:63 , -;!; jeid44#47891:1:1 V J.l trade, and bar fait h ag= Nk.ll - tlnttwoully • Jr=Nowtment. olO•rs garb bargains WI to b* Liecept4ble tO buSuti nix MO* 011ibrikes u lug lot of the "4-xigitiOAX:lrimatioo 001 • 14 . Nit SEVER, viz: Bliruita,.. zumg." "APPletne - Tracy: : w o rt rwette.fttier ; .r . t,k - ea. It yes gnat. a CHEAP and GOOD Watch. mil op STUOlistE, • At his old Eta:A, Carlisle ntn xb opposite the Depot, Oettyabtarg, Ps.. apse, esOsti noes the Gra ery til'ot.loll Sod Cosy boodoess, as hearis. 'kilo %NU. it NEW GOODS 1 -CHEAP-CIIEAPEII-CHEAPOST ! a tes Ihth to trey OM and cheap Goode, emit , VliaoollB h BRO's. STORE,. veer Nyers's Hotel, in (IRA 6atteataint. They have the very best selection of goods, such se CLOTHS, CASSIMEIRES, TWEEDS, &C„ Cho naialrit ran pnaluee, had are determined to ncli thew no cheap na ean he sold anywhere In tows or country. Any penent a-kiting to have Shen ("VT, ewe have It tit ate free of charge, Those ,d4totrittgitooda M VDE 1 - P, ran abut he streaming- Idate4. We warrant. the 14,4 work and the beat Ohs tote had anywhere. No humbug In what Wo • ebovepn hand the very beat and tuna durable SEWINU MACHTNI,S, and are alwaym rawly' In Walt on ••••storwris, Pall antispulion given in olwroting ma,ifing. ( 111111 exaMine. Wu lifurrlint, them lobe the raga ju use. JAC9BS BL;), VW, fl NEW BOOT to SHOE STORE, iikw AND GOOD 0001.01 AT LOW PMTS. llllnit porlendgned hal ()Twined a flew Root and IA. Shea Warp, on 1:,11.1') , It PRY. itl'ItEET, 0,110 iloor ninth of the l'rvaits i..rofh rhurell and new: Sy oppolifte :%teilrenry'e f.; el.lier ehoo, where he iiitrent on nternetivo assort; n•lft of goodn in iiik4 IWV:, ^9IIIUW 4114 Ise/of:Lad wall the greatent care, er tIGII LADlrsr ('ONoTtrs.., GAITEIK LA I)flirr .13A1,M01t.11. LADIEs'MIioN LA.NI O -4 , lIALMottAL 1100D4, LAILUE V.‘itiETY. firr.irrr,nmE,rs C I.l'Y 11(00TR, GENTI,I43f EN•:: KIP 101 ari, UE PINI4 CO N It N>4l4 OA I TERR, (iRNT4N:Nt;N'aSfPPI.IO4. ALL STYLE% frAf,NloltALS, tiENTLESIENIi BRuciANs. MIRRES• QATTERM, MISSES' 8.41. IL.II, 1..111'P:1%5, 11111.1:31.:$' Xtol WO '0 1.141,.‘10111..AL4, &C.. .tc., tors co:caul:n.4 (1.% rrEßit. ( AU , BA LlionAt.s, toys' trt.O4ANI4, ,LC.. du.,•. All foil ha fold tiifit — e, lowest: living profits. Buyers, front town ond country, are invited to 0111.attid examine gtitels isint prices tiktore par chairing ulsewb.tre. I am tietervutmed to sell Otintip—u ilttin Cheaper than anY eigtr house in 'the county. Dy hi rict .ti tent ion - to businem, and Limiting fairlPT and squarely With every!. I)', I Beet , to merit, tatut r.‘eel ye on encouraging slat rti Of nubile pntrtflunte. ' The tiIANUPACTUILINfi of Boots Atli Shoes will also be Carried On, Ui till Its briincll4l4. Bouts, •Ftlietett end flatters matte to order. Re pairing done on churl, notiee—and tin t bort Spared to give satisfaction. Having rt. experience at the ttuhinetta. I feel Confident tutu I can please all who may Anti. I). H. KLINGEL. Gettysburg, lane 24,1567. SORE NEW GOODS! SIX= 4k WON have Jost received another penu,e saao r rt went' WF (it , C)lkt, consist lins, w! o (ILOTIII4, CASSINI FR I , ct, 1 , , , ,T1NG5, Nerittlekr Jeans, and Tweeds, •tur Gottietnen's wear. AW4o a fibe assortment of ret=! 41or amok hn's been Felertra' with great Par , , rind lire Yee preinred to ',ell ns rhenp as ao• 'r,~.- tsbllshmettt in the county. We oak the publie tp lOW% ON a call and pub,f,a for thernsolvem. Wetle& .eotapetliton, both us to cietaittr anel p_rtee. A. t±:'(= a FIONA. Aprll lb, _ FSESH COtI'i'eTIONARY9. • AND, ICE CA RA M . SALOON. wan Rubsetiber respectfully, Informs thr-elti -1 semi of tlettYliburg Alli/ vicinity, that he, tio% Coutecttionary Ebtablisbutent, one door Okl.tt 01 4hu Eugle Hotel, 'II A DIBERY4I:I7R43 to which lin would invite their attentltaf. CAMPS, CANIMM4 ANT EVERY DESCRIP TION O 1 coNrEurtoss, tortther witfi Num ORANGES nod all kinds of alwajrs sio-na.n.Tmg, public and private, as well OR EAM/LLES. WM . i.e furnishe I with all kiwis of I CAKK i , 'E CII.I , ,ANf, 1111 1 1 1'ixonidal torte or atduirw awl al her a E r ItEeiILNI.QUS. at tJaelr `...louses,pkat Own.. satitio.... ~, Having spent a lifo-tline at the hualnega, he fatten' hi ms , II" that he ands it, :,Ind that, fie is nhle to CiVe Patin' Milt iOll. C7lll :tad .see hie Cuuk,e.tiouary. _ . ' MaY ss, f 866. ft INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. The Farnwrs' and Alfrrehants' limurance Cktrnpany, of l'ork, Pean'a. . • Incorporated by the L,74lslitture of Penn'a. In 1401, A briott limn, (1.1 ri TA L. -10,000 00 e - rnade In this Company at - as low rates as are onisistent with tiu. securi ty Orthe Compsay and the part IPS ill , a/TO.l, and on as air mimodaling terms as with any conipas ny 'Willy country. grernilza notes are taken and consequently .tut.;esottiniuts will be nt.ide on its Ponca s. "rlits&.;:ing .tn inland company', nu risks will be , taken ils",?0, 0 :? large eit les.t More ttuw bait of Its entire stock is owned by its Officers owl Directors, which is a Imarantee. .that Its tally& wII he no managed as to make It a safe ntedima for insurunee. • • - All losses I,,,romptly adjusted and paid without n a r o ll atolvt. matte ltanagh- the: Peitt.ollee, from any part of the country, will met with limo mediate attention. Ottlee In the coltner-mm, Second Story Si IiARTNLAN'S Butt..DlN(4, Centre Square, lurk”. YRY WEESIL Viod-PrOtarnt—l)AVlD E. SMALL - Dtrectora, Plif i g; A Small Jo hn Weiser sse — g m. - . W.. !Igen Cal*, Aterrts, W. H. Kurt; (of V.) 4 awn" Nladistr,h•r, Lewis Curl, .Ik,lvitl E. Ismail, ,-Tretssurrt --Charles Weiser., 'Searelosry—X. Kirk White. HENRY A. PICK I R (1, Agent, (Jetty - 1;1)nm, *v . ; FIONVEIIS, " 17001S:wings. •• • • &Hr. 1,,t1W. 8111 - Nei 7 P. 100 .3 7 'A-'CAN , RAD - • NA t'VE.SEN, - MAN pr,teTcAr.it or I RI NO FOtt,TES, . -,OtLetklmll , rs47.s!id Strtet,New Veßklek9 irpnE onclerni;ned incites the attention of the public and tile trader genentllv, to these cele brated irnarunolio‘, of Ills own manufacture, 41/0111elibelftheAkilit , fieaboned La:a:lg all rAitna WOW hasprovkauents, • * "..Flittieott Fraine, &entry/gag Raxa,, French Gr , t;t4 ya, large Seale. • mow Pow.) Fortes, are net surpassed ter otrunAh an 6 beauty of di, Leh, du rabi I uy, purity, • rawer, atul siligsn. quality of tone, by juwe of Muker in Cu -• ilhw,ure warranted fit ,the tun term of 7 yeare. 