The .711411561131M0V thiClOrptons.—The t reseut , troubles among the kialt Lake ormOrtg nee,trareable to the ohi feOtig beivreen the. destretidatitioriJoel'ihNtli, ' the AVE prophet of the sent.and Brie, u in Young, the existing high price.. Joseph Smith, Jr., eon of the launder, of Mor monism, and at present identified with the "Western Mormons," is the leader of the revolt against Brigham, and he ha been joined by Hyde, Lyman, and Pratt, of the "twelve itpostles." It Is Worthy of note that those who adhere to Smith re gard th pretended revelation* of Brig ham Young In favor of polygamy, blo.sll atonement, and other innovations, as' wicked Impostures. His movement a-' gisitist the great Mormon oligarch may, I therefore, bring about the desired sold-, ties of the troublesome question of poly gamy.- Moue, a colored man, re-1 Syracuse, one hundred and seven yelirs old, isalx.ut returning to his I , uiti home In Winchester, Virginia; where he Was formerly a slave. He *ants to lay his bones on "tie ole planta tion." have all heard of anking,for AN ESSAY OF WARNlN%.A,NtileN'Sillye tread and receiving a stone buts young AI To )(oust; .111.;N: whl.h pw-nntinently peatrute the li viN gentleman may be considered as rtill with Te l means of relies . Sent. free of wow* treafrd when he asks for a young ehr:eg ..r . s : [r.IAN 11,317711 ',-11":101104. Addrmi, Dr. J. Lady's hand antigeta her father's [Mot. 1102 t, Ifogrard Alwoditifon, Yhll:pl.lp stn. l'a. [Dee. 3,1546. touting Special Notice Column. OMldea...Parts Expesitimil. 1447. Adriera J urt received by mall nimble WI to an nounce pgedtively that the only yola 'recital for A 1111.21.1141 sewing nowitinett ww.nwunh•d to }.11.14 /bore, Jr., rot the ritanurtietun.r.r the beat mewing machine that war exhibited. Thdre wore eighty two different machines in competition for the prize, and Mr. Rowe reeetv ,, t the ionnimmt award of the Croon of the legion of Minor, us manufacturer and Inventor. The exact wording of The award is an follows': flown MACHIN& I WHEELEI7. & WILSON. eo- oporsdeUl Ella' j " Wheeler & Rowe, Jr., proeuot4•ur th :pour la notching. a - I a taniare.ltonniere. bferioilie Cori" Afetlnille Wm.." Thant:WWl list of those who were mndejEnlghts of the Legion of Honor, us published In the Paris ~,Ntpers, mauls thus: "Mons. EIl Itowe, Jr.flabri c. int new/laws a ei•wtre, erpoanut ;" whloh, traloda ted Into English, reads: "Mr. Elias Ilowe, Jr., uark er of sewn's' much Ines, exhibit lug." Fruit thig IL will I* morn that the turgid award e.l 4. W1t....1er if Wilson Wye( for v. "Buttonhole ilLirklikr," mut nothr the Sewing MuhinP. F.44•1t ,tf these trorld-renovr il.• I muehimst hears tunlallloti i 1 1 .114 of Ellfts Howe, Sr., (trwto murk,) without which none in genuine. Messrs. Hihley h Htsbups, A4gettto, No. VAL Chestuut. streut, Phi lade,lphlfs. DWI. it Ilesudekewes. , Thous , cho "go down to tho sea In Ships" should Always hate with them this in Valletta.. medicine. It Ir eupititl In sudden or eft-reptol44.l cunt.% of iseavekness. Nut lung Ilk. lt, us an agreval tie ton s.. Dog.,.thirty drops, Ina n Me-glues of water. It toilet tllll stonutell, stops its sourness, end . hocks Vomiting. It never fails to do good. I'er -11.4.11. subject to Dizziness, Mick or :Venous Head atelle, brought tot by It Foul Stomsch, uml partic tilar/y when seal i lig on the wuter, eitht , r on I/441111e riven', or riding lit the curs, will positively 0.1 u marvelous remedy In the virtues of Its s.roperties. Let the most sktiptleal try the 'hol t, itettily Relief, 111.1111 I n.vtme etinvineed, mill...tit the aid or influence of outside parties. It has an immense sole, unit Is being used gem.- rally u tires c:. tit e forsiLlte Aslat le Cholera. For I It, "general lib." to whirl' we are sultieeted, the 111 Ind, inutile 1.111,1.. !Alt of (I'll, and restores. It v. nil p cure POII,IOIII conquer all cute ineous diseases. ig4,1,1 I Q . In tioglNts. Trice 50 c..titnin•r bottle, uly :V, The Greniest Palln.reliesi.r in lbe World. Warranted superior to any otIo•r, or no iury, for the cn 1e of- hron it Toothache, .11,adm-lic, Sire Thrisit, Mumps, Burns, ruts, ha ',et lIIIIUs. 14tfns ha tha R u ik, Chest, and Limbs, t-plums, (MI sores, Swellings; also, to take In lkom.til for I q.:rrliont, flywntory, Spasms, Sea P 4 / 1 .11114.4/, VOIJIIIIIIg, and VI, nip. It is per -1..,t.13 lun.amt to. bake intenattliy, If used accord ing i. the diroollons, and never falls, as M0U5.11416 .11416 can tallest, It was first Int natured In 1847, Piot now millions of ladi les are annually sold. Lief!. 1/11.1 WI.II 1111. 