamond, Get tysburg. April 'ADC% It JACOB BIUNKERHOFF. Something New in Gettysburg ! THE undentlened has the **aura of Informing the citiaena of Gettyabun and vielnity, that he Is now prepared to supply them with the famous CREAM SODA, drawn front DowN Soda Fountain, which has heroine KO popular In Inc cithw , If you have never Ward tille dukedom. drink, you don't know what you lurk., named. 'Fr) It. Onco tooted, you will become a regular patron. I has c alto open ed m) ICE CREAM SALOON, with areonnnottatlons for Ladleitand Gentlemen and AM able to supply private Pandits'', holies de., on reasonable terms. Alm, constantly on hand, fresh CAKES, I nil at the old establEchud stand on Chkuibers• hum ktroct, upped((. the trrlleuc Church, adjoins Ina the Keykioun'Houme. IL MINNIGH, Jame 3, P 47. :On DR.. R. RORM. DRUCK RTATIONERY AND NOTIONS', Gettysburg, P' IR nwn prepaintlnns are alt prinlnteed to aumwer the l purpuoes Intei ir. R. llornor'm AliTI-UROLl i t and DIARR MCEA MIXTURE, for al:. amasses of Lb* Monnach and howelm, OLIEN for ('hopped }lamb. FRAGItANT MYRII/I, for prewervisig And boon. tlft~~-•Iog1t the troth, and 3 .ll.4Verdnr.olibUlZ Ramiro and Cattle, are impeller In any In 1110 nwket. PURE LIQUORR for medical awe. Preo.erlp• flops enrehdfy tilled. Medical advice without charge. Tune la, tt BOUNTY ACCOUNT. LET= YHATTS L Treaxe r r, In neronntr with the TOWNSHIP of T 1 HONE, Adams etr.. r salty Yund.) DR. Firma Muer. To whole amount of duplicate levied 5 , 1 ,v,, 1=,.. t. On 244, ) _ 4202 42 12 Ni? "ardor's commle;;&6::.— 14 " Exoneration", Vet amount of tot received_ Amountcollected by Nubserlptlon, " Total reeelpta, cit Fraorr DILA rr. By amount pant 10 ERSll— fintarription mangy Expenars proeurlng vottmlems,laterept, Oltamps, ar, 240 70 Tramcar's and Neen4ary't salary, lorlm ding stattonery ..... . ..... 00 Ya Total expandlturen,....— Balance In hands of Treaanrer, DANIEL ft. DISTIL, Treasurer, In amount with the ToWN4HIP of tt. vlt. A.diuna ea., P. Saco Da.arr. To amount borrowed ne sundry pew .ooll, . / SAO 00 Rerrhed by eutocriptirnz,.... 0,018 •Li 11.715 LS i t Rem Heart. fly amount paid 15 , . 48,477 60 Hetloannnina Thvid Yo el+ bond, Internet aid stanip,_,..— .... . '• 14104 fa Money paid on John den'abond, 190 00 John fr. Houck, to Ha mburg, dc.,......... 15 00 John M. Ditto:dart, to Gettgalfurg 1 35 Isaac Minx, to flaamliersburg, 7 25 Jacob C. Pltteuturf, to ChambershUsg,... 6 ID Daniel S. Diehl, expeumes for Warthog, conveyance, de., while rocittitlng,... _ 44 116 H. J. ?dye., caciques while, recruiting,— 61/ WI Daniel 4. Diehl, fur time Mirt sod reepon- •.3 30 mlbilities while recruiting NI 15 Daniell+. Dleitl, Treasurer . * pemmican,. 46 61 Balance Clue Treivairer,. JACOB BOWER, Ilynourer, In neemint iitth the TOWNeHIP 711110 D .N R. E, Adams county, 144 szcoND Muir, cox:tem= . To Thole amotnt of dueeste for USW— 93,N7 97 Imo.. ApIW 7,106 Deduct exonetayods of " 2 !" Modal, ..... 116 61 em 01 Net amount of tax received from two du plicate"- Wirr se Amount from Geatyabung Bank at differ ent throw 2,1 CO CB SIKCOXD DRAM, consingun. By paying borrowed mangy to inindrs periaxia, Dentel 14 , Mad, wituditate,.. . 30 900 00 0 Henry J. Myers, foe substitute and ni.7rn- $4 ey borrowed,. .. ..._... .................. ad Intereet end stam ps, Jamob Bower, Treasurer, pereentad3 • John F. Houck, for Daniel DPiatt, Vierivtlay,feenikodstiaton- Daniel H. Diehljormer H.J. Mien., time xpent while reeruliin, 90 19) Isaac AlMS,time pent, .... 7 lb ,lacob A. March, eeniees,... ...... Jacob Bower, time *Dent on inielneea., -- —..... 9 00 Henry Spengler, time awn& on b Paying In Gettyaburg Bank, 26 ei WM" , 2,90 00 Dlreetoni wages tor ninepin et 00 Auditors. tins 6O Printers' bile Balance In bands Ultimates, We, the undersigned. And to es of Tyrone town ship, baring audited "the Bounty Amounts.. do cern& that they are correct to the hest of our knowledge and belief. Witham our bands the 7th day of August, left. hAWAN PrITENTURF, lAilt SNIDER, , WILLIAM MACKLY, Aug. 12, , St Auditor'. NOTICE. TV.;.41; 4 '-, E T. l o m )lr.trol' t B"bw il t = payment or Beauty Tax in said tmenaltdP,_therli they have made arrangements Ibr she Roil set tlement of the Bounty Amounts /or effielb ship. They, therefore, give notice to ea esibarg , era tomake payment"( their tax ante beim Bie Toth day offiEPTFignEllt next. The eellhibeie of all unpaid taxi. alter that date will he etellboresd without respect to ;unworn.. All persona having Claims holm Ihellouldr Fund of said township are rehea ted to at the game to the Hoard pile t o Moe If not presented prior thereto h will be refeeted. JACOB B. Preal. Wrimasi STA TAMIUM 80111 . 7te Aug.l2, ALt 'az= an awote ta l•±lll„ deesigned Tbalens Alt notes dated June le, MR,mier ea three moothkeed theother elkat the :0031/3itien Ot War "11,Obenerd's leelkentking Wanness sad '' wMeh willjeenot Work, and Ii of no obe ' SP/ the soused's*** havto‘ bind, well:l i aleg mined not to said notes, aod 710 MA lainacipasodigiunarg E. O. 111.1 VI, J. W. BM:metal% 4telk h em t9wwililp. dug. 12, 14r. Jt* fl 78J OM f 3,1211117 $2,225 011 ... Oil IE3IM 17/13 llMity 1911 $9 P 0,802 MI Vll tolo 40 BIS 00 DIX 3 10/11