'The itnipvetiun In th. raw:leaf public is respect "lly tiolletteti. Liberia .t#4rins Leaders, Wench- Clemmen,, Mew ?nee Lict cent on applicutlan. • dream 14 AR C FrislC 71,73 ,ut.2t St., New YANit City. May 20, IST. W ~,ligaigyabanace,-thore will alinya lie 13 t*orough - ..rop , leitt operator In charge of atm EXt-el or ckaUerY, and work. of all kin& and wider all ,:satiinlitanatz moat giNo aa,tlatuction Ewfore it 2eave our ro. J. P..760\, • rii) to,IigNMORN. & 31QFFIIAN'ti, to buy sir TOiiti-lbry Ooodit, Notions, Aineensisure, &c,„ : , lissr Alai trim Comer of SW Pisosiosid,Ciet ,' ilyabn",. - Pit. r have Just - rt.eetved 6 new emeortineht of .: • =are, to wnteti we Invite ,tbe 'men. ---- A. BCC' a. BON. ... A riuxile FACES. -41nit Neva - eel anottieesugsky t. • lipt 404410 001 0 M1P4 11 4 Arisbc• esitlkel% sw i .., '.- - 41- •OW ;It • , ipog MST . , .IEII I 4IItEgA A M I LMI24 ‘_ Wilt I it No. 1 AvER4 YORK, P.A., AGENTS AND DEALERS IN ri,S.NOSt Aft CABIRTT 0W:4315. ItELODEONI3., TIEZ atadersigned offal Gr sale. Aka TOWN. 1/111P410101160f Adam. canny. tor Log Liplicks PATENT. which Is Ws csus4errr, szuriassr sod itHor itrAyistste thot toes yet been eaereti to the publbt, 7hettlightsivill be sold ea mamma- tde terutu. Alas M & Moe ()importunity for ener getic Inca to mate 400 D WA01:14 crionufac- terhig pr. selling these machine*. A stisnple Machin* wlti be funsished any person who Kir i ebases i 1 ltiplst, 4f desired, at amt. CUM at hie altwe at Daubers' It. Nuirman, N. W. tor. Square, wbore . tb• machines msw be seen and tried Gettsithorg. June 2431467. er NEW SADDLER' SHOP. ON the Hlllii;hatt op rzt d, g r et 'w et ii 3 ; s u h t n tl7; p ot klude °I MMIX° 114.1MLIA, WAtION ISADDLIZI, CARRIAGE'ITARNESS, • pnAraiiT HA ItNEBB, BRIDLE A. • BLIND illttpt.F.B, ais km U the lolvest, Jane 24,1567. tf TIN-WARE AND STOVES, TUE LAM: EST ASSORTMENT OF TIN. WARE S. G. COOK'S, (former A ndreAo Pollers;) alho some of TIIE BST COOKING STOVEI6 IN SiAUKEr, among which are apa OLD DOMINION, COMPROMISE. PENNSYLV A CIA, NOBLE COOK, - lino, many.otber articles for Kttcben use, which - will be sold as low as at any oiler June V, ISG7. tf Th'THE EiTILDING COMMUNTIIY WHO WISH TO IMPROVE.: fllll-E undecdtpied ref4pectfullv Informs the put.. lle tha:Pite Jain cuLiLitiUus. Lb./ CARPE;ITERINO BUST NESS, nt lii; old stand. on Wet street, Gettysburg, and is read, nt all tltuew ul neenniinothite those want anS,ili mg done in Ills line. lie is pretsu ea to ttrrnhal nil kinds of Work for building purposes, of the beat nidterial, and neatly i url cheaply ns It Call he dime at way other estatilashment in the county. Egperleneod lieruls always In readi ness and work executed with promptness and d.' patch. irrThankful for peat favors, he hopes, by at tention to hualueba, to receive a liberal shari. of pa We patronage. CII.II,ITZMAN. Juno 17, 1887. V; WM. C. STALLSMITH, CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR, U`EtPk eonstauily o hand and manufactures 1%. to order, DOORS; SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, .D00I: AND WINDOW THAMES, CORNICE, DOOR ,1 'WINDOW BRACKETS, And any other Article in the Building Line. isleas'oned material constantly 8n band, expe- rlenesecl. workmen always in readiness, and work etc,attd with dispatch .C;/. Orders promptly attended to Jane 17,1867. tt GREEN RIDGE! An NEW STORM, AND NEW 000173! J 0 11.2 V NOBRECK HAS commeneni Store-keeping at CatFr.N RH/GE, in tOwnship, Adams co., on the Hampton turnpike, and would Inform the public that lie 1 , 144 Just returned from the city with an excellent assortment of .JOIDT GRUEL DRY GnODS, GRATA RARDATARE, fIUEEN; 4 -WARE, C WARE, TIN WARE. .C.42NDIES, NOTIONS, Tobaccos, tte., 4.c.-Indeed, a tall and eomplete line of Goods, to suit the necessities and tastes of all. His prices I ,sce as low as the very lowest— calicoes at 10 cents and Ifuedins at 11 cents, as InNtancett. Re feels that hi* goods and prices will be sat he. faettry to the peddle, and therefore i111:114.1 a b.rge ~..!tare of enmoni, from near and far. Don't fcrget the advice—the Green IlidgeP Store is Me place to get the fall worth of your money. Aprll22, 1a67. If . 1567. REMOVAL. - 1867 Deafer in Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, I„TAS removed htg Store to YOP.E: STREET, 11 next tour to Buyer S Son's Grocery, and di evetly utipusite the Gettysburg National Rank, where he has on hand, uud is constantly receiv ing, large supplies 01 cr.o Clrg, from the hest Manufactories in the 'United Stated; alt styles, litrgulator, Office, Eight-day and Wen /y-fottr hour Ooeks, with and without Alarm At tachment—ail wurnuaed, and will be sold clump. Prloos from $3 50 to Sit 50. W 4 TCHER, of American and Foreign manufacture; Gold and s3llvt-r, Hunting-case and Open-faced Levers, De triolied Levers, Straight Line, White Movement, bellleA, Railroad Tune-keepers and Tinting Watches, all warranted—at prices ranging from to A .splerild toolortinent of Rings, chrssal and plain, Wedding Rings Rings suitable for Gifts, Kilver itingts, and (intta l'ore - ha tist-pin,ar,4 I;ar-rings ()tau styles and pi WC'S. 0 0 /0 , Pins . ot all kinds, Masonic, Odd Fellows, Red :Men and Ten plar's. Gold Pens and Pencils, Nal,1:111 Silver nil tuldes,Spmtitele., silver, 111sitei atol steel, a large variety ot Gold a; 11i Silver Vest and Curb Chains, Gent's 'Bosom Studs, Alevve Button., Lockets, Charms, Ac.,sold _ . ! Clocks, Wntehes, Jewell 2.- and Musical Instru- Owntsot every dettgiipilan 11.F.S.Alit.F.D reorder, and autkfttetlun guaranteed lu all ettaets. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he hopes, by doing good work, at.reafainable priees, to merit the continuance of the same, Cret4yaburg, Apr 1115,1867. 11 ITITTE targe4,-Inost iiecutt ifal and etleapest lot of PHOTOGRAPH ALIIV.NIS ever offered in :ovitystaira., „Just received tit the EXCEI,BIOIt, GALLERY. Album? 'holding 50 Pleturea only 51 75. Our stock comprises over 30 different isnytes, alitong•whirli ate celebrated evetinst- Int Chain and Hinge Pack. these Albums we have bought low and are deterrainedio sell lower than the same qualities eon be bought anywhere in this County or out of It. C. J. riiiSON. • Jan. 2s, Isa 7, DRIME the best in the market, for „L sale at JACOB nil EA.II.4'S new Lumber Tail. on the Railroad, inholning the Lime Kilns, Get- Nov. 20, ROM. tf Wall; rush Is for the Excelsior Gallery, All are wµ1.1434 'castles' and with dispiteh. J, '2740N, AbrlOTt) )OWIATITILEB, the Eicoelsicw 404e ry, ouperb and ihrilisligad at one-tido ally prim, OW &Mt examine —l,oo.p.ens. , . C. J. TYSON. I:ll6P2ROZl Ato girr tit St IT= FRANK. 