1,111.1 UN 41 It, 111111111111111 ii/ 1111 and ryssonoleial it In their frlcndaxs tlw Most I:Mudd, lilt .:lelLll. extant. I; rtilleittca enough to III( a .1, , rllt nownpapgrs have been received by T0t00.,.., b. bArd wine, the Veitltlan Lint *tient, all that la shied, ann more. No we. wl([ t.L'F.'I lrytog it. Tb. we rebid Ing at a 111S tainee f r 4.1 • i 'll physician, will find It a reliable tm•diciac to have on hand In elll.l of aeeldents. In% robLih' Veld Ilan Liniment, and take in) other. l`rwr 50 rentatund $l. Sold ull lirtig ibt,ll. I clot, Ktrnet, N. Y. OW" AC. Int In (bp Coral raven owe-green I■ Kaki 10-be the prevailing rotor, and TI IF. 1 . 1' 4 11-TAMP:It MAIDENS ..It on the roeks and comb their green lucks as suluou.Nl,). Ilut fLe F.ATITH ' prefer glossy brovins and shining blacks to any other tinges, :uel if nature has not given their fair heads thaw heautiful hues, or If mischance bag robbed them of -Abell' once extiulslte beauty, they 41011 . t cry 41.b11Mt_It, but rmortat mica to t'.lllSTAlSilliesAilt, Itch in Ave minutes does all that nature ever /lid fur any head In her happiest mood. Mann hu.t ured by J. Cl{ IKTAI)ORO, 613 Malden Lane, New York. Kold by all Druggles. Applied by all Hair Pressers. July 22,1e1l- _ A Cord to the Ladies. DR. DrPoNCO'S- GOLDEN PERIODICAL 1'11.1.6 FLMALF.S. Infallible la •.orrect,- lug Irregularities, Ite 1111 l vim; Übstructinna of the Ito:Ably Turns, from waatever Cause, and al• ways suceesslui ns u Pre•yentive. It is now over thirty years since the aboveeele brated first discovered by Dr. DUPON -003 of kturis. during which time they have been ex tensitely and nmetantUllytintni, in meat of the Innate trintitUtintlictin well as en private preu•tice, eel both hemispheres, with nterear.tnelott PeUe.Cenen, in every maw, and It la only at the - urgent re- Queer eel the thousands of ladles who leave Want them, that he is Induced to make the Pills public for the tellevention of thew sulTerilig from any Ir. re aularit itw whatever, at well as to prevent an of fancily where health wlll hot permit lt. MMMM=M Females pertiliarly situaied,or tlmme supposing hemselves mo„ mremtuttoned against tutting t nese Ilb While in that condition lest they "Intita misesrelnge," alter which admonition, the Pro prietor MOISUITICS no rcapou.ilullty, nitro ugh their solidness will prevent ans utiNchlet to health, otherwise the Pills are recommended as a MOST INVALUABLE REMEDY for all thomm afflicting complaints so peculiar to thesex. -- • ONE BOX IS SUEEICCENT. ao,ono itomett . liaNrt, been gold within Two Yearn Ten Thotnutrid Boxer sent by Mail, both by my self and Agents, to all parts of the world, to which answera have been returned, in which la .leis say, nothing like the abo v e l'ills have been known slum. the Se lone of Medicine dawned upon the' world, in Itemoving UI ,tractions and Restoring Nature to its Proper l'han nel, Quieting the Nerves and bringing hawk the "Busy color of Health" to the cheek of the must delieate._ j`rlee 51 per Box. Sig Boxes $5. Mold by .101.iN S. FORNEY, Druggist, Bole "Agent for Gettysburg, Pa, Ladle*, by sending him 51 through the Poet &f -ere can have the Pills tent, (conthieutialiy,) by Mail, to 411 y part of the country, "free of watta ge. !sold alto by J. fipangler, Chambersborg; (1. W. INTert; York; Coleman & :Rogers and Brown Broth er*, Wholemale Agents, Baltimore, cud Y. 1). liowe, Proprietor. New York. .11Larch4,1207.. ly T• Consumptives. The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lan` atfection, and that dread. disease Consump ilon—is anxious to make known be his fellow stifferen the means of cure. To all *ho desire lt, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of chars), with th e Liana for preparing and using the same, widen they will find a sure cure for Consumption. A..fil ms, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only .._obJeet of the advertiser in sending the prescription Leto benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he E eonceives to be invaluable, and he hopes h very sufferer will try'his remedy. as It will cost them ciothiug, and - may prove a blessing. Part lea wish ing the prescription, free, by return mail, Will plaare REV. idd EDWARD- A. WILSON. W Witunsburg, Kings co.. T. so, V. lee. ly Stirs of Teath. A frentlernalt who suffered for years from 2 , 7er. effects Debility. Premature Decay , and all the effects ot youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake . f sutibring humanity, send free to all who need t, the recipe and directions for making the aim .le remedy , - by which he .wae cured. Sufferers string to. profit by the iviverthter's experience, do so by addressing, Duerfect confidence, ...JOHN D. OGDEN. 311/0Y2 7 . 11 W. /3' 42 Cedar st., New York. Diesdiellar Hlhad.eaa mod ['Marais. Treated with the inmost success, b~. Dr. J. AM3lii Oculist and A. atist,^(fortrety of f.nyden. Rolliani.) No6lo PINE Street. Ph ifinAphla. Tes tilsteints MOM the most reliable sources In the ialtrnind - Oonntry can bib seen at his alike. The medicalfaculty are lavited,to accompany theft leag 4 jri v erets. t r Z s p= ers A i r; non. • ir;tro. This medblne. (eve owl by Dr. J. H. B