1). DUPHORN COMA R*, 7 FLY 1 NETS, *C J. M, ,ROWE IN THE COUNTY, AT ECONOMIST, BARLEY SIIEAF,&e place In the counts B. G. COOK AND ALD'OTHERS GETTYSBURG, PA., A. E. PED3TEL, .T E lI'E I; R a===2=== A. R. FEISTRL. PhOogaph Album SHINGLES. . I .I AND Al.l. KINDS Or AWRIcAL INSTIII7SIENTS4, reopeetfully Inform the pubily that they are pre 1111T011 to *widish Pitmen of the following mann- faeture or of any other make that may he pre- (erred: • , Albright. Backe.. & Schmidt, elaleberlhat t far a. Bradbury. Kariba & Boa. Gale & bon, 17t'rlrY II CIMENUATED CISIT.I,OF„ Ilitnsll)NlC AND BCIUDOni ORCia.Y# AND ifELtinßO.Vii. Ttmaro tlnstruntenta stand unrivalled by any thing found in this country or in Europe, as is submitted by all 'impartial judge a. Tile moat em inent Pliw• (wean l',uliderm and I'erformers, the last to diaonver excellence In reed Tone, pro. flounced them vastly superior to all 'tilt rs for ex anetlingitr quirk artirmint iomand mond Tone, the essentiaf feat ore in Instruments of this chow. We invitethe severe schitiny and criticism of all. PATENT vox Jit:M.tNA This tale and trued Avorplei fu I i it ‘1•70 ion (so ac knowledged by alt leading art lAN will he knout only In the Estee Ise.trumems. In attempting tat tleilir the effect title atop , we mUI• at lona for la mire, Ita Oyinities catalog he wilt ten, but mtoit4. heard to he appreciated. By this stop soh mr-dinary performer tad produce an elteut Which rennirea a lifetime of practice for an artist, upon it violin. It eng,wely changes the reed Tone, givi»g the sympathetic sweet nese of the human Voice, making it so rilelodlotiB and pure that It never Adis to enehant the listener. VIE fiAIt.IIONIC for Claggrches, Public Halls and Perim" has a powerful sub-Thuts with independent reeds Her- Monk- , anuolonont and Vox iTumana Tremolo, and is I.nllevol to bn the nont• powerful reed or gan nuule, being nearly equal to u Pipe Organ of three Limes the (mgt. All instruments warranted fur five years. fairefiL.Afes goppllod with Instruments and music at roggonable terms. A 111,en..1 dvxmuut allowed for Churches and liubhath Seilool4. Ser-Ittstruetlong given both In Vocal and In struments! Dude, at our rtxmig, and of pUplhe homes, el then to ludiv,W.tudg or elm:lgor, on reason able terms. Dec. 17 Iged. If • wpwaE AND GROCERIES. !WE subaeribers have just retufued from .the 4. cities with an Immenee &apply Of HARDWARE t GROCERIES, v - hleli they are offering at their old stand In Bal timore street, at prima to suit the times. Our Mock connate In part of BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, BLACKsMITH'S TOOLR, COACH. FINDINGS, • .. SHOR FINDINGS, CABLNET.BANCR's TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURFA, ALL ISANDS OF IRON, c.„ GROCERIES OF ALL KVA A DUO, PAIIITS, ikx. There Is no article Included In the several de partments mentioned J.l.lOVe but what can be had at tills store. E‘Cly class of Meellanlea can be accommodated here with tools and findings, and Housekeeper.. calf fliul c Cry article In their line. Give us, a call, as we. ane prepan4l to sell as, low for cash as any house out of the cit..' JOEL B. .DANNF.R, //AVID ZIEGLEIt. Gettysburg, Mai' 15 1881. NEW DRUG STORE, IN NEW OXFORD -Tint undetaigntd has opened a Drug Store in Noe Oxford, .kdrons mash, and teafa.ctfolly calla the.attcuttou of the public to I.lla stock of PAINTS, ,"_ VILA, VAVISTItB DYE 7 sTI,FFS MASS. • 4 PATENT MEDICINES, and a full assortment of tolitifig•, in a word a nouplete stock' Of Goods genet:illy kept in a first class Wm' store.. All of which have been put - ctiarOd Attiring the past two 'weeks, anal will ho sold low. All the article forMerly manufactured at the old establishment In East Berlin mil he had here. Undershunling his business perkvtly, amiselecting his gootis himself, he is able to war rant his Drugs pure and as represented. The pub lic are requested to give lama trial. B. M. MILLER. Noe Oxford, May 8,1367. 8m 103 , 111Z(tallAii:11Z1Di: The Grover & Baker.—The Beg in Use. .11 fERE 'Machines have become so well known lutt little need be said by way of reconueu dation- They have taken the first premium at all the late State Fairs, and are uuiversally ac knowledged to be the BEST in use by all who have tried theta. The "Grover h. Baker Stitch" and the "Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attained by no other Machine: They are the only machines that sew and embroider with ,tx..r feetiou. Tilts.: Machine.: are peedharly wielded to Family use. They are noiseless, sew dire ,fly from the spool without rewinding, and are 141m ple in their construction. They ate easy to tann age, and can be worked by almost any child. Every family should have one. They save lat.or, they save time, and !hey sore mosey, and do their work better than it can be done by lunal. The undersigned hi vinl been appointed Agent for the above 3h:chines, bus estaidtshed an Agen cy in Fairfield, Adams county, arliere he will al ways has e on hand a supply. ''Persons wishing to buy will please call and ermine for them selves. .IWNeedles and Threfut wt 11 ahla be supplied. J. S. WITHEROW, Ag:nt, Fairlield,..A dams county, Pa. Atr.r, 11438. tf JUST PUBLISHED TEE NEW WORE ON SINGING. BAssiNrs TWENTY MELODIC EXERCISES, FORM or SOLFECGIOS FOR SOPRANO OR MEZZO SOPRANO VOICES, 'INTENDED AM Studies to acquire the Art of Singing. g , trEsr. exercises were composed to be ur.st tomultunconsly with his system, Mtn Aur OF SINGING, or with any other method for the cul tivation of the voice, and will take the place of CONCONE'S SOLFElltlaki; being more melo-i dious and better adapted for teaching. "Smile of these exercises are specially beautiful as well at: useful, a mingling of the dotes et utile, which secures the interest as well as the improve ment of the student. The various styles devel oped in these exercises render them invalunble in nn edmational point 01 view, as they tend to enlarge tie intelligence and appreenoion, and at the same time form the taste of the pupil. They must be studied carefully with reference to the innunierable marks of expression and forms of ormunen tat ion. Upon the minute accuracy with which these are accomplished depends the actual sterling advanceMent of the pupil; any evasion or Riming in these respects is time and effort wasted, while,-on the other hand, a close and pa tient in estigution, rand a minutely faithful exe cution of them, will give tmexpeenxi power and faculty, and open to the student the means mid resources by which greet artists produce their most brilliant and profound eiTeCts."—Watron's Art Journal. IN TWO VOLUMES. Price, each, in 13oards_, Retail $2 00 Cloth, Retell 2 50 A Sample Copy sent by Mall, post-paid,on receipt of Wholesale Price, $l5O. Published by WM. HALL I BON. No. 543 Broadway, New York. Publishers and dealers iu Music, and Slanu fac turers of FLUTP.S, FIFE 44, FLAGELL - 18; die., Ac. -Send for an of prices. Jaly 15, 1/07. $l.l CHAS. A. WMITOOTT. L LOOTS osowas. WESTCOTT & GEORGE, • STYCCIDISORS TO, FRILI? WILSON w 00., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, Cricket and Base Ball implements, FISUING TACKLE, SKATES, Croquet, Anton', ha., No. 4 Chesnut street, P 1 4991919h91. _ May 13, litat. ant H. P. DEBBI:KG & BRO., pßzsco ayn OI2.YAmANTAL PAISTWI, FREDERICK CITY, dill., DESPECTEIILLY inform the public than they are pnmared to ERE2Q.c.4) CRUItCU RALLA, PRIVATE ItK.IDENCII4, SO., In the most approveA styles, modern or ancient. AU work warranted Waive aatlidatstiOn wild taste, durability and cheapness. April '22, 124 g. X2OOO AGENTS WANTED-3100 On--3file , and Female, to introduee our NEW PATENT, STAB, NITIITTLE PEWL\O MA CHINE. It is sulapted gir family use and Tailor ing. It innites a stitch alike on both sides. Price ouly TWENTY ISOLLAISR. Extraordtnary in ducements to Agents. For full particular's, ad dress '. • •• • : DUMONT * WILSON, 630 AIIIII. street July 1,1807. 3m 11a. CIONRTANTLY on,band, aujimrtment of Fine 11,j I'HOTGGRAPIT ALBUMS, Carla Aliskerm for grusses firqg the Battle-field. °Tu./RAMIS of •our 001101.8 b and ether di s . tinguishetriudivkiLutla ut the gaceelefor Gallery. U, J. TYSON. 2001) for the eyes, to tall awl look through the Etiatye steak (gall kip& of (Cats, a varl bf rAnte and *at etYleitof Yeats at PIM/MPS" F*ye 'alvraye glad to ibeo opr Meade at the 14oettlar. etAl slande ha the lailje on Y,noullnit4vOiligks itnikAte 114 MBE salecebere respectful]; inform the public thatihey luere , ereesed A 'arge Polll3eClitn/ j with their Sewn Mill, uud sire now anauulactring j IRON-MON-JEON • • •••••••• , 4 :( • i+ • GETTYSBUAAI FORGE. FORGED AID HAMMEREDIRON; such as Plough, Horse-oboe and Bar Iron, and re s wet telly Invite kW:kali/tits 311111 !erg 'motive t hem It call, fettling ha attled that titry will be able to please as to finality, /Wish aka ;Ace. BILECGMAN & WARREN. x. 11 .—The ' highest market price paid for wrought and scrap iron. , B. St W. Pun. 17, /NA. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF DRY 000DS, Qrvceries, Hanl-ware, AT 7. C. ZOE= & SON'S, NEW OXFORD, PA. Wl:tavrirt e retn i rned iu ttr d m the =Hap we I'l' (dal klutp L ou r line, under THE LATE DECLINE. Oar stock consbric in part of FRENCH MERI- NuEm. Flt town CDROURGS, Delaney, Calicoes, Plaids, Blenched and' Unbleached Sluslins; large assortment of Balmoral Marta, hoop Skirts, (doves, etc. MEN'S WEAIt, consisting In part of Proud and Beaver Cloths, Itizack told Fancy Caadniers, ran- Billets, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Under-darts and Drawers, liOrrl4.SlloF>i, BATH, and UAPS, Driving and Buckskin Glavc4, A complete maiertrumat of ieROCEIES, at low ratmq. lIAILD-WARE, truth, Fin The Iron, Spring, Shear, Blister and Crust Steel, Horse St* Bar, Nall 'Rods, Hammered Iron, Mills,. Spikes, Shov els and Forks, Fteor 'Locks, Fad Locks Cinches, Ilinees ard Serra Oilg. Glass, fatty, &c,, I NA AND ttl:FIENri-WAItE. by the set. Thankful for post patronage, we Lope to merit the wane In filet uture. , . , J. C. ZOUCK & SON Now Oxford, April, 1887. ly Innportant TO ALL PERSONS! TIENDRICKFI & WARBEN havepurchased j 11141titure formerly occupied by J. A GI-tines, and latterly by (I. Swope, where they A. will keep constantly on band a oonfplete askant went of GROCERIES. inalndlag Syrups, Coffees, Sugars, Tess, Raton, Flour, Feed, Rice, Potatoes, Salt, Toteiceo, with every article to be found in a flrst-class Grocery. Also CONFECTIONS, NOTIONS and FANCY ARTICLES'. They hope to receive a share of public patron age, and earnestly solicit a continuance of the custom heretofore given to the establishment. JOHN HENDRICKS, HIRAM WARREN. Gettysburg, April I, 18W. MANHOOD: ITOW LOST, HOW RESTORED.— /Di_ , /, Just published, a new edition of nit. ~.,, ~' CULVERW ELLS CELEBRATED 1 " "'" ESSAY on the ltAbleAL coats (with- I out medicine) of SranKATOliallegA, or Seminal 1 Weakness, Involuntary Sent anal Losses. 1 mpo- 1 tency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, I tripisli manta to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption, Eli,- lepsy, and Ells, induced by self-indulgence or beX nal extravagance. 11-TPriee. in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The eelebratesi author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates. from a thirty ;ft firs* sue-' CeligUl practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cored without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the sppl t. cation of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure , at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his eon- , dition may be, may cure himselfcheaply; private- ly, and radically. tErTh is Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Bent, under seal, lu a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also Dr. CuiverwelPs "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. - KLINE & CO., itr Bowery, New York, I'. O. box -406. Feb. 25,1867. 3 y ' A LECTURE TO YOUNG NEN. . .# ,Z JUST PUBLISHED, in a sealed En v( 102. 'Price six cents. , A Lecture on .. „i , the Nature, Treatment and Radical ''''' , 4-01" .- Cure of Sperfnatorrige, or Seminal ,sttness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debil ity. and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, COUStlmption Epilepsy, and FiLs ; Mental and Phymcal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Ahose, &e.—ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. 0,, Al. t lior of the "Green I took," &c. ' The work -renowned author, In this luimirable Lecture, clew. , y proves from his own experience that the awful . thsequence of Self-Abuse may he effectually mom, eft without medicine, foal with out dangerous mu. deal operatirms, boto,les, in strument,, rings or eordials, piloting out a mode of cure at once certain and ell.; ual, by which ev ery SU:Teter, Do matter a It.tt Ins condition may be, may core himself ehettply,:nrivately, and rad ically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thous atn:s and times:olds. , Sent under seal to any address, in it plain sealed en) clop, on the receipt of six cents, or too post sae stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell's 'Marriage Guide," price .2:i cents. Address the publis hers, CIIAS. C. J. RLINE fi trt., 127 Powery, New York, Poet °Moe Box -L.A. May 2a , 167.7. flm VALUABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE Jolll' C. ZOUCW, LAND AGENT, Ni'' A DAILY coulcuY, PA, Its for rP ple a number of 41 , •birable properties, to whirl' in, units the attention of those wishing to purehaiw.. A LARGE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, with Dwelling, sittutt,_4l in a county scat near itailro•—t and Depot . Good chance far doing all klads of work. AIM), seventl Town Lots will be sold with the above property if desired. A F.kliM OF lee ACRES, in Adams county* with good Ston • Howse, good Baru, &c., near a turnpike and railroad. VORTY ACRES, with good House, Barn, &c., three quarters of a mile from a railroad station. A good chp nee terms easy. A FARM OF Saki ACRES, in Adams county, three miles from a railroad and guild market. is farm can be divided into two farms, there being already-two sets of Improvements on the tract. A 'FARM OF 105 ACRES, on the Carlisle turn pike, un• lc; good cultivation, V. ith a largo Brick Rouse, Sank Barn, and other out-buildimpt, aii new. A LAIRGE MAIL MILL, with Z Acres of land. The mill haw four pair of Burnt, and all machinery for‘hinir merchant work. Beat water power In the county. A FAR . xI OF 175 ACRRct, near the Hanover turnpi oo which is erected a good House, Barn, and all other necessary out-hulldings. A FARM OF 19. ACREN, In Adams county, on which Is erected a good lziou.se, Barn and other t-bu tidings. ACRai OF WOODLAND, S miles from New Oxford. A FARM OF 200 ACRES, good land, with large Brick llouse,l3ata, and 2 Tenant Houses-40 acres in wood—half a nine from the Co»owngo Chapel. A FARM of 180 Acres-215 can be purchased-2% miles from Gettysharg,tieer Chambersburg pike; large weathorlazinied House, Bank Barn, &c; 40 acres in wood. The Farm has been recezitly limed. A FARM of 13) Acres, with good House and Burn; acres in wood. A HOTEL, in New Oxford, twcf- dozy, roomy and convenient for business. Good chancel terms easy. Also, a number of good Houses and Lots for sale in Naw Oxford. Persons V7'lo wish to buy Real Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a call at his store in New Oxford. Ad. dress, JOlll4 C. MUCK, Land Agent New Oxford, Adams county, Pa, April 1, 18d7. 1; LAWRENCE D, DIETZ & CO,, WHOIXEVE = AIM VC WILY GOODS, NOTIONS, 301 1 1 Wed Baffin/ore ASrreet, • Between Howard & Liberty Streeta_ MAY, L I W. Baltimore, 31d money, Free as Water. Loca 10.000 g A ent.s i , V ale .or l Fe a m nd ale, 071 1 11M:it, ' are wanted to solicit trade in every City. Town, V lidega, thwart, Woritahop and Foe th rough ottitha entire world, fur the mast saleable novel- Ora ever known,—& o PER CENT. PROFIT and READY KALE WHEREVER OFFERED!! Smart men and women can make from $5 to $.lO per day. and no risk of loss! A sinall capital re glared of from Pie to sloo—the more money In. vested Llw greater the profit. No Moneyrequired in advanoe—we first send the articles and receive pay afterwardni If you act willy wish to make money rapi4iy and easily, write for full particu lars and address _ . 11.,N0R CO.O (From Parlig.) 210 ilruutlwayyNew York CILTI Feb. 25, NOTICE, TN order to prove the aeeertio4 made in fa- l or T HE antiseriber haylnk i t , horonghly repaired lof procuring PHOTOGICAF,Wat thellgueis or his Griat, sinil ica t ,bli formerly ll Gallery, rail rind sit for your Pf=RE. No uy's MM." on i. Cree , ia prepared to do charge will he made unless you are pleased with GRINDING anti SAWING ofevery kind at short the result and choose to leave your order, _ , notice. Ile solicits the patronage of (.hie MOO- G% .1, TYSON. l boyhood and -will gpibeoptee, eattafammn. Give T AlAgg. wanting a good artiele of Ferfamery, -1 /11411 a cial • GEORGE GINGELL. id Fancy p, or .„Roixlit bp my . I Jon. to, Mi. tt plied 4 ' gate, MOWS. . CM 4 1 4104041f0r 114 be de WirWM.—Norris has hat returned from r i ddle the quality snide of p l eigr d lSS nimy wi th *Janie orsorlroont of Clotkl.m. wit be furpmis, con *ism plea Whirl !wilmioro than" • terse'. NIF . .. - - - c. . -4.; TTSO2I. JOtis SWAN lum pot received a sPlendld tmderslgned- hes opened a MrtiFiEß assortment of ntlatlf OILOCERI En, at his I%I RD ee the Renew, , near thane Store on the corner Of the Public Norm, ht illy's Lime Kilns, Clettrsbunt, and oaks the Gettrittull t public to sive him a enlL tosortment Is one of the beat ever offered here, and his prices afford only the smallest living profit. Hu has The finest, lot or Sugars ever Drought to Gettys burg, end very cheap. COFFET« Me Coke Is superior to any offered In the Nam 11 you don't believe It vWne end see. It you want the beet Syrups and Molasses in town yoa will thud thew at Swan's. QUEENSWARE. His stock of, Queeninvure, Dishes, Lamps, is full, Cheep and good, Every style and price, - His Chons and Tobacco are of superior qual I tv. Acknowledged by gutxl judges to x the 1.M.24 /11, the zuorket. - - Particular attention paid to this depAlment. A fun supply of i Undies, 31u ts, Fruits, stmps, r'an cy Article, in short, any and everything usually found In AS tint-class tiro&ry. In layinit. in my stock I wua careful to know what 1 a Al% buying, and am now prepared towel' not only tii a iL tiro ()erten, but to sell them very !help. e plea call and J utigittlat•atiursel) , es. • ' J011;4 31. ESWAN. I= Nov, 5,1888 N EW STORE! GROCERIES, Mgt/ORR, kte, le undersigned has ret 'trod to ch.( tystirg,conl opened a new More, on ltatitmice street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opixotote the rnurt llotc‘e, When* be offers for sale, ('HEAP I , Olt (Asti, a large and choice assbrinteut of Groceries,— SUGARS, COFFIWTEAS, MOLASSES, SYR UPS, SALT, &C., with FISH, WINES, BRANDIES, DINH, 'WI LS' I F-S, RUMS, Also, any quantity of Notions, to butt any and e. crylkaly. Itecolleat title is Ile place to buy (HEAP FOR _ April '23, 186 SUPER -PHOSPHATE OF LIME, *PANDA (I CARA NTEEJ). FOR SALE ATMAIWBACTLTEEIef4 O TS, No. 27 North Front Street, Philadelphia, AND No. 95 S.ontb titrect, Baltimore, And. by Dealers In general throughout the (bunts). The SOMBRERO GUANO of which MORO PHILLIPS' PIItkPIIATE is and always has been mum fact urect, (and of which he Was mile control for the United States,) contains lifts• per cent. more Bone Phosphate Hato this Rolle, therefore it Is more d uraide. The lUlditiOn of amnion *Pees it greater let t hiring value. Over six years' experience huh proved to the Farmer that it makes a heavier grain than et en stable manure, and is not only act R•e bill 111 , 1 log. Mt IRO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, *6-Price 656 per ton of 2" 11.,5, Ditieount to Dealers. March 4, 1867. 9nt Peruvian Guano Substitute ! SUPER - OF- LIME. B AUGH & SONS, Sole ProPrietor* and Manufacturers, Delaware River Chemical Works, • PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. For RTE, ItARIXT, CORN, OATS, Po- TATOLS, 'for. to lireh / F:.vr, SMUIIII• at, 'ICE NIPS, Hors, GAIIDEN Vt:ta:TAIII.I - s, and evei y Crop and I hint. Empeelaile re-s•nimended to growers of STU:1W BE111211144, KASPLIERRIF- , , IILAChIIERILLES, and ail SMAI.L Fut - Irs, More than 13 yearn of - IN-mil - 1r oaf' upon All de scriptions of (Toils an wit lit tin' 3fltl/11:. and Southern Staten, has given a high.degrei- of pop ularity to this it.t auiaE, which places lie applica tion now entirely best mot a mete experiment. BArun's lL 'r IIoNE St'et:it-ettosrit ATE or LIME is eminently a sitece-.4 its a Nubstatute tor Peruvian Guano 117111 Stable Manure—and Is or fered to the A glicult tire-P; of ilia Northern and Eastern I-.:,tetes as a fertilizer that will cheaply restore to the:'•>il , esren dais wide)) base been drained from it by coustmit cropping and light 1 " Ir 19 vei prm.)pt in its action—ls lasting In ef fect to it deoce t ained by any commercial manure In the ma etet,..oll is oiled at a much less cost than boayS• Stable 2lantire, or Peruvian (Mann, The Labor hi% olved In its use is far less titan that of appl;,•in'4 stable manure, while there is no risk from the introduction of noxiotot weeds. /11;,-Fariners are r.coitirmluled to purchase of the d.htler located in their neighbOrhood. In sec tions where no deal'''. is veteatablished the Pte..- phate may he proenrca dtreltly from the under signed, A Priced Circular will be sent to all who a- Cit. NEW PAMPHLET, "How to Maintain the Fertility of Arterieun Ibrpisr —9O pages, giving full information nt regard to the tile of manure, dm., Will he furnish Id gratis on application, 11,A1'G11-..• soNS, - Office Yo. 20 South ; hga care Avenue, BACGII ERS3 d: CO., - Glenerru Wholesale Agents, No. 181 Pearl ! - street, corner of Cedar, N. 'w OEORG,,I DUODA LE, Whalcvale 4170741 pr Maryland and Virginia, gf & lai Ra fib's Wharf, 11sizisonn. 'March 18, 1807. Ouk W. E. BIDDLE. IL 8. DENNER. 100.000 BUSHELS BRIAN WANTED. NEW FIRMAT THE OLD WAREHOUSE A iTlf. E. BIDDLE Sc PO. weal Inform the pub lic flint they have le•:sed the Warehouhe on the cornor Of Mouton strc.t and the Itatlrtgul, in Oettyshurg, where they v:111 curry on THE Grunt AND PRODUCP3 ELTEHNESE, In all it:. branches. The highest prizes will al ways he pai.l for Whe: , t, TI:,-ey2orn, Oats, Clover toad Timothy ikeliK,YlFix:red, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Driod Fruit, Nuts, Soap, JlL:ms, Should. rs and Sides, Potatoes, with evc.rything else In the Colluitry eroduee line. GliO('FitlFS.--On hand, for sale, CoffiN.s, Su mac, s, Syrups, Ts - Its, i•kple-is, belt, Uheese, 171insrar, Sods, Mustard, I,tareh, 1111X11118 Burk ets,e:c. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil Tar, ?tr. FISIJ. of :di kinds: Spikes and, bittil4; %Molting and k log TONICCUIi, They are al ray able to supply a first rate arti cle of Flour, Witthe t kinds of Feed. Also, (yroad l'huiti , r, with thianos and other fort Lizera. Us)IL, by the bubhid, ton or cur luad. They wl.o runts . fr o m Ciettr 4 burit to Baltinicre once every week, They are 1 repared to ennvev Freight either way, In any 0 1 1antity, at itkall:C111) HATES, They will attend, If desired, to the making of purchases In the city, and delivering the goods_promptly in Gettysburg. Their mrs run to the Warehouse of Nathan Noop at 4 128 North llowanzi st„ uear Franklin, Baltinii)re, where freight will he re evlved at any time, They Invite the attention of the public to their line assuring them that they WUI spare no effort to itetgantuotiate all who null Wino:mare them. BIDDLE & BENNER, .1:Apr1118, DM. tf 8O lEAY and VARIETIES, Empire Shuttle Sewing Machines A RE Superior to all othe.rs' for FAMILY AID IdAtinracrinuaro PV poses. . 1- Contain all the latest Improvements; are Speedy'; noisier's; durable; and east to work. Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted.— Liberal dlroouut allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRX B. NI, CO.. 616 Broadway, New York. (Sept. 17,1666. IY EMBUSEIXD IN 1845, H ENRY W. OVERMAN, COMIEILSSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN LEATHER, ... No. 14 Smith Third Street, Pldltiele/phiN ire - Consiguntents solicited. Doe. 10 1806. ly• SW B OROCERY et GARR MC/L.4131310k CIGARS AND TOBACCO CANDIII:3 AND NDTIONg CHT,O FOB CASH I _ BACON, LARD, SC Liquors,— end everything eine In the line GEO. F. EALEFLEISCH MORO PHILLIPS' GEICLIZZ£ lIIVROVI.I3 BAUGH'S RAW BOSE. [gADE MARK. ,e ) . . LINE OF FREIGHT CARS REit U . O4)tR YARD. , WHITE PINE PLANK, INCH AND I;IALP INCH BOARDS, FLOORING, PALINGS, &e., &C., and is constantly addling to his Mock. .Come Arid examine for younielvee. • Oct. JACOB INHEADR. 1S&I. tf NEW BAKERY, NEWPORT It ZIEGLER, MECHANICAL PARER.% Routh Washington street, one; square (rem the Eagle the beet Hot of l GETTYKEIHRG, Pa. Constantly on hAnd, BREAD, CRARKEItRACARF:B, n='Zk.LiA, &o Persona winning fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving_their names and real dolma at the ltakery. Every effort made to plewt. Give us a call. April 20, lank tf. Farmers, Attend to Your Interests! GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. ITWE antaterther would Inttam ills euatotnt.ra 1 and (ahem, that he Is still manutat.t= l l o - noun ki m nds hi atinga and 3luchiutas, order, oh abort notice, such as TIIRESHERS AND POWERS, (five different ekes of Pow•ere.) CLOVER-RERD HULLERS AND CLEANERS etifiN LERS AND SEPARA'fOltri, CUTTERS, STRAW ANN RAY CUTI•ERS; FLO,fUJI9, such not Caxt 'Ploughs. Ploughit, !Weil 111 and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-HrRING nonsE RAKE. the latest ttriprovement; also H4rews (or Cider Press IRON RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything Oise In his line, all at low prices. FOR MALE.—A light Two-lionn. Wagon, a One horse Wagon, and u ittnrii.,4 nto al, ail I•n DAV I It STERNER. April3o,lBo6. tf CABINET rjaIaTURE. PITE Fabgeribt.rs hi•rel•y nae,rm iholt. etigtonlorn guid the puidie win•rally, 111,1 y on band, and .o.lllillUe to 111111110111:1111 t•,1., ordt r, CABINET I',VENITURE, a•ltleh, fnr style and durability. finish and price tt 11l entnpehiwith any in the Coll nt ry. Our pros 'eta Stnek enlist:4l,4 evk 1i,11,,0 to.ually kept in a titvi-viags Roma* Fashionable, to, naulental or 1,1:1111 Furni ture ntanutzu•tured in the mast sub.tant in I man ner, by InoNt exp,rieneed wut kink 0, and at the letvest cult; price. U E R T AK INC Having a new Hearse, part leulaT attention will Le given to this bianeh or then business. They are peelared W /nuke uud IMMO' Cotkm of tiny desired tom lliy, and awn.) Punerab.at the short est 'intim—and on such terms as mania fall to ph a:3e all. The subseribers return their thanks to the pub lic for the liberal patronage extended to them in the past, and hope to tin 111 nod reeei% 0 a coo Lin name olpiddie pal ronage. -'hop and Ware Baena ~,ird hoilaing east of the Square. I lUll DU}tW PELOUBET ORGANS AND MELODIANS, UNANIMOMSLY awarded the First Prize, a Gold Medal, "AS TIIE l'.klilNET 0.1:5M," Ataerimit lablitute, i w York, llelo ber,lNlSs, Pell% prononneed superior In QrALITY, Pow -IE-Et and VA/Lien' ov an.l in number 01 corn- Ihnat ion& "As the twst inst runner th of America were there contending, %Melte% vr WOll In I i lilt wan 1 , 1 ha% c nothing hit to c,,nluer. '- - -I tc,_-jet Journal (edited well-kn,Mll inusieal critic.) 'I hey hAve ab>o taken the tirt.t nveinium whet , ever ex tilted t ttl, , Kcatinn. PEDAL 0114 ANS, one, two and three banks of ke}9.--six Without pedals, ogle and double bank in great variety, Ettis to VIN„ These 4 )11::111S, with their sinixdli plptelike quality of tone, beautiful stops, strength of chorus, unequalled pedals, mid general I,k..,eftect are superior tor Churches, halls, 'SIN lons and Schools. They are put up In (10 , 11./i of sol id Walnut, fancy veiweie.l Walnut anew and unique styles) and elegant Ito.ew(sal, si did designs and finish, rind of the best workman ship—lt lislint intended that knell Instrument shall be a model of its class. All instrintwnts down to a tine octavo portable Melodeon, In.\ e the beautiful Tremultuit stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hand at our GENERAL WHOLFS:ALE AND RETAIL WA RF:ltt OMR, 841 Broad way. Our Illustrated Circular and Price lists, with our new styles, are now made. send for a circu lar. PEW(' tirf, pram*: ts, Manufacturers, No. Sll Rostklwav, April 8, 1867. New York City HAINES BRA'S. PLINOS. VIE PIANO OF AMERICA. rrIfIIFI , IE Pianos are Universally acknowledged by competent Judges equal to the be.t Flamm made. For references, they havelllltl/V thOIIKIII4 city and country realdents, including large num bers of the High Schad& Seminaries!, Are. Th“se Pianos have not only attxril the continu al use and heavy pnietiee of one year, but ?awe been used the bud n pane to the ittuKult satisfaction of those urine them. They have taken PREMIUMS AND MEDALS/ WrIEREVER EXHIBITED. Such has been the demand for these Plane*, that BLES..SRS., HAINES have been compelled to enlante, their works to the extent of 2I to ZIGI PIANOS A 'WEEK. Having now one of the meal extensive and complete Factories to the United States, Facto de, alone covering of , n acre of ground,, com prising a frontage o 219 .0 on 2nd Avenue. They are undoubtedly the cheapest drlst-class Flame in market. Fully guaranteed for a years. Send for illustrated Circular. HA 1N1041111.014.. 356, SsIS, MHO, WA i, 370, 3'72, Second Avenue, New York City. Aprli 8, i 7. a DV A #I:4:/.l;ft)Di.', 0 D4Zli 'tl HENRY OVERDF:ER, os the Hill in Banisters St., Gettysburg, has made arrancements to get fresh supplies eve ry week trom the city and is determined to sell cheap. He invites all to give him a tall. His stock eorolists of GROCERIES, NOTIONS, FLOUR, Corn Meal, Chopped Feed Corn, Oata, Fish, Bacon, Lard . lheose, crackers,Tobacto, Se gars and Snug, $1 (Li It, cOFFEE, Teas, Syrup, Mo Candi., Coal Fish Oil, Tar, Best chicr Vinegar. and a great variety of Notions, Cu, Se, *airTile Cash or Trade will be given for Country Produce, such us Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Una. rotatoes, Rasta, de. Aprils, if TOWN PROPERTY T PRIVATE HALF..—The;underslgned offers hispropertv, the WRITE SW.IN IFOTELIn uth Wiudibigion street, at Private Sale, The house Is a NEW TWO-STORY BRICK, with Ilarik-bullditig, soul an extra...Buntline:adjoining for a liar room. Also 011 the premises a good Sta ble, a never falling well of water, • cistent, and choice fruit. The property Is a very desirable one. and should command the attention of hovers. This is the house that was so terribly shelled during the battle of Gettysburg, and will always be looked upon mean object of interest orrthil4 ac count. The terms eon be learned by crating on the sub . • I.lClus scriber, resit' i iig thereon Aptil 29, ISH7. , tr. fit 110 14 LB. ' I THE First National Bank of Gettysburg will 1 cash 6-20und 10-40 P. S. Bonds; abut 7-30 and' NE SPRING STYLEI4, " One own make;" Couipouuds Interest Notes. GEORGE ARNOLD, Outlier. • .1A entbnid W ug every new end desinitde slue, . ktyleand shape:of-Mtn and Trail 1100 P f4BO VMS, Oct 6, 11306, t,f —2, 24 23i, 2%, 0, :04, 0 1 ,4, 36f, and 4gyarda round -----r- ' — ' 1 every length and bizu waist.; In every respect EAT WANTED. , First Quaittir, awl etitsrotailysdapted to meet the orlil7 undersign . ad will pay the blighter. litsjrket Wants of First Clam and most iiM4hlonabte Trade. "Our own make" of 'Mop skirts, are Waiter, 8 P 1. 1068 Pm . 16 AL inquirsl4 pang warp - mare elastir, more durable and Rea ll y Mapper house, Gettysbur g, -than any other make of eit her Single or Doable (IRO, f , STRICITITOPS= stains ngirts In the Amerman market,. • They.are Nov. 26,1806. tf , warranted in every respect, and wherever Intro ' du ped give universal tiAttgaepon. They are Dow • dut._-giv ' heing ex-U.44'6 - (V sold li liretallers, and exery ONOICE WESTBEN LANDS. . ._ lady should trY.tilem. L HAVE , on hind aullie. clod„„ Western ..an... Ask for "Hopkins' own muice,2 and ay that. well 'Boded near nearoads, County Towns, tac t, skirt 1,, „tamped "W. T. HOPKINS, puma. urches, school-bowa, Real which a will ex- Lecturer, ens Arch Street street, Philadelphia:: d um p at a lam False for Rftl. Estate in Adams NuosheraareGenuine. A Catalogue eothaliang county. GEO. ARNOLD- Style, Size andltetail Price*. sent to any adorer. odtyriburg, Feb. 25,1807. tf i A uniform mid:liberal Dimxsust &Inman** ilia! -• _ -_ ' - ; mu, Orders by mail, or otherwise, and BARN WAYBILL . i carefully tilled—Wholesale and 'SA a. McCoy and Saleroom, No. 818 rime Stasatr, E. subseriber will pay FIVE DOMAKlll arr rier delphba. CORD for BLACK OAK BARK, deal , At Wm; MlAWrder, Altar,* Y. Tans y, in Gettribttrll- 6, , I nat74 B , . T. JOB A P. laneuhltellt. -" . ' , • 1 ,Sruchl l , l lo7. Ms • - '141 ....: ,, .7 " ' , i .4 7 I . P - OAP 9 1 1 '2 4 0 1. e' - '" „ esurava , ;J. In all diseases of Swine, such so Coughs, doers ta the Lungs, Liver, _... be., this article 4let t, acts as a specific. By putting from . , c - • a one-half a paper to I paper in a _ . bane at swill the —.--... i ,- 7-,_ above disceses 4,- .. -- w — w. •••-.. . - - - -r ,- ;,_ will be eradicated - --- . ---..- - sr entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain ptenrentive and care for the flog Cholera. === PREPARED HY B. A. FOUTZ R 13110., AT THMIL WROLIZIER DREG AM) 11FJGCRE DENT. So. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For 8010 by Pmgyti‘til and Swruk"pors iluougb, out. LW United States. For Kale by A. I‘. Buckler, 16 ttyKburg., Laugh lin dz. Bush }leaflet ,t• Co., Plusbuig; 110110WIly COW4I. PUlllO44llln. Pee. ll', VEGETABLE AIBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! (my-headed "People have their locks restored by it to the dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youth, and are happy ! Young People, with light, faded or red flair, have these unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, and r6oice! People whose heads are covered With Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps I ilald.lTeadecl Vet,erents have their remaining Jocks tightened, and thu bare spots covered'with .a luxuriant growth of and dance for joy! 1 young Gentlemen use It becauie It is richly perfumed ! Young Ladies use it because it keeps their flair in place! Everybody must and will use it, because It is the cleanest and /rat article is the market ! For Bale 'by sDruggistai genendly. =l= Sa'For 9.11 e by A. D. Buehler .n.l ft [kr ner, Gettysburg, and A. B.liarker,Littleinown April 42, 1867. Gra Sioo - REWARD F ,R a luoneine tilat H lii cure COUtiltli, INFLUENZA, TICKLING 1$ THE TUTU WHOOPIN,G COUGH. or rotiove IllaiMilil Coe's Cough Bcasaul! ()vim oN E m LiAt,N wyrrixt4 davit be fl. solo und not a xrattio Iralaneo oills !allure knuss H. We hasp In our H 1 5 ,14 any (plurally of etc. IN/we of tllan 114/111 I:Nt IN ENT,I'IIYSICJAN't4 who have USell It In their practice. 111141 given the pre-violin-la e ("yr I' Very 01111't entnibuund. If do' not Dry Up t• (Dugh, t to enable the putteut to expectorate frvely Two or three times Will Inrariably Cure Tickling in the nowt! A half bottle luus often minplelely cured tho most Stubborn Chugh,and yet, though it is so suns and opt tsly lu its operathat, It is perfectly hurus• lesw being purely vegvtahle. It is eery agninshie to, the taste, nod tatty be administered to chil dren of any age. iu noses of CROUP we will guarantee a cure, If When Su wawa. SW Amu/4 should be lettAeta u ! It Is within the reseb of all, It being the cheapest and best medicine extant. C. O. CLARK & W., Proprietors. Sew Ilaven„Conn. March 25, 1847. vowly LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS 1 T HE (*BRAT FEMALE REMEDY ')'OR IRREGULARITIER I have testier] these limps in my own preened, over ten years and do lint hesitate kilo* , that nothing has yet been developed by medical le scatreh, that acts so powerfully, issltively and harmlessly, In eases of female irregularity, us dues this med., toe. In ail recent cows it never hills, while thousands w Po have been long so tl cr. erw, are indebted-to It for the boon of health to-flay. Although so powerful and positive, they aro perfectly hanniess, and luny he ustal at all times, except when speeially lorbidden In the d ireetimui. They have been extensively employed by emi nent physicians in Prance and hngtaud ttS Well as in my own practice over ten years,and I hate yet to hear of file first Instance of !idiom I con ht gee you testimonials of their ettlesey from mull over the north,: u and western moles, Weft! bey not In their nr.tare private. Over hayig, bottles Lave been acrid the fatal year, and I hope slat trust as many sufferers have been benelltted. I am well aware date remedy so potent to realign.* all obstruetions, may be used fur u bad potJxNie, but trust that where one bottle Is this u , ten may tall into the Immix of really needy sufferers. To all who suffer Lan any irregularity; pale.. ful, difficult, excessive, offensive or olififfUeted Men,trua t Wu, I.w:orris*, or the train of diseases that follow, I would say, try a battle of Ds, Leveret FRENCH PERIODICAL Mors. Beings iluidpreps ration, their action is more direct and positive than any piths or pdwders. Explicit directions, bearing my far simile, accompany each bottle. They may he obtalned of nearly every iliaggist In the country, or by enclosing the price tor. CLAIM h CIL, New ilas en, Conn., Geuunki Agents for the rotted Ftittes and Canada. Lit, JoliN L LYON, Practicing Physician. NtrW ilaven, Conn, JlM — Prim el 50 per bottle Mire' 25, MM. ecrarly B NTUCK. + 628. beat *ore" tug, preparation Is Invaluable. improves the quaNty of tbe milk. It ban been proven by ea anal experiment to lberesa• the quan tity of balk and CrCADI (Wanly ppaerr rent alet tlw butter Om and sweet. In battening cuttleqt gives time au tippe*, iuneerul their hide qn4 =keg thee Um* IR. I.l\l - cp s LOIJHENS IT, HOOP SKIRTS